Module in Icing

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Icing and Decoration

Icing - are sweet mixtures used to fill and covers cakes and decorate pastries and even cookies.


Frosting (also known as icing) can be made in a variety of ways,

depending on the texture, flavor and style you're after. You can make frosting out
of powdered sugar, butter, chocolate, or whatever flavors you love, and you don't
have to be a master chef to make this delicious and sweet treat.

Cakes are frosted for the following reason:

 Icing makes the cake more attractive and appealing

 It gives the cake the extra especial complementary or contrasting flavor

 It makes the cake stay moist for a longer period.

Coloring Icing

Getting the color right makes a big difference in your cake. It’s tempting for
new decorations to add more color to get the brightest results.

 Dip a toothpick into the color and swirl it in the icing, blending well with

 Add color little at a time, using a fresh toothpick each time you add more color,
until you achieve the shade you want.

Stacking the cake

For a classic round or rectangular cake, you may want to put two leveled cakes together, joined with your
favorite filling. This adds height and drama to your design.

 Fill a decorating bag.

 Fill the center with the icing, Fruit filling or


 Place the next layer.

Icing the Cake

Preparing a smooth iced cake, while keeping crumbs outs of the icing can seem likely a tricky. Just a thin icing
so it spreads easier.

 Place a large amount of thin icing on the center.

 Spread the icing across the top.

 Ice the sides of the section at a


 Smooth the top.


Combing adds different contoured effects to your iced cake. Comb immediately after icing the cake,
while icing is soft. Choose the type of effect you want, wide or narrow.
Guidelines to be remembered in frosting Cakes

 Cool the cake completely before frosting.

 Brush off crumbs on sides of cake before frosting.
 If necessary, trim off top of cake to make it even.
 Invert top side of cake on cake plate, so that the bottom part is done one that is frosted.
 If there is only one piece to be frosted the cake may be sliced through the middle horizontally to
produce 2 layers.
 A lazy Susan is very convenient to use when frosting. Rotate it as you frost the cake.
 When making meringue, make sure the egg whites are free from yolk. Presence of yolk will not full
 Sift sugar to free it from lumps before adding to the butter or meringue.
 In mixing whipped cream, be sure that the cream, beater and mixing bowls are chilled or cold; this
will produce the desired volume.

Tools Used In Icing and Cake Decoration

 Large Off set Spatula

  Large Off set Spatulas are great for spreading icing on larger cakes. It
can also be used for smoothing out icing on the sides and top of a cake.

 Small offset spatula

This smaller spatula is also great for spreading icing on cakes.
Because of its handy size, it also allows for more detailed work when icing a
cake, like adding different layers of colored icing on our vanilla cake in pink

 Cake Decorating Triangle

Each side adds a different contoured effect to cake
 Icing Smoother
It’s sized specifically for standard cake heights to easily smooth. The flat bottom creates a simple
surface to rest along the cake side

 Lazy Susan

Lazy Susan or (Revolving cake stand) though not necessary, Lazy Susan can
come in handy when slicing a cake into layers or icing a round cake. Just place your
cake stand/plate/board on the Lazy Susan, then slice and ice away.

 Tape Set and Dividing Chart cake Measuring

This eliminate the guesswork and help you reach precise measurements for
your design.

 Decorator –Pro
It's easy to add beautiful decorations to any dessert or appetizer in minutes
with this dessert decorator, designed for comfortable one-handed decorating and
effortless tip positioning.
 Cake Decorating Set
Create a wide variety of borders, flowers, and more with this set of stainless
steel decorating tips with a piping bag and coupler. Stainless steel decorating tips
are dishwasher safe and hold their shape better than traditional nickel-plated tips.

 Piping bags Disposable

Simply cut the end of the bag and insert the tip of your choice.
 Letter & Number Press Set

Use this press set to imprint personalized messages on butter cream- or

fondant-covered cakes with the interchangeable letter, number, and symbol tiles.
 Flower Nail
A large standard flower nail for piping large bloom icing flowers, including large roses, using
curved and swirled decorating tips.

Preparing the pastry bag

 Remove the ring from coupler base.

 Mark a spot on the outside of the bag. ¼ below the bottom screw thread.

 Push the base up into the bag so that you can cut an opening at the mark.

 Push the base down through the opening.

 Put the coupler ring over the tip and twist it on locking the tip in place.

 With angled spatula, fill the bag no more than half full of icing. Do not overfill.

 Remove icing from spatula by squeezing the bag.

 Close the bag by unfolding the cuff and twisting the bag closed.

Kinds of Icing

Butter cream - is a type of icing or filling used inside cakes, as a coating, and as decoration.

Simple Butter Cream

Sometimes known as American-style butter cream is made by creaming butter

and powdered sugar together until the mixture is light and smooth.

Italian Butter Cream

Italian butter cream, also known as meringue butter cream, is based on an Italian
meringue, which is whipped egg white cooked with hot sugar syrup.
French Butter Cream

French butter cream, also known as mousseline butter cream, is similar to Italian butter
cream except that the hot sugar syrup is whipped into beaten egg yolks (not egg whites).

Foam Icing - Foam or boiled icing, is simply an Italian meringue (made with hot sugar
syrup). Foam icing is light and fluffy but very sweet. It may be flavored with extract or
melted chocolate.

Fudge Icing - A fudge icing is a warmed mixture of sugar, butter and water or milk. It is
heavy, rich and candy like. It should be applied warm and allowed to dry on cake or

Fondant - Fondant is a thick, opaque sugar paste commonly used for glazing napoleons,
petits fours and other pastries as well as some cakes. It is cooked mixture of sugar and
water, with glucose or corn syrup.

Rolled fondant - is very stiff dough like type of fondant that is used for covering cakes
and for making flowers and other decorations.


A glaze is a thin coating meant to be brushed, poured or drizzled onto a cake or

pastry. The typical glaze is a simple mixture made from sugar, water and flavorings. It is
too thin to apply with a knife or spatula.

Royal Icing

Royal icing, also known as decorator’s icing, is similar to flat icing. It is

uncooked mixture of powdered sugar and egg whites and can be dyed with food
coloring pastes.

Ganache is a sublime blending of pure chocolate and cream. It can also include butter or other
flavorings. Any bittersweet, semisweet or dark chocolate may be used. Ganache may be used as a candy or as a
filling, icing or glaze-type coating on cakes, cookies, brownies or pastry.

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