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Technical Assistance Plan

Technical assistance is one of the key professional activities that a school head or any higher authorities
can provide to his/ her subordinates specifically to the teachers geared toward giving them support and guidance
in identifying problems and finding the right solutions for a more effective organization. Republic Act No. 9155,
or the “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001”, decentralized education governance, and made “the school
as the heart of the formal education system” and shifted the focus of education management to School-Based
Management (SBM). Technical assistance is non-financial assistance provided by local o higher authorities or
specialists. It can take the form of sharing information and expertise, instruction, skills training, transmission of
working knowledge, and consulting services and may also involve the transfer of technical data.

Challenges and Proposed Technical Assistance in the Utilization of IDEA Instructional Process
Challenges Proposed Technical Assistance

1. Although lessons are designed using IDEA for-

mat, some instructions in the activity sheets are not
clear to the learners because teachers simply rely on
the instruction written in the modules without con-
textualizing and checking if it is appropriate to the
level of understanding of the learners.
2. Lack of time and skills in the preparation of ac-
tivity sheets aligned with IDEA process
3.Some of the tasks included in the module/leap
were not accomplished by the learners because it is
4. No validation process to ensure the achievement
of the learners or how to get relevant result of the
academic performance of learners most specially in
the result of summative assessment.
5. Parents disregard the use of WHLP thus it seems
additional workload for the teachers
6. IDEA lesson exemplar was not used daily instead
it was utilized only during classroom observation
7. Although Modules and Leap were utilized in
school following the IDEA instructional process,
some of the activity sheets were not checked and
evaluated before it is distributed to the learners.
8. Overlapping of schedule thus checking and eval-
uation of WHLP and activity sheets were conducted
9. Lack of time in validation of activity sheets if it
is aligned with IDEA process or not
10. Lack of initiatives of the school head and teach-
ers to ensure learning support to learners and par-
ents due to lack of instructional procedures and
monitoring of the delivery of the lesson

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