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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City
Sta. Barbara District
Sta. Barbara, Zamboanga City

Name of the Teacher: CLARISSA A. DELA CRUZ

Date & Time: MARCH 23, 2021-8:00am
Grade & Section: IV
Quarter: 3RD Quarter


Content Standard Distinguishing Fact from Opinion in a Narrative

Performance Standard
Be able to distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative.

Learning Competency Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative. EN4RC-IIi-36

I. Learning Objectives Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative.
II. Subject Matter Fact and Opinion in a Narrative
A. Concept To distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative.
B. Materials Pictures, word strips, PowerPoint presentation, activity sheet
C. References  Reading Wonders IV
 English IV Learner’s Material page 352
 MELC pp. 135
D. Values Integration Developing Self-Confidence and Bravery, Staying healthy
E. Lesson Integration Science, ICT, Health and Mathematics
III. Learning Tasks
A. Introduction/

a. Preparation Good morning children! Before we will start our lesson, let us all
stand for our opening prayer.
You may now have your seat. Is everybody present? Class, before
we will proceed to our lesson this morning, I want you to give me
health protocols that we need to remember.
(Wear your mask and face shield. Sanitize your hands with alcohol
or sanitizer. Practice Physical Distancing.)

Always remember and follow health protocols to help us stay away

from virus.

b. Drill Let us have a short drill. Given a happy face and a sad face card, I
will give a sentence, you show me happy face if the sentence is a
reality and sad face if it is a fantasy.
1. The boy was flying in the sky. ( )

2.The apple pie ran away. ( )

3. The farmer milked the cow. ( )

4. The cat drinks milk. ( )

5. The cat bought milk. ( )

Very well-done children!

Let us recall our lesson last meeting. But before that let me
c. Review
introduce our incentive chart. This is our incentive chart. You will be
group into three groups. First group is the mask group, second group
is the alcohol group and the third group is sanitizer group. Every time
you behave well, and you answered correctly in our different
activities your basket will receive a mask, an alcohol and sanitizer
picture. Do we need to behave and perform well? Very good! Is that
clear class? Great!

Last meeting, we read the story “How the Little Kite Learned to
Fly”, let see if you still remember the story. Kindly check your seat if
there is a paper strip. The paper strip has a question on it, kindly
read and answer the question.
1. At the beginning, how did the little kite feel about flying? (At first,
the little kite taught that he can never do it.)
2. Why did he feel this way? (He felt that way because he is afraid to
3. What advice was given to him by the big kite? (The big kite
advised him to try, just try.)
4. Did the little kite follow the advice? Why not? (At first, he did not,
but little by little he tried.)
5. Was there a time in your life when you were like the kite; afraid at
first but became brave afterwards? Share your experience.
Why are you afraid? How did you feel when you overcome your
Great! The story taught us to have self-confidence and to be brave in
facing our fears.

Who can draw a kite? What is the shape of a kite? A kite is an

example of a quadrilateral. A quadrilateral can be defined as a
closed, two-dimensional shape which has four straight sides. The
polygon has four vertices or corners. What shape has four sides, four
vertices and corners? (Square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram
and rhombus) Square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram and
rhombus are examples of a quadrilateral.
(Mathematics Integration)
d. Motivation
This time I want you to look at the short clip. (A short clip presenting
two sentences:
1. Milk is an excellent source of nutrients.
2. I think milk is really disgusting.
What do you notice with the two sentences?
The two sentences talk about milk.
Is it true that milk is disgusting?
Do we need milk?
What benefits can we get when we drink milk?
Aside from drinking milk, what else do we need to do to keep
ourselves healthy and strong?
(Health Integration)

Going back to the two sentences, what is the first one talking about?
How about the second sentence?
The first one is a fact and the second one is an opinion. That is our
lesson for today. In today’s lesson we will learn to distinguish facts
from opinion in a narrative.
e. Presentation
Listen as I read the following lines from the poem “How the
Little Kite Learned to Fly” and identify whether they are fact
or opinion.

“I can never do it,” the little kite said.

As he looked at the others high over his head;
But the little kite said, “I’m afraid I’ll fall.”
Up, up the kite rose through the air
As he sailed with the big kite side by side;
While far below he could see the ground
“Oh how happy I am!” the little kite cried,
“And all because I was brave, and tried.”

B. Modeling Based on the poem, which sentences are facts and which are
opinions? Let us study sentences taken from the poem.
a. Up, up, the kite rose through the air.
b. The little kite sailed with the big kites side by side.
Are these sentences real? Can they really happen in real life? Are
they fact or opinion?
The two sentences are example of a fact. A fact is something that is
true and supported by evidence.
What about the following sentences?
c. “I can never do it”, the little kite said.
d. But the little kite said, ‘‘I’m afraid I’ll fall”.
e. “Oh how happy I am! the little kite cried. And all because I was
brave and tried.”
Are they fact or opinion? They are examples of an opinion. An
opinion is only a belief. It is also an expression of a person’s feelings.
Clue words are like “think”, “believe”, “feel”, “probably” or “seems”.

To fully understand the lesson, let’s watch this video. (Present a

video presentation

Fact is a statement that is true and can be proven. Facts may

include specific information about a person, place or thing. Where to
find facts? Encyclopedias and almanacs, news articles, science
books, and credible websites.
1. The earth orbits around the sun.
2. There are seven days in a week.
3. Carrots are orange.
4. Frogs are amphibians.
We can check facts by conducting an experiment, observation or by
verifying or checking the fact with a source document.

Opinion is a statement that cannot be proven. It is a statement that

reflect the views or ideas that people have about subjects or topics.
1. My father is the best doctor in the world.
2. Chocolate ice cream is delicious.
3. Dogs are cuter than cats.
4. I think Mathematics is a difficult subject.
How to differentiate them from a narrative?

 Facts are objective statements that can be verified by reliable

sources. Opinions are subjective statements may or may not
be true as they are colored by the opinions of the speaker.
 Facts can be verified. Ask yourself, “can it be proven?”
Evidence can easily be found in books as well as searching
online. Opinions cannot be verified, what is stated may differ
across sources of information.
 Facts are unbiased. They do not support only one
perspective. Opinions are biased. It is written to persuade the
reader to believe on what he or she is saying. Biased words
are think, feel, seem, believe, most, least, always, probably,
awful, bad, best, disgusting, favorite, great, horrible, stupid.
Butterflies are flying insects with large scaly wings. Like
all insects, they have six jointed legs, three body parts, a
pair of antennae, compound eyes, and an exoskeleton.
The three body parts are the head, thorax and
abdomen. They usually drink nectars from flowers as
their food source. Most butterflies have taste receptors
on their feet.

I can say that butterflies are attractive and harmless

insects. I think these insects are nature’s most beautiful
creatures. I love their different colors. Scientists believe
there are about 24, 000 species of butterflies. Butterflies
seems to be very amazing insects. (Science
Present the t-chart to distinguish facts from opinion in the narrative
text “Butterflies”
Scientists believe there are about 24, 000 species of butterflies. -
confusing statement because there is a number, facts contain a
number. How to verify if it is indeed an opinion?
1. The statement has the word believe. This is one of the biased
2. Cannot be proven. To search there are only 17, 500 species of
butterfly in the word.
The statement is indeed an opinion.
Why do we need to learn how to distinguish facts from opinion?
1. It helps us develop our critical and analytical skills in reading and
2. Distinguishing facts and opinion is important to avoid being easily

Again, A fact is something that is true and supported by evidence.

An opinion is only a belief. It is also an expression of a person’s
feelings. Clue words like “think”, “believe”, “feel”, “probably”, or
seems signal an opinion.

C. Guided Practice Did you understand our lesson? This time let us do it together.

Read the short story. Distinguish the statement as to facts or opinion.

I will call a representative from each group to type your answer in my
presentation. (ICT Integration)

Sloths are the slowest-moving mammals on earth. It takes a
full minute for a sloth to move 6 feet across the ground. You probably
couldn’t move that slowly if you tried! The sloth’s body is about 2 feet
long. It has long legs, and curved claws that are 3 to 4 inches long.
Their claws and their long legs help them climb trees and hang from
tree branches. They spend almost their entire lives hanging from tree
branches. The life of a sloth is not very exciting.
Sloths have a round head, small ears, a stubby tail, and sad
looking eyes set in a dark-colored “mask.” The shape of a sloth’s
mouth makes it look like it is always smiling. It has extra bones in its
neck that make it possible for it to turn its head almost all the way
around. Sloths don’t put on much of a show, but they are very cute to
look at.
Sloths’ bodies are home to many tiny plants and creatures.
Tiny plants grow on the sloth’s fur, making sloths appear to be green.
This makes the sloths almost invisible against the green leaves of
the trees they live in. Moths and insects also live in the sloth’s fur.
Maybe the sloth doesn’t even seem like an animal to these plants
and creatures, because the sloth moves so little and so seldom.

1. Sloths are the slowest mammals on earth.

2. It takes a full minute for a sloth to move 6 feet across the ground.
3. You probably couldn’t move that slowly if you tried!
4. Sloths spend almost their entire lives hanging from tree branches.
5. The life of a sloth is not very exciting.
6. Sloths have a round head, small ears, a stubby tail, and sad-
looking eyes.
7. The shape of a sloth’s mouth makes it look like it is always
8. A sloth can turn its head almost all the way around.
9. Sloths are cute to look at.
10. Tiny plants grow on the sloth’s fur.
11. Moths and insects live in the sloth’s fur.
12. Maybe the sloth doesn’t even seem like an animal to the tiny
plants a creature that live in its fur.
Very good! Everybody got the correct answer. All groups will be

D. Group Practice Children, let us now have a group activity. But before that, we must
have first to remember those standards when we are doing the
activity. What are those standards that we should remember? Very
For this activity, please be reminded of our rubrics.

1.Completeness Contains all Contains all Contains all
the needed the needed the needed
output and output and output and
all answers got one got two or
are correct. mistake. more
2. Performance/ All members 1 of the 2 or more of
Cooperation performed members the
and did not members
cooperated perform and did not
did not perform and
cooperate did not
Group I- Open MS Word, the sentences below contain ideas that
are taken from the paragraph written inside the box. On the
space before each
I like to takenumber, writeday
a walk every FACT if the itsentence
because makes me states
feel a
fact. Write OPINION if it expresses a feeling or
good and more energetic. A vigorous walk makes my heart belief.
beats faster. The doctor told me that during exercise, the heart
pumps more oxygen to the body.
Aside from this, I enjoy walking because it makes me feel
and appreciate the nature more. The sights and sounds along
the way make me happy.
___________1. I like to take a walk every day.
___________2. I feel more energetic after the walk.
___________3. The doctor says during exercise, heart pumps more
oxygen to the body.
___________4. I enjoy walking because it helps me appreciate
nature more.
___________5. The heart normally beats faster when you do
vigorous walk.

Group II-Open MS Word and do the activity.

Directions: Read the paragraphs below. Identify one idea that
states a fact and one that states an opinion.
1. Boracay island is part of Malay, Aklan in Western Visayas. It is
the best beach in the world. It is popular for its fine white sand. More
than a million people visit the place every year.
Fact: ________________________________________
Opinion: _____________________________________

2. Another popular destination to foreign visitors is Palawan.

Palawan is famous for the Underground River. The Underground
River is the best place to visit in Palawan.
Fact: ______________________________________
Opinion: __________________________________

3. Philippines is in Southeast part of Asia. It has many different

tourists’ spot. Indeed, it’s more fun in the Philippines.
Fact: _______________________________________
Opinion: ______________________________________

Group III-Using MS PowerPoint do the given activity.

Directions: Read the selection below. Distinguish sentences as to
fact or opinion. Write your answer on the proper column below.


Are you done children?

Let us now have the presentation of each group.
Let’s see if you follow the given rubrics.
(Integration ICT)
E. Independent For our individual activity, given your happy and sad face card,
Practice distinguish the sentences whether it is a fact or opinion by raising
your happy face card if it is a fact and sad face if opinion.
1. Sunday is the best day of the week.
2. George Washington was born in February.
3. Independence Day is the most important holiday of the year.
4. New year is celebrated on January 1.
5. April is a month with 30 days.

Remember, A fact is something that is true and supported by

evidence. An opinion is only a belief. It is also an expression of a
person’s feelings. Clue words like “think”, “believe”, “feel”, “probably”,
or seems signal an opinion.

IV. Evaluation Now let us have a short quiz.

Directions: Read the article below then distinguish whether each
statement that follows is fact or opinion. Write fact or opinion on the
blank before each number.

Unlike most other sports, basketball was invented, and what is
more, one man, Dr. James Naismith, invented it. In 1891, Naismith
was a student at the International YMCA Training School at
Springfield. He was asked by an instructor to invent indoor game for
his fellow students. At that time, there was no game in America that
could be played by teams or in the winter months.
The gymnasium used by the students had a balcony. At
opposite ends of this balcony Naismith hung a peach basket
because he could not find any suitable boxes, so the game become
known as basketball. He made up thirteen rules. Although there have
been many changes since, the game today is still basically the same
as it was then.
To hold a basketball properly, grip it with your fingers while
thumbs spread out. The ball should not touch your palms. You
control it by your fingers and thumbs for passing, shooting, and
receiving. Catching and passing the ball are the first things you must
learn. To catch properly, your arms and hands should be stretched
out in front of your body about waist high. Have your fingers loose
and ready, keep your eyes on the ball and relax. As you take, your
hands and arms should be drawn slightly toward your body to lessen
the possibility of fumbling the ball.
Passing the ball is the quickest way to get it up the court. It
means throwing it to an unmarked. It is a skill that is especially
important if you are not as tall as some of the other players.

____________1. Basketball was invented by Dr. James Naismith.

____________2. Basketball is a very entertaining game.
____________3. To hold a basketball properly, grip it with your
fingers while thumbs spread out.
____________4. Peach baskets, which were used in early
basketball, looked funny.
____________5. Basketball is better today than it was in 1891.

V. Assignment What is preposition and give five examples.

Prepared: Checked:


Grade IV Subject Teacher Elementary School Principal IV

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