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We're going to: talk about different types of sport read and summarise an article g read about a Paralympian a sports event bay read a story about a football Mag, give instructions for sports exercises write a radio commentary e AGN RTI) G wich of these sporis do you do? Do you do any others? Where and when do you do sport? 2 Word study Match a picture in Activity 1 fo the words in the box. football judo gymnastics basketball tennis swimming badminton volleyball athletics hockey i 3 Listen Which sports in the box are these children talking about? or 4 Listen again and decide if these sentences are true or false. Correct the false se: a Speaker 1 loves his sport because he can play it in lots of different places b Speaker 2 likes being in a team because they always win. © Speaker 3 often feels good after doing his sport. d Speaker 4 likes her sport because she can play it in a big team. et Scanned with CamScanner 5 word study Sports equipment Match the pictures to words in the box. Then match the equipment to the correct sport from Activity 1. shuttlecock trunks goalposts anet shin pads aracquet a sockey ist stick k When you scan text, you look for 3 How many Olympic gold medals has she won? specific information first. We often 4 What disability does she have? scan texts to check for the main point or to decide if we want toread the 5 How old is she? whole text. 3 Read Scan the text quickly to find the answers in Activity 2. Hannah Cockroft: Paralympic athlete We sent our reporter fo talk with Hannah at her home in the UK. She asked her, ‘How do you live with your disability day to day?’ Hannah said, ‘| hate being told that | can’t ! do things, because it's not true. | can’t run, but | can | wheelchair race faster than people can run - it’s just about finding ways around it! Hannah Cockroft is a world champion wheelchair athlete. She has broken 21 world records and, in 2012, she won two gold medals for Britain at the London Paralympic Games. So, we asked her, ‘You had great success at the 2012 Paralympics. What are your plans for the future?’ ‘Iwant to compete in another three or four Paralympics. But | also want to go to university and be a normal young person!" Hannah Cockroft has a disability called cerebral palsy, When she was born she was very ill and her iliness damaged two different parts of her brain. As she got older, her hips, legs and feet did not grow in the same way as other children. The doctors told her parents that she would never walk, talk or do anything for herself. But 20-year-old Hannah grew up to be a sports superstar. She has proved the doctors wrong in spectacular style! Scanned with CamScanner alk about the article with your group. Which fact did you find the most surprising? What other sports have you seen people with disabilities do? Deon aarti Direct statement Reported statement ‘Thate being told that I can't do things” Hannah says (that) she hates being told that she can't do things. Reported Wh: questions Direct question Reported question ‘How do you live with your discbility?’ She wants to know how she lives with her disability Read the Use of English box and choose the correct answers. In reported Whh- questions with is and are, the verb movésifo the | beginning/end of the sentence. It comes before/after the subject, & © G@ Find other examples of direct speech from the text. Write them os reported statements / | 5 Use of English ] 7 @rakk ond write Play the whispering game in groups of three. 1. Write down three things that you can do or are good at. Make some sentences true and some false. Try fo think of interesting and unusual things, Tam really 2 Student A whispers a sentence fo Student B. pe eT good at football 3 Student B whispers the Jack says sentence to Student C. he is really good at football. 4 Student C soys the sentence aloud fo the group. Students B and C guess if the sentence is true or false. Repeat the activity, so each person has a turn. Scanned with CamScanner ispeakingyGiving)instructions e@ Before you do any sport, you need to do warm-up exercises, What are warm-up exercises? What parts of the body should you warm up ang how 2 @ @ word study Parts of the body Match the words in the box with the labels on the picture in your notebook, 1 ankle 2 shoulder 3 calf 4 heart 6 hip 7 bottom i 8 toes 9 knees. 5 hamstrings 46 3 Listen | Listen to Sam giving instructions for warm-up exercises. Put the pictures in order. Which parts of the body are mentioned? dB 4. Now stand up, listen again and do the warm-up exercises. How do you feel afterwards? Scanned with CamScanner Waren need/should/ mustn't for advice and instructions We use need when something is necessary: First we need to get your heart pumping We use should fo give advice: You should warm up your hips, too. We use mustn't when something is not allowed: You mustn't start running without warming up your leg muscles 5 Use of English Look at the Use of English box and choose the correct option to complete the rules. 1 After should and mustn’t we use the verb / to + verb. 2 After need, we use the verb / to + verb. 7,6 Listen " _ Usten to the last warm-up exercise again. Complete the advice and instructions. gyda Give instructions Do you know any other warm-up exercises? Tell your partner what to do. Which part of the body do they exercise? Use the pictures below fo help you. © You (a) to warm up your upper body: eo Your arms (b) be straight. You (c) to do at least fifteen tus, © You (4) rotate your fast or you'll hurt your muscles. i Wy shoulders quite stowy. © You (e) rotate them too Scanned with CamScanner | | | | Be]l'Keleeltigin) Do you have marathons in your country? Where do they take place? Do you know anyone who has taken part? 2 Read Read the article about The London Marathon. How many people take part each year? How long is the route? Find one reason why they take part, The London Marathon Every year in spring in the UK capital, over 35,000 runners take part in one of the most spectacular sports events in the world - The London Marathon. Thousands of competitors tun the 42 kilometre route through the UK capita, watched by over million cheering spectaton And every year, most runners raise huge ‘amounts of money for charity. They ask their family and friends to sponsor their marathon tun by giving money to their favourite charities. While millions watch on the streets and on TV, many millions benefit from the brave efforts of the runfiers who take part in the london marathon. So who are the marathon runners? They are men and women of all nationalities and ages, There are athletes in wheelchairs, athletes on foot and athletes in fancy dress costumes! Some runners are serious athletes, some are! striving to break World records. But most are ordinary people who jus! enjoy a challenge. ‘nd are happy to make the finishing line, however long it takes! Scanned with CamScanner Re 5 Word study ‘Match the words in blue in the text with the definitions below. «2 When you promise to give money to help someone do something good. bb Trying very hard to do something ¢ An organisation thet supports people that need help People watching a sporting event. 4 @read Read the article again and make notes under these headings. \When the marathon takes place What its Who tates part Reasons for taking part 5 Put these sentences in order to make a short summary of the article. 4 The runners are all nationalities, ages and abilities. bb They are watched by over one milion people. The London Marathon isa sports event that takes place every year in London in spring Most people do the marathon to raise money for charity @ Over 35,000 people run along a 42 kilometre route through the city 6 Talk People take part in marathons because they enjoy a challenge’. What do you think this means? Have you ever dressed up to do something for charity? Whet challenges do you enjoy? E / 5 F aia al Writing summaries 1 Read the text carefully 2 Scan the text again and underline key words and phrases. 3. Change phrases to one word with a similar meaning, 4 Organise your notes into a summary. Owrite Use the Writing tip to write 0 75-80-word summary of the text. Use Activity 4 to help you. — Scanned with CamScanner fl ells cicteltis } @ Have you ever been to a live sports event? What was it like? How did you feel? Listening strategy: Listening for expression and emphasis When you listen to a story, listen to the expression in the narrator's voice. This will help you understand the sense of the story. 2 Read Read and listen to Part 1 of the extract below. Danny and his dad are at a live football game. How does Danny help his dad? Why does he need to do this? 3 Read and listen fo Part 1 again and answer the questions at the end. a Off Side by Tom Palmer Danny and his dad came to every City home game. And Danny acted as commentator because, when he was younger, his dad had been blinded in an accident. He’d had to stop work, stop playing football with Danny, stop almost everything, ¢ Danny remembered worrying if his aah dad would give up going to the football too. But on the day of the first game, after he ( was out of hospital, dad had stood up. ‘Danny?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Come on, son. City are at home. What are you waiting for?’ Since then Danny had become skilled at describing live football, telling his dad just enough so that he could follow the game ... @ What is the name of Danny's football team? b Do Danny and his dad watch them in their home city or away? Scanned with CamScanner © teas in exsdoe ¢ 1390 o When det toner pave hee First Contour With Peopig > nn Paes Ona aot 0 O28 when, Yemsafler she was born. Yas son "le wited her inthe 200. Charles Dare yi moth je f00100 tion. 14 Read and listen fo the deseo ho" of rave fer oach soe Beto the coroct answer 10 he vmuwto cole 08 aefender 10 OF agit with amazing ae tre fotos; see oe al seed be city poured players forvar i agente i 1. Sam ,, but ip rst eng eae a ofa) ar. Hat second later pots Ena ain aso poner oe esr and ‘anthony Owusu. Dann oa keep up his commentary just a5 much —_bounel 9 ‘os the United defenders struggled © keep up with City’s stkers. et told “Owusw is playing deep,’ Danny his dad. ‘Roberts further up.” ‘And as he spoke, City’s midfield dynamo launched a high crs into the United area. The ball ricocheted off a Why is City player, Sam Roberts special? 1 He's scored a lot of goals. ce Danny finds it dif itis so exciting that he can't f Owusu T misses the goal. 2 scores a 9 | One- An awesome strike. | Danny and his dad leapt into each other's arms as the crowd exploded. First with the loudest cheer of the season, minute, then with the name of the scorer. Over and over again. Ov-usu! Ow-usu! Ow-usu! When the fans had gone quiet enough for anyone to talk, Dad spoke. “What happened?” 2 Hes captain of the Engl dd Where is Anthony Owusu from? 1 South Am cult to describe the game because describe everything, 2 his and team erica 2 Africa dad can't hear him, pal. ‘This always amused Danny. His dad would be leaping around, punching the air, screaming at the top of his voice one then calmly asking to know why he's been jumping around in the first place. ‘Owusu ... Danny said breathlessly. {gathered that.” ‘he just blasted it in!” "Yeah?" Scanned with CamScanner g The City fans are 1 quite happy. 2 very happy and excited. hh Danny's dad 1 understands what has happened in the game. 2 needs Danny to explain again. a Danny knew his dad needed more. _edge of the area, he took it on hig So he decided to give it to him: like then fired an unstoppable volley knee, a proper reporter on the radio. He the paralysed United keeper, Thane breathed in and began. Owusu's twentieth goal of the seus, ‘City’s amazing Ghanaian And just goes to show that he dase +H international has scored the goal of __the African Player of the Year awarg the season. Picking the ball up on the __ received only two weeks ago.’ he i Why does Danny describe the goal like a radio reporter? 1 To make it more exciting for his dad. 6 2To give his dad more information. el hh 3 Both reasons. 7 5 Word study Football Use the words in the box to label the diagram. Scanned with CamScanner Was Meine, o> er havo é : a ree Nee Firg 2 mM, ” "5 af + Ws hen, "Seay i Peon, "hen hy Nyy fom . Pan Zon Word study Descriptive words Look at the words in blue in the text.Try to guess any words you don't know by looking at the other words and sentences in the section. 7 Replace the underlined words in the following text with the words from the box. struggled Roberts (a) ran-very-fast blasted down the field with the ball, while the en United defenders (b) found it difficult to stop him. Then he passed to blasted Owusu, who (0) kicked the ball into the goal with an (d) very good | awesome (@) hit, past the shocked (f) person in the goal. The ball (g) movedup. ‘red | strike the shouted very loudly. and down around the goal and the crowd (h) shouted very loudh opie It was the loudest cheer I have ever heard at a home game. | keeper 4 8 Intonation Read with expression by emphasising key words. Listen and repeat Danny's commentary at the end of the extract. Which words does he emphasise? 9 © Owiite Now write a similar description of someone scoring a goal, winning a race or a competition. Use words from the text and other descriptive words. Underline the words you want to emphasise and read your description to your partner, ke a radio presenter. 10 @ Values Teamwork Talk about these questions with your partner. 4a What do you know about football teams or other types of sport teams? Are you a member of any sports teams? What responsibilities does each person have? b What other kinds of teams are there besides sports teams? When do you work in other teams? © Think of a team you're in. Which of these statements is true for your team? 1 Everyone helps each other and works together to achieve something, 2 I can learn new things from other people in the team. 3. Other people in the team can learn something from me. 4. Everyone in the team has a special job to do. dd What other good things are there about being in a team? Are there any disadvantages? al Scanned with CamScanner \ ZCMarararary Glolele[elalk]nl 1 Vocabulary Sports alvfolcle | Find ten types of sport in the word | Ely{s| search and write about them below. StAl2 Te\viifs en Wit{tlolelsimle Sports I've tried TisiclHlolalele MiulHislifulcly Sports I often do Moti lAlelelt ly tlolslv[tfalt}s i NJH Popular sports in my country Siv {Riva GlyiMinials|t]a J]Z/Plifzlalelv 2 Vocabulary Equipment | Complete the sentences with a word from the box ( | shin pads racquet goggles shuttlecock goalposts trunks _| / - pet ete cy) | — in 1 You wear ___goggles _to protect your eyes when you y are swimming, 2 You wear ____to protect the front part of your legs between your knees and ankles. 3 You hita_____ when you are playing badminton, 4 Boys wear or shorts when they go swimming. 5 You hit the ball with a —_ when you are playing tennis or badminton. 6 —___ tell you where the goal is when you are playing football. Cambie Giobal EgishStoge 6 Acity Book Unt 3 Scanned with CamScanner fu 3 Read Which sport in Activity 1 are the comments about? —__— You can play this sport on the beach, on grass or on a court in a sports centre. The only equipment you need is a net and a ball, and shorts and a T-shirt or vest to play in. Each team has six players and the rules are more complicated than you think! Players must stop the balll from touching the ground in their team’s side of the net. You hit the ball with your hands, but you can’t throw or catch the ball and you’re not allowed to touch the net. You must have strong legs and lots of stamina because there is a lot of jumping and diving in the game. 4 Match a topic to a comment, Basic rules Parts of the body used = Location and equipment 5 Write o paragraph about a sport that you do or know something about. Use Activities 2, 3 and 4 to help you. ,6 EE Chaltenge interpreting information AY Read Zainab's survey notes. Complete the bar chart with the information. Answer the questions below. What is your Survey: 30 students _ favourite sport? swimming: 15 students 5 Basketball: 2 students 3 Badminton: 3 students 3 Football: 10 students € 2 1 Which is the most popular sport in the class? Favourite spors 2 Which sport do a third of the class like best? 3 Which sports do a few of the classmates like? & Scanned with CamScanner — ican Strategy check! Scanning Tick the strategy which will help you to scan a text. Use the strategy before you read the text below. * Look at pictures. + Read the whole text in detail. + Read the text quickly for the main points, PL cc The Paralympic Games The Paralympic Games is one of the largest international sports events in the world. It takes place every two years alongside the summer and winter Olympic Games. These elite sportsmen ‘and women are the best at their sport, despite the fact that every one of them has a disability Itstarted when a German doctor ‘organised a sports competition for 2nd World War soldiers at the 1948 London Olympic Games. These soldiers had injuries to their spines, but they were excellent wheelchair athletes. The doctor wanted to show their LVAWT falens alongside the skills of the Olympic athI i Games orev fom this competition, Toe ee neeara reps Today, in the 21st century Paralympic Games, the ren ns atte from nearly 150 diferent sate Paralympians compete on the track in wheelchair racing and on blades; in swimming and rowing events in the water; in wheelchait basketball and rugby on a court; skiing on mountain slopes and 7 cycling in the velodrome. There are many more events too. The foc ofthe Games is always on what the athletes can achieve and = never on their disabilities. @ Read the text and answer the questions in your notebook. 1 What is the Paralympic Games? 2 What do Paralympic athletes have in common? 3 How many countries compete in the Paralympic Games today? 4 Find five types of sports that you can see at the Paralympic Games. ‘Cambridge Global English Stage 6 Activity Book Unit 3 re — nl Scanned with CamScanner tong PO he bm Fest oo, "er, Ce a, “ bon Peep, » q 2. Use of English a ( Read the Use of English 2 Reported speech in the present Z box and the mini-interview Direct statement ‘2 with Paralympic athlete, {think about what I can do, not what I can’t do.’ Jonnie Peacock. Report the Reported statement interviewer's questions and Jonnie says (that) he thinks about what he can do, Jonnie’s replies. rot what he can't, Reported Wh- questions Direct question ‘What is your attitude to your sport? Reported question He wants to know what his attitude to his sport is Interviewer: What is your attitude to your sport? Jonnie: I think about what I can do, not what I can't do Interviewer: What is your record time for running the 100 metres? Jonnie: —_ It's 10.9 seconds, at the 2012 London Paralympics. Interviewer: What is your target now? Jonnie: My goal now is to run the 100 metres in 10.6 seconds! 1 He wants to know what his attitude his sport is. 2 Jonnie says (that) he thinks about what he can do, notwhat he can't. 3 4 5 6 13 © Challenge \Write questions to ask your favourite sports star. Write his/her answers in reported questions and statements. Scanned with CamScanner jWaistepite 1 Vocabulary Parts of the body Complete the words to describe parts of the body. Answer the questions, a: | h_-s___-g— —ol-—— a—k—_—-~es k__i, 1 Which parts ore connected to yourlegsandfeet?__Thighs, 2 Which ate connected to your arms? 3 Which part pumps the blood around your body? ‘64 2 Listen and put the pictures in order for the Warrior pose. 64 3 Listen again and follow the instructions. Which parts of your body did you use in this exercise? Which muscles worked the hardest? VD) contisge Gaba English sage 6 Actity Bok Unit 3 — Scanned with CamScanner Us8 UE Ege Correct the sentences by replacing | Hi) i124) Oo } fre underlined verb with another | neea/should/mu: & yerb from the box. advice and instruc We use need when something is necessary. [mustn't need should First we need to get your heart pumping . 1 You should _iuustin’t_ do ‘any hard exercise without warming up first. We use should to give advice. You should warm up your hips too. We use mustn't when something is not allowed. You mustn't start running without warming up 2. When you warm Up, YOu your leg muscles. stretch your muscles too. 3 You mustn't _____ fo drink water while you are running. 4 You should _______ force your muscles when you stretch them or you might hurt yourself 5 People of all ages should ___ to do some regular exercise. 6 Everyone needs _____ try to do some exercise every day to stay healthy. 5. Use of English Circle the correct verb to complete the text. ! Where does yoga come from? ' Yoga is a type of exercise that originated in India and is , thousands of years old. You' mustn’t (Should)try yoga | ifyou want a strong and flexible body, as well as a relaxed | mind, There are millions of people from all over the 1 world who agree! But first, there are some facts you 1 ?need / should know. | Yoga is great for kids of all ages, but you ? mustn’t / need " try difficult yoga exercises without an instructor. Some yoga ' exercises look easier than they are; the instructor * needs / should to make sure you are doing them in the correct way or you might hurt yourself. You § should / mustn’t do yoga without warming up first and you ¢ should / mustn’t wear loose, comfortable clothes. You” need / should to 1 have enough space around you to stretch your arms and legs. When you are doing the 1 Yoga exercises, you ® mustn’t / need to take long breaths in and out - if you do this, 1 you'll feel energetic and relaxed at the same time! Want to try a yoga exercise? Try the 1 Warrior pose in Activity 3! Cambridge Global English Stoge 6 Activity Book Unit 3 Scanned with CamScanner ea. Varathonochleveme 1 Read the article. How much money has Millie's school raised for charity? ) Every year in June, our school does a Fun Run for charity ? in our local park. 3 Hundreds of us go down to the park and run circuits around the lake and through the woods. And even more people come down fo the park to watch us and cheer us on And it’s not just 4 pupils who take part. There are teachers, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles foo. ~and even some dogs! Some of us put on our running clothes, but a lot of us dress up in fancy dress costy, for the occasion. Last year there wo"? supetheroes and big furry animals” doing the Fun Run too! So far our school Fun Run has © over $20 000 for charity. We ask our family and friends to sponsor us for each circuit we run around the lake, The more circuits we do, the more Money we raise for our favourite charities. We © get fit and charities benefit - so everyone's a winner! Scanned with CamScanner 2 write Make notes and write a summary Read the article again. Match the underlined sentences with these headings. a Where the Fun Run happens bb When it happens _1__ c Reasons for taking part. d What it is e Who takes part 3 Match the sentences from the article with a word in the box with a similar meaning, 1... superheroes and big furry animals costumes. [pets | | | 2... around the lake and through the woods fee | | families ! | 3... and even some dogs! | eh" park 4 L .. parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles ... {4 Challenge Use your notes to write a summary of Millie’ article in 65-75 words. 5 Calculations Do the calculations and answer the questions. 1 Last year 1500 people watched the Fun Run in the park. This year there were twice as many. How many spectators were at the Fun Run this year? 2 In the Fun Run last year, Millie ran 20 circuits around the lake in the park. Her family sponsored her $1.50 per circuit. How much money did she raise for charity? Scanned with CamScanner

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