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Std.8 (2021-22) CH-6 SOURCES OF ENERGY Sub: Science


D. Answer the following questions in brief:

Q1. Define the term fuel.

Ans: The substances which produce heat on burning in air are called fuels.

Q2. Name two renewable sources of energy.

Ans: Wind , Sun , Biomass etc.

Q3. Define the term carbonisation.

Ans: The process of conversion of dead plant materials into coal is called carbonisation .

Q4. Name the three main products obtained from destructive distillation of coal and state the uses of
these products.
Ans: We obtain many products like Coke , Coal Tar and Coal gas through destructive distillation of coal.
Coke: (i) It is used as domestic as well as industrial fuel in stoves and furnaces. It gives little or no smoke.
(ii) It is used for extraction of metals.
(iii) It can be used to make fuel gases like water gas ( CO +H2 )

Coal Tar :It is black coloured viscous liquid. It is used in the manufacture of synthetic dyes, drugs
,explosives , perfumes, paints , photographic materials, roofing materials .

Coal gas: It is inflammable gas. It is used as a domestic fuel and an industrial fuel (usually only for those
industries which are located near coal processing units.)

Q5. State two uses each of the following:

1. Asphalt : It is a black and sticky solid . It is used for making roads and coating the underside of electric
poles to prevent their rusting.
2. Paraffin wax: It is a white semi solid which is often used as grease. It is also used for making Vaseline,
ointments and candles.
Q6. Write the full form of:

CNG : Compressed natural gas

LPG : Liquified Petroleum gas

PNG : Piped natural gas

E: Answer the following:

Q1. Describe in brief the process of coal formation .

Ans: (i) Coal was formed from plant remains which got buried deep under the earth's crust.

(ii) Over a large period of time, the chemical and physical properties of these plant remains were changed
through geological actions that led to the creation of this solid material.

(iii) The process of conversion of Dead plant materials into coal is called carbonisation.

Q2. Differentiate between lignite and bituminous coal.

Lignite coal Bituminous coal

1. Lignite has a carbon content of about 1. Bituminous coal has about 65% carbon.
38% .It is regarded as the lowest grade
of coal.

2. It has been used mainly for electric 2. It is used for power generation and for
Power generation. making another type of fuel, called coke.
Q3.How do petroleum and natural gas occur in nature ?

Ans: (i) Petroleum is found at moderate depth (500m -2000m ) between two layers of impervious rocks.

(ii)Petroleum deposits are usually found mixed with salt water. Petroleum being lighter than salt water floats
over it.

(iii) Natural gas is found above petroleum: it is trapped between the rock cap and the petroleum layer.

( Draw this diagram in your notebook )

Q4. State the main advantages of using natural gas.

Ans: 9i) Natural gas is a cleaner fuel as it provides relatively low amounts of pollutants like carbon dioxide.

(ii) It has fever emissions then coal and petroleum products; also it leaves virtually no ash particles after
Q5. Keeping in mind their availability in nature explain the needs of using coal and petroleum

Ans :For future and present day energy needs we need to look for alternative cleaner sources such as solar
energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, hydel energy and wind energy. This will help to protect the
environment and reduce the risk of global warming . Further the fossil fuels are then more likely to be
available for future generations.

Extra question( to be done in Science notebook )

Q. Draw a need labelled diagram to show the different types of coal:

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