Debit Application File Processing: Field Format Description Mandat Ory/o

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Debit Application File Processing

The debit application file batches are for creation of debit application using batches instead of the
debit application screen.

◼ You don’t need to approve the applications after file integration; we create the applications
with the status Approved.

◼ There is 2 batches to integrate the file :

o 1 – Debit Application Validation File
o 2 – Debit Application Integration File

◼ The Debit Application Validation is for validate all data existing in the file, validate the
format, length, and existing data in the system …

◼ The debit application validation batch will generate 2 additional files :

o 1 – Validation file: will contain all validated lines.

o 2—Error file: will contain all rejected lines with the error message in the end of each

◼ After validation, you have to execute the debit application integration file, it will take the
data from the validation file generated previously to create a debit application row in debit
application table.

◼ The debit application file integration will may generate an error file in case we have any
failed controls.

◼ After the 2 batches you have to continue the process normal to create the card, that’s mean,
you have to execute the Debit Application Validation batch then cardholder EOD.

◼ Bellow the debit application file format :

Field Format Description
Bank Id N(10) Bank number in MXP M
Example : 00006
Branch Id AN(20) Bransh Id in MXP M
Example : ET0010222
Application Date DATE(8) Actual date M
RRMMDD Example : 20190221
Customer Type AN(1) Possible Value : M
- O : OLD Customer (Already Has a
- N : New customer
Customer Id AN(24) Customer identification number M
Example : 1003213890
Parent Customer AN(24) The identification parent of this O
Example :space
Customer Parent N (2) Possible Values : O
Relation 01 - Son
02 - Grand Son
03 - Daughter
04 - Grand Daughter
05 - Father
06 - Step Father
07 - Mother
08 - Step Mother
09 - Grand Father
10 – Grand Mother
11 - Sister
12 - Brother
- 13 - Wife
Gender AN(1) M - Male M
F - Female

Title N (2) Title of the customer

01 Mr
02 Mrs M
03 Miss
04 Dr.
05 Prof.
06 Captain
07 Pastor
08 Eng.
09 Ato
10 W/ro
11 Haji
12 W/t
13 Sr.
14 Lt.
15 Sgt.
16 Rev.
Last Name AN(40) The customer last name M
Example : BEKELE
First Name AN(40) The customer first name O
Middle Name AN(40) The customer middle name O
Example : YESHITLA
Birth Date DATE(8) Customer birth date O
RRMMDD Example : 19880529
Birth Location AN(40) Customer birth location O
Example : Space
First Identity Type N(2) Identity Type M
Possible Value :
- 01 Civil ID
- 02 Passport
- 03 Driver License
- 04 Employment ID
- 05 Residence Card
- 06 Family Book
- 07 Social Sec. Num.
Identity AN(20) Identity number M
Example : 12837
Marital Status N(2) Possible Value : M
- 01 Single
- 02 Married
- 03 Divorced
- 04 Widower
- 05 Separated
- 06 Cohabitee
- 07 Other
Nationality N(3) Customer Nationality O
Example :
- 686 : Senegal
- 562 : Niger
- 624 : Guinea Bissau
- 230 : Ethiopia

Number of N(2) Number of dependents for this O

Dependents customer
Example :space
Position or Title N(3) Position of the O
Possible Value :
- 001 Engineer
- 002 Employee
- 003 Ettalhi position.
- 004 Doctor
- 005 Professor
- 006 Shopkeepper

Address Type AN(2) Possible Values : M

- 01 Mailing Address
- 02 Residence Address
- 03 Employer Address
- 04 Mailing

First Address AN(40) Customer Address M

Line 1
First Address AN(40) Example : ADDIS ABABA,YEKA WERADA O
Line 2 07 KEBELE 11
First Address AN(40) O
Line 3
First Address ZIP N(5) Address ZIP of the city O
Code Example :Space
First Address AN(20) Phone number 1 O
Phone1 Example : +251944103739
First Address AN(20) Phone number 2 O
Phone2 Example : Space
First Address Fax AN(20) Fax Number O
Example : Space
Language N(1) Possible Value : M
- 1:English
- 2:Frensh
- 3:Arabic
Account Type AN(1) Possible Value M
- O : OLD
- N : NEW
Bank Account Type AN(3) Possible Value M
- 001 : Checking
- 002 : Saving
Account Number AN(24) Customer account number M
Example : 1000065305252
Account Currency N(3) Account currency M
Possible Value (ISO Code)
Example :
- 950:CFA Franc BEAC
- 952:CFA Franc BCEAO
Name On Card AN(25) The embossed name on the card M

Corporate Name AN(25) The Company Name O

Example : Space

Card program Id AN(10) The card program Id M

Example : 001

Debit Program Id AN(10) The debit program Id M

Example : 001


Example: APPLICATION.00006.20190226

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