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9:30-11:00 MW


Threats – Obstacle
Threats are one of four parts to SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)
analysis. What are your threats? They might include your company’s relative’s strength, an industry-
wide shortage of materials needed to make your products or a sluggish economy (slow show in
movement). Unlike identifying weaknesses which are hard to self-identity objectively. You only need
to look around your world and communicate with peers and costumers to recognize your threats.

Treats include:
 Weather-this affect seasonal businesses that depend on good conditions.
 Economy- if you sell something consumers need in any economy, you will fare better than
 Materials shortage- tensions in an oil producing country result in big price hikes, raising
production costs for plastics manufacturers, trucking firms and others.
 Your computer system is hacked- this can knock your website out for days during a crucial
selling period.
 Employment in your industry is strong- this can make it hard to find skilled workers.

Third Wave Organization

The third wave of the internet will be defined not by the internet of everything. We are
entering a new phase of technological evolution, a phase where the Internet will be fully integrated
into every part of our lives.
Why does this Third Wave matter to your organization or small business? It’s not just
coming, it is here, and as it gains momentum, every economic sector is at risk of being disrupted.
Therefore, the better we understand the possible implications to our respective industries, the more
prepared we’ll be to embrace the changes and leverage the opportunities.

The art of Telecommuting- (to work at home by the use of an electronic link).
Employees are looking more and more for future employees and managers and leaders with
the skills to telecommute. Today about one in five workers telecommutes on a frequent basis and
nearly 10% work from home every day. Business that promote telecommuting see almost instant
growth for their productivity and reduced absenteeism, but there is a dark side to telecommuting
that every company should take into consideration. Not every employee has the skills and discipline
to telecommute.

Reengineering- is defined as the redesign of business processes—and the associated systems and
organizational structures—to achieve a dramatic improvement in business performance.

High Performing System- HPS is a system approach to help leaders, teams and organizations
improve performance. Clients are all sizes and all industries, High Performing System (HPS) supplies
the knowledge, skills and experience to help the clients on0level their playing fields and achieve
greater success.

Total Quality Management (TQM)- describes a management approach to long-term success through

customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in improving
processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work.


Management is not new a new concept. It already existed in every time, the Great
Wall of China, the Egyptian Pyramid, and including the Rice Terraces (Philippines) are
concrete evidence that people in different parts of the world were already applying the
functions of management in building the different projects.

Scientific Management

The Scientific Management Era was spearheaded by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-
1915) a young engineer who started his working career at Midvale Steel Company. He is
known as the Father of Scientific Management.

Taylors ideas and experiences led him to define guidelines in a guest for efficiency in
First, management should develop a precise, scientific approach for each element of
ones work to replace general guidelines.

Second, management should scientifically select, train, teach and develop each
worker so that the right person has the right job.

Third, management should cooperate with workers to ensure that jobs match plans
and principles.

Human Relations Management

Human Relations Management is an approach in management that emphasizes the

understanding the importance of human element in a workplace.

Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow suggests that we must satisfy each level of the hierarchy (the classification
of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing)
before we move to the next level because once we satisfied once the need, it will no longer
create motivation.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

1. Physiological needs- These are the basic needs of air, water, food, clothing and shelter. In
other words, physiological needs are the needs for basic amenities of life.
2. Safety needs- Safety needs include physical, environmental and emotional safety and
protection. For instance- Job security, financial security, protection from animals, family
security, health security, etc.
3. Social needs- Social needs include the need for love, affection, care, belongingness, and
4. Esteem needs- Esteem needs are of two types: internal esteem needs (self- respect,
confidence, competence, achievement and freedom) and external esteem needs
(recognition, power, status, attention and admiration).
5. Self-actualization need- This include the urge to become what you are capable of
becoming / what you have the potential to become. It includes the need for growth and self-
contentment. It also includes desire for gaining more knowledge, social- service, creativity
and being aesthetic. The self- actualization needs are never fully satiable. As an individual
grows psychologically, opportunities keep cropping up to continue growing.






Maslow separated the five into two; the first four sets of needs at the bottom are called D-
needs or deficiency needs because they must be satisfied to be deactivated. The self-
actualization needs are called growth needs because it continues to develop even when

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