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We're going to: talk about different types of films create scenes from a film read about the history of films read and understand a film storyline listen to and discuss a film review LET) CS) what type of films do you ike? Where do you like watching them - at the cinema or at home? Which is better? 2 Word study Types of films ) {| Match the fim types to the pictures. Which of these types of films have you seen recentya (20 3 Listen Listen and match the film trailers to the film types in the box in Activity 2. 4 Ook Which film would you like to see after hearing the trailers? Why? Scanned with CamScanner (8) Word study Strong adjectives Match the adjectives a-g to the strong adjectives in bold below. What type of film are the comments about? a very frightening b very sad c very funny d very exciting e very cruel f very beautiful g very surprising 4 The film was heart-breaking, 1 It was terrifying, I was Teried at some scenes. It’s so sad so scared. The animal is when the accident happens, really evil! It does such 2 The fm was absolutel But in some parts the story horrible things! 7 3 is a bit silly and hilarious, we couldn't stop seanc nor very idughingeee believable. horror 5 The story is really thrilling — I didn’t want the film to end, You really care about the main character and her special mission. The special effects are gorgeous too ~ really beautiful. 3 The special effects are absolutely amazing! I didn’t expect them to be so good. You really felt as if you were lost in space too. But it was quite slow in some parts and a bit boring, Wao 1 S-Ni Adverbs of degree: absolutely /ré ly The film was very absolutely hilarious We can use really, very, quite and a bit with other adjectives. It was quite slow in some parts and a bit boring. 6 Ota Talk about films you know. Use really, very or absolutely and different adjectives. Look at the comments in Activity 4 to help you. A: I saw Ice Age 4 last... . B: What sort of film is it? A: It’s an animation film. The story is really exciting — I didn’t want the film to end. B: Were the special effects good? Scanned with CamScanner a \ J" | RTL GQ Ave any lms made in your country? Can you think of two fim names? | afm projector make up ada cinema s 2 Word study Cinema history Popcorn a cinema screen’ |g Pianis Match a picture fo a word from the box. 9 2 3 @tisten listen to a brief history of cinema, Write the order that the words in Activity 2 OPPear in the radio int lerview, ic uD Listening strategy: Listening for specific information When you listen, notice any dates, Dates often guide you to, important information, : * < ° | | @B 4 Usten again ana complete the timeline, | @ 1891: the ft fim projector b __ : an audience Saw moving © 1907; people started to watch ___ in cinemas 1912: __ was first sold in cinemas © — : the first film with sound f 1928: ___ first appeared in a film G> 9 1935: first movie filmed in __ \g pictures for the first time Scanned with CamScanner Wear aaie past simple passive we use this passive form to talk about events in the past. We want to focus on the event, not the person who did it, jn 1841, the first film projector was invented. popcorn was first sold in cinemas in 1912 if we want fo mention the person who did the action, we use by. The frst flm projector was invented by the Edison company. @ Look at the Use of English box. How do we make a past simple passive sentence? Complete the rule and choose the correct tense. was or ... and the past/present form of the verb 6 Complete these sentences from the radio report. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. Which sentence needs by? [cat fim make show play ) 1 In 1895, the first moving pictures viere shown to an audience. 3 These early films —_ in black and white. 4 These films ___ ‘talkies’, 2 The music a pianist in the cinema, The frst movie —_in colour in 1935 1 @ Pronunciation Years Listen and repeat. Which year do you hear? 101918 b 1841 3.01895 b 1995 201907 b 1970 4.01912 b 1812 8 © @ took at ne cinema tickets, How much did it costo goto the cinema in 19077 Caloulate the prices in the currency of your country. How much does it cost fo go to the cinema now? Scanned with CamScanner ) Speaking: What makes a good Talk about it o What makes a good film? What are the differences between good and bad films? @ 2 Listen Actors Plot (what happens) Good and bad points Type of film @3) 3 Listen again. Choose the correct words to complete the summary of the conversation, from children’s (b) games/stories. They fight to save the world from an (c) evil/angry villain called Pitch, Pitch wants to (d) fight/frighten the children of the world and (e) steal/see the things that they believe of the heroes goes to Antarctica, Special effec Characters Rise of the Guardians is an (a) action/adventure story about a group of superheroes who are all characters are true. The superheroes have to fight to protect the children from danger. The story is () placed/set in lots of imaginary places and there is a scene where one Usten to Ana and Sofia talking about a film. Which of these things do they toy, Shay Setting (where the story happens) Costumes hist Cinut WANS Sofia said that she would (g) recommend/remember the film for other people to see, (h) especially for/but not young children. The film has a good plot but it is quite (i) different/difficult to understand in parts, Reorder Ana's questions and match to a description, 1 good / you / have / recently / any / seen / films? 2 film / kind / it / what / of | is? 3 about / is / it / what? 4 you / recommend / would / it? 5 is / set / where / it ? or @ about where the story happens to start the conversation © about the plot about if it is a good film to see or not. @ about the type of film. De Scanned with CamScanner Fo peur iiad polative clauses tne characters are so lifelike that they look lite real people. jysobout o group of superheroes, who have amazing abiltes. there Iso good scene where one of the heroes goes to Antarctica. pied the ending when the superheroes win use of English Read the examples in the Use of English box. Complete the rules about relative clauses with who, that, where and when. | We use or when we talk about people. « We use —— when we talk about things. | We use —— when we talk about places. + We use —— when we talk about the time something happened. Think of a film that you like, 6 Complete these sentences with your My filnis obevt « character who ~~ SEM at) ‘own ideas. We is a story that Making information The film is set ina place where My Favourite scene is when ... \ would rocommend it to anyone who .. interesting Use relative clauses to give more information about what you want to talk about. 8 Talking about films + Use your notes in Activity 6 and write answers to Ana's questions in Activity 4 about a film you've seen. This will prepare you for the conversation with your partner. + Work in pairs. Interview your partner. Make notes as you listen + Now look at your notes and prepare a short summary to tell your class about what your partner said + When you do this, try not fo read from the paper. Practise first with your partner, + When you are confident, tell your class about your conversation with your pariner. At the weekend, Diego saw a film called ... . He thinks that Scanned with CamScanner AY STF) fie) fl) SSIES | @ What are your favourite film plots? How do you think the film makers get their ideas? 2 Read Look at the storyboard below for a comedy flm. Choose the best title for the fim or write your own title. @ Horis and Boris ~ Happy Camping b Horis and Boris’ Big Adventure Weekend © Horis and Boris ~ The Sweet Revenge 3 Match the sentences fo a picture or thought bubble on the storyboard, @ Horis and Boris are fighting again. ‘Oh no, not again!’ sighed Dad b Tknow what will help!’ said Dad. © "Youll love camping! Just think of all the fun well have working together ... Putting up the tent and ooking in the great outdoors!’ promised Dad. d At the campsite, Dad and the boys look for a place to put up the tent. Boris has trouble in mind! Dad looks cheerful - he thinks everything is going so well! ‘Here's a good place for a tent... hee hee!” laughed Boris. “You can sleep there if you like, Hors, I think that’s the nicest spot ...’ said Boris, ‘Here, let me make it comfortable for you,’ he sniggered. > Scanned with CamScanner Ee 4 @takk what sound effects and special effects could you add to these scenes? Which scenes would you add them to? ( Why don't we add ... to Scene 1? Let's put a... in Scene 2. How about ... -ing ...?) Writing tip, Use direct speech and reporting verbs Use direct speech to make your story more interesting. Use different verlss to show how people said things. Use speech marks and a comma at the end.When there is question or exclamation mark, don't use a comma, ‘Here, let me make it comfortable for you,’ he sniggered. ‘Oh no, not again!’ sighed Dad. ‘ @ Punctuation ‘Add punctuation to the next four scenes. Change said to a different verb from the box. (You can use some verbs twice).Then draw and describe what happens in the next scene. [iiggned sted sight whipacd ale) Scene 7 So that’s why he wants me to sleep there ... Well, I've got other ideas said Horis No, Boris, I insist! I can't possibly take that place. You must sleep there said Horis. No Horis, really, I couldn't .. YOU must sleep there said Boris Scene 9 — Tell you what, boys ... Ill take that place said Dad, | Scene 10 Hee hee ... serves Boris right said Horis, Scene 8 6 Write Create a storyboard Use one of the trailers on page §0 for ideas or think of your own. Include some dialogue and two or three sentences to explain each scene. If you have ideas for music or special effects, include those too. Don't worry about being a good artist - simple drawings and stick figures are fine. Use colour if you want to. Make your storyboard into a poster and display it on your classroom wall. Read other groups’ storyboards and think of a film title for each idea. Scanned with CamScanner 7 PT Rel Taig) Oo you like films with special effects? Which ones have you seen? How do you think special effects are Created jn fms 2 Hove you ever seen the Jurassic Park films? What are they about? Why do You thing the first Jurassic Park film was important in cinema history? 3 Read Now read the introduction to find out. Were your predictions correct? Jurassic Park is a science fiction film, based on a novel by the American author, Michael Crichton. It tells the story of a group of scientists who visit a very unusual theme park on an island, The park is inhabited by real live dinosaurs, During the visit someone breaks the security code and dangerous dinosaurs escape all over the island, Everyone on the island is in great danger, The film was made in 1993, It is famous in cinema history because the film-makers created very clever special effects using Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) to bring life-like dinosaurs to the screen. After Jurassic Park, many other films used the same CGI technology to create fantastic special effects. el ea Cp cael Scanned with CamScanner rae Bees 4 Read and listen e 4 read and listen fo an extract from the novel, Jurassic Pork.Tina ‘and her family are on holiday on the island where the story is set. what strange meeting does Tina have near the beach? Tina ran until she was exhausted, and then fe she threw herself down on the sand and gleefully « rolled to the water's edge. The ocean was warm, and there was hardly any surf at all. She sat for a while, catching her breath, and then she looked back toward her parents and the car, to see how far she had come. Her mother waved, beckoning her to return. Tina waved back cheerfully, pretending she didn't understand. Tina didn’t want to put sunscreen on. She wanted to stay right here. Now her mother was calling to her, and Tina decided to move out of the sun, back from the water, to the shade of the palm trees. Tina sat in the sand, and Kicked the dried mangrove leaves. She noticed many bird tracks in the sand. Costa Rica was famous for its birds. Cy #4 5 Read and listen again, Answer the questions after each section. a Where were Tina and her parents? b Were they sitting together? Where was Tina? What did Tina notice in the sand? exhausted: very tired gleefully: happily mangrove: a tree with roots above the ground. In the sand, some of the three-toed bird tracks were small. Other tracks were large, and cut deeper in the sand. Tina was looking at the tracks when she heard a chirping, followed by a rustling. The chirping was probably | some ocean bird. She waited quietly, not moving, hearing the rustling | again. A few yards away, a lizard emerged from the mangrove roots and ¢ peered at her. 4 Scanned with CamScanner Tina held her breath. The lizard stood on its hind legs, balancing on its thick tail, and stared at her. Standing like that, it was almost a foot tall, dark green with brown stripes along its back. Its tiny front legs ended in little lizard fingers. The lizard cocked its head as it looked at her. Tina thought it was cute, Sort of like a big salamander. chirping: the sound a bird makes rustling: the sound of something Moving foot: measurement of 30cm y cocked: turn the head sideways salamander: a type of lizard 4 What kind of animal came out of the jungle? € Did it stand on four legs or two? 1 Was Tina frightened of the creature? a The lizard wasn’t frightened. It came toward her, walking upright on its hind legs. It was hardly bigger than a chicken. Tina thought it would make a wonderful pet. Ba oe a the lizard left three-toed tracks that looked exactly like fale ee ‘ lizard came closer to Tina. She kept her body still, not ema ighten the little animal. Maybe it expected her to give it pods nfortunately, she didn’t have any food, he lizard paused, cocked his head and chirped. | en Tina said, ‘I just don’t have anything.’ es Pane. without Warning, the lizard jumped onto her hand. Tina could rene: ‘oes pinching the skin of her palm, and she felt the surprisin, € animal’s body pressing her arm down. 2 And i: then the lizard scrambled up her arm, toward her face, g ne the ‘ard frightened of Tina? Ow big was the lizard? i What did it do at the end? bly Ui rreertilnciay ee ee en bell —TY Scanned with CamScanner il ~ 6 ° Talk piscuss the questions below in groups 1 Do you think the creature was really 4 Why do you think the book, Jurassic a lizard? Park was made into a film? 2 What do you think it was? Why? 5 Which other stories do you know that 3 What do you think happens next? have been made into films? 6 Which kind of books make good films? Reading strategy: Guess meaning from context ifyou don't understand a word ina text, look at the other words around it to help you guess its meaning. word study Look at the words in blue in the text and guess their meaning by looking at the other words around them. Choose the correct definition. 1 shade @ a place with no sunlight —b a place with lots of leaves 2 emerged @ come out b go back 3 hind @ front b back 4 palm @ a part of your hand b a part of your foot 5 weight a how tall something is b how heavy something is 6 scrambled a move quickly b bite Pronunciation 7h listen and repeat these words from the text. In which words does th have a hard and soft sound? threw 2breath 3the 4 thick S thought 6 then @ values Looking atter yourself Discuss the questions with your partner. 1 Do you think Tina was wise to go so close to the creature? Why? Why not? 2 How do you think she felt when the creature jumped on her? How could she have prevented this from happening? 3 Give examples of how you can look after yourself when you are: * ina city or a place with a lot of people + in the countryside or another natural place with few people When you are in a place with lots of traffic you should ... Tf you are walking on your own you shouldn't ... . Scanned with CamScanner (SSMS TOSS J} A film review presentation 3. Practise your presentation first in review. Remember - your film can your group. Decide who is going be one you really iked or one you to talk about each different sectig didn't like. Remember to start by giving the purpose of the presentation. Today we are going to talk about 1 In your groups, choose a film to 2 Use these headings to write notes about the flm and organise your Presentation: 4 Add slides with pictures from the fj * Type of film ora short video clip if possible. The pot (wha its cboul 5 Present your film review 10 YOUT Clas, * The setting =: Woud yall comment ty 6 Listen to other fim reviews and write Why / Why not? down the adjectives used to descrip, each flm. Why did the reviewers choose these adjectives? 3 Create a timeline about film or TV history 1 Choose from: History of television History of special effects in film History of the camera Your own choice, 2 Research your choice sing the Internet or the library. 3 Make a note of at least six important dates and what happened. 4 Create a timeline to show the Order of events. Write sentences using years or decades. Include past simple passive sentences. In... , the first TV programme was broadcast 5 Make a poster of your timeline and decorate with pictures. 6 Present your poster fo your class. We're going to talk about Our timeline starts in the 1920s when ... Scanned with CamScanner what goes into making a film? 4 What type Of films are the trailers for on page 50? Which strong adjectives and adverbs are used to describe these films? 2 Write down adjectives and adverbs to describe three films you like. Include three strong adjectives and adverbs. Give reasons why you chose these adjectives. is a really hilarious film. The beginning is very funny. There is a scene where ... 3 Incinema history, what happened in 1895 and 1927? In 1895 the first ... were ... 4 How do you pronounce these years? 4 4875 1932 1958 1881 5 Write four sentences about your favourite film. The main character is called ... , who ... 6 Inthe storyboard on page 56, where does Dad take the twins, Horis and Boris? Why? What plan does Boris have to trick Horis? What is the setting for the story on pages 58 to 60? Write or show examples in your notebook. 1 Ican talk about different types of film. 2 Ican understand a timeline showing the history of cinema. 3 Ican discuss a film review. 4 Ican create a storyboard to show a film scene. 5 Ican understand a story that has been made into a film. é Scanned with CamScanner 1 Vocabulary Types of film f/f a Complete the descriptions ! Vah_-"y with a word from the box. - 1 Adventure films are / sometimes set in a fantasy place. The hero usually has a problem to overcome [ animation and the story is often about how he or she does that. comed, y 2 __________ movies are set in the past and tell stories sire from 100 years ago or more. sete | fiction 3 _____films are supposed to make you feel hesiror really scared. drama 4 oe tceoa in the future. They imagine action ife might be like 50 years or more from now. ictal whiatalife mig} me eg J historical The setting is often space or another planet. 5 In ________films, there is usually a hero in dangerous and exciting situations. These films are fast-moving and often very noisy! 6 _______films make you laugh a lot and are not very serious. 7 films are usually about serious situations in life. | They are often sad and might make you cry in some parts! | & Nowadays ________ films have fantastic special effects. This means that talented artists can create characters and scenery that comes to life on the movie screen. 2 Write [| What was the last film you saw? What type of film was it? eel Which types of films do you like best? Which ones don’t you enjoy? Cambridge Global English Stage 6 Activity Book Unit 4 ov Scanned with CamScanner 3 vocabulary Strong adjectives Find seven adjective pairs in the word snake and put them in the correct column, a oS Vo! “WPrisingevithia Figen t terrifyi ita gorges Mtsectghearatac, Giviiaganoi ‘aathrillingam [__ Adjectives Strong adjectives funny hilarious 4. Use of English Complete the sentences with the correct adverb from the Use of English box. > Adverbs absolutely/ & really i We use absolutely and teally and not very with strong adjectives. 1 The special effects in the film were abit | really gorgeous. 2 The animation was absolutely / very funny The film was very absolutely hilarious. We can use really, very, quite and a bit with other adjectives. 3 It was a very / absolutely bad movie and a waste of money, 4 It’s quite / absolutely sad in some parts — ied! we all cried! Tt was quite slow in some 5 I thought the story was very | absolutely parts and a bit boring. terrifying; afterwards I couldn't sleep! 6 Watch the movie just for the scenery — it’s really / very amazing! 15 EY Challenge “Choose adverbs and adjectives fo describe your opinion of the images in the pictures. a | think that kitten is absolutely gorgeous! (It’s so small and cute!) CCombidge Global English Stoge 6 Activity Book Unit 4 Scanned with CamScanner Strategy check! Listen for specific information Tick the strategy which will help you to listen for specific information. Use the strategy before you listen. + Listen to the recording but don’t read the text first. + Read the information first and make guesses about years or dates. OW + When you listen again recheck the dates. 65 1 Listen A brief history of animation a Listen and match the information with the years. sy 1 1900s 5 1990s ys ae 2 1928 —— 6 1995 a ——~ Yt 7 2001 \ = j 3 1937 —— 4 1940s — 1950s a Shrek becomes the first film to win an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. | - 7% b The first animation films were made. 1 =e = ¢ Toy Story was released ~ the first full-length film animated on computers. d Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the first full-length animation film was produced by Walt Disney. e Disney films became popular and were watched by millions of people in cinemas. f Sound was added to cartoons for the first time. Mickey Mouse was also born! g Computers were used for the first time to make animation films. 2 Pronunciation Saying decades What does the 1940s mean? a 1940 b 1940-1949 5 3 Listen Listen and write the decade you hear. Then listen again and repeat. a b c d ‘bridge Global English Stage 6 Activity Book Unit 4 — Scanned with CamScanner 74 pronunciation Saying years after 2000 Listen and write the correct year. Listen ‘again and repeat. 7.42001 b__ Wee or Enalietn) Past simple passive We use this passive form to talk Qs YY about events in the past. We want to focus on the event, not the person who did it, The first animation films were made in the early 1900s. c 2a bie 5 @ Use of English Past simple passive Correct the errors in these sentences. Use the Use of English box to help you. Where were the first animation films made? Ifwe want fo mention the person who did the action, we use by. 1 The first film starring Mickey Mouse was make in the 1920s. The first film starring Mickey Mouse was made in the 1920s, The first film starring Mickey Mouse was produced by Walt Disney. 2 The Madagascar films was shown in cinemas all over the world. 3 The first full-length animation film were called Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. 4 Computers weren't use to make animation films in the 1940s 5 When was the first cartoon create? & Complete the sentences using the past simple passive. 1 Lots of Disney films were produced _ (produce) in the 1960s and 70s. 2 The first Toy Story film (create) in the 1990s. 3 The first animation films (not make) in colour. 4 In the first cartoons, hundreds of drawings produce just one minute of animation. (need) to 5 The award-winning animation film, Shrek, (release) in 2001. | 7 £ Challenge -C \yite a short paragraph about your favourite animation film . The main character is... . was released in 20 Cambridge Global Englsh Stage 6 Activity Book Unit 4 la KE Scanned with CamScanner rb y 1 Read the answers below and match them fo the questions. Have you seen any good films recently? What kind of film is it? What's it about? Would you recommend it? Its set in India and a lot of the action takes place in the middle of the ocean. Yes, I saw Life of Pi at the cinema two weeks ago with my dad, It was amazing! —1__ Yes, I would. I liked the scenes where the boy faces the tiger, and then makes friends with him. My dad didn’t like the film though! He says he prefers films that have more realistic plots! But I thought the plot was 2 3 4 Where's it set? 5 a ov ° interesting and exciting. It’s an adventure movie which looks fantastic. There are some amazing scenes, with great special effects. It’s about a boy called Pi who has an incredible adventure at sea. It star; in India where his family own a zoo. But they have to sell the zoo and all the animals. They decide to sail to Canada where they can sell the animals and build a new life. But on the way they have an accident and only Pi and a few animals survive. So Pi is left in the middle of the sean a lifeboat with the wild animals. And one of them is a huge hungry tiger! The film is about how Pi survives ... . © Read the answers again and answer the questions. 1 Which answer tells you about the plot? 2 Where is the setting for the film? 3 Which main characters are mentioned? Cambridge Global English Stage 6 Activity Book Unit 4 _s Scanned with CamScanner -— 3 use of English Read the Use of English box. Underline five fen relative clauses in the answers in Activity 1 (one has been done for you) Relative clauses Relative clauses are parts of a sentence that start with a relative pronoun. The characters are so life-like that Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentences, 1 [like the ending that /@hen)/ who the | they look like real people. hero finally saves the planet. It’s about a group of superheroes, ° , who have amazing abilities My little sister doesn’t like movies that! | there is a good scene where one who / where are too long of the heroes goes to Antarctica. 1 liked the ending when the superheroes win. n 3 The most exciting scenes are who / that / where the superheroes are flying between buildings. n The special effects are so good that / where | who you think they are real. The best scene is that / when / who the heroes finally discover the secret palace. a o Its about a girl where / who / when discovers a lost city “ Is that the scene that / who / where the dinosaurs escape into the city? o He is a character where / when | who always does the right thing. Challenge Use relative clauses to complete the sentences about the film, Epic. 1 Epic is an adventure story that looks amazing. 2 It's about a young girl ______ goes on a special journey. 3 She is transported to a forest ________ there is a fight between good and evil. 4 There are a group of villains _______ want to destroy the forest. 5 One of the nicest scenes is _______ she meets the other characters for the first time. 6 Itisafilm I would recommend to my friends, ‘Cambridge Global English Stage 6 Activity Book Unit 4 Scanned with CamScanner

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