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Grade 9 physics revision sheet 1

Name : …………………………………..
Class: ………………………
Answer the following questions:
1. (a) Fig. 4.1 shows a boy in four positions on a flat floor.

Fig. 4.1
(i) Put a tick in the box under the position where the boy is exerting the least pressure on the floor.
(ii) State the reason for your answer to (a)(i).
(b) The pressure of carbon dioxide in a container is being measured by means of a mercury manometer.
This is shown in Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2
(i) How does the pressure of the carbon dioxide compare with atmospheric pressure?
Complete the sentence below.
The pressure of the carbon dioxide is .......................................................... the atmospheric
pressure. [1]

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Revision sheet 1 Grade 9 physics
(ii) The atmospheric pressure increases.
State what happens to the value of the distance h, shown on Fig. 4.2.
...................................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 4]

2. A rock climber climbs up a rock face, as shown in Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2.1
(a) To climb the rock face, the climber must do work. Fig. 2.1
Which force must the climber work against as he climbs? Tick one box.

(b) What other quantity, as well as the force ticked in (a), must be known in order to find the work done
by the climber?
............................................................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) One climber weighs 1000 N and another weighs 800 N. They both take the same time to climb the
(i) Which one has done the most work? ........................................................................
(ii) Which one has the greater power rating? .................................................................

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Grade 9 physics revision sheet 1
(d) When the first climber reaches the top, he has more gravitational potential energy than he had at the
(i) What form of energy, stored in his body, was used to give him this extra gravitational potential
(ii) Where did he get this energy from?
(iii)Other than increasing gravitational potential energy on the way up, how else was energy in his
body used? State one way.
[Total: 7]
3. An immersion heater is put into some crushed ice at 0 °C. The immersion heater is switched on.

Fig. 3.1
(a) On Fig. 3.2, sketch the graph of temperature against time, up to the time when all the ice has melted.

Fig. 3.2

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Revision sheet 1 Grade 9 physics
(b) The heater is left switched on after all the ice has melted, and the temperature rises.
After some time, the temperature stops rising, even though the heater is still on.
(i) Suggest why the temperature stops rising, even though the heater is still on.
(ii) State what happens to the energy received by the water whilst this is happening.
[Total: 5]
4. (a) Here is a list of descriptions of molecules in matter.

In the columns alongside the descriptions, put ticks next to those which apply to the molecules in
(i) a solid,
(ii) a gas.
(b) The water in a puddle of rainwater is evaporating.
Describe what happens to the molecules when the water evaporates.
............................................................................................................................................................ [2]
[Total: 6]

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Grade 9 physics revision sheet 1
5. (a) When a certain amount of heat is supplied to 1 kg of insulated aluminium, the temperature of the
aluminium rises by 1 °C.

Fig. 5.1
In what form does the aluminium store the energy that has been supplied?
............................................................................................................................................................ [1]
(b) The same amount of heat is supplied to 1 kg of insulated copper, as shown in Fig. 5.2

Fig. 5.2
The temperature rise of the 1 kg copper block is greater than the temperature rise of the 1 kg
aluminium block in (a).
Explain, in terms of thermal capacity, why this is so.
............................................................................................................................................................ [2]

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Revision sheet 1 Grade 9 physics
6. A girl looks into a bathroom mirror to brush her hair. Fig. 6.1 shows what she sees in the mirror.

Fig. 6.1
(a) In which hand is she holding the brush? Tick one box.

(b) She has a spot on her skin just below her left eye.
Mark clearly on Fig. 6.1 where this will appear on the reflection.
7. Fig. 7.1 shows the various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Fig. 7.1
Two of the regions have been labelled.
(c) In the boxes provided, write the names of the other regions. [4]

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Grade 9 physics revision sheet 1
(d) Only one of the following types of wave is not an electromagnetic wave.
Tick one box to show which type of wave is not electromagnetic.


8. (a) A beam of light is travelling parallel to the axis of a thin lens, as shown in Fig. 12.1.

Fig. 12.1
After passing through the lens, the rays all pass through the point F.
(i) Which word best describes what happens to the rays? Tick one box.

(ii) On Fig. 12.1, complete the paths of the two rays.

(iii)Complete the following sentence, referring to Fig. 12.1.
“The focal length of the lens is the distance between point ....... and point .......”

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Revision sheet 1 Grade 9 physics
(b) In this part of the question, you are required to draw an accurate ray diagram on Fig. 12.2 for the lens
in part (a).

Fig. 12.2
(i) From the top of the object, draw a ray that, after leaving the lens, passes through F.
(ii) From the top of the object, draw a ray that passes through P.
(iii)Mark in the image, and write “image” alongside it.
(iv) From your diagram, state two things that are the same (or approximately the same) about the
image and the object.
(v) From your diagram, state one thing that is definitely different about the image and the object.
[Total: 12]

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed
Grade 9 physics revision sheet 1
9. The speed of sound in air is 332 m/s. A man stands 249m from a large flat wall, as shown in
Fig. 9.1, and claps his hands once.

Fig. 9.1
(e) Calculate the interval between the time when the man claps his hands and the time when he hears the
echo from the wall.

time interval = ........................... s [3]

(f) A woman is standing 249m further away from the wall than the man. She hears the clap twice, once
directly and once after reflection from the wall.
How long after the man claps does she hear these two sounds? Tick two boxes.

[Total: 5]

Mrs. Mona El-Sayed

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