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1 (a) Is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1 kg object by 1ºC without change in its
physical state.
(b) (i) Polystyrene plate. Is an insulator to reduce the heat from conducting out to the surrounding
(ii) Oil. To improve the thermal contact between the aluminium block and thermometer
(iii) Felt cloth. To reduce the heat loss to the surrounding
(c) (i) From Pt = mcθ (ii) From Pt = mcθ
200(4×60) = (1)(c)(30) 200(4×60) = (1)(c)(50)
-1 -1
c = 1600 Jkg C c = 9600 Jkg-1C-1
(d) Diagram 1.2
2 (a) Density is the mass per unit volume
(b) (i) Density of distilled water is lower than the sea water.
(ii) Magnitude of bending of pen by distilled water is less than the sea water.
(iii) The magnitude of bending of pen is directly proportional to the density of water used.
The physics phenomenon is refraction.
(c) Due to the change in speed of light during refraction
(d) (i) Refractive index of water is the sine of incident angle to the sine of refracted angle
(ii) Refractive index, n =

1.33 =
Apparent depth = 6.02 cm

3 (a) Refraction is the light phenomenon which shows the bending of light when it travels from one medium
to another medium.
(b) The speed of light changes
(c) The refractive index of medium A is less than the medium B.
The refracted angle in Diagram 3.1 is bigger than in Diagram 3.2
The density of medium A is less than medium B.
Higher the refractive index, smaller the refracted angle.
Higher the refractive index, bigger the ratio of sin of incident angle to the sin of the refracted angle.
The physics law that involved is Snell’s law.
(d) (i) Critical angle is the angle of incident when the refracted angle is 90º.
(ii) Glass: n = Diamond: 2.42 =
1.50 = c = 24.4º
c = 41.8º

4 (a) Is a wave where the vibration of particle is perpendicular to the propagation of wave

(c) Given f = 5 Hz
From diagram, 2 = 16 m
So, speed, v = f 
= 5(8)
= 40 ms-1
5 (a) The light phenomenon that enables the student to see the image of himself in the plane is (reflection,
(b) Same size // laterally inverted // virtual
(c) (i)

(ii) Mirror inside the headlamp car or spotlight // mirror used by dentist
5 (a) Step-down transformer
(b) From =
Vs = 160 V
(c) (i) Input power, P = IV
= 0.25(240)
= 60 V
(ii) Output power = 18 W × 3
= 54 W
Efficiency = × 100%
= × 100%
= 90%
(iii) Use big diameter of wire to make the coil // Use soft iron core // Use laminated iron core
(d) (i) Use copper wire
Good conductor with small resistance which can reduce the dissipation of current as heat
(ii) Use soft iron core
Easily magnetise or demagnetise the core
(iii) Big size of iron core
Reduce the eddy current
(iv) Use rectangle or torodail shape of core
Centralize the magnet from leaking
(v) Big diameter of wire to make coil
Smaller resistance
(vi) More number of turns of coil
Increase the magnetic flux

7 (a) Frictional force
(b) (i) Forces applied by the cyclists in Diagram 7.1 is bigger than in Diagram 7.2
(ii) Time taken to travel the same distance in Diagram 7.1 is shorter than in Diagram 7.2
(iii) The acceleration of the bicycle in Diagram 7.1 is higher than in Diagram 7.2
(iv) The forces applied by the cyclist is directly proportional to the acceleration of the bicycle
(c) Newton’s second law of motion
(d) (i) The acceleration will increase
(ii) Because the air frictional force which against the motion will be reduced.
(e) Newton’s first law of motion states that the object which is at rest will continue to rest or if moving
will continue to move such that there is no external force acting on the system. [Example: Inertia]
Newton’s second law of motion states that the applied force is directly proportional to the rate of
change of momentum acting on the system. [Example: Applied force//Momentum//Collision]
Newton’s third law of motion states that the magnitude of reaction force is equal to the magnitude of
action force but in opposite direction. [Example: Hitting ball causing your hand painful]
8 (a) Diode
(b) (i) The capacitance of the capacitor in Diagram 8.2 is lower than in Diagram 8.3
(ii) The smoothness of wave pattern on the C.R.O. screen in Diagram 8.3 is better than in Diagram
(iii) The magnitude of peak voltage in both diagrams are same
(iv) Higher the capacitance of the capacitor, better the smoothness of wave pattern
(c) Full wave rectification
(d) Capacitor stores charge when there is a current flow.
When there is no current flow, decharging of capacitor happens as to smoothen the waveform.
9 (a) Archimedes’ principe
(b) (i) Upthrust [show  on the balloon]
Weight [show  on the balloon]
(ii) Upthrust > Weight
(c) (i) Size of envelope is big
Can displace more air and thus gaining more buoyant force
(ii) Power of burner used is high
Faster heating the heat inside because hotter air is lighter
(iii) Time of launching is at the morning time
Surrounding air is cooler with higher density and thus give more buoyant force to the balloon
(d) (i) To tell the navigator the maximum weight load limit that can still loaded safely to the ship
before the ship starts to sink.
(ii) -The density of sea water varies from one location to another location
-Different density of water will displace different amount of water to the ship.
-The buoyant force is due to the weight of water displaced.
-So, different buoyant force produced which is shown by the plimsoll line.
(iii) Characteristics Reason
Streamlined shape Reduce the water friction while moving by cutting
through the water
High strength of metal used Strong to withstand the pressure of water
Ship base cros section area is big Stable while moving than overturn
High volume of air space in ship Can displace more water which will produce more
buoyant force to the ship
So, shop P is chosen because it is in streamline shape, use high strength of metal, has big cross
section area of ship base and also has high volume of air space in ship.
(e) (i) Volume of wooden block =
= 3.75 × 10-3 m3
(ii) Weight of water displaced = Buoyant force
= Vg
= (1000)(3.75 × 10-3)(10)
= 37.5 kg

10 (a) Hooke’s law
(b) (i) The elastic potential energy in the spring in Diagram 9.1 is higher than in Diagram 9.2
The speed of the ball after being ejected in Diagram 9.1 is higher than in Diagram 9.2
The distance travelled, d by the ball after ejection is further than in Diagram 9.2
(ii) Higher the elastic potential energy in the spring, higher the speed of the ball after being ejected
Further the distance travelled, d by the ball after ejection, higher the speed of the ball after being
(c) Use bigger diameter of coil of wire to make the spring: More stiffer
Use longer spring: Longer spring is more elastic
(d) Suggestion Reason
Use bigger diameter of coil to make spring More stiffer and thus can withstand bigger force
Use bigger diameter of tyres Stable while moving
Use tyres with more grooves Better grip while moving
Soft seat Give comfort to the passengers as soft seat is a
good shock absorber
Hard material for motorcycle frame Support weight
(e) Characteristics Reason
High force constant Stiffer to withstand high force
Smaller diameter of coil Less extension to the spring
Springs are arranged in parallel Increase the force constant of spring and thus can
withstand big force
Use steel to make the spring Strong material from rust
So, spring P is chosen because it has high force constant, has small diameter of coil, the springs are
arranged in parallel and is made of steel.
11 (a) Is the time taken for half of the substance to disintegrate
(b) (i) The initial activity of the sources in both diagrams are same
The time interval for the activity to be half in Diagram 10.1 is shorter than in Diagram 10.2
The rate of decay of the radioactive in Diagram 10.1 is higher than in Diagram 10.2
(ii) Higher the rate of decay of the radioactive, shorter the time of interval for the radioactive to be
Shorter the half life, higher rate of decay of the radioactive.
(c) (i)  +
(ii) The proton number will reduce by 2
The neutron number will reduce by 4
(d) Suggestion Explanation
Use robotic hand and forceps To avoid direct touching the radioactive source
Wear mask Avoid direct inhale of radioactive source
Wear a film badge To detect the amount of radioactive exposure
Store the radioactive source in lead box Prevent the radiation from emitting out to the
Solidify the radioactive and then buried To prevent the radioactive source to discharge again
deep underground to the surrounding
Wear coat lined with lead To prevent the radiations from penetrating through
the body which may kill the body cells
Label the radioactive with radioactive To inform people the content inside the box
[choose 5]

12 (a) (i) Sound with the frequency exceeding 20 kH.
(ii) The bat detects the distance of the obstacle by the concept of reflection.
When flying, the bat will transmit a sound toward the front object.
The echo can be detected by the bat as bat can hear the frequency of sound up to 75 kHz.
The bat can estimate the distance by detecting the time between the transmitted wsound wave
with the echo.
(b) (i) Given the echo time = 100 × 10-3 s, so the transmitting time = 100 × 10-3 s ÷ 2
= 5 × 10-2 s
So, speed =
1450 =
Depth = 72.5 m
(ii) From v = f 
1450 = 40
 = 36.25 m
(c) Characteristics Reason
Use small density of string Light and not cause the gitar become heavy
High tension of string Can produce high pitch of sound
Short length of string The guitar is not too long
Use steel to make the string Does not break when it is strummed
So, string Q is chosen because it has small density, high tension of string with shorter length and the
string is made of steel.
13 (a) Damping
(b) Energy is used to overcome the frictional force between water and also the air
(c) (i) Period of oscillation = 1 s
(ii) Frequency, f =

= 1 Hz
14 (a) (i)

(ii) Critical angle = 180º – 132º

= 48º
(b) Reduce the angle of incident of ray PO
(c) The incident angle must be more than the critical angle // The light must travel from light dense
medium to denser medium
(d) From n =
1.52 =
c = 41.1º
15 (a) Is the gravitational force acting on the object causing object to move towards the centre of earth.
(b) (i) 2N
(ii) Buoyant force
(c) (i) 2N
(ii) Weight of water displaced
(d) (i) Weight of water displaced = buoyant force
(ii) Archimedes’ principle
(e) (i) No change
(ii) Because the object is already fully immersed into the beaker which gives the reading of 2N
16 (a) Ohms’ law
(b) (i) Resistance of wire
(ii) Gradient in Diagram 6.2 is higher than in Diaagram 6.3
(iii) Diameter of wire used to get the Diagram 6.2 is thinner than in Diagram 6.3
(c) Higher the resistance of wire, thicker the wire used
(d) (i) The gradient in both diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3 will reduce
(ii) Effective resistance becomes smaller if two wires are connected in parallel.
17 (a) (i) / Direct current / Arus terus
Alternating current / Arus ulang-alik
(ii) The pointer deflect to one direction only and with no negative scale
(b) (i)

(ii) Catapult force

(c) Fleming’s left hand rule
(d) (i)

(ii) To produce radial magnet

(e) Use big diameter of copper coil
18 (a) Is unstable nucleus which will undergo disintegration process
(b) GM tube
(c) (i) Radioactive K
(ii) T½ = 4 minutes
(d) 4 4 4 4
200  100  50  25  12.5
Radioactive being decayed = 200 – 12.5
= 187.5
So, the rate of decay of K =
= 9.375 min-1
(e) Type of radiation: use gamma ray
Reson: can penetrate through the building and see the crack
Half-life: longer half life
Reson: can be used for longer time which can reduce the refillment cost
Physical state: use solid state
Reson: easy to handle without leaking
19 (a) Is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg object by 1ºC without change in its
physical state.
(b) (i) The change in temperature in beaker M is higher than in beaker N
The specific heat capacity of block P is lower than block Q
The heat released for block P is higher than block Q
(ii) Higher the change in temperature, lower the specific heat capacity
(iii) Mass of block
(c) The cooling system use water as coolant.
Water has very high specific heat capacity.
So, the water can able to absorb a lot of heat before the water itself get hot.
The heat is also absorbed by the fin blade.
The heat is also blown out by the fan.
(d) (i) Size of the fan used is big
Reason: Faster blowing the heat down to other tray and to cause the hot air circulation
(ii) Connection of the circuit for the bulbs is parallel
Reason: the rest of bulb can stil light up if once of the bulb is broken
(iii) Material of the incubator wall is from high specific heat capacity
Reason: Slower getting hot and thus reduces the heat loss to the surrounding
(iv) Specific heat capacity of the egg tray is made of low specific heat capacity
Reason: faster getting hot and thus maintain the temperature of eggs before it hatch
(v) Boiling point of the heating element used is high
Reason: Does not evaporate easily which cause the egg become wet

20 (a) (i) Light with one wavelength // one colour of light
(ii) The distance between two consecutive fringes in Diagram 10.2 is further than in Diagram 10.1
The slits separation for both diagrams are same
The distance between the screen and double slit for both diagrams are same.
The wavelength of the blue light is shorter than the red light.
Higher the wavelength, further the distance between two consecutive fringes.
(c) The detection of the depth of lake is based on the concept of reflection using sonar
The sound wave is transmitted toward the bottom of lake and then the reflected wave will be detected
using signal receiver which is connected to the cathode ray oscilloscope.
The depth of the lake = .
(d) The arrangements of the speakers: Far between each other
Reason: To reduce the distance between the constructive and destructive interference of sound
Speakers also arranged in such a way that they are not facing to each other
Reason: To reduce the multiple of reflection of sound
Wall and floor finishing: using softboard
Reason: To reduce the unnecessary reflection of sound
Power of the loud speakers shoud be high
Reason: Produce louder sound with high amplitude to be heard by people
Assemble the speakers at higher position in hall
Reason: To prevent the sound wave from being blocked by objects
Positioning of speakers at all the corners of building
Reason: To produce the surrounding effect of sound
21 (a) (i) Diode
(ii) The power supply is the alternating current.
When the current from the positive voltage cycle, the current will flow through the diode and
back to the negative terminal of voltage
When the current is from the negative cycle, the current cannot flow through the diode which is
reverse bias to the current flow.
Diode can only allow current to flow in one direction with the waveform shown by CRO.
(b) (i) As an automatic switch
(ii) 6 V
(iii) 30 k
(iv) Potential difference across YZ = × 6 V
(c) Characteristics Reason
Input P must be with the car parked at pad P To give the input “1” to the logic gate
Input Q must be with the button Q is pressed To give the input “1” to the logic gate
Using AND gate for the combination of inputs The bar is only lifted when both the input P and
Q is at “1”
Must use a relay switch Because the bar at secondary circuit need high
voltage to lift up
So, automatic barrier L is chosen because it use AND gate to produce output “1” only when both the
input P and Q are at “1” and has relay switch.
22 (a) Longitudinal wave
(b) (i) X – plywood, Y – softboard
(ii) X must be hard material to cause the reflection of sound
Y must be soft material as to absorb the sound which refracts in air.
(iii) 40
23 (a) A device which gives out the electrical energy of 80J in one second when the input voltage is 240 V
(b) (i) Electric energy to light energy
(ii) The filament has a very small diameter which has high resistance to cause the electric energy
converted to heat energy
(iii) From P = IV
80 = I(240)
I = 0.33 A
(c) Has very high melting point to withstand the high temperature
24 (a) Production of current due to the flow of current around the coils wound around an iron core and there
is no physical contact between them
(b) (i) The number of turns of the solenoid in both diagrams are equal
(ii) The strength of magnetic field in Diagram 6.2 is higher than in Diagram 6.1
(iii) The magnitude of induced current in Diagram 6.2 is higher than in Diagram 6.1
(c) (i) The strength of magnetic field is directly proportional to the magnitude of induced current
(ii) Lenz’s law
(d) The bar magnet will be rejected away from the solenoid.
When the switch is closed, the direction of current flow in solenoid obeys the right hand grip’s rule
with the Q being north pole. Same pole will cause the bar magnet to rejected away from the solenoid
25 (a) Thermistor
(b) Show transistor npn in diagram
(c) (i) Base resistor
(ii) Connected to the base terminal of the transistor
(d) (i) Interchange the position of components P and Q
Reason: to cause high voltage at LDR which drive a small current to the base of transistor
(ii) The bulb 240 V a.c. is connected to the secondary circuit and use relay switch to connect
between the primary and secondary circuit
Reason / Sebab: Primary circuit using transistor is at low voltage but the bulb is at high voltage
(e) Low resistance when the intensity of light is high
26 (a) Nuclear fission
(b) (235 + 1) = (a + 92+ 3) 92 = 56 + b
a = 141 b = 36
(c) (i) Mass defect = (1.00866 u + 235.04392 u ) – 140.91441 u – 91.92627 u – 3(1.00866 u)
= 0.18592 u
= 0.18592 × 1.66 × 10-27 kg
= 3.086272 × 10-28 kg
(ii) Energy release, E = mc2
= (3.086272 × 10-28)(3 × 108)2
= 2.7776 × 10-11 J
(d) Use beta: Medium penetrating power and its penetration varies with the level of drink in the box
Use long half-life: Can be used for longer time with low refillment cost
So, source C is chosen because it emits beta and has long half-life.
27 (a) Impulse is the change of momentum.
(b) The ‘follow through’ action causes an increase in time.
Therefore, the impulse which is the product of force and time will increase [Impulse = Ft]
Then, it will increase the change of momentum. Once the change of momentum increases, the velocity
of ball increases also. [Ft = mv – mu]
perubahan momentum bertambah
(c) Characteristics Reason
Use high tension of rope Does not break due high force from people
Big angle to tie the rope Produce low tension of sring
Use nylon to make the rope Strong material
Rate of heat expansion of rope is low Constant length
So, rope R is chosen because it has high tension of rope, big angle to tie the rope, the rope is made of
nylon and the rate of heat expansion of rope is low.
(d) Total energy at P = mgh
= 50(10)(3)
= 1500 J
The potential energy is convered to the kinetic energy
So, ½ (50)(v2) = 1500
v = 7.75 ms-1
28 (a) Is a wave where the direction of vibration of particle is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave

(c) Amplitude decreases

Tenaga of wave experiences the damping as to overcome the frictional force while oscillating
29 (a) n-p-n transistor
(b) (i) 6V
(ii) To control the base current
(c) 2 k
(d) As a current amplifier
30 (a) Temporary magnet
(b) (i) The number of turns of electromagnet in Diagram 6.2 is more than in Diagram 6.1
(ii) The amount of iron filing attracted to the electromagnet in Diagram 6.2 is more than in Diagram
(c) (i) The more the amount of iron filing attracted, the more the number of turns
(ii) The more number of turns, the higher the strength of the magnetic field
(iii) The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the amount of iron filing attracted
(d) (i) North pole
(ii) Right hand grip rule
(e) Use higher current //use bigger diameter of wire to make the coil
31 (a) Helium particle.
Helium particle is a positive charge which will attract the negatively charged electroscope causing a
collapse of gold leaf
(b) (i)  + + Energy
(ii) Number of alpha particles Number of beta particles
Bilangan zarah alfa Bilangan zarah beta
4 2
(c) Radiation type: use beta
Reason: Medium penetrating power with the rate of penetration varies with the volume of juice in bottle
Half-life: Use long half-life
Reason: Can be used for longer time with low refillment cost
Radiation detector: Use GM tube
Reason: Effective device to detect all types of radiation fastly
Most suitable type of radiation: Radiation R
32 (a) Is the force acting normally per unit area
(b) Based on the Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 / Berdasarkan pada Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2:
(i) The depth of the shampoo in the container in Diagram 9.1 is less than in Diagram 9.2
The pressure at the shampoo inlet tube in Diagram 9.2 is higher than in Diagram 9.1
The volume of the shampoo that spurts out from the container in Diagram 9.2 is higher than in
Diagram 9.2
(ii) Higher the pressure, the higher volume of the shampoo that spurts out from the container
Higher the depth of the shampoo, the higher pressure of shampoo in the container
(c) When the bot is movin, the flow of water at above of the foil is faster than the below of the foil.
Therefore, the pressure below the foil is higher than the above region of foil.
Difference in pressure produces a buoyant force which pushes up the boat.
When the boat is pushed up, the resistance due water will be reduced and causes the speed of boat
(d) Suggestion Reason
The diving suit is made of strong material Does not crack easily due pressure of water
The diving suit is made of soft material To absorb the impact due high pressure of water
Wear tight diving suit To reduce the water trapped by the suit which may
reduce the speed of movement
The diving suit is made of high density Can displace more water which produce higher buoyant
material force
Must have exygen hose To supply oxygen to the diver
Wear diving helmet To protect the head of diver from high pressure of water
Wear snorkeling mask to keep the eyes and nose out of water while still being
able to see and breathe
Wear diving fins To aid the diver to move more swiftly and efficiently
with the least amount of effort possible
[choose 5]

33 (a) Amplitude is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position
(b) The loudness of the sound produced by the speaker in Diagram 10.1 is stronger than in Diagram 10.2
The distance between the speaker and the microphone in Diagram 10.1 is further than in Diagram 10.2
The amplitude of sound signal displayed by CRO in Diagram 10.1 is higher than in Diagram 10.2
Further the distance between speaker and microphone, lower the amplitude of sound waves displayed
by the CRO.
Further the distance between speaker and microphone, weaker the loudness of the sound signal
received by the microphone.
The phenomenon involved is refraction
(c) When the car is changing the lane of road, it will transmit a microwave wave to the other cars around it
The wave will be reflected by other cars to the car again and detected by the signal receiver (CRO)
The signal will be converted again by signal generator to sound wave which will siren and alert the
driver again.
(d) -Use radio waves
Has long wavelength which can be refracted in air easily
-Big size with concave receiver disc
Can receive more reflected waves
-High position of transceiver
The signal does not blocked by surrounding object
-The transceiver is rotating at 360º and facing up
Can send and receive the waves from all directions
-Use computer as visualiser
To visualize the position of aeroplane
-Install audio device in aeroplane and also at air control
To link and communicate between the pilot and workers in air controller
34 (a) (i) Total internal reflection
(ii) The incident angle must exceed the critical angle
The incident ray must refract from less dense to denser medium
(iii) Produce bright image than glare
The image does not overlap or multipled
(b) Characteristics Reason
The refractive index of inner core is higher than Easy for light ray to experience the total internal
the cladding core reflection
Longer length of optical fibre Can enter deep inside the internal part of patient
Smaller diameter of optical fibre Can enter the narrow path
High flexibility of fibre Can be bent easily
So, optical fibre R is chosen because it has higher refractive index of inner core compared to outer
cladding, has long with smaller diameter of fibre and the flexibility of fibre is high.
(c) (i) Refractive index, n =
= 1.62
(ii) From n =
1.62 =
c = 38.17º
(iii) Experience the total internal reflection

35 (a) (i) Transformer Q
(ii) The working principle of transformer is based on the concept of electromagnetic induction
When an a.c voltage is supplied to the primary coil, an alternating current will flow around the
coil in primary core.
The primary core will be magnetized and the changing of magnetic flux will be induced to the
secondary core.
The changing magnetic flux around the secondary coil will produce an induced current. The
amount of induced current depends on the ratio of number of secondary turns to the primary
When the input voltage is off, the primary core will be demagnetized.
(b) (i) Output voltage of the transformer = 12 V
(ii) Output power = 24 W + 24 W
= 48 W
Input power = (0.5)(240)
= 120 W
Efficiency of the transformer = × 100%
= 40%
(c) haracteristics Reason
Use low resistivity of wire Lower resistance which may reduce the
dissipation of current as heat
Low density of cable Light and easy to install
Low of medium cost Not too cosy
Rate f thermal expansion is low Reduce the expansion or contradiction of wire
which may break the wire after certain period
So cabel Q is chosen because it has low resistivity, low density, medium cost and with low rate of
thermal expansion


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