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PACE commUNICATION SKILLS READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS SGBR (pg #143) Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you ae readin it a. intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during and after 4 Person, tt isa ae aici piece of witing, Its one ofthe pillars ofthe act of reading. When » Denn as! Question text, he engaged in a complex array of cognitive processes. He is at the same time i Sts Real 1 awareness and understanding of phonemes (individual ae iecea in language) “au m Reeiter (the connection between letters and sounds and the tone ip Between sounds, eye 8 Resies 3 Words) and ability to comprehend or construct meaning from the text, a ' READING . iS is‘he fostest — Reading is one of the four language skills. Information and pleasure are the two 4 ype of yeaclin — main aims ofreading, Reading is the process by which we make sense of the text, . In simple words reading means looking/at the right word and Understanding the pene arelize massage. In this sense, it consists of two steps: recognizing the letter of alphabets SMibessling yi ory comprehension. There is no doubt that comprehension is the Most significant 40 Quest © Question aspect of reading, St is active Loess oF veaclinfiaLvzine PARAGRAPH WAITING 'n many languages, the fundamental unit of composition is the paragraph. ®4R is Ane ° veusiing of « "A paragraph is a group of related sentences that communicates a single idea." Paxagresph consists of several sentences that are grouped. This group of sentences together discuss one So Stack ahve main subject. In U.S. formal academic English, paragraphs have three Principal parts, These onsws® of three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence. The Question: tHe popic SENTENCE _ aaderr Ree of sentence in a formal academic Paragraph. (Sometimes, this is not true, but as you practice ‘the pavagriiriting with this ontine lesson site, please keep to this rule unless you instructs otherwise). Not oraly offer F 4@> general sentence in a paragraph. There are many details in the sentence that introduce an © 3R is Fheoverall idea that you want to discuss later in the section requigy . Frequent ane SUN every text, there is usually one main idea and some supporting te citation a details. The paragraphs in a text provide these details. The paregraph- Oe Pes Sentences form the main idea's point_-the fret sentence For example, suppose that you want to write a Paragraph about the natural landmarks Of your hometown. The first part of your section Might 10k like this: oMMUNICATION SKILLS. 209} nical features, is the most general statem ve atenoes that follow it since the second and thee s : ne own 5 geography and are not general statement Here are Some examples of sentences that c; nts, annot . My hometown is famous because it is lo be used as topic sentences. because itis built near an unusually ona cal pee ss Mt. Thi is di fe IS sentence is different from the id seni ti ences mention specific details about by 'y Wheaton River, which is very wide, and’ There are two reasons why some led Wheaton Hil, Terothers like cars with manual traneresiens : why gers ec nal ancriesink® (© OLY cars with automatic transmission and The problem with sentence #1 is that it conta 4 ntains too ral, and many details. Tc are gene Parties should appear later in the paragraph. rai sentence would be like the one mentior a ned " ‘ several unique geographical features. above; My hometown is famous for sentence #2 is inappropriate as a topic sentence because it mentions two topics, not just one. Paragraphs are usually about one main i ides i ic Should also be about only one main idea, ‘a and so their topic sentences SUPPORTING SENTENCE — 2.55141 The supporting sentence of a paragraph develops the main idea presented in the topic sentence. This development can come in the form of examples, reasons, descriptions, etc., depending on the purpose of your paragraph: : Consider those mentioned above, short paragraph again: My hometown, Wheaton, is famous for several unique natural features. First, itis noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautful. On the ether sie ofthe town fs Wheaton Hil, which is unusual because itis very steep. Now, look at the sentence after the topic sentence. We can see that the second sentence in the paragraph, first, is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful, indeed answers this question. That is, the second sentence gives some explanation for the fact that Wheaton is a famous town. Similarly, we can see that the third sentence also explains that Wheaton is famous by providing another example of an “amazing natural ‘ feature", in this case, Wheaton Hilt. » The second and third sentences are called supporting sentences. They are called "supporting" because they “suppor” oF explain the topic sentence's idea, OF course, paragraphs n English often have more than two supporting ideas. The paragraph aboveisconcise. | ‘THE CONCLUDING. SENTENCE ; Aconcluding sentence sums UP the information that is presented in a paragraph. nt completes the paragraph and restates the main idea. In formal paragraphs, you will sometimes see a sentence at the end_of the paragraph, which summarizes the information that has been presented. It is the concluding sentence. cosssumsonTion sis. a a poe a — AREADING TECHNIAU gas read the texts several times to comprehend them and in this OES, WE AA To read maximum benefit out of our reading time, we can use the GOGH reading technique. S stands for survey, Q for the question and 2Ps for reading, reciting and reviewing. ae Robinson suggested this method in his book “Elfective study": He developed it in 1961. Reading comprehension also needs specific steps a understand and interpret the given text. This textbook reading method is called ga3R. This reading technique enables the students to get an idea about the gructure and organization of the text. This method improves the comprehension of the students and, as a result, their speed of reading. SO3R is the initials of the five essential reading steps in the textbook reading method. These five steps are 25 follows: we time, Survey Questions Read Recite Review @eeoe0 © survey We try to understand a problem before attacking it to find a solution; we need to get a general idea of the text before finding answers to the given questions. It means getting an overview of the reading material, It aims to discover the overall meaning, general outline and the main points of the text.” Reading the title, contents, headings and subheadings Reading the chapter summaries | Looking at the illustrations, their captions etc. Reading the introduction and conclusion. Surveying the text also helps us judge our background knowledge related to the text. @ questions Make questions out of headings and subheadings. We pose questions to ourselves to clarify something. 7 For instance, when we look at our identity card, we ask ourselves, “Is my name ‘Yped correctly? Is my date of birth correct? Is my father name valid? What is the ®xpiry date? Such questions enable us to get a clear picture of the given information, Posing these questions also allows us to check the details. In the same "ay, while reading a text, we should ask questions about its contents. When we ask Westions while reading each paragraph, we may get the main points of the text. PACE COMMUNICATION SKILLS ' © READ We should read reading speed in case of som simple texts. While reading, We making process, We S! We should al: in the SQ3R technique enables us to the text focusing on the main points. We should slow down - e specific complicated texts. We should reag fast, should make notes to understand the text correctly, hould retain some information regarding places. so write down these points. To conclude, reading retain most of the text's In the note-1 people are products. and recalling steps i information. © RECITE tly is a crucial step to avoid forgetting. Follow these steps: Recite corre’ Look at a question you have made. Answer the question correctly if you are making a lecture * The main point to success lies in reciting the answer aloud or writing it out. «Check your answer by referring to your notes. @ REVIEW Review means regular and frequent recitation of the mai objection to SQ3R is that it is slow. It is quieter than merely reading. The review is, the last stage of the SQ3R technique. At this stage, first, we need to test ourselves by covering the key points. If we are successful in this attempt, we can check the correctness by referring to the text. These steps will enable us to review the text and its salient points. ‘ To conclude, it can remark that this method of reading technique is beneficial and. effective for the students. For maximum benefit from our reading time, we can use the SA3R reading technique - survey, question, read, recite, and review. terial to learn. A natural

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