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School-based management (SBM) is a strategy to advance education by relaying important

decision-making authority from state and district offices to individual schools. The goal of school-based
management is to improve school systems, enhance teaching and learning for better student
achievements, empower school officials and train them to become competent and better leaders,
promote accountability and, during this pandemic, ensure the safety and welfare of all members of
school communities.

Education amidst the pandemic was a difficult stride for both students and teachers. Amidst the
covid 19 pandemic, most of the schools were in hiatus for almost 2 consecutive years, prompting every
individual to adjust to an online and module learning system. The usual flow of information, data, and
access to learning resources was severely hampered due to the lack of access to the valuable aid of
teachers and school paraphernalia to conduct activities and material that is usually the accustomed
learning environment for both students and teachers.

The current School Based Management Strategy aims to provide both learners and teachers an
adaptable learning environment through the use of proper delegation and planning relayed from the
state and district offices to individual schools. It oversees a wide array of factors which aid in school
management through encompassing strategies reviewed and planned by the state and district,
advancement of teaching methods and teacher’s attendance and competence, improvement of
learner’s educational experience and attainments through the assessment of curriculums and needs,
and the overall improvement of school environment for the entire community as a whole.

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