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Wafer-Scale Fabrication of 2D β-In2Se3 Photodetectors

Marcel S. Claro,* Justyna Grzonka, Nicoleta Nicoara, Paulo J. Ferreira,
and Sascha Sadewasser

the number of layers in a given material.[2]

2D materials are considered the future of electronics and photonics, stimu- Nevertheless, the research of 2D materials
lated by their remarkable performance. Among the 2D materials family, is still in its early stages. The field started
β-In2Se3 shows good mobility, excellent photoresponsivity, and exotic fer- with graphene several years ago,[3] but
more materials have been added continu-
roelectricity, making it suitable for a wide variety of applications. To date, ously to the list. Among these, transition
most reported devices from 2D materials in general, and β-In2Se3 in specific, metal dichalcogenides (TMDC),[4] which
rely on cumbersome fabrication methods using mechanical exfoliation and have impressive optical properties in the
transfer of layers onto other substrates. However, for a successful adoption visible range, are currently one of the
of 2D materials in industry, reliable and reproducible large-area growth of 2D most studied 2D materials. Devices made
of these materials have shown remark-
materials is required. Here, the wafer-scale epitaxial growth of 2D β-In2Se3 on
able performance as photodetectors,[5,6]
c-sapphire using molecular beam epitaxy is demonstrated. Excellent materials nonvolatile random access memory,[7] or
quality of thick (90 nm) and very thin films, down to two quintuple layers photovoltaics,[8] even when using simple
(2 nm) is confirmed. Furthermore, the fabrication of hundreds of photo­ manual exfoliation methods.
detector devices on a 2 in. wafer, using five quintuple layers of β-In2Se3, is More recently, 2D indium selenides
(In [9] due
demonstrated. They are sensitive to near-infrared light up to 898 nm wave- xSey) have gained attention,
to their bandgap in the visible spectral
length and show a response time of ≈7 ms, which is faster than any result region, comparable to TMDCs, but also
previously reported for β-In2Se3 photodetectors. The devices are produced due to several novel properties: InSe
using photolithography and other standard semiconductor processing exhibits one of the largest mobilities of 2D
methods, which allows easy integration into the current Si technology. semiconductor materials,[10] and β-In2Se3
shows good mobility,[11] excellent photore-
sponsivity,[12] and exotic ferroelectricity[13]
1. Introduction (the ordered ferroelectric phase is also called β′-In2Se3 by some
authors).[11,13] Transistors with high mobility and on/off ratio
The large family of 2D materials is considered the next genera- have already been realized.[14] Therefore, 2D In2Se3 materials
tion of electronic materials. They have been investigated exten- have the potential to address several limitations of the current
sively in the past years, motivated by their novel electronic and silicon (Si) and III–V technologies, such as improved mobility
optical properties,[1] which can be tuned by simply changing and overall performance of transistors for electronics, as well as
integrated photodetectors and light emitters in the same mate-
rial system (same die), all possible on virtually any substrate,
Dr. M. S. Claro, Dr. J. Grzonka, Dr. N. Nicoara, Prof. P. J. Ferreira, including transparent and flexible substrates.[15,16] Yet, the
Dr. S. Sadewasser
majority of reported devices from 2D materials rely on fabrica-
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
Av. Mestre José Veiga, Braga 4715-330, Portugal tion methods based on exfoliation and transfer of layers onto
E-mail: other substrates or other 2D materials. While this device fab-
Dr. M. S. Claro, Dr. N. Nicoara, Dr. S. Sadewasser rication process allows unprecedented flexibility in the combi-
QuantaLab nation of materials and therefore has nearly unlimited device
Braga 4715-330, Portugal design possibilities,[1] it leads typically to individual or few
Prof. P. J. Ferreira devices and is a slow and tedious process.
Mechanical Engineering Department and IDMEC
Instituto Superior Técnico On the other hand, due to their layered nature, instead of
University of Lisbon strong covalent bonds (as in Si and compound semiconduc-
Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisboa 1049-001, Portugal tors) van der Waals forces exist between the layers. Hence, 2D
Prof. P. J. Ferreira materials can be grown epitaxially on substrates with com-
Materials Science and Engineering Program pletely different lattice constants without creating the strain
The University of Texas at Austin and the defects commonly found in mismatched heteroepi-
Austin, TX 78712, USA
taxy. This method is called van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy.[17]
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under Nevertheless, the substrate does influence the growth,[18] as
it modifies the nucleation of the first layer. Some substrates
DOI: 10.1002/adom.202001034 provide growth with superior quality (amount of defects,

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (1 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

surface roughness, etc.), but the growth can, in principle, be 2. Results and Discussion
performed on virtually any substrate, since the layer binds
to the substrate by weak vdW forces. However, so far, only a The growth of In2Se3 was realized in a MBE by independently
few large-scale production methods combining van der Waals evaporating indium from a Knudsen cell and selenium from
epitaxy and standard semiconductor processing have been a valved cracker cell. The growth is performed on preannealed
reported.[19–21] 2 in. epi-ready single-side polished c-sapphire (0001) substrates.
There is a variety of 2D crystal growth techniques which has To identify the growth conditions for single-phase β-In2Se3,
been studied for the synthesis of 2D materials over large areas: the substrate temperature and the In/Se ratio were varied. The
chemical vapor deposition (CVD),[22] physical vapor deposi- indium source was maintained at 770 °C (corresponding to an
tion (PVD)[23], pulsed-laser deposition (PLD),[24] and molecular In growth rate of ≈1.5 nm min−1), while the Se flux was con-
beam epitaxy (MBE).[25] CVD shows excellent growth uni- trolled through the valve aperture, which was varied between
formity for few layers growth, but defect and impurity densi- 0.5 and 5 mm. The substrate temperature was adjusted between
ties can be high due to the use of gas carriers with extrinsic 300 and 600 °C. It was found that the best growth temperatures
elements. PLD provides excellent control of the growth rate concerning surface roughness and single phase are between
but the high kinetic energies can result in resputtering and 500 and 550 °C. Lower temperatures produced rough surface
defects. MBE is more complex, due to the necessity of ultra- and polycrystalline films, and at higher temperatures InxSey is
high vacuum (UHV). However, since it uses pure elements and desorbed from the surface. In this temperature window, three
UHV, it is the process that usually results in exceptional purity phases of InxSey were obtained by varying the Se valve aperture.
and superior physical properties.[25] For the case of indium sele- InSe was obtained at 0.75 mm or less, γ-In2Se3 from 1 to 3 mm,
nide, which occurs in several phases and stoichiometries (InSe, and β-In2Se3 from 2 to 5 mm. For some valve apertures a phase
α-In2Se3, β-In2Se3, In3Se4, etc.[9]), the synthesis of single-phase mixture was obtained while for specific conditions single-phase
materials is even more challenging and requires a level of con- material was obtained. The growth was monitored in situ by
trol that MBE can provide. reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), which
In this work, we demonstrate that MBE growth processes distinguishes between the initial sapphire substrate and the
can be fine-tuned to obtain phase control and produce few different phases obtained under different growth conditions
layers of 2D materials at wafer scale. Few layers of β-In2Se3 (Figure  1b). InSe exhibits a very distinct surface diffraction
were applied in the fabrication of hundreds of photodetec- pattern from the γ- or β-In2Se3 phases, while γ- and β-In2Se3
tors on a full wafer using standard semiconductor processing RHEED patterns are very similar and hard to distinguish
(Figure  1a). They exhibited good detectivity and the fastest during the growth. Even, for growth processes showing only
response times so far observed for this phase of In2Se3. These one of the distinct patterns, ex situ techniques are required to
results establish the foundation for the future commercializa- properly determine the purity of the phase obtained. Consid-
tion of 2D materials.[26] ering that β-In2Se3 has a broad and weak Raman signal, we use

Figure 1.  Molecular beam epitaxy growth of indium selenide. a) Schematic diagram of the device fabricated. b) In situ reflection high-energy electron
diffraction (RHEED) pattern of the sapphire substrate and the different indium selenide phases obtained. c) X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the dif-
ferent phases obtained on sapphire substrates. d) Proposed phase diagram for the MBE growth of InxSey.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (2 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

X-ray diffraction (XRD) to distinguish between the phases after Commonly, small particles (height of ≈5–10 nm) are found
growth (Figure 1c). on the surface in the AFM images. Raman spectra only show
In Figure 1d, we present a phase diagram for the MBE growth a signal related to selenium in addition to that of β-In2Se3 and
of the various InxSey phases on c-sapphire, based on our XRD the RHEED provides a pattern typical for very flat surfaces
and RHEED observations. We should emphasize that the sub- during the growth. Therefore, we conclude that the small par-
strate is fundamental for the determination of the phase that ticles are selenium crystals formed after the growth during the
grows and the growth mechanism, as illustrated by the growth cool-down of the sample, during which the Se flux is active to
of single-phase InSe on c-sapphire with a GaSe buffer layer, avoid desorption of Se and potential phase transformations.
versus the formation of mixed InSe and γ-In2Se3 phases on They might also be formed due to the oxidation of the surface
c-sapphire, in agreement with a previous report on different sub- after exposure to air, as observed in Raman measurements
strates.[27,28] In short, to obtain single-phase InSe, In-rich growth over time. The amount of particles depends on the cool-down
conditions are required, while strongly Se-rich conditions lead method and the time passed between the exposure to air and
to single-phase β-In2Se3. For intermediate conditions or a large the AFM measurements.
substrate lattice mismatch, the 3D γ-In2Se3 phase is obtained. Raman spectroscopy (Figure  2c) shows clear peaks at
From the phase diagram we conclude that the optimized 110.0 cm−1 (A1 mode), 175.1 cm−1 (Eg mode), and 206.9 cm−1
growth conditions for single-phase β-In2Se3 are at 550 °C and (A1′ mode), indicating β-phase In2Se3.[32] (The peak at 419 cm−1 is
5 mm Se valve aperture. Using X-ray reflection (XRR) measure- from the sapphire substrate.) This spectrum, mainly the position
ments, a layer thickness of 90 nm was determined for 60 min of the first A1 peak, is notably different from the InSe (A1 = 115
of growth, corresponding to a growth rate of 1.5 nm min−1. cm−1) and γ-In2Se3 (A1  = 152 cm−1) signatures,[33] however, it is
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements show height close to that of α-In2Se3,[28] as in the XRD pattern.[34] Neverthe-
variations of up to ten layers and a root-mean-square (RMS) less, the presence of the α-phase was not observed by any other
roughness of ≈1.34 nm (Figure  2a,b). Pyramidal shapes of technique, including aberration-corrected scanning transmission
In2Se3 terraces pointing in two opposite directions indicate the electron microscopy (ac-STEM) images (see next). The Raman
presence of twinning, and their spiral shape at the top shows signal of the β-phase is weaker compared to the other phases;
spiral growth mode, similar to reports for other layered mate- however, attempts to improve the signal by increasing the laser
rials.[29–31] A similar amount of both twinned orientations is power usually resulted in sample modification as observed by
observed by an XRD phi-scan of the (1120) peak (Figure S1, peaks corresponding to Se[35] and to γ-In2Se3, induced by local
Supporting Information). heating (see also the discussion of the Raman measurements of

Figure 2.  Characterization of 90 nm thick single-phase β-In2Se3 grown on c-sapphire. a) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the surface in a
5 × 5 µm2 area. The white dashed line square highlights the area shown in (b). b) Higher magnification AFM image with 2 × 2 µm2. The dashed white
line indicates the position of the height profile shown in (d). c) Raman spectrum taken at 8 mW power at the objective (2 s acquisition time). The
inset illustrates the identified vibrational modes. d) Height profile along the dashed white line indicated in (b), showing individual steps of ≈0.95 nm
height, corresponding to single quintuple layers (QL).

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (3 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 3.  HAADF ac-STEM analysis of 90 nm thick β-In2Se3 grown on c-plane sapphire. a) Low-magnification HAADF ac-STEM image of the In2Se3
layer. b) SAED from the In2Se3/sapphire interface region along the [1120] zone axis. The dashed (blue) and solid (red) rectangles are showing the pro-
jected unit cells of sapphire and In2Se3, respectively. c) HAADF ac-STEM image showing the well-ordered layer structure of In2Se3 grown on saphire.
d) Higher magnification HAADF ac-STEM image showing the smooth In2Se3/sapphire interface and regular In2Se3 quintuple layers. e) HAADF ac-STEM
image at the atomic scale showing a single quintuple layer with an overlaid structural model and intensity profile. f) Multislice HAADF ac-STEM image
simulation of quintuple In2Se3 layers and intensity profile showing a good match with the experimental data obtained in (e). The strongly scattering
(bright) atoms correspond to In and the ones with lower brightness to Se.

a five QL thick sample next). The A1 peak of β-In2Se3 is notably compared to Se. HAADF ac-STEM atomic scale images of a
broader (FWHM ≈ 20 cm−1) than usual peaks of other 2D mate- single QL clearly show the atomic stacking of In and Se atomic
rials.[36] Nevertheless, such broad A1 peaks have been observed columns (Figure  3e), which match well HAADF ac-STEM
previously;[32] therefore, they reflect an inherent material prop- image simulations using a multislice algorithm (Figure 3f).
erty and are not related to the quality of our specific material. Following the same growth conditions of the thick films,
To assess the crystalline quality of the layers, high-angle we produced thinner films of five QLs, using a growth time of
annular dark-field (HAADF) ac-STEM was performed. At low 180 s. AFM images indicate a very flat film with only three
magnifications, a wide-range (1.2 µm length) cross-sectional terrace levels around the average thickness of five QLs
view of our MBE-grown 90 nm thick β-In2Se3 film on c-plane (Figure S2a, Supporting Information), confirming that a con-
sapphire (Figure  3a) shows no visible defects, as twining or tinuous and uniform film of 5 ± 1 QLs across the 2 in. wafer
grain boundaries. The HAADF ac-STEM images clearly dis- was obtained, with reproducibility over many growth processes.
tinguish the In2Se3 film (bright contrast) from the sapphire The β-In2Se3 structure is confirmed by XRD measurements
substrate (darker contrast), as this imaging mode is strongly (Figure S2c, Supporting Information) and Raman spectroscopy
dependent on the atomic number (≈Z2). The selected area (Figure S2d, Supporting Information).
electron diffraction (SAED) pattern (Figure  3b), obtained from To demonstrate the capability to grow even thinner β-In2Se3
the interface between the substrate and the film, shows that films, the growth rate was reduced to one QL in ≈390 s, by
β-In2Se3 is single-crystalline and that it grows epitaxially on reducing the indium effusion cell temperature to 670 °C. This
c-plane sapphire with the following crystallographic relation- growth rate was determined in situ by measuring the time nec-
ships: In2Se3 (1120) ‖ sapphire (1120) and In2Se3 (0001) ‖ essary for the RHEED pattern to change from the one associ-
sapphire (0001). The structural ordering of the film is seen at ated with c-sapphire to that for In2Se3 (see Figure 1b). However,
higher magnifications (Figure  3c,d), which shows the charac- due to the slow growth, it was not possible to observe further
teristic QL structure corresponding to the β-In2Se3 phase.[37] In RHEED oscillations at these long times. Here, we show results
particular, the interface region between β-In2Se3 and sapphire for a sample with only two QL grown by this process with a
shows that the film is very well ordered during the initial stages duration of 13 min. The characterization of samples with few
of growth. The layered structure is clearly visible as shown by QLs is very challenging, since such thin layers show very weak
the van der Waals gap separating each set of five atomic layers Raman and weak and broad XRD signals, which are difficult to
Se-In-Se-In-Se (Figure  3d). Along the selected [1120] zone separate from the background and noise in our experimental
axis, pure In and Se atomic columns prevail, which are thus setups. AFM images taken directly on the In2Se3 surface do
easily distinguishable due to the higher atomic number of In not show clear atomic terraces, but a rather smooth surface.

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (4 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 4.  Topography and structure of a two QL β-In2Se3 sample. a) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of the surface after conformal coating with
10 nm AlxOy by sputter deposition 2 × 2 µm2. b) Grazing incidence in-plane XRD (GIIXRD) of the (1120) peaks of c-sapphire (light gray), 90 nm β-In2Se3
(red), and two QLs β-In2Se3 (blue).

We attribute this difficulty in AFM imaging to the weak van 30 nm of sputtered intrinsic ZnO (i-ZnO). The integrity of the
der Waals binding forces at the interface between the substrate β-In2Se3 upon i-ZnO sputtering was confirmed by XRD (Figure
and In2Se3 layers. Nonetheless, we succeeded to observe clear S4b, Supporting Information). The i-ZnO is a semi-insulating
atomic terraces after covering the surface with 10 nm of sput- oxide with sufficient resistance (104 Ω sq−1 sheet resistance for
tered amorphous AlxOy (max. RMS = 0.2 nm), which conforms a 50 nm thick film) to work as passivation layer (but not as a
perfectly to the surface (Figure  4a). As in the case of the five gate). More importantly, i-ZnO is easily etched with dilute HCl,
QL thick sample, three levels of terraces are observed, a com- while for β-In2Se3 the etch rate is significantly lower (only slight
plete layer (likely the first QL), an almost complete layer and a modifications of the surface could be observed with AFM even
third layer starting to form. The typical triangular terraces with for extended etch times); therefore, HCl provides a very effec-
≈0.95 nm height can be identified (see Figure S3, Supporting tive selective etching. Other insulating oxides (e.g., Al2O3 or
Information), supporting the growth of hexagonal β-In2Se3. SiO2) would require reactive ion etching or harsher chemical
The RMS roughness is 0.42 nm, lower than the QL thickness. etchants, which would compromise the quality of the β-In2Se3.
To additionally confirm the growth of beta-phase In2Se3, Furthermore, i-ZnO is also transparent to visible light down to
grazing incidence in-plane XRD (GIIXRD) was performed 375 nm wavelength.
(Figure 4b); this technique was already successfully applied for For device fabrication two steps of direct photolithography
the identification of few-layer WSe2, when out-of-plane XRD were utilized. In the first step, for the deposition of metallic
fails due to the lack of periodicity in the c-axis (00l) of samples contacts, i-ZnO is removed using a solution of aqueous HCl,
with very few layers.[38] Here, we observe a small peak at 46.09° followed by sputter deposition of Cr/Au and a lift-off process
for the two QL sample, which we attribute to the diffraction of in acetone. In the second step that defines the channel, i-ZnO
the (1120) plane of β-In2Se3, in agreement with the observation is removed by the same solution, followed by removal of the
of the same peak for the 90 nm thick β-In2Se3 sample. β-In2Se3 by a mixture of HCl with H2O2. This processing method
In both few QLs samples, only flat islands were observed (illustrated in Figure S5, Supporting Information) is applied
instead of the spirals found in the thick sample, suggesting that to the whole 2 in. wafer with several geometries for different
the growth occurs mainly in a layer-by-layer mode from the first devices, leading to a total of more than 250 devices (Figure 5a).
layers, evolving to spiral growth for thicker layers. However, the Here, we present the results of two-terminal devices (inset of
density of these screw dislocations is low, as shown in the ac- Figure  5a) with a channel length of 100 µm and two different
STEM images. This growth mechanism, which differs from the channel widths of 40 and 20 µm. The quality of the processing
screw-dislocation-driven growth, was previously reported for is validated by ac-STEM examination. Cross-section HAADF
2D materials, including Bi2Se3 which has a very similar crystal ac-STEM images of the channel region with i-ZnO (Figure  5b)
structure.[31] The presence (or not) of a high density of these show a well-defined interface between β-In2Se3 and ZnO, recon-
dislocations can have a big influence on the optical[39] and elec- firming the integrity of the β-In2Se3 after the sputtering process
trical[40] properties of the material, as it changes the QL stacking of i-ZnO. In the contact region, the top layers of the β-In2Se3
order. However, the layer-by-layer growth should not happen in appear to be slightly affected by the etching and metal deposition
the same way for other substrates, due to differences in their by sputtering (Figure 5c), suggesting that further process optimi-
surface reactivity, lattice symmetry, and roughness. zation is required to enable devices with fewer QLs.
Finally, we demonstrate the capability to process the five QL The observed dark current and photocurrent under white
β-In2Se3 into devices. Attempts to directly process the β-In2Se3 light for devices of both sizes are highly reproducible with only
films by lithography processes led to the formation of InxOy, small variations across the wafer (Figure 6a and Figure S9, Sup-
which was confirmed by XRD measurements (see Figure S4a, porting Information). This result demonstrates the benefit of
Supporting Information), Raman spectra, and by a visible color our MBE-grown β-In2Se3 on 2 in. wafers, providing hundreds
change of the film. Therefore, the films were protected with of identical devices. Device fabrication using exfoliated 2D

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (5 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 5.  Wafer-scale device fabrication of five QL β-In2Se3. a) Processed 2 in. c-sapphire wafer containing more than 250 devices. The inset shows
an optical microscope image of two of the studied devices. Cross-section HAADF ac-STEM of the produced devices in b) the channel region and
c) the contact region.

materials in a one-by-one process often leads to large variation the external quantum efficiency (EQE) to 0.67%. This value is on
in device characteristics.[5] the order of the EQE reported for few layers of other 2D mate-
The wavelength-dependent responsivity was determined rials, with a typical absorption of ≈0.1% per layer, despite recent
using monochromatic light (Figure  6b), from which an optical reports showing much higher EQE for some heterostructures.[6]
bandgap energy of Eg = 1.38 eV is extracted. This value is in agree- A control sample with the same contacts on the same ZnO layer
ment with the theoretically calculated bandgap and that meas- but without In2Se3 shows much higher resistance and no meas-
ured by other methods.[41] Since this material has a nearly 2D urable photoelectric effect. For the two channel sizes tested, the
band structure, a modest increase in the bandgap is expected due contacts have the same size but the photocurrent is roughly pro-
to the thickness reduction.[11] Thus, the observed value for five portional to the channel size. Therefore, any contribution of the
QLs closely corresponds to the one expected for bulk β-In2Se3[32] contacts to the photocurrent is necessarily minor.
and a notable difference must occur only in thinner films (as To our knowledge, there is a lack of a complete report about
monolayer or bilayer). From the responsivity, we determine the noise in 2D photodetectors; here, we evaluate the noise

Figure 6.  Characteristics of photodetector devices based on five QL β-In2Se3. a) Photocurrent (dashed) and dark current (continuous) under white light
for several devices with 100 µm channel length and 40 µm (black, left axis) and 20 µm (red, right axis) channel width (W). Power density of 40 W m−2
(see Figure S9, Supporting Information, for logarithmic scale). b) Spectral responsivity at Vbias = 2 V (W = 40 µm). Average power density of 8 W m−2.
c) Specific detectivity (D*) versus Vbias at 550 nm illumination (W = 40 µm). d) Photocurrent versus light intensity for white light exhibiting a (Plight)α
dependence with fit line for α = 0.85. The (Plight)1.0 dependence is included for reference (W = 40 µm). e) Photocurrent response–time measurements
using photocurrent intensity decay under light modulation (W = 20 µm). f) TR-SPV results on thin (<20 QL) β-In2Se3 layers grown on GaN providing
an independent confirmation of the time scale of charge carrier dynamics in the β-In2Se3 material (without device processing).

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (6 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

of our photodetector by calculating the shot noise of the dark photodetector, photogenerated carriers travelling to the contacts
current. The obtained specific detectivity is larger than 2 × govern the response time. In the TR-SPV, the time constant is
108 Jones for Vbias from −20 to +20 V, with a peak detectivity of governed by the separation of photoexcited charge carriers and
nearly 109 Jones at −8 V (Figure  6c). Considering the in-plane their recombination. The TR-SPV results were obtained on
ferroelectricity[13] of β-In2Se3, an in-plane field could emerge bare β-In2Se3 material without any device processing and relate
in the device, and change some of its properties, mainly under most likely to an intrinsic property of the thin β-In2Se3 layer. We
high bias conditions. The most notable effect would be the therefore presume that in both methods the release of carriers
appearance of an intrinsic field when the ferroelectric domains from trap states in the β-In2Se3 material governs the time scale.
align, resulting in sudden jumps in the current and hysteresis A similar time scale is found in many 2D photodetectors when
in the IV measurements, or even photocurrent at zero bias. photoconduction is the main mechanism. Frequently, the mech-
However, none of these effects were consistently observed. Oth- anism for photocurrent generation in 2D devices is assigned to
erwise, the application of bias higher than 10 V for more than photogating, photo-thermoelectric, or other effects due to device
a few seconds caused slow and reversible changes in the device design, and in those cases, the response time is approximately
resistance due to local heating (thermoresistivity). Thus, other seconds.[5] Slow response times correlate with long carrier
device geometries and scales must be necessary to observe any lifetimes, which also result in a large carrier diffusion length
influence of the in-plane polarization. (L = τ D , with D the Einstein diffusion coefficient, D  =  μ kbT/q),
The photocurrent dependence on the incident power of white leading to high gain and responsivity of the 2D device, despite its
light shows the expected power-law behavior, Ilight  ∝ (Plight)α, low absorptivity due to the small thickness. Therefore, there is a
where the exponent is determined as α  = 0.85 (Figure  6d). compromise between speed and responsivity.
Values close to 1 indicate a photoconductive response, while α The diversity of photocurrent generation mechanisms could
≪ 1 is expected for photogating.[42,43] By measuring the decay of be responsible for the wide distribution of reported respon-
the photocurrent under modulated (by a mechanical chopper) sivities[6] of this material and also between other 2D mate-
illumination (Figure 6e), a response time of τpc = 7 ms was deter- rials. Responsivity values (and then D*) are found over several
mined, where a photocurrent was detectable up to 3 kHz modu- orders of magnitude, from few mA W−1, as measured in this
lation frequency (t  < 0.3 ms). From this response time and the work, to thousands of A W−1 depending on the growth and
power-law dependence of the photocurrent, we suggest that the device fabrication methods, and usually very high responsivi-
main mechanism for photocurrent is photoconduction, in agree- ties are associated to slow response times. This dependence
ment with the conclusions by Island et al.[44] for photodetectors suggests that in some of these devices, the photocurrent is gen-
based on exfoliated In2Se3 in specific backgating conditions. erated and amplified by a slow charge trapping at the surface,
To evaluate the carrier dynamics of the photogenerated the photogating effect. This effect is expected to be stronger in
charges in our β-In2Se3 material independent of the device cases where the device is based on exfoliated or CVD depos-
fabrication and device properties, we performed time-resolved ited flakes with small areas (<200 µm), constantly exposed to air
surface photovoltage (TR-SPV) measurements in a Kelvin and natural oxidation. In the devices presented in this work, the
probe force microscope (KPFM). The SPV, defined as the dif- β-In2Se3 is exposed to the environment during a very short time
ference between the contact potential difference (CPD) under and is encapsulated after processing, which guarantees that the
illumination and that in the dark, was measured as a function layer is not modified prior to or during the measurements. This
of the modulation frequency of a light source (635 nm). For device processing resulted in the fastest response time reported
these measurements, a conductive substrate is required to be so far for the β-phase of this material (see Table S1, Supporting
able to electrically contact the β-In2Se3. Therefore, we devel- Information).[16,44,48] We also found highly reproducible results
oped a growth process for high-quality β-In2Se3 on commer- in the eight tested devices of two different sizes. Thus, the fig-
cially available c-sapphire wafers with an epitaxially grown GaN ures of merit obtained in this work are expected to better cor-
film (thickness = 5 µm). The GaN is conductive and we were respond to the inherent properties of the few-layers 2D material
able to confirm the growth of β-In2Se3 with similar quality on than to uncontrollable surface or interface effects as found in
these substrates (see Figure S6, Supporting Information), using single, small devices based on flakes.
the same growth conditions (Tgrowth  = 550 °C, 1.5 nm min−1,
TIn  = 770 °C, TSe  = 285 °C, TSe-Cracker  = 900 °C, Se valve at
5 mm). Figure  6f shows the SPV spectra as a function of the 3. Conclusion
modulation frequency of the illumination. The negative
SPV indicates that the material is n-type, as mostly found for In summary, we show the epitaxial growth of high-quality
indium selenides and other 2D chalcogenides due to selenium and single-phase β-In2Se3 by MBE on a 2 in. wafer scale.
vacancies. The major process in the SPV spectrum as a func- Thin layers down to two QLs were uniformly obtained. We
tion of the modulation frequency of the light[45–47] can be well fabricated photodetectors using photolithography and other
described by a single exponential decay, with a decay time of standard semiconductor processing, demonstrating for the
τspv  = 14 ms, which is of the same order as the photoconduc- first time large-scale fabrication of β-In2Se3 2D-material
tivity response time (τpc ≈ 7 ms). A more detailed fit of the SPV devices, enabling the future integration with established semi-
spectrum (Figure S7, Supporting Information) confirms this conductor technologies. Our photodetectors based on five QLs
value of τspv for the dominant process. Both time constants (τpc of β-In2Se3 are sensitive to wavelengths up to 898 nm (1.38 eV)
and τspv) are in the same range, indicating that the same carrier and show a responsivity of 3 mA W−1, peak specific detectivity
recombination process might control the response time. In the (D*) of 109 Jones, fast response time of ≈7 ms, and EQE of

Adv. Optical Mater. 2020, 2001034 2001034  (7 of 9) © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

0.67% at 550 nm. These figures of merit are comparable to Device Processing: Devices were fabricated by two subsequent direct
other reported 2D photodetectors for which the photocurrent photolithography steps. First, the contacts were defined by removing
i-ZnO using a solution of aqueous HCl (0.5%) for 15 s. Subsequently,
generation is due to the photoconduction mechanism. We
without removing the photoresist, the Cr/Au contacts (thickness of
expect that our demonstration of wafer-scale deposition of 6 and 30 nm, respectively) were deposited by sputtering immediately
the 2D material In2Se3 and its fabrication into optoelectronic after opening the via to prevent oxidation. The unwanted metal film is
devices will pave the way for an accelerated commercialization removed by a lift-off process in acetone. In the second step that defines
of 2D materials. the channel, the i-ZnO was removed by the same solution, followed by
removal of the β-In2Se3 by a more diluted solution of 0.3% HCl with 30%
H2O2 added in the proportion of 4:50. H2O2 oxidizes the β-In2Se3, such
that it can be removed by the HCl solution, resembling the principle of
4. Experimental Section standard III–V etch solutions. This second etching of the β-In2Se3 occurs
in 10–15 s, which can be easily monitored optically since the orange/
Crystal Growth: The β-In2Se3 growth was performed in an EVO-50 MBE yellow color of β-In2Se3 is observable until the layers are completely
system (Omicron Nanotechnology GmbH). Indium (6N) was evaporated removed.
from a Knudsen cell and selenium (5N) from a valved cracker cell. The Device Characterization: Photocurrent and IV curves were measured
Se was evaporated from a reservoir maintained at 285 °C, while the by a Keithley 6487 picoamperemeter when in DC mode or by an AMETEK
flux was controlled by a valve with an adjustable aperture ranging from 5210 lock-in amplifier when the light was modulated by a mechanical
0 to 8 mm. Before entering the growth chamber, larger selenium molecules chopper. For these experiments illumination was provided by unfiltered
were cracked by the cracker stage kept at 900 °C. The standby base white halogen tungsten lamp, in combination with a colored glass filter
pressure of the MBE system is 2.6 × 10−10 mbar and during the growth, (550 nm) or by a QuantumDesign MLS-450-300 monochromator. The
when the Se valve is open, the pressure increasesto 10−8 to 10−7 mbar. light intensity was measured using a calibrated Si PIN photodiode
All growth processes were observed by RHEED (Staib Instruments), (FDS010).
which was operated at 15 kV. Epi-ready single-side polished 2 in.
c-sapphire (0001) substrates were used, with a specified and confirmed
roughness of ≈0.2 nm. Each substrate was annealed inside the growth
chamber for 30 min at 950 °C just prior to the growth of In2Se3. Supporting Information
Material Characterization: Raman spectroscopy was measured at
room temperature in a Witec alpha300 R confocal microscope, using Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
a 50× objective lens, and a solid-state 532 nm excitation laser. XRD from the author.
measurements were performed in a PANalytical Xpert PRO MRD
diffractometer with five-axis cradle, standard Bragg–Brentano (BB)
geometry, Cu anode X-ray tube operated at 45 kV accelerating voltage,
and 40 mA filament current to generate X-rays (Cu K-alpha). Soller and Acknowledgements
collimation 0.5 in. slits were used in the source side and detection using This work received support from the project Nanotechnology Based
Soller slits and CCD detector (PiXcel) inline (1D) model. The gracing- Functional Solutions (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000019), supported
incidence XRD (GIXRD) (and ϕ-scan) was done in similar configuration by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE2020),
(BB), but with the addition of a Goebel mirror in the source side and under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the
using open-detector (0D) for detection. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Additional support by
Cross-sectional sample preparation for STEM imaging was carried National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
out by a focused ion beam (FIB) using an FEI Helios NanoLab 450S Technology (FCT) in the framework of the project “LA2D” – PTDC/
Dual Beam Focused Ion Beam with UHREM FEG-SEM. To protect the FIS-NAN/3668/2014 is acknowledged. This work was supported by
In2Se3 layers from oxidation for the STEM observation, a Mo layer was FCT, through IDMEC, under LAETA, project UIDB/50022/2020. The
deposited by sputtering immediately after MBE growth. Additionally, authors would like to thank Tony Hart for the support with photocurrent
a second layer of Pt, using first the electron beam and then the ion measurements.
beam, was deposited to protect the sample from Ga ion implantation
and consequent damage during FIB preparation. The structural
characterization was performed by STEM imaging using a FEI Titan
Cubed Themis 60–300 kV microscope equipped with Probe and Image Conflict of Interest
Correctors. The microscope was operated at 200 kV with a convergence
angle of 21 mrad. The inner and outer collection angles used for HAADF- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
STEM imaging were 50.5 and 200 mrad, respectively.
AFM measurements were taken with a BRUKER Dimension Icon
in tapping-mode using PPP-NCH (Nanosensors) cantilevers with
a nominal tip radius of <20 nm, force constant of 42 N m−1, and Keywords
≈265 kHz resonance frequency. KPFM measurements were carried
2D materials, indium selenide, molecular beam epitaxy, photodetectors
out using an ultrahigh vacuum scanning probe microscope (Omicron
Nanotechnology GmbH), controlled by a Nanonis controller (SPECS
Received: June 22, 2020
Zurich GmbH). Pt/Ir-coated Si cantilevers (Nanosensors) were used
Revised: October 14, 2020
(f0  ≈ 168 kHz). Amplitude modulation (AM) at the second resonance
Published online:
frequency of the cantilever (f2 ≈ 1.043 MHz) was used for the detection
of the contact potential difference (CPD), where CPD =  Φsample  −  Φtip.
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