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How Should A Manager Identify His Customers? A crucial aspect of a successful digital marketing strategy is understanding your customers. Have you segmented your market? Do you understand their demographics, behaviour, preferred digital channels? Create a customer persona © atypical customer that represents a group of customers © name them, create a story around them and make sure you constantly research them © use this persona to understand their intent, * Remember there is always a customer looking at your brands and your products from the outside of your organization. © Design and manage your digital marketing from their perspective. © Customer-centric product design and marketing strategy © constantly researching and understanding the market to make sure that everything you do aligns to the intents, needs, want, life stages, demographics, living standards, and behavior of your customers © Speak and spend time with your customers. © Run focus groups, understand their issues, their concerns. © Get real and honest with them, see them as real people with real issues, and © Even though it's digital, make your marketing as human as possible Digital Marketing Course For Managers & Entrepreneurs

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