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Project Management Plan

Project Management Plan



Student’s Name
Project Management Plan

Project Description

The purpose of the project is to construct a year-round swimming pool in the Hard'ack

Recreation Area, which is located at St. Albans town. The new pool will be half the size of the

old one, with a “zero entry” area, a slide, and a diving board. In the summer, it will be an outdoor

pool. It will be covered with an inflatable dome in the winter. The idea arose from a clear and

obvious need for a larger facility for the hundreds of families of St. Albans who use the pool

across from the City School every day during the summer season, which is in serious need of


The Problem and Result Statement

The current pool is 15 years old and was on the verge of closing for the summers of 2019 and

2020. It must be rebuilt from the ground up. Because it is too small and parking is only available

when school is not in session, the current site is not a good location for reconstruction. This

means the pool won't be able to be used all year and won't be able to offer amenities like a zero-

entry area that are common in modern public pools designed for multiple generations. Because

of its small size and structure, we frequently have to turn away people who want to use it when it

is closed for swim lessons or other programs.

Mission Justification

The project's goal is to create a safe and enjoyable community pool for all St. Albans town

residents. For current and future owners, the will provides a good community amenity, and the

community receives something in exchange for the vacant land. In addition, home prices will rise

for homeowners because many buyers with families will be looking for community amenities

when looking for a home.

Project scope statement

Project Management Plan

This project will ensure the construction of a community pool and family area in the St. Albans

town. The pool will be a 50-foot-long, 15-foot-wide square and an average depth of 6 feet and

will include an exercise and swim racing area, water slide, open area for free swimming, shallow

areas for children, and a two-building check-in and restroom area with a shared roof and walk-

through area. Cross Consulting Engineers and Arnold and Scangas Architects, which has been

designing and building custom pools and spas in Brevard County for more than 30 years, will

oversee the entire project. The project will cost $5 million in total, which will cover the

construction of the pool, pool house, inflatable dome, and site improvements such as the

renovation of the access road and recreation paths across the field.

Major Deliverables

Some supplies, such as the pavers around the pool, skimmers, pool drainage, and tiles, will need

to be ordered ahead of time for a project of this magnitude. Cross Consulting Engineers and

Arnold and Scangas Architects understands how many pool feet of drainage or skimmers are

required for a pool of that size. The order that Cross Consulting Engineers and Arnold and

Scangas Architects is unaware of is the color of the title that the county management will choose,

which must be chosen soon in order to place the order.

High-level milestones for significant event

The project will have will have nine phases and will have a milestone in several of the phases,

which will indicate the completion of the phase and the progress of the project.

Phase Activity Milestone

1 Design & Proposal

2 Permitting Permit approval

3 Takeoff
Project Management Plan

4 Forms & Excavation completion of the excavation process

5 Rebar & Stub-out

passing the electrical and mechanical

6 Plumbing & Equipment

7 Tile & Coping

8 Decking

9 Plaster & Start-up passing the final inspection

Applicable technical requirements, assumptions, or constraints

The technical requirements for this projects include; Project Management, Proposal, and

Time Management which are being handled by Cross Consulting Engineers and Arnold and

Scangas Architects, Project Approval which is the responsibility of the county management.

Skill sets required in the project includes, special equipment operator for the excavation phase,

plumbing technician to work on the drainage and water supply, electric technician, pool

equipment installer and pool service technician.

Some of the project constraint include; Project funding source limitations, for example,

access of the site by the public, unfavorable weather months, delays in material delivery, delays

in county permits, illness or the absence of other key members, Legal issues and law

enforcement, as well as resource constraints.

One of the assumptions in this project are that management will ensure that project team

members are available for the completion of the project. Another assumption is that project

members will participate in the execution of the Project Plan schedule. Another assumption is
Project Management Plan

that failure to identify changes to project deliverables or schedule will result in delays, and lastly,

the assumption that project team members will adhere to the Communications Plan.

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