Intership 1: International University - Vietnam National University

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Student name: Nguyễn Minh Khôi

Student ID: IELSIU17032

HCMC, 20/08/2019
Table of Contents
I. Introduction........................................................................................................4
1. Ajinomoto Vietnam.............................................................................................................4

2. Acecook Vietnam.................................................................................................................5

3. Heineken Vietnam...............................................................................................................6

4. Yakult Vietnam....................................................................................................................8

II. Observations.......................................................................................................9
1. Ajinomoto Vietnam.............................................................................................................9

2. Acecook Vietnam...............................................................................................................11

3. Heineken Vietnam.............................................................................................................13

4. Yakult Vietnam..................................................................................................................15

III. Suggestions.......................................................................................................17

IV. Conclusion........................................................................................................18

V. References.........................................................................................................18

I. Introduction
1. Ajinomoto Vietnam


Established in 1991, Ajinomoto Vietnam Company is a foreign owned capital company, a

member of Ajinomoto Group with initial capital investment of 8 million US dollars. Up to now,
the company has continually expanded and increased production capacity of all products with
total capital investment for infrastructure, operation and market development up to 70 million
USD dollars. 
Ajinomoto Vietnam Company now has two offices in HCMC and Hanoi and two factories: The
Bien Hoa Ajinomoto Factory operated since 1991 and the Ajinomoto Long Thanh Factory
operated since 2008. The company also has 3 Distribution Centers in Long Thanh, Hai Duong,
Da Nang along with more than 60 sales depot and nearly 290 sales team nationwide. There are
more than 2,300 employees working at Ajinomoto Vietnam Company.

Vision and missions

Mission: “Contribute to the further growth of Vietnam, the happiness and good health of people
in Vietnam, through food culture and food resources development.”

With this Vision and Mission, Ajinomoto Vietnam Company is constantly making our efforts to
provide a diversity of best quality and safety food products that meet the Vietnamese local taste.
Next to that, we always want to contribute to the development of Vietnamese cuisine by giving
advices and introduction to new tastes and new eating ways for the Vietnamese, bringing
delicious and happy family meals. Moreover, we also pursue the important business principle that
is ASV (Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value) in order to create shared value with society
through our business that contributes to tackle with social issues such as environment protection

and sustainable development, preserving food resources and improving nutrition and healthy
2. Acecook Vietnam


Founded in 1993 and started its production process in 1995, after two decades, Acecook Vietnam
Joint Stock Company has made big leaps to become the leading instant food producer in
Achieving impressive results throughout its development process, Acecook’s products are highly
trusted by both local and foreign consumers. With the aim to bring happiness, satisfaction and
assurance for customers, Acecook Vietnam always considers the product quality, food safety and
nutrition the most important factors in their business strategy.
Over 20 years of growth and development, at present, Acecook Vietnam operates 10 factories
throughout Vietnam. Products of Acecook Vietnam are sold in over 40 countries throughout
Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Middle East such as pouch, cup, bowl and tray of instant
noodles, instant vermicelli, instant rice noodles, etc.

Vision and missions

As one of the leading manufacturers of foodstuffs in Vietnam, Acecook Vietnam accentuated

their vison to become a leading manufacturer of foodstuffs in Vietnam whose management
capacity is commensurate with globalization and to bring new culinary consumption concepts to
local and foreign consumers through manufacturing and supplying high quality products.
Through the production and sales of high quality products and services to meet the modern
demand, brings satisfaction to the consumers, bring sustainable life and growth to employees and
attain a strong position and supports all over the world.
3. Heineken Vietnam


Heineken Vietnam is a subsidiary of Heineken, the world’s most international brewer. Originated

in the Netherlands, this family-owned business with a history of over 150 years, brews and
distributes over 300 beer & cider brands in more than 190 countries.

Heineken Vietnam was established in 1991 and operates six breweries in Hanoi, Danang, Quang
Nam, Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau, Tien Giang and nine sales offices across Vietnam.

From humble beginnings with only 20 employees in Vietnam, Heineken Vietnam is now the
second largest brewer in Vietnam with more than 3,500 employees. Heineken Vietnam makes a
significant annual economic contribution to Vietnam, amounting to approximately 0.9% of the
nation’s total GDP.

In Vietnam, Heineken produces and distributes Heineken, Tiger, Amstel, Larue, BIVINA,
Sol, Desperados, Affligem and Strongbow cider.

In 2017 and 2018, Heineken Vietnam was recognized as the most sustainable company in
Vietnam by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) based on the annual
Corporate Sustainability Index.

Vision and missions

Heineken Vietnam’s vision is to be the leading, proud & responsible brewer in Vietnam, guided
by our values: Respect for People & Planet, Enjoyment, Quality and Passion for Winning.

4. Yakult Vietnam


Founded in 2006 with total 400 billion Vietnam dong investment from Yakult Honsha
Corporation from Japan and French Danone Corporation, Yakult products now are available in
almost every supermarkets and retail shops across Vietnam.

Adopting modern technology from Yakult Japan, Yakult Vietnam operates its product lines with
the high standards in which every single step in the process is controlled strictly. Not to mention,
with continuous improvements in production, Yakult Vietnam manufactures keep upgrading its
machines and technologies, with the motto is to contribute to a healthier society Vietnam and also
across the globe. In addition, Yakult always pay attention to protect the environment in which
99% of raw materials are utilized to minimize waste to the environment. This is considered one
of the most essential aspects that Yakult believe it can help balance the industrial work and
society lives.

II. Observations
1. Ajinomoto Vietnam

Ajinomoto MSG

The production process for Ajinomoto’s MSG can be described as follow:

 Raw material: For different countries, Ajinomoto uses different raw materials to produce
MSG. In Vietnam, there are two main sources:
o Buying molasses from sugar mills: needs further processes to eliminate calcium,
using high concentration sulfuric acid.
o Buying starch (from sugarcane or cassava): will then be processed to create simple
sugar solutions by hydrolysis enzyme.
 Transportation: Calculated to minimize cost, mainly two methods: by waterway
(wherries/barges) or roadway (trucks).

 Ferment: The step that makes the difference in the quality of MSG, also viewed as
“secret technology” of each company. From what we know, yeast will be brought to
Vietnam from Hokkaido (Japan) in small tubes, preserved at -850C. After fermentation,
they will get glutamic acid, the main ingredient for MSG and some other chemicals,
which are then separated to produce Ami Ami fertilizer, another product of the company.
 Neutralize: Glutamic acid will now be neutralized using soda in powder form to get
monosodium glutamate, the raw form of their final product.
 Color-filtering: Due to the reddish-brown color of molasses, monosodium glutamate
must go through the color-filtering process, using 3 layers of charcoal for decolorization,
thus getting a crystal-clear MSG liquid.
 Refine: The refining step is processed in a stirring tank. After stirring the liquid,
Ajinomoto will get the MSG crystals to deposit. They divide the final products into 5
types: too small, small, medium, large, too large. For the too small and too large types,
Ajinomoto will dilute them and use the liquid for Aji-ngon seasoning powder production.
Afterwards, they go through the packaging process, which must follows strict standards
about hygiene and food safety. Metal and weight check are also done in the packaging

2. Acecook Vietnam

Acecook’s factory is equipped with modern equipment which can produce 600 packs of noodles
per minute, satisfying both requirements regarding large scale and high speed. Having only 10
factories nationwide but Acecook Vietnam can provide enough products to catch up with the
demand of domestic and foreign markets.

Possessing an automated production line imported from Japan, Acecook’s production process is
as follow:

 Step 1: The process begins with the wheat flour imported and stored in large tanks (9
meters high, 3 meters wide). Based on the production plan and each specific product’s
formula, the system pumps the right amount of wheat flour into the line.
 Step 2: The powder additives and colorize materials are then added into a mass mixture
with the flour in the mixing mortar. What we get after this step is the “powder leaves”,
which is then cut into pre-determined shapes of noodle by the system.
 Step 3: The noodle is then gelatinized and steamed in the steam system. The heat source
is completely generated through the high-tech steam system, assuring standardized
pressure and automatically adjusted.
 Step 4: The cutting machine then comes into play after steamed noodle is transported
there. Noodle is cut and fall into frying molds, shaping the final form of products before
they go through the drying process.
 Step 5: Drying makes it possible to preserve noodle in 5-6 months. For fried noodle
products, new oil is always automatically added to the line, heated indirectly by steam
before getting to the pans. For non-fried noodle products, they are dried by wind heat. All
kinds of products are then cooled by a system that uses natural wind, filtered by advanced
technique. Finally, products are packaged and stored in inventory.
With the advanced technology, the factory only has a few number of workers, working mainly as
packing and operating machinery. The job relatively simple packaging should not need
professional skill, while the operation of the machine requires high qualification. At Acecook, the
working environment clean, absolute sterility, parallel production line 1-way continuous
uninterrupted should ensure food safety.

3. Heineken Vietnam

Production chain of Heineken factory:

The four main ingredients that make up the beer are: Water, Malt, Houblon flowers and yeast.

Water: Because the main ingredient of beer is water, its source and characteristics have an
important influence on the characteristics of beer. Many beers are influenced or even identified
by the characteristics of the water in the brewing area.

Malt: Among the malts, malt which is from barley is widely used because it contains amylase.
This is a digestive enzyme that helps break down starches to convert it into sugars. Malts are
made from grains by immersing them in water, allowing them to germinate and then drying seeds
that have germinated in the oven. Grains produce enzymes that convert starch into sugar to

The hops: Houblon (Humulus) is often used to create bitterness for beer since the 17th century.
The hops contain some very good properties such as providing bitter taste to balance the
sweetness of malt sugar, creating flavor. From the smell of citrus or the herb aroma, hops have
antibacterial effects that help the yeast's activity better than unwanted organisms.

Yeast: Yeast is a microorganism that has an effect on sugar fermentation. Specific yeast are
selected for the production of different beers, but two main varieties are yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) and lager yeast (Saccharomyces uvarum).

Production stages:

The first stage of the production process, in which the grains need to be malted, is soaked in
warm water to stimulate germination to extract malt. Milling requires sufficient time and
temperature to allow the enzymes to convert starch into sugars then ferment.

Water is filtered through immersed silage blocks to dissolve the sugar. The dark liquid, which
contains many sugars, is called Brewer’s grain. The liquid separates the sugar from the barley and
flows down the gut to the bottom of the tank, while the barley is kept. Brewer’s grain boiling
together with the rest (except yeast), to remove excess water and kill the bacteria.

Hops (raw or small) are added (or using hops extract) to add flavor to the beer. Usually, the hops
are poured in twice for a period of 2 hours before adding to the yeast.

After that, the mixture is transferred to a larger container of stainless steel for fermentation. In
primary fermentation, it is possible to give secondary fermentation, which allows yeast and other
substances to work longer. It is sometimes possible to by pass the secondary fermentation stage
and simply remove the residue.

From this point on, the beer contains alcohol but not much CO2. Brewers have a number of ways
to increase their carbon footprint. The most common way that large manufacturers apply is
carbonated carbon dioxide, through the direct addition of carbon dioxide to beer barrels or beer

The packaging process is done by automatic chain with high accuracy. The empty bottles are
washed and exacted beer. After that, semi-finished bottles will be labeled by the manufacturer.
On the production line there are sensors that can check whether the lid is closed and whether the
label is glued or not. If this is not done, the bottle will be discarded before packing. Each bottle
will be transported down the conveyor and dropped into each container. Beer is sold everywhere
to serve the connoisseurs.

4. Yakult Vietnam

The following is the entire process of Yakult fermented milk processing at the factory:

1. Material preparation: Raw materials are imported completely from Japan including milk thin
powder, glucose, white sugar.

2. Soluble Tallow: Dissolve skim milk, glucose, white sugar in hot water

3. Sterilizer: Sterilized at 121 ° C for 20 minutes to get a Pasteurized milk.

4. Fermentation tanks: Yakult fermented into sterilized milk bath, stayed for a few days. At this
time, the tank is filled with condensed milk

5. Yakult Yeast Breeding Tank: L. casei shirota was transplanted into a fermentation broth
Yakult yeast then transplanted into the fermentation tank.

6. Anabolic equipment: The fermented milk is pumped through the anabolic equipment to form
milk anabolic enzyme

7. Sterilized storage tank: Milk is fermented after assimilation will be poured into a storage tank
and mixed well with semi-finished milk.

8. Water treatment system.

9. Sterilized water tank.

10. Mixing equipment: The concentrated milk solution after fermentation is mixed with sterile
water to mix dilute to semi-finished milk.

11. Semi-finished milk storage tank.

12. Bottle Making Machines: Plastic bottles are made at the factory with polystyrene plastic

13. Bottle container.

14. Bottle dispensers.

15. Dictation printer, product information.

16. Milk filling machine with aluminum lid.

17. Packing machine 5 bottles.

18. Complete packing: pack 10 cycles into a polypropylene plastic bucket

19. Cold storage: finished products will be put into cold storage at temperature 5-10 degrees then

20. Refrigeration car, shipping: Products after quality inspection will be launched market.

III. Suggestions

Subsequent to visiting organizations and their tasks, applying some learning from the college
gives me a few proposals:

 Some organizations oversee well in the yield squander treatment forms which makes
positive incentive for the general public just as reasonable improvement for the business.
Nonetheless, they likewise should bring thought into improving nature for laborers in the
processing plant.
 Quality the executives and activity in certain stages ought to be improved to decrease the
expense for inadequate items.
 Some laborers ought to carefully pursue the principles of wellbeing and security approach
in the processing plant.

IV. Conclusion

By vesting the organizations in actuality, I discovered that there are present day and safe
industrial facilities. The organizations' frameworks are logical, profoundly compelling and the
quantity of deficient items is low. The workshop works with present day apparatus and
programmed hardware, without the need to utilize more laborers. They center around improving
their items as well as human improvement. Their workers are bolstered to create to their fullest
potential through a few instructional classes and advancement programs, which improve their
aptitudes and information to advance in their profession way.

Because of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering for allowing me to see the
organization's advanced working style in the South of Vietnam. This is a valuable chance to
improve my delicate aptitudes, information learned at school and get genuine encounters. All in
all, the Internship 1 causes me get ready and how to utilize it for my vocation later on.

V. References


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