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There are no easy answers to the problems of traffic congestion. E.

v Not doing enough

Other, more forward-thinking, planners know that more and more drivers
A. vii A global problem and cars are taking to the roads every day, and they are unwilling to
Traffic congestion affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams encourage more private automobiles when public transport is so much
cause smog in dozens of cities across both the developed and developing better both for people and the environment. For this reason, the American
world. In the U.S., commuters spend an average of a full work week each government has decided to spend some $7 billion on helping to increase
year sitting in traffic, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. capacity on public transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient
While alternative ways of getting around are available, most people still technologies. But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny
choose their cars because they are looking for convenience, comfort and compared with the $50 billion being spent on roads and bridges.

B. vi Paying to get in
The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called
congestion pricing, whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of
town at certain times of day. In theory, if the toll is high enough, some
drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train. And in practice it seems
to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have reduced traffic and
pollution in city centers thanks to congestion pricing.

C. ii Changing working practices

Another way to reduce rush hour traffic is for employers to implement
flexitime, which lets employees travel to and from work at off-peak traffic
times to avoid the rush hour. Those who have to travel during busy times
can do their part by sharing cars. Employers can also allow more staff to
telecommute (work from home) so as to keep more cars off the road

D. i A solution which is no solution

Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic
congestion is to build more roads, especially roads that can take drivers
around or over crowded city streets. But such techniques do not really
keep cars off the road; they only accommodate more of them.
Solutions Exercise 1:
A solution is for [implementer] to [do sth] Problem: air pollution

Eg: A solution is for governments to impose “green taxes” on drivers and Aim: reduce air pollutants
airlines companies.
The problems of [problem] could be solved by [something/doing 1. Introduce laws to limit emissions from factories
something] 2. Impose green taxes on drivers and airline companies
3. increase capacity on public transport systems and upgrade them with
Eg: The problems of traffic jams could be solved by investing in public
more efficient technologies to encourage people to use public
A solution for [aim] can be… something/ to do sth Implementer: Governments
Problem: environmental pollution
Eg: A solution for reducing city traffic can be congestion pricing.
Aim: reduce the impact people have on the environment
A solution for reducing city traffic can be to charge a toll to enter certain
parts of town at certain times of day Solution:
1. take public transport rather than driving
Another way to [aim] is for [implementer] to [do sth]
2. choose products with less packaging
Eg: Another way to reduce rush-hour traffic jams is for employers to 3. recycle as much as possible
implement flexitime. Implementer: individuals.

To tackle issues related to [problem], [implementer] should [do sth] Problem: cybercrime targeting and exploiting children
Aim: prevent cybercrime from targeting and exploiting children
Eg: To tackle issues related to air pollution, governments should introduce laws
to limit emissions. Solution:

By [doing sth], [implementer] can [aim] 1. monitor children’s online activities

2. raise children’s awareness of the risks and dangers of the Internet
Eg: By implementing flexitime, employers can enable employees to avoid the Implementer: parents
rush hour
"Q1: 3. To tackle issues related to reducing air pollutants, governments should increase
capacity on public transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient
1. A solution is for governments to introduce laws to limit emissions from
technologies to encourage people to use public transport.

2. The problems of air pollution could be solved by imposing green taxes on

drivers and airline companies. Problem: environmental pollution

3. To tackle issues related to air pollution, governments should increase capacity 1. The problems of environmental pollution could be solved by taking public
on public transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient technologies transport rather than driving.
to encourage people to use public transport.
2. By individuals can reduceing the impact people have on the environment,
Q2: individuals can by choosing products with less packaging.

1. By choosing products with less packaging, individuals can reduce the impact of 3. Another way to reduce the impact people have on the environment is for
human activities on the environment. individuals to recycle as much as possible.

2. Another way to reduce the impact people have on the environment is for
individuals to take public transport rather than driving.
Problem: cybercrime targeting and exploiting children
3. To tackle issues related to environmental pollution, individuals should recycle
1. To tackle issues related to preventing cybercrime from targeting and exploiting
as much as possible.
children, parents should monitor children’s online activities.
2. The problems of cybercrime targeting and exploiting children could be solved
1. A solution is for parents to monitor children's online activities. by raising children’s awareness of the risks and dangers of the Internet.

2. Another way to prevent cybercrime from targeting and exploiting children is for "
parents to raise their children’s awareness of the risks and dangers of the
"The problems of air pollution could be solved by introducing laws to limit
emissions from factories, imposing green taxes on drivers and airline companies,
" increasing capacity on public transport systems and upgrading them with more
effecient efficient technologies to encourage people to use public transport.
"Problem: air pollution
A solution for reducing the impact people have on the environment can be to
1. The problems of air pollution could be solved by introducing laws to limit
take public transport rather than driving, to choose products with less packaging,
emissions from factories.
and to recycle as much as possible.
2. Another way to reduce air pollutants is for governments to impose green taxes
To tackle issues related to cybercrime targeting and exploiting children, parents
on drivers and airline companies.
should monitor children's online activities, and raise children's awareness of the
risks and dangers of the Internet."
Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are
sent to prison commit crimes after they are released.
Why is this the case?
What can be done to solve this problem?

Some animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities

on land and in the sea.
What are the reasons?
What solutions to solve them?

In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing

more crimes.
Why is this case happening?
How should children or teenagers be punished?

Topic sentence - CAUSES

• There are some reasons why […]/ reasons behind + N

Topic sentence – SOLUTIONS
• However, there are still some ways to approach such
• However, there are some approaches to this/these problem(s).
5. Can you describe it?
1. Where do you live?/ Do you live in a house or an

 I live in an apartment block. It has […] floors, and we’re on the 6. Is it good for family and children?
second floor.
 Currently, I’m living in a small/big/… house which is located …
 I live on the outskirts of HCMC, in an apartment/a house in District
8, about … km from the city center.
7. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
 I’m living/residing with my parents in a two-storey house, which is
located …
 My family/ My friends and I rent a flat on the second floor of a
three-story building.
 I’m sharing a two-bedroom apartment with my family
 I’m renting a studio apartment all by myself/ with some friends.
 (I’m from … and my school is in …, so ) I’ve been living in the
school dorm for the last few months.

2. How long have you lived there? Who do you live with?

3. Do you like the place where you live? What do you like
(most) about your home?

4. What do you dislike about your home?

Exercise 01 – Viết đoạn Body – CAUSES + SOLUTIONS Cause 2: không thể hòa nhập vào xã hội

Paraphrase: Cách 1: Nhiều người có định kiến với cựu tù nhân và phớt lờ họ kể
cả khi họ đã cải tạo  cựu tù không thể tái hòa nhập vào xã họi
• Recidivism (n) the act of continuing to commit crimes even
after having been punished sau khi trở về.  sự thiếu hỗ trợ từ xã hội như vậy có thể cản trở
cựu tù có được 1 cuộc sống bình thường  tăng khả năng cựu từ
• released prisoners ~ ex-offenders ~ ex-prisoners gặp vấn đề sức khỏe tâm lý  lại liên quan đến hoạt động phạm tội
~ former inmates
• the high rate of recidivism among released prisoners • reintegrate into society • lack of support
• return from prison • have a normal life
• the recurrence of criminal activity • have a prejudice against • be involved in criminal activity
• reformed (adj) again
Gợi ý:
Cách 2: Làm một người cựu tù thường phải chịu sự kỳ thị xã hội 
khó tái hòa nhập cộng đồng + kết bạn mới + tránh xa những ảnh
❖ Có thể dùng One of the main reasons is…, another
hưởng xấu.  nhiều khả năng trở về với những người bạn cũ có
reason can be… hoặc Firstly, secondly,… dính dáng đến hành động phạm tội + trở về những hành vi phạm
Cause 1: thiếu cơ hội nghề nghiệp pháp
Trong thời gian ở tù, prisoners mất cơ hội lấy được kinh nghiệm • carry a negative social stigma • returning to old friends
làm việc + kiến thức cập nhật để có một công việc ổn định  làm • reintegrate into society • be involved in criminal
nhiều người gặp khó khăn tìm việc trong thị trường làm việc cạnh • make new friends activity
tranh ngày nay  phải quay sang phạm tội để kiếm sống  số • distance yourself from something • back to criminal behavior
lượng người tái phạm pháp cao
Cause 3: Sự không hiệu quả của hệ thống tù giam
• during their time in prison • in today’s competitive labour Việc tái phạm pháp có thể là do sự kém hiệu quả của hệ thống tù
market giam trong việc cải tạo tù nhân.
• gain work experience or up-
to-date knowledge • turn to crime Nhà Tù là nơi một người bị vây quanh bởi những người có vấn đề
về tâm lý + những tên phạm tội nhiều lần  không phải là một môi
• stable employment • make a living
trường thuận lợi cho việc cải tạo  nhà tù thường thất bại trong
• high number of recidivists việc giúp cựu tù tránh lối sống phạm pháp

• ineffectiveness • hardened criminals

• the jail system • rehabilitation
• rehabilitate(verb) inmates • fail to do something
• those with mental issues • avoid a criminal lifestyle
Useful vocabs:
• change the prison culture
• proper rehabilitation programs
• vocational classes
• training courses
• be equipped with
• in today’s job market
• stable employment
• support themselves financially
• secure a livelihood
• reduce the stigma associated with
• create a more conducive atmosphere
• productive member of society
• push them back into criminal behavior.

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