Department of Education: Division of General Santos City

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Division of General Santos City
Bula District
Zone 7, Bula, General Santos City

Teacher: MARYLOU D. TOYOG0N School Year: 2021-2022

Teaching Date: April 13, 2022 Rating Period: 4th Quarter
Classroom Observation No, 2


The Deciles for Grouped Data

Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures

of position

Performance Standard: Is able to conduct systematically a mini-research applying the

different statistical method

Learning competency:

To illustrate the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles and percentiles.

LC Code: (M10SP-IVa-1)
I. Objectives
1) Illustrate the decile for grouped data
2) Solve for the nth decile for grouped data
. 3) Develop patience and perseverance in solving for the nth
decile for grouped data.
4) Appreciate the importance of deciles in real life situation

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: The Deciles for Grouped Data

B. References: 1) Curriculum Guide for Mathematics Grade X
2) Mathematics Learner’s Module 10, Melvin M.
Callanta Allan M. Canonigo, et al., REX Book Store,
Inc. 2015, pp (388-389)
C. Strategies: 4’As, Group work, Reflective Teaching
D. Value Focus: Appreciation of one’s situatio
E. Teaching Materials: Power Point Presentation, laptop, pictures clips,
manila paper, pentel pen, paper
F) Online: ://

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer -Video
2. Greetings (Let somebody share a food for thought)
3. Checking of Attendance
Group 1 – Aida Group (The visual learners)
Group 2 - Doreen Group ( The Reading/Writing learners)
Group 3 - April Group ( The Auditory learners)
Group 4 – Jenn Group (Kinesthetic learners)
4. House Rules (Orientation of the Classroom Rules) (Indicator 4)

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

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5. Review:
Review the concept of quartiles for grouped data

 Quartiles are the score points which divide the distribution into
how many equal parts?
 How many percent of the distribution fall below the first quartile?
 How many percent of the distribution fall below the second
 How many percent of the distribution fall below
and seventy-five percent fall below the third quartile.
 For grouped data the formula in computing the quartile is

Q1 = quartile 1
LQ1 = lower boundary of Q1
N = total frequency
Cf = cumulative frequency of the class before Q 1 class
fQ1 = frequency of Q1 class
i or w = size of the class interval
k = nth quartile, where n = 1, 2, 3

6. Motivation

 Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson)

 Tell the students to avoid bullying and respect the opinion of their classmates.
(Indicator 5 )

Present pictures that shows the importance of statistics and measures of

position in real life situation. (Indicator 3) Tell the students that large
quantities of data can be much easily viewed and manage if placed in groups
in a frequency table.

 What are the uses of decile in your daily life?

Group people exercise – Mapeh integration (Kinesthetic)

(Indicator #1)

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

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Chart showing Decile ranking of counties most affected by Covid 19


Communicating variation in prescribing data (English)

There are so many uses of Declles found in Workplace, in mathematics, management,

keeping record , healthcare, forestry forest engineer, engineering, electronics
installation, production…) Integration to the different areas of discipline.

 In what other fields are the mathematical concept like deciles used?
(Critical thinking)
 Do you know deciles concepts found in your community like in Bl’aan,
Tiboli or any other cultural community ? (Geography) (Indicator 7)

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity : Group Activity

- Students should be grouped into 4

- Each group will chose a leader, a secretary, and a reporter
- Each group will perform an activity assign to them
Group 1 – Aida Group (The visual learners)
Group 2 - Doreen Group ( The Reading/Writing learners)
Group 3 - April Group ( The Auditory learners)
Group 4 – Jenn Group (Kinesthetic learners)
- Each group will be given 5 minutes to perform the activity.
- After finishing the activity the group representative will present their
- An area will be assigned for each group, chairs will be arranged in
small circles.

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

Email Address:
1) Teacher illustrate decile of grouped data using multi-media

. ://

The frequency distribution presented below gives the number in kilograms of

deboned bangus fish distributed by the Processing Department to family members
affected in the demolition under Grade 10 Malabat in Zone 6 Bula, General Santos
City (Localization) (Indicator1)

Deboned Fish Frequency (f) Lower Boundary Less than

(kg) (LB) Cumulative
Frequency (<cf)
19-21 12
16-18 17
13-15 26
10-12 32
7-9 29
4-6 18
1-3 16
I= ? N=

Compute for the second and fourth decile

Solution 1: For D2

Deboned Frequency (f) Lower Less than

Fish Boundaries Cumulative
(LB) Frequencies

19-21 12 18.5 150

16-18 17 15.5 138
13-15 26 12.5 121
10-12 32 9.5 95
7-9 29 6.5 63
4-6 18 3.5 34
1-3 16 0.5 16
I=3 N = 1 50

D2 class : kN 2(150) 300 30

10 = 10 = 10 =

This means we need to find the class interval where the 30 th score is contained.
Note that the 17th – 34th class interval : 4 – 6. So, the 30th score is also within the class
interval. The D2 class is the class interval 4-6.

LB= 3.5
N= 150
𝑐𝑓𝑏= 16
𝑓𝐷𝑘 =18

Dk=LB+ ( kn/10fDk– cfb ) i

D 2=3.5+ ( 2(150)18/10 – 16 ) 3
D 2=3.5+ ( 300 /1018 – 16 ) 3
Dk =LB+ ( 3018– 16 ) 3
“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

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Dk =3.5+ ( 1418 ) 3
𝐷2 = 3.5 + 2.33333334
𝐷2 = 5.83

Therefore, 20% of all the members received less than or equal to 5.83 kilograms
of deboned fish. .

Solution 2: For D4

𝐷4 class : 𝑘𝑁 = 4(150) = 600 = 60

10 10

This means we need to find the class interval where the 60th score is contained.
Note that the 35th -63rd scores belong to the class interval: 7-9. So, the 60th score is
also within the class interval. The 𝐷4 class is the class interval 7-9.

LB= 6.5
N= 150
𝑐𝑓𝑏= 34
𝑓𝐷𝑘 = 29

𝐷𝑘 = 𝐿𝐵 + (kn / 10 – 𝑐𝑓𝑏) ) 𝑖

𝐷4 = 6.5 + ( 60 − 34) 3
( 29 )
𝐷4 = 6.5 + ( 26) 3
𝐷4 = 6.5 + 2.68965515
𝐷4 = 9.189 or 9.19

Therefore, 40% of all the members received less than or equal to 9.19
kilograms of deboned fish.

2. Analysis
Answer the following guide questions:

1. How do you feel about the task given to your group?

2. In doing the activity, what concepts or principles did your group apply?
3. Explain how you applied this mathematics concepts or principles?
4. How would you describe the Decile?
3. Abstraction

- The teacher will deliver a lecturette about decile.

- Examples will be shown

Deciles are those values that divide the total frequency into 10 equal
parts. The as se deciles are denoted as D 1, D2, D3…D9
 D1 is the score which has 10% of the scores below it and 90% above it.
 D2 is the score which has 20% of the scores below it and 80% above it.
 D3 is the score which has 30% of the scores below it and 70% above it.
 .D9 is the scores which has 90% of the scores below it and 10% above it.

Deciles are often used in education and health related fields to indicate
how one individual compares with others in a group

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

Email Address:
2) Formula for Grouped Data

Dk = LB + kN - cfb
10_____ i

where: Dk = kth Decile

LB = lower boundary of D k
N = total frequency
cfb = cumulative frequency before the Dk class
fDk = frequency of the Dk class
i = size of the class interval
k = nth decile where n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9

 Let the students give a recap of today’s discussion. (Indicator 3)

a) What is decile?
b) How do you compute deciles of grouped data
c) What is Dk? LB =? N =?, cfb =? I =? k =?
d) What is the difference between quartile and decile?
e) Which is better grouping in small group or in grouping in large group?
Why ?
f) How can you manage large group? (HOT

4. Application
 Group the students wherein they can work together according to their
learning style (Indicator 4)
 Present a real life situations where the application of deciles for grouped
data is manifested.
 Ask the students how useful are deciles in dealing with real-life situations
like problem solving.
 Ask them how they would apply the importance of good relationship in
working with the Bla’an and Tiboli? (Indicator 7)
 Let them solve the problem given to them.
 Present and explain their output in one whole manila paper. (Indicator 6)

Group 1 – Aida Group (The visual learners)

Stay near the window
Group 2 - Doreen Group ( The Reading/Writing learners)
Stay near the reading corner

Group 3 - April Group ( The Auditory learners)

Stay at the back left corner

Group 4 – Jenn Group (Kinesthetic learners)

Stay at the back right corner

Solve the following problem :

1. The Class Monitor recorded the scores of outputs (journal notebook)

submitted by 60 students with physical concerns for the Second Quarter. Compute the
decile per group,
Scores Frequency Lower Boundary Less than
(LB) Cumulative
50-59 2
40-49 6
30-39 8
20-29 7

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

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10-19 10
0-9 27
I=? N= ?

Group 1 Compute 1st Decile

Group 2 Compute 2th Decile
Group 3 Compute 3rd Decile
Group 4 Compute 4 th Decile

IV. Assessment (Individual)

Calculate the 5th Decile from the frequency distribution of earnings in pesos of
120 tri sikad drivers operating in Bula, General Santos City as provided in the table

Earnings Frequency (f) Lower Boundaries Less than

(in Cumulative
Pesos) Frequency
210-219 1 209.5 120
200-209 2 199.5 119
190-199 5 189.5 117
180-189 6 179.5 112
170-179 23 169.5 106
160-169 18 159.5 93
150-159 25 149.5 75
140-149 28 139.5 50
130-139 17 129.5 22
120-129 4 119.5 5
110-119 1 109.5 1

V. Assignment

On a one whole sheet of paper, complete the given table and solve for the
second decile or D2 of the number of modules submitted per week of 50 Math 10
Balcita’ students.

Number Frequency (f) Lower Boundaries Less than

of (LB) Cumulative
Modules Frequency
submitted (<cf)
46-50 4
41-45 8
36-40 11
31-35 9
26-30 12
1-25 6

Remarks :

No. of learners got 80% and above - _______________

No. of learners got below 80% _____________________

Reflection :

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

Telephone Number: (083) 554-7717

Email Address:
Prepared by:

MT II/ Math Grade 10




Teacher III Teacher I


Teacher III CH/Teacher 1

Principal II

“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

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“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

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“Serbisyong Heneral Dekalidad at Marangal

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