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Final Fantasy XIII Walkthrough and Guide

Copyright Brian Perry (PowercalledIam) 2010

Introduction: {Int}

Hello, my name is Brian and this is a walkthrough of the US Xbox 360 release of
Final Fantasy XIII. This is my first walkthrough, although with your support
more will be on the way!


While this guide does not explicitly state the content of cutscenes (i.e.
"AERIS DIES!"), it does include names, new mechanics, and other things that
could lead to the ability to infer information about the story. If you wish to
avoid learning more about the game than you want to, then it's up to you not to
read ahead.

Let's get started!

Updates {Udt}

4/1/2010 - v.1.00: First edition of the guide. Includes full walkthrough and
most mission marks.

4/7/2010 - v.1.10: Sidequests section complete. Added first portion of items

and enemies sections. New achievements.

4/12/2010 - v.1.11: Achievements sections complete. Added Paradigms section.

5/11/2010 - v.1.20: Updated enemy list. Added THANK YOUS!!!!!!!!!!

5/16/2010 - v.1.21: Updated items list.

5/24/2010 - v.1.22: More items.

6/2/2010 - v.1.23: Weapons section complete.

6/29/2010 - v.1.24: Accessories section complete.

7/11/2010 - v.1.25: Items and components sections complete. Weapons and

accessories sections updated.

7/21/2010 - v.1.26: Weapons section final. Upgrade system guide added.

Table of Contents: {ToC}

-Introduction {Int}
-Updates {Udt}
-Table of Contents {ToC}
-Walkthrough {Wal}
-Disc 1
-Chapter 1 {Ch1}
-Chapter 2 {Ch2}
-Chapter 3 {Ch3}
-Chapter 4 {Ch4}
-Disc 2
-Chapter 5 {Ch5}
-Chapter 6 {Ch6}
-Chapter 7 {Ch7}
-Chapter 8 {Ch8}
-Chapter 9 {Ch9}
-Disc 3
-Chapter 10 {Ch10}
-Chapter 11 {Ch11}
-Chapter 12 {Ch12}
-Chapter 13 {Ch13}
-The Archylte Steppe {TAS}
-The Yaschas Massif {TYM}
-Sidequests {Sq0}
-Paradigms {Pdm}
-Items {Itm}
-Achievements {Amt}
-Enemy List {Emy}
-Thanks {tnx}
-Contact Info {CoI}
-Copyright {Cop}

Walkthrough {Wal}

<<<Disc 1>>>

Chapter 1: Hanging Edge {Ch1}

The game doesn't waste any time, starting you off in battle after the initial
cutscene. There is a tutorial about the Active Time Battle system, which is
covered in the Controls section of the walkthrough. In any case, once the
battle proper starts, select auto-battle until the Warmech dies. Phase 2 uses
the Wave Cannon move, which damages both party members for about 50 damage, but
just keep auto-battling it until it's dead. You shouldn't need to (as the item
usage tutorial hasn't even come up yet), but drop a potion if your health gets

You are now in control of Lightning. Navigating the environment and minimap
should be fairly self-explanatory, but check the Controls section if you need
help. For now (and most of the game), head toward the yellow arrow on the

Straight ahead is first save/shop point. A note about shops: everything in the
game is expensive, and gil is relatively hard to come by for a much of the
game. However, most--if not all--of what you need is provided by enemy drops
and treasures. The only things that are really worth buying are components,
which don't become truly useful until partway through Chapter 11. This also
means that there's no real point to selling things you're not using, as you're
likely not going to be using the gil you get. Just keep them around. Anyway,
save and continue forward. You will run into a couple soldiers and an enemy
encounter tutorial. Just auto-battle them to death. Continue forward until
you see a small blue ring in front of a pile of rubble. These rings are jump
points. Just continue forward through the ring to jump over the rubble.

Fight some more wardens, jump some more rubble, and then you will see a small
floating ball on the left side of the road. This is a treasure chest, which
contains a potion.

Continue forward. You'll fight a new enemy: Pantherons, but just auto-battle
to death. On the stairs to the right is a chest containing two potions.
Continue down the road, save, jump over the rubble and into another new enemy
to auto-battle: Arial Recon.

There's a chest on stairs to the left with an Iron Bangle. Equip it on

Lightning to boost her HP. Back on the road, continue ahead. Continue on, and
when you jump off the next set of stairs back onto the road, check right for a
treasure chest and 50 gil. Continue forward until you reach a battle with an
item usage tutorial. After the battle, backtrack to the stairs on the left,
then save and jump onto the platform.

The red ring on the platform signals something to be interacted with. Stand in
the ring and press A to activate the platform. Move on to activate a battle
with the Attack Chain tutorial.

Location: The Resistance Front

After the cutscene, you'll be playing as Snow. Check behind you for a chest
with 50 gil. Move forward, save, then jump into the next screen. In battle,
Snow begs a fundamental question regarding fighting in a Final Fantasy
universe: why use weapons when you can beat people to death?

Anyway, keep moving forward, beating and blowing people up until you see a
cutscene where Snow asks for volunteers. After the scene, check the chest to
the left for an Iron Bangle and give it to Snow. Save at the save point ahead,
keep moving and beating, then punch out the Behemoth, and save after the

Back with Lightning, you'll fight a Myrmidon. Actually pay attention with this
battle, you'll need to drop a couple potions when Lightning's health gets low.

After several cutscenes, you're back with Snow, who survived a multi-story fall
due to the protective properties of his bandanna. Grab the chest with a Power
Circle, and equip it on Snow, then save on the left. After the first set of
stairs, check right for a chest with 100 gil. At the end of the road, examine
the machine to fly off.

After the cutscene, you control Hope. Save at the save point, and then examine
the airship.

Chapter 1 complete!

Chapter 2: The Pulse Vestige {Ch2}

Start off with an easy scripted fight, and then backtrack to where the airship
crashed to find a chest with 30 gil. Save at the save point, and then go up
the stairs to the right. Head left toward the treasure sphere and defeat all
the enemies to unlock the chest with 4 Potions. Back down the other side of
the stairs, you'll see a tutorial on pre-emptive strikes. Defeat the
Scandroids and grab the Iron Bangle in the chest. Give it to Vanille. Jump
over the rubble via the blue ring by a second crashed ship and head to the
upper-right area to trigger a cutscene.

You've switched back to Snow. Backtrack behind you for a chest with 2 Potions.
Save at the save point and activate the green pillar dead ahead.

You're back with Lightning again. After the cutscene, you'll see a Shroud
tutorial. Save, and head straight ahead until you reach a large round
platform, where you should defeat the Scandroids for a Phoenix Down. Before
you fight the Myrmidon, you can make life easier by using a Shroud, or you can
pop potions like last time. In either case, head up the stairs, grab the chest
with the Gladius, equip it to Lightning, and keep going up. There's another
Myrmidon with a Pantheron, so prepare with a Shroud or have some potions ready.
Head forward to trigger a cutscene, then you're back with Snow.

Backtrack again to find 2 potions, then head forward and activate another green
pillar and hop on the elevator platform.

Hope you had fun with Snow, because now you're back to Vanille! Head up the
stairs and to the right for a Fortisol, then head through the hall behind you.
You've already been through everything else. Save in the new screen, and keep
going, taking the chest with 100 gil on the way. After the cutscene, Snow
joins your battle as party leader against the Cie'th.

However, after the battle you're back with Lightning! Head to the platform to
nowhere with the Power Wristband, which increases Strength by 20. Give this to
Sazh. Keep the Iron Bangle on Lightning to keep her HP up. Head up the stairs
until you see a big Cie'th in an archway. It's not as scary as it looks, but
Fortisol can help if you have trouble. Save, then head into the next area.
Hack through the Ghouls until you reach two more Ghasts. Pop a Fortisol, but
still keep an eye on HP.

During the cutscene, everybody meets up, and your party is left with Lightning,
Snow, and Sazh. Switch Snow's Iron Bangle with Sazh's Power Wristband to make
Snow a juggernaut, and then head up. On the horizontal platform there's a
chest with 5 potions and a save point, then head forward until a cutscene
triggers. After a series of very bad decisions, you're fighting a Fal'Cie!

| Boss Battle: Anima |
| |
| Strategy: Take out both the manipulators, and then hit Anima while it's |
| regenerating them. Do not attack Anima with the manipulators alive, as they|
| will rock your socks for it! It will take a few rounds of regeneration to |
| bring down Anima, and a couple potions, even with the manipulators down. |
| |
| Reward: Doctor's Code |

Chapter 2 complete!

Chapter 3: Lake Bresha {Ch3}

After several cutscenes, you'll be forced into a battle with the paradigm
system tutorial. Then, after another cutscene, you get yet another tutorial,
this time about the Crystarium (aka Sphere Grid, for you FFX players out
there). Jump over the gap, and head off to the left to grab a chest with a
Pearlwing Staff. It's a new weapon for Vanille, and it may not seem as good,
but keep in mind that Vanille has no physical attacks since becoming a l'Cie.

Backtrack, save, and head up the other branch. Make sure to jump up on the
platform with the chest with 7 chipped fangs. After the series of impressive
jumps, go right for a chest with 200 gil, then approach Snow for a cutscene
that lands you in a battle with...another tutorial!

Continue on, getting the 5 Cie'th Tears on the right on the way. Once you
first encounter Breshan Bass, head to the left for a Silver Bangle. Give it to
Lightning. Careful, the bass are a little tougher than enemies you've fought
so far. If you see character dipping in to the yellow, switch paradigms to
Solidarity to heal.

Backtrack, head up the other branch, and save at the save point ahead.
Continuing on, past the cutscene and the Pantherons (which you should
absolutely wreck with your new Crystarium powers), there's a chest with a
Phoenix Down. Before going through the archway, there's another chest with 50
gil on the right. A little further up is a chest with 8 vials of strange
fluid, then a Magician's Mark past the PSICOM guys on the left. Equip it on
Vanille. Continue up, make some more impressive jumps, and save.

After the cutscene, you'll be in a battle with...another tutorial! Slash boss


| Boss Battle: Manasyin Warmech |
| |
| Like the tutorial says, the warmech can mess you up if you let it. As soon |
| as your party is in the yellow, switch to Solidarity to heal. What this |
| really means is, when it uses its laser sweep move, switch to Solidarity, |
| because soon it will follow up with Crystal Rain, which does a whole lot of |
| damage. Once you're healed, you can continue ruining its day with |
| Relentless Assault. Remember: better safe than dead. |
| |
| Reward: Digital circuit |

Your party changes up after the fight, and Solidarity turns into Diversity, but
operates much the same way, if not better. Remember to use your CP, then
continue on. When the path branches again, go right for 6 more vials of
strange fluid. Jump down to the tube on the left for Deneb Duelers and 240
gil. Equip the duelers on Sazh, then go back and take the right tube. Once
across, take the tube on the right to get 6 vials of enigmatic fluid. Turn
around and press forward. When you see the bridge, go right for 7 wicked
fangs. Cross the bridge, then go back after the dialogue and activate the
machine to open the way.

Save once across the bridge again, and then get into battle with...another
tutorial! Wail on the behemoth, switch to Diversity if necessary, then
backtrack and grab the chest on the ledge after the battle for a Librascope.
Move forward into another cutscene, then onward until the path splits again.
On the right are two digital circuits. After the bridge, make a series of
impressive jumps, then take the upper path for 2 flasks of paraffin oil.
Continue down through a semi-hidden ice cave for 50 gil, which reconnects with
the main path. Once you get up to a larger platform, head right for 3 lengths
on insulated cable.
Save at the save point before you run into the cutscene and continue on. On
the path there's a chest with 30 gil, then another chest in a slightly larger
room with 6 begrimed claws.

Location: Gates of Antiquity

Once you reach the gates there is a save point on the right, then at the top of
the stairs is a chest with 600 gil on the right. In the back of the room on
the right is a chest with 2 digital circuits. Afterwards, jump on the bridge
on the left side of the room. Once across the bridge, if you take the stairs
down instead of jumping, there's a chest with 7 begrimed claws.

In the back of this room on the left is a chest with a Spark Ring, then
continue up the stairs and straight ahead of you on the path is a chest with 3
potions. Save at the save point ahead, then travel on through a few long
hallways until you find a chest with a nugget of millerite. Once you get to
the large room with pillars, you can jump over the doorway rubble to get back
to the save point. If you take the path on the right of the large room, you
reach a chest with a strip of ferroelectric film.

Up the stairs is another save point, as well as a couple chests with a phoenix
down and two Librascopes, then head up for a scene and a boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Garuda Interceptor |
| |
| Use Libra on the Garuda Interceptor first thing, and then after that |
| standard tactics apply. Relentless Assault until you're hurt, then switch |
| to Diversity to heal. After the cutscene, Libra again, and continue |
| pounding on it. Your priority is to stagger it so you can actually do |
| damage. |
| |
| Reward: Silver Bangle

After the battle, Sazh will be able to use the Synergist role, and Vanille can
be a Saboteur.

But none of that matters, because you're back with Snow! Pop some potions
during the battle to keep your health up, but otherwise it's not too hard.
Then you are immediately plunged into battle with...another tutorial! Slash
Eidolon battle.

| Eidolon Battle: Shiva |
| |
| The important thing to remember here is the last part of the tutorial, |
| saying that the Shiva sisters appreciate defensive roles. Just switch to |
| Sentinel, and time your steelguards for when you see Shiva move. When you |
| see her go into "ATB Charge," wait for it to end, and then activate your |
| guard. She'll start doing them consistently toward the end of the doom |
| counter. Guard against a few of those, and you'll see a prompt to push the |
| X button on the right side of the screen. Do so to end the battle. The |
| other important thing to note is that only one of the sisters actually |
| attacks you. The other one heals you, so just concentrate on guarding. |

Chapter 3 complete!
Chapter 4: The Vile Peaks {Ch4}

After the cutscene you'll fight some Pantherons. When's the last time you
remember playing a game that had the same enemies at a several hours through as
on the first level? Anyway, go down the path until you trigger another scene.

Now you're using the other half of the team, Lightning and Hope. For this
team, set the Supersoldier Paradigm as your default, then switch to Slash &
Burn once Hope has fully buffed the party (Protect/Shell on both characters).
Use War & Peace if you need a heal. Save at the save point, then hop up to the
right to grab a chest with a Librascope. After several series of impressive
jumps, a cutscene triggers.

Back with Sazh and Vanille, similar tactics apply. Buff/debuff with Syn/Sab,
Dualcasting for damage, Rav/Med to heal. Save at the save point, then continue
on. Up ahead, a bunch of robots are fighting. Stagger the Pulsework Soldier
first, as it is difficult to stagger enemies without a commando, and it has
lots of HP. Then buff, then switch back to damage. After dealing with the
robots, activate the machine to open the way. Up ahead you will find a chest
with a Black Belt.

Activate the panel to continue, then just keep going until you find Hope.
Now tactics can change up a bit. You can basically have any Paradigms you
want, as long as you have damage, heal, and buff/debuff. I had three combos:
Rav/Rav/Rav, Syn/Sab/Rav, and Rav/Med/Syn. Start with casting Faith on
everyone and debuffing enemies, then follow with full attack. Heal when
necessary (which also has hope casting Protect/Shell). Of course, you can
always use a Fortisol to skip straight to hurting things, too... Also, Now
that you have three party members, you can force staggers just by throwing
enough spells at enemies, and maybe throwing one spell at a time with Y to keep
the chain gauge up.

Once you get to the top of the cliff, there is a chest with a Ninurta, which I
did not equip. Save up ahead and continue on until you reach a cutscene. Keep
going until you find a save point on the left with treasure spheres containing
phoenix down and a Metal Armband. Then it's just forward march until you reach
another save point. Lightning joins up ahead.

Keep Lightning as a Commando no matter what. Other than that keep Bully as the
default Paradigm, followed by Relentless Assault. Diversity heals. Full steam
ahead until you reach a machine at the end of the path. Activate it to open
the way. Save and continue. Inside an open crate to the right is a chest with
a Librascope. Up ahead on the right is another chest with an Ember Ring.
Keep going to another save point, then a cutscene triggers ahead for a boss

| Boss Battle: Dreadnought |
| |
| Buff yourself, Deprotect the Dreadnought, and then go for the stagger. |
| Pretty standard battle. Just remember to recast Deprotect when it finishes |
| Steam Cleaning itself. The second phase is the exact same thing, except you|
| need to keep an even closer eye on HP. |
| |
| Reward: Omni-kit |
After the battle Sazh can become a Commando, and Lightning can become a Medic.
Also, you will FINALLY be able to upgrade weapons and accessories with all
those until-now useless components you've been collecting. Upgrades are
completely inefficient at this point, but the basics are as follows: organic
components give experience bonus multipliers, digital components are worth more
Exp, but reduce the multiplier. The maximum multiplier is x3.

There's a save point up ahead where you can experiment with upgrades if you
want. After that is a scene, which ends in Lightning and Hope fighting some
PSICOM guys. After more cutscenes, it's Lightning and Hope off again. Tactics
are easy. Lightning Commandos, Hope does whatever else you need. Another save
point ahead. Keep moving, then off to the left is a treasure sphere with 3
fiber-optic cables. The next time the path splits, there's a chest with a
Librascope to the right.

Another save point, then another cutscene, leading to a battle, then another

Now you're riding a battlemech, which kind of operates like a super-chocobo. A

button attacks, running through fences regains power. You can always just run
enemies over, too.

After your mini-rampage, check the spheres for a Spark Ring and 300 gil. In
the tunnel is a chest with 2 electrolytic capacitors, then a save point up
ahead. At the split in the road, go right for a chest with a Spark Ring. The
next split has a chest with a phoenix down on the right. Keep going to another
save point, and the inevitable cutscene ahead of it. Time for another Eidolon

| Eidolon Battle: Odin |
| |
| This battle is a bit different than the Shiva battle. Set up a paradigm for|
| two Medics, medic and Synergist, Medic and Ravager, and two Ravagers. Start|
| with the Medic/Synergist combo to buff Shell and Protect. Then switch to |
| Medic and Ravager until Odin starts wrecking one of your party members even |
| harder than usual, and switch to double Medic. When he uses his shield move,|
| make sure you're totally healed, then switch to double Ravager. It takes a |
| lot of switching paradigms, and a lot of healing, but it can be done. |

Don't forget to change your paradigms back to normal. Continue on to the

cutscene and battle with...another tutorial! Beat on enemies until the gauge
under Lightning's health is mostly full and/or Odin's gauge is mostly empty,
then press X. Use the left joystick and the A button to attack. Finish off
with Y before Odin disappears.

After the battle, you're in control of Sazh and Vanille. Backtrack all the way
to a chest with a phoenix down, then head back up to the save point. Slash and
Burn should be fine as a default paradigm. You shouldn't need to buff too
much. However, you may want to debuff the Pulsework Soldiers so you can
actually do damage to them.

Press forward until you find a machine to activate. Do so to open the way.
When the path splits, go right for an Auric Amulet. Save at the save point and
keep on trucking. Up ahead on the path is a chest with an Ember Ring. When
the path opens up, there is a save point in the center, and the lower right
path has a tuft of phoenix down. After that, work your way around and start
activating the four machines on the catwalk around the central machine.
Once the machine is fully active, you can backtrack to the previous section.
There are some new walkways you can get some swag: 8 iron shells and 6 vials of
vibrant ooze.

On the new inner catwalk you opened up, on the right there is a Fortisol. Grab
it and move on up. The battle with two bombs and two clockwork soldiers can be
tough, so you might want to drop a shroud before the battle. Up ahead on the
trail is a chest with 300 gil, then a cutscene and the option to save after

When you gain control of Snow, head into the shop in the center of the beach
and talk to Snow's friends, then find Serah on the dock.

Chapter 4 complete!

Disc 1 complete!

<<<Disc 2>>>

Chapter 5: The Gapra Whitewood {Ch5}

After changing discs, saving, and watching a cutscene, you're in control of

Hope and Lightning. Since Hope is the leader, give him Lightning's Silver
Bangle, and give her the Black Belt. You should also have enough CP to get
Hope an additional accessory slot, if you leveled up his Synergist enough.

When you're ready, follow the path until you find another cutscene, then
activate the elevator. Another save point, then keep moving. When the path
finally splits, wreck the behemoth on the left and grab the chest for 3
antidotes. Go on ahead for another cutscene, then take the elevator down and
save. At the second light pillar, there is a chest with a Hawkeye on the
right. Keep on keeping on until you get to another cutscene, then save, get on
another elevator, watch another cutscene.

Now you're in a large pit area. The message that pops up basically means "kill
everything you see to proceed." If the Silver Lobos poison you, don't worry
too much, just heal if your health gets low. In the third pen area, there is a
chest with 6 antidotes immediately on the right.

After the fourth pen, there is a short cutscene and you're forced into battle
with a Feral Behemoth. Use Libra to find its weakness (water), then cast
Protect on both party members and keep your health up, but otherwise just
Commando/Ravager to stagger it, and then stomp it into the ground. Or air,
should Lightning have the Launch ability.

After the battle, proceed forward, and then climb up the giant crystal leaf
thing. At the top there will be another cutscene. After the scene, Lightning
will be in charge, so give her back the Silver Bangle. Otherwise everything
stays the same. Head forward and climb down the giant crystal leaf thing.
Save at the bottom. The top path has a chest with a Star Pendant. I equipped
it on Hope. Take the middle path afterwards. Climb another giant crystal leaf
thing, and follow the path to another cutscene. A couple light pillars later,
there is a chest on the left with an Edged Carbine. After you fight another
Feral Behemoth, climb down the giant crystal leaf thing and save.

If you go behind the electric fence on the left, there is a treasure sphere
with 1500 gil. When the path splits, go right for a chest with 8 vials of
fragrant oil. Before jumping up the next giant crystal leaf thing, head to the
next pen area for a chest with a Watchman's Amulet.

Once on the upper path, take the elevator up to the next area and save. Up
ahead is a cutscene, then keep moving. Right on the path is a chest with an
Ethersol, and a save point. Activate the panel at the other end of the
platform to trigger a boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Aster Protoflorian |
| |
| This boss battle is pretty standard. Libra, buff, stagger, own. It changes|
| its vulnerabilities, but Libra keeps up with it, so auto-battle will still |
| be effective. |
| |
| Reward: Tungsten Bangle |

After the battle, march on to a save point, then onward to a cutscene.

Chapter 5 Complete!

Chapter 6: Sunleth Waterscape {Ch6}

Location: Sunleth Waterscape

Man, they keep teasing you with letting you use Snow again, don't they?

Anyway, Sazh and Vanille off again. Make sure to level them up; it's
impressive. Save and move on. When the path branches, go left for a chest
with 8 vials of mysterious fluid. Going on ahead, there's a chest next to a
save point with a Belladonna Wand. When the path opens up, there's a chest on
the right side with a set of Procyons. When the path splits again, go left for
a chest with a Doctor's Code. After that, there's a cutscene ahead.

The Scalebeast the message warns you about isn't a death sentence. Just
stagger it like anyone else. It takes time and a couple staggers, but it gives
a good amount of CP, so it may be worth it. Pre-emptive strikes help, as does

Jump down to the left and defeat the Scalebeast for a chest with 15 iron
shells. On the main path there's another chest with a Librascope. Down a bit
further there's another chest with 10 scaled wings. At the waterfall you'll
run smack into a cutscene.

After the scene, Sazh is gone, so set off to the left to find him. After the
next scene, hop across the rocks to the save point and move on to another
cutscene! On the right path, there's a chest with a Metal Armband.

Basically, the idea of the next section is to change the weather to suit the
enemies you want to fight. If you turn off the rain, there are Wyverns around.
If you choose to take one on, pop a shroud, debuff and stagger. There is a
Metal Armband after the second weather orb, and an Aqua Ring on the left after
the fourth orb. Also note that enemies will respawn when you change the
weather, so this is a good place to level for a bit, especially since the
upcoming boss battle is relatively difficult. When you reach the save point,
there is a cutscene and boss battle afterwards.

| Boss Battle: Enki and Enlil |
| |
| Toss a Librascope at the bosses, and then the fun begins. You'll have to |
| switch constantly between all your paradigms. Try and buff yourselves while|
| debuffing them. I also highly recommended that you level up Vanille until |
| she has Esuna, because they can cast Deprotect/Deshell on you. Watch out |
| for "Enrage," because it means they're going to do a lightning- or water- |
| based attack very soon. Keep your HP up and try and take one out. The |
| second one will be much easier. |
| |
| Reward: Fulmen Ring and Riptide Ring |

Head up the ramp until you reach the electric fence. Head through the fence
for a cutscene and save option.

End of Chapter 6!

Chapter 7: Palumpolum {Ch7}

Make sure to level your characters, but otherwise you should be good to go. At
the end of the areas you're in, hook around to the left to find 3 lengths of
fiber-optic cable, and then drop down into the sewer on the top-left side of
the map. There's a semi-hidden left turn a short walk up with a chest
containing 3 holy waters. Hop out of the sewer, and then head up the hill.

You should really do everything in your power to avoid the flying motorcycle
enemy. Its Gatling Gun attack WILL kill Lightning, even with protect and both
character spamming Cure. Just wait until it flies by and run to the next sewer
entrance. If you're dead set on killing it, Libra, Protect, and summon Odin.
Don't worry about your bestiary, plenty more of these show up later.

Once you're in the sewer and jump down to the main duct, there's a chest on the
right with a Librascope. Jump down, save, and continue to a cutscene.
Activate the machine to summon the elevator platform, and head across the gap.
Once across, activate another machine and get back on the same elevator to get
to a platform with a phoenix down and 4 holy waters.

Down the path a bit, approach Hope to examine the Fal'Cie. At the elevator
platform, activate the left machine to get to a platform with 2 Mobius coils
and an Aqua Ring. Then head back, and just get back on the elevator to

A bit down the path, there is another cutscene, after which just keep going.
On the path there is a chest with a Warding Talisman. Down the path, after
another cutscene, get on the elevator and cross the gap, and then save and
continue to another cutscene leading to a battle.

Snow is finally back, riding his lesbian twin motorcycle straight into
someone's day! Shiva works the same way as Odin. Press various combinations
of a direction and the A button (or just press A to auto-battle) until you're
almost out of time, then ruin everyone's day by pressing Y.

As the ensuing tutorial says, Snow's best suit is tanking. Set him as Sentinel
until Hope can whittle down the enemies, and then finish them off with Slash &
Burn. Obviously you should focus on weak enemies first, so you can bring the
full wrath of your party down on stronger enemies. An important thing to note
is that Provoked enemies are easier to stagger, though another party member
would be necessary to take full advantage of that.


When you're done setting up your party's CP, Paradigms, and equipment, save and
continue. After hopping up the ice cave, before jumping on the next ice track,
go all the way to the end of the path you're on for a chest with a Fortisol.
After the ice track, go up the ramp to a platform with a Paladin. I kept Snow
with the Power Circle because he's already blocking bazooka shots; he doesn't
need another defense boost.

When you hop down into the outer rim, head left for a chest with 4 lengths of
insulated cabling. Save and continue until you reach a cutscene. When you
regain control, Fang is leading your party. Lightning is a better Commando,
but you need her as a Ravager for chain bonuses. You don't need Fang as a
Sentinel unless you're healing. So I had Fang as Commando and Lightning as
Ravager, then Sab/Com and Sen/Med. Fang casts Slow as a Saboteur. When you've
set up your party (CP, equip, Paradigm), save and continue until you reach a

Upon regaining control, you're playing as Snow and Hope again. Turn around for
a chest with 4 holy waters, then save and go kick some butt. At the first
intersection, you can jump up to an upper path at the left corner, and then
continue to the end for 2 incentive chips. Farther up, you'll find a treasure
sphere with a Guardian Armlet and a save point. There's a cutscene after the
path takes a turn into an alley. The following battle will take forever if you
wait for Hope to kill a couple of them, so Protect yourself, then switch
between Slash and Burn and Lifeguard for healing.

After a couple of the air soldier battles, there's another cutscene. Save up
ahead, and forward march into yet another cutscene. Once you drop down to the
lower road, backtrack for a Shaman's Mark, which is amazing for Hope. And with
Snow's Sentinel, you can actually beat the Falco Velocycle that shows up
without summoning Shiva!

When you get to the end of the section you're on, take the narrower upper path
for 3 thrust bearings, then to the right for a Vidofnir. Upon getting across
the bridge and up the ramp, there's a chest to the right with a Deceptisol.
After hopping up the scaffolding, hook around to the right for 2000 gil. A few
battles and some jumps later, you're at a save point, past which is a cutscene
and boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Ushumgal Subjugator |
| |
| Let Hope buff the party, and apply Libra. Slash & Burn for damage, |
| Lifeguard for healing. As long as Barfire stays active, neither of your |
| characters should have much to worry about. Just watch out for his launch |
| move. |
| |
| Reward: Abominable Wing |

Scene, save, scene, back with Fang and Lightning.

Backtrack for 10 bestial claws. Save point on top of the scaffolding. There's
a Gae Bolg on the lower path a bit ahead. It has Improved Counter for Fang.
Which would be great...if she had any counter moves. Since she doesn't, stick
with the Bladed Lance.

When you come up against the Lodestar Behemoth, the phrase "Exceptionally high
HP" appears in the notes. It also has an exceptionally high stagger point. In
addition, when its health gets lower, it stands up and starts using a giant
sword. Still, slow it, beat on it, and heal yourself, and you'll be fine. If
you want to use a Deceptisol to get the drop on it, that works fine too.

Up ahead on the path is another cutscene, then continue on. In the upper right
corner before the path narrows on the left, there's a chest with an Axis Blade.
Go on for another cutscene. Save at the save point afterwards. In the upper-
left corner of the first large room, there's a Tungsten Bangle. Follow the
hallway to the right. Take the staircase on the left down for a treasure
sphere with a Black Belt. Down the next set of stairs is a save point, then
down the next hallway for a scene leading into a battle. Using Hope. By

| Boss Battle: Ushumgal Subjugator |
| |
| It's actually not that bad. Buff yourself, Libra, and Ravage it to death. |
| Medic to heal, obviously. Eventually Fang and Lightning will join, and Fang|
| will lead. Get everyone Protected and the boss slowed, then beat on it with|
| Relentless Assault. Diversity to heal. When it gets staggered, Fang will |
| launch it, making it useless and doing phenomenal amounts of damage (I maxed|
| out at 999.99% chain gauge). Rinse and repeat. |
| |
| Reward: Shield Talisman |

When you regain control of Fang, there's a treasure on the left with a phoenix
down, then approach Hope for a scene. Afterwards, save at the save point, and
activate the television by the red ring. At the end of the scene, you're in a
battle with Lightning leading. Same tactics. Evened Odds, Relentless Assault,
Diversity. When the battle's over, adjust your party. The Shield Talisman you
won from the Subjugator is great for your party leader (Lightning). Then level
everyone, and set up your Paradigms to include a Com/Com/Rav, so you can
finally use Lightning as the Commando she was born to be.

Near where you start is a chest with an Ethersol, and in the very back of the
house is a Brawler's Wristband. You need to defeat all the enemies to be able
to open them. Head into room by the red ring when you're ready. The end
result is a boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Havoc Skytank |
| |
| This thing is a monster. It has 3.8 metric asstons of HP, is immune to all |
| status ailments, cannot be staggered, and hits like a nuclear rhinoceros. |
| First goal is to Protect yourself. After that, keep a Medic on hand and use|
| the other two to attack. Ruin works just as well as any Ravager spell; the |
| only downside to two Commandos is that the second Commando will attack a |
| different target. Fang's Sentinel is useless because the Skytank cannot be |
| Provoked. Attack the turrets and hulls first to reduce its firepower. Then|
| it will open up its main cannon, but if you keep up Protect and your HP, |
| this isn't anywhere near as bad as having two turrets, two missile bays, and|
| a pulse cannon raining bad day on your heads. |
| |
| Reward: Uraninite |

Chapter 7 Complete!

Chapter 8: Nautilus {Ch8}

Now you're in control of Sazh and Vanille, who have a lot of CP to spend. Make
sure Sazh gets Haste! It is (in my opinion) the most effective buff in the
game. Save at the save point nearby, then head toward the map marker. After
the scene, go to the next map marker for another scene. And after THAT scene,
head to the map marker for ANOTHER scene. Despite all the people and the
visual activity, there's not a lot to do here.

Guess what you do next? That's right, elevator at the map marker, scene a few
steps in. There's a save point near the lift, too. There's a treasure sphere
at the end of the uppermost branch of this area. That's third to the left when
facing the elevator. The chest contains a phoenix down.

Down the main path is a scene. Surprised? Me too.

Examine the gaggle of overly-adorable midget sheep at the far end of the path,
followed by the souvenir cart, followed by the fountain, followed by the group
of chocobos on the right side of the area. This drops a treasure sphere with a
Star Pendant. There's a save point down the path, then another scene, which
puts you next to a save point with lots of angry soldiers ahead of you.

A bit down the path there's a pair of Spica Defenders. When the path splits,
go right. When it splits again, go straight for a Guardian Armlet. When it
splits yet again, save at the save point, then go straight to receive a
Healer's Staff, which boosts Vanille's Cure spell. There's a boss battle past
the save point in the other direction.

| Boss Battle: Midlight Reaper |
| |
| You'll want to make sure Sazh has learned Haste, because it makes a hundred |
| thousand HP go by a lot faster. It's a pretty long battle anyway. Make |
| sure Sazh keeps the party Hasted and Faithed, and have Vanille Imperil it. |
| After that, Libra, Slash and Burn, stagger, repeat. When it readies its |
| main cannon, make sure the person it's targeting is fully healed. If you're|
| unsure, just heal both characters. As long as you stay faster than it, |
| you'll come out on top in the end. |
| |
| Reward: The Motherload |

After the scene, walk forward into a scene, which ends in an Eidolon battle.

| Eidolon Battle: Brynhilder |
| |
| Vanille is back in the party, so you won't die immediately. Brynhilder |
| likes people who buff party members, so just spam buffs until you're just |
| repeating yourself, and then switch to a damage Paradigm. Heal when |
| necessary, and spam more buffs if they run out. |

Chapter 8 complete!

Chapter 9: The Palamecia {Ch9}

Location: The Lindblum

When you're ready to leave (CP, equip, etc.), talk to the man at the map marker
to proceed.

Location: The Palamecia

When you land, you're forced into a battle. Your party is Fang, Hope, and
Lightning leading. The Paradigms you start with are fine, with the exception
of making Lightning [one of] your medic[s] once she learns Raise. Defeat the
enemies in the first room, after which you'll make a series of impressive
jumps, and activate the panel by the red ring. Hop on the elevator, make more
impressive jumps, and turn right for 4 digital circuits.

At the end of the path, there's a short scene. Backtrack once it's done for
some millerite. Once you hop across a parked ship, turn right for 3 incentive
chips. After the next ship you jump over, there's a chest to the left with 4
flasks of silicone oil. Head inside the main ship for a scene.

When you're back in control, save and go kick some butt. At the intersection,
you can go straight to reach a save point in the next area, or you can turn
right to continue. The first turn after going right has a treasure sphere with
a Lifesaber. A bit further up is an Ember Ring, and a save point ahead of
that. Toward the end of the hallway on the right is a chest with a Pandoran
Spear, and ahead of that is a cutscene.

You're back in charge of Sazh and Vanille, so do all the normal party-change
stuff, save, and head out. Use the panel on the left of the first bulkhead you
run into to proceed. When the path splits, turn right twice, then use the
panel to open up a room with a Royal Armlet. At the top of the path, grab the
12 vials of murky ooze in the chest, then open the bulkhead and proceed into a

Back with Lightning and crew, run up to a save point then head right. About a
quarter of the way around, there's a treasure on the right containing a White
Cape. On the other side of the room you can find a Pain Dampener. The bottom
portion of the innermost ring has some rhodochrosite, and the top has a perfect
conductor. Approach the door at the top for a scene, which leaves you back
with Sazh and Vanille.

Save at the save point, and then go around to one side. The middle path is
entirely too difficult. When you get around to the top, backtrack up to the
middle and grab the chest with a phoenix down. After the next scene, a battle
ensues. This is moderately difficult for these characters, but take out the
wasps first, then turn your attention to the Thermadon. Buff/debuff as always,
then Slash and Burn until staggered.

Back with Lightning again, save at the save point and backtrack to find a
Whistlewind Scarf. After the section with the airbrakes, take the rightmost
path to find a perfect conductor. Fight through the next section until you
reach a save point, then run down the raised path to find 13 barbed tails.
In the next section, take one of the moving platforms down to the lower path.
There is a treasure sphere by the third moving platform containing 300 gil.
After that, traverse to the far upper-right corner to obtain a Spark Ring. As
you walk through the next path, a boss battle will trigger at the map marker.

| Boss Battle: Kalavinka Striker |
| This boss is much easier than some of the previous ones. Libra, |
| buff/debuff, Relentless Assault, dead. I never even healed, and still only |
| got 3 stars. It's a little tougher when it comes by the second time, but |
| only because of its new high-power single-character laser. Still not a big |
| deal. |
| |
| Reward: Soulfont Talisman |

After the scene, your full party is together for the first time. And you can
FINALLY change who's in it! I ended up with Lightning (who you still have to
have as your leader), Sazh, and Fang. The Paradigms I set were Com/Syn/Sab,
Rav/Rav/Com, Med/Com/Sen, Med/Rav/Com, and Com/Rav/Sen.

Save when you have your party set up, activate the panel opposite the save
point. Activate the panel on the left side of the platform you just got to,
and you'll find a treasure sphere with a Librascope. Activate the left panel
on that platform to get a Pain Dampener. Repeat on the other side of the room
for 2 Rune Bracers. Continue down the right side of the room and you'll find
an Umbra on the next platform. The next platform down on the other side of the
room has 3600 gil. Once you get down to the next level, extend the platforms
on either side to get a perfect conductor and a Gold Bangle. When you're
ready, head down the middle to the final platform, which has an Ethersol and a
save point. Go to the door to trigger a scene and boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Barthandelus |
| |
| First order of business: Librascope. This is almost exactly like the |
| Skytank battle. Buff yourself, and then destroy Barthandelus's various |
| armor pieces. Once you've done that, you can apply some debuffs to make |
| life easier. Keep your buffs/debuffs and HP up, and you'll eventually work |
| your way though that 400k HP. |
| |
| Reward: Entite Ring |

Chapter 9 complete!

Disc 2 complete!

<<<Disc 3>>>

Chapter 10: The Fifth Ark {Ch10}

When you regain control, save and head up the tunnel. There's another save
point after the scene, then continue up to another cutscene and battle. After
the battle, you can change your party leader, and give all characters all
roles. Be warned, however, it is horrendously expensive to train a character
in a role they are not naturals in.

There's a Hero's Amulet down the path to the right once the cutscene is done.
Once you get to the open area, hang a left to nab 8 bomb shells. After that,
just advance until you reach another save point. At the bottom of the stairs,
hop onto the far track and head left for a Saint's Amulet. Then head the other
way on the same track, hop up the rubble to the right at the intersection to
grab a chest containing 10 vials of medicinal oil.

When the path reaches another junction, turn right and nab the chest with a
Rainbow Anklet, then turn around for a save point. Once through the door, turn
left and follow the narrow ledge, then jump off the far side. Turn right for
600 gil, then turn around and go the other way. Jump down the far side again,
and then turn left through the door. Save at the save point and continue
forward into a cutscene.

The Beserkers look big and tough and scary, but they stagger and die like
everything else. To the right of the exit is a sphere with a pair of Rigels,
which do not stagger enemies. Aka suck. Once through the door, activate the
panel on the left by the red ring. There's a save point at the bottom, then
turn right to nab a chest with an Auric Amulet. Go down the other way on the
other track until the track turns around and you run into a Greater Behemoth,
which is best if you sneak up on, but isn't unbeatable by other means by any

When the track ends, hop down to the right for a chest with an Alicanto. Same
deal as the Regels. If you jump up to the platform with all the Noctilucales
(slugs) and then jump across to the platform with the slugs and behemoth, you
can find a chest with 7 gargantuan claws.

Continue down the path until you reach the next station. There's a treasure
sphere on the right side of the far wall with a Metal Armband and another one
right of the save point with an Ethersol. Down the path a bit more you'll run
into a cutscene and boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Cid Raines |
| |
| Raines has this annoying little habit of changing what he's doing depending |
| on what you're doing. If you're buffing, he'll attack the buffer. If |
| you're attacking, he'll heal (including his debuffs). But if you keep up |
| the pressure, his HP will start to drop. When he sprouts wings at about |
| two-thirds health, that's when the fun starts. He'll start to buff himself,|
| debuff your party/remove your buffs, and damage your entire party at once. |
| You may want to keep a Sentinel on hand at all times, and switch the other |
| two between buff/debuff, healing, and damage. When he guards, that's your |
| chance to breathe. You can heal, re-apply buffs/debuffs, or go all out |
| attacking him to drive up his chain gauge. |
| |
| Reward: Tetradic Crown |

After the battle and scene, head in the direction of the map marker to save,
then activate the elevator. Once you get to the main area, work your way down.
It doesn't matter which way you go. The inner path has battles, the outer path
doesn't. Save once you enter the door at the bottom and enter the door. Kick
ass, take names, go to the other door. Same deal in the next room.

There's a chest in the next corridor, open it for a Feymark. In the next area,
proceed until you reach a jump, jump down the far side, and enter the door.
Another fight room. Take it or leave it. In the second fight room, hang a
left to find a third fight room. You'll be forced to fight a Berserker, but
you'll be rewarded with 3 electrodes in the chest. Head to the map marker for a
save point and another elevator.

Proceed through the next room to find another save point. When you cross the
bridge, there are 2 otherworldly bones on the left side of the next hallway.
Enter the door, fight the Berserkers, save, and activate the door by the red
ring to trigger a scene and an Eidolon battle.

| Eidolon Battle: Bahamut |
| |
| Bahamut likes people who weaken him, and can survive him. Start off by |
| throwing every debuff you have at him, and then switch Fang to Sentinel. |
| Heal when necessary, and have the other two attack. Bahamut's Gestalt Gauge|
| builds up a lot faster than previous Eidolons, so as long as he doesn't mow |
| you down, you should come out on top quickly. |

After the battle, re-adjust your party if you want, then head down the new path
for another cutscene.

Chapter 10 complete!

Chapter 11: Gran Pulse {Ch11}

There's a save point behind you if you care to use it, then adjust your party
and head toward the map marker. There's a chest by the Dire Flan that contains
a Partisan. Much further up you run into a cutscene and another Eidolon

| Eidolon Battle: Alexander |
| |
| Alexander likes buffs and heals, so have Hope buff your party to all hell, |
| heal when necessary, and do damage otherwise. |

With the Cie'th Stone tutorial comes YOUR FIRST SIDEQUEST AND THE DEATH OF
LINEAR GAMEPLAY! Sidequests will be handled in the sidequests section,
however. You can check that section for more details.

The Archylte Steppe and connecting areas are ENORMOUS, and not directly related
to the main quest. So right here I'm going to continue with the main story.
However, I highly recommend that you check out the Archylte Steppe, Yaschas
Massif, and Sidequests sections. You can get some cool items and level up
significantly before you continue.

When you're ready, follow the map marker until you reach a small path that
leads to a cave. You'll see a brief scene to let you know you're going the
right way.

Location: The Mah'habara Subterra

Shortly inside the cave you'll find a Hauteclaire. When the path splits, go
straight and you'll come across a Boxed Phalanx. Defeat him first, or he'll
just keep summoning more Hoplites. Of course, if you feel like fighting an
infinite battle, go ahead. Just be warned that the Hoplites do a ton of
damage, especially when the Phalanx buffs them to all hell.

If you go right instead, you'll come across an optional boss: the Juggernaut.
If you decide to take him on, have a Syn/Sab/Sab, and a Com/Sab/Med in addition
to Relentless Assault and Diversity. Start the battle off by giving yourself
Haste and Barfire, and spamming Juggernaut with every debuff you have. He'll
start using his Steam Cleaning move, during which you should use Diversity to
heal and Relentless Assault to attack. When it's done, either switch back to
Espionage or Scouting Party if you still need to heal. That way he'll spend a
lot of his time Steam Cleaning and much less of his time wiping the floor with
you. If you beat him there's a chest with a Platinum Bangle behind the door.

Up ahead is a scene and save point. After the scene, Lenora's Garage will sell
perfect conductors, which makes it feasible to upgrade your weapons. Use
natural components (such as chipped fang, etc) until you have exp x3. Then buy
all the perfect conductors you can afford, and use them all at once on the x3
weapon. Sell all your other digital components (unless they're better than
perfect conductors) and put them toward perfect conductors, because digital
components reduce your exp bonus. You may also want to play around with
exactly how many conductors you need to max out a given weapon. No use wasting

Continue forward until you reach two hangars to your left with 4 electrodes and
4 lengths of chobham armor. Go on ahead for a cutscene. Head around to the
right and hop across a couple broken platforms to find 4 tesla turbines. A bit
further down the path is a sphere with 2 Saint's Amulets. When you hit
sunlight again, save and prepare for an Eidolon battle.

| Eidolon Battle: Hecatonchires |
| |
| Hecatonchires likes Medics and Saboteurs, so go ahead and do that. Use |
| Divide & Conquer to debuff him, Lifeguard when you need a heal, and Slash & |
| Burn any other time. The Doom counter was EXTRAORDINARILY LOW when I beat |
| him, so it might take a few tries. |

Further down the path you'll find an Ice Charm. Save when the path opens up,
then head to the right to find a particle accelerator. There's another
Juggernaut on top, and no reason to take it on, so head left. There's a chest
with 3 crystal oscillators on the right. Further down the path is a chest
between two ramps. Nail it for 3 perfect conductors.

When you get to the platform with the map marker, stand in the middle and
examine the crates on the far side, and then go to the other platform and board

Location: The Sulyya Springs

When you get off, save and continue until you see another scene. Upon
regaining control, head right for 13 vials of strange fluid, then grab the 10
vials of enigmatic fluid on the next platform. Head right and you can score an
Aquabane Brooch, 6 moistened scales, and 5 seapetal scales.

Follow the path until you come upon 7 abyssal scales, and continue into another
cutscene. There's a save point behind you, and then continue on. Just before
the load door is a treasure sphere with a Cie'th tear.

Location: Taejin's Tower

Another save point, and keep moving. It's comforting to be following a

straight line again, isn't it? Another scene further up.

To the left, before the doors to the tower, is a chest with 20 sinister fangs.
There's a cutscene shortly inside the big circular room. Before getting on the
lift, explore the room for 4721 gil, 12 chipped fangs, and a Sparkbane Brooch.
When you're ready, save and get on the elevator.

Once you get to the second tier, head out past the save point and into a
cutscene. The pop-up tutorial says you need to go on missions for three
Menhirrim, so let's get to that. Activate the statue by the red ring to
receive mission mark 21. Accept the mission, then head up the stairs left of
the statue. The mark is at the map marker. Haste, stagger, kill like anything
else. Watch for Imperilga. You'll get a Speed Sash for killing it.

Activate the statue in this room to go on mark mission 22. Follow the path
around until you run straight into it. It's the one that looks like a blue
Boxed Phalanx. Popping a Deceptisol makes this battle much easier.
Buff/debuff, take out the Bellows, then destroy the minions. You'll get three
particle accelerators.

Examine the final statue and take on the final mission. The mark is in the
room with the first statue. Just sneak up on it and it doesn't stand a chance.
You'll pick up a Warrior's Wristband from it.

Head back to the inner path for another cutscene, and then follow the path all
the way around to find 5 spark plugs. Go up the stairs inside the room you
passed, grabbing the Simurgh on the way. Activate the statue in the last room
to continue. Go right once back on the inner path for 2 Metal Armbands, then
head to the elevator and go to the fourth tier.

Go forward, past the save point, and grab the 2 Glass Orbs, then head into the
room and take the elevator to the fifth tier. In this room there are 9 ancient
bones near the elevator. Obtain them, then activate the statue and start
mission 24. The mark is in the same room. Kill it to obtain 6 moonblossom
seeds. Go back down to the fourth tier.

Take the exit on the other side of the original elevator and grab the Gale
Ring, and the 2 Rainbow Anklets in the next room. Then take the elevator in
that room up to the sixth tier. Activate the statue in this room and take on
the Vetala hunt. Activate the statue in the next room to open up ANOTHER room,
which contains 4 tears of woe and an Unsetting Sun. Go down the stairs, save,
and the Vetala is at the bottom. Libra it, then cast at it until it staggers,
then switch to physical attacks. Be prepared to heal. You'll get a cobaltite
for killing it.

In the same room as the Vetala is a chest with a Librascope, and then activate
the statue in the next room for mission 26. Approach the statue outside for a
cutscene. Backtrack to the last room of tier 6 to fight the mark. It's not a
hard battle, but keep an eye on your HP. You get a Diamond Bangle from it.

The ice around the last statue on the fifth tier has disappeared, so go back
there, saving on the way. After the cutscene, activate the statue to open the
way. Take the elevator down, then take the central elevator up to the sixth
tier. Going forward, the first room on the left has a Clay Ring and 8 tears of
remorse. In the next room, take the elevator to the apex. In this room you
can find 2 Frostbane Brooches and an Ethersol. Once you're ready, go to the
central platform for a boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Dahaka |
| |
| Libra, buff/debuff, and stagger. Once he recovers from the first stagger, |
| he'll inflict pretty much every status effect there is on your entire party,|
| so you may want to use Dispelga. Later, he'll use a powerful full-party |
| fire spell. His vulnerabilities change up, too, but keep hacking away with |
| Relentless Assault until he's staggered again, and his vulnerabilities will |
| return to normal, so go for the kill. |
| |
| Reward: Tetradic Tiara. |

If you activate the statue on this floor, take the elevator down to the seventh
tier, and activate the statue in that room, you can find a Collector's Catalog
on the path. The central elevator will also go to all floors. When you're
ready, go toward the map marker on the apex and take the elevator down.

Location: Oerba

Save, then walk down the path until you reach a road with another save point.
Head left down a short side road for some perovskite. Down the road a bit
further is a cutscene. On the upper floor of the house in front of you,
examine the small robot on the floor for a scene. Outside, examine the small
vehicle, then the bookshelf in the building to the left. Next, follow the path
down, nabbing the Heavenly Axis on the way.

Fight the Vampire at the bottom for the next part. Go up the small staircase
on the left to grab a Librascope. Inside the building on the right a little
further down is the next part by the blackboard. The roof of this building has
a moogle puppet and some Pliades Hi-Powers. At the top of the path, save and
head into the building.

Once you get to the tracks at the top, examine the scrap heap directly ahead
for the final part. Look left for a chest with a Flamebane Brooch. Backtrack
to the little robot for a short scene, then talk to it for 10 Deceptisols, 2
ultracompact reactors, a gold nugget, 5 vials of perfume, 3 platinum ingots,
and an achievement.

Anyway, once you've sold the gold, platinum, and perfume and proceeded max out
a couple weapons, continue on the path you were on top of before. There's a
sphere with a Taming Pole not too far down. Next to the save point ahead is a
chest containing an Ethersol. Shortly ahead is a cutscene and boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Barthandelus |
| |
| Haste yourself, then switch to Diversity for the rest of the battle. He |
| attacks a lot, but none of them are particularly damaging, so you just need |
| to stay on top of your HP. He inflicts some debuffs, but nothing Esuna |
| can't fix. After two or three staggers, he'll be down. Again. |
| |
| Reward: Goddess's Favor |
Explore your newly-expanded Chrystarium, and then examine the Cie'th Stone for
a cutscene. Board the ship when you're ready.

Chapter 11 Complete!

Chapter 12: Eden {Ch12}

After the awesome cutscene, you're landed in battle with Lightning and Odin.
I'm pretty sure the battle is just meant to be awesome, as the warmech never
even attacked. Sanctum Labs opens up after the battle.

Down the way a bit, there's a chest with a Lionheart behind an orange ring
thing. After the next circular platform, you can wrap around to the right for
9240 gil. When you get to the semicircular platform, another cutscene.

Save and go knock some heads. Another scene, more heads to knock. Activate
the red pods at the end of the path. The scene puts you in battle with a
Behemoth King. A few battles forward is a chest with a Rebel Heart. Further
up, by the Proto-Behemoth (which is frankly easier than a Behemoth King) is a
sphere with an Otshivani. Save and hop the rubble into a boss battle.

| Boss Battle: The Proudclad |
| |
| This throwback is immune to all status effects and halves all elements, so |
| just buff yourself and hack away at it. Relentless Assault/Diversity to |
| stagger, then switch to Com/Com/Med for damage. After it recovers from the |
| first stagger is when it lets loose, buffs itself, and starts counter- |
| attacking, so focus on healing for that portion. Eventually it'll let up, |
| and you can start doing some damage again. |
| |
| Reward: Particle accelerator. |

Hop across the gap and onto the elevator. Yay more cutscenes! You know how at
the beginning of Chapter 11 I told you not to go up against the giant turtles?
Yeah, that's still true. Have a Medic handy at all times, buff your party like
it's going out of style, and then do your best to stagger it.

After the battle, save and press forward. There's a Punisher a bit further up.
Jump off the rubble at the end of the road. When you see the next giant
turtle, loop around to the right to find 15000 gil. On the sidewalk near there
are 5 perfect conductors. Open the door at the bottom of the stairs.

Use the save point and keep going.

When the path splits, going straight will net you 6 particle accelerators once
you get to the circular section. Going straight instead of turning right from
there allows you to procure a Librascope. The next circular section has 2
Blaze Rings on the right hand side. After that, take the path with the Tyrant
on it toward the other circular section. Take the stairs shortly on the right
and you'll come across a Champion's Badge. Go left from the stairs until you
reach the map marker and a cutscene.

Save at the save point, and grab the chest in sight of it for a pair of Antares
Deluxes. Make your way through the minefield of Humbabas and Juggernauts until
you reach another cutscene. Save, then nab one of the two chests directly
ahead for a plush chocobo on the right OR 6 particle accelerators on the left.
The even-gianter turtle will then break the glass, taking the chest with it. I
recommend the particle accelerators. If you're worried about the Treasure
Hunter achievement, don't worry, it specifically says "weapons and
accessories." I suppose you could try to kill it, but it definitely one-shot
my whole party...

Once past that, in an alcove to the right are 17 hellish talons, and opposite
that are another 12 hellish talons. Then open the door at the map marker.
Save and continue up to the chest with a Mistileteinn. Further up is a
cutscene. Go right and follow the path until you see another cutscene. Save
and grab the chest near the save point with a Power Glove. Make sure to grab
the Ethersol at the end of the path, then prepare for a boss battle!

| Boss Battle: The Proudclad |
| |
| Once again, immune to all status ailments, so buff your party and start |
| hurting it. It doesn't do a lot of damage at once, but it does steady |
| damage, so keep a Medic on tap. Once again, the trouble comes when it |
| "Deactivates Limiters." Make sure to keep your HP topped off, or it can get|
| the drop on you pretty fast. This is a very long battle, mostly because its|
| stagger gauge resets every time it switches modes. Really the best thing |
| you can do is stagger it, launch it, and do everything in your power to make|
| sure it doesn't touch ground again. |
| |
| Reward: Royal Armlet and Eden Pharmaceuticals |

Save and get onto the elevator.

Chapter 12 complete!

Chapter 13: Orphan's Cradle {Ch13}

At the top of the stairs is a scene and another save point. Hop over to the
map marker for another scene. At this point you can choose to return to Gran
Pulse or Edenhall for any unfinished business (sidequests, leveling, treasures,
etc.). If you take the path opposite the map marker, you can find a
Librascope, a Cherub's Crown, and some millerite.

When you're ready, go to the map marker and examine the flying statue thing to
activate two moving platforms. Taking the one on the left, then going to the
end of the right path gets you 4 superchargers. Taking the left path, then
dropping down to the right gets you 4 perfect conductors. Taking the ramp down
from there lets you find a chest with 5 turboprops. Back on the main path, the
ends of the opposite side have 2 particle accelerators and some uranite.

Taking the right moving platform has 20 seaking's beards right there. Take the
ramp up and you'll find 2 Ageisols immediately on the right. Before the next
ramp up are 9 tears of woe on the left, and at the top of the ramp is a Gale
Ring. Backtrack all the way to the bottom and loop right before the map marker
to find a Shamanistic Spear. Go down the ramp, save, and examine the flying
statue thing.

After activating the statue, hop up to the right, then back down left a little
bit up and continue to the end of the path for a sphere containing a Tetradic
Crown. After that, backtrack, jump down to the right, and get on the moving
platform there. Save at the save point and go all the way down the right path
for 6 starblossom seeds.

On the left path, turn left the first time you can to find a chest with 8 mats
of black myoclium. At the end of the path, turn left again to nail a chest
with some rhodochrosite.

NOTE: Before you examine the next statue, you might want to farm this area
some. Sacrifices drop perfume, which sells for 12,500 gil, making them the
best gil-farming enemy until you feel like taking on Adamantoises. As you may
have noticed, this area changes as you go through it, and this may be the best
point to run around killing things and looting their corpses. However, even
post-game, you can still fight some Sacrifices in Orphan's Cradle and Eden,
just not as many.

When you're ready, save and go ahead and examine the flying statue thing. This
puts you into a battle with a Bandersnatch and a Jabberwocky. They can be
tough, but just use Libra, buff/debuff, and focus-fire on one until it's dead
and switch to the other. The Bandersnatch takes magic damage, and the
Jabberwocky takes physical, so you might want to have a Paradigm with two
Commandos set up.

After the battle and following cutscene, save and press forward. You can
choose to go back to the entrance at this point, if you want. Don't worry, you
can come back easily. If you take on the Immortal in front of you, you can
warp to the upper level, which has two chests containing an Adamant Bangle and
a Weirding Glyph. Warp back down and procure the Elixer and Scarletite in the
chests. Warp again to return to where you were.

From here you can either choose to go left or right. Left has fewer strong
enemies and right has more weak enemies. I prefer left, but it's up to you.
Anyway, continue toward the map marker once you make your way around.

Save and examine the flying statue thing, which puts you into battle again.
Just buff/debuff and beat the hell out of it, really.

You once again have the option to go back, and another save point. Ahead is a
short cutscene, after which you should take the ramp up. On the way are 3000
gil and 5000 gil. Fight your way toward the map marker, save, and examine the
flying statue thing for a boss battle.

| Boss Battle: Tiamat Eliminator |
| |
| This thing is annoying as hell. It is immune to status ailments, negates |
| your buffs, and has a titanic amount of HP. It fights a lot like the |
| Proudclad. Buff and stagger it when it's in the air, focus on healing when |
| it's on the ground. |
| |
| Reward: Imperial Armlet |

After the battle, warp to the next area. Save and continue until you reach a
treasure sphere with an Ethersol. THIS IS THE POINT OF NO RETURN. Ahead are a
couple cutscenes and a series of boss battles.

| Boss Battle: Barthandelus |
| |
| You know the score by now. Buff/debuff, murder. |

| Boss Battle: Orphan |
| |
| This one starts off with an attack that brings your entire party's HP down |
| to critical, so be prepared to heal first thing. After that, it's the same |
| old story. Buff/debuff and rail on it. Be wary of its instant KO attack. |
| Get your party members back on their feet ASAP. |

| Boss Battle: Orphan |
| |
| Ok, Square, seriously? This is ridiculously easy. Orphan can only be |
| damaged when it's staggered, so Haste, Relentless Assault until it is, and |
| then slice through it like a woodchopper eating puppies. Never even healed.|

Chapter 13 complete!

Disc 3 complete!

Final Fantasy XIII complete!

The Archylte Steppe {TAS}

NOTE: These directions may not be perfectly clear, but the Steppe is a large
place. Use this more as a checklist than a step-by-step guide.

From the first Cie'th Stone and save point you come across, follow the wall to
the left. You'll eventually come across a chest with a Lightning Charm.
Continue following the wall to the right to find a Wind Charm. Keep going
around to the wall and you'll come upon an Earth Charm.

Eventually you will come across an Oretoise (the titanic turtles). Do not
fight them. You will die. That is all. This is in fact very telling of a lot
of monsters around here. If it's big, don't fight it until you're stronger.

North of a save point to the north by northwest of where you started is a chest
with 11 Monstrous Fangs. Follow the wall by the save point around to the left
and you'll eventually come across some Millerite.

The plateau the Millerite chest overlooks has three chests with 8 Smooth Hides,
a Fire Charm, and an Ice Charm. Follow the wall of that plateau left and
you'll find a crevice with 5 Librascopes. The hill with all the wyverns flying
around it has a chest with 5 severed wings.

There's another chest you would find if you followed the wall to the right from
the start with a Zephyr Ring.

Straight ahead of the first Cie'th Stone is a Rod of Thorns. Ahead and to the
left from the pond is a chasm with a chest next to it containing a Speed Sash.
On top of the cliff overlooking all the oretoises is a chest with a cactuar
doll. To the right of that is a scene, then another chest with a Clay Ring.
After viewing this scene, Cactuars start to appear on the Steppe. They do a
good bit of damage at this point, but they can be handled. Haste, Protect, and
Enfire your party, and then use Com/Rav/Med or Com/Com/Med for damage. Its
stagger point is too high to worry about. They're worth 5000 CP and
occasionally drop Cactuar dolls.

By the pond across from the entrance to the Subterra, there's a chest with 2615
gil. Near there is a chest guarded by an Adamanchelid with a gold nugget.
Across from that is another Adamanchelid with a chest containing another gold

In the corner of the behemoth plain you can find a chest with 2 Platinum


Ok, here's how chocobos work. You run into three enemies, they buck you off.
You run into one Oretoise, they buck you off. You try to enter another area,
they buck you off. However, you don't get thrown into battle, you can get
around a lot faster, and you can find some new stuff/places.

When you see the "!" mark over your chocobo's head, it means it's found a
buried treasure. I was dumb at first, but now I'm here to prevent you from
being dumb as well. Digging with chocobos is NOT some sort of sadistic hot-or-
cold game based on an enigmatic bouncing balloon. The chocobo actually LOOKS
TOWARD THE TREASURE. If you see the "!" mark, check which way your chocobo is
facing, then start examining dirt patches (THEY'RE ALWAYS IN DIRT PATCHES) in
that direction. You'll eventually see a target and a prompt to dig. As far as
I can tell, the treasures are random, but the ultimate prize is a Ribbon, which
also bestows an achievement.

There is a chest with a gold nugget on a cliff by the oretoise area. The hill
over the first pond has a nugget of scarletite.

Use a chocobo to jump up to a new path by all the scalebeasts and you'll run
into a line of tadpole things that spawn an Ochu. On the way are 7 diabolic
tails. In this area you can find 6 gloomstalks. Examine the big sheep for
some wool. Sheep will now appear periodically around the Steppe like Cactuars
did, granting fuzzy components to all.

Probably the smartest thing to do about the Ochu is to use the chocobo to go
around the Microchus to grab the treasure. If you don't do that, you'll have
to come back later when you can handle them. The chest contains a Platinum

After mark 30, a new area is opened up by the Ochu meadow. This area has 9
fractured horns, a Collector's Catalog, and a Witch's Bracelet.

Location: The Yaschas Massif {TYM}

If you backtrack to where you fought Alexander, there's a chest with a Rune

Proceed to the right once the path opens up for a scene. Backtrack to where
the scene was for 9 diabolic tails. Follow the map marker until you see a
chest on the right containing a Rune Bracelet. Just before the next save
point, you can jump to an upper path which has 1827 gil.

If you go up past the save point without turning, you can reach 2 nuggets of
millerite. When the path splits, take the right side to find a Mythril Bangle.
Up ahead there is a scene and save point, then jump down and to the right for
some rhodochrosite.

Up ahead on the left you can find 3 spined horns. Ahead of that on the right
is a Whistlewind Scarf. Backtrack a ways until you trigger another scene.
Instead of jumping up the big log, take the ledge to find 8 vials of esoteric

Taking the path away from the map marker, you can find a Watchman's Amulet
further up on the left. Across the area near the Watchman's Amulet is a small
path with a chest of Millerite. At the very end of this path is a Glass Orb.

Sidequests {Sq0}

The majority of the sidequests in Final Fantasy XIII are mission marks, similar
to the ones found in Final Fantasy XII. They first become available early in
Chapter 11. The strategies I have listed are those I used to get 5 stars in
the mark battle.

If you're having trouble finding a mark by my description, just go to the

general area and check your map. The star is the mark battle.

In addition, your map will tell you where stones you've already checked are,
the details of the mark, and your rating if you've already completed it once.
Just press X.

You can search with Ctrl + F and {Sq[Mark #]} or by the mission name.

Mark 1: Pond Scum {Sq1}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe

Rank: D

Mark: Ectopudding

Mark Location: Travel straight ahead of the Cie'th Stone until you reach a
pond. On the left side there is a save point, and ahead of the save point is
the Ectopudding.

Strategy: Get behind it, stagger, kill. Really simple.

Reward: Energy Sash

Rank: Good Samaritan

Mark 2: Goodwill Hunting {Sq2}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse, by the Ectopudding pond

Rank: D
Mark: Uridimmu

Mark Location: You'll find Uridimmu pretty much straight ahead across the
expanse, going from the pond to the Cie'th Stone and onward. In any case, you
can always look on your map for the marker.

Strategy: This battle is significantly more difficult than the last one, but
basic principles apply. Buff yourself, then set up a Sentinel to soak damage
while your other party members pick off the minions. Then focus on Uridimmu

Additional note: It can be hard to get the 5 stars right now, so just reattempt
it when you're stronger.

Reward: Cobaltite

Mark 3: Massif Contamination {Sq3}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, near Uridimmu fight

Rank: D

Mark: Ugallu

Mark Location: The Yaschas Massif is located past where you fought Alexander.
The Ugallu is located in the first open area you come across.

Strategy: If you lure it out, then run back outside its range, you can get
behind it while it's walking back into place. If that's not working,
Deceptisol always does. Once you get it into battle, buff/debuff, stagger,
kill. Just don't give it time to attack and you'll get your 5 stars.

Reward: Platinum Bangle

Rank: Mercifex

Mark 4: A Hero's Charge {Sq4}

Stone Location: Yaschas Massif, near Ugallu fight

Rank: D

Mark: Adroa

Mark Location: Head down the log near the Cie'th Stone until you reach the
second save point. Save, and go straight instead of left. The Adroa clan is
shortly ahead.

Strategy: There are a couple issues with this fight. 1) There are lots of
them. 2) They are all highly resistant to magic. So you're going to want
three paradigms: 2 Commandos with a Synergist, a Ravager, or another Commando.
If you're fast enough you shouldn't need to worry about healing. Sneak up on
them, buff, and wreck them all very fast, particularly the two Verdelets in the
back. Why? The Verdelets can summon Ugallus, which ends in a bad day had by
all. If you manage to kill them before they can finish summoning, the day is
Alternate strategy: After you sneak up on them, cast Fogga until there isn't a
single one of them that can do a damn thing.

Reward: Pearl Necklace

Mark 5: Joyless Reunion {Sq5}

Stone Location: Yaschas Massif, on the way to Adroa fight

Rank: D

Mark: Edimmu

Mark Location: The Edimmu is located in the same section of the Massif as the
Ugallu. Just check your map for the mission marker.

Strategy: This battle is much simpler than the last one. Haste, Relentless
Assault, heal when necessary. If you're having trouble, use another Commando
(or two) instead of two Ravagers, as it's pretty resistant to magic.

Reward: Sorcerer's Mark

Mark 6: No Place Like Home {Sq6}

Stone Location: Yaschas Massif, by the save point before the area with all the

Rank: C

Mark: Munchkin Maestro

Mark Location: On the way back from the Cie'th Stone, hang a left at the split
and you'll run into the Maestro.

Strategy: This battle is insano-easy. You don't even need to preemptively

strike to nail the 5-stars. Just Haste and Relentless Assault until
everything's pushing up daisies.

Reward: Fulmen Ring

Mark 7: Bituitus, the Pillager {Sq7}

Stone Location: Yaschas Massif, Paddraean Archaeopolis

Rank: C

Mark: Bituitus

Mark Location: The mark is more or less right next to the stone. Pretty hard
to miss, what with the cutscene upon trying to leave and all.

Strategy: You know that Fulmen Ring you got after the last mark? Yeah, might
want to equip that on your party leader. Besides that, you're going to want to
cast Haste, punch it full of debuffs, then switch to Diversity (Com/Rav/Med).
It will cast all sorts of debuffs on your party, so you need someone with
Esuna. If someone falls (hopefully not your leader, with the lightning
resistance), don't wait for a Medic, just use a phoenix down or Renew. It's
also resistant to most magic, but that's what Imperil is for, right?

Reward: R&D Depot

Rank: Archaeopolitain Idol

Mark 8: The Eleventh Hour {Sq8}

Stone Location: Vallis Merdia, by the camp where you started Chapter 11

Mark: Rakshasa

Rank: C

Mark Location: The mark where you fought Alexander.

Strategy: Getting 5 stars on this is really much easier if you drop a

Deceptisol, but it is by no means undoable otherwise. Just buff, kill the
Flans, and then focus on the Rakshasa.

Reward: Collector's Catalog

Mark 9: Heave-ho {Sq9}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, near the first Cie'th Stone.

Rank: C

Mark: Kaiser Behemoth

Mark Location: The Kaiser Behemoth is by the pond where you fought the

Strategy: As always, much easier if you sneak up on it. Then just buff,
stagger, and keep it in the air until it's dead.

Reward: Rhodochrosite

Mark 10: Hollow Hope {Sq10}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, near the pond.

Rank: C

Mark: Ambling Bellows

Mark Location: It's located in the Archylte Steppe by the entrance to the
Mah'habara Subterra.

Strategy: Preemptively strike it, Haste, Relentless Assault.

Reward: Superconductor x 4

Mark 11: Pride Before a Fall {Sq11}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, far to the north, in the foggy area with all
the behemoths.

Rank: C

Mark: Adroa

Strategy: This is actually easier than the last Adroa battle. Sneak up on
them, Haste, Fogga, and then use two or three Commandos to rifle through them.
The only complication is if one of the Adroas conjures a Verdelet, which are
more resistant to magic and can summon even more powerful creatures.

Reward: Frost Ring x 2

Mark 12: Geiseric, the Profane {Sq12}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, at the end of the path near the Mark 11

Rank: C

Mark: Geiseric

Mark Location: From the Cie'th Stone, follow the left wall until you find a
cutscene and the Geiseric.

Strategy: Haste yourself, then Deshell and Slow the Geiseric. Com/Rav/Med to
heal, then Relentless Assault when it's staggered.

Reward: Royal Armlet

Rank: Baneslayer

Additional note: After completing this mission, go down the path you opened up
until you reach a cutscene. There is a chest to the left with 6 seapetal
scales. On the opposite side is a Water Charm.

Mark 13: Eternity Unpromised {Sq13}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, to the right as you exit the path from the
last mission.

Rank: C

Mark: Goblin Chieftain

Mark Location: The Chieftain and his clan are located by the entrance to the
Mah'habara Subterra.

Strategy: Standard deal. Preemptive strike, Haste/debuff, kill the minions,

kill the Chieftain.

Reward: Cobaltite

Mark 14: Defender of the Flock {Sq14}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, by the pond near the mark 13 fight.

Rank: C

Mark: Sahagin

Mark Location: Go to the chocobo pond (by the Mark 12 Stone) and you'll see a
cutscene that puts you into battle.

Strategy: This is another basic battle with the standard strategy: Haste,
Relentless Attack, and Diversity to heal.

Reward: Gysahl Reins

Rank: Feathered Friend

Additional Note: You can ride chocobos now, giving you access to additional
treasures and locations.

Mark 15: Tribal Warfare {Sq15}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, on the hill by the Ectopudding pond.

Rank: C

Mark: Goblin Chieftain

Mark Location: The battle is right next to the Mark 11 Cie'th Stone.

Strategy: Exactly the same as the last Chieftain battle, just with more
goblins. Haste, take out the minions, go for the chief.

Reward: Survivalist Catalog

Mark 16: Surrogate Slayer {Sq16}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, on the cliff overlooking the oretoises.

Rank: C

Mark: Sahagin

Mark Location: The battle is at the Font of Namva, same as the last Sahagin

Strategy: This is similar to the last fight, but a bit harder. Take out the
Ceratoraptors first, as they call more enemies. Then take out the rest of
them. I was pretty much using Diversity the whole fight. Those things can do
a lot of damage.

Reward: Rhodochrosite

Mark 17: A Widow's Wrath {Sq17}
Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, on the path to the Mah'habara Subterra.

Rank: B

Mark: Pulsework Champion

Mark Location: Check your map for the exact location, but it's about halfway
across the plain to the left of the stone.

Strategy: Sneak up on it, buff/debuff, Relentless Assault.

Reward: Perfect conductor x 3

Mark 18: So Close, Yet So Far {Sq18}

Stone Location: Mah'habara Subterra, on the path after seeing the Fal'Cie.

Rank: C

Mark: Ambling Bellows

Mark Location: Despite the description of it being hard to find, the mark is on
the path right next to the stone.

Strategy: Do yourself a favor and use a Deceptisol. If you don't, you're just
going to have to take out the Ambling Bellows while the Hoplites wail on you.
This way, you can buff, take out the mark, and then finish off the Hoplites.
The Bellows will call more Hoplites if you don't take care of it first.

Reward: Sorcerer's Mark

Rank: Dismantler

Mark 19: Triangle of Tragedy {Sq19}

Stone Location: Mah'habara Subterra, after taking a ride on Atomos.

Rank: C

Mark: Uridimmu

Mark Location: The mark battle is located in the waterfall room of the

Strategy: This is another easy battle. Haste + Relentless Assault = win.

Reward: Cobaltite

Mark 20: Words Unspoken {Sq20}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, as soon as you enter the area

Rank: C

Mark: Goblin Chieftain

Mark Location: It's right up the path.

Strategy: Haste, Relentless Assault, dead.

Reward: Rhodochrosite

Mark 21: A Tremulous Terror {Sq21}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, first Menhirrim mission (story)

Rank: C

Mark: Gelatitan

Mark Location: Follow the path to the left of the statue. It's at the map

Strategy: Another standard battle. Buff/debuff, stagger, kill. Watch out for
Imperilga, as it makes Waterga hurt a whole lot more.

Reward: Speed Sash

Mark 22: Infernal Machine {Sq22}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, second Menhirrim mission (story)

Rank: C

Mark: Ambling Bellows

Mark Location: Follow the path until you find the mark. It's at the map

Strategy: You've probably taken on a couple of these at this point, so you know
the drill. Drop a Deceptisol, buff/debuff, take out the Bellows, then destroy
the minions.

Reward: Particle accelerator x3

Mark 23: Natural Defenses {Sq23}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, third Menhirrim mission (story)

Rank: B

Mark: Gurangatch

Mark Location: It's in the room with the first Menhirrim statue.

Strategy: Sneak up on it and you'll annihilate it. Buff/debuff, stagger, dead.

Reward: Warrior's Wristband

Mark 24: A Potent Sting {Sq24}
Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, fifth tier (story)

Rank: B

Mark: Mushussu

Mark Location: It's in the same room as the Menhirrim.

Strategy: Preemptive strike, buff/debuff, stagger, kill. It's highly resistant

to magic, so you might want to have some physical characters.

Reward: Moonblossom seed x6

Mark 25: Spectral Haunt {Sq25}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, sixth tier (story)

Rank: B

Mark: Vetala

Mark Location: Activate the second statue on the sixth tier, then go down the
stairs in the room that opens up.

Strategy: This fight is kind of weird. Cast Libra on it so your AIs know what
to do, then buff/debuff, and just keep casting at it until it staggers. Once
that happens, it's most vulnerable to physical attacks, so you might want to
have a Com/Com/Med setup.

Reward: Cobaltite

Mark 26: So Shrill, the Cry {Sq26}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, fifth tier (story)

Rank: B

Mark: Penanggalan

Mark Location: Backtrack up the stairs to the sixth tier. The Penanggalan is
in the last room on this tier.

Strategy: Drop a Fort- or Deceptisol before the battle, and then skip straight
to Relentless Assault. Use high-level spells to clear out the minions, and
then kill the Penanggalan.

Reward: Diamond Bangle

Rank: Monumental Ally

Mark 27: Mithridates, the Lone {Sq27}

Stone Location: Taejin's Tower, apex

Rank: B
Mark: Mithridates

Mark Location: The mark will only come out if you take the central elevator of
the tower to the ground tier from the apex.

Strategy: It is a fantastically good idea to give your party every piece of

lightning defense you have. Its Levinbolt attack does phenomenal amounts of
damage. Set up a Syn/Com/Med and your usual Relentless Assault and Diversity.
The mark will throw a bunch of debuffs at your party immediately. Your
priorities are to have the Medic heal them while your Synergist casts Haste,
Barthunder, and Faith. After that, keep your health way up until it's
staggered, and pound it when it is. You won't get the 5 stars unless you kill
it with the first stagger.

Additional note: This mark is very difficult to get 5 stars at this point. You
may want to come back later to attempt it.

Reward: Blaze Ring

Rank: Grudge Settler

Mark 28: Faded Glory {Sq28}

Stone Location: Oerba, at the first turn in the road in the first area.

Rank: C

Mark: Ceratosaur

Mark Location: The battle is at the bottom of the path. A giant group of pink
lizards is kind of hard to miss.

Strategy: Just Relentless Assault them to death. Firaga, Blitz, and Painga
will take care of them, even without buffing/debuffing. In fact, doing so
would take too long, as you need to finish the battle in about 30 seconds to
get the 5 stars.

Reward: Giant's Glove

Mark 29: Faltering Faith {Sq29}

Stone Location: Mah'habara Subterra, where you first fought a Juggernaut

Rank: B

Mark: Juggernaut

Mark Location: Warp to Taejin Tower. The mark is on the path toward the tower.

Strategy: This one can be kind of hard to get the 5 stars. Use a Fortisol, and
then preemptively strike it. Give it a couple debuffs like Imperil and
Deshell, and then you should be able to Relentless Assault it to death before
it recovers.

Reward: Uraninite

Mark 30: Syphax, the Insidious {Sq30}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, at the end of the chocobo path that has the

Rank: B

Mark: Syphax

Mark Location: Warp to Sulyya Springs and ride on Atomos. He'll take you to a
new area of the Subterra. Jump to the right as soon as you get the chance.
Make sure to grab the moogle puppet and the perovskite on the way.

Strategy: Haste, kill the bats until Syphax shows up, and then wreck it. Much
easier than the last Undying.

Reward: Uraninite (plus the 4 perfect conductors and 2 particle accelerators in

the nearby spheres)

Rank: Heartstriker

Mark 31: Newfound Purpose {Sq31}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, in the area opened after Stone 30

Rank: B

Mark: Pulsework Champion

Mark Location: It's on the far side of the same area as the stone.

Strategy: Preemptive strike, Relentless Assault, maybe Haste. Maybe.

Reward: Perfect conductor x3

Mark 32: And Then There Was One {Sq32}

Stone Location: Vallis Merida, near your base camp

Rank: B

Mark: Amam

Mark Location: The Amam is near by the pond where Stone 14 is, in the Western
Benchlands of the Archylte Steppe.

Strategy: Preemptive strike for the win.

Reward: Glass Buckle

Mark 33: A Parent's Pledge {Sq33}

Stone Location: Same area as mark 31

Rank: B
Mark: Adamanchelid

Mark Location: The turtle is more or less in the middle of the Archylte Steppe.
Check your map.

Strategy: It can be difficult to get 5 stars here. Buff/debuff, heal

moderately, and then go for Relentless Assault. Keep hitting it, even if a
couple members have worryingly low HP. The battle should last around a minute.
If it Bays and stuns anyone, just retry.

Reward: White Cape

Mark 34: Zenobia, the Butcher {Sq34}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, right next to the Mark 31 Stone.

Rank: B

Mark: Zenobia

Mark Location: In the same area as the stone. Just jump down and go down the
ramp and the battle will trigger.

Strategy: Surprise! But it's not as hard as you might hope/fear. Debuff your
foe to all hell and Relentless Assault it.

Reward: Hermes Sandals

Rank: Curse Lifter

Mark 35: The Road Less Traveled {Sq35}

Additional Note: From here through Mark 51 the missions are done semi-
tournament style. After defeating one mark, you have an option of two more.
You will have to go through the same battles several different times to get all
of them. Many of the final enemies are extremely difficult, so go grind some
if you're having trouble.

Stone Location: Faultwarrens, the area beyond the Mark 34 Stone.

Rank: C

Mark: Gurangatch

Mark Location: Accept the mission and you'll be taken to the area it's in.

Strategy: Preemptive strike and win.

Reward: Witch's Bracelet

Mark 36: Dark Deliverance {Sq36}

Stone Location: One of the stones available after the Mark 35 battle.

Rank: C
Mark: Amam

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it. Grab the gold dust and the
starblossom seed in the area.

Strategy: See above.

Reward: Uraninite

Mark 37: Dying of the Light {Sq37}

Stone Location: Mark 35 fight

Rank: C

Mark: Rafflesia

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: It's highly resistant to magic attacks, so go in with a physical

party. A preemptive strike and some Blitzes and you'll get your 5 stars.

Reward: Star Pendant

Mark 38: Moonlit Madness {Sq38}

Stone Location: One of the stones available after the Mark 36 battle.

Rank: B

Mark: Verdelet

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Physical attacks to kill the Verdelets, and then debuff and
Relentless Assault to kill the Juggernaut if they summon one. It is of course
preferable to kill/Fog the one trying to summon before it manages to do so.

Reward: Diamond Bangle (also the Zealot's Amulet in the area)

Mark 39: Seeing Stars {Sq39}

Stone Location: Mark 36 or 37 battle.

Rank: C

Mark: Ochu

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: You can't sneak up on them, so just cast Haste and Enfire on your
Commando, and try to kill the Ochu as fast as possible before it spawns more
Microchus. The passive ability "Random: Stagger" can help tremendously if
you're lucky (See Items section).

Reward: Siltstone Ring

Mark 40: Solar Power {Sq40}

Stone Location: Mark 37 fight

Rank: B

Mark: Verdelet

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it. You can score a starblossom
seed on the way.

Strategy: There's only two of them, so you should be able to finish them off
before they summon anything. Especially with preemptive strike.

Reward: Zealot's Amulet

Mark 41: Gaian Grudge {Sq41)

Stone Location: Mark 38 fight.

Rank: A

Mark: Tonberry

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it. Grab the Warding Talisman
behind the Ochu on the way.

Strategy: Preemptive strike, buff/debuff. If you're lucky, you can kill two of
them with the initial stagger. If you're extraordinarily lucky (like me), your
Random Stagger passive ability will trigger on the third one. If you're not,
just debuff and Relentless Assault it. If you don't manage to kill at least
one with the first stagger, retry.

Reward: Doctor's Code

Mark 42: Antihero {Sq42}

Stone Location: Mark 38 fight.

Rank: B

Mark: Borgbear Hero

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Preemptive strike, Haste, and kill the minions first. Otherwise one
of them will transform into another Borgbear Hero. Stick with Diversity, or
the damage will really pile up.

Reward: Witch's Bracelet

Mark 43: The Hero Never Dies {Sq43}

Stone Location: Mark 40 fight.

Rank: B

Mark: Borgbear hero

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it. There's a starblossom seed if

you take the left branch.

Strategy: Use a Deceptisol, Haste, take out the minions, then take out the big
guys. Not too difficult.

Reward: Speed Sash

Mark 44: The Old Ones Go to Rust {Sq44}

Stone Location: Mark 40 fight.

Rank: A

Mark: Corrosive Custard

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Preemptively strike, and then drop a Librascope. Buff/debuff and

damage the Corrosive Custard as much as you can first. Then kill the other two
and finish off the Custard.

Reward: General's Belt (plus the cactuar doll in the area)

Mark 45: Emergent Evolution {Sq45}

Stone Location: Mark 41 fight.

Rank: A

Mark: Neochu

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Buff your party, and then there are a couple ways to cheese this
battle, and that's exactly what you should do. Cheese it hard and don't even
think about feeling bad. Method 1: Death spam. Have Vanille as your party
leader, set up a Sab/Sen/Med, and have her use Death until it works. Method 2:
Instant Chain. Set up your equipment to have the Instant Chain passive
ability. Then your best bet is to spam Blitz with Sazh. Then use Com/Com/Com
and don't let it touch ground again. Method 3: Hedge your bets and do both!
Give Vanille Instant Chain, or have someone else attacking. Make sure to
switch back in plenty of time to heal.

Reward: Hunter's Friend

Mark 46: On Silent Wings {Sq46}

Stone Location: Mark 42 fight.

Rank: A
Mark: Zirnitra

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: I hate these things so much. So much. Set Lightning as your

Sentinel with a pair of Nimbletoe Boots. She'll Elude to the point where you
never have to heal, hopefully. Syn/Sen/Sab, then Rav/Sen/Rav. When it
staggers, use an ability like Sazh's Cold Blood if you have it to drive up its
chain gauge even more, and follow up with Com/Com/Com. Toss a Medic into a
couple additional Paradigms (such as Rav/Sen/Med or Com/Com/Med) if/when you
need to heal.

Additional Note: You can cheese the hell out of Zirnitras, too, but it hasn't
worked well for me. Sab/Sen/Med to try Death Spam, or just do what I have
above to try Instant Chain.

Reward: Gilgamesh, Inc.

Rank: Halcyonion Hero

Mark 47: Unfocused Rage {Sq47}

Stone Location: Mark 42 fight.

Rank: B

Mark: Raktavija

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Start the fight with Syn/Com/Rav, and then switch to Rav/Rav/Rav once
you're buffed. When it's staggered, go to Com/Sab/Sab until it has Imperil,
Deshell, and Deprotect, and switch to Com/Com/Rav (or Com). Use Rav/Rav/Med to
heal when it's not staggered, Com/Com/Med when it is.

Additional Note: If Raktavija one-shots you with Multicast the first time you
fight it (as it did with me), just come back when you're stronger. I have no
idea how this thing is B-rank. By the way, have I mentioned how awesome fully
upgraded Royal/Imperial Armlets are? Because they're awesome.

Reward: Mnar stone

Mark 48: The Abyss Stares Back {Sq48}

Stone Location: Mark 43 fight.

Rank: A

Mark: Verdelet

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Try and kill the Verdelet that's summoning before it manages to do
so. If you can't, kill all the Verdelets, and then buff/debuff and take out
the Tonberry. Probably the easiest of the rank A fights.
Reward: Twenty-sided Die

Rank: Walker of the Wheel

Mark 49: Tyrannicide {Sq49}

Stone Location: Mark 43 fight.

Rank: A

Mark: Tyrant

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: I was pleasantly surprised when Titan only dropped ONE Tyrant on me.
Anyway, buff/debuff, Diversity until it's dead. Try to ignore the sword it
summons if you can.

Reward: Particle accelerator x7

Rank: Deus ex Machina

Mark 50: Road to Predation {Sq50}

Stone Location: Mark 44 fight.

Rank: B

Mark: Humbaba

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Again, pleasantly surprised by one Humbaba. You've fought them

before, so Haste, Imperil, and Relentless Assault until it transforms. Then
reapply Imperil and Relentless Assault until dead. Don't worry if it kills
someone, just hammer it into the ground.

Reward: Scarletite

Mark 51: Attacus, the Soulless {Sq51}

Stone Location: Mark 41-44 fights, but you must have completed Marks 45-50 for
it to activate.

Mark: Attacus

Mark Location: Accept the mission to go to it.

Strategy: Holy hell this is a long battle. I had Lightning as a Sentinel (ONLY
A SENTINEL), because Elude + Nimbletoe Boots (upgrade Whistlewind Scarf twice)
= she never gets hit. Then I had Fang as a Saboteur, as she casts Deprotect,
Deshell, and Slow (effective once he pulls out his second sword). KEEP THESE
DEBUFFS ON HIM AT ALL TIMES. Control your Synergist directly so you can cast
Haste, Faith, and Bravery manually. Use whoever you have that is a competent
Sab/Med OR Syn/Med (i.e. has Curasa). Pop a Fortisol before the battle, then
debuff him and switch to Rav/Rav/Sen until his chain gauge is somewhere in the
200-400 range (depending on how strong your characters are). Then do damage
with Com/Com/Sen. Keep up with your buffs/debuffs, heal when necessary, and
once you get the rhythm down you'll just coast through this fight. Oh, and
whatever Paradigms you have, make sure one character is always attacking
Attacus. You'll be pissed if his chain gauge resets.

Reward: Genji Glove

Rank: Guardian of Virtue

Mark 52: Head in the Clouds {Sq52}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, one the plateau near the mark 14 pond.

Rank: A

Mark: Zirnitra

Mark Location: It's located by one of the entrances to the oretoise plateau.

Strategy: Same as Mark 46. Buff/debuff, Rav/Rav/Sen, Com/Com/Com to kill.

Reward: Gale Ring

Mark 53: Freedom from Fear {Sq53}

Stone Location: Mah'habara Subterra, at the other end of the path from the
Syphax battle. There are 3 perfect conductors, a Rainbow Anklet, 2 Metal
Armbands, and 2 particle accelerators on the way.

Rank: A

Mark: Zirnitra

Mark Location: Yaschas Massif, on the path to the archaeopolis.

Strategy: There's some Alrunes, but they're so easy at this point they're
probably there to make the encounter EASIER and drive down the target time.
Just preemptively strike (Deceptisol is probably necessary), Blitz them away
and then focus on the Zirnitra.

Reward: Blaze Ring

Mark 54: The Bigger They Are... {Sq54}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, near the path to the Mah'habara Subterra

Rank: B

Mark: Gigantuar

Mark Location: The Gigantuar is on the cliff overlooking the Oretoise plain,
where you first met Cactuars.

Strategy: I have no idea why this is a B-rank battle. You need to hit it hard
and hit it fast. Don't bother buffing; its 10,000 Needles attack debuffs as
well as attacking your day directly. Rav/Rav/Rav to stagger it, Com/Com/Rav
(or Com) to kill it.

Reward: Cactuar doll

Rank: Needleworker

Mark 55: Can't We All Just Get Along? {Sq55}

Stone Location: Oerba, on the roof of the building by the dock.

Rank: A

Mark: Neochu

Mark Location: Archylte Steppe, Aggra's Pasture, where the first Ochu you saw

Strategy: (To the tune of Michael Jackson's "Beat it"): Cheese it! Just cheese
it! No one wants to cheese it, cheese it! Anyway, set up Lightning as your
Sentinel with Nimbletoe Boots. Buff/debuff, then spam Blitz with Sahz while
another Commando keeps the minions busy with Ruinga. Make sure Sahz has the
Instant Chain weapon ability! When it staggers, switch to Com/Com/Com, and
have Sahz attack the MINIONS! This way, it's more likely one of your other
Commandos will Launch the Neochu. While it is in the air, Blitz away the
minions, then kill the Neochu before it hits the ground.

Reward: Growth Egg

Mark 56: A Toothy Grin {Sq56}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, the ring of Cie'th Stones by the entrance to
the oretoise plateau.

Rank: C

Mark: Ugallu

Mark Location: It's in the Yaschas Massif, where the mark 4 fight is.

Strategy: The only hard thing about this fight is completing it in time for the
5 stars. I recommend using a Deceptisol and then just Relentless Assaulting
them into oblivion.

Reward: Rhodochrosite

Mark 57: What's Yours Is Brine {Sq57}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, ring of stones

Rank: C

Mark: Sahagin

Mark Location: Go to where you fought Alexander.

Strategy: Again, a preemptive strike and Relentless Assault are all you need.

Reward: Uraninte

Mark 58: The Culler of Many {Sq58}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, ring of stones

Rank: B

Mark: Humbaba

Mark Location: Mah'habara Subterra, the first save point from the entrance
(right after the first Boxed Phalanx you fought).

Strategy: Preemptive strike and Relentless Assault.

Reward: Speed Sash

Mark 59: Two-faced Fiend {Sq59}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, ring of stones

Rank: A

Mark: Zirnitra

Mark Location: Sulyya Springs, subterranean lake

Strategy: Deceptisol to preemptively strike. Buff/debuff, and then take out

the minions immediately before they call more. Otherwise, same as Mark 46.

Reward: Energy Sash

Rank: Hand of Wrath

Mark 60: Degela Vu {Sq60}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, ring of stones

Rank: A

Mark: Gelatitan

Mark Location: It's on the apex of Taejin's Tower.

Strategy: Preemptive strikes help, as always. Barwater is also enormously

helpful. Buff/debuff, and then take them out one at a time.

Reward: Mnar Stone

Mark 61: I, Juggernaut {Sq61}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, ring of stones

Rank: A

Mark: Juggernaut

Mark Location: Oerba. Very hard to miss.

Strategy: I don't understand how the last Juggernaut was a rank B and this one
is a rank A, but you know what to do. Preemptive strike, buff/debuff,
Relentless Assault.

Reward: Royal Armlet

Mark 62: Indomitable Will {Sq62}

Stone Location: Archylte Steppe, ring of stones

Rank: A

Mark: Raktavija

Mark Location: Archylte Steppe, on top of a hill near the Ectopudding pond
(chocobo required).

Strategy: This is a rough battle. Equip Magus's Bracelets, Witch's Bracelets,

and Royal/Imperial Armlets to get your magic defense as high as possible. Go
in with at least an Aegisol. I started with Com/Syn/Rav to get Haste, and then
switched to Rav/Rav/Rav to go for the stagger. Rav/Med/Med to heal when
necessary (frequently). Once one of them is staggered, go with Sab/Com/Med to
debuff, and follow up with Com/Rav/Rav. Do NOT use more than one Commando, or
it will attack the other one uselessly. It took me a couple staggers to kill
the first one. Reapply Haste as necessary. Shell is a bonus, but they debuff
frequently enough that it may be too much to hope for. After the first one is
dead, the second one is a cinch. I went full Com/Com/Com when it was staggered
(I think it's the first and only time I ever used Hope as a Commando). Don't
be afraid to use Renew and Phoenix Downs as necessary.

Reward: Genji Glove

Mark 63: Crushed by Doubt {Sq63}

Stone Location: Sulyya Springs, far end of the subterranean lake.

Rank: A

Mark: Adamantortoise

Mark Location: Archylte Steppe

Strategy: If you can beat it, you're more or less guaranteed 5 stars. However,
managing to beat it is another matter entirely. Chances are that at this point
in the game you've already started farming these, and know what you're doing,
but in case not, there are a few methods:

Method 1: Make Vanille your party leader, Haste her, summon, spam Death, and
hope it works before it gets back up and kills you.

Method 2: Make Sazh your party leader. Haste, Bravery, Faith on him, then
summon. Buff your summon, then switch to Commando and start Blitzing the
stricken turtle for all it's worth. When your party returns, finish
buffing/debuffing and Rav/Rav/Rav to stagger. Once that happens, start a Cold
Blood and switch to Com/Com/Com. Blitz until dead. By the way, did you know
your ATB gauge fills itself when you switch Paradigms (after minimum of two
rounds)? I recommend having two Com/Com/Com Paradigms and switching between
them every other round.

Method 3: Make Fang your party leader, and give everyone as much Earth and
physical resistance gear possible. Sab/Syn/Com to buff/debuff against ONE leg,
and then Rav/Rav/Rav (or Med, if it's killing you too fast. But if it's
killing you too fast, try one of the other methods.) to stagger. Com/Rav/Rav
until it's about to destagger (or until its chain gauge is at about 450, if
Fang has a Genji Glove), and then use a Highwind to kill the leg. Sen/Med/Med
to heal and repeat on the other leg. When it goes down, debuff, stagger, and
stab in the face repeatedly. You'll have to bring it down two or three times.

Reward: Genji Glove

Rank: Adamantine Crusader

Additional Note: After completing this mark, all but ONE of the Oretoises on
the Archylte Steppe become Guis. They are essentially the same, but more
powerful. By which I mean they cast Ultima.

Mark 64: The Doomherald {Sq64}

Stone Location: Oerba, where you fought Barthendelus.

Rank: A

Mark: Vercingetorix

Mark Location: Yaschas Massif, Paddraean Acheopolis, where you fought the first
Undying, Bituitus.

Strategy: Give your party as much physical defense gear as possible. I had
Snow as my party leader to guarantee the leader always had some HP left. This
is not a normal fight. Start off with Sab/Sab/Sab until it has Slow (the only
thing Snow can inflict on him) and Poison. You can set up a Sen/Sab/Sab too,
if you find that Snow is pulling off Slow before Poison hits. When it's fully
debuffed, switch to Sen/Com/Com until it shields itself. When it does, use
Med/Med/Med to get yourself back into the green, and then Syn/Syn/Syn to buff.
Repeat all of this until it's dead. Two things to note: 1) do not be afraid to
use Renew or Phoenix Downs, and 2) when you see "Wicked Whirl," switch your
party to Sen/Sen/Sen if you don't want them dead. Use Med/Med/Med to heal
before getting back to whatever part of the strategy you were at.

Reward: Gold Watch

Rank: Great Redeemer

Paradigms {Pdm}

As you are likely well aware, Paradigms are arrangements of character Roles
that can be selected in battle. This section is not a comprehensive list of
Paradigms, but rather describes which Paradigms I find most useful and why.

Let's start off with a quick examination of the Roles:

Commando (Com): The physical damage-dealing Role. Choose a Commando if you

want something dead in a hurry. Commandos dramatically slow down the rate at
which the Chain Gauge depletes itself. The only major downside is that they
hardly contribute anything toward the Chain Gauge; they merely slow it down.

Ravagers (Rav): The elemental magic Role. The right-hand side of the Enemy
Intel screen is dedicated entirely to which of a Ravager's spells will be
effective. They generally deal moderate damage (there are always enemies who
are more resistant to either physical or magical damage), but the major draw to
Ravagers is their Chain Gauge boost. It's the go-to Role if you need something
staggered. However, left to their own devices, Ravagers will witness the Chain
Gauge depleting itself just as quickly.

Sentinels (Sen): These guys have exactly one function: to soak damage. They
draw enemies to themselves and take reduced damage from hits (or evade them
entirely). Their Fringeward ability significantly reduces damage taken by
party members, as well. I have no idea what their effect on the Chain Gauge
is, as I haven't seen them attack enough to measure.

Synergist (Syn): The buffing Role. Buffs basically break down into offensive
or defensive. Offensive buffs include increased physical or magical damage, or
imbuing attacks with elemental properties. Defensive buffs do the opposite.
Haste is the KING OF ALL BUFFS.

Saboteur (Sab): In most Final Fantasy games, buffing/debuffing simply isn't

worth my time or MP. However, in this game Sqeenix has managed to make it
vital without being an onus. Saboteurs deal minor amounts of damage, but their
most attractive feature is their ability to make enemies take more damage while
dealing less. Combining one with a Synergist is almost unfair sometimes (and
utterly necessary others). As for the Chain Gauge, they fall in between
Commandos and Ravagers. The meter fills and depletes pretty steadily.

Medic (Med): They heal people. ...Really well?

Now that we're all abundantly clear on what individual Roles do, let's look at
some Paradigms. For right now, I'm only including 3-person Paradigms, but the
principles stay the same for two people. Usually you just have one less of a
certain Role or have two Paradigms where one would do for three people.

Listed in order of how awesome I think they are:

Espionage (Syn/Sab/Sab): I start nearly every battle off with this Paradigm.
When I say "buff/debuff" in the walkthrough, this is generally what I mean.
Just stick with it until your party is adequately buffed (or needs to heal),
and then switch to another Paradigm to rail on your weakened enemies.

Relentless Assault (Com/Rav/Rav): You can get through 95% of the game with this
as your offensive Paradigm. The Commando does damage and the Ravagers fill the
Chain Gauge until the enemy is staggered. It proceeds to do very nice focus-
fired damage post-stagger, too. It's beautiful.

Diversity (Com/Rav/Med): If you need to heal, but don't want to give up your
Relentless Assault, Diversity is the way to go. One character takes a time-out
to heal the party while the other two pound on something.
Tri-disaster (Rav/Rav/Rav): Staggers mobs. Staggers mobs good. The only thing
to watch out for is that unless you have hit said mob with a Commando before
switching to this Paradigm, the Chain Gauge will empty as fast as you can fill
it up.

Cerberus (Com/Com/Com): This Paradigm has two functions. First, if you have a
boss or other powerful enemy staggered, Cerberus will generally take maximum
advantage of that. However, Commandos by default like to attack different
targets, so if there is more than one enemy on the screen, you won't bring the
full wrath of your party down on the desired enemy. Which brings us to
function 2. If you're fighting a group of weak mobs that you want to bring
down quickly, I can't think of a much better way than having three Commandos
spamming Blitz or Ruinga. Aggression (Com/Com/Rav) is a good substitute if you
don't have three Commandos.

Combat Clinic (Sen/Med/Med): Let's say you're fighting something that's maybe a
little too strong for you to handle, and it's wiping the floor with you. This
Paradigm will draw enemies to your tank, I mean Sentinel, while the other two
provide you with much-needed respite.

Tortoise (Sen/Sen/Sen): There are very few situations where this is useful. As
in, I can think of two (Mark 64 and Long Guis). However, it's good to be aware
of it for when you need it. If there is an attack that would otherwise wipe
your party, Tortoise will frequently save you. With three Sentinels stacking
party bonuses on top of their own, Ultima doesn't look so bad anymore.

That's it. For most fights, the first six Paradigms should be all you need.
However, if you find that you're using one more than some others, give yourself
two of the same Paradigm. Why? Because if you switch between them every other
round, the act of switching will completely fill your ATB Gauge. Even if you
do use all of them, try switching between Relentless Assault and Tri-disaster
once in a while. You'll notice that enemies stagger much faster with increased
attack frequency.

Items (By Lee Heazel) {Itm}

Welcome to the item section of the walkthrough, and if you plan to take this
game seriously you will be spending quite a bit of time here.

Just like in most other RPGs items are procured through the defeat of your
enemies or the looting of treasure chests scattered throughout the environment
(floating orbs in this game. Square is always such the mold breaker.) If
you're coming to Final Fantasy XIII from a previous iteration though you'll
find that items are handled very differently.

Firstly, there are noticeably less of them, but each is much more pivotal in
its application. Second, most every item has a function, no matter how small,
that will help you in some manner down the line. It is therefore wise to not
sell any of the items you find unless their explicit purpose is to be
exchanged for money (don't worry, both the game and this guide will let you
know which these are.) Finally, nearly everything you will need is encountered
in the field. There is no need to visit a shop to exchange an outdated weapon
or accessory for another newer model.

The item section is laid out as so:

-Item database {dat}

-Weapons {daw}
-Lightning {dli}
-Sazh {dsa}
-Snow {dsn}
-Hope {dho}
-Vanille {dva}
-Fang {dfa}
-Accessories {daa}
-Components {dac}
-Organic {dao}
-Mechanical {dam}
-Monetary {dag}
-Catalysts {dat}
-Consumables {dai}
-Shrouds {das}
-Upgrade system {upg}
-Equipment synthesis {syn}
-Shop overview {shp}

Item Database {dat}

Items in Final Fantasy XIII fall into five categories: weapons, accessories,
components, consumables, and shrouds. Weapons, accessories, and consumables
should be familiar concepts for any RPG player, but components and shrouds are
a bit of a deviation from the usual Final Fantasy formula.

Weapons: self-explanatory. In the equipment menu you can switch out the
weapons your characters are using from the menu of those you possess. As
expected, weapons enhance your character's strength and magic attributes, but
their effects go beyond mere stat-boosting. Many weapons also endow certain
accessory-like effects upon the wielding character that should be weighed just
as heavily as the raw stat boosts.

Accessories: also self-explanatory. Accessories can be equipped to characters

through the same menu as weapons. These items provide various enhancements to
the equipped character. Through a process known as synthesis, covered in its
own separate section, various accessory and weapon combinations can provide
additional benefits beyond their base boosts.

Components: as you battle through the world of Final Fantasy XIII, you will
find that enemies frequently drop components. These items, which can
accumulate to large sums in your inventory, are utilized for upgrading your
weapons and accessories.

Consumables: A Final Fantasy staple, these are the items that the player can
utilize in-battle to augment his or her performance.

Shrouds: A new feature of Final Fantasy XIII, shrouds are valuable consumables
utilized outside of battle to augment your encounters or avoid them entirely.

Weapons {dat}

Rule one concerning weapons, and I cannot stress this enough, but it is
especially important with weapons: DO NOT SELL ANY OF THEM. Unlike in other
iterations of Final Fantasy, the differences between these weapons are not
simple superiority versus inferiority, but vary depending upon how you wish to
use your character.

If you first get the Power Circle for Snow early in the game for example, it
seems supreme compared to his default Wild Bear. But do not dispose of your
Bear! For one, bears are cute and fuzzy in contrast to the cold uncaring
nature of a geometric shape. And more importantly, while the Power Circle
might be superior for Snow's Commando role it will cause him to fall flat on
his face as a Ravager.

Simply put, each weapon has its role, and as your idea of what you intend for
each character to specialize in changes, so too will their weapons. Therefore
it's incredibly unwise to be rid of any of the weapons you find.

Beyond boosting stats, many weapons augment your character with their unique
effects as well. These bonuses should be weighed just as heavily as the
attributes that they improve. Many are role specific, and most completely
change the way a character is handled in combat. Vanille's Pearlwing Staff for
example is unrivaled among her other weapons in improving upon her magic stat,
but lacks any special properties. Belladonna's Wand may look a little tame by
comparison, but its Improved Debuffing special property improves her chances
of successfully applying debuffs to enemies, greatly improving her
effectiveness as a saboteur.

In addition to special properties, additional bonuses can be bestowed through

item synthesis. By equipping a weapon with a certain accessory, additional
enhancements are bestowed upon that character. In most cases these
improvements work in-line with the special property of the involved weapon.
While Vanille's Belladonna's Wand improves the chance to apply a debuff for
example, synthesizing it with select item will increase the duration of any
debuffs that are applied.

These features are covered in detail in the Synthesis section.

So how does one improve their weapons if the game doesn't provide superior
replacements? The answer is upgrading. Though covered in detail in its own
section, simply put the application of components to your weapons will
increase their individual "exp" value and eventually cause them to level up,
improving their stats. When a weapon reaches its maximum level, indicated by
"level *," it can be "catalyzed" into a new superior version and the level-up
process continues. The process is similar to reincarnation from the Disgaea
series, except that the process cannot continue indefinitely.

Each character procures eight different weapons in their armory over the
course of the game. Each weapon can be upgraded through three separate forms:
a base, advanced, and ultimate. It should be noted that once a weapon reaches
its ultimate form it "becomes too good" for synthesis bonuses and loses the
ability to bestow them.

Each weapon is presented in the following format:

----- Group name

Weapon name
| Experience | Max level | Catalyst |
|Shop values | Purchased | Treasure |
| Strength || Magic | Rank |
Special Property



Group name: The name of the weapon group. Though there is no definitive name
granted within the game, this heading grants both you and I a title by which
we can refer to the item in question regardless of how its actual name changes
through the upgrade process. This also besets any confusion that may result
when weapons reach their ultimate forms, all of which share the same name.

Weapon name: The name of the actual weapon itself. Though each character could
have eighteen different names for their weapons, once a weapon reaches
ultimate form it adopts an ultimate name that is universal among their entire
armament. For example, once Lightning's Blazefire Saber and Axis Blade reach
their ultimate forms, both adopt the name of Omega Weapon despite having very
different attributes. Care should be taken here.

Experience: The upgrade process works on an experience system, and each item
requires a different amount to level up. This value is formatted as:

min(additive) > total(needed).

"Min" is the amount of experience that is needed for the weapon to increase
from level 1 to 2, "additive" is the value by which the previous level's
experience requirement is increased in order for the weapon to advance past
the current (for example, if a weapon needs 800 exp to travel from level 1 to
2 and 916 to travel from level 2 to 3 this value will equal 116 (916 minus
800.) Likewise, travel from level 3 to 4 will require approx 1032 exp), and
"total" is a lump sum of all of the experience that is needed for the weapon
to travel from level 1 to star. The game tosses us a bone through the upgrade
process in that all of the experience the weapon gains in its first iteration
is added to the weapon when it advances a tier; an item after an upgrade will
often be a number of levels above the base. Therefore the "needed" value is
provided for advanced and ultimate tiers, letting you know how much experience
you will need to reach star levels immediately after upgrading as opposed to
level 1.

Max Level: The maximum amount of experience required for the item to reach its
maximum "star" level. Upon achieving star level, the item can be morphed into
its next version with a catalyst stone.

Catalyst: Listed here is the name of the Catalyst component that is required
to initiate an items metamorphosis from a star level to a level one of its
next tier of advancement. Catalyst stones are covered in components section.

Shop values: Shop values indicate the buy/sell price of the item. Unless
you're experimenting with weapons or deconstructing them for parts, you should
never really need to know these values, but they are presented anyway for your
convenience. They are listed as buy/sell, with "buy" being their cost and
"sell" being how much they can be sold for. A "XXX" value indicates that it
cannot be bought.

Purchased: This field indicates which shop the weapon can be procured in. A
value of "XXX" indicates that it cannot be bought.

Treasure: If the weapon can be found in a treasure chest, and most basic
weapons can, it will be listed by location and chapter number here. A value
of "XXX" indicates that it cannot be found in a treasure sphere.

Strength: The boost that the weapon bestows in the strength stat. This value
is formatted as:

min(+increment) > max.

"Min" is the strength that the weapon grants at level one, "increment" is how
much the bonus increases with each level it gains, and "max" is the strength
value of the item once it reaches its star level.

Magic: The amount by which the weapon increases the character's magic stat. It
is formatted in exactly the same way as strength.

Special Property: This field is reserved to cover the item's special property
that it provides the player when equipped. Beyond its name, I will also
describe its function.

Synthesis: Here I list the synthesis bonus of the weapon with a brief

Notes: Present only at the end of a weapon group. My tips and

advice. This is purely from my point of view, but that perspective is based
upon intense observation, arduous experimentation, and thorough discussion
with other players. I will summarize the weapon and its features as well as
how it will make the character you equip it on play.

Enough preludes! Let's begin!

==> Lightning {dli} <==

Lightning leans strongly upon a varied offensive. Her two strongest roles are
Commando and Ravager, and she performs equally well at both. Though she lacks
the raw attack power of Snow and Fang and falls a bit behind in the magic
department compared to Vanille and Hope, her flexibility gives her an immense
advantage. Once an enemy's weakness is uncovered, she is guaranteed to have
the tool necessary to strike them where it hurts. This flexibility also makes
her an unparalleled chain gauge builder, switching offensive roles to both
build and maintain that all-important meter.

When choosing your weapons for Lightning, her flexibility and chain-gauge
building capabilities should rest foremost in your mind.

----- Blazefire Saber

Blazefire Saber
| Exp: 300(57) > 24,600 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 2,000/1,000 | Purchased: Up in Arms | Found: Default weapon |
| Strength: 15(+4) > 115 || Magic: 15(+4) > 115 | | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None
Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,
Lightning can reduce the amount of damage she receives from physical attacks
by a sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(445,950) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 23(+5) > 323 || Magic: 23(+5) > 323 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,296,897) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/12,800 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 26(+6) > 620 || Magic: 26(+6) > 620 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: A solid, well-rounded, yet very basic weapon. It is fit in the hands of
both a fighter and a mage, and seeing as Lightning's two strongest roles are
Commando and Ravager respectively it makes her equally powerful at both. Its
stats are more than respectable and it comes with no innate drawbacks.
Unfortunately its boons in attributes are accompanied by a disappointing lack
of special properties and a lackluster synthesis ability make it very basic.

Using its damage wall synthesis ability is rather handy in the early stages of
the game when numbers are small and chipping five to ten damage off of an
attack is respectable. But by the time Lightning has unlocked all of her
accessory slots the enemies are dishing out incredible sums of damage, and
soaking up twenty ticks from such a huge number is largely negligible and
hardly worth pursuing. And once the weapon transcends into its ultimate form
even this feature disappears.

Blazefire Saber is the epitome of a starter weapon; it is able to remain

strong throughout the game with no drawbacks, but on the same coin it provides
no bonus features to speak of. Its synthesis ability is strong at the onset
but fades rapidly into near uselessness. I'd say that it's worth investing in,
but you will likely find yourself drifting towards the more interesting items
in Lightning's armory.

----- Gladius

| Exp: 800(116) > 54,800 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 7,100/3,550 | Bought: Up in Arms | Found: Chapter 2: Ambulatory |
| Strength: 25(+6) > 175 || Magic: 13(+3) > 88 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Lightning can reduce the amount of damage she receives from physical attacks
by a sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,500(168) > 387,360(332,560) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/14,200 | Purchase: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 28(+7) > 448 || Magic: 10(+3) > 190 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,380,087) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/45,440 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 30(+7) > 723 || Magic: 12(+2) > 210 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: Where the Blazefire Saber focuses on providing Lightning with a balance
of magic and strength, the Gladius scoffs magic in favor of providing raw,
abundant strength. In terms of the provision of physical damage per second it
is completely unrivaled. Unfortunately there is indeed an issue in the lacking
of magic ability... okay, it has more than the Axis Blade, but not once it
reaches its ultimate incarnation. As for special properties and synthesis
abilities it also takes a page from the Blazefire: no drawbacks, minimal

You might notice something familiar under your synthesis abilities. That's
right! It's Physical Wall again! Oh Physical Wall, how we love you and your
long-term uselessness. In fact, the problems with the Gladius's special
abilities are identical to the Blazefire: they're either negligible or absent
altogether. Physical Wall continues to provide a boon early in the game and
quickly wasting away until it's tarnishing the tips of your enemy's swords as
they impale you. Physical Wall is merely the extra few cents you get among the
dollars provided by the Gladius's and compatible accessories' base effects.

Granted there are numerous items that can produce this synthesis effect, and
many of them sport the same theme as the Gladius itself, encompassing most of
the fields of increasing your physical damage or cutting down on that which
enemies deal unto you. Who can argue with a tiny bonus on top of that
monstrous +150 strength, +20% physical resistance, or auto-Bravery and
Protect? And because the synthesis bonus is so easy to overlook, there's no
major gripe to be had when you need to completely revamp your character's
accessory load out.

But back to the first hand, Special Properties: Surprise! You get nothing! You
lose! Good day sir!

If the Blazefire Saber had a full frontal lobotomy and filled the empty cavity
with steroids, this would be the result. In essence, the Gladius is about
compromise. When Lightning attacks as a Commando or uses her "-strike"
abilities as a Ravager she will do immense sums of damage, but you can
effectively rule out being able to dish out anywhere near such amounts with
Ruin or the menagerie of pure magic Ravager spells.

----- Edged Carbine

Edged Carbine
| Exp: 420(75) > 33,750 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 4,600/2,300 | Up in Arms | Found: Chapter 5: Field Trial Range N |
| Strength: 8(+3) > 83 || Magic: 20(+6) > 170 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Lightning can reduce the amount of damage she receives from magical attacks by
a sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Razor Carbine
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(436,800) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/9,200 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 10(+3) > 190 || Magic: 28(+7) > 448 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,296,897) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/29,400 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 12(+2) > 210 || Magic: 30(+7) > 723 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Gladius and Edged Carbine are two faces of the Blazefire Coin. The
Blazefire is a balance of strength and magic, the Gladius is a full-blown
strength weapon, and the Edged Carbine takes a magical approach. Stat for stat
the Carbine is nearly the polar opposite of its stronger, dumber brother. Each
point of strength of the Gladius the Carbine can match with magic, and vice
versa. As such it is not difficult to see how the two carry a number of very
similar as well as very opposite properties.

The Edged Carbine is a spell caster weapon through and through. Its strength
stat is pathetic in order to contrast its monumental magic stat. Utilized in
the Ravager or Medic role there are no better a weapon to be had without
fiddling with synthesizes and special properties. You will notice however that
the Edged Carbine is a bit lower in price and easier to upgrade than the
Gladius. This is for a very good reason: while a good idea in theory, the
Final Fantasy battle system makes it just a touch inferior.

Firstly, there are the considerations to be taken when comparing Ruin and
magic spells to Attack and -strike abilities. There is a cost for safely
tossing missiles from afar: melee abilities enjoy the application of a 1.2
damage modifier to their output, while ranged abilities get stuck with a 1.0.
The math here isn't difficult to figure out: going melee with a Gladius will
allow you to deal 20% more damage than staying in the back and casting spells,
assuming all stats and resistances are even across the board.

Secondly, enemies with magic resistances and immunities can really mess up
Lightning's day. Where other weapons allow the option of switching between
Commando to physically attack and Ravager to cast spells or use -strike
abilities for spell-like effects, the Edged Carbine restricts you to dealing
damage purely through magic, greatly constricting the number of options you
have when encountering different sorts of foes.

On the up side, the game acknowledges the inherent weakness of the Edged
Carbine and makes it significantly cheaper to upgrade. While this does cut
down on the cost of a maxed-out Omega Weapon version of this gunblade, the end
product still falls victim to the same modifier system.

As the magical equivalent of the Gladius, the Edges Carbine has a slightly
different synthesis ability: Magic Wall! What a twist! Magic Wall functions
exactly the same as Physical Wall, except it works against magical damage.
Regardless of the change in effect and synthesis accessories, this ability
suffers from the same pitfall: early-game usefulness and end-game
negligibility. All previous criticism on Physical Wall apply equally as much
here. And the weapon continues to umimpress with the absence of a special

Much like the Gladius the Edged Carbine is a study in compromise. Lightning
can cut the physical attacks from her repertoire in favor of safe, distanced
spell casting. In addition, by focusing solely upon this aspect of her
character she can perform better at it than she would with more balanced
weapons. Unfortunately, the drawbacks inherent in the battle system and enemy
types limit this weapons use immensely. Though this is an incredibly good
choice if you plan to make Lightning a dedicated spell caster, it is designed
incredibly poorly for any attempts to have her act otherwise.

----- Axis Blade

Axis Blade
| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Adamantite |
| 15,000/7,500 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 7, Central Arcade |
| Strength: 8(+2) > 48 || Magic: 8(+2) > 48 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Attack: ATB Charge. Every attack that Lightning performs
charges her ATB gauge just a touch. I estimate that its charge rate is 25% to
35% of a single block with each attack that connects, depending upon damage
dealt. In essence this is one attack for every three and a half to four
performed. Beautiful.

Synthesis: ATB Rate: +%. This synthesis ability functions much like a
miniature Haste spell that never dissipates. Depending upon the number of
items equipped the rate at which her ATB bar charges can fluctuate between 10%
to 20% by accessory count, allowing an additional attack for every ten to five

| Exp: 3,600(261) > 347,580(280,830) | Max lvl: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/19,500 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 13(+3) > 133 || Magic: 13(+3) > 133 | Rank: 9 |
Special Property: Attack: ATB Charge II. Incredibly similar if not identical
to ATB Charge I. I have yet to find any differences save name.

Synthesis: ATB RATE: +%. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,419,867) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/34,125 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+3) > 315 || Magic: 18(+3) > 315 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Attack: ATB Charge II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Axis Blade is acquired early in the game, and as such players who
pick it up will likely look at its stats and dismiss any notion of its use.
This is a mistake. I absolutely love this weapon. Granted, if one were to
judge by stats alone the Axis Blade would stand far behind its contemporaries.
It's maxed-out advanced form sports strength and magic stats only slightly
stronger than the maxed-out basic form of her Blazefire Saber, and likewise a
maxed-out ultimate form of the Axis falls less than 10 points below a
maxed-out advanced form of the Blazefire. So why bother with a weapon that
clearly seems to underperform?

The answer lies in its Special Property and Synthesis Bonuses, both of which
are very useful and, when combined, absolutely amazing. Thanks to the ATB
Charge ability each successful attack by Lightning will fill her ATB gauge but
slightly. The amount varies, seemingly based upon the damage being dealt, but
usually a 5-attack set will fill between one to one and a half ATB bars. This
allows her to dish out a bonus round of damage for each three to four she
would normally partake in.

The synthesis bonus capitalizes upon this feature by bestowing an unwavering,

permanent mini-haste effect increasing her atb charge rate by small sums.
Couple these with the accessories that bestow the effects: the Hermes Sandals
line that drops Haste on the player, and the Whistlewind Scarf line that
awards free ATB segments at the start of battle, and you get a menagerie of
bonuses that allow Lightning to pummel her enemies incessantly as other
characters sit and wait their turns. And even though it lacks abilities that
directly affect the chain gauge, the sheer frequency with which Lightning will
attack with this weapon boosts it up at absurd speeds.

A really nasty trick with this weapon that can be abused on tougher enemies
(smaller ones wouldn't survive long enough to make it worth mention) is to
couple this weapon and synthesis accessories with Lightning's Army of One
Ravager ability. The Axis Blade's Special Property provides stock to her ATB
gauge each time an attack lands. Army of One delivers an unceasing barrage of
attacks, each one contributing to charging her ATB gauge even further. All
things considered, once Army of One goes through its entire motion it should
have boosted her gauge by no less than two and a fourth blocks and often as
much as four, depending upon enemy defense. You should have just enough time
to enter her abilities menu and select Army of One again before it fills.

Using a similar concept as with Army of One, Blitz can also be used to
supercharge your ATB against groups of enemies. Each foe you hit with a single
Blitz attack will contribute, so don't feel shy about charging into a large
group with this weapon.

Though equally powerful in the hands of a Commando or a Ravager the Axis Blade
stands weak alone, yet when coupled with the right set of equipment it becomes
astonishingly powerful. Properly formulated, this weapon allows Lightning to
jump right from the gates, assailing her foes immediately, relentlessly, and
incessantly. And seeing as how her character is similar to that of a nimble
fencer, I feel that this weapon fits her perfectly. A word of warning on
accessories though: once you obtain an Aurora Sash for Lightning do not
upgrade it further into Nimbletoe Boots. Though still able to bestow the
synthesis bonus, Nimbletoe Boots augment an ability used only by Sentinels and
are thus all but offensively useless.

----- Lifesaber

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 70,850 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| 20,000/10,000 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 9, Crew Corridors |
| Strength: 8(+4) > 88 || Magic: 8(+4) > 88 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Improved Raise. Provides a small sum of additional health
when Lightning uses the Raise spell to rise an ally from the grave.

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. When Lightning's health dips below 10% she
will enjoy a modest 50% boost to her strength and magic for the duration of
her critical status.
| Exp: 3,000(240) > 307,200(236,350) | Max lvl: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/26,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 25(+5) > 225 || Magic: 25(+5) > 225 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Improved Raise II. Functions much like Improved Raise,
except it bestows slightly more health upon the target.

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,460,247) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/45,500 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 25(+5) > 520 || Magic: 25(+5) > 520 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improve Raise II. See Above

Synthesis: None

Notes: I normally try to remain neutral in regard to weapons, pointing out

their strengths in addition to their flaws, but there is little decent to be
said about the Lifesaber. Its stats, though balanced, are lackluster. It
enhances the effects of the Raise spell, which a decent medic is the last
spell a medic should rarely have to use, and its synthesis ability is
completely contradictory to the purpose of the weapon.

The first and greatest problem inherent in this weapon is the role its
synthesis bonus pigeonholes Lightning into: Medic. While the character does
make a handy healer, this is far, far removed from her strong suit of being an
offensive powerhouse. Lightning should be a backup healer at most, assisting
Hope or Vanille if they can't get the job done quickly enough. Though capable
of playing main healer Lightning is painfully lacking in her access to Curaja
and Curasa, the two best healing spells for bringing characters back from the
brink of death.

Instead she has to wait for her patients to taste the bitter release of the
grave before her synthesis bonus kicks in and she can revive them with a touch
more health than they would have had otherwise. The loss of an ally can mean
the draining of a chain gauge, the absence of a better healer, or even the
unleashing of a dangerous foe that a Sentinel had distracted. Character death,
regardless of how brief, can be detrimental to your team's victory. Even more
so than Physical and Magical Wall, this synthesis ability is almost entirely

Disappointing synthesis ability aside, the Low HP: Power Surge ability does
have a decent use. Allowing Lightning's health to drop below a certain point
gives her a burst of attack power until its risen back up. This seems like a
fun concept, but a very risky endeavor for Lightning who's HP, though a
respectable amount, does not add up to an enormous sum like Snow's or Fang's.
While nursing her power surge, one stray hit will often be all it takes to
plant her face to the mat, and what good is Improved Raise when the one who
needs to use it is KO'd?
Finally there are the stats, which I regard as though they were childen who
brought home straight C report cards. Though not absolutely terrible, these
numbers are still moderately disappointing. It does slightly beat out the
Lionheart in this field, but whereas the Lionheart makes up with its
incredible chain-building capabilities the Lifesaber dumps a pile of useless
in our laps.

Lifesaber is the Batman and Robin of Lightning's Arsenal. Its special property
is not only incredibly situational but also piss poor. Its synthesis ability
is too risky to confidently implement. And instead of counteracting these
problems with decent stats we instead get strength and magic bonuses that are
on par at best. And as an extra slap in the face, its exp demands are
exceedingly high. It is best to toss this weapon in your bag never to be seen
again, or even dismantled for parts.

----- Organyx

| Exp: 300(42) > 20,100 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: 280,000/14,000 | Purchased: Gilgamesh Inc. | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 37(+6) > 187 || Magic: 37(+6) > 187 | Rank: 2 |
Special Property: Leadenstrike. Reduces your ATB charge rate by a value of 70%
(it charges at 30% of its base speed.)

Synthesis: Vampiric Strike. 1% of the damage you deal with damaging abilities
is returned to you in health. If you deal 4000 damage, you get healed for 40.

| Exp: 800(116) > 253,320(219,530) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/36,400 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 50(+6) > 410 || Magic: 50(+6) > 410 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Ironstrike. Similar to Leadenstrike yet more palpable. Your
ATB charge is reduced by a value of 50%.

Synthesis: Vampiric Strike. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,514,127) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/63,700 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 57(+7) > 750 || Magic: 57(+7) > 750 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Ironstrike. See above.

Synthesis: None
Notes: On the opposite side of the fence from the Axis Blade is the Organyx.
The Organix stands as Lightning's strongest weapon in stats. However, such
awesome power comes at the price of reduced attack speed, and this can be a
debilitating crutch. The culmination of this weapon's effects on Lightning
when all bonuses are applied makes her a deadly, albeit slow-moving, force
that refuses to die and always strikes true.

The first thing you might notice about the Organyx is that you cannot find it
on the field. In order to procure this most dangerous of weapons you need to
visit the Gilgamesh Inc. store and shell out a whopping 280 thousand gil.
Seeing as how the only way to obtain access to this store is to defeat a
deadly A-rank mark in the Faultwarrens the chances of you attaining this
weapon before clearing story mode is minute. If you are considering using this
once you finally get your hands on it upgrade it immediately to Apocalypse.
While the 50% slow rate of Ironstrike makes the weapon debilitating,
Leadenstrike's 70% makes it neigh unusable. Fortunately, this weapon has very
low exp requirements, making it the easiest of Lightning's weapons to level

Organyx is a study in the importance of considering special abilities when

picking a weapon. On stats alone this weapon reigns supreme, sporting more
strength than the Gladius and more magic than the Edged Carbine in every form
When it hits, it hits incredibly hard. However, the Ironstrike property
cripples this otherwise amazing damage output by reducing the frequency of its
occurrence. In effect, this property is akin to being afflicted with the slow
debuff, except it can never be dispelled, never wears off, and another slow
can be piled on top. Accessories and Haste buffs can be employed to counteract
these shortcomings, but at the same time they could be used to enhance other
weapons not suffering from these debilitations. On a weapon that would
otherwise boasts incredible potential, this one major drawback knocks it back
down to mediocrity.

As far as synthesized abilities go, Organyx provides the always interesting

Vampiric Strike. Every time you deal damage to an enemy you gain 1% of that
total amount back in health. This may seem lackluster, but given Organyx's
enormous damage dealing potential Lightning will actually find herself
consuming significant chunks of health. The downside is that Organyx requires
no less than three of its' synthesis accessories to accompany it before
producing the ability. If you've unlocked all of Lightning's accessory
crystals this leaves you a measly single slot to fill as you please. And while
the accessories that produce the effect are incredibly useful in their own
rights, they are just as incredibly situational. Cherub's Crown and its
derivatives boost death resistance, a skill rarely used by enemies. Zealot's
Amulet bestows Vigilance, a buff with very limited use for Commandos and

Organyx is a powerful weapon; this much cannot be denied. Its damage output is
beyond compare regardless of role, and it can even return some of that pain
back to the player in health. However, its special property of Ironstrike
hampers its functionality immensely, reducing it to acting only half as often
as most of Lightning's other weapons. But before dismissing it entirely,
consider this: it is several times as powerful as the Axis Blade, allowing it
the potential to deal just as much damage even if it's not quite as
exploitable. If you do decide to specialize with the Organyx I strongly
recommend hunting down and equipping a Genji Glove to remove that pesky damage
cap, for with this weapon you will be getting very close to it.
----- Hauteclaire

| Exp: 800(116) > 54,800 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| 20,000/10,000 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 11, Maw of the Abyss |
| Strength: 13(+5) > 138 || Magic: 13(+5) > 138 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. If an enemy's stagger gauge is full, attacks
with this weapon will not push them over into staggered status.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Lightning will get a
different synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are
equipped. One or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award
Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

| Exp: 1,500(168) > 387,360(332,560) | Max lvl: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/26,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+6) > 378 || Magic: 18(+6) > 378 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,380,087) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/45,500 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+7) > 711 || Magic: 18(+7) > 711 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Hauteclaire deserves some seriously positive consideration for

inclusion into your armory. Its stats compared to Lightning's other weapons
are massive, falling just short of Organyx. What's more its numbers are equal
in both strength and magic, making it equally effective for both Ravager and
Commando use. Its special abilities add character to this weapon in just the
right places, improving her ability to increase the chain gauge with Instant
Chain. The only real downside to this weapon is Stagger Lock which, though
potentially debilitating, is reduced to a mere quirk if kept in mind.

The synthesis bonuses for Hauteclaire are the Instant Chain and Gestalt/TP
Boost abilities, and you can choose which you get depending upon how many
accessories you equip that contribute to the synthesis bonus. If you have one
or two accessories you get the Instant Chain bonus, which essentially rolls a
die every time you attack. With a 0.5% chance, when this ability will
completely fill the target's chain gauge, leaving it open to a single tap to
stagger. This ability is very situational: it's useless against smaller foes
that systematically perish in a matter of seconds, but against heavily armored
enemies in prolonged battles the occasional crit roll of Instant Chain can
spell a sudden, unexpected end to the fight in your favor.

Equipping three or more relevant accessories nets you instead the Gestalt/TP
Boost bonus, which synthesizes with every form of TP and Gestalt gauge-filling
methods your character employs, boosting their effects. It improves how much
TP you get after battle, how much you get from accessories, etc. And since one
of the accessories that produce this effect also provides TP in-battle by
killing enemies, this combo was made in heaven. Unfortunately unless you make
frequent use of TP abilities, summons, or are exploring an area filled with
unidentified monsters to Libra, this combination is likely to go to waste.
It's completely possible, and often just as effective, to go through battle
without the use of these skills. I never found much use for this synthesis
bonus, and aside from TP grinds I doubt many of you will either.

The only pitfall with Hauteclaire lies in its special property: Stagger Lock.
This property sounds absolutely crippling, but it's actually quite easy to get
around. Weapons with Stagger Lock are perfectly capable of building and
maintaining the chain gauge; they simply cannot give an enemy that final push
over the brink into a staggered state. Another deal-breaker? Absolutely not.
All you need is another character in an offensive role to tap them over the
edge and this weapon's special property is painlessly circumvented. The only
way this process might be impeded is if both characters have weapons with
Stagger Lock, which says a lot more about poor planning on the player's part
than weapon shortcomings.

Hauteclaire can be near-accurately equated to the Blazefire Saber 2.0. It's

just as balanced, yet noticeably stronger. With no consideration taken to
synthesis bonuses, this is easily Lightning's best all-around damage dealing
weapon. Its stats are second only to Organyx, and it lacks that pesky
Ironstrike. It does most everything the starter weapon can, and better.
Granted the Hauteclaire doesn't have Phyiscal Wall, but by the time in the
game this weapon is procured such a paltry synthesis bonus shouldn't even
cross your mind. Its only downside is the ominously sounding Stagger Lock,
which is hardly the game-stopping mechanism that it sounds like.

----- Lionheart

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 70,850 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| 28,000/14,000 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 12, Grand Prix Circuit |
| Strength: 8(+3) > 68 || Magic: 8(+3) > 68 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Quick Stagger. If the target's chain gauge is filled 90% of
the way or more, the next attack will automatically stagger it.
Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Lightning will get a
different synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are
equipped. One or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award
Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

Ultima Weapon
| Exp: 3,000(240) > 307,200(236,350) | Max lvl: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/36,400 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 13(+5) > 213 || Magic: 13(+5) > 213 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Quick Stagger. See above.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,482,487) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/sell: XXX/63,700 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 13(+5) > 508 || Magic: 13(+5) > 508 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Quick stagger. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Lionheart is different and it demands to be used differently. Its

stats, though not the weakest in Lightning's armory, still leave something to
be desired. But those abilities take the cake. The focus of the Lionheart is
to trade a little potency for absolute chain gauge domination. None of its
abilities hamper it; all of them positively influence Lightning's staggering
potential in ways that can be sudden and provide massive payoff.

Worst thing first: the stats. Lionheart isn't a major damage-dealing weapon.
It's stronger than the Axis Blade, but lacks the capabilities to unleash
relentless assaults. It's only slightly weaker than the Lifesaber, but that
abomination would have little positive to contribute to any character, much
less Lightning. It will still deal a respectable sum of damage, but not nearly
as much as the Hauteclaire. This is because the Lionheart isn't so much a
weapon as a tool that can turn the tide of any battle in the blink of an eye.

The stars of this weapon are its special property and synthesis ability, and
two skills could never be so well-matched. Just like the Hauteclaire,
Lionheart sports the Instant Chain and Gestalt/TP Boost synthesis abilities.
Both synthesis and property are dedicated to enhancing Lightning's already
adept chain bonus skills by boosting that gauge up ever higher. You should
never upgrade this weapon to Gestalt/TP Boost; doing so will negate its
purpose. Stick with that random full-bar filling Instant Chain.

While Instant Chain is working to give you those occasional full bars, Quick
Stagger is there to cut down on how much bar you need to fill. Once the total
amount in the bar reaches above 90%, Quick Stagger steps in, cutting off the
remaining 10% and giving you that stagger. This cuts down on the time you
spend trying to knock off those last tiny bits that can take so many unneeded
turns. A note concerning this ability that should be common logic: try not to
equip weapons with Quick Stagger on two allies in the same party, as it'd be
kind of redundant.

Lionheart is an incredibly useful weapon that perfectly complements the

offensive, chain-gauge building nature of Lightning's best roles and demands
serious consideration for inclusion to her arsenal. While it lacks the rapid
delivery of the Axis blade or the pure punching power of the Hauteclaire, it
is still a formidable weapon in the right hands. However, if you do plan to
specialize in the Lionheart be ready to drop some serious cash. It demands
some huge numbers in experience in order to gain levels.

==> Sazh {dsa} <==

More than any other character Sazh is dependent upon his weaponry. His base
stats are comparatively low, so he turns to his weaponry and their incredible
stats to compensate, bringing him up to the rest of the party in battle
capability. What this means is that when he's performing functions that his
weapons focus on he does them exceptionally well, but when he isn't the lack
in performance is very noticeable. He will spend much of the early game acting
as a commando, but his real strengths shine later when he's able to reliably
assume the mantles of synergist and ravager, and more than one weapon
accentuates these roles.

When choosing your weapons for Sazh, keep in mind his power as a support
character, and pay special attention to the stats that they provide.

----- Vega 42s

Vega 42s
| Exp: 300(57) > 24,600 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 2,000/1,000 | Purchased: Up in Arms | Found: Default weapon |
| Strength: 12(+5) > 137 || Magic: 14(+5) > 139 | | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Sazh can reduce the amount of damage he receives from magical attacks by a sum
of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(445,950) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 20(+6) > 380 || Magic: 30(+6) > 390 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,551,723) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/12,800 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 20(+8) > 812 || Magic: 30(+8) > 822 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Vega 42s are model default weapons. And they're actually not that
bad. Though basic, the Vegas act as powerful tools useful for most any
function. Their only real downside lies in their lack of decent special

Regardless of whether you want Sazh to deal physical or magical damage the
Vegas provide plenty of versatility with their balanced stats. And while not
ridiculously powerful, they pack enough of a punch to make him a viable damage
dealer in any team. Many of Sazh's other weapons sacrifice one stat in favor
of boosting another, but the Vegas find a happy medium.

If you wanted to augment Sazh's performance with these guns however, you're
nearly out of luck. Like most default weapons the Vegas have no special
properties and a very lackluster synthesis ability. Magic Wall may be useful
in the early parts of the game when enemy damage is small, but come the later
stages it reaches near uselessness and should be disregarded altogether. There
should be no love lost of this bonus if the decision is made to upgrade them
to the ultimate tier.

The Vegas are powerful and versatile, but simple. Aside from basic stats they
have no way to really improve upon Sazh's performance in any way. If you
really don't care for their lack of specialty, by all means stick with them.
But there are many more interesting weapons to choose from.

----- Deneb Duellers

Deneb Duellers
| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,900/1,950 | Up in Arms | Found: Chapter 3: Encased in Crystal |
| Strength: 8(+4) > 108 || Magic: 24(+9) > 249 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Sazh can reduce the amount of damage he receives from magical attacks by a sum
of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Canopus AMPs
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(437,550) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,800 | Purchase: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 14(+6) > 374 || Magic: 36(+10) > 636 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,551,723) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/24,960 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 14(+6) > 608 || Magic: 36(+11) > 1,125| Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: If you want a weapon with plain, straight up magical power, look no
further than this. The ridiculously high magic stat on the Duellers will
provide all a ravager needs to tear enemies apart with spells. This incredible
magic attribute however comes at the cost of an otherwise mundane weapon.

Every character has at least one: a weapon that strengthens one stat in favor
of another. Though it follows this trend, the Duellers are somewhat reasonable
in their distribution. The magical attributes of this weapon is absolutely
monstrous, sporting the second highest magic stat both in Sazh's inventory and
the game. The strength stat however leaves a bit to be desired, hovering
consistently at half the potency of the magic stat. Though lacking in
comparison, the strength stat is still quite respectable.

As far as special abilities go, the Duellers are rather bland. They sport the
exact same attributes of the Vega 42s: Magic Wall with synthesis (a long-term
useless synthesis ability) and no special property. This makes deciding
between the Vegas and Duellers a choice based purely on stats and what your
plan is in regards to Sazh.

If you want simple, raw magical power there is no better choice than the
Duellers. They sport the second greatest magic stat in the game with no
catches, and still sport a reasonable strength stat. This all combines to make
it a decent weapon through the second half of the game. Its only real downside
is that it lacks any decent special abilities. Regardless, the power of this
weapon deserves some serious consideration.

----- Aldebarans

| Exp: 300(42) > 20,100 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: 263,000/13,150 | Purchased: Gilgamesh Inc. | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 40(+9) > 265 | Rank: 2 |
Special Property: Leadenstrike. Reduces your ATB charge rate by a value of 70%
(it charges at 30% of its base speed.)

Synthesis: Vampiric Strike. 1% of the damage you deal with damaging abilities
is returned to you in health. If you deal 4000 damage, you get healed for 40.

| Exp: 800(116) > 253,320(233,220) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/34,190 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 60(+10) > 660 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Ironstrike. Reduces your ATB charge rate by a value of 50%

Synthesis: Vampiric Strike. 1% of the damage you deal with damaging abilities
is returned to you in health. If you deal 4000 damage, you get healed for 40.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,768,953) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/59,832 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 61(+11) > 1,150 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Ironstrike. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Behold! The most powerful magical weapon in the game! Relish that perk,
because it's otherwise a piece of junk. Sure this weapon will allow you to
toss out spells that pack a monstrous punch, but the pitfalls of this weapon
are too deep and too debilitating to make it even worthwhile.

The first glaring downside to the Aldebarans are their stats. Yes, it has
incredible magical potency, but what likely catches the eye even more is the
strength attributes: across the board zeros. Even in its maxed out ultimate
form this weapon provides absolutely nothing to Sazh's strength score, turning
him into a pitiful commando. And while it may be the most powerful magical
weapon in Sazh's inventory, the Deneb Duellers fall in very close behind by
only a couple dozen points. And the Duellers actually provide some strength to
back up commando roles.

So you think you can get around this shortcoming by simply disregarding Sazh
as a physical attacker? Think again. This train wreck of a weapon concept
comes complete with the leadenstrike and ironstrike special properties,
cutting the number of turns Sazh can act by no less than half across all roles
he assumes. And while the vampiric strike synthesis ability acts as a tasty
little cherry to act as incentive, it none the less sits atop a sunday of
horrendous quality.

Considering the effort you need to go through to even get access to this
weapon, not to mention its incredible price tag once you do, the Aldebarens
are easily the worst guns in Sazh's inventory. If you do by some lapse in
judgment decide to invest in this weapon, upgrade it immediately to the
Sadalmeliks to reduce your wait time to more tolerable levels. Otherwise,
stick to the Deneb Duellers or choose another weapon.

----- Pleiades Hi-Powers

Pleiades Hi-Powers
| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| B/S: 22,000/11,000 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 11, Deserted Schoolhouse |
| Strength: 40(+12) > 340 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: Paper Tiger. Reduces Sazh's maximum HP by 60% (he has 40% of
his normal amount.)

Synthesis: Damage Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Sazh can reduce the amount of damage he receives from all attacks by a sum of
5, 10, 15, or 20.

Hyades Magnums
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(437,550) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/28,600 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 60(+18) > 1,140 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Silk Tiger. Reduces Sazh's maximum HP by 30% (he has 70% of
his normal amount.)

Synthesis: Damage Wall. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,551,723) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/50,050 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 61(+11) > 1,150 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Silk Tiger. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Pleiades are... tolerable. These are easily the most powerful
strength weapons in the game, but much like the Aldebarans this power comes at
a monumental sacrifice. Fortunately the sacrifices made for these guns are not
quite as debilitating as their magical equivalents, and with strength you can
simply do more. Plus there are a few perks that make this weapon worth at
least a glance.

The main draw of the Pleiades is their strength attribute, and boy is it
phenomenal. At star level in the second tier they reach 1,140, which no other
weapon can even come close to at that point in development. This is all at the
expense of a magic stat that remains unwaveringly red-line zero. This
essentially pigeonholes Sazh into a commando role, but allows him to do a very
fine job at it as long as enemy attention is kept away from him. Once he
switches to ravager he still has some use, unloading strike spells of
incredible potency.

Another major downsides of these guns are the paper tiger and silk tiger
special properties, which savagely reduce his maximum HP. This can be offset
modestly by the Sazh's naturally high HP and unnoticeably by the Damage Wall
synthesis ability. The paper and silk tiger properties can occasionally be
sidestepped by having a sentinel in the party at all times, directing
attention away from Sazh so that he may dish out unparalleled sums of damage.
Unfortunately, most of the games more difficult enemies have attacks that hit
the whole party, and what may moderately injure another party member will pop
Sazh's health bar like a balloon. Silk tiger is easier to stomach, reducing
his HP to 70% instead of 40%, but still places Sazh in a dangerous state of
having low HP.

If you've read any of my rants concerning physical or magic wall, magnify them
to a degree for damage wall. This synthesis ability cuts down on ALL damage
received regardless of source, but pays for its versatility with reduced
effectiveness. Just like its specified contemporaries, it turns nearly useless
by mid-game.

If you decide to grab the Aldebarans, my suggestion is to upgrade them to

their second tier immediately and stop when they reach star level. Doing away
with paper tiger in favor of silk is vital to surviving this game's more
dangerous encounters. And considering a star level ultimate form of this
weapon only has 10 more strength than an equal level in the advanced tier,
there's little reason to develop beyond. With all considerations in place
however, this weapon acts as an incredibly powerful, if not high-risk tool.

----- Rigels

| Exp: 800(116) > 54,800 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 19,000/9,500 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 11, Hibernatorium |
| Strength: 10(+6) > 160 || Magic: 15(+6) > 165 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. If an enemy's stagger gauge is full, attacks
with this weapon will not push them over into staggered status.

Synthesis: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Lightning will get a different
synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are equipped. One
or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.
Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

Polaris Specials
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 387,360(332,560) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/24,700 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 16(+8) > 496 || Magic: 24(+8) > 504 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,634,913) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/43,225 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 16(+10) > 1,006 || Magic: 24(+10) > 1,125 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: In terms of balancing flexibility with power, The Rigels are arguably
Sazh's best offensive weapons. There is quite a lot positive to be said about
this set of guns, and surprisingly little negative mixed in to balance them
out. Though not his most powerful weapon in any one field, the damage output
of these guns is phenomenal regardless of what they're being used for. And the
special abilities, though not very prominent, add just a touch of sweet and
sour icing on the package. The only real downsides are that they make him
dependant upon his team to deliver staggers.

Though it falls shortly behind the Pleiades in strength and Deneb Duelers and
Aldebarans in magic, if one were to sum both of these up into a single stat
the Rigels would sport the highest number of the bunch. They sport a beautiful
equilibrium of strength and magic that together tower above all of his other

In the realm of synthesis abilities the Rigels gain a very interesting bonus.
The Instant Chain option gives him a chance with every attack to max out his
target's chain gauge. Coupled with a character that gets access to the Haste
buff well before anybody else and you have a machine that dishes out constant
damage with a good chance of seeing this property proc. Gestalt/TP boost can
be useful if you need to farm up some TP for an upcoming encounter I suppose.

One downside of this weapon is the Stagger Lock property, but this catch can
be tirelessly sidestepped. Simply put, Stagger Lock prevents Sazh from pushing
an enemy into stagger status when the chain gauge fills. Once he's filled it
up with his blazing attack however, it's no grand chore to switch paradigms so
that someone else can tip them over. So all that's needed is for another
character to deal that last touch of damage and inflict the stagger. Problem
The Rigels are powerful tools in the right hands, but unfortunately they don't
lend much use to other roles. Outside of ravager and commando they do nothing
for Sazh, making him far more effective at the roles of damage dealer and
gauge builder than anything else. And his reliance on other party members to
actually inflict the stagger that he builds requires a paradigm containing at
least one other character in offensive roles. With all things considered
however, the Rigels reign supreme.

----- Spica Defenders

Spica Defenders
| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 14,500/7,250 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 8, the Mall |
| Strength: 6(+2) > 46 || Magic: 15(+4) > 95 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Augment Maintenance. Increases the duration of offensive
buffs, such as Enfrost, that Sazh casts by 40%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. Increases the duration of all buffs that Sazh
casts by 30%, 50%, 70%, or 90%.

Sirius Sidearms
| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(218,210) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/18,850 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 20(+3) > 140 || Magic: 20(+5) > 220 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Augment Maintenance II. Increases the duration of offensive
buffs that Sazh casts by 80%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,768,953) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/32,987 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 20(+7) > 713 || Magic: 20(+9) > 911 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Augment Maintenance II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Sazh's strongest role is undoubtedly that of a synergist, and Spicas

capitalize on this. These guns were built from the ground up to accentuate
this most important of Sazh's roles. Though its stats are nothing special, its
combination of synthesis bonus and special ability make surviving prolonged
battles exponentially easier. If you wish to focus on Sazh's synergist role,
there are no weapons that would belong in his hands nearly as well as the

When contributing in a firefight, the Spicas are modestly respectable. Though

they don't suffer from the comparatively low stats of the Antares Deluxes or
the Procyons, the damage output these guns provide is nothing special. There
is a strong, albeit not dominating, lean towards the ravager class with a
higher magic stat than strength, but enough leeway exists for Sazh to play in
both fields.

The beauty of these firearms however lies in their ability to support Sahz as
he supports his team. Both its special property and synthesis bonuses focus on
enhancing his synergist role, extending the duration of his buffs, and when
combined turn him into one heck of a buffing force. Elemental weapon
enchantments last for untold minutes, and that all-important Haste buff for
which Sazh is so valuable will never seem to go away.

The tragedy of these weapons is that, with a full synthesis bonus on top of
the special property in play Sazh will be spending most of his time outside of
the synergist role, and generally underperforming. However, when placed within
it, he will be able to lay out buffs that can last entire prolonged battles.

----- Antares Deluxes

Antares Deluxes
| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 22,000/11,000 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 12, Leviathan Plaza |
| Strength: 12(+4) > 92 || Magic: 18(+4) > 98 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Chain bonus boost. Every time Sazh performs an action that
raises the chain gauge, this weapon property provides a small bonus

Synthesis: ATB Rate: +%. This synthesis ability functions much like a
miniature Haste spell that never dissipates. Depending upon the number of
items equipped the rate at which his ATB bar charges can fluctuate between 10%
to 20%.

Fomalhaut Elites
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(153,000) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/28,600 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 16(+5) > 216 || Magic: 22(+5) > 222 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Chain Bonus Boost II. Functions identically to Chain Bonus
Boost I, except with a slightly higher bonus.

Synthesis: ATB Rate: +%. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,831,233) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/50,050 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 16(+6) > 610 || Magic: 22(+6) > 616 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Chain Bonus Boost II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Deluxes are an odd set of weapons. In terms of raw stats they are
found to be somewhat lacking, but this weapon isn't designed primarily for
dealing damage anyway. Instead it serves as a powerful tool for building the
chain gauge, reflecting Sazh's strong support role. Its special property and
synthesis bonuses are geared towards filling chain gauges both rapidly and

The drawback to the Deluxes lies in their stats, which are frankly rather weak
especially for a character who relies so heavily on his weaponry to keep him
on par with the rest of the team. On the up side however, both stats are
evenly balanced permitting equal level performance in both ravager and
commando roles. As mentioned previously however, these weapons shine mostly
for their offensive properties as opposed to their damage dealing

And what useful properties it has. To make up for low damage output the
Deluxes tote along the ATB Rate + synthesis, a useful ability that increases
the rate at which his ATB segments fill. Couple this with Sazh's early access
to the Haste spell and he will be gaining ATB segments before the player can
even put them to good use even before they gain access to the Sprint Shoes
accessory. Then there's Chain Bonus Boost, a weapon property that cause Sazh's
attacks to have a greater impact on the chain gauge. Through the combination
of these two abilities, Sazh can burn through chain gauges at ridiculous

Since the philosophy for these guns is to attack the chain gauge directly
instead of through damage output, they require a bit of thought in order to
use most effectively in a party. If you plan to focus on their use, consider
high-damage output weapons for your other party members. Weapons with Stagger
Lock sport high stats habitually, and the boost effect of the Deluxes is
beautiful at helping inflict that stagger. It is also ideal to utilize the
ravager or saboteur roles in lieu of commando; the awards from Chain Bonus
Boost are based upon percentage, and that bonus is wasted on the paltry sum
that a commando's attacks produce. When utilized properly however, the Deluxes
are wonderful support tools that can quickly crack the toughest of enemies'

----- Procyons

| Exp: 1,500(174) > 63,060 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Dark Matter |
| 30,000/15,000 | Plautus's Workshop | Found: Chapter 6, Sun-dappled trail |
| Strength: 14(+4) > 94 || Magic: 9(+2) > 49 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Stagger Maintenance. When an enemy is staggered by this
weapon the duration of the stagger is extended by 10%
Synthesis: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Sazh will get a different
synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are equipped. One
or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

Betelgeuse Customs
| Exp: 2,600(260) > 306,800(243,740) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/39,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 20(+6) > 260 || Magic: 18(+3) > 138 | Rank: 10 |
Special Property: Stagger Maintenance II. Identical to Stagger Maintenance one
in function. The duration of the enemy's stagger state is extended by 30%.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

Total Eclipses
| Exp: 2,640(363) > 2,022,273(1,715,473) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/sell: XXX/68,250 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 26(+6) > 620 || Magic: 18(+4) > 414 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Maintenance II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: I don't really like these guns. Like the Antares Deluxes they are a
chain gauge maintaining set, covering the stagger state as well as the
building stage. They headline their capabilities with the incredible Stagger
Maintenance special property unique to Sazh. Unfortunately, outside of the
stagger state they are unpredictable and incredibly weak. This weapon colors
Sazh's support role side much like several other weapons of his in a rather
enigmatic shade.

The main problem with these weapons lies in their stats, or lack thereof. It
is clear that this weapon is made for the commando in mind, sporting
significantly more strength than magic. But even the strength score is
disappointingly low, hovering around the same level as the Antares Deluxes'
balanced attributes. Stat for stat these are Sazh's weakest guns.

Stagger Maintenance is an amazing ability, and disserves a fair amount of

respect. Each second that an enemy is staggered is increasingly precious for
the player, and these weapons capitalize on that by extending it longer than
what is natural. That glorification aside, there is some criticism to go with
it. In order to successfully apply Stagger Maintenance Sazh must be the
character to trigger the stagger state. In the havoc of heated battle this can
be unbelievably difficult to pull off intentionally. As far as gauge building
goes, the Procyons utilize the Random: Instant Chain synthesis group which,
though handy, is unpredictable and thus unreliable.

You need to put a lot of thought into your party's weapon loadout if you plan
to use these weapons, more so than with the Antares Deluxes. Triggering
Stagger Maintenance with any form of frequency requires either an incredible
amount of party control or gearing everybody else out with Stagger Lock
weapons. When this weapon does pay off however, it pays off big. Enemies with
empty chain gauges may suddenly find themselves both staggered and stuck in
that state for an extended period of time. Outside of these uncommon
situations though the Procyons perform at sub-par levels across the board and
should be seriously reconsidered.

==> Snow {dsn} <==

Among your party Snow is clearly the most heavily built, and it shows in the
way he handles. He sports by far the highest HP total and a huge Strength
stat. While capable of being a very strong ravager, he is however restricted
to water, ice, and wind spells, limiting his capabilities to harm certain
enemies elementally. He is built to soak up damage as well as inflict it, and
Snow has a menagerie of weapons at his disposal to assist him in these tasks.

When it comes to protection and brawling Snow is unmatched, able to soak up

damage like a proverbial sponge and dish it out with equal ferocity. Keep this
in mind while perusing his arsenal.

----- Wild Bear

Wild Bear
| Exp: 300(57) > 24,600 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 1,800/900 | Purchased: Up in Arms | Found: Default weapon |
| Strength: 15(+5) > 140 || Magic: 15(+5) > 140 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Snow can reduce the amount of damage he receives from physical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Feral Pride
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(445,950) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,600 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 23(+6) > 383 || Magic: 23(+6) > 383 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall. See above.

Save the Queen
| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,246,803) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/11,520 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 24(+7) > 717 || Magic: 23(+7) > 717 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Wild Bear serves as a perfectly viable weapon through most of the
game. In an odd move for a starter weapon the Wild Bear capitalizes on
flexibility. Most of his stronger weapons suffer from stat unbalance, low
stats in favor of abilities, or high stats with dangerous side effects. But
the Wild Bear supports all three of his primary roles without preference,
though not quite to the extreme levels as the more specialized weapons do.

As with many of the characters with varied offensive primary roles, this
starting weapon has beautifully balanced stats, allowing Snow to excel equally
in both ravager and commando roles. However, it is worth noting that the Wild
Bear's stats are modestly higher than every other balanced weapon in his
inventory save the aptly named Sacrificial Circle. This allows him the
capability to function above average in mindless brawls whether he's dealing
physical damage or magical.

Also of note is his synthesis ability physical wall. Unlike on most characters
where this ability is put to waste, it does have a minute amount of use for
Snow once his sentinel role is unlocked. Physical wall's flat damage filter
kicks in after all other damage dealt to the character is calculated, and the
sentinels' guard abilities reduce the damage they receive to mere chips. While
in the end game shaving away 20 damage from 1162 seems paltry, it's a tad more
palpable when that same 20 is dropped from 102. Though still somewhat
negligible it retains a bit of use.

The Wild Bear is useful beyond a shadow of a doubt. Even though its perks are
minute, it has no downsides and improves upon every aspect of Snow's primary
repertoire without limiting it to any degree. While basic, its an all around
brick of usefulness.

----- Power Circle

Power Circle
| Exp: 1,500(174) > 89,700 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 4,500/2,250 | Up in Arms | Chapter 1: Aerorail Trussway 3-N |
| Strength: 23(+7) > 198 || Magic: 13(+1) > 3 | | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Snow can reduce the amount of damage he receives from physical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.
Battle Standard
| Exp: 2,600(232) > 566,640(476,940) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/9,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 33(+8) > 513 || Magic: 5(+2) > 125 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: Physical Wall. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,150,713) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/28,800 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 34(+9) > 925 || Magic: 4(+2) > 202 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None

Synthesis: None

Notes: An interesting contender to steal the Wild Bear's thunder, the Power
Circle is remarkably similar yet incredibly different. It bears the same
special property and synthesis ability as the Wild Bear but its stats are
quite a bit more specialized. It still provides the tri-role functionality as
Snow's default weapon, but provides a lot more power in exchange for a bit of
limitation in options.

In the realm of attributes the Power Circle clearly favors strength over magic
This doesn't damage Snow's functionality to a crippling degree, however.
Magic is clearly the lesser option compared to straight up punching foes in
the face as a commando, and he is still perfectly able to utilize this
weapon's incredible strength stat to deal elemental magic damage with the
ravager's strike abilities. What this weapon denies him is the effective use
of his normal ravager spells, which isn't particularly damaging, and the
commando's ruin spell, which can cause a few problems. In situations where the
party faces enemies strong against physical damage it is near pointless to
keep Snow as a commando if you expect him to deal damage. In most other
situations however Snow is able to MacGyver his strength stat into producing
profound amounts of pain.

As with the Wild Bear, the Power Circle comes complete with the physical wall
synthesis ability. This is modestly useful for trimming away some of the
damage that is already shaved off when Snow assumes the sentinel role. Though
hardly useful outside of this purpose, it is worth at least a second glace.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) there is no special property to accompany this
weapon, leaving it somewhat basic.

The Power Circle is a considerable alternative to the Wild Bear, powerful in

comparison yet oh so slightly restricting. Considering how early in the game
you nab this particular weapon, you will likely be juggling between the two
trying to figure out which you prefer.

----- Feymark
| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 25,000/12,500 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 10: the Synthrona |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 30(+5) > 130 | | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Enfeeblement. Greatly weakens Snow's natural strength stat.
The exact amount is unknown.

Synthesis: Magic Damper. Renders Snow immune to magical damage and healing.
The only ways to restore his health is through the use of items or Eidolons.

Soul Blazer
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(153,000) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/32,500 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 60(+6) > 300 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Hindrance. Weakens Snow's natural strength stat. The exact
amount is unknown, but it is significantly less damning than Enfeeblement.

Synthesis: Magic Damper. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,526,313) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/56,875 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 60(+10) > 1,050 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Hindrance. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Well this one is certainly interesting. If your goal for Snow is to
make him a dedicated magic user, Feymark is easily your best bet. Its magic
stat is absolutely incredible, blowing most all of his weapons out of the
water, and the ability to make himself immune to the same sort of damage he's
dishing out is a delicious bonus. Unfortunately these terrific boons come at
the price of pigeonholing him into the magician role, for the weapon does
everything in its power to ensure that his physical attacks border on useless.

The most notable property of this weapon is the disparaging difference between
its magic and strength stats: its magic is obscenely high, and its strength is
obscenely absent. Not only does he not get any strength from Feymark but the
enfeeblement and hindrance special properties cut into natural strength stat,
making him physically weaker than he would be if he had no weapon at all.

This damning combination practically cuts physical attacks out of his

repertoire, requiring him to rely solely upon magic to deal damage. But the
damage he deals can reach ludicrous levels. The only trouble with this
strategy arises when he's faced with enemies sporting high magic resistance,
in which case the extreme specialization of this weapon comes back to haunt

Another side of this weapon comes to light with the incredible magic damper
synthesis bonus. Once activated this ability makes Snow completely immune to
magic damage of all sorts. When used against certain enemies magic damper
ensures victory even before the encounter begins. The downsides are numerous,
however. Unable to rely upon restorative spells, Snow is forced to use items
and Eidolons to heal and cure him of ailments. Additionally, in order to
obtain this bonus Snow needs to outfit himself with five magisterial crests,
items that cannot be found and must be created through upgrading with the
elusive dark matter catalyst. In short, this ability is near impossible to
bring into play until near the end game and at incredible cost.

The Feymark is a specialist weapon. If you have even a vague notion to deal
physical damage with Snow, this weapon's features will stand squarely in your
way. If your goal is to dish out magical damage however, there is no better
choice. Magical damper brings forth a whole new game out of the weapon,
providing a situational yet match-ending power.

----- Sacrificial Circle

Sacrificial Circle
| Exp: 1,500(174) > 84,024 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 210,000/10,500 | Purchased: Gilgamesh Inc. | XXX |
| Strength: 41(+9) > 266 || Magic: 41(+9) > 266 | | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Paper Tiger. Reduces Snow's maximum HP by 60% (he has 40% of
his normal amount.)

Synthesis: Damage Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Snow can reduce the amount of damage he receives from all attacks by a sum of
5, 10, 15, or 20.

| Exp: 2,600(232) > 566,640(477,568) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/27,300 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 25(+9) > 565 || Magic: 25(+9) > 565 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Silk Tiger. Reduces Snow's maximum HP by 30% (he has 70% of
his normal amount.)

Synthesis: Damage Wall. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,164,801) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/47,775 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 30(+10) > 1,020 || Magic: 30(+10) > 1,020 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Silk Tiger. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Sacrificial Circle is a cinderblock of pain. The raw stat power behind
this is incredible, and you will find yourself dealing heaps upon heaps of
damage with both spells and physical attacks using it. What downsides come
with a weapon of this immense power? The answer is Snow's greatest asset: his
HP pool.

The big draw for the Sacrificial Circle is its monstrous stats. Only the
Feymark can challenge its power, and then only with its magic stat and only in
the ultimate tier. In addition, the Sacrificial Circle's stats are dead equal,
allowing for equal performance with magical and physical attacks. By these
accreditations alone it may appear to eclipse everything else in Snow's armory
by far. But there is one drawback that can potentially break the deal.

No weapon of godly power is without a drawback, and this one strikes Snow's HP
pool. Paper Tiger and Silk Tiger reduce his final HP count by 60% and 30%
respectively. This either renders his strongest role, sentinel, emaciated or
average depending upon the rank and which 'tiger' status is in effect. Thanks
to his enormous health pool however, Silk Tiger reduces it merely to equal
standing with everyone else. This makes the weapon a potentially worthwhile
investment, but only once it reaches its advanced tier. To help offset the
loss in health this weapon sports the damage wall synthesis ability, which
augments his sentinel capabilities somewhat but serves little to no purpose

If you're willing to sacrifice some of Snow's huge HP total in favor of

insurmountable damage output this weapon will do the job beautifully. While it
hurts his survivability by a great deal, Snow's natural ability to survive is
huge by comparison to begin with, and this weapon will merely put him on the
same level as his peers. This is all assuming you upgrade Sacrificial Circle
immediately to advanced tier however. Only then can you begin to enjoy its
insane power without being crippled by the horror that is Paper Tiger.

----- Rebel Heart

Rebel Heart
| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| 11,000/5,500 | Plautus's Workshop | Found: Chapter 12, Gran Prix Circuit |
| Strength: 5(+3) > 65 || Magic: 3(+10) > 70 | | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Critical: Power Surge. When Snow's health dips below 10% he
will enjoy a modest boost to his attack power for the duration of his critical

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. When Snow's health dips below 10% he will
enjoy a modest 50% boost to his attack power for the duration of his critical
Warrior's Emblem
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(154,752) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/14,300 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 8(+6) > 248 || Magic: 17(+6) > 257 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Critical: Power Surge II. When Snow's health dips below 10%
he will enjoy an enormous boost to his attack power for the duration of his
critical status.

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,526,976) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/25,025 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 8(+6) > 602 || Magic: 17(+6) > 611 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Critical: Power Surge II. When Snow's health dips below 10%
he will enjoy an enormous boost to his attack power for the duration of his
critical status.

Synthesis: None

Notes: I have mixed feelings about this weapon. It's not at all bad, but to
make complete use of it requires quite a bit of risk, and to do so for an
extended period requires a party setup that is potentially detrimental to its
stability. Otherwise, it's normally a weaker variation of the Wild Bear.

In terms of stats the Rebel Heart is a solid weapon. They're are not
incredibly weak, but not incredibly strong either. In terms of mindless
brawling and routine battles Snow will be better off sticking to more
consistent weapons such as most of the rest of his selection. This coat does
however have the capacity to shine very brightly, but it takes some risk to

This weapon comes out of its shell when Snow's HP dips into critical status.
Then two things happen: Critical: Power Surge kicks in, giving Snow a superior
boost to his Strength and Magic attributes, and if you have the synthesis
bonus active Low HP: Power Surge activates as well, boosting those attributes
even higher. At this point Rebel Heart goes from just below sub-par to
absolutely incredible, but only as long as Snow remains below 10% health. This
is a risky endeavor that you shouldn't rely upon unless you have another
character playing sentinel and the third in a non-medic role. Even then all it
takes is for one or two rogue attacks, an unprovoked enemy, or an area-effect
attack to spoil your day.

Rebel Heart is about risk. In order to take full advantage of it you will need
to keep Snow critical and as much damage as humanly possibly focused
elsewhere. This pulls Snow out of his strongest role of sentinel, but the
boons are potentially worthwhile for a well prepared team. It should be noted
that taking advantage of the abilities provided by the Rebel Heart are
slightly less risky given Snow's enormous HP pool, and that the synthesis
ability can be obtained at full power with only one accessory. Regardless of
setup however, there are a number of enemies against whom this weapon's
special abilities should never be utilized, namely unprovokable or AOE dealing
foes. Otherwise, with the right setup and a little in-battle prep, this weapon
can make Snow downright deadly.

----- Unsetting Sun

Unsetting Sun
| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| 21,000/10,500 | Gilgamesh Inc | Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Sixth Tier|
| Strength: 18(+6) > 168 || Magic: 3(+2) > 53 | | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. If an enemy's stagger gauge is full, attacks
with this weapon will not push them over into staggered status.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Snow will get a
different synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are
equipped. One or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award
Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

Midnight Sun
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(438,600) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/27,300 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 23(+8) > 503 || Magic: 6(+2) > 126 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,251,536) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/47,775 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 23(+8) > 815 || Magic: 7(+2) > 205 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Every character has a weapon combining the Stagger Lock and Instant
Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost abilities. In most cases they retain a place in
that character's lineup, be it the awesome power behind Sazh's Rigels or
acting as one of Vanille's quirky alternatives. Not so for Snow. The stats are
okay, but better can be found elsewhere. And the special property, though
useful, does little to assist it too much.

The stats inherent with the Unsetting Sun are viable. There is a clear
emphasis on strength and it operates in the same vein as the Power Circle, but
still falls slightly behind. Most weapons geared with these abilities are
associated with high stats, and it's disappointing to see one without. If
you've seen the other stagger lock and gestalt weapons you know the deal here.
Instant Chain provides a slight chance with each attack to max out the chain
gauge, while stagger lock prevents Snow from knocking his enemy into a
staggered state. This odd little duality relies upon teammates to capitalize

Even if you plan to utilize Snow offensively instead of as a tank, the

Unsetting Sun is functional yet not overtly useful. Nearly every other one of
his weapons is extraordinary in some way and excels in some particular
instance, but the Unsetting Sun fails to find a place and should really be
passed over in favor of something else.

----- Paladin

| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| 20,000/10,000 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 7, Pedestrian Terraces |
| Strength: 8(+4) > 88 || Magic: 8(+4) > 88 | | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Improved Guard. Slightly improves the effectiveness of the
Steelguard and Mediguard sentinel abilities.

Synthesis: High HP: Power Surge. As long as Snow's health stays above 90% he
will enjoy a modest boost to his attack power.

Winged Saint
| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(218,210) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/26,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 13(+5) > 213 || Magic: 13(+5) > 213 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Improved Guard II. Modestly improves the effectiveness of
the Steelguard and Mediguard sentinel abilities.

Synthesis: High HP: Power Surge. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,432,393) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/45,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 15(+5) > 510 || Magic: 15(+5) > 510 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improved Guard II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Snow is a natural born tank, and Paladin is built for this purpose. If
you plan to use him as a sentinel for most of the game than the Paladin should
be at the top of the list along with the Umbra. This weapon takes the already
hearty Snow and transforms him into an unmovable object that can withstand
constant bombardment without so much as wincing.

As noted, this weapon is made specifically for the sentinel role which makes
no use of stats. With this in mind you will find that the Paladin is somewhat
lacking in that department. If you decide to take Snow on the offensive while
wearing this coat you will certainly notice a certain lack of damage-dealing
capability. This lack of offensive power acts to balance out the Paladin's
special property. At full health and an activated synthesis however, even with
its low stats the Paladin can become a force of reckoning. When Snow tops 90%
of his health his power surge kicks in and those lacking stats increase
dramatically, making him a formidable force. As long as a medic remains in the
back to keep him topped off Snow performs quite well, albeit not stellar, on
the offensive with the Paladin.

The strength of this weapon however lays within its special property Improved
Guard. This property augments the Sentinel's Steelguard and Mediguard skills,
greatly increasing the already astronomical defense they supply by a massive
sum. Snow almost becomes invincible as long as these abilities remain in
effect, leaving his allies free to ravage enemies without pause provided
attention is kept squarely on him.

It is no wonder that the Paladin is one of Snow's most popular weapons. It

turns his sentinel role into an impenetrable defensive bunker in the face of
enemy assaults. Additionally, when fully supported by a healer he becomes a
decent attacker as well. If your goal is to use Snow primarily as a sentinel
you have a hard choice between this weapon and the Umbra, but no other weapons
come anywhere close.

----- Umbra

| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Adamantite |
| B/S: 32,600/16,300 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 9, Bridge Access |
| Strength: 13(+3) > 73 || Magic: 20(+5) > 120 | | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Improved Ward. Slightly improves the effectiveness of the
Fringeward and Deathward sentinel auto-abilities.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Snow can reduce the amount of damage she receives from magical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 3,600(261) > 347,580(280,830) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/42,380 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 15(+4) > 175 || Magic: 25(+6) > 265 | Rank: 9 |
Special Property: Improved Ward II. Modestly improves the effectiveness of the
Fringeward and Deathward sentinel auto-abilities.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

Save the Queen

| Exp: 3,333(286) > 1,717,353(1,369,773) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/74,165 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 14(+4) > 410 || Magic: 26(+6) > 620 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improved Ward II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Umbra is a solid, dedicated sentinel weapon. Everything about it is

focused on that role and, unless Snow ventures outside of sentinel, there is
nothing to be found that would hold it back. Though it features horribly low
stats, these are rarely used by sentinels outside of counters its special
property and synthesis ability more than make up for it.

The disappointment of Umbra lies in the stats, which are honestly quite
depressing. While not necessary for sentinel duty, flexibility is the name of
the game in Final Fantasy XIII, and the emphasis on magic not only restricts
Snow's offensive game but doesn't make too much sense. It would have been more
logical to put more stock in strength to support counter attacks, but c'est
la vie. You have to take the good with the bad, and there's plenty of good to
be found.

Behold Improved Ward. This special property improves two integral parts of a
sentinel's passive ability lineup: fringeward and deathward. Fringeward
reduces damage taken by Snow's allies when he becomes the target of an AOE
attack (i.e.: Thundaga) that may strike other members of his party. Deathward
serves as a defensive last stand, boosting his damage resistance further when
he dips into critical. In heated battles against difficult marks and
challenging bosses (I'm eyeing you, Proudclad) this property can become a tide
-turning force by fortifying Snow when he's at the brink and shielding allies
when they get caught in the crossfire. The Damage Wall synthesis bonus doesn't
hurt too much either.

Umbra is a more party-focused weapon compared to the Paladin; it's not as

effective at supporting Snow solitarily and lacks offensive wiggle room. But
is much more functional when it comes to protecting the rest of the party that
he's tasked to defend in the more chaotic battles, as well as keep him on his
feet in dire circumstances. The two are equally powerful yet very different.
Which you choose to use is up to you.

==> Hope {dho} <==

Hope is the epitome of a dedicated spell caster. Throughout the game he holds
the trophies of lowest HP and highest magic stats among your party. At the
expense of being absolutely horrid at commando and sentinel Hope excels in
every other available role, especially as a ravager and medic. He is also an
incredible synergist, finding himself on par with Sazh by game's end. If you
want to invest the huge sums of CP required he can also become a potent
saboteur, with access to all of the advanced spells.

When it comes to supporting the party, Hope is easily the most powerful
character. Keep his big three roles in mind as you choose your weapon, and try
to anticipate which role you'll be using him most as. And unless you're a
maverick that plans to use Hope as a commando or sentinel his strength stat is

----- Airwing

| Exp: 400(76) > 22,440 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 10,000/5,000 | Purchased: Plautus's Workshop | Default weapon |
| Strength: 18(+4) > 98 || Magic: 12(+3) > 72 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Critical: Shield. If Hope's health drops below 10% into
critical status, he will enjoy a small boost to his physical and magical

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. If Hope's health drops below 10% into critical
status, he will enjoy a boost to his strength and magic stats.

| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(168,600) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/13,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 31(+5) > 231 || Magic: 45(+4) > 205 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Critical: Shield II. Nearly identical to its previous
version, being pushed into critical status will give Hope a modestly larger
boost to his physical and magical resistance.

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,364,052) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/28,160 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 31(+5) > 526 || Magic: 45(+4) > 441 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Critical: Shield II. See above.

Synthesis: None
Notes: The Airwing is an odd deviation from the norm of default weapons. As
opposed to most other characters who get solid weapons with few if any special
things to speak of, Hope gets a comparatively complex piece of equipment with
a synthesis ability and special property that go hand-in-hand, and all in all
is a very interesting pieces of gear. The Airwing would be a fascinating
weapon in the hands of Snow, Lightning, or Fang, but for Hope it's simply a
bad idea.

The first thing to note are its stats, which have all sorts of problems. This
weapon is weak. It barely breaks a potential of 500 points in its ultimate
tier, an achievement that every other weapon easily makes in one way or
another. Another problem is that its stats are unbalanced in the wrong
direction for a magic user. The Airwing is slightly strength-based, improving
a stat that Hope should rarely be using in the first place.

Special properties and synthesis abilities round this weapon out as one that
shines at critical status. When that base 10% is breached all of Hope's
defensive and offensive stats enjoy a moderate boost, making him a much
stronger character all-around. Unfortunately these effects last only as long
as Hope's health remains in the red. This would make for some interesting
strategies except for the tiny detail that Hope is the last character who's
health should be played around with. Hope's tiny HP pool makes trying to take
advantage of this bonus an extremely risky affair, and that last bit of damage
that could push him into critical status is much more likely to overshoot and
kill him.

The Airwing is a decent idea delegated to the worst possible character for it.
The fact that it's a starter weapon adds a bit of quirk to it, but it should
be replaced as soon as possible in favor of something that plays to his

----- Hawkeye

| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 4,400/2,200 | Up In Arms | Found: Chapter 5, Research Corrador |
| Strength: 2(+1) > 27 || Magic: 18(+7) > 193 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Hope can reduce the amount of damage he receives from magical attacks by a sum
of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(437,550) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/8,800 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 4(+2) > 124 || Magic: 26(+8) > 506 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.
Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,084,532) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/22,750 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 4(+2) > 202 || Magic: 26(+9) > 917 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Hawkeye is popular, and for good reason. The Hawkeye is a simple,
no-nonsense weapon with an absurd magic stat. Though it doesn't augment his
heals or improve his buffs, this weapon's pure stat boosts on top of Hope's
already enormous magic stat will make his water spells crush like boulders,
thunder shock like a lightning strike, and fire burn like your regrets the day
after eating Taco Bell.

The main draw of the Hawkeye is its incredibly unbalanced stats. It's strength
attribute is about as useful as an amputated limb, and this may deter you
until you figure out that no amount of weapon strength will help Hope punch
any harder than a second grader. So you avert your attention to magic and
promptly dump your pants. The magic stat on this weapon is heads and heals
above anything else Hope has to offer save the controversial Malphas, and
since anything Hope does (well) involves magic instead of strength there is
nothing to be lost here.

The only downside to this enormous boon of magical power is the lack of
additional upsides. The only other benefit that this weapon provides aside
from the raging inferno of magic is the tepid Magical Wall synthesis ability.
It's not a bad thing when you can knock a few points of damage off of whatever
spells may be coming your way, and for Hope's low HP this is only slightly
more useful than on other characters, but the loss of the accessory slot could
be used more constructively.

If you don't want to be bothered with comparing special abilities and

downsides among various weapons and simply want to get on with the game, there
is no better choice for Hope than the Hawkeye. It improves his ravager game
immensely without damaging his capability to perform in any other area. Though
it lacks character, it will serve you brilliantly well into the end-game.

----- Ninurta

| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 2,800/1,400 | Up In Arms. | Chapter 4, Another Man's Treasure |
| Strength: 12(+5) >137 || Magic: 12(+5) > 137 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.
Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,
Hope can reduce the amount of damage he receives from physical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(437,550) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/5,600 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+6) > 378 || Magic: 18(+6) > 378 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Physical Wall. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,084,532) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/17,920 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+6) > 612 || Magic: 18(+6) > 612 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None

Notes: This should have been Hope's starting weapon, in my opinion. It matches
all of the criteria: balanced stats of decent levels, no special property, and
one of the lackluster "wall" synthesis bonuses. Yet for some reason the
Ninurta is not his default weapon. All we can really do is shrug and look over
this decent yet bland and completely forgettable piece of equipment.

As stated before, the stats are decent and balanced. The problem in this is
that the game is giving attack form flexability to a character who has no
innate capability of it. Only once he hits the third disk does Hope gain
access to the commando role and at this point two things may happen: the
strength attribute on this weapon gains some use with the availability of the
attack command, and the player realizes that without a properly built weapon
Hope should never attack. His strong suit is magic, and while it does provide,
there are more supportive weapons than the Ninurta.

As for the weapon's special augmentations there is very little to be found.

True to default weapon form the Ninurta sports no special property and the
pathetic Physical Wall synthesis ability. Physical Wall may be a minor
investment for Hope given his pathetic health pool, but he's still only
shaving off tiny bits of damage that really don't matter in the end.

Don't get me wrong in my analysis; the Ninurta isn't a bad weapon at all. It's
simply not made for Hope, and there's nothing special to be found here. If the
player does decide to dabble into commando and sticks with it despite the
disappointment of realizing that Hope has no business in that role, the
flexibility of this weapon can serve as a boon. Otherwise its a forgettable
peace of gear that sits with perfect comfort in the corner of the loot bag.
----- Simurgh

| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| 21,200/10,600 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Third Tier |
| Strength: 7(+28) >168 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stifled Magic. Greatly weakens Hope's natural magic stat.
The exact amount is unknown.

Synthesis: Ethereal Mantle. Renders Hope immune to physical damage. The only
ways to restore his health is through the use of items or Eidolons.

| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(154,752) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/27,560 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 35(+9) > 395 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Fettered Magic. Weakens Hope's natural magic stat. The exact
amount is unknown, but it is significantly less damning than Stifled Magic.

Synthesis: Ethereal Mantle. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,364,052) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/48,230 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 35(+9) > 926 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Fettered Magic. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Oh boy. The weakest physical attacker in the game has a hard-core
physical weapon. Abandon all sense, ye who enter here. This is the weapon that
quite literally takes Hope's strongest attribute, runs it into the ground, and
glorifies his weakest. Feel free to give this weapon a shot! I won't stop you
or imply stupidity to be at work, only a simple lack of sanity.

The Simurgh is a complete inverse of Snow's Feymark. This weapon awards Hope
an incredible amount of strength at the loss of his magic. Not only does the
weapon not award any, but the Stifled and Fettered Magic properties inhibit
his spell-casting capacities even further by crippling his natural magic stat.
This weapon ensures that the only way Hope can deal damage is through physical

And here's where problems arise. While this strategy works somewhat with Snow
due to his reasonable natural magic stat and flexibility in ravager and
commando abilities, Hope's options are extraordinarily constrained in where he
can apply his limited strength. Attack and Blitz as a commando remain options,
but without access to the ravager's "-strike" abilities his options in dealing
magic damage are reduced close to nill, which really nips him in the butt when
faced with enemies who are resistant or immune to physical damage.

Ethereal Mantle adds another interesting aspect to this Simurgh. By loading

all four of Hope's accessory slots with Kaiser Knuckles he can enjoy complete
immunity to any physical damage that may be tossed his way. Unfortunately,
this comes at the cost of complete immunity to magical healing as well. Add
into this equation the formidable amount of effort required to obtain just one
Kaiser Knuckle, which can only be procured through upgrading and requires the
elusive Dark Matter catalyst, and the sheer dedication required to make this
weapon shine at its fullest really begins to strike home.

RPGs are about choice. In many other genres you are presented with a linear
experience that is surmounted using specific strategies, but RPGs give you
choices in how you proceed. You have the option to CHOOSE how to build your
characters, and the Simurgh is a prime example of this. You can CHOOSE to be a
madman and make Hope a strength-based super-specialist who deals moderate
damage with physical attacks as a commando. Just make sure you know what
you're getting into.

----- Otshirvani

| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 28,200/14,100 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 12, Expressway |
| Strength: 6(+3) > 66 || Magic: 14(+5) > 114 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Siphon Boost. Improves the effectiveness of Hope's siphon
auto-abilities by 50%. Recipients of this ability's augmentations are
Lifesiphon and Faultsiphon in the commando role and Fearsiphon in the ravager

Synthesis: ATB Rate: +%. This synthesis ability functions much like a
miniature Haste spell that never dissipates. Depending upon the number of
items equipped the rate at which her ATB bar charges can fluctuate between 10%
to 20% by accessory count, allowing an additional attack for every ten to
five performed.

| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(221,600) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/36,660 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+4) > 178 || Magic: 20(+6) > 260 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Siphon Boost II. Improves the effectiveness of Hope's siphon
auto-abilities by 100%.

Synthesis: ATB Rate: +%. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,276,352) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/64.155 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 18(+5) > 513 || Magic: 20(+7) > 713 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Siphon Boost II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: There's nothing to really dislike about the Otshirvani. It sports

moderate stats, but they are balanced out by the weapon's special property and
synthesis ability, which combined allows for Hope to unload actions with
gatling frequency. Though not as efficient at ATB boosting as Lightning's Axis
blade, the Otshirvani is certainly no slouch.

The first thing of note are this weapon's stats. In comparison to his other
weapons the Otshirvani is incredibly average. In addition to an above-average
magic stat it also sports a decent strength score, just in case you plan to
take Hope into a little venture through the commando role. In order to make
this weapon really shine though, you'll have to take advantage of this
weapon's special abilities.

Speed is the name of the game with the Otshirvani. Its ATB Rate synthesis
ability helps to increase the rate with which Hope's ATB segments fill,
allowing him to act more frequently. Top this off with the ATB boosting
properties of the accessories that bestow this bonus and you're looking at a
spell-casting demon that can improve his efficiently regardless of the role he
assumes. This is enhanced with his unusual Siphon Boost special property,
which improves his ATB charging "-siphon" auto-abilities native to the
commando and ravager roles. If you're playing Hope to his strengths this will
primarily affect Fearsiphon, providing ATB charges for attacking staggered

The Otshirvani is quite effective on its own, but in conjunction with another
character using a chain gauge charging weapon such as Lightning's Lionheart or
a stagger maintenance weapon like Sazh's Procyons it can turn into a source
for incessant pain. With all these strengths in mind it really is a shame that
this weapon is procured so late in the game.

----- Malphas

| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 198,000/9,900 | Purchased: Gilgamesh Inc. | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 30(+7) > 205 || Magic: 30(+7) > 205 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: Paper Tiger. Reduces Hope's maximum HP by 60% (he has 40% of
his normal amount.)

Synthesis: Damage Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Hope can reduce the amount of damage he receives from all attacks by a sum of
5, 10, 15, or 20.
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(438,360) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/25,740 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 40(+8) > 520 || Magic: 40(+8) > 520 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Silk Tiger. Reduces Sazh's maximum HP by 30% (he has 70% of
his normal amount.)

Synthesis: Damage Wall. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,097,316) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/45,045 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 40(+8) > 832 || Magic: 40(+8) > 832 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Silk Tiger. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: This weapon is simply a bad idea. It's not bad, but simply putting it
on places Hope in a world of risk that, quite frankly, isn't worth it. If you
like living on the edge and feel like multiplying the risk associated with
Hope's weakest stat, don't let me stop you. Otherwise, steer well clear of the
expensive piece of suicide that goes by the name of Malphas.

The one draw this weapon has are its stats. Marvel their values. Worship them
if that's your thing. The stats inherent in the Malphas are balanced and
enormous. The sum of this weapon's strength and magic stats dwarf anything
that the other weapons have to offer. When you're finished gasping at them
however, you'll soon learn how misleading they can be. The only thing that
this weapon offers for Hope in its strength score is some sort of potency in
the field of commando. With that aside, a higher magic stat can be found on
the Hawkeye, and that can be procured without the immense vulnerability that
the Malphas's special property leaves Hope in.

If you have the lowest HP in the party, the last thing you'll want to be doing
is sacrificing it in the name of better stats. That's exactly what Malphas
does. By dropping the Paper and Silk Tiger special properties on Hope they
effectively cut away at what little health he already has. The inclusion of
Damage Wall is little consolation for this damning catch. Hope already has
problems keeping alive at times; this weapon will frequently lead to his

If you want a balanced weapon, switch to the Ninurta or Alicanto. 200 magic
and strength is a drop in the bucket for a character who already has an
enormous natural magic stat. If you want to deal insane sums of physical or
magical damage, go with the Simurgh or Hawkeye which sport superior individual
stats. And there are plenty of options in between. And none of them sport the
suicidal properties of the Malphas.
----- Vidofnir

| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell 16,900/8,450 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 7, Rivera Towers |
| Strength: 6(+2) > 46 || Magic: 14(+6) > 134 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Defense Maintenance. Increases the duration of offensive
buffs, such as Shell, that Hope casts by 40%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. Increases the duration of all buffs that Hope
casts by 30%, 50%, 70%, or 90%.

| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(221,600) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/21,970 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 8(+3) > 128 || Magic: 20(+7) > 300 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Defense Maintenance II. Increases the duration of offensive
buffs, such as Shell, that Hope casts by 80%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,276,352) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/48,230 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 8(+3) > 305 || Magic: 20(+7) > 713 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Defense Maintenance II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: Hope makes a very strong synergist, rising to the power of Sazh in the
field by the time you get around to chapter 11. If you wish to empower his
synergy side, this weapon is for you. It specializes in supporting this one
role, strengthening it above and beyond its functionality with just any
ordinary weapon. And once the buffs have been applied it even has benefits for
other roles.

Even on stats alone the Vidofnir is strong. Though not nearly the most
powerful weapon in Hope's arsenal, this weapon's stats are potent in the right
places. It realizes that Hope makes a poor commando and adjusts itself
accordingly with low strength and high magic. Though in its final version it's
a good 200 points weaker in magic than the Hawkeye, 700 and some change is
hardly a number to snub. It serves him quite well in his medic and ravager
The jewel of this weapon however lies in its special abilities and their
application to the synergist role. Defense Maintenance functions as a buff
extender, making defensive buffs such as Protect, Shell, Veil, and the "Bar-"
spells stick longer. Stack the synthesis bonus on top of this, which affects
EVERY buff, and whatever aids you place upon your allies will stay put for
entire battles allowing Hope to contribute his DPS to the fight.

Vidofnir is easily a top contender in your consideration for top weapon. It's
powerful and improves one of Hope's most effective roles. If you plan to play
Hope as he was designed you have a tough choice between the Hawkeye,
Otshirvani, and Vidofnir to make.

----- Alicanto

| Exp: 800(116) > 54,800 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 18,000/9,000 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Found: Chapter 10, Inner Conduit |
| Strength: 10(+4) > 110 || Magic: 10(+4) > 110 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. If an enemy's stagger gauge is full, attacks
with this weapon will not push them over into staggered status.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Snow will get a
different synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are
equipped. One or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award
Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

| Exp: 1,500(168) > 387,360(334,656) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/23,400 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 14(+6) > 374 || Magic: 14(+6) > 374 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

| Exp: 3,850(242) > 1,555,092(1,171,016) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40,950 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 14(+6) > 608 || Magic: 14(+6) > 608 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: Well, every character has one of these Stagger Lock/Gestalt combo
weapons, and Hope is no exception. That doesn't necessarily make it GOOD, but
it certainly is. The Alicanto is, to be frank, little more than a weapon to
provide an eighth option and fill in the Stagger Lock/Gestalt slot. I really
feel that Square could have done better with it, giving it its own identity
and place in Hope's arsenal, but it merely comes off as a vanilla alternative
to the vanilla Ninurta.

The stats on the Alicanto are of the standard flexible offensive weapon fare.
They're perfectly balanced and of reasonable power, yet excel in no area. If
you plan to be switching Hope between commando and ravager it's a decent
option, but there will usually be another character in your party who can
handle the commando role much more efficiently anyway, making the point moot.
Thus, working off of the magic stat alone this weapon is quite weak.

The special abilities of this weapon are what sets it apart from its
contemporaries. One thing to be wary of is the Stagger Lock, which is really
very inhibiting for Hope. In an efficient offensive paradigm Hope will be
assuming the role of a ravager, the role that more often than not will be
tipping enemies over into stagger states, especially when the other characters
need to take the roles of sentinel and commando. In these situations the
stagger lock really begins to rear its head as a liability as neither of those
other roles are very capable at staggering enemies. The Random: Instant Chain
synthesis ability can act as a bit of a boon, especially against enemies with
enormous stagger resistance, but you're still left with the inability to
inflict the stagger itself.

I would advise against this weapon. Despite all that's special about it, the
Alicanto is simply not at all special. What may be strengths that assist other
characters and a weakness that can be overcome by the party switch their
usefulness in the case of Hope, becoming an occasionally useful boon and an
incredibly annoying liability. The lackluster and misappropriated stats fail
to help as well. Feel free to give this one a shot, but I seriously discourage
long-term commitment when there are so other more useful weapons in stock.

==> Vanille {dva} <==

When I first met Vanille in chapter 1, the force behind my facepalm left my
forehead red for a week. Here was FFXIII's incarnation of Yuffie, Selphie, and
Rikku; the scantily clad perky spice, this time with an ear-splitting accent.
And while I eventually grew accustomed to her voice, her awkward mannerisms
never ceased to annoy me.

Characterization aside, Vanille has plenty to offer the party. Like Hope she
performs best is a dedicated spell-caster. Though she doesn't pack quite as
much magical power as her younger associate she makes up for it with utility,
possessing greater health and thus survivability. Vanille makes a superb
ravager (despite the lack of -strike and several -aga" abilities,) an
incredible medic, and an astounding saboteur specialist. After obtaining her
Death spell the fun you can have with her increases several fold.

Though she can take more punishment than Hope her survivability is still
leagues behind most of her contemporaries, and her best place is behind the
lines dishing out debuffs and damage while switching to a healing role when
needed. Consider these parameters when determining what you want to equip her

----- Binding Rod

Binding Rod
| Exp: 300(57) > 24,600 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 2,500/1,250 | Purchased: Up In Arms | Found: Default weapon |
| Strength: 18(+6) > 168 || Magic: 12(+1) > 37 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Vanille can reduce the amount of damage she receives from physical attacks by
a sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Hunter's Rod
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(445,950) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/5,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 22(+7) > 198 || Magic: 18(+2) > 138 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Physical Wall. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,393,818) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/16,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 22(+7) > 715 || Magic: 18(+2) > 216 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None

Notes: This weapon is pooh. A strong emphasis on strength makes it a physical

attack weapon, utilizing Vanille's weakest stat. Additionally, there is
nothing special to be found in here in terms of speciality. Though it serves
its purpose up until more weapons become available, there is nothing that the
Binding Rod does that other pieces of gear can't do better.

Now don't get me wrong, the strength stat on this weapon is actually quite
good, but it's because the weapon belongs to Vanille that makes such
inconsequential. Unless you plan on using her for physically attacking as a
commando the point in it is moot and you'll be forced to live with its
depressingly low magic stat. And don't even think of using that strength to
power the ravager's "-strike" abilities; Vanille never gains access to them.
Simply put, these stats are stacked in the wrong direction for Vanille.

The synthesis ability of this weapon is nearly useless. Beyond the fact that
it shaves off such minute sums of damage that it may as well be redundant, in
the later stages of the game when sentinels grow in importance Vanille will
often go completely unnoticed, making this bonus will completely pointless.
Add in the lack of any special property and you end up with disappointing
bonuses to match the Binding Rod's stats.

With its misappropriated stats and absolutely no worthwhile special bonuses,

this is arguably the worst weapon in Vanille's armory. It has its use through
Chapter 2 before the party gains access to magic, but right off the bat you
pick up a Pearlwing, which is immeasurably better compared to the Binding Rod.
If you really insist upon using Vanille as a beat stick an even better option
exists in Chapter 11 in the form of the Rod of Thorns, which sports equal
strength and a magic stat that's just as powerful.

----- Pearlwing Staff

Pearlwing Staff
| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 2,300/1,150 | Up In Arms | Found: Chapter 3, Waters Stilled |
| Strength: 2(+1) > 27 || Magic: 15(+5) > 140 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Vanille can reduce the amount of damage she receives from magical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Brightwing Staff
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(437,550)| Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,600 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 3(+2) > 123 || Magic: 21(+6) > 381 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,393,818) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/14,720 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 3(+2) > 201 || Magic: 21(+9) > 912 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None
Notes: Right after your party gets access to their spells Vanille gets this
beautiful weapon, and many a player will slap it on her and never look back.
And why should they? This weapon is amazing. It's a simple yet powerful piece
of gear that strengthens Vanille right where she'll find the greatest use: her

Among all of Vanille's weapons the Pearlwing Staff is easily her best for
uninhibited magic use. Its magic stat is unparalleled among anything in her
armory, making this the ideal weapon for dishing out gratuitous amounts of
spell damage. If by any chance you wish to use her for physical damage you may
want to look elsewhere as the strength on this weapon is depressingly low, but
who in their right mind would want to do that? What's even nicer about this
weapon is that magic increases the damage of ravager spells and saboteur
spells as well as increasing the potency of heals. It assists all three of her
primary classes right there.

To offset the insane damage output this weapon provides is... absolutely
nothing. There are no debilitating special properties to inhibit Vanille's
performance, or any special properties at all for that matter. All that this
weapon offers in any way beyond pure magical power is the familiar Magical
Wall synthesis ability, which does little more than chip tiny amounts off of
whatever damage she takes. Granted Vanille obtains the Pearlwing early enough
in the game for this ability to make an impact and it's certainly worth
investing in in the meantime, but as the game progresses the relevance of this
Magical Wall fades to uselessness.

It's easy to see why this weapon is so useful. If you plan to use Vanille for
any of her primary classes, this weapon will improve them to some extent
across the board. The Pearlwing well disserves to be at the top of your list
for considerations when choosing her primary weapon and, if it doesn't make
the cut, should unquestioningly be her secondary.

----- Rod of Thorns

Rod of Thorns
| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| 3,000/1,500 | Up In Arms | Chapter 11, Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse |
| Strength: 6(+5) > 131 || Magic: 6(+5) > 131 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Vanille can reduce the amount of damage she receives from magical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Orochi Rod
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(437,550)| Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 16(+7) > 436 || Magic: 16(+7) > 436 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,393,818) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/19,200 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 16(+7) > 709 || Magic: 16(+7) > 709 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None

Notes: If you want to work outside the box and build some commando into
Vanille in order to make her a balanced physical/magical attacker, the Rod of
Thorns is your top choice. With strong, even stats it provides everything she
needs to perform decently as a flexible attacker that can counter any form of

The main draw of the Rod of Thorns is its balance; both of its stats are
equally balanced and progress side by side. Contrary to most weapons that
provide balanced stats however this one is quite powerful, eventually topping
700 points in its ultimate form. Though not quite as powerful in any one area
as most of Vanille's other weapons, combined these two stats are second to
only an undesirable one.

There are no painful special properties to hold this one down, nor
particularly helpful boons to raise it up. It is a very basic weapon in its
lack of special properties, joining the ranks of the Binding Rod and the
Pearlwing. The Rod of Thorns's only real bonus is the Magical Wall synthesis
ability. Unfortunately by the time this weapon is obtained in the main story
the viability of the Wall abilities has already been reduced to near obscurity.
It's hardly worth going out of your way to equip accessories that take
advantage of it.

The Rod of Thorns is a great weapon in theory. It's flexible, yet basic. Its
downfall lies not in the weapon so much as Vanille herself. As a ravager
Vanille lacks access to any of the "-strike" abilities, making her strength in
that role all but moot. Her commando role is incredibly lacking in key
abilities such as Launch and Blitz, weakening her to merely tossing out Ruin
spells and ignoring the strength stat even more. In the end Vanille will
automatically resort to abilities that use magic, and there are simply plenty
of stronger weapons in that regard.

----- Tigerclaw

| Exp: 300(42) > 20,100 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: 300,800/15,000 | Bought: Gilgamesh Inc. | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 23(+7) > 198 || Magic: 23(+7) > 198 | Rank: 2 |
Special Property: Leadenstrike. Reduces your ATB charge rate by a value of 70%
(it charges at 30% of its base speed.)

Synthesis: Vampiric Strike. 1% of the damage you deal with damaging abilities
is returned to you in health. If you deal 4000 damage, you get healed for 40.

| Exp: 800(116) > 253,320(233,220) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/39,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 36(+8) > 516 || Magic: 36(+8) > 516 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Ironstrike. Similar to Leadenstrike yet more palpable. Your
ATB charge is reduced by a value of 50%.

Synthesis: Vampiric Strike. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,611,048) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/68,250 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 36(+8) > 828 || Magic: 36(+8) > 828 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Ironstrike. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Tigerclaw is beyond a doubt incredibly powerful. It stands tall

above most any other weapon in Vanille's arsenal in terms of raw stats, and a
low rank makes it incredibly easy to upgrade. Yet this weapon still fails to
garner favor thanks solely to its snail's crawl of an attack rate.

This weapon has balanced stats that together reach gargantuan heights. No
other weapon Vanille has can match the Tigerclaw in terms of strength, and
only the magic-specialized Pearlwing can beat it out in magic. This
overbearing power is stunted by the realization that Vanille's only way to
utilize strength is through the commando's attack command, and even that is
limited by a lack of launch or blitz. With the lack of ability for her to
employ her strength stat, the magic is left alone to feel inferior to stare
the Pearlwing.

The special attributes of this weapon drag it down even further. Leadenstrike
and Ironstrike cut the number of actions Vanille can perform in combat by no
less than half, dividing her efficiency in turn. There is no way to
counteract this incredible burden outside of laying on haste spells, and those
would function much better on her if she wasn't inflicted by the curses laid
upon this rod.

The weapon tries to balance its slow attack speed with the Vampiric Strike
ability and, unlike in most cases where it's a small but interesting boon, for
Vanille it can prove to be somewhat useful. More so than any other character
with a weapon sporting this synthesis ability, Vanille can deal large sums of
damage to enemies in AOE patterns. This allows her to soak up health from
multiple sources in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, as awesome as this concept
sounds on paper, it still fails to overcome the enormous crutch that is

I advise against this weapon. It's endeavors to impress with high strength is
nearly pointless and better magic can be found elsewhere. Though it's viable
and provides an interesting take on Vanille's playstyle through the Vampiric
Strike synthesis, its special property is simply too debilitation to make
everything else worthwhile. It can be a fun toy on occasion though. If you
ever plan to use this weapon regularly make sure that the first thing you do
is upgrade it to the Wyrmfang. Replacing that Leadenstrike with the not-so-
horrific Ironstrike is a game-changing priority.

----- Healer's Staff

Healer's Staff
| Exp: 2,000(125) > 63,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Adamantite |
| Buy/Sell: 19,800/9,900 | Plautus's Workshop | Found: Chapter 8, Clock Tower|
| Strength: 8(+2) > 48 || Magic: 8(+2) > 48 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Improved Cure. Boosts the effect of all medic spells by 10%.

Synthesis: High HP: Power Surge. As long as Vanille's health stays above 90%
she will enjoy a modest 50% boost to her strength and magic stats.

Physician's Staff
| Exp: 2,115(252) > 281,160(217,410) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/25,740 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 20(+4) > 180 || Magic: 20(+4) > 180 | Rank: 9 |
Special Property: Improved Cure II. Boosts the effect of all medic spells by

Synthesis: High HP: Power Surge. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,583,208) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/45,045 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 28(+4) > 424 || Magic: 28(+4) > 424 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improved Cure II.

Synthesis: None

Notes: The Healer's Staff is an interesting weapon. Though it appears to

dedicate Vanille to the role of dedicated party healer, its functionality
works quite a bit deeper and if properly utilized makes her rather adept in
all of her primary roles.

By far the most disappointing aspect of this weapon is its stats. Piss-poor
magic, second only to the Binding Rod in weakness, haunts her otherwise
excellent spell casting game. Her spells hurt and heal less than any of her
other options save the aforementioned Binding Rod. Fortunately these are
offset a little by her synthesis ability.

High HP: Power Surge is a formidable synthesis ability that boosts her
disappointing stats to respectable levels, but only as long as she remains
at tip-top health. With the bonus in place this weapon makes her a spell-
asting powerhouse, only slightly surpassing the strength provided by the
Pearlwing. Once she falls below that 90% threshold however the bonus will
evaporate, leaving her with trashy stats once again. Fortunately she has a
unique special property that works hand-in-hand with her synthesis bonuses.

The Healer's Staff is by name a healing weapon, and the special property
reflects this supportive lean. Improved Cure boosts the potency of her healing
spells by incredible margins. Once upgraded to its advanced tier her heals
enjoy a 20% boost after her weapon and natural magic stats are calculated.
Couple this with the Power Surge when it's active (calculated BEFORE Improved
Cure) and it doesn't take much thought to comprehend just how powerful of a
healing force she becomes.

The key to this weapon is control. In order to utilize it to its full

potential you must have complete control of both Vanille and the battle. In
the hands of an AI it is incredibly difficult to direct its use efficiently.
Unless an ally is in dire straits it will often be a good idea to heal Vanille
first to activate the Power Surge so that the rest of the party can be topped
off more efficiently. And against opponents that cause pure pandemonium (curse
you, Proudclad!) there will be so much focus on keeping the team alive that it
becomes neigh impossible to keep the Healer's Staff at full force. Still, when
control can be attained this weapon proves itself both a potent and fun to use
earning my seal of approval.

----- Mistilteinn

| Exp: 1,200(225) > 66,750 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| B/S: 11,000/5,500 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 12, Edenhall Grand Foyer|
| Strength: 5(+3) > 65 || Magic: 11(+6) > 131 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Ally KO: Power Surge. Provides a 10% bonus to Vanille's
strength and magic as long as an ally is KO'd. This bonus stacks for each KO'd

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. As long as Vanille's health stays below 10%
she will enjoy a modest boost to her attack power.

Erinye's Cane
| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(218,210) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/14,300 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 7(+4) > 167 || Magic: 15(+8) > 335 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Ally KO: Power Surge II. Provides a 30% bonus to Vanille's
strength and magic as long as an ally is KO'd. This bonus stacks for each KO'd

Synthesis: Low HP: Power Surge. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,579,408) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/25,025 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 7(+4) > 403 || Magic: 15(+8) > 807 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Ally KO: Power Surge II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: There is at least one weapon in most characters' armories that sport
interesting ideas with horrendous execution. The Mistilteinn is one of these.
Fortunately the execution for it isn't exceedingly horrible as the stats are
quite palpable, but everything else about it takes advantage of situations
that are less than ideal and compounds upon that misfortune by empowering
Vanille with them.

Mistilteinn's stats know Vanille well and are allocated accordingly. The magic
stat that it boasts is more than satisfactory, outstripping the strength by a
large margin. In fact, if you compare the stats of the Mistilteinn with the
Belladonna Wand you will find that the two are completely identical right down
to the progression rates, joined at the ultimate tier by the Heavenly Axis.
Aside from the mindless magical melting pool of the Pearlwing and the
(shudder) Tigerclaw these three weapons represent the strongest in magical
power that Vanille has to offer, which makes special capabilities the real
defining points.

Ally KO: Power Surge is the keystone of this weapon, and also where it begins
its negative differentiation. This weapon offers nothing special normally, but
as the battle steadily goes to Hell Vanille becomes progressively stronger.
Unfortunately the boosts she receives from her special property and Low HP:
Power Surge synthesis ability don't come nearly close enough to make up for
the loss of her other party members.

This weapon is an interesting prospect. It's potent and functional normally,

and if a battle goes downhill it makes its user stronger. The problem lies in
its user: Vanille. Vanille has the second-lowest survivability in the game.
Perhaps if it gave her defense boosts or haste so that she may survive long
enough to revive her teammates it would be a powerful last-ditch weapon, but
the only functionality I can see it in is if the rest of the party is down and
the player wishes to go for broke in a DPS race against their foe. Otherwise
the perks of this weapon serve little use and would serve better on the front
line combatants.

----- Belladonna Wand

Belladonna Wand
| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 31,200/15,600 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 6, Sun-dappled Trail|
| Strength: 5(+3) > 65 || Magic: 11(+6) > 131 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Improved Debuffing. Improves the chance of certain saboteur
spells cast by Vanille to stick to enemies by 20%. This ability only affects
the Poison, Deshell, Deprotect, Imperil, and Dispel spells.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. Increases the duration of all buffs and debuffs
that Vanille casts by 30%, 50%, 70%, or 90%.

Malboro Wand
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(153,000) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40,560 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 7(+4) > 167 || Magic: 15(+8) > 335 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Improved Debuffing II. Improves the chance of certain
saboteur spells cast by Vanille to stick to enemies by 40%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,673,328) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/70,980 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 7(+4) > 403 || Magic: 15(+8) > 807 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improved Debuffing II. See above.

Synthesis: None

Notes: This weapon is wonderful. As the game progresses and the virtues of a
saboteur begin to stand out Vanille steadily becomes more useful. And when you
get this everything hits home. Its stats aren't the best in the world, but
they're strong and dependable, allowing her to function well in all of her
primary roles. The real draw lies in its special abilities, and once you gain
access to her ultimate saboteur spell Death, you'll be praising this weapon
even more.

The Belladonna is a mage's weapon. It has a low strength stat and a high magic
stat, equal in Mistilteinn in magnitude and progression in fact. These stats
are quite respectable even if they aren't the strongest, but the main draw of
the Belladonna is its special abilities.

For Vanille there is no better weapon for a saboteur role. Improved Debuffing
is an enormous boon for applying debuffs rapidly onto your enemies. The sooner
Vanille can get her debuffs to stick the sooner she can assume a ravager role
or start spamming her Death spell.
Death is a wonderful spell. Though it has a tiny 1% chance to instantly kill
its targets, the remaining 99% of the time it will drop some huge damage in
their laps. And that 1% chance isn't static; with each debuff piled onto the
enemy it increases by another percentage point. With the increased chance to
make debuffs stick as provided by the Belladonna Vanille can finish her prep
duty earlier and start spamming Death, now with a much higher chance to
succeed. This is an extraordinarily effective method of taking out certain
singular, difficult enemies such as Adamantoise and Ochus.

Buff Duration +% adds another layer of awesomeness to this weapon. Though the
ability description states that it works for buffs, testing has concluded that
debuffs also fall under its realm of influence. This allots even more time for
Vanille to lay into her enemies with to ravager spells or roll the dice of
Death before reapplication. Though not mandatory when dealing with trash mobs,
it can be useful to gauge your upcoming opponents and modulate her
synthesizing accessories accordingly. Weak enemies won't last long enough for
the bonus to be worthwhile, and accessories that produce the effect are in
themselves of very situational use.

Regardless of the synthesis bonus, the Belladonna is absolutely amazing. With

the attainment of Death the only reason Vanille would have to leave her
saboteur role would be to deal with smaller enemies not worth the monstrous
spell's time. Consider equipping some spring shoes to improve your Death
turnover. This weapon is in the top tier of her armory next to the Pearlwing
and should be given serious consideration.

----- Heavenly Axis

Heavenly Axis
| Exp: 800(116) > 54,800| Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| B/S: 24,000/12,000 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 11, Oerba, Village Proper |
| Strength: 5(+3) > 80 || Magic: 11(+6) > 161 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. If an enemy's stagger gauge is full, attacks
with this weapon will not push them over into staggered status.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Vanille will get a
different synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are
equipped. One or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award
Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.

| Exp: 1,500(168) > 387,360(332,560) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/31,200 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 7(+4) > 247 || Magic: 15(+8) > 495 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

| Exp: 3,740(308) > 1,864,368(1,477,008) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/54,600 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 7(+4) > 403 || Magic: 15(+8) > 807 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: We saw it with Hope and we see it here: these weapons are horrible for
ravagers. The stats on this weapon are decent, but it suffers from pitfalls
that make it nearly unusable in terms of its special abilities. There is
little that Heavenly Axis does that others can't do better.

Stat-wise, Heavenly Axis isn't bad. It starts out slightly stronger than the
Belladonna Wand and Mistilteinn, but its stats slowly even out to equality.
There really isn't much to complain about until you get to the special

The Instant Chain ability is useful, but for a ravager can be somewhat
redundant. The purpose of a ravager is to build the chain gauge, and while
it's handy to have the option to boost it to near full at random this
attribute fits better with a commando who can maintain it at the same time.
The real ball-buster however is the Stagger Lock, which inhibits Vanille from
initiating a stagger status. This is a game-killer for characters that rely
upon the ravager class for DPS as it's their role to deal that stagger.

Pass the Axis up up. It's simply not meant for Vanille, and there are much
more interesting and useful weapons that she can use. The stats on this weapon
simply aren't worth the road block that Stagger Lock places.

==> Fang {dfa} <==

The last character you obtain in the game is Fang, and she acts as one of your
clutch front line characters. She is built to kill stuff and chew bubblegum,
and no characters come close to her strength attribute. While clearly her
strongest role is commando, she makes a powerful sentinel and totes along a
menagerie of saboteur spells to boot. All in all she is one nasty, sassy, sexy
force of nature who is more than capable of dishing out the justice.

Fang's armory is more colorful than most. Magic shouldn't be nearly as much a
concern with her as strength, as physical damage is her primary medium of DPS.
Though she specializes in taking and giving pain, also keep in mind that she
is also strong in the realm of sabotage, which uses her magic stat to
calculate her chances of making debuffs stick. Keep these tips in mind when
choosing her primary weapon.
----- Bladed Lance

Bladed Lance
| Exp: 300(57) > 24,600 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 4,500/2,250 | Purchased: Up In Arms | Found: Default weapon |
| Strength: 5(+3) > 130 || Magic: 35(+2) > 85 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Physical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Fang can reduce the amount of damage she receives from physical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 470,550(445,950) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/9,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 60(+4) > 300 || Magic: 17(+2) > 137 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Physical Wall. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,299,375) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/28,800 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 60(+7) > 763 || Magic: 17(+3) > 314 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: The Bladed Lance is a shining example of a good default weapon. It fits
Fang like a glove with its emphasis on physical damage. Much like Snow's Wild
Bear, it covers all the bases and fleshes out her strengths in the party, yet
fails to excel in any. If you want an all-around weapon that suits Fang
regardless of her role, there are few better choices.

It is clear from the stats that the Bladed Lance was made for good the old-
ashioned bludgeoning of enemies into the dirt. Strength takes a clear
prescience over magic, embellishing Fang's unmatched prowess as a commando.
Magic takes a back seat to strength. Though this doesn't hurt her game too
much, it does inhibit her ability to deal substantial damage using Ruin or
consistently make her saboteur spells stick.

The synthesis bonus of Physical Wall is a touch less useless than usual for
Fang in her sentinel role. The ability to shave a solid number of damage off
from an already reduced sum can be incredibly useful, but turns mundane the
moment she switches out. Like most starter weapons there is no special
property to raise this weapon up or hold it down.

Though a good weapon with no downsides, the Bladed Lance is far from a
superior piece of weaponry. Its lack of specialization makes it bland, and
there are other weapons that are simply more powerful.

----- Partisan

| Exp: 420(75) > 33,000 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| 6,600/3,300 | Up In Arms | Chapter 11, Vallis Media, Fingers of Stone |
| Strength: 6(+1) > 31 || Magic: 39(+6) > 189 | Rank: 3 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Fang can reduce the amount of damage she receives from magical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

| Exp: 1,730(115) > 307,350(274,350) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/13,200 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 10(+2) > 130 || Magic: 47(+7) > 467 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,462,275) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/42,240 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 10(+3) > 307 || Magic: 47(+8) > 839 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: None.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: The Partisan is a rough reflection of the Bladed Lance in concept and
functions somewhat the same. I suppose this is to provide some options if you
plan to take her down the path of the spell caster, which she is surprisingly
not half bad at. Despite not being one of her primary three, Fang gains access
to all of the core ravager abilities and can develop very respectable natural
magic to back it up.

The stats are what make this weapon unusual. The Bladed Staff was essentially
flip-flopped for the Partisan, sporting strength that hovers at roughly a
third of her magic. Obviously this spits on her commando role, the most
powerful role she has, but on the other hand it empowers the potency of her
ravager spells and the stickiness of her debuffs, all at the cost of dealing
physical damage. And even when she does go commando, she can still deal
sustainable damage with Ruin.

The special capabilities that the Partisan provides are nothing special.
Magical Wall can provide a touch of damage mitigation against magic-using
enemies, but still retains its negligible functionality outside of the
sentinel role. Special properties are bare and afford nothing of use.

If you want to veer off the path that the game sets for Fang, this weapon
provides the means without crippling her other options. Though it weakens her
ability to devastate enemies with physical attacks, it opens the door to
Fang's potential fourth role as ravager, as well as improves her general
spell-casting game. The only real down side of this weapon is that regardless
of what it improves Fang's capabilities with Vanille can naturally surpass.
She's a better ravager and saboteur overall, but at least the Partisan gives
Fang the option.

----- Dragoon Lance

Dragoon Lance
| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 230,000/11,500 | Purchased: Gilgamesh Inc. | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 39(+7) > 179 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stifled Magic. Greatly weakens Fang's natural magic stat.
The exact amount is unknown.

Synthesis: None.

| Exp: 2,076(138) > 190,680(152,640) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/5,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 65(+8) > 385 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Fettered Magic. Weakens Fang's natural magic stat. The exact
amount is unknown.

Synthesis: Synthesis: Ethereal Mantle. Renders Fang immune to physical damage.

The only way to restore her health is through the use of items or Eidolons.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,588,125) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/16,000 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 71(+9) > 962 || Magic: 0(+0) > 0 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Fettered Magic. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: Fang's specialty is dishing out grievous wounds, and this weapon was
designed specifically for that purpose. The Dragon Lance is a monumental
pillar of pain that can cut down enemies in a mere few attacks and, with the
right accessory loadout, turn her into an invincible wall in the face of
retribution. Unfortunately these boons come at the cost of eradicating Fang's
magical capabilities.

Strength is the name of the game with the Dragon Lance, and it delivers in
spades. This bladed staff provides more of it than any other weapon in her
inventory, accentuating her specialty as a physically-inclined commando. In
exchange for unrivaled strength this weapon cripples her magic stat, providing
none itself and attacking her natural magic with the Stifled Magic special
property. Upgrading to the advanced tier lightens the loss a little with
Fettered Magic, but the use of spells coming from her will still be rare.
She'll deal more damage with a paper airplane than Ruin, and saboteur debuffs
will rarely stick.

What about that synthesis bonus? Off the bat Fang gets none, but upgrade to
the Dragonhorn and throw a bunch of Kaiser Knuckles on her and Ethereal Mantle
rears its awesome head. There are few things in this world more awesome than a
character that's immune to half the damage thrown at them, and seeing as how
Fang makes a great sentinel this bonus becomes even more incredible. The main
downside is the sheer effort of obtaining those Kaiser Knuckles necessary for
this bonus to go into effect. Once attained, it would also be wise to keep an
Eidolon summon on tap in case Fang's health starts to get low; aside from
summons and horribly ineffective potions Ethereal Mantle disallows any other
form of healing.

If your plans for Fang are to have her mindlessly cut things in half, look no
further than the Dragon Fang. It is power overwhelming. Just ensure that
you're ready to sacrifice her spell-casting abilities when you invest in it.
Also be sure to work on those Kaiser Knuckles as you progress, as the
synthesis bonus improves Fang's already incredible sentinel prowess several
fold. If you want more wiggle room in your paradigms using Fang however, look

----- Shamanic Spear

Shamanic Spear
| Exp: 800(116) > 38,040 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 23,000/11,500 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 13, The Tesseracts |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 47(+7) > 187 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Enfeeblement. Greatly weakens Fang's natural strength stat.
The exact amount is unknown.

Synthesis: Magic Damper. Renders Fang immune to magical damage and healing.
The only ways to restore her health is through the use of items or Eidolons.
Heretic's Halberd
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 191,040(153,000) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/29,900 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 50(+8) > 370 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Hindrance. Weakens Fang's natural strength stat. The exact
amount is unknown.

Synthesis: Magic Damper. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,578,585) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/52,325 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 0(+0) > 0 || Magic: 50(+9) > 941 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Fettered Magic. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: If you want to make Fang full spell-caster and find Partisan too soft,
the Shamanic Spear is all the hardcore you'll need. Much like the Bladed Lance
and Partisan, the Shamanic Spear is the magical equivalent of the Dragon
Lance, turning Fang into an incredible magic powerhouse at the cost of her

Magic rules the charts here as strength is nowhere to be seen. Where the
Partisan opened the doors to Fang's magical power, this weapon blows them
right off their hinges. Huge magic portends Ruin and ravager spells dealing
incredible sums of damage, and you should have no problem applying debuffs to
your foes. On the occasions where magic resistant creatures appear however,
the Shamanic Spear turns into a huge burden. The lack of any strength as well
as the Enfeeblement special property ensure that the damage Fang can do with
physical attacks amount to next to nothing.

Magic Damper provides an incredible high-level boon that works stupendously

for any class and especially well with sentinel. Making herself completely
immune to magic turns the threats associated with many of the game's
challenging magic dependant enemies into walking dead men. The cost of
attaining this ability is high however, requiring no less than four Magistral
Crests, items attained only through bank-breaking accessory upgrades. There is
also the inability to be healed by magic, which makes Fang a bit more
susceptible to physical damage.

Fang can be a powerful spell-caster, but her real strength lies in physically
assaulting enemies. This is not to mention that half of this weapon's power is
restricted to the end-game, the only time where you'll have enough money to
sink into enabling Magic Damper. I can only recommend this weapon to players
who think way, way outside the box with their characters and take them in
directions they were not initially meant to go. Otherwise, better items can be
found elsewhere.
----- Punisher

| Exp: 1,500(215) > 70,850 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| B/S: 31,000/15,500 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 12, Ramuh Interchange |
| Strength: 20(+4) > 100 || Magic: 31(+6) > 151 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Stagger: TP Charge. Every time an enemy is staggered the
player is awarded 10 points of TP. For comparison, the level 5 TP bar holds
600 TP.

Synthesis: Magical Wall. Depending upon the number of accessories equipped,

Fang can reduce the amount of damage she receives from magical attacks by a
sum of 5, 10, 20, or 30.

Banescissor Spear
| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(214,110) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40,300 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 22(+5) > 222 || Magic: 38(+7) > 318 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Stagger: TP Charge II. Every time an enemy is staggered the
player is awarded 20 points of TP.

Synthesis: Magic Wall. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,484,665) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/70,525 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 22(+5) > 517 || Magic: 38(+7) > 731 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger: TP Charge II. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: The Punisher is a very niche weapon and near useless out of its
element. Its stats are geared towards magical power, but remain rather weak.
At the same time its special property requires use of the ravager role to
consistently make use of.

I find the stats on the Punisher quite disappointing. They are among the
weakest in Fang's arsenal and, though not spread out in a ridiculous manner,
do show a preference for magic over strength. This allows for Fang to perform
effectively if she is forced to bring physical attacks to bear, but overall
prefer magic. We can only hope that the special property does something to
alleviate these shortcomings.

And does it? Not really. Stagger: TP Charge awards a small amount of TP to the
player each time Fang delivers a staggering blow to an enemy. Seeing as how TP
isn't quite as useful for general game progression, the only application it
would have is for TP farming for specific tasks that require it. Even then the
bonus that it provides is hardly noticeable next to that provided after
battles and from other abilities such as Gestalt/TP Boost provided by other
weapons. Even then the only role at can stagger enemies with any real
efficiency is the ravager, which is not among Fang's list of primary roles.

Magical Wall is potentially useful for when Fang dons the role of sentinel,
but is otherwise useless. A disappointing synthesis ability to round out a
disappointing weapon.

Unless you place a huge emphasis on TP use, pass this weapon up. There is next
to nothing worthwhile to find on it. Its stats are sub-par, its synthesis
ability is generic and negligible, and its special property only works
effectively when Fang goes out of her way to invest in the ravager role. There
are better weapons out there that play more to her strengths.

----- Pandoran Spear

Pandoran Spear
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 70,850 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 16,200/8,100 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 9, Crew Corridors |
| Strength: 20(+4) > 100 || Magic: 31(+6) > 151 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Improved Debilitation. Improves the chance of certain
saboteur spells cast by Fang to stick to enemies by 20%. This ability only
affects the Daze, Slow, Curse, Pain, and Fog spells.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. Increases the duration of all buffs that Fang
casts by 30%, 50%, 70%, or 90%.

Calamity Spear
| Exp: 3,000(240) > 307,200(236,350) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/21,060 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 22(+5) > 222 || Magic: 38(+7) > 318 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Improved Debilitation II. Improves the chance of certain
saboteur spells cast by Fang to stick to enemies by 40%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,462,425) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/36,855 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 22(+6) > 616 || Magic: 38(+8) > 830 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improved Debilitation II. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: If you consistently rely upon Fang for saboteur duty there is no better
weapon than the Pandoran Spear. Like Vanille's Belladonna Wand, the beauty of
this weapon lies in its special capabilities, enabling the application of
debuffs to stick more easily and last longer, allowing her to focus on the
more pressing concern of beating the crap out of her victims. Not only does it
excel at debuff application, but the stats aren't all that bad either.

The stat distribution on the Pandoran lies in favor of magic, but strength
doesn't follow too far behind. Both stats are reach levels high enough to
receive worthwhile investment. Together with Fang's natural stats this weapon
should provide more than enough to handle most situations thrown at her.

Only when Fang switches to saboteur does the Pandoran show its true potential.
Improved Debilitation improves upon the high magic value of this weapon by
tagging a percentage-based improvement upon the final success calculation of
all of Fang's debilitation spells (note that it only works for Daze, Slow,
Curse, Pain, and Fog.) This compounds with the Buff Duration +% synthesis
bonus to ensure that these debuffs last even longer once applied. This damning
combination makes Fang's saboteur spells hit harder and last longer, a deadly
duo. And considering how she gains access to both single-target as well as AOE
versions of the affected spells, this weapons can become a recipe for bedlam.

The only major downside for the Pandoran is the specialization in its special
abilities. Both of them apply only to her saboteur spells (technically she can
also use Buff Duration +% for synergist spells, but she sucks at that role.)
As a result utilizing this weapon for other roles can make it seem a touch
lacking. Regardless, it's amazing at what it does and deserves considerable
consideration if you intend to have Fang cast debuffs often.

----- Taming Pole

Taming Pole
| Exp: 800(116) > 54,800 | Max level: 26 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| 27,000/13,500 | Gilgamesh Inc. | Chapter 11, Oerba, Rust Eaten Bridge |
| Strength: 23(+5) > 148 || Magic: 23(+5) > 148 | Rank: 4 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. If an enemy's stagger gauge is full, attacks
with this weapon will not push them over into staggered status.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. Fang will get a
different synthesis ability based upon how many synthesis accessories are
equipped. One or two will bestow Instant Chain, while any more will award
Gestalt/TP Boost.

The Random: Instant Chain ability gives each attack by the character a random
chance to completely fill the target's chain meter. The proc chance for this
ability is 0.5%.

Gestalt/TP Boost: Improves any other effects existent on the character that
provide income to the Gestalt and TP gauges. These include accessories,
abilities, and the default post-battle awardance.
Venus Gospel
| Exp: 1,500(168) > 387,360(332,560) | Max level: 61 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/35,100 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 30(+6) > 390 || Magic: 30(+6) > 390 | Rank: 6 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: Random: Instant Chain --- Gestalt/TP Boost. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,382,265) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/61,425 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 30(+9) > 921 || Magic: 30(+9) > 921 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Stagger Lock. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: The Taming Pole is widely lauded as the best weapon in Fang's inventory
and though it is encouraged you to reach your own decision on what you
consider best, I must at least agree that this weapon is absolutely astounding
It is true that ability wise this is the staple Stagger Lock/Gestalt weapon
for Fang, but the synthesis is useful, the drawback almost unnoticeable, and
the stats incredible. If you play Fang to her strengths, this weapon provides
everything you need in abundance.

The real boasting right that this weapon has is tons and tons of both stats,
equally balanced and equally incredible. The strength on this weapon is nearly
as chart-topping as that found on the Dragoon Lance, and the magic almost as
monumental as the Shamanic Spear. However, the Taming Pole has the advantage
of providing BOTH stats WITHOUT the opposing weakness. When summed together
the Taming Pole easily eclipses every other weapon in Fang's inventory. High
magic makes her debuffs stick and her Ruin burn; high strength makes her
attacks devastating. What's not to love?

What sort of limitation has been placed on this weapon to counteract its
power? Stagger Lock. Does it make a difference? Hardly at all. Fang's three
strongest roles, commando, sentinel, and saboteur, barely need to worry about
tipping the stagger gauge. The only role that really influences it to a
notable degree is the commando's ability to reduce the chain bonus delay, not
build it. Most of the staggering in any encounter will be performed by a
ravager, and Fang does not specialize in that role. In the end teamwork easily
overcomes this minor crutch.

A nice little bonus can be found in the synthesis ability. The Instant Chain
bonus is a nice barbed-wire cherry on top of this mountain of chocolate pain.
It never hurts to have the ability to instantly top out the chain gauge at any
random time, unexpectedly turning battles in your favor. Gestalt/TP Boost is
also a useful tool for TP farming.
So close to being overpowered, it's not difficult to see why everybody loves
it. Though it doesn't offer much aside from its insane stats what it does
provide is handy at the least and unnoticeable at the worst. All that the
Taming Pole doesn't improve is Fang's sentinel role. Unless you have something
very specific in mind for Fang or intend to specialize in a very specific
role, this weapon will cover all of your bases in abundance. I highly, highly
recommend it.

----- Gae Bolg

Gae Bolg
| Exp: 1,500(215) > 70,850 | Max level: 21 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| B/S: 13,100/6,550 | Plautus's Workshop | Chapter 6, Western Promenade |
| Strength: 23(+4) > 103 || Magic: 12(+4) > 92 | Rank: 5 |
Special Property: Improved Counter. Increases the damage done by Fang's
Counter Sentinel ability by 40%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. Increases the duration of all buffs that Fang
casts by 30%, 50%, 70%, or 90%.

| Exp: 2,600(232) > 284,960(214,110) | Max level: 41 | Cat: Trapezohedron |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/17,030 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 30(+5) > 230 || Magic: 20(+5) > 220 | Rank: 8 |
Special Property: Improved Counter II. Increases the damage done by Fang's
Counter Sentinel ability by 80%.

Synthesis: Buff Duration +%. See above.

Kain's Lance
| Exp: 4,400(275) > 1,769,625(1,484,665) | Max level: 100 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/29,802 | Purchased: XXX | Found: XXX |
| Strength: 48(+6) > 642 || Magic: 48(+6) > 642 | Rank: 11 |
Special Property: Improved Counter II. See above.

Synthesis: None.

Notes: Well isn't this an odd little specimen. Though Fang will spend much of
her later game acting as a sentinel this is the only weapon that addresses it
directly, and it does so in an odd yet appropriate fashion. Though modest with
its stats, the Gae Bolg comes forward with its special abilities which give it
an unusual duel sentinel-saboteur role on the battlefield.

A look at the Gae Bolg's stats reveals nothing special. They are evenly
balanced and of modest power. But when you compare them to some of Fang's more
specialized weapons they're not that bad. Though they fall behind the
Pandoran in totality, the power of this weapon lies instead in its quirky

Unlike Snow who has a couple weapons focusing on allowing him to soak up
damage, the Gae Bolg instead improves Fang's ability to utilize her massive
strength to fight back as a sentinel. Whenever her Counter auto-ability is
triggered, Improved Counter tacks a massive damage boost onto her retributive
attack. Unfortunately, Counter doesn't occur with any semblance of
reliability. It triggers randomly after a successful Evasion, which is also a
random event. Equip a set of Nimbletoe Shoes to improve your chances.

For saboteurs there's Buff Duration +%. This handy synthesis ability extends
the duration of any buff or debuff cast by Fang by a percentage depending upon
how many synthesis items she has equipped. It's often wise to bump this up to
50% at most, as durations above begin to grow ridiculous and the synthesis
items aren't the most helpful in the world.

Gae Bolg certain deserves some consideration. Though it isn't the strongest in
Fang's arsenal, it is incredibly unique and the only one that's sentinel
specific. Against most enemies it can become a valuable tool, especially come
end-game against foes that require both debuffs and a sentinel's attention.

Accessories {daa}

Where weapons are the spear of the Final Fantasy XIII item management system,
accessories form the shaft. They're not vital to the process of cutting
somebody, but the functionality that they provide makes everything all the
more easier.

Though you will often find yourself with numerous copies of the same
accessory, it is still usually unwise to sell any of them. Few items are
entirely useless; when you reach a point in the game when a bonus of 50 HP
isn't worth a second glance, a slew of flak-grade components and a few budget
catalysts is usually all you need to make it a viable item again. Other items
maintain a viable function throughout the game, and even others can be
upgraded to form something completely different.

There are no stats directly involved with accessories; they are all about
special properties and synthesis abilities, even though a number of them have
properties that DO modify a character's attributes. It's also important to
take note of synthesis abilities. Accessories not only produce bonuses with a
weapon of the same synthesis group, but also with each other. Lightning's
Enkindler gunblade along with the Aurora Scarf and Sprint Shoes all synthesize
together to form ATB +15%, yet even after that Enkindler is upgraded to the
Omega Weapon and loses its ability to synthesize the accessories will still
combine to produce a 10% ATB bonus.

These features are covered in detail in the Synthesis section.

Each accessory is presented in the following format:

----- Group name

Accessory name
| Experience | Max level | Catalyst |
| Shop values | Purchased | Rank |
| Treasure/Attainment |
| Special Property |
| Synthesis Ability |

Group name: Throughout their upgrade process most items maintain the same
function basic function, merely improving upon it. The group name is a heading
under which all iterations of this item fall within simply for the sake of
orderly classification.

Notes: Present only at the beginning of an accessory group. My tips and advice.
This is purely from my point of view, but that perspective is based
upon intense observation, arduous experimentation, and thorough discussion
with other players. I will summarize the accessory and its features as well
as how to make optimal use of it.

Accessory name: The name of the actual item itself.

Experience: The upgrade process works on an experience system, and each item
requires a different amount to level up. This value is formatted as:

min(additive) > total(needed).

"Min" is the amount of experience that is needed for the item to increase
from level 1 to 2, "additive" is the value by which the previous level's
experience requirement is increased in order for the weapon to advance past
the current (for example, if a weapon needs 800 exp to travel from level 1 to
2 and 916 to travel from level 2 to 3 this value will equal 116 (916 minus
800.) Likewise, travel from level 3 to 4 will require approx 1032 exp), and
"total" is a lump sum of all of the experience that is needed for the item
to travel from level 1 to star. The game tosses us a bone through the upgrade
process in that all of the experience the item gains in its first iteration
is added to it when it advances a tier; an item after an upgrade will
often be a number of levels above the base. Therefore the "needed" value is
provided for every tier above the first, letting you know how much experience
you will need to reach star levels immediately after upgrading as opposed to
from level 1.

Max Level: The maximum amount of experience required for the item to reach its
maximum "star" level. Upon achieving star level, the item can be morphed into
its next version with a catalyst stone. When upgraded from a previous tier
many accessories will find themselves several levels above the base. Under
these circumstances another number will accompany the Max level value
representing the level that the item possesses immediately following its
progression from the previous tier.

Catalyst: Listed here is the name of the Catalyst component that is required
to initiate an items metamorphosis from a star level to a level one of its
next tier of advancement. Catalyst stones are covered in the components

Shop values: Shop values indicate the buy/sell price of the item. Unless
you're experimenting with items or deconstructing them for parts, you should
never really need to know these values, but they are presented anyway for your
convenience. They are listed as buy/sell, with "buy" being their cost and
"sell" being how much they can be sold for. A "XXX" value indicates that it
cannot be bought.

Purchased: This field indicates which shop the item can be procured from. A
value of "XXX" indicates that it cannot be bought.

Rank: To complicate the leveling process even further, every item has a
rank. Rank applies only to the upgrade process, covered in depth in the
upgrade section, but in brief this value modifies the experience that
components grant the accessory during the upgrade process. The higher the
rank, the less experience a component will bestow. Ranks scale from 1 to 11,
and in general any component is worth approx three times as much to a rank 1
item than an 11.

Attainment: If an accessory can be found in a treasure chest, and most basic

versions can, it will be listed by location and chapter number here. There are
also cases where an item can be attained through alternate means, which will
also be listed here. A value of "XXX" indicates that it can only be attained
through upgrades.

Special Property: This field is reserved to cover the item's special property
that it provides the player when equipped. Beyond its name, I will also
briefly describe its function. On some accessories the special properties
improve as it levels up. In these cases I will provide the following
additional information:

min(+increment) > max(current).

"Min" is the potency of the special property at level one, "increment" is how
much it increases with each level it gains, "max" is the maximum effect of the
item once it reaches its star level, and "current" is the potency of the
special ability immediately following its upgrade from a previous tier.

Synthesis: Here I record the synthesis effect of the item.

Now on with the accessories!

----- Bangles
Notes: If you have your character decked out with optimal weapons and
accessories and still have a spot left over you can't go wrong with a bangle.
These accessories specialize in boosting the character's HP bar, a useful
asset regardless of your character's build. Unfortunately lower level bangles
can find themselves outclassed quickly, so the game makes it a point to
provide this group with the longest list of upgrades in the game. If you want
to get a feel for the upgrade process early on bangles are an excellent group
to practice on as they upgrade cheap and quickly.

In terms of synthesis bonuses the bangles are all over the place, trading out
synthesis groups with each upgrade and attach themselves to a large pool of
different groups. If you're looking to score High HP or Low HP: Power Surge or
any of the Walls, it's a good idea to research early and know when to stop
upgrading your favored bangle.

Iron Bangle
| Exp: 100(28) > 780 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Millerite |
| Buy/Sell: 500/250 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 1 |
| Attained: Chapter 1: Aerorail Trussway 12-E |
| Chapter 1: Aerorail Trussway 6-W |
| Chapter 2: Sacrarium |
| Special Property: HP + 50(+14) > 120 |
| Synthesis Ability: High HP: Power Surge |

Silver Bangle
| Exp: 200(56) > 1,560(780) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: Rhodochrosite |
| Buy/Sell: 800/400 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Amid Timebound Waves |
| Garuda Interceptor 2nd fight, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: HP + 100(+16) > 180(148) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Tungsten Bangle
| Exp: 300(99) > 7,455(5,895) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: 1,500/750 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Felix Heights |
| Aster Protoflorian, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: HP + 150(+8) > 230(174) |
| Synthesis Ability: Low HP: Power Surge |

Titanium Bangle
| Exp: 440(132) > 10,340(2,885) | Max Lvl: 11(9) | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,600/1,800 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: HP + 200(+8) > 280(264) |
| Synthesis Ability: Damage Wall |
Gold Bangle
| Exp: 550(165) > 12,925(2,585) | Max Lvl: 11(9) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 9,000/4,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Bridge Access |
| Special Property: HP + 250(+10) > 350(330) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magic Wall |

Mythril Bangle
| Exp: 720(228) > 34,740(21,815) | Max Lvl: 16(9) | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: 15,000/7,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Pass of Paddra |
| Special Property: HP + 300(+10) > 450(380) |
| Synthesis Ability: High HP: Power Surge |

Platinum Bangle
| Exp: 910(301) > 75,390(40,650) | Max Lvl: 21(13) | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 48,000/24,000 | Purchased: Sanctum Labs | Rank: 7 |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Northern Highplain |
| Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Aggra's Pasture |
| Hunt Mission 03 reward |
| Special Property: HP + 400(+10) > 600(520) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Diamond Bangle
| Exp: 1,120(384) > 143,200(67,810) | Max: 26(18) | Catalyst: Adamantite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/36,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 8 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 26 reward |
| Hunt Mission 38 reward |
| Special Property: HP + 500(+20) > 1,000(840) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Adamant Bangle
| Exp: 1,350(427) > 301,315(158,115) | Max: 36(23) | Catalyst: Dark Matter |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/50,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 9 |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Special Property: HP + 800(+20) > 1,500(1,240) |
| Synthesis Ability: Damage Wall |

Wurtzite Bangle
| Exp: 1,600(580) > 790,500(489,185) | Max Lvl: 51(32) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/150,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 10 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: HP + 1,500(+30) > 3,000(2,430) |
| Synthesis Ability: None |

----- Wristbands
Notes: Wristbands are superb for adding some extra oomph to your physical
attacks. These accessories are great for filling that one leftover spot on
your strength-inclined characters. Wristbands deal exclusively in improving
the strength of the character upon which it is equipped, making it a boon for
brawlers and useless for spell casters. They also act as synthesizers for the
physical wall ability, which may be useful early on but quickly loses most of
its polish as the game progresses.

If you want to take advantage of the ludicrous power of the Ethereal Mantle
synthesis ability, this is the place to do it. Ethereal Mantle is a passive
ability that makes the user immune to all physical damage, but at the same
time unable to be healed by magic. Nabbing this ability requires an associated
weapon and no less than four wristbands leveled up to the final tier of Kaiser
Knuckles. This is an incredibly expensive endeavor, but arguably one that can
pay off in massive dividends.

Power Wristband
| Exp: 520(212) > 4,720| Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: 1,000/500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 2: Ambulatory |
| Special Property: Strength + 20(+8) > 60 |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Brawler's Wristband
| Exp: 1,040(424) > 29,480(24,760) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: The Estheim Residence |
| Geiseric, common drop 5% |
| Special Property: Strength + 50(+7) > 120(71) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Warrior's Wristband
| Exp: 1,560(636) > 44,220(19,460) | Max Lvl: 11(8) | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 10,000/5,000 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Chapter 1: Aerorail Trussway 12-E |
| Hunt Mission 23 reward |
| Special Property: Strength + 100(+8) > 180(156) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Power Glove
| Exp: 2,080(848) > 58,960(14,740) | Max Lvl: 11(9) | Catalyst: Dark Matter |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/13,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 8 |
| Attained: Chapter 12: Edenhall |
| Special Property: Strength + 150(+10) > 250(230) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Kaiser Knuckles
| Exp: 2,600(1,060) > 73,700(14,740) | Max Lvl: 11(9) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/31,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 10 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Strength + 200(+10) > 300(280) |
| Synthesis Ability: Ethereal Mantle |

----- Marks
Notes: Marks are the magical equivalent to the wristbands. These accessories
boost the wearer's magic stat by various amounts, making them keen items to
use when filling empty accessory slots on spell casters. The Magical Wall
synthesis bonus that many of them use is quickly phased out with the game's
progression, making synthesis options with them very limited.

Once upgraded to the Magistral Crest however, synthesis comes back into the
picture in the form of Magic Damper. Against magical enemies this ability
reigns supreme, nullifying any magical damage that the user may receive in
exchange for limiting healing to Eidolons and items. Making use of this
ability however requires a total of four Magistral Crests in addition to a
synthesizing weapon, which adds up to a wallet-numbing investment.

Magician's Mark
| Exp: 520(212) > 4,720| Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: 1,000/500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Amid Timebound Waves |
| Special Property: Magic + 20(+8) > 60 |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Shaman's Mark
| Exp: 1,040(424) > 29,480(24,760) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Rivera Towers |
| Raktavija, common drop 5% |
| Special Property: Strength + 50(+7) > 120(71) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Sorcerer's Mark
| Exp: 1,560(636) > 44,220(19,460) | Max Lvl: 11(8) | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: 10,000/5,000 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 05 reward |
| Hunt Mission 18 reward |
| Special Property: Strength + 100(+8) > 180(156) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Weirding Glyph
| Exp: 2,080(848) > 58,960(14,740) | Max Lvl: 11(9) | Catalyst: Dark Matter |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/13,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 8 |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Special Property: Strength + 150(+10) > 250(230) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Magistral Crest
| Exp: 2,600(1,060) > 73,700(14,740) | Max Lvl: 11(9) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/31,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 10 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Strength + 200(+10) > 300(280) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magic Damper |

----- Belts
Notes: Belts are handy, handy accessories to have for your melee characters,
especially sentinels. The ability to cut away percentages from the physical
damage you receive is an invaluable boon if survivability is an issue. Just
keep in mind that these items function only against physical damage, not
magical. The Physical Wall synthesis ability is a nice bonus, but nothing to
phone home about.

Black Belt
| Exp: 480(198) > 4,380 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 4,500/2,250 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 4: Another Man's Treasure |
| Chapter 7: Felix Heights |
| Geiseric, rare drop 1% |
| Special Property: Physical Resistance 10%(+2) > 20% |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

General's Belt
| Exp: 960(396) > 27,420(23,040) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: Adamantite |
| Buy/Sell: 12,000/6,000 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 44 Reward |
| Special Property: Physical Resistance 15%(+1) > 25%(18) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Champion's Belt
| Exp: 1,440(574) > 41,130(18,090) | Max Lvl: 11(8) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/18,150 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 9 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Physical Resistance 20%(+1) > 30%(27) |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

----- Bracelets
Notes: If you anticipate facing enemies with damaging magical attacks,
bracelets can help you out immensely. They cut a good percentage of the damage
you may take from magical attacks away, making them great for sentinels. Keep
in mind that they function only against magical damage, so they won't have any
effect if you get punched in the face. Don't choose this item for its
synthesis bonus however; it's not nearly as helpful as the accessory itself.

Bracelets protect again ALL magic. If you know exactly what sort of elements
your enemies will be tossing your way, it may be more worth your while to
invest in some rings.

Rune Bracelet
| Exp: 480(198) > 4,380 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 4,500/2,250 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Bridge Access |
| Raktavija, rare drop 1% |
| Special Property: Magical Resistance 10%(+2) > 20% |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Witch's Bracelet
| Exp: 960(396) > 27,420(23,040) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: Adamantite |
| Buy/Sell: 12,000/6,000 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: The Haerii Archaeopolis |
| Hunt Mission 35 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 42 Reward |
| Special Property: Magical Resistance 15%(+1) > 25%(18) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Magus's Bracelet
| Exp: 1,440(574) > 41,130(18,090) | Max Lvl: 11(8) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/18,150 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 9 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Magical Resistance 20%(+1) > 30%(27) |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |
----- Armlets
Notes: Armlets combine the effects of belts and bracelets into a single,
handy package. The damage resistances that these accessories boast cover
both physical and magical attacks, but make up for this duality by being
generally only half as effective. Regardless, they go well with any Sentinel.
Sadly, the lack of a synthesis ability makes them a synthesizing dead end.

It's up to you whether you wish to advance this item to the second tier. A
star level Royal Armlet provides a solid 15% damage reduction, while the same
level of Imperial ups it to 20. This small shift comes at the cost of a Dark
Matter catalyst, which is habitually both extremely elusive and incredibly
expensive. Whether that 5% is worth your time is really up to you.

Royal Armlet
| Exp: 1,000(264) > 245,920 | Max Lvl: 11 | Catalyst: Dark Matter |
| Buy/Sell: 200,000/20,000 | Purchased: Sanctum Labs | Rank: 8 |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Cargo Access |
| The Proudclad 2nd fight, common drop 100% |
| Hunt Mission 12 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 61 Reward |
| Special Property: Damage Resistance 5%(+1) > 15% |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

Imperial Armlet
| Exp: 1,500(330) > 10,800(0) | Max Lvl: 6(*) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/50,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 10 |
| Attained: Tiamat Eliminator, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Damage Resistance 10%(+2) > 20%(20) |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

---------- Rings
Notes: Rings make up a massive number of very similar items. Like the
Bracelets Rings reduce the damage you take from magical attacks, but only of
the given element. Rings are noticeably stronger than Bracelets in their
respective fields. If your party is going up against some elemental enemies
and you know exactly what they'll be tossing your way ahead of time, it may be
wise to invest in some of these.

The synthesis bonuses for these items are well worth looking into. When
combined with Brooches, Earrings, Charms, or other copies of the same Rignt of
the same element or, that character receives a boost to elemental damage of
that type. This boost ranges from 20% for two items to 30% for three and 50%
for four. This bonus functions beautifully with ravager spells and bar-element
buffs. Just two points of note: the only way to deal wind damage is with the
Aero ravager spells, and the only way to deal earth damage is with the Quake
technique, available only to the party leader and then only if that character
knows Quake.

-- Fire Rings

Ember Ring
| Exp: 200(26) > 1,260 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 4: Devastated Dreams |
| Chapter 4: Scrap Processing |
| Chapter 9: Crew Corridors |
| Special Property: Fire Resistance 20%(+2) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: Fire Damage +% |

Blaze Ring
| Exp: 500(112) > 3,620(2,360) | Max Lvl: 6(3) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 12: Siren Park |
| Hunt Mission 27 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 53 Reward |
| Special Property: Fire Resistance 25%(+2) > 35%(29) |
| Synthesis Ability: Fire Damage +% |

Salamandrine Ring
| Exp: 900(198) > 6,480(2,860) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Fire Resistance 30%(+2) > 40%(36) |
| Synthesis Ability: Fire Damage +% |

-- Ice Rings

Frost Ring
| Exp: 200(26) > 1,260 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 11 Reward |
| Special Property: Ice Resistance 20%(+2) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: Ice Damage +% |

Icicle Ring
| Exp: 500(112) > 3,620(2,360) | Max Lvl: 6(3) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Ice Resistance 25%(+2) > 35%(29) |
| Synthesis Ability: Ice Damage +% |

Boreal Ring
| Exp: 900(198) > 6,480(2,860) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Ice Resistance 30%(+2) > 40%(36) |
| Synthesis Ability: Ice Damage +% |

-- Lightning Rings

Spark Ring
| Exp: 200(26) > 1,260 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Forgotten Commons |
| Chapter 4: Scavenger's Trail |
| Chapter 9: Starboard Weather Deck |
| Pulse Armament Minigame: 35+ kills |
| Special Property: Lightning Resistance 20%(+2) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: Lightning Damage +% |

Fulmen Ring
| Exp: 500(112) > 3,620(2,360) | Max Lvl: 6(3) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Enlil, common drop 100% |
| Hunt Mission 06 Reward |
| Special Property: Lightning Resistance 25%(+2) > 35%(29) |
| Synthesis Ability: Lightning Damage +% |

Raijin Ring
| Exp: 900(198) > 6,480(2,860) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Lightning Resistance 30%(+2) > 40%(36) |
| Synthesis Ability: Lightning Damage +% |

-- Water Rings

Aqua Ring
| Exp: 200(26) > 1,260 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 6: Rain-spotted Vale |
| Chapter 7: Nutriculture Complex |
| Special Property: Water Resistance 20%(+2) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: Water Damage +% |

Riptide Ring
| Exp: 500(112) > 3,620(2,360) | Max Lvl: 6(3) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Sulyya Springs: Ceiling of Sky |
| Enki, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Water Resistance 25%(+2) > 35%(29) |
| Synthesis Ability: Water Damage +% |

Nereid Ring
| Exp: 900(198) > 6,480(2,860) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Water Resistance 30%(+2) > 40%(36) |
| Synthesis Ability: Water Damage +% |

-- Wind Rings

Zephyr Ring
| Exp: 200(26) > 1,260 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: The Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse |
| Special Property: Wind Resistance 20%(+2) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: Wind Damage +% |

Gale Ring
| Exp: 500(112) > 3,620(2,360) | Max Lvl: 6(3) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Taejin's Tower: Fourth Tier |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Hunt Mission 52 Reward |
| Special Property: Wind Resistance 25%(+2) > 35%(29) |
| Synthesis Ability: Wind Damage +% |

Sylphid Ring
| Exp: 900(198) > 6,480(2,860) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Wind Resistance 30%(+2) > 40%(36) |
| Synthesis Ability: Wind Damage +% |

-- Earth Rings

Clay Ring
| Exp: 200(26) > 1,260 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Eastern Tors |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Sixth Tier |
| Special Property: Earth Resistance 20%(+2) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: Earth Damage +% |

Siltstone Ring
| Exp: 500(112) > 3,620(2,360) | Max Lvl: 6(3) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 39 Reward |
| Special Property: Earth Resistance 25%(+2) > 35%(29) |
| Synthesis Ability: Earth Damage +% |

Gaian Ring
| Exp: 900(198) > 6,480(2,860) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Earth Resistance 30%(+2) > 40%(36) |
| Synthesis Ability: Earth Damage +% |

-- Universal Rings
The Goddess's Favor has the Rapid Recovery ability, which reduces the duration
of any debuff that the equipped character is afflicted with. Though handy,
this item is most popular for its ability to be disassembled and producing a

Entite Ring
| Exp: 800(185) > 20,625 | Max Lvl: 16 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: 120,000/60,000 | Purchased: Sanctum Labs | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Barthandelus 1st fight, common drop 100% |
| Dig up 15 items with a Chocobo |
| Special Property: Elemental Resistance 10%(+1) > 25% |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

Goddess's Favor
| Exp: 1,800(0) > 1,800(0) | Max Lvl: 2(*) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/10 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Barthandelus 2nd fight, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Rapid Recovery |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

---------- Resistors
Notes: Resistors are a moderately large category of accessories geared towards
improving your character's resistance to specific status ailments. Their names
are as varied as their effects, but aside from the specific debuffs they
combat each accessory in this list is practically identical. The application
of these items is very specific: if you know what debuffs the enemies you're
about to face is going to send your way, you can slap one of these on to
reduce the chance that you'll suffer. Otherwise that accessory slot is being
put to little use.

Tossing two or more of the same accessory in this category will produce a
synthesis bonus that reduces the duration of the associated debuff by 20%,
40%, or 60% for each additional accessory. Sadly, this bonus is rather moot;
if the debuff is debilitating enough to affect your party synergy you can
easily wipe the slate clean with a medic or cancel the effects out with a
synergist well before the reduced duration bonus comes into play. Slapping on
more than one resistance accessory is largely a waste anyway.

The exceptions to this rule are the crowns. These accessories bestow the
Vampiric Strike synthesis bonus.

-- Gloves
Notes: Gloves protect against the Debrave debuff.

Giant's Glove
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 28 Reward |
| Special Property: Debrave Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Debrave Duration -% |

Warlord's Glove
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Debrave Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Debrave Duration -% |
-- Buckles
Notes: Buckles protect against the Defaith debuff.

Glass Buckle
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 32 Reward |
| Special Property: Defaith Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Defaith Duration -% |

Tektite Buckle
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Defaith Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Defaith Duration -% |

-- Armbands
Notes: Armbands protect against the Deprotect debuff.

Metal Armband
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 4, Munitions Necropolis |
| Chapter 6, Rain-Spotted Vale |
| Chapter 10, Inner Conduit |
| Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Third Tier |
| Chapter 11, Mah'habara, An Asylum from Light |
| Special Property: Deprotect Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Deprotect Duration -% |

Ceramic Armband
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Deprotect Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Deprotect Duration -% |

-- Sachets
Notes: Sachets protect against the Deshell debuff.

Serenity Sachet
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Deshell Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Deshell Duration -% |

Safeguard Sachet
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Deshell Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Deshell Duration -% |

-- Orbs
Notes: Orbs protect against the Slow debuff.

Glass Orb
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Fourth Tier |
| Chapter 11, Yaschas Massif, The Tsumitran Basin |
| Special Property: Slow Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Slow Duration -% |

Dragonfly Orb
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Slow Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Slow Duration -% |

-- Pendants
Notes: Pendants protect against the Poison debuff.

Star Pendant
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 5, Field Trial Range S |
| Chapter 8, Chocobo Corral |
| Hunt Mission 37 Reward |
| Special Property: Poison Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Poison Duration -% |

Starfall Pendant
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Poison Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Poison Duration -% |

-- Necklaces
Notes: Necklaces protect against the Imperil debuff.

Pearl Necklace
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 04 Reward |
| Special Property: Imperil Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Imperil Duration -% |

Gemstone Necklace
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Imperil Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Imperil Duration -% |

-- Talismans
Notes: Talismans protect against the Curse debuff.

Warding Talisman
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 7, Naturiculture Complex |
| Chapter 11, The Faultwarrens, The Gaian Path |
| Special Property: Curse Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Curse Duration -% |

Hexbane Talisman
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Curse Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Curse Duration -% |

-- Dampener
Notes: Dampeners protect against the Pain debuff.

Pain Dampener
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 9, Rotary Shaft |
| Chapter 9, Bridge Access |
| Special Property: Pain Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Pain Duration -% |
Pain Deflector
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Pain Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Pain Duration -% |

-- Capes
Notes: Capes protect against the Fog debuff.

White Cape
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 9, Rotary Shaft |
| Hunt Mission 33 Reward |
| Special Property: Fog Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Fog Duration -% |

Effulgent Cape
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Fog Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Fog Duration -% |

-- Anklets
Notes: Anklets protect against the Daze debuff.

Rainbow Anklet
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 10, Lower Traverse |
| Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Fourth Tier |
| Chapter 11, Mah'habara, The Asylum from Light |
| Special Property: Daze Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Daze Duration -% |

Moonbow Anklet
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Daze Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Daze Duration -% |

-- Crowns
Notes: Crowns protect against the Death effect. They also provide the Vampiric
Strike synthesis ability. Enemies who use Death are rare to the point of being
limited to a couple unique encounters. Otherwise this accessory is useful only
for its synthesis ability.

Vampiric Strike can be fun to have, absorbing 1% of the damage you deal as
health, but can be a pain to attain and optimize for. You need no less than
four items (weapons count) to activate it and the associated accessories are
limited in use. I strongly suggest equipping only one crown and filling your
remaining two accessory slots with the Zealot's Amulet and Battle Talisman, as
their special properties will see much more use.

Cherub's Crown
| Exp: 450(114) > 3,390 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: B&W Outfitters | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Chapter 13, The Tesseracts |
| Special Property: Death Resistance 30%(+3) > 45% |
| Synthesis Ability: Vampiric Strike |

Seraph's Crown
| Exp: 760(195) > 16,375(12,985) | Max Lvl: 11(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Death Resistance 40%(+2) > 60%(46) |
| Synthesis Ability: Vampiric Strike |
---------- Amulets
Notes: Amulets provide a variety of critical- and auto- effects of the general
buff nature. Most of them follow a formula of universal value, upgrade cost,
similar function, and the like. Every amulet serves no function until the
equipped character falls into critical status, at which point the item
provides an associated buff. Once upgraded to the second and ultimate tier the
accessory bestows that buff automatically at the start of battle. It is
generally most wise to upgrade your selected items to the final tier and
simply use a synergist to replenish these buffs as needed.

The differences lie in their synthesis bonuses, which are all over the map.
These will be addressed individually.

-- Protect
Notes: These items bestow the Protect status when triggered as appropriate.
They work well on sentinels or any character that has a naturally low
survivability rate against physical attacks.

These accessories are part of the Physical Wall synthesis group, which shaves
away 5, 10, 20, or 30 away from any physical damage received depending upon
how many accessories are equipped. This bonus proves to be somewhat handy
early in the game, but quickly fades in usefulness. None the less they provide
for a decent bonus to sentinels throughout the game, but I still cannot
suggest you go out of your way to attain this effect.

Guardian Amulet
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 5,000/2,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 7, Central Arcade |
| Chapter 8, The Clock Tower |
| Special Property: Critical: Protect |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Shield Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Ushumgal Subjugator 2nd fight, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Auto-Protect |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

-- Shell
Notes: These items bestow the Shell status when triggered as appropriate. They
work well on sentinels or any character that has a naturally low survivability
rate against magical attacks.
These accessories are part of the Magical Wall synthesis group, which shaves
away the 5, 10, 20, or 30 away from any magical damage received depending upon
how many accessories are equipped. This bonus proves to be somewhat handy
early in the game, but quickly fades in usefulness. None the less they provide
for a decent bonus to sentinels throughout the game, but I still cannot
suggest you go out of your way to attain this effect.

Auric Amulet
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 5,000/2,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 4, Scrap Processing |
| Chapter 10, Inner Conduit |
| Special Property: Critical: Shell |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Soulfont Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Kalavinka Striker 1st fight, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Auto-Shell |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

-- Veil
Notes: These items bestow the Veil status when triggered as appropriate. These
accessories are ideal for your party leader or any characters who you cannot
afford to be afflicted with debuffs. If none of the enemies you plan to face
cast debuffs this accessory's value modestly decreases.

The Buff Duration +% synthesis bonus is the main draw of these accessories,
even over its native special property. This synthesis ability increases the
duration of buffs and debuffs cast by the equipped character by 30%, 50%, 70%,
or 90% depending upon how many associated gear they wear. This bonus is
incredibly useful, but I'd steer away from triggering it through accessories
alone and highly advise against aiming to take this bonus above 50%. As these
are the only accessories to bestow the bonus, equipping more than one would
overlap special abilities that do not stack.

Watchman's Amulet
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 5,000/2,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 5, Field Trial Range S |
| Chapter 11, Yaschas Massif, The Tsumitran Basin |
| Special Property: Critical: Veil |
| Synthesis Ability: Buff Duration +% |

Shrouding Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Veil |
| Synthesis Ability: Buff Duration +%|

-- Bravery
Notes: These items bestow the Bravery status when triggered as appropriate.
They work well on commandos or sentinels who predominantly use "strike"

These accessories are part of the Physical Wall synthesis group, which shaves
away 5, 10, 20, or 30 away from any physical damage received depending upon
how many accessories are equipped. This bonus proves to be somewhat handy
early in the game, but quickly fades in usefulness. None the less they provide
for a decent bonus to sentinels throughout the game, but I still cannot
suggest you go out of your way to attain this effect.

Hero's Amulet
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 5,000/2,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 10, Vestibular Hold |
| Special Property: Critical: Bravery |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

Morale Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Bravery |
| Synthesis Ability: Physical Wall |

-- Faith
Notes: These items bestow the Faith status when triggered as appropriate. They
work well on ravagers or commandos who predominantly use Ruin and Ruinga, but
every other spell-casting class can benefit from it as well.

These accessories are part of the Magical Wall synthesis group, which shaves
away the 5, 10, 20, or 30 away from any magical damage received depending upon
how many accessories are equipped. This bonus proves to be somewhat handy
early in the game, but quickly fades in usefulness. None the less they provide
for a decent bonus to sentinels throughout the game, but I still cannot
suggest you go out of your way to attain this effect.

Saint's Amulet
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 5,000/2,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 10, Lower Traverse |
| Chapter 11, Mah'habara, Twilit Cavern |
| Special Property: Critical: Shell |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

Blessed Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Kalavinka Striker 2nd fight, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Auto-Shell |
| Synthesis Ability: Magical Wall |

-- Vigilance
Notes: These items bestow the Vigilance status when triggered as appropriate.
This accessory type is ideal for Saboteurs, but sentinels with access to Evade
and Counter can also make good use of it.

Vampiric Strike is an interesting synthesis bonus, absorbing 1% of the damage

the character deals in health. Though handy, it's difficult to optimize for
Vampiric Strike. Activating the abilities requires no less than four items,
three if you have a weapon with the effect, and the associated accessories are
of limited use. Because these are arguably the most functional of the
accessories within the synthesis group you're going to want both an Amulet and
Talisman on your character.

Zealot's Amulet
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 5,000/2,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Faultwarrens, Via Lunae |
| Hunt Mission 40 Reward |
| Attacus, common drop 25% |
| Special Property: Critical: Vigilance |
| Synthesis Ability: Vampiric Strike |

Battle Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Attacus, rare drop 1% |
| Special Property: Auto-Vigilance |
| Synthesis Ability: Vampiric Strike|

-- Shoes
Notes: These items bestow the Haste status when triggered as appropriate. The
shoes are arguably the most useful accessory to be found. Firstly, it bestows
the Haste buff, arguably the most useful BUFF to be found. Secondly, it's part
of the ATB Rate +% synthesis group. When you nab this accessory, I suggest
upgrading it immediately for the Auto-Hate effect.

ATB Rate +% is an incredibly useful synthesis ability, improving the rate by

which your ATB segments fill by 10%, 15%, 20%, or 30% depending upon how many
items are involved. It's similar to having a constant miniature Haste effect
that stacks with Haste, making this item all the more powerful. I suggest
tossing this on with a synthesizing weapon and an Aurora Scarf for maximum

Hermes Sandles
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/2,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 34 Reward |
| Special Property: Critical: Haste |
| Synthesis Ability: ATB Rate +% |

Battle Talisman
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Haste |
| Synthesis Ability: ATB Rate +% |

-- Crowns #2
Notes: These items bestow the Protect, Shell, Veil and Vigilance statuses when
triggered as appropriate. These crowns are extremely handy accessories,
providing a plethora of improvements all wrapped into a single amazing
package. Understandably, these accessories are extremely rare and you can only
obtain a few over the course of the game. To balance out its amazing special
ability these crowns lack any synthesis ability.

Tetradic Crown
| Exp: 1,000(0) > 1,000 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Scarletite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 13, The Tesseracts |
| Mithridates, common drop 5% |
| Bituitus, common drop 5% |
| Cid Raines, common drop 100% |
| Dig up 5 items with a Chocobo |
| Special Property: Critical: Tetradefense |
| Synthesis Ability: ATB Rate +% |

Tetradic Tiara
| Exp: 2,000(0) > 2,000(1,000) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 8 |
| Attained: Mithridates, rare drop 1% |
| Bituitus, rare drop 1% |
| Dahaka, common drop 100% |
| Dig up 10 items with a Chocobo |
| Special Property: Auto-Tetradefense |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

---------- Brooches
Notes: Brooches behave almost identically to the Amulets, providing critical-
and auto- effects. They stand out however in their differences in application.
Brooches provide Bar-element buffs, enchanting physical attacks with specific
elements to attack an enemy's magical weakness. Aside from this and the fact
that they possess different values at shops all of the other attributes are
similar. It is wisest to upgrade items in this category to their final tier
and simply use a synergist to refresh the effect as necessary.

All Brooches have the Element Damage +% synthesis bonus, which adds another
level to their elemental damaging attributes and expand upon their
applications. Toss a Ring of the corresponding element on the character and
any damage they deal of that element gains a 20% bonus. More accessories
increase this bonus to 30% and 50%, but I suggest against this as those
accessory slots can be put to better use.

-- Fire Brooches
Notes: These items bestow the Barfire status when triggered as appropriate.

Flamebane Brooch
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, Oerba, Rust-eaten Bridge |
| Special Property: Critical: Barfire |
| Synthesis Ability: Fire Damage +% |

Flameshield Earring
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Barfire |
| Synthesis Ability: Fire Damage +% |

-- Ice Brooches
Notes: These items bestow the Barfrost status when triggered as appropriate.

Frostbane Brooch
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, The Cloven Spire |
| Special Property: Critical: Barfrost |
| Synthesis Ability: Frost Damage +% |

Frostshield Earring
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Barfrost |
| Synthesis Ability: Frost Damage +% |

-- Lightning Brooches
Notes: These items bestow the Barthunder status when triggered as appropriate.

Sparkbane Brooch
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Ground Tier |
| Special Property: Critical: Barthunder |
| Synthesis Ability: Lightning Damage +% |

Sparkshield Earring
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Barthunder |
| Synthesis Ability: Lightning Damage +% |

-- Water Brooches
Notes: These items bestow the Barwater status when triggered as appropriate.

Aquabane Brooch
| Exp: 600(0) > 600 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Perovskite |
| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,500 | Purchased: Magical Moments | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake |
| Special Property: Critical: Barwater |
| Synthesis Ability: Water Damage +% |

Aquashield Earring
| Exp: 1,500(0) > 1,500(600) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Auto-Barwater |
| Synthesis Ability: Water Damage +% |

----- Scarves
Notes: Scarves award the equipped character with some ATB segments to start
battle with, allowing them an immediate leg-up on the enemy. They function by
providing the equipped character with bonus ATB segments at the start of
combat. ATB advantage provides a paltry single ATB segment, but the Aurora
Scarf's First Strike fills the bar completely, allowing immediate action. If
you plan to use a scarf I suggest upgrading from the Whistlewind to the Aurora
immediately; it's a cheap transformation, and the difference between them is
like comparing a full apple to its core.

The scarf category may seem largely useless, and after the first few moments
of battle they usually are, but their beauty lies in their synthesis ability.
All scarves belong to the ATB Rate +%, compounding upon a character's ability
to strike relentlessly by allowing them to act right out of the gate.

A word of caution concerning scarves: the first and second tiers are built for
giving a character the ability to strike more quickly once battle begins, but
the final tier changes its function altogether. It provides Improved Evasion,
augmenting the Evasion ability used only by Sentinels. It's a useful
accessory, but completely different from its lower tiers. Upgrade with

Whistlewind Scarf
| Exp: 350(0) > 350 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Rhodochrosite |
| Buy/Sell: 1,000/500 | Purchased: Moogleworks | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Starboard Weather Deck |
| Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Paddraean Archaeopolis |
| Edimmu, common drop 5% |
| Penanggalan, common drop 5% |
| Special Property: ATB Advantage (1 ATB segment bonus) |
| Synthesis Ability: ATB Rate +% |

Aurora Scarf
| Exp: 525(0) > 525(350) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: First Strike (Full ATB bar bonus) |
| Synthesis Ability: ATB Rate +% |

Nimbletoe Boots
| Exp: 700(0) > 700(525) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: 6,000/3,000 | Purchased: Moogleworks | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Edimmu, rare drop 1% |
| Penanggalan, rare drop 1% |
| Special Property: Improved Evasion |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

----- Catalogs
Notes: The Catalog upgrade path is a strange array of accessories that do
vastly different things. Each item is useful as is and can be upgraded only if
you want it to do something else. I highly advise against upgrading any of
these; most of them you get at some point in the game, some are obtained only
once, and their effects do not stack. Move them around if you wish, but only a
single party member needs to have one equipped for the party to benefit from
its full effect.

Gold Watch
| Exp: 525(0) > 525 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Cobaltite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/10,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 3 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 64 Reward |
| Special Property: Time Extension |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |
Notes: If you are having trouble five-starring battles this item is for you.
Time Extension increases your star-scoring window, allowing more room for
error against enemies you have trouble dealing with efficiently, thus
increasing your chances for better loot. For that reason this is a vital
farming accessory. A word to the wise: DO NOT SELL OR UPGRADE THIS ITEM. It is
one of a kind, and changing it in any way is an irreversible act.

Champion's Badge
| Exp: 700(0) > 700(525) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: Perovskite|
| Buy/Sell: XXX/5,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 12, Siren Park |
| Special Property: Victory: TP Charge |
| Synthesis Ability: Random: Instant Chain/Gestalt-TP Boost |
Notes: Champion's Badge is hardly a decent accessory. At the conclusion of
battle this accessory provides a small bonus to the TP you gain. If your goal
in a battle is to farm TP it becomes a valuable commodity, but it's otherwise
worthless. It's synthesis ability aims towards its more advanced application,
and I would not suggest using this item if you are trying to simply attain the
Instant Chain bonus.
Survivalist Catalog
| Exp: 875(0) > 875(700) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/3,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 15 Reward |
| Special Property: Shroud Scavenger |
| Synthesis Ability: Random: Instant Chain/Gestalt-TP Boost |
Notes: This is a very situational item. Shroud Scavenger increases the chances
that defeated enemies will drop shrouds, provided such items are in their loot
tables. If some particularly difficult battles await you and you require the
help of shrouds to get through them, this proves to be a viable method of
preparation. Otherwise you should simply pass this one up.

Collector Catalog
| Exp: 1,050(0) > 1,050(875) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: 100,000/50,000 | Purchased: Moogleworks | Rank: 4 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, Taejin's Tower, Seventh Tier |
| Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, The Haerii Archaeopolis |
| Hunt Mission 08 Reward |
| Special Property: Item Scavenger |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |
Notes: The Collector Catalog increases your odds of obtaining a defeated
enemy's common loot, making it valuable for component farming. Nothing more to
be said except that unlike the rest of the items in this upgrade path you CAN
purchase Collector Catalogs, albeit at a steep price. I also do suggest that
you invest in upgrading this, as the Connoisseur Catalog is extraordinarily
useful as well.

Connoisseur Catalog
| Exp: 1,225(0) > 1,225(1,050) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/125,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Item Collector |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |
Notes: Item Collector increases the drop rate of an enemy's rare items, making
this accessory extremely valuable. Though the only way to get it is to upgrade
a Collector Catalog, I highly suggest aiming for this one in the long run.

----- Sashes
Notes: Sashes play a rewarding role in battle, providing various bonuses each
time an enemy is slain. What's more they are your go-to for the Random:
TP-Charge synthesis ability.

Hunter's Friend
| Exp: 875(0) > 875 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Uraninite |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/2,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 45 Reward |
| Special Property: Kill: Libra |
| Synthesis Ability: Random: Instant Chain/Gestalt-TP Boost |
Notes: This item's ability is incredibly meh. Whenever you kill an enemy it
will automatically add their information to your enemy database just as though
you had cast Libra on them. Standard battle behavior against new enemies is to
cast Libra right off the bat, and this item is useless if you already have
that data. Upgrade it into the Speed Sash if you wish.

Speed Sash
| Exp: 1,050(0) > 1,050(875) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: 10,000/5,000 | Purchased: Moogleworks | Rank: 6 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, Eastern Tors |
| Hunt Mission 58 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 59 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 43 Reward |
| Special Property: Kill: ATB Charge |
| Synthesis Ability: Random: Instant Chain/Gestalt-TP Boost |
Notes: You should definitely have this item on your character if you're
shooting for Random: Instant Chain. Every time you kill an enemy this item
provides you with a boost to your ATB gauge. While it may seem minor it will
help none the less.

Energy Sash
| Exp: 1,225(0) > 1,225(1,050) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 7 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 01 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 59 Reward |
| Special Property: Kill: TP Charge |
| Synthesis Ability: Random: Instant Chain/Gestalt-TP Boost |
Notes: This item belongs in any TP farmer's repertoire. Kill: TP Charge
provides a TP bonus to your TP pool every time an enemy is slain. I consider
this accessory handy, but there are better that could be put here.

----- Doctor's Code

Notes: The Doctor's Code is a single-tier piece of dung. It doubles the
potency of potions which, once you get through the first two or three
chapters, prove to be nearly useless. Upgrading and dismantling it however
yields an Elixir, the world's best "oh-crap" item.

| Exp: 200(0) > 200 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/2,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 2 |
| Attained: Chapter 6: Sun-dappled Trail |
| Hunt Mission 41 Reward |
| Anima, common drop 100% |
| Special Property: Improved Potions |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

----- Charms
Notes: Charms are a secondary option to Rings in the realm of magic defense.
Every time an enemy uses an elemental attack on a character and they're
wearing a charm of that elemental type, there is a small chance that the
damage will instead be absorbed as health. I'm not entirely sure on most of
their success rates, but I believe they hover somewhere between 5 to 10% with
the exception of the Twenty-sided Die, which is a solid 5%. I advise that you
stick to rings as they are more dependable, but these accessories still have a
certain charm to them.

Regardless of which charm you choose, they all upgrade directly to the Twenty-
sided Die.

Each charm is part of its associated Elemental Damage +% synthesis group, and
can be effectively coupled with Brooches and Rings to capitalize on elemental
effectiveness. Keep in mind however that wind damage can only be dealt with
the Aero ravager spells and Earth only with Quake.

Fire Charm
| Exp: 750(0) > 750 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, Western Benchland |
| Special Property: Random: Fire Eater |
| Synthesis Ability: Fire Damage +% |

Ice Charm
| Exp: 750(0) > 750 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, Western Benchland |
| Chapter 11, Mah'habara, Flower-filled Fissure |
| Special Property: Random: Ice Eater |
| Synthesis Ability: Ice Damage +% |

Lightning Charm
| Exp: 750(0) > 750 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse |
| Special Property: Random: Lightning Eater |
| Synthesis Ability: Lightning Damage +% |

Water Charm
| Exp: 750(0) > 750 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, The Font of Namva|
| Chapter 11, Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake |
| Special Property: Random: Water Eater |
| Synthesis Ability: Water Damage +% |

Wind Charm
| Exp: 750(0) > 750 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse |
| Special Property: Random: Wind Eater |
| Synthesis Ability: Wind Damage +% |

Earth Charm
| Exp: 750(0) > 750 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: Mnar Stone |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 5 |
| Attained: Chapter 11, The Archylte Steppe, Eastern Tors |
| Special Property: Random: Earth Eater |
| Synthesis Ability: Earth Damage +% |
Twenty-sided Die
| Exp: 1,050(0) > 1,050(750) | Max Lvl: 2(1) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/250,000 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 7 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 48 Reward |
| Vercingetorix, common drop 5% |
| Special Property: Random: Nullify Damage |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |
Notes: Twenty-sided Die's Nullify Damage effect can trigger off of any form of
damage received.

----- Growth Egg

Notes: The Growth Egg is another game-breaking item that any player would beg
to get their hands on. By tossing it on any character, the amount of CP the
party gets from battles is effectively doubled. It doesn't take much to
understand the power that this item holds. You can upgrade and dismantle it if
you want, but doing so would be absolutely insane.

| Exp: 7,000(0) > 7,000 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/7,500 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 8 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 55 Reward |
| Special Property: CP x2 |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

----- Ribbons
Notes: Ribbons are iconic items of the Final Fantasy universe. They can
provide varying degrees of protection against all status ailments. This makes
them among the most sought-after of the accessories in the game.

| Exp: 2,520(783) > 20,430 | Max Lvl: 6 | Catalyst: Dark Matter |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/10 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 9 |
| Attained: Flowering Cactuar, rare drop 1% |
| Vercingetorix, rare drop 1% |
| Dig up 20 items with a Chocobo |
| Special Property: Resilience +20%(+1) > 25% |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

Super Ribbon
| Exp: 5,000(1,530) > 40,300(19,870) | Max Lvl: 6(4) | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/10 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 10 |
| Attained: XXX |
| Special Property: Resilience +25%(+1) > 30% |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

----- Genji Glove

Notes: Another iconic item of Final Fantasy, the Genji Glove has performed
numerous functions throughout the series' history. In this game it has a very
simple function: to remove that pesky damage cap. If you find your characters
consistently dishing out 99,999 damage, slap one of these on and watch as they
spill over into six digits.

| Exp: 11,250(0) > 11,250 | Max Lvl: 2 | Catalyst: XXX |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/10 | Purchased: XXX | Rank: 9 |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 62 Reward |
| Hunt Mission 63 Reward |
| Special Property: Uncapped Damage |
| Synthesis Ability: XXX |

Components {dac}
Components are easily the most common items you encounter in the game, and for
most of the early game you'll likely regard them as simple junk to fill your
inventory with. Indeed, components can neither be equipped nor consumed. So
what are they good for if they can't be used? Upgrading! This supposed junk,
ranging from torn bat wings to mismatched screws, are instrumental to
improving your weapons and accessories. Keep a good hold on these; even the
least valuable of them hold some use and every little bit helps.

Once you get a hang of the upgrade process you'll find yourself scouring the
game for these items just so you can improve your gear a tiny bit more.
Enormous sums of time will be spent fighting enemies for their components, or
obtaining money to purchase more components. Doing so is a necessary part of
giving your characters their optimal equipment loadouts. More information on
the upgrade process can be found in its own section.

Components come in four different flavors:

Organic components: Most frequently dropped by organic enemies. They have low
experience values but high multiplier values.

Mechanical components: Most frequently dropped by mechanical enemies. They

have high experience values but negative multiplier values.
Monetary components: Present explicitly for being sold to vendors.

Catalysts: Tools for transferring fully-upgraded items to their next tier of


Component readouts are relatively simple:

Component name
| Experience |
| Multiplier Value | Rank |
| Shop values | Purchased |
| Treasure/Attainment |

Component name: Simple enough. Here I list the name of the component. A star
(*) beside a component's name indicates that it is an item well worth farming
or purchasing in mass.

Experience: The experience that this component will provide to the item in
question, and a very tricky thing to determine. This is determined through a
table of values calculated in an equation comparing the component's base
experience value and rank. The equation itself is provided in the upgrade
section, but I will cut through the hubbub and give you all of the exp values
for this component here. All you need to do is know the rank of the item
you're trying to upgrade and check for the value here.

Multiplier Value: How much this item contributes or takes away from an item's
experience multiplier. These values are more universal and thus easier to keep
track of on MY end, but I suggest you sit down with a pencil and paper on
yours if you want to calculate your item upgrades exactly. I cover these in
detail in the upgrade section.

Rank: A component's rank. This is valid only for calculating the item's exp-
to-applied-item decay. If you wish to calculate this value yourself (covered
in the upgrade section) than you will need to know this. Because I have saved
you of that headache in the experience section however, it stands merely for

Shop values: Shop values indicate the buy/sell price of the item. If the item
can't be bought its buy value will be left at XXX.

Purchased: If this component can be purchased, the store that sells it can be
found here.

Treasure/Attainment: Everywhere in the game you can obtain this item. Listed
here are the treasure spheres that contain them, enemies who drop them, quests
that reward them, etcetera.

Notes: Short notes that I feel may be useful to you. Most components are
hardly noteworthy, but I will provide a little detail if this particular item
stands out in any way.

It's time to get your pencil and paper ready! On with the components!!
-------- Organic Components {dao}
When you begin upgrading an item, it's wise to apply organic components first.
These items have high multiplier values, allowing the experience values of
components applied afterwards to make more of an impact. Once an ideal
multiplier is attained you should switch over to Synthetic Components for
their better experience values.

Organic components should be applied carefully for maximum effect. If you go

overboard in applying them you will likely end up wasting them. It is wisest
to use what you pick up along the way and purchase what's suggested among
their ranks, but I wouldn't suggest actively farming for these.

Begrimed Claw
| Rank 1: 8 Rank 2: 7 Rank 3: 6 Rank 4: 5 |
| Rank 5: 4 Rank 6: 4 Rank 7: 3 Rank 8: 2 |
| Rank 9: 1 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +4 | Rank: 1 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: N/A |
| Attained: Chapter 3: The Mirrored Morass |
| Chapter 3: Forgotten Commons |
| Alpha Behemoth, common drop 25% |
| Lodestar Behemoth, common drop 25% |
| Proto-Behemoth, common drop 25% |
| Feral Behemoth, common drop 25% |
| Greater Behemoth, common drop 25% |
| Kaiser Behemoth, common drop 25% |
| Behemoth King, common drop 25% |
| Humbaba, common drop 25% |
Notes: Very weak. This item isn't particularly noteworthy.

Bestial Claw
| Rank 1: 23 Rank 2: 20 Rank 3: 17 Rank 4: 15 |
| Rank 5: 13 Rank 6: 11 Rank 7: 10 Rank 8: 8 |
| Rank 9: 6 Rank 10: 5 Rank 11: 3 |
| Multiplier: +10 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Western Promenade |
| Alpha Behemoth, rare drop 5% |
| Lodestar Behemoth, rare drop 5% |
| Greater Behemoth, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Somewhat weak. This item isn't particularly noteworthy.

Gargantuan Claw
| Rank 1: 48 Rank 2: 43 Rank 3: 37 Rank 4: 32 |
| Rank 5: 27 Rank 6: 24 Rank 7: 21 Rank 8: 18 |
| Rank 9: 16 Rank 10: 13 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +15 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 10: Inner Conduit |
| Behemoth King, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Weak for its cost. If you pick some of these up along the way feel free
to use them, but when cleaning out Creature Comforts your money would be
better spent on buying other organic components.

Hellish Talon
| Rank 1: 77 Rank 2: 70 Rank 3: 63 Rank 4: 56 |
| Rank 5: 49 Rank 6: 42 Rank 7: 35 Rank 8: 31 |
| Rank 9: 28 Rank 10: 24 Rank 11: 21 |
| Multiplier: +24 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: N/A |
| Attained: Chapter 12: Leviathan Plaza |
| Chapter 12: Leviathan Plaza (again) |
| Proto-Behemoth, rare drop 5% |
| Kaiser Behemoth, rare drop 5% |
| Humbaba, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Weak by high-end standards. More useful components can be more easily

Shattered Bone
| Rank 1: 8 Rank 2: 7 Rank 3: 6 Rank 4: 5 |
| Rank 5: 4 Rank 6: 4 Rank 7: 3 Rank 8: 2 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +8 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Incubus, common drop 25% |
| Succubus, common drop 25% |
| Skata'ne, common drop 25% |
| Stikini, common drop 25% |
| Yaksha, common drop 25% |
| Yakshini, common drop 25% |
| Rakshasa, common drop 25% |
Notes: Very weak. This item isn't particularly noteworthy.

*Sturdy Bone
| Rank 1: 25 Rank 2: 22 Rank 3: 19 Rank 4: 16 |
| Rank 5: 14 Rank 6: 12 Rank 7: 11 Rank 8: 9 |
| Rank 9: 8 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 5 |
| Multiplier: +14 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Pulse Armament Minigame: 0-24 kills |
| Incubus, rare drop 5% |
| Succubus, rare drop 5% |
| Skata'ne, rare drop 5% |
| Stikini, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This component is incredibly cost efficient for a mid mid-rank
component. Buy buy buy!

*Otherworldly Bone
| Rank 1: 48 Rank 2: 43 Rank 3: 38 Rank 4: 33 |
| Rank 5: 28 Rank 6: 24 Rank 7: 21 Rank 8: 19 |
| Rank 9: 16 Rank 10: 14 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +21 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 10: Substratal Conflux |
Notes: A very good component that can be bought in-mass. Not quite as cost
efficient as those of lower ranks, but still valuable.

Ancient Bone
| Rank 1: 74 Rank 2: 68 Rank 3: 62 Rank 4: 55 |
| Rank 5: 49 Rank 6: 43 Rank 7: 37 Rank 8: 31 |
| Rank 9: 27 Rank 10: 24 Rank 11: 20 |
| Multiplier: +31 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Fifth Tier |
| Yaksha, rare drop 5% |
| Yakshini, rare drop 5% |
| Rakshasa, rare drop 5% |
Notes: An incredible component with a great multiplier, and the enemy that
drops it is relatively easy to farm. A poor drop rate makes it less than ideal

Moistened Scale
| Rank 1: 7 Rank 2: 6 Rank 3: 5 Rank 4: 4 |
| Rank 5: 4 Rank 6: 3 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 2 |
| Rank 9: 1 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +5 | Rank: 1 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake |
| Sahagin, common drop 25% |
| Dagonite, common drop 25% |
| Orobon, common drop 25% |
Notes: Very weak. This item isn't particularly noteworthy.

Seapetal Scale
| Rank 1: 22 Rank 2: 19 Rank 3: 16 Rank 4: 14 |
| Rank 5: 12 Rank 6: 11 Rank 7: 9 Rank 8: 8 |
| Rank 9: 6 Rank 10: 4 Rank 11: 2 |
| Multiplier: +11 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, The Font of Namva |
| Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake |
| Sahagin, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent item, but cannot be bought.

Abyssal Scale
| Rank 1: 46 Rank 2: 41 Rank 3: 36 Rank 4: 31 |
| Rank 5: 26 Rank 6: 23 Rank 7: 20 Rank 8: 18 |
| Rank 9: 15 Rank 10: 13 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +16 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/75 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Ceiling of Sky |
| Orobon, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent component, but cannot be bought.

Seaking's Beard
| Rank 1: 74 Rank 2: 68 Rank 3: 61 Rank 4: 54 |
| Rank 5: 47 Rank 6: 40 Rank 7: 34 Rank 8: 30 |
| Rank 9: 27 Rank 10: 23 Rank 11: 19 |
| Multiplier: +25 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Dagonite, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A good component, but cannot be bought. You can get these in abundance
on the Tesseracts.

Segmented Carapace
| Rank 1: 9 Rank 2: 8 Rank 3: 7 Rank 4: 6 |
| Rank 5: 5 Rank 6: 4 Rank 7: 4 Rank 8: 3 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +7 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Primary Engine Bay |
| Lucidon, common drop 25% |
| Thermadon, common drop 25% |
| Scalebeast, common drop 25% |
| Navidon, common drop 25% |
| Gurangatch, common drop 25% |
Notes: A low-level component. Not particularly noteworthy.

Iron Shell
| Rank 1: 27 Rank 2: 23 Rank 3: 20 Rank 4: 17 |
| Rank 5: 15 Rank 6: 13 Rank 7: 11 Rank 8: 10 |
| Rank 9: 8 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 4 |
| Multiplier: +13 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 4: Scrap Processing |
| Chapter 6: A Shimmering Sky |
| Lucidon, rare drop 5% |
| Thermadon, rare drop 5% |
| Scalebeast, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A weaker than usual component. Not particularly noteworthy.

Armored Shell
| Rank 1: 52 Rank 2: 46 Rank 3: 41 Rank 4: 36 |
| Rank 5: 31 Rank 6: 26 Rank 7: 23 Rank 8: 20 |
| Rank 9: 18 Rank 10: 15 Rank 11: 13 |
| Multiplier: +20 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Navidon, rare drop 5% |
Notes: There are better components out there for the same price. Don't bother
farming or purchasing this one.

Regenerating Carapace
| Rank 1: 81 Rank 2: 74 Rank 3: 68 Rank 4: 61 |
| Rank 5: 54 Rank 6: 47 Rank 7: 40 Rank 8: 34 |
| Rank 9: 30 Rank 10: 27 Rank 11: 24 |
| Multiplier: +30 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Gurangatch, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Girugamesh!! This is a decent component with a high multiplier. Use
this if you've got it, but don't go out of your way for them.

Chipped Fang
| Rank 1: 9 Rank 2: 8 Rank 3: 7 Rank 4: 6 |
| Rank 5: 5 Rank 6: 4 Rank 7: 4 Rank 8: 3 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +7 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 3: The Waters Stilled |
| Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Ground Tier |
| Pantheron, common drop 25% |
| Thexteron, common drop 25% |
| Adamantheron, common drop 25% |
| Silver Lobo, common drop 25% |
| Gorgonopsid, common drop 25% |
| Uridimmu, common drop 25% |
| Amam, common drop 25% |
| Managarmr, common drop 25% |
| Ugallu, common drop 25% |
| Megistotherian, common drop 25% |
Notes: A low-level component. Not particularly note-worthy.

Wicked Fang
| Rank 1: 27 Rank 2: 23 Rank 3: 20 Rank 4: 17 |
| Rank 5: 15 Rank 6: 13 Rank 7: 11 Rank 8: 10 |
| Rank 9: 8 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 4 |
| Multiplier: +13 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Encased in Crystal |
| Pantheron, rare drop 5% |
| Thexteron, rare drop 5% |
| Silver Lobo, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A mid-level component. Not particularly note-worthy.

Monstrous Fang
| Rank 1: 52 Rank 2: 45 Rank 3: 41 Rank 4: 36 |
| Rank 5: 31 Rank 6: 26 Rank 7: 23 Rank 8: 20 |
| Rank 9: 18 Rank 10: 15 Rank 11: 13 |
| Multiplier: +20 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Northern Highplain |
| Gorgonopsid, rare drop 5% |
| Megistotherian, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A high-level component. Not up to par with its contemporaries. Pass it

Sinister Fang
| Rank 1: 81 Rank 2: 74 Rank 3: 68 Rank 4: 61 |
| Rank 5: 54 Rank 6: 47 Rank 7: 40 Rank 8: 34 |
| Rank 9: 30 Rank 10: 27 Rank 11: 23 |
| Multiplier: +30 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, The Palisades |
| Adamantheron, rare drop 5% |
| Uridimmu, rare drop 5% |
| Amam, rare drop 5% |
| Managarmr, rare drop 5% |
| Ugallu, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This is a top-level component with a high multiplier. Use this if
you've got it, but don't go out of your way for them.

Severed Wing
| Rank 1: 6 Rank 2: 5 Rank 3: 4 Rank 4: 4 |
| Rank 5: 3 Rank 6: 3 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 1 |
| Rank 9: 1 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +6 | Rank: 1 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Western Benchland |
| Wyvern, common drop 25% |
| Svarog, common drop 25% |
| Amphisbaena, common drop 25% |
| Zirnitra, common drop 25% |
Notes: A below-par low-level component. Not particularly note-worthy.

Scaled Wing
| Rank 1: 21 Rank 2: 18 Rank 3: 15 Rank 4: 13 |
| Rank 5: 12 Rank 6: 10 Rank 7: 9 Rank 8: 7 |
| Rank 9: 6 Rank 10: 4 Rank 11: 3 |
| Multiplier: +12 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 6: A Shimmering Sky |
| Wyvern, rare drop 5% |
| Svarog, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A below-par mid-level component. Don't waste your money on them.

Abominable Wing
| Rank 1: 43 Rank 2: 38 Rank 3: 33 Rank 4: 28 |
| Rank 5: 24 Rank 6: 21 Rank 7: 19 Rank 8: 16 |
| Rank 9: 14 Rank 10: 12 Rank 11: 10 |
| Multiplier: +17 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Ushumgal Subjugator, common drop 100% |
| Amphisbaena, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A poor example of a high-level component. Not up to par with its
contemporaries. Pass it up.

Menacing Wings
| Rank 1: 68 Rank 2: 62 Rank 3: 55 Rank 4: 49 |
| Rank 5: 43 Rank 6: 37 Rank 7: 31 Rank 8: 27 |
| Rank 9: 24 Rank 10: 21 Rank 11: 18 |
| Multiplier: +26 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Zirnitra, common drop 25% |
Notes: This is a top-level component with a very poor multiplier. Use them up
and forget about them.

Molted Tail
| Rank 1: 8 Rank 2: 7 Rank 3: 6 Rank 4: 5 |
| Rank 5: 4 Rank 6: 4 Rank 7: 3 Rank 8: 2 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +8 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Vespid, common drop 25% |
| Vespid Soldier, common drop 25% |
| Barbed Specter, common drop 25% |
| Triffid, common drop 25% |
| Mushussu, common drop 25% |
Notes: A good low-level component. Higher multiplier than most.

*Barbed Tail
| Rank 1: 25 Rank 2: 22 Rank 3: 19 Rank 4: 16 |
| Rank 5: 14 Rank 6: 12 Rank 7: 11 Rank 8: 9 |
| Rank 9: 8 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 5 |
| Multiplier: +14 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Starboard Weather Deck |
| Vespid, rare drop 5% |
| Vespid Soldier, rare drop 5% |
| Barbed Specter, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A great mid-level component. Buy these up to your inventory's max.
*Diabolic Tail
| Rank 1: 48 Rank 2: 43 Rank 3: 38 Rank 4: 33 |
| Rank 5: 28 Rank 6: 24 Rank 7: 21 Rank 8: 19 |
| Rank 9: 16 Rank 10: 14 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +21 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Eastern Tors |
| Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Tsubaddran Highlands |
| Triffid, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A superb high-level component. Buy as many as you can.

Entrancing Tail
| Rank 1: 74 Rank 2: 68 Rank 3: 62 Rank 4: 55 |
| Rank 5: 49 Rank 6: 43 Rank 7: 37 Rank 8: 31 |
| Rank 9: 27 Rank 10: 24 Rank 11: 20 |
| Multiplier: +31 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Mushussu, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A top-level component with a great multiplier. Use them wisely.

Torn Leather
| Rank 1: 7 Rank 2: 6 Rank 3: 5 Rank 4: 4 |
| Rank 5: 4 Rank 6: 3 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 2 |
| Rank 9: 1 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +5 | Rank: 1 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Zwerg Scandroid, common drop 25% |
| Zwerg Metrodroid, common drop 25% |
| Gremlin, common drop 25% |
| Garchimacera, common drop 25% |
| Imp, common drop 25% |
| Ahriman, common drop 25% |
| Leyak, common drop 25% |
| Rangda, common drop 25% |
| Adroa, common drop 25% |
| Verdelet, common drop 25% |
Notes: An abysmal low-level component. Waste these like fodder.

Thickened Hide
| Rank 1: 22 Rank 2: 19 Rank 3: 16 Rank 4: 14 |
| Rank 5: 12 Rank 6: 11 Rank 7: 9 Rank 8: 8 |
| Rank 9: 6 Rank 10: 4 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +11 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Pulse Armament Minigame: 25-34 kills |
| Zwerg Scandroid, rare drop 5% |
| Gremlin, rare drop 5% |
| Garchimacera, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This mid-level component with its paltry multiplier is not worth the

Smooth Hide
| Rank 1: 46 Rank 2: 41 Rank 3: 36 Rank 4: 31 |
| Rank 5: 26 Rank 6: 23 Rank 7: 20 Rank 8: 18 |
| Rank 9: 15 Rank 10: 13 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +11 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Western Benchland |
| Zwerg Metrodroid, rare drop 5% |
| Imp, rare drop 5% |
| Ahriman, rare drop 5% |
| Leyak, rare drop 5% |
| Rangda, rare drop 5% |
Notes: I don't care how smooth it is, this high-level component at a high-
level price has a mid-level multiplier. Don't spend a dime on this junk.

Supple Leather
| Rank 1: 74 Rank 2: 68 Rank 3: 61 Rank 4: 54 |
| Rank 5: 47 Rank 6: 40 Rank 7: 34 Rank 8: 30 |
| Rank 9: 27 Rank 10: 23 Rank 11: 20 |
| Multiplier: +25 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Adroa, rare drop 5% |
| Verdelet, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This is a top-level component with a very poor multiplier. Use this if
you've got it, and don't worry about it.

Gummy Oil
| Rank 1: 10 Rank 2: 9 Rank 3: 8 Rank 4: 7 |
| Rank 5: 6 Rank 6: 5 Rank 7: 4 Rank 8: 3 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +6 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Frag Leech, common drop 25% |
| Crawler, common drop 25% |
| Noctilucale, common drop 25% |
| Alraune, common drop 25% |
| Rafflesia, common drop 25% |
Notes: A poor low-level component. Not particularly note-worthy.

Fragrant Oil
| Rank 1: 28 Rank 2: 25 Rank 3: 21 Rank 4: 18 |
| Rank 5: 16 Rank 6: 14 Rank 7: 12 Rank 8: 10 |
| Rank 9: 9 Rank 10: 7 Rank 11: 6 |
| Multiplier: +12 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 5: Environmental Regulation |
| Frag Leech, rare drop 5% |
| Crawler, rare drop 5% |
| Noctilucale, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Use it for incense and weapon synthesis if you must, but this mid-level
component is not worth its cost.

Medicinal Oil
| Rank 1: 58 Rank 2: 52 Rank 3: 46 Rank 4: 40 |
| Rank 5: 34 Rank 6: 29 Rank 7: 26 Rank 8: 23 |
| Rank 9: 20 Rank 10: 17 Rank 11: 14 |
| Multiplier: +19 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 10: Lower Traverse |
Notes: This high-level component is meh. Not up to par with its contemporaries
and not worth the money.

Esoteric Oil
| Rank 1: 81 Rank 2: 74 Rank 3: 48 Rank 4: 61 |
| Rank 5: 54 Rank 6: 47 Rank 7: 40 Rank 8: 34 |
| Rank 9: 30 Rank 10: 27 Rank 11: 23 |
| Multiplier: +29 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Tsubaddran Highlands |
| Alraune, rare drop 5% |
| Rafflesia, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Esoteric or not, this oil is below top-level quality.

Scraggly Wool
| Rank 1: 5 Rank 2: 4 Rank 3: 4 Rank 4: 3 |
| Rank 5: 3 Rank 6: 2 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 1 |
| Rank 9: 1 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +7 | Rank: 1 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe: Pluck from adult sheep |
Notes: A nice little low-level component in that you nab it for free.
Otherwise it's not note-worthy.

Rough Wool
| Rank 1: 19 Rank 2: 16 Rank 3: 14 Rank 4: 12 |
| Rank 5: 11 Rank 6: 9 Rank 7: 8 Rank 8: 7 |
| Rank 9: 5 Rank 10: 4 Rank 11: 3 |
| Multiplier: +13 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe: Pluck from adult sheep |
Notes: Free wool is a plus, and for a mid-level component it's not bad at all.

Thick Wool
| Rank 1: 39 Rank 2: 35 Rank 3: 30 Rank 4: 26 |
| Rank 5: 22 Rank 6: 19 Rank 7: 17 Rank 8: 15 |
| Rank 9: 13 Rank 10: 11 Rank 11: 10 |
| Multiplier: +18 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/75 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe: Pluck from adult sheep |
Notes: A wooly high-level component that's weaker than most in its class.

Fluffy Wool
| Rank 1: 61 Rank 2: 56 Rank 3: 50 Rank 4: 44 |
| Rank 5: 39 Rank 6: 33 Rank 7: 28 Rank 8: 25 |
| Rank 9: 22 Rank 10: 19 Rank 11: 16 |
| Multiplier: +27 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe: Pluck from adult sheep |
Notes: Use this all you like. It may be below quality as far as its multiplier
is concerned, but at least its free to nab.

Murky Ooze
| Rank 1: 8 Rank 2: 7 Rank 3: 6 Rank 4: 5 |
| Rank 5: 4 Rank 6: 4 Rank 7: 3 Rank 8: 2 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +8 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Cargo Access |
| Flanitor, common drop 25% |
| Flanborg, common drop 25% |
| Flan, common drop 25% |
| Dire Flan, common drop 25% |
| Monstrous Flan, common drop 25% |
| Rust Pudding, common drop 25% |
| Ferruginous Pudding, common drop 25% |
| Corrosive Custard, common drop 25% |
| Flandragora, common drop 25% |
| Hybrid Flora, common drop 25% |
| Phosphoric Ooze, common drop 25% |
| Alchemic Ooze, common drop 25% |
| Gelatitan, common drop 25% |
| Ectopudding, common drop 25% |
Notes: A good low-level component. Not particularly note-worthy.

*Vibrant Ooze
| Rank 1: 25 Rank 2: 22 Rank 3: 19 Rank 4: 16 |
| Rank 5: 14 Rank 6: 12 Rank 7: 11 Rank 8: 9 |
| Rank 9: 8 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 5 |
| Multiplier: +14 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 4: Scrap Processing |
| Flanitor, rare drop 5% |
| Flanborg, rare drop 5% |
| Flandragora, rare drop 5% |
| Hybrid Flora, rare drop 5% |
| Phosphoric Ooze, rare drop 5% |
| Alchemic Ooze, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Buy this up. This mid-level component has a great multiplier.

*Transparent Ooze
| Rank 1: 48 Rank 2: 43 Rank 3: 38 Rank 4: 33 |
| Rank 5: 28 Rank 6: 24 Rank 7: 21 Rank 8: 19 |
| Rank 9: 16 Rank 10: 14 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +21 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Flan, rare drop 5% |
| Dire Flan, rare drop 5% |
| Monstrous Flan, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A high-level component that's worth every penny. Buy as much as you can

Wonder Gel
| Rank 1: 84 Rank 2: 77 Rank 3: 70 Rank 4: 63 |
| Rank 5: 56 Rank 6: 49 Rank 7: 42 Rank 8: 35 |
| Rank 9: 31 Rank 10: 28 Rank 11: 24 |
| Multiplier: +31 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Rust Pudding, rare drop 5% |
| Ferruginous Pudding, rare drop 5% |
| Corrosive Custard, rare drop 5% |
| Gelatitan, rare drop 5% |
| Ectopudding, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This top-level component works wonders. Use as much as you will.

Fractured Horn
| Rank 1: 6 Rank 2: 5 Rank 3: 4 Rank 4: 4 |
| Rank 5: 3 Rank 6: 3 Rank 7: 2 Rank 8: 1 |
| Rank 9: 1 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +6 | Rank: 1 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, The Haerii Archaeopolis |
| Goblin, common drop 25% |
| Goblin Chieftain, common drop 25% |
| Munchkin, common drop 25% |
| Munchkin Maestro, common drop 25% |
| Borgbear, common drop 25% |
| Borgbear Hero, common drop 25% |
Notes: Goblin-grade junk of a low-level component. Not particularly note-

Spined Horn
| Rank 1: 21 Rank 2: 18 Rank 3: 15 Rank 4: 13 |
| Rank 5: 12 Rank 6: 10 Rank 7: 9 Rank 8: 7 |
| Rank 9: 6 Rank 10: 4 Rank 11: 3 |
| Multiplier: +12 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Paddraean Archaeopolis |
| Munchkin, rare drop 5% |
| Munchkin Maestro, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Goblins are easy, but there's little reason to farm them for this
reason: mid-level components that are weaker than most others.
Fiendish Horn
| Rank 1: 43 Rank 2: 38 Rank 3: 33 Rank 4: 28 |
| Rank 5: 24 Rank 6: 21 Rank 7: 19 Rank 8: 16 |
| Rank 9: 14 Rank 10: 12 Rank 11: 10 |
| Multiplier: +17 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: XX/75 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Goblin, rare drop 5% |
| Goblin Chieftain, rare drop 5% |
Notes: By God this component is weak.

Infernal Horn
| Rank 1: 68 Rank 2: 62 Rank 3: 55 Rank 4: 49 |
| Rank 5: 43 Rank 6: 37 Rank 7: 31 Rank 8: 27 |
| Rank 9: 24 Rank 10: 21 Rank 11: 18 |
| Multiplier: +26 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Borgbear, rare drop 5% |
| Borgbear Hero, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Bleh.

Strange Fluid
| Rank 1: 10 Rank 2: 9 Rank 3: 8 Rank 4: 7 |
| Rank 5: 6 Rank 6: 5 Rank 7: 4 Rank 8: 3 |
| Rank 9: 2 Rank 10: 1 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +6 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Amid Timebound Waves |
| Chapter 3: Encased in Crystal |
| Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Ceiling of Sky |
| Bloodfang Bass, common drop 25% |
| Breshan Bass, common drop 25% |
| Hedge Frog, common drop 25% |
| Mud Frog, common drop 25% |
| Ceratosaur, common drop 25% |
| Ceratoraptor, common drop 25% |
Notes: A weak low-level component. Not particularly note-worthy.

Enigmatic Fluid
| Rank 1: 28 Rank 2: 25 Rank 3: 21 Rank 4: 18 |
| Rank 5: 16 Rank 6: 14 Rank 7: 12 Rank 8: 10 |
| Rank 9: 9 Rank 10: 7 Rank 11: 6 |
| Multiplier: +12 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 80/40 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Encased in Crystal |
| Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Ceiling of Sky |
| Bloodfang Bass, rare drop 5% |
| Breshan Bass, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A poor mid-level component. Don't bother with buying any.

Mysterious Fluid
| Rank 1: 58 Rank 2: 52 Rank 3: 46 Rank 4: 40 |
| Rank 5: 34 Rank 6: 29 Rank 7: 26 Rank 8: 23 |
| Rank 9: 20 Rank 10: 17 Rank 11: 14 |
| Multiplier: +19 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 150/75 | Purchased: Creature Comforts |
| Attained: Chapter 6: The Old Growth |
| Hedge Frog, rare drop 5% |
| Mud Frog, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Mysteriously weak. Don't buy this.

Ineffable Fluid
| Rank 1: 74 Rank 2: 68 Rank 3: 62 Rank 4: 55 |
| Rank 5: 49 Rank 6: 43 Rank 7: 37 Rank 8: 31 |
| Rank 9: 27 Rank 10: 24 Rank 11: 20 |
| Multiplier: +29 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Ceratosaur, rare drop 5% |
| Ceratoraptor, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Weak top-level component. An ineffable fluid you could totally eff

Cie'th Tear
| Rank 1: 12 Rank 2: 10 Rank 3: 9 Rank 4: 8 |
| Rank 5: 7 Rank 6: 6 Rank 7: 5 Rank 8: 4 |
| Rank 9: 3 Rank 10: 2 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +10 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Amid Timebound Waves |
| Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, The Skyreach |
| Ghoul, common drop 25% |
| Ghast, common drop 25% |
| Strigoi, common drop 25% |
| Taxim, common drop 25% |
| Vampire, common drop 25% |
| Wight, common drop 25% |
| Pijavica, common drop 25% |
| Nelapsi, common drop 25% |
| Varcolaci, common drop 25% |
| Chonchon, common drop 25% |
| Vetala, common drop 25% |
| Seeker, common drop 25% |
| Wladislaus, common drop 25% |
Notes: A very potent low-level component. Don't balk at the frequency with
which they drop; they're really useful.

Tear of Frustration
| Rank 1: 25 Rank 2: 22 Rank 3: 19 Rank 4: 16 |
| Rank 5: 14 Rank 6: 12 Rank 7: 11 Rank 8: 9 |
| Rank 9: 8 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 5 |
| Multiplier: +14 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/40 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Ghoul, rare drop 5% |
| Ghast, rare drop 5% |
| Strigoi, rare drop 5% |
| Wight, rare drop 5% |
| Pijavica, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A mid-level component that's just above the normal for its class. It's
a shame you can't buy these.

Tear of Remorse
| Rank 1: 48 Rank 2: 43 Rank 3: 38 Rank 4: 33 |
| Rank 5: 28 Rank 6: 24 Rank 7: 21 Rank 8: 19 |
| Rank 9: 16 Rank 10: 14 Rank 11: 11 |
| Multiplier: +24 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/75 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Sixth Tier |
| Taxim, rare drop 5% |
| Nelapsi, rare drop 5% |
| Vetala, rare drop 5% |
| Seeker, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A high-level component that's way above normal for its class. It's a
REAL shame you can't buy these.

Tear of Woe
| Rank 1: 84 Rank 2: 77 Rank 3: 70 Rank 4: 63 |
| Rank 5: 56 Rank 6: 49 Rank 7: 42 Rank 8: 35 |
| Rank 9: 31 Rank 10: 28 Rank 11: 24 |
| Multiplier: +40 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/110 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Sixth Tier |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Vampire, rare drop 5% |
| Varcolaci, rare drop 5% |
| Chonchon, rare drop 5% |
| Wladislaus, rare drop 5% |
Notes: These items are incredible upgrade components, but you have to go out
of your way and farm the most annoying of Cie'th to get them.

Red Mycelium
| Rank 1: 12 Rank 2: 10 Rank 3: 9 Rank 4: 6 |
| Rank 5: 7 Rank 6: 6 Rank 7: 5 Rank 8: 4 |
| Rank 9: 3 Rank 10: 2 Rank 11: 1 |
| Multiplier: +10 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/85 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Superb for a low-level component. Little bonuses for dismantling your

Blue Mycelium
| Rank 1: 45 Rank 2: 40 Rank 3: 35 Rank 4: 30 |
| Rank 5: 25 Rank 6: 22 Rank 7: 20 Rank 8: 17 |
| Rank 9: 15 Rank 10: 12 Rank 11: 10 |
| Multiplier: +21 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/190 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: A welcome bonus for dismantling an item, this component is very, very
nice, but you shouldn't go dismantling everything you have to get them.

White Mycelium
| Rank 1: 88 Rank 2: 80 Rank 3: 72 Rank 4: 64 |
| Rank 5: 56 Rank 6: 48 Rank 7: 40 Rank 8: 36 |
| Rank 9: 32 Rank 10: 28 Rank 11: 24 |
| Multiplier: +34 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/360 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: A high-level component with an insane multiplier, but require a heavy
sacrifice to get. If you must dismantle your Magistral Crests at least you get
these little bonuses.

Black Mycelium
| Rank 1: 144 Rank 2: 132 Rank 3: 120 Rank 4: 108 |
| Rank 5: 96 Rank 6: 84 Rank 7: 72 Rank 8: 60 |
| Rank 9: 54 Rank 10: 48 Rank 11: 42 |
| Multiplier: +51 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/615 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Loot from dismantling |
Notes: This is a top-level component with a HUGE multiplier. Just one of these
will take a virgin item and cross the threshold into the x1.25. Still, with
the exception of one treasure sphere the only way to get these is through

Dawnlight Dew
| Rank 1: 24 Rank 2: 20 Rank 3: 18 Rank 4: 16 |
| Rank 5: 14 Rank 6: 12 Rank 7: 10 Rank 8: 8 |
| Rank 9: 6 Rank 10: 4 Rank 11: 2 |
| Multiplier: +31 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chocobo Dig Treasure: 8.4% |
Notes: A very handy component with a high multiplier. Use them wisely.

Dusklight Dew
| Rank 1: 56 Rank 2: 48 Rank 3: 40 Rank 4: 36 |
| Rank 5: 32 Rank 6: 28 Rank 7: 24 Rank 8: 20 |
| Rank 9: 16 Rank 10: 12 Rank 11: 8 |
| Multiplier: +42 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/850 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chocobo Dig Treasure: 7.55% |
Notes: Another high-multiplier component able to get close to the x1.25

| Rank 1: 64 Rank 2: 56 Rank 3: 48 Rank 4: 40 |
| Rank 5: 36 Rank 6: 32 Rank 7: 28 Rank 8: 24 |
| Rank 9: 20 Rank 10: 16 Rank 11: 12 |
| Multiplier: +46 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Aggra's Trough |
| Microchu, rare drop 5% |
| Picochu, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Despite its potency I strongly suggest selling this item. You could
afford to buy a higher multiplier's worth of components with the money its

| Rank 1: 175 Rank 2: 160 Rank 3: 146 Rank 4: 131 |
| Rank 5: 116 Rank 6: 102 Rank 7: 87 Rank 8: 73 |
| Rank 9: 65 Rank 10: 58 Rank 11: 50 |
| Multiplier: +21 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Ochu, rare drop 5% |
| Neochu, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A poor multiplier makes this a weak component. Sell it for a decent
amount of money.

Moonblossom Seed
| Rank 1: 147 Rank 2: 126 Rank 3: 105 Rank 4: 94 |
| Rank 5: 84 Rank 6: 73 Rank 7: 63 Rank 8: 52 |
| Rank 9: 42 Rank 10: 31 Rank 11: 21 |
| Multiplier: +55 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/6,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 24 reward |
| Hunt Mission 39 reward |
| Hunt Mission 45 reward |
| Hunt Mission 55 reward |
| Bandersnatch, common drop 25% |
| Jabberwocky, common drop 25% |
Notes: Sell this component for its shop value. It should more than make up for
it in other components.

Starblossom Seed
| Rank 1: 460 Rank 2: 414 Rank 3: 368 Rank 4: 322 |
| Rank 5: 276 Rank 6: 230 Rank 7: 207 Rank 8: 184 |
| Rank 9: 161 Rank 10: 138 Rank 11: 115 |
| Multiplier: +91 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/13,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Faultwarrens, A Dance of Shadow |
| Chapter 11: The Faultwarrens, Via Solis |
| Chapter 11: The Faultwarrens, The Sylphid Path |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
Notes: With a shop value this high, you can easily get many times this item's
multiplier in cheaper components. Sell it.

Chocobo Plume
| Rank 1: 14 Rank 2: 12 Rank 3: 10 Rank 4: 9 |
| Rank 5: 8 Rank 6: 7 Rank 7: 6 Rank 8: 5 |
| Rank 9: 4 Rank 10: 3 Rank 11: 2 |
| Multiplier: +34 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/20 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chocobo Dig Treasure: 10.19% |
| Pluck from baby chocobo in The Font of Namva |
| Hunt Mission 54 reward |
| Cactuar, common drop 5% |
| Giant Cactuar, common drop 10% |
| Cactuar Prime, common drop 25% |
| Microchu, common drop 25% |
| Picochu, common drop 25% |
| Tonberry, common drop 25% |
Notes: This is a very good component for synthesis. Dig those treasures up
with your Chocobo to keep these coming into your inventory.

Chocobo Tail Feather

| Rank 1: 59 Rank 2: 52 Rank 3: 46 Rank 4: 39 |
| Rank 5: 33 Rank 6: 29 Rank 7: 26 Rank 8: 23 |
| Rank 9: 19 Rank 10: 16 Rank 11: 14 |
| Multiplier: +58 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/50 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chocobo Dig Treasure: 9.94% |
| Pluck from baby chocobo in The Font of Namva |
| Gigantuar, common drop 25% |
| Flowering Cactuar, common drop 25% |
| Ochu, common drop 25% |
| Neochu, common drop 25% |
Notes: This item is tremendously good, an excellent incentive to keep digging
up those treasure with your Chocobo.

Succulent Fruit
| Rank 1: 20 Rank 2: 18 Rank 3: 16 Rank 4: 14 |
| Rank 5: 12 Rank 6: 10 Rank 7: 9 Rank 8: 8 |
| Rank 9: 7 Rank 10: 6 Rank 11: 5 |
| Multiplier: +55 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,750 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Sell this item when you get it. Though it's a good multiplier booster,
its monetary value is better spent on other things. It is a nice little
dismantle bonus though.

Malodorous Fruit
| Rank 1: 14 Rank 2: 12 Rank 3: 10 Rank 4: 9 |
| Rank 5: 8 Rank 6: 7 Rank 7: 6 Rank 8: 5 |
| Rank 9: 4 Rank 10: 3 Rank 11: 2 |
| Multiplier: +21 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/4,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Though a decent component, this item's shop value is immense. And you
don't really want your items to be malodorous, do you? The only way to get
this one is through dismantling.

Green Needle
| Rank 1: 110 Rank 2: 100 Rank 3: 90 Rank 4: 80 |
| Rank 5: 70 Rank 6: 60 Rank 7: 50 Rank 8: 45 |
| Rank 9: 40 Rank 10: 35 Rank 11: 30 |
| Multiplier: +100 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: 7,000/3,500 | Purchased: R&D Depot |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: The multiplier on this item is second to one, but it should still be
sold for money. Once again, multiple smaller items can be bought with that
cash to eclipse this one component's multiplier.

| Rank 1: 280 Rank 2: 260 Rank 3: 240 Rank 4: 220 |
| Rank 5: 200 Rank 6: 180 Rank 7: 160 Rank 8: 140 |
| Rank 9: 120 Rank 10: 100 Rank 11: 90 |
| Multiplier: +120 | Rank: 10 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/12,500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Sanctum Inquisitrix, rare drop 5% |
| Sacrifice, common drop 25% |
Notes: With the most potent multiplier in the game, the Perfume is still
eclipsed by an astounding value to shops. Sell this without a second thought,
and relish in all that you can afford once you do. The best way to farm these
is near the end of the game in Chapter 13, where you can take on hordes of
Sacrifices who hold them as common drops. Be aware however that Sacrifices
must be taken care of quickly; a successful Death attack on your leader can
result in the game over screen at any time.

-------- Mechanical Components {dam}

Once a good multiplier is established, it's a good idea to switch over to
mechanical components. These are the heavy hitters with big exp values that
can ultimately claim to push your items into higher levels. They usually drop
from mechanical or ambiguous enemies. Never apply these until you have your
desired exp multiplier, as they will degrade that multiplier when you use
them. These are the ones you want to farm, as their prices in the shops tend
to be a little steep.

When you apply mechanical components, do it in groups. It is best to tack on a

large number of these at once, as the exp multiplier is reduced AFTER these
take effect. Do your math though. If you need just a few to make an item max
out and end up using a horde, it equates to a lot of wasted components.

Insulated Cabling
| Rank 1: 131 Rank 2: 112 Rank 3: 94 Rank 4: 84 |
| Rank 5: 75 Rank 6: 65 Rank 7: 56 Rank 8: 47 |
| Rank 9: 37 Rank 10: 28 Rank 11: 18 |
| Multiplier: -18 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 280/140 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Chapter 3: The Frozen Halls |
| Chapter 7: Pedestrian Terraces |
| Ciconia Velocycle, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A weak component with a modest multiplier penalty. Don't waste your
money on these.

Fiber-optic Cable
| Rank 1: 432 Rank 2: 338 Rank 3: 345 Rank 4: 302 |
| Rank 5: 259 Rank 6: 216 Rank 7: 194 Rank 8: 172 |
| Rank 9: 151 Rank 10: 129 Rank 11: 108 |
| Multiplier: -49 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Chapter 4: Scavenger's Trail |
| Chapter 7: The Metrostile |
| Falco Velocycle, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This component provides a modest amount of experience, but ultimately
there are better components to invest in.

Liquid Crystal Lens

| Rank 1: 140 Rank 2: 120 Rank 3: 100 Rank 4: 90 |
| Rank 5: 80 Rank 6: 70 Rank 7: 60 Rank 8: 50 |
| Rank 9: 40 Rank 10: 30 Rank 11: 20 |
| Multiplier: -19 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 320/160 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Kind of weak. Not worth being bought or farmed.

Ring Joint
| Rank 1: 416 Rank 2: 374 Rank 3: 332 Rank 4: 291 |
| Rank 5: 249 Rank 6: 208 Rank 7: 187 Rank 8: 166 |
| Rank 9: 145 Rank 10: 124 Rank 11: 103 |
| Multiplier: -50 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Though not a bad component in the least, there are much better to be

Epicyclic Gear
| Rank 1: 133 Rank 2: 114 Rank 3: 95 Rank 4: 85 |
| Rank 5: 76 Rank 6: 66 Rank 7: 57 Rank 8: 47 |
| Rank 9: 38 Rank 10: 28 Rank 11: 19 |
| Multiplier: -20 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 320/160 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: This component is low-level but effective. Nothing particularly note-

| Rank 1: 430 Rank 2: 387 Rank 3: 344 Rank 4: 301 |
| Rank 5: 258 Rank 6: 215 Rank 7: 193 Rank 8: 172 |
| Rank 9: 150 Rank 10: 129 Rank 11: 106 |
| Multiplier: -47 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: A decent component but not particularly worth seeking out.

Electrolytic Capacitor
| Rank 1: 137 Rank 2: 117 Rank 3: 98 Rank 4: 88 |
| Rank 5: 78 Rank 6: 68 Rank 7: 58 Rank 8: 49 |
| Rank 9: 39 Rank 10: 29 Rank 11: 19 |
| Multiplier: -20 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/160 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 4: Scavenger's Trail |
| Uhlan, common drop 25% |
| Bulwarker, common drop 25% |
Notes: What a tongue-twister! Don't go out of your way to get any of these.

| Rank 1: 408 Rank 2: 367 Rank 3: 326 Rank 4: 285 |
| Rank 5: 244 Rank 6: 204 Rank 7: 183 Rank 8: 163 |
| Rank 9: 142 Rank 10: 122 Rank 11: 102 |
| Multiplier: -48 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Not a bad component, but nothing worth actively hunting down.

| Rank 1: ?? Rank 2: ?? Rank 3: ?? Rank 4: ?? |
| Rank 5: ?? Rank 6: 71 Rank 7: ?? Rank 8: ?? |
| Rank 9: ?? Rank 10: ?? Rank 11: ?? |
| Multiplier: -21 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/160 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: A lower-end catalyst of no real note aside from the difficulty inherent
in obtaining it. The only way to get one of these is to dismantle a "star"
level Nue upgraded from the Ninurta. That's a lot of work for a mediocre

| Rank 1: 440 Rank 2: 396 Rank 3: 352 Rank 4: 308 |
| Rank 5: 264 Rank 6: 220 Rank 7: 198 Rank 8: 176 |
| Rank 9: 154 Rank 10: 132 Rank 11: 110 |
| Multiplier: -46 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: The actuator is actually rather bland. Nothing note-worthy.

Spark Plug
| Rank 1: 124 Rank 2: 106 Rank 3: 89 Rank 4: 80 |
| Rank 5: 71 Rank 6: 62 Rank 7: 53 Rank 8: 44 |
| Rank 9: 35 Rank 10: 26 Rank 11: 17 |
| Multiplier: -18 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/140 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Second Tier |
| Pulsework Soldier, common drop 25% |
| Pulsework Knight, common drop 25% |
| Pulsework Gladiator, common drop 25% |
| Pulsework Centurion, common drop 25% |
| Pulsework Champion, common drop 25% |
Notes: Nothing special about this item. They stand out in that they seem to
really stack up if you decide to grind Pulsework enemies.

Iridium Plug
| Rank 1: 204 Rank 2: 183 Rank 3: 163 Rank 4: 142 |
| Rank 5: 122 Rank 6: 102 Rank 7: 91 Rank 8: 81 |
| Rank 9: 71 Rank 10: 61 Rank 11: 51 |
| Multiplier: -48 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Half the exp and all the multiplier penalty. Weak.

Needle Valve
| Rank 1: 140 Rank 2: 120 Rank 3: 100 Rank 4: 90 |
| Rank 5: 80 Rank 6: 70 Rank 7: 60 Rank 8: 50 |
| Rank 9: 40 Rank 10: 30 Rank 11: 20 |
| Multiplier: -21 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/160 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Boxed Phalanx, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Lower-level component. Nothing note-worthy.

Butterfly Valve
| Rank 1: 464 Rank 2: 417 Rank 3: 371 Rank 4: 324 |
| Rank 5: 278 Rank 6: 232 Rank 7: 208 Rank 8: 185 |
| Rank 9: 162 Rank 10: 139 Rank 11: 116 |
| Multiplier: -50 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Ambling Bellows, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent component, but nothing note-worthy.

Bomb Ashes
| Rank 1: 74 Rank 2: 62 Rank 3: 55 Rank 4: 49 |
| Rank 5: 43 Rank 6: 37 Rank 7: 31 Rank 8: 24 |
| Rank 9: 18 Rank 10: 12 Rank 11: 6 |
| Multiplier: -8 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/90 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Bomb, common drop 25% |
| Circuitron, common drop 25% |
| Cryohedron, common drop 25% |
Notes: If you farm Cryohedrons, which you really should, you'll be gathering a
LOT of these. A weak component, yet good for its value. Use these to top off
an item that's nearing its next level.

Bomb Fragment
| Rank 1: 164 Rank 2: 144 Rank 3: 123 Rank 4: 103 |
| Rank 5: 92 Rank 6: 82 Rank 7: 72 Rank 8: 61 |
| Rank 9: 51 Rank 10: 41 Rank 11: 30 |
| Multiplier: -27 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 430/215 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Bomb, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent, mid-level component. Don't drop money on them though.

Bomb Shell
| Rank 1: 412 Rank 2: 370 Rank 3: 329 Rank 4: 288 |
| Rank 5: 247 Rank 6: 206 Rank 7: 185 Rank 8: 164 |
| Rank 9: 144 Rank 10: 123 Rank 11: 100 |
| Multiplier: -53 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 10: Vestibular Hold |
| Hunt Mission 02 reward |
| Hunt Mission 04 reward |
| Hunt Mission 06 reward |
| Hunt Mission 08 reward |
| Hunt Mission 11 reward |
| Hunt Mission 13 reward |
| Hunt Mission 14 reward |
| Hunt Mission 15 reward |
| Hunt Mission 16 reward |
| Hunt Mission 19 reward |
| Hunt Mission 20 reward |
| Hunt Mission 21 reward |
| Hunt Mission 23 reward |
| Hunt Mission 28 reward |
| Hunt Mission 32 reward |
| Hunt Mission 33 reward |
| Hunt Mission 35 reward |
| Hunt Mission 36 reward |
| Hunt Mission 37 reward |
| Hunt Mission 38 reward |
| Hunt Mission 40 reward |
| Hunt Mission 44 reward |
| Hunt Mission 48 reward |
| Hunt Mission 56 reward |
| Hunt Mission 57 reward |
| Hunt Mission 58 reward |
| Circuitron, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Decent, but nothing special. Not note-worthy.
*Bomb Core
| Rank 1: 945 Rank 2: 866 Rank 3: 788 Rank 4: 709 |
| Rank 5: 630 Rank 6: 551 Rank 7: 472 Rank 8: 394 |
| Rank 9: 354 Rank 10: 315 Rank 11: 275 |
| Multiplier: -78 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/600 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 01 reward |
| Hunt Mission 03 reward |
| Hunt Mission 05 reward |
| Hunt Mission 07 reward |
| Hunt Mission 09 reward |
| Hunt Mission 12 reward |
| Hunt Mission 25 reward |
| Hunt Mission 26 reward |
| Hunt Mission 27 reward |
| Hunt Mission 30 reward |
| Hunt Mission 34 reward |
| Hunt Mission 42 reward |
| Hunt Mission 43 reward |
| Hunt Mission 46 reward |
| Hunt Mission 47 reward |
| Hunt Mission 50 reward |
| Hunt Mission 51 reward |
| Hunt Mission 52 reward |
| Hunt Mission 53 reward |
| Hunt Mission 59 reward |
| Hunt Mission 60 reward |
| Hunt Mission 62 reward |
| Hunt Mission 64 reward |
| Cryohedron, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This component is amazing. Toss on a Connoisseur Catalog and beat the
living piss out of Cryohedrons for these. The drop rate is decent at 5%, the
enemies are incredibly easy and rapid to take down, and they arrange
themselves in a neat little gauntlet that can be run incredibly quickly.
Another option is to pick any of these numerous hunt missions and run them
continuously, grabbing a few with each completion.

Analog Circuit
| Rank 1: 81 Rank 2: 68 Rank 3: 61 Rank 4: 54 |
| Rank 5: 47 Rank 6: 40 Rank 7: 34 Rank 8: 27 |
| Rank 9: 20 Rank 10: 13 Rank 11: 7 |
| Multiplier: -9 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/90 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Boxed Phalanx, common drop 5% |
| Hoplite, common drop 5% |
| Ambling Bellows, common drop 5% |
| Cryptos, common drop 5% |
Notes: Low-ranked component that's nothing special.
Digital Circuit
| Rank 1: 179 Rank 2: 156 Rank 3: 134 Rank 4: 112 |
| Rank 5: 100 Rank 6: 89 Rank 7: 78 Rank 8: 67 |
| Rank 9: 56 Rank 10: 44 Rank 11: 33 |
| Multiplier: -21 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/230 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Encased in Crystal |
| Chapter 3: Gates of Antiquity |
| Chapter 9: Short-field Landing Deck |
| Watchdrone, common drop 25% |
| Deckdrone, common drop 25% |
| Myrmidon, common drop 25% |
| Crusader, common drop 25% |
| Orion, common drop 25% |
| Viking, common drop 25% |
| Ciconia Velocycle, common drop 25% |
| Falco Velocycle, common drop 25% |
| Milvus Velocycle, common drop 25% |
| Aquila Velocycle, common drop 25% |
| Manasvin Warmech, common drop 100% |
Notes: A decent mid-level component. Nothing special.

| Rank 1: 298 Rank 2: 265 Rank 3: 232 Rank 4: 199 |
| Rank 5: 166 Rank 6: 149 Rank 7: 132 Rank 8: 116 |
| Rank 9: 99 Rank 10: 83 Rank 11: 66 |
| Multiplier: -34 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/330 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Midlight Reaper, common drop 25% |
| Megrim Thresher, common drop 25% |
Notes: Nothing noteworthy.

| Rank 1: 796 Rank 2: 724 Rank 3: 651 Rank 4: 579 |
| Rank 5: 506 Rank 6: 434 Rank 7: 362 Rank 8: 325 |
| Rank 9: 289 Rank 10: 253 Rank 11: 217 |
| Multiplier: -56 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 10: Hypogeum |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, The Earthworks |
| Hunt Mission 22 reward |
| Vernal Harvester, common drop 20% |
Notes: This component is really good, well worth using, and drops a decent 20%
of the time. Unfortunately, the only way to get it is from the incredibly
annoying Vernal Harvester. If you really want this component, go for the
Harvester who's duking it out with the Behemoth in Eden Park.

Ceramic Armor
| Rank 1: 295 Rank 2: 262 Rank 3: 229 Rank 4: 196 |
| Rank 5: 164 Rank 6: 147 Rank 7: 131 Rank 8: 114 |
| Rank 9: 98 Rank 10: 82 Rank 11: 65 |
| Multiplier: -35 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: 660/330 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Uhlan, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent component, but not really worth your money.

*Chobham Armor
| Rank 1: 844 Rank 2: 768 Rank 3: 691 Rank 4: 614 |
| Rank 5: 537 Rank 6: 460 Rank 7: 384 Rank 8: 345 |
| Rank 9: 307 Rank 10: 268 Rank 11: 230 |
| Multiplier: -54 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Mah'habara, The Earthworks |
| Bulwarker, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Well worth your time to farm. Great EXP value and a modest 5% drop
rate. Once again, toss on a Connoisseur Catalog and go to town on the Gran
Prix circuit on the hunt for Bulwarkers. While a really, really good
component, it's still much easier to farm Cryohedrons for Bomb Cores.

Radial Bearing
| Rank 1: 128 Rank 2: 110 Rank 3: 92 Rank 4: 82 |
| Rank 5: 73 Rank 6: 64 Rank 7: 55 Rank 8: 46 |
| Rank 9: 36 Rank 10: 27 Rank 11: 18 |
| Multiplier: -20 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 320/160 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Pulsework Knight, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Mediocre component. Nothing noteworthy.

Thrust Bearing
| Rank 1: 400 Rank 2: 360 Rank 3: 320 Rank 4: 280 |
| Rank 5: 240 Rank 6: 200 Rank 7: 180 Rank 8: 160 |
| Rank 9: 140 Rank 10: 120 Rank 11: 100 |
| Multiplier: -48 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Rivera Towers |
| Hunt Mission 10 reward |
| Pulsework Gladiator, rare drop 5% |
| Pulsework Champion, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Mediocre component. Nothing noteworthy.

| Rank 1: 440 Rank 2: 396 Rank 3: 352 Rank 4: 308 |
| Rank 5: 264 Rank 6: 220 Rank 7: 198 Rank 8: 176 |
| Rank 9: 154 Rank 10: 132 Rank 11: 110 |
| Multiplier: -47 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Hoplite, rare drop 5% |
| Cryptos, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent component. If you plan to go farming Bomb Cores in the Maw of
the Abyss you're going to be picking up a fair number of these as well from
the Hoplites that mingle with the Cryohedrons. At least they can be put to
good use.

Mobius Coil
| Rank 1: 1,075 Rank 2: 985 Rank 3: 896 Rank 4: 806 |
| Rank 5: 716 Rank 6: 627 Rank 7: 537 Rank 8: 448 |
| Rank 9: 403 Rank 10: 358 Rank 11: 313 |
| Multiplier: -81 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/800 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Nutriculture Complex |
| Hunt Mission 29 reward |
| Vernal Harvester, rare drop 5% |
Notes: This is a superb component, but is a rare drop from the Vernal
Harvester. It's really not worth farming considering the drop rate and
aggravation of facing these enemies.

Tungsten Tube
| Rank 1: 384 Rank 2: 345 Rank 3: 307 Rank 4: 268 |
| Rank 5: 230 Rank 6: 192 Rank 7: 172 Rank 8: 153 |
| Rank 9: 134 Rank 10: 115 Rank 11: 96 |
| Multiplier: -53 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Juggernaut, common drop 25% |
Notes: Horrible component. Huge multiplier and low exp scores. Still, every
little bit helps.
Titanium Tube
| Rank 1: 969 Rank 2: 888 Rank 3: 808 Rank 4: 727 |
| Rank 5: 646 Rank 6: 565 Rank 7: 484 Rank 8: 404 |
| Rank 9: 363 Rank 10: 323 Rank 11: 282 |
| Multiplier: -56 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Good component, but it cannot be farmed or bought. Use em if you got

Passive Detector
| Rank 1: 376 Rank 2: 338 Rank 3: 300 Rank 4: 263 |
| Rank 5: 225 Rank 6: 188 Rank 7: 169 Rank 8: 150 |
| Rank 9: 131 Rank 10: 112 Rank 11: 75 |
| Multiplier: -54 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Pulsework Soldier, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent component, but not worth your money. Nothing noteworthy.

*Active Detector
| Rank 1: 998 Rank 2: 915 Rank 3: 832 Rank 4: 748 |
| Rank 5: 665 Rank 6: 582 Rank 7: 449 Rank 8: 416 |
| Rank 9: 374 Rank 10: 332 Rank 11: 291 |
| Multiplier: -82 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/750 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Pulsework Centurion, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Toss on a Connasour Catalog and hit up Mah'habara for those Centurions.
These are some incredible components and they drop decently for a rare item.
It's still easier to farm Bomb Cores, but if you want a change of pace this is
a great alternative.

| Rank 1: 84 Rank 2: 70 Rank 3: 63 Rank 4: 56 |
| Rank 5: 49 Rank 6: 42 Rank 7: 35 Rank 8: 28 |
| Rank 9: 21 Rank 10: 14 Rank 11: 7 |
| Multiplier: -9 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/90 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Berserker, common drop 25% |
| Tyrant, common drop 25% |
| Immortal, common drop 25% |
Notes: The Transformer is very weak. Nothing noteworthy.

| Rank 1: 217 Rank 2: 190 Rank 3: 163 Rank 4: 136 |
| Rank 5: 122 Rank 6: 108 Rank 7: 95 Rank 8: 81 |
| Rank 9: 68 Rank 10: 54 Rank 11: 41 |
| Multiplier: -28 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 520/260 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Berserker, rare drop 5% |
| Tyrant, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Don't bother with this component. It is incredibly par. Nothing

| Rank 1: 548 Rank 2: 493 Rank 3: 438 Rank 4: 383 |
| Rank 5: 328 Rank 6: 274 Rank 7: 246 Rank 8: 219 |
| Rank 9: 191 Rank 10: 164 Rank 11: 136 |
| Multiplier: -55 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Immortal, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent component, but not really worth farming considering how you
need to take down Immortals to nab it. Nothing noteworthy.

| Rank 1: 1.327 Rank 2: 1,216 Rank 3: 1,106 Rank 4: 995 |
| Rank 5: 884 Rank 6: 774 Rank 7: 663 Rank 8: 553 |
| Rank 9: 497 Rank 10: 442 Rank 11: 387 |
| Multiplier: -82 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/800 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
Notes: Keep these components for something useful. It has a ton of experience,
but isn't powerful enough to produce overkill like the Ultracompact Reactor.
It's a real shame that these cannot be farmed or bought.

Piezoeletric Element
| Rank 1: 620 Rank 2: 558 Rank 3: 496 Rank 4: 434 |
| Rank 5: 372 Rank 6: 310 Rank 7: 279 Rank 8: 248 |
| Rank 9: 217 Rank 10: 186 Rank 11: 155 |
| Multiplier: -50 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 17 reward |
| Hunt Mission 18 reward |
| Midlight Reaper, rare drop 5% |
Notes: My mouth hurts just saying the name of this item. Nothing special and
not worth purchase.

Crystal Oscillator
| Rank 1: 1449 Rank 2: 1328 Rank 3: 1208 Rank 4: 1087 |
| Rank 5: 966 Rank 6: 845 Rank 7: 724 Rank 8: 604 |
| Rank 9: 543 Rank 10: 483 Rank 11: 422 |
| Multiplier: -56 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/1,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Dusktide Grotto |
| Hunt Mission 31 reward |
| Hunt Mission 49 reward |
| Hunt Mission 61 reward |
| Megrim Thresher, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A really amazing component with a huge exp value and a comparatively
low multiplier. It's a shame that this component drops rarely from the Megrim
Thresher, which is a real pain in the neck to fight.

Paraffin Oil
| Rank 1: 134 Rank 2: 115 Rank 3: 96 Rank 4: 86 |
| Rank 5: 76 Rank 6: 67 Rank 7: 57 Rank 8: 48 |
| Rank 9: 38 Rank 10: 28 Rank 11: 19 |
| Multiplier: -20 | Rank: 3 |
| Buy/Sell: 320/160 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Chapter 3: The Frozen Falls |
| Watchdrone, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A weak component. Not particularly noteworthy.

Silicone Oil
| Rank 1: 304 Rank 2: 270 Rank 3: 236 Rank 4: 202 |
| Rank 5: 169 Rank 6: 152 Rank 7: 135 Rank 8: 118 |
| Rank 9: 101 Rank 10: 84 Rank 11: 67 |
| Multiplier: -32 | Rank: 5 |
| Buy/Sell: 660/330 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Chapter 9: External Berths |
| Deckdrone, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A moderate component. Not particularly noteworthy.

Synthetic Muscle
| Rank 1: 444 Rank 2: 399 Rank 3: 355 Rank 4: 310 |
| Rank 5: 266 Rank 6: 222 Rank 7: 199 Rank 8: 177 |
| Rank 9: 155 Rank 10: 133 Rank 11: 111 |
| Multiplier: -49 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/420 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: Nothing special. Not particularly noteworthy.

| Rank 1: 1,317 Rank 2: 1,207 Rank 3: 1,098 Rank 4: 988 |
| Rank 5: 878 Rank 6: 768 Rank 7: 658 Rank 8: 549 |
| Rank 9: 494 Rank 10: 439 Rank 11: 384 |
| Multiplier: -85 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/800 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
Notes: The exp value of this item is really great. Too bad it can't be farmed
or bought. Save these for filling in moderate amounts of experience.

| Rank 1: 424 Rank 2: 381 Rank 3: 339 Rank 4: 296 |
| Rank 5: 254 Rank 6: 212 Rank 7: 190 Rank 8: 169 |
| Rank 9: 148 Rank 10: 127 Rank 11: 106 |
| Multiplier: -46 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Milvus Velocycle, rare drop 2% |
| Feral Behemoth, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A good mid-level component. Nothing noteworthy.

*Tesla Turbine
| Rank 1: 1,411 Rank 2: 1,293 Rank 3: 1,176 Rank 4: 1,058 |
| Rank 5: 940 Rank 6: 823 Rank 7: 705 Rank 8: 588 |
| Rank 9: 529 Rank 10: 470 Rank 11: 411 |
| Multiplier: -79 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: XXX/900 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Twilit Cavern |
| Aquila Velocycle, rare drop 5% |
| Anavatapta Warmech, common drop 100% |
Notes: This component is great, with a large exp value. Sadly, aside from the
Anavatapta Warmech, you'll have to be grinding those really annoy Aquila
Velocycles for their rare drops. Keep them for pet projects in the post game
and grind for more if you want, but I suggest farming those Bomb Cores.

Polymer Emulsion
| Rank 1: 96 Rank 2: 80 Rank 3: 72 Rank 4: 64 |
| Rank 5: 56 Rank 6: 48 Rank 7: 40 Rank 8: 32 |
| Rank 9: 24 Rank 10: 16 Rank 11: 8 |
| Multiplier: -18 | Rank: 2 |
| Buy/Sell: 200/100 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Myrmidon, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A decent low-level component. Nothing really noteworthy though.

Ferroelectric Film
| Rank 1: 204 Rank 2: 179 Rank 3: 153 Rank 4: 128 |
| Rank 5: 115 Rank 6: 102 Rank 7: 89 Rank 8: 76 |
| Rank 9: 64 Rank 10: 51 Rank 11: 38 |
| Multiplier: -37 | Rank: 4 |
| Buy/Sell: 460/230 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Chapter 3: A City No Longer |
| Crusader, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A mediocre mid-level component. Nothing noteworthy.

| Rank 1: 800 Rank 2: 720 Rank 3: 640 Rank 4: 560 |
| Rank 5: 480 Rank 6: 400 Rank 7: 360 Rank 8: 320 |
| Rank 9: 280 Rank 10: 240 Rank 11: 200 |
| Multiplier: -59 | Rank: 6 |
| Buy/Sell: 840/420 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 10 reward |
| Orion, rare drop 5% |
Notes: The Superconductor isn't a particularly potent component and has a
comparatively high multiplier, but few purchasable components have such a high
exp to money ratio. These make beautiful components for filling in less-than-
huge gaps of exp.

Perfect Conductor
| Rank 1: 1,288 Rank 2: 1,181 Rank 3: 1,074 Rank 4: 966 |
| Rank 5: 859 Rank 6: 751 Rank 7: 644 Rank 8: 537 |
| Rank 9: 483 Rank 10: 429 Rank 11: 375 |
| Multiplier: -83 | Rank: 8 |
| Buy/Sell: 1,600/800 | Purchased: Lenora's Garage |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Rotary Shaft |
| Chapter 9: Starboard Weather Deck |
| Chapter 9: Bridge Access |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Dusktide Grotto |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, An Asylum from Light |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Abandoned Dig |
| Chapter 12: Ramuh Interchange |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Hunt Mission 17 reward |
| Hunt Mission 31 reward |
| Viking, rare drop 5% |
Notes: The Perfect Conductor is a step above the Superconductor, but it is
highly suggested you stick to the later. The lesser version is simply more
cost effective. If you pick some of these up feel free to use them though;
they're really powerful.

*Particle Accelerator
| Rank 1: 8,800 Rank 2: 8,000 Rank 3: 7,200 Rank 4: 6,400 |
| Rank 5: 5,600 Rank 6: 4,800 Rank 7: 4,000 Rank 8: 3,600 |
| Rank 9: 3,200 Rank 10: 2,800 Rank 11: 2,400 |
| Multiplier: -87 | Rank: 7 |
| Buy/Sell: 10,000/5,000 | Purchased: R&D Depot |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Dusktide Grotto |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, An Asylum from Light |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Abandoned Dig |
| Chapter 12: Siren Park |
| Chapter 12: Leviathan Plaza |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Hunt Mission 22 reward |
| Hunt Mission 47 reward |
| The Proudclad, common drop 100% |
| Juggernaut, rare drop 5% |
Notes: If Ultracompact Reactors are too big for you to safely drop on an item
without overshooting, Particle Accelerators will fill the bill. These
components are incredibly powerful and incredibly cost-effective. If you have
money to burn, invest! You will want plenty of these over the course of your
upgrade process.

*Ultracompact Reactor
| Rank 1: 60,000 Rank 2: 56,000 Rank 3: 52,000 Rank 4: 48,000 |
| Rank 5: 44,000 Rank 6: 40,000 Rank 7: 36,000 Rank 8: 32,000 |
| Rank 9: 28,000 Rank 10: 24,000 Rank 11: 20,000 |
| Multiplier: -100 | Rank: 11 |
| Buy/Sell: 50,000/25,000 | Purchased: R&D Depot |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
Notes: For knocking out untold sums of experience, there is no better choice
than the Ultracompact Reactor. This component completely dwarves any other
with the amount of experience it provides. It's also unrivaled in cost-
effectiveness, though it still comes at a steep price. Use this component with
care and do your math. It's incredibly easy to waste one of these by loading
an item with much more experience than it needs to reach star level.

-------- Monetary Components {dag}

Monetary components are made to be sold to vendors for money. They provide
literally next to no experience or multiplier bonus, so using them in item
upgrading is simply dumb. They're so irrelevant to the upgrade process that
I'm going to omit these values from their tables just to stress my point.
Their sell values however spell them out to be destined for the vendor. They
most commonly drop from human enemies, making it sometimes worthwhile to farm
them for money. The more valuable iterations are more difficult to get a hold

Credit Chip
| Buy/Sell: XXX/500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Psicom Raider, common drop 25% |
| Sanctum Seraph, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Infiltrator, common drop 25% |
| Sanctum Archangel, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Destroyer, common drop 25% |
| Sanctum Celebrant, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Dragoon, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Huntress, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Inquisitrix, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Marauder, common drop 100% |
| Psicom Executioner, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Warlord, common drop 25% |
| Psicom Reaver, common drop 25% |
| Sanctum Templar, common drop 25% |
| Corps Pacifex, rare drop 2% |
| Corps Steward, common drop 25% |
| Corps Tranquifex, rare drop 2% |
| Corps Defender, common drop 25% |
Notes: The most common monetary component by far. Sell it for some welcome
pocket change.

Incentive Chip
| Buy/Sell: XXX/2,500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Western Promenade |
| Chapter 9: External Berths |
| Psicom Scavenger, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Raider, rare drop 5% |
| Sanctum Seraph, rare drop 5% |
| Psicom Predator, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Infiltrator, rare drop 5% |
| Sanctum Archangel, rare drop 5% |
| Psicom Scavenger, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Destroyer, rare drop 5% |
| Sanctum Celebrant, rare drop 5% |
| Psicom Aerial Sniper, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Dragoon, rare drop 5% |
| Psicom Huntress, rare drop 5% |
| Corps Steward, rare drop 5% |
| Corps Defender, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Very useful, if a bit uncommon. Sell it for a decent pile of cash.

Cactuar Doll
| Buy/Sell: XXX/12,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Eastern Tors |
| Hunt Mission 54 reward |
| Cactuar, rare drop 1% |
| Giant Cactuar, rare drop 1% |
| Cactuar Prime, rare drop 1% |
| Gigantuar, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A nice little bonus for nabbing yourself a Cactuar. Sell it for a handy
load of bread.

Moogle Puppet
| Buy/Sell: XXX/18,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Oerba, Deserted Schoolhouse |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, An Asylum from Light |
| Chapter 11: The Faultwarrens, The Nereid Path |
| Chocobo Dig Treasure: 5% |
Notes: Dig up those Chocobo treasures! Sell these for a nice sum of cash.

Tonberry Figurine
| Buy/Sell: XXX/28,500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Hunt Mission 41 reward |
| Tonberry, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Hope you know how to take down your Tonberries. Sell this for some
welcome gil.

Plush Chocobo
| Buy/Sell: XXX/35,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 12: Leviathan Plaza |
| Chocobo Dig Treasure: 4.75% |
Notes: More Chocobo loot! Sell it for a heavy load of money.

Gold Dust
| Buy/Sell: XXX/15,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Faultwarrens, A Dance of Shadow |
| Chocobo Dig Treasure: 9.52% |
| Adamanchelid, common drop 25% |
Notes: You can find these through Chocobo treasure hunting. Sell it for a
dusting of dinero.

Gold Nugget
| Buy/Sell: XXX/60,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Northern Highplain |
| Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Northern Highplain (again) |
| Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Northern Highplain (& again) |
| Chocobo Dig Treasure: 6.32% |
| Dig up 1 treasure with a chocobo |
| Hunt Mission 63 reward |
| Shaolong Gui, common drop 25% |
Notes: Chocobos: the metal detectors of the Final Fantasy universe. Trade this
nugget of gold in for an even larger wad of cash.

Platinum Ingot
| Buy/Sell: XXX/150,000 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Adamantortoise, common drop 25% |
| Adamantoise, common drop 25% |
| Long Gui, common drop 25% |
Notes: Taking down a giant turtle can turn quite profitable if one of these
drops. Sell it for an incredible amount of money.

-------- Catalysts {dat}

Once a weapon or accessory reaches star level it's the end of the road, right?
Wrong! Search that component list and there's a good chance there will be a
single item that stands out. That's a Catalyst, and it's key to taking your
item to the next level.

If an item has another tier above its current version, applying a catalyst
will take it up to that tier and open avenues to even greater heights.
Catalysts are valuable items, and the stronger versions will often break your
bank or require you to go out of your way to obtain them. Check the upgrade
section for more details.

Catalysts don't have exp or multiplier values by their very nature, so these
sections are omitted.

| Buy/Sell: 3,000/1,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chapter 3: A City No Longer |
| Chapter 9: External Berths |
| Chapter 11: the Archylte Steppe, Western Benchland |
| Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Tsumitran Basin |
| Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Ascendant Scarp |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Chocobo Dig Treasure: 12.84% |
| Psicom Executioner, rare drop 2% |
Notes: The lowest-level catalyst.
| Buy/Sell: 8,000/2,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chapter 9: Rotary Shaft |
| Chapter 11: Yaschas Massif, The Paddraean Archaeopolis |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Chocobo Dig Treasure: 12.84% |
| Hunt Mission 09 reward |
| Hunt Mission 16 reward |
| Hunt Mission 20 reward |
| Hunt Mission 56 reward |
| Psicom Warlord, rare drop 5% |
Notes: How the heck do I say this? A low-level catalyst.

| Buy/Sell: 17,000/3,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chocobo Dig Treasure: 12.65% |
| Hunt Mission 02 reward |
| Hunt Mission 13 reward |
| Hunt Mission 19 reward |
| Hunt Mission 25 reward |
| Psicom Reaver, rare drop 5% |
Notes: The lowest-level catalyst.

| Buy/Sell: 30,000/4,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Oerba, Village Proper |
| Chapter 11: Mah'habara, Abandoned Dig |
| Sanctum Templar, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A mid-level catalyst.

| Buy/Sell: 45,000/5,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Ceiling of Sky |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Hunt Mission 29 reward |
| Hunt Mission 30 reward |
| Hunt Mission 36 reward |
| Hunt Mission 57 reward |
| Havoc Skytank, common drop 100% |
Notes: A mid-level catalyst.

Mnar Stone
| Buy/Sell: 60,000/6,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse |
| Chapter 11: Sulyya Springs, Subterranean Lake |
| Hunt Mission 47 reward |
| Hunt Mission 60 reward |
Notes: A mid-level catalyst.

| Buy/Sell: 100,000/7,000 | Purchased: The Motherlode |
| Attained: Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Central Expanse |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Hunt Mission 50 reward |
| Adamanchelid, rare drop 1% |
| Sacrifice, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A mid-level catalyst. This is when stuff starts getting expensive.

| Buy/Sell: 220,000/8,000 | Purchased: R&D Depot |
| Attained: Purchase only |
Notes: A high-level catalyst.

Dark Matter
| Buy/Sell: 840,000/9,000 | Purchased: R&D Depot |
| Attained: Shaolong Gui, rare drop 5% |
Notes: A high-level catalyst. Really expensive, but very farmable.

| Buy/Sell: 2,000,000/10,000 | Purchased: R&D Depot |
| Attained: Adamantortoise, rare drop 1% |
| Adamantoise, rare drop 1% |
| Long Gui, rare drop 5% |
Notes: Holy boxerstain this item's expensive. It's actually more fun to farm
this item. Once you get one however it's not too difficult to replicate it
through dismantling.

Consumables {dai}

Beyond the first few chapters, there really isn't much use for items in Final
Fantasy XIII. Potions may heal, phoenix downs may revive, and various other
elements may cure various status afflictions, but these functions can be
performed more easily (and automatically) by sticking a Medic in the group. It
would have been nice if Square had given them a bit more functionality.
They're part of the game regardless, and thus disserve listing.
Consumables are categorized as so:

| Shop values | Purchased |
| Treasure/Attainment |
| Effect |

Name: The name of the consumable.

Shop values: Listed as "Buy/Sell:" This category provides the gil value of the
item if the player wishes to buy or sell it.

Purchased: The name of the vendor who carries this item.

Treasure/Attainment: The sources by which this item can be obtained be it from

a treasure sphere, enemy drop, side quest, etc.

Effect: What effect the item has when used.

Notes: Anything I deem worthy to mention about the item.

Well, let's get on with it! The consumables await!

| Buy/Sell: 50/25 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Chapter 1: Aerorail Trussway 13-E |
| Chapter 1: Aerorail Trussway 12-E |
| Chapter 2: Sacrarium |
| Chapter 2: House of Stairs |
| Chapter 2: House of Stairs (again) |
| Chapter 2: Anima's Throne |
| Chapter 3: A City No Longer |
| Psicom Enforcer, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Tracker, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Warden, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Ranger, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Warden, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Ranger, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Aerial Recon, common drop 10% |
| Corps Regular, common drop 10% |
| Corps Watchman, common drop 10% |
| Corps Gunner, common drop 10% |
| Corps Marksman, common drop 10% |
| Beta Behemoth, common drop 100% |
| Manasvin Warmech, common drop 100% |
| Effect: Restores a small amount of HP to all allies |
Notes: Restores just a touch of HP to everybody in the party. I'd take a Cura
over this any day. Though useless pretty much the minute you get access to the
Medic role, they are essential for the first hour or two of play.
| Buy/Sell: 100/50 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Chapter 5: Canopy Wardwalks |
| Chapter 5: Bioweapon Research Site D |
| Effect: Removes Poison from one ally |
Notes: Poison is hardly the most dangerous status ailment out there. Given the
speed of battles in this game and the fact that every character is returned to
full health at their conclusion, it's often not worthwhile treating this
ailment. If it must be treated, toss an Esuna in there.

| Buy/Sell: 100/50 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Purchase only |
| Effect: Removes Pain from one ally |
Notes: Pain is annoying as all Hell, disabling physical abilities. Once again
Esuna will patch things right up, but toss one of these out there if for some
reason the spell's not an option.

| Buy/Sell: 100/50 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Purchase only |
| Effect: Removes Fog from one ally |
Notes: Let's get some more Esuna up in here! The Mallet is a little more
useful, able to get your party out of a bind seeing as how it can block out
the ability to cast Esuna. It might not be a bad idea to keep a few of these
around in case your healer gets silenced.

Holy Water
| Buy/Sell: 100/50 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Chapter 7: The Metrostile |
| Chapter 7: Nutriculture Complex |
| Chapter 7: Western Promenade |
| Effect: Removes Curse from one ally |
Notes: Curse isn't extraordinarily damning, but it can be annoying. Toss Esuna
or Vigilance out there to remedy it, or use this item to compel it away with
the power of Christ.

| Buy/Sell: 100/50 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Purchase only |
| Effect: Removes Imperil from one ally |
Notes: Unless you're facing magical enemies, Imperil won't cause that much
harm. If you want to be rid of it this item can help, but so can Viel and, of
course, Esuna.

Foul Liquid
| Buy/Sell: 100/50 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Purchase only |
| Effect: Removes Daze from one ally |
Notes: Daze sucks, period, but Esuna can help. Foul Liquid is another option
however if such is not an option. The thing about Daze is that it usually
doesn't last for more than a few moments, so by the time this liquid gets
tossed out the effect had very likely run most of its course.

Phoenix Down
| Buy/Sell: 1,000/500 | Purchased: Unicorn Mart |
| Attained: Chapter 2: Ambulatory |
| Chapter 3: Amid Timebound Waves |
| Chapter 3: Echoes of the Past |
| Chapter 4: Munitions Necropolis |
| Chapter 4: Scavenger's Trail |
| Chapter 4: Scrap Processing |
| Chapter 4: Scrap Processing (again) |
| Chapter 7: Nutriculture Complex |
| Chapter 7: The Estheim Residence |
| Chapter 8: Park Square |
| Chapter 9: Primary Engine Bay |
| Psicom Enforcer, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Tracker, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Scavenger, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Warden, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Ranger, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Predator, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Bombardier, common drop 10% |
| Psicom Aerial Recon, rare drop 2% |
| Psicom Aerial Sniper, common drop 10% |
| Corps Regular, rare drop 2% |
| Corps Watchman, rare drop 2% |
| Corps Pacifex, common drop 10% |
| Corps Gunner, rare drop 2% |
| Corps Marksman, rare drop 2% |
| Corps Tranquifex, common drop 10% |
| Effect: Revives one ally from KO |
Notes: Stock up on plenty of these. Raise works perfectly fine if you lose a
party member, but what if your Medic gets capped? Phoenix Downs work
beautifully in those situations.

| Buy/Sell: XXX/10 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Loot from dismantling |
| Effect: Fully restores the party's HP and TP |
Notes: Elixirs are game-savers. If your party is on the losing end of an epic
struggle, dropping one of these items can turn the entire battle around. I
really suggest finding these wherever you can as they function as a wonderful
"Oh $@#^" button.

| Buy/Sell: 10,000/500 | Purchased: Eden Pharmaceuticals |
| Attained: Chapter 3: Encased in Crystal |
| Chapter 3: Echoes of the Past |
| Chapter 4: Wrack and Ruin |
| Chapter 4: Devastated Dreams |
| Chapter 4: Scavenger's Trail |
| Chapter 6: A Shimmering Sky |
| Chapter 7: The Metrostile |
| Chapter 9: Bridge Access |
| Chapter 11: The Archylte Steppe, Western Benchland |
| Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, Fifth Tier |
| Chapter 11: Oerba, Village Proper |
| Chapter 12: Siren Park |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Effect: Casts Libra on all enemies on the field |
Notes: Meh. This is situational. If you're facing a slew of new enemies it may
be useful to whip one of these out. It's useless on repeat enemies though.

Shrouds {das}

Shrouds are immensely useful. Just like consumables their use will deplete
them from your inventory. The difference lies in the fact that Shrouds are
activated outside of battle and, to be frank, are a hell of a lot more useful.
Their use is entirely optional and you may or may not use a single one
throughout the game, but they can certainly get you out of tight spots or make
things work easier for you, especially just before a boss fight. After you use
one its effect will last for a short period of time or until you get into a
fight. Their functions vary by immense margins, so study each carefully before

Due to their usefulness these items are somewhat hard to come by. If you
really want one you can study the enemies that drop them, toss a Survivalist
Catalog on one of your characters, and go hunting. The game usually throws you
all you really need however.

Shrouds are categorized as so:

| Shop values | Purchased |
| Treasure/Attainment |
| Effect |

Name: The name of the shroud.

Shop values: Listed as "Buy/Sell:" This category provides the gil value of the
item if the player wishes to buy or sell it.

Purchased: The name of the vendor who carries this item.

Treasure/Attainment: The sources by which this item can be obtained be it from

a treasure sphere, enemy drop, side quest, etc.

Effect: What effect the item has when used.

Notes: Anything I deem worthy to mention about the item.

Shrouds ahoy!

| Buy/Sell: 12,000/500 | Purchased: Eden Pharmaceuticals |
| Attained: Chapter 2: Sacrarium |
| Chapter 4: Scrap Processing |
| Chapter 7: Pedestrian Terraces |
| Effect: Casts Bravery, Faith, and Haste at the start of battle |
Notes: If you want to get a tough battle over quickly, Fortisol will help you
immensely. It improves your damage output and speed, increasing your party's
DPS immensely. This gives your party a chance to dish out pain right out of
the gate.

| Buy/Sell: 12,000/500 | Purchased: Eden Pharmaceuticals |
| Attained: Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Effect: Casts Protect, Shell, Veil and Vigilance at the start of battle |
Notes: If the enemy or enemies you're facing are heavy hitters, it may be wise
to drop one of these prior to the fight. Aegisol spreads a sweet, buttery
layer of protection against practically everything over your entire party,
allowing them to skip the long task of establishing themselves against
difficult foes.

| Buy/Sell: 30,000/500 | Purchased: Eden Pharmaceuticals |
| Attained: Chapter 7: Rivera Towers |
| Effect: Makes the party invisible to enemies on the field |
Notes: Don't want to get your butt handed to you by an enemy who's way above
your party's skill level? Want to get the jump on some very aware enemies?
Toss on one of these to make you invisible to any enemy on the field. Your
first venture onto the Archylte Steppe will likely see you dropping several of

| Buy/Sell: XXX/500 | Purchased: XXX |
| Attained: Chapter 5: Bioweapons Maintenance |
| Chapter 7: The Estheim Residence |
| Chapter 9: Bridge Access |
| Chapter 10: Inner Conduit |
| Chapter 11: Taejin's Tower, The Cloven Spire |
| Chapter 11: Oerba, Rust-eaten Bridge |
| Chapter 12: Edenhall |
| Chapter 13: The Tesseracts |
| Effect: Restores the party's TP |
Notes: This shroud functions much like a potion. If you expect to pull summons
or have a lot of new enemies to Libra, the Ethersol may prove to be useful.
Don't drink these unless you have to though.

Upgrade System {upg}
The upgrading system of Final Fantasy XIII is a complicated creature. It is
completely possible to hop into it and start upgrading your gear all willy-
nilly, but doing so will practically guarantee a massive loss in component
value. There are numerous ways to optimize component efficiency and reduce
waste. Not only will this section tell you all you need to know to upgrade
your gear efficiently, but it will also educate you upon the nitty-gritty
details of the system.

This section of the guide is divided up into several different sections for
organizational purposes:

-Upgrading 101
-Advanced upgrade information
---Exp calculations
---Handing ranks

----- Upgrading 101

In order to upgrade your items you really need only two types of things: a
weapon or accessory to upgrade, and a slew of components. It's really that
simple, at least in brief.

Upgrading can be done at any save point. Simply activate the point and select
"Upgrade" from the menu. This will bring you to the upgrade menu. A new menu
appears containing all of your weapons and accessories. Select the item you
want to improve and a new menu appears.
Take note of this menu. To the left under your item's name is displayed a
fraction. The left number keeps track of the experience you have invested in
the current level, and the right number lets you know how much experience you
need for the item to level up.

Dominating the rest of the screen is your list of components. Each component
comes with a different experience value that it can add to your item.
Selecting one and selecting how many you wish to invest will give you an exact
number of how much experience these components will bestow upon that item when

When you invest enough experience into an item it will "level up," usually
improving its effects. Any extra experience will bleed over from the previous
level, the experience requirement increases, and the process continues. If you
take an item up to "star" level (meaning that instead of a level number you
have a star) than any further experience is wasted. In these situations the
application of a special component called a "Catalyst" can be applied to the
item. Doing so will transform it into another, usually stronger item.

That's the system in a nutshell, but there's still more that you need to know
before you can dive in.

There are four different kinds of components, and assuming you keep your list
sorted they will appear in this order:

Organic components: These components usually drop from organic enemies. These
components are low in experience, but balk not at them! Applying these to your
item will increase its multiplier value.

Mechanical components: These components usually drop from mechanical enemies.

They have high experience yields, but eat away from your multiplier value.

Monetary components: Never use these, just sell them.

Catalysts: Used to transform your item into another form.

The two most common components you will be using are organic and mechanical,
and they perform two very different functions.

Carefully apply organic components to your item first. They may add little
experience, but as you add more of them you will increase your multiplier
value as indicated by on-screen indicators. These multipliers are applied to
the experience value of any further components you apply to the item, so pump
it all the way up to its maximum of X3! Once this is achieved, hop on down to
the heavy-hitting mechanical components.

Mechanicals provide large sums of big experience, but they degrade your
multiplier value. For this reason it's wisest to stack a number of these on at
once. They're multiplier value decay stacks, but they all benefit from the
current multiplier at the time of application before the penalization is
applied. Be careful though; any experience invested beyond what is required
for the item to hit "star" level is wasted.

Once star level is achieved check the bottom of your list for catalysts. Each
item that reaches star level has an associated catalyst, and if you have that
required component it will be the only one remaining that isn't grayed out.
Applying this catalyst will transform your item, usually making it stronger in
every area but sometimes changing the item's function completely. Make sure
you know what the next stage of its evolution will be before you make this

And there you have it! That's all you really need to know to get started.
Create a separate save and try it out a few times to get a hang of it.
However, with the tools offered in this guide there is so much more you can do
to increase your component efficiency and streamline the upgrade process.

----- Advanced Upgrade Information

Other guides or message boards might be able to give you the exact number of
the exact components you need to reach your goals with specific items, but
it's simply so much more fun to figure it out on your own! That's what these
advanced sections aim to help you with. Beginners and the uncaring can tackle
the system with basic knowledge, but careful component selection and the
reference material provided by this guide can help you optimize your

There are two core aspects of this system that the player needs to keep an eye
on and master: optimizing multiplier utilization and minimizing experience
loss. The eventual goal is to achieve star level with minimal component
consumption. This usually involves investing just enough organic components to
reach the X3 multiplier, and then carefully selecting a single mechanical
component type that will provide the item with the most amount of experience
possible with a minimal amount lost crashing against the "star" level wall.

---Exp Calculations

Let's take a brief look at the experience layout for the weapons and
accessories I listed up above. In this example I will use the Iron Bangle.

Iron Bangle
| Exp: 100(28) > 780 | Max Level: 6 |

The Exp box is described as so: base(increment) > total, or b(i)>t.

We also need to factor in the Max level (m): 6
The only variable is the item's current level, which we will call (c).

To find the experience needed to reach the next level requires the following

b + ((c - 1) x i)

This data is rather straight forward. At level 1, the Iron Bangle will require
100 experience to reach level 2. At level 2 that requirement increases to 128,
and increases again to 156 at level 3. This continues all the way to level 6,
which requires 780 experience.

Adding all of these values up (100 + 128 + 156 + 184 + 212) yields the value
of 780, which gives us our most important number: Exp Total (t). This is a
simple matter for the Iron Bangle, but when you come up against monsters such
as ultimate weapons you might want to whip out your TI-83.

Exp Total is the most important number to know for first tier items, as that's
the exact amount of experience you need to reach "star" level. Tacking 6
Insulated Cabling components (at a 131 experience value) onto the Iron Bangle
will take it from having no experience to star level in a single fell swoop
with only 6 points of wasted experience.

Once a catalyst is applied, the Iron Bangle turns into a Silver Bangle.

Silver Bangle
| Exp: 200(56) > 1,560(780) | Max Lvl: 6(4) |

This equation adds a few new factors to the mix: next to total is the needed
(n) value, and Max Lvl is accompanied by Upgraded Lvl (u). This new data is
nothing to be worried about.

When you move an item up a tier, its total value (t) is automatically added to
the item. As such, the previous total is subtracted from the new total:
(pre t - cur t) or in this case (1,560 - 780). This automatically bumps the
item up to the Upgraded Level (u), which in this case is 4. Now all of the
experience you need to reach "star" level with the Silver Bangle is
represented by the (n) value of 780. Add that amount and you've got a "star"
level Silver Bangle.

It is worth noting that while you get this bonus to (t) from using a catalyst
on a lower tier item, picking a Silver Bangle up off of an enemy or buying it
from a shop will not supply you with that bonus. In this case you'll have to
fulfill the entire total requirement of 1,560. This applies to all items.


Let's take a look at one of Lightning's ultimate weapons.

Omega Weapon
| Exp: 3,300(297) > 1,767,447(1,296,897) | Max level: 100 |

1,296,897 equates to A LOT of Ultracompact Reactors. Thankfully, multipliers

are here to help.

You are hardly limited to simply plugging components into weapons in order to
upgrade them. By applying organic components to an item, you can steadily
increase a multiplier that affects the experience value of any future item you
invest. There is a constant numeric battle going on between organic components
(which increase the multiplier) and mechanical components (which reduce it) in
the background, and the current result is roughly displayed on the upgrade

Every component save the catalysts has either a negative or positive

multiplier value. By applying components with a positive value to an item, you
slowly increase the multiplier value of that item. Likewise, adding components
with negative values will decrease that item's multiplier value. As this value
passes into or out of various number brackets it bestows or contracts a bonus
to the experience added by the next component or group of components that are

The multiplier brackets are laid out as so:

| Mult. Value Range | EXP Bonus |
| 0 - 50 | x1 |
| 51 - 100 | x1.25 |
| 101 - 200 | x1.5 |
| 201 - 250 | x1.75 |
| 251 - 500 | x2 |
| 501+ | x3 |

Let's take two component examples:

Barbed Tail
| Exp Rank 1: 25 | Multiplier: +14 |

Ultracompact Reactor
| Exp Rank 1: 60,000 | Multiplier: -100 |

In this example we'll add 15 Barbed Tails to a virgin rank 1 item for a total
multiplier value of 210, pushing the item into the x1.75 bracket.

We then add a single Ultracompact Reactor. The 60,000 experience provided by

the reactor is multiplied by 1.75, added 105,000 experience to the item.
However, its -100 multiplier value reduces the item's own value to 110 and
pushing it down to the x1.25 bracket.

Adding a second Ultracompact Reactor now yields only 75,000 experience, and by
reducing the item's multiplier value down to a mere 10 points leaves the next
item to be contributed with no bonus. Any reactors added at this point will
contribute only their base 60,000 experience.

The best way to maximize component efficiency with the multiplier system is to
apply just enough organic components to reach the x3 bracket. Once this is
achieved, dump as many mechanical components as possible in a single swoop for
maximum experience gain. This will usually bottom the item's multiplier value
out at zero. It is therefore wise to know exactly how much experience you need
to reach "star" level with an item, then find both the mechanical and organic
components that would allow you to reach these heights with minimal experience
overflow and gil cost.

The answer for mechanical components varies greatly, though you will find
yourself using Ultracompact Reactors most prominently with higher-level items.
Organic components on the other hand are easy to determine. For maximum
multiplier value to cost, there are three organic components to invest in:

Sturdy Bone +14 Multiplier 80 gil

Barbed Tail +14 Multiplier 80 gil
Vibrant Ooze +14 Multiplier 80 gil

Multiplier-to-cost, these are your best candidates by far. A 99-count stack of

any will put you down 7,920 gil, but it well worth the investment. You can
toss 36 of these into a bottomed-out item for an instant x3 multiplier, going
over the 501 threshold by only 3 points. Follow this up with a pile of your
selected mechanical components for maximum payoff.

---Handing ranks

Ranks add a huge layer of headache to the upgrade process. Every weapon,
accessory, and component has a different rank. Generally speaking, the higher
an equitable item is ranked the less base experience invested components will
provide. An Ultracompact Reactor is worth 60,000 experience to a rank 1 Iron
Bangle, but is whittled down to 20,000 in the face of the rank 11 ultimate

Determining how much experience a component will provide to an item ahead of

time is tricky business. I trudged through each and every component recording
their values for this guide and it provided me with many hours of work. This
was a kind service on my part so that you wouldn't have to deal with this
headache yourself, but if you really want to tackle the process feel free to
read on.

There is an equation to the matter of rank-based experience decay. You only

need two variables to create your table of values: the component's rank 1
experience value (e), and the component's rank (r).

1) Divide (e) by two for (x).

2) Divide (x) by (r-1) for (y).
3) Subtract (y) from (e), rounding up for the next rank's exp value (e).
4) Repeat step 3 until (e) equals (x)
5) Divide (x) by two for the new (x).
6) Restart from step 2.
7) Continue until you have all 11 rank values.

Complicated, isn't it? Let's have an example using the Superconductor. This
catalyst has a rank 1 exp value of 800 and a component rank of 6.

1) 800 / 2 = 400
2) 400 / (6 - 1 = 5) = 80
3) 800 - 80 = 720 (rank 2)
3) 720 - 80 = 640 (rank 3)
3) 640 - 80 = 560 (rank 4)
3) 560 - 80 = 480 (rank 5)
3) 480 - 80 = 400 (rank 6)
4) 400 = 400, so move on to step 5
5) 400 / 2 = 200
2) 200 / (6 - 1 = 5) = 40
3) 400 - 40 = 360 (rank 7)
3) 360 - 40 = 320 (rank 8)
3) 320 - 40 = 280 (rank 9)
3) 280 - 40 = 240 (rank 10)
3) 240 - 40 = 200 (rank 11)
7) Done!

So now we compile the table:

Rank 1: 800
Rank 2: 720
Rank 3: 640
Rank 4: 560
Rank 5: 480
Rank 6: 400
Rank 7: 360
Rank 8: 320
Rank 9: 280
Rank 10: 240
Rank 11: 200

Now that that's done, all you need to know is the rank of the item you're
trying to upgrade, match it to the rank on this table, and you've got the exp
value of the Superconductor for that item!

Homework time: the Ferroelectric Film is a rank 4 component with a rank 1 exp
value of 204. Have fun!

Much like the English language some components fail to follow the rules. The
Succulent Fruit and Polymer Emulsion for example only halves their decay rates
once, despite having low enough ranks for that portion of the equation to
trigger multiple times. There are a fair number of these, particularly among
the lower-ranked components, and they have a nasty habit of sidelining your

----- Dismantling

Dismantling is something you must do wisely. Breaking apart most any item
without knowing what you're doing is an immense mistake that most often will
result in major losses on your part. The purpose of dismantling is usually to
obtain very specific, very hard-to-get items, particularly Trapezohedrons.

There are enough resources out there on dismantling to fill the congressional
library, so I won't waste your time with specific examples. Instead I will
offer a few simple tips:

Dismantling is always a losing process. Regardless of what you're trying to

get, you cannot dismantle for a monetary profit. Only dismantle to get items
that are otherwise impossible or too bothersome to obtain.

Always upgrade an item to "star" level before you dismantle it. Higher-level
items will award you more and better items when you dismantle them.

Think carefully before you crack apart an irreplaceable item. You may be able
to get a Trapezohedron by dismantling one of your Genji Gloves, but what
happens when multiple characters start hitting that damage cap?

Research; don't treat it as a gambling process. Know exactly what you're

getting before you press the final button. You really don't want to be
disappointed when an item turns into low-level components.

Achievements {Amt}

This is a list of the achievements I have gotten so far. Details as to how to

get them where applicable.

Story Completion Achievements

Instrument of Fate: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 1

Instrument of Dissent: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 2

Instrument of Tragedy: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 3

Instrument of Flight: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 4

Instrument of Vengeance: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 5

Instrument of Survival: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 6

Instrument of Rebellion: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 7

Instrument of Shame: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 8

Instrument of Wrath: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 9

Instrument of Truth: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 10

Instrument of Hope: 15 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 11

Instrument of Faith: 30 G
-Received at the beginning of Chapter 12

Instrument of Change: 95 G
-Received at the end of the final credits.

Cie'th Stone Achievements

Kelger's Cup: 15 G
-Completed all low-level (D rank) Cie'th Stone missions.

Xezat's Chalice: 15 G
-Completed all mid-level (C Rank) Cie'th Stone missions.

Dorgann's Trophy: 30 G
-Completed all high-level (B rank) Cie'th Stone missions.

Galuf's Grail: 30 G
-Completed all Cie'th Stone missions.

Natural Selector: 30 G
-Passed Titan's Trials
-Complete Mission Mark 51. See Sidequests section.

Floraphobe: 30 G
-Received after completing Mark 54. See Sidequests section.

Exorcist: 30 G
-Received after defeating all seven Undying Cie'th Stone missions.

L'Cie Paragon: 80 G
-Earned a 5-star rating for all Cie'th Stone missions.
-Note: I did this WITHOUT the Gold Watch, WITHOUT fully-leveled weapons, and
BEFORE completing the Crystarium, so YOU CAN TOO.

Crystarium Achivements

Sentinel's Seal: 15 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for Sentinel with one character.

Ravager's Seal: 15 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for Ravager with one character.

Medic's Seal: 15 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for Medic with one character.

Synergist's Seal: 15 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for Synergist with one character.

Commando's Seal: 15 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for Commando with one character.

Saboteur's Seal: 15 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for Saboteur with one character.

Master's Seal: 30 G
-Received after reaching Role Level 5 for all Roles for all characters.

Other Achievements

Loremaster: 80 G
-Decerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
-You'll get this one eventually by just playing through the game and using
Libra on new or tough enemies. I got it in Chapter 10 because I leap
without looking.

Pulsian Pioneer: 15 G
-Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.
-Once you get to Oerba, find Vanille's pet robot in one of the nearby houses.
Collect spare parts near the red rings, and then check back with the robot
twice to get this achievement.

Superstar: 80 G
-Earned a 5-star rating in battle to determine the world's fate. See

Gysahl Wealth: 15 G
-Dig up a Ribbon while riding a chocobo.

Limit Breaker: 30 G
-Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
-After getting the Genji Glove (from Mark 51, 62, or 63. See Sidequests
section), equip it on your Commando and go stagger an Oretoise or a Behemoth
or something. You'd have to TRY not to get this achievement.

Adamant Will: 30 G
-Defeated a Long Gui (the blue Adamantoises seen after Mission 63).
-There is a hard way to do this, and an easy way. The hard way is to kit up
with Gaian Rings, Magus's Bracelets, Imperial Armlets, etc. and try to take
it out like a normal Adamantoise (with the addition of a Sen/Sen/Sen
Paradigm to counter Ultima).
-The easy way is to SAVE YOUR GAME, level up and dismantle your three
Doctor's Codes, and gear up with Genji Gloves and strength-boosting
accessories. Go in with a Fortisol, use Sazh to summon immediately, Blitz
until your party comes back, debuff, stagger, stab. When it gets back up,
pop an Elixer and repeat. Once you get the achievement, simply reload your
game and everything will be back the way it was.

Treasure Hunter: 80 G
-Held every weapon and accessory. Talk to Bhakti in Oerba once you think
you have everything.
-This will almost certainly be the last achievement you get. You must have
held, at some point in the game, 119 different accessories and 102 different
weapons. That's 8 base weapons for each character, 8 second-tier weapons
for each, and 1 ultimate weapon for each. You don't need to have everything
at the same time. Farming Adamantoises until you can afford 5 lumps of dark
matter is your long-lead item.
-UPDATE! Instead of gil-farming for Dark Matter, you can farm Shaolong Guis
(the baby oretoises that spawn after Mission 63) to win Dark Matter
directly! (Thanks to Sword Seraph)
-The accessories are harder to keep track of, but the only ones I needed to
buy were a Titanium Bangle and a Serenity Sachet. The rest can be obtained
through upgrading. You could upgrade a Tungsten Bangle for the former, too.

Enemy List (By Victor Orr) {Emy}



Name:PSICOM Enforcer
HP: 171
Level: 24
Subcategory: PSICOM Shock Troops
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 3

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:



Name:PSICOM Tracker
HP: 1296
Level: 16
Subcategory: PSICOM Shock Troops
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 8

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:


Name:PSICOM Scavenger
HP: 9660
Level: 13
Subcategory: PSICOM Shock Troops
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 140.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 51

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of bestowing Vigilance.

Name:PSICOM Raider
HP: 20592
Level: 9
Subcategory: PSICOM Shock Troops
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 195.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 128

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of inflicting Pain.
- Capable of inflicting Fog.
- May assume a difficult to damage state.

Name:Targeting Beacon (1st)

HP: 975
Level: 0
Subcategory: PSICOM Shock Troops
Stagger Resistance: 100
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop:
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 3

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Deprotect, Deshell, Slow, Poison, Imperil, Curse, Pain, Fog,
Daze, Death

Name:PSICOM Warden
HP: 84
Level: 21
Subcategory: PSICOM HUnters
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 3

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Relatively low HP.

Name:PSICOM Ranger
HP: 324
Level: 16
Subcategory: PSICOM Hunters
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 7

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Capable of bestowing Protect.
- Capable of bestowing Shell.

Name:PSICOM Predator
HP: 3780
Level: 13
Subcategory: PSICOM Hunters
Stagger Resistance: 70
Stagger Value: 140.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 51

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of inflicting Curse.

Name:PSICOM Infiltrator
HP: 9504
Level: 10
Subcategory: PSICOM Hunters
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 128

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name:PSICOM Bombardier
HP: 11340
Level: 13
Subcategory: PSICOM Artillery
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 140.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 58

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name:PSICOM Destroyer
HP: 23760
Level: 12
Subcategory: PSICOM Artillery
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 218

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Susceptible to Slow.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Chain bonus can be easily accumulated.

Name:PSICOM Aerial Recon

HP: 189
Level: 44
Subcategory: PSICOM Airborne
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 110.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:


Name:PSICOM Aerial Sniper

HP: 7350
Level: 17
Subcategory: PSICOM Airborne
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 110.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 58

Normal - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water,Earth, Wind, Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name:PSICOM Dragoon
HP: 12024
Level: 10
Subcategory: PSICOM Airborne
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 110.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 163

Normal - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water,Earth, Physical, Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Wind
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.

Name:PSICOM Huntress
HP: 11960
Level: 22
Subcategory: PSICOM Epopts
Stagger Resistance: 45
Stagger Value: 180.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 192

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of bestowing Bravery.
- Capable of bestowing Protect.
- Capable of bestowing Shell.

Name:PSICOM Marauder
HP: 11340
Level: 13
Subcategory: PSICOM Elites
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 140.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Incentive Chip
Crystogen Points: 58

Normal - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water,Earth,Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical
Immune -
Status Immunities:

- Low stagger threshold.

Name:PSICOM Executioner
HP: 4050
Level: 30
Subcategory: PSICOM Elites
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Millerite
Crystogen Points: 20

Normal - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water,Earth,Wind
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical, Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities:


Name:PSICOM Warlord
HP: 22680
Level: 17
Subcategory: PSICOM Elites
Stagger Resistance: 85
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Rhodochrosite
Crystogen Points: 128

Normal - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water,Earth,Wind
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical, Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Executes powerful magic attacks.

Name:PSICOM Reaver
HP: 59400
Level: 13
Subcategory: PSICOM Elites
Stagger Resistance: 30
Stagger Value: 250.0%
Common Drop: Credit Chip
Rare Drop: Cobaltite
Crystogen Points: 384

Normal - Earth, Physical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Capable of inflicting Deshell.
- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.
- Executes powerful magic attacks.
- Susceptible to Deprotect.

Name:Corps Regular
HP: 1560
Level: 11
Subcategory: Corps Footmen
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 16

Normal - Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Ice
Half - Lightning
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
Name:Corps Watchman
HP: 6048
Level: 10
Subcategory: Corps Footmen
Stagger Resistance: 30
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 32

Normal - Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice
Half -
Immune - Fire

Status Immunities:

- Employs powerful fire-based attacks.

Name: Corps Pacifex

HP: 5670
Level: 10
Subcategory: Corps Footmen
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Credit Chip
Crystogen Points: 32

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half - Water
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Delivers devastating water-based attacks.

Name: Corps Gunner

HP: 1092
Level: 10
Subcategory: Corps Gunmen
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Phoenix Down
Crystogen Points: 14

Normal - Water Wind Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Ice
Half - Lightning
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Capable of bestowing Barthunder.

Name: Corps Marksman

HP: 2205
Level: 9
Type: Soldiers
Subtype: Corps Gunmen
Stagger Resistance: 30
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop: Pheonix Down
Crystogen Points:29

Normal - Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice
Half -
Immune - Fire

Status Immunities:

- Capable of bestowing Enfire.

Name: Corps Tranquifex

HP: 3612
Level: 9
Subtype: Corps Gunmen
Stagger Resistance:0
Stagger Value: 135.0%
Common Drop: Phoenix Down
Rare Drop: Credit Chip
Crystogen Points: 32
Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half - Water
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of bestowing Enwater.
Militarized Units

HP: 1890
Level: 18
Type:Militarized Units
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 110.0%
Common Drop:Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Paraffin Oil
Crystogen Points: 10

Normal - Fire Ice Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Daze

- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.

Name: Deckdrone
HP: 15840
Level: 10
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Drones
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 113.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Silicone Oil
Crystogen Points: 141

Normal - Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Ice
Half - Wind
Immune - Lightning

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Daze

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.
- Susceptible to Curse.

HP: 1260
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Tilters
Stagger Resistance:0
Stagger Value: 110.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Polymer Emulsion
Crystogen Points:0

Normal - Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Daze

- Attacks quickly and relentlessly.

Name: Crusader
HP: 7290
Level: 11
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Tilters
Stagger Resistance:0
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Ferroelectric Film
Crystogen Points: 16

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical
Immune -
Status Immunities: Posion Pain Daze

- Attacks quickly and relentlessly.

Name: Orion
HP: 25200
Level: 12
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Tilters
Stagger Resistance:
Stagger Value:
Common Drop:
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points:77

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Daze

- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.

Name: Viking
HP: 140976
Level: 5
Type:Militarized Units
Subtype: Tilters
Stagger Resistance: 83
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Perfect Conductor
Crystogen Points: 320

Normal - Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune - Fire

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Daze

- Employs powerful fire-based attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.
- Susceptible to Deprotect.
- Susceptible to Deshell.

Name: Uhlan
HP: 10842
Level: 10
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Golem
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 140.0%
Common Drop: Electrolytic Capacitor
Rare Drop: Ceramic Armor
Crystogen Points: 20

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Daze

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Employs powerful fire-based attacks.

Name: Ciconia Velocycle

HP: 7290
Level: 14
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Cognispeeders
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Insulated Cabling
Crystogen Points: 24

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Physical Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse

- Physical and magic resistance low when staggered.
- High damage-dealing potential.
- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.

Name: Falco Velocycle

HP: 14700
Level: 25
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Cognispeeders
Stagger Resistance: 85
Stagger Value: 140.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Fiber-optic Cable
Crystogen Points: 90

Normal - Fire Ice Water Wind Earth
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half - Physical Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- High damage-dealing potential.

Name: Milvus Velocycle

HP: 25200
Level: 6
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Cognispeeders
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 220.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop: Turbojet
Crystogen Points: 48

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse

- Employs powerful water-based attacks.

Name: Midlight Reaper

HP: 100800
Level: 56
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armatures
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Gyroscope
Rare Drop: Piezoelectric Element
Crystogen Points: 1500

Normal - Water Wind Earth
Strong -
Weak - Fire Ice
Half - Physical Magical
Immune - Lightning

Status Immunities: Pain Fog

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Imperil.

Name: Havoc Skytank (Boss)

HP: 441000
Level: 56
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armatures
Stagger Resistance: 95
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Uranite
Rare Drop: N/A
Crystogen Points: 1800

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Wind

Status Immunities: All

- Cannot be attacked from close range.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.
- There are places other than the main body that can also be attacked.

Name: Starboard Hull (Part of Boss: Havoc Skytank)

HP: 12600
Level: 51
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop:
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Wind

Status Immunities: All

- Cannot be attacked from close range.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.


Name: Starboard Turret (Part of Boss: Havoc Skytank)

HP: 10710
Level: 51
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armatures
Stagger Resistance:90
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: None
Rare Drop: None
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Wind

Status Immunities: All

- Cannot be attacked from close range.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.

Name: Portside Hull (Part of Boss: Havoc Skytank)

HP: 12600
Level: 51
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armatures
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: N/A
Rare Drop: N/A
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Wind

Status Immunities: All

- Cannot be attacked from close range.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.

Name: Portside Turret (Part of Boss: Havoc Skytank)

HP: 10710
Level: 51
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armatures
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: N/A
Rare Drop: N/A
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Wind

Status Immunities: All

- Cannot be attacked from close range.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.

Name: Pantheron
HP: 375
Level: 22
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Razorclaws
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 103.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Wicked Fang
Crystogen Points: 3

Normal - Lightning Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Ice
Half -
Immune -
Status Immunities: None

- Low stagger threshold.

Name: Thexteron
HP: 3120
Level: 10
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Razorclaws
Stagger Resistance: 70
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Wicked Fang
Crystogen Points: 16

Normal - Fire Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice Lightning
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: None

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of bestowing Bravery.

Name: Adamantheron
HP: 96800
Level: 9
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Razorclaws
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Sinister Fang
Crystogen Points: 780

Normal - Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice Water
Half - Fire Lightning
Immune -

Status Immunities: None

- Capable of bestowing Haste.
- Susceptible to Daze.
- Capable of bestowing Bravery.

Name: Zwerg Scandroid

HP: 57
Level: 12
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Zwerg Droids
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Thickened Hide
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: None

- Relatively low HP.

Name: Zwerg Metrodroid

HP: 2160
Level: 10
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Zwerg Droids
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Smooth Hide
Crystogen Points: 128

Normal - Ice Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Wind
Half -
Immune - Lightning Water

Status Immunities: None

- Executes powerful magic attacks.

Name: Vespid
HP: 6930
Level: 13
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Vespids
Stagger Resistance: 25
Stagger Value: 230.0%
Common Drop: Molted Tail
Rare Drop: Barbed Tail
Crystogen Points: 38

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse

- Executes powerful magic attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.

Name: Frag Leech

HP: 1575
Level: 8
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Leeches
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Gummy Oil
Rare Drop: Fragrant Oil
Crystogen Points: 116

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: None

- Employs powerful fire-based attacks.
Name: Lucidon
HP: 10080
Level: 23
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armadons
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Segmented Carapace
Rare Drop: Iron Shell
Crystogen Points: 96

Normal -
Strong - Physical Magical
Weak -
Half - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Immune -

Status Immunities: All

- Performs an attack with both physical / magical attributes.
- Physical and magic resistance low when staggered.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.

Name: Thermadon
HP: 43200
Level: 11
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Armadons
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 165.0%
Common Drop: Segmented Carapace
Rare Drop: Iron Shell
Crystogen Points: 269

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Strong - Physical Magical
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: None

- Performs an attack with both physical / magical attributes.
- Physical and magic resistance low when staggered.
- Has high HP.
- Susceptible to Slow.

Name: Flanitor
HP: 3780
Level: 20
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Flan
Stagger Resistance: 85
Stagger Value: 115.0%
Common Drop: Murky Ooze
Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze
Crystogen Points: 64

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: None

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Flanberg
HP: 12600
Level: 10
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Flan
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 190.0%
Common Drop: Murky Ooze
Rare Drop: Vibrant Ooze
Crystogen Points: 102

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Water
Half -
Immune - Lightning

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Beta Behemoth

HP: 1800
Level: 20
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Behemoths
Stagger Resistance: 70
Stagger Value: 500.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse Pain Death

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Alpha Behemoth

HP: 20250
Level: 6
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Behemoths
Stagger Resistance: 70
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Begrimed Claw
Rare Drop: Bestial Claw
Crystogen Points: 36

Normal - Ice Lightning Wind Earth Physical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Water
Half - Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse Pain

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Magical attacks are ineffectual.

Name: Lodestar Behemoth

HP: 37800
Level: 18
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Behemoths
Stagger Resistance: 40
Stagger Value: 500.0%
Common Drop: Begrimed Claw
Rare Drop: Bestial Claw
Crystogen Points: 128

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse Pain

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.
- Has high HP.

Name: Proto-behemoth
HP: 484000
Level: 8
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Behemoths
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Begrimed Claw
Rare Drop: Hellish Talon
Crystogen Points: 3250

Normal - Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice Water
Half - Fire Lightning
Immune -

Status Immunities: Curse Pain

- Can alter own form.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Attacks quickly and relentlessly.

Name: Manasvin Warmech (First Time)

HP: 360
Level: 75
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 300.0%
Common Drop: Potion
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 0
Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Daze Death


Name: Manasvin Warmech (Second Time)

HP: 32400
Level: 60
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Digital Circuit
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 64

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Daze Death

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Anavatapta Warmech

HP: 280500
Level: 54
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 250.0%
Common Drop: Tesla Turbine
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 26000

Normal - Fire Ice Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Poison Pain Fog

- Its weak point is thunder attribute.

Name: Garuda Interceptor

HP: 8000
Type: Militarized Untis
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 170.0%
Common Drop: Silver Bangle
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 240

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Wind
Half -
Immune - Earth

Status Immunities:

- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.


Name: Kalavinka Striker

HP: 108000
Level: 56
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 25
Stagger Value: 300.0%
Common Drop: Soulfront
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 1280

Normal - Fire Ice Water Earth Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Wind Physical
Immune -
Absorb - Lightning

Status Immunities:

- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.
- Susceptible to Curse.

Name: Aster Protoflorian

HP: 129600
Level: 59
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance:80
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Tungsten Bangle
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 1000

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Immune -
Absorb - Lightning

Status Immunities: Death Dispel

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- This enemy changes its weak point.

Name: Vernal Harvester

HP: 924000
Level: 5
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Electrode
Rare Drop: Moebius Coil
Crystogen Points: 3380

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Dispel

- This enemy changes its weak point.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Executes powerful magic attacks.

Name: Ushumgal Subjugator (First Time)

HP: 126000
Level: 57
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 95
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Abominable Wing
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 980

Normal - Fire Ice Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Death Dispel

- Employs powerful fire-based attacks.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Its weak point is thunder attribute.

Name: Ushumgal Subjugator (Second Time)

HP: 378000
Level: 55
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 70
Stagger Value: 250.0%
Common Drop:
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points:

Normal - Fire Ice Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Death Dispel

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Slow.
- Its weak point is thunder attribute.

Name: Tiamat Eliminator

HP: 3825000
Level: 52
Type: Militarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 75
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Imperial Armlet
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 48000

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Immune -

Status Immunities: All

- Employs powerful ice-based attacks.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Can alter own form.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.

Name: The Proudclad (First Time)

HP: 1530000
Level: 54
Type: Miltiarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Particle Accelerator
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 10000

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Immune -

Status Immunities: All

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.

Name: The Proudclad (Second Time)

HP: 3570000
Level: 51
Type: Miltiarized Units
Subtype: Annihilators
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Royal Armlet
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 100000

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth
Immune -

Status Immunities: All

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Can alter own form.
- Not affected by interference / weakening abilities.

Name: Silver Lobo

HP: 6300
Level: 11
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Wicked Fang
Crystogen Points: 48

Normal - Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire
Half - Ice
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Capable of inflicting Poison.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.

Name: Gorgonopsid
HP: 30600
Level: 5
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Monstrous Fang
Crystogen Points: 440

Normal - Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong - Fire
Weak - Ice
Half - Lightning
Immune -

Status Immunities: Slow Poison

- Capable of inflicting Poison.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Uridimmu
HP: 45900
Level: 9
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Sinister Fang
Crystogen Points: 1225

Normal - Fire Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong - Wind
Weak - Lightning
Half -
Immune - Ice

Status Immunities: Slow Poison

- Capable of inflicting Poison.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
Name: Aman
HP: 446250
Level: 12
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 270.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop:
Crystogen Points: 6500

Normal - Fire Water Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice Earth
Half -
Immune - Wind
Absorb - Lightning

Status Immunities:

- Capable of inflicting Curse.
- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Attacks quickly and relentlessly.

Name: Managarmr
HP: 155232
Level: 8
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 70
Stagger Value: 400.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Sinister Fang
Crystogen Points: 1900

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Water
Half -
Immune -
Absorb - Lightning

Status Immunities: DeShell Pain

- Employs powerful lightning-based attacks.
- Capable of inflicting Curse.
- Capable of inflicting Imperil.

Name: Ugallu
HP: 282960
Level: 3
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 60
Stagger Value: 210.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Sinister Fang
Crystogen Points: 1330

Normal - Fire Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Ice Wind
Half -
Immune - Lightning

Status Immunities: Slow Poison

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of inflicting Poison.
- Capable of inflicting Curse.

Name: Megistotherian
HP: 438480
Level: 7
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Beasts
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 450.0%
Common Drop: Chipped Fang
Rare Drop: Monstrous Fang
Crystogen Points: 2600

Normal - Lightning Water Earth Physical
Strong - Wind
Weak - Fire
Half - Magical
Immune - Ice

Status Immunities: DeShell Slow Poison

- Capable of inflicting Poison.
- Capable of inflicting Curse.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Susceptible to Deprotect.

Name: Bloodfang Bass

HP: 81
Level: 10
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Terraquatics
Stagger Resistance: 0
Stagger Value: 200.0%
Common Drop: Strange Liquid
Rare Drop: Enigmatic Fluid
Crystogen Points: 3

Normal - Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Lightning
Half - Water
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Relatively low HP.

Name: Breshan Bass

HP: 2430
Level: 12
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Terraquatics
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Strange Fluid
Rare Drop: Enigmatic Fluid
Crystogen Points: 8

Normal - Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Lightning
Half - Water
Immune -

Status Immunities:


Name: Hedge Frog

HP: 513
Level: 13
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Terraquatics
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Strange Fluid
Rare Drop: Mysterious Fluid
Crystogen Points: 8

Normal - Ice Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Lightning Wind
Half -
Immune - Water

Status Immunities:

- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.

Name: Mud Frog

HP: 9450
Level: 8
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Terraquatics
Stagger Resistance: 40
Stagger Value: 160.0%
Common Drop: Strange Fluid
Rare Drop: Mysterious Fluid
Crystogen Points: 48

Normal - Ice Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Lightning Wind
Half -
Immune - Water

Status Immunities:

- Calls for companions.

Name: Ceratosaur
HP: 35100
Level: 4
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Terraquatics
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 300.0%
Common Drop: Strange Fluid
Rare Drop: Ineffable Fluid
Crystogen Points: 630
Normal - Lightning Wind Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Earth
Half -
Immune -
Absorb - Ice Water

Status Immunities:

- Susceptible to Pain.
- Susceptible to Slow.
- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.

Name: Ceratoraptor
HP: 70200
Level: 18
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Terraquatics
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Strange Fluid
Rare Drop: Ineffable Fluid
Crystogen Points: 1400

Normal - Lightning Wind
Strong - Magical
Weak - Fire Earth
Half - Physical
Immune -
Absorb - Ice Water

Status Immunities:

- Calls for companions.
- Susceptible to Daze.
- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.
- Coordinates attacks against a single target.

Name: Gremlin
HP: 896
Level: 14
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 902
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Thickened Hide
Crystogen Points: 16

Normal - Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Lightning Wind
Half - Ice Water
Immune -

Status Immunities:


Name: Garchimacera
HP: 3510
Level: 12
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 45
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Thickened Hide
Crystogen Points: 46

Normal - Earth Physical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Lightning Wind
Half - Ice Water Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Executes powerful magic attacks.

Name: Imp
HP: 5880
Level: 5
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance:
Stagger Value: 120.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Smooth Hide
Crystogen Points: 128

Normal - Lightning Wind Earth Physical
Strong -
Weak - Fire
Half - Ice Water Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Summons companions.

Name: Ahriman
HP: 15120
Level: 9
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Smooth Hide
Crystogen Points: 0

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Water Wind Earth Physical
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Magical
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Executes powerful magic attacks.

Name: Leyak
HP: 15300
Level: 1
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 10
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Smooth Hide
Crystogen Points: 440

Normal - Fire Lightning Earth Physical
Strong - Magical
Weak - Ice Water
Half -
Immune -
Absorb - Wind
Status Immunities:

- Summons companions.
- Susceptible to Fog.
- Its weak point is ice attribute.

Name: Rangda
HP: 27000
Level: 1
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 30
Stagger Value: 170.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Smooth Hide
Crystogen Points: 740

Normal - Fire Lightning Earth Physical
Strong - Magical
Weak - Ice Water
Half -
Immune -
Absorb - Wind

Status Immunities:

- Calls companions.
- Susceptible to Fog.
- Its weak point is ice attribute.

Name: Adroa
HP: 21600
Level: 7
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 75
Stagger Value: 110.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Supple Leather
Crystogen Points: 700

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth
Weak -
Half -
Immune -
Absorb - Wind
Status Immunities:

- Summons companions.
- Executes powerful magic attacks.
- Susceptible to Fog.
- Low stagger threshold.

Name: Verdelet
HP: 38880
Level: 9
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Spooks
Stagger Resistance: 99
Stagger Value: 103.0%
Common Drop: Torn Leather
Rare Drop: Supple Leather
Crystogen Points: 1000

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Fire Ice Lightning Water Earth
Absorb - Wind

Status Immunities:

- Summons companions.
- Executes powerful magic attacks.
- Susceptible to Fog.
- Low stagger threshold.

Name: Incubus
HP: 2964
Level: 17
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone
Crystogen Points: 16

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Pain Fog

- Coordinates attacks against a single target.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Succubus
HP: 975
Level: 16
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone
Crystogen Points: 15

Normal - Fire Ice Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning Water
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Pain Fog

- Coordinates attacks against a single target.
- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.
- Capable of bestowing Bravery.

Name: Skata'ne
HP: 23520
Level: 14
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone
Crystogen Points: 218

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Pain Fog

- Coordinates attacks against a single target.
- Delivers devastating physical attacks.

Name: Stikini
HP: 16800
Level: 12
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 130.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Sturdy Bone
Crystogen Points: 192

Normal - All
Strong -
Weak -
Half -
Immune -

Status Immunities: Pain Fog

- Coordinates attacks against a single target.
- High damage-dealing potential.
- Capable of inflicting Daze.

Name: Yaksha
HP: 61446
Level: 8
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 60
Stagger Value: 280.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Ancient Bone
Crystogen Points: 1700

Normal - Fire Ice Lightning Wind Magical
Strong -
Weak - Water Earth
Half - Physical
Immune -

Status Immunities: DeShell Poison Pain Fog Daze

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
Name: Yakshini
HP: 58212
Level: 10
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 80
Stagger Value: 150.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Ancient Bone
Crystogen Points: 1750

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Water Earth
Half - Fire Ice Lightning Wind
Immune -

Status Immunities: DeShell Poison Pain Fog Daze

- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.
- Capable of bestowing Bravery.
- Susceptible to Slow.

Name: Rakshasa
HP: 162000
Level: 8
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Daemons
Stagger Resistance: 90
Stagger Value: 185.0%
Common Drop: Shattered Bone
Rare Drop: Ancient Bone
Crystogen Points: 1470

Normal - Fire Ice Water Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Lightning
Half - Wind
Immune -

Status Immunities: Pain Fog

- Capable of inflicting Fog.
- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.
- Capable of bestowing Shell.
- Susceptible to Slow.

Name: Barbed Specter

HP: 9009
Level: 9
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Stalkers
Stagger Resistance: 50
Stagger Value: 210.0%
Common Drop: Molted Tail
Rare Drop: Barbed Tail
Crystogen Points: 38

Normal - Ice Water Wind Earth Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire
Half - Lightning
Immune -

Status Immunities:

- Delivers devastating physical attacks.
- Capable of inflicting Poison.

Name: Triffid
HP: 56160
Level: 6
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Stalkers
Stagger Resistance: 75
Stagger Value: 180.0%
Common Drop: Molted Tail
Rare Drop: Diabolic Tail
Crystogen Points: 540

Normal - Ice Lightning Physical Magical
Strong -
Weak - Fire Wind
Half -
Immune - Earth

Status Immunities:

- Capable of inflicting Poison.
- Capable of inflicting Deprotect.
- Capable of inflicting Deshell.

Name: Mushussu
HP: 121275
Level: 10
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Stalkers
Stagger Resistance: 20
Stagger Value: 185.0%
Common Drop: Molted Tail
Rare Drop: Sacred Beast Fenghuang TAil
Crystogen Points: 2500

Normal - Physical Magical
Strong - Wind
Weak -
Half -
Immune - Earth
Absorb - Fire Ice Lightning Water

Status Immunities: DeShell Poison Curse Pain Fog Daze

- Attribute attacks are not very popular.
- Capable of inflicting Curse.
- Capable of inflicting Poison.

Name: Scalebeast
HP: 37125
Level: 11
Type: Feral Creatures
Subtype: Armadillons
Stagger Resistance: 95
Stagger Value: 115.0%
Common Drop: Semented Carapace
Rare Drop: Iron Shell
Crystogen Points: 160

Normal -
Strong -
Weak -
Half - Fire Lightning Water Wind
Immune -

Status Immunities:


Thanks {tnx}

-To the University of Baltimore, especially the Simulation and Digital

Entertainment program, for education, encouragement, and assisting in finding
people to help me out with this thing.
-To Victor Orr, for writing the Enemy List.

-To Lee Heazel, for writing the Items List.

-To Sword Seraph, for the tip about farming Dark Matter.

Contact Info {CoI}

If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or requests, e-mail me at:

powercallediam (at) gmail (dot) com

Please put "FFXIII" or something similar in the subject so I don't delete it.

Copyright {Cop}

This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without the advance written permission of the author. Use
of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

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