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Journal of Archaeological Science (2003) 30, 217–226


Detection of Burning of Plant Materials in the Archaeological

Record by Changes in the Refractive Indices of Siliceous
Rivka Elbaum and Steve Weiner*
Department of Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel

Rosa M. Albert
Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology, Facultat de Geografia i Historia, Universitat de
Barcelona. c/ Baldiri Reixach, s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

Michael Elbaum
Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100, Israel

(Received 6 December 2001, revised manuscript accepted 4 March 2002)

The most resilient remains of plants in most archaeological sites are the siliceous phytoliths—special cells that are
partially or completely silicified during the plant’s life. These cells have characteristic morphologies, and thus the
phytoliths can often be used to identify the taxonomic affinities of plants brought to an archaeological site. In order to
determine what they were used for, other means of analysis are needed.
We present here a method to distinguish burnt from unburnt phytolith assemblages. The method is based on
measuring the refractive index (RI) of individual phytoliths. The phytoliths even from a single plant have a range of RI
values. Burning a phytolith sample causes a shift to higher RI. Comparing burnt and unburnt samples we demonstrate
that it is possible to differentiate between them based on the fraction of phytoliths with RI higher than 1·440. This serves
as a basis for a simplified mode of measurement that requires only the use of a petrographic light microscope and a
mineral oil of RI 1·440. We apply the simplified method to two Natufian samples from Hayonim cave (Western Galilee,
Israel).  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


Introduction These minerals thus constitute an invaluable record of

the plant components of an archaeological site.
lants are used by humans for food, fuel, The most common form of silica produced by plants

P housing, and tools such as handles, sieves,

mats, clothing and more. Plant materials thus
potentially constitute an important component of an
archaeological site. They are only rarely preserved as
is an almost pure opal that either impregnates cell
walls, intercellular spaces, or even whole cells. In so
doing the mineral tends to replicate the cell mor-
phology (Blackman, 1969). These so-called opaline or
such, because they are usually degraded rapidly. The silica phytoliths are produced in large amounts by the
degradation process results in loss of the organic grasses (in some cases they constitute around 10% by
components and some of the mineral components, weight of the dried plant (Epstein, 1994)), and in
such as the oxalates. What remains for much longer smaller amounts by many other plants, including trees
periods of time are the more insoluble and hence stable (Amos 1952; Scurfield et al., 1974). In the latter they
silica minerals produced by many plants (Piperno, are located mainly but not exclusively in the wood,
1988; Pearsall, 1989; Mulholland & Rapp, 1992). bark, and leaves (Albert & Weiner, 2001). Trees also
produce a second type of relatively stable mineral
*To whom correspondence should be addressed: E-mail: phase, the so-called siliceous aggregates. These are soil minerals cemented together by a matrix of silica which
0305–4403/03/$-see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
218 R. Elbaum et al.

Table 1. Phytolith samples examined in this study

Sample Plant Part Source Extraction method Remarks

wh1 Bread wheat (Triticum Inflorescence Beit Keshet, Israel Wet ashing 1 (at 100C)
wh1/700 Bread wheat (Triticum Inflorescence Beit Keshet, Israel Wet ashing 1 (at 100C) wh1 heated at
aestivum) 700C for 7 h
wh2 Domesticated Emmer Ripe awns Gilat Experimental Wet ashing 1 (at 100C)
wheat (Triticum dicoccum) Agriculture Station, Israel
wh3/1000 Domesticated Emmer Ripe awns Beit Qama, Israel Wet ashing 1 (at 100C) Heated at 1000C
wheat (Triticum dicoccum) for 1·5 h
p1 Pine (Pinus halepensis) Leaves Bat-Shelomo, Israel Wet ashing 1 (at 100C)
A1 Unknown Mixture of leaves Qumran cave (5000–10,000 ), Wet ashing 1 (at 100C)
the Judean Desert.
wh4 Bread wheat (Triticum Stems and leaves Gilat, Experimental Wet ashing 2 (at 65C)
aestivum) Agriculture Station, Israel
p2/500 Pine (Pinus halepensis) Leaves Bat Shelomo, Israel Dry ashing (at 500C)
A2 Unknown Grotte XVI, Upper Paleolithic, Heavy liquid separation Fractions 5+6
the Dordogne valley,
A3 Unknown Hayonim cave, Heavy liquid separation Fractions 5+6
Natufian layer, Israel Hearth sample
A4 Unknown Hayonim cave, Heavy liquid separation Fractions 5+6
Natufian layer, Israel Sedimant sample

also contains many other elements, such as aluminum, The method is based upon the measurement of the
potassium and iron (Schiegel et al., 1995). They do refractive index (RI) of individual phytoliths. The RI
not have characteristic morphologies, and under the of opal or silica (terms used here synonymously for
microscope they are difficult to differentiate from clay the same mineral) is dependent upon the extent of
particles. hydration of the silica (Heinrich, 1965). It is known
Phytoliths are present in large amounts in the sedi- that phytoliths extracted by acid treatment (wet ash-
ments of archaeological sites, and due to their specific ing) have a RI range of 1·427–1·440 while phytoliths
morphologies have been widely used to determine the extracted by ashing at 450–550C have a RI range of
taxonomic affinities of the plants brought to the site by 1·438–1·487, and their water contents are substantially
its inhabitants (e.g. Piperno 1988). Quantitative analy- lower. At temperatures above 1000C the RI range is
ses of phytoliths per unit weight sediment combined around 1·48 (Jones & Milne, 1963). Upon heating to
with information on the more general affinities of the temperatures above 200C water molecules start to
plant phytoliths (e.g. from wood, bark, leaves, grasses form from the surface hydroxyl groups. The hydroxyl
etc.) is proving to be a powerful tool for reconstructing groups are completely stripped off at 600C (Jones &
aspects of past human behavior (e.g. Albert et al., Segnit, 1969). These observations suggest to us that
2000, 2001). Phytoliths from fruit or seed shells may be changes in the RI of phytoliths from archaeological
genus specific, and sometimes even species specific. sites might be indicative of burning at high tempera-
This was used to monitor the domestication processes tures. Here we confirm that phytolith RI values
of squashes and gourds in the American tropics increase as a result of burning. We present a simple
(Piperno, 2000). The phytolith assemblages can method for differentiating between phytolith assem-
also provide indications of paleoclimatic conditions blages that were burnt and those that were not
(Piperno, 1988), paleodiet (Fox et al., 1994), irrigation burnt, and show that this method can be used for
patterns (Rosen & Weiner, 1994), and site formation archaeological material.
processes (Albert et al., 1999). Burnt phytoliths have
slightly distorted shapes (Kealhofer & Penny, 1998), Materials and Methods
and are commonly colored (Piperno, 1988). Here we
present a method for determining whether phytolith Materials
assemblages extracted from archaeological sediments The plant materials used and the phytolith extraction
were burned based on a physical property of the opal. methods are listed in Table 1. The refractive index
This information can help differentiate plants used oils were purchased from Cargille (R.P. Cargille
for fuel, as they will contribute burnt phytolith Laboratories, Inc., NJ, U.S.A.).
assemblages, as compared to plants used for cooking,
bedding, roofing, etc. The latter will have unburnt Methods
phytolith assemblages (unless they were subjected to Phytolith extraction. Phytoliths were extracted from
catastrophic fires). the plant matrix by wet or dry ashing, or from
Detection of Burning of Plant Materials in the Archaeological Record 219

sediment samples by heavy liquid separation. Wet The minerals in the sample were then separated
ashing was performed using a mix of acids heated to according to their specific gravity. The sample was
either 100C (method 1) or 65C (method 2). transferred to a 15 ml centrifuge tube and 5 ml sodium
polytungstate solution [Na6(H2W12O40) . H2O] of 2·4
Wet ashing: method 1 (Piperno, 1988). A sample of gram/ml density was added (3:1 ratio by weight of
0·2–5 g of dry plant material was washed with about sodium polytungstate to water). The suspension was
5% solution of Decon 90 (strong detergent) using vortexed and sonicated until it was well dispersed. It
ultrasonic treatment for 1–2 h, followed by a wash with was then centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 5 min. The super-
double distilled water (DDW). An Erlenmeyer flask natant was transferred to another centrifuge tube, 1 ml
containing 10–100 ml Schultz solution (75 ml HNO3, DDW was added, and the tube was vortexed and again
25 ml water, 2 g KClO3) was heated in boiling water centrifuged as above. This cycle was repeated 4–6 times
and the washed sample was added until the plant until the supernatant was clear. Then the tube was
matrix was degraded. After 4 h of heating small filled with DDW and centrifuged once more to ensure
amounts of KClO4 were added. The heating and the that all mineral particles were recovered. After each
addition of KClO4 were stopped when no bubbles centrifuge step the pellet was washed twice with DDW,
formed when additional KClO4 was added. The transferred to an Eppendorf tube, washed with DDW
solution was centrifuged at 3500 rpm in 50 ml tubes and acetone, and dried. Phytoliths were concentrated
and the supernatant was discarded. The pellet was in the pellets of fractions 4, 5, 6.
washed twice with DDW, once with 1 N HCl, twice
with DDW, and then transferred to a 2 ml Eppendorf The RI vs temperature calibration curve. A drop of
microcentrifuge tube. The white powder was washed mineral oil with RI of 1·45755 was placed in a
twice with acetone and then air dried at room temperature-regulated refractometer (Bleeker Zeist,
temperature. Holland. No. 33885) and its RI was measured. The
apparatus was calibrated to 1·45755 at 25C and
Wet ashing: method 2 (Shahack-Gross et al., 1996). heated slowly to 70C. The RI of the oil was recorded
Leaves and stems of fresh wheat were dried at 60C for every 5C.
72 h. The dried samples were ground in a mill and 3 g
of the powder was divided into three 50 ml tubes. A Slide preparation. A drop of a mineral oil with a known
20 ml solution of 1:1 mixture of 70% HNO3 and 70% RI of 1·45755 or 1·440 was placed on a glass micro-
HClO4 was added to each tube. The tubes were par- scope slide. A clean sample of phytoliths (approxi-
tially capped and held at 65C for 3 h. DDW was mately 1 mg) was mixed with the oil to form an even
added to each tube, and the tubes were centrifuged at spread on the slide, which was then covered by a cover
4500 rpm for 2 min. The supernatant was removed and slip.
the three sub-samples were combined and washed
again with water. The acid treatment was repeated for Measurement of the Refractive Index of a single
2 h, followed by washing. The samples were further phytolith by varying temperature. The measurement
treated with a 20 ml solution of 4:1 mixture of 70% was performed using an optical microscope (Carl Zeiss
HNO3 and 98% H2SO4 for about 17 h, washed five Inc. Axiovert25, objective lens 10 and 20) fitted
times with water, and dried at 60C for 24 h. with a temperature control stage (THMS 600 hot stage
with TMS93 temperature controller. Linkam Scientific
Dry ashing (Albert et al., 1999). Plant material was Instruments LTD, England). The microscope was
washed with water in a sonic bath for about 10 min operated with closed condenser aperture (aperture iris)
and then dried. The sample was burned at 500C for in order to increase the contrast. Samples were pre-
4 h in an oven (Lindberg Blue M 848). The sample was pared between two microscope cover slips (as opposed
then treated with 10 ml of an equivolume solution of to a slide and a cover slip) to ensure fast heat transfer
3 N HCl and 3 N HNO3 heated in boiling water for from the hot stage to the sample. The rate of tempera-
30 min and rinsed with DDW three times, and then ture rise was 10C/min, which is slow enough to
burned again at 500C for 90 min. If remnants of equilibrate with the oil.
organic material were still observed, the sample was The RI of a single phytolith was measured using the
heated in H2O2 to completely eliminate all organic Becke line (Head, 1962), in which the particle is
material. immersed in a liquid with a known RI. As a result of
reflecting and refracting light, a line of light appears at
the border of the particle when it is in focus. This is the
Extraction of phytoliths from sediments (based on Becke line. When the sample is moved to underfocus
Albert et al., 1999). Ten ml 1 N HCl was slowly added position (i.e. the objective is moved to a distance
to one gram of sediment and sonicated until the greater than the position at which the sample is in
bubbling stopped. The sample was then washed with focus) the Becke line will move into the phase with the
DDW and centrifuged three times (3500 rpm), washed higher RI (Figure 1). When the RI of the particle is
with acetone, and dried under a heat lamp. higher than that of the oil, the Becke line will appear in
220 R. Elbaum et al.

The total number of phytoliths in a field of view was

determined at room temperature, where in underfocus
position the Becke lines of all the phytoliths appears in
the immersion oil, and the phytoliths are dark. The
sample was heated to 30C and the number of particles
with bright contrast was counted. Then the sample was
further heated to 40C and the counting was repeated.
The procedure was repeated until the temperature at
which each phytolith changed its contrast due to the
decrease in the RI of the oil, was noted. The value of
the RI of each phytolith was set to be the RI value of
the oil at the temperature the particle changed its
contrast (with a resolution of 10C, corresponding to
0·004 units of RI).

Measurement of the fraction of phytoliths with RI lower

than 1·440. The measurement was performed using
a Nikon Labophot 2-pol petrographic microscope,
objective lens 40. The microscope was operated with
closed condenser aperture (aperture iris) to increase
contrast. The total number of phytoliths and the
number of phytoliths with light contrast were counted
on a sample prepared on a microscope slide with the
Cargille mineral oil with a RI of 1·440.

We confirmed that burning causes an increase in the RI
of the phytoliths by comparing under the microscope
Figure 1. Illustration of the use of the Becke line to determine
phytoliths that were burnt at 700C and phytoliths that
whether a phytolith has a RI above or below the RI of the liquid. were not burnt. In order to further investigate this
Wheat hair-phytolith (about 240 m in length) immersed in calibra- phenomenon we wanted to accurately measure the RI
tion oil of RI 1·45755 at 27C, and heated from 27C to 140C. The of phytoliths.
left panel shows the sample in the overfocus position (microscope The standard approach to measure the RI of a
stage brought close to the lens) and the right panel in the underfocus
position (microscope stage moved away from the lens). At 27C the mineral is to place particles of the unknown mineral in
RI of the oil is higher than that of the phytolith. Therefore as the oils with different RI’s and find the particular oil in
objective is moved from the overfocus position to underfocus, light is which the particles are invisible. The RI of the particles
reflected and refracted out of the phytolith and it becomes darker is then equivalent to the RI of the index matching oil.
than the background. At this position (right panel) a line of light can
be seen at the particle-oil border outside the particle. This is the
This is not practical for measuring the RI of individual
Becke line (Head, 1962). As the oil is heated, its RI decreases and phytoliths, as the microscopic particle has to be some-
becomes similar to that of the phytolith at 90C. The edges of how transferred, until the oil with the appropriate RI is
the phytolith are hardly seen. When the oil is heated further the found, or the oil around each particle has to be
phytolith edges reappear. As the objective is moved from the replaced.
overfocus position to the underfocus position light refracts and
reflects into the phytolith, and the Becke line is seen inside the We therefore took advantage of the fact that the RI
particle. The contrast of the particle is thus reversed with respect to of a pure mineral oil is almost linearly dependent on
that at 27C. The RI of this particle, calculated at 90C by the the temperature (Kurtz et al., 1950). By heating the
calibration formula, is 1·434. calibration oil obtained from Cargille and measuring
its RI at different temperatures, we verified that there is
the particle and the particle will be lighter than its a linear temperature dependence of the RI of this oil
background (Figure 1 at 140C). When the situation is (Figure 2). Extrapolation of the relation was made to
reversed and the RI of the oil is higher, the particle will 120C and in one case to 150C. (Any deviation from
look darker than its background in the underfocus this calibration curve will be consistent for all the
position (Figure 1 at 27C). Thus the RI of the particle samples measured.) We then used this curve to measure
can be compared to that of the liquid, and determined the RI of individual phytoliths in an assemblage of
to be higher or lower than the known RI of the liquid. phytoliths. A sample was immersed in the calibration
When the RI of the particle matches that of the liquid, oil and the total number of phytoliths in the micro-
it will have no contrast in the medium and the particle scope field was counted at room temperature, as all the
will therefore be invisible (Figure 1 at 90C). opal phytoliths are assumed to have RI values equal to
Detection of Burning of Plant Materials in the Archaeological Record 221

Figure 2. Calibration graph showing the linear dependence of Figure 3. Distribution of RI values in a single plant. The number of
refractive index of the index matching oil on temperature. The visible phytoliths in the field was counted at different temperatures. It
linear dependence is characterized by the equation: RI=1·4679– is assumed that all the phytoliths in the field are visible either at room
0·00039 X T(C), R=0·995. temperature or at the maximal temperature of measurement. The
number of invisible particles was calculated by subtracting the
number of visible particles from the total number of phytoliths in the
field. The bars represent the number of wheat phytoliths that were
or below 1·46 (Heinrich, 1965). The sample was then not visible (sample wh1), as a function of the sample temperature.
heated and every 10C the number of visible phytoliths The continuous line is a normal distribution curve with a mean
was counted. (Some phytoliths that have RI of 1·46 temperature of 78C (equals RI of 1·438) and a standard deviation of
20C (equivalent to 0·008 RI units). Measurements were made
appear only at elevated temperatures.) The number of up to 100C.
invisible phytoliths was calculated assuming that either
at room temperature or at the maximal temperature of
measurement all the phytoliths were visible. Figure 3 temperature, using Figure 2.) The point chosen to
shows the number of invisible particles as a function of represent the phytolith assemblage is where 50% of the
temperature. Clearly, the phytoliths do not all have the phytoliths have a higher RI than the oil. In this sample
same RI even though they are derived from the same it is 1·437. The 50% value can then be used to compare
plant or even the same part of an individual plant. The phytolith RI values of different samples.
distribution of phytolith RI values in the sample is In Figure 5 we compare the RI values of burned and
close to a normal distribution, though the measure- unburned phytolith samples. This Figure shows that
ments higher than 100C were not made. In the sample unburned and burned samples have different ranges of
shown in Figure 3 the centre of distribution is close to refractive indices. The variation does not depend on
80C—the temperature at which most of the particles the species, as can be seen by comparing the wheat and
disappeared. The RI value calculated at 80C from the pine samples (wh1, wh4 and p1) nor does it depend on
calibration curve is 1·437. The width of the distribution the wet extraction method used (wet ashing method 1
is 20C (corresponds to 0·008 RI units (Figure 2)). and method 2 (not shown)). Samples that were heated
This reflects both the measurement uncertainty and the show a shift to higher values of RI, as demonstrated by
fact that the sample contains phytoliths with different wh1 and wh1/700 and p1 and p1/500. The range of 50%
RI values. RI values of burnt samples is between 1·442–1·452,
Instead of indirectly counting the phytoliths that are while the unburnt range is 1·417–1·438. These values
invisible in the field of view, we decided to follow the are similar to the RI values measured by Jones & Milne
approach used by Jones & Beavers (1963), and count (1963). The upper limit of the measurements here was
the visible phytoliths with bright contrast at each limited to the RI of the calibration oil at room tem-
temperature (i.e. each RI value). This represents the perature (1·458). There is no overlap between the burnt
fraction of phytoliths that have RI higher than that of and unburnt 50% values, although the difference in
the oil. In Figure 4 we show the same assemblage of some samples is not large. Figure 5 thus shows that RI
phytoliths used in Figure 3 in this representation. In can be used to differentiate between burnt and unburnt
practice this is the fraction of the phytoliths with bright phytolith assemblages. As this mode of measurement is
contrast as compared to the RI of the oil at the time of cumbersome and requires the use of a temperature
measurement. (RI values were inferred from the oil controlled stage, we developed a simplified measuring
222 R. Elbaum et al.

shown in Table 2. We thus conclude that this mode of

measurement can be used to differentiate most cases of
burnt from unburnt phytoliths.
We applied this simplified method to a pair of
samples from the Natufian sediments from Hayonim
Cave (samples A3, A4), and measured the fraction of
phytoliths with RI>1·440. In the sample from a hearth
(A3) 95% of the phytoliths have a RI>1·440, and in the
sample from the surrounding sediments (A4) 98% have
a RI>1·440. Analysis of the phytolith morphologies in
these samples showed that most of the plant material in
the sediment originated from grasses, with minor pro-
portions being derived from wood/bark and leaves
(Albert et al., 2001). The RI analysis thus shows that
both samples were burnt. We do note that one type of
phytolith, a spheroid of 7 m in diameter, consistently
had an RI<1·440, implying that it was not burnt.

Figure 4. Distribution of the RI values of the plant shown in Figure Discussion

3, but represented as the fraction of wheat phytoliths (sample wh1)
that have a RI higher than that of the calibration oil. The RI values
on the x-axis were calculated from the sample temperature. We present here a new method for identifying burnt
from unburnt phytolith assemblages in archaeological
sites based on the measurement of the RI of individual
phytoliths using a light microscope.
method that can be performed on any petrographic We found that individual phytoliths from a specific
light microscope. plant have different RI values. The reason for this is
most probably the differences in the proportions of
water molecules that are incorporated into the opal
Simplified method (Heinrich, 1965). The amount of water can be influ-
According to Figure 5, when the 50% RI value is larger enced by the microenvironment in which the phytoliths
than 1·440, the sample is burnt. This offers the oppor- form, about which very little is known. This in turn
tunity to simplify the method and count the fraction of may also be related to the environmental conditions
phytoliths with RI lower than 1·440 in order to decide during the life of the plant (Rosen, 1999). We also
whether the sample was burnt or not. To measure this noted that the 50% value is different for different plants
fraction all that is needed is to prepare the phytolith even of the same species (Figure 5). This too may be
sample immersed in a mineral oil of RI=1·440, and due to differences in phytolith formation conditions or
count the fraction of phytoliths with bright contrast. If different plant growth conditions. The variation of RI
more than 50% of the phytoliths in a sample have RI within a plant, as shown in Figure 3, requires the
higher than 1·440, the sample is most probably burnt. measurement of an assemblage of phytoliths in order
The assumption is well founded if the 50% point is to determine whether or not it was burned.
much above 1·440 (or much below 1·440, for unburnt The effect of burning on the refractive index depends
samples), but could be ambiguous if it is close to 1·440. on the time and temperature of heating. The higher the
Furthermore, in those cases most of the phytoliths will temperature, the stronger is the effect, as shown by
hardly be visible and the error of the measurement will comparing the same sample exposed to 700C and
be very high. 1000C (Figure 5—wh1/700, wh3/1000). Heating for
In order to determine the minimal number of parti- 1·5 h at 700C showed a very weak shift in the refrac-
cles needed to be counted for a reliable measurement, tive index, and heating to 200C did not affect the
samples of 400 particles or more were measured and refractive index at all (not shown). The temperature
the ratio of phytoliths with RI>1·440 was recorded. It range of a regular campfire is 600–900C (Livingstone,
was found that after counting 200 particles the ratio 2001). The fuel for fires exposed to temperatures higher
did not change by much. To verify this observation we than 500C for several hours will therefore be easily
conducted a statistical test for comparing two binomial identified as burnt. Cooked food, on the other hand, is
proportions. We compared the ratio after counting a exposed to temperatures around 200C. This level of
total number of 200 and 300 phytoliths and found that heating will not affect the RI of the phytoliths con-
200 particles are sufficient for 95% confidence. Some of tained in the food, and a RI shift will not be recog-
the samples that were measured by heated oil were nized. Note that we did not notice a change in color in
measured again in oil of RI=1·440. The results are the burnt phytoliths we examined. We did note that
Figure 5. Comparison of the RI distribution values of eight different phytolith samples. The fraction of phytoliths with RI higher than that of the calibration oil is plotted at each point.
Samples that were exposed to high temperatures are marked by the open symbols and thin lines. Samples that were not heated are marked by closed symbols and bold lines. The total number
of particles counted for each sample is marked in parenthesis. Samples details are shown in Table 1.
Detection of Burning of Plant Materials in the Archaeological Record 223
224 R. Elbaum et al.

Table 2. Percent of phytoliths with RI>1·440 measured by heated and separate the two groups by their morphology, then it
unheated oil may be possible to show that one group was burnt and
the other was not. But in any other case the measure-
Measured by with oil of ment of the refractive index will give a misleading
Sample heated oil* RI=1·440* Burnt result, according to the proportions of the two groups
in the sample. The RI values of soil phytoliths from
wh1 13% (329) 15% (396) — Illinois silt loam were analyzed previously (Jones &
wh2 19% (388) 21% (889) — Beavers, 1963) and found to cover the whole range
wh1/700 65% (59) 50% (288) + of opal refractive indices observed here. About 75%
wh3/1000 90% (65) 96% (216) + of the phytoliths in this sample have a RI equal or
p1 35% (107) 29% (343) —
A2 75% (46) 71% (208) +
higher than 1·440, a value which relates to a burnt
sample. This may be explained by degradation of the
*Number in parentheses indicates the total number of phytoliths plant material mainly by fire, though a fraction of
counted. the sample may have been degraded by biological

elongated phytoliths exhibited some distortion when

heated to 900C.
Hayonim Cave case study
Diagenesis of phytoliths is always an issue when
using them for analyses. It is conceivable that with time The Hayonim Cave study demonstrates a way to apply
at ambient temperatures the degree of hydration and the method developed here to an archaeological site.
hence the RI may change. The sample from Grotte Phytoliths from sediment samples of a hearth and the
XVI, which is dated to the Middle to Upper Paleolithic sediments in which the hearth was buried showed RI
transition, still shows RIs indicative of features of values greater than 1·440. This means that both
burnt phytoliths (Figure 5—A2 and Table 2). Indeed samples were burnt. The sample of the hearth consists
the layer from which the sample was derived shows of the almost pure remains of the ash (mostly calcite)
many signs of burning and many of the phytoliths were (Albert et al., 2001) and is therefore expected to show
derived from wood and bark (Karkanas et al., 2001). burnt features. The associated sediment also contains
From this we conclude that in this case the RI burnt large quantities of calcite together with smaller
signal is preserved, and the opal did not rehydrate. The amounts of clay. The RI analysis indicates that all the
sample from Qumran, which is dated to 5–10 ky ago, phytoliths were burnt. This need not necessarily have
shows a non-burnt phytolith RI signal (Figure 5—A1). been the case as there could have been input of
This is consistent with the fact that the organic matter phytoliths from outside the cave (together with the clay
of this sample was still preserved and therefore it was material) or phytoliths could have been derived from
certainly not burned. This observation also supports unburnt roofing or bedding materials. A comparison of
the assumption that a change in the RI does not occur the phytolith types showed only minor differences
spontaneously with time. between the two samples (Albert et al., 2001) and this
The simplified method does not require a tempera- is consistent with the fact that both are mainly or
ture controlled stage to measure RI values and there- entirely derived from ash.
fore can be easily applied by using a regular light It is interesting to note that one phytolith type, a
microscope, even in the field. This increases the error of spheroid, consistently has a RI lower than 1·440 in
the measurement because some fraction of the phyto- both samples, implying that it was not burnt. Spheroid
liths may have a RI close to 1·440 and will hardly be phytoliths are found in the wood and bark of many
seen. The technique will only be definitive for samples trees, and also in their fruits. Comparing the size of
that have RI values shifted significantly from 1·440. To that spheroid to the ones cataloged in the reference
be able to apply this method and reduce the error, collection prepared from local vegetation (Albert &
more than 200 particles should be measured. The Weiner, 2001) two possible sources arise. One is
choice of measuring the 50% value in this study is that the phytoliths were derived from the wood of a
arbitrary. The 80% value also differentiates the burnt Christ-thorn tree (Ziziphus spina-cristi L.), and the
from unburnt samples (Figure 5). For that an oil of RI other is from the fruit of the Carob tree (Ceratonia
of 1·435 can be used, and a burnt sample will be a siliqua L). Both trees grow in the area of Hayonim
sample in which more than 80% of the particles have a Cave today.
bright contrast. Observation of the sample in a second The fact that unburnt phytoliths are found in a
oil with RI far from 1·440 and identification of the sediment that definitely originated from a hearth is
phytolith types may improve precision and the infor- puzzling. We burned a Carob tree fruit at 800C for 3 h
mation that can be obtained from this analysis (e.g. the and identified the spheroid phytoliths. They had a RI
case study below). higher than 1·440, as expected. Therefore we conclude
Another source of error may be a mixed sample that the phytoliths found in A3 were not burnt, though
of burnt and fresh phytoliths. If there is a way to we cannot offer a simple explanation.
Detection of Burning of Plant Materials in the Archaeological Record 225

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ported by THE ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Science 27, 193–208.
(Center of Excellence, grant No. 302/00) to S.W., and Rosen, A. M. & Weiner, S. (1994). Identifying ancient irrigation—a
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