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Welcome back in this task, we're going to learn how to add

and edit contacts.

Contacts can fall into a number of categories, including
potential customers and existing customers.
They can also include individuals or companies, all of which
you can specify when in putting your contact information.
So let's get started on this task.
If you longed out of head spot between the previous task
and this one, please pause the video.
Now toe log back in and then resume the video once you're
back onto the main dashboard.
All right, before we get started adding in our contacts,
let's first add another member to our team.
And in order to do that, we're gonna go to the top navigation
bar and scroll over to the right and click on the Gear icon,
which is our settings and on the far left side.
If you scroll all the way to the bottom, we can select users
and teams, and when we open it up, you should just see your
name and email address, which is okay, cause we just opened
it. But we do want to add a couple additional team members,
so in order to do that we're gonna go over to the create user
button and click on it.
And on this screen, we have the option to enter in an email
address manually.
Or if you're a new company that's trying to add a lot of new
members at the same time.
Ah, faster option would be to upload a file for the purpose
at this project.
I'm only gonna add in a couple email addresses, so I'm gonna
use this bar right here.
So if you have a friend, you want to invite a family member
even Ah, a second email address.
Feel free to include it here.
I'm going to go ahead and do Rhyme vellum and three.
And then from here.
If I wanted to enter another address, I can click the comma
button and it'll automatically pop it up top.
And then when I add another one, I can a grand click comma
or hits were turned or enter on my keyboard, and it'll put
those of them up top.
Since we have the email address is in for the new team
members we'd like to invite, I'm going to click on the orange
next button.
From here we have a wide variety of options to choose
from in regards to what we want to give our team members
access to.
So again, you'll notice there are a lot of things choose
from and at the top.
There are even more specifics for each of the main pages
that they will have access to if you like them have access to.
So go ahead and positive the oh.
Now, to further explore these options on, then resumed
the video when you're ready to move on.
Okay, so now we were able to explore the different options
that we have.
I'm going to stick with the default options for the purpose
of this project and then click on the orange next button
at the bottom.
And for the last step that's going, Teoh let you double check
to make sure these air the email addresses you would like
to send the invite to that these air accurate.
Then we're going to hit the orange send button.
So it tells us that the top that two users were added
and then we'll see them listed here on the Users tab
beneath our name Now, for right now, it still has your email
address listed as their name, and that will change as soon
as they get the activation email.
So once I opened up the email, they'll have the option
to and put their name as well is to create a password
and then, when they do that to their name, will appear here
as opposed to their email address.
Okay, so now that we have created additional users or team
members, we now have the ability to assign them to contacts.
So in order to do that, we first want to go into our contacts
information and creates a new contacts.
So to get to our contacts were gonna select contacts
from the top navigation bar and then click on contacts again.
I'll be saying that word a lot, and from here we only have
two listed and a couple sample ones, which is perfect
before we create a new contact.
Let's go ahead and start with one of our sample ones so we
can learn exactly what options we have as far as what
information we can add to their profiles, something click
on the cool robot.
You know, when I do, all of the information is going
to appear here, so if you take a step back, it could be a lot
to look at.
However, that's a good thing because it shows us just how
capable this program is of storing all relevant information
we could possibly need for this contact.
So let's start on the left and work our way
over as we explore this page.
So on the left hand side, we've got name, email, phone
number, so basic contact information.
We also have the option here.
Teoh add an owner for this contact, so if I drop down,
you'll see your name at the top.
But you'll also see the two names that we just added.
So I'm gonna go ahead and assign it to them.
And the reason it's beneficial to assign it to one of our
team members is to make sure this contact does not fall
through the cracks.
And when I made a change will notice.
At the bottom.
There's a save button that appears saying that I have one
property that is not has not saved.
Make sure you click that save button or it will go away when
we leave this screen, right?
So if I scroll back at there are six different circle icons
here, some of which are actually mimicked up here
in these tabs.
And this is how we're going to log all of the information
about any form of contact we've had with this contact.
So the first option is a note very self explanatory.
You can will leave a note.
You can also create a task to follow up based on the note,
except that well said, the option to create an email and you
can connect it to your email account So it's all logged here.
We can even call.
I'm not connected to it now, but that's an option to do
that as well.
And then we can even log call and email or a meeting
can create a task which would include due dates notes.
We can assign it to another team member.
Mark. A priority is high.
That's really important one, and we can also specify the type
necks out that we actually have a task pulled up right here.
Looks like it's overdue, and we can also select it
as complete by simply clicking on the check mark.
All right, and then the last one is meat.
So in order to schedule a meeting.
You can determine the people in attendance.
Thes start time the duration.
You can attack the document if you need to include a meeting
agenda again.
The options are pretty endless here and then that this first
have right here is going to be activity.
So pretty much anything that has been added or created
for this contact will appear here.
And then in order to get into the specifics again
at the top, you'll have a running log of any notes here.
And you can also create a new note from here as well
as the icons over here.
So lots to look at, go ahead and positivity on.
Now, to explore these different options, I would like you
to try to create something for each of these six categories.
Obviously, you can't really sending a Miller a call that make
sure you're familiar with how to do that.
If you click on it and then when you are happy with your
work, go ahead and resume the video are on the left hand side.
You can actually select the life cycle stage, so if we want
to change it, Teoh a subscriber or just an opportunity
and evangelist all of those air options over here.
Just make sure whenever you click on anything on this left
hand side that you save it, the rest of the informational
automatically be logged.
And then on the right hand side, we've got a couple other
options here.
All the deals will be referenced over here, and we'll get
to that in a couple tasks.
We also have the opportunity to check out any tickets
for any service scenes that they had upload attachments
and also include any type of membership after mailings
and things that they're a part of.
Also at the top, we can link them to a company.
So we have multiple contacts from the same company.
This is a great way to be able to identify that.
Okay, so now, to get back to our main contacts, we're going
to click on the contact button and let's try to add our own
contact this time.
And in order to do that, we're going to click on the orange
great contact button.
I believe the email blank tight in my name, you're gonna dio
vain Hagler, and we could really put in a title of phone
And then we also have the option down here to again select
the um life cycle stage as well as the lead status.
I'm going to say this is a new lead and then create contact.
Once I do that, once again, we will be redirected to their
main contact page, where you have the ability to edit
everything that we just discussed.
So again, go ahead and pause the video.
Feel free to quick around again, practice adding notes
or logging, you know, contact information or changing any
of the contact information on the left hand side and then
resumed the video.
When you're finished.
Nice work.
We're officially finished with task to and are ready to move
on to Task three, where we will create a deal for contacts
and move them through the sales pipeline using.

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