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Final Fantasy XIII

By Krysta84

Updated Version 0.98

Includes missing shop chapters and various mistakes taken out. I also made sure
that every treasure available is now listed in the walkthrough.

Still to come:
- Missions 35-64
- Enemy Intel finishing touches
- final check CS

| Foreword: Introduction to the FAQ |

Welcome to my first FAQ.

There won't be spoilers in this FAQ in terms of storyline but, there are
inevitably spoilers with bosses names and such.
This FAQ is made for both the PS3 and XBOX360 versions of the game.

For anything regarding this FAQ you can mail to:

Please do not add me to MSN. I will only answer questions asked by e-mail.
In sending your mail, please don�t forget to put something along the lines of
"FFXIII FAQ question" as the subject or I might delete it by mistake.
If you have a questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions before
sending an e-mail. Your question might already be answered.
I will not give permission to other sites to put this online.
For the latest version, you can always check

Thank you

|{TOC} I) Table of contents |
Use Ctrl+F and copy/paste the brackets {} to find what you're looking for.

I) Table of Contents {TOC}

II) Before you start {BYS}
1) Controls
2) Main Menu
2b)Item Menu
2c)Configuration Menu
3) Save Stations
4) Japanese to English Changes
5) Tips and Tricks
III) Walkthrough {WAL}
IV) Battle {BAT}
1) Basic Battle
2) ATB
3) Chain Stagger
4) Tactical Points
5) Optima Change/Paradigm Shift
V) Summons {SUM}
VI) Item List and Upgrading {ILU}
VII) Side Quests {SQX}
1) Cie'th Stones
2) Chocobo
VIII) Shop List {SLX}
IX) Enemy Report {ENR}
X) Crystarium System {CSP}
Xb) Commands {CMD}
1) Commando (COM)
2) Ravager (RAV)
3) Sentinel (SEN)
4) Saboteur (SAB)
5) Synergist (SYN)
6) Medic (MED)
XI) Appendix {APX}
1) Trophy List {ATL}
2) Theme List
3) Frequently Asked Questions {FAQ}
XII) Version History {VHX}
XIII) Credits and Copyright{CRD}

|{BYS} II) Before you start |

Things you should know before you start.

1) Controls
2) The Menu
3) Save Stations
4) Japanese to English Changes
5) Tips and Tricks

| 1a) PS3 Controls |

Field control Battle control

Left Analog = Character Movement Gestalt Mode Control
Right Analog = Move camera Rotate Camera
D-Pad = Select shroud Select target/command
X-Button* = Confirm selection/interact w object Execute/confirm action
Circle* = Cancel Cancel
Square = View Map Activate Gestalt mode
Triangle = Open Main Menu Execute command queue
START = Pause Pause
SELECT = Toggle mini-map display Retry, (when in pause)
L1 = Use Shroud Paradigm Shift
R1 = X Libra Information
L2 = X X
R2 = X X
*These buttons are reversed when using a Japanese PS3. So when using this guide
while playing a Japanese PS3, please note that X changes into Circle on every

Objects you can interact with, trigger a pop-up instruction and you can press
the X-button to interact with these things.

| 1b) XBox Controls |

Field control Battle control

Left Analog = Character Movement Gestalt Mode Control
Right Analog = Move camera Rotate Camera
D-Pad = Select shroud Select target/command
A-Button = Confirm selection/interact w object Execute/confirm action
B-Button = Cancel Cancel
X-Button = View Map Activate Gestalt mode
Y-Button = Open Main Menu Execute command queue
START = Pause Pause
SELECT = Toggle mini-map display Retry, (when in pause)
Left Bumper = Use Shroud Paradigm Shift
Right Bumper = X Libra Information
Left Trigger = X X
Right Trigger = X X

Objects you can interact with, trigger a pop-up instruction and you can press
the A-button to interact with these things.

| 2a) Main Menu |

The menu looks something like this:

| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
| Main Menu .--------..-------..-------..-------..-------. |
|.----------------. | COM|| RAV|| SAB|| || | |
|| Paradigm | |LEADER ||MEMBER ||MEMBER || || | |
|| Status | | || || || || | |
|| Crystarium | | || || || || | |
|| Abilities | | || || || || | |
|| Equipment | | || || || || | |
|| Inventory | | || || || || | |
|| Map | | || || || || | |
|| Datalog | | || || || || | |
|| Settings | | HP xx || HP xx || HP xx || HP xx || HP xx | |
|'----------------' | || || || || | |
| | CP xx || CP xx || CP xx || CP xx || CP xx | |
| '--------''-------''-------''-------''-------' |
| Party |
|------OPTIMA---------CRYSTARIUM--------------TACTICAL POINTS GAUGE-----|
| xxxxxxxx Crystarium LV.4 (--------------)TP LV5 |
| time 000:00:00 XXX Gil |
<> Paradigm: Select the party leader, battle team members, and paradigms.
<> Status: View detailed characters status information.
<> Crystarium: Enhance characters via crystogenesis.
<> Ability: View character abilities.
<> Equip: Change character equipment.
<> Inventory: View party inventory (items)
<> Map: View map of current position
<> Datalog: View log of accumulated data.
<> Settings: Change game settings

| 2b) Item Menu |

<> Battle Items: Items you can use in battle

<> Weapons: An overview of Weapons you've acquired
<> Accessories: An overview of the Accessories you've acquired
<> Components: Components used for Weapon Improvement
<> Key Items: Items needed to proceed in the story

| 2c) Settings |

<> Camera: Adjust the camera control scheme.

<> Event Subtitles: Toggle display of subtitles during cutscenes
<> Speaker Names: Turn Speaker's name on or off at Subtitles
<> Non-event subtitles: Toggle display of subtitles for speech outside cutscene
<> Battle Speed: Select the rate at which the ATB gauge fills in battle.
<> Default battle command: Select the default battle command cursor position.
<> Target Selection: Toggle the method for selecting targets in battle.
<> Battle Help Messages: Toggle the display of help messages in battle.
<> Brightness: Adjust the Brightness of the display.

| 3) Save Stations |

<> You can save your game at a Save Station. When you're near one, press X/A
and a menu will appear. Choose the first to save, the second to shop, the
third to upgrade and improve weapons and accessories and the last to go
back to the game. In the shops you can buy various things. As you progress
through the story, more shops will be available, and thus more items.
The upgrade option comes later in the game and is explained after the
walkthrough. Save Stations are available almost every 5-10 minutes of

| 4) Japanese to English Changes |

Any updates after March 9th, will have the Japanese Names changed to the
English ones gradually. People playing the Japanese game can still use
this walkthrough with the use of this mini translation guide. It will not
include the items because there are simply too many of them and most are a
simple translation. Below are only the translations that are completely

|| Japanese name || English Name || What is it ||
|| Attacker || Commando || Crystarium Role || their respective
|| Blaster || Ravager || Crystarium Role || colors stay the
|| Defender || Sentinel || Crystarium Role || same
|| Jammer || Saboteur || Crystarium Role ||
|| Enhancer || Synergist || Crystarium Role ||
|| Healer || Medic || Crystarium Role ||
|| Optima Change || Paradigm Shift || Change Roles ||
|| Drive Mode || Gestalt Mode || Summon related ||
|| Break || Stagger || Battle related ||
|| Auto-clip || Datalog || Information ||
|| Enemy Report || Enemy Intel || Bestiary ||
|| Reverse Smoke || Shrouds || Battle Item ||
|| Sneak Smoke || Deseptisol || L1/LB Shroud Item ||
|| Powersmoke || Fortisol || L1/LB Shroud Item ||
|| Barriersmoke || Aegisol || L1/LB Shroud Item ||
|| Ethersmoke || Ethersol || L1/LB Shroud Item ||
|| Weak || Imperil || Status Change ||
|| Dull || Daze || Status Change ||
|| Brave || Bravery || Status Change ||
|| Guts || Vigilance || Status Change ||

| 5) Tips and Tricks |

<> To make sure you find every treasure, check all paths, even the dead end
ones, check behind you when you reach a new area and don't be afraid to
stray a little of the beaten path

<> The game has a very useful datalog that gives you information and tips on
how certain things work. Be sure to check it every once in a while to make
sure you are up to date.

<> All members, including the once not participating in battle get the same
amount of CP after battle. Therefore you don't have to worry about
characters getting left behind. Fill out the CS for members not
participating in battle as well, because you never know when suddenly the
party is changed and you find yourself with a party that is not leveled up

<> Pressing L1/LB during encounters will open the Enemy Intel and shows the
information for the enemies you are facing at the time. Use this often to
see the weaknesses for the enemies. Using Libra will fill out the ? faster
than just attacking and defeating the enemies does.

|{WAL} III) Walkthrough |

Naturally this walkthrough can't be totally spoiler free. But I tried to make
it as spoiler-free as possible.

Items: Enemies
(B) Battle Item [A] Enemy name (B)
(W) Weapon A: [E001-E239] Enemy Intel Reference (Ctrl+F)
(A) Accessory B: (00) Number of Hit Points
(C) Component Extra: (B) for Boss, (S) for Summon
(S) Shrouds
[000] Number of items

In walkthrough:
[CP] Enemy names
CP is for the battle, CP per enemy can be found in the Enemy Intel.

|| 1) CHAPTER 1 ||

|| The Hanging Edge ||
|| The Restricted Zone ||

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Hanging Edge - Aerorail Trussway 13-E
Items Enemies
[1] Potion (B) [E001] Manasvin Warmech first time (360)
[2] Potion (B) [E001] Manasvin Warmech Second time (990)
[1] Iron Bangle (A) [E002] PSICOM Enforcer (171)
[50] Gil [E003] PSICOM Warden (84)
[50] Gil [E004] Pantheron (375)
[1] Iron Bangle (A) [E005] PSICOM Aerial Recon (189)
[1] Power Circle (W) [E006] PSICOM Marauder (600)
[100] Gil [E007] Beta Behemoth (1800)
[E008] Myrmidon (1260)
New Shop:
Unicorn Mart
<> Potion
<> Phoenix Down

After the opening movie, a battle starts. During this, you can view a tutorial
on Active Time Battle. Your choice if you want to see it or not.
Battle explanations can also be found in this FAQ.
[-] Manasvin Warmech
The Manasvin Warmech, as this enemy is called, is not that hard of a battle.
So just attack it all the time and heal with potions if HP drops below 100.
You need to fight this enemy twice but if you just keep your HP above 100
you should be fine and thus along with 6 potions, should get your first
Trophy/Achievement with ease. And since characters are healed after each
battle, you start the second fight with a full HP bar.

After the fight, you'll get the chance to change the camera settings. No need
to worry if you accidentally select the wrong option, you can always change it
to whatever you want in the settings menu at the bottom of the main menu.
You'll also get an explanation about Datalog, basically its an option in the
menu that allows you to view the story, certain tutorials and game info.
It also contains the Enemy Intel.

You now control Lightning, the main character of the game. Use the left stick
to walk or run towards the yellow arrow and on the left you will find the first
save station in the game. At this point, you can only buy potions and phoenix
down but they are costly and you wont really need them as the game provides
you with enough to last for a while.
Keep running and you'll get another tutorial, about Enemy Encounters

At the top right of the screen is this mini map, use this whenever you feel
lost. The yellow arrow points in the direction where you should go. It also
shows blue dots which indicate friendly people or party members, and the red
dots indicate enemies. The Save Station also has its specific icon as do
treasures, but you won't see them until you've actually opened them. To
the bigger version of this map, select Map in the main menu.
[-] PSICOM Warden x2
Again a pretty easy battle. You'll probably end up with a 5 star battle rank a
lot in this area, but don't worry if you don't. Besides better items it doesn't
add much to the game just yet.

You'll see a blue circle thing on the left, but you can't do anything with it,
it is some kind of a portal for the soldiers. A little further ahead you'll see
a blue circle on the ground. This indicates that you can jump up or down to the
next area. You don't have to press any buttons, so just walk up to the circle
and keep going.
[-] PSICOM Warden x2
[-] PSICOM Warden, PSICOM Enforcer x2
Treasure: Potion.

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Hanging Edge - Aerorail Trussway 12-E

[-] PSICOM Warden, Pantheron x2
Take the stairs on the right.
Treasure: Potion x2
A little further along the path, you'll find another Save Station.
Jump over the barrier.
[-] PSICOM Enforcer, PSICOM Aerial Recon
Go up the stairs on the left.
Treasure: Iron Bangle
This gives you HP+50, so I suggest giving it to Lightning as she has
the lowest HP. Plus, she is the leader of the party, and if the leader dies,
it's game over. And you don't want that.

Continue on and take the stairs down to the road. Zigzag your way through
the obstacles and take the stairs up again on the left. Watch the scenery below
and then on you go. Jump down at the end and go right.

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Hanging Edge - Aerorail Trussway 11-E

Treasure: 50 Gil
[-] PSICOM Warden x3
[-] PSICOM Warden, Pantheron
The game now gives you a tutorial about using Items during battle. Its the
bottom option in the commands menu at the bottom left of the battle screen. If
you choose to follow the tutorial, you will be forced to use up one of your
potions as an example.

Keep following the road.

[-] PSICOM Warden, Pantheron x3
Go up the stairs to find a save station and if you jump down on the other side
you'll find a switch that takes you to the next area. Keep walking straight
into another movie.

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Hanging Edge - Skybridge No. 369

[-] PSICOM Marauder, PSICOM Enforcer x2
This battle gives you an explanation on attack chains and staggering.
Which is the bar on the top right of the screen.

After the battle the movie continues.

|| The Hanging Edge ||
|| The Resistance Front ||

Characters: Snow The Hanging Edge - Aerorail Trussway 5-W

Turn around
Treasure: 50 Gil
Walk up to the people to hear what they have to say, and continue on to
the save station further on. There are more people here that have some things
to say either listen to them or just continue on to jump into the next movie.
[-] PSICOM Enforcer x2
You're assisted in the upcoming battles by 2 members of NORA, that won't stay
in your party forever. After battle you can keep going and you'll run into
various battles. Shouldn't be too hard, just head for the yellow arrow.
[-] PSICOM Warden x3
[-] PSICOM Warden x2, Pantheron x2
[-] PSICOM Warden x2, PSICOM Enforcer, Pantheron
[-] PSICOM Enforcer x2, PSICOM Warden x2

Characters: Snow The Hanging Edge - Aerorail Trussway 6-W

Treasure: Iron Bangle

Best to equip this on Snow. The other members are just there for support.
There's another Save Station on the right.
[-] PSICOM Warden x2. PSICOM Enforcer x2
[-] PSICOM Warden x2, Pantheron x2
You'll run into a movie and a Behemoth appears.
[-] Beta Behemoth
Not much strategy is needed, just keep attacking. Lebreau will heal you when
you need it so it shouldn't be a problem. Be wary of his heave attack that
causes lots of damage. When you defeat him, you'll get a movie and the option
to save game.

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Hanging Edge - Skybridge No. 369

[-] Myrmidon
This enemy has powerful attacks that hit one character a time, heal if HP get
to low. Once you get him in Stagger, the battle should be over pretty quick.

Characters: Snow The Hanging Edge - Aerorail Trussway 3-N

Treasure: Power Circle, a weapon for Snow.

Save Station.
[-] PSICOM Aerial Recon x3, Pantheron x2
Take a right between the two stairs before you follow your friend.
Treasure: 100 Gil
[-] PSICOM Enforcer x2, PSICOM Warden
Check the airbikes to finish this part.

Characters: Hope The Hanging Edge - Skybridge No. 103

Not much to do here, but talk to the people. So to proceed, highjack the bikes
at the end. You'll get the option to save and then it is on to the next

|| 2) CHAPTER 2 ||

|| The Pulse fal'Cie ||
|| Lowerworld Vestige ||

Characters: Hope, Vanille The Pulse Vestige - Sacrarium
Items Enemies
[30] Gil [E004] Pantheron (375)
[4] Potion [E009] Zwerg Scandroid (57)
[1] Iron Bangle [E008] Myrmidon (1260)
[2] Potion (B) [E010] Ghoul (330)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E011] Ghast (900)
[1] Gladius (W) [E012] Wight (270)
[2] Potion (B) [E013] (B)Anima (3300)
[1] Fortisol (S) [E014] (B)Right Manipulator (300)
[100] Gil [E015] (B)Left Manipulator (300)
[1] Power Wristband (A)
[5] Potion (B)
New Shop: B&W Outfitters
<> Iron Bangle

[-] Pantheron
Vanille and Hope in their first battle. Basically the same as the others at the

There's a Save Station hidden in one of the niches ahead. Go on into the
room which is behind your starting point.
Treasure: 30 Gil.
It also has the crashed bike in it. Then go back to the area with the save
Station and go up the stairs. Go left, and another left.
[-] Pantheron
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x3
Treasure: Potions x4
On the right of the stairs is:
[-] Pantheron x2
Go back down the left stairs, a Datalog Tip comes up about pre-emptive
strikes. There is another treasure next to:
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x3
Treasure: Iron Bangle
Jump over the wreckage on the right of the broken hoverbike.
[-] Pantheron x2
Take a right towards the (!).

Characters: Snow The Pulse Vestige - House of Stairs

Turn around.
Treasure: Potion x2
Go down past the Save Station.
[-] Pantheron x2
Your objective should be right ahead.

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Pulse Vestige - Ambulatory

You'll get an Datalog Tip about shrouds. Basically these give you an advantage
in battle if you use them beforehand. Instead of using them from the menu, you
press L1/LB while in the field, it then gives you a little menu in which you
can choose which shrouds you want to use.
Up ahead is a Save Station.
[-] Pantheron x3
[-] Pantheron x2
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x4 left
Treasure: Phoenix Down
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x3 right
[-] Myrmidon
Use the same strategy as before with the Myrmidon.
[-] Pantheron, Zwerg Scandroid x2
Treasure: Gladius, weapon for Lightning.
[-] Pantheron, Myrmidon

Characters: Snow The Pulse Vestige - House of Stairs

Turn around.
Treasure: Potions x2
Follow the path.
[-] Pantheron, Zwerg Scandroid x2
Next, just press the switch in the middle of the circle area and jump on the
platform that appears.

Characters: Vanille, Hope The Pulse Vestige - Sacrarium

And back with the kids.

[-] Zwerg Scandroid x2
Go up the stairs and to the right. If you go straight instead you'll end up
where you started in the beginning of the chapter. Left is the way out.
Zwerg Scandroid x4
Treasure: Fortisol
Turn around and go for the exit.
[-] Pantheron x2

Characters: Vanille, Hope The Pulse Vestige - Oblatorium

Save Station in this next area.

[-] Pantheron x2
Treasure: 100 Gil
Snow enters the party right in time for some scary looking enemies
[-] Ghoul x3

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Pulse Vestige - Ambulatory

Treasure: Power Wristband, left of the stairs.

[-] Ghoul x2
Now go up the stairs.
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul x2
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul x2
That's a lot of battles with Ghouls. It'll give you some items, but other than
that, just battle practise. If you can do without, I suggest just running past
them. They are only slow undead zombies. However you decide to proceed, you
cannot avoid the fight with the Ghast.
[-] Ghast
Save Station up ahead. and a new area

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Pulse Vestige - Nave

[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghast x2
Use a potion when the Ghast casts Fire, because you won't survive the second
time they do.

Characters: Lightning, Sazh The Pulse Vestige - Anima's Throne

Head towards the (!) and watch the nice cut scene. Snow now joins your party.
[-] Ghast
[-] Ghoul, Wight
[-] Ghast, Wight
Treasure: Potions x5
On the right you find a save Station
Then go into the dark corridor.
[-] (B)Anima, Right Manipulator, Left Manipulator
Attack the arms first, because they hit you before you get a chance to damage
the body of this enemy. They re-spawn after a while so be careful of that.
Just beat the arms again when they return. In between attack the body and you
should be fine. It doesn't take too long before the enemy goes down.
Don't forget to use potions when needed, because you will need them.
As always when a chapter ends, you get the option to save. Twice.

|| 3) CHAPTER 3 ||

|| Lake Bresha ||
|| Cocoon Lowlands ||

Characters: Lightning, Snow, Vanille Lake Bresha - The Waters Stilled
Items Enemies
[1] Pearlwing Staff (W) [E011] Ghast (900)
[7] Chipped Fang (C) [E010] Ghoul (330)
[200] 200 Gil [E012] Wight (270)
[5] Cie'th Tear(C) [E003] PSICOM Warden (84)
[1] Silver Bangle (A) [E016] Breshan Bass (2430)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E004] Pantheron (375)
[50] Gil [E002] PSICOM Enforcer (171)
[8] Strange Fluid (C)
[1] Magician's Mark (A)
New at Shops:
B&W Outfitters
<> Power Wristband
<> Magician's Mark

[-] Ghast x3
The battle gives an explanation about Paradigm System which you can now use.
At this point, the following roles are available:

Lightning: Commando, Ravager

Snow: Commando, Ravager, Sentinel
Vanille: Ravager, Medic
Sazh: Ravager
Hope: Ravager

During the battle you can change between COM/RAV/RAV and COM/SEN/MED. With
Lightning, Snow and Vanille. The battle itself is not very hard, so you can
experiment a bit with these roles. After the battle, new merchandise becomes

Follow the road.

Crystarium tutorial pops up. Which means you can finally use CP.
And you get some to start with as well.

Follow the road to the left side it leads to some battles in which you can
finally get some CP, and a treasure.
[CP]enemy x0
[19] Ghoul x4, Ghast
Treasure: Pearlwing staff, weapon for Vanille
Now go back and take the right road. There is a Save Station on the left.
[22] Wight x3, Ghast
A well hidden treasure is on the right of the battle on top of the rock. It
contains 7 components for upgrading, which won't be available until later.
Treasure: Chipped Fang x7
Jump your way to the next part of the road. Go right.
Treasure: 200 Gil.
Walk up to Snow.
[21] PSICOM Warden x7
This battle gives you a tutorial on something you probably figured out by now,
but if you didn't you can read it. It's about Inputting Commands.

Characters: Lightning, Snow, Vanille Lake Bresha - Amid Timebound Waves

Follow the thin road. Or go to the right if you forgot the 200 Gil.
[36] Ghast x3, Wight x3
Treasure: Cie'th Tears x5, on the road to the right.
The left is the road to follow.
[32] Breshan Bass x4
Another fork in the road. Take left to find a treasure.
[32] Breshan Bass x4
Treasure: Silver Bangle
Go back to that fork so you can take the right path. Save Station on the right.
Keep walking along the road.
[12] Pantheron x4
Treasure: Phoenix Down, on the left
Treasure: 50 Gil, a little further on the right
[6] Pantheron x2
Treasure: Strange Fluid x8
Take the next path left before going right.
[9] PSICOM Enforcer x2, PSICOM Warden
Treasure: Magician's Mark
Take the path right and then jump all the way to the save Station and beyond.

Characters: Lightning, Snow, Vanille Lake Bresha - A Silent Maelstrom
Items Enemies
[6] Strange Fluid (C) [E017] Mansvin Warmech (32400)
[240] Gil [E016] Breshan Bass (2430)
[1] Deneb Duallers (W) [E004] Pantheron (375)
[6] Enigmatic Fluid (C) [E018] Bloodfang Bass (81)
[7] Wicked Fang (C) [E019] Alpha Behemoth (20250)
[1] Libra Scope (B) [E020] PSICOM Tracker (1296)
[2] Digital Circuit (C) [E021] Watchdrone (1890)
[2] Paraffin Oil (C) [E022] PSICOM Ranger (324)
[50] Gil [E023] Ciconia Velocycle (7290)
[3] Insulated Cabling (C)
[30] Gil
[6] Begrimed Claw (C)

Paradigm System and how to use it to stagger an enemy is explained in the next
battle against a familiar enemy.
[64] Manasvin Warmech
Stay in COM/RAV/RAV and change to COM/SEN/MED when he starts using Crystal
Rain. When you get him into Stagger status, change to the COM/RAV/RAV
Paradigm to hit him hard. Then when its nearly over or when you get in
trouble, change to COM/SEN/MED to get your HP up again. Use Libra to get to
know his weakness which is lightning, so the Ravagers in your party cast

After the fight, Snow leaves the party and Sazh takes his place as a battle
member. Follow the road again.
[64] Breshan Bass x3
Treasure: Strange Fluid x6, on the right path
Take the left path to proceed.
[12] Pantheron x4
Take the left path first.
Treasure: 240 Gil right
Treasure: Deneb Duallers, weapon for Sazh
Then take the long path back for the right path.

Characters: Lightning, Vanille, Sazh Lake Bresha - Encased in Crystal

[23] Bloodfang Bass x5, Breshan Bass
Take a right.
[20] Bloodfang Bass x4, Breshan Bass
Treasure: Enigmatic Fluid x6
Take the road back and take a right to get back on the main road.
Go right a little further.
[12] Pantheron x4
Treasure: Wicked Fang x7
Check the weird machine next to where Hope and Vanille are standing to open up
a doorway further ahead.
[45] Bloodfang Bass x7, Breshan Bass x3
Through the doorway you created is a Save Station.
[36] Alpha Behemoth
This battle gives you a tutorial on Techniques. Explanation can be found
elsewhere in this FAQ.
Use the COM/RAV/RAV optima for the start, then when HP gets to low, use a
set-up with a MED in it, or use potions. Not to hard of a battle.
Don't forget that Libra makes your Ravagers attack the weakness faster.

Take the ramp on the right.

Treasure: Librascope, (same effect as the Technique Libra).
Then continue on.
[16] PSICOM Tracker x2
[30] Watchdrone x3
Treasure: Digital Circuits x2 on the right.

Characters: Lightning, Vanille, Sazh Lake Bresha - The Frozen Falls

[23] PSICOM Tracker x2, PSICOM Ranger
Go up the left path up, then further on take the right.
Treasure: Paraffin Oil x2
Treasure: 50 Gil
Next up go right ignoring the enemies for now.
Treasure: Insulated Cabling x3
Go towards the Save Station.
[34] Watchdrone, Ciconia Velocycle
This bike thing is kind of hard to beat so go on with caution. Switch
to Medic often.
Save Station ahead.
Continue on.
[30] Watchdrone x3
Treasure: 30 Gil
Treasure: Begrimed Claw x6

Characters: Lightning, Vanille, Sazh Lake Bresha - Gates of Antiquity
Items Enemies
[600] Gil [E019] Alpha Behemoth (20250)
[2] Digital Circuit (C) [E021] Watchdrone (1890)
[7] Begrimed Claws (C) [E022] PSICOM Ranger (324)
[1] Spark Ring (A) [E024] Crusader (7290)
[3] Potion (B) [E004] Pantheron (375)
[1] Millerite (C) [E026] PSICOM Executioner (4050)
[1] Ferroelectric Film (C) [E020] PSICOM Tracker (1296)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E025] (B)Garuda Interceptor 1st (8000)
[2] Librascope (S) [E025] (B)Garuda Interceptor 2nd (16200)
[E027/E028] (B)Shiva Sisters (NA)

Save Station at the right on the stairs before the gate. Go inside and prepare
for battle.
[36] Alpha Behemoth
Try to pre-emptive it. That way it'll go down in no time.
Treasure: 600 Gil, on the right before the Behemoth fight.
Take the right path past the debris.
Treasure: Digital Circuit x2
[37] Watchdrone x3, PSICOM Ranger
Go up the ramp.

Characters: Lightning, Vanille, Sazh Lake Bresha - Forgotten Commons

Take a right before going down the stairs.

Treasure: Begrimed Claw x7
Go down the stairs.
[30] PSICOM Ranger x2, Crusader
[30] PSICOM Ranger x2, Crusader
Treasure: Spark ring, after the circle thing on the left.
Go up the stairs.

Characters: Lightning, Vanille, Sazh Lake Bresha - A City No Longer

Treasure: Potion x3
Ahead is a Save Station. And next to that a short cut. So you won't have to
fight the enemies on the way, but you will miss the treasure that way.
[6] Pantheron x2
[34] PSICOM Ranger x2, PSICOM Executioner
[23] PSICOM Tracker, PSICOM Ranger x2
Treasure: Millerite
[36] Pantheron x2, PSICOM Ranger x2,PSICOM Tracker x2
[9] Pantheron x3
The stairs further on lead back to the place you could skip the previous
area. As enemies re-spawn in this area, you could keep going in circles
to gather some CP. But I advice against it. It is extremely boring and you
don't really need the little CP it gives you anyway. The items you get
aren't really worth the trouble either.
Go up the stairs.
[15] PSICOM Tracker, PSICOM Ranger
Treasure: Ferroelectric Film
Jump down.
[43] PSICOM Tracker x2, PSICOM Ranger, PSICOM Executioner
Go up the stairs.

Characters: Lightning, Vanille, Sazh Lake Bresha - Echoes of the Past

Treasure: Phoenix Down, on the right

Treasure: Librascope x2, on the left
Save Station: in the middle
Max out your CS before going furher.
[0] Garuda Interceptor 1st
[240] Garuda Interceptor 2nd
Not to hard of a battle as long as you keep your MED close. And therefore, you
get to fight it again, but now with double HP. Use Libra on it, so the RAV
automatically attack its weakness. Because it has a nice weakness, it is wise
to go with a COM/RAV/RAV paradigm for a while and switch to a COM/MED/RAV when
your HP get a little low. Like after his big ball of lightning attack.
Once you get him in Stagger, the battle is pretty much done.

After battle:
- Crystarium Enhancement!
- Roles: Sazh, Synergist & Vanille, Saboteur
- New Shop: Up in Arms
<> Blazefire Saber
<> Vega 42s
<> Wild Bear
<> Ninurta
<> Binding Rod

Save your game.

Characters: Snow Lake Bresha - The Frozen Falls

[24] PSICOM Ranger x3, PSICOM Tracker x2
You can win this fight, but it won't matter much. Outcome will be the same.
Their extremely tough, so you'll need a lot of potions and the Commando
role seems to be the best option.
[0] Shiva Sisters
You'll get a tutorial on how to beat these sisters. It'll explain that
the only real way to defeat these two is to put Snow in a special role.
Furthermore it tells you to use Libra on summon battles, to find out their
weakness and to press the Square button when prompted to finish the fight.
You start the battle with a counter (321 seconds or 5 minutes) above
your head. When the number reaches zero, its game over. So use Libra on
the girls as the tutorial stated and you'll find out you should use
Sentinel. Then select Steel Guard when she does attacks and wait it out.
Don't forget to press the square button when its done.

When you win, Snow's ATB level's up. Meaning you'll get one ATB slot extra.
You'll get the option to save your game.

|| 4) CHAPTER 4 ||

|| The Vile Peaks ||
|| Cocoon Deadlands ||

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Vile Peaks - Dismal Dunescape
Items Enemies
[1] Librascope (B) [E004] Pantheron (375)
[1] Black Belt (A) [E029] Thexteron (3120)
[1] Ninurta (W) [E021] Watchdrone (1890)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E030] Pulsework Soldier (7410)
[1] Metal Armband (A) [E031] Incubus (2964)
[1] Librascope (S) [E032] Succubus (975)
[1] Ember Ring (A) [E033] (B)Dreadnougt (17940) 2nd: (44850)
New at Shops:
B&W Outfitters
<> Silver Bangle
<> Black Belt
<> Rune Bracelet

[12] Pantheron x4
This first battle is with Lightning, Vanille and Sazh, but then the party
changes to Sazh and Vanille.

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Vile Peaks - Wrack and Ruin

There is a Save Station up ahead, go right of it.

[16] Thexteron
Treasure: Librascope
Go back to the road.
[22] Pantheron x2, Thexteron
[30] Watchdrone x3
[36] Thexteron, Watchdrone x2
[29] Pulsework Soldier

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Vile Peaks - Another Man's Treasure

Right in front of you is a Save Station. Then go through the tunnel thing.
[59] Watchdrone x3, Pulsework Soldier
The Watchdrone here, focus on attacking the Pulsework Soldier for some reason.
So attack them first, but don't kill them off until the Pulsework Soldier is
nearly gone. Then it'll be way easier and faster. Thexterons do this too.
You can keep the chain up by using Vanille as a Saboteur along with Sazh as
a Ravager. Having 2 Ravagers will never cause the chain to reach stagger.

Check the machine to be able to proceed.

[61] Thexteron x2, Pulsework Soldier
[91] Watchdrone x3, Thexteron x2, Pulsework Soldier
Treasure: Black Belt
Use the panel at the end of the tunnel to proceed.
[106] Thexteron x3, Pulsework Soldier x2

Characters: Sazh, Vanille, Hope The Vile Peaks - Another Man's Treasure

Go up the hill in the direction of the yellow arrow.

[29] Pulsework Soldier
Treasure: Ninurta, a weapon for Hope.
And a Save Station
[29] Pulsework Soldier

Characters: Sazh, Vanille The Vile Peaks - Munitions Necropolis

[32] Incubus x2
[32] Incubus x2
[45] Incubus, Pulsework Soldier
[45] Incubus, Pulsework Soldier
Take the weird circle road on the left.
Treasure: Phoenix Down
Treasure: Metal Armband
There is also a Save Station. Then continue on.
[47] Incubus x2, Succubus
[60] Incubus, Succubus, Pulsework Soldier
[58] Pulsework Soldier x2

Characters: Sazh, Lightning, Vanille The Vile Peaks - Devastated Dreams

Save Station before the bridge up. The Battle Members now change into Sazh,
Lightning and Vanille. Because of Lightnings COM, the enemies go down way
[58] Pulsework Soldier x2
[31] Succubus, Incubus
[47] Incubus x2, Succubus
Use the panel to get stairs on the left, there is a Save Station too.
Treasure: Librascope
[46] Succubus x2, Incubus
[32] Incubus x2
[73] Pulsework Soldier x2, Succubus
Treasure: Ember Ring.

Characters: Sazh, Lightning, Vanille The Vile Peaks - Mounds of Naught

A little further on is a Save Station.

[0] Dreadnought 1st
[360] Dreadnougth 2nd
Libra him twice so your Ravagers know what attacks to use. Also it doesn't hurt
to buff everyone up with Sazh's Synergist skills. The second time it takes
longer because of the increase in HP. Change to RAV/COM/MED when your HP gets
to low, but otherwise go on the offence.

After Battle:
- Crystarium Enhancement!
- Roles: Ligtning, Medic & Sazh, Commando
- Upgrading available at Save Station (more info: Components in Items chapter)
- New Shop: Lenora Garage
<> Polymer Emulsion
<> Ferroelectric Film
<> Insulated Cabling
<> Paraffin Oil

Go on through the tube-like path. You'll see your first SaveStationt at which
you can try the upgrading.

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Vile Peaks - Scavenger's Trail
Items Enemies
[3] Fiber-Optic Cable [E020] PSICOM Tracker (1296)
[1] Librascope [E035] Corps Gunner (1092)
[*] Special [E034] Corps Regular (1560)
[*] Special [E036] Uhlan (10840)
[2] Electrolytic Capacitor [E022] PSICOM Ranger (324)
[1] Spark Ring [E037] Targeting Beacon** (975)
[1] Phoenix Down [E038] (S)Odin (NA)
*Depending on Mini-game. **Deployed by PSICOM Tracker.

[64] PSICOM Tracker, Corps Gunner x4
Up ahead is a Save Station.
[30] Corps regular, Corps Gunner
Take the left path first
[32] Corps Regular x2
Treasure: Fiber-optic Cable x3
[46] Corps Regular x2, Corps Gunner
Treasure: Librascope, on the right.
Jump down on the left to continue.
[20] Uhlan
Save Station before the jump down, take this opportunity so you can retry the
upcoming mini-game if you want.
[16] PSICOM Tracker x2

You now control Hope in a weird machine thing. Press X to hit certain objects
or enemies. You can just walk over the enemies, they won't hurt you or rather
the machine. But there is a catch.
The two treasures at the end contain different things with different results
There are 43 Enemies in total to defeat. Defeat them al, with punches and the
treasures will contain the best items.
The first two waves are very easy as you have 3 chances each.
The last one is the tricky part. When you jump down, chase the enemies towards
the right side until they are grouped around you, then sweep once. Then wait
until the others are in a good position and sweep again. On the bridge, move
towards them and wait until they can't move any further. Then sweep them all
out. Don't worry if after 20 times trying you still can't get it. It will only
lead to more Gil and there is no trophy or achievement for this.

Treasure 1: Enemies you defeated

[43] Thunder Ring
[25~42] Thickened Hide x20
[0~24] Sturdy Bone x10

Treasure 2: Enemies defeated with Punch

[40~43] 999 Gil
[25~39] 300 Gil
[0~24] 100 Gil


Go through the tunnel

Treasure: Electrolytic Capacitor x2
Save Station.
The following enemies re-spawn if you get away far enough, you might want
to gather up some CP for the upcoming boss, but you can do without.
[39] Corps Regular x2, PSICOM Ranger
Take the right path.
[28] Uhlan, PSICOM Tracker
The PSICOM Tracker up next deploys a Tracking Beacon. Libra this one if you
want a full Enemy Intel, because it is unlikely you will get the full info
on it by just defeating it.

Treasure: Spark Ring.

[49] Corps Gunner x3, PSICOM Ranger
Go up on the right.
Treasure: Phoenix Down.
Take the right tunnel or the left path.
[36] PSICOM Tracker x2, Uhlan
Save Station.
Equip the Thunder Ring on Hope, he gets attacked sooner than Lightning. You can
also equip the other Thunder Ring on Lightning. Save before you continue.
[0] Odin
This can be a very hard battle.
Start the battle with MED/SYN to buff up everyone while healing.
Use Libra to scan his weakness. Then use a RAV/MED switching to RAV/RAV
until the bar is filled up. The bar fills up when you chain attacks, so
RAV/RAV will get it up faster than RAV/MED.
It may be better sometimes to keep RAV/RAV and use Potions to keep the HP up.
Especially if you spent some time gathering CP.

After the battle Lightning gets another ATB slot. And you may want to change
your Accessory. You can walk back to save the game before you cross the bridge.
[61] Uhlan x2 PSICOM Ranger x3
In this fight you get the Odin Driving Mode Tutorial. It explains the basics
of using summons in battle. I suggest taking the tutorial as it can be hard to
explain with words alone. After that, you get to Save your game.

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Vile Peaks - Scrap Processing
Items Enemies
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E039] Bomb (1248)
[1] Auric Amulet (A) [E030] Pulsework Soldier (7410)
[1] Ember Ring (A) [E040] Gremlin (696)
[1] Phoenix Down (B)
[1] Fortisol (S)
[6] Vibrant Ooze (C)
[8] Iron Shell (C)
[300] Gil

First of all, turn around and go all the way back

Treasure: Phoenix Down.
Then proceed. Save Station is available before you have to fight any enemies.
[12] Bomb
These bombs explode before you get a chance to hit them. But this one comes
alone and is therefore beatable at this point. For the others, go on defence
rather than offence to have a chance at even surviving these battles. If the
bomb uses self-destruct and succeeds before you kill it, you won't get the
CP. The CP listed below for a battle is only rewarded when you defeat all of
the enemies yourself.
[24] Bomb x2
Use the machine to proceed.
[41] Bomb, Puslework Soldier
[53] Bomb x2, Pulsework Soldier
Treasure: Auric Amulet
Save Station is a little further on.
[32] Gremlin x2
[48] Gremlin x3
Treasure: Ember Ring
[61] Gremlin x2, Pulsework Soldier
Treasure: Phoenix Down, on the right.
Go up the stairs to the right of the starting point.
[41] Bomb, Pulsework Soldier
Flip the switch on that corner. You'll have to flip 4 switches in total to make
the big thing in the middle glow up and restore energy.
Go right and flip the switch in the upper Right corner
[58] Pulsework Soldier x2
Cross over to the left side of the machine to flip the switch there
[41] Bomb, Pulsework Soldier
Then go back to the last corner, the lower left next to the Save Station to
flip the final switch.
[24] Bomb x2
Treasure: Fortisol, Underneath the machine

-------------------------------------------------OPTIONAL STUFF---------------
Then save and instead of going on after Vanille, go back to the previous area.
There you'll see some panels have activated as well.
You will have to fight your way there though, since the enemies have
re-spawned. Next to the battle with Pulsework Soldier and 2 Bombs you'll find
the first panel that will take you up to some enemies.
[106] Gremlin x3, Pulsework Soldier x2
The switch here opens up a bridge. Take this bridge down and activate the panel
that is right ahead to open up another path.
[87] Pulsework Soldier x3
Start with COM/SAB, then when one has both deprotect and deshell, switch to
COM/MED to heal up, once that is done switch to RAV/RAV until the one is
defeated. Repeat this on the others.

Treasure: Vibrant Ooze x6

Go back up and take a left before the stairs. Activate the panel next to the
Pulswork Soldier and the Bomb. Take the path you just created.
[65] Bomb x3, Pulsework Soldier
Stay with Medics for now, because the bombs will explode quickly leaving you
with very little HP or no HP at all to face the Pulsework Soldier.

Treasure: Iron Shell x8

There are no more treasures to find, so go all the way back to the Save Station
near the big machine in the next area.
You'll fight the same monsters again, I won't list them.
-----------------------------------------------OPTIONAL STUFF END--------------
Back at the Save Station, go through the doorway you opened earlier.
[82] Bomb x2, Pulsework Soldier x2
Treasure: 300 Gil
Save Option

Characters: Snow Bodhum - Seaside

You now control Snow in the past, your objective is to find Sera. To find her
first go to the beach house and talk to the bartender, a familiar face. Then
go back to the beach and she'll be on the pier. In the meantime feel free to
talk to the people there.
Save Option, and if you are playing this game on Xbox360, now would be the
time to switch to disc 2.

|| 5) CHAPTER 5 ||

|| The Gapra Whitewood ||
|| Proto-ecology Belt ||

Characters: Hope, Lightning The Gapra Whitewood - Ecological Research
Items Enemies
[3] Antidote (B) [E041] Frag Leech (1575)
[1] Hawkeye (W) [E029] Thexteron (3120)
[E042] Vespid (6930)
[E019] Alpha Behemoth (20250)
New at Shops:
Unicorn Mart: B&W Outfitters
<> Antidote <> Tungsten Bangle
Metal Armband
Serenity Sachet

A Save Station is on the left if you need it.

[104] Frag Leech x4
The road is pretty straightforward.
[68] Frag Leech x2, Thexteron
[32] Thexteron x2
Take the lift up.

Characters: Hope, Lightning The Gapra Whitewood - Canopy Wardwalks

Save Station.
[32] Thexteron x2
[104] Frag Leech x4
[84] Thexteron x2, Frag Leech x2
[90] Frag Leech x2, Vespid
[70] Thexteron x2, Vespid
[104] Frag Leech x4
Take a left.
[36] Alpha Behemoth
Treasure: Antidote x3 on the left
Then go on to the next area with the lift down.

Characters: Hope, Lightning The Gapra Whitewood - Research Corridor

Save Station on the left.

[156] Frag Leech x6
[36] Alpha Behemoth
[76] Vespid x2
Treasure: Hawkeye, a weapon for Hope.
[32] Thexteron x2
[70] Thexteron x2, Vespid

Characters: Hope, Lightning The Gapra Whitewood - Bulkhead Fal'Cie

[68] Alhpa Behemoth, Thexteron x2
The last battle will give you 4 antidotes. Those will be needed in the next
Save Station.
Take the lift to the next level.

Characters: Hope, Lightning The Gapra Whitewood - Bioweapon Research Site D
Items Enemies
[6] Antidote [E043] Silver Lobo (6300)
[1] Star Pendant (A) [E044] Crawler (2363)
[1] Edged Carbine (W) [E045] Feral Behemoth (23625)
[1500] Gil [E046] Barbed Specter (9009)
[8] Fragrant Oil (C) [E047] Corps Watchman (6048)
[1] Watchman's Amulet (A) [E048] Corps Marksman (2205)
[1] Ethersol (S) [E049] Milvus Velocycle (25200)
[E050] Aster Protoflorian (129600)

The enemies use Poison a lot, so use antidotes when necessary. If the enemy is
nearly gone, I suggest just healing instead, because the poison will disappear
after battle.
The goal here is to defeat the enemies to open the barriers.
[48] Silver Lobo
[96] Silver Lobo x2
The barrier opens, so jump down to the next field.
[144] Silver Lobo x3
[96] Silver Lobo x2
The next barrier is now also open.
[104] Crawler x4
Treasure: Antidote x6
[104] Crawler x4
The last battle opens the barrier, continue.
[126] Silver Lobo, Crawler x3
[64] Feral Behemoth
Go up the weird plant thing.

Characters: Hope, Lightning The Gapra Whitewood - Bioweapon Research Site K

[260] Crawler x10
Follow the road and go down the plant at the end.

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Gapra Whitewood - Field Trial Range S

After this, Lightning is your main and Hope is the support. Go around the
corner ahead for a treasure behind a barrier, for which you'll have to defeat
some enemies.
[96] Silver Lobo x2
Treasure: Star Pendant, raises Poison resistance with 30%, which is
very handy with these poisonous enemies, so equip it. Then continue your way.
[96] Silver Lobo x2
Go up the plant thing.

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Gapra Whitewood - Field Trial Range N

You are on a road again, go right, follow the road.

[174] Silver Lobo x2, Crawler x3
[38] Barbed Specter
Treasure: Edged Carbine, Weapon for Lightning.
[90] Barbed Specter, Crawler x2
[64] Feral Behemoth
After battle:
- The barrier opens up
- New Shop: Magical Moments
<> Auric Amulet

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Gapra Whitewood - Environmental Regulation

There is a Save Station downstairs.

[104] Crawler x4
[90] Barbed Specter, Crawler x2
[64] Feral Behemoth
Treasure: 1500 Gil, guarded by the Feral Behemoth
You can approach it from behind to get an early Stagger on it. And if you
follow that up with 2 RAV using Water, its KO in less than 40 seconds.
[114] Barbed Specter x3
On the right enemies guard a treasure.
[194] Feral Behemoth, Crawler x5
Treasure: Fragrant Oil x8
[208] Feral Behemoth, Silver Lobo x3
Go left before following Hope up the plant to get a battle.
[102] Behemoth, Barbed Specter
Treasure: Watchman's Amulet
Now go up the plant. Take the elevator at the end to a Save Station.

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Gapra Whitewood - Bioweapons Maintenance

[192] Silver Lobo x4
[93] Corps Watchman x2, Corps Marksman
[48] Milvus Velocycle
[125] Corps Watchman x3, Corps Marksman
Libra both Corps Soldiers, you won't see them anymore and therefore filling
the enemy intel will not be 100% if you forget.
Treasure: Ethersol
Save Station.
[106] Corps Marksman x2, Milvus Velocycle
Up ahead is a platform, ride it to the next part.
[1000] Aster Protoflorian
Libra this enemy because the his weakness changes often, and Hope will
attack its weakness if it is known. Start with COM/SYN to boost yourself and
change to a COM/RAV to get his chain up. Use Potions to heal and equip a
Doctor's Code to double its effect.
Equipping a Spark ring might help too. (since you don't have other means of
protecting yourself against lightning-based attacks.)

- After Battle:
- Crystarium Expanded!
- New Shop: Creature Comforts
<> Wicked Fang
<> Thickened Hide
<> Enigmatic Fluid
<> Sturdy Bone
<> Scaled Wing

Characters: Lightning, Hope The Gapra Whitewood - Maintenance Exit

There is a Save Station up ahead. The exit is a little further on.

You get the option to Save again twice.

|| 6) CHAPTER 6 ||

|| The Sunleth Waterscape ||
|| Riparian Corridor ||

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - The Old Growth
Items Enemies
[8] Mysterious Fluid [E051] Flandragora (7230)
[1] Belladona Wand (W) [E052] Hegde frog (513)
[1] Procyons (W) [E040] Gremlin (896)
[1] Doctor's Code [E053] Scalebeast (37125)
[15] Iron Shell (C) [E054] Garchimacera (3510)
[1] Librascope (B) [E055] Wyvern (48600)
[10] Scaled Wings (C) [E056] Mud Frog (9450)
[1] Metal Armband (A) [E057] (B)Enki (75600)
[1] Aqua Ring (A) [E058] (B)Enriru (70200)
New at Shop:
Up in Arms Magical Moments
<> Edged Carbine <> Watchman's Amulet
<> Deneb Duellers
<> Power Circle
<> Hawkeye
<> Pearlwing Staff

Save Station up ahead. You haven't used these Characters in a while so their
CP have stacked up a bit. Might be wise to use it now.
[64] Flandragora x2
[24] Hegde Frog x3
go left first.
[64] Flandragora x2
Treasure: Mysterious Fluid x8
Now take the right path.
[48] Flandragora, Hedge Frog x2
[32] Hedge Frog x4
[32] Flandragora
[64] Flandragora x2

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - Sun-dappled Trail

Treasure: Belladona Wand, weapon for Vanille.

Save Station.
[80] Gremlin x5
[64] Flandragora x2
[32] Flandragora
[96] Flandragora x3
Treasure: Procyons, weapon for Sazh
[48] Gremlin x3
Take the left path first
[80] Gremlin x5
Treasure: Doctor's Code
Go back to take the right path.

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - A Shimmering Sky

Save Station.

The Scalebeasts in this area are hard to beat. The trick is to get them into
Stagger quickly. Do this by beginning with RAV/COM, to get the bar up.
Then change to MED/COM when HP gets too low. When the counter hits around 110%
switch to RAV/RAV and stay that way until the enemy is in stagger.
Then go for a SAB/RAV to give him deprotect and deshell. And switch
back to RAV/RAV when it hits.
Then repeat until defeated. You can also pre-empt them to start off in
[160] Scalebeast
Go left first.
[160] Scalebeast
Treasure: Iron Shell x15
[160] Scalebeast
[160] Scalebeast
Go down the hill.
Treasure: Libra Scope
Go further down.
[64] Gremlin x4
[48] Gremlin x3
Treasure: Scaled Wing x10
[96] Gremlin x6
Jump over the water to the next area.

Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - Lake Shayra

Walk up to Sazh, he's to the left. After he joins you, take the right path.
There is a Save Station.
The orb can change the weather and with it the monsters that appear in the

The easiest path would be:

Orb 1: Rain
Orb 2: Sun, left path (but you miss the treasure)
Orb 3: Rain
Orb 4: Sun, right path (but you miss the treasure)
Orb 5: Rain

Here is an overview:


Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - Rain-spotted Vale

The Mud frogs in the rain summon more Hedge Frogs if you defeat them. So it's
wise to deal with the Mud Frog first.
[72] Mud Frog, Hedge Frog x3

!! Orb 2 !!

Right path:
[104] Mud Frog x2, Hedge Frog
[192] Gremlin x2, Scalebeast
Treasure: Metal Armband (no battle to fight when in sunny weather)

left path:
[208] Gremlin x3, Scalebeast
[112] Mud Frog x2, Hedge Frog x2

!! Orb 3 !!

[144] Mud Frog x3
[94] Gremlin x3, Garchimacera
[104] Mud Frog x2, Hedge Frog

!! Orb 4a and 4b !!

Left Path: Orb 4a

Treasure: Aqua Ring
[224] Scalebeast, Gremlin x4

Right Path: Orb 4b

[208] Scalebeast, Gremlin x3
And in the middle before the next orb
[252] Scalebeast, Garchimacera x2
!! Orb 5 !!

[94] Gremlin x3, Garchimacera
[192] Mud Frog x4
Save Station, end of weather choosing points.


Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - Rain-spotted Vale

[94] Gremlin x3, Garchimacera
[128] Wyvern
The Wyvern is a though one, may be easier to avoid if it causes to much
trouble. Start with SAB/RAV to chain up, then RAV/SYN to enhance yourself,
when you get him in stagger, switch to RAV/RAV.
Equip Doctor's code and heal with potions to be able to keep attacking.

!! Orb 2!!

Right path:
[128] Flandragora x4
[64] Flandragora x2
Treasure: Metal Armband (battle to fight when in rainy weather)

Left path:
[64] Flandragora x2

!! Orb 3 !!

[128] Wyvern
[174] Garchimacera, Wyvern

!! Orb 4a and 4b !!

Left path: Orb 4a

Treasure: Aqua Ring
[96] Flandragora x3
[108] Gremlin, Garchimacera x2
Right path: Orb 4b has no enemies.
[220] Wyvern, Garchimacera x2

!! Orb 5 !!
[64] Flandragora x2
[128] Flandragora x4
[138] Garchimacera x3
Save Station, end of weather choosing points


Characters: Vanille, Sazh The Sunleth Waterscape - Hemmed in Stone

[1000] Enki, Enlil
Start with MED/ENH, Libra them both while Sazh enhances.
Switch to SAB/COM when enhancement is complete and cast Deshell and Deprotect
on Enki. Then go to BLA/BLA and stagger him. Use MED/COM when you get low HP.
Repeat on Enlil. Use potions when your HP gets low while enemy is in stagger.

After Battle:
Crystarium Expanded!

And you can walk towards the Seabus Docks to end the chapter.

|| 7) CHAPTER 7 ||

|| Palumpolum ||
|| Capital of Commerce ||

Characters: Lightning, Hope Palumpolum - The Metrostile
Items Enemies
[3] Fiber-optic Cabling (C) [E059] Corps Tranquiflex (3612)
[3] Holy Water (B) [E060] Falco Velocycle (14700)
[1] Librasmoke (S) [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E062] Flanitor (3780)
[4] Holy Water (B) [E063] Lucidon (10080)
[1] Aqua Ring (A)
[2] Mobius Coil (C)
[1] Warding Talisman (A)
New At Shop:
Unicorn Mart B&W Outfitters Lenora's Garage
<> Holy Water <> Star Pendant <> Ceramic Armor
<> Passive Detector
<> Bomb Fragment
<> Turbojet

[64] Corps Tranquifex x2
[96] Corps Tranquifex x3
Instead of following Hope, go to the right and follow the narrow path.
Treasure: Fiber-optic Cable x3
Then follow Hope into the tunnel. Take the first opportunity left.
Treasure: Holy Water x3
Jump out of the tunnel again.
[32] Corps Pacifex
[96] Corps Pacifex x2, Corps Tranquifex
[90] Falco Velocycle
For this last one, start with MED/SYN to buff yourself. Then switch to
COM/RAV and when he is near stagger RAV/RAV to fully hit him.
When he uses Gatling Gun, hope that he hits Hope so you can use a Phoenix
Down to bring him back, because if he hits Lightning, it will KO you.

Go through the tunnel and go right when you get out of the tube.
Treasure: Librascope
Then exit the tunnel at the other side into the Plant.

Characters: Lightning, Hope Palumpolum - Nutriculture Complex

There is a Save Station at the beginning of the road.

Check the panel on the right to continue, then when you arrive at the next
station, check the left panel to be brought to another platform.
Treasure: Phoenix Down
Treasure: Holy Water x4
Then ride the lift to return.
[128] Flanitor x2
[96] Lucidon
Go up to Hope to start a scene.
[128] Flanitor x2
Next, check the left panel first, to go to another platform
[160] Flanitor, Lucidon
Treasure: Aqua Ring
Treasure: Mobius Coil x2
Then take the elevator thing back to the panels and take the right one to
continue. You can make the Lucidon up next follow you and then when it
doesn't see you it'll turn around giving you a chance for pre-emptive strike.
[96] Lucidon
[192] Flanitor x3
Treasure: Warding Talisman
[128] Flanitor x2
Check the panel on the right to board the platform. And Save your game on the
right. Make sure you have enough potions before heading on.

Characters: Snow Palumpolum - The Agora
Items Enemies
[1] Fortisol (S) [E065] Orion (25200)
[1] Paladin (W) [E059] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
[4] Insulated Cabling (C) [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[E064] PSICOM Predator (3780)
[E066] PSICOM Scavenger (9660)
[E067] PSICOM Bombardier (11340)
[E068] Warlord (22680)


The next battle starts with Snow in Driving Mode.

[307] Orion, Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex x2, PSICOM Predator x2
Focus your attack on the Orion, because the small-fry will KO at
the end of Driving Mode anyway. If you're good enough, the Orion will KO too.

Ahead is a Save Station.

[154] Corps Tranquifex x3, PSICOM Bombardier
Go up the Icy path

Characters: Snow Palumpolum - Pedestrian Terraces

[115] Corps Pacifex x2, PSICOM Scavenger
[179] Corps Pacifex x4, PSICOM Predator
Go straight before taking the icy road on the right.
[192] Corps Pacifex x2, PSICOM Warlord
Treasure: Fortisol
Take the icy road, now on your left.
[115] Corps Tranquifex x2, PSICOM Scavenger
Go up the slope first
[186] Corps Tranquifex x4, PSICOM Bombardier
Treasure: Paladin, Weapon for Snow.
Go back down.
[243] Corps Tranquifex x2, PSICOM Predator, PSICOM Warlord
Jump down and take a left.
Treasure: Insulated Cabling x4
Now take the right, Save Station ahead. Jump down.

Characters: Fang, Lightning Palumpolum - The Back Alleys
Items Enemies
X [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[E059] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
[E065] Orion (25200)
[E064] PSICOM Predator (3780)

On the right is a Save Station.

[128] Corps Pacifex x2, Corps Tranquifex x2
[77] Orion
[147] Corps Pacifex x3, PSICOM Predator

Characters: Hope, Snow Palumpolum - Western Promenade
Items Enemies
[4] Holy Water (B) [] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[2] Incentive Chip (C) [] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
[1] Guardian Amulet (A) [] PSICOM Aerial Sniper (7350)
[1] Shaman's Mark (A) [] Falco Velocycle (14700)
[1] Vidofnir (W) [] Ushumugal Subjugator (126000)
[3] Thrust Bearings (S)
[1] Deceptisol (S)
[2000] Gil

Save Station on the left. Turn around first.

Treasure: Holy Water x4
Just head for the exit.
[96] Corps Pacifex x3
[64] Corps Pacifex, Corps Tranquifex
On the corner of the building you can jump up on the balconies.
Treasure: Incentive Chip x2
Then jump off again.
[96] Corps Tranquifex x3
[96] Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex

Characters: Hope, Snow Palumpolum - Central Arcade

Treasure: Guardian Amulet

Save Station next to the treasure.
[128] Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex x2
[96] Corps Pacifex x2, Corps Tranquifex
Characters: Hope, Snow Palumpolum - Eastern Promenade

From now on, there are some harder enemies.

[174] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x3
[58] PSICOM Aerial Sniper
[116] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2

Characters: Hope, Snow Palumpolum - Rivera Towers

Save Station
[174] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x3

Jump down and turn around for a treasure.

Treasure: Shaman's Mark

For the Falco Velocycle in this area, keep attacking and change to SEN/MED
when it is doing Gatling Gun.
Choose Provoke followed by Steelguard to attract
all the attacks to Snow. Because you use Steelguard after the Provoke,
the attacks do little damage. After Gatling Gun ends, go back to attacking.
[90] Falco Velocycle
[116] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2
[116] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2
Go right and another right.
Treasure: Vidofnir, Weapon for Hope.
Turn around and go left at the end before the next battle.
Treasure: Thrust Bearings x3
Then follow the road.
[90] Falco Velocycle
[148] PSICOM Aerial Sniper, Falco Velocycle
Treasure: Deceptisol, on the right
Go up the rail, right way around.
Treasure: 2000 Gil
[174] PSICOM Aerial Sniper x3
Jump up the building
[206] PSICOM Flying Sniper x2, Falco Velocycle
Save Station. Check the map to see the place where you need to go.
[960] Ushumgal Subjugator
Use SEN/SYN for the first part so that Hope can buff your party while Snow
takes all the hits without taking much damage.
After that, heal with COM/MED and change it with COM/RAV when you can.

Characters: Fang, Lightning Palumpolum - Western Promenade
Items Enemies
[15] Bestial Claw (C) [E059] Corps Tranquifex (3612)
[1] Gae Bolg (W) [E067] PSICOM Bombardier (11340)
[1] Axis Blade (W) [E065] Orion (25200)
[1] Tungsten Bangle (A) [E066] PSICOM Scavenger (9660)
[1] Black Belt (A) [E071] Lodestar Behemoth (37800)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E061] Corps Pacifex (5670)
[1] Ethersol (S) [E064] PSICOM Preditor (3780)
[1] Brawler's Wristband (A) [E072] (B)Ushumgal Subjugator (378000)
[E073] (B)Havoc Skytank (441000)
[E074&E075] Left & Right Hull (12600)
[E076&E077] Left & Right Turret (10710)

Turn around, run towards the end.

Treasure: Bestial Claw x15
Save Station.
[154] Corps Tranquifex x3, PSICOM Bombardier
[77] Orion
[128] Orion, PSICOM Scavenger
Treasure: Gae Bolg, Weapon for Fang

Characters: Fang, Lightning Palumpolum - Central Arcade

[128] Lodestar Behemoth
[96] Corps Tranquifex x2, Corps Pacifex
[154] Orion x2
Treasure: Axis Blade, weapon for Lightning.

Characters: Fang, Lightning Palumpolum - Felix Heights

Save Station on the Right. Go up the stairs.

[147] Corps Pacifex x3, PSICOM Scavenger
Treasure: Tungsten Bangle
[179] PSICOM Predator x2, Orion
[64] Corps Pacifex x2
Treasure: Black Belt
Save Station on the corner
[186] PSICOM Bombardier, Lodestar Behemoth

[960] Ushumugal Subjugator
The battle starts with just Hope, but changes to Fang, Lightning, Hope when
Hope runs out of HP. Use the time in between to Libra him twice to get all
the info you need. Then use SAB/MED/SYN to get an advantage. Change back to
this when the advantage disappears. In the meantime attack the enemy not
forgetting to heal in time.
You'll get a Shield talisman + Abominable Wing x8

Characters: Lightning, Fang, Hope Palumpolum - The Estheim Residence

Treasure: Phoenix Down

Walk towards Hope to get inside the house. You can check various things here
to see what they are. There is also a Save Station. Walk up to the big screen
TV and switch it on to continue with the story.

The enemies here re-spawn, use this if you want to get some more CP, but it
is kind of a waste of time if you do. There is a Save Station in the room and
a Treasure on the top left and bottom right.
[218] PSICOM Scavenger x2, PSICOM Aerial Sniper x2
[160] PSICOM Scavenger x2, PSICOM Bombardier
[160] PSICOM Predator x2, PSICOM Bombardier
Treasure: Ethersol
Treasure: Brawler's Wristband
Check the red circle near the Save Station when you are ready to continue.

[1800] Havoc Skytank, Starboard Hull and Turret, Portside Hull and Turret
This enemy consists of 5 parts, 2 smaller guns, 2 bigger guns and a main part.
To win this fight, you need to use the COM/SEN/MED optima. The Medic wil
constantly heal, while you take down the guns. Once you get the guns down,
you can change to an all offence with RAV/COM/MED and RAV/COM/RAV
If you want, you can change to MED/SAB/SYN in between to buff the party.
If you have enough TP, Libra the big guy and each of the guns.

After battle:
Crystarium Expanded!
New shop:
Plautus's Workshop
<> Axis Blade
<> Procyons
<> Paladin
<> Airwing
<> Belladonna Wand
<> Gae Bolg

|| 8) CHAPTER 8 ||
|| Nautilus ||
|| The City of Dreams ||

Characters: Sazh, Vanille Nautilus - Nautilus Station
Items Enemies
[1] Star Pendant (A) [E035] Corps Gunner (1092)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E065] Orion (25200)
[1] Spica Defenders (W) [E078] Zerg Metrodroid (2160)
[1] Guardian Amulet (A) [E079] (B)Midlight Reaper (100800)
[1] Healer's Staff (W) [E080] (S)Brynhildr (NA)
New at Shop:
Magical Moments: Creature Comforts
<> Guardian Amulet <> Fragrant Oil
<> Barbed Tail
<> Bestial Claw
<> Vibrant Ooze
<> Iron Shell

Change of party, so take care of your Crystarium. Save Station ahead.

There is nothing in this area but people to talk to. Go towards the (!). And
then head to the next (!).

Characters: Sazh, Vanille Nautilus - Festival Road

In this next area, there are also lots of people to talk to. But no items
to find. Go towards the next (!).
Take the pod with the (!) to proceed to the next area. You can also take the
other pod, it will take you back to the station where you started.

Characters: Sazh, Vanille Nautilus Park - Park Square

From where you start go back to the many roads. The one on the far left
contains a Chocobo! And a treasure.
Treasure: Phoenix Down.
You can also spend some time talking to the people
or continue on to the next (!) in the direction of the arrow.

Characters: Sazh, Vanille Nautilus Park - Chocobo Corral

You now start a game called Chocobo Search. You are supposed to find back
your little chocobo, who will hide every time you find him. Here is where he
- Vanille is standing near him, he's in between the sheep like creatures.
- In the cart with the carbuncle plushies.
- In the fountain inside the stone building.
- With the 4 chocobo's on the right of the carbuncle plushies cart.
Congrats, you get a price for finding him: Star Pendant.

Now you can follow the path and save your game at the Save Station before
heading on towards the (!).

Characters: Sazh, Vanille Nautilus Park - The Mall

Another chance to save your game.

[84] Corps Gunner x6
[119] Corps Gunner x3, Orion
[256] Zwerg Metrodroid x2
[128] Zwerg Metrodroid
Treasure: Spica Defenders, Weapon for Sazh
[298] Corps Gunner x3, Zwerg Metrodroid x2

Characters: Sazh, Vanille Nautilus Park - The Clock Tower

[461] Zwerg Metrodroid x3, Orion (before Midlight Reaper)
[256] Zwerg Metrodroid x2 (after Midlight Reaper)
Take a right
[77] Orion
Treasure: Guardian Amulet
Before proceeding towards the (!) take the left side.
[640] Zwerg Metrodroid x5
Treasure: Healer's Staff Weapon for Vanille.
On the right before the exit is a Save Station.
[1500] Midlight Reaper
Keep going COM/RAV, heal when needed. Not that hard of a battle.

After Battle:
New Shop: The Motherlode
<> Millerite
<> Rhodochrosite
<> Cobaltite
<> Perovskite
<> Uranite

Characters: Sazh, Nautilus Park - The Fiendlord's Keep

You can go back, but there is nothing there but a Save Station. Go onwards.

[0] Brynhildr
Another Summon battle. This time for Sazh. The trick to beat it is to use
SYN/SAB and heal often. Since Ravager works better than COM, make an optima
with RAV/MED for the healing. A RAV/RAV setup works for when you're running
out of time. But this should work before the timer hits 500.

After Battle

|| 9) CHAPTER 9 ||

|| Sanctum Guardian Corps ||
|| The Palamecia ||

Characters: Lightning The Lindblum - Airship Hangar
Items Enemies
[4] Digital Circuit (C) [E081] PSCICOM Raider (20592)
[1] Millerite (C) [E082] PSICOM Infiltrator (9504)
[3] Incentive Chip (C) [E083] Deckdrone (15840)
[4] Silicone Oil (C) [E084] PSICOM Dragoon (12024)
[1] Lifesaber (W) [E085] PSICOM Huntress (11960)
[1] Ember Ring (A) [E086] Viking (140976)
[1] Pandoran Spear (W)
New at Shop:
Unicorn Mart B&W Outfitters Lenora's Garage
<> Painkiller <> Titanium Bangle <> Liquid Crystal Lens
<> Mallet <> Brawler's Wristband <> Epicyclic Gear
<> Shaman's Mark <> Ring Joint
<> Glass Orb <> Crankshaft

You can talk to all your team mates now. And save your game.
Talk to the guy indicated by the (!) called Rigdea to proceed.

Characters: Lightning, Hope, Fang The Palamecia - Short-field Landing Deck

[384] PSICOM Raider x2, PSICOM Infiltrator
Save Station on the left.
[384] PSICOM Raider, PSICOM Infiltrator x2
Walk up to the red circle and press the switch.
It will bring down a platform to which you can jump, it'll go up and allows
you to jump up further. Go to the right first.
Treasure: Digital Circuit x4
Follow the path to the end.

Characters: Lightning, Hope, Fang The Palamecia - External Berths

Go the other way first.

[282] Deckdrone x2
Treasure: Millerite
Now head back towards the Save Station.
[445] Deckdrone x2, PSICOM Dragoon
[705] Deckdrone x5
Jump up the structure and to right.
[163] PSICOM Dragoon
Treasure: Incentive Chip x3
[326] PSICOM Dragoon x2
[423] Deckdrone x3
[727] Deckdrone x4, PSICOM Dragoon
Treasure: Silicone Oil x4
No need to fight this one:
[282] Deckdrone x2
But these are unavoidable
[749] Deckdrone x3, PSICOM Dragoon x2

Characters: Lightning, Hope Fang The Palamecia - Crew Corridors

Save Station right ahead. Prepare for a long road with lots of hard enemies.
So keep an paradigm with a medic. You can try and run past these, but you need
to get some CP anyway.
[512] PSICOM Infiltrator x2, PSICOM Raider x2
[576] PSICOM Infiltrator x3, PSICOM Huntress
Now, you should go right, because that is the way to go. You can choose to
go straight though, which will give you this:
[448] PSICOM Raider x2, PSICOM Huntress
And you'll be back at the Short-field Landing Deck, where you can find
a Save Station, but as I said, you don't really need to go there anyway.
Go back to the part where I said to go right, which is left if you took the
road anyway. Of course if you took the road to the next area with the Save
Point, the enemies will have re-spawned.
Treasure: Lifesaber, Weapon for Lightning.
[512] PSICOM Huntress x2, PSICOM Infiltrator
[320] Viking
Treasure: Ember Ring
[640] PSICOM Raider x2, PSICOM Huntress x2
[576] PSICOM Raider x2, Viking
Save Station
[384] PSICOM Infiltrator x2, PSICOM Raider
[384] PSICOM Huntress x2
[256] PSICOM Raider x2
[384] PSICOM Infiltrator x3
[704] PSICOM Huntress x2, Viking
Treasure: Pandoran Spear, weapon for Fang.

Characters: Sazh, Vanille The Palamecia - Cargo Access
Items Enemies
[1] Royal Armlet (A) [E062] Flanitor (3780)
[12] Murky Ooze (C) [E087] Flanborg (12600)

The enemies here are a lot easier to beat thankfully. There is a Save Station
in the room where you start.
[166] Flanborg, Flanitor
Check the panel on the left to open the door
[102] Flanborg
Go right for:
[204] Flanborg x2
Take a right and open the door using the panel on the right for:
[268] Flanborg x2, Flanitor
Treasure: Royal Armlet
Then turn around and walk to the (!). If you want, you can fight the enemies
on the other side to the (!) for some CP which are:
[230] Flanitor x2, Flanborg
Treasure: Murky Ooze x12
Check the panel on the left to proceed.
Characters: Lightning, Hope, Fang The Palamecia - Rotary Shaft
Items Enemies
[1] White Cape (A) [E088] Vespid Soldier (12960)
[1] Pain Dampner (A) [E089] Thermadon (43200)
[1] Rhodochrosite (C) [E081] PSICOM Raider (205292)
[1] Perfect Conductor (C) [E086] Viking (140976)
[E082] PSICOM Infiltrator (9504)
[E085] PSICOM Huntress (11960)

Next is a big circle room. I'll list the enemies going anti-clockwise all the
way round. Starting from the Save Station.


[232] Vespid Soldier x2
[525] Thermadon, PSICOM Raider x2
Treasure: White Cape, on the right.
[960] Viking x3
[501] Thermadon B, Vespid Soldier x2
The exit is now on your right side if you wish to leave already.
[604] Vespid Soldier x3, PSICOM Infiltrator x2
Treasure: Pain Dampner, on the right.
[960] Viking x3
Then its back where you started at the Save Station


[384] PSICOM Infiltrator x3
[960] Viking x3
[384] PSICOM Huntress x2
[269] Thermadon
And back at the Save Station


Treasure: Rhodochrosite
[512] Viking, PSICOM Huntress
Treasure: Perfect Conductor
[232] Vespid Soldier x2
And back at the Save Station again.

Now make your way to the end, not forgetting the Treasure I listed.
2 on the outer circle and 2 on the inner circle

Characters: Sazh, Vanille The Palamecia - Primary Engine Bay
Items Enemies
[8] Segmented Carapace (C) [E087] Flanborg (12600)
[1] Phoenix Down (B) [E062] Flanitor (3780)
[E089] Thermadon (43200)
[E088] Vespid Soldier (12960)

Save Station ahead of you. And another circle room.

Go right to find:
[128] Flanitor x2
[268] Flanborg x2, Flanitor
[269] Thermadon
This last enemy is guarding the way out.

Go left to find:
[268] Flanborg x2, Flanitor
Treasure: Segmented Carapace x8
[204] Flanborg x2
and again the Thermadon guarding the exit

Go straight ahead to find:

[617] Vespid Soldier x3, Thermadon
Treasure: Phoenix Down
And after that the same Thermadon as before, guarding the exit.
You can lure this enemy towards you and then attack it from behind to trigger
a pre-emptive strike. Making it easier to beat.
[385] Vespid Soldier, Thermadon

Characters: Lightning, Hope, Fang The Palamecia - Starboard Weather Deck
Items Enemies
[1] Whistlewind Scarf (A) [E088] Vespid Soldier (12960)
[1] Perfect Conductor (C) [E086] Viking (140976)
[13] Barbed Tail (C) [E084] PSICOM Dragoon (12024)
[300] Gil [E083] Deckdrone (15840)
[1] Spark Ring (A) [E090a] Parafinka A (108000)
[E090b] Parafinka B (122400)

Save Station on the left. Go back towards the other side of the ship for
a treasure.
[348] Vespid Soldier x3
[552] Vespid Soldier x2, Viking
Treasure: Whistlewind Scarf
Return to the Save Station and continue your way in between the moving wings.
[348] Vespid Soldier x3
[232] Vespid Soldier x2
Go right.
[646] PSICOM Dragoon x2, Viking
Treasure: Perfect Conductor
and then head left.
[646] PSICOM Dragoon x2, Viking
Go down the ramp.
[655] Vespid Soldier x2, Deckdrone x3
[987] Deckdrone x7
You don't have to beat these last 7 enemies but you get CP if you do.
Now go up the ramp on the other side.
[821] Deckdrone x5, Vespid Soldier
Save Station
Take a right before the save Sation.
[326] PSICOM Dragoon x2
Treasure: Barbed Tail x13
Now go down and left way round to be able to get a treasure in the
last hole like thing in this area.
[705] Deckdrone x5
[743] Deckdrone x3, Viking
Treasure: 300 Gil, Wait for the Blasters arm thing to go down to reach this
treasure. You don't have to fight the next enemies, but as usual, you may want
the CP and items they give.
Go right to find:
[552] Vespid Soldier x2, Viking
There are lots of PSICOM flying snipers in this area and defeating these will
give you Credit Chips and the rare Incentive Chip which will sell for a lot of
Gil. That will come in handy when you start upgrading your weapons. Because
these components give relatively little EXP and EXP Bonus, and for upgrading
you need lots of components which can be bought for lots of Gil.
[809] PSICOM Dragoon x3, Viking
[652] PSICOM Dragoon x4
Treasure: Spark Ring
[326] PSICOM Dragoon x2
Make sure your CS is up to date and head for the (!).
[1280] Kalavinka Striker A
[1280] Kalavinka Striker B
This enemy absorbs thunder, Libra him so that your Ravagers won't use it
on him. Keep RAV/RAV/COM until your HP gets low. Then change to an optima with
a Medic. Since its susceptible to slow and curse, you might want to cast that
on him too.
The second time the enemy has a little more HP, but otherwise use the
same strategy. You can use a COM/SYN/SAB to try and make it faster by
debuffing him and buffing your party.
You'll get a Soulfront Talisman and a Blessed Talisman

Characters: Lightning + Your choice(Hope, Fang) The Palamecia - Bridge Access
Items Enemies
[1] Librascope (B) [E082] PSICOM Infiltrator (9504)
[1] Pain Dampner (A) [E081] PSICOM Raider (20592)
[1] Rune Bracelet (A) [E085] PSICOM Huntress (11960)
[1] Umbra (W) [E091] PSICOM Destroyer (23760)
[3600] Gil [E089] Thermadon (43200)
[1] Perfect Conductor (S) [E084] PSICOM Dragoon (12024)
[1] Gold Bangle (A) [E092] PSICOM Reaver (59400)
[1] Ethersol (S) [E093] (B)Barthandelus (462000)
[E094+E096] Right and Left Pauldron (50400)
[E095+E097] Right and Left Ailette (50400)

You can now choose your own party. I suggest keeping the original party of
Lightning, Hope and Fang. Since it is nice and balanced.

Up ahead is a Save Station. This area has a left side, a middle side and a
right side. The paths to other sections can be reached by activating
panels on the sides of the platforms. I numbered the platforms in the middle
to make it easier to understand where you should go. C1 is the platform with
the Save Station where you start. C5 is the end. L1 is the first platform on
the left, R1 is the first platform on the right. You can avoid all this by
going all the way down ignoring side platforms and treasure.

here is a rough sketch of the area and the numbered platforms

Start Treasure:
[R1] |C1| [L1] L1: Pain Dampener R1: Rune Bracelet x2
|| |SP| || L2: Librascope R2: X
|| || || L3: X R3: Umbra
|| || || L4: 3600 Gil R4: X
[R2]====< C2 >====[L2] L5: X R5: X
|| || || L6: Gold Bangle R6: Perfect Conductor
|| || || C5: Ethersol
|| || ||
[R3]====< C3 >====[L3] SP: Save Station
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| || ||
[R4]====< C4 >====[L4]
|| || ||
|| || ||
|| || ||
[R5]====< C4 >====[L5]
|| || ||
|| |SP| ||
|| [ C5 ] ||
[R6] || [L6]

The best way to go would be:

From C1 activate the panel to open a path to C2, take it.
[602] PSICOM Infiltrator x3, PSICOM Destroyer
Then on C2 activate the panel on the left side, a path opens to L2.
L2 Treasure: Libra Scope.
Now activate the path to L1.
L1 Treasure: Pain Dampner
Go back down to C2 and activate the right path from there to R2.
[487] Thermadon, PSICOM Destroyer
Activate the right path to get to R1.
R1 Treasure: Rune Bracelet x2
Go back to R2 and activate the path to R3.
R3 Treasure: Umbra, weapon for Snow.
Activate the panel to C3.
[986] PSICOM Huntress x2, PSICOM Reaver, PSICOM Destroyer
Activate the path to L3
[707] PSICOM Dragoon x3, PSICOM Destroyer
Activate the path to L2 if you want, then activate the path to L4.
L4 Treasure: 3600 Gil
Activate the path to C4
[525] PSICOM Raider x2, Thermadon
Activate the path to R4.
[966] PSICOM Dragoon x2, PSICOM Raider x2, PSICOM Reaver
Activate the path to R3 if you want, then activate the path to R5.
[628] PSICOM Huntress, PSICOM Destroyer x2
Activate the path to R6
R5 Treasure: Perfect Conductor
Go back to R5, Activate the path to C5
[1036] PSICOM Dragoon x4, PSICOM Reaver
Activate the path to L5.
[871] PSICOM Infiltrator x3, PSICOM Destroyer, Thermadon
Activate the path to L4 if you want then activate the path to L6.
L6 Treasure: Gold Bangle
Go back to C5, Activate the path to C6.
C6 Treasure: Ethersol
Now save at the Save Station and exit this place. Make sure your CP's are spent

Characters: Lightning + Choice (Hope, Fang) The Palamecia - Bridge

[6000] Barthandelus, Right & Left Pauldron, Right & Left Ailette
Use a Librascope so you get all data in one go, start with RAV/SYN/COM to get
some buffs from Hope (he will buff your defense)
Then go for RAV/RAV/COM to stagger all heads one by one. Change to a MED
when HP gets low. When the heads are buffed, change to RAV/RAV/SAB and
despel them. Use a MED/MED/COM to get fully healed when you run out of
TP, otherwise I suggest using Renew to heal. When the heads are finished,
atack the main body, and after a while he wil start bowing down and charges
for an attack. When that happens, Go with RAV/MED/COM until fully healed, then
go with RAV/RAV/COM until the attack is over. Switch to MED/MED/COM to heal up
again. The more you attack Barthandelus during this stage, the less damage the
attack does.

After battle:
Crystarium Expanded!

|| 10) CHAPTER 10 ||

|| Fifth Ark ||
|| Concealed Vestige ||

Characters: Lightning The Fifth Ark - Upper Traverse
Items Enemies
[1] Hero's Amulet (A) [E098] Pulsework Knight (25200)
[8] Bomb Shell (C) [E099] Circuitron (5040)
[1] Saint's Amulet (A) [E100] Noctilucale (5040)
[10] Medicinal Oil (C) [E101] Phosphoric Ooze (6720)
[1] Rainbow Anklet (A) [E102] Alchemic Ooze (67200)
[600] Gil [E103] Skata'ne (23520)
[1] Rigels (W) [E104] Stikini (16800)
[1] Auric Amulet (A) [E105] Beserker (142800)
[1] Alicanto (W) [E106] Centaurion Blade (Beserker) (20008)
[7] Gargantuan Claw (C) [E107] Imp (5880)
[1] Metal Armband (A) [E108] Ahriman (15120)
[1] Ethersol (S) [E109] Greater Behemoth (75600)
[1] Feymark (W) [E110] (B)Cid Raines (226800)
[3] Electrode (C)
[2] Otherworldy Bone
New at Shops:
Unicorn mart Plautus's Workshop The Motherlode
<> Foul Liquid <> Healer's Staff <> Mnar Stone
<> Umbra

B&W Outfitters Magical Moments Creature Comforts

<> Gold Bangle <> Hero's Amulet <> Monstrous Fang
<> General's Belt <> Saint's Amulet <> Smooth Hide
<> Witch's Bracelet <> Mysterious Fluid
<> Pain dampner <> Otherworldly Bone
<> White cape <> Abominable Wing

You can talk to your team-mates here. But there are no treasures or other
interesting things, so continue onwards past the Save Station. In the next
area, there is also nothing special. Just another Save Station. So go up the
stairs. A battle starts.
[512] Pulsework Knight x2
After the battle, role development unlocks, meaning every character can now
use every role. I suggest you stick with the first 3 roles for your characters
though, because these other roles cost an insane amount of CP and give you
barely anything in return.

Characters: Lightning + Choice The Fifth Ark - Vestibular Hold

You can now not only choose who your party is, but who your party leader is.
First upgrade everyone�s CS and settings, then continue on.
You can fight the enemies behind you for extra CP and Items if you want.
[512] Pulsework Knight x2
[256] Pulsework Knight
[512] Pulsework Knight x2
But aside from the Save Station at the bottom of the stairs you climbed
earlier, there is nothing. So continue on.
[384] Pulsework Knight, Circuitron
[512] Pulsework Knight x2
This Circuitron is another bomb like enemy, which will explode after a while,
so proceed with caution.
Treasure: Hero's Amulet, at the right near the Pulsework Knights.
Go up the stairs ahead.
[512] Circuitron x2, Pulsework Knight
Take a left down the stairs.
[384] Circuitron x3
Treasure: Bomb Shell x8
Go back up the stairs and take the left stairs. Then take a right.
[512] Circuitron x2, Pulsework Knight
There is a Save Station up ahead. Go down the stairs.
Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Lower Traverse

[320] Noctilucale x5
[306] Phosphoric Ooze x3
Go to the back of the room, on the left of where you came down the stairs.
These Jellies can grow to big proportions (Alchemic Ooze) making them
stronger, so finish them quickly.
[396] Noctilucale x3, Phosphoric Ooze x2
Treasure: Saint's Amulet
The right path contains a treasure, but only accessible from the other side. So
take the left path.
[384] Noctilucale x 6
[562] Noctilucale x 4, Phosphoric Ooze x3
Jump up to the right for the other path. Take it al the way to the treasure.
[640] Noctilucale x10
These enemies are easy to defeat, but there are 10 of them, so keep a MED in
your party.
Treasure: Medicinal Oil x10
Now go back and take the path to the left.
[408] Phosphoric Ooze x4
Jump up at the end of the path into a new path. Take a right and another
Treasure: Rainbow Anklet
Save Station ahead. The door ahead will open once you get near enough.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - High Conflux

Go straight, there are no treasures on the ridge on the left. You can use this
path to avoid the next fight though.
[410] Skata'ne, Stikini
Jump down.
[218] Skata'ne
[410] Skata'ne, Stikini
Treasure: 600 Gil
Jump down on the right.
[538] Skata'ne, Stikini, Circuitron
Save Station through the door ahead. Then go through the other door.
Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Hibernatorium

2 enemies appear.
[512] Beserker, Centaurion Blade
[512] Beserker, Centaurion Blade
The Centaurion Blade is summoned by the Beserker, you don't have to defeat it
to win the battle. If you defeat it, the Beserker will call another one.

Treasure: Rigels, weapon for Sazh on the right

Don't equip it though, it prevents enemies from going into stagger status.
Take the door in the middle. and activate the switch to continue.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Inner Conduit

Save Station.
Treasure to the right.
[384] Imp x3
Treasure: Auric Amulet
Now take a left towards the yellow arrow.
[588] Imp x3, Phosphoric Ooze x2
[408] Phosphoric Ooze x4
[716] Imp x4, Phosphoric Ooze x2
Take the only way, left. You can pre-empt the next enemy.
[384] Greater Behemoth
[434] Phosphoric Ooze x3, Imp
Jump to the right.
Treasure: Alicanto, Weapon for Hope. This weapon also prevents you from
staggering an enemy. Before taking the stairs down, jump ahead.
[640] Noctilucale x10
[640] Noctilucale x4, Greater Behemoth
Treasure: Gargantuan Claw x7
Go back out, jump left and then take the stairs down.
[384] Greater Behemoth
[768] Imp x3, Greater Behemoth
On the right at the end is a guarded treasure.
[512] Imp x4
Treasure: Metal Armband
Treasure: Ethersol
Save at the Save Station and make sure your CS is updated.

Characters: Your Choice THe Fifth Ark - Mezzanine

[6000] Cid Raines
Lightning for back up Medic and Commando or Ravager.
Hope for Medic and Synergist
Fang for Sentinel, Commando and Saboteur
Begin this fight with a normal COM/RAV/COM. Then when you hit a few times,
change to COM/MED/SAB or MED/SYN/SAB to debuff him. You want to get this
boss into stagger fast. Keep your HP high, because his attacks can take away
half your HP. Keep COM/MED/COM or RAV/MED/COM for the most time. Change to
MED/MED/SEN when you get in trouble.

After battle:
Crystarium Expanded!
New Shop:
<> Whistlewind Scarf
<> Collector Catalog

Save Station at the end of the long hallway and an elevator to take you to the
next area. You will get ambushed on the way though.
[384] Circuitron x3

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Central Conflux

Get off the elevator and go trough the door, and another door.
[460] Phosphoric Ooze x2, Pulsework Knight
Jump down at the end of the road. Take a right at the crossroad.
[818] Phosphoric Ooze x3, Pulsework Knight x2
Save Station in the room ahead. Go into the next room.
[768] Pulsework Knight x3
[512] Circuitron x4
Go to the next room, the one without the Save Station.
[704] Pulsework Knight x2, Stikini
Go to the next room.
Treasure: Feymark, weapon for Snow on the right
Go through the door.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Basement Conflux

[1024] Imp x4, Pulsework Knight x2
Jump down on the right.
[384] Greater Behemoth
Go trough the door ahead.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Hypogeum

[512] Circuitron x4
Take the right door to the next room.
[1012] Skata'ne x2, Stikini, Greater Behemoth
Take the door in the middle first (check map). The doors close and a battle
[512] Beserker, (Centaurion Blade)
Treasure: Electrodes x3
Go back to the previous room and take the door on the left. Save Station.
Next activate the switch and take the elevator to the next area. During your
ride you will get ambushed again.
[628] Skata'ne x2, Stikini

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Transept

Go through the door.

[512] Beserker, (Centaurion Blade)
Through the next door is a Save Station.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Substratal Conflux

[436] Skata'ne x2
[628] Skata'ne x2, Stikini
[602] Skata'ne, Stikini x2
Go through the door.
Treasure on the left: Otherworldly Bone x2
Another door.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - Vaults

[512] Beserker, (Centaurion Blade)
[512] Beserker, (Centaurion Blade)
Save Station on the left before the door. Before you check the door to
continue, make sure your TPlv is up and your CP spend.

[0] Bahamut
You start this fight with Fang as the leader and Lightning and a third as
Use a SAB/MED/MED with a SEN/MED/MED to win this fight. Especially slow seems
to drive the meter up a lot. All in all, a pretty easy summon battle.

After Battle:
Fang ATB Level UP!

And a new path appears.

Characters: Your Choice The Fifth Ark - The Apse

Follow the blue path.

|| 11) CHAPTER 11 ||

|| Gran Pulse ||
|| Terra Incognita ||

Characters: Your Choice (no Hope) Vallis Media - Basecamp
Items Enemies
[1] Partisan (W) [E112] Aruraune
[E113] Flan
[E114] Dire Flan
[E115] Monstrous Flan (combined Dire Flans)
[E116] Alexander (S)
New at Shops
B&W Outfitters Magical Moments Creature Comforts
<> Mythril Bangle <> Zealot's Amulet <> Medicinal Oil
<> Giant's Glove <> Flamebane Brooch <> Diabolic Tail
<> Glass Buckle <> Frostbane Brooch <> Gargantuan Claw
<> Pearl Necklace <> Sparkbane Brooch <> Transparant Ooze
<> Warding Talisman <> Aquabane Brooch <> Armored Shell
<> Rainbow Anklet

Unicorn Mart Moogleworks The Motherlode

<> Wax <> Nimbletoe Boots <> Scarletite
<> Speed Sash

Behind you is a Save Station. The right path will lead to the Archylte Steppe
after the next part, but for now go straight.
[960] Alraune x4
[880] Flan x2
[1160] Alraune x3, Flan
[960] Dire Flan
Treasure: Partisan, weapon for Fang.
[880] Flan x2
[960] Dire Flan
[1160] Alraune x3, Flan
Before heading on to the next part, make sure your CP are spend.
[0] Alexander
This party will have Hope, Lightning and Fang.
Start with SYN/MED/SEN, cast protect on everyone and switch to RAV/RAV/COM
and attack away. Then when one of your allies gets KO'd, switch to MED/MED/SEN
and when the ally is back on her feet, switch back to RAV/RAV/COM to attack
again. Then you'll have him in no time.

After Battle
ATB Level UP! for Hope

Characters: All Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse

Ahead of you is the first mission you can try if you want. It will
automatically lead you to 2, 3 and 4 and that would be a Waystone mission.
Meaning that if you activate another Waystone, you can use the stones
to Warp between the two places. This is especially handy at the end of the
chapter where your Crystarium goes up again and you want some more CP.
Also, mission 12 opens up a path to the chocobo area and mission 14 when
completed, will give you access to chocobo's.

Remember that all of the missions are still available post game.
Which means you can go back to this place to finish the missions with a
5-star ranking after the game has finished. So you don't have to do them right
now, but 5-starring these is already possible. Also it is a nice way to gain
some CP for the next part of the Chapter.
For more information on these missions and how to beat them with a 5-star
ranking, go to the Mission chapter.

Behind you is a Save Station, and next to that the road back to the base camp.

This area has a lot of new enemies. Here is an overview on what you can find
in the areas of Gran Pulse.

Archylte Steppe - All
Items Enemies
[1] Rod of Thorns [E119] Gorgonopsid
[5] Severed Wing [E131] Megistotherian
[5] Librascope [E121] Behemoth King
[2615] Gil [E117] Leyak
[11] Monstrous Fang [E118] Rangda
[1] Clay Ring [E113] Flan
[1] Cactuar Doll [E114] Dire Flan
[1] Lightning Charm [E128] Navidon
[1] Wind Charm [E130] Amphisbaena
[1] Earth Charm [E129] Goblin
[1] Millerite [E135] Adamanchelid
[1] Fire Charm [E139] Adamantoise
[1] Ice Charm [E136] Adamantortoise
[8] Smooth Hide [E132] Cactuar
[1] Zephyr Ring
[2] Mnar Stone
[1] Scarletite
[1] Gold Nugget *Not all treasure is reachable the first time you
[1] Gold Nugget get to Archylte Steppe, some require a Chocobo, or
[1] Speed Sash are guarded by either normal enemies or missions.
[7] Diabolic Tail
[1] Water Charm
[6] Seapetal Scale
[6] Gloomstalk
[1] Platinum Bangle
[1] Collector Catalog
[9] Fractured Horn
[1] Witch's Bracelet

Vallis Media - All
Items Enemies
[1] Rune Bracelet [E112] Alraune
[1] Partisan [E113] Flan
[E114] Dire Flan
[E115] Monstrous Flan

Yaschas Massif - All
Items Enemies
[9] Diabolic Tail [E118] Rangda
[1] Watchman's Amulet [E117] Leyak
[1] Millerite [E119] Gorgonopsid
[1] Glass Orb [E120] Triffid
[8] Esoteric Oil [E121] Behemoth King
[1] Rune Bracelet [E122] Svarog
[1827] Gil [E112] Alraune
[2] Millerite [E123] Hybrid Flora
[1] Mythril Bangle [E124] Munchkin
[1] Rhodochrosite [E125] Munchkin Maestro
[3] Spined Horn [E126] Nelapsi
[1] Whistlewind Scarf [E127] Taxim

Mah'habara - Optional area only (rest is listed in walkthrough)
Items Enemies
[3] Perfect Conductor (C) [E144] Juggernaut
[1] Rainbow Anklet (A) [E149] Yaksha
[2] Metal Armband (A) [E103] Skata'ne
[2] Particle Accelerator (C) [E150] Yakshini
[1] Moogle Puppet (C) [E147] Rust Pudding
[1] Perovskite (C) [E151] Ferruginous Pudding
[2] Particle Accelerator (C) [E143] Cryohedron
[4] Perfect Conductor [E152] Tyrant
[E153] Centaurion Blade
[E154] Strigoi
[E155] Vetala

Optional area of Mah'habara is reach by taking Amos back to Mah'habara as soon

as you have used it to proceed to the next area. Then you will reach a
different area in Mah'habara from where you can jump to these optional roads.


This area is extremely huge, so you can spend a lot of time here.
I suggest you spend some time here gathering some CP. Since you can now also
change party leaders, the choice is completely yours on what team you use.
However, be advised that battles are a lot harder from now on, and they still
need a good strategy to be defeated. The yellow circles on the ground are jump
circles like the blue ones you encountered before. However this time you need
a Chocobo to jump here. These are available after completing the missions up
to 14. Remember you can always return here after beating the final boss, or
just before it.

When you are done with missions, levelling and want to continue the story, just
head for the yellow arrow. You can avoid the battle preventing you from
continuing, but if you're strong enough to defeat them, I suggest you do. It
gives you lots of CP. It is also a good battle to use for CP farming.
[6600] Behemoth King, Megistotherian

Characters: All Mah'habara - Maw of the Abyss
Items Enemies
[1] Hauteclaire [E142] Hoplite
[1] Platinum Bangle [E143] Cryohedron
[4] Electrode (C) [E144] Juggernaut
[4] Chobham Armor (C) [E145] Boxed Phalanx
[4] Tesla Turbine (C) [E146] Pulsework Centurion
[2] Saint's Amulet (A) [E148] Hectaconchires (S)
[1] Ice Charm (A)
[1] Particle Accelerator
[3] Crystral Oscillator
[3] Perfect Conductor

Save Station.
[2310] Hoplite x3
Treasure: Hauteclaire, weapon for Lightning. Has anti-stagger.
[1540] Hoplite x2
[3080] Hoplite x4
Left side will bring you a dead end, and a treasure that is guarded. Don't go
there unless your HP is above 4000-ish, because one hit alone by the Juggernaut
will take away 2000 HP. But if you do decide to go here is an overview.
[2380] Cryohedron x2
[5110] Cryohedron x3, Hoplite x2
[3570] Cryohedron x3
[3850] Hoplite x5
[3900] Juggernaut
Treasure: Platinum Bangle
Mission 29 is also found here.
If you decide not to go, just follow the path ahead.
[3990] Boxed Phalanx, Hoplite x2+
Another hard battle, Attack the big guy first, he calls more and more
friends if you leave him alone. The best strategy for this, if you don't have
lots of HP, is to have a Medic at all times. And an Synergist helps a lot too.
And otherwise just blast him away.

Characters: All Mah'habara - The Earthworks
New at Shops
Up in Arms Plautus's Workshop B&W Outfitters
<> Gladius <> Spica Defenders <> Warrior's Wristband
<> Rod of Thorns <> Vidofnir <> Sorcerer's Mark
<> Bladed Lance <> Pandoran Spear <> Cherub's Crown
<> Partisan

Lenora's Garage
<> Radial Bearing
<> Superconductor
<> Fiber-optic Cable
<> Perfect Conductor
<> Piezoelectric Element
<> Amplifier
<> Silicone Oil

Now that you have access to Superconductors and Perfect Conductors, upgrading
becomes a lot more efficient. Please refer to the upgrading chapter for more
info on upgrading
A Save Station on the left can provide you with the upgrading you may need.

[4760] Cryohedron x4
[3500] Pulsework Centurion x2
Treasure: Electrode x4, in the first niche on the left
Treasure: Chobham Armor x4, in the second niche on the left
[1750] Pulsework Centurion
[2940] Rust Pudding x2
cross the bridge

Characters: All Mah'habara - Twilit Cavern

[3290] Hoplite x2, Pulsework Centurion
Take the stairs down. You can get under the bridge now.
Treasure: Tesla Turbine x4
Go back and cross the bridge.
[4760] Boxed Phalanx, Hoplite x3+
This is another one of those hard battles, just use the same strategy as
before. If you have a really hard time again, you can farm some CP in the
[1470] Rust Pudding
Treasure: Saint's Amulet x2

Characters: All Mah'habara - Flower-filled Fissure

Outside is a Save Station.

[0] Hecatoncheir
You only have Vanille and Fang for this fight. And like with Hope, the time
is short. So have Vanille on Saboteur and Fang on Sentinel. Go with
Medic/Sentinel when needed and back to Saboteur/Sentinel.

After Battle
ATB Level UP! for Vanille

Characters: All Mah'habara - Dusktide Grotto

[4690] Rust Pudding x2, Pulsework Centurion
[4130] Cryohedron x2, Pulsework Centurion
Treasure: Ice Charm
[2940] Rust Pudding x2
Save Station up ahead. Up the stairs is another Juggernaut.
[3900] Juggernaut
Go down to the right
Treasure: Particle Accelerator
Across the big gap, you can see some enemies, but you can't reach them for now.
Go back and take the stairs to the left.
[7070] Cryohedron x3, Pulsework Centurion x2
Treasure: Crystal Oscillator x3
[3570] Cryohedron x3
[5600] Rust Pudding x3, Cryohedron

Characters: All Mah'habara - Deep in the Dark

Treasure: Perfect Conductor x3

[1540] Hoplite x2
[4760] Boxed Phalanx, Hoplite x3
Check the panel at the end. If you can't find it, look up.
To continue, board the Atomos.

Characters: All Sulyya Springs - Ceiling of Sky
Items Enemies
[13] Strange Fluid [E156] Orobon
[10] Enigmatic Fluid [E157] Ceratosaur
[1] Riptide Ring [E158] Ceratoraptor
[1] Uraninite
[1] Mnar Stone
[1] Water Charm
[1] Aquabane Brooch
[6] Moistened Tail
[5] Seapetal Scale
[7] Abyssal Scale
[1] Cie'th Tear

Save Station on the left. Continue onwards.

Treasure: Strange Fluid x13
Jump to the next platform.
[3150] Ceratosaur x5
Treasure: Enigmatic Fluid x10

Interact with the water on the left before proceeding. Two platforms will rise
allowing access to treasure spheres that are protected by some enemies.
Go back towards the entrance to find the first platform on the right.
[] Orobon x3, Ceratoraptor x2
Treasure: Riptide Ring
Treasure: Uraninite
The second one is on the opposite of where you interacted with the water.
[] Orobon x2, Ceroraptor x2
Treasure: Mnar Stone
Treasure: Water Charm
jump on for more treasure.
[4970] Orobon x2, Ceratosaur x2
Treasure: Aquabane Brooch
[3920] Ceratosaur x4, Ceratoraptor
[5565] Orobon x3
Treasure: Moistened Tail x6
Treasure: Seapetal Scale x5
now jump al the way back to the main road.
[1400] Ceratoraptor
[3745] Orobon, Ceratosaur x3
Treasure: Abyssal Scale x7

Characters: All Sulyya Springs - The Skyreach

Save Station on the right. Then follow the arrow.

Treasure: Cie'th Tear

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - The Palisades
Items Enemies
[20] Sinister Fang [E159] M�nagarmr
[E130] Amphisbaena

Save Station available.

The mission here (20), is a mission that when completed gives you a teleport
to this area from other teleport missions.
[1900] M�nagarmr
[1900] M�nagarmr
[3500] Amphisbaena
[5400] M�nagarmr, Amphisbaena
Treasure: Sinister fang x20

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - The Tyrant's Gate

[3800] M�nagarmr x2
Go inside the building.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Ground Tier
Items Enemies
[4271] Gil [E159] M�nagarm
[1] Sparkbane Brooch (A) [E165] Pulsework Gladiator
[12] Chipped Fang (C) [E160] Gelatitan (M21)
[5] Spark Plug (M) [E161] Ambling Bellows (M22)
[1] Simurgh (W) [E163] Gurangatch (M23)
[2] Metal Armband (A) [E149] Yaksha
[1] Gale Ring (A) [E150] Yakshini
[2] Glass Orb (A) [E168] Mushussu (M24)
[9] Ancient Bone (C) [E165] Varcolaci
[2] Rainbow Anklet (A) [E166] Vampire
[4] Tear of Woe (C) [E167] Chonchon
[1] Unsetting Sun (W) [E155] Vetala (M25)
[1] Librascope (B) [E152] Tyrant
[8] Tear of Remorse (C) [E169] Penanggalan (M26)
[1] Clay Ring (A) [E170] (B)Dahaka
[1] Ethersol (S)
[1] Frostbane Brooch (A)
[1] Collector Catalog (A)

Behind you is a treasure: 4271 Gil, Take a left going clockwise through
the room.
[3800] M�nagarmr
Treasure: Sparkbane Brooch
[1900] M�nagarmr
Treasure: Chipped Fang x12
[3800] M�nagarmr x2
Head to the elevator, take it to the second tier. Before you go,
you can save at the Save Station.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Second Tier

There is another Save Station on this floor. Walk towards the (!), then go into
the room on your left before the fire. You'll have to complete some missions
to continue on. So activate the statue in the room, starting mission 21.
[4800] Pulsework Gladiator x3
If you open the area map, you'll see a red star showing where the boss of this
mission is. For this mission it is in the room on the left of where you are
standing, so go up the stairs and towards the other area.
[1900] M�nagarmr
You'll see the mission target in the middle of the room.
[2900] Gelatitan (M21)
Not too hard of a mission, especially if you used the time in Gran Pulse to
grind for some CP. You don't have to 5-star this battle now, as you can
retry it when you finish the game.
After the battle activate the 22nd mission in the same room. The target for
this mission is on the other side of this floor.
[3850] Ambling Bellows (M22), Cryptos x2+
Start with enhancing yourself with Hope's synergist. Protect yourself against
low HP with Vanile's Medic and use Fang as a Sentinel to protect the party.
Then switch to SAB/MED/RAV and inflict pain on the enemy, then go with
COM/RAV/RAV to finish. For more info see the missions chapter.

After the battle activate the 23rd mission in the room. This time the target
will be in the centre room where you activated mission 21. Head there.
[2700] Gurangatch (M23)
Get him in stagger fast to be able to actually damage him. Once you get him in
stagger, the battle will be over in no-time.

Now the road will open up, allowing you to proceed to the next floor.
Go to the end of the road.
Treasure: Spark Plug x5
Then enter the room.
[8000] Pulsework Gladiator x5
Now go up the stairs
Treasure: Simurgh, Weapon for Hope.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Third Tier

[3800] M�ngarmr x2
You can hear a treasure, but it is on the other side of the wall, so you can't
get it yet. Go into the next room.
[3200] Pulsework Gladiator x2
Activate the statue, it will open the elevator up to the fourth Tier for you.
Walk out the room and to the right.
Treasure: Metal Armband x2
Now head towards the elevator, it will appear for you when you approach it.
Take it to the Fourth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Fourth Tier

Take the other way out of the elevator for another treasure
Treasure: Gale Ring
Go through the elevator to the other side
Save Station ahead.
Treasure: Glass Orb x2
Now go into the room.
[3400] Yaksha x2
Take the elevator to the Fifth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier

Treasure: Ancient Bone x9

[3500] Yakshini x2
[5150] Yaksha x2, Yakshini
Activate the 24th mission here. The target appears in the same room.
[6000] Mushussu (M24), Yakshini x2
Not very hard. Go for the Yakshini first, then sabotage the Mushussu while
attacking with 2 RAV, then go for double COM and keep a SAB, check the
Missions chapter for more info.

Take the elevator back to the Fourth Tier. Go out of the room and to the right,
through the elevator and into the room on the end.
[3000] Varcolaci x2
Treasure: Rainbow Anklet x2
Take the elevator to the Sixth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier

Save Station is available behind the

[2350] Vampire
Activate mission 25 in this room. Go to the room on the left.
[1500] Varcolaci
[3000] Chonchon x4
[3000] Varcolaci x2
Activate the statue. it will allow access to a new room.
And the middle elevator can go up further.
Then go to the room on the right side of the mission statue.
Treasure: Tear of Woe x4
[2350] Vampire
Treasure: Unsetting Sun, Weapon for Snow which makes Stagger impossible.
Take the stairs down to the Fifth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier

[3000] Vetala (M25)
Check Missions chapter for detailed info on how to beat this guy.

Treasure: Librascope
Go through the hallway next to the treasure.
[3510] Tyrant
Very hard enemy if you didn't farm much CP in Gran Pulse. However, this one is
easy to avoid, so I suggest trying first, and if it fails to just ignore him
for the time being.

Activate the mission statue in the room, which will start mission 26.
Go out of the room and walk towards the statue for a cut scene. You can't
continue that way so go back to the room with the stairs and take them up to
the Sixth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier

Go all the way to the other side of the floor into the room where you activated
the statue that activated the elevator.
[6100] Penanggalan (M26), Chonchon x4
Not that hard, use Ruin and Ruinga to quickly dispose of the enemy and keep
healing when needed.

Go back to the stairs in the other room and go down.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier

Go through the rooms and walk up to the statue at the end. Where you had the
cutscene mentioned above. Examine the statue.
The middle elevator now goes up to the Sixth Tier. Turn around and go into
the first room on the left and take the elevator to the Fourth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Fourth Tier

Go out of the room and to the right where the middle elevator is waiting.
Take it to the Sixth Tier.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier

Go out the way you are facing.

[2350] Vampire
Take the first room on the left
[4600] Vampire, Chonchon x3
Treasure: Tear of Remorse x8
Treasure: Clay Ring
Take the doorway to the next room.
[7050] Vampire x3
Take the elevator to the Apex.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - The Cloven Spire

Save Station. Go get the treasure before walking up to the middle platform.
Treasure: Ethersol
Treasure: Frostbane Brooch x2
Now walk up to the middle platform.
[33000] Dahaka
Use Commando, Medic, Synergist to start off the battle with a boost. Then
change the Synergist to a Ravager and continue attacking the boss. When you
get in trouble use 2 Medics and a Commando to heal and keep the Stagger
Gauge up. He will hit you with debuffs at one point and do some strong
attacks. I suggest using Renew to counter that quickly. And then switching
to 2 Medics and an Synergist to keep you protected again.

After the battle, an elevator appears which you can take to the next area.
Also, some enemies appear on the top level.
[5400] M�nagarmr, Amphisbaena
[3500] Amphisbaena
[8000] Pulsework Gladiator x5
You can now activate mission 27 here if you want. It requires you to restore
the central elevator to reach all Tiers.
To do this, examine the statue near the elevator at the oposite side
of the way out. This will make an elevator apear. Take it to the Seventh

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - Seventh Tier

[6900] Yaksha x2, Yakshini x2
Examine the statue on this floor. This will make the tiers rotate again and
the central elevator is now able to reach all tiers.
Leave the room.
Treasure: Collector Catalog
Now you can board the central elevator and ride it to any tier you want.
Go to the Apex and then the Ground Tier to finish mission 27 or, go to the
Apex to continue the story. Remember that you can always come back at a later
point in the game to do this mission.

Characters: All Taejin's Tower - The Cloven Spire

Jump up on the ramp near the Ethersol you found earlier. From there take
the elevator to the next area.

Characters: All Oerba - The Ashensand
Items Enemies
[1] Perovskite (C) [E166] Vampire
[1] Heavenly Axis (W) [E127] Taxim
[1] Librascope (S) [E171] Seeker
[1] Moogle Puppet (C) [E167] Chonchon
[1] Pleidas Hi-Powers (W) [E155] Vetala
[1] Flamebane Brooch (A) [E172] (B)Barthandelus
[1] Taming Pole (W)
[1] Ethersol

Walk along the path to the village.

[2350] Vampire
[960] Taxim
[960] Taxim

Characters: All Oerba - Village Proper

Save Station
[2350] Vampire
[3310] Vampire, Taxim
Treasure: Perovskite, on the left near the tree.
[3850] Varcolaci, Vampire
The 28th mission ahead is a Teleport mission. I suggest doing it later on, so
you can teleport back to Gran Pulse to gain some more CP.
[4020] Seeker x4, Chonchon x2
Go up the stairs ahead into the little house.

Characters: All Oerba - Dilapidated Dwelling

[3000] Vetala
You will find Bhakti in the middle of the room.
This little robot needs 5 pieces to be repaired and gives you items when you
find them. So I suggest you do. Talk to the robot to start this side-quest.
4 of the Robot parts can be found on your map, the 5th is found by defeating
a Vampire near a tree. To get them, go outside.

Characters: All Oerba - Village Proper
There is a red circle on the ground near some rubble, you will get the first
part, a Power Cable.
Now go up the stairs into the house on the left.

Characters: All Oerba - Desolate Mill

[3000] Vetala
There you will find a Battery Pack. Go outside again.

Characters: All Oerba - Village Proper

Go past the house where Bhakti is and down the ramp.

[2980] Seeker, Vampire
Treasure: Heavenly Axis, Weapon for Vanille, no Stagger
[2350] Vampire
Defeating the Vampire will get you the Trochoid Gear.
Treasure: Librascope, up the stairs on the left.
[2350] Vampire
Go inside the house on the right.

Characters: All Oerba - Deserted Schoolhouse

[4500] Chonchon x2, Vetala
Pick up the Aspheric Lens and then go up the stairs.
Treasure: Moogle Puppet
Treasure: Pleidas Hi-Powers
Go back down the stairs and out of the house.

Characters: All Oerba - Village Proper

Go right.
[4240] Vampire, Seeker x3
Save Station.
Go inside the house.

Characters: All Oerba - Derelict Depot
[2880] Taxim x3
Take the stairs up.

Characters: All Oerba - Rust-eaten Bridge

The last piece, a Metal Plate is on this bridge. Take a left before you
Treasure: Flamebane Brooch.
Now go all the way back to Bhakti and talk to him. This will get you some nice
items, and a Trophy/Achievement, Pulsian Pioneer if you took more than
10000 steps. See the Side Quest chapter for more info.
The items that you can get are:
<> Deceptisol x10
<> Ultracompact Reactor x2
<> Gold Nugget
<> Perfume x5
<> Platinum Ingot x3
If you didn't get them all, walk around a bit and then talk to Bhakti again.

When you are done and got the items and trophy/achievement, return to the
Rust-eaten Bridge and continue past where you found the Metal Plate.

[4260] Varcolaci x2, Seeker x2
[3000] Vetala
Treasure: Taming Pole, weapon for Fang, No Stagger.
[3000] Varcolaci x2
[4240] Vampire, Seeker x3
Save Station
Treasure: Ethersol

Before going on, you might want to make sure your Crystarium is all filled out
as far as possible if you didn't already do that. Don't bother filling out
any of the 3 other roles, they don't give enough in return for what you have
to pay for it. Rather keep it until post game.

[100000] Barthandelus
This battle can take awfully long if you don't have the right strategy.
COM/RAV/MED can work, but it will take ages. And if you don't finish the battle
quick enough, he will use Death on you and a counter starts.
Start the battle with two Saboteurs, since he is weak to debuffs. After that
switch to COM/RAV/MED to kick up his Stagger. When he changes his appearance
and shows faces, change to a set up with 2 Medics so you can use Esuna to heal
the debuffs he throws on you. Have one person attack or debuff the enemy
whatever suits the situation best. Once you're fully healed, go all out again.

After Battle
Crystarium Level UP!
Now you know why you saved CP instead of spending it on useless things.
If your CS is not full yet, I suggest teleporting back to Gran Pulse after the
fight so you can farm some more from the King Behemoth and Megistotherian.
This will give 6600 CP in about 40 seconds at this point. A good strategy
for this is, since you always pre-empt him, to let your Ravagers attack the
Behemoth first and once he is in Stagger, go at him with Commando as well.
This way he will be defeated before he has a chance to fully heal himself.
The other one is very easy after the Behemoth is gone.
For this tactic to work best, use the character with the highest Strength as
Commander and the two with highest Magic as Ravagers. Control the character
that is in Commander role, or you can't stop him or her from attacking the
Behemoth before Stagger. In my case these were Fang as COM and Hope and
Vanille as RAV.

When you are done CP farming or just want to continue, walk up to the mission
like statue and activate it to continue. Then walk up to the aircraft to go
to the next Chapter.

|| 12) CHAPTER 12 ||

|| Eden ||
|| Seat of the Sanctum ||

Characters: All Eden - Grand Prix Circuit
Items Enemies
[1] Lionheart (W) [E173] (B)Anavatapta Warmech
[9240] Gil [E165] Varcolaci
[1] Rebel Heart (W) [E174] Bulwarker
[?] Otshirvani (W) [E175] Corps Defender
[1] Punisher (W) [E177] Corps Steward
[5] Perfect Conductor (C) [E176] Sanctum Archangel
[15000] Gil [E179] Sanctum Seraph
[2] Blaze Ring (A) [E178] Adamantheron
[1] Librascope (B) [E121] Behemoth King
[6] Particle Accelerator (C) [E156] Orobon
[1] Champion's Badge
[1] Antares Deluxes (W) [E130] Amphisbaena
[1] Plush Chocobo (C) [E181] Proto-behemoth
[6] Particle Accelerator (C) [E182] (B)The Proudclad 1st
[12] Hellish Talon (C) [E135] Adamanchelid
[17] Hellish Talon (C) [E166] Vampire
[1] Mistilteinn (W) [E152] Tyrant
[1] Power Glove (A) [E188] (B)The Proudclad 2nd
[1] Ethersol (S) [E183] Humbaba
[E184] Vernal Harvester
[E144] Juggernaut
[E139-E141] Adamantoise
[E185] Sanctum Inquisitrix
[E186] Sanctum Celebrant
[E187] Sacrifice

[26000] Anavatapta Warmech
The battle starts off with Lightning in Gestalt Mode with Odin. Use this time
to decrease his HP. After the Summon, Snow and Vanille join you in the fight.
Snow in his Sentinel role and Vanille as Ravager. The battle will soon come
to an end. And you will get another shop.
Sanctum Labs
<> Platinum Bangle
<> Royal Armlet
<> Entite Ring

Plautus's Workshop
<> Lionheart
<> Mistilteinn

Don't buy the new weapons yet, you'll find them shortly.

A Save Staton is available for you at the center of this weird path. Treasures
can be found too, they are easily spotted since there are no walls. Make your
way to them.
[3000] Varcolaci x2
[4500] Varcoraci x3
Treasure: Lionheart, weapon for Lightning, fast Stagger ability
[2080] Bulwarker
Treasure: 9240 Gil (to the right and right again at the end)
Head towards the arrow, use the map to see where you can walk.

Characters: All Eden - The Skywalk

Save Station to the right.

[3250] Corps Defender x5
[2405] Corps Steward x2, Sanctum Archangel
[3120] Adamantheron x4
[3900] Sanctum Seraph x2, Bulwarker
Ride the elevator on the left.

Characters: All Eden - The Expressway

[4000] Behemoth King
Save Station on the left
[3710] Orobon x2
[7420] Orobon x4
[9565] Behemoth King, Orobon x3
Treasure: Rebel Heart, Weapon for Snow
[3500] Amphisbaena
[1560] Adamantheron x2
[3640] Adamantheron x3, Corps Defender x2
[3250] Proto-behemoth
Treasure: Otshirvani
Save Station.
[10000] The Proudclad
Go at him with COM/RAV/RAV and get a MED into the battle. When you get in
trouble use a SYN in combination with a MED if you want it to go a little
faster. When you get him in Stagger, use 2 COM and a MED to hit him harder.

Jump to the left.

Characters: All Eden - Bride Pier Elevator

Activate the elevator and when the elevator stops, walk outside.
[4550] Adamanchelid
Have a MED in your party at all times and be ready for Renew. This enemy
has big attacks. But luckily it goes into Stagger quite fast. Use 2 MED if
it is too hard for 1 MED to keep you alive. Always keep one COM in the party
to keep the Stagger up. A SYN can help boost your defense.

Characters: All Eden - Ramuh Interchange

Save Station.
Treasure: Punisher, Weapon for Fang
[2600] Corps Defender x4
[3250] Humbaba
Jump down to the road below. You'll have to zigzag to get to the bottom.
[6435] Corps Steward x3, Sanctum Archangel, Humbaba
[5395] Corps Defender x2, Sanctum Archangel, Humbaba
[5405] Varcolaci x2, Corps Steward x2, Sanctum Archangel
[4500] Varcolaci x3
[2145] Corps Defender x2, Sanctum Archangel
[4550] Adamanchelid
[4550] Adamanchelid
Treasure: Perfect Conductor x5
Treasure: 15000 Gil (on the right of where the 2 Adamanchelids are standing)
Go down the stairs.
[4940] Proto-behemoth, Sanctum Archangel x2
Check the door at the end to continue.
Characters: All Eden - Siren Park

The next path has more than one way to continue on.

The other battles in this area can be avoided by following my outline below,
but fighting them gives you CP and some items.
These are the enemies you encounter here:
[E176] Sanctum Archangel
[E178] Adamantheron
[E156] Orobon
[E166] Vampire
[E184] Vernal Harvester
[E185] Sanctum Inquisitrix
[E152] Tyrant

Below is the way past all the treasure:

First go ahead past the Save Station and go right before the fight ahead.
Take another right when you get in the circular area.
Treasure: Blaze Ring x2
Turn around and take a right.
[9585] Sanctum Archangel x3, Vampire x3
Take the first road left. Past the Tyrant
[4700] Vampire x2
[8165] Orobon x3, Sanctum Inquisitrix x2
Treasure: Librascope
[1560] Adamantheron x2
Go straight at this intersection
Treasure: Particle Accelerator x6
Go back to the intersection and take a right.
[4160] Adamantheron x2, Sanctum Inquisitrix x2
[6890] Vernal Harvester, Tyrant
Take a right and another right around the corner. Follow the path left.
Treasure: Champion's Badge
Now go back around the earlier corner and head for the exit.

Characters: All Eden - Leviathan Plaza

Save Station.
Treasure: Antares Deluxes, weapon for Sazh
[6500] Humbaba x2
[3900] Juggernaut
[3250] Humbaba
[3900] Juggernaut
[6500] Humbaba x2
Go up the stairs, for a Save Station. Now in this area, there is a huge
Adamantoise walking around. DO NOT fight him, because the battle will only
last 2 seconds before you get KO'd. You can come back later to fight him
more fairly.
[40000] Adamantoise, Left Foreleg, Right Foreleg (AVOID
[2275] Sanctum Archangel, Sanctum Celebrant
[2275] Sanctum Archangel, Sanctum Celebrant
Also, there are 2 treasure chests on a glass plate that you should avoid at
all cost. Pick one of them up, and the Adamantoise will come and fall
through the glass plate, taking the other treasure with it. DO NOT pick them
up now, walk past them, and you will be able to pick them both up later,
after beating the Adamantoise.
These items are:
<> Particle Accelerator x6
<> Plush Chocobo
Also to be found, and good to pick up:
Treasure: Hellish talon x12
Treasure: Hellish Talon x17
Now go inside the building.
[3250] Humbaba
[3250] Humbaba
[3705] Sanctum Archangel, Sanctum Celebrant x2
[4550] Sanctum Archangel x2, Sanctum Celebrant x2
Check the door to continue.

Characters: All Eden - Edenhall Grand Foyer

Inside is a Save Station.

Treasure: Mistilteinn, Weapon for Vanille.

Characters: All Eden - Edenhall

[3900] Juggernaut
[3510] Tyrant
Go in the direction of the Juggernaut.
[2535] Sanctum Archangel x3
[4745] Sanctum Inquisitrix x3, Sanctum Archangel
[3445] Sanctum Inquisitrix x2, Sanctum Archangel
Save Station. Pass it and take the treasure ahead.
Treasure: Power Glove
Turn back and take a right at the Save Station.
[2880] Sacrifice x2
[2880] Sacrifice x2
[6260] Vernal Harvester, Sacrifice x2
[1400] Sacrifice
[1400] Sacrifice
Treasure: Ethersol
[100000] Proud Clod
Same enemy as before, only now it is a little stronger. Use the same strategy
as before and you should be fine.
After the battle you get another Shop.

Eden Pharmaceuticals
<> Librascope
<> Fortisol
<> Aegisol
<> Deceptisol

Use the Save Station if you wish and then ride the elevator at the end.
You get the option to save again.

|| 13) CHAPTER 13 ||

|| Orphan's Cradle ||
|| The Nascent Throne ||

Characters: All Orphan's Cradle - Edenhall Riliquary
Items Enemies
[1] Cherub's Crown (A) [E187] Sacrifice
[1] Millerite (C) [E189] Aquila Velocycle
[1] Librascope (S) [E190] Megrim Thresher
[4] Supercharger (C) [E191] Dagonite
[4] Perfect Conductor (C) [E192] Bandersnatch
[5] Turboprop (C) [E193] Jabberwocky
[2] Particle Accelerator (C) [E194] Immortal + [E195] Centaurion Blade
[1] Uraninite (C) [E196] Sanctum Templar
[20] Seaking's Beard (C) [E197] Wladislaus
[2] Aegisol (S) [E198] Tiamat Eliminator
[1] Gale Ring (A) [E199] Barthandelus
[9] Tear of Woe (C) [E200] Orphan 1
[1] Shamanic Spear (W) [E201] Orphan 2
[1] Tetradic Crown
[6] Starblossom Seed (C)
[8] Black Mycelium (C)
[1] Rhodochrosite (C)
[1] Weirding Glyph (A)
[1] Adamant Bangle (A)
[1] Scarletite (C)
[1] Elixir (B)
[3000] Gil
[5000] Gil
[1] Ethersol
New at shops:
Plautus's Workshop
<> Antares Deluxes
<> Rebel Heart
<> Otshirvani
<> Punisher

Walk towards the center of the room.

Characters: All Orphan's Cradle - The Tesseracts

[5760] Sacrifice x4
[4320] Sacrifice x3
Walk towards the (!). After that, 2 portals appear. From where you are
standing, the right one transports you back to Gran Pulse, (dark picture)
the left one transports you back to Edenhall (light picture)
Turn around if you don't want to go back and return to the area with the
Save Station.
Take the left path first to take some treasure.
[2880] Sacrifice x2
[2400] Aquila Velocycle
Go up the stairs.
[3200] Megrim Tresher
Treasure: Cherub's Crown
Treasure: Millerite
then go for the other treasure.
[2400] Aquila Velocycle
Treasure: Librascope
That is all for this road, go back to the center. And take the other road.
Check the big statue to open up new paths. There are 2 platforms on which
you can stand to reach the new area.
Take the platform behind you first. Get off the platform and take a right.
Treasure: Supercharger x4 (around the corner)
Go back and take the left path, then the right.
[2400] Aquila Velocycle
Treasure: Perfect Conductor x4
Treasure: Turboprop x5 (down the red path around the corner)
Go back up and take the path to the left.
[3200] Megrim Tresher
Treasure: Particle Accelerator x2 (left)
Treasure: Uraninite (right)
That is all the items on this path, go back to the platform and take it back to
the center. Then step on the other platform.
Treasure: Seaking's Beard x20
[1600] Dagonite
[4800] Dagonite x3
Go up the red slope on the left.
[2880] Sacrifice x2
Treasure: Aegisol x2
Turn back to the other side
[4320] Sacrifice x3
Go up the red slope.
Treasure: Gale Ring
Go back down the slope again and to the right.
Treasure: Tear of Woe x9
Now turn around and go back down the first slope. Walk towards the big statue.
[3200] Dagonite x2
Take a right before you go activate the statue.
Treasure: Shamanic Spear, Weapon for Fang
Now go and activate the statue. There is a Save Station nearby if you need it.
The paths change again.
Turn around and go down the red slope.
[3840] Sacrifice, Aquila Velocycle
First go to the far back to take the treasure with you.
Treasure: Tetradic Crown.
Take the platform on your left. There is a Save Station on the next path.
Go right first.
[7200] Dagonite x3, Aquila Velocycle
[6720] Dagonite x2, Sanctum Templar
Treasure: Starblossom Seed x6
Go back to the Save Station and take the other road.
[3520] Sanctum Templar
Walk towards the end, take a left before the next fight.
Treasure: Black Mycelium x8
Go back to the fight.
[4960] Sanctum Templar, Sacrifice
Jump down on the left.
Treasure: Rhodochrosite
Now go towards the (!), use your Map to find it.
[6400] Sacrifice x2, Sanctum Templar
Check the statue at the end.
And you'll have to fight a battle
[32000] Jabberwocky, Bandersnatch
Use a Librasmoke to quickly identify the enemies weaknesses. These guys are
not as hard as they might look. Their attacks aren't that powerful and you can
get them in Stagger pretty quickly. Use some buffs and debuffs to make these
enemies go down quicker, otherwise just go at them with normal attacks and

After the fight you'll end up on a pretty straightforward path. A Save Station
is also available for you. Just walk up to the (!) to continue.
You'll end up on a road with circular roads.
Clockwise starting at the bottom:
[5600] Immortal
[4800] Aquila Velocycle x2
[6720] Megrim Tresher, Sanctum Templar
[6080] Sacrifice x2, Megrim Tresher
[9120] Sacrifice x3, Dagonite x3
[9280] Sacrifice x2, Dagonite x4
Use the warp behind the Immortal to an upper level.
Treasure: Weirding Glyph, on the left
Treasure: Adamant Bangle, on the right
Then take the warp to the lower level.
Treasure: Scarletite, on the left
Treasure: Elixir, on the right
Then take the warp to end up back in the original position.
Behind the Megrim Tresher and the Sacrifices is the way out.
You will also find another Save Station
On inspecting the statue, you will get into another battle.
[32000] Wladislaus
This enemy is pretty though. He has an attack that can KO a party member in
one strike, so it is vital you keep your HP high. IF you start out with your
2 Synergists Hope and Sazh, you have a head start. Combine this with Lightning
as a healer and then switch to a set-up with RAV/COM/MED to attack. If your
HP is getting low, use MED/COM/MED or MED/SYN/MED to get it up faster.

You find yourself in another straightforward area with a Save Station.

The statue at the end will transport you to the final area with enemies.
Take the red path on the right up.
Treasure: 3000 Gil
[35520] Sanctum Templar, Wladislaus
Unfortunately this is the same enemy as the previous and he has brought a
friend. If you had a lot of trouble with the previous battle, I suggest
walking right past this one. Otherwise, use the same strategy.
Treasure: 5000 Gil
The next battle can't be avoided as these enemies are blocking the path to
the end.
[32000] Jabberwocky, Bandersnatch
Same enemies equals same strategy.
At the top on the other end is one battle you can easily avoid
[32000] Wladislaus
And then on the big platform at the top is the last 'random' encounter.
[10560] Sanctum Templar x3
Use the Save Station if you wish, then proceed to check the final statue.
[48000] Tiamat Eliminator
When he is flying in the beginning, focus on enhancing your party while
attacking. Go all out when he is staggered. When he switches to his standing
form, forget about ehancing, go for de-buffing instead. Then when he is
in stagger again, it should be over pretty soon.

Use the panel in front of you to Warp to the final area.

Characters: All Orphan's Cradle - The Narthex

There is a Save Station ahead.

Treasure: Ethersol (use it if you're out of TP, its the final battle anyway)
Walk towards the white door. And then you'll have to just take a few steps for
the final battle. For the upcoming battles I suggest you use Librascope
instead of Libra so you can keep your TP for Renew.
[0] Barthandelus
Get your party buffed and throw some debuffs on him. Every once in a while he
does an attack that will deplete your HP to near zero. When this happens, get
2 MED in your party to quickly get your HP in the green again. Then go back
to full out attack. You could use Renew, but you will probably run out of
TP long before this boss is done for.

[0] Orphan 1st form
This enemy starts off with an attack that will deplete your HP to near zero.
And he will repeat this attack every now and then.
Meaning you will have to keep at least one MED in your team to make sure that
attack doesn't KO you instantly. When he summons his light orb, you can use
buffs on yourself and maybe some debuffs on him. If he summons his dark orb
make sure your party has a MED to counter the various debuffs he throws at you.
After the enemy has cleared the Stagger status, he will counter with the same
attack he began with. So make sure that by then, your party is fully healed.
After a while he will summon both the black and the white orb, but if you keep
your party in the green and poison-free he can be beaten pretty fast.

[0] Orphan 2nd form
The battle starts with a counter like the one you get when fighting Summons.
Your attacks won't do anything but drive up the Stagger gauge, which you need
to get full in order for your attacks to actually do some damage. KO him in
the first Stagger and you'll end up with a 5-star ranking that'll give you
a nice trophy and Lightning's theme. Make sure your TP level is full so when
he does his HP depleting attack, you can cure without having to switch to MED.
Once he gets into Stagger, use COM/RAV/COM because normal attacks do the most
damage in this stage. Use Dispel to anti-buff him and get him KO'd faster.
If you aren't fast enough with getting him into Stagger, the gauge resets
and you have to start over again, but the doom counter will keep going. If you
fight him with a full crystarium 9, the battle should be over in about
2 staggers.

Enjoy the ending!

|| 14) AFTER GAME ||

When the credits have rolled, you get the opportunity to save your game.
I suggest you do so, because the final battle will have left you with a
level 10 crystarium, allowing you to grow your characters even further.
If you load this save again, you will be placed right before the final battle
in the white room. This will allow you to either fight the final battle again,
or warp back to previously visited areas.
The things you can do after the game 'ends', are fully up to you. But I
suggest the following:

[] Finish missions on 5-star ranking (for multiple trophies)

[] Get Crystarium Level up to max for everybody (for trophy)
[] Fight the final battle for a 5-star ranking (for trophy)
[] Get every weapon and accessory (for trophy)
[] Fight the Long Gui (for trophy)
[] Get more chocobo treasures (for trophy)

| End Walkthrough |

|{BAT} IV) Battle |

The way battles work is explained really good in the game itself. However, some
of you may be playing this in Japanese or skipped it and don't understand much
of it. Therefore I decided to put in this overview of how and what concerning
the battles.
A lot of information can also be found in the game's manual.

| 1) Basic Battle |

This is the basic battle screen. Characters and enemies are left out, so just
the position of the different information.

| (A) Here, help on things your cursor points at is displayed. |
| Enemy Name |
| (B) (---Chain Gauge---) |
| 000%/000% |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| (during)|
| (only) |
|(D)(---------|---------|---------|---------) |
| commands |
|(E) (Auto-Battle) |
| (Ability) ----------- |
| (TP Ability) (F) ------------ |
| (Items) ------------- |

From the manual:

(A) Help Message: Information about the currently selected command
(B) Chain Gauge: increases when hitting enemies with an attack
(C) Paradigm Shift: Shows current Paradigm
(D) ATB Gauge: Shows ATB Gauge and stocked commands
(E) Commands: Select commands such as a character's abilities and magic
(F) Character Status: Shows your characters' status. See below for more detail.
NOTE: Gestalt mode only appears during summons

(G) (H) (I)

|Lightning COM 1000 |
(J)|=========================TPLV.3 |
| Snow SEN 1000 |
| ----------------------------- |
| Fang SAB 1000 |
| ----------------------------- |
| |

(G) Character's Name: Shows your characters name

(H) Role: Shows your characters' roles in battle.
(I) HP: Shows your characters' hit points. If the hit points of the party
leader reach zero, the game ends.
(J) TP Gauge: Shows your tactical points, which are necessary to activate
special abilities.

| 2) ATB |

ATB or Active Time Battle is the bar displayed in the lower left side of the
battle screen above the commands. Each command needs a certain amount of
ATB Slots. Lightning starts out with an ATB Gauge of 2 which means she can
use commands that use 2 or less ATB Slots. As the game proceeds, the characters
will get more ATB Slots. ATB Slots refill after they are used during battle.
You can select commands before the ATB Gauge is filled up but they won't be
executed until the ATB Gauge is full. If you don't want to wait, you can press
the triangle/Y-button button to execute the commands that already have a
filled up ATB Slot.
Example: If the character has 4 Slots available, you can select commands until
the slots are filled up. Which means 4 commands of 1, 2 commands of 2 or 1
command of 3 and one command of 1, and any combination there of, as long as the
total does not exceed the total of 4. If you choose one command that requires
3 slots and you don't want to wait until the 4th is filled, you can press
triangle/Y-button to execute the command.

| 3) Attack Chain |

When you attack an enemy, the Chain Gauge will fill up slowly. The faster
your chain attacks, the faster the Gauge will fill up. When it is full, the
enemy will enter Stagger Status. When this happens, your attacks on this enemy
are much more powerful. The Chain Gauge will then slowly deplete. Once it is
empty again the Stagger Status ends. Every enemy has different conditions on
reaching the Stagger Status. Reaching Stagger Status on enemies results in a
higher score in the victory screen.

| 4) Technical Points |

You can learn a variety of Techniques that Use Technical Points (TP) to
use. These can be used as long as there are TP left and are independent of
roles. Which means that once you learned them, you can use them in any role.
The TP Gauge does not refill itself automatically like the ATB Gauge and
neither does it replenish completely after battle. To regain TP you will
have to attack enemies by chaining attacks or by getting a high score at
the end of the battle. The higher the score, the more TP you regain.
TP can also be restored by using items.

| 5) Paradigm Shift/Optima Change |

With the Paradigm Shift (Optima Change in Japanese) you can change roles
during battle. Which can be very useful when different enemies require
different tactics. You can pre-assign which roles to take when going into
Paradigm Shift.
Meaning that if you want Vanille to become a Medic after Paradigm Shift, you
will have to assign that role in the menu to a predetermined Paradigm Shift
name displayed in a list before entering battle. In the beginning not all
roles are available. But as the story progresses, everybody will be able
to assume every role.

It can be very difficult to understand, but you'll get used to it pretty


Here is a quick overview on the different names for the Paradigms combinations.

2 Party Members
|| Name ||Combination||
|| Double Trouble || COM + COM ||
|| Slash & Burn || COM + RAV ||
|| Misdirection || COM + SEN ||
|| Divide & Conquer || COM + SAB ||
|| Supersoldier || COM + SYN ||
|| War & Peace || COM + MED ||
|| Dualcasting || RAV + RAV ||
|| Arcane Defense || RAV + SEN ||
|| Undermine || RAV + SAB ||
|| Archmage || RAV + SYN ||
|| Yin & Yang || RAV + MED ||
|| Twin Shields || SEN + SEN ||
|| Stumbling Block || SEN + SAB ||
|| Building Block || SEN + SYN ||
|| Lifeguard || SEN + MED ||
|| Havoc || SAB + SAB ||
|| Tide Turner || SAB + SYN ||
|| Sap & Salve || SAB + MED ||
|| Rally || SYN + SYN ||
|| Sybioses || SYN + MED ||
|| Double Dose || MED + MED ||

3 Party Members
|| Name || Combination ||
|| Cerberus || COM + COM + COM ||
|| Aggression || COM + COM + RAV ||
|| Offensive Screen || COM + COM + SEN ||
|| Devastation || COM + COM + SAB ||
|| Strike Team || COM + COM + SYN ||
|| Tireless Charge || COM + COM + MED ||
|| Relentless Assault || COM + RAV + RAV ||
|| Delta Attack || COM + RAV + SEN ||
|| Ruthless || COM + RAV + SAB ||
|| Decimation || COM + RAV + SYN ||
|| Diversity || COM + RAV + MED ||
|| Guarded Assault || COM + SEN + SEN ||
|| Dirty Fighting || COM + SEN + SAB ||
|| Strategic Warfare || COM + SEN + SYN ||
|| Solidarity || COM + SEN + MED ||
|| Exploitation || COM + SAB + SAB ||
|| Bully || COM + SAB + SYN ||
|| Scouting Party || COM + SAB + MED ||
|| All for One || COM + SYN + SYN ||
|| Hero's Charge || COM + SYN + MED ||
|| Discretion || COM + MED + MED ||
|| Tri-disaster || RAV + RAV + RAV ||
|| Mystic Tower || RAV + RAV + SEN ||
|| Smart Bomb || RAV + RAV + SAB ||
|| Malevolence || RAV + RAV + SYN ||
|| Thaumaturgy || RAV + RAV + MED ||
|| Patinet Probing || RAV + SEN + SEN ||
|| Matador || RAV + SEN + SAB ||
|| Riot Shield || RAV + SEN + SYN ||
|| Entourage || RAV + SEN + MED ||
|| Assassination || RAV + SAB + SAB ||
|| Guerilla || RAV + SAB + SYN ||
|| Variety || RAV + SAB + MED ||
|| Supernatural || RAV + SYN + SYN ||
|| Coordination || RAV + SYN + MED ||
|| Perpetual Magic || RAV + MED + MED ||
|| Tortoise || SEN + SEN + SEN ||
|| Overcaution || SEN + SEN + SAB ||
|| Conservation || SEN + SEN + SYN ||
|| Consolidation || SEN + SEN + MED ||
|| Countermeasure || SEN + SAB + SAB ||
|| Premeditation || SEN + SAB + SYN ||
|| Attrition || SEN + SAB + MED ||
|| Prudent Planning || SEN + SYN + SYN ||
|| Protection || SEN + SYN + MED ||
|| Combat Clinich || SEN + MED + MED ||
|| Infiltration || SAB + SAB + SAB ||
|| Espionage || SAB + SAB + SYN ||
|| Safe Subversion || SAB + SAB + MED ||
|| Superiority || SAB + SYN + SYN ||
|| Evened Odds || SAB + SYN + MED ||
|| Perseverance || SAB + MED + MED ||
|| Rapid Growth || SYN + SYN + SYN ||
|| Recuperation || SYN + SYN + MED ||
|| Convalescence || SYN + MED + MED ||
|| Salvation || MED + MED + MED ||

More information on the different roles can be found in the Crystarium


| 7) Status Effects |

|| Posistive Status Effects ||
|| Name || Description || Opposite ||
|| Bravery || Raises Strength by 25% || Debrave ||
|| Bravera || Raises Strength by 75% || Debrave ||
|| Faith || Raises Magic by 25% || Defaith ||
|| Faithra || Raises Magic by 75% || Defaith ||
|| Haste || Accelerates ATB by 50% || Slow ||
|| Protect || Raises Physical Defense by 33% || Deprotect ||
|| Protectra || Raises Physical Defense by 50% || Deprotect ||
|| Shell || Raises Magic Defense by 33% || Dehsell ||
|| Shellra || Raises Magic Defense by 50% || Dehsell ||
|| Vigilance || Raises succesrate of actions and defenses || Curse ||
|| Veil || Raises status ailment resistance || Imperil ||
|| Enfire || Adds fire element to attack || - ||
|| Enfrost || Adds ice element to attack || - ||
|| Enthunder || Adds lightning element to attack || - ||
|| Enwater || Adds water element to attack || - ||
|| Barfire || Raises fire resistance || - ||
|| Barfrost || Raises ice resistance || - ||
|| Barthunder || Raises lightning resistance || - ||
|| Barwater || Raises water resistance || - ||
There are also several Accessories available that will give these status
effects at the start of battle. As are there Accessories that increase the
duration of these status effects.

|| Negative Status Effects ||
|| Name || Description || Remedy* ||
|| Debrave || Reduces strength || Bravery, Bravera ||
|| Pain || Disables physical attacks || Painkiller ||
|| Defaith || Reduces magic || Faith, Faithra ||
|| Fog || Disables magical attacks || Mallet ||
|| Slow || reduces ATB charge || Haste ||
|| Daze || Unable to move || Foul Liquid ||
|| Deprotect || lowers resist to physical || Protect, Protectra ||
|| Deshell || lowers resist to magic || Shell, Shellra ||
|| Curse || Actions more likely to fail || Holy Water, Vigilance ||
|| Poison || gradually lose HP || Antidote ||
|| Dispel || remove status enhancement || - ||
|| Imperil || reduce elemental resistance || Veil, Wax ||
|| Death || instant KO or magic damage || - ||
*Esuna, Dispelga and Summon are a remedy for all exept Dispel and Death.
There are also several Accessories available that will decrease the
probability of the status effect.

| 6) End of Battle |

At the end of the battle, an overview is shown on how you did in the battle.

Target Time: How long the battle should last.

Initiative Bonus: Whether you achieved a Pre-emptive strike or not.
Battle Duration: The time it took to finish the battle.
Points Per Second: 10000 : Target Time
Score: ((Target Time - Battle Duration) x Points per second + 10.000)
x pre-empt bonus
Rank: 1-5 stars showing how well you did based on the score.

The Score has influence on what the enemy drops. Here is a table that shows
what the effects are.

|| Stars || Score || Rare Item Drop || Shroud Drop ||
|| 0 || < 6.999 || None || x8 ||
|| 1 || 7,000 - 7,999 || None || x4 ||
|| 2 || 8,000 - 8,999 || None || x2 ||
|| 3 || 9,000 - 11,999 || x1 Normal || x1 (Normal) ||
|| 4 || 12,000 - 12,999 || x3 || x1 (Normal) ||
|| 5 || > 13,000 || x5 || x1 (Normal) ||
|{SUM} V) Summons |

Only after defeating Summons or Eidolons, can you call them during battle.
When fighting Summons, you can't win by just attacking them. You'll need a
special strategy to be able to defeat them effectively. When a summon is
damaged by your attacks, a special gauge increases. When it is full, press
the square button to bring it under your control. Strategies can be found in
the walkthrough section.
After that, the character will learn the Summon Ability. Selecting this command
during battle (TP menu 3 points) will make the Summon appear, they will fight
along side of you until the Summon Point (SP) bar is empty, which will happen
when the summon is hit. It also decreases in time.

| 1) Gestalt Mode |

Gestalt Mode is available after a Summon has appeared. You can activate this
after summoning by pressing the Square button. If you chain attacks with the
summon before activating Driving Mode, the Gauge will increase and thus make
Gestalt Mode last longer.

The controls are different when you change to Gestalt Mode. You use different
button combinations and left analog stick directions to perform special
abilities. Pressing X (PS3) or A (Xbox) will activate Auto Gestalt
which executes abilities automatically. The timer will decrease
each time an ability is used. The cost of each ability is shown to the left
of the ability. When the timer runs out, the summon disappears and any
chains and/or Stagger created are reset and the party members all restore
their HP and status ailments.

For more information I suggest reading the in-game Datalog as it provides

the info with pictures.

| 2) Eidolon |

Below you will find the attack lists of the Eidolons in both Normal mode
and Gestalt mode along with their effects and costs.

|| SHIVA ||
Summoner: Snow
Transformation: Bike
Special Attack: Diamond Dust
Chapter: 3

Shiva - Striria
|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Blizzard || 1 || Ice damage to targets. ||
|| Blizzara || 2 || Ice damage to targets in range. ||
|| Blizzaga || 3 || Ice damage to targets within wide radius. ||
|| Curaga || 1 || Restore a large amount of HP. ||
|| Esuna || 1 || Remove status ailments. ||
|| Arise || Auto || Recover from KO with full HP ||
|| Penetration || Auto || Bypass targets magic resistances ||
Stiria acts as the Medic and Synergist. Will heal and cure Snow as a priority.

Shiva - Nix
|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Wheel Rap || 1 || Physical Damage. ||
|| Flip Kick || 1 || Physical Damage, launch staggered target. ||
|| Wheel Grind || 1 || Continuous physical damage. ||
|| Wheel Toss || 1 || physical damage from distance ||
|| Pirouette || 2 || physical damage wide range. ||
|| Blizzara || 2 || Ice magic to targets in range. ||
|| ATB Charge || Auto || Fastens the ATB charge. ||
|| Resistance hit|| Auto || Bypass target's resistance to magic. ||
Nix is the Commando, attacking with physical damage that have Launch, Ruin and
Blitz type moves. Use Ravager to make chains go up fast.

Gestalt Mode
|| PS3/Xbox || Name ||Cost|| Effects ||
|| X/A || Auto Gestalt || - || Automatic ||
|| UP+X/A || Wheelie || 3 || non-elemental damage ||
|| Down+X/A || Spinfreeze || 3 || Ice damage + launch ||
|| <->+X/A || Icicle Drift || 3 || non-elemental damage ||
|| O/B || Ice Ramp || 3 || Ice damage ||
|| Tri/Y || Diamond Dust ||All || Ice damage to all ||
The bike wil go in the direction you point at. Making it possible to attack
all targets on the battle ground.

|| ODIN ||
Summoner: Lightning
Transformation: White Horse
Special Attack: Zantetsuken
Chapter: 4

|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Flourish of Steel 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Skyward Swing || 1 || Physical damage + lauch ||
|| Seismic Strike|| 1 || Physical damage, wide range ||
|| Crushing Blow || 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Thundara || 1 || Lightning damage ||
|| Thundaga || 1 || Lightning damage, wide range ||
|| Curaga || 1 || Restore large amount of HP ||
|| Arise || Auto || Recover from KO, full HP, no status ailment||
|| Ullr's Shield || Auto || Defend while recharging ATB ||
|| Valhalla's Call| Auto || Force targets to attack Eidolon ||
|| Penetration || Auto || Bypass magic resistance ||
Odin acts as Sentinel and Commando, proviking enemies with Valhalla's Call.
Lightning will rarely be attacked.

Gestalt Mode
|| PS3/Xbox || Name ||Cost|| Effects ||
|| X/A || Auto Gestalt || - || Auto battle ||
|| UP+X/A || Stormblade || 2 || non-elemental + lightning damage ||
|| DOWN+X/A || Lightning Strike || 3 || non-elemental + lightning damage ||
|| <->+X/A || Razor Gale || 3 || multiple non-elemental damage ||
|| O/B || Thunderfall || 4 || lightning damage + launch ||
|| Tri/Y || Zantetsuken ||ALL || Attack all targets + Chain up ||
Againt multiple targets, use THunderfall as it attacks multiple enemies.
Building chains maximizes Odin's damage.

Summoner: Sazh
Transformation: Car
Special Attack: Musperflame
Chapter: 8

|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Slash || 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Valkyre Scythe|| 1 || Multiple Physical damage ||
|| Gunshot || 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Pyroshot || 1 || Fire damage ||
|| Cryoshot || 1 || Ice damage ||
|| Electroshot || 1 || Lightning damage ||
|| Hydroshot || 1 || Water damage ||
|| Pyroburst || 1 || Fire Damage, wide range ||
|| Cryoburst || 1 || Ice Damage, wide range (requires Enfrost) ||
|| Electroburst || 1 || Lghtng Damage,wide range(requires Enthunder||
|| Hydroburst || 1 || Water Damage, wide range (requires Enwater)||
|| Curaga || 1 || Recover HP ||
|| Arise || Auto || Recover from KO, full HP, no status ailment||
|| ATB Boost || Auto || ATB increases ||
|| Penetration || Auto || Bypass target's magic resistance ||
Brynhildr acts like a Ravager, use Synergist to modify the type of shots
unleased by Brynhildr. Has low power, but rapid attacks. Use Sazh as Ravager
to increase chains prior to Gestalt.
Gestalt Mode
|| PS3/Xbox || Name ||Cost|| Effects ||
|| X/A || Auto Gestalt || - || Auto battle ||
|| UP+X/A || Chopper Spin || 2 || Multiple physical damage ||
|| DOWN+X/A || Caltrop Bomb || 3 || Multiple Fire damage ||
|| <->+X/A || Centrifugal Sweep||3(1)|| chainable when repeating input (1) ||
|| O/B || Spark Shower ||3(1)|| Multiple Fire damage, chainable (1) ||
|| Tri/Y || M�spell Flame || All|| Big Fire damage ||
Chainable moves repeat the damage at a reduced cost.

Summoner: Fang
Transformation: Dragon
Special Attack: Mega Flare
Chapter: 10

|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Dragon Claws || 1 || Physical Damage ||
|| Whrilwind || 1 || Physical Damage + Launch ||
|| Umbral Vise || 1 || Strong Physical Damage ||
|| Inferno || 1 || Strong Magical Damage ||
|| Ignis || 3 || Extensive Magical Damage ||
|| Curaga || 1 || Recover large amount of HP ||
|| Arise || Auto || Recover from KO, full HP, no status ailmnt.||
When Fang is Commando or Sentinel, the Gestalt gauge will increase more.
Saboteur can help raising the chain.

Gestalt Mode
|| PS3/Xbox || Name ||Cost|| Effects ||
|| X/A || Auto Gestalt || - || Auto-battle ||
|| UP+X/A || Hunting Dive || 2 || Physical damage + Launch ||
|| DOWN+X/A || Aerial Loop || 2 || Physical damage ||
|| <->+X/A || Obliterating Breath 3 || Multiple physical damage ||
|| O/B || Pulsar Burst || 3 || Multiple physical damage ||
|| Tri/Y || Mega Flare || All || Massive damage to all targets ||
Diving does not always work with enemies on the ground, if this happens use
another attack.

Summoner: Hope
Transformation: Fort
Special Attack: Holy Trial
Chapter: 11
|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Steelcrusher || 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Obliterator || 1 || Strong Physical damage ||
|| Soaring Uppercut 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Blast Punch || 1 || Physical damage to far target ||
|| Explosive Fist|| 3 || Physical damage, wide range ||
|| Lofty Challenge| 1 || Provokes the enemy ||
|| Curaga || 1 || Recover large amount of HP ||
|| Arise || Auto || Recover from KO, full HP, no status ailment||
Alexander has the role of Sentinel and Commando. Slow, but has ranged attacks.

Use Hope as Ravager to chain as Alexander cannot stagger enemies alone.

Gestalt Mode
|| PS3/Xbox || Name ||Cost|| Effects ||
|| X/A || Auto Gestalt || - || Auto-Battle ||
|| UP+X/A || Purification || 4 || Physical damage + Deshell ||
|| DOWN+X/A || Earthquake ||4(2)|| Physical damage, chainable(2)+Launch||
|| <->+XA || Brutal Sanction ||4(2)|| Magic damage, chainable (2) ||
|| O/B || Retributive Blast|| 5 || Extensive Damage + Launch + Deprotect|
|| Tri/Y || Divine Judgement ||All || Weakness-specific damage to all ||
Chainable moves repeat the damage at a reduced cost.
The position of Alexander will determine which type of attack will be most

Summoner: Vanille
Transformation: Magical Armor
Special Attack: Gaia Salvo
Chapter: 11

|| Abilities || Cost || Effect ||
|| Pummel || 1 || Multiple physical damage ||
|| Aerial Tackle || 1 || Physical damage ||
|| Hurricane Kick|| 1 || Physical damage, wide range ||
|| Force Projection 1 || Physical damage to far target ||
|| Quake || 4 || Earth damage ||
|| Arise || Auto || Recover from KO, full HP, no status ailment||
|| Counter || Auto || Counter after evading attacks ||
|| Looming Wrath || Auto || Attack enemy that draws near ||
Bonuses can be earned when you use Vanille in Saboteur role. Using both
Saboteur or Ravager will help build the Chains.
Gestalt Mode
|| PS3/Xbox || Name ||Cost|| Effects ||
|| X/A || Auto Gestalt || - || Auto Battle ||
|| UP+X/A || Chain Cannons ||1(1)|| Multiple damage, chainable (1) ||
|| DOWN+X/A || Missile Tetrad ||2(1)|| Physical damage, chainable (1) ||
|| <->+X/A || Piercing Ray ||3(1)|| Physical damage, chainable (1) ||
|| O/B || Force Blasters || 4 || Heavy damage + Launch ||
|| Tri/Y || Gaian Salvo ||All || Massive damage to all enemies ||
Chainable moves repeat the damage at a reduced cost.

{ILU} VI) Inventory and Upgrading |

<> Battle Items: Items you can use in battle.

<> Weapons: An overview of Weapons you can aquire.
<> Accessories: An overview of the Accessories you can aquire.
<> Components and Upgrading: Components used for Weapon Upgrading.
<> Synthesized Abilities: Special abilities activated by equipment combination.
<> Key Items: Items needed to proceed in the story.

| 1) Battle Items |

Battle Items can be found in Treasure, are dropped by enemies and can be
bought at Unicorn Mart, with the exeption of Shrouds, which can
only be bought at Pharmaceutical Chemistry Center after end game,
and Elixir, which can be found by dismantling the accessory Doctor's Code
which will also give you Ethersol.

|| Item Name || Usage/Effect ||Price ||
|| Potion || Restores HP to Party || 50 ||
|| Phoenix Down || Restores Party member from KO || 1000 ||
|| Elixir || Recover all HP and TP || -- ||
|| Librascope || Same effect as Libra || 10000 ||
|| Antidote || Cures Poison || 100 ||
|| Holy Water || Cures Curse || 100 ||
|| Painkiller || Cures Pain || 100 ||
|| Mallet || Cures Fog || 100 ||
|| Smelly Liquid || Curse Daze || 100 ||
|| Wax || Cures Imperil || 100 ||
|| *Fortisol || Bravery, Faith and Haste || 12000 ||
|| *Aegisol || Protect, Shell, Veil and Vigilance || 12000 ||
|| *Deceptisol || nearly invisible to enemies || 30000 ||
|| *Ethersol || Restores TP || -- ||
*Shrouds only, use before entering battle.
All items sell for half the price (potion for 25, Libra scope for 500).
Exeptions: Elixir sells for 10 and Ether smoke for 500.

| 2) Weapons |

|| Name || The weapons. From base weapon on left to ultimate on right.
|| Rank || Determines the experience the components give.
|| Max Level || The maximum level the Weapon can reach.
|| Special || A buff or passive ability
|| Synthesis || The Synthesis group the Weapon belongs too.
|| Catalyst || The Component needed to upgrade to the next level.
||S Min/Max/Incr|| The Min/Max strengt plus the increment per level upgrade
||M Min/Max/Incr|| The Min/Max Magic plus the increment per level

Lightning: Dual Weapon {LiD}

Snow: Emblem {SnE}
Sazh: Machine Pistols {SaM}
Vanille: Talonreel {VaT}
Hope: Boomerang {HoB}
Fang: Segmented Lance {FaS}

To know where to find each weapon, use the CTRL+F Search function to find
them in either the shop list or the walkthrough.

|| LIGHTNING Dual Weapons ||

|| Name || Blazefire Saber || Flameberge || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 15/115/4 || 23/323/5 || 26/620/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 15/115/4 || 23/323/5 || 26/620/6 ||

|| Name || Axis Blade || Enkindler || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 5 || 9 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Attack:ATB Charge1||Attack:ATB Charge2||Attack:ATB Charge3||
|| Synthesis || Boost || Boost || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Adamantite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/48/2 || 13/133/3 || 18/315/3 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 8/48/2 || 13/133/3 || 18/315/3 ||
|| Name || Edged Carbine || Razor Carbine || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/83/3 || 10/190/12 || 12/210/2 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 20/170/6 || 28/448/7 || 30/723/7 ||

|| Name || Lifesaber || Peacemaker || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Improved Raise 1 || Improved Raise 2 || Improved Raise 3 ||
|| Synthesis || Low HP || Low HP || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/88/4 || 25/225/5 || 25/520/5 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 8/88/4 || 25/225/5 || 25/520/5 ||

|| Name || Gladius || Enkindler || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 25/175/6 || 28/448/7 || 30/723/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 13/88/3 || 10/190/3 || 12/210/2 ||

|| Name || Organyx || Apocalypse || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 2 || 4 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Leadenstrike || Ironstrike || Ironstrike ||
|| Synthesis || Adamancy || Adamancy || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Cobaltite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 37/187/6 || 50/410/6 || 57/750/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 37/187/6 || 50/410/6 || 57/750/7 ||

|| Name || Hauteclaire || Durandal || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 13/138/5 || 18/378/6 || 18/711/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 13/138/5 || 18/378/6 || 18/711/7 ||
|| Name || Lionheart || Ultima Weapon || Omega Weapon ||
|| Rank || 6 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Quick Stagger || Quick Stagger || Quick Stagger ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/68/3 || 13/213/5 || 13/508/5 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 8/68/3 || 13/213/5 || 13/508/5 ||


|| SNOW Emblem ||
|| Name || Wild Bear || Feral Pride || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Physical Defese ||
|| Catalys || Persovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 15/140/5 || 23/383/6 || 24/717/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 15/140/5 || 23/383/6 || 24/717/7 ||

|| Name || Paladin || Winged Saint || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Improved Guard || Improved Guard 2 || Improved Guard 3 ||
|| Synthesis || High HP || High HP || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/88/4 || 13/213/5 || 15/510/5 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 8/88/4 || 13/213/5 || 15/510/5 ||

|| Name || Rebel Heart || Warrior's Emblem || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 5 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Crit.:Power Surge ||Crit.:Power Surge2||Crit.:Power Surge3||
|| Synthesis || Low HP || Low HP || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 5/65/3 || 8/248/6 || 8/602/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 10/70/3 || 17/257/6 || 17/611/6 ||

|| Name || Power Circle || Battle Standard || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 6 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 23/33/34 || 33/513/8 || 34/925/9 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 13/38/1 || 5/125/2 || 4/202/2 ||

|| Name || Feymark || Soul Blazer || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Enfeeblement || Hindrance || Hindrance ||
|| Synthesis || Ultimate Magic || Ultimate Magic || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 30/130/5 || 60/300/6 || 60/1050/10 ||

|| Name ||Sacrificial Circle|| Indomitus || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 6 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Paper Tiger || Silk Tiger || Silk Tiger ||
|| Synthesis || Damage Reduction || Damage Reduction || Damage Reduction ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 41/266/9 || 25/565/9 || 30/1020/10 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 41/266/9 || 25/565/9 || 30/1020/10 ||

|| Name || Unsetting Sun || Midnight Sun || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Persoviskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 18/168/6 || 23/503/8 || 23/815/8 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 3/53/2 || 6/126/2 || 7/205/2 ||

|| Name || Umbra || Solaris || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 5 || 9 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Improved Ward || Improved Ward 2 || Improved Ward 3 ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Adamantite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 13/73/3 || 15/175/4 || 14/410/4 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 20/120/5 || 25/265/6 || 26/620/6 ||


|| Sazh Machine Pistols ||

|| Name || Vega 42s || Winged Saint || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic defense || Magic defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 12/137/5 || 20/380/6 || 20/812/8 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 14/139/5 || 30/390/6 || 30/822/8 ||

|| Name || Spica Defenders || Sirius Sidearms || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Augmnt Maintenance||Augmnt Maintenance2|Augmnt Maintenance3|
|| Synthesis || Positive effect || Positive effect || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 6/46/2 || 20/140/3 || 20/713/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 15/95/4 || 20/220/5 || 20/911/9 ||

|| Name || Deneb Duellers || Canopus AMPs || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Persovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/108/4 || 14/374/6 || 14/608/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 24/249/9 || 36/636/10 || 36/1125/11 ||

|| Name || Rigels || Winged Saint || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 10/160/6 || 16/496/8 || 16/1006/10 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 15/165/6 || 24/504/8 || 24/1014/10 ||

|| Name || Paladin || Winged Saint || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 2 || 4 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Leadenstrike || Ironstrike || Ironstrike ||
|| Synthesis || Adamancy || Adamancy || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Cobaltite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 40/265/9 || 60/660/10 || 61/1150/11 ||

|| Name ||Pleiades Hi-Powers|| Hyades Magnums || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Paper Tiger || Silk Tiger || Silk Tiger ||
|| Synthesis || Damage Reduction || Damage Reduction || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 40/340/12 || 60/1140/18 || 61/1150/11 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 ||

|| Name || Antares Deluxes || Fomalhaut Elites || Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Chain Bonus Boost ||Chain Bonus Boost2||Chain Bonus Boost3||
|| Synthesis || Boost || Boost || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 12/92/4 || 16/216/5 || 16/610/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 18/98/4 || 22/222/5 || 22/616/6 ||

|| Name || Procyons ||Betelgeuse Customs|| Save the Queen ||
|| Rank || 6 || 10 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Stagger Maintenence|Stgr Maintenance 2||Stgr Maintenance 3||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Dark Matter || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 14/94/4 || 20/260/6 || 26/620/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 9/49/2 || 18/138/3 || 18/414/4 ||


|| VANILLE Talonreel ||
|| Name || Binding Rod || Hunter's Rod || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 18/168/6 || 22/442/7 || 22/715/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 12/37/1 || 18/138/2 || 18/216/2 ||
|| Name || Tigerclaw || Hunter's Rod || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 2 || 4 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Leadenstrike || Ironstrike || Ironstrike ||
|| Synthesis || Adamancy || Adamancy || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Cobaltite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 23/198/7 || 36/516/8 || 36/828/8 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 23/198/7 || 36/516/8 || 36/828/8 ||

|| Name || Healer's Staff ||Physician's Staff || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 5 || 9 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Improved Cure || Improved Cure 2 || Improved Cure 2 ||
|| Synthesis || High HP || High HP || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Adamantite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 8/48/2 || 20/180/4 || 28/424/4 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 8/48/2 || 20/180/4 || 28/424/4 ||

|| Name || Pearlwing Staff || Brightwing Staff || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 2/27/1 || 3/123/2 || 3/201/2 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 15/140/5 || 21/381/6 || 21/912/9 ||

|| Name || Rod of Thorns || Orochi Rod || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 6/131/5 || 16/436/7 || 16/709/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 6/131/5 || 16/436/7 || 16/709/7 ||

|| Name || Mistilteinn || Erinye's Cane || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||AllyKO:Power Surge||AllyKO:PowerSurge2||AllyKO:PowerSurge2||
|| Synthesis || Low HP || Low HP || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 5/65/3 || 7/167/4 || 7/403/4 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 11/131/6 || 15/335/8 || 15/807/8 ||

|| Name || Belladonna Wand || Malboro Wand || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Improved Debuffing||ImprovedDebuffing2||ImprovedDebuffing2||
|| Synthesis || Positive effect || Positive effect || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 5/65/3 || 7/167/4 || 7/403/4 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 11/131/6 || 15/335/8 || 15/807/8 ||

|| Name || Heavenly Axis || Abraxas || Nirvana ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 5/80/3 || 7/247/4 || 7/403/4 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 11/161/6 || 15/495/8 || 15/807/8 ||


|| HOPE Boomerang ||
|| Name || Airwing || Hyades Magnums || Nue ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Critical: Shield ||Critical: Shield 2||Critical: Shield 3||
|| Synthesis || Low HP || Low HP || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 18/98/4 || 31/231/5 || 31/526/5 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 12/72/3 || 45/205/4 || 45/441/4 ||

|| Name || Hawekeye || Eagletalon || Nue ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 2/27/1 || 4/124/2 || 4/202/2 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 18/193/7 || 26/506/8 || 26/917/9 ||

|| Name || Otsirvani || Urubutsin || Nue ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Siphon Boost || Siphon Boost 2 || Siphon Boost 2 ||
|| Synthesis || Boost || Boost || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 6/66/3 || 18/178/4 || 18/513/5 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 14/114/5 || 20/260/6 || 20/713/7 ||

|| Name || Ninurta || Jatayu || Nue ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 12/137/5 || 18/378/6 || 18/612/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 12/137/5 || 18/378/6 || 18/612/6 ||

|| Name || Vidofnir || Eagletalon || Nue ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Def. Maintenance ||Def. Maintenance 2||Def. Maintenance 2||
|| Synthesis || Positive effect || Positive effect || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 6/46/2 || 8/128/3 || 8/305/3 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 14/134/6 || 20/300/7 || 20/713/7 ||

|| Name || Simurgh || Tezcatlipoca || Nue ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stifled Magic || Fettered Magic || Fettered Magic ||
|| Synthesis || Ultimate Physic || Ultimate Physic || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 28/168/7 || 35/395/9 || 35/926/9 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 ||

|| Name || Malphas || Naberius || Nue ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Paper Tiger || Silk Tiger || Silk Tiger ||
|| Synthesis || Damage Reduction || Damage Reduction || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 30/205/7 || 40/520/8 || 40/832/8 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 30/205/7 || 40/520/8 || 40/832/8 ||

|| Name || Alicanto || Caladrius || Nue ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 10/110/4 || 14/374/6 || 14/608/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 10/110/4 || 14/374/6 || 14/608/6 ||


|| FANG Segmented Lance ||
|| Name || Bladed Lance || Glaive || Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Physical Defense || Physical Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 55/130/3 || 60/300/4 || 60/753/7 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 35/85/2 || 17/137/2 || 17/314/3 ||

|| Name || Dragoon Lance || Dragonhorn || Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stifled Magic || Fettered Magic || Fettered Magic ||
|| Synthesis || - || Ultimate Physic || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 39/179/7 || 65/385/8 || 71/962/9 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 ||

|| Name || Partisan || Rhomphaia || Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 3 || 5 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || - || - || - ||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Perovskite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 6/31/1 || 10/130/2 || 10/307/3 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 39/189/6 || 47/467/7 || 47/839/8 ||

|| Name || Shamanic Spear || Heretic's Halberd|| Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special || Enfeeblement || Hindrance || Hindrance ||
|| Synthesis || Ultimate Magic || Ultimate Magic || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 || 0/0/0 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 47/187/7 || 50/370/8 || 50/941/9 ||

|| Name || Punisher || Banescissor Spear|| Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Stagger: TP Charge||Stagger:TP Charge2||Stagger:TP Charge2||
|| Synthesis || Magic Defense || Magic Defense || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 20/100/4 || 22/222/5 || 22/517/5 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 31/151/6 || 38/318/7 || 38/731/7 ||

|| Name || Pandoran Spear || Calamity Spear || Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Impr. Debilitation||Impr.Debilitation2||Impr.Debilitation2||
|| Synthesis || Postive effect || Positive effect || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 20/100/4 || 22/222/5 || 22/616/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 31/151/6 || 38/318/7 || 38/830/8 ||

|| Name || Taming Pole || Venus Gospel || Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 4 || 6 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 26 || 61 || 100 ||
|| Special || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock || Stagger Lock ||
|| Synthesis || Gestalt || Gestalt || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Uraninite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 23/148/5 || 30/390/6 || 30/921/9 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 23/148/5 || 30/390/6 || 30/921/9 ||

|| Name || Gae Bolg || Gungnir || Kain's Lance ||
|| Rank || 5 || 8 || 11 ||
|| Max Level || 21 || 41 || 100 ||
|| Special ||Improved Counter ||Improved Counter 2||Improved Counter 2||
|| Synthesis || Positive effect || Positive effect || Independent ||
|| Catalys || Scarletite || Trapezohedron || - ||
||S Min/Max/Incr|| 23/103/4 || 30/230/5 || 48/642/6 ||
||M Min/Max/Incr|| 12/92/4 || 20/220/5 || 48/642/6 ||


| 3) Accessories |
This is an accessory list that can be used for upgrading purposes. Especially
earlier in the game, when you don't have much access to good upgrading
materials, upgrading accessories are the way to go. They will need less
experience than weapons to upgrade and they still give you good boosts.

HP Bangles are especially usefull in the beginning when HP is low.

Strength and magic boosting accessories are especially usefull as they give
you the same boosts (up to a certain point) as upgrading weapons do and they
can be used by every member of the party.
Defensive accessories are useful aswel especially when they are paired up
with other accessories or weapons that have the same synthesist group, which
will improve efficiency.
As for elemental resistance accessories, use them at appropriate times. When an
enemy you encounter often cast debuffs on a regular basis, act acordingly and
equip accessories that give protection against them.
Buffing accessories aren't helpfull much as they last for a very short time.
The Tetradic headgear however, give lots of buffs and combined with Hope's
Defense Maintenance weapons, the Synergist's Role Level bonus and/or the
Buff Duration synthesized ability, it can be quite usefull as the many buffs
will last longer.

Accessories and weapons from the boost synthesis group are quite useful as they
boost the abilities from the items. Speed Sash for example, charges you ATB
gauge after kills, and with the boost synthesis it speeds up.
Catalogs will increase Item drop. And although they do not stack (meaning
equiping 2 of the same will not raise the item drop even further) equiping all
of them, Collector, Connoisseur and Survivalist, is very effective. After every
battle, you will first get the chance for the rare item drop, if it does not
fall, then the common drop will kick in, Increasing chances overall.
The Energy Sash and the Champion's Badge will enable you to recover TP very
quickly, enabling you to perform techniques much more often.
Lastly, the growth egg is especiall useful when post game you want to gain
CP very quickly.

Table Explanation

<> R: Rank - determines the experience value of components when upgrading.

<> *L: Max Level - The maximum experience level for the Accessory, ingame
this is displayed by a star.
<> Min: The Accessory's attribute (strength, magic etc)at level 1.
<> Max: The Accessory's attribute (strength, magic etc) at max level.
<> Incr: How much the attribute (strength etc) rises with each level up.
<> Synthesis: The synthesist group to which the accessory belongs.
<> Catalyst: The component needed to upgrade a maximum level accessory to the
next form. In this list, the accessory underneath it (i.e. Iron bangle to
Silver Bangle).

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Iron Bangle | 1 | 6 | 50 | 120 | 14 | High HP | Millerite ||
|| Silver Bangle | 2 | 6 | 100 | 180 | 16 | Phys Def | Rhodochrosite ||
|| Tungsten Bangle | 3 | 11 | 150 | 230 | 8 | Low HP | Cobaltite ||
|| Titanium Bangle | 4 | 11 | 200 | 280 | 8 | Dam Red | Perovskite ||
|| Gold Bange | 5 | 11 | 250 | 350 | 10 | Mag Def | Uraninite ||
|| Mythril Bangle | 6 | 16 | 300 | 450 | 10 | High HP | Mnar Stone ||
|| Platinum Bangle | 7 | 21 | 400 | 600 | 10 | Phys Def | Scarletite ||
|| Diamond Bangle | 8 | 26 | 500 |1000 | 20 | Magic Def | Adamantite ||
|| Adamant Bangle | 9 | 36 | 800 |1500 | 20 | Dam Red | Dark Matter ||
|| Wurtzite Bangle |10 | 51 |1500 |3000 | 30 |Independent| - ||

Strength Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Power Wristband | 2 | 6 | 20 | 60 | 8 | Phys Def | Cobaltite ||
|| Brawler's Wrist. | 4 | 11 | 50 | 120 | 7 | Phys Def | Uraninite ||
|| Warrior's Wrist. | 6 | 11 | 100 | 180 | 8 | Phys Def | Scarletite ||
|| Power Glove | 8 | 11 | 150 | 250 | 10 | Phys Def | Dark Matter ||
|| Kaiser Knuckles |10 | 11 | 200 | 300 | 10 | Ult. Phys | - ||

Magic Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Magician's Mark | 2 | 6 | 20 | 60 | 8 | Magic Def | Cobaltite ||
|| Shaman's Mark | 4 | 11 | 50 | 120 | 7 | Magic Def | Uraninite ||
|| Sorcerer's Mark | 6 | 11 | 100 | 180 | 8 | Magic Def | Scarletite ||
|| Weirding Glyph | 8 | 11 | 150 | 250 | 10 | Magic Def | Dark Matter ||
|| Magistral Crest |10 | 11 | 200 | 300 | 10 | Ult. Mag | - ||

Physical Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Black Belt | 3 | 6 | 10 | 20 | 2 | Phys Def | Uraninite ||
|| General's Belt | 6 | 11 | 15 | 25 | 1 | Phys Def | Adamantite ||
|| Champion's Belt | 9 | 11 | 20 | 30 | 1 | Phys Def | - ||

Magic Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Rune Bracelet | 3 | 6 | 10 | 20 | 2 | Magic Def | Uraninite ||
|| Witch's Bracelet | 6 | 11 | 15 | 25 | 1 | Magic Def | Adamantite ||
Magus's Bracelet | 9 | 11 | 20 | 30 | 1 | Magic Def | - ||

Damage Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Royal Armlet | 8 | 11 | 5 | 15 | 1 |Independent| Dark Matter ||
|| Imperial Armlet |10 | 6 | 10 | 20 | 2 |Independent| - ||

Fire Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Ember Ring | 2 | 6 | 20 | 30 | 2 | Fire Res | Cobaltite ||
|| Blaze Ring | 4 | 6 | 25 | 35 | 2 | Fire Res | Uraninite ||
|| Salamandrine Ring| 6 | 6 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Fire Res | - ||

Ice Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Frost Ring | 2 | 6 | 20 | 30 | 2 | Ice Res | Cobaltite ||
|| Icicle Ring | 4 | 6 | 25 | 35 | 2 | Ice Res | Uraninite ||
|| Boreal Ring | 6 | 6 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Ice Res | - ||

Lightning Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Spark Ring | 2 | 6 | 20 | 30 | 2 | Light Res | Cobaltite ||
|| Fulmen Ring | 4 | 6 | 25 | 35 | 2 | Light Res | Uraninite ||
|| Raijin Ring | 6 | 6 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Light Res | - ||

Water Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Aqua Ring | 2 | 6 | 20 | 30 | 2 | Water Res | Cobaltite ||
|| Riptide Ring | 4 | 6 | 25 | 35 | 2 | Water Res | Uraninite ||
|| Nereid Ring | 6 | 6 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Water Res | - ||

Wind Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Zephyr Ring | 2 | 6 | 20 | 30 | 2 | Wind Res | Cobaltite ||
|| Gale Ring | 4 | 6 | 25 | 35 | 2 | Wind Res | Uraninite ||
|| Sylphid Ring | 6 | 6 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Wind Res | - ||

Earth Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Clay Ring | 2 | 6 | 20 | 30 | 2 | Earth Res | Cobaltite ||
|| Siltstone Ring | 4 | 6 | 25 | 35 | 2 | Earth Res | Uraninite ||
|| Gaian Ring | 6 | 6 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Earth Res | - ||

Debrave Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Giant's Glove | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Debrave Res| Perovskite ||
|| Warlord's Glove | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Debrave Res| - ||
Defaith Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Glass Buckle | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Defaith Res| Perovskite ||
|| Tektite Buckle | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Defaith Res| - ||

Deprotect Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Metal Armband | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Depro Res | Perovskite ||
|| Ceramic Armband | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Depro Res | - ||

Deshell Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Serenity Sachet | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Deshell Res| Perovskite ||
|| Safeguard Sachet | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Deshell Res| - ||

Slow Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Glass Orb | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Slow Resist| Perovskite ||
|| Dragonfly Orb | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Slow Resist| - ||

Poison Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Star Pendant | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Poison Res | Perovskite ||
|| Starfall Pendant | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Poison Res | - ||

Imperil Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Pearl Necklace | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Imperil Res| Perovskite ||
|| Gemstone Necklace| 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Imperil Res| - ||

Curse Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Warding Talisman | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Curse Res | Perovskite ||
|| Hexbane Talisman | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Curse Res | - ||

Pain Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Pain Dampener | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Pain Resist| Perovskite ||
|| Pain Deflector | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Pain Resist| - ||

Fog Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| White Cape | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Fog Resist | Perovskite ||
|| Effulgent Cape | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Fog Resist | - ||

Daze Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Rainbow Anklet | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Daze Resist| Perovskite ||
|| Moonbow Anklet | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Daze Resist| - ||

Death Resistance Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Cherub's Crown | 3 | 6 | 30 | 45 | 3 |Adamancy | Perovskite ||
|| Seraph's Crown | 5 | 11 | 40 | 60 | 2 |Adamancy | - ||

Critical: Protect and Auto-Protect

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Guardian Amulet | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Phys Def | Perovskite ||
|| Shield Talisman | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Phys Def | - ||

Critical: Shell and Auto-Shell

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Auric Amulet | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Phys Def | Perovskite ||
|| Soulfront Talisman 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Phys Def | - ||

Critical: Veil and Auto-Veil

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Watchman's Amulet| 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Pos. Eff | Perovskite ||
|| Shrouding Talisman 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Pos. Eff | - ||

Critical: Bravery and Auto-Bravery

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Hero's Amulet | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Phys Def | Perovskite ||
|| Morale Talisman | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Phys Def | - ||

Critical: Faith and Auto-Faith

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Saint's Amulet | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Magic Def | Perovskite ||
|| Blessed Talisman | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Magic Def | - ||

Critical: Vigilance and Auto-Vigilance

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Zealot's Amulet | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Adamancy | Perovskite ||
|| Battle Talisman | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Adamancy | - ||

Critical: Barfire and Auto-Barfire

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Flamebane Brooch | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Fire Res | Perovskite ||
|| Flameshield Ear. | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Fire Res | - ||

Critical: Barfrost and Auto-Barfrost

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Frostbane Brooch | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Ice Res | Perovskite ||
|| Frostshield Ear. | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Ice Res | - ||

Critical: Barthunder and Auto-Barthunder

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Sparkbane Brooch | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Light Res | Perovskite ||
|| Sparkshield Ear. | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Light Res | - ||

Critical: Barwater and Auto-Barwater

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Aquabane Brooch | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Water Res | Perovskite ||
|| Aquashield Ear. | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Water Res | - ||

Critical: Haste and Auto-Haste

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Hermes Sandals | 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Boost | Perovskite ||
|| Sprint Shoes | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Boost | - ||

Critical: Tetradefense and Auto-Tetradefense

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Tetradic Crown | 4 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| Scarletite ||
|| Tetradic Tiara | 8 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||

ATB Advantage, First Strike and Improved Evasion

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Whistlewind Scarf| 2 | 2 | - | - | - | Boost | Rhodochrosite ||
|| Aurora Scarf | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | Boost | Cobaltite ||
|| Nimbletoe Boots | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | Boost | - ||

In respective order:
Time Extension, Victory: TP Charge,
Shroud Scavenger, Item Scavenger and Item Collector
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Gold Watch | 3 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||
|| Champion's Badge | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | Gestalt | - ||
|| Survivalist Cat. | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Gestalt | Uraninite ||
|| Collector Cat. | 4 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| Mnar Stone ||
|| Connoisseur Cat. | 5 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||

Kill: Libra, Kill: ATB Charge and Kill: TP Charge

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Hunter's Friend | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Gestalt | Uraninite ||
|| Speed Sash | 6 | 2 | - | - | - | Gestalt | Mnar Stone ||
|| Energy Sash | 7 | 2 | - | - | - | Gestalt | - ||

Random: Magic* Eater (*each charm, its own magic)

and 20-sided Die, Random: Nullify Damage
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Fire Charm | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Fire Res | Mnar Stone ||
|| Ice Charm | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Ice Res | Mnar Stone ||
|| Lightning Charm | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Light Res | Mnar Stone ||
|| Water Charm | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Water Res | Mnar Stone ||
|| Wind Charm | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Wind Res | Mnar Stone ||
|| Earth Charm | 5 | 2 | - | - | - | Earth Res | Mnar Stone ||
|| Twenty-sided Die | 7 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||

Elemental Resistance Up and Rapid Recovery

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Entite Ring | 5 | 16 | 10 | 25 | 1 |Independent| Uraninite ||
|| Goddess's Favor | 6 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||
Resilience Up
|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Ribbon | 9 | 6 | 20 | 25 | 1 |Independent| Dark Matter ||
|| Super Ribbon |10 | 6 | 25 | 30 | 1 |Independent| - ||

The next 3 Accessories cannot be upgraded to another form.

|| Name | R | *L | Min | Max | Incr | Synthesis | Catalyst ||
|| Doctor's Code | 2 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||
|| Growth Egg | 8 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||
|| Genji Glove | 9 | 2 | - | - | - |Independent| - ||

| 4) Upgrading and Components |

Components are used in weapon and accessory upgrading and is available after
you defeat dreadnougth in chapter 4 through the save stations 3rd option.

To upgrade, access the upgrading option through any Save Station. Then select
which weapon or accessory you want to upgrade and you will see the stats on the
leftside. Including its current level (starting at 1) its experience points and
the amount required for the next level. To upgrade the selected weapon or
accessory, next you'll have to select the component you want to use.
The component list below will show how much points each component gives.
Upgrading weapons will increase their power, and upgrading accessory will
increase their respective attributes.
The components used in upgrading can be found in Treasures, bought from shops
and are dropped by enemies after battle. In the end, you'll want to get lots
of Gil so you can buy them from the shops as this is the easiest way to get
EXP fast.

There are four different types of components. Organic Components, that

increase the Bonus value but have little EXP value, and Mechanical
Components, that decrease the Bonus value but have more EXP value. And
there are also Components that are used solely for selling, because they have
little value otherwise. These are the Premium Components. Lastly there are
components that are used to make one item into another. These are called
Catalysts. You need those to make a fully upgraded weapon or accessory
(indicated by a star) into another weapon or accessory. The catalyst that you
need is different for each item and the one you need can be found in the weapon
and accessory list above.

EXP value is the amount of EXP a component gives to a weapon or accessory.

This value is dependent on the rank of the item you want to upgrade.
Rank 1 items get more EXP, whereas Rank 11 items get less EXP from the same
component. In the components list, the EXP listed is the base number which is
given to an item of Rank 6. If you have an item that is of a lesser Rank, then
you can be sure you get more EXP, if you have a higer Rank item, then you get
less EXP.

Each component has a set bonus value wich is either positive (+) in the case of
organic components or negative (-) in the case of mechanic components.
To reach a new EXP Bonus, a set number is required. The game remembers how
many Bonus points you have accumulated per weapon or accessory. Therefore you
don't have to use all the components at once, you can divide it up.

|| EXP Bonus || Bonus Value ||
<>-----------<>-------------<> Example: Wicked Fang gives a bonus value of 13.
|| None || 0-50 || To get a EXP bonus of 1.25 you need at least
|| X 1.25 || 51-100 || 51 points.
|| X 1.50 || 101-200 || (51 points : 13 EXP bonus = 3.9 fangs)
|| X 1.75 || 201-250 || So 4 Fangs.
|| X 2.00 || 251-500 || EXP bonus of 3.00: (501:13=38.5) 39 Fangs
|| X 3.00 || 501-1000 ||

The best way to go is to buy either Sturdy Bone, Barbed Tail or Vibrant Ooze
for 80 Gil each. These all have a Multiplier Bonus of +14. Which means you need
36 of them to get a multiplier of X 3.00.
Total cost: 2880 Gil

Alternatively you can use Otherworldy Bone, Diabolic Tail or Transparent Ooze
for 150 Gil, that raise the Multiplier by +21, which means you need 24.
Total costs: 3600 Gil

After that, use a component like the superconductor which adds 400 avarage EXP
Adding the multiplier to that, you'll get 1200 EXP for 840 Gil
Say you need 50.000 EXP total, what do you need? Lets take the components that
give lots of EXP relatively.

Component Base x3.000 number needed total cost

Ultracompact Reactor 40.000 120.000 1 50.000 Gil
Particle Accelerator 4.800 14.400 4 40.000 Gil
Superconductor 400 1.200 41 34.440 Gil
Perfect Conductor 751 2.253 23 36.800 Gil

This quick calculation shows that the Superconductor is the cheapest

way to go and the Ultracompact Reactor is by far the most expensive.
But this is a little unfair as you get way too much EXP in this case.
So if you need 120.000 EXP Maybe the Ultracompact Reactor is a lot better.
Also, the Bomb Core can be gotten from re-doing some missions, and they give
a lot of EXP as well, so when you are 5-starring the missions you are bound
to get at least a few of them. Saving you some Gil.

Going with Sturdy bone and Superconductor, you get 57600 EXP for 37320 Gil
Note that this is just an example, experiment as much as you like.

| Components List |

Use Ctrl+F to find the component you are looking for.

All Organic components that have a Buy price below, can be bought from
Creature Comforts. Except for the Green Needle, which can only be bought at
R&D Depot.

Organic Components (used for EXP Bonus)

|| Name || Bonus || EXP || Buy || Sell ||
|| Begrimed Claw || +4 || 4 || - || 15 ||
|| Bestial Claw || +10 || 11 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Gargantuan Claw || +15 || 24 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Hellis Talon || +24 || 42 || - || 110 ||
|| Shattered Bone || +8 || 4 || - || 15 ||
|| Sturdy Bone || +14 || 12 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Otherworldly Bone || +21 || 24 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Ancient Bone || +31 || 43 || - || 110 ||
|| Moistened Scale || +5 || 3 || - || 15 ||
|| Seapetal Scale || +11 || 11 || - || 40 ||
|| Abyssal Scale || +16 || 23 || - || 75 ||
|| Seaking's Beard || +25 || 40 || - || 110 ||
|| Segmented Carapace || +7 || 4 || - || 15 ||
|| Iron Shell || +13 || 13 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Armored Shell || +20 || 26 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Regenerating Carapace || +30 || 47 || - || 110 ||
|| Chipped Fang || +7 || 4 || - || 15 ||
|| Wicked Fang || +13 || 13 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Monsterous Fang || +20 || 26 || 75 || 150 ||
|| Sinister Fang || +30 || 47 || - || 110 ||
|| Severed Wing || +6 || 3 || - || 15 ||
|| Scaled Wing || +12 || 3 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Abominable Wing || +17 || 21 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Menacing Wings || +26 || 37 || - || 110 ||
|| Molted Tail || +8 || 4 || - || 15 ||
|| Barbed Tail || +14 || 12 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Diabolic Tail || +21 || 24 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Entrancing Tail || +31 || 43 || - || 110 ||
|| Torn Leather || +5 || 3 || - || 15 ||
|| Thickened Hide || +11 || 11 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Smooth Hide || +16 || 23 || 75 || 150 ||
|| Supple Leather || +25 || 40 || - || 110 ||
|| Gummy Oil || +6 || 5 || - || 15 ||
|| Fragrant Oil || +12 || 14 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Medicinal Oil || +19 || 29 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Esoteric Oil || +29 || 47 || - || 110 ||
|| Scraggly Wool || +7 || 2 || - || 15 ||
|| Rough Wool || +13 || 9 || - || 40 ||
|| Thick Wool || +18 || 19 || - || 75 ||
|| Fluffy Wool || +27 || 33 || - || 110 ||
|| Murky Ooze || +8 || 4 || - || 15 ||
|| Vibrant Ooze || +14 || 12 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Transparent Ooze || +21 || 24 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Wonder Gel || +31 || 49 || - || 110 ||
|| Fractured Horn || +6 || 3 || - || 15 ||
|| Spined Horn || +12 || 10 || - || 40 ||
|| Fiendish Horn || +17 || 21 || - || 75 ||
|| Infernal Horn || +26 || 37 || - || 110 ||
|| Strange Fluid || +6 || 5 || - || 15 ||
|| Enigmatic Fluid || +12 || 14 || 80 || 40 ||
|| Mysterious Fluid || +19 || 29 || 150 || 75 ||
|| Ineffable Fluid || +29 || 43 || - || 110 ||
|| Cie'th Tear || +10 || 6 || - || 15 ||
|| Tear of Frustration || +14 || 12 || - || 40 ||
|| Tear of Remorse || +24 || 24 || - || 75 ||
|| Tear of Woe || +40 || 49 || - || 110 ||
|| Red Mycelium || +10 || 6 || - || 85 ||
|| Blue Mycelium || +21 || 22 || - || 100 ||
|| White Mycelium || +34 || 48 || - || 360 ||
|| Black Mycelium || +51 || 84 || - || 675 ||
|| Dawnlight Dew || +31 || 12 || - || 500 ||
|| Dusklight Dew || +42 || 28 || - || 850 ||
|| Gloomstalk || +46 || 32 || - || 1000 ||
|| Sunpetal || +21 || 102 || - || 1000 ||
|| Moonblossom Seed || +55 || 73 || - || 6000 ||
|| Starblossom Seed || +91 || 230 || - || 13000 ||
|| Chocobo Plume || +34 || 7 || - || 20 ||
|| Chocobo Tail Feather || +58 || 29 || - || 50 ||
|| Succulent Fruit || +55 || 10 || - || 1750 ||
|| Malodorous Fruit || +21 || 7 || - || 4000 ||
|| Green Needle || +100 || 60 || 7000 || 3500 ||
|| Perfume || +120 || 180 || - || 12500 ||

Mechanical Components (Used for EXP)

|| Name || EXP || Bonus || Buy || Sell || Shop ||
|| Insulated Cabling || 65 || -18 || 280 || 140 || Lenora ||
|| Fiber-optic Cable || 216 || -49 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Liquid Crystal Lens || 70 || -19 || 320 || 160 || Lenora ||
|| Ring Joint || 208 || -50 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Epicyclic Gear || 66 || -20 || 320 || 160 || Lenora ||
|| Crankshaft || 215 || -47 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Electrolytic Capacitor || 68 || -20 || - || 160 || - ||
|| Flywheel || 204 || -48 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Sprocket || 71 || -21 || - || 160 || - ||
|| Actuator || 220 || -46 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Spark Plug || 62 || -18 || - || 140 || - ||
|| Iridium Plug || 102 || -48 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Needle Valve || 70 || -21 || - || 160 || - ||
|| Butterfly Valve || 232 || -50 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Bomb Ashes || 37 || -8 || - || 90 || - ||
|| Bomb Fragment || 82 || -27 || 430 || 215 || Lenora ||
|| Bomb Shell || 206 || -53 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Bomb Core || 551 || -78 || - || 600 || - ||
|| Analog Circuit || 40 || -9 || - || 90 || - ||
|| Digital Circuit || 89 || -21 || - || 230 || - ||
|| Gyroscope || 149 || -34 || - || 330 || - ||
|| Electrode || 434 || -56 || - || 500 || - ||
|| Ceramic Armor || 147 || -35 || 660 || 330 || Lenora ||
|| Chobham Armor || 460 || -54 || - || 500 || - ||
|| Radial Bearing || 64 || -20 || 320 || 160 || Lenora ||
|| Thrust Bearing || 200 || -48 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Solenoid || 220 || -47 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Mobius Coil || 627 || -81 || - || 800 || - ||
|| Tungsten Tube || 192 || -53 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Titanium Tube || 565 || -84 || - || 750 || - ||
|| Passive Detector || 188 || -54 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Active Detector || 582 || -82 || - || 750 || - ||
|| Transformer || 42 || -9 || - || 90 || - ||
|| Amplifier || 108 || -28 || 520 || 260 || Lenora ||
|| Carburetor || 274 || -55 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Supercharger || 774 || -82 || - || 800 || - ||
|| Piezoelectric Element || 310 || -50 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Crystal Oscillator || 845 || -79 || - || 1000 || - ||
|| Paraffin Oil || 67 || -20 || 320 || 160 || Lenora ||
|| Silicone Oil || 152 || -32 || 660 || 330 || Lenora ||
|| Synthetic Muscle || 222 || -49 || - || 420 || - ||
|| Turboprop || 768 || -85 || - || 800 || - ||
|| Turbojet || 212 || -46 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Tesla Turbine || 823 || -79 || - || 900 || - ||
|| Polymer Emulsion || 48 || -18 || 200 || 100 || Lenora ||
|| Ferroelectric Film || 102 || -37 || 460 || 230 || Lenora ||
|| Superconductor || 400 || -59 || 840 || 420 || Lenora ||
|| Perfect Conductor || 751 || -83 || 1600 || 800 || Lenora ||
|| Particle Accelerator || 4800 || -87 || 10000 || 5000 || R&D Depot||
|| Ultracompact Reactor ||40000 || -100 || 50000 || 25000 || R&D Depot||

Premium Components (used for Gil)

|| Name || EXP || Bonus || Buy || Sell || Shop ||
|| Credit Chip || 1 || -1 || - || 500 || - ||
|| Incentive Chip || 1 || -1 || - || 2500 || - ||
|| Cactuar Doll || 1 || -1 || - || 12000 || - ||
|| Moogle Puppet || 1 || -1 || - || 16000 || - ||
|| Tonberry Figurine || 1 || -1 || - || 28500 || - ||
|| Plush Chocobo || 1 || -1 || - || 35000 || - ||
|| Gold Dust || 1 || 0 || - || 15000 || - ||
|| Gold Nugget || 1 || 0 || - || 60000 || - ||
|| Platinum Ingot || 1 || 0 || - || 150000 || - ||

Catalysts (used for upgrading item to new item)

|| Name || EXP ||Bonus|| Buy || Sell || Shop ||
|| Millerite || 0 || 0 || 3000 || 1000 || Motherlode ||
|| Rhodochrosite || 0 || 0 || 8000 || 2000 || Motherlode ||
|| Cobaltite || 0 || 0 || 17000 || 3000 || Motherlode ||
|| Perovskite || 0 || 0 || 30000 || 4000 || Motherlode ||
|| Uraninite || 0 || 0 || 45000 || 5000 || Motherlode ||
|| Mnar Stone || 0 || 0 || 60000 || 6000 || Motherlode ||
|| Scarletite || 0 || 0 || 100000 || 7000 || Motherlode ||
|| Adamantite || 0 || 0 || 220000 || 8000 || R&D Depot ||
|| Dark Matter || 0 || 0 || 840000 || 9000 || R&D Depot ||
|| Trapezohedron || 0 || 0 || 2000000 || 10000 || R&D Depot ||

| 5) Dismantle |

When you dismantle a piece of equipment, always make sure the equipment is
at star level, because otherwise it is just a waste. Know also that dismantling
a piece of equipment is always a loss. But as you can get some valuable items
in return, it may be worth while. Below you will find what equipment dismantles
into what items. You only get all the items listed if the piece of equipment
is at a star level.
Do not dismantle or upgrade the Gold Watch, the Champion's Badge and the
Survivalist Catalog as they are rare and upgrading them will lead to a
Collector Catalog that can be bought at Moogleworks.

As you need six Trapezohedrons to make all ultimate weapons, you would need
12.000.000 Gil to buy them. You can also fight the Adamantoise for a rare
chance that it will drop one. But you can also upgrade Fang's Dragoon Lance,
Shamanic Spear, Punisher, Pandoran Spear or Gae Bolg into a Kain's Lance OR
Vanille's Tigerclaw, Healer's Staff, Belladonna Wand or Mistilteinn to Nirvana
and dismantle it to get 3 Trapezohedrons and 36 Moonblossom Seeds and some
other stuff. Upgrading the weapon will cost approximately 1.500.000 Gil and
you get 216.000 back by selling the Moonblossom Seeds. That is by far cheaper
than the 4.000.000 Gil. But you can also just fight the adamantoises for Gil
as they also drop the more comon Platinum Ingots.

|| Acessory || Star level Dismantles into: ||
|| Iron Bangle || Transformer x3, Polymer Emulsion ||
|| Silver Bangle || Transformer x4, Polymer Emulsion ||
|| Tungsten Bangle || Amplifier x3, Ferroelectric Film, Iron Bangle ||
|| Titanium Bangle || Amplifier x6, Ferroelectric Film x2, Silver Bangle ||
|| Gold Bangle || Amplifier x9, Ferroelectric Film x4, ||
|| - || Tungsten Bangle ||
|| Mythril Bangle || Carburetor x12, Superconductor x6, Titanium Bangle ||
|| Platinum Bangle || Carburetor x19, Superconductor x15, Piezoelectric ||
|| - || Element x7, Gold Bangle ||
|| Diamond Bangle || Carburetor x29, Superconductor x20, Piezoelectric ||
|| - || Element x9, Mytril Bangle ||
|| Adamant Bangle || Supercharger x13, Perfect Conductor x8, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3, Particle Accelerator, ||
|| - || Platinum Bangle ||
|| Wurtzite Bangle || Supercharger x20, Perfect Conductor x14, Crystal ||
|| - || Oscillator x5, Ultracompact Reactor, ||
|| - || Diamond Bangle ||
|| Power Wristband || Transformer x5, Ferroelectric Film ||
|| Brawler's Wristband || Amplifier x9, Dawnlight Dew ||
|| Warrior's Wristband || Synthetic Muscle x12, Paraffin Oil x7, ||
|| - || Titanium Tube ||
|| Power Glove || Synthetic Muscle x17, Paraffin Oil x9, ||
|| - || Active Detector ||
|| Kaiser Knuckles || Dusklight Dew x19, White Mycelium x14, ||
|| - || Silicone Oil x8, Power Wristband ||
|| Magician's Mark || Transformer x5, Ferroelectric Film ||
|| Shaman's Mark || Amplifier x9, Dawnlight Dew ||
|| Sorcerer's Mark || Passive Detector x12, Piezoelectric Element x7, ||
|| - || Titanium Tube ||
|| Weirding Glyph || Turboprop x17, Piezoelectric Element x9, ||
|| - || Active Detector ||
|| Magistral Crest || Dusklight Dew x19, White Mycelium x14, Crystal ||
|| - || Oscillator x8, Magician's Mark ||
|| Black Belt || Thickened Hide x9, Credit Chip ||
|| General's Belt || Smooth Hide x9, Incentive Chip, Rhodochrosite ||
|| Champion's Belt || Supple Leather x15, Incentive Chip x2, Black Belt ||
|| Rune Bracelet || Barbed Tail x9, Credit Chip ||
|| Witch's Bracelet || Diabolic Tail x9, Incentive Chip, Rhodochrosite ||
|| Magus's Bracelet || Entrancing Tail x15, Incentive Chip x2, ||
|| - || Rune Bracelet ||
|| Royal Armlet || Piezoelectric Element x19, Cobaltite x2 ||
|| Imperial Armlet || Crystal Oscillator x10, Perovskite, Royal Armlet ||
|| Ember Ring || Gummy Oil x15, Cie'th Tear ||
|| Blaze Ring || Fragrant Oil x12, Tear of Frustration x8, ||
|| - || Sturdy Bone ||
|| Salamandrine Ring || Medicinal Oil x10, Tear of Remorse x6, ||
|| - || Otherworldly Bone x4, Ember Ring ||
|| Frost Ring || Moistened Scale x15, Cie'th Tear ||
|| Icicle Ring || Seapetal Scale x12, Tear of Frustration x8 ||
|| Boreal Ring || Abyssal Scale x10, Tear of Remorse x6, ||
|| - || Fiendish Horn x4, Frost Ring ||
|| Spark Ring || Chipped Fang x15, Cie'th Tear ||
|| Fulmen Ring || Wicked Fang x12, Tear of Frustration x8, ||
|| - || Thickened Hide ||
|| Raijin Ring || Monstrous Fang x10, Tear of Remorse x6, ||
|| - || Smooth Hide x4, Spark Ring ||
|| Aqua Ring || Strange Fluid x15, Cie'th Tear ||
|| Riptide Ring || Enigmatic Fluid x12, Tear of Frustration x8, ||
|| - || Vibrant Ooze ||
|| Nereid Ring || Mysterious Fluid x10, Tear of Remorse x6 ||
|| - || Transparent Ooze x4, Aqua Ring ||
|| Zephyr Ring || Severed Wing x15, Cie'th Tear ||
|| Gale Ring || Scaled Wing x12, Tear of Frustration x8, ||
|| - || Barbed Tail ||
|| Sylphid Ring || Abominable Wing x10, Tear of Remorse x6, ||
|| - || Diabolic Tail x4, Zephyr Ring ||
|| Clay Ring || Begrimed Claw x15, Cie'th Tear ||
|| Siltstone Ring || Bestial Claw x12, Tear of Frustration x8, ||
|| - || Iron Shell ||
|| Gaian Ring || Gargantuan Claw x10, Tear of Remorse x6 ||
|| - || Armored Shell x4, Clay Ring ||
|| Giant's Glove || Iron Shell x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Warlord's Glove || Armored Shell x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Glass Buckle || Spined Horn x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Tektite Buckle || Fiendish Horn x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Metal Armband || Bestial Claw x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Ceramic Armband || Gargantuan Claw x10, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Serenity Sachet || Barbed Tail x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Safeguard Sachet || Diabolic Tail x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Glass Orb || Fragrant Oil x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Dragonfly Orb || Medicinal Oil x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Star Pendant || Vibrant Ooze x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Starfall Pendant || Transparent Oze x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Pearl Necklace || Enigmatic Fluid x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Gemstone Necklace || Mysterious Fliud x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Warding Talisman || Sturdy Bone x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Hexbane Talisman || Otherworldly Bone x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburator ||
|| Pain Dampener || Seapetal Scale x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Pain Deflector || Abyssal Scale x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburator ||
|| White Cape || Thickened Hide x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Effulgent Cape || Smooth Hide x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburator ||
|| Rainbow Anklet || Wicked Fang x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Moonbow Anklet || Monstrous Fang x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Cherub's Crown || Rough Wool x10, Gloomstalk ||
|| Seraph's Crown || Thick Wool x9, Sunpetal x2, Carburetor ||
|| Guardian Amulet || Moistened Scale x5, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Shield Talisman || Moistened Scale x10, Seapetal Scale x5, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Auric Amulet || Segmented Carapace x5, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Soulfront Talisman || Segmented Carapace x10, Iron Shell x5 ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Watchman's Amulet || Torn Leather x5, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Shrouding Talisman || Torn Leather x10, Thickened Hide x5, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Hero's Amulet || Begrimed Claw x5, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Morale Talisman || Begrimed Claw x10, Bestial Claw x5, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Saint's Amulet || Shattered Bone x5, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Blessed Talisman || Shattered Bone x10, Sturdy Bone x5, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Zealot's Amulet || Gummy Oil x5, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Battle Talisman || Gummy Oil x10, Fragrant Oil x5, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Flamebane Brooch || Chipped Fang x7, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Flameshield Earring || Chipped Fang x8, Wicket Fang x6, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Frostbane Brooch || Murky Ooze x7, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Frostshield Earring || Murky Ooze x8, Vibrant Ooze x6, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Sparkbane Brooch || Fractured Horn x7, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Sparkshield Earring || Fractured Horn x8, Spined Horn x6 ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Aquabane Brooch || Strange Fluid x7, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Aquashield Earring || Strange Fluid x8, Enigmatic Fluid x6 ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Hermes Sandals || Severed Wing x7, Piezoelectric Element ||
|| Sprint Shoes || Severed Wing x5, Scaled Wing x6, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Tetradic Crown || Green Needle, Guardian Amulet, Auric Amulet, ||
|| - || Watchman's Amulet, Hermes Sandals ||
|| Tetradic Tiara || Perfume, Shield Talisman, Soulfront Talisman, ||
|| - || Shrouding Talisman, Sprint Shoes ||
|| Whistlewind Scarf || Chocobo Plume x5, Chocobo Tail Feather ||
|| Aurora Scarf || Chocobo Tail Feather x8, Active Detector ||
|| Nimbletoe Boots || Chocobo Tail Feather x5, Supercharger ||
|| Gold Watch || Credit Chip x5, Incentive Chip x2 ||
|| Champion's Badge || Dawnlight Dew x8, Ethersol ||
|| Survivalist Catalog || Fortisol x2, Aegisol x2, Deceptisol ||
|| Collector Catalog || Incentive Chip, Succulent Fruit ||
|| Connoisseur Catalog || Incentive Chip x2, Malodorous Fruit ||
|| Hunter's Friend || Deceptisol x3, Librascope ||
|| Speed Sash || Chocobo Tail Feather x40, Blue Mycelium x10 ||
|| Energy Sash || Black Mycelium x6, Ethersol ||
|| Doctor's Code || Fortisol, Aegisol, Ethersol, Elixir ||
|| Fire Charm || Ember Ring, Chocobo Plume x10, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Ice Charm || Frost Ring, Chocobo Plume x10, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Lightning Charm || Spark Ring, Chocobo Plume x10, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Water Charm || Aqua Ring, Chocobo Plume x10, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Wind Charm || Zephyr Ring, Chocobo Plume x10, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Earth Charm || Clay Ring, Chocobo Plume x10, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x3 ||
|| Twenty-sided Die || Titanium Tube x5, Electrode x5, Supercharger x5 ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x3 ||
|| Growth Egg || Perfume x2, Ultracompact Reactor, Platinum Ingot ||
|| Entite Ring || Malodorous Fruit x4, Starblossom Seed, Perfume ||
|| Goddess's Favor || Scarletite, Perfume, Ribbon ||
|| Ribbon || Dusklight Dew x36, Red Mycelium x10 ||
|| Super Ribbon || Black Mycelium x60, Starblossom Seed x2, Ribbon ||
|| Genji Glove || Tear of Woe, Trapezohedron ||

Note: The ultimate weapons in the list are the updated versions of the weapon
above it. They give different items depending on the weapon previous to it.
That is why I've list them all:
|| Weapon || Star level Dismantles into: ||
|| Blazefire Saber || Spark Plug x13, Tungsten Tube ||
|| Flameberge || Iridium Plug x18, Electrolytic Capacitor x12, ||
|| - || Blazefire Saber ||
|| Omega Weapon || Spark Plug x71, Tesla Turbine x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Axis Blade || Spark Plug x7, Perovskite ||
|| Enkindler || Iridium Plug x12, Cobaltite, Axis Blade ||
|| Omega Weapon || Iridium Plug x51, Mobius Coil x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Edged Carbine || Polymer Emulsion x13, Actuator ||
|| Razor Carbine || Ferroelectric Film x18, Liquid Crystal Lens x12, ||
|| - || Edged Carbine ||
|| Omega Weapon || Polymer Emulsion x71, Crystal Oscillator x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Lifesaber || Polymer Emulsion x7, Perovskite ||
|| Peacemaker || Ferroelectric Film x12, Perovskite, Lifesaber ||
|| Omega Weapon || Ferroelectric Film x51, Superconductor x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Gladius || Spark Plug x13, Carburetor ||
|| Helter-skelter || Iridium Plug x18, Transformer x12, Gladius ||
|| Omega Weapon || Spark Plug x71, Supercharger x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Organyx || Spark Plug x13, Millerite ||
|| Apocalypse || Iridium Plug x18, Millerite x2, Organyx ||
|| Omega Weapon || Iridium Plug x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Hauteclaire || Ceramic Armor x13, Cobaltite ||
|| Durandal || Chobham Armor x18, Cobaltite x2, Hauteclaire ||
|| Omega Weapon || Ceramic Armor x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Lionheart || Ceramic Armor x7, Uraninite ||
|| Ultima Weapon || Chobham Armor x12, Uraninite, Lionheart ||
|| Omega Weapon || Chobham Armor x51, Electrode x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Vega 42s || Insulated Cabling x13, Flywheel ||
|| Altairs || Fiber-optic Cable x18, Liquid Crystal Lens x12, ||
|| - || Vega 42s ||
|| Total Eclipses || Insulated Cabling x71, Turbojet 35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Spica Defenders || Insulated Cabling x7, Perovskite ||
|| Sirius Sidearms || Fiber-optic Cable x12, Perovskite, Spica Defenders ||
|| Total Eclipses || Fiber-optic Cable x51, Bomb Ashes x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Deneb Duellers || Analog Circuit x13, Crankshaft ||
|| Canopus AMPs || Digital Circuit x18, Epicyclic Gear x12, ||
|| - || Deneb Duellers ||
|| Total Eclipses || Analog Circuit x71, Mobius Coil x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Rigels || Analog Circuit x13, Cobaltite ||
|| Polaris Specials || Digital Circuit x18, Cobaltite x2, Rigels ||
|| Total Eclipses || Digital Circuit x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Aldebarans || Needle Valve x13, Millerite ||
|| Sadalmeliks || Butterfly Valve x18, Millerite x2, Aldebarans ||
|| Total Eclipses || Needle Valve x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Pleiades Hi-Powers || Needle Valve x13, Rhodochrosite ||
|| Hyades Magnums || Butterfly Valve x18, Rhodochrosite x2, ||
|| - || Pleiades Hi-Powers ||
|| Total Eclipses || Butterfly Valve x61, Credit Chip x56 ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Antares Deluxes || Radial Bearing x7, Cobaltite ||
|| Formalhaut Elites || Thrust Bearing x12, Cobaltite, Antares Deluxes ||
|| Total Eclipses || Radial Bearing x51, Titanium Tube x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Procyons || Radial Bearing x7, Bomb Core ||
|| Betelgeuse Customs || Thrust Bearing x12, Bomb Shell x6, Procyons ||
|| Total Eclipses || Thrust Bearing x51, Bomb Fragment x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Wild Bear || Spark Plug x13, Ring Joint ||
|| Feral Pride || Iridium Plug x18, Liquid Crystal Lens x12, Wild Bear|
|| Save the Queen || Spark Plug x71, Carburetor x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Paladin || Spark Plug x7, Silicone Oil ||
|| Winged Saint || Iridium Plug x12, Paraffin Oil x6, Paladin ||
|| Save the Queen || Iridium Plug x51, Ferroelectric Film x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Rebel Heart || Analog Circuit x7, Chobham Armor ||
|| Warrior's Emblem || Digital Circuit x12, Ceramic Armor x6, Rebel Heart ||
|| Save the Queen || Analog Circiut x51, Chobham Armor x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Power Circle || Analog Circuit x13, Active Detector ||
|| Battle Standard || Digital Circuit x18, Passive Detector x12, ||
|| - || Power Circle ||
|| Save the Queen || Digital Circuit x71, Synthetic Muscle x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Feymark || Tungsten Tube x7, Thrust Bearing ||
|| Soul Blazer || Titanium Tube x12, Radial Bearring, Feymark ||
|| Save the Queen || Tungsten Tube x51, Mobius Coil x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Sacrificial Circle || Tungsten Tube x13, Uraninite ||
|| Indomitus || Titanium Tube x18, Uraninite x2, Sacrificial Circle||
|| Save the Queen || Titanium Tube x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9 ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Unsetting Sun || Ceramic Armor x13, Rhodochrosite ||
|| Midnight Sun || Chobham Armor x18, Rhodochrosite x2, Unsetting Sun ||
|| Save the Queen || Ceramic Armor x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Umbra || Ceramic Armor x7, Perovskite ||
|| Solaris || Chobham Armor x12, Perovskite, Umbra ||
|| Save the Queen || Chobham Armor x51, Ring Joing x45, ||
|| - || CrystaL Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Airwing || Radial Bearing x7, Cobaltite ||
|| Skycutter || Thrust Bearing x12, Cobaltite, Airwing ||
|| Nue || Radial Bearing x51, Superconductor x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Hawkeye || Radial Bearing x13, Butterfly Valve ||
|| Eagletalon || Thrust Bearing x18, Needle Valve, Hawkeye ||
|| Nue || Thrust Bearing x71, Actuator x35, ||
|| - || Perfect Conductor x15, Ultracompact Reactor x5 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron ||
|| Otshirvani || Gyroscope x7, Perovskite ||
|| Urubutsin || Electrode x12, Perovskite x2, Otshirvani ||
|| Nue || Gyroscope x51, Carburetor x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Ninurta || Gyroscope x13, Crankshaft ||
|| Jatayu || Electrode x18, Epicyclic Gear x12, Ninurta ||
|| Nue || Electrode x71, Sprocket x35, Perfect Conductor x15 ||
|| - || Ultracompact Reactor x5, Trapezohedron ||
|| Vidofnir || Tungsten Tube x7, Flywheel ||
|| Hresvelgr || Titanium Tube x12, Electrolytic Capacitor x6, ||
|| - || Vidofnir ||
|| Nue || Tungsten Tube x51, Fiber-optic Cable x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Simurgh || Tungsten Tube x7, Tesla Turbine ||
|| Tezcatlipoca || Titanium Tube x12, Turbojet x6, Simurgh ||
|| Nue || Titanium Tube x51, Tesla Turbine x45, ||
|| - || Crystal Oscillator x28, Particle Accelerator x6 ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Malphas || Paraffin Oil x13, Rhodochrosite ||
|| Naberius || Silicone Oil x18, Rhodochrosite x2, Malphas ||
|| Nue || Paraffin Oil x61, Credit Chip x56, ||
|| - || Incentive Chip x42, Perfect Conductor x9, ||
|| - || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Alicanto || Paraffin Oil x13, Cobaltite ||
|| Caladrius || Silicone Oil x18, Cobaltite x3, Alicanto ||
|| Nue || Silicone Oil x61, Credit Chip x56, Incentive Chip x42
|| - || Perfect Conductor x9, Platinum Ingot x3 ||
|| Binding Rod || Begrimed Claw x13, Blue Mycelium ||
|| Hunter's Rod || Bestial Claw x18, Red Mycelium x12, Binding Rod ||
|| Nirvana || Bestial Claw x91, Black Mycelium x49, Perfume x25, ||
|| - || Starblossom Seed x10, Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Tigerclaw || Bestial Claw x13, Millerite ||
|| Wyrmfang || Gargantuan Claw x18, Millerite x2, Tigerclaw ||
|| Nirvana || Gargantuan Claw x71, Menacing Wings x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||
|| Healer's Staff || Shattered Bone x7, Perovskite ||
|| Physician's Staff || Sturdy Bone x12, Perovskite, Healer's Staff ||
|| Nirvana || Sturdy Bone x71, Seaking's Beard x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||
|| Pearlwing Staff || Sturdy Bone x13, Rough Wool ||
|| Brightwing Staff || Otherworldly Bone x18, Scraggly Wool x12, ||
|| - || Pearlwing Staff ||
|| Nirvana || Otherworldly Bone x91, Fluffy Wool x49, Perfume x25||
|| - || Starblossom Seed x10, Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Rod of Thorns || Chipped Fang x13, Tear of Remorse ||
|| Orochi Rod || Wicked Fang x18, Tear of Frustration x12, ||
|| - || Rod of Thorns ||
|| Nirvana || Wicked Fang x91, Tear of Remorse x25, Perfume x10 ||
|| - || Starblossom Seed x10, Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Mistilteinn || Wicked Fang x7, Perovskite ||
|| Erinye's Cane || Monstrous Fang x12, Perovskite, Mistilteinn ||
|| Nirvana || Monstrous Fang x71, Entrancing Tail x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||
|| Belladonna Wand || Fractured Horn x7, Cobaltite ||
|| Malboro Wand || Spined Horn x12, Cobaltite, Belladonna Wand ||
|| Nirvana || Spined Horn x71, Supple Leather x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||
|| Heavenly Axis || Spined Horn x13, Cobaltite ||
|| Abraxas || Fiendish Horn x18, Cobaltite x2, Heavenly Axis ||
|| Nirvana || Fiendish Horn x81, Chocobo Plume x72, ||
|| - || Green Needle x54, Perfume x15, Platinum Ingot x5 ||
|| Bladed Lance || Shattered Bone x13, Enigmatic Fluid ||
|| Glaive || Sturdy Bone x18, Strange Fluid x12, Bladed Lance ||
|| Kain's Lance || Sturdy Bone x91, Esoteric Oil x49, Perfume x25, ||
|| - || Starblossom Seed x10, Trapezohedron x2 ||
|| Dragoon Lance || Sturdy Bone x7, Cobaltite ||
|| Dragonhorn || Otherworldly Bone x12, Cobaltite, Dragoon Lance ||
|| Kain's Lance || Otherworldly Bone x71, Fluffy Wool x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||
|| Partisan || Chipped Fang x13, Iron Shell ||
|| Rhomphaia || Wicked Fang x18, Segmented Carapace x12, Partisan ||
|| Kain's Lance || Wicked Fang x91, Regenerating Carapace x49, ||
|| - || Perfume x25, Starblossom Seed x10, Trapezohedron x2|
|| Shamanic Spear || Wicked Fang x7, Seapetal Scale ||
|| Heretic's Halberd || Monstrous Fang x12, Moistened Scale x6, ||
|| - || Shamanic Spear ||
|| Kain's Lance || Monstrous Fang x71, Menacing Wings x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||
|| Punisher || Fractured Horn x7, Perovskite ||
|| Banescissor Spear || Spined Horn x12, Perovskite, Punisher ||
|| Kain's Lance || Spined Horn x71, Black Mycelium x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, Trapezohedron
|| Pandoran Spear || Spined Horn x7, Perovskite ||
|| Calamity Spear || Fiendish Horn x12, Perovskite, Pandoran Spear ||
|| Kain's Lance || Fiendish Horn x71, Wonder Gel x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, Trapezohedron
|| Taming Pole || Begrimed Claw x13, Cobaltite ||
|| Venus Gospel || Bestial Claw x18, Cobaltite x12, Taming Pole ||
|| Kain's Lance || Bestial Claw x81, Chocobo Plume x72, ||
|| - || Green Needle x54, Perfume x15, Platinum Ingot x5 ||
|| Gae Bolg || Bestial Claw x7, Smooth Hide ||
|| Gungnir || Gargantuan Claw x12, Thickened Hide x3, Gae Bolg ||
|| Kain's Lance || Gargantuan Claw x71, Supple Leather x60, ||
|| - || Moonblossom Seed x36, Tear of Woe x10, ||
|| - || Trapezohedron x3 ||

| 6) Synthesized Abilities |

Synthesized abilities are enhancements that can be activated through special

equipment combinations. Each piece of equipment, be it accessory or weapon
belongs to one of 29 synthesis groups. By equiping more than one of these items
that are in the same group, you activate the synthesized ability. Then, this
ability will be listed under the character's passive ability list at the Equip
and Status screens. Since both Weapons and accessories belong to a Synthesis
group, a character can have a maximum of 5 items with a maximum of two
synthesized abilities active. Most of the powerful and really effective
enhancements become available later in the game.

Below you will find a list, showing the Synthesis Groups and what it means to
have more than one of these equipped.

Name of Synthesis Group

<> Weapon: Which weapon has this ability
<> Accessory: Which accessories have this ability
<> Synthesized Ability: What ability is activated after equiping 2 or more
when there are more listed, one extra is needed for the next listed ability.
<> Description: A description of the ability and when it is most useful.

High HP
<> Weapon
Paladin, Winged Saint, Healer's Staff, Physician's Staff
<> Accessory
Iron Bangle, Mythril Bangle
<> Synthesized Ability
High HP: Power Surge
<> Description
Increases damage dealt to enemies when HP is above 90%
Especially helpful when a Medic is in your party at all times, and when
you have an accessory that enables you to strike quickly once a battle

Low HP
<> Weapon
Lifesaber, Peacemaker, Rebel Heart, Warrior's Emblem, Airwing, Skycutter,
Mistilteinn, Erinye's Cane
<> Accessory
Tungsten Bangle
<> Synthesized Ability
Low HP: Power Surge
<> Description
Increases damage dealt to enemies when HP is below 10%. This works best in
a setup with two sentinels with high HP (Snow and Fang). Not handy to use
on your main character as 10% is very close to 0%.

Physical Defense
<> Weapon
Blazefire Saber, Flameberge, Gladius, Helter-skelter, Wild Bear,
Feral pride, Power Circle, Battle Standard, Ninurta, Jatayu, Binding Rod,
Hunter's Rod, Bladed Lance, Glaive
<> Accessory
Silver Bangle, Platinum Bangle, Power Wristband, Brawler's Wristband,
Warrior's Wristband, Power Glove, Black Belt, General's Belt,
Champions Belt, Guardian Amulet, Shield Talisman, Hero's Amulet,
Moral Talisman
<> Synthesized Ability
Physical Wall:5, Physical Wall: 10, Physical Wall: 20, Physical Wall: 30
<> Description
Negates the first 5, 10, 20 or 30 points of damage from physical attacks.
Very useful in the beginning of the game where you only have a few hundred
HP. And since you only need one accessory (like the silver bangle, also
available early) it is also very easy to pick this one early on.

Magic Defense
<> Weapon
Edged Carbine, Razor Carbine, Vega 42s, Altairs, Deneb Duellers,
Canopus AMPs, Umbra, Solaris, Hawkeye, Eagletalon, Pearlwing Staff,
Brightwing Staff, Rod of Thorns, Orochi Rod, Partisan, Rhomphaia, Punisher,
Banescissor Spear
<> Accessory
Gold Bangle, Diamond Bangle, Magician's Mark, Shaman's Mark,
Sorcerer's Mark, Weirding Glyph, Rune Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet,
Magus's Bracelet, Auric Amulet, Soulfront Talisman, Saint's Amulet,
Blessed Talisman
<> Synthesized Ability
Magical Wall: 5, Magical Wall: 10, Magical Wall: 20, Magical Wall: 30
<> Description
Negates the first 5, 10, 20 or 30 points of damage from Magical attacks.
Like Physical Wall, very usefull in the beginning of the game.
Damage Reduction
<> Weapon
Pleiades Hi-Powers, Hyades Magnums, Sacrificial Circle, Indomitus, Malphas,
<> Accessory
Titanium Bangle, Adamant Bangle
<> Synthesized Abilities
Damage Wall: 5, Damage Wall: 10, Damage wall: 15, Damage Wall: 20
<> Description
Negates the first 5, 10, 15 or 20 points of damage from all attacks. However
every weapon in this group has the Sil Tiger or Paper Tiger ability as well
meaning that you have greatly reduced HP. The bangles counter this, but
all in all, not very effective.

Ultimate Physic
<> Weapon
Simurgh, Tezcatlipoca, Dragoon Lance, Dragonhorn
<> Accessory
Kaiser Knuckles
<> Synthesized Ability
Ethereal Mantle (only when equiping 5 items of this group)
<> Description
Prevents all physical damage, but also precludes magical restoration,
meaning that you can only heal and cure status ailments by using items and
Eidolons. This ability can only be aquired by Hope and Fang as this
abilitie requires you to equip 5 items of this group.

Ultimate Magic
<> Weapon
Feymark, Soul Blazer, Shamanic Spear, Heretic's Halberd
<> Accessory
Magistral Crest
<> Synthesized Ability
Magic Damper (only when equiping 5 items of this group)
<> Description
Prevents all magical damage, but also precludes magical restoration, meaning
you can only heal with items and Eidolons. This ability can only be aquired
by Snow and Fang as it requires you to equip 5 items of this group.
Extremely useful against enemies that don't use physical attacks like
Raktavija in missions 47 and 62.

Fire Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Ember Ring, Blaze Ring, Salamandrine Ring, Flamebane Brooch, Flameshield
Earring, Fire Charm
<> Synthesized Ability
Fire Damage: +20%, Fire Damage: +30%, Fire Damage: +50% (cannot equip a 5th)
<> Description
Boosts damage inflicted with Fire. Use Enfire to enhance this ability for
Commando's. Use Imperil to boost damage further.

Ice Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Frost Ring, Icicle Ring, Boreal Ring, Frostbane Brooch, Frostshield
Earring, Ice Charm
<> Synthesized Ability
Ice Damage: +20%, Ice Damage: +30%, Ice Damage: +50% (cannot equip a 5th)
<> Description
Boosts damage inflicted with Ice. Use Enfrost to enhance this ability for
Commando's. Use Imperil to boost damage further.

Lightning Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Spark Ring, Fulmen Ring, Raijin Ring, Sparkbane Brooch, Sparkshield Earring,
Lightning Charm
<> Synthesized Ability
Lightning Damage: +20%, Lightning Damage: +30%, Lightning Damage: +50%
(cannot equip a 5th)
<> Description
Boosts damage inflicted with Thunder. Use Enthunder to enhance this ability
for Commando's. Use Imperil to boost damage further.

Water Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Aqua Ring, Riptide Ring, Nereid Ring, Aquabane Brooch, Aquashield Earring,
Water Charm
<> Synthesized Ability
Water Damage: +20%, Water Damage: +30%, Water Damage: +50% (cannot equip a
<> Description
Boosts damage inflicted with Water. Use Enwater to enhance this ability for
Commando's. Use Imperil to boost damage further.

Wind Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Zephyr Ring, Gale Ring, Sylphid Ring, Wind Charm
<> Synthesized Ability
Wind Damage: +20%, Wind Damage: 30%, Wind Damage: +50% (cannot equip a 5th)
<> Description
Boosts damage inflicted with Wind. Can only be used by Blasters. Use Imperil
to boost damage further.

Earth Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Clay Ring, Siltstone Ring, Gaian Ring, Earth Charm
<> Synthesized Ability
Earth Damage: +20%, Earth Damage: +30%, Earth Damage: +50% (cannot equip
a 5th)
<> Description
Boosts damage inflicted with Earth. Can only be used by characters that have
Quake. Not very handy in that aspect.

Debrave Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Giant's Glove, Warlord's Glove
<> Synthesized Ability
Debrave Duration: -20%, Debrave Duration: -40%, Debrave Duration: -60%
<> Description
Reduces the duration of the debuff, only useful with enemies that cast it
on a regular basis. But Synergists and Medics can counter this easily as
wel so usefulness is debated. Against stronger Marks, this can be very
effective however. Combined with Goddess's Favor to enhance the overall

Defaith Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Glass Buckle, Tektite Buckle
<> Synthesized Ability
Defaith Duration: -20%, Defaith Duration: -40%, Defaith Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Deprotect Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Metal Armband, Ceramic Armband
<> Synthesized Ability
Deprotect Duration: -20%, Deprotect Duration: -40%, Deprotect Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Deshell Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Serenity Sachet, Safeguard Sachet
<> Synthesized Ability
Deshell Duration: -20%, Deshell Duration: -40%, Deshell Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Slow Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Glass Orb, Dragonfly Orb
<> Synthesized Ability
Slow Duration: -20%, Slow Duration: -40%, Slow Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Poison Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Star Pendant, Starfall Pendant
<> Synthesized Ability
Poison Duration: -20%, Poison Duration: -40%, Poison Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Imperil Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Pearl Necklace, Gemstone Necklace
<> Synthesized Ability
Imperil Duration: -20%, Imperil Duration: -40%, Imperil Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Curse Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Warding Talisman, Hexbane Talisman
<> Synthesized Ability
Curse Duration: -20%, Curse Duration: -40%, Curse Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Pain Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Pain Dampner, Pain Deflector
<> Synthesized Ability
Pain Duration: -20%, Pain Duration: -40%, Pain Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

Fog Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
White Cape, Effulgent Cape
<> Synthesized Ability
Fog Duration: -20%, Fog Duration: -40%, Fog Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.
Daze Resistance
<> Weapon
<> Accessory
Rainbow Anklet, Moonbow Anklet
<> Synthesized Ability
Daze Duration: -20%, Daze Duration: -40%, Daze Duration: -60%
<> Description
Same as Debrave.

<> Weapon
Axis Blade, Enkindler, Antares Deluxes, Formalhaut, Elites, Otshirvani,
<> Accessory
Hermes Sandals, Sprint Shoes, Whistlewind Scarf, Aurora Scarf, Nimbletoe
<> Synthesized Ability
ATB Rate: +10%, ATB Rate: +15%, ATB Rate: +20%, ATB Rate: +30%
<> Description
Increases the rate at which the ATB gauge charges. This is especially handy
in lenghty battles as it increases the number of overal attacks you can
perform during battle. The ability stacks with Haste making the ATB gauge
charge extremely fast.

<> Weapon
Hauteclaire, Durandal, Lionheart, Ultima Weapon, Rigels, Polaris Specials,
Procyons, Betelgeuse Customs, Unsetting Sun, Midnight Sun, Alicanto,
Caladrius, Heavenly Axis, Abraxas, Taming Pole, Venus Gospel
<> Accessory
Survivalist Catalog, Hunter's Friend, Speed Sash, Energy Sash, Champion's
<> Synthesized Ability
2 to 3 items Equipped: Random: Instant Chain
4 to 5 items Equipped: Gestalt/TP Boost
<> Description
Random Chain: Occasionally fills a target's Chain Gauge instantly, requires
just 2 items. Low probability of succes but it can work with every attack,
and is therefore more effective than you think. Especially in lengthy
Gestalt/TP Boost: Easier to charge the TP and Gestalt gauges. Useful for
gathering TP and boosting your Eidolon's Gestalt gauge. Useful to equip
items that boost TP Recovery as the effects stack.

Positive Effect
<> Weapon
Spica Defenders, Sirius Sidearms, Vidofner, Hresvelgr, Belladonna Wand,
Malboro Wand, Pandoran Spear, Calamity Spear, Gae Bolg, Gungnir
<> Accessory
Watchman's Amulet, Shrouding Talisman
<> Synthesized Ability
Buff Duration: +30%, Buff Duration: +50%, Buff Duration: +70%,
Buff Duration: +90%
<> Description
Extends the duration of buffs. Buff Duration is only effective up until
around +30% as most battles don't last that long anyway.

<> Weapon
Organyx, Apocalypse, Aldebarans, Sadalmeliks, Tigerclaw, Wyrmfang
<> Accessory
Cherub's Crown, Seraph's Crown, Zealot's Amulet, Battle Talisman
<> Synthesized Ability
4 to 5 items equipped: Vampiric Strike, Absorbs 1% of damage dealt to
enemies as HP. Equip 4 of these and leave one space for Genji Glove to
deal a great amount of damage making 1% a lot of HP.

<> Weapons
All Ultimate Weapons
<> Accessory
<> Synthesized Ability
<> Description
Items that fall under this category do not have synthesized abilities.

| 6) Key Items |

|| Name || Explanation || When ||
|| Grav-con Unit || A gravity control device || Initial ||
|| Datalog || A digital journal || Initial ||
|| Survival Knife || Lightning's Birthday present|| Initial ||
|| Serah's Tear || Crystalized teardrop || Chapter 3 ||
|| Com Unit || Comunication device || Initial ||
|| Odin Eidolith || Odin's Crystal || Chapter 4 ||
|| Shiva Eidolith || Shiva's Crystal || End of Chapter 3 ||
|| Brynhildr Eidolith || Brynhildr || End of Chapter 8 ||
|| Alexander Eidolith || Alexander || Chapter 11 ||
|| Hecatoncheir Eidolith| Hecatoncheir || Chapter 11 halfway ||
|| Bahamut Eidolith || Bahamut || End of Chapter 10 ||
|| Unicorn Mart || Shop access card || Initial ||
|| Eden Pharmaceuticals|| Shop access card || .. ||
|| Up in Arms || Shop access card || End of Chapter 3 ||
|| Plautus's Workshop || Shop access card || End of Chapter 7 ||
|| Gilgamesh, Inc. || Shop access card || Complete M46 ||
|| B&W Outfitters || Shop access card || Chapter 2 ||
|| Magical Moments || Shop access card || Halfway Chapter 5 ||
|| Moogleworks || Shop access card || Halfway Chapter 10 ||
|| Sanctum Labs || Shop access card || ... ||
|| Creature Comforts || Shop access card || End of Chapter 5 ||
|| The Motherlode || Shop access card || End of Chapter 8 ||
|| Lenora's Garage || Shop access card || Chapter 7 ||
|| R&D Depot || Shop access card || Complete M07 ||
|| Omni-kit || Enables Upgrading || Defeat Dreadnought ||
|| Gysahl Reins || Allows you to ride Chocobo's|| Complete M14 ||
|| Power Cable || from transport cart in Oerba|| Repairing Bhakti SQ||
|| Trochoid Gear || from a Cie'th in Oerba || Repairing Bhakti SQ||
|| Metal Plate || originally a sign in Oerba || Repairing Bhakti SQ||
|| Battery Pack || from a mill in Oerba || Repairing Bhakti SQ||
|| Aspheric Lens || from a classroom in Oerba || Repairing Bhakti SQ||

|{SQX} VII) Side Quests |

This part will list the Side Quests you can do in Final Fantasy XIII.
It includes:

1a) Cie'th Stones

1b) Faultwarrens
1c) Missions
2) Chocobo
3) Sheep
4) Bhakti
| 1a) Cie'th Stones |

Cie'th Stones are what remains of a l'cie that has failed its focus. You can
find out what their focus was and attempt to complete the focus yourself.
The Cie'th stones can only be found on Gran Pulse and the focus involves
hunting a special enemy and they vary in difficulty.
Once you completed a mission, you can return to the Cie'th stone and retry the
mission. This can give you another chance to 5-star it, and it will usually
give you nice items in return. 5-starring every mission gives you a trophy or

Once you accepted a mission, go to the in-game Map to see the target's location.
It is indicated by a pink star. The yellow arrow will always follow the main
story, so don't expect to be able to follow it and then end up at the target's
location. Use your map instead.

You will get titles that come with defeating these missions. Here is a list
that shows which titles you can get and when you get them.

|| Name || Condition ||
|| Good Samaritan || Complete mission 1 ||
|| Mercifex || Complete mission 3 ||
|| Archaeopolitan Idol || Complete mission 7 ||
|| Baneslayer || Complete mission 12 ||
|| Feathered Friend || Complete mission 14 ||
|| Dismantler || Complete Mission 18 ||
|| Monumental Ally || Complete Mission 21 to 26 ||
|| Grudge Settler || Complete Mission 27 ||
|| Heartstriker || Complete Mission 30 ||
|| Adamantine Knight || Complete Mission 33 ||
|| Curse Lifter || Complete Mission 34 ||
|| Righteous Avenger || Complete Mission 45 ||
|| Protean Warrior || Complete Mission 46 ||
|| Karmic Champion || Complete Mission 47 ||
|| Walker of the Wheel || Complete Mission 48 ||
|| Deus ex Machina || Complete Mission 49 ||
|| Halcyonian Hero || Complete Mission 50 ||
|| Guardian of Virtue || Complete Mission 51 ||
|| Needleworker || Complete Mission 54 ||
|| Hand of Wrath || Complete Mission 59 ||
|| Adamantine Crusader || Complete Mission 63 ||
|| Deliverer of Souls || Complete Mission 64 ||
|| Great Redeemer || Complete all Missions with 5-star ranking ||

| 1b) Faultwarrens |

The Faultwarrens are small areas connected to eachother by Mark Missions known
as the Titan Trials. Accepting the first mission in these trials at
Truthseeker's Rise, teleports you to the first map called Primeval Crossroads.
There is the first mission mark, Gurangatch. After that you can pick which
mission and with it which road you take on next. Each journey you'll have to
fight a minimum of 5 marks to complete. If you want to defeat each and every
one of them, you'll have to go through these trials 7 times minimum.

The marks in these trials are not to be taken easy. Best to wait until your
party is leveled up sufficiently before trying this. Strategies on these marks
can be found in the next chapter along with the other missions.
Here is an overview of the paths you can take:

|| Primeval Crossroads ||
.---|| Mission 35 ||---.
| <>-----------------------<> |
| |
<>---------B1--------<> <>--------B2--------<>
|| A Dance of Shadow || || A Dance of Light ||
.--|| Mission 36 ||--. .--|| Mission 37 ||---.
| <>-------------------<> | | <>------------------<> |
| | | |
<>-----C1-----<> <>------C2-----<> <>-----C3-----<>
|| Via Lunae || ||Via Stellarum|| || Via Solis ||
.-|| Mission 38 ||---. .-|| Mission 39 ||-. .--|| Mission 40 ||-.
| <>------------<> | | <>-------------<> | | <>------------<> |
| | | | | |
<>-----D1-----<> <>-----D2-----<> <>-----D3-----<> <>-----D4-----<>
|| The || || The || || The || || The ||
|| Gaian || ||Salamandrine|| || Sylphid || || Nereid ||
|| Path || || Path || || Path || || Path ||
|| Mission 41 || || Mission 42 || || Mission 43 || || Mission 44 ||
<>------------<> <>------------<> <>------------<> <>------------<>
| | | |
| | | |
|| Titan's Throne ||
|| Mission 45, Mission 46, Mission 47, Mission 48 ||
|| Mission 49, Mission 50, Mission 51 ||
You can only get access to Mission 51 when you defeated Missions 45-50.

The route to the E missions are as follows:

Mission 45: A, B1, C1, D1, E1
Mission 46: A, B1, C1, D2, E2
Mission 47: A, B1, C2, D2, E3
Mission 48: A, B2, C2, D3, E4
Mission 49: A, B2, C3, D3, E5
Mission 50: A, B2, C3, D4, E6
Mission 51: Any route to E7

In the following missions during the Titan Trials, you have a small chance
that the enemy you defeat drops a weapon. Here is a quick overview which
missions have a chance of dropping these weapons. More information on
the whole of the Titan Trials will be in the next update.

Mission 45: 1.25% chance of Tiger Claw (Vanille)

Mission 46: 1.25% chance of Dragoon Lance (Fang)
Mission 47: 1.25% chance of Malphas (Hope)
Mission 48: 1.25% chance of Aldebarans (Sazh)
Mission 49: 1.25% chance of Organix (Lightning)
Mission 50: 1.25% chance of Sacrificial Circle (Snow)

These are all the E road Missions from Titan's Trials.

Treasures you can find on the roads of the Titan Trials are:

[1] Gold Dust

[1] Starblossom Seed
[1] Zealot's Amulet
[1] Starblossom Seed
[1] Warding Talisman
[1] Starblossom Seed
[1] Cactuar Doll

| 1b) Missions |

As with all missions, Libra them the first encounter. Then when you don't get
5 stars the first time, you can try again without having to Libra them again.

|| Mission 01 || POND SCUM Class D
|| Target || Ectopudding [E202] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Reward || Energy Sash ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Mission 2 available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Lightning/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 COM/MED/SYN || 1. Until you get barwater. Then 2, to chain up until ||
|| 2 RAV/SAB/RAV || Deshell is cast successfully. Then 3, to chain up ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/RAV || faster, then finally 4 if HP gets too low. ||
|| 4 COM/MED/RAV || You can pre-empt him for higher points. ||

|| Mission 02 || GOODWILL HUNTING Class D
|| Target || Uridimmu [E203] + Gorgonopsid x4 [E119] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Reward || Cobaltite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || Clear Mission 1 ||
|| Changes || Mission 3,4 available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || Star Pendant, HP up items, low Strength weapons ||
|| Characters || Lightning/Snow/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) Hope needs Enfrost+Enthunder ||
|| 1 COM/SEN/SYN || 1 Until Enfrost (Light only), Protect, Veil is cast. ||
|| 2 COM/SEN/RAV || Then 2 and 3 to kill the Gorgonopsid. When they are ||
|| 3 COM/SEN/MED || gone, switch back to 1, get Enthunder and switch to 4 ||
|| 4 RAV/COM/RAV || to finish the fight. ||

|| Mission 3 || MASSIF CONTAMINATION Class D
|| Target || Ugallu [E204] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || Yaschas Massif - Tsubaddran Highlands ||
|| Reward || Platinum Bangle ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 2 ||
|| Changes || Mission 5, 6, 7 available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Snow/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SAB/SEN/MED || Use manual input to cast Curse. Then switch to 2 and 3 ||
|| 2 COM/RAV/RAV || to get him into stagger. When in stagger switch to 4 ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/MED || put Deshell and Deprotect on him, then back to ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/SAB || 2 to finish the battle. ||

|| Mission 4 || A HERO'S CHARGE Class D
|| Target || Adroa x4 [E205] + Verdelet x2 [E206], (Ugallu [E204]) ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Yaschas Massif - Tsubaddran Highlands ||
|| Location || Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp ||
|| Reward || Pearl Necklace ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 2 ||
|| Changes || Teleport available, Mission 9 available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || Platinum Bangle ||
|| Characters || Fang/Sazh/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 COM/SYN/SYN || Attack the Adroa until Shell is cast, then switch to 2 ||
|| 2 COM/SYN/MED || Keep attacking while Sazh casts Bravery, Faith and ||
|| 3 COM/COM/MED || Haste. Switch to 3, attack the Verdelet too. Switch to ||
|| 4 SAB/RAV/MED || 4 when Ugallu is summoned, then cast curse on it. Then ||
|| 5 COM/RAV/RAV || Switch to 5, and back to 2 if any buffs disappear. ||

|| Mission 5 || JOYLESS REUNION Class D
|| Target || Edimmu [E207] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Yaschas Massif - The Ascendant Scarp ||
|| Location || Yaschas Massif - Tsumitran Basin ||
|| Reward || Sorcerer's Mark ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x5 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 3 ||
|| Changes || Mission 8,10,11 available, if 7 cleared, 12 available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Sazh/Vanile/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SYN/MED/MED || Cast Faith, Haste and switch to 2, Let Hope cast ||
|| 2 COM/MED/SYN || Protect, Shell, then to 3 and let Vanille cast ||
|| 3 RAV/SAB/MED || Deshell and Imperil. Then go to 4 and stagger him. ||
|| 4 RAV/RAV/RAV || Switch to 5 to finish the fight. ||
|| 5 COM/RAV/RAV || ||

|| Mission 6 || NO PLACE LIKE HOME Class C
|| Target || Munchkin Maestro [E125] + Munchkin x4 [E124] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis ||
|| Location || Yaschas Massif - The Pass of Paddra ||
|| Reward || Fulmen Ring ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 3 ||
|| Changes || Teleport Available, Analects V. added ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Sazh/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SAB/SYN/SYN || 1, until Bravery, Guts, Protect and Haste are cast, ||
|| 2 COM/SYN/MED || use manual input to cast Fog, then switch to 2, for ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/MED || further enhancement. When all is cast switch to 3 and ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/RAV || 4 to finish the fight. ||

|| Mission 7 || BITUITUS, THE PILLAGER Class C
|| Target || Bituitus [E208] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis ||
|| Location || Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis ||
|| Reward || R&D Depot retail Network Access ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x5 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 3 ||
|| Changes || If M5 cleared, M12 Available ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Sazh/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SYN/MED/MED || 1 to cast Faith and Haste, then switch to 2, use Ruin ||
|| 2 COM/MED/SYN || and let Hope cast Protect, Shell, Barthunder, and Veil.||
|| 3 RAV/SAB/MED || Libra him to let Hope know to cast Barthunder. Switch ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/RAV || to 3 and let Vanille cast Deshell and Imperil, then to ||
|| 5 COM/MED/RAV || 4 and 5 to finish it. ||

|| Mission 8 || THE ELEVENTH HOUR Class C
|| Target || Rakshasa [E209] + Flan x3 [E113] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Vallis Media - Base Camp ||
|| Location || Vallis Media - Atzilut's Tears ||
|| Reward || Collector Catalog ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 5 ||
|| Changes || Teleport Available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Sazh/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SAB/SYN/SYN || Start with casting slow, then switch to 2 and let the ||
|| 2 COM/SYN/MED || Synergists cast Bravery, Faith, and Enfire. Switch to 4||
|| 3 COM/RAV/RAV || Attack flan, then back to 2, for Enthunder and 3 and 4 ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/MED || to finish. ||

|| Mission 9 || HEAVE-HO Class C
|| Target || Kaiser Behemoth [E210] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Reward || Rhodochrosite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 4 ||
|| Changes || Teleport Available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Sazh/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SEN/SYN/MED || Let Fang and Sazh get Haste, then switch to 2, cast ||
|| 2 SAB/SYN/RAV || Curse and when Hope gets Haste too, switch to 3. Let ||
|| 3 SEN/RAV/SYN || Hope cast Protect and Veil, then go to 4 and cast Curse||
|| 4 SAB/RAV/MED || if it didn't stick the first time and also cast Slow. ||
|| 5 SAB/RAV/RAV || if HP gets low in this stage, switch to 5, when all is ||
|| 6 COM/COM/RAV || cast, switch to 6 for the finishing blow. ||

|| Mission 10 || HOLLOW HOPE Class C
|| Target || Ambling Bellows [E161] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain ||
|| Reward || Superconductor x4 ||
|| Reward 2 || Thrust Bearing x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 5 ||
|| Changes || ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Lightning/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SAB/MED/MED || Cast Pain while Lightning and Vanille keep the party ||
|| 2 SAB/RAV/SAB || alive. Then switch to 2 and cast Slow, Fog, Deshell and||
|| 3 SAB/RAV/RAV || Imperil. Switch to 3 when Vanille's spells are cast and||
|| 4 COM/COM/RAV || when staggered or all spells are cast switch to 4. ||

|| Mission 11 || PRIDE BEFORE A FALL Rank C
|| Target || Adroa x6 [E205] + Verdelet [E206], Gorgonopsid [E119] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Reward || Frost Ring x2 ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 5 ||
|| Changes || - ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Sazh/Lightning/Fang ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SYN/COM/COM || Enhance your party a bit first. ||
|| 2 COM/COM/COM || Switch to 2, then go for blitz attack. Switch it with ||
|| 3 COM/MED/COM || 3 when HP gets low. Then when Gorgonopsid or the flans ||
|| 4 RAV/RAV/COM || are summoned, go with 4. ||

|| Mission 12 || GEISERIC, THE PROFANE Class C
|| Target || Geiseric [211] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Arid Strath ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland ||
|| Reward || Royal Armlet ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x5 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 5 and 7 ||
|| Changes || Cie'th appear during mission. M13, M15, M18 available ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Lightning/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 COM/MED/SYN || Cast Protect and shell on all, then switch to 2, cast ||
|| 2 COM/SAB/MED || Deshell and switch to 3 to attack. Then when he is in ||
|| 3 COM/MED/RAV || stagger, switch to 4 to finish the fight. ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/RAV || ||

|| Mission 13 || ETERNITY UNPROMISED Class C
|| Target || Goblin Chieftain [E213], Goblin x3 [E129] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain ||
|| Reward || Cobaltite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x4 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 12 ||
|| Changes || Mission 14 available. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Vanille/Fang/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 MED/SEN/SYN || Start with Protect then switch to 2 and cast Deprotect,||
|| 2 SAB/SAB/RAV || Deshell and Imperil. Switch to 3 when HP gets low ||
|| 3 SAB/SAB/MED || during this. Then to 4 and 5 to stagger him and finish ||
|| 4 RAV/COM/RAV || the fight. ||
|| 5 RAV/COM/MED || ||

|| Mission 14 || DEFENDER OF THE FLOCK Class C
|| Target || Sahagin x2 [E232], Ceratosaur x2 [E157] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva ||
|| Reward || Gysahl Reins ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 13 ||
|| Changes || M55 available, chocobo's available on Archylte Steppe. ||
|| Shrouds || 1st time: No, 2nd time: Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Snow/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SAB/SEN/SYN || Start with either pain or painga, then when HP gets low||
|| 2 SAB/SEN/MED || before it catches, switch to 2. Then when it does, go ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/RAV || to 3 and attack. Use 4 if HP gets low. ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/MED || ||

|| Mission 15 || TRIBAL WARFARE Class C
|| Target || Goblin Chieftain [E213], Goblin x6 [E129] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain ||
|| Reward || Survivalist Catalog ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x4 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 12 ||
|| Changes || - ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Vanille/Fang/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 MED/SEN/SYN || Start with Protect then switch to 2 and cast Deprotect,||
|| 2 SAB/SAB/RAV || Deshell and Imperil. Switch to 3 when HP gets low ||
|| 3 SAB/SAB/MED || during this. Then to 4 and 5 to stagger him and finish ||
|| 4 RAV/COM/RAV || the fight. ||
|| 5 RAV/COM/MED || Same fight as Mission 13 ||

|| Mission 16 || SURROGATE SLAYER Class B
|| Target || Sahagin x2 [E232] + Ceratoraptor x4 [E158] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Font of Namva ||
|| Reward || Rhodochrosite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x4 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 12, Chocobo needed ||
|| Changes || - ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Hope/Lightning/Fang ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 RAV/COM/COM || Keep attacking the Sahagin then go for the Ceratoraptor||
|| 2 RAV/MED/COM || and leave any Ceratosaur they call for last. ||

|| Mission 17 || A WIDOW'S WRATH Class B
|| Target || Pulsework Champion [E214] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Norhtern Highplane ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Norhtern Highplane ||
|| Reward || Perfect Conductor x3 ||
|| Reward 2 || Piezoelectric Element x4 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 14 ||
|| Changes || Teleport available. ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Snow/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SEN/SEN/SAB || Start with defending and casting slow and pain using ||
|| 2 SAB/RAV/MED || first 2 paradigms, then go for 3 and cast deprotect. ||
|| 3 COM/COM/SAB || Use the 4th to finish the fight. ||
|| 4 COM/COM/RAV || ||

|| Mission 18 || SO CLOSE, YET SO FAR Class C
|| Target || Ambling Bellows [E161] + Hoplite x4 [E142] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Mah'habara - Twilit Cavern ||
|| Location || Mah'habara - Twilit Cavern ||
|| Reward || Sorcerer's Mark ||
|| Reward 2 || Piezoelectric Element x4 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 12 ||
|| Changes || Mission 19 available, Teleport available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 SEN/MED/SYN || Use Hope to cast Enthunder and protect while you defend||
|| 2 SAB/MED/MED || the party with Fang, then switch to 2 and cast Pain. ||
|| 3 COM/MED/RAV || Then switch to 3 and 4 to get rid of 3 of the 4 Hoplite||
|| 4 COM/RAV/RAV || leave one, otherwise more will come. Then get rid of ||
|| 5 COM/SAB/MED || the Mark with 5, using deshell and the last Hoplite. ||

|| Mission 19 || TRIANGLE OF TRAGEDY Class C
|| Target || Uridimmu x4 [E203] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Sulyya Springs - Ceiling of Sky ||
|| Location || Sulyya Springs - Subterranean Lake ||
|| Reward || Cobaltite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x5 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 18 ||
|| Changes || Teleport available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Snow/Vanille/Sazh ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (Beginning) ||
|| 1 COM/MED/SYN || Same mission as Mission 02, use Sazh to cast Haste and ||
|| 2 COM/RAV/RAV || then go for all out attack. Cast more protection if ||
|| 3 COM/MED/RAV || you think it is necessary. ||

|| Mission 20 || WORDS UNSPOKEN Class C
|| Target || Goblin Chieftain [E213] + Goblin x2, Munchkin Maestro, ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - The Palisades Munchkin ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - The Palisades ||
|| Reward || Rhodochrosite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x5 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Teleport available, Mission 29 available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Vanille/Lightning/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SAB/MED/SYN || Cast Deshell and Imperill while Hope casts Protect when||
|| 2 SAB/RAV/MED || he does, change to 2 and 3, so damage is done on the ||
|| 3 SAB/RAV/RAV || enemy. Then switch to 4 and 5 to finish it. Use Dispel ||
|| 4 RAV/COM/RAV || when the buffs on the enemy get too much. ||
|| 5 MED/COM/RAV || ||

|| Mission 21 || A TREMULOUS TERROR Class C
|| Target || Gelatitan [E160] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - Second Tier ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Second Tier ||
|| Reward || Speed Sash ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x4 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Clear M22, M23 and path opens. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Snow/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/MED/SYN || Use Snow to protect the party while Hope casts ||
|| 2 COM/SAB/MED || Enthunder, Protect and Barwater. Add Bravery and Faith ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/RAV || if you want. Then switch to 2 and cast Deprotect. Last ||
|| 4 COM/MED/RAV || switch between 3 and 4 to finish it. ||

|| Mission 22 || INFERNAL MACHINE Class C
|| Target || Ambling Bellows [E161] + Cryptos x2 [E162] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - Second Tier ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Second Tier ||
|| Reward || Particle Accelerator x3 ||
|| Reward 2 || Electrode x3 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Clear M21, M23 and path opens. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/MED/SYN || Protect with Fang and let Hope cast Protect and ||
|| 2 SAB/MED/RAV || Enthunder, then switch to 2 and cast pain, this may ||
|| 3 COM/MED/SYN || take some time, but when you do, switch to 3 to dispose||
|| 4 COM/SAB/RAV || of the others then go to 4 and cast Deshell and finish ||
|| 5 COM/RAV/RAV || the fight with 5. ||

|| Mission 23 || NATURAL DEFENSES Class B
|| Target || Gurangatch [E163] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - Second Tier ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Second Tier ||
|| Reward || Warrior's Wristband ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x4 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Clear M21, M22 and path opens. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Lightning/Vanille/Sazh ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 COM/MED/SYN || Start with Bravery, Faith, Haste and switch to 2 for ||
|| 2 MED/SAB/RAV || Imperil and then attack with 3 until staggered. ||
|| 3 RAV/RAV/RAV || 4 to cast Deprotect and Deshell and then quickly to ||
|| 4 COM/SAB/RAV || 5 to finish it. ||
|| 5 COM/RAV/RAV || ||

|| Mission 24 || A POTENT STING Class B
|| Target || Mushussu [E168] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier ||
|| Reward || Moonblossom Seed x6 ||
|| Reward 2 || Moonblossom Seed ||
|| Conditions || Complete Missions 21, 22, 23 ||
|| Changes || Clear M25, M26 and path opens. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Snow/Vanille/Sazh ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/MED/SYN || 1 until Bravery, Faith and Haste are cast. Then to 2 ||
|| 2 SEN/MED/COM || and attack the two yakshini. 3 when HP is low. Then to ||
|| 3 SEN/RAV/COM || 4 when the Mushussu is the only one left. 4 is to ||
|| 4 RAV/SAB/RAV || stagger, when staggered switch to 5 for more damage. ||
|| 5 COM/SAB/COM || ||

|| Mission 25 || SPECTRAL HAUNT Class B
|| Target || Vetala [E155] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier ||
|| Reward || Cobaltite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x6 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Missions 21, 22, 23 ||
|| Changes || Clear M24, M26 and path opens. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Snow/Vanille/Sazh ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/SAB/SYN || Bravery, Faith and Haste then switch to 2 and 3 to ||
|| 2 RAV/SAB/RAV || stagger him, when staggered, 4 to cast Deprotect and ||
|| 3 RAV/MED/RAV || then you can finish it with 5. ||
|| 4 COM/SAB/COM || ||
|| 5 COM/MED/COM || ||

|| Mission 26 || SO SHRILL, THE CRY Class B
|| Target || Penanggala [E169] + Chonchon x4 [E167] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - Fifth Tier ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Sixth Tier ||
|| Reward || Diamond Bangle ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x6 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Missions 21, 22, 23 ||
|| Changes || Clear M24, M25 and path opens. ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Lightning/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 COM/MED/SYN || Ruinga to get rid of the Chonchon, while Hope casts ||
|| 2 COM/MED/MED || Shell. Then 3 and 4 should be enough to finish the ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/RAV || fight. ||
|| 4 COM/MED/RAV || ||

|| Mission 27 || MITHRIDATES, THE LONE Class B
|| Target || Mithridates [E215] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Taejin's Tower - The Cloven Spire ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - Ground Tier ||
|| Reward || Blaze Ring ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x6 ||
|| Conditions || Defeat Dahaka, activate middle elevator to top Tier ||
|| Changes || Defeat Barthandelus and clear M51 to make M64 available||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Snow/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/MED/SYN || Cast Faith, Enfire, Protect, Shell, Barthunder and Veil||
|| 2 COM/MED/RAV || Then switch to 2 and 3 to get stagger on him. You can ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/RAV || switch to 4 when enhancement is lost. ||
|| 4 COM/MED/SYN || ||
|| Mission 28 || FADED GLORY Class C
|| Target || Ceratosaur x10 [E157] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Oerba - Village Proper ||
|| Location || Oerba - Village Proper ||
|| Reward || Giant's Glove ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x5 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Teleport available ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Sazh/Lightning/Fang ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 RAV/COM/COM || Just cast Firaga to get rid of them quickly. ||

|| Mission 29 || FALTERING FAITH Class B
|| Target || Juggernaut [E144] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Mah'habara - Maw of the Abyss ||
|| Location || Taejin's Tower - The Palisades ||
|| Reward || Uraninite ||
|| Reward 2 || Mobius Coil x3 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 20 ||
|| Changes || - ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Snow/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/MED/SYN || Start with casting Protect, Shell and Barfire. Then go ||
|| 2 RAV/SAB/MED || to 2 and Sabotage the Juggernaut. Switch to 3 and build||
|| 3 COM/RAV/SYN || up the chain, then go with 4 when staggered to finish ||
|| 4 COM/RAV/RAV || the fight. Try to keep him launched at this stage. ||

|| Mission 30 || SYPHAX, THE INSIDIOUS Class B
|| Target || Syphax [E217] + Numida xlots [E216] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Haerii Oldroad ||
|| Location || Mah'habara - Abandoned Dig ||
|| Reward || Uraninite ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x6 ||
|| Conditions || Reach Sulyya Springs with Chocobo ||
|| Changes || Road to The Haerii Archaeopolis opens. (M31, M33, M34) ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Lightning/Sazh/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 COM/SYN/MED || Start with Bravery, Faith, Haste and Viliglance while ||
|| 2 COM/RAV/MED || using Ruinga to get rid of the Numida. Switch to 2 ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/SAB || keep casting Ruinga and use Libra. Then Syphax appears ||
|| 4 RAV/SYN/RAV || and attack him using Ruinga. Switch to 3 and cast ||
|| 5 COM/COM/RAV || Deprotect, Poison and Imperil, switch to 4 for Enfire ||
|| 6 COM/RAV/RAV || Then go with 6 to finish it off. ||

|| Mission 31 || NEWFOUND PURPOSE Class B
|| Target || Pulsework Champion [E214] + Seeker x3 [E171] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis ||
|| Reward || Perfect Conductor x3 ||
|| Reward 2 || Crystal Oscillator x2 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 30 ||
|| Changes || Teleport available. ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Snow/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SEN/SEN/MED || #1 protects against the Champions starting attack. ||
|| 2 COM/SEN/MED || Switch to 2 and use Ruinga to get rid of the Seekers. ||
|| 3 SAB/SYN/MED || Then its the same as M17, cast slow and pain using 3 ||
|| 4 COM/COM/SAB || then cast deprotect using 4 and go with 5 to finish the||
|| 5 COM/COM/RAV || fight. ||

|| Mission 32 || AND THEN THERE WAS ONE Class B
|| Target || Amam [E218] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Vallis Media - Earthen Bosom ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Western Benchland ||
|| Reward || Glass Buckle ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x5 ||
|| Conditions || Reach Mah'habara ||
|| Changes || - ||
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Snow/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SAB/SEN/MED || Use Fog and Curse then switch to 2 and stagger him. ||
|| 2 COM/RAV/RAV || Use 3 to cast deprotect on him and other ailments that ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/SAB || stick. ||

|| Mission 33 || A PARENT'S PLEDGE Class B
|| Target || Adamanchelid [E135] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Eastern Tors ||
|| Reward || White Cape ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x5 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 30 ||
|| Changes || ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Vanille/Hope ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SAB/MED/SYN || Cast Daze and then Libra him and switch to 2 while Hope||
|| 2 SEN/MED/SYN || casts Bravery, Faith, Protect, Shell and Veil, and Fang||
|| 3 SEN/SAB/RAV || to protect the party. Switch to 3 to let Vanille cast ||
|| 4 SEN/MED/MED || Deprotect, Deshell and Imperil. Then 4 when things go ||
|| 5 SAB/RAV/RAV || bad and 5 to keep casting Daze while the party attacks.||

|| Mission 34 || ZENOBIA, THE BUTCHER Class B
|| Target || Zenobia, but really: Tonberry [219] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || The Archylte Steppe - Way of the Ancients ||
|| Location || The Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaepolis ||
|| Reward || Hermes Sandals ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Core x7 ||
|| Conditions || Complete Mission 30, Need Chocobo ||
|| Changes || ||
|| Shrouds || No ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Fang/Sazh/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SAB/SYN/MED || Cast Daze and use Libra while Sazh casts Bravery, Faith||
|| 2 SAB/RAV/SAB || Haste and Vigilance. Then to 2 and cast Deprotect, ||
|| 3 COM/RAV/SAB || Deshell, Poison and Imperil. use command to cast Slow ||
|| 4 COM/SYN/RAV || Then go to 3 to attack while Vanille keeps sabotaging. ||
|| 5 COM/RAV/RAV || Use 4 to enhance again and 5 to finish it. ||

|| Mission 35 || THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED Class C
|| Target || Gurangatch [E163] ||
|| Cie'th Stone || Faultwarrens - Truthseeker's Rise ||
|| Location || Faultwarrens - Primeval Crossroads (A1) ||
|| Reward || Witch's Bracelet ||
|| Reward 2 || Bomb Shell x5 ||
|| Conditions || None ||
|| Changes || Mission 36, 37 available. Clear M36-50 and M51 available|
|| Shrouds || Yes ||
|| Equipment || - ||
|| Characters || Sazh/Lightning/Vanille ||
|| Crystarium || Stage 8 (End) ||
|| 1 SYN/COM/MED || Bravery, Haste on Sazh and Faith, Haste on the others. ||
|| 2 RAV/MED/SAB || Switch to 2 and cast Imperil, then to 3 and cast ||
|| 3 SYN/RAV/RAV || Enblizzard on Sazh and Lightning. Go with 4 to stagger ||
|| 4 RAV/RAV/RAV || him and then switch to 5 for more damage and sabotaging||
|| 5 COM/COM/SAB || madness. Then 6 will kill him off. ||
|| 6 COM/COM/RAV || ||

| 2a) Chocobo |

When you complete mission 12, the Font of Namva area unlocks. In that area
are the chocobo's. When you complete mission 14 you get Gysahl Reins and
chocobo's will start appearing in the Archylte Steppe. They are respresented
by yellow feathers on the map.
In the Font of Namva, there is also a tiny chocobo that flies around at the
pool of water. You can track its course and interact with it to receive a
Chocobo Plume or Chocobo Tail Feather.

When you get a chocobo, you will be able to reach a lot more places. You can
travel faster, jump higher and still be able to interact with Save Stations,
Cie'th Stones and Treasure Spheres. But you wont be able to enter a battle.
Instead, when you touch an enemy, one of the 3 yellow feathers at the bottom
of the screen will disappear. They will replenish but if they disappear to
quickly the Chocobo will run away. You can also only ride these chocobo's
while on the Archylte Steppe.

| 2b) Chocobo Treausure Hunting |

When you ride a chocobo you can look for treasures buried on the Archylte
Steppe. There are 20 locations that can contain treasures, but only 5
of these are selected randomly at a time. Every time you re-enter the area,
these treasure locations are reset.

The Chocobo will notify you with a big exclamation mark that jumps up
and down when you are near buried treasure. The faster this exclamation mark
jumps up and down the closer you are to the treasure. The treasures are only
buried in brown soil, never on the grassy areas. Once you are close enough to
the treasure you can dig it up by pressing X/A. You can find treasure this
way, that you cannot get anywhere else. To help you, the Chocobo will always
look in the direction the treasure is buried.

There are 2 types of treasure that you can find on the Archylte Steppe.
The "Infinite Treasure List" indicates treasure that are limitless. Meaning
you can find these treasure at all times. There is a percentage next to it
indicating the probability of finding the treasure.
The "Milestone Treasure List" will indicate the fixed treasures you find. It
also indicates how often you need to dig for treasure in order to get the
treasure listed.

|| Infinite Treasure List ||
|| Treasure || Probability ||
|| Millerite || 12.84% ||
|| Rhodochrosite || 12.84% ||
|| Cobaltite || 12.65% ||
|| Chocobo Plume || 10.19% ||
|| Chocobo Tail Feather || 9.94% ||
|| Gold Dust || 9.52% ||
|| Dawnlight Dew || 8.40% ||
|| Dusklight Dew || 7.55% ||
|| Gold Nugget || 6.32% ||
|| Moogle Puppet || 5.00% ||
|| Plush Chocobo || 4.75% ||

|| Milestone Treasure List ||
|| Treasure || Digs ||
|| Gold Nugget || 1 ||
|| Tetradic Crown || 5 ||
|| Tetradic Tiara || 10 ||
|| Entite Ring || 15 ||
|| Ribbon || 20 ||

| 3) Sheep |

In Aggra's Pasture, an area that can only be reached with a Chocobo, you can
find a flock of Sheep. From the biggest sheep you can aquire a tuft of
Fluffy Wool. There are more of these sheep to be found all around the Archylte
Steppe. Depending on the weather conditions, they will give you Thick Wool,
Fluffy Wool, Rough Wool or Scraggly Wool. Only the Grown Sheep will give you
these components. Weather conditions can be changed by touching certain
Cie'th Stones.

Grown Sheep do not always appear. Re-enter the area to reset the opportunity
to receive wool. They are randomly found at the following locations:

<> Southeastern Pond: On one of the small islands.

<> On top of a hill southwest of the pond.
<> On the right-hand side near the entrance to Aggra's Trough.
<> Inside the ruined building in the far north of The Haerii Archaeopolis.

| 3) Bhakti |

Bhakti is Vanille's little robot, finding the missing parts around Oerba
will restore him and you'll get items, a trophy or achievement and some hints.
Talking to him after repairing him, wil get you the items. Where and how to do
this, is explained in the walkthrough the at moment you can initiate this side

Here is a list that shows hoe many steps you must take in Gran Pulse in order
to get the items.

|| Title || No of steps || Reward ||
|| Pilgrim || 4999 or less || Deceptisol x10 ||
|| Sojourner || 5000 Steps || Ultracompact Reactor x2 ||
|| Trailblazer || 7000 Steps || Gold Nugget ||
|| Cartographer || 9000 Steps || Perfume x5 ||
|| Pulsian Pioneer || 10000 Steps || Platinum Ingot x3 ||
After getting Pulsian Pioneer, you also receive the Trophy/Achievement.
When you have collected all equipment, talk to Bhakti to receive the
Treasure hunter Trophy/Achievement and with it the Fang Theme/Gamer Picture.

|| Bhakti's Bonus Bytes ||
Here is an overview of the hints Bhakti gives and the meaning of them.

Hint 1: The Faultwarrens are home to some of Gran Pulse's most dangerous
denizens. If you plan to challenge them, you had best go prepared.
Means: Refers to the Faultwarrens area with the Titan Trials mentioned in the
chapter above.

Hint 2: Accepting a mission from a Cie'th Stone might remove a barrier impeding
your progress.
Means: Some missions, like 12 block paths until you complete the missions.
Please refer to the missions chapter to see what changes after
completing these missions.

Hint 3: When riding chocobos, jumping at yellow map indicators will allow you
to reach otherwise inaccessible areas.
Means: The yellow circles on the Archylte Steppe.

Hint 4: Have you triumphed over all the challenges the Faultwarrens have to
offer? Attempting the trial after doing so might draw the attention of
a certain Cie'th
Means: Completing all the 16 Marks unlocks mission 51.

Hint 5: Rumor has it that hitching a ride from Sulyya Springs on the fal'Cie
Atomos will allow you to reach a secret stretch of Mah'habara.
Means: Mah'habara has optional zones that can only be reached this way.

Hint 6: When it rains on the Archylte Steppe, it affects the wool of the
resident sheep.
Means: You can get different types of wool in different weathers.

Hint 7: Some Cie'th Stones on the Archylte Steppe take time to activate.
Means: These Cie'th Stones unlock after a certain condition is met. See the
Missions chapter to see which mission needs which conditions.

Hint 8: Complete a top-secret mission on the Archylte Steppe and new varieties
of Earth Shakers may emerge.
Means: when you complete mission 51, the Adamanchelid and Adamantoise are
replaced with Shaolong Gui and Long Gui.

Hint 9: Sulyya Springs is home to a whopper of a fal'Cie. Be careful when

walking near the water's edge.
Means: Refers to secret treasures in Sulyya Springs.

Hint10: If you climb to the seventh tier of Taejin's Tower, you will be able
to rejoin all of the elevator's rail sections.
Means: You'll have to do this if you want to defeat mission 27

Hint11: The towering Adamantoise is the undisputed king of the steppe. Get too
close, and even a chocobo will turn feather and run.
Means: If you run into one of these enemies, the chocobo will depart

|{SLX} VIII) Shop List |

Shops can be accessed through save-points. You will get access to more shops,
the further you advance in the story. The time at which an item is in stock
at a particular shop, is indicated with Stock Time.

Unicorn Mart
|| Name || Price || Stock Time || Effect ||
|| Potion || 50G || Initial || Regain HP ||
|| Antidote || 100G || Chapter 5 || Removes Poison ||
|| Holy Water || 100G || Chapter 7 || Removes Curse ||
|| Painkiller || 100G || Chapter 9 || Removes Pain ||
|| Foul Liquid || 100G || Chapter 10 || Removes Daze ||
|| Mallet || 100G || Chapter 9 || Removes Fog ||
|| Wax || 100G || Chapter 11 || Removes Imperil ||
|| Phoenix Down || 1.000G || Initial || Revive from KO ||

B&W Outfitters
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Iron Bangle || 500G || Chapter 2 ||
|| Silver Bangle || 800G || Chapter 4 ||
|| Tungsten Bangle || 1.500G || Chapter 5 ||
|| Titanium Bangle || 3.600G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Gold Bangle || 9.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Mythril Bangle || 15.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Power Wristband || 1.000G || Chapter 3 ||
|| Brawler's Wristband || 3.000G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Warrior's Wristband || 10.000G || Chapter 11*||
|| Magician's Mark || 1.000G || Chapter 3 ||
|| Shaman's Mark || 3.000G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Sorcerer's Mark || 10.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Black Belt || 4.500G || Chapter 4 ||
|| General Belt || 12.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Rune Bracelet || 4.500G || Chapter 4 ||
|| Witch's Bracelet || 12.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Giant's Glove || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Glass Buckle || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Metal Armband || 3.000G || Chapter 5 ||
|| Serenity Sachet || 3.000G || Chapter 5 ||
|| Glass Orb || 3.000G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Star Pendant || 3.000G || Chapter 7 ||
|| Pearl necklace || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Warding Talisman || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Pain Dampener || 3.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| White Cape || 3.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Rainbow Anklet || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Cherub's Crown || 3.000G || Chapter 11*||
11* After beating Boxed Phalanx and reaching Earthworks
in Mah'habara

Up in Arms
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Blazefire Saber || 2.000G || Chapter 3* ||
|| Edged Carbine || 4.600G || Chapter 6 ||
|| Gladius || 7.100G || Chapter 11*||
|| Vega 42s || 2.000G || Chapter 3* ||
|| Deneb Duellers || 3.900G || Chapter 6 ||
|| Wild Bear || 1.800G || Chapter 3* ||
|| Power Circle || 4.500G || Chapter 6 ||
|| Hawkeye || 4.400G || Chapter 6 ||
|| Ninurta || 2.800G || Chapter 3* ||
|| Binding Rod || 2.500G || Chapter 3* ||
|| Pearlwing Staff || 2.300G || Chapter 6 ||
|| Rod of Thorns || 3.000G || Chapter 11*||
|| Bladed Lance || 4,500G || Chapter 11*||
|| Partisan || 6.600G || Chapter 11*||
3*After beating Garuda
11* After beating Boxed Phalanx and reaching Earthworks
in Mah'habara

Lenora Garage
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Polymer Emulsion || 200G || Chapter 4* ||
|| Ferroeletric Film || 460G || Chapter 4* ||
|| Insulated Cabling || 280G || Chapter 4* ||
|| Ceramic Armor || 660G || Chapter 7 ||
|| Passive Detector || 840G || Chapter 7 ||
|| Liquid Crystal Lens || 320G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Epicyclic Gear || 320G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Radial Bearing || 320G || Chapter 11*||
|| Super Conductor || 840G || Chapter 11*||
|| Bomb Fragment || 430G || Chapter 7 ||
|| Fiber-optic Cable || 840G || Chapter 11*||
|| Ring Joint || 840G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Crankshaft || 840G || Chapter 9 ||
|| Perfect Conductor || 1.600G || Chapter 11*||
|| Piezoelectric Element || 840G || Chapter 11*||
|| Turbojet || 840G || Chapter 7 ||
|| Paraffin Oil || 320G || Chapter 4* ||
|| Amplifier || 520G || Chapter 11*||
|| Silicone Oil || 660G || Chapter 11*||
4* After defeating Dreadnought
11* After beating Boxed Phalanx and reaching Earthworks
in Mah'habara
Magical Moments
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Guardian Amulet || 5.000G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Auric Amulet || 5.000G || Chapter 5* ||
|| Watchman's Amulet || 5.000G || Chapter 6 ||
|| Hero's Amulet || 5.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Saint's Amulet || 5.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Zealot's Amulet || 5.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Flamebane Brooch || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Frostbane Brooch || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Spakrbane Brooch || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Aquabane Brooch || 3.000G || Chapter 11 ||
* After defeating Feral Behemoth

Creature Comforts
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Wicked Fang || 80G || Chapter 5* ||
|| Thickened Hide || 80G || Chapter 5* ||
|| Enigmatic Fluid || 80G || Chapter 5* ||
|| Sturdy Bone || 80G || Chapter 5* ||
|| Scaled Wing || 80G || Chapter 5* ||
|| Fragrant Oil || 80G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Barbed Tail || 80G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Bestial Claw || 80G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Vibrant Ooze || 80G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Iron Shell || 80G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Monstrous Fang || 150G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Smooth Hide || 150G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Mysterious Fluid || 150G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Otherworldly Bone || 150G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Abominable Wing || 150G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Medicinal Oil || 150G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Diabolic Tail || 150G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Gargantuan Claw || 150G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Transparent Ooze || 150G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Armored Shell || 150G || Chapter 11 ||
* After defeating the Aster Protoflorian

Plautus's Workshop
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Axis Blade || 15.000G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Lifesaber || 20.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Lionheart || 28.000G || Chapter 12 ||
|| Spica Defenders || 14.500G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Procyons || 30.000G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Paladin || 20.000G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Rebel Heart || 11.000G || Chapter 13 ||
|| Umbra || 32.600G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Airwing || 10.000G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Otshirvani || 28.200G || Chapter 13 ||
|| Vidofnir || 19.800G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Healer's Staff || 19.800G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Mistilteinn || 11.000G || Chapter 12 ||
|| Belladonna Wand || 31.200G || Chapter 8 ||
|| Punisher || 31.200G || Chapter 13 ||
|| Pandora Spear || 16.200G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Gae Bolg || 13.100G || Chapter 8 ||
* After beating Boxed Phalanx and reaching Earthworks
in Mah'habara

The Motherlode
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Millerite || 3.000G || Chapter 8* ||
|| Rhodochrosite || 8.000G || Chapter 8* ||
|| Cobaltite || 17.000G || Chapter 8* ||
|| Perovskite || 30.000G || Chapter 8* ||
|| Uraninite || 45.000G || Chapter 8* ||
|| Mnar Stone || 60.000G || Chapter 10 ||
|| Scarletite || 100.000G || Chapter 11 ||
* After defeating Midlight Reaper

|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Whistlewind Scarf || 1.000G || Chapter 10*||
|| Nimbletoe Boots || 6.000G || Chapter 11 ||
|| Collector Catalog || 100.000G || Chapter 10*||
|| Speed Sash || 10.000G || Chapter 11 ||
* After defeating Cid Raines

R&D Depot
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Green Needle || 7.000G || Mission 7 ||
|| Particle Accelerator || 10.000G || Mission 7 ||
|| Ultracompact Reactor || 50.000G || Mission 7 ||
|| Adamantite || 220.000G || Mission 7 ||
|| Dark Matter || 840.000G || Mission 7 ||
|| Trapezohedron || 2000.000G || Mission 7 ||

Sanctum Labs
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Platinum Bangle || 48.000G || Chapter 12 ||
|| Royal Armlet || 200.000G || Chapter 12 ||
|| Entite Ring || 120.000G || Chapter 12 ||

Eden Pharmaceuticals
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Librascope || 10.000G || Chapter 13*||
|| Fortisol || 12.000G || Chapter 13*||
|| Aegisol || 12.000G || Chapter 13*||
|| Deceptisol || 30.000G || Chapter 13*||
*After beating Proud Clod 2nd Time

Gilgamesh, Inc.
|| Name || Price || Stock Time ||
|| Organyx || 280.000G || ToT* ||
|| Hauteclaire || 20.000G || ToT* ||
|| Rigels || 19.000G || ToT* ||
|| Aldebrans || 263.000G || ToT* ||
|| Pleiades Hi-Powers || 22.000G || ToT* ||
|| Feymark || 25.000G || ToT* ||
|| Sacrificial Circle || 210.000G || ToT* ||
|| Unsetting Sun || 21.000G || ToT* ||
|| Simurgh || 21.000G || ToT* ||
|| Malphas || 198.200G || ToT* ||
|| Alicanto || 18.000G || ToT* ||
|| Tigerclaw || 300.000G || ToT* ||
|| Heavenly Axis || 24.000G || ToT* ||
|| Dragoon Lance || 230.000G || ToT* ||
|| Shamanic Spear || 23.000G || ToT* ||
|| Taming Pole || 27.000G || ToT* ||
*After beating Trials of Titan

|{ENI} IX) Enemy Intel |

Libra is a Technique that enables you to view information about your enemies.
As you learn about the enemy's weakness, your allies will act accordingly and
also attack that weakness. You can review enemy information during battle by
pressing the R1/RB button or go to Datalog in the main menu and then select the
bottom option (Enemy Intel) in the menu.
If you have the full info on 100 enemies, you'll get a nice reward in the form
of a trophy/achievement.

Below is an explanation on the Enemy Intel used in the game.

|| Name: XXXXXXXXXXX || ||
|| HP 0000/0000 || Status Immunities ||
|| LEVEL 00 || - - - - - - - - - - - ||
|| Chain || Attribute Resistance ||
|| 0 || <>--------------<> ---- Fire ||
|| Stagger || || picture of || ---- Ice ||
|| 000.0% || || the enemy in || ---- Thunder ||
|| Drop Item || || the middle || ---- Water ||
|| XXXXXXX || || || ---- Wind ||
|| Rare Drop Item || <>--------------<> ---- Holy ||
|| XXXXXXX || ---- Weapon ||
<>-------------------<> ---- Magic ||
|| Note 1: - - - ||
|| Note 2: - - - ||
|| Note 3: - - - ||
|| Note 4: - - - ||

<> Name: Name of the Enemy.

<> HP: Number of Hit Points it still has/Total number of Hit Points
<> Level: The current level of the enemy
<> Chain: Chain resistance, higher numer = higer resistance.
(100-Chain resistance) : 100
<> Stagger: At what % Stagger status occurs
<> Drop Item: What Item the enemy drops when defeated
<> Rare Drop Item: What Item the enemy rarely drops when defeated
<> Note: Different characteristics about the enemy.
<> State Immunities: What status changing abilities it blocks.
in left to right order:
Deprotect: Removes Protect (protection agains physical attacks)
Deshell: Removes Shell (protection against magic attacks)
Slow: Charges up the ATB meter slower

Poison: Slowly decreases HP.

Imperil: All elemental resistances are reduced by 1 rank
Curse: Harder to Stagger, easier for attacks to get into Stagger
Pain: Unable to use physical abilities
Fog: Unable to use magic attacks
Daze: Can't move, receive more damage from attacks
Death: Instant KO
Dispel: Removes buffs from target

<> Vulnerabilities: What attacks are effective and what are not.
|| Color || Name || Damage ||
|| WHITE || None || x1 (Standard damage) ||
|| BLUE || Weakness || x2 (200% damage) ||
|| YELLOW || Halved || x0.5 (50% damage) ||
|| ORANGE || Resistant || x0.1 (10% damage) ||
|| RED || Immune || x0 (0% damage, guard) ||
|| PURPLE || Absorb || Attacks heal target (30% of usual damage) ||

| Enemy List |

Here is an explanation on how to use the Enemy List used in this FAQ.

A/B/C etc Type - Subtype

|| Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: || - Fire || Deprotect: 00 ||
|| LV: || - Ice || Deshell: 00 ||
|| CP: || - Thunder || Slow: 00 ||
|| Str: || - Water || Poison: 00 ||
|| Mag: || - Wind || Imperil: 00 ||
|>------------------------------<| - Earth || Curse: 00 ||
|| Chain Resistance: || - Weapon || Pain: 00 ||
|| Stagger-point: || - Magic || Fog: 00 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------<| Daze: 00 ||
|| Common Drop: || Death: 00 ||
|| Rare Drop: || Dispel: 00 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 00 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

<> A/B/C etc: Numer of different forms this enemy has. A=Normal B=Staggered or
other when indicated.
<> Type and Subtype: Where to find this enemy in the game's Enemy Intel list.
<> Name: Name of the Enemy.
<> HP: Number of Hit Points
<> Level: The current level of the enemy
<> CP: Number of Crystogen Points you get for defeating enemy
<> Str: Strength of the enemy
<> Mag: Magic of the enemy
<> Stagger: At what % Stagger status occurs
<> Chain: Chain Bonus resistance, (100-chain) / 100 = resistance
<> Drop: What Items the enemy drops + %
<> Rare Drop: What items the enemy rarely drops + %

<> Note: Different characteristics about the enemy.

<> Status Immunities: What status changing abilities it blocks.
Deprotect: Removes Protect (protection agains physical attacks)
Deshell: Removes Shell (protection against magic attacks)
Slow: Charges up the ATB meter slower

Poison: Slowly decreases HP.

Imperil: All elemental resistances are reduced by 1 rank
Curse: Harder to interupt, easier for attacks to get interupted
Pain: Unable to use physical abilities
Fog: Unable to use magic attacks
Daze: Can't move, receive more damage from attacks
Death: Instant KO
Dispel: Removes buffs from target
Provoke: how well the enemy reacts to provoke

<> Vulnerabilities: What attacks are effective and what are not.
N - None (normal damage)
W - Weakness ( 50% more damage)
H - Halved (50% less damage)
R - Resist (damage is heavily reduced)
I - Immune (no damage, guard)
A - Absorb (damage is absorbed)

The enemies will be listed in order of appearance.

A/B/C etc Type - Subtype
|| Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: || - Fire || Deprotect: 00 ||
|| LV: || - Ice || Deshell: 00 ||
|| CP: || - Thunder || Slow: 00 ||
|| Str: || - Water || Poison: 00 ||
|| Mag: || - Wind || Imperil: 00 ||
<>------------------------------<| - Earth || Curse: 00 ||
|| Chain Resistance: || - Weapon || Pain: 00 ||
|| Stagger-point: || - Magic || Fog: 00 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 00 ||
|| Common Drop: || Death: 00 ||
|| Rare Drop: || Dispel: 00 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 00 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|{ENR} X) Enemy Report |

| Chapter 1 |

E001 A: 1st Time, B: 2nd Time Militarized Units - Annihalators

|| Name: Manasvin Warmech || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: A: 390, B: 990 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 75 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 99 ||
|| Str: 15 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 15 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Potion x6 (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E002 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: PSICOM Enforcer || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 171 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 24 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 13 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E003 Soldiers - PSICOM Hunters

|| Name: PSICOM Warden || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 84 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 21 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 17 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Relatively Low HP. ||

E004 Militarized Units - Razorclaws

|| Name: Pantheron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 375 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 22 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 15 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 103.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wicked Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Low stagger treshold. ||
E005 Soldiers - Airborne
|| Name: PSICOM Aerial Recon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 189 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 44 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 20 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain resistance: 80 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E006 Soldiers - Elites

|| Name: PSICOM Marauder || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 60 ||
|| LV: 25 || N - Ice || Deshell: 60 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 99 ||
|| Str: 20 || N - Water || Poison: 60 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 60 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 60 ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 60 ||
|| Stagger-point: 104.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 60 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 60 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Low Stagger treshold. ||

E007 Militarized Units - Behemoths

|| Name: Beta Behemoth || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1800 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 60 ||
|| LV: 20 || N - Ice || Deshell: 60 ||
|| CP: 0 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 99 ||
|| Str: 95 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 60 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 60 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 60 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 60 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devestating physical attacks. ||

| Chapter 2 |

E008 Militarized Units - Tilters

|| Name: Myrmidon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1260 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 18 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 36 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Polymer Emulsion (5%) || Dispel: 00 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

E009 Militarized Units - Zwerg Droids

|| Name: Zwerg Scandroid || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 57 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 12 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 13 || N - Water || Poison: 0 ||
|| Mag: 30 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Thickened Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Relatively Low HP. ||

E010 Cie'th - Shambling Cie'th

|| Name: Ghoul || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 330 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 26 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 64 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 38 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Frustration (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E011 Cie'th - Shambling Cie'th

|| Name: Ghast || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 900 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 19 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 7 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 47 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 80 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Fustration (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E012 Cie'th - Shambling Cie'th

|| Name: Wight || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 270 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 24 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 5 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 40 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 75 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Frustration (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Frequently evades attacks. ||

E013 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Anima || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3300 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 88 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 99 ||
|| Str: 57 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 30 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Doctor's Code (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Chain bonus accumulates slowly. ||
|| - Regenerates destroyed manipulators. ||

E014 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Right Manipulator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 300 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 66 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 99 ||
|| Str: 68 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 62 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E015 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Left Manipulator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 300 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 66 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 99 ||
|| Str: 68 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 62 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||
| Chapter 3 |

E016 Feral Creatures - Terraquatics

|| Name: Breshan Bass || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2430 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 12 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 8 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 100 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Strange Fluid (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Enigmatic Fluid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E017 Militarized Units - Annihalators

|| Name: Manasvin Warmech || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 32400 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 60 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 64 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 44 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 00 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 00 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devestating physical attacks. ||

E018 Feral Creatures - Terraquatics

|| Name: Bloodfang Bass || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 81 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 3 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 18 || Halved - Water || Poison: 0 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 200.0% || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 0 || N - Magic || Fog: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Strange Fluid (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Enigmatic Fluid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Relatively Low HP. ||

E019 Militarized Units - Behemoths

|| Name: Alpha Behemoth || Status Immunities || Vulnerabilities ||
|| HP: 20250 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 36 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 125 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Bestial Claw (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devestating physical attacks. ||
|| - Magical attacks are ineffectual. ||

E020 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: PSICOM Tracker || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1269 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 16 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 8 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 64 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 210 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E021 Militarized Units - Drones

|| Name: Watchdrone || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1890 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 18 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 10 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 29 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0 || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Paraffin Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks agains a single target. ||

E022 Soldiers - PSICOM Hunters

|| Name: PSICOM Ranger || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 324 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 16 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 7 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 45 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of bestowing Protect. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Shell. ||

A: Normal
B: Stagger Militarized Units - Cognispeeders
|| Name: Ciconia Velocycle || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 7290 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 14 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 24 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 167 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || A:H, B:R - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || A:H, B:R - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Insulated Cabling (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||

E024 Militarized Units - Tilters

|| Name: Crusader || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 7290 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 11 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 16 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 7 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ferroelectric Film (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

A: 1st Time,
B: 2nd Time (Stagger),
C: 2nd Time (Barrier) Militarized Units - Annihilators
|| Name: Garuda Interceptor || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: A: 8000, BC: 16200 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: A: 58, BC: 62 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: A: 0, BC: 240 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: AC: 58, B: 25 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: AB: 35, C: 95 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:50, BC:80||AB:N, C:R - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger: A:170, B:300, C:200 ||AB:N, C:R - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Silver Bangle (100%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes: <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| B - Capable of temporary damage resistance. ||
|| C - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||

E026 Soldiers - PSICOM Elites

|| Name: PSICOM Executioner || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 4050 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 30 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 20 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 70 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 1167 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Millerite (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E027 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Shiva Nix || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: - || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 99 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 55 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 60 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: None || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who defend against and endure attacks. ||
|| - Cannot be provoked. ||

E028 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Shiva Stiria || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: - || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 55 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 60 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: None || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who defend against and endure attacks. ||
|| - Cannot be provoked. ||
| Chapter 4 |

E029 Militarized Units - Razorclaws

|| Name: Thexteron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3120 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 10 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 16 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 73 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wicked Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||

E029 Militarized Units - Razorclaws

|| Name: Thexteron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3120 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 10 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 16 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 73 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wicked Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||

A: Normal,
B: Stagger Pulse Automata - Pulsework Soldiers
|| Name: Pulsework Soldier || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 7410 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 29 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 77 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || A:H, B:N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || A:H, B:N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Spark Plug (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Passive Detector (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Physical and magical resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| B - Can alter own form. ||

E031 Feral Creatures - Daemons

|| Name: Incubus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2964 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 17 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 16 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 45 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E032 Feral Creatures - Daemons

|| Name: Succubus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 975 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 16 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 15 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 96 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 120 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||
A:1st time,
B: 2nd time Pulse Automata - Armaments
|| Name: Dreadnought || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: A: 17940, B: 44850 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 62 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: A: 0, B: 360 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 120 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 73 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Omni-kit (100%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of removing status ailments. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||

E034 Soldier - Corps Footmen

|| Name: Corps Regular || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1560 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 11 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 16 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 64 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 106 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||

E035 Soldiers - Corps Gunmen

|| Name: Corps Gunner || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1092 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 14 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 40 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 64 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of bestowing Barthunder. ||

E036 Militarized Units - Golems

|| Name: Uhlan || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 10842 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 20 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 120 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 64 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Electrolytic Capacitor (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ceramic Armor (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||

E037 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: Targeting Beacon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 975 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 0 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 0 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E038 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Odin || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: - || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 99 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 150 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 112 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: - || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who heal the wounded. ||

E039 Pulse Automata - Bombs

|| Name: Bomb || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1248 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 18 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 12 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 68 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 80 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Bomb Ashes (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Bobm Fragment (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of self-destructing for massive damage. ||
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||

E040 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Gremlin || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 896 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 14 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 16 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 48 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 85 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Thickended Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||
| Chapter 5 |

E041 Militarized Units - Leeches

|| Name: Frag Leech || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1575 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 26 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 52 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Gummy Oil (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fragrant Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||

E042 Militarized Units - Vespids

|| Name: Vespid || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 6930 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 38 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 58 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 125 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 25 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 230.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Molted Tail (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Barbed Tail (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||

E043 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: Silver Lobo || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 6300 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 11 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 48 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 89 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 35 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wicked Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

E044 Feral Creatures - Nudibranchs

|| Name: Crawler || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2363 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 4 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 26 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 65 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Gummy Oil (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fragrant Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E045 Feral Creatures - Behemoths

|| Name: Feral Behemoth || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 23635 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 64 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 158 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Turbojet (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful water-based attacks. ||

E046 Feral Creatures - Stalkers

|| Name: Barbed Specter || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 9009 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 38 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 61 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag:0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 210.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Molted Tail (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Barbed Tail (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||

E047 Soldiers - Corps Footmen

|| Name: Corps Watchman || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 6048 || Immune - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 32 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 67 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 116 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||

E048 Soldiers - Corps Gunmen

|| Name: Corps Marksman || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2205 || Immune - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 29 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 84 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 58 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Potion (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Phoenix Down (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of bestowing Enfire. ||
A: Normal
B: Tri-beam Militarized Units - Cognispeeders
|| Name: Milvus Velocycle || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 25200 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 48 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 116 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || A:N, B:R - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 220.0% || A:N, B:R - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Turbojet (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||

A: Normal
B: Fire mode
C: Ice mode
D: Thunder Mode
E: Water Mode
|| Name: Aster Protoflorian || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 129600 || * - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 59 || * - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1000 || * - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 253 || * - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 253 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Tungsten Bangle (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Can alter own elemental weaknesses. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
A: Normal, B: Fire Mode, C: Ice Mode, D: Thunder Mode E: Water Mode
Fire: Halved Absorbed Weakness Halved Halved
Ice: Halved Weakness Absorbed Halved Halved
Thunder: Halved Halved Halved Absorbed Weakness
Water: Halved Halved Halved Weakness Absorbed

| Chapter 6 |
A/B/C etc Feral Creatures - Flan
|| Name: Flandragora || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 7290 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 32 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 107 || Immune - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 53 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || Immune - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable. ||

E052 Feral Creatures - Terraquatics

|| Name: Hedge Frog || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 513 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 8 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 56 || Immune - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 55 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Strange Fluid (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Mysterious Fluid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||

A: Normal
B: Stagger Feral Creatures - Armadillons
|| Name: Scalebeast || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 37125 || H W - Fire || Deprotect: 99 0 ||
|| LV: 11 || I H - Ice || Deshell: 99 0 ||
|| CP: 160 || H W - Thunder || Slow: 99 0 ||
|| Str: A:200, B:100 || H W - Water || Poison: 99 0 ||
|| Mag: A;245, B:123 || H H - Wind || Imperil: 99 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| I H - Earth || Curse: 99 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || H H - Weapon || Pain: 99 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 115.0% || H H - Magic || Fog: 99 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 99 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Segmented Carapace (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Iron Shell (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 99 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates slowly. ||
|| B - Susceptible to Poison. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates slowly. ||

E054 Feral Creaturs - Spooks

|| Name: Garchimacera || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3510 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 12 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 46 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 71 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 132 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 45 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Thickened Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E055 Feral Creatures - Wyverns

|| Name: Wyvern || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 48600 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 9 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 171 || N - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 88 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Severed Wing (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Scaled Wing (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Susceptible to Poison. ||

E056 Feral Creatures - Terraquatics

|| Name: Mud Frog || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 9450 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 48 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 121 || Immune - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 126 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 40 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Strange Fluid (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Mysterious Fluid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Calls allies. ||

A: Normal
B: After War Cry Feral Creatures - Woodwraiths
|| Name: Enki || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 75600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 50 ||
|| LV: 56 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 50 ||
|| CP: 500 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 133 || Immune - Water || Poison: 0 50 ||
|| Mag: 171 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 65 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Riptide Ring (100%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Poison. ||
|| - Employs powerful water-based attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||

A: Normal
B: After War Cry Feral Creatures - Woodwraiths
|| Name: Enlil || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 70200 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 50 ||
|| LV: 56 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 50 ||
|| CP: 500 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 120 || Immune - Water || Poison: 0 50 ||
|| Mag: 185 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 65 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Fulmen Ring (100%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Poison. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||

| Chapter 7 |

E059A/B/C etc Soldiers - Corps Gunmen

|| Name: Corps Tranquifex || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3612 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 32 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 86 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 86 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 135.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Phoenix Down (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Credit Chip (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Enwater. ||

A: Normal
B: During Gatling Gun Militarized Units - Cognispeeders
|| Name: Falco Velocycle || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 14700 || N N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 25 || N N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 90 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 140 || N N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:85, B:100|| H R - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || H R - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fiber-optic Cable (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: A:30 B:0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
E061 Soldiers - Corps Footmen
|| Name: Corps Pacifex || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5670 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 32 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 55 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 67 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Phoenix Down (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Credit Chip (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful water-based attacks. ||

E062 Militarized Units - Flan

|| Name: Flanitor || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3780 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 20 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 64 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 100 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 750 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 85 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 115.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

A: Normal
B: Stagger Militarized Units - Armadons
|| Name: Lucidon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 10080 || H N - Fire || Deprotect: IM 30 ||
|| LV: 23 || H N - Ice || Deshell: IM 30 ||
|| CP: 96 || H N - Thunder || Slow: IM 30 ||
|| Str: 133 || H N - Water || Poison: IM 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || H N - Wind || Imperil: IM 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| H N - Earth || Curse: IM 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || R N - Weapon || Pain: IM 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || R N - Magic || Fog: IM 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Segmented Carapace (25%) || Death: IM 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Iron Shell (5%) || Dispel: IM 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs physical and magical combination attacks. ||
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| B - Unremarkable ||

E064 Soldiers - PSICOM Hunters

|| Name: PSICOM Predator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3780 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 51 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 92 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 75 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Phoenix Down (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||

E065 Militarized Units - Tilters

|| Name: Orion || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 25200 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 12 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 77 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 100 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Superconductor (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow ||

E066 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: PSICOM Scavenger || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 9660 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 51 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 67 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 60 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Phoenix Down (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Uses Vigilance to prevent ability interruption. ||

E067 Soldiers - PSICOM Artillery

|| Name: PSICOM Bombardier || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 11340 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 58 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 353 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Phoenix Down (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E068 Soldiers - PSICOM Elites

|| Name: PSICOM Warlord || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 22680 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 17 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 120 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 150 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 85 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Rhodochrosite (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E069 Soldiers - PSICOM Airborne

|| Name: PSICOM Aerial Sniper || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 7350 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 17 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 58 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 78 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Phoenix Down (10%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (2%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

A: Normal
B: Overdrive Militarized Units - Annihalators
|| Name: Ushumgal Subjugator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 126.000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM 30 ||
|| LV: 57 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM 30 ||
|| CP: 960 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: IM 30 ||
|| Str: 171 || N - Water || Poison: IM 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:95, B:70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Abominable Wing (100%) || Death: IM IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||
|| B - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates quickly. ||

A: Normal
B: Standing Up Militarized Units - Behemoths
|| Name: Lodestar Behemoth || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 37.800 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 IM ||
|| LV: 18 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 IM ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 IM ||
|| Str: A:200, B:140 || N - Water || Poison: 30 IM ||
|| Mag: 100 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:40, B:85 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: A:500%, B:150%|| N - Magic || Fog: 30 IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 IM ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 30 IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Bestial Claw (5%) || Dispel: 0 IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Exceptionally high HP. ||
|| B - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful wind-based attacks. ||

E072 Militarized Units - Annihalators

|| Name: Ushumgal Subjugator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 378.000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 55 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 960 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 171 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Shield Talisman (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||

A: Normal
B: After he deploys Main cannon Militarized Units - Armatures
|| Name: Havoc Skytank || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 441.000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 56 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 1800 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 218 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:95 B:0 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: A:999 B:200 || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Uranite (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| AB - Cannot be attacked at close range. ||
|| AB - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| AB - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| A - Can be attacked in multiple locations. ||

E074 Militarized Units - Armatures

|| Name: Starboard Hull || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 12600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 51 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 218 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 999.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be attacked at close range. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

E075 Militarized Units - Armatures

|| Name: Portside Hull || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 12600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 51 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 218 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 999.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be attacked at close range. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
E076 Militarized Units - Armatures
|| Name: Starboard Turret || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 10710 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 51 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 218 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 999.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be attacked at close range. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

E077 Militarized Units - Armatures

|| Name: Portside Turret || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 10710 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 51 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 218 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 999.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be attacked at close range. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

| Chapter 8 |

E078 Militarized Units - Zwerg Droids

|| Name: Zwerg Metrodroid || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2160 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 128 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 145 || Immune - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 84 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Smooth Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes Powerful magic attacks. ||

E079 Militarized Units - Armatures

|| Name: Midlight Reaper || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 100800 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 56 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1500 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 200 || N - Water || Poison: 99 ||
|| Mag: 119 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Gyroscope (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Piezoelectric Element (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E080 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Brynhildr || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: - || Absorbed - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 99 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: - || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 116 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 128 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: None || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who strengthen their allies. ||
| Chapter 9 |

E081 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: PSICOM Raider || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 20529 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 57 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 95 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 195.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Pain. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Fog. ||
|| - Capable of temporary damage resistance. ||

E082 Soldiers - PSICOM Hunters

|| Name: PSICOM Infiltrator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 9504 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 153 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 210 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E083 Militarized Units - Drones

|| Name: Deckdrone || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 15840 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 141 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 35 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 113.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Silicone Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse. ||

E084 Soldiers - PSICOM Airborne

|| Name: PSICOM Dragoon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 12024 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 163 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 121 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

E085 Soldiers - PSICOM Epopts

|| Name: PSICOM Huntress || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 11960 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 22 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 192 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 59 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 20 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 45 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 180.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Protect. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Shell. ||

E086 Militarized Units - Tilters

|| Name: Viking || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 140976 || Immune - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 5 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 320 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 117 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 83 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Perfect Conductor (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||

E087 Militarized Units - Flan

|| Name: Flanborg || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 12600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 102 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 147 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 99 ||
|| Mag: 391 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 0 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 190.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Sesceptible to Deprotect. ||

E088 Militarized Units - Vespids

|| Name: Vespid Soldier || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 12960 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 116 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 42 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 88 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 220.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Molted Tail (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Barbed Tail (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

A: Normal
B: Stagger Militarized Units - Armadons
|| Name: Thermadon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 43200 || N N - Fire || Deprotect: 50 0 ||
|| LV: 11 || N N - Ice || Deshell: 50 0 ||
|| CP: 269 || N N - Thunder || Slow: 30 0 ||
|| Str: A:176 B:70 || N W - Water || Poison: 99 0 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N N - Wind || Imperil: 50 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N N - Earth || Curse: 70 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || R H - Weapon || Pain: 50 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 165.0% || R H - Magic || Fog: 50 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 50 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Segmented Carapace (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Iron Shell (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 50 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs physical and magical combination attacks. ||
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Exceptionally high HP. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| B - Vulnerable to water damage. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||

A: 1st time
B: 2nd time Militarized Units - Annihalitors
|| Name: Karavinka Striker || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: A: 108000 B: 122400 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 95 95 ||
|| LV: A:56 B:58 || N - Ice || Deshell: 95 95 ||
|| CP: 1280 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 0 30 ||
|| Str: 185 || N - Water || Poison: 95 95 ||
|| Mag: 0 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 95 95 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:25 B:70 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 95 95 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 95 95 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 95 95 ||
|| Common Drop: A: Soulfront Talisman B: Blessed || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None Talisman || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based atacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse. ||

E091 Soldiers - PSICOM Artillery

|| Name: PSICOM Destroyer || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 23760 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 12 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 218 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 400 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates quickly. ||

E092 Soldiers - PSICOM Elites

|| Name: PSICOM Reaver || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 59400 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 95 ||
|| LV: 13 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 95 ||
|| CP: 38 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 95 ||
|| Str: 135 || Halved - Water || Poison: 95 ||
|| Mag: 135 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 95 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 95 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || N - Weapon || Pain: 95 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 95 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 95 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Cobaltite (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 95 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Deshell. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
A: With Parts
B: Without Parts Others - Fal'Cie
|| Name: Barthandelus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 462000 || R N - Fire || Deprotect: IM 90 ||
|| LV: 57 || R N - Ice || Deshell: IM 90 ||
|| CP: 6000 || R N - Thunder || Slow: IM 90 ||
|| Str: 73 || R N - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 100 || R N - Wind || Imperil: IM 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| R N - Earth || Curse: IM 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:100 B:75 || R N - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: A:999% B:250% || R N - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Entite Ring (100%) || Death: IM IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Difficult to damage until armor has been destroyed. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| B - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs non-elemental attacks. ||
|| - Stores energy to unleash special abilities. ||

Healed by ice damage.

Vulnerable to fire damage.

E094 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Right Pauldron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5040 || Absorbed - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 51 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 0 || Halved - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 100 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - coordinates attacks agains a single target. ||
|| - Healed by fire damage. ||
|| - Vulnerable to ice damage. ||

E095 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Right Ailette || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5040 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 51 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 0 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 100 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks agains a single target. ||
|| - Healed by lightning damage. ||
|| - Vulnerable to water damage. ||

E096 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Left Pauldron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5040 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 51 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 0 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 100 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks agains a single target. ||
|| - Healed by water damage. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||

E097 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Left Ailette || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5040 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 51 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 0 || Halved - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 100 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks agains a single target. ||
|| - Healed by ice damage. ||
|| - Vulnerable to fire damage. ||

| Chapter 10 |

A: Normal
B: Stagger Pulse Automata - Pulsework Soldiers
|| Name: Pulsework Knight || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 25200 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 16 || N N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 256 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 286 || N N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 148 || N N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || R N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || R N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Spark Plug (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Radial Bearing (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| B - Can alter own form. ||

E099 Pulse Automata - Bombs

|| Name: Circuitron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5040 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 20 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 198 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 198 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Bomb Ashes (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Bomb Shell (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of self-destructing for massive damage. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||

E100 Feral Creatures - Nudibranchs

|| Name: Noctilucale || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5040 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 8 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 64 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 155 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 155 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Gummy Oil (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fragrant Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable ||

E101 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Phosphoric Ooze || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 6720 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 15 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 102 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 71 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 107 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fragrant Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of merging into more powerful form. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||

E102 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Alchemic Ooze || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 67200 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 15 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 102 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 258 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 258 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||

E103 Feral Creaturs - Daemons

|| Name: Skata'ne || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 23520 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 14 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 218 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 198 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 198 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E104 Feral Creaturs - Daemons

|| Name: Stikini || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 16800 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 12 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 192 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 198 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 198 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||

E105 Pulse Automata - Centaurions

|| Name: Berserker || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 142800 || Immune - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 512 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 286 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 234 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Transformer (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Amplifier (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||

E106 Pulse Automata - Centaurions

|| Name: Centaurion Blade || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 20008 || Immune - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 0 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 234 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 234 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be provoked. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

E107 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Imp || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5880 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 5 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 128 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 129 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 184 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Smooth Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Summons reinforcements. ||

E108 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Ahriman || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 15120 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 215 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 258 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Smooth Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

A: Normal
B: Standing Upright Feral Creaturs - Behemoths
|| Name: Greater Behemoth || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 75600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 384 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 322 || N - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 258 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Bestial Claw (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| B - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Pain. ||

A: Attacker
B: Defender
C: Healer
D: Metamorphose Others - L'Cie
|| Name: Cid Raines || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 226800 || N N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 68 || N N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 6000 || N N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 135 || N N - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: ABD:172 C:1290 || N N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: || N H - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: || N H - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Tetradic Crown (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| ABC - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Plans actions according to target's role. ||
|| D - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||

E111 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Bahamut || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: NA || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 99 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 310 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 310 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: None || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who defend against and endure attacks. ||
|| - Yields to those who weaken and debilitate their enemies. ||

| Chapter 11 |

E112 Feral Creatures - Nudibranchs

|| Name: Alraune || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 18000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 240 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 540 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 540 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 290.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Gummy Oil (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Esoteric Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E113 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Flan || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 28800 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 440 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 166 || Immune - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 105 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 40 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Transparant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of mergin into more powerful form. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E114 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Dire Flan || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 169200 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 4 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 960 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 463 || Immune - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 171 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Transparant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of merging into more powerful form. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E115 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Monstrous Flan || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 247500 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 2000 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 762 || Immune - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 295 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Transparant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||

E116 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Alexander || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: - || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 99 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 850 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 850 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 85 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: None || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who heal the wounded. ||
|| - Yields to those who strengthen their allies. ||

E117 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Leyak || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 15300 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 1 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 50 ||
|| CP: 440 || N - Thunder || Slow: 50 ||
|| Str: 108 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 50 ||
|| Mag: 154 || Absorbed - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 50 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 50 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Smooth Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Summons reinforcements. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||
|| - Vulnerable to ice damage. ||

E118 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Rangda || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 27000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 1 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 740 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 116 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 191 || Absorbed - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 170.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Smooth Hide (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Summons reinforcements. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||
|| - Vulnerable to ice damage. ||

E119 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: Gorgonopsid || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 30600 ||Resistant - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 5 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 440 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 225 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 93 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 160.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Monstrous Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E120 Feral Creatures - Stalkers

|| Name: Triffid || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 56160 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 540 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 203 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 100 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 75 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 180.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Molted Tail (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Diabolic Tail (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deshell. ||

A: Normal
B: Standing Up Feral Creatures - Behemoths
|| Name: Behemoth King || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: A: 487620, B: 756000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 12 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 4000 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: A: 943, B: 1692 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 925 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:60, B:95 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 650.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Gargantuan Claw (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| B - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||

E122 Feral Creatures - Wyverns

|| Name: Svarog || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 226800 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 5 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 920 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 376 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 245 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 75 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 280.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Severed Wing (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Scaled Wing (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Fog. ||

E123 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Hybrid Flora || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 216000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1080 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 454 || Immune - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 304 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || Immune - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 190.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Vulnerable to fire damage. ||
|| - Employs powerful water-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||

E124 Feral Creatures - Goblins

|| Name: Munchkin || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 25920 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 400 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 183 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 0 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 40 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Fractured Horn (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Spined Horn (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of morphing into a stronger form. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

E125 Feral Creatures - Goblins

|| Name: Munchkin Maestro || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 90720 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 920 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 429 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 286 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Fractured Horn (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Spined Horn (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E126 Cie'th - Winged Cie'th

|| Name: Nelapsi || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 86400 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 4 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 940 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 293 || N - Water || Poison: 60 ||
|| Mag: 263 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 25 || N - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || Weakness - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Remorse (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Vulnerable to magical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E127 Cie'th - Shambling Cie'th

|| Name: Taxim || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 237600 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 3 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 1900 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 439 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 60 ||
|| Mag: 284 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 75 || N - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 125.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Remorse (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

E128 Feral Creatures - Armadillons

|| Name: Navidon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 400140 || R W - Fire || Deprotect: IM 90 ||
|| LV: 7 || A I - Ice || Deshell: 90 90 ||
|| CP: 1900 || R W - Thunder || Slow: 90 0 ||
|| Str: 872 || I W - Water || Poison: 90 0 ||
|| Mag: 1491 || I w - Wind || Imperil: 90 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 90 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 85 || I N - Weapon || Pain: 90 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 125.0% || R H - Magic || Fog: 90 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Segmented Carapace (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Armored Shell (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Chain bonus Accumulates slowly. ||
|| B - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to fire damage. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates slowly. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse. ||

E129 Feral Creatures - Goblins

|| Name: Goblin || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 86400 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 910 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 650 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 49 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Fractured Horn (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fiendish Horn (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of morphing ino a stronger form. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
E130 Feral Creatures - Wyverns
|| Name: Amphisbaena || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 360000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 3500 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 569 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 366 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 350.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Severed Wing (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Abominable Wing (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Debrave. ||
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||

E131 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: Megistotherian || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 438480 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 7 || Immune - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 2600 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 904 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 550 ||Resistant - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 450.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Monstrous Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||

E132 Feral Creatures - Cactuars

|| Name: Cactuar || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 777777 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 5000 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 777 || Absorbs - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 77 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 777.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Plume (5%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Cactuar Doll (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||

E133 Feral Creatures - Cactuars

|| Name: Giant Cactuar || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 777777 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 10000 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 777 || Absorbs - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 87 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 777.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Plume (10%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Cactuar Doll (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze ||

E134 Feral Creatures - Cactuars

|| Name: Cactuar Prime || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 777777 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 15000 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 777 || Absorbs - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 777.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Plume (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Cactuar Doll (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Fog. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Pain. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||

E135 Feral Creatures - Oretoises

|| Name: Adamanchelid || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 956250 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 5 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 4550 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 1292 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 861 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 25 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 450.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 50 ||
|| Common Drop: Gold Dust (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Scarletite (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Never allows itself to be caught by preemptive strikes. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||

|| Name: Adamantortoise || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3699000 || R H - Fire || Deprotect: IM 70 ||
|| LV: 10 || R H - Ice || Deshell: IM 70 ||
|| CP: 40000 || R H - Thunder || Slow: IM 70 ||
|| Str: 9964 || R H - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 8303 || R H - Wind || Imperil: IM 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| R H - Earth || Curse: IM 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:100 B:60 || R H - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || R H - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Platinum Ingot (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Trapezohedron (1%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||
|| B - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 246600 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 6 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 0 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 9964 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 8303 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 246600 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 6 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 0 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 9964 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 8303 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: Adamantoise || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5343000 || R H - Fire || Deprotect: IM 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || R H - Ice || Deshell: IM 30 ||
|| CP: 40000 || R H - Thunder || Slow: IM 30 ||
|| Str: 11537 || R H - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 5916 || R H - Wind || Imperil: IM 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| R H - Earth || Curse: 70 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:100 B30 || R H - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% || R H - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Platinum Ingot (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Trapezohedron (1%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||
|| B - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 356200 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 11537 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 5916 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 356200 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 11537 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 5916 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

E142 Pulse Automata - Combat Engineers

|| Name: Hoplite || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 33638 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 50 ||
|| LV: 5 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 50 ||
|| CP: 770 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 494 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 315 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 270.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Analog Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Solenoid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||

E143 Pulse Automata - Bombs

|| Name: Cryohedron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 35100 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 14 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1190 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 136 || Halved - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 200 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Bomb Ashes (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Bomb Core (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of self-destruction for massive damage. ||
|| - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||

E144 Pulse Automata - Armaments

|| Name: Juggernaut || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1584000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 3 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 3900 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 1151 || N - Water || Poison: 0 ||
|| Mag: 2130 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Tungsten Bangle (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Particle Accelerator (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of removing status ailments. ||

E145 Pulse Automata - Combat Engineers

|| Name: Boxed Phalanx || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 94770 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 15 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 2450 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 586 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 482 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Analog Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Needle Valve (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Calls allies. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

E146 Pulse Automata - Pulsework Soldiers

|| Name: Pulsework Centurion || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 39780 || R H - Fire || Deprotect: IM 0 ||
|| LV: 16 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: IM 0 ||
|| CP: 1750 || N W - Thunder || Slow: 70 0 ||
|| Str: 651 || R H - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 651 || R H - Wind || Imperil: IM 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 30 || R H - Weapon || Pain: IM 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || R H - Magic || Fog: IM 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Spark Plug (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Active Detector (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| B - Unremarkable ||

E147 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Rust Pudding || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 46800 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 9 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 1470 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 820 || Halved - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 85 || N - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wonder Gel (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E148 Others - Eidolons

|| Name: Hecatoncheir || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: - || N - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 99 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 586 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 373 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: None || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Yields to those who amass chain bonuses. ||
|| - Yields to those who heal the wounded. ||
|| - Yields to those who weaken and debilitate their enemies. ||

E149 Feral Creatures - Daemons

|| Name: Yaksha || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 61446 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 1700 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 615 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 44 || N - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 280.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 50 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ancient Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E150 Feral Creatures - Daemons

|| Name: Yakshini || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 58212 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 1750 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 402 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 348 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 50 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ancient Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

|| Name: Ferruginous Pudding || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 93600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 15 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3900 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 1262 || Halved - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wonder Gel (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E152 Pulse Automata - Centaurions

|| Name: Tyrant || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 792000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 5 || Immune - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 3510 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 1065 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 1065 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Transformer (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Amplifier (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

E153 Pulse Automata - Centaurions

|| Name: Centaurion Blade || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 202400 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 0 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 852 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 852 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be provoked. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

|| Name: Strigoi || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 363825 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 5 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1300 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 795 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 550 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 25 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 350.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Frustration (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||

A: Normal
B: Barrier up Cie'th - Unusual Cie'th
|| Name: Vetala || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 480249 || N H - Fire || Deprotect: 30 IM ||
|| LV: 9 || N H - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 3000 || N H - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 313 || N H - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 365 || N H - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N I - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Remorse (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to Physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| B - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Immune to physical attacks. ||

E156 Feral Creatures - Sahagin

|| Name: Orobon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 257400 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 4 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 1855 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 382 || Immune - Water || Poison: 0 ||
|| Mag: 127 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 125.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Moistened Scale (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Abyssal Scale (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Susceptible to Poison. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Haste. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||

E157 Feral Creatures - Terraquatics

|| Name: Ceratosaur || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 35100 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 4 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 630 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 598 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 152 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Strange Fluid (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ineffable Fluid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Pain. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||

E158 Feral Creatures - Terraquatics

|| Name: Ceratoraptor || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 70200 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 18 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1400 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 402 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 344 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Strange Fluid (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ineffable Fluid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Calls allies. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||

E159 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: M�nagarmr || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 155232 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 50 ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 1900 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 421 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 50 ||
|| Mag: 522 || N - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 50 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 400.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 50 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 50 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sinister Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based atttacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||
E160 Feral Creatures - Flan
|| Name: Gelatitan || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 679140 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 4 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 2900 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 634 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 50 ||
|| Mag: 597 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 70 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wonder Gel (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful water-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||

E161 Pulse Automata - Combat Engineers

|| Name: Ambling Bellows || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 270000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 7 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 1850 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 898 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 465 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 400.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Analog Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Butterfly Valve (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Calls allies. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Pain. ||

E162 Pulse Automata - Combat Engineers

|| Name: Cryptos || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 17700 ||Resistant - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 12 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1000 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 731 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 731 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Analog Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Solenoid (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||

A: Normal
B: Stagger Feral Creatures - Armadillons
|| Name: Gurangatch || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 242550 || R N - Fire || Deprotect: IM 0 ||
|| LV: 7 || N W - Ice || Deshell: IM 0 ||
|| CP: 2700 || R N - Thunder || Slow: IM 0 ||
|| Str: 783 || N W - Water || Poison: IM 0 ||
|| Mag: 2088 || N W - Wind || Imperil: 90 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N N - Earth || Curse: IM 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 85 || I H - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || R H - Magic || Fog: IM 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Segmented Carapace (25%) || Death: 90 70 ||
|| Rare Drop: Regenerating Carapace (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates slowly. ||
|| B - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

A: Normal
B: Stagger Pulse Automata - Pulswork Soldiers
|| Name: Pulsework Gladiator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 36221 || R N - Fire || Deprotect: IM 0 ||
|| LV: 12 || R N - Ice || Deshell: IM 0 ||
|| CP: 1600 || R N - Thunder || Slow: IM 0 ||
|| Str: 482 || N N - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 261 || R N - Wind || Imperil: IM 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| R N - Earth || Curse: IM 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 40 || R N - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 145.0% || R N - Magic || Fog: IM 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Spark Plug (25%) || Death: 50 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Thrust Bearing (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| B - Unremarkable ||

E165 Cie'th - Winged Cie'th

|| Name: Varcolaci || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 40425 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1500 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 418 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 602 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 50 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 180.0% || Weakness - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Woe (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Frequently evades attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||

E166 Cie'th - Shambling Cie'th

|| Name: Vampire || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 349272 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 9 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 2350 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 1021 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 470 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 255.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Woe (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||

E167 Cie'th - Winged Cie'th

|| Name: Chonchon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 16979 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 750 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 131 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 261 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 350.0% || Weakness - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: 30 ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Woe (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be provoked. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Pain. ||

|| Name: Mushussu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 121275 || Absorbed - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 2500 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 50 ||
|| Str: 475 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 163 ||Resistant - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 185.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Molted Tail (25%) || Death: 50 ||
|| Rare Drop: Entrancing Tail (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - Forgot to check ||
|| - ||

E169 Cie'th - Winged Cie'th

|| Name: Penanggalan || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 252252 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 3100 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 339 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 385 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 230.0% || Weakness - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Whistlewind Scarf (5%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Nimbletoe Boots (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||

A: Start of battle
B: After Fulminous storm attack
C: After Bone-chilling Breaker attack
D: After Diluvial Plague attack
E: Thrown down, Staggered Others - Fal'Cie
|| Name: Dahaka || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2314800 || * - Fire || Deprotect: ** ||
|| LV: 53 || * - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 33000 || * - Thunder || Slow: ** ||
|| Str: 743 || * - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 761 || * - Wind || Imperil: ** ||
<>------------------------------<| * - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance:A-D:70 E:100|| Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 320.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Tetradic Tiara (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Faith. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| B - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||
|| - Employs powerful fire-based attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Faith. ||
|| C - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||
|| - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Faith. ||
|| D - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Elemental damage is ineffectual. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Faith. ||
|| E - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
* A: Start B: fire C: ice D: plague E: Stagger
Fire: Normal Absorbed Normal Halved Normal
Ice: Normal Normal Absorbed Halved Normal
Thunder: Normal Absorbed Normal Halved Normal
Water: Normal Normal Absorbed Halved Normal
Wind: Normal Normal Normal Halved Normal
Earth: Normal Normal Normal Halved Normal
** A: B: C: D: E:
Deprotect: 99 99 99 IM 0
Slow: 99 99 99 IM 50
Imperil: 50 50 50 IM 50
E171 Cie'th - Unusual Cie'th
|| Name: Seeker || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 34175 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 2 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 630 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 100 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 1367 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 260.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie't Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Remorse (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||

A: Start
B: With all faces showing
|| Name: Barthandelus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3307500 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 55 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 100000 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 413 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 660 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||
|| B - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||
|| - Employs non-elemental attacks. ||

| Chapter 12 |

A: Normal
B: Barier up Militarized Units - Annihalators
|| Name: Anavatapta Warmech || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 280500 || N I - Fire || Deprotect: 30 IM ||
|| LV: 54 || N I - Ice || Deshell: 30 IM ||
|| CP: 26000 || W I - Thunder || Slow: 30 IM ||
|| Str: 168 || N I - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 168 || N I - Wind || Imperil: 30 IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N I - Earth || Curse: 30 IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:20 B:90 || N I - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N I - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 IM ||
|| Common Drop: Tesla Turbine (100%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||
|| - Capable of temporary invulnerability ||
|| B - Cannot be damaged except when staggered ||
|| - Capable of temporary invulerability. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||

E174 Militarized Units - Golems

|| Name: Bulwarker || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 264000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 5 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 2080 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 852 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 852 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Electrolytic Capacitor (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Chobham Armor (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse. ||

E175 Soldiers - Corps Gunmen

|| Name: Corps Defender || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 26400 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 8 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 650 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 710 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 710 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||

E176 Soldiers - PSICOM Hunters

|| Name: Sanctum Archangel || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 52800 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 13 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 845 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 1121 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 1121 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of temporary damage resistance. ||
|| - Capable of removing status ailments. ||

E177 Soldiers - Corps Footmen

|| Name: Corps Steward || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 66000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 780 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 327 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 213 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||

E178 Militarized Units - Razorclaws

|| Name: Adamantheron || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 96800 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 780 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 417 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 417 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 120.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sinister Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of bestowing Haste. ||
|| - Susceptible to Daze. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||

E179 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: Sanctum Seraph || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 140800 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 14 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 910 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 355 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 355 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of temporary damage resistance. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||

E180 Soldiers - PSICOM Shock Troops

|| Name: Targeting Beacon || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 15840 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 0 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 0 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || Weakness - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Unremarkable ||

A: Normal
B: Standing Up Militarized Units - Behemoths
|| Name: Proto-Behemoth || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 484000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 8 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 3250 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: A:710 B:1065 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: A:710 B:1065 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N H - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N H - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Helish Talon (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| B - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E182 Militarized Units - Annihilators

|| Name: The Proudclad 1st || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1530000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 54 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 10000 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 420 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Particle Accelerator (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||

A: Normal
B: Standing Up Feral Creatures - Behemoths
|| Name: Humbaba || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1320000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 70 ||
|| LV: 3 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 70 ||
|| CP: 3250 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 90 ||
|| Str: A: 1217 B:2130 || Immune - Water || Poison: 30 70 ||
|| Mag: A: 1217 B:956 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 700.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 IM ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Hellish Talon (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| B - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| - Employs powerful wind-based attacks. ||

E184 Militarized Units - Annihilators

|| Name: Vernal Harvester || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 924000 || - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 5 || - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 3380 || - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 2130 || - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 2505 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Electrode (20%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Mobius Coil (5%) || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| B-E - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Employs powerful *-based attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks ||
A: Normal, B: Fire Mode, C: Ice Mode, D: Thunder Mode E: Water Mode
Fire: Normal Absorbed Weakness Normal Immune
Ice: Normal Immune Absorbed Weakness Normal
Thunder: Normal Normal Immune Absorbed Weakness
Water: Normal Weakness Normal Immune Absorbed

*-based attacks: B: Fire, C: Ice, D: Thunder, E: Water

E185 Soldiers - Sanctum Inquisitrix

|| Name: Sanctum Inquisitrix || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 132000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 19 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1300 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 355 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 355 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Perfume (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||

E186 Soldiers - PSICOM Artillery

|| Name: Sanctum Celebrant || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 88000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 16 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1430 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 946 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 946 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip(25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Incentive Chip (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E187 Cie'th - Shambling Cie'th

|| Name: Sacrifice || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 452000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1440 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 1367 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 455 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Perfume (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Scarletite (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting instant KO. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||

A: Start
B: Flying
C: Standing after special attack
D: Flying after special attack Militarized Units - Annihilators
|| Name: The Proudclad 2nd || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3570000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM 90 ||
|| LV: AB: 51, CD: 52 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: IM 90 ||
|| CP: 100000 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: AC: 1105, BD: 477 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: AC:70 BD:80|| N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Royal Armlet (100%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| AB - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| CD - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Can alter own form. ||

| Chapter 13 |

A: Normal
B: During Plasmacanon Militarized Units - Cognispeeders
|| Name: Aquila Velocycle || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 282500 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 18 || N - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 2400 || N - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 1032 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 1032 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:100 B:20 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Digital Circuit (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Tesla Turbine (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E190 Militarized Units - Armatures

|| Name: Megrim Thresher || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1017000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3200 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 1215 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 1215 || N - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Gyroscope (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Crystal Oscilator (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs non-elemental attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E191 Feral Creatures - Sahagin

|| Name: Dagonite || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 203400 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 14 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1600 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 683 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 683 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Moistened Scale (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Seaking's Beard (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Veil. ||

E192 Feral Creatures - Woodwraiths

|| Name: Bandersnatch || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 254250 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 9 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 16000 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 50 ||
|| Str: 781 || Halved - Water || Poison: 50 ||
|| Mag: 781 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 50 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || Immune - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Moonblossom Seed (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Starblossom Seed (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E193 Feral Creatures - Woodwraiths

|| Name: Jabberwocky || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 678000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 14 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 16000 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 50 ||
|| Str: 1764 || Weakness - Water || Poison: 50 ||
|| Mag: 1764 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 50 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || Immune - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Moonblossom Seed (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Starblossom Seed (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| - Susceptible to Poison. ||

E194 Pulse Automata - Centaurions

|| Name: Immortal || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1695000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 4 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 5600 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 1094 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 1094 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Transformer (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Carburetor (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E195 Pulse Automata - Centaurions

|| Name: Centaurion Blade || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 169500 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 0 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 1562 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 10940 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Cannot be provoked. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E196 Soldiers - PSICOM Elites

|| Name: Sanctum Templar || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 565000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 10 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 3520 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 841 || Halved - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 911 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Credit Chip (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Perovskite (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||

E197 Cie'th - The Undying

|| Name: Wladislaus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 734500 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 50 ||
|| LV: 15 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 32000 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 2735 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 2735 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 999.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Woe (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deshell. ||

A: Flying
B: Standing Militarized Units - Annihilators
|| Name: Tiamat Eliminator || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3825000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM 70 ||
|| LV: 52 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: IM 70 ||
|| CP: 48000 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM 70 ||
|| Str: 700 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM 70 ||
|| Mag: 0 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: IM 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: IM IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:75 B:80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Imperial Armlet (100%) || Death: IM IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: IM IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Employs powerful ice-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Can alter own form. ||
|| - Immune to all status ailments. ||
|| B - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of removing enhancements. ||
|| - Can alter own form. ||

E199 Others - Fal'Cie

|| Name: Barthandelus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 5227500 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 54 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 840 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 840 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Halved - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs non-elemental attacks. ||

A: Light Orb
B: Dark Orb
C: Light and dark Orb Others - Fal'Cie
|| Name: Orphan 1st Battle || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 6780000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 95 ||
|| LV: 54 || N - Ice || Deshell: 95 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 95 ||
|| Str: 1367 || N - Water || Poison: 95 ||
|| Mag: 1367 || N - Wind || Imperil: 95 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 95 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 400.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| AC - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Employs non-elemental attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflciting instant KO. ||
|| B - High damage-dealing potential. ||
|| - Employs non-elemental attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Fog. ||

A: Normal
B: During change Others - Fal'Cie
|| Name: Orphan 2nd Battle || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 3390000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 51 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 1215 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 1215 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:50 B:100 || I N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% || I N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Capable of inflicting Doom. ||
|| - Cannot be damaged except when staggered. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Pain. ||
|| - Employs physical and magical combination attacks. ||
|| B - Capable of inflicting Doom. ||

| Missions |

E202 Feral Creatures - Flan

|| Name: Ectopudding || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 133200 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 4 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 980 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 518 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 259 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 10 || Immune - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 600.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wonder Gel (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful water-based attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||

E203 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: Uridimmu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 45900 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 9 || Immune - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1225 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 275 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 114 ||Resistant - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sinister Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 80 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||

E204 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: Ugallu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 282960 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 3 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1330 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 395 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 718 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 210.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sinister Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 50 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||

E205 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Adroa || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 21600 ||Resistant - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 7 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 700 ||Resistant - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 116 ||Resistant - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 127 || Absorbed - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<|Resistant - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 75 || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Supple Leather (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Summons reinforcements. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||
|| - Low stagger threshold. ||

E206 Feral Creatures - Spooks

|| Name: Verdelet || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 38880 || Immune - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 9 || Immune - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1000 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 152 || Immune - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 208 || Absorbed - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 99 || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 103.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Torn Leather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Supple Leather (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Summons reinforcements. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||
|| - Low stagger threshold. ||

E207 Cie'th - Winged Cie'th

|| Name: Edimmu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 116640 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 15 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1050 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 304 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 127 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Whistlewind Scarf (5%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Nimbletoe Boots (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Frequently evades attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E208 Cie'th - The Undying

|| Name: Bituitus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 324000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 9 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 2250 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 329 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 263 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 380.0% || Weakness - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Tetradic Crown (5%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tetradic Tiara (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Frequently evades attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Daze. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||

E209 Feral Creatures - Daemons

|| Name: Rakshasa || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 162000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1470 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 162 || N - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 231 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 90 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 185.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Shattered Bone (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Ancient Bone (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Fog. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Shell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

A: Normal
B: Standing Upright Feral Creatures - Behemoths
|| Name: Kaiser Behemoth || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: A: 196560 B: 293760 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 16 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 3000 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 527 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 790 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Begrimed Claw (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Hellish Talon (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| B - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

E211 Cie'th - The Undying

|| Name: Geiseric || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 702000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 58 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 10000 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 1025 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Brawler's Wristband (5%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Black Belt (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Can be attacked in multiple locations. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

|| Name: Geiserics's Arm || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 26000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 0 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 1025 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

E213 Feral Creatures - Goblins

|| Name: Goblin Chieftain || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 216000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 1400 ||Resistant - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 1230 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 98 ||Resistant - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 60 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 250.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Fractured Horn (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Fiendish Horn (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| - Susceptible to Poison. ||
|| - Capable of bestowing Bravery. ||

A: Normal
B: Staggered Pulse Automata - Pulsework Soldiers
|| Name: Pulsework Champion || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 187500 || I R - Fire || Deprotect: 90 0 ||
|| LV: 10 || I R - Ice || Deshell: 90 0 ||
|| CP: 2860 || I R - Thunder || Slow: 90 0 ||
|| Str: 1652 || I R - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 1707 || I R - Wind || Imperil: IM 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| I R - Earth || Curse: IM IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || H N - Weapon || Pain: 90 IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 110.0% || H N - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM 0 ||
|| Common Drop: Spark Plug (25%) || Death: 0 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Thrust Bearing (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - Physical and magic resistance low when staggered. ||
|| - Chain bonus accumulates slowly. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| B - Susceptible to Deprotect. ||
|| - Susceptible to Deshell. ||
|| - Susceptible to Imperil. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||

E215 Cie'th - The Undying

|| Name: Mithridates || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1587600 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 6 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 7500 || Immune - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 1049 || Weakness - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 1420 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 55 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Tetradic Crown (5%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tetradic Tiara (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||
|| - Frequently evades attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E216 Cie'th - The Undying

|| Name: Numidia || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 17600 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 51 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 6000 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 327 || N - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 200 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 50 || N - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

E217 Cie'th - The Undying

|| Name: Syphax || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2024000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 60 || N - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 327 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 1065 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 70 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Debrave. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Defaith. ||

E218 Feral Creatures - Beasts

|| Name: Amam || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 446250 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 12 || Weakness - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 6500 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 764 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 1680 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 80 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 270.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Chipped Fang (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sinister Fang (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of inflicting Curse. ||
|| - Employs powerful lightning-based attacks. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
E: Feral Creatures - Tonberries
|| Name: Tonberry || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 742500 || *4 I - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 49 || *4 I - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: *1 || *4 I - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: *2 || *4 A - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: *3 || *4 I - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| W W - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: || H R - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: || H R - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Plume (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: DE: Tonberry Figurine (D-1%)(E-5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - ||
|| B - ||
|| C -
|| D -
|| E - Grudge grows progressively deeper and more severe. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Fog. ||
*1: CP *2: Str *3: Mag
A: 7500 A: 1543 A: 2700
B: 15000 B: 2160 B: 4050
C: 20000 C: 5940 C: 9963
D: 30000 D: 10395 D: 14845
E: 50000 E: 14033 E: 26154

*4 Vulnerabilities
Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind Water
A: Normal Halved
B: Halved Resistant
C: Resistant Immune
D: Immune Absorbed

E220 Feral Creatures - Nudibranchs

|| Name: Rafflesia || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 127500 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 4 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 1500 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: 0 ||
|| Str: 0 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: 0 ||
|| Mag: 1077 || Absorbed - Wind || Imperil: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 75 || N - Weapon || Pain: 0 ||
|| Stagger-point: 350.0% || Immune - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Gummy Oil (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Esoteric Oil (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Susceptible to Fog. ||
|| - Susceptible to Slow. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Vulnerable to fire damage. ||

|| Name: Borgbear Hero || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 792000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 7 || Immune - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 5600 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 4050 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 4253 || N - Wind || Imperil: 99 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 200.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 99 ||
|| Common Drop: Fractured Horn (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Infernal Horn (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: Corrosive Custard || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 263250 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 20 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 7500 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 2050 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 2278 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 99 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 90 ||
|| Stagger-point: 150.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Murky Ooze (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Wonder Gel (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

E223 Feral Creatures - Ochu

|| Name: Neochu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2625000 || Halved - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 16 || Halved - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 50000 || Halved - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 7000 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 1000 || Halved - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 888.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Tail Feather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sunpetal (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 50 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

E224 Feral Creatures - Ochu

|| Name: Picochu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 262500 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 10 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 2500 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 1250 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 4 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 444.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Plume (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Gloomstalk (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 50 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Never allows itself to be caught by preemptive strikes. ||
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||

|| Name: Zirnitra || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2475000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 70 ||
|| LV: 5 || Absorbed - Ice || Deshell: 70 ||
|| CP: 20000 || Absorbed - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 3600 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 3600 || Weakness - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 97 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 180.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 99 ||
|| Common Drop: Severed Wing (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Menacing Wings (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

A: Normal
B: Barrier Up
|| Name: Raktavija || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 2062500 || H R - Fire || Deprotect: 70 IM ||
|| LV: 12 || H R - Ice || Deshell: IM IM ||
|| CP: 25000 || H R - Thunder || Slow: 30 70 ||
|| Str: 54 || H R - Water || Poison: IM IM ||
|| Mag: 1800 || H R - Wind || Imperil: 30 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| H R - Earth || Curse: IM IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N I - Weapon || Pain: 0 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 130.0% || H R - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM IM ||
|| Common Drop: Shaman's Mark (5%) || Death: IM IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Rune Bracelet (1%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| A - ||
|| B - ||

|| Name: Attacus || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 9135000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 57 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 75000 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 3125 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 3125 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 999.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Zealot's Amulet (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Battle Talisman (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deprotect. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Deshell. ||

|| Name: Gigantuar || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1111111 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 20000 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 10000 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 100 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 777.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Tail Feather (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Cactuar Doll (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 99 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

A: Normal
B: Barrier
|| Name: Vercinetrorix || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 15840000 || H I - Fire || Deprotect: 70 IM ||
|| LV: 54 || H I - Ice || Deshell: 70 IM ||
|| CP: 0 || H I - Thunder || Slow: 70 IM ||
|| Str: 4154 || H I - Water || Poison: 70 IM ||
|| Mag: 4154 || H I - Wind || Imperil: 70 IM ||
<>------------------------------<| H I - Earth || Curse: IM IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:70 B:100 || N I - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 300.0% || N I - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM IM ||
|| Common Drop: Twenty-sided Die (5%) || Death: IM IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Ribbon (1%) || Dispel: 0 IM ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

E230 Feral Creatures - Ochu

|| Name: Ochu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 892500 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 8 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 6800 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 2585 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 100 || N - Wind || Imperil: 90 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 95 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 888.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Tail Feather (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Sunpetal (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Never allows itself to be caught by preemptive strikes. ||
|| - Calls allies. ||
|| - Employs powerful earth-based attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Poison. ||

E231 Feral Creatures - Ochu

|| Name: Microchu || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 114750 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1300 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 300 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 4 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 444.0% || N - Magic || Fog: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Plume (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Gloomstalk (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Never allows itself to be caught by preemptive strikes. ||
|| - Coordinates attacks against a single target. ||
|| - Vulnerable to fire damage. ||

E232 Feral Creatures - Sahagin

|| Name: Sahagin || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 64800 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 7 ||Resistant - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 910 || Weakness - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 510 ||Resistant - Water || Poison: 30 ||
|| Mag: 95 || Immune - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: || N - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 30 ||
|| Common Drop: Moistened Scale (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Seapetal Scale (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 0 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Attacks quickly and relentlessly. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Slow. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse and effects of Vigilance. ||
|| - Vulnerable to lightning damage. ||

E233 Cie'th - Winged Cie'th

|| Name: Pijavica || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 236250 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 5 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 1150 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 ||
|| Str: 550 || N - Water || Poison: 70 ||
|| Mag: 220 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Immune - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 25 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: 70 ||
|| Stagger-point: 280.0% || Weakness - Magic || Fog: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Cie'th Tear (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Tear of Frustration (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 70 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Frequently evades attacks. ||
|| - Capable of inflicting Imperil. ||
|| - Executes powerful magic attacks. ||

E234 Feral Creatures - Goblins

|| Name: Borgbear || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 396000 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: 0 ||
|| LV: 4 || Immune - Ice || Deshell: 0 ||
|| CP: 3000 || N - Thunder || Slow: 30 ||
|| Str: 1836 || Halved - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 0 || N - Wind || Imperil: 70 ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: 0 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 || N - Weapon || Pain: 30 ||
|| Stagger-point: 140.0% || Halved - Magic || Fog: 0 ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 70 ||
|| Common Drop: Fractured Horn (25%) || Death: 0 ||
|| Rare Drop: Infernal Horn (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 30 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - Capable of morphing into a stronger form. ||
|| - Delivers devastating physical attacks. ||
|| - Susceptible to Curse and effects of Vigilance. ||
|| - Vulnerable to fire damage. ||

|| Name: Flowering Cactuar || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 123750 || Weakness - Fire || Deprotect: IM ||
|| LV: 2 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM ||
|| CP: 7500 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 0 || Absorbed - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 1800 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM ||
<>------------------------------<| Weakness - Earth || Curse: IM ||
|| Chain Resistance: 11 || N - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 111.0% || N - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: Chocobo Tail Feather (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Ribbon (1%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: Shaolong Gui || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 10800000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 90 ||
|| LV: 5 || N - Ice || Deshell: 90 ||
|| CP: 60000 || N - Thunder || Slow: 90 ||
|| Str: 11628 || N - Water || Poison: IM ||
|| Mag: 7273 || N - Wind || Imperil: 50 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 90 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 40 || Halved - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 500.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: 90 ||
|| Common Drop: Gold Nugget (25%) || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Dark Matter (5%) || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: Long Gui || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 16200000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: IM 30 ||
|| LV: 7 || N - Ice || Deshell: IM 30 ||
|| CP: 100000 || N - Thunder || Slow: 70 30 ||
|| Str: 13043 || N - Water || Poison: IM 90 ||
|| Mag: 12724 || N - Wind || Imperil: IM 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: IM 70 ||
|| Chain Resistance: A:100 B:10 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 700.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM IM ||
|| Common Drop: Platinum Ingot (25%) || Death: IM IM ||
|| Rare Drop: Trapezohedron (5%) || Dispel: 0 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: 90 90 ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: Long Gui Right Leg || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1080000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 13043 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 12724 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 450.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|| Name: Long Gui Left Leg || Vulnerabilities ||Status Immunities ||
|| HP: 1080000 || N - Fire || Deprotect: 30 ||
|| LV: 6 || N - Ice || Deshell: 30 ||
|| CP: 0 || N - Thunder || Slow: IM ||
|| Str: 13043 || N - Water || Poison: 90 ||
|| Mag: 12724 || N - Wind || Imperil: 30 ||
<>------------------------------<| N - Earth || Curse: 30 ||
|| Chain Resistance: 20 ||Resistant - Weapon || Pain: IM ||
|| Stagger-point: 450.0% ||Resistant - Magic || Fog: IM ||
<>------------------------------<>--------------------<| Daze: IM ||
|| Common Drop: None || Death: IM ||
|| Rare Drop: None || Dispel: 0 ||
<>----------------------------------------------------|| Provoke: IM ||
|| Notes <>--------------------<>
|| - ||
|| - ||

|{CSP} X) Crystarium System |

Instead of levelling up to improve your characters stats, Final Fantasy XIII

comes with a system called Crystarium System (CS). It resembles the Sphere Grid
system used in Final Fantasy X. After each battle you earn Crystogen Points or
CP, which can be spent in the Crystarium System to acquire new abilities. Once
you learned certain abilities in the grid, new ones become available.

X/A button: Advance along a route (hold it down)
Directional Buttons + X/A: Select which way to proceed
Directional Buttons: View the route ahead of a branch node
Select Button: Toggles the name display of the crystals.
(Crystal name closest to cursor, al crystal names and no names)

| 1) Progression |

Each character has several roles that can be developed. To do this, you first
select Crystarium (3rd in the Main Menu), then which character and
which role you want to upgrade using the directional buttons and the
X/A-button. A cursor appears next to the crystal you acquired last. Or at the
beginning of the board.
To go to the next Crystal, you have to use CP or Crystogen Points. Press
and hold the X/A-Button and you will progress along the route.
The cursor will stop if you run out of CP. If you come across a branch, you
can choose which way you want to go next.
Techniques, parameters, aquired ATB Slots and Accessory Slots are not dependent
on the role whereas (Auto)Abilities and Role advancement are. This way you can
choose whether you want to improve one role or evenly divide the CP between
the roles.

| IVb) Commands |

Unfortunately, every role is different for every Character. You learn different
abilities, some the same but at a different time and at different costs.
Therefore below lists of who learns what and when.
After certain bosses, your Crystarium will expand, enabling you to proceed
further on the characters roles. Your Crystarium stage is found at the bottom
of the Crystarium menu screen.

|| Crystal Color || Meaning ||
|| Green || HP Up ||
|| Red || Strength Up ||
|| Purple || Magic Up ||
|| Yellow || (Auto)Ability or Technique ||
|| Orange || Adds Accessory Slot ||
|| Grey || Role Level ||
|| Blue || Adds ATB slot ||

|| Techniques || Effect ||Li |Sn |Va |Sa |Ho |Fa ||
|| Libra || Reveal status information on T ||RAV|SEN|MED|RAV|SYN|COM||
|| Quake || Deal earth damage to T and area ||COM|SEN|SAB|COM|RAV|SEN||
|| Dispelga || Cancels all status changes ||COM|SEN|RAV|RAV|RAV|SEN||
|| Renew || Restores party HP and KO status ||MED|SEN|MED|RAV|MED|SEN||
|| Stopga || Resets all ATB gauges ||MED|RAV|MED|SYN|SYN|SAB||
|| Summon || Summon an Eidolon || - | - | - | - | - | - ||
T = Target

|| INDEX ||

Each Section can be reached easier by means of the Ctrl+F Function. The search
option you should fill in are the first two letters of the Role and the first
two letters of the characters name. The Commando role in the index serves as an
example. Every other role will have this lay out. So for Saboteur role on
Vanille, you type SaVa in the Ctrl+F search bar.

1) Commando (COM)
Lightning {CoLi}
Snow {CoSn}
Vanille {CoVa}
Sazh {CoSa}
Hope {CoHo}
Faith {CoFa}
2) Ravager (RAV)
3) Sentinel (SEN)
4) Saboteur (SAB)
5) Synergist (SYN)
6) Medic (MED)
End of this part {END5}

|| Ability: Name of the Ability ||
|| CP Cost: How many Crystogen Points are needed to learn ||
|| <>--x---<>: line indicating a CP expansion is needed to proceed ||

| 1) Commando (COM) |

A relentless attacker boasting the highest offensive power of all roles.

Chain gauges charged by a Commando's assault will recover at a slower rate,
rendering your foes more easily staggered.

Role bonus: Augments the physical and magic attacks of all party members
|| LV || Role Bonus: Damage Boost ||
|| 1 || Self X 2.0, Other X 1.05 ||
|| 2 || Self X 2.1, Other X 1.05 ||
|| 3 || Self X 2.2, Other X 1.10 ||
|| 4 || Self X 2.3, Other X 1.10 ||
|| 5 || Self X 2.5, Other X 1.15 ||
Self: The member in Commando role
Other: The other members of the party

HP = Hit Points
E = Enemy
PD = Physical Damage
MD = Magical Damage
S = Stagger
|| Ability || Effect ||
|| Powerchain* || Attack/Ruin increased when stagger gauge is empty ||
|| Lifesiphon* || Recover 1 ATB when killing an enemy ||
|| Faultsiphon* || ATB recovers when attacking debuffed enemy ||
|| Launch* || Attack will launch an enemy in air when in S ||
|| Ravage* || Increases stagger buildup, with RAV ||
|| Smite* || Attack deal great damage when E is recovering from S ||
|| Blindside* || Attack/Ruin increased on non-facing enemy ||
|| Scourge* || Enhances Attack when E is about to recover from S ||
|| Jeopardize* || Increases S bonus damage if E is already in S ||
|| Deathblow* || When E HP is near zero, attack can instantly kill E ||
|| Adrenaline* || PH and MAG damage increases when own HP is high ||
|| Attack || PD to one E ||
|| Blitz || PD to target and nearby E ||
|| Ruin || MD to one enemy ||
|| Ruin-ga || MD to target and nearby E ||
|| Highwind || Powerful flash. Chain & S gauge resets (Fang only) ||
|| Sovereign Fist|| Violent attack. Chain & S gauge resets (Snow only) ||
*Auto Ability
Critical condition is when your HP is flashing red, around 25% of max HP

|| Who can learn what ||

X : Can Learn - : Cannot Learn

|| Ability ||Light || Snow ||Vanille|| Sazh || Hope || Fang ||
|| Powerchain || X || X || - || X || - || X ||
|| Lifesiphon || X || X || - || X || X || X ||
|| Faultsiphon || X || - || X || - || X || X ||
|| Launch || X || X || - || - || - || X ||
|| Ravage || X || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Smite || X || X || - || - || - || X ||
|| Blindside || X || X || X || - || - || X ||
|| Scourge || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Jeopardize || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Deathblow || - || X || X || - || - || X ||
|| Adrenaline || - || X || X || X || - || X ||
|| Attack || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Blitz || X || X || - || X || X || X ||
|| Ruin || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Ruinga || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Highwind || - || - || - || - || - || X ||
|| Sovereign Fist| - || X || - || - || - || - ||

{CoLi} || LIGHTNING ||
Chapter: 3
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+100 || -- ||
|| Strength+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+15 || -- ||
|| Attack || -- ||
|| Blitz || -- ||
|| Ruin || -- ||
|| Strength+4 || 60 ||
|| HP+20 || 60 ||
|| Lifesiphon || 60 ||
|| HP+15 || 60 ||
|| Power Chain || 60 ||
|| HP+15 || 60 ||
|| Magic+6 || 60 ||
|| HP+25 || 60 ||
|| Magic +4 || 80 ||
|| HP+25 || 90 ||
|| Magic+10 || 90 ||
|| Strength+7 || 90 ||
|| Faultsiphon || 90 ||
|| HP+25 || 90 ||
|| Strength+7 || 90 ||
|| HP+25 || 120 ||
|| Strength+4 || 120 ||
|| HP+20 || 220 ||
|| Launch || 220 ||
|| Strength+8 || 220 ||
|| HP+20 || 220 ||
|| Strength+6 || 220 ||
|| Ravage || 220 ||
|| Magic+4 || 220 ||
|| Role Level 2 || 350 ||
|| Strength+3 || 230 ||
|| HP+10 || 230 ||
|| Magic+3 || 230 ||
|| HP+10 || 230 ||
|| Smite || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| Magic+5 || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 400 ||
|| Quake || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 600 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| HP+30 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Blindside || 1000 ||
|| Strength+12 || 1000 ||
|| HP+30 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| HP+30 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| Scourge || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Role Level 3 || 2000 ||
|| HP+50 || 740 ||
|| Strength+10 || 740 ||
|| Strength+10 || 740 ||
|| HP+50 || 740 ||
|| Jeopardize || 740 ||
|| Strength+8 || 740 ||
|| Magic+4 || 740 ||
|| HP+40 || 2000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Dispelga || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Ruinga || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| ATB level || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+24 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+180 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+180 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+180 || 12000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| Accessory || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level 5 || 60000 ||

{CoSn} || SNOW ||
Chapter: 3
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Ruin || -- ||
|| Attack || -- ||
|| HP+70 || -- ||
|| Strength+18 || -- ||
|| Strength+30 || -- ||
|| Strength+5 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| Deathblow || 400 ||
|| Launch || 400 ||
|| HP+60 || 400 ||
|| Adrenaline || 400 ||
|| HP+60 || 400 ||
|| Strength+5 || 400 ||
|| HP+60 || 400 ||
|| Strength+10 || 400 ||
|| Role Level 2 || 800 ||
|| HP+40 || 1050 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| Scourge || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| HP+60 || 1050 ||
|| HP+10 || 1050 ||
|| HP+20 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1050 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1050 ||
|| HP+40 || 1050 ||
|| Role Level 3 || 2000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 865 ||
|| Strength+11 || 865 ||
|| Smite || 865 ||
|| Magic+6 || 865 ||
|| Strength+10 || 865 ||
|| HP+30 || 865 ||
|| HP+30 || 2000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Blitz || 6000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Blindside || 6000 ||
|| Powerchain || 6000 ||

|| Magic+13 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 6000 ||

|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Stength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Ravage || 8000 ||
|| Jeopardize || 8000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| HP+160 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| HP+200 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+19 || 10000 ||
|| Ruinga || 10000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Role level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+22 || 10000 ||
|| HP+200 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+25 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 18000 ||
|| Sovereign Fist|| 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 10000 ||
|| HP+230 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+230 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| Accessory || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+23 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level 5 || 60000 ||

{CoVa} || VANILLE ||
Chapter: 9
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Attack || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Ruin || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| Jeopardize || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| Faultsiphon || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| Blindside || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+30 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+30 || 21000 ||
|| Scourge || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| High Voltage || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Deathblow || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60000 ||
|| Ruinga || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{CoSa} || SAZH ||
Chapter: 3+
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Attack || -- ||
|| Ruin || -- ||
|| HP+10 || 380 ||
|| Strength+3 || 380 ||
|| Blitz || 380 ||
|| Strength+4 || 145 ||
|| HP+20 || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| Magic+3 || 145 ||
|| Quake || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 420 ||
|| HP+10 || 420 ||
|| Strenght+3 || 420 ||
|| HP+10 || 420 ||
|| Magic+3 || 420 ||
|| HP+10 || 700 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| HP+40 || 1000 ||
|| Power Chain || 1000 ||
|| Role Level || 1000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1000 ||
|| HP+40 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| HP+25 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| Scourge || 1000 ||
|| Jeopardize || 1000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| HP+40 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+8 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| HP+80 || 970 ||
|| Strength+7 || 970 ||
|| HP+80 || 970 ||
|| Strength+7 || 970 ||
|| Strength+3 || 2000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| Lifesiphon || 6000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+70 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 8000 ||
|| Adrenaline || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 8000 ||
|| HP+80 || 8000 ||
|| HP+70 || 10000 ||
|| Accessory || 10000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+70 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+90 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| Ruinga || 18000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+14 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+17 || 10000 ||
|| HP+90 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+140 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+16 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| STrength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+110 || 12000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP=450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+35 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
{CoHo} || HOPE ||
Chapter: 9
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Ruin || 6000 ||
|| Attack || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Faultsiphon || 18000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Blitz || 24000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| Lifesiphon || 30000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Ravage || 36000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Scourge || 42000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| Jeopardize || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Ruinga || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{CoFa} || FANG ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Libra || -- ||
|| Attack || -- ||
|| HP+10 || -- ||
|| Strength+2 || -- ||
|| Strength+2 || -- ||
|| HP+10 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Strength+2 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| Ruin || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Strength+2 || -- ||
|| Strength+2 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| Blitz || -- ||
|| HP+20 || -- ||
|| HP+20 || -- ||
|| Strength+2 || -- ||
|| Strenght+2 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| Role Level || -- ||
|| Launch || 450 ||
|| Strength+3 || 450 ||
|| Smite || 450 ||
|| HP+20 || 450 ||
|| Adrenaline || 450 ||
|| HP+20 || 450 ||
|| Magic+3 || 450 ||
|| Magic+3 || 450 ||
|| Strength+3 || 700 ||
|| Lifesiphon || 1200 ||
|| HP+40 || 1200 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1200 ||
|| Scourge || 1200 ||
|| Ravage || 1200 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1200 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1200 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| HP+80 || 775 ||
|| Powerchain || 775 ||
|| Strength+11 || 775 ||
|| Deathblow || 775 ||
|| HP+60 || 775 ||
|| Magic+6 || 775 ||
|| Strength+11 || 2000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Faultsiphon || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Blindside || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Ruinga || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+160 || 10000 ||
|| ATB Level || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 10000 ||
|| Jeopardize || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+48 || 10000 ||
|| HP+175 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+48 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Highwind || 18000 ||
|| HP+175 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+45 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+60 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+175 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Accessory || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+27 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

| 2) Ravager (RAV) |
A specialist in offensive elemental magic, the Ravager will unleash a wide
range of abilities against enemies, boosting chain potential and maximizing
damage. Exploit your enemy's elemental vulnerabilities to chain even more

Improves chaining for all party members.

|| LV || Role Bonus: Chain Boost ||
|| 1 || Self + 1.0%, Other + 0.1% ||
|| 2 || Self + 1.5%, Other + 0.1% ||
|| 3 || Self + 2.0%, Other + 0.2% ||
|| 4 || Self + 2.5%, Other + 0.2% ||
|| 5 || Self X 3.0%, Other + 0.3% ||
Self: The member in Ravager role
Other: The other members of the party

HP = Hit Points
E = Enemy
PD = Physical Damage
MD = Magical Damage
S = Stagger
|| Ability || Effect ||
|| Vigor* || Boosts chain bonus when HP is high ||
|| Overwhelm* || Boosts chain bonus when multiple allies target same E ||
|| Fearsiphon* || Attacking a enemy in S, recovers your ATB ||
|| Fire || Fire MD ||
|| Fira || Fire MD to target and nearby enemies ||
|| Firaga || Fire MD Targets a large area ||
|| Blizzard || Ice MD ||
|| Blizzara || Ice MD to target and nearby enemies ||
|| Blizzaga || Ice MD Targets a large area ||
|| Thunder || Thunder MD ||
|| Thundara || Thunder MD to target and nearby enemies ||
|| Thundaga || Thunder MD Targets a large area ||
|| Water || Water MD ||
|| Watera || Water MD to target and nearby enemies ||
|| Waterga || Water MD Targets a large area ||
|| Aero || Wind MD Chance to stop enemy movement ||
|| Aerora || Wind MD to target and nearby enemies ||
|| Aeroga || Wind MD Targets a large area ||
|| Flame blow || Physical attack infused with Fire element ||
|| Frost blow || Physical attack infused with Ice element ||
|| Sparkstrike || Physical attack infused with Lightning element ||
|| Aquastrike || Physical attack infused with Water element ||
|| Army of One || Numerous attacks. drives up Chain gauge (Light only) ||
|| Cold Blood || Numerous attacks. drives up Chain gauge (Sazh only) ||
|| Last Resort || Numerous attacks. drives up Chain gauge (Hope only) ||
*Auto Ability
Critical condition is when your HP is flashing red, around 25% of max HP
|| Who can learn what ||

X : Can Learn - : Cannot Learn

|| Ability ||Light || Snow ||Vanille|| Sazh || Hope || Fang ||
|| Vigor || X || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Overwhelm || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Fearsiphon || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Fire || X || - || X || X || X || X ||
|| Fira || X || - || X || X || X || X ||
|| Firaga || - || - || X || X || - || - ||
|| Blizzard || X || X || X || - || X || X ||
|| Blizzara || X || X || X || - || X || X ||
|| Blizzaga || - || X || X || - || - || - ||
|| Thunder || X || - || X || X || X || X ||
|| Thundara || X || - || X || X || X || X ||
|| Thundaga || X || - || - || X || X || - ||
|| Water || X || X || X || - || X || X ||
|| Watera || X || X || X || - || X || X ||
|| Waterga || - || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Aero || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Aerora || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Aeroga || - || - || - || X || X || X ||
|| Flamestrike || X || - || - || X || - || X ||
|| Froststrike || X || X || - || - || - || X ||
|| Sparkstrike || X || - || - || X || - || X ||
|| Aquastrike || X || X || - || - || - || X ||
|| Army of One || X || - || - || - || - || - ||
|| Cold Blood || - || - || - || X || - || - ||
|| Last Resort || - || - || - || - || X || - ||

{RaLi} || LIGHTNING ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Libra || -- ||
|| Thunder || -- ||
|| HP+15 || 60 ||
|| Strength+4 || 60 ||
|| Magic+4 || 60 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60 ||
|| Water || 60 ||
|| HP+15 || 80 ||
|| Magic+4 || 80 ||
|| Magic+11 || 90 ||
|| HP+25 || 90 ||
|| Sparkstrike || 90 ||
|| Strength +3 || 90 ||
|| HP+10 || 90 ||
|| Aquastrike || 90 ||
|| HP+10 || 120 ||
|| Magic+4 || 220 ||
|| Fire || 220 ||
|| Strength+5 || 220 ||
|| Strength+4 || 220 ||
|| Magic+10 || 220 ||
|| HP+25 || 220 ||
|| Magic+4 || 220 ||
|| Role Level || 350 ||
|| Strength+3 || 230 ||
|| Magic+3 || 230 ||
|| Overwhelm || 230 ||
|| HP+10 || 330 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Thundara || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 400 ||
|| Blizzard || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 600 ||
|| Aero || 1000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 1000 ||
|| HP+35 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Watera || 1000 ||
|| HP+30 || 1000 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 740 ||
|| Magic+20 || 740 ||
|| Strength+5 || 740 ||
|| HP+20 || 740 ||
|| Magic+4 || 740 ||
|| Fearsiphon || 740 ||
|| Strength+4 || 740 ||
|| HP+20 || 2000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Blizzara || 6000 ||
|| Fira || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Vigor || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Aerora || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 10000 ||
|| Flamestrike || 10000 ||
|| Froststrike || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| Accessory || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+24 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Strenght+24 || 10000 ||
|| Magic +40 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Thundaga || 18000 ||
|| Strength+25 || 10000 ||
|| Army of One || 18000 ||
|| HP+150 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+19 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 30000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| HP+250 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{RaSn} || SNOW ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Blizzard || -- ||
|| Froststrike || -- ||
|| Magic+8 || -- ||
|| HP+70 || -- ||
|| Magic+15 || -- ||
|| Strength+5 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| HP+60 || 400 ||
|| Water || 400 ||
|| Strength+5 || 400 ||
|| Aquastrike || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| Strength+10 || 400 ||
|| Role Level || 800 ||
|| Strength+3 || 1050 ||
|| HP+40 || 1050 ||
|| HP+20 || 1050 ||
|| Aero || 1050 ||
|| Strength+3 || 1050 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1050 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| Overwhelm || 1050 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1050 ||
|| HP+40 || 1050 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 865 ||
|| HP+80 || 865 ||
|| Blizzara || 865 ||
|| HP+80 || 865 ||
|| Strength+5 || 865 ||
|| Magic+5 || 865 ||
|| HP+30 || 2000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 6000 ||
|| Watera || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 4000 ||
|| Vigor || 6000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 8000 ||
|| Aerora || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Fearsiphon || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 10000 ||
|| HP+150 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| HP+150 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Accessory || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| HP+150 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+22 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Blizzaga || 18000 ||
|| Magic+24 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Waterga || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 12000 ||
|| HP+230 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Stopga || 18000 ||
|| HP+430 || 30000 ||
|| HP+430 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+23 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{RaVa} || VANILLE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Aero || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || 70 ||
|| Water || 70 ||
|| Magic+4 || 70 ||
|| Strength+2 || 70 ||
|| HP+30 || 70 ||
|| Strength+4 || 70 ||
|| Magic+5 || 120 ||
|| Magic+5 || 75 ||
|| Strength+3 || 75 ||
|| Fire || 75 ||
|| HP+10 || 75 ||
|| Strength+4 || 75 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| Magic+3 || 320 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| Strength+3 || 500 ||
|| Aerora || 130 ||
|| HP+5 || 130 ||
|| Thunder || 130 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| Overwhelm || 130 ||
|| Magic+2 || 130 ||
|| Strength+2 || 130 ||
|| Fira || 130 ||
|| HP+5 || 130 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| Magic+2 || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| Strength+4 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 700 ||
|| Blizzard || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| Watera || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1040 ||
|| Blizzara || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1040 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 775 ||
|| HP+30 || 775 ||
|| HP+30 || 775 ||
|| Thundara || 775 ||
|| Strength+9 || 775 ||
|| HP+30 || 775 ||
|| HP+60 || 2000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Despelga || 6000 ||
|| Strength+14 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Firaga || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Fearsiphon || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 10000 ||
|| Blizzaga || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+16 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+26 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| HP+120 || 12000 ||
|| HP+80 || 16000 ||
|| HP+80 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 16000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Accessory || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+23 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+24 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{RaSa} || SAZH ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Libra || -- ||
|| HP+100 || -- ||
|| Strength+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+15 || -- ||
|| Fire || -- ||
|| HP+30 || 75 ||
|| Magic+7 || 75 ||
|| Strength+7 || 75 ||
|| Strength+3 || 75 ||
|| Flamestrike || 75 ||
|| Magic+3 || 75 ||
|| HP+20 || 75 ||
|| HP+30 || 75 ||
|| Aero || 75 ||
|| HP+30 || 75 ||
|| Strength+7 || 75 ||
|| Magic+7 || 120 ||
|| HP+20 || 90 ||
|| Magic+5 || 90 ||
|| HP+20 || 90 ||
|| Strength+3 || 90 ||
|| Overwhelm || 90 ||
|| Magic+3 || 90 ||
|| HP+30 || 90 ||
|| Strength+4 || 90 ||
|| Magic+3 || 120 ||
|| HP+10 || 380 ||
|| Magic+2 || 380 ||
|| Strength+3 || 380 ||
|| HP+10 || 380 ||
|| HP+10 || 500 ||
|| Thunder || 145 ||
|| Magic+4 || 145 ||
|| Strength+4 || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| Strength+3 || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 420 ||
|| Magic+3 || 420 ||
|| Aerora || 420 ||
|| HP+10 || 420 ||
|| Strength+3 || 420 ||
|| HP+10 || 700 ||
|| HP+40 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| HP+30 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Fira || 1000 ||
|| HP+40 || 1000 ||
|| HP+25 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 1000 ||
|| HP+30 || 1000 ||
|| Sparkstrike || 1000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1000 ||
|| Renew || 1000 ||
|| HP+40 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 970 ||
|| HP+70 || 970 ||
|| Thundara || 970 ||
|| HP+70 || 970 ||
|| Magic+5 || 970 ||
|| Strength+3 || 2000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| Dispelga || 6000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| Fearsiphon || 6000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Firaga || 8000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| HP+80 || 8000 ||
|| HP+70 || 10000 ||
|| Thundaga || 10000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+19 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 10000 ||
|| Aeroga || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| HP+90 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Cold Blood || 18000 ||
|| Strength+14 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+16 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 12000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Accessory || 30000 ||
|| HP+415 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 60000 ||
|| HP+420 || 60000 ||
|| HP+420 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+35 || 60000 ||
|| HP+420 || 60000 ||
|| HP+420 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{RaHo} || HOPE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Fire || -- ||
|| Blizzard || -- ||
|| Magic+4 || 80 ||
|| HP+20 || 80 ||
|| Strength+3 || 120 ||
|| Aero || 90 ||
|| Magic+5 || 90 ||
|| Strength+3 || 90 ||
|| HP+10 || 90 ||
|| Strength+3 || 120 ||
|| Thunder || 130 ||
|| Fira || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Water || 130 ||
|| Magic+3 || 130 ||
|| Fearsiphon || 130 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Quake || 130 ||
|| Strength+4 || 130 ||
|| Magic+3 || 130 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| Thundara || 275 ||
|| Strength+3 || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 275 ||
|| Watera || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 330 ||
|| Strength+3 || 480 ||
|| Magic+4 || 480 ||
|| HP+20 || 480 ||
|| Strength+3 || 480 ||
|| HP+10 || 480 ||
|| Magic+4 || 480 ||
|| Strength+3 || 600 ||
|| Blizzara || 1080 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+3 || 1080 ||
|| Overwhelm || 1080 ||
|| Magic+3 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1080 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 915 ||
|| Magic+15 || 915 ||
|| Aerora || 915 ||
|| HP+25 || 915 ||
|| Strength+7 || 915 ||
|| Magic+4 || 2000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| Dispelga || 6000 ||
|| HP+40 || 4000 ||
|| HP+80 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 4000 ||
|| HP+75 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Thundaga || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Waterga || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+180 || 10000 ||
|| Vigor || 10000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+22 || 10000 ||
|| Firaga || 10000 ||
|| Blizzaga || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Aeroga || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+180 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+32 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 20000 ||
|| Last Resort || 20000 ||
|| HP+130 || 10000 ||
|| HP+90 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+32 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+26 || 12000 ||
|| HP+160 || 20000 ||
|| HP+100 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+26 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 20000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Accessory || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{RaFa} || FANG ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| Fire || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| Thunder || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| Blizzard || 12000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Water || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| Aero || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Sparkstrike || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| Flamestrike || 24000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| FrostBlow || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| Aquastrike || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| Thundara || 36000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| Blizzara || 36000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Watera || 42000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| Fira || 42000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| Aerora || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strenght+5 || 30000 ||
|| Aeroga || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Overwhelm || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Vigor || 120000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Fearsiphon || 120000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Waterga || 120000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

| 3) Sentinel (SEN) |

An unyielding defender able to draw enemy attacks and protect his or her
allies. By reducing damage taken and unleashing counterattack abilities,
the Sentinel will ensure that your party cocmes to no harm.

Reduces physical and magical damage taken for all party members
|| LV || Role Bonus: Damage reduction||
|| 1 || Self x0.65, Other x0.92 ||
|| 2 || Self x0.63, Other x0.92 ||
|| 3 || Self x0.60, Other x0.89 ||
|| 4 || Self x0.56, Other x0.89 ||
|| 5 || Self x0.50, Other x0.86 ||
Self: The member in Sentinel role
Other: The other members of the party

HP = Hit Points
E = Enemy
PD = Physical Damage
MD = Magical Damage
S = Stagger
|| Ability || Effect ||
|| Evade* || Increases chances of avoiding E attack ||
|| Counter* || Counter attack after evading an enemy attack ||
|| Deathward* || When HP is critical, your resistance to PD/MD increases ||
|| Fringeward* || Party members get less PD/MD when E attacks Party ||
|| Reprieve || Always have 1 HP left when attacked in certain state ||
|| Provoke || Attrack attention of E in range for 50 sec 45% success ||
|| Elude || Defend with a high probability of evading enemy attacks.||
|| Challenge || Provoke with 99% success-rate and duration of 150 sec. ||
|| Vendetta || Counter after guarding. PD/MD taken increases damage ||
|| Entrench || Counter after guarding. Guarding longer increases counter|
|| Steelguard || Chance of one E attacking the SEN increases ||
|| Mediguard || HP recovers while guarding ||
*Auto Ability
Critical condition is when your HP is flashing red, around 25% of max HP

|| Who can learn what ||

X : Can Learn - : Cannot Learn

|| Ability ||Light || Snow ||Vanille|| Sazh || Hope || Fang ||
|| Evade || X || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Counter || X || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Deathward || X || X || - || X || X || X ||
|| Fringeward || X || X || - || X || - || X ||
|| Reprieve || X || X || X || - || X || X ||
|| Provoke || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Elude || X || - || - || - || X || - ||
|| Challenge || - || X || - || X || - || X ||
|| Vendetta || - || X || - || X || X || X ||
|| Entrench || - || X || X || - || X || X ||
|| Steelguard || - || X || X || X || - || X ||
|| Mediguard || - || X || X || - || - || X ||

{SeLi} || LIGHTNING ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Provoke || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Evade || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Evade || 18000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+6 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 15000 ||
|| Counter || 30000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+8 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+9 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 21000 ||
|| Deathward || 42000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Fringeward || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| Reprieve || 120000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
{SeSn} || SNOW ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Libra || -- ||
|| HP+150 || -- ||
|| Strength+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+15 || -- ||
|| Provoke || -- ||
|| Fringeward || -- ||
|| Steelguard || -- ||
|| HP+260 || -- ||
|| Strength+5 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| Evade || 400 ||
|| Vendetta || 400 ||
|| Strength+5 || 400 ||
|| HP+60 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| Quake || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| Accessory || 400 ||
|| HP+30 || 400 ||
|| HP+30 || 400 ||
|| Role Level || 800 ||
|| Strength+3 || 1050 ||
|| HP+50 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| Deathward || 1050 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1050 ||
|| Challenge || 1050 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1050 ||
|| HP+10 || 1050 ||
|| HP+20 || 1050 ||
|| HP+40 || 1050 ||
|| Mediguard || 1050 ||
|| Renew || 1050 ||
|| HP+30 || 1050 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1050 ||
|| HP+30 || 1050 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| HP+80 || 865 ||
|| Magic+9 || 865 ||
|| Entrench || 865 ||
|| Strength+5 || 865 ||
|| HP+80 || 865 ||
|| Magic+4 || 865 ||
|| Strength+5 || 2000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Dispelga || 6000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Counter || 6000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+13 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+160 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Reprieve || 10000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| ATB Level || 8000 ||
|| HP+200 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+200 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+22 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+22 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 12000 ||
|| HP+240 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 12000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 30000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+24 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| HP+500 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{SeVa} || VANILLE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Provoke || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Mediguard || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| Steelguard || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+30 || 21000 ||
|| HP+30 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| Reprieve || 42000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Entrench || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{SeSa} || SAZH ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| Provoke || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 6000 ||
|| Steelguard || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 9000 ||
|| Vendetta || 18000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Challenge || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 21000 ||
|| Fringeward || 42000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 24000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| Deathward || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SeHo} || HOPE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Provoke || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Evade || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| Entrench || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| Evade After.. || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Counter || 36000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| Vendetta || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Reprieve || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Pinch Barrier || 120000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SeFa} || FANG ||
Chapter: 7
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Provoke || -- ||
|| HP+10 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+10 || -- ||
|| Streng+3 || -- ||
|| Mediguard || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+2 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Deathward || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| Fringeward || -- ||
|| Evade || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+20 || -- ||
|| HP+20 || -- ||
|| Role Level || -- ||
|| HP+40 || 450 ||
|| Strength+8 || 450 ||
|| HP+40 || 450 ||
|| Magic+4 || 450 ||
|| Quake || 450 ||
|| Strength+6 || 450 ||
|| HP+10 || 700 ||
|| Steelguard || 1200 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1200 ||
|| HP+40 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1200 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1200 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1200 ||
|| Renew || 1200 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1200 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 775 ||
|| Strength+10 || 775 ||
|| Counter || 775 ||
|| Challenge || 775 ||
|| HP+80 || 775 ||
|| Entrench || 775 ||
|| HP+60 || 775 ||
|| Strength+10 || 775 ||
|| Magic+5 || 2000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Dispelga || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Vendetta || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+160 || 10000 ||
|| Accessory || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+34 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+160 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+195 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+48 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+195 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Reprieve || 18000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+195 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+60 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+45 || 12000 ||
|| HP+195 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+17 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+27 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

| 4) Saboteur (SAB) |

These wily types eschew outright attacks, instead relying on abilities to sap
enemies of their strength, afflicting their victims with poison and a wide
range of other status ailments. Sabotage your enemies and build chain bonuses,
then go in for the kill.

Increases success rate for all party members when using abilities against foes.
|| LV || Role Bonus: Effect ||
|| 1 || Self x1.20, Other x1.04 ||
|| 2 || Self x1.24, Other x1.04 ||
|| 3 || Self x1.28, Other x1.08 ||
|| 4 || Self x1.33, Other x1.08 ||
|| 5 || Self x1.40, Other x1.12 ||
Self: The member in Sentinel role
Other: The other members of the party

HP = Hit Points
E = Enemy
PD = Physical Damage
P = Physical
MD = Magical Damage
M = Magical
S = Stagger
|| Ability || Effect ||
|| Jinx* || Increases duration of debuff spells on E ||
|| Deprotect || Decreases resistance to PD (40%) ||
|| Deprotectga || Decreases resistance to PD, hits area (30%) ||
|| Deshell || Decreases resistance to MD (40%) ||
|| Deshellga || Decreases resistance to MD, hits area (30%) ||
|| Poison || gradually decreases HP (30%) ||
|| Poisonga || gradually decreases HP, hits area (24%) ||
|| Imperil || Decreases resistance to elemental damage (30%) ||
|| Imperilga || Decreases resistance to elemental damage, hits area (24%)|
|| Slow || Slows ATB recovery (30%) ||
|| Slowga || Slows ATB recovery, hits area (24%) ||
|| Fog || Prevents use of M related abilities (20%) ||
|| Foga || Prevents use of M related abilities, hits area (15%) ||
|| Pain || Prevents use of P related abilities (20%) ||
|| Painga || Prevents use of P related abilities, hits area (15%) ||
|| Curse || More vulnerable to interuption (20%) ||
|| Cursega || More vulnerable to interuption (15%) ||
|| Daze || Prevents action, lowers defense 30%) ||
|| Dazega || Prevents action, lowers defense, hits area (24%) ||
|| Dispel || Removes buffs from target (100%) ||
|| Death || Instant kill. When fail, E takes big MD (1%) ||
*Auto Ability
% indicates the base succes chance.
Increase chances for Death by:
<> Casting Vigilance, Haste and Faith on Vanille
<> Casting Curse on target
<> Equip Belladonna Wand (or upgraded versions)

|| Who can learn what ||

X : Can Learn - : Cannot Learn

|| Ability ||Light || Snow ||Vanille|| Sazh || Hope || Fang ||
|| Jinx || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Deprotect || X || - || X || X || - || X ||
|| Deprotectga || X || - || X || - || X || - ||
|| Deshell || X || - || X || X || - || X ||
|| Deshellga || X || - || X || - || X || - ||
|| Poison || X || - || X || X || - || - ||
|| Poisonga || X || - || X || - || X || - ||
|| Imperil || X || - || X || X || - || X ||
|| Imperilga || X || - || X || - || X || - ||
|| Slow || - || X || - || X || - || X ||
|| Slowga || - || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Fog || - || X || X || X || - || X ||
|| Foga || - || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Pain || - || X || X || X || - || X ||
|| Painga || - || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Curse || - || X || - || X || - || X ||
|| Cursega || - || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Daze || - || X || - || X || - || X ||
|| Dazega || - || X || - || - || X || X ||
|| Dispel || - || - || X || X || X || X ||
|| Death || - || - || X || - || - || - ||

{SaLi} || LIGHTNING ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| Deplote || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| Deshell || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+6 || 12000 ||
|| Imperil || 24000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 15000 ||
|| Poison || 30000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+8 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+9 || 21000 ||
|| Deproga || 42000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Jinx || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| Deshelga || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Imperilga || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Poisonga || 120000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SaSn} || SNOW ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Curse || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Pain || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Fog || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| Jinx || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| Daze || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| Slow || 36000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 21000 ||
|| Cursega || 42000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Dazega || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| HP+36 || 30000 ||
|| Slowga || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| Foga || 120000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| Painga || 120000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SaVa} || VANILLE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Deshell || 75 ||
|| Deprotect || 75 ||
|| Strength+4 || 75 ||
|| HP+30 || 75 ||
|| HP+10 || 75 ||
|| Magic+4 || 75 ||
|| HP+10 || 75 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| Magic+3 || 320 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| Strength+3 || 320 ||
|| Poison || 130 ||
|| Magic+4 || 130 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| Quake || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Magic+4 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| Imperil || 400 ||
|| Strength+4 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Magic+6 || 400 ||
|| Accessory || 400 ||
|| HP+15 || 700 ||
|| HP+20 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1040 ||
|| HP+20 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1040 ||
|| Despel || 1040 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| HP+40 || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| HP+55 || 775 ||
|| Strength+8 || 775 ||
|| Magic+8 || 775 ||
|| Deshellga || 775 ||
|| Deprotectga || 775 ||
|| HP+40 || 775 ||
|| Magic+8 || 775 ||
|| Jinx || 775 ||
|| Strength+6 || 775 ||
|| Strength+4 || 2000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Poisonga || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+14 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Imperilga || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| Fog || 10000 ||
|| Pain || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+50 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+26 || 10000 ||
|| HP+130 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 16000 ||
|| HP+80 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+26 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Death || 16000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+23 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+24 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{SaSa} || SAZH ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| DeProtect || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 6000 ||
|| Deshell || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 12000 ||
|| Imperil || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Poison || 36000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Jinx || 42000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Despell || 48000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 24000 ||
|| Curse || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| Pain || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Fog || 60000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Daze || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Slow || 120000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SaHo} || HOPE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| Deprotect || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Deshellga || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| Despell || 24000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Cursega || 30000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| Jinx || 36000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Poisonga || 42000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Slowga || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| HP+25 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Painga || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Foga || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Dazega || 120000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| Imperilga || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SaFa} || FANG ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Slow || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+10 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+10 || -- ||
|| Magic+2 || -- ||
|| Magic+2 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| HP+15 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Magic+3 || -- ||
|| HP+20 || -- ||
|| HP+20 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Strength+3 || -- ||
|| Role Level || -- ||
|| Magic+6 || 450 ||
|| HP+40 || 450 ||
|| Slowga || 450 ||
|| Strength+6 || 450 ||
|| Strength+3 || 450 ||
|| HP+20 || 450 ||
|| Accessory || 450 ||
|| Magic+3 || 700 ||
|| Dispel || 1200 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1200 ||
|| Curse || 1200 ||
|| Magic+6 || 1200 ||
|| Cursega || 1200 ||
|| HP+40 || 1200 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1200 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1200 ||
|| HP+30 || 1200 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 775 ||
|| Magic+10 || 775 ||
|| Fog || 775 ||
|| Foga || 775 ||
|| HP+70 || 775 ||
|| Magic+6 || 775 ||
|| Strength+5 || 2000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Pain || 6000 ||
|| Painga || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Daze || 8000 ||
|| Dazega || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Jinx || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 10000 ||
|| Deprotect || 10000 ||
|| Deshell || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 10000 ||
|| HP+175 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Imperil || 18000 ||
|| Strength+45 || 10000 ||
|| Strenght+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+25 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+45 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+60 || 12000 ||
|| HP+175 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Stopga || 18000 ||
|| Strength+60 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+25 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 30000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+27 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| HP+400 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

| 5) Synergist (SYN) |

True team players who forego personal glory in favor of strengthening their
allies, Synergists wield abilites that enhance the offensive and defensive
capabilities of the party and bestow elemental powers to teammates' attacks.

Increases enhancement ability duration for all party members.

|| LV || Role Bonus: Duration ||
|| 1 || Self x1.20, Other x1.05 ||
|| 2 || Self x1.35, Other x1.05 ||
|| 3 || Self x1.50, Other x1.10 ||
|| 4 || Self x1.65, Other x1.10 ||
|| 5 || Self x1.80, Other x1.15 ||
Self: The member in Synergist role
Other: The other members of the party

HP = Hit Points
E = Enemy
PD = Physical Damage
MD = Magical Damage
S = Stagger
|| Ability || Effect ||
|| Boon* || Extends duration and strengh of all synergist ability ||
|| Bravery || Raises target's Strength. ||
|| Bravera || Significantly raises target's Strength for a short time ||
|| Faith || Raises target's Magic stat ||
|| Faithda || Significantly raises target's Magic for a short time ||
|| Haste || ATB recovery speed UP ||
|| Vigilance || Boosts a target's odds of interrupting E actions ||
|| Enfire || All attacks get fire elemental attribute ||
|| Enfrost || All attacks get ice elemental attribute ||
|| Enthunder || All attacks get thunder elemental attribute ||
|| Enwater || All attacks get water elemental attribute ||
|| Protect || Increases resistance to PD ||
|| Protectra || Significantly raises target's P resistance shortly ||
|| Shell || Increases resistance to MD ||
|| Shellda || Significantly raises target's M resistance shortly ||
|| Barfire || Increases resistance to fire damage ||
|| Barfrost || Increases resistance to ice damage ||
|| Barthunder || Increases resistance to thunder damage ||
|| Barwater || Increases resistance to water damage ||
|| Veil || Increases resistance to Saboteurs abilities ||
*Auto Ability

|| Who can learn what ||

X : Can Learn - : Cannot Learn

|| Ability ||Light || Snow ||Vanille|| Sazh || Hope || Fang ||
|| Boon || X || X || X || X || X || X ||
|| Bravery || X || X || - || X || X || - ||
|| Bravera || - || - || X || - || - || X ||
|| Faith || X || X || - || X || X || - ||
|| Faithra || - || - || X || - || - || X ||
|| Haste || X || X || - || X || X || X ||
|| Vigilance || X || X || X || X || - || - ||
|| Enfire || X || - || - || X || X || - ||
|| Enfrost || X || - || - || X || X || - ||
|| Enthunder || X || - || - || X || X || - ||
|| Enwater || X || - || X || X || X || - ||
|| Protect || X || X || - || X || X || - ||
|| Protera || - || - || X || - || - || X ||
|| Shell || X || X || - || X || X || - ||
|| Shellra || - || - || X || - || - || X ||
|| Barfire || - || - || X || X || X || - ||
|| Barfrost || - || - || X || X || X || - ||
|| Barthunder || - || - || X || X || X || - ||
|| Barwater || - || - || X || X || X || - ||
|| Veil || - || - || X || - || X || X ||

{SyLi} || LIGHTNING ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Bravery || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Faith || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| EnThunder || 18000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+6 || 12000 ||
|| EnFire || 24000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+7 || 15000 ||
|| EnWater || 30000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+8 || 18000 ||
|| Enfrost || 36000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+9 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Protect || 42000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 24000 ||
|| Shell || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| Boon || 60000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+30 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Vigilance || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Haste || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SySn} || SNOW ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Protect || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| Vigilance || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Shell || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Bravery || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Faith || 36000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+ || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Boon || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 30000 ||
|| Haste || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SyVa} || VANILLE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Vigilance || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Bail || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| Barwater || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Barfrost || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| Barfire || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| Barthunder || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+25 || 15000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 18000 ||
|| Boon || 36000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+30 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+30 || 21000 ||
|| Proteda || 42000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 24000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Shellda || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Braveda || 120000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Veilda || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{SySa} || SAZH ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Faith || 90 ||
|| Bravery || 90 ||
|| Strength+6 || 90 ||
|| HP+65 || 90 ||
|| Magic+4 || 90 ||
|| Vigilance || 90 ||
|| Strength+3 || 120 ||
|| Magic+2 || 380 ||
|| Strength+3 || 380 ||
|| Magic+2 || 380 ||
|| HP+10 || 380 ||
|| HP+10 || 500 ||
|| Enthunder || 145 ||
|| Enwater || 145 ||
|| HP+30 || 145 ||
|| Magic+4 || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| Magic+3 || 145 ||
|| Accessory || 145 ||
|| HP+10 || 145 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 420 ||
|| HP+10
|| 420 ||
|| Magic+3 || 420 ||
|| HP+20 || 700 ||
|| Strength+3 || 420 ||
|| Enfrost || 700 ||
|| Haste || 970 ||
|| Magic+6 || 970 ||
|| Strength+5 || 970 ||
|| HP+15 || 970 ||
|| HP+50 || 970 ||
|| Boon || 970 ||
|| Magic+4 || 970 ||
|| Enfire || 970 ||
|| HP+50 || 970 ||
|| HP+15 || 970 ||
|| HP+50 || 970 ||
|| HP+20 || 970 ||
|| Magic+4 || 970 ||
|| Strength+7 || 970 ||
|| HP+50 || 970 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Strength+8 || 970 ||
|| Magic+8 || 970 ||
|| Magic+5 || 970 ||
|| Barfrost || 970 ||
|| Barfire || 970 ||
|| HP+70 || 970 ||
|| Strength+5 || 970 ||
|| Magic+3 || 2000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| Barwater || 6000 ||
|| Barthunder || 6000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 4000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| HP+70 || 6000 ||
|| HP+70 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+80 || 8000 ||
|| HP+70 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 10000 ||
|| ATB Level || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+90 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 18000 ||
|| Shell || 18000 ||
|| Protect || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 10000 ||
|| HP+90 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| HP+120 || 18000 ||
|| Stopga || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 12000 ||
|| HP+450 || 18000 ||
|| HP+450 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 30000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+16 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+35 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| HP+450 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{SyHo} || HOPE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Libra || -- ||
|| HP+100 || -- ||
|| Strength+15 || -- ||
|| Magic+15 || -- ||
|| Protect || -- ||
|| HP+10 || 80 ||
|| Magic+3 || 80 ||
|| Strength+4 || 80 ||
|| HP+10 || 120 ||
|| Magic+3 || 90 ||
|| Shell || 90 ||
|| Strength+5 || 90 ||
|| HP+10 || 90 ||
|| HP+30 || 120 ||
|| Barfrost || 130 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Magic+3 || 130 ||
|| Strength+4 || 130 ||
|| Barfire || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Magic+6 || 130 ||
|| Accessory || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 275 ||
|| Strength+3 || 275 ||
|| Magic+3 || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 330 ||
|| Barwater || 480 ||
|| HP+10 || 480 ||
|| Barthunder || 480 ||
|| Strength+4 || 480 ||
|| Magic+4 || 480 ||
|| HP+10 || 480 ||
|| Magic+4 || 480 ||
|| HP+10 || 600 ||
|| Veil || 1080 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1080 ||
|| Boon || 1080 ||
|| HP+30 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+3 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| HP+30 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+6 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1080 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| HP+80 || 915 ||
|| Strength+10 || 915 ||
|| Magic+4 || 915 ||
|| EnThunder || 915 ||
|| EnWater || 915 ||
|| Magic+4 || 915 ||
|| Strength+4 || 915 ||
|| HP+20 || 2000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| EnFire || 6000 ||
|| Enfrost || 6000 ||
|| HP+40 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| HP+75 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| HP+80 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 10000 ||
|| Bravery || 10000 ||
|| Faith || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 10000 ||
|| ATB Level || 8000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+170 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+32 || 10000 ||
|| HP+130 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 20000 ||
|| Haste || 20000 ||
|| HP+130 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 20000 ||
|| HP+160 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 20000 ||
|| Stopga || 20000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{SyFa} || FANG ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Bale || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| Breida || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| Fireda || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Protectda || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Shellda || 36000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+15 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Haste || 48000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Boon || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

| 6) Medic (MED) |

These recovery specialists direct their efforts toward restoring HP, curing
status ailments (starting with those most recently inflicted), and reviving
fallen comrades. With a Medic in your ranks, you may be battered, but you will
never be beaten.

Increases potency of healing abilities and items for all party members.
|| LV || Role Bonus: Healing Eff. ||
|| 1 || Self x1.20, Other x1.03 ||
|| 2 || Self x1.23, Other x1.03 ||
|| 3 || Self x1.26, Other x1.06 ||
|| 4 || Self x1.29, Other x1.06 ||
|| 5 || Self x1.32, Other x1.10 ||
Self: The member in Medic role
Other: The other members of the party

HP = Hit Points
E = Enemy
PD = Physical Damage
MD = Magical Damage
S = Stagger
|| Ability || Effect ||
|| Cure || Restores HP to target ||
|| Cura || Restores HP to target and those nearby ||
|| Curasa || Restores more HP when target has less HP ||
|| Cureja || Restores more HP when target area has less HP ||
|| Esuna || Removes most recent cast debuff spell ||
|| Raise || Revive from KO and recovers some HP ||

|| Who can learn what ||

X : Can Learn - : Cannot Learn

|| Ability ||Light || Snow ||Vanille|| Sazh || Hope || Fang ||
|| Cure || X || X || X || X | X || X ||
|| Cura || X || X || X || X | X || X ||
|| Curasa || - || X || X || X | X || - ||
|| Curaja || - || - || X || - | X || - ||
|| Esuna || X || X || X || X | X || X ||
|| Raise || X || - || X || - | X || X ||

{MeLi} || LIGHTNING ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Cure || -- ||
|| HP+30 || 220 ||
|| Magic+5 || 220 ||
|| HP+30 || 220 ||
|| Strength+4 || 220 ||
|| Accessory || 220 ||
|| HP+35 || 350 ||
|| HP+10 || 230 ||
|| Magic+3 || 230 ||
|| Strength+3 || 230 ||
|| HP+10 || 230 ||
|| Esuna || 230 ||
|| HP+10 || 330 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Magic+4 || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| HP+20 || 400 ||
|| Strength+3 || 400 ||
|| Magic+3 || 400 ||
|| Role Level || 600 ||
|| Strength+8 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Raise || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1000 ||
|| Renew || 1000 ||
|| HP+20 || 1000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1000 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 740 ||
|| HP+50 || 740 ||
|| Magic+8 || 740 ||
|| Magic+8 || 740 ||
|| HP+50 || 740 ||
|| HP+50 || 740 ||
|| Magic+4 || 740 ||
|| Strength+4 || 2000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| HP+120 || 10000 ||
|| HP+120 || 10000 ||
|| Cura || 10000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+180 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+190 || 12000 ||
|| HP+190 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| HP+100 || 18000 ||
|| Stopga || 18000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 12000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| HP+275 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+275 || 30000 ||
|| HP+275 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+275 || 30000 ||
|| HP+275 || 30000 ||
|| HP+275 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+40 || 60000 ||
|| HP+275 || 60000 ||
|| HP+275 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 60000 ||
|| HP+275 || 60000 ||
|| HP+275 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{MeSn} || SNOW ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Cure || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Cura || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| Esuna || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Cura || 60000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+9 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+10 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{MeVa} || VANILLE ||
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Libra || -- ||
|| Cure || -- ||
|| HP+30 || 70 ||
|| Magic+3 || 70 ||
|| Strength+3 || 70 ||
|| Magic+5 || 70 ||
|| Strength+4 || 70 ||
|| HP+20 || 120 ||
|| HP+30 || 75 ||
|| Magic+5 || 75 ||
|| HP+10 || 75 ||
|| Magic+3 || 75 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| Strength+2 || 320 ||
|| HP+10 || 320 ||
|| Magic+3 || 320 ||
|| HP+10 || 500 ||
|| Esuna || 130 ||
|| Cura || 130 ||
|| Magic+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Strength+2 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| Magic+5 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 400 ||
|| Strength+4 || 400 ||
|| HP+10 || 700 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| HP+10 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Renew || 1040 ||
|| HP+40 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Raise || 1040 ||
|| Strength+5 || 1040 ||
|| HP+30 || 1040 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1040 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1040 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Strength+10 || 775 ||
|| Magic+10 || 775 ||
|| Magic+9 || 775 ||
|| Magic+8 || 775 ||
|| HP+40 || 775 ||
|| Strength+4 || 2000 ||
|| ATB Level || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+14 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Curasa || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 4000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Accessory || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 10000 ||
|| HP+125 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+18 || 8000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+21 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+22 || 10000 ||
|| Curaja || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+50 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 10000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+80 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+25 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+26 || 12000 ||
|| HP+80 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Stopga || 16000 ||
|| HP+150 || 12000 ||
|| HP+50 || 16000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 16000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 16000 ||
|| Magic+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| HP+100 || 16000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 12000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 30000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+23 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 60000 ||
|| HP+290 || 60000 ||
|| HP+300 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{MeSa} || SAZH ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Cure || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 9000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| HP+15 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 12000 ||
|| Esuna || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 15000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+20 || 18000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| HP+25 || 21000 ||
|| Cura || 42000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+25 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 24000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Cura || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+6 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| HP+40 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| Magic+7 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| HP+100 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||

{MeHo} || HOPE ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Cure || -- ||
|| HP+10 || 80 ||
|| Strength+3 || 80 ||
|| Magic+3 || 80 ||
|| HP+20 || 120 ||
|| HP+30 || 90 ||
|| Magic+3 || 90 ||
|| HP+10 || 90 ||
|| Magic+3 || 90 ||
|| Strength+3 || 120 ||
|| Magic+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Magic+3 || 130 ||
|| HP+10 || 130 ||
|| Strength+3 || 130 ||
|| Role Level || 330 ||
|| HP+10 || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 275 ||
|| Magic+3 || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 275 ||
|| HP+10 || 330 ||
|| Cura || 480 ||
|| Strength+3 || 480 ||
|| Magic+4 || 480 ||
|| Esuna || 480 ||
|| HP+20 || 480 ||
|| HP+15 || 480 ||
|| Magic+4 || 480 ||
|| Strength+3 || 600 ||
|| Magic+3 || 1080 ||
|| HP+30 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+4 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1080 ||
|| Magic+5 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| HP+20 || 1080 ||
|| Strength+3 || 1080 ||
|| Renew || 1080 ||
|| Magic+4 || 1080 ||
|| HP+30 || 1080 ||
|| Role Level || 2000 ||
|| Magic+8 || 915 ||
|| HP+60 || 915 ||
|| Magic+8 || 915 ||
|| HP+50 || 915 ||
|| Magic+8 || 915 ||
|| Strength+5 || 2000 ||
|| HP+40 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| HP+40 || 4000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 4000 ||
|| HP+80 || 6000 ||
|| Accessory || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 4000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| HP+75 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Raise || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 6000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 10000 ||
|| Curasa || 10000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 8000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 10000 ||
|| HP+100 || 8000 ||
|| Magic+23 || 10000 ||
|| Role Level 4 || 8000 ||
|| HP+130 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+32 || 10000 ||
|| HP+90 || 20000 ||
|| HP+90 || 20000 ||
|| Curaja || 20000 ||
|| Strength+28 || 10000 ||
|| Magic+32 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 20000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+26 || 12000 ||
|| HP+160 || 12000 ||
|| HP+150 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+20 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+14 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 20000 ||
|| Magic+36 || 12000 ||
|| HP+200 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+40 || 12000 ||
|| Magic+20 || 20000 ||
|| Strength+30 || 12000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+13 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+15 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 30000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+15 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+18 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| HP+270 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||

{MeFa} || FANG ||
Chapter: ?
|| Ability || CP Cost ||
|| Cure || 6000 ||
|| Magic+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| Strength+3 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 3000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Strength+4 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| HP+10 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+4 || 6000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 9000 ||
|| HP+20 || 9000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 12000 ||
|| HP+20 || 12000 ||
|| Esuna || 24000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| HP+30 || 15000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| HP+30 || 18000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 18000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| HP+40 || 21000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 21000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 21000 ||
|| Raise || 42000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 24000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 24000 ||
|| HP+40 || 24000 ||
|| Role Level || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 30000 ||
|| Cura || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 30000 ||
|| HP+50 || 30000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Strength+5 || 60000 ||
|| HP+50 || 60000 ||
|| Magic+5 || 60000 ||
|| Role Level || 120000 ||


|{APX} XI) Appendix |
In this Appendix you will find:

1) Trophy List
2) Theme List
3) Checklists
4) Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ

|{ATL} 1) Trophy/Achievement List |

At the time of writing, the trophies in this game are bugged. This seems to be
related to the themes you unlock along with some trophies. If you install these
and don't restart the PS3 before going on with the game, you won't get anymore
trophies. To avoid this, you can simply choose to not install the themes yet.
Or just quit the game after installing, restart the PS3 and the game. And as
a golden rule: Make sure to save before a new trophy could appear so you
can always try again.
For Achievements, no info about bugs is available at the time.

The Trophies/Achievements are in order of Bronze/Silver/Gold and therefor

follow the PS3 version of the game. The GamerScore you get for each Achievement
will be listed next to the name.

<> Trophy/Achievement Name (GamerScore)
Trophy/Achievement Description
R Trophy/Achievement Requirements

|| Bronze Trophies ||

<> Instrument of Fate (15GS)
Took the first steps towards challenging an unjust fate.
R Beat the Manasvin Warmech, the first boss in the game. You should get this
Trophy fairly easy.
<> Instrument of Dissent (15GS)
Survived the Purge to confront a greater peril
R Complete Chapter 1. about 2 hours into the game, the first chapter should
come to an end. After you enter the Pulse fal'cie area, chapter 2 starts.
<> Instrument of Tragedy (15GS)
Strode into danger's den and paid the consequences.
R Complete Chapter 2.
<> Instrument of Flight (15GS)
Slipped through the net and lived to flight another day.
R Complete Chapter 3.
<> Instrument of Vengeance (15GS)
Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.
R Complete Chapter 4.
<> Instrument of Survival (15GS)
Evaded pursuers, though memories of the past still gave chase.
R Complete Chapter 5.
<> Instrument of Rebellion (15GS)
Made plans to infiltrate enemy-occupied territory.
R Complete Chapter 6.
<> Instrument of Shame (15GS)
Cared the burden of guilt to the end of the line.
R Complete Chapter 7.
<> Instrument of Wrath (15GS)
Took the light to the enemy's door.
R Complete Chapter 8.
<> Instrument of Truth (15GS)
Recognized the true threat to the world's future.
R Complete Chapter 9.
<> Instrument of Hope (15GS)
Travelled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.
R Complete Chapter 10.
<> Pulsian Pioneer (15GS)
Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.
R Do the Pakti Side-Quest to get this Trophy.
<> Gysahl Wreath (15GS)
Discovered buried treasure with a little help from a chocobo.
R Dig up 20 items, the 20th will be a Ribbon.
<> Kelger's Cup (15GS)
Completed all low level Cie'th Stone missions.
R Complete mission 1 to 5, which are al D rank missions, to get this Trophy.
<> Xezat's Chalice (??GS)
Completed all mid-level Cie'th Stone missions.
R Complete all C-class Missions.
<> Commando's Seal (15GS)
Master the Attacker/Commando Role
R You only need to master this role for one character.
<> Ravager's Seal (15GS)
Master the Blaster/Ravager Role
R You only need to master this role for one character.
<> Sentinel's Seal (15GS)
Master the Defender/Sentinel Role
R You only need to master this role for one character.
<> Saboteur's Seal (15GS)
Master the Jammer/Saboteur Role
R You only need to master this role for one character.
<> Synergist's Seal (15GS)
Master the Enhancer/Synergist Role
R You only need to master this role for one character.
<> Medic's Seal (15GS)
Master the Healer/Medic Role
R You only need to master this role for one character.

|| Silver Throphies ||

<> Instrument of Faith (30GS)
Defied destiny's charge and embarked on a different path.
R Complete Chapter 11.
<> Exorcist (30GS)
Triumphed over undying lowerworld souls in seven fierce battles.
R Complete Missions 7, 12, 27, 30, 34, 51 and 64.
<> Floraphobe (30GS)
Toppled a green terror and cut an oversized succulent down to size.
R Complete Mission 54.
<> Natural Selector (30GS)
Complete Titan's Trials
R Complete Mission 51. See Missions chapter for more info
<> Dorgann's Trophy (30GS)
Completed all high-level Cie'th Stone missions.
R Complete all B-Class missions
<> Galuf's Grail (30GS)
Completed all Cie'th Stone missions.
R Complete mission 1 to 64
<> Limit Breaker (30GS)
Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
<> Adamant Will (30GS)
Felled a heavyweight of the lowerworld wilds.
R Defeat a Long Gui.
<> Master's Seal (30GS)
Fully developed all characters.
R Get a complete Crystarium for all characters.

|| Gold Trophies ||

<> Instrument of Change (95GS)
Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend.
R Complete the game.
<> L'Cie Paragon (80GS)
Earned a 5-Star ranking for all Cie'th Stone missions.
R See Mission chapter for more detail.
<> Treasure Hunter (80GS)
Held every weapon and accessory.
R It is enough to have held them at one point. To complete, talk to pakti.
<> Loremaster (80GS)
Discern the attributes of 100 enemies.
R Use Libra on every enemy you see multiple times to make the enemy list

complete. You need to scan 100 different enemies multiple times to get
this Trophy. If you start from the beginning, you should get it at the end
of chapter 9, or very soon after if you started later.

<> Superstar (80GS)

Earn a 5-star ranking in the battle to determine the world's fate.
R 5-star the final battle (You do not need to 5-Star the two previous
battle before it)

|{ATL} 2) Theme/Gamerpic List |

As you get the harder trophies.achievements, some new themes for your
Playstation 3 or some new gamerpics for your Xbox 360 unlock.
Here is a list of the requirments.
More info on the individual trophies/achievements can be found in the Trophy

|| Theme/gamerpic|| Trophy || Description ||
|| Lightning || Superstar || Finish last boss with 5-star rank ||
|| Snow || L'Cie Paragon || Finish all missions with 5-star rank ||
|| Sazh || Loremaster || Use Libra on 100 different enemies ||
|| Vanille || Instr. of Faith || Complete chapter 12 ||
|| Hope || Instr. of Change || Complete the game once ||
|| Fang || Treasure Hunter || held every weapon and accessory once ||
|| Serah || Ultimate Hero || Get all Trophies/Achievements ||
|{CKL} 3) Checklists |

These checklists can be used to check if you missed anything in the game.

3a) Weapons
3b) Accessories
3c) Enemy intel
3d) Missions

|{CKLa} 3a) Weapons |

Lightning Snow Vanille

[] Blazefire Saber [] Wild Bear [] Binding Rod
[] Flameberge [] Feral Pride [] Hunter's Rod
[] Axis Blade [] Paladin [] Tigerclaw
[] Enkindler [] Winged Saint [] Wyrmfang
[] Edged Carbine [] Rebel Heart [] Healer's Staff
[] Razor Carbine [] Warrior's Emblem [] Physician's Staff
[] Lifesaber [] Power Circle [] Pearlwing Staff
[] Peacemaker [] Battle Standard [] Brightwing Staff
[] Gladius [] Feymark [] Rod of Thorns
[] Helter-Skelter [] Soul Blazer [] Orochi Rod
[] Organyx [] Sacrificial Circle [] Mistilteinn
[] Apocalypse [] Indomitus [] Erinye's Cane
[] Hauteclaire [] Unsetting Sun [] Belladonna Wand
[] Durandal [] Midnight Sun [] Malboro Wand
[] Lionheart [] Umbra [] Heavenly Axis
[] Ultima Weapon [] Solaris [] Abraxas
[] Omega Weapon [] Save the Queen [] Nirvana

Sazh Hope Fang

[] Vega 42s [] Airwing [] Bladed Lance
[] Altairs [] Skycutter [] Glaive
[] Spica Defenders [] Hawkeye [] Dragoon Lance
[] Srius Sidearms [] Eagletalon [] Dragonhorn
[] Deneb Duellers [] Otshirvani [] Partisan
[] Canopus AMPs [] Urubutsin [] Rhomphaia
[] Rigels [] Ninurta [] Shamanic Spear
[] Polaris Specials [] Jatayu [] Heretic's Halberd
[] Aldebarans [] Vidofnir [] Punisher
[] Sadalmeliks [] Hresvelgr [] Banescissor Spear
[] Pleiades Hi-Powers [] Simurgh [] Pandoran Spear
[] Hyades Magnums [] Tezcatlipoca [] Calamity Spear
[] Antares Deluxes [] Malphas [] Taming Pole
[] Fomalhaut Elitss [] Naberius [] Venus Gospel
[] Procyons [] Alicanto [] Gae Bolg
[] Betelgeuse Customs [] Caladrius [] Gungnir
[] Total Eclipses [] Nue [] Kain's Lance

|{CKLb} 3b) Accessories |
HP Up Strenght Up Magic Up
[] Iron Bangle [] Power Wristband [] Magician's Mark
[] Silver Bangle [] Brawler's Wristband [] Shaman's Mark
[] Tungsten Bangle [] Warrior's Wristband [] Sorcerer's Mark
[] Titanium Bangle [] Power Glove [] Weirding Glyph
[] Gold Bangle [] Kaiser Knuckles [] Magistral Crest
[] Mythril Bangle
[] Platinum Bangle
[] Diamond Bangle
[] Adamant Bangle
[] Wurtzite Bangle

Physical Resistance Up Magic Resistance Up Damage Resistance Up

[] Black Belt [] Rune Bracelet [] Royal Armlet
[] General's Belt [] Witch's Bracelet [] Imperial Armlet
[] Champion's Belt [] Magus's Bracelet

Fire Resistance Up Ice Resistance Up Lightning Resistance Up

[] Ember Ring [] Frost Ring [] Spark Ring
[] Blaze Ring [] Icicle Ring [] Fulmen Ring
[] Salamandrine Ring [] Boreal Ring [] Raijin Ring

Water Resistance Up Wind Resistance Up Earth Resistance Up

[] Aqua Ring [] Zephyr Ring [] Clay Ring
[] Riptide Ring [] Gale Ring [] Siltstone Ring
[] Nereid Ring [] Sylphid Ring [] Gaian Ring

Debrave Resistance Up Defaith Resistance Up Deprotect Resistance Up

[] Giant's Glove [] Glass Buckle [] Metal Armband
[] Warlord's Glove [] Tektite Buckle [] Ceramic Armband

Deshell Resistance Up Slow Resistance Up Poison Resistance Up

[] Serenity Sachet [] Glass Orb [] Star Pendant
[] Safeguard Sachet [] Dragonfly Orb [] Starfal Pendant

Imperil Resistance Up Curse Resistance Up Pain Resistance Up

[] Pearl Necklace [] Warding Talisman [] Pain Dampener
[] Gemstone Necklace [] Hexbane Talisman [] Pain Deflector

Fog Resistance Up Daze Resistance Up Death Resistance Up

[] White Cape [] Rainbow Anklet [] Cherub's Crown
[] Effulgent Cape [] Moonbow Anklet [] Seraph's Crown

Protect Shell Veil

[] Guardian Amulet [] Auric Amulet [] Watchman's Amulet
[] Shield Talisman [] Soulfront Talisman [] Shrouding Talisman

Bravery Faith Vigilance

[] Hero's Amulet [] Saint's Amulet [] Zealot's Amulet
[] Morale Talisman [] Blessed Talisman [] Battle Talisman

Barfire Barfrost Barthunder

[] Flamebane Brooch [] Frostbane Brooch [] Sparkbane Brooch
[] Flameshield Earring [] Frostshield Earring [] Sparkshield Earring

Barwater Haste Tetradefense

[] Aquabane Brooch [] Hermes Sandals [] Tetradic Crown
[] Aquashield Earring [] Sprint Shoes [] Tetradic Tiara

Battle Advantage Post Battle Kill Advantage

[] Whistlewind Scarf [] Gold Watch [] Hunter's Friend
[] Aurora Scarf [] Champion's Badge [] Speed Sash
[] Nimbletoe Boots [] Survivalist Catalog [] Energy Sash
[] Collector Catalog
[] Connoisseur Catalog

Magic Eaters Rest

[] Fire Charm [] Doctor's Code
[] Ice Charm [] Growth Egg
[] Lightning Charm [] Entite Ring
[] Water Charm [] Godess's Favor
[] Wind Charm [] Ribbon
[] Earth Charm [] Super Ribbon
[] Twenty-sided Die [] Genji Glove

|{CKLc} 3c) Enemy Intel |

Chapter 1
[] Manasvin Warmech [] PSICOM Enforcer [] PSICOM Warden
[] Pantheron [] PSCIOM Aerial Recon [] PSICOM Marauder
[] Betal Behemoth [] Myrmidon

Chapter 2
[] Zwerg Scandroid [] Ghoul [] Ghast
[] Wight [] Anima [] Right Manipulator
[] Left Manipulator

Chapter 3
[] Breshan Bass [] Manasvin Warmech [] Bloodfang Bass
[] Alpha Behemoth [] PSICOM Tracker [] Watchdrone
[] PSICOM Ranger [] Ciconia Velocycle [] Crusader
[] Garuda Interceptor [] PSICOM Executioner [] Shiva Nix
[] Shiva Stiria

Chapter 4
[] Thexteron [] Pulsework Soldier [] Incubus
[] Succubus [] Dreadnought [] Corps Regular
[] Corps Gunner [] Uhlan [] Targeting Beacon
[] Odin [] Bomb [] Gremlin

Chapter 5
[] Frag Leech [] Vespid [] Silver Lobo
[] Crawler [] Feral Behemoth [] Barbed Specter
[] Corps Watchman [] Corps Marksman [] Milvus Velocycle
[] Aster Protoflorian

Chapter 6
[] Flandragora [] Hedge Frog [] Scalebeast
[] Garchimacera [] Wyvern [] MudFrog
[] Enki [] Enlil

Chapter 7
[] Corps Tranquifex [] Falco Velocycle [] Corps Pacifex
[] Flanitor [] Lucidon [] PSICOM Predator
[] Orion [] PSICOM Scavenger [] PSICOM Bombardier
[] PSICOM Warlord [] PSICOM Aerial Sniper [] Ushumgal Subjugator
[] Lodestar Behemoth [] Ushumgal Subjugator [] Havoc Skytank
[] Starboard Hull [] Portside Hull [] Starboard Turret
[] Portside Turret

Chapter 8
[] Zwerg Metrodroid [] Midlight Reaper [] Brynhildr

Chapter 9
[] PSICOM Raider [] PSICOM Infiltrator [] Deckdrone
[] PSICOM Dragoon [] PSICOM Huntress [] Viking
[] Flanborg [] Vespid Soldier [] Thermadon
[] Karavinka Striker [] PSICOM Destroyer [] PSICOM Reaver
[] Barthandelus [] Right Pauldron [] Right Ailette
[] Left Pauldron [] Left Ailette

Chapter 10
[] Pulsework Knight [] Circuitron [] Noctilucale (Number 100)
[] Phosphoric Ooze [] Alchemic Ooze [] Skata'ne
[] Stikini [] Berserker [] Centaurion Blade
[] Imp [] Ahriman [] Greater Behemoth
[] Cid Raines [] Bahamut

Chapter 11
[] Alraune [] Flan [] Dire Flan
[] Monstrous Flan [] Alexander [] Leyak
[] Rangda [] Gorgonopsid [] Triffid
[] Behemoth King [] Svarog [] Hybrid Flora
[] Munchkin [] Munchkin Maestro [] Nelapsi
[] Taximi [] Navidon [] Goblin
[] Amphisbaena [] Megistotherian [] Cactuar
[] Giant Cactuar [] Cactuar Prime [] Adamanchelid
[] Adamantortoise [] Leg 1 of Adamantortoise[] Leg 2 of Adamantortoise
[] Adamantoise [] Leg 1 of Adamantoise [] Leg 2 of Adamantoise
[] Hoplite [] Cryohedron [] Juggernaut
[] Boxed Phalanx [] Pulsework Centurion [] Rust Pudding
[] Hecatoncheir [] Yaksha [] Yakshini
[] Ferruginous Pudding [] Tyrant [] Centaurion Blade
[] Strigoi [] Vetala [] Orobon
[] Ceratosaur [] Ceratoraptor [] M�nagarmr
[] Gelatitan [] Ambling Bellows [] Cryptos
[] Gurangatch [] Pulsework Gladiator [] Varcolaci
[] Vampire [] Chonchon [] Mushussu
[] Penanggalan [] Dahaka [] Seeker
[] Barthandelus

Chapter 12
[] Anavatapta Warmech [] Bulwarker [] Corps Defender
[] Sanctum Archangel [] Corps Steward [] Adamantheron
[] Sanctum Seraph [] Targeting Beacon [] Proto-Behemoth
[] The Proudclad (No.1) [] Humbaba [] Vernal Harvester
[] Sanctum Inquisitrix [] Sanctum Celebrant [] Sacrifice
[] The Proudclad (No.2)

Chapter 13
[] Aquila Veocycle [] Megrim Tresher [] Dagonite
[] Bandersnatch [] Jabberwocky [] Immortal
[] Centaurion Blade [] Sanctum Templar [] Wladislaus
[] Tiamat Eliminator [] Barthandelus [] Orphan 1st Battle
[] Orphan 2nd Battle

[] Ectopudding [] Uridimmu [] Ugallu
[] Adroa [] Verdelet [] Edimmu
[] Bituitus [] Rakshasa [] Kaiser Behemoth
[] Geiseric [] ..Arm of Geiseric [] Goblin Chieftain
[] Pulsework Champion [] Mithridates [] Numidia
[] Syphax [] Amam [] Tonberry
[] Rafflesia [] Borgbear Hero [] Corrosive Custard
[] Neochu [] Picochu [] Zirnitra
[] Raktavija [] Attacus [] Gigantuar
[] Vercingetorix [] Ochu [] Microchu
[] Sahagin [] Pijavica [] Borgbear
[] Flowering Cactuar [] Shaolong Gui [] Long Gui
[] Leg 1 of Long Gui [] Leg 2 of Long Gui

|{CKLd} 3d) Missions Checklist |

No.Mark Item 1 Item 2 Stars Class

01 Ectopudding Energy Sash Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] D
02 Uridimmu Cobaltite Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] D
03 Ugallu Platinum Bangle Bomb Core x3 [][][][][] D
04 Adroa Pearl Necklace Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] D
05 Edimmu Sorcerer's Mark Bomb Core x5 [][][][][] D
06 Munchkin Maestro Fullmen Ring Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] C
07 Bituitus R&D Depot Pass Bomb Core x5 [][][][][] C
08 Rakshase Collector Catalog Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] C
09 Kaiser Behemoth Rhodochrosite Bomb Core x3 [][][][][] C
10 Amblin Bellows Superconductor x4 Thrust Bearing x3 [][][][][] C
11 Adroa Frost Ring x2 Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] C
12 Geiseric Royal Armlet Bomb Core x5 [][][][][] C
13 Goblin Chieftain Cobaltite Bomb Shell x4 [][][][][] C
14 Sahagin Gysahl Reins Bomb Shell x3 [][][][][] C
15 Goblin Chieftain Survivalist Catalog Bomb Shell x4 [][][][][] C
16 Sahagin Rhodochrosite Bomb Shell x4 [][][][][] B
17 Pulsework Champ. Per. Conductor x3 Piezoe. Element x4 [][][][][] B
18 Ambling Bellows Sorcerer's Mark Piezoe. Element x4 [][][][][] C
19 Uridimmu Cobaltite Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
20 Goblin Chieftain Rhodochrosite Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
21 Gelatitan Speed Sash Bomb Shell x4 [][][][][] C
22 Ambling Bellows Particle Acc x3 Electrode x3 [][][][][] C
23 Gurangatch Warrior's Wristband Bomb Shell x4 [][][][][] B
24 Mushussu Moonblossom Seed x6 Moonblossom Seed [][][][][] B
25 Vetala Cobaltite Bomb Core x6 [][][][][] B
26 Penanggalan Diamond Bangle Bomb Core x6 [][][][][] B
27 Mithridates Blaze Ring Bomb Core x6 [][][][][] B
28 Ceratosaur Giant's Glove Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
29 Juggernaut Uraninite Mobius Coil x3 [][][][][] B
30 Syphax Uraninite Bomb Core x6 [][][][][] B
31 Pulsework Champ. Per. Conductor x3 Crystal Oscillatorx2 [][][][][] B
32 Amam Glass Buckle Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] B
33 Adamanchelid White Cape Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] B
34 Zenobia Hermes Sandals Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] B
35 Gurangetch Witch's Bracelet Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
36 Amam Uraninite Bomb Shell x6 [][][][][] C
37 Rafflesia Star Pendant Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
38 Verdelet Diamond Bangle Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] B
39 Ochu Siltstone Ring Moonblossom Seed x2 [][][][][] C
40 Verdelet Zealot's Amulet Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] B
41 Tonberry Doctor's Code Tonberry Figurine [][][][][] A
42 Borgbear Hero Witch's Bracelet Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] B
43 Borgbear Hero Speed Sash Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] B
44 Corrosive Custard General's Belt Bomb Shell x7 [][][][][] A
45 Neochu Hunter's Friend Moonblossom Seed x3 [][][][][] A
46 Zimitra Gilgamesh, Inc Pass Bomb Core x10 [][][][][] A
47 Raktavija Mnar Stone Bomb Core x10 [][][][][] B
48 Verdelet Twenty-sided Die Bomb Shell x10 [][][][][] A
49 Tyrant Particle Acc. x7 Crystal Oscillatorx2 [][][][][] A
50 Humbaba Scarletite Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] B
51 Attacus Genji Glove Bomb Core x10 [][][][][] A
52 Zimitra Gale Ring Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] A
53 Zimitra Blaze Ring Bomb Core x10 [][][][][] A
54 Gigantuar Cactuar Doll Chocobo Plume x2 [][][][][] B
55 Neochu Growth Egg Moonblossom Seed x2 [][][][][] A
56 Ugallu Rhodochrosite Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
57 Sahagin Uraninite Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
58 Humbaba Speed Sash Bomb Shell x5 [][][][][] C
59 Zimitra Energy Sash Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] A
60 Gelatitan Mnar Stone Bomb Core x7 [][][][][] A
61 Juggernaut Royal Armlet Crystal Oscillatorx2 [][][][][] A
62 Raktavija Genji Glove Bomb Core x10 [][][][][] A
63 Adamantortoise Genji Glove Gold Nugget [][][][][] A
64 Vercingetorix Gold Watch Bomb Core x10 [][][][][] A

|{FAQ} 4) Frequently Asked Questions |

Before sending me an e-mail with questions, please refer to the FAQ below,
because your question might already be answered here. If it is not, feel free
to send me an e-mail at kingdomhearts33 [at] hotmail [dot] com. Sending e-mail
about mistakes you found in the FAQ are always very welcome. In that case,
please point as clear as you can what mistake you have found so that I can
fix it as soon as possible. You will be credited accordingly. You can send
mistake notices about anything and everything, even grammar and punctuation.

<> Does the Japanese FFXIII have English subtitles?

No, the Japanese FFXIII does NOT have English Subtitles. The subtitle
option in the config menu gives you Japanese Subtitles.

<> When can you change party members/party leaders?

This option is only available near the end of chapter 9.
The option to change leaders comes in chapter 10. Although the game
only has 13 chapters, you will only be halfway when reaching these chapters.

<> How do I defeat boss X?

Strategies for bosses are found in the Walkthrough, to find the boss, simply
use the CTRL+F function and type in the name of the boss.

<> What Roles should I develop for my characters?

This is actually entirely up to you. But I suggest leveling up the basic
3 first. And which of those 3 to level up first is a matter of abilities.
Check each Role for each character and see if there are any important
abilities available. For example, Medic level 3 for Lightning gives you an
Accessory slot. It is also usefull to level up the Role you use most for
that character. Also, try to choose a different Role for each character's
stage 10 Crystarium, as completing one role on any character will unlock a
Trophy or Achievement for that role.

<> Where do I find Mission/Mark X?

Use the Japanese site listed below to find a map of all Missions.
There is a list with the Japanese Mission names on the left, it shows the
numbers as well so you don't need to know any Japanese to understand it.
The numbered circles indicate the mission stones and the numbered stars
indicate the missions mark. Use my Mission listing to know the name of the
map you are looking at.
If you are still unclear of where to go, you can always send me an e-mail
or ask in the forums on which is probably faster as I am in a
different time zone and wont be able to answer questions as quickly.

The site:

|{VHX} XII) Version History |

Here's the version history for you to see how fast (or slow) things have been
going in the past. It gives you an idea on when to expect updates, and what has
been added since the last version.

November 1 till December 17 Version 0.0

Began the FAQ
Made outline of FAQ

December 17 Version 0.05

Game is on the market in Japan, will hopefully receive it as a Christmas
present. So I can start on the actual FAQ during the holidays.

December 23-27 Version 0.12

Got the game!
Added commands list for the Crystarium System
Added a Trophy list
Improved the outline again
Completed the Before you start part by including the main menu part and
the saving and shopping part
Added Basic Battle part to Battle
Finished the Battle Chapter
Improved the Crystarium System part
Changed Saving and shopping into Save Station, because it makes more sense.
Added Item Menu and Configuration Menu to the Before You Start part.
Added the outline for the Enemy Report.
Finished shopping Chapter
Got sick

January 3-11 Version 0.40

Got better
Finished Lightning's Crystarium to 10
Finished Snow's Crystarium to 8
Finished Vanille's Crystarium to Saboteur 8
Finished Vanille's Crystarium to 8
Finished Hope's Crystarium to 8
Finished Fang's Crystarium to 8
Finished Chapter 1 walkthrough
Nearly Finished Chapter 2 walkthrough
Started on Weapons list
Finished (for now) Accessory list
Added Ability list
Updated Shop list, more updating needed.
Finished Chapter 2 Walkthrough
Finished Chapter 3 Walkthrough
Started Chapter 4 Walkthrough
Upload to

January 12-18 Version 0.55

Finished Chapter 4 Walkthrough
Started Chapter 5 Walkthrough
Updated Shop list
Updated Weapons list nearly finished.
Finished Chapter 5
Finished Chapter 6
Started on Chapter 7
Finished Theme list
Finished Lightning CS
Finished Snow CS
Continued Sazh CS
Finished Chapter 7
Upload to

January 19-26 Version 0.60

Finished Sazh CS
Finished Vanille CS
Rechecked Walkthrough chapter 1,2,3,4
Finished Hope CS
Finished Fang CS
Finished Battle Items
Moved Weapons explanation to Material List
Made FAQ to have 13 chapters
Finished Chapter 8
Finished Chapter 9
Upload to

February 3-23 Version 0.75

Japanese to English Changes guide
Udated Trophy list
Finished Command list for now
Finished Summons for now
Finished Chapter 10
Finished Chapter 11
Updated Chocobo side-quest
Upload to

February 24-28 Version 0.80

Finished Chapter 12
Added Xbox info found in preview of English Xbox version.
Finished Chapter 13
Got the Ultimania guides
Checked walkthrough in general
Rechecked Walkthrough using Ultimania books

March 1-16 Version 0.81

Update of Walkthrough to English version Chapter 1-part of 7
Enemy list 1-45
Update Eidolon: Odin
Various Japanese to English update in shops, item lists etc.
Checked Crystarium System until Stage 5
Added Gamerscore on several Achievements

March 17-23 Version 0.82

Update of Walkthrough to English version Chapter halfway 9
Enemy list up to 89
Mission up to 5
Updated Chocobo section
Added Sheep Section
Updated After Battle section
Updated Battle Section

March 24 - April 8 Version 0.83

Update of Walkthrough to English version Chapter 10
Shops updated, now has official English names.
Finished Accessory chapter, includes upgrade info.
Changed Weapon section, now finished
Added Synthesized Abilities Chapter
Added Checklist

April 9 - 18 Version 0.90

Checklist was added at v.0.83, but not mentioned yet
Finished Eidolon part
Finished Components part
Finished Dismantle part
Nearly Finished Key Items
Thus nearly finished Items part

April 19 - May 20 Version 0.95

Enemy intel up to 172, not complete on everything
Missions up to 10
Side Quests (Bhakti, Faultwarrens)
Chapter 11 done
Various mistakes corrected
Updated Crystarium System abilities

May - July Version 0.98

Walkthrough finished
Missions up to 34 done
Enemy Intel nearly finished
Various mistakes fixed

|{CRD} XIII) Credits and Copyright |

This FAQ could not be made without the help of:

Square-Enix: For making the game For allowing this FAQ on their site.
My boyfriend: Who gave me the game for Christmas and kindly put all the
recordings on the computer for me, so I could keep playing
Ultimania: For providing all the info I could use and more.
Google Translate: For translating the various fan sites spread across the
Official Piggyback guide: Very useful guide!

Special thanks go to:

<> Joe who pointed out that I left out an accessory in the checklist.
<> Ryan who pointed out that I made a mistake in the Synthesis abilities and
a made a spelling error.
<> Aaron who pointed out that I missed the Feral Behemoth in the checklist
under chapter 5.
<> Vahn for pointing out a typo in the components section.
<> You for reading this FAQ.

| Copyright |

Please don�t copy this FAQ or anything in this FAQ to your own site.
This FAQ is made for personal use only. You may print this out or tell other
people about it, but you cannot distribute it outside of GameFaqs. Plagarism
is against the law and I will take legal actions if necessary. The only other
site that is allowed to host parts of this FAQ is
because that is my own site. If you see this FAQ somewhere else, please let
me know.

| End of FAQ |

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