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The 1.9 Helpdesk

This thread is for people who want to understand 1.9. I want to share with you my experience with
this system. It was not easy to learn, I know that you can get discouraged sometimes when veteran
players talk about things and you don't understand... I was like this a short time ago, but I asked a lot
of questions and now I'm in a position to explain it myself, so I thought I would try that :) If you want
to learn about 1.9, read on. If you don't care about it, you just want to continue playing like you
always did, it's fine - nobody's forcing you :) But there are two very good reasons to get familiar with

- Help the guild with your Arc - there are goods for the guild treasury just for having a high Arc and
collecting from it, and if you get it to 80 (with our help), you can also start helping other guild
members level their buildings

- Help yourself - using the 1.9 thread means getting medals and blueprints for FREE. It's also great for
sniping neighbors and growing your bank (that means having a lot of fp packs that you can use at
any time!)

The players who use the 1.9 system will answer any questions you might have about it – for example
Trei, Sebano, or myself. We will try to explain it as clearly as possible. Here's something for the start:
a written explanation from me, and a link to a short 5-minute video with another person's
explanation (the EN subtitles are auto-generated, but they work). I wrote this explanation in such a
way that if English is not your first language, you can just copy and paste my text into a translator
and it should still be understandable. So here's the link to the video and below is my explanation.

When you put your forge points (I will later use the abbreviation fp) in another player's Great
Building (I will later use the abbreviation GB), on the right side of the GB window (where you put
your fp) if you look at the treasure chest icons you can see what rewards (fp, medals and blueprints)
you will get for a specific spot. The arc lets you increase these rewards. On level 80, which is
achievable, you get 90% more. This means you get 1.9x the default amount. The added bonus is also
shown on the treasure chest icons. That's why the sum of your default rewards + bonus rewards for
arc lvl80 is called 1.9.

Now, if you want to level your own building and everyone that invests in it has an 80lvl arc, the
amount which you have to put in it is much smaller. They can invest many fp because they know
they will get the same amount back + medals and blueprints for free. That means that using the 1.9
system you help yourself and the guild.

Before you do that, though, you need to understand what a "safe spot" is.

It's when you take a spot and make sure that nobody can overtake you no matter what they do.

For example: there are 1000 points to level a building. If someone invests 500 fp in it, nobody can
overtake them (the next person that invests the same amount is always lower on the list). If,
however, the owner first invests 800 points, what is left to a 1000 is only 200, which means only
100fp are required to save a spot.

So basically a safe spot is the amount of fp required to ensure that you will get a specific spot (from
1 to 5) on another player's GB. Safe - this means nobody can overtake you no matter what they do.
We use this term in terms of 1.9 for a spot where if you can safely invest 1.9 and nobody can
overtake you. We call that “safe spot” or “secured spot”. So before posting on the 1.9 thread you
need to make sure that the spots you are posting are secure.

Example: I need 300 fp to get to the next level of a building. First spot pays 45x1.9=86. Second spot
pays 25x1.9=48. Third spot pays 10x1.9=19 and fourth 5x1.9=10. The 5 th spot pays zero fp, so we
don’t include it. 86 + 48 + 19 + 10 = 163 and 300 – 163 = 137. That means I need to invest only 137 fp
in this building.

BUT it’s not ideal to invest 137 fp before posting on 1.9 thread, because then someone from outside
the guild can snipe some spots (after investing 137, there’s 163 fp left. 163/2 = 82, so if someone
invests 82 saves the 1st spot (and that means you will have to invest 4fp more). It’s actually better to
first invest 128 fp. If I do that, there will be 172 fp left. 172/2=86, which means the first player can
already invest. After that investment there will be 86 left. Perfect, because now the next player can
invest 48fp (but at that point beware of snipers!). Now we have 38 left, so the next player can invest
19. Now we have 19 left, so the last player can invest 10. Now you only have to add the remaining 9
fp and the level is finished!

But that’s a lot of calculations to do for one level of a building! Don’t worry. Instead of calculating
everything yourself, you can use special tools created for this reason. Below we are giving you the
links to some useful resources. If you need help in how to use these, write a private message (PM) to
a person listed next to a given link

Here I need your help, leaders. Please paste here some useful
links and it would be great if you also volunteered to explain
some of them, I will take the rest.


When you put your forge points (I will later use the abbreviation fp) in another player's Great
Building (I will later use the abbreviation GB), on the right side of the GB window (where you put
your fp) if you look at the treasure chest icons you can see what rewards (fp, medals and blueprints)
you will get for a specific spot. The arc lets you increase these rewards. On level 80, which is
achievable, you get 90% more. This means you get 1.9x the default amount. The added bonus is also
shown on the treasure chest icons. That's why the sum of your default rewards + bonus rewards for
arc lvl80 is called 1.9.

Now, if you want to level your own building and everyone that invests in it has an 80lvl arc, the
amount which you have to put in it is much smaller. They can invest many fp because they know
they will get the same amount back + medals and blueprints for free. That means that using the 1.9
system you help yourself and the guild.


What is a safe spot? It's when you take a spot, nobody can overtake you no matter what they do.

For example: there are 1000 points to level a building. If someone invests 500 fp in it, nobody can
overtake them (the next person that invests the same amount is always lower on the list). If,
however, the owner first invests 800 points, what is left to a 1000 is only 200, which means only
100fp are required to save a spot.


What is sniping? Let's say I have a neighbor who has an Arc on lvl4. He needs 400 fp to finish it. The
reward for 1st place is 45 fp. He already invested 300 points in his Arc. So only 100 fp left until next
level. If I invest 50 fp in it, nobody can get overtake me in the 1st spot. But I lose 5 fp, right? Well, if I
have an Arc on lvl 80 (which I can build in a few months with the help from the guild) I get 86 fp (45 x
1.9 = 85,5 and we round up), so I actually make 36 fp on that deal, where another player without an
arc wouldn’t even be able to get what they invested. So basically sniping is when you invest in
another player’s GB to make profit. We don’t do that to guild members, you can snipe in the
neighborhood, and maybe friends if they are OK with it.

Example: I need 300 fp to get to the next level of a building. First spot pays 45x1.9=86. Second spot
pays 25x1.9=48. Third spot pays 10x1.9=19 and fourth 5x1.9=10. The 5th spot pays zero fp, so we
don’t include it. 86 + 48 + 19 + 10 = 163 and 300 – 163 = 137. That means I need to invest only 137 fp
in this building.

BUT it’s not ideal to invest 137 fp before posting on 1.9 thread, because then someone from outside
the guild can snipe some spots (after investing 137, there’s 163 fp left. 163/2 = 82, so if someone
invests 82 saves the 1st spot (and that means you will have to invest 4fp more). It’s actually better to
first invest 128 fp. If I do that, there will be 172 fp left. 172/2=86, which means the first player can
already invest. After that investment there will be 86 left. Perfect, because now the next player can
invest 48fp (but at that point beware of snipers!). Now we have 38 left, so the next player can invest
19. Now we have 19 left, so the last player can invest 10. Now you only have to add the remaining 9
fp and the level is finished!


Instead of calculating everything yourself, you can use special tools created for this reason. Below
we are giving you the links to some useful resources. If you need help in how to use these, write a
private message (PM) to a person listed next to a given link

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