HTW 5-InF.2 - Introduction To The Study On The Monocular Vision in The Transportation Industry (China)

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5th session ENGLISH ONLY
Agenda item 7


Introduction to the study on the monocular vision in the transportation industry

Submitted by China


Executive summary: This document provides information on the situation of monocular

vision in the transportation industry, ophthalmologists' opinions on it,
and results of a questionnaire survey

Strategic direction, if 1

Output: Not applicable

Action to be taken: Paragraph 8

Related documents: None


1 The 2010 Manila Amendments to the Seafarers' Training, Certification and

Watchkeeping (STCW) Code set out the eyesight standards for seafarers, which were quoted
in the Guidelines on the medical examination of seafarers (STCW.7/Circ.19). These standards
are regarded as the guidance for physicians to conduct the examination of visual acuity.

2 In this regard, China has studied eyesight standards in the transportation industry,
and finds that monocular vision is allowed and accepted in the land and air transportation
industry. Besides, a simple survey through questionnaires was conducted in China to collect
information about the monocular vision awareness and perceptiveness in the maritime

.1 Monocular individuals are allowed to become motor vehicle drivers in several

countries of the world. According to annex 1 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, an applicant for civil aviators whose uncorrected
distant visual acuity in either eye is worse than 6/60 may be assessed as fit
by passing a full ophthalmic examination, and the guideline on the
assessment of monocular applicants is contained in the Manual of Civil
Aviation Medicine. Besides, monocular individuals are also allowed to
become civil aviators in several countries.

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.2 Ophthalmologists generally believe that visual acuity is related to not only the
eye organ itself, but also individual skills and abilities, and societal
consequences. After organ impairment, visual rehabilitation may be
performed through medical treatment, functional vision training and skill
training. Vision Requirements for Driving Safety, the authoritative report of
International Council of Ophthalmology, indicates that persons who lost one
eye will regain adequate ability of distance judgement after an adjustment
period of six months.

.3 The questionnaire survey covers 2,144 marine academy students who have
received onboard training, 232 seafarers and 464 pilots. The retrieved record
shows that: 36% of students, 38% of seafarers and 24% of pilots think they
know something about monocular vision; 39% of students, 52% of seafarers
and 55% of pilots think navigation safety is closely related to both eyes'
vision; 51% of students, 41% of seafarers and 37% of pilots think that
navigation safety is partially related to both eyes' vision but is not the decisive


3 As the three main modes in the transportation industry, sea, land and air
transportation have some commonalities. Driving safety is mainly associated with the human
elements. Compared with land and air transportation, the speed of vessels is low and the
requirements on visual response are lower in sea transportation.

4 Based on the Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine, the required ophthalmic examination
for monocular individuals is the exercise of flexibility, which is not the dismissal of a deficiency
or discrepancy, but the establishment of the fact to allow a particular individual to exercise the

5 The stereopsis of monocular individuals may be questioned. However, they may have
good depth perception, which is provided by the monocular clues that substitute for stereopsis,
such as, relative size, texture gradient, motion parallax, aerial perspective, linear perspective,
accommodation, etc.

6 Monocular individuals generally have not as extensive a field of vision as normal

binocular individuals. However, an adjustment period may be used for accommodation to the
reduction in the visual field for monocular individuals.

7 As mentioned above, monocular vision indeed exists and is inconsistent with

binocular vision, but this does not dismiss the fact that monocular individuals are allowed to
become motor vehicle drivers or civil aviators in several countries. China is pleased to share
the information we collected so far and think that monocular vision of seafarers is worth

Action requested of the Sub-Committee

8 The Sub-Committee is invited to note the information provided.


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