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Dear Commission and Fellow Delegates,

As representatives of Hungarian Nation, we unanimously condemn Russian invasion towards

Ukraine just like other EU members and our NATO allies. Since our first priority is the security and
safety of our citizens, Hungary strongly confirms its neutral status regarding the conflict, promising
strong commitment to help and take care of the refugees that have come to our borders. We
however have to address the issue of sanctions against Russia, which could potentially evolve in a
direct energic threat towards Hungarian people. Because of that, we strongly oppose any ban on
oil or gas coming from Russian Federation, unless they are proposed through a proper
compensation by the EU. Lastly, in order to furtherly underline our neutral position, we oppose
any weapons sending and transfer that passes through our territory.

Key Issues

Keeping neutrality is fundamental for the safety of our citizens; because of that the EU shall not
expect our direct involvement in the conflict, at least for military assets.

We condemn weapon sending and weapon transfer in our border.

Due to our commitment towards our citizens, Hungary cannot endorse any ban against Russian oil
and gas. However, the EU could help our situation through appropriate measures such as
compensatory payments and support towards developing our independence from Russian

Hungary one again underlines its commitment towards welcoming and taking care of refugees;
humanitarian help is a priority for us and we will be involved for the years to come.

Hungary is opened to cooperation with EU members but requires guarantees and certainties for
the interest of our people.

Hungary fears that rapid deployment urgences and rushed decision-making would damage the
democratic roots of European Union. Because of that, we support unanimity as decision-making
process, remarking our support towards democracy.

We are opened towards an increase in sharing intelligence information among EU members and a
common defense at EU level, but we want to stress the fact that for us the first defender of the
Hungarian people is the Hungarian army. So, we share some perplexities regarding a common EU
defense and intelligence plan.

Once again, we promote our commitment toward welcoming refugees and condemning Russian
invasion. Compensatory measures are needed in order to guarantee our independence from
Russian oil and gas, otherwise we will not be able to achieve that without putting at risk our
citizens. We are absolutely against the Conditionality Mechanism because it is a clear blackmailing
tool to force member states to adopt policies proposed by EU institutions. As a proof, if we were
given the money of the Next Gen EU Program, we probably would have been more autonomous in
energic terms and so more opened to a common approach toward banning Russian fossil fuels.

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