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AS IT- Syllabus code-9626

List of functions in Excel.

String Functions

1. Concatenate(c2,b2) – Joins two or more strings

2. Left(a2,1) – extracts a set of characters from the left
3. Right(a2,1) – extracts a set of characters from the right
4. Mid(a2,2,1) – extracts a set of characters from a given position.
5. Len(a2) – returns the length of a string

Numeric functions

1. Int(a2) – takes the whole number part of a number

2. Round(a2,1) – rounds the contents to one decimal place.(Try Roundup/Roundown)
3. Sum(a2:a5) – adds up a list of numbers in the range
4. Average(a2:15) – calculates the mean of the cells within the range
5. Max(a2:a5) – calculates the maximum(highest) value in a range
6. Min(a2:a5) – calculates the minimum(lowest) value in a range
7. Count(a2:a5) – looks at the cells within a range and counts the number of cells containing
8. Counta(a2:a5) – looks at the cells within a range and counts the number of cells that are not
9. Countif(a2:a15,”<1000”)- looks at the cells within a range and counts the number cells that meet
the criteria or condition.
10. Countifs(a2:a5,”<1000”,b2:b5,”Y”)- looks at the cells within a range and counts the number of
cells containing numbers. This can be used when there are two or sets of ranges and
criteria/condition. There is also averageifs and sumifs
11. Sumif(a2:a5,”<1000”,c2:c5) – looks at the cells within a range – a2:a5 that meet the criteria and
then sums numbers in the range of c2:c5)
12. Like sumif there is averageif
13. Value(a2) – a2 contains text. This is used to convert text to a number.
14. ABS(a2) – returns the absolute value of a number, a number without a sign.

Lookup Functions

1. Lookup(lookup value, array) – looks up for the lookup value in an array/table and finds a match
in the first column and returns the value from the second column
2. Vlookup(lookup value, array, return column) – looks up for the lookup value in an array/table
and finds a match in the first column and returns the column in return column. This does a
vertical search.
3. Hlookup(lookup value, array, return column) – looks up for the lookup value in an array/table
and finds a match in the first column and returns the column in return column. This does a
horizontal search.

The IF statement for conditions

1. If(condition,if true,if false)

2. Nested if
If(condition,if true, if(condition, if true,if false))

Date and Time functions

1. Weekday(date) – returns the number of a week day e.g. any number between 1-7 Sunday is 1
2. Day(date) – returns a number between 1-31
3. Month(date) – returns a month number 1-12.
4. Year(date)- returns the year of a date e.g 2010
5. Month(d1)-month(d2) – to calculate the number of months between two dates(in the same
6. (year(b1)-year(b2))*12+month(b1)-month(b2) to calculate the number of months in more than
a year
7. Year(b1)-year(b2) – to calculate the number of years between two dates.
8. Hour(a1) returns a number between 0-23
9. Minute(a1) returns a number between 0-59
10. Second(a1) returns a number between 0-59
11. Text((b1-b2),”h”) instead of h you can display in diff formats e.g. hh:mm or h:mm:ss

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