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SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences


May 2010 Vol. 53 No. 5: 10781088 doi: 10.1007/s11432-010-0093-x

Analysis of coupling from core mode to counter-propagating radiation modes in tilted ber Bragg gratings
LU ShaoHua1,2 , XU Ou1,2 , FENG SuChun1,2 , DONG XiaoWei1,2 , PEI Li1,2 & JIAN ShuiSheng1,2

Laboratory of All Optical Network & Advanced Telecommunication Network of EMC, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China Received June 12, 2008; accepted March 11, 2009

Abstract Radiation-mode coupling is stronger and more ecient in tilted ber Bragg gratings than in other ber gratings; it has good advantage in such elds as optical communication and optical sensors. A simplied coupled-mode theory (CMT) approach is proposed for what we believe to be the rst time, whose validity is demonstrated by comparing its simulation results with that of the complete CMT equations. With the simplied CMT approach, a theoretical spectral analysis of coupling from core mode to counter-propagating radiation modes in reective tilted ber Bragg gratings is presented. The inuence of grating length, refractive index modulation amplitude and tilt angle is exhaustively investigated on the transmission spectrum characteristics. The dierent dependences between s-polarized and p-polarized radiation-mode coupling on grating tilt angle are discussed, and the coupling strength of 45 -tilted gratings shows the greatest polarization dependence with the limitation of backward-propagating radiation-mode coupling. Keywords ber optics, tilted ber Bragg gratings, coupled-mode theory, radiation-mode coupling

Citation Lu S H, Xu O, Feng S C, et al. Analysis of coupling from core mode to counter-propagating radiation modes in tilted ber Bragg gratings. Sci China Inf Sci, 2010, 53: 10781088, doi: 10.1007/s11432-010-0093-x


In recent years, a not-so-well-known member of the ber grating family, tilted ber Bragg grating (TFBG), has attracted more and more attentions of researchers. It has been applied in wavelength monitors [1], optical add/drop multiplexers [2], temperature-insensitive sensors [37], twist sensors [8], erbium-doped ber amplier gain attening [9] and in-ber spectrometers [10]. Because of its exceptional polarization property, it also has been implemented as in-ber polarimeter [11, 12], polarizer [13] and polarizationdependent loss equalizer [14]. In TFBGs, coupling from core mode to cladding or radiation modes can be enhanced [15]. And all the applications above are based on this superiority of TFBGs. Analyses and simulations of radiation-mode coupling can be performed mainly in two ways: the volume current method (VCM) and the coupled-mode

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c Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

LU ShaoHua, et al.

Sci China Inf Sci

May 2010 Vol. 53 No. 5


theory (CMT). For the VCM, the waveguide boundary is neglected, and this approach is used mainly to calculate the azimuthal energy distribution of radiation modes in the near and far elds [1618]. For the CMT approach, it features clear physical concepts and is an eective method for analyzing interactions between dierent modes in optical ber gratings [1922]. Because the index dierence at the waveguide boundary is considered, the CMT is the more rigorous one of the two approaches, and is convenient for simulating the loss spectrum. In 1996, a spectral analysis of tilted ber gratings was carried out by Erdogan [15] on radiation-mode coupling with the complete CMT equations when the tilt angle varied from 0 to 15 . Good agreement was obtained between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results. In this paper, we are concerned with the radiation loss spectral characteristics of TFBGs, and coupledmode theory is utilized. A simplied CMT approach is proposed, for the rst time of our best knowledge, to perform analysis for radiation-mode coupling in TFBGs. In the simplied coupled-mode equation, only coupling between the core mode and the continuum of radiation modes is considered, and the Bragg reection is not included, but it does not mean that the results are inaccurate. We demonstrated that the simplied equation in this paper can produce almost the same numerical results as the complete CMT equations described in [15]. The simplied equation results in a very simple function expression, and with that extended investigations are performed on the transmission spectrum characteristics of TFBGs. The impact of refractive index modulation amplitude and grating length is taken into account, and a detailed analysis is presented on the relationship between radiation-mode loss and tilt angle ranging from 1 to 45 for two specic orthogonal polarization states. The simulations show that the radiation-mode coupling possesses a polarization dependence property, and particularly when the tilt angle reaches 45 , the two polarization states can be highly separated. We present a further investigation into the characteristics of a 45 -tilted grating, which provides eective design guidance for achievement of high-performance in-ber polarizer and polarization splitters. Discussions and explanations are given on the coupling evolution with each parameter of the grating. It should be noted that a LP-like denition of radiation modes is used in the numerical analysis, which is also adopted in [15]. A normal step-index optical ber with innite cladding is assumed here and the innite cladding approximation can be experimentally realized by a ber dipped in index-matching uid or recoated with an appropriate polymer coating after the grating has been fabricated.


Principle for tilted ber gratings

TFBGs are characterized by an index modulation pattern slanted with respect to the ber axis, which is depicted in Figure 1. g is the nominal grating period and is the real one of the TFBG. The two quantities are related by g = cos , where is the angle between the fringe and the x axis. In the following analysis the incident light is assumed to be linearly polarized and two especial polarization states are chosen. The electric eld of p-polarized light oscillates parallelly to the x axis in the x-z plane and the one of s-polarized light oscillates perpendicularly to the x-z plane. In TFBGs, mode coupling can be classied into two types: Bragg reection, in which the coupling occurs between core modes traveling in opposite directions; and radiation-mode coupling, in which the coupling is between forward-propagating core mode and radiation modes. Just like other ber gratings, TFBGs in a single mode ber are also governed by phase matching conditions shown in Figure 2. Here Kco and Kr are wave vectors of core mode and radiated light, respectively. The nominal wave vector of the tilted grating, KG (= 2/g ), is related to the grating wave vector component along the ber axis K(= 2/), where K = KG cos . Bragg reection and radiation-mode coupling would be the strongest if the wave vectors satisfy the phase matching conditions Kco (Kco ) = K and Kco Kr = KG , respectively. As Figure 2 shows, Kco and Kco are wave vectors of core mode light at dierent wavelengths, which implies that the Bragg reection and the radiation-mode coupling occur at dierent wavelength ranges. It can be deduced that


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Figure 1

Conguration of tilted ber Bragg gratings.

Figure 2

Phase matching conditions in TFBGs.

these two kinds of mode coupling will not dramatically interact with each other except for extremely small tilt angle. TFBG structures with tilt angle < 45 and > 45 correspond to the situations where the radiated light performs backward-coupling and forward-coupling. Particularly when the tilt angle is 45 , the radiated light will couple out of the ber with its direction perpendicular to the ber axis. We consider here TFBGs with tilt angle 45 which are called reective tilted ber gratings and assume the grating period to be uniform. 2.2 Coupled-mode equation for coupling to counter-propagating radiation modes

In the ideal-mode approximation to coupled-mode theory, we assume that the electric eld oscillates at frequency and the transverse component of the eld can be written as a superposition of the ideal modes labeled j such that Et (x, y, z, t) =

[Aj (z) exp(ij z) + Bj (z) exp(ij z)] ejt (x, y) exp(it),


where Aj (z) and Bj (z) are slowly varying amplitudes of the jth mode traveling in the +z and z directions, respectively. j is the propagation constant of the jth mode and is always positive. The transverse mode elds ejt (x, y) might describe the core, cladding or radiation LP modes. In uniform TFBGs, the coupled-mode equation for the forward-propagating (+z) modes is described by eq. (2) of [15], and for backward-propagating (z) modes, we have eq. (3) dA = i 1 dz
++ g A (z) exp[i( )z] + ++ f A (z) exp[i( )z] + + f B (z) exp[i( + )z] + g B (z) exp[i( + )z]

+ i exp(iKz) + i exp(iKz)

h++ A (z) exp[i( )z] +

h+ B (z) exp[i( + )z] , (2)

dB = i 1 dz

+ g A (z) exp[i( + )z] +

g B (z) exp[i( + )z]

i exp(iKz)

+ f A (z) exp[i( + )z] +

f B (z) exp[i( + )z]

i exp(iKz)

h+ A (z) exp[i( + )z] +

h B (z) exp[i( + )z] . (3)

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Here is the reference wave number given by = 2 / and n is a reference refractive index. For n a uniform grating, is a constant representing the dc refractive index change and a simple relation of ij ij = 2 is obtainable if the grating is perfectly modulated. g , f and hij are coupling coecients of the th and th modes, where i and j can be + or . In the presence of a single mode ber and a reective tilted grating in the core, coupling for forwardpropagating LP01 core mode derived from eq. (2) is given by dA01 = ig +,+ A01 (z) + i(z)f +, B01 (z) exp[i(K 201 )z] 1 01,01 01,01 dz + i
+, f01, B (z) exp[i(K 01 )z] .


In deriving eq. (4) we have kept only those interactions that are nearly phase matched and have neglected all driving terms that oscillate too rapidly to contribute appreciably to the change of the mode amplitudes. The rst term and the second term on the right-hand side of eq. (4) describe the self-coupling of forward-propagating LP01 core mode, which is due to the background change in the refractive index, and the Bragg reection, respectively. And with the LP-like approximation of radiation modes, the third term corresponds to the coupling from the forward-propagating LP01 core mode to a series of continuous radiation modes of type LP . The condition for phase matching between the forward-propagating LP01 core mode and the backward-propagating LP01 core mode is given by K 201 = 0; and the condition for phase matching between the forward-propagating LP01 core mode and the backward-propagating radiation mode LP is given by K 01 = 0. Here 1 = K 201 and 2 = K 01 specify the detuning from resonance conditions. is the projection length of the wave vector Kr on the ber axis, and by returning to Figure 2, it is found that < 01 = |Kco |. Thus, 01 = 01 is easy to get, which infers that the resonances of these two kinds of mode coupling occur at dierent wavelengths. This conclusion is consistent with the analysis with phase-match regime in subsection 2.1. As mentioned in subsection 2.1, the Bragg reection and the radiation-mode coupling have weak interaction with each other except for extremely small tilt angle. Therefore, we may simplify eq. (4) into dA01 = i 1 dz
+, f01, B (z) exp[i(K 01 )z]


at the wavelengths, where only the coupling between forward-propagating LP01 core mode and backwardpropagating radiation modes is dominant, and this kind of coupling is also what we focus on in this paper. By keeping the appropriate phase-match terms of eq. (3), the coupled-mode equation for each radiation mode LP can be achieved: dB = ih,+ A01 (z) exp[i(K 01 )z]. 1 ,01 dz (6)

If we introduce new variable u(z) = A01 (z) exp[i(K/2 01 )z], eqs. (5) and (6) will take the form du = iu(z) + i 1 dz
+, f01, B (z) exp[i(K/2 )z],

(7) (8)

dB = ih,+ u(z) exp[i(K/2 )z], 1 ,01 dz

where = (01 K/2)/. The calculation philosophy of eq. (8) is that, like the Bragg scattering, the radiation-mode coupling will aect the amplitude u(z) only over distances much greater than [15]. from z = z0 , we may write Hence, to solve eq. (8), over distances of the order of a few u(z) u(z0 ) exp[i(z z0 )]. (9)

Since we neglect the rst two terms of eq. (4), the form of u(z) dened here is dierent from that of [15].


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Inserting eq. (9) into eq. (8) and regrouping the terms with eq. (9) again, the particular solution for B (z) is found to be h,+ u(z) exp[i(K/2 )z] ,01 . (10) B (z) = (K 01 ) In the approximation of neglecting the term of self-coupling again, eq. (7) reduces to du = i 1 dz
+, f01, B (z) exp[i(K/2 )z].


Inserting eq. (10) into eq. (11), the coupled-mode equations is nally simplied into du = i2 u(z), dz where = i
+, |f01, |2 . (K 01 )



is an extinction coecient describing the loss of energy to the radiation eld. In writing eq. (13), the +, +, fact is used that f01, h,+ = |f01, |2 . Using similar derivation as that in [15], is expressed as ,01 =

+, 2 |f01, |


= 0, 1, 2, . . .


describes the eectiveness of the grating perturbation in causing the coupling between the forwardpropagating LP01 core mode and the backward-propagating LP radiation mode and it depends on the tilt angle of the grating and the polarization state of the incident light. The calculation formulas for in [15] are used here; but the expression for is = K 01 , which is dierent. Returning to eq. (12), the solution is given by a simple function u(z) = exp(i2 z). (15)

Given the grating length, modulation amplitude and tilt angle, we can readily obtain the loss spectrum for a certain polarized state from eq. (15) over the wavelength range in which we are interested, instead of solving a complex system of two element dierential equations derived in [15]. Since the LP01 core mode can be either s or p polarized with respect to the grating as indicated in Figure 1, the coupling to radiation modes under dierent polarization may be dierent. For simplicity only coupling between modes of the same polarization is considered here.

Numerical results

In this section, we rst investigate the eectiveness of the simplication of coupled-mode equations for radiation-mode coupling in section 2. All theoretical calculations described below are based on the chosen ber parameters as follows: core radius a= 2.625 m, cladding index n2 =1.44, relative refractive index dierence =0.0055. The designed Bragg wavelength B is xed at 1550 nm for the convenience of calculation and comparison, which means the real grating period keeps unchanged. Figure 3 provides a comparison of the calculated transmission spectra from both the complete CMT approach in [15] (the solid line), whose validity has been demonstrated experimentally, and the simplied function expression (eq. (15) the dashed line) for gratings with tilt angles of 1 , 5 and 30 . For the 30 -tilted grating, there is no dierence between the two results; for 1 -tilted and 5 -tilted gratings, a fairly slight deviation occurs near the designed Bragg wavelength 1550 nm, which can be ignored to a large extent. It then can be concluded that the simplication and approximation made in this paper is eective for tilt angles above 1 .

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Figure 3

Comparison of calculated transmission spectra from the complete CMT approach and the simplied function

expression of this paper for gratings with tilt angles of 1 , 5 and 30 .

Figure 4

Calculated transmission spectra versus modulation amplitude for s-polarized light.

In the following, on the basis of eq. (15), we comprehensively investigate the radiation-mode coupling characteristics of the TFBGs and analyze the inuence of the grating parameters including refractive index modulation amplitude, grating length and tilt angle on grating transmission loss spectrum. First, the eect of index modulation amplitude 2 is studied. Figure 4 displays the evolution of calculated transmission spectrum with respect to index modulation amplitude 2 for a 2 cm-long and 10 -tilted grating, and s-polarized incident light. The waterfall of spectra is plotted in a descending order of 2 ranging from 0.2103 to 1103. For the transmission spectrum, one of the most important index properties is the value of maximum loss or minimum transmission because it reects the eectiveness of the radiation-mode coupling. When 2 increases, minimum transmission of the loss spectrum becomes smaller; meaning that the radiation loss grows larger and at the same time the loss band broadens. This is because the coupling coecient is proportional to the index modulation amplitude when other parameters are xed. But the wavelength at which the minimum transmission occurs basically remains the same and this is determined by the phase matching conditions. The evolution curves of minimum transmission with regard to the index modulation amplitude 2 for gratings with tilt angles of 5 , 10 , 20 , 30 are given in Figure 5(a) for s-polarized light and Figure 5(b) for p-polarized light. Figure 5 shows that the value of minimum transmission tends to zero with the increase of 2, but the decreasing rate depends on the tilt angle. For both polarization states, the curve for = 5 decreases fast and the value approaches to zero when 2 reaches 1.25103. When the tilt angle enlarges, the decreasing rate of the curves slows down if the incident light is p-polarized. But this rule is not applicable for s-polarized light and the curves for = 10 and = 30 have almost the same path, which may be


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Figure 5

Minimum transmission versus index modulation amplitude for gratings with dierent tilt angles. (a) s-polarized

light; (b) p-polarized light.

Figure 6

Calculated transmission spectra versus grating length for s-polarized light.

Figure 7

Minimum transmission versus the length for gratings with dierent tilt angles.

+, explained by the fact that the value of coupling coecient f01, for these two cases are very close at minimum transmission wavelength under the set of ber parameters in this paper. Then we analyze the inuence of grating length on transmission spectrum. By setting modulation amplitude at 2=1103 and tilt angle at = 10 , the evolution of calculated transmission spectrum with respect to grating length L is plotted for s-polarized light in Figure 6. The waterfall of spectra is plotted in a descending order of L ranging from 0.2 to 2 cm. The same trend happens as that in Figure 4. The evolution curves of minimum transmission with regard to grating length L for gratings with tilt angles of 5 , 10 , 20 , 30 are also presented in Figure 7. Each curve in Figure 7 has similar evolving

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Figure 8

Calculated transmission spectra of TFBGs with

Figure 9

Radiation-mode coupling phase matching conditions of TFBGs.

dierent tilt angles for both s-polarized and p-polarized light.

trend to its corresponding one in Figure 5. The characteristics descriptions and explanations will not be repeated here. In addition, the calculated spectra versus modulation amplitude and grating length for p-polarized light, which are not provided here, behave similarly to those of the s-polarized light. In comparison with grating length and modulation amplitude, the inuence of tilt angle is more complicated. Figure 8 shows three transmission spectra of the grating with dierent tilt angles of 10 , 20 and 30 for both s-polarized and p-polarized light, from which it can be found that the transmission loss peak of the radiation-mode coupling shifts to the short wavelength with the increase of the tilt angle. However, the changing tendency of the minimum transmission value varies with the polarization state of incident light, as is shown in Figures 5 and 7. We next explain the wavelength-shift by phase matching conditions. As depicted in Figure 8, radiation from tilted grating would be strongest if the phase matching condition Kco = Kr + KG is satised. With the weak guidance approximation, the dierence between Kr and Kco can be neglected since the refractive indices of the core and the cladding are very close. So the three vectors form an isosceles triangle. In the simulations of this paper, it is assumed that the real grating period is xed for arbitrary tilt angle, which means that the projection of KG on the ber axis keeps unchanged. When the grating tilt angle increases, that is from to as shown in Figure 9, the amplitude of local grating wave number KG grows larger because it is determined by the grating period and the tilt angle , represented as |KG | = 2/( cos ). Then the amplitudes of Kr and Kco have to increase to form a new isosceles triangle indicating the phase matching condition. Then the strongest radiation coupling occurs at a shorter wavelength because the amplitudes of Kr and Kco have a relation with the resonance wavelength |Kr | |Kco | = 2ne /. Now a further investigation will be given on the polarization dependence of loss spectrum. We calculate the minimum transmission of the s-polarized (dashed line) and p-polarized (solid line) core mode to radiation mode coupling for tilt angle ranging from 1 to 45 displayed in Figure 10(a), and also give the minimum transmission wavelength in Figure 10(b). Under the set of the parameters in this manuscript the two polarizations behave quite similarly in radiation mode coupling including the maximum loss and the loss peak wavelength for tilt angles less than about 5 . Above this angle, the p-polarized light begins to couple less eciently than the s-polarized light and the loss peak wavelengths of the two cases start to separate. In particular, when the tilt angle reaches 45 , the p-polarized light passes the TFBG with little energy loss, whereas the s-polarized core mode light almost loses all its energy by coupling to the radiation modes. It is this unique characteristic that provides a mechanism through which one may implement an ideal in-ber polarizer. To achieve a high-performance polarizer, the suppression of s-polarized light is signicant which requires proper design of grating parameters. Figure 11 presents the minimum transmission comparison between s-polarized and p-polarized light with respect to grating length (Figure 11(a)) and modulation amplitude (Figure 11(b))


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Figure 10

(a) Minimum transmission versus tilt angle and (b) minimum transmission wavelength versus tilt angle raging

from 1 to 45 for both s-polarized and p-polarized light.

Figure 11

(a) Minimum transmission versus grating length and (b) minimum transmission versus index modulation

amplitude for a 45 -tilted grating.

Figure 12

(a) Polarization-extinction for s-polarized light to p-polarized light versus grating length for three grating

amplitudes; (b) polarization-extinction versus modulation amplitude for three grating lengths.

for a 45 -tilted grating. Only when grating length and modulation amplitude are large enough, can the s-polarized light be eciently inhibited. Meanwhile, the increases of these two parameters will also cause the increasing loss of p-polarized light; but the loss is far less than that of the s-polarized light. We use suppression ratio, i.e., the ratio between the minimum transmission of p-polarized light and s-polarized light to describe the polarization extinction. Figure 12(a) shows the variation of the suppression ratio as a function of grating length for three modulation levels of refractive index, 2 = 0.5 103 ,

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1103, 2103, and Figure 12(b) presents the variation of the suppression ratio as a function of modulation amplitude for three grating lengths, L=1, 2, 3 cm. It is evident that the suppression ratio increases linearly with grating length but varies nonlinearly and signicantly more with index modulation amplitude. A TFBG with grating length L=2 cm and modulation amplitude 2 = 2 103 can achieve a suppression ratio of nearly 80 dB, which is quite enough to meet the needs of in-ber polarizes. That a 45 -tilted grating has the largest polarization extinction ratio agrees with the Brewsters law. It can be imagined that the grating itself is comprised of a periodic structure of two-layer materials with slightly dierent refractive indices, n1 and n1 + n, where n is about one-thousand of n1 . The Brewsters angle for the interface is determined by tanc = n1 /(n1 + n), and c is thus close to 45 . As a result, when the index fringes of the grating are oriented at 45 , the p-polarized component in the core mode will propagate through the TFBG almost completely, whereas the s-polarized light will be reected and coupled into radiation modes to some degree depending on the modulation amplitude and grating length.


A simplied CMT approach for analysis of coupling between forward-propagating core mode and backwardpropagating radiation modes in TFBGs is proposed under the vectorial phase-match conditions, using phase terms of the complete CMT equations. It is demonstrated the simplied CMT approach is ecient for analysis of radiation-mode coupling through comparing its simulation results with that of the complete CMT equations in [15]. With the simple expression function for core mode amplitude resulting from the simplied equation, impact of certain grating parameters on the transmission spectrum characteristics of radiation-mode coupling is analyzed in detail. The coupling is strengthened with the increase of modulation amplitude or grating length but the growth rate of the coupling strength varies with tilt angle. When the tilted angle grows, the strongest coupling wavelength becomes shorter; but the coupling strength is dependent on polarization state of the core mode. And 45 -tilted gratings show the greatest polarization dependence and further investigation of polarization extinction of them is also presented. Explanation of the unique transmission spectral change with dierent tilt angles and polarization states of the light are provided using physical mechanisms and vectorial phase-matching models. The analysis presented in this paper is helpful for understanding the principle of radiation-mode coupling and guiding the optimization and applications of TFBGs.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60771008), the National High-Tech Research & Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA01Z258), the Support Plan for New Century Excellent Talents (Grant No. NCET-05-0091), the Science Fund of Beijing Jiaotong University (Grant No. 2007XM003) and the Innovation Foundation of Science and Technology for Excellent Doctorial Candidates of Beijing Jiaotong University.

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