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1.1 Introduction

Demand for hand sanitizers has surged as the coronavirus broke out and
spread around the world . Alcohol gel hand sanitizers are usually applied
by squirting the sanitizer liquid when one presses a pump with one’s hand .
This causes many people to come into contact with the pump handle, which
increases the risk of viral transmission. Pressing the pump handle is
bothersome, and many pass by without disinfecting their hands. Moreover,
each person presses the pump handle differently, making it difficult to
predict the amount of use and to manage refills and replacements. For this
reason, the actual use of hand sanitizers is reduced, which does not help
prevent spread of the virus [1].

Some hand sanitizers on the market are automatically pumped. However,

because sanitizer containers and pump devices are designed to be
compatible only between products produced by the same manufacturer,
consumers must also repurchase the container for the liquid if they replace
the hand sanitizer .It is not economical and it has a negative impact on the
environment by increasing waste emissions. In addition, some users may
think that it is a hassle to buy a hand sanitizer-containing device-
compatible again, so they pour other hand sanitizers into previously used
containers and reuse them. However, sanitizers that come directly into
contact with the human body are classified as medicines or non-medical
products, and they are safest to use in original containers[2] .

In this project, the design of an automatic hand and phone sanitizer system
compatible with various sanitizer containers is presented.
The importance of hand sanitizing cannot be over-emphasized, especially
in developing nations where eating with hands is a common practice. In
some developing cultures, there is always the reluctance to hand washing
before meals; and in some, hand washing has become a culturally accepted
norm. Eating with the hands was going on for generations before anyone
thought of washing their hands first. So along the way, through technology
and hygiene practices, people become educated in the improvement of hand
Hand sanitizing is the single most important way of preventing the spread
of infections, according to the US Centre for Disease Control and
Prevention. Unwashed or poorly washed hands are a very common way of
spreading many diseases such as cold, flu, ear infections, strep throat,
diarrhea, and other intestinal problems. Germs and viruses causing these
diseases are passed on by such routine things as handling food, touching
doorknobs, shaking hands, and putting mouths on a telephone receiver.
And in our daily activities, we practice one of these either in the offices, at
home, in the market places, in the classroom, and so on. Good
handwashing practices have also been known to reduce the incidence of
other diseases, notably pneumonia, trachoma, scabies, skin and eye
infections, and diarrhea-related diseases like cholera and dysentery,
according to World Health Organization (WHO). The promotion of
handwashing or sanitizing with soap is also a key strategy for controlling
the spread of Avian Influenza (bird flu). After the incidence of SARS-
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003, gave people in their daily
lives gave more attention to health habits; the daily number of hand-
sanitizing increased than before. and contribute to this idea as a way to
increase the practice of hand sanitizing in our society so as to remain
healthy [4].
1.2 Literature survey

The literature survey presents the importance studies which search the
methods to design automatic hand sanitizer.
Jonathan Lesmana et al.[2]use An automatic hand sanitizer that allows
the discharge of the sanitizing liquid without pressing any nozzle. The
design of the automatic hand sanitizer is focused on the mechanism of
pressing the nozzle of the hand sanitizer that involves conversion from a
rotation movement into a translation movement. VDI 2221 method is used
to design the automatic hand sanitizer, which uses Arduino Nano as the
microcontroller, servo motor as the motor, ultrasonic sensor for detecting
the movement of the environment, and rack and pinion system as the
mechanism for pressing the nozzle from the hand sanitizer. The prototype
of automatic hand sanitizer has worked well and has become a reference
for further development.
Meini Sondang Sumbawati1 et al.[5] purposed an automated hand
sanitizer design as an effort to improve the delivery of Covid-19 in
schools. Automatic hand sanitizer is useful to facilitate the hand sanitizer
liquid out of the bottle, so it is more effective to use and does not run out
quickly. This study uses an Arduino Nano microcontroller as the main
control, a human hand detection sensor, and a servo motor as an actuator
that will activate the automatic bottle. The result of this research is an
automatic hand sanitizer with a large size hand sanitizer that can be
mounted into a tool with a maximum of 500 ml. This automatic hand
sanitizer will automatically release the hand sanitizer fluid which approves
the sensor under the user's hand protective device.

Puput Wanarti Rusimamto et al.[6] This project aims to make an
automatic hand sanitizer where soap and water can come out
automatically. Besides that, automated hand sanitizer will make a
notification to the owner, if the liquid has run out to the smartphone. The
infrared (IR) will sense the presence of heat and motion of the object with
the distance up to 50mm. It send data to the Arduino Nano to activate the
pump. If the ultrasonic sensor detect the distance of water to sensor 35 cm
it will send data to node MCU that connect to Blink server. It can transfer
the data to the output devices such as smartphones or PC based on the
Internet of Things (IoT). The results of the hand sanitizer testing that the
system can run smoothly with a minimum detection error of transferring
1.3 Problem Statement

Due to higher level of spreading of diseases such as corona virus, constant

sanitizing of hands was recommended which is to be carried out without
making contact with sanitizing devices as recommended by the world
health organization (WHO). Because of this problem of virus spreading
this device was invented to solve the problem of making contact with the
sanitizing machine.
1.4 Objectives of The Design

The following are the objectives:

 To develop a device that can automate the process of hand sanitizing

by making it perfectly contactless, as well as sanitize the phone using
UV light.
 To increase the level of awareness of people as regards proper hand

 To solve a considerable fraction of the problems associated with
hand sanitizing, so as to reduce the risk of disease transfer, between




2.1 introduction

The automatic hand sanitizer is a smart device that is controlled by an

Arduino microcontroller, in addition to working automatically this tool is
also programmed to be able to adapt to user needs, this tool can be applied
anywhere, such as in restaurants, hospitals, toilets, etc. Because this tool
works automatically, our hands are more assured of cleanliness because
users don’t need to touch the hand sanitizer lever to operate the hand

2.2 Component of the device

The component of hand and phone sanitizer including Arduino UNO as a

microcontroller, IR sensors, relay, battery, UV light, and water pump.

2.2.1 Arduino

The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform. That makes the

interaction between software and hardware to build electronics projects.
The Arduino can read the sensor’s output data as input and turn it into an
output to control other components like LED, MOTOR, etc. We need a

ready-made software to write and upload code to Arduino boards, it’s
called Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). the most
popular and most used board in the Arduino board family. This is the
Arduino Uno.
There are different Arduino boards which are following: Arduino UNO
(R3), LilyPad Arduino, Red Board, Arduino Mega (R3), Arduino
Leonardo[8]. Arduino UNO (R3)

The development of Arduino UNO board is considered as new

compared to other Arduino boards. This board comes up with numerous
features that helps the user to use this in their project. The Arduino UNO
uses the Atmega16U2 microcontroller that helps to increase the transfer
rate and contain large memory compared to other boards. No extra devices
are needed for the Arduino UNO board like joystick, mouse, keyboard and
many more. The Arduino UNO contain SCL and SDA pins and also have
two additional pins fit near to RESET pin as shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Arduino UNO

The board contains 14 digital input pins and output pins in which 6 pins are
used as PWM, 6 pins as analog inputs, USB connection, reset button and
one power jack. The Arduino UNO board can be attached to computer
system buy USB port and also get power supply to board from computer
system. The Arduino UNO contains flash memory of size 32 KB that is
used to the data in it. The other feature of the Arduino UNO is
compatibility with other shield and can be combined with other Arduino
products[8]. LilyPad Arduino

The LilyPad Arduino is considered as other Arduino board type that is

designed for integrating with wearable projects and e-textile projects. This
board comes in round shape that helps to decrease the snagging and can be
easily connected to other devices. This board uses the Atmega328
microcontroller and Arduino bootloader in it. This board uses very less
external component in it that makes the design easy and compatible.

Figure 2.2: LilyPad Arduino Boards

The board requires 2 volt to 5 volt power supply and use large size pin
holes so that it can be easily connect to other devices. This board is widely
used for controlling different device that includes motor, light and switch.
The components of this board like sensor board, input board and output
board can be washable because this board is used in clothing industries as
shown in figure 2.2[9]. Arduino Mega

This boards is considered as the microcontroller that uses the Atmega2560

in it. There are total 54 input pins and output pins in it in which 14 pins are
of PWM output, 4 pins are of hardware port, 16 pins as analog inputs. The
board also contain one USB connection, ICSP header, power jack and one
REST pin.

There are additional pins that act as crystal oscillator having frequency of
16 MHz. The board also has flash memory of 256KB size that uses to store
the data in it. The Arduino Mega board can be attached to computer system
via USB connection and power supply can be provided to board by using
battery or AC to DC adapter. As the board has large number of pins fitted
in it that make the board suitable for projects that requires more number of
pins in it[9] as shown in figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Arduino Mega R3 Arduino Leonardo

This board is considered as the microcontroller that uses the Atmega32u4

in it. There are total 20 digital input pins and output pins in it, in that 7 pins
are used As PWM and 12 pins used as analog inputs. The board also
contain one micro USB connection, power jack, and one RESET button fit
in it. There are additional pins which act as crystal oscillator of frequency
16 MHz.

Figure 2.4: Arduino Leonardo

The Arduino Leonardo board can be attached to computer system via USB
connection and power supply can be provided to board by using battery or
AC to DC adapter as shown in figure 2.4. The microcontroller used by the
Arduino Leonardo has in-built USB connection that removes the
dependency of extra processor in it. As there is no additional USB
connection in the board, it helps the board to act as mouse or keyboard for
the computer system. The Arduino Leonardo is considered as cheapest
Arduino boards compare to other Arduino products[10].
9 Arduino Red Board

The Arduino Red board is another type of Arduino board that uses the mini

USB cable for getting programmed and the Arduino IDE is used for this

purpose. This board is compatible with Windows 8 operating system and

there is no need to change the security settings to make this board working.

The Red board uses the FTDI chip and USB chip for the connection to

other device. As the design of red board is very simple it can be easily

integrate with other projects. The only requirement if to plug the red board

and select appropriate option and can upload program in no time. The

barrel jack can be used to control the USB cable of the Arduino Red


Figure 2.5: Arduino Red Board

2.2.2 5V Relay

A relay is an electromagnetic switch that opens and closes circuits
electromechanically or electronically. A relatively small electric current
that can turn on or off a much larger electric current operates a relay.
Relays work like some electrical products since they receive an electrical
signal and send the signal to other equipment by turning the switch on and
off. Even if the relay contact is normally closed or normally open, they are
not energized. Its state will change only if you apply an electrical current to
the contacts. Figure 2.6 show a 5V relay type.

The SRD-05VDC-SL-C relay has three high voltage terminals (NC, C, and
NO) which connect to the device you want to control. The other side has
three low voltage pins (Ground, Vcc, and Signal) which connect to the

Figure 2.6: 5V Relay

The relay has two different types of electrical contacts inside – normally

open (NO) and normally closed (NC). The one you use will depend on
whether you want the 5V signal to turn the switch on or turn the switch
off. The 120-240V supply current enters the relay at the common (C)
terminal in both configurations. To use the normally open contacts, use the
NO terminal. To use the normally closed contacts, use the NC terminal. Normally Open

In the normally open configuration, when the relay receives a HIGH signal
the 120-240V switch closes and allows current to flow from the C terminal
to the NO terminal. A LOW signal deactivates the relay and stops the
current. So if you want the HIGH signal to turn ON the relay, use the
normally open terminal. Normally Closed

In the normally closed configuration, a HIGH signal opens the switch and
interrupts the 120-240V current. A LOW signal closes the switch and
allows current to flow from the C terminal to the NC terminal. Therefore, if
you want the HIGH signal to turn OFF the 120-240V current, use the
normally closed terminal[11].


Figure 2.7: A) Normally open , B) Normally Closed.
2.2.3 IR Sensor

An infrared sensor is an electronic device that emits and detects

infrared radiation to detect changes in its environment. This
change may be related to temperature, humidity, color, sound,
heat, etc. The wavelength of infrared is between 0.75 and 1000
microns, which is between the visible and microwave ranges of
the electromagnetic spectrum. figure 2.8 show the IR Sensor .

Figure 2.8 : Infrared Obstacle Sensor

The IR sensor module basically consists of three components: IR LED

(Transmitter), Photodiode (Receiver) and Op-Amp (LM358).

An IR LED is a light-emitting diode that emits light in the range of Infrared

frequency. IR light is invisible to us as its wavelength is much higher than
the visible light range. The basic function of this emitter LED is to convert
electricity into light. The light-emitting angle of an IR LED is
approximately 20-60 degree and the range is around a few centimeters to
several feet. The color of the IR LED is white or transparent, so it can give
out the maximum amount of light.

The photodiode acts as an IR receiver, it converts the light which falls on it
into electricity. A photodiode is a p-n junction diode that is operated in
reverse bias direction. Which means it will start conducting the current in
reverse direction when light falls on it. When there is no light falling on the
photodiode, it has infinite resistance and acts as an open switch but as the
light starts falling on the photodiode, the resistance becomes low and it
starts acting like a closed switch.

The Op-Amp used in most of the IR sensor is LM358, which acts as a

voltage comparator. It will compare the threshold voltage set at pin 2 to the
photodiode’s series resistor voltage at pin 3. When the photodiode’s series
resistor voltage drop is greater than threshold voltage the output of the Op-
amp will be High and this will turn on the LED, connected at the output
which indicates the detection of an object. Working of IR Sensor

As per the property of light — light falling on a smooth shiny surface

bounces off in a particular direction i.e. reflection — the ray send by IR
Transmitter gets reflected from a surface and falls on IR Reciever.
Subsequently, the receiver’s resistance drops, and a LOW/0 signal is sent
by the OUT pin to the microcontroller.
Similarly, when the light sent isn’t reflected either because there is no
surface ahead or the surface ahead absorbs light, the resistance of the
receiver rises and a HIGH/1 signal is sent by OUT pin to the
microcontroller as shown in figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9 : IR Sensor Detecting An Obstacle

Infrared sensors afford many advantages, which is why they are widely
used today. And have many advantages: Less power consumption, A key
advantage is that an IR sensor doesn’t take up much power, Contact-less
detection, An IR sensor does not need contact with the object for detection,
No data leakage, With IR sensors, there is no data leakage caused by the
ray direction, Immune to noise, IR sensors are highly immune to noise,
Immune to oxidation and corrosion, These sensors are not affected by
oxidation & corrosion, and Low dependence on light.

Infrared sensors have some Limitations: Line of sight is needed For smooth
functioning of an IR sensor, a line of sight is necessary, Limited range IR
sensors come with a limited range and hence, cannot be used in all
situations ,and Less data transmission rate Another limitation is that IR
sensors do not boast a high transmission rate[12].

2.2.4 Water pump

A mini submersible pump is a smaller version of the submersible water
pumps which is lightweight, small size, low consumption, and makes little
noise. A mini submersible water pump is used widely in household for
cooking, cleaning, bathing, space heating, watering flowers, etc.
A mini submersible water pump is a centrifugal water pump, which means
that it uses a motor to power an impeller that is designed to rotate and push
water outwards. The motor is located in a waterproof seal and closely
connected to the body of the water pump which it powers.
Filtration pumps found inside aquarium fish tanks utilize a type of mini
submersible water pump. The mini submersible water pump is installed
inside the actual fish tank to pump the water out where it is needed.

Figure 2.10: Mini Water Pump.

there are some applications for mini waterpump which are like Controlled
fountain water flow, Controlled Garden watering systems, Hydroponic
Systems Fresh water intake or exhaust systems for fish aquarium, and
Automatic Hand Sanitizer[13].

2.2.5 Power supply

All Arduino boards need electric power to function. A power supply is
what is used to provide electric power to the boards and typically can be a
battery, USB cable, AC adapter or a regulated power source device.
There are different ways to power your Arduino board. The most common
way is through the USB connector available on every board, but there are a
few other possibilities to power the board. the different ways to supply
power to the board are listed below USB cable

The USB port of the Arduino Uno can be connected to a desktop/laptop. If

the connection is enumerated, i.e. the computer recognizes the device, the
current supplied to the board is 500mA at 5V. If the connection is not
enumerated, 100mA is supplied at 5V, figure 2.12 show An Arduino Uno
powered up using a USB cable

Figure 2.11: An Arduino Uno powered up using a USB cable. An AC to DC adapter plugged into the barrel connector

The barrel connector can be supplied with an input of 7-12V. This is
regulated to 5V by the onboard voltage regulator, and the board is powered
on as shown in figure 2.13.

Figure 2.12: Arduino Uno powered up using 9V AC-DC adapter 5V input

It is possible to power up the Arduino using the 5V and GND pins,

provided that the input given is steady and regulated 5V. The 5V pin
bypasses the voltage regulator and all the safety measures present on the
Arduino Uno, so if the input exceeds 5V (5.5 is the maximum upper limit),
the board can be damaged. It is generally advised to avoid powering up the
Arduino Uno using this method.

Figure 2.13: A voltage regulator can be used to supply fixed 5V input to
power up the Arduino. batteries greater than 5V

Connect a 9V battery with the positive terminal connected to the Vin pin
and the negative terminal connected to the GND pin. The Vin port allows
an input between 7 and 12 Volts, but we recommend to use a 9V battery.
Depending on your application you can input 12V too but make sure the
current values stay around 500mA[14].

Figure 2.14: Connection layout to supply power to the board using a 9V


2.2.6 Ultraviolet light

UV light, is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength
somewhere close to light and X-rays. It is used broadly all over the world,
in everything from the generation of usable electric power to the many
other regular uses for a simple black light. UV lights are used in various
applications ranging from industrial, commercial and healthcare sectors.

Figure 2.15: The Electromagnetic Spectrum.

The fundamental rule that makes UV light valuable is its destructive nature.
Organisms behave and react differently when exposed to UV light. In
addition to that basic destructive rule, inert materials and living organism
show up distinctively in UV light than they do under the normal room, or
white, light. Likewise, its effect on a single surface, for example, an ID
card, a repair to old fashioned porcelain or a cracked apartment wall will
also be uncovered under the dark light. US currency, traveler’s checks, and
other delicate archives are likewise now mainly made to be certified by
viewing under UV light.

Figure 2.16: UV Index.

Washing our hands and face is something we do often and never think
twice about. We sanitize high-touch surfaces in our household and spray
disinfectants to keep germs at bay. What we don’t realize is that all of the
precautionary measures we take might be easily reversed just by grabbing
our phones, keys and other daily essentials.

A study conducted by the University of Arizona revealed that the cellphone

is a hot spot for germs — in fact, they found that it can carry 10 times more
bacteria than most toilet seats. While the people might be familiar with
using disinfectant wipes to clean the phone, another possible way to
combat the germs that live on the phone is with UV-C sanitation.

On the UV light spectrum, there are UV-A, B and C lights. Philip Tierno,
clinical professor of pathology and microbiology at NYU Langone Health
state that Only the UV-C light can kill germs,

This means that the wavelength of UV-C light is strong enough to penetrate
the nucleic acid of viruses and bacteria, either killing them or preventing
them from becoming infectious. UV-C light has a wavelength between
200-270 nanometers, and a midrange between 250-253 nanometers which
kills bacteria, viruses and some protozoan parasites,” Tierno said[15].


3.1 Methodology
The circuit in this project has two systems that can work simultaneously. If
infrared (IR) senses the motion of objects, it will send data to the Arduino
Uno. The Arduino sends data to the relay to activate the water pump so that
it can activate the spray pump and alcohol reaches the hand through a small
pipe, the sensor connected to the Arduino will start working when the
device is activated. Another IR sensor in this circuit is used to detect the
phone and turn on the UV light to sanitize the phone as shown in figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: The Methodology flowchart.

3.2 Component Description
The components used in this project are Arduino Uno, Four IR sensor, a
Water pump, a relay, and a power supply. We describe the specification of
each component below.

3.2.1 Arduino Uno

Arduino is an open-source or open-source electronics platform based on
ease of use, both hardware and software. That way, Arduino is a minimal
system of hardware and software that prioritizes ease of use. The Arduino
core is a microcontroller of various types.
Arduino basically consists of two components (i) hardware, the blue board,
and (ii) software, the program that controls the work of the board. Arduino
is a single-board microcontroller consisting of an Atmega 328
microcontroller, 110 circuits, and RAM. The microcontroller on the
Arduino board needs to be programmed via a USB cable. This is the most
important advantage of Arduino, that we can directly program the
microcontroller on the Arduino board from the computer. Previously we
needed a separate programmer to program the microcontroller to do any
task. The board can be powered via a USB connection with a computer or
from a 7-12V battery. After the program is uploaded, the board can be
disconnected from the computer to make the board work independently.

23 Arduino Uno Specifications

Microcontroller ATmega328P 
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage 6V – 20V (limit)
7V – 12V (recommended)
Input Voltage Limits 6-20V
Flash Memory 32 KB (0.5 KB is used for Bootloader)
Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 MHz
Analog Input Pins 6 (A0 – A5)
Digital I/O Pins 14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA

3.2.2 Infrared Sensor (Obstacle)

Infrared sensors are electronic components that can detect objects when
infrared light is blocked by objects. Infrared sensors use infrared LEDs as
transmitters and phototransistors as receivers, the infrared module functions
as a receiver for infrared rays sent by the transmitter.
When an infrared emitter releases radiation and appears on an object, some
of the radiation will return to the infrared receiver. The received sensor
output will be determined based on the infrared intensity.
The operating principle of the infrared sensor circuit is based when infrared
light is received through the phototransistor, the phototransistor which will
convert the infrared light energy into an electric current which will change
as a switch (closed switch) or the actual phototransistor (bass) for a

3.2.3 Relay
In this chapter, the relay interface with the Arduino Uno Board is
discussed. Basically relays are electro-mechanical switches and are
controlled by electrical signals, rather than the action of physical switches,
Relays are used to switch high voltage loads by low voltage control signals.
The construction of the relay is such that the SPST relay has a single pole
and a throw. single connection, In addition to the two-point relay coil, the
relay provides another three pins for connection. The common pin and the
NC (Normally Connected) pin provide a connection path when the relay is
not energized or activated. When the relay is energized or activated, the
path between the common pin and the NO (Normally Open) pin is
available for connection. The relay works according to the incoming
electricity, when the coil or cable is converted into an iron core from the
electric current, the lever will be attracted due to the magnetic force
produced in the coil so that the switch is closed. When the magnetic
properties of the coil are lost or when it is not electric, the spring will pull
the lever to return to the initial position.

3.2.4 Mini Water Pump

Mini Water Pump or in English, namely Mini Water Pump is a mini-sized
water pump that has many functions for the need for a water pump. The
smaller than usual Mini Water Pump is remembered for its adjustable water
pump class because it has a small size of about 92 x 46 x 35 mm, with
functional and fairly easy shaping sizes.
This Mini Water Pump does not require a large power supply, a small
water pump only requires about 12 volts of electricity when working and 6
volts when not in use and also requires about 0.5 - 0.7 amperes when the
water pump is working and when the water pump does not work only
requires about 0.18 amperes.

3.2.5 Breadboard
Breadboard is a type of circuit board used in prototyping electronic circuits.
Sometimes people often refer to it as a prototype board. Breadboard in
general is a board needed in electronic circuits that do not require solder to
connect the circuit. The following types of breadboard according to the
following sizes:
1. Mini Breadboard, the smallest breadboard size with 170 connection
2. Medium Breadboard, medium breadboard size with 400 connection
3. Large Breadboard, the largest breadboard size with 830 connection

3.2.6 Arduino Uno USB Cable

The USB cable functions in addition to providing electrical power to the
Arduino Uno microcontroller as well as a connecting device to the Arduino
IDE for programming.

3.2.7 Jumper Cable

Jumper cable is a component needed as a liaison between two components
without the need to use solder to connect the electrical circuit. Jumper
cables are usually used to prototype equipment on a breadboard to make it
easier to assemble. Several types of jumper cables available in the market
1. Male to Male Jumper Cable, is a type of cable that has two ends with
protrusions, usually used to connect between connector holes.
2. Male to Female Jumper Cable, is a type of cable that has two different
ends, namely the end with a bulge and the end with a hole, usually used to
connect components with Arduino.
3. Female to Female Jumper Cable, is a type of cable that has two ends
with holes, usually used to connect male terminals.

3.2.8 9V Batteries
9V batterie is needed to provide the electrical power needed by Arduino
Uno in addition to using a USB cable and because the USB cable is used
for the programming process and the length and width of the cable are not
possible with the place.
3.3 Hand and phone sanitizer circuit diagram
Figure 3.2 shows The circuit diagram of hand sanitizer and phone using
Arduino, IR sensor, UV light ,and Battery.

Figure 3.2: The circuit diagram.

3.4 Arduino code for Automatic Hand and phone Sanitizer

The test was carried out using the Arduino IDE software The Arduino
Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE) - is
software that connects to the Arduino boards to upload programs and
communicate with them. Programs written using Arduino Software (IDE)
are called sketches. These sketches are written in the text editor and are
saved with the file extension .ino.
to program the script into the Arduino Uno so that it can process the
Infrared Sensor. As following:

void setup() {
//start serial connection
//configure pin 2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
//read the pushbutton value into a variable
int sensorVal = digitalRead(2);
int sensorVal2 = digitalRead(4);

//print out the value of the pushbutton


// Keep in mind the pull-up means the pushbutton's logic is inverted. It

// HIGH when it's open, and LOW when it's pressed. Turn on pin 13 when
// button's pressed, and off when it's not:
if (sensorVal == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(13, 1);

} else
digitalWrite(13, 0);

if (sensorVal2 == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(12, 1);

} else
digitalWrite(12, 0);


Figure 3.3: Arduino code for Automatic Hand and phone Sanitizer

3.5 Circuits and Tests

The designed and teste of hand and phone sanitizer as follows.

The results obtained by the IR sensor are that if the value in statusInfra is
equal to 1 then the output that comes out is There is no object, on the
contrary, if the value of statusInfra is equal to 0 then the output that comes

out is There is an object. the results obtained are in accordance with the
experiment as shown in figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: The Infrared Sensor Detects the Object

After the Arduino Uno circuit and Infrared Sensor (Obstacle) are complete,
then connect to the Relay and Mini Water Pump. The Relay controls the
flow of electricity automatically according to the logic given so that the
Mini Water Pump can be activated and deactivated.
In testing the Mini Water Pump, if the value is 1, it means there is no
object, then the output that comes out is Pump disabled plus a function to
disable the pump, namely digitalWrite( pinPump, HIGH), otherwise, if the
sensor contains an object, the output that comes out is Pump activated plus
a function to activate the pump, namely digitalWrite(pinPump, LOW).
Figure 3.5: Results of the Relay and Mini Water Pump.

Finally We made a box made of acrylic with three-place the first for the
component circuits and bottles (to be filled with sanitizer liquid), the
second for UV and phone sanitizer, and the third for hand
shown in figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 : Final Results design .



The results of this design study indicate that the Automatic Hands and
phone Sanitizer tool runs well and can be assembled using Arduino Uno
microcontroller components and IR (Infrared) sensors. In making this
program, the Arduino Uno application software is needed to create
programs and work systems on devices that are made in order to run
component components that have been installed in such away. The IR
(Infra-Red) Sensor on the Hands Sanitizer, has also worked well. After the
object is detected, the relay will supply electricity to the mini water pump,
so that the mini water pump is active and sprays the liquid out. When there
is no object on the sensor, the relay will cut off electricity and the mini
pump will be deactivated. This tool can be placed on a table or hung on the
wall with the help of nails.


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