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Issuance of Permit to Operate / Certificate

of Electrical Inspection
Gilbert Q. Marquez, PME
Labor and Employment Officer III

Webinar on DOLE’s Processing of Application for Fabrication,

Installation of Mechanical Equipment, and Electrical Wiring
06 December 2021 | Zoom Teleconferencing
Issuance of PTO/CEI

• Requirements for the conduct of TSI

• Procedures on the conduct of TSI
• Validity of PTO/CEI
• Renewal of PTO/CEI
What are the OBJECTIVES in conducting TSI?

Technical Safety Inspection shall be conducted in order to:

1. Determine the presence or existence of potential hazard or danger in the workplace
before, during and after operation;
2. Provide satisfactory recommendation or advice to correct if not totally eliminate the
presence or existence of mechanical and electrical hazards;
3. Determine compliance with the provisions/requirements of OSHS;
4. Train or educate the workers in handling, operation and maintenance of mechanical
equipment/s and/or electrical wiring/s installation; and
5. Set-up safety organization or committee to handle safety program activities.
What are the REQUIREMENTS for the conduct of TSI?

For New Installation/s:

a. Upon completion of the newly installed mechanical equipment/s and/or electrical
wiring/s, the owner/user shall request in writing from the concerned DOLE Regional
Office having jurisdiction over the workplace for final inspection of the same.
What are the REQUIREMENTS for the conduct of TSI?
For Annual Inspection:
a. The DOLE Regional Office shall serve Notice of Inspection for the annual inspection of
the mechanical equipment/s and/or electrical wiring/s thirty (30) days before the
expiration of the permit to operate mechanical equipment and/or certificate of
electrical inspection.
b. On the date of the scheduled inspection, the mechanical equipment/s and/or
electrical wiring/s shall have been prepared and cleared for the conduct of
What are the REQUIREMENTS for the conduct of TSI?

For DOLE Technical Safety Inspector:

a. Inspection Authority must be prepared and signed by the Chief of the TSSD and to be
approved by the Regional Director.
b. The name of the technical safety inspector, establishment, location or address of the
establishment, cleared application and plans to be inspected as well as the date of
scheduled inspection shall be indicated in the authority.
What are the REQUIREMENTS for the conduct of TSI?

The technical safety inspector prior to the conduct of inspection shall have the following:
• ID Card and Inspection Assignment Authority;
• Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS), PME Code and PEC;
• Mechanical Equipment and Electrical Safety Inspection Report Forms;
• Copy of CLEARED mechanical equipment and/or electrical wiring/s installation
application and plans;
• Calculator, collapsible steel tape;
What are the REQUIREMENTS for the conduct of TSI?

• Engineering scale;
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
• Flashlight, boiler hammer; and
• Electrical measuring equipment such as hook-on volt ammeter, insulation resistance
tester, ground fault detector and other similar instruments.
What are the PROCEDURES on the conduct of TSI?
General Inspection Procedures:

1. The technical safety inspector shall present his/her inspection assignment authority and ID to
the owner/user/manager of the establishment.

2. The technical safety inspector shall then proceed to the inspectionable mechanical
equipment and/or electrical wiring indicated in the assignment sheet together with the plant

3. The technical safety inspector compares the cleared plans with the actual installation during
the course of inspection.

4. Specific inspection procedures and test requirements for mechanical equipment and
electrical wirings shall be in accordance with the Revised Technical Safety Inspection Manual.
What are the PROCEDURES on the conduct of TSI?

Technical Safety Inspection Reporting

After completion of the inspection, the technical safety inspector shall perform the
• Where there is/are no violation noted, the technical safety inspector shall accomplish
the inspection report at the worksite by filling up the appropriate mechanical and/or
electrical inspection report form in duplicate, one (1) copy for the DOLE Regional Office
and the other one (1) for the Bureau of Working Conditions for monitoring and
evaluation purposes and said reports shall be signed by the owner/manager of the
What are procedures on the conduct of TSI?

• Where there is/are violation/s noted during the inspection, the technical safety
inspector shall serve Inspection Results to the owner/manager or plant engineer
specifying the violation/s to be complied with and corrected and the allowable time
for compliance and obliged then to post the result in a conspicuous place inside the
establishment. A copy shall also be furnished to the union president or any
responsible officer of the union or to the worker’s representative if non-
What are the PROCEDURES on the conduct of TSI?

• Follow-up inspection shall be made to determine compliance of the noted violation/s

in the previous inspection.
• Cases arising from Technical Safety Inspection shall be resolve/dispose in accordance
with the rules on the Disposition of labor Standards cases.
What are the PROCEDURES on the conduct of TSI?

Issuance of PTO / CEI

• The technical safety inspector shall assess/compute the corresponding inspection fee
based on the National Building Code quotation, e.g. horsepower rating for boiler, cubic
meter for pressure vessel.
• The Regional Office through its Technical Service Support Division shall then issue the
Order of Payment.
• The Order of Payment shall be paid to the local building official treasurer officer and
upon presentation of the receipt of payment (photo copy) by the owner/user to the
TSSD, the permit and/or certificate is prepared and thereafter issued with the
signature of Regional Director affixed on the subject.
What is the VALIDITY of PTO / CEI?

• Validity of Permit to Operate (PTO) and Certificate of Electrical Inspection

(CEI) shall be one (1) year or twelve months (12) months.
What are the CASES where PTO/CEI is considered Null and Void?

Repair/Modification Work/s:
• Any mechanical equipment and/or electrical wiring previously installed
and undergone repair and/or modification shall be re-applied, the same
process as a new installation.
• The re-submitted application and plans shall follow the same
requirements as that of a new installation.
• The inspection procedure after completion of the repair/alteration
and/or modification shall be the same as that of a new installation.
What are the CASES where PTO/CEI is considered Null and Void?
Removal and/or Change of Location or Ownership
• Any removal and/or change of location or ownership of any mechanical
equipment shall be reported to the Regional Office by the new owner not
later than thirty (30) days after the sale or transfer. Such mechanical
equipment shall not be operated without the required permit/s.
Other Consideration/s:

Any deviations in the installation of mechanical equipment and/or electrical

wiring/s installation during the initial (construction) stage of installation shall be reported
and the plans re-submitted showing the details of the deviations and correction
undertaken for re-processing and re-verification. Work shall only be done or commenced
after the application and plans have been stamped “Cleared” by the Regional Office or
BWC. The mechanical equipment/s and/or electrical wiring/s shall not be operated or
used without the required permit/s and/or certificate/s issued for the purpose by the
Secretary or her duly authorized representative.
Renewal of PTO /CEI

1. Submit formal request to the concerned Regional Office for the renewal
of PTO/CEI which must be made thirty (30) days prior to its expiration
2. Photocopy of the issued PTO/CEI.
Thank you!
For inquiries, you can reach us at

DOLE Hotline - 1349

527-3000 local 303 or 307

Webinar on DOLE’s Processing of Application for Fabrication,

Installation of Mechanical Equipment, and Electrical Wiring
06 December 2021 | Zoom Teleconferencing

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