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of Contents  

P.A.R.T  • 

I would like to dedicate this work to:  1.  Strength of Materials  1  

2.  Mechanics  20  

3.  Machine Shop  40  
My wife gemma Rosa!5lIcorcon
4.  Machine Elements  53  

5.  Stresses  58  

To our children,
.  6.  Shaft  88  

7.  Keys  119  

Jolin Cristophet and 5?l[e~andr   
8.  Coupling  130  

9.  Pressure Vessel  136  

For their support  .  10.  Bolts and Power Screw  149  

11.  Flywheel  162  

12.  Spring  172  

13.  Gears  187  

14.  Bearing  211  

15.  Belts  219  

16.  Brake  227  

17.  Clutch  231  

18.  Machineries  239  

P.A R."'T'"  •• 

Strength 0/ MClteriaLs ~  Beams


...  ~   ..  .•...  ..  ..  '... 
..  ..  ...•  '0'  .. ,  ",  ~  
1.  Couple 

~   Maximum  Shear =  a  ~  
PRO:BLEM1S   ~  
Maximum  Moment  =  Mo 
8 =  maximum slope 
e = M L  


With Fo;rmulas ~   Y = maximum deflection 

M L2  
y=  2Et  

2.  Concentrated load  at free end 


~   e=  2EI 
t P 

P L3 
~   v > 3E I 

3.  Concentrated  load at the mid­span 

~   Shear  = P 
~   Moment =. -~.

~  *-p-

2  51 reTlCjth or Materials ­ Beams St r enqt l i or Materials ­ Hewns 3 
P L3 
~e=PL2   ~   v> 48E  I 
2.  Uniform load 
5P  L3 
~   y=  48E:1 
~   Shear  «   wL 

4.  Uniform distributed load 
~  Moment=  w ~  

~   e:;;  24Et 

~   ~Y:; 384El  

3.  Varying  load 

5.  Uniformly varying load 


~   Moment 



1.  Concentrated load at mid­span. 

t : 

Shear",   2:

c  SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS  ~   Moment",  ~

1.  Concentrated load at mid­span 



­­­L  A 
~   Y"'192EI 

2.   Uniform distributed load 
~   Shear",   -

4  St r en.qtl: of MClteriClls Beams
St icnqt t: (if l\,l(l(crials ­ Beams 5 

2  ,",   For Rectangular Beams: 
~  Moment:;:;··WL 
1.  SI  =  flexural  stress 
SI  =  ,6M 
bh 2  
Where:  M  =  maximum  moment  
3.   Uniform varying  load 
2.   Ss  =  shearing  stress 
~   Moment  Ss   =  ­­. 
.  2bh  
Where:  V  =  maximum  shear  

~   Momem at  B  =  ­­- L 
20  PROBLEM  1  (Apr.  1999) 
~   Y = deflection  at mid­span  A  horizontal  cantilever beam,  16  ft  long  is  subjected  to  a  load  of  500  Ib  located  to  its 
wl4   center.  The  dimension  of  the  beam  is  2  x 4  inches  respectively.  W  =  100  Iblft,  find 
y  ==  768   its flexural  stress. 
A.  3150  psi  C   4510  pSI 
B.  2912  psi  D.  5663  psi 


For  a cantilever beam:  500lbs
1.  Concentrated load at mid­span with fixed  at left end and 
roller at right  end.  =  total  load  at the  center  ~   w  =100 'b/.. 
~   ~p  

~   y  =  mid­span deflection  •.  F  =  500  +  100(16)  =  2100lbs 
L  '""""  L  =  16 ft 
M  = maximum  moment 

2.   Uniform distributed load with fixed  at left end  and  pin  at  M F  x (U2)

right end 
M  2100(16/2) =  16,800in­lb 

S =  M_c_= ~2/4(08,61   =  3150  psi 

I  (2)(4)3 

A  12  m  simply  supported  beam  with  30  KN  load  at  the  center  has  a  maximum 
~   deflection of:  (EI  =  6000  KN.m  ) 
A.   150 mm  C.  170  mm 
B.   160 mm  D.  180 mm 

Under simply  supported beam  table. 
6  SI rcn qtli o] Mat erials ­ Beams St r cn at ! of  Materials -Beams 7 

y =  maximum deflection  R 1  (10)  =  (4 x 2)(8)  +  10(2)  4­ I'T1  10 KN 

PL 3  R 1  = 8.4 KN  :2  kN/rT1l  ~2rn  

y =  48E I 
...­ *30KN  2:M 1  = 0  10  rn

P  =  30  KN  ti.  12  m ::6 R2  (10)  = (4 x 2)(2)  +  10(8) 
t R1  R2
L =  12 m  R2  =  9.6  KN 

EI =  6000 KN.m 
By cutting  at  10  KN  section,  and  consider the  right  side  of the  section: 

(30)(12)  =0.180m=180mm  MA  =  R2  (2)  = 9.6  (2)  =  19.2  KN.m 
y =  48(6000) 
PROBLEM  3  A  10m simply supported beam  with  uniform  load  of  3  KN/m  from  right  end  to  left  end 
A  10m  simply  supported  beam  with  25  KN  load  3  m  from  the  left  end  has  a  2
has  a maximum deflection of:  (EI =  12,000 KN.m  ) 
maximum  slope  at  the  left  end:  (IE = 8000  KN.m  )  A.  43.23 mm  C.  54.23 mm 
A.  00056 rad  C.  0.0186  rad  B.  32.55  mm  D.  36.45 mm 
B.  0.0765  rad  D.  0.1823  rad 

14-" li it­U' 
125 KN  y  =  maximum deflection  'W  =  3  KN/nl
2  2 3m... 7rn
Pb(L _b ) 
5 w L4  
fk­ ­­­'­­­­­­­­'-
6  (E I) L   A  10m  ~ Y=  384  EI  
where:  w = 3  KN/m 
P  =  25  KN  L = 10  m 
b  =7 m  EI =  12,000 KN.m 

L =  10 m 

EI =  8000 KN.m 4 
5 (3) (10)  = 0.03255 m = 3255 mm  
y =  384  (12,000)  
25 (7) (10 2 ­ 72 )
fk ­ ­':­­­'­­'­,­­­­­­'­ 0.0186  radians  
6 (8000) (1 0)  
An  8  m  simply  supported  beam  has  a  uniform  load  of  2  KN/m  from  left  end  to  right  
PROBLEM  4  end  and  concentrated load  of  10  KN  at  the  center has  a  maximum deflection  of:  (EI  =  
A  10m simply  supported  beam  has  a  uniform  load  of  2  KN/m  extended from  left  end  2
5,000 KN.m  )  
to  4  m  and  has  a  concentrated  load  of  10  KN,  2  m  from  the  right  end.  Find  the  A.  12.34 mm  C.  21.33 mm 
maximum moment at  the  10 KN  concentrated load.  (EI =  10,000 KN.m  )  B.  42.66  mm  D.  34.34  mm 
A.  19.20 KN.m  C.  23.45  KN.m 
B.  26.34 KN.m  D.  12.34 KN.m 
..1-]lIO[-U' Considering  the  10  KN  concentrated  load  at  the  center. 

Solving for  the  reactions at  both  ends:  3 

yl  =  48E  I 
LM2  = 0 
8  St r enqt ii o] Materials ~   Beams St r c-iunl: of  MUlerials -Beam s 9 
P  L2 

3  ()=  --
(10)(8)_  '" 0.021333 m  8EI
yl  '"  48(5000) 
where: ~   =25 KN
P = 25 KN
y1  '" 21.333 mm  L", 14 m
2 L=  14  m
EI '" 9,000 KN.m
Considering the  effect of  uniform distributed  load  of 2 KN/m. 
25 (14)2
5wL4  5(2 )(8)4  8   0.068 radians
Y2  '"   384  EI 
­­­­­ '" 0.021333 m  = 21.333 mm  8(9000)
y =  y1  +  y2  A 10m cantilever beam has a uniform load of 2.5 KN/m from left to right end. Find
the maximum deflection of the beam. (EI = 11,000 KN.m ) •
y =  21.333 + 21.333  42.66  mm  A. 423. 45 mm C. 323.45 mm
B. 198.23 mm D. 284.10 mm
A  10m cantilever beam  has  a  concentrated  load  of  10  KN  at  the  free  end.  Find  the 
maximum deflection of the  beam.(EI  =  7,000 KN.m  )  EI!!IIl'!13I
A.  476.20 mm  C.  544.34 mm 
B.  342.34 mm  D.  764.44 mm  W L4
v SET 

~+.J' "[.J"   where:

y  =  maximum  deflection 

P L3 
~    t P.10 KN 
w '" 2.5 KN/m
L = 10 m
EI '" 11,000 KN.m

10 m  4 
­ ~L  = 0.2841 m = 284.10 mm
where:  y- 8 (11,000)
P  =  10  KN 
L =  10 m  PROBLEM  10 

EI '"  7000 KN.m  A 10m cantilever beam has a uniform load of 2 KN/m from left to right end and with
concentrated load of 8 KN at the center. Find the maximum slope of the beam. (EI =
10(10)3 13,000 KN.m )
Y = ­ ­ ­ ­ = 0.47619 m  = 476.20 mm  A. 0.011 rad C. 0.033 rad
B. 0.022 rad D. 0.044 rad

A  14  m  cantilever beam  has  a concentrated  load  of  25  KN  at  the  mid­span.  Find  the  EI!!IIl'!13I
maximum slope of the  beam.  (EI  = 9,000 KN.m  ) 
Considering the effect of the uniform load of 2 KN/m using beam table,
A.  0.00234 rad  C.  1.23  rad 
B.  0.068  rad  D.  0.123  rad 
8 1  "'~-  
EI!!IIl'!13I  6EI
2 (10)3
Using beam  table,  for  a cantilever beam with  concentrated  load  at  mid­span,  fl l '" '" 0.0256 rad
10  St renqili of MateriClls . Becuns
Strength of MCllcliu[s lkwns 1 1 

Considering the  effect of concentrated  load  at the  mid­span,  l 

O2  =  W L

_8 (10)2 
fh  = P L 
8EI  8 (13,000)  =  0.007692  rad 
tl 2  0.054 radians 
6  (8,000) 
8  = 81  + 82 
8  =  0.002564  +  0.007692  =  0.0333  radians 
8  =  8 1  +  8 2 
PROBLEM  11  8  =  0.072  +  0.054  = 0.126  radians 
A 14  m  cantilever  beam  has  a  load  of  16  KN  6  m  from  the  fixed  end.  Find  the 
maximum slope of the  beam.  (EI = 6,000  KN.m  ) 
2 PROBLEM  13 
A.  0.183  rad  C.  0863 rad  A  10m  simply  supported  beam  has  a  triangular  load  from  zero  at  left  end  to  a 
B.  0.048  rad  D.  0.064 rad  maximum  of  10  KN/m  at the  right  end.  Find  the  maximum  deflection  of the  beam.  (EI 
=  10,000 KN.m  ) 
A.  5424 mm  C.  84.67 mm 
IHN"imD B.  65.10  mm  D.  76.56  mm 

For a cantilever beam  with  a concentrated  load  at a distance from  fixed  end: 

Pa 2 


For a triangular load  with  simply supported beam, 

where:  4 
L =  14  m 2.5  W L
P  = 16  KN  Y=  384EI 

EI = 6,000 KN.m 
where:  w  = 10  KN/m 
L =  10 m 
16 (6)2  EI =  10,000 KN.m 

8  0.048  radians 

PROBLEM  12  4 
y  2.5(10.li1.QL  = 0.06510 m   65.10mm 
A 12  m  cantilever beam  has  a  uniform  load  of  1.5  KN/m  extended  from  fixed  end  up  ­384(10,000) 
to  4  m  and  a  concentrated  load  of  8  KN  at  the  free  end.  Find  the  maximum  slope  of 
the  beam.  (EI  = 8,000) 
A.  0.126 rad  C  0.654  rad  PROBLEM  14-
B.  0.234 rad  D.  0.345  rad  A 8  m  cantilever beam  has  a  triangular  load  from  left  end  to  a  maximum  of  12  KN/m 
at the  fixed  end.  What is the  maximum  deflection of the  beam?  (EI  =  12,000 KN.m  ) 
A.  136.53 mm  C.  165.34 mm 
Em!!miD  B.  145.34 mm  D.  15434 mm 

Considering the  effect  of concentrated  load  at free  end: 

.1e ] , I " [ e 1S'
PL 2  P  = 8 KN/m
81 =  -
2EI  For a triangular load  of cantilever beam, 
W =1.5  KN/m 
8 (12)2  4 
81  ­­­­

0.072  radians  L  =12  m W  L
y =  30EI 

Considering  the  effect of uniform  load  of  1.5  KN/m.  where: 

w =  12 KN/m 

12   Sf rCllgt h of Materials ­ Beams
SlrcIII/II, ojl\lul('riuls Beams 13 

EI =  12,000  KN.m 
2  I'I<OULJ:­:M  17 
A vertical  load  of  400  N  acts  at the  end  of  a horizontal  rectangular cantilever  beam  2 
m  long  and  25  mm  wide.  If the  allowable  bending  stress  is 130  Mpa,  find  the  depth of 
y =  _2(8)~   __ the  beam. 
30 (12,000)  ­ 0  13653 m  = 136.53 mm 
A.  23.45  mm  C.  56.34  mm 
B.  38.43 mm  D.  45.34 mm 
A  12  m  restrained  beams with  two  end  fixed  has  a concentrated  load  of  15  KN  at  the 
center.  Find  the  maximum deflection of the  beam.  (EI = 7,000  KN.m  ) 
2 E::1!!iirmI 
A.  8.45  mm  C.  19.28 mm  For  a cantilever beam  with  load  act  at the  free  end: 
B.  34.23  mm  D.  24.67 mm  P = 400  N = 0.40  KN 
E::1!!iirmI  M =  (0.40)(2) 
For  restrained  beam with  concentrated  load  at the  center, 
M = 0.80  KN.m 
P  =  15  KN 
Using  the  formula of  flexural  stress, 

~  ~ 
Y =  192EI 
s=  ­­.  

~   t. p ::: 400  N 
where:  P =  15 KN 
L =  12 m 
EI = 7,000  KN.m 

L:12m  130000 =  6 (0.80) 

,  (0.025) h2 
15(12)3  h = 0.03843 m  =  38.43  mm 
0.01928 m =  19.28 mm  h 
Y =   192­(7,000) 

A simply  supported beam  is 50  mm  by  200  mm  in  25 mm 
A  15  m  restrained  beam  with  two  end  fixed  has  a  uniform  load  of  3  KN/m,  find  the 
2 cross  section  and  4  m  long.  If  the  flexural  stress  is  not  to  exceed  8.3  Mpa,  find  the 
maximum deflection of the  beam.  (EI  = 9000KN­m ) 
maximum mid­span concentrated load. 
A.  56.34  mm  C.  34.56 mm  
A.  2.77  KN  C.  3.45  KN 
B  23.56  mm  D.  43.94 mm  
B.  6.34  KN  D.  4.34  KN 

E::1!!iirmI  SOLUTION 

For  restrained beam  with  uniform  distributed load, 

For a simply supported beam  with  load  at the center, 
M =  maximum moment 
wL4  M =  PU4 

Y =  384EI 
where:  w = 3 KN/m 
L  = 15 m 
A  4m  ­:.a
EI =  9000  KNm
2  L  = 15 m Using  the  shearing stress formula for beam 
200  mm 
3 (15)4 
Y =  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ = 0.043945 m  =  43.945 mm  s=  §~ 2 
384(9000)  bh
]4   SI r ctiqt.t: of Materials ­ Beams
Sln'T/fl/l, III j\!1u/eriols Beams ]5 
b  =  0.050  m  V =  2(7.5L =  7.5  KN  
h  =  0.20  m  2  

6P  6M  6(14)

._­­ ­ 2     2.77  KN e.   S  = ­ ­ =  ~- =  26,880 Kpa  =  26.880  Mpa 
8,300 =  (0.05) (0.20) 
b h2  (0.05)(0.25)2 

A  simple  wooden  beam,  50  mm  wide  by  250  mm  deep  and  7.5  m  long  has  a  f.   S  =  2.'­".  =  _3J7.5l~   = 900 K  a 
2bh  2(0.05)(0.25)  P 
maximum deflection  of  102  mm under a uniform  load  "w".  E =  12,411  Mpa 
a.  What  is the  uniform  load,  w. 
b.  What  is the  slope?  PROBLEM  20 
c.  What  is the  maximum moment?  A  simply  supported  beam  having a  span  of  6 m  carries  two  concentrated loads of  80 
d.  What  is the  maximum shear?  KN  at  its  middle thirds.  Compute  the  deflection  at the  mid­span  due  to  this  load.  Let 

e.  What is the  flexural  stress?  EI  =  30,670  x 10 N .rnrn". 
f.  What is the  shearing stress?  A.  18 mm  C.  24 mm 
B.  20 mm  D.  30 mm 
Em!!'.iIrSmI  4-i-]'lin-gl
a.  For  a uniform  loading beam  under  simply supported: 
5wL4  y =   23PL
2mP~   2m  ~P2m  
y =  384EI 

bh 3 

Y=  23(80,000)(6,000)3  = 20  mm 

648 (30,760  x 10 9

a 6m  ~  

(0.050)(0.250 )3  = 0.0000651 m 4
1=  12  PROBLEM  21 
A  cantilever  beam  having  a  span  of  6  m,  carries  a  triangular  load  of  20  KN/m at  its 
250 mm fixed  end  to  zero  at  the  free  end  of  the  beam.  Determine  the  deflection  at  the  free 
4  12  2
0.102=  5w(7.5)  end  of the  beam  if EI  = 50  x 10 . 
384(12411 x 103 )(0.0000651)  A.  17.28  mm  C.  15.62  mm 
B.  16.48 mm  D.  12.63  mm 
50 mm
w = 2 KN/m 

wL 2 (7.5)3 
b.   e  0.0435  rad 
24EI  24 (12411 x 10 3 )(0.0000651)  For  triangular load  of cantilever beam: 
w  = 20  KN/m = 20  N/mm
c.  M = maximum moment  wL4 
y =  30 EI 

M=wL 2/8=  2(7.5)2  =  14KN.m   Y =  20 (6,000)4  =  17.28  mm 

8   12
30 (50 x 10 ) 
d.  V = maximum shear = w  U2

Strength of MUlerials ­ Beams 17 
If)   St rcnot u or Materials ­ Beams

PROBLEM  22  "1­]lliit­a 

P = 50  KN 
A simply supported  rectangular beam  50  mm  wide  by  100  mm  deep  carries  a  uniform 

~  t 
load  of  1200  N/m  over its  entire  length.  What  is  the  maximum  length  of  the  beam  If 
the  flexural  stress is limited to 20  Mpa. 
A  3.33  m  C.  5.2  m 
Y =   3E1 
B.  4.25  m  D.  6.0 

29.63 =  50,000 (4,000)3
EI  = 35.9996 x 10

= 35,999.6 2 = 36,000 KN.m 2 
Moo  ­­-
8  PROBLEM  25 
100 mm A  restrained  beam  carries  a  triangular  load  which  increases  from  zero  to  30  KN/m 
s ,   6M  from  A  to  B  having a span  of  4  m.  Determine the  moment at  A 
bh 2 
A.  12 KN.m  C.  18 KN.m 
6M B.  24  KN.m  D.  16 KN.m 
20  = ­­­­­­ 50  mm 

M  = 1,666 x  10 N­mm  = 1,666  N­m  Emut­U'  w:;;  30 KN/m 

1 666  =  1200 L  2 
, 8  wL
M A 
L  =  3.33  m  30 
I I I  I  I ~/
M =  EO)  (4)2  L  =  4  m
16 KN.m 
A simply  supported  beam  having  a span  of 20  m carries  a concentrated  load  of  10 KN 

at  a  distance  of  5  m  from  the  left  support  and  a  counter  clockwise  couple  of  6  KN.m 
acting  3  m from  the  right  support.  The  maximum moment due  to  this  load  is:  PROBLEM  26 
A cantilever beam  3 m  long  carries  a concentrated  load  of  35  KN  at  its free  end  The 
A.  39  KN.m  C.  36  KN.m 
material  is  structural  steel  and  the  maximum  bending  stress  is  not  to  exceed  125 
B. 43  KN.m  D.  48  KN.m 
Mpa.  Determine the  required diameter of the  bar if it is circular 

..i­]'II1t­a  A.  204.5  mm 

B.  188.6 mm 
C.  164.6  mm 
D.  179.2  mm 

LMs  = 0 

20  R1  =  10 (15)  +  6 

R1 =  7.8  KN 
A 6  m+ 
5  110  KN 

20  m 
f 6  KN­m 


( \ B 

Moo  35  (3)  ~ 

P  35 KN 

M  =  7.8  (5)  =  39  KN.m  6 
M  =  105  KN.m  105  X  10 

PROBLEM  24  s =  ~c   

A  cantilever  beam  having  a  span  of  4  m  caries  a  concentrated  load  of  50  KN  at  the  I  
free end.  What is the  flexural  rigidity  if the  beam  deflects 29.63  mm  at  its free  end. 
2  2 
A.  36,000 KN.m C.  24,800  KN.m
2  2 
B.  42,000 KN.m  D.  54,200  KN.m
IS   SIII'II9Ih  of M(lterials ­ Beams Strength oiMa u-ii at-, Ii/,w,," I' ,

M  fJ8  KN.m 
\  125 
105xlO h  (di2) 
1'1\( lllLEM  29 
n d 
1  64 
A restrained  beam  having a  span  of  6  m  carnes  a  uniform  IOdd  01  O~   Nzrn  throughout 

Its span.  If  E  = 200,000 Mpa,  I  =  6080  x  10 rnrn"  determine the  deflection  at  the  mid-
d  =  20450 mm  span. 
A  0.14mm  C.  036 mm 
PROBLEM  27  B.  0.25 mm  D.  0.48  mm 
A  steel  beam  2  m  In  length  is  simply  supported  at  each  end  and  carnes  a 
concentrated  load  of  100  KN  acting  05  m  from  one  of  the  supports.  Determine  the  Em!!ImD 

maximum  bending  stress  set  up  in  the  beam  if  the  cross­section  is  rectangular,  100 
mm  wide  by  150 mm  deep. 

A.  100  Mpa  C.  97  Mpa  wL

\   B.  120  Mpa  D.  150  Mpa  384  EI 
L  = 15 m 

\  Em!!ImD  y­­­­­
50,000 (6) (6,000)3
0.14  mm 
\  6
LMB =  0  384  (200,000)(6,080 x 10 ) 

2  R1   =  100  (1.5) 

0.5  m ~  p = 100 KN
R,  =   75  KN 

M  =  75  (0.50) 

.a­­ 2m­ ­ B 
M =  37.5  KN.m  =  37.5  x  10 

S  =  ­­­.­
bh 2 
=  -~ 6(37.5X  10
)  tR1 
S = 100  N/mm 2  =  100  Mpa  
100  mm
A  beam  made  of  titanium  has  a  yield  point of  850  Mpa.  The  beam  has  25  mm  x  50 
mm  rectangular  cross­section  and bends  about an  axis  parallel  to  the  25  mm  face.  If 
the  maximum  bending stress is  650  Mpa,  find  the  corresponding bending moment. 
A.  6.8  KN.m  C.  4.5  KN.m 
B.  8.4  KN,m  D.  8.4  KN.m 

S  =   ­­­. 
bh 2 
650=  ­ ­ ­ -
M  = 6.8  X  10" 
20  Mechunics 
Mccllullics 21 
~   If a body is at  rest,  then initial  velocity  IS  zero. 
~   If a body is moving at constant  speed,  then  acceleration  IS  zero. 
~   If  a body is completely stop  after the  trip,  then  velocity is  zero 

2.  Free Falling  Body 

a.  VI  =  va ±  gt  ** 
"  "
,  ,,
b.  Vl
= 2
Vo  ±  2g8  , 

c.   S=  Vbl  ±%gf






5 I 

r,  vJ

g  =  acceleration due  to  gravity  • I

Fr  = f N  ~w g is  +  if  a body is  moving down 

a  is ­ if  a body  is  moving up

F  =  frictional  force 
f  =  coefficient of  static friction 
N  =  normal force 
_BL:r Vo  =  initial  velocity 
v, = final  velocity 
S  =  distance traveled 
t  =  time 

~   If a body  is dropped freely,  then initial velocity  is zero 
~   If a body is thrown  upward, then it reached  to a  maximum height where  the 
velocity  is zero. 
1.  Rectilinear motion 
­ motion  is along a  straight path.  3.  Projectile Motion 

(.  If  speed is  uniform: 
S  = vt  •  ­ -~
•  H 
14   I~  
"  If speed varies:   s 
a.  Vr  = Vo  ±  at  2
b.  Vf
Vo  ±  2aS  c.S=  Vat  ±% a  t;l.  R 
a  = acceleration  Components of  initial velocity, va  
a is +  if  accelerating  
a is ­ if decelerating   vox  =v; cose  Voy  =  va sine  
V o  =  initial  velocity  
VI  =  final  velocity   For Horizontal Displacement:  
S  =  distance traveled  
t  =  time   "The horizontal component of  initial  velocity will  not  change throughout the 
flight.  vox  =  Vlx  contant 

l  x  =  horizontal displacement  =  vox  t  (v,  coss)  t 

22  Mcch anic:« Mechanics 23 

2 .  (.  For  uniform speed: 

V o  sln28 
"  R  =  maximum range 

" a 
For Vertical  Displacement: 

,  y  =  verticaldisplacemeI1t  vay t  1t':igrS  v"Sjn8.t ­ 112  9  t2  2nRN  nDN

" v 
"  Vfy  =  final  velocity along vertical  =  Vay  •  g t.=  vasih!:l·  gt  Where: 
w  =  angular velocity,  rad/s,  rev/sec 

a  =  angular acceleration in  rad/s",  rev/s
t  = time 
"  8  =  rad or  rev 
a  = acceleration,  m/s" 
f.,  Vt  ==  final  resultant velocity ==  R  =  radius of  rotation,  m 
N  =  speed,  rev/s 
v  =  velocity,  m/s 
c;..  H  =  maximum  Note: 
29  Use  +  if accelerating 
Where:  Use  ­ if decelerating 
Vox  =  initial  velocity along  horizontal 
v oy  =  initial  velocity along  vertical 
Vlx  =  final  velocity along  horizontal  ­
Vfy  =  final  velocity along  vertical 
VI  =  final  velocity  "  Polar Moment of  Inertia 
Vo  =  initial  velocity 
t  =  time  of  flight  Using English units: 
~ The  horizontal component velocity is constant at any time  of  flight.  

~ At maximum point  the  value  of  8  =  O.  


~ If  Y is below the  reference  point,  then  the  sign  of y is negative.   Where: 

J m  =  polar moments of inertia of  masses,  It­lb­sec" 

p  =  Ib!ft
4.  Circular Motion 
L  =  length,  It 

g  = 32.2  ft/sec 
Radian ­ is a unit  of  angular measure equal  to 57.30°  
J  =  polar  moment of inertia of area  with  constant cross­section,  ft4 
Angular speed ­ is the  angle  through  which  it turns  per unit  time.  
&zgular acceleration ­ is the  rate of change of its angular speed  with  respect  to time.  
Using 51  units: 
­ e­-
FORMULAS:  Wo ••·• 
.. '  ..........  J m =  P L J 

\~ "
For accelerating object:  2  3 
J m  = kg_m p =  kg/m  L  = length,  m  J  =  m" 
±  a  t 

c;.  WI ::  Wa 

(,  Radius of Gyration 

'W?=Wa ±  2 a 6  : /   WI 
Using English Units 

" 6  ==  wo t ±  112  a  r  ".


......... __ .::
Mechu7Iics 25
24  Mechu7Iics 
K"  =  radius  of  gyration  (f  = anqular acceleration,  rad  per  sec? 

Ko  ==  J m  :=  Wk o  USing  81  Units: 


T o:=  J m  a  ==  mko a 
Where:  Where: 
J m  = polar moments of inertia  of  masses, It­lb­sec"  To :=  torque,  N­m 

Ko  = ft  J,'l :=  moment of inertia,  kg_m

g  = 32.2  tt/sec"  a  :=  angular acceleration,  rad per  sec 
W :=  weight,  Ib  

Using  51 Units  Kinetic  Energy 

(.  Kinetic  Energv of Translating  body 

1  2 KE  ==  Wv 
KE:=  ­mv 
Where:  2  29 
J m:=  kg_m2  p:= kg/m 3  Ko:=  m  m :=  mass,  kg 
Where:  KE  = kinetic  energy,  Joules 
"  Radius of Oscillation  m:=  mass,  kg 
v  = velocity,  mls
For  isosceles triangle:  314 of height  W:=  weight,  N 
For  circle:  5/8 of diameter  g  = acceleration due  to gravity,  rn/s" 
For  parabola:  5/7 of the  height 
(,  Kinetic  Energy of Rotating  body 
"  Center of  Percussion 
KE  ==  1fz Jln {t)2 
Q  :=  distance from  axis  of  rotation  to center of percussion  Where: 
J m:=  moment of inertia,  tt­lb­sec''  ())  = angular velocity,  radlsec 
(.  Total  Kinetic  Energy 

KE  :=  Y2mv2  +  Yz. J m {t)2 

r :=  the  distance form  axis  of  rotation  to center of gravity of body 
(,.  Force  of a Blow: 
(.,  Formulas relating Torque and  Angular Acceleration  ws 
Average force  of blow  := 

Using  English  units:  Where: 
8  :=  total  height,  It 
W  :=  weight of driver in Ibs 
To  ==  J m a  o :=  distance in feet  which  pile  is driven 
«:..  Linear Impulse and  Momentum 
To  :=  torque in pounds­feet  '  W 
L Inear rnornentum» m v  =  ­ v 

J", :=  moment of inertia,  ft­lb­sec 9 
Ko:=  radius  of  gyration, It 
\1- 26 Mechanics Mcrhultics 27

I  ~
Linear impulse » F x t 

F  :=:  forcet  =  time 

Angular  impulse  and  Momentum 

m  =  mass  v  =  velocity  W  :=:  weight 
\,  Unbanked curve 

tan  (8 +  x)  :=: ==




AOQularmornentUfTl  :=: J m W

Angular impulse :=:  To  x  t  Where: 

f :=:  coefficient of  friction 
Angular impulse :=:  Change in angular momentum  R  :=:  radius  of curvature 
TdX f=,J m{4>f  -wo) 8 = super elevation angle or  banking angle 

.  . 
x :=:  side  thrust friction  angle 
H  = super elevation 

\,.  Acceleration 

Normal acceleration  :=:  V'/r .~


Tangential acceleration :=:dvldt  W  FR reverse  effective force 


,  Centrifugal  Force 

I  FR  = .m!l = w ~a

Fe :=:  rnas, rI1  (l/r) I  R 9

\ :=:
I  I 

Ig', :=:
wv 2

Direction  of Reverse  Effective Force 

... 1.  If the  object is  accelerating, the  direction  of  reverse  effective force  is 
opposite to the  direction of  motion. 
v  =  velocity,  m/s 
r :=:  radius  of curvature,  m 
f =  coefficient of  friction 
. noitoM~.,- -

a  =  acceleration,  m/s" 
m  =  mass,  kg 
W  =  weight,  N  ~' • • ~n _ • • • 9

g  :=:  9.81  m/s"  =  32.2  ft/s 2

2.  If the  object is decelerating,  the  direction of  reverse  effective  force  is the 
same with  the  direction of motion. 

"  Banking Curves: 

\,  Banked curve 
H ~.- Motion 
a  v2
tan  f  ­;;::._
~._ .. 

9  gR  i 

m  =  mass,  kg  W:=: weight,  N  a  =  acceleration,  rn/s"  

:2H !Hech ci nie s Mecltwlics  29

PROllLEM I (OCt. 2000) 
A  car travels  with  an  initial  velocity  of  10  m/s  or  36  km/hr.  If  it  is  decelerating  at  the 
rate  of  3  rn/s",  how  far,  in  meters does it travel  before stopping?  From the  ground to  a  maximum  height: 

A. 17  C. 19  V"  =  114km/s==114,000m/s  6 m/s 
B. 21  D  15 

/ /.  £"\ 
VI ==  0  at  maximum height 
,,'- ..... 
2==V 2
0  ­2aS .: ~ , 

(0)2  ==  (10)2  ­ 2  (3)  S 

o ==  114,000 ­ 9.81  t  i
:_------------- ­­-
~ l
t  =  11620.795 sec  ==  3.228 hrs 
S  =  16.67 m 
Time of  object in going up  ==  time  of  object in going down 
PROBLEM 2 (Oct.  2000) 
A  block  weighing  56  Ibs  rest  on  horizontal  surface.  The  force  needed  to  move  along  So  that  total  time to  go  up  and  back. 
the  surface is  20  Ibs.  Determine the  coefficient of  friction.  ==  3.228  +  3.228  ==  645 hrs 
A. 0.0  C  0.36  
B  0.112  D.028   PROBU':M 5 (ME  Bd.  Oct.  97) 
An  occupant  moves toward  the  center of  a  merry go  around  at  6  rn/s  If  the  merry go 
Em:!!imD  around  rotates  at  6  rpm.  Compute  the  acceleration  component  of  the  occupant 
normal to  the  radius. 
F==fN==fW  A.  6.79  rn/s"  C.  7.54 rn/s" 
B.  8.29  m/s"  D.  3.77 rn/s" 
20  ==  f (56) 

f  ==  0.357 
v  ==  2rcRN  
PROBLEM 3 (Oct.  2000)   6  ==  2  rt  R  (6/60)  
A  baseball  is  thrown  straight  upward  with  a  velocity  of  20  m/s.  Compute for  the  time  
R  ==  955 m  
elapse for  the  baseball to  return.  Assume for  a  zero  drag.  
A.  1.84  C.  250 
a  ==  acceleration 
B.  2.21  D.  2.04 
Em:!!imD  R 
62 2
a 3.77  m/s
VI =  Va ­ g t  9.55 

o ==  20  ­ 9.81  t 

PROBLEM 6 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  98) 
t  ==  2.038 sec  A  wheel  accelerates from  rest  with  a  =  5  rad/sec.sec.  Compute  how  many  revolutions 
are  made in  4  seconds. 
PROBLEM 4 (Apr.  1999)  A.  5.71  rev  C.700rev 
A  114  km/s  speed  is  projected  vertically  how  long  will  it  take  to  go  back to  its  initial  B.  6.36 rev  D.  2000 rev 
A. 645 hrs  C.  7.23 hrs 
B.  1.23 hrs  D.  845 hrs  ...-r.JX'ur.1~.

1  rev  ==  2rc rad 

Mechanics 31
30 Me(' han i ('.s

H  c= w.t +  1/2  (f e mv~

mg  Fe
w,  c= 0 (from  rest) 
o c= 0 +  1/2  (5/2rr)(4)2 i 9 R  t V

//--1'_.'l~ -.
c= I 
e = 6.36  rev  / = 9.81(1.2) 
v  c= 343 m/s 
PROBLEM  7  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  98)  
What minimum  distance  can  a truck  slide  on  a  horizontal  asphalt  road  if  it is traveling  Solving  for  N: 
at  25  m/s. The  coefficient of  sliding  friction  between asphalt and  rubber is at 0.6  The  v==2rrRN  ;'
,  A.2m), 
weight of the truck is 8500  kg. 
A.  44.9  C.  532 


343  =  2 rr (1.2)  N  ·  ,

B.  58.5  D.  63.8  " ~" ...... " 

N  =  0.455 rev/s  X 2rr  =  2.86 rad/s 


v  =  25 m/s  v=o PROBLEM  10  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  98) 

­­.  ­­. Compute  the  speed  a  satellite  to  orbit  the  earth  at  an  elevation  of  100  km.  Earth's
radius  is at 6400  km.  Assume  no  change  of  gravity with  the  elevation 
I I..  ;1  I
A.  6320  m/s 
B.  7120  rn/s 
C.  8740  m/s 
D.  7920  rn/s 

Considering the  truck: 
-----. To  maintain  the  satellite to orbit  the  earth, 
IFH =  0 Fe = r,
Fr  c= FR
f  W =  ---a
~ L,<.­X,,l,  I  mv_

==  mg 

g  R
a  c= f g  = (0.6)(9.81)  c= 5.887 m/s  i gR 

After the  slide  it will  stop  so that  V2  =  o.  v 

981  (6400,000  +  100,000)
2 2
V2 =  V1  + 2aS 
o = (25)2  +  2(5.886)S  v  ==  7985  m/s  
S  =  532 m  
PROBLEM  11  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  98) 
PROBLEM  9  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  98)  An  elevator  weighing  2000  bs  is  moving  vertically  upward  with  an  acceleration  of  3 
A  liquid  full  is  to  be  rotated  in  the  vertical  plane.  What  minimum  angular velocity  in  tt/s".  A  man  standing  in  said  elevator  weighs  180  lbs.  Compute  the  tension  in  the 
radians/sec is needed to  keep  the  liquid  not  spilling if the  rotating arm  is  12 meters? 
A.  2.26 
B.  25.6 
C.  3.16 
D.  2.86 
supporting  cable  under this  condition. 
A.  2180lbs 
B.  2191  Ibs 
C  1820lbs 
D.  23831bs 
T t
To  keep  the  liquid  not  spilling out, 
I Fv c- 0 FRt
W  ==  total  load 
f  Fe =  Fg  W  = 2000  +  180  = 2180  Ibs 

MechcUlics 3:)
32 Mechanics
PROBLEM 14 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  96) 
T W +  FH  A  drop  hammer  of  1  ton  dead  weight  capacity  is  propelled  downward  by  a  12  in 
W diameter  cylinder.  At  100  psi  air  pressure,  what  IS  the  Impact  velocity  if  the  stroke  IS 
T W + ­ a 
g 28  inches? 
2180 A.  63.2  fps  C.  15.8  fps 
T  2180  +~-
(3)  =  23831bs  B.  316 fps  o 474 fps 

PROBLEM 12 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  98)  Em!!ImD 

The  capsule  orbits  the  earth  180  km  above  the  surface.  In  what  velocity  in  m/s 
necessary for  a circular orbit consider the  earth  radius  at 6400  km  and  at 92 rn/s"?  W  =  1 ton  = 2000 Ibs 
A.  8864  C.  7780 
B.  7016  O.  8058  Solving for  the  force  acting  on  piston: 

Em!!ImD  Force  =  Pressure  x  Area 

Force  = P (2C 0 2 )

Fe =  F g 
Force  =  100  [ (rr/4)(12)2]  
­­=mg 6400  km  Force  =  11,310 Ibs  
mv 2  F  =  m a  
R w F  =  (W/g)  a
11,310  =  (2000/322)  a 
R =  distance from  center of  2 
Earth a  =  182.1  ft/s 
earth  to  the  capsule 
v/  =  V,2+  2aS  
R = (6400  +  180)  1000  = 6,580.000 m 
v,  = 0 (from  rest)  
Substitute:  a =  1821  + g   2
a  = 1821  + 322  = 2143 ft/s
6,580,000   v}  =  0  +  2(214.3)(28/12)  
v  =  7780  m/s  V2  =  31.6  fps  

PROBLEM 13 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  96)  PROBLEM 15 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  96) 
A  flywheel  rotates  at  120  rpm  or  12.57  rad/sec  slowed  down  to  102  rpm  or  10.68 
A  truck  skids  to  a  stop  60  m  after  the  application  of  the  brakes  while  traveling  at  90 
rad/sec  during  the  punching  operation  that  requires  3/4  second  of  the  punching 
Km/hr.  What is its  acceleration  in rn/sec"? 
A.  ­5.21  rn/sec"  C.  6.36   portion  of the  cycle.  Compute the  angular acceleration  of the  flywheel  in  rad/sec". 
B ­7.06  O. 5.76   A.  ­2.52  rae/sec"  C.  3.15  rae/sec" 
B.  ­2 75  rae/sec" 0  2.22  rad/sec'' 


= --._.---
= 25  rn/s 
v/  =  V,2  + 2aS 
v  =  90 


5  =  60 m


... . :r .~ ji[.l~.

a W2 ="!1

10.68  ­12.57 
V2  = 0 (stopped)  ex -_.---~----

o =  (25)2  +  2a(60)  0.75 

a  =  ­521  rn/sec" 
u ­252  rae/sec' 

' ,.
\ '~r
34 Mcciuinics Mechanics 35
A.  350 m  C.  400 m 
B  500 m D.  600 m  
A  2­ton  weight  is  lowered  at  a  constant  acceleration  of  2  rt/s".  What  is  the  cable  
Solving first  the  acceleration: 
A  4,344.34 Ib  C.  3,751.55 Ib  v  =20  m/s v  = 50 m/s
Vr = Vo +  at ­­­­+
B.  5,344.56 Ib  D.  6,356.24Ib  ­­­­+


Solving for  the  distance traveled: 

• ~I
S =0 Vo t +  Y2 a t
2 t = 10 seconds.
Cable Stress 
S  =  20(10)  +  1/2 (3)(10)2
S =  350  m  
When  lowering  the  load:  
FR  = direction  of  FR  is upward since  the 
direction of load  is downward. 

FR=  ­ a  
r F
A box  sliding  on  a  floor  has  a frictional  resistance  of  100  N.  If  coefficient  of  friction  is 
0.3,  find  the  weight of  the  box. 
A.  222.22 N 
B.  111.11  N 
C.  444.44 N 
D.  333.33 N 

­ Ex20~) (2)  = 248.45  Ib  W = 2  tons  Em!!ImD

FR  ­ 32.2  
Fr  =0 frictional  resistance  
l:F v =0 0 r. =  fN
Cable stress = W  ­ FR  
Cable stress  =0 (2 x 2000)  ­ 248.45  
100  =  0.3 N 
Cable stress  =0 3,751.55 Ibs 
N  =  333.33  N 
PROBLEM  17  W =  N  =0 333.33 N 
The  speedometer  of  a  vehicle  changes  from  20  km/hr  to  80  km/hr  In  10  seconds.  
Find  the  acceleration for  this  period  in m/s".   PROBLEM  20 
A.  1.67  C.  2.34  An object dropped on  a gravity travels  300  m after  how  many seconds? 
B.  6.34  0  8.45  A.  5.34  sec  C.  7.82  sec 
B.  6.34  sec  D.  10.23  sec 

V1  = 20  (1000/3600)  v  =20 kph v =80  kph  ~

V1  =  5.55  m/s  
­­­­+  ­­­­+
V2  = 80  (1000/3600)  
V2 =0 22.22  m/s  
• •  Va =0 0  (dropped)
~ t = 10 seconds. ~
S t +  '12 g t 2
V2 = V1  + at 
=0 Vo
5 =300 m
22.22  =  5.55  + a(10)  
a  =0 1.67  rn/s"  2 
300  =0 0 +  '12 (9.81)  t

\  PROBLEM  18  t  =0 7.82  sec  
Ii  A  car  changes  accelerates  its  speed  from  20  m/s  to  50  rn/s  in  10  sec.  Find  the 

, distance traveled during the  period  of acceleration. 

3G Mechanics Mechanics 37
An  object  IS  projected  upward  at the  rate  of  40  m/s. How  high  will  the  object  rise?  (45)2  Sin 2(30)
A.  5434 m  C  65.34 m   981 
B.  7645 m  O.  8155 m   R 17877 m

A  shot  is  projected  40°  from  the  horizontal  at  the  rate  of  30  m/s will  reached  the 
maximum  height of:  
VI  ­ v, 2 ­ 2 g S  A  20.34  m  C.  32.34 m 
s B.  18.95 m  O.  4534 m 
VI  =  0  (at  maximum  height)   V  =40  m/s
=  (40)2  ­ 2  (9.81)  S   t  E:mImD
S  =  8155 m   H  =  maximum  height 
2 . 2
H  =  'u  sin  0.
PROBLEM 22 ~-_. .~_,-

A stone  is  projected  upward from  the  ground travels a  maximum  height of  50  m.  Find  2g
the  velocity of  stone  when  it returns  to  the  ground. 
(~0)2 sin ~O
H = 
A.  31.32  m/s C.  4323 rn/s 
B.  5434  m/s O.  2345  m/s 2(9.81)

IlE!!i.mD ­­:­::­­0" ­,
,  ,\

From  maximum  height to the  ground:  '  ,  PROBLEM 25


A  capsule  orbit  the  earth  at  the  rate  of  6000  rn/s.  If  the  radius  of  earth  is  3000  km, 
' I

• I
find  the  height of capsule from  the  surface of  the  earth .. 
Va =  0 '   I  A.  435.66  m  C.  543.23 m 
' I 
'  I
B.  669.72 m  O.  78545 m
Vt =  v/ + 2 g S  
'  I  

' I 

V?  =  0

Vf  =  31.32  m/s

+  2  (9.81)  (50)   S'SOml tv V  .i·"··"·lh" 
The  capsule will  orbit  the  earth  if: 
6400  krn 
Fe = Fg 
An  object  is  projected  upward  at  the  rate  of  45 m/s at  30°  from  the  horizontal.  Find   ­ ­ ~W w
the  maximum  range  of  projectile. 
A.   178.77 m  C  18934 m  R  =  distance from  center of earth  to the Earth 
B.  165.34 m  o 10934m  2
capsule  above the  earth  surface.
v =  g R


(6,000)2  =  9.81  R 
~<;: ,

R maximum  range  "r;;.  30'  

"  ,
R  =  3669724.771  m  
2 sin 28 
~ /'7/7/%7777/// ; \ R  =  3669.724 km 
R =  r" +  H
I..   .1  3669724  =  3000  +  H 

H  = 669.72  m 
38 Mcclwnic!i Mechanic!i 39
A  car  that  travels  100  mph  reduces  its  speed  50  mph  in  30  seconds.  Find  the  Tan  H  - ---

distance traveled  by the  car  until  it stops.  9.81 (1 000)  v =  40 m/s  BI""'1II 

-I iL~ ...
A  4402.10 m  C.  5434.56 m  Tan  H  0.1631  ;' ..... 
B.  3452.34 m  D.  6456.35 m  / 
/  "' \

8 =  9.26  I \

v  =100 mph  V  =  50 mph  V=O  I  0  ~I
~ ~ ~ \  R=1000m, 
e.. ..
~u ~I
\ /
I.  Sl  S2 
"' .....  .....  /

Va =  100  (5280/3600) =  14667 ftls 

30 sec
......  _-- .... -"

VI  = 50  (5280/3600) = 73.33 ft/s

VI  =  va - at 

14667  =  73.33  ­ a (30) 

a  =  2.44  m/s" 

SI  =  Vo t  ­ Y2  a t

S,  =  146.67 (30)  ­ Y2  (2.44)  (30)2 

S,  =  3300.10 m 

Solving  for  S2: 

2 2
VI  =  Va  ­ 2a  S2 

0 2  =  (73.33)2  ­ 2(2.44)S2 
S2  =  1102  m 

S  = total  distance traveled 
S  =  3300.10  +  1102  =  4402.10m 

A car  traveling  at  40  m/s  in a  radius  of  1000  m will  have  a banking  angle  of: 
A.  7.34°  C.  9.26 
B.  183.4°  D.  12.3° 


v 2
Tan  8 
40 Mact n n«: Shop Practice Machine Shop Pta ct icc 41 

3 11'1  E
!:» ..... C» F» 
Co Time = Length to be,welcl
Welding rate

(; Volume Consumption of gas. V

V = (Va + Va) L

V = total gas consumption of oxygen and acetylene
Va = volume of oxygen consumed per unit length of seam
Va = volume of acetylene needed per unit length of seam
Im!!Jm] L = length of seam

(.  Cutting  Speed,  v:  v =  11: 0 N 

Where:  ~
v  =  cutting  speed 
D  = diameter of workpiece  " Time of Cutting = Length to be cut
N  =  speed  Cutting rate

t.. Time  of Milling  = Length  to  be  cut  PH.OBLEM 1 (Oct. 2000)
Cutting rate  Determine the time in seconds, to saw a rectangular magnesium bar 5 in wide and 2
in thick if the length of cut is 5 in. The power hacksaw does 120 strokes/min and the
feed/stroke is 0.127 mm.
(;  Time»  .~Le_n.-':g,thC0bcu A 189 C. 99
No. ot teeth  x Speed, N  x Feed rate  B. 500 D. 20


~ Length to be cut
time --"- -.-------

Cutting rate
"  Time  = Length  to  be  cut 
Cutting  rate 
For a hacksaw. there is only one cut stroke per revolution.
Feed per stroke = 0.127 mm = 0.005 in
'"  For a hacksaw, there  is only  one  cut  stroke  per  revolution. 
c. Time:  .__  Lengthtobe cut time = strokes
--_._--_..- - - - - - - - = 8.33 min
500 sec
Speed, N x ~trok x . ~.e F 120-.
rev  stroke
PROBLEM 2 (Oct. 2000)
In an Oxy-Acetylene manual welding method. to weld a 3 1/2 ft long seam in a 0.375"
thick steel plate at a consumption rate of 9 ft3/ft for oxygen and 7 ft31ft for acetylene.
Compute for the total combined gas consumption in ft3
A 48 C. 56
B 24.5 D. 31.50
42 Machine Shop Practice Machine Shop Prcut ic«: 43 
SOLUTION Cutting time- 10.42 min

v =  total  gas  consumption  PROBLEM 6 (Oct. 1998)

Compute the cutting speed in fpm of a workpiece with 2 inches diameter and running
v = (Vo + Va) L at 100 rpm.
A. 52 C. 25
V  = (9  + 7) (35)  = 56  ft3 B. 62 D. 26

PROBLEM  3  (Oct. 1998)

Compute for  the  drill  penetration  in  in/min  when  a drill  turns  at  1200 rpm  and  the  feed
of 0.005 inlrev. Material is steel. V=ITDN
A. 1.8 C. 12
B. 3.6 D. 6 V = IT (2/12) (100) 52.35 ftlmin

PROBLEM 7 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)
Drill Penetration = (Feed rate) N Compute the cutting speed in fpm of a workpiece with 2 inches diameter and turning
Drill Penetration = (0.005 - ' ~
at 100 rpm?
)(1200 rev) 6 in/min
rev min A. 72 C. 62
B. 102 D. 52
PROBLEM 4 (Oct. 1998)
What is the value in degrees of 1 radian? ED:!ImI:I
A. 5749° C. 57.29°
B. 57.94° D. 57.92° v=rrDN

SOLUTION v = IT (2/12)(100) = 52 ftlmin

1 rad x] 80° 57.29° PROBLEM 8 (Oct. 2000)

IT rad
Determine the average time to cut by automatic oxygen-acetylene (machine)
crosswise a 4 ft x 8 ft x 4 in thick steel plate.
PROBLEM 5 (Oct. 1998) A. 6.85 min C. 10 min
Compute the manual cutting time in minutes, of a steel plate 4 ft by 8 ft by 2.5 cm B. 318 sec D. 360 sec
thick with a hand cutting speed of 3.8 to 4 mm/sec, cutting lengthwise.
A. 10 C. 0.38 -=~.
B. 1.81 D. 8.16
Using the average cutting rate of 9 in/min for oxygen-acetylene cutter.

. Length to be cut
Considering the average value: TIme =
cutting rate

Cutting speed ~8+4 =3.9 mm/sec 4(12) .

2 Time --- -r- 5333 min = 5333(60) 320 sec
Length = 8 ft (12) (25.4) = 2438.40 mm
, PROBLEM 9 (ME Bd. Apr. 96)
Length Calculate the rpm for machining a cast iron workpiece 6 inches in diameter. The
2438.40 = 625.23 sec
Cutting time = ·Cuttingspeed
3.9 lowest cutting speed for cast Iron is 50 fpm.
44 Machine Shop Practice
l\!Jachine Shop Pra ct icc 45
A.  35.3  C.  33.3 
C.  43.3  O.  53.32  I'~O()LEM 12 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
How long Will it take to saw a rectangular piece of aluminum plate 8 in wide and 1 1/2
SOLUTION In. thick if the length of the cut is 8 in, the power hacksaw makes 120 rev/min and
average feed per stroke is 0.0060 in?
A.13.11 C.11.11
B 14.01 O. 12.03
50  =  rr(6/12)N 
N  =  31.83  rpm 

The  answer is:  C  (nearest)  Length of cut

time ------------

Cutting Rate
PROBLEM 10  (ME  Bd.  Oct.  95) 
With  the  arc  welding  rate  of  18 in/min,  how  long  will It take  to weld  1/2 in thick  plate  by  For a hacksaw. there is only 1 cut stroke per revolution.
3 feet  long  seam? 
A. 3  min  C.  2  min  . &n .
B.  1.5 min  O.  4 min  11 A1 J1 time = - - - -.--- -------..- - - . - - = 11.11 min
120 ev x~troke .r.xO.0060 In
1/2" min rev stroke

Length  to  be  weld  PROBLEM 13 (ME BD. Oct. 95)

time - ' " - - - - - -

Welding rate Using oxyacetylene welding method to weld a 3 ft long seam in a 3/8 in thick plate at
L = J' a consumption rate of 9 ft31ft of weld for oxygen and 7 felft for acetylene. What is the
total combined gas consumption in ft3?
time = (3 x 12)/18 = 2 min A. 51 B. 48
C. 45 O. 55
PROBLEM 1 1 (ME Bd. Apr. 95) E1':'m!immI
How long will it take to mill a 3/4" by 2" long keyway in a 3" diameter shafting with a
24 tooth cutter turning at 100 rpm and 0.005" feed/tooth? v total gas consumption of oxygen and acetylene
A. 0.136 min C. 0.196 min
B. 0.166 min O. 0.106 min ft3
v (9 + 7 ) - - - (3) ft length = 48 ft3
ft length

Length to be cut A grinding wheel rotates 1750 rpm and has a surface speed of 2290 ft/min. Find the
time -----_. - . -
diameter of the wheel in inches.
Cutting rate A. 3 in C. 4 in
B. 5 in O. 6 in
time 2in
24 te~ x1 o~e_v x~.O- "-N !Ii it-D
rev min tooth
time 0.167 min 2290 = rr (0) (1750)
0=5 in
46 Mcicttinc Shop Practice MUc!liTI<' Shop Practice 47 
PROBLEM 15 (ME Bd. Apr. 96) o =  0.955  ft  (12)  == 11.461n 
To  facilitate  the  milling  (roughing)  work  of  a  cast  steel  material  using  a  1  1/2  inch 
diameter cutter choose  between  the  two  available  stock.  Find  the  speed  of  the 
cutter in rpm.  ­high  speed  steel  cutter with  a cutting  speed of  50  fpm  ­ carbide tipped  PROBLEM 18
cutter with  a cutting speed  of 200  fpm  A  workpiece  turning  at  20  rad/s  has  a  diameter of  4  in.  Find  the  peripheral  speed  of 
A.  389  C.  572 workpiece
B. 509 O. 412 A. 1.23 fps C. 5.23 fps
B. 3.33 fps O. 7.34 fps
N 20 ( 1rev)
High speed steel cutter (slower) 2n
N 3.183 rev/s
50(12) = n(1.5)N
v == nON = IT (4/12) (3.183) = 3.33 fps
N = 127 rpm

Carbide tipped cutter (faster)

Two plates 4 ft x 8 It plate % in thick is to be joined lengthwise. A welding machine to
be used has a welding rate of 20 in/min. How long will it take to join the plates?
200(12) = n(1.5)N
. A. 7.34 min C. 4.80 min
B. 1.23 min O. 6.45 min
N = 509 rpm
A piston reciprocates 100 times per minute (single stroke). The length of the stroke is
6 in. What is the average wristpin velocity in ft/min?
A. 50 ft/min C. 75 ftimin \
B.100ft/min 0.125ft/min 4"
Length to be weld
SOLUTION Time --------._--
Welding rate

v == LN , ~

( I
Time 8 x 12' = 4.8 min 8" 8''''
ft stroke . 20
v == (6/12) _ . - (100) ---.- = 50 ft/rnin
stroke rrun

A workpiece turninq at 300 rpm has a tangential speed of 15 ft/s. Find the diameter. PROBLEM 20
of the workpiece. I A 10 It long seam can be weld in 10 min. The welding rate is:

A. 11.46 in C. 13.23 in A. 8 in/min C 10 in min

B. 15.23 in O. 17.34 in B. 12 in/min O. 14 in/min

EmmmD EmmmD
V=nON . Length to be weld
Time = . - - - ----.---
Welding rate
15 == IT (0) (300/60)

~."fi _
i'vlachirlc ShoJi )'/rl(  I ice
48 Machine Shop Prartire
1l4·I l!mm
10  -- -- --- -----
Welding  Rate Length to be cut
time = - ,-----'
Cutting rate
Welding rate 12 in/min

PROBLEM 21 time
A seam can be weld in 3 min. If welding rate is 15 in/min, find the length of seam.
A. 20 in C. 25 in
time 25 sec
B. 30 in D. 45 in

It takes 1 min to mill a 3;'/ x 4" keyway of a hub by means of a cutter having 30 teeth
at 120 rpm. Find the equivalent feed per tooth, In/tooth
Length to be weld A 000222 C 0.00333
Time -------~--

Welding rate B 000444 D. 0.00111


Length to be weld
3 ---------~

15 EI!!ImD
Length to be weld = 45 in Length to be cut
time ---.---------_._-
Cutting rate
- - ---- ,---~ ------.
How long will it take to mill %" by 1.5" long keyway by means of 25 teeth cutter turning rev teeth
at 120 rpm and 0.008" feed/tooth. 120 . x 30 -- - x Feed per tooth
min rev
A. 1.23 sec C. 4.23 sec
B 634 sec D. 375 sec
Feed per tooth = 0.00111 in/tooth

Length to be cut How long will it take to cut a rectangular plate 4 it wide by means of a saw that has a
time -- -~--
speed of 160 rev/min and an average feed per stroke of 0.009 in?
Cutting rate
A. 22.22 min C. 55.55 min
B 3333 min D. 44.44 min 4"
time ------------"
120 ~ev x 25 teeltl x O.OOB in EI!!ImD
min rev tooth
Length to be cut
time 0.0625 min (60) = 3.75 sec time -.--- ---

Cutting rate

For a hacksaw, there is only one cut stroke per revolution.

A 5 in long keyway is 10 be mill at the rate of 0.2 in/min. How long will it take to mill
4 (12)
the keyway? lime = .' ----. = 33.33 minute
A. 20 sec C 25 sec 160 rE3~ x l~trokE3. x 0.009 in
B. 15 sec 0 30 sec min rev stroke

50 ,~!uchine Shop Piact icc r\i!uchinc Shop Prac t icc 51 

A  4ft  wide  x 8  ft  long  and  1,12 In thick  steel  plate  is be  cut  into  4  equal  parts  crosswise  ~
If  cutting  rate  is  0.02  In/stroke  and  saw  speed  is  110  rpm,  how  long  will  it  take  to  do 
the  job? 
A.  53.45  min  C.  65.45 min  L total length of cut 4"
B.  3423 min  D.  67.45 min 
4"  L 4 cuts (4 ftl cut) = 16 ft
Length to be cut 8"
time ---, ..- - - - - - - - -
L  total  length  of  plate  to be cut  Cutting rate
L  3 cuts  (4 ft / cut)  = 12  ft
16 (12)
Length __to  be  cut 
time 19.20 min
time  --
Cutting  rate 
For  a hacksaw,  there  is only  one  cut  stroke per  revolution.  USing oxyacetylene welding method to weld 10ft long seam In a 1,12 In thick plate at a
12(12)  . 3 3
time  =  -.~_c =  65.45  min  consumption rate of 10ft /ft oxygen and 8 ft /ft for acetylene. What is the total gas
rev  stroke  In consumption?
110­ x 1 ­ ­­­ x 0.02
min rev stroke A 150 ft3 C,160fe
B. 170 ft'! o 180 fe
PHOBLEM 27 1/2"

It takes 5 min to cut a plate 20 ft long by means of a saw having a speed of 250 rpm. ~
What is the average feed per stroke 01 the saw, in/stroke?
A 0.534 C. 0.745
B. 0.192 D 0.342 v Total gas consumption

~ v Volume ()f~9 (Length to be weld)

length to be weld
V (10+8)(10)
Length to be cut
time - - - - - _ ~ .

V 180 ft'!
Cutting rate 11
For a hacksaw, there is only one cut stroke per revolution. A 24 ft2 lateral surface for a cylindrical tank is to be made by joining 2 ft by 2 ft steel
plate to form 6 It x 4 ft. The consumption rate for both oxygen and nitrogen is 20 ft
20 (12) using oxyacetylene welding method. Find total gas consumption needed, fe.
5 = - -.---- .----.--.----.---
rev stroke A, 250 fe C. 440 fe
250 .-- x 1 -- - x Feed per stroke 3
min rev B. 470 ft3 D. 280lt

Feed per stroke o 192 in/stroke ~ 2"

An oxyacetylene cutter IS use to cut a 4 ft x 8 ft steel plate crosswise and divided the L = total length to be weld
whole plate into five equal parts. If the cutting rate is 10 in per minute, how long Will It
take to cut the plates. L = 6+4+4 = 14ft
A 19.20 min C. 21.23 min 6"
~ ~
B. 13.45 min D 1734 min
52 Mac n in« Shop Practice Mach inc Elcrncli t s  53
Total  gas  consumption 
Total gas consumption

(20)  (14)
280 ft3

A 10ft X 20 ft plate is to be divided into 8 pieces 5 ft x 5 ft steel plate by means of an .

4. ...
oxyacetylene cutter that has a cutting rate of 10 in per minute. How long will it takes
to do the Job?
A. 50 min C. 60 min
B 70 min O. 80 min


L = total length to be cut 10"

L = 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 1. Cylinders Rolling in opposite direction:

L = 50 ft 20"
. Length to be cut 50 (12) ~ Tangential speed V2
time = - - - . - - - = 60 min
Cutting rate 10 V1 = V2 = TI 01 N1 = TI 02 N2

(. Relation of diameter and speed

D1 N1 = D2 N2

Speed of Driver
to Speed Ratio == Speedof the Driven c

". Center Distance R + R

1 2
= D1 +~2

2. Cylinders Rolling in the same direction

4L. Tangential speed

V1 = V2 = TI D1 N1 = TI D2 N2

\. Relation of diameter and speed

01 N1 = D2 N2

Speed of Driver
(. Speed Ratio = Speed of the Driven
101( ..
l:)?=_l:)l . C I

(. Center Distance Rz - R1
54 Mach.irie Elements Mci ci': inc ElcITICf/( S 55
PROBLEM 1 (ME Bd. Apr. 97) PROBLEM 3
Two  parallel  shafts  connected  by  pure  rolling  turn  in  the  same  direction  having  a  A 5 ft diameter pulley is turning at 200 rpm. Find the speed of the pulley mid-way of
speed  ratio  of  2.75.  What  is  the  distance  of  the  shafts  if  the  smaller  cylinder  is  22  the center and outer surface of the pulley.
cm  in  diameter?  A. 20.45 ft/s C. 24.34 ft/s
A.  16.67 cm  C.  30.25 cm  B. 30.45 fils O. 26.18 fils
B.  25.25 cm  O.  19.25 cm 

v == 2 IT Im N
Using the  relation  of  0 and N: 
0 1 N1  == O2 N 2 r == 5/2 == 2.5 ft
22(2.75)  ==  O2(1)
O2 ==  60.5 cm  rm == 2.5/2 == 1.25 ft

v == 2 t: (1.25) (200/60)
For cylinders  in  the same direction: 
C ==  O2  _=-P-l v == 26.18 fils
60.5  ­ 22 PROBLEM 4
C _ ..~-

A wheel is turning at 360 rpm. If tangential speed of the wheel is 15080 ft/s, what is
C 19.25 cm the radius of the flywheel?
A. 8ft C. 4 ft
B. 2ft O. 10ft
PROBLEM 2 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)
A lineshaft runs at 360 rpm. An 18" pulley on the shaft is belt connected to a 12"
pulley on the countershaft. From a 15" pulley on the countershaft, motion is E'iI!!ImD
transmitted to the machine. Compute/check the required diameter of the pulley on the
machine to give a spindle speed of 660 rpm. v==ITON
A. 16" B. 121/4"
C. 101/2" O. 81/2" 150.80 == IT 0 (360/60)

SOLUTION 12" o 8ft

R 8/2 4ft
OL N L == Dc Nc

18(360) == 12N c
If center distance is
Nc == 540 rpm (speed of countershaft)

Dc Nc == OMNM Lineshaft Countershaft Machine

15(540) == OM(660)
OM == 1227

Say 12 1/4" Speed ratio == - ~ N - 3


0 1 N 1 == D 2N 2

O2 == (N,/N 2)DI '.

I C = 40 in.1"
Machine Elcmcnt s 57 
5G Machine Elements
D2  =  DI  (3/1) 
D2  = 3  D,  DA (6) = DB (4)
DA = 2/3 DB
For  cylinders  rolling  in  opposite  direction: 
C =~_-+: DB NB = De Ne
2 DB (4) = De (2)
3D + D De = 2 DB
1 _._-
40 -,,-
D Dc
2 CAe = - A + DB + --
D, 20 in (smaller pulley) 2 2 ~c =30in

PROBLEM 6 CAe = 2/3

----DB 2D B
+ DB + --
Three cylinders A:8:C rolling in external contact has a speed ratio of 4:2:1. If the 2 2
diameter of cylinder A is 10 ern, find the center distance between cylinder A and C. 30 = 2.33 DB
A.40cm C.45cm DB = 12857 in
8. 35 cm D. 50 ern DA = 2/3 (12.857) = 8.571 in
Dc = 2 (12.857) = 25.714 in
K-N':JmmI De Ne = Do No
25.714 (2) = Do (1)
Do = 51.428 in
10(4) DB (2) D 2Do
CAO = - A + DB + Dc + - -
2 2
DB = 20 cm 8571 51.428
CAO = - - - + 12857 + 25714 + - - - 68.57 in
2 2
DB NB o, Nc
20 (2) o, (1)
Dc = 40 cm

CAe - + DB+--
2 2
10 40
CAe -- + 20 + ---
2 2
CAe 45 cm

Four cylinders A:8:C:D has a speed ratio of 6:4:2:1. If center distance between A and
C is 30 inches, find the center distance A and D.
A. 68.57 m C. 5634 m
8. 83.45 m D. 7634 m
58 51 resses Stresses 59
I  12.  Strain  (unit strain)  ­ is the  total  deformation  measured  in  the  direction  of  the  line 

of  stress. 

STRESSES 13. Modulus of Elasticity - is the ratio of stress to the strain.

14. Residual Stress - internal inherent, trapped locked-up body stress that exists
within a material as a result of things other than external loading such as cold
working, heating or cooling, etching, repeated stressing and electroplating.

15. Compressive Strength - is the ability of a material to resist being crushed.

16. Bending Strength - is the quality of a material which resists forces from causing

a member to bend or deflect in the direction in which the load is applied.

Force . 2 2
1. Stress (S) = -----, lb/in , kg/cm , KN/m
2 ~
Stress - a total resistance that a material offers to an applied load. 1. Tensile Stress (S,)

2. Ultimate stress (Su) - is the stress that would cause failure S, = Ft

3. Yield stress(Sy) - maximum stress without causing deformation For solid circular cross-section: A = 2: 0"
4. Allowable stress(Sail) = Ultimate stress/Factor of Safety
For hollow circular cross-section: A = ~(Oo _Oj2)
5. Design stress(Sd) - stress used in determining the size of a member. 4 F

Based on ultimate stress: Based on yield stress: ~"i=-c± For rectangular cross-section: A "'base x height

where: FS = factor of safety

6. Working stressfSc) = stress actually occurring under operating condition.
2. Compressive Stress(Sc)
7. Endurance limit or fatigue limit = the maximum stress that will not cause failure F
when the force is reverse indefinitely. Sc = A
8. Elastic limit - is the maximum stress to which a standardized test specimen may For solid circular cross-section: A = ~ 02
be subjected without a permanent deformation. 4 ~D

9. Proportional Limit - is the stress at which the stress-strain curve deviates from a For hollow circular cross-section: A = ~ (0 0 2 _Oj2)
straight line. 4

For rectangular cross-section: A = base x height

10. Strength - is the ability of metal to withstand loads without breaking down.
Note: For both compressive and shearing stress, the area is perpendicular to the line
11. Shear strength - is the ability of metal to withstand forces thus following a of force.
number of twist.
Srress es 5 I r esses 61
3.  Shearin g Stres s(Ss} 

A  For single bolt  of  rivet  needed to join  to plates  together.

D 5. Factor  of safe ty(FS}
Ss F
a. Based on yield strengt h
For single rivet: A .il4p~ (fO~ ~ircula cross section)
For double riveted joint: A =2(rr74 p2)
F '" applied load F b. Based on ultimat e strengt h
Note: The shearin g area is always parallel
to the line of force.
B. Shearin g due to punchin g of hole. where:
Sail ::: allowab le stress
Su = ultimate stress
5 y '" yeild stress

(for punchin g a hole)

(for square hole)
6. Torsion al Shear Stress( Ss}

Where: S '" length of side of square o
t '" plate thickne ss nOs
where: T '" torque
FROM MACH INERI ES HAND BOOK p. 1924: J '" polar momen t of inertia

Pressur e needed to punch a hole. F: (focsolipShaft)

F= (fXlx8 0,tons ~£.

c '" distanc e from neutral axis to the farthest fiber

Where: d '" hole diameter, in c '" r (for circular cross section)
t '" thicknes s, in d = diamete r

7. Bendin g Stress( Sr}


W ::: working strength to screwe d up tightly to packed joint

+ ""J
2 Sf:= Me
W:=iSI (O.55d ;>0;250) I
Where: Sj '" working stress, psi M '" momen t
d '" bolt diamete r, in c = distanc e of farthest fiber from neutral axis
F I '" momen t of inertia about the neutral axis
.. P,ojec ted "'ea I = bh
(for rectang ular cross section)
4. Bearing Stress( Sb) Z := section modulu s := - : = -

e Sf

L 8. Strain and Elonga tion

D c Strain
where: A = DL 1< )j
62  Stresses
Stresses 63
(.  Stress  == 
A  Sa='  Smax=.§min

Smax  == maximum  stress 
Smm  ==  minimum stress 

(.,  Poisson's  Ratio(u)  ==  is the  ratio of  lateral  unit  deformation to  axial  unit 
(.  deformation. 

where: Y == elongation due to applied load

~ where:
U=  -
G == shear modulus of elasticity
L == original length E == modulus of elasticity
F == force F
E == stram ==-.-
A == area
S == stress

== By.
9. Thermal Elongation; Stresses Lateral Strain Ez
U == -----,,___ ~ ~.=

Longitudinal Strain Ex Ex

e (t2 - tl) L
h2 ~
q I""" r

1At J4UJ.ij
L Ex == L z -L1
E == WZ - W1
E == t2 - t 1

-J V/2 . k-V/2
PROBLEM I (Apr. 1999)
where: A steel rod 30 mm & 800 mm long has an allowance elongation not to exceed 1.5
Y == elongation due to temperature difference mm, find the allowable load in kN.
k == coefficient of thermal expansion. m/m-oC A. 278 C. 316
B. 248 D. 236
t 1 == initial temperature, "C
b == final temperature, °C
4-t-l i 'i'(,]:'1
(., Relation between shearing and tensile stress based on theory of failure:
For steel:
~y Ssrnax
E == 30 x 10 psi 206,785,714 kpa

(., Variable Stress 1 Y _ FL

where: F(0.800)
FS == factor of safety 0.0015 == - - -

Sy == yield point ~ (0.03)2(206,785,714)

Sn == endurance limit
Sm == mean stress F == 274 KN

Smax +Smin 1'[{OBLf<:M 2 (Oct. 2000)

2 Compute the induced/compressive stress, In kpa. of a steel solid shafting of 50 mm
Sa == variable component stress diameter and 800 mm in length that is subjected to an increase of temperature by
Stresses 65 
64  Stresses
A.  181,816  C.  218.182  SOLUTION
B.  242,816  D.  196,560 
Z == Polar section modulus
Z == TIS
For  steel: 
T == torque
6 S == stress
E  == 30  X  10 psi  == 206,785,714 kpa
G == 12 x 10 psi == 82,714,286 kpa
6 16 T
a == thermal elongation == 11.7 x 10- m/mDC S
IT d3
Using thermal elongation formula: Simplify:
S == K E (t2 - t1) 3
IT d _ IT (3)3 == 5.30 in3
S == 11.7x10
193,551.43 Kpa
16 - 16

The answer is: D (nearest) PROBLEM 5 (Apr. 1999)

Compute the allowable load in kN on a 20 mm x 120 cm long steel rod with a
PROBLEM 3 (Oct. 2000) maximum elongation must not exceed 1 mrn.
Compute for the load in KN on a 3 cm diameter, 100 cm long steel rod if its maximum A. 35 C. 66
elongation exceed 0.12 cm. B. 55 D 76
A. 178 C. 148
B. 196 D. 287 ~
Em!!ImD For steel:

For steel: E == 30x10 6psi == 206,785,714kpa

E == 30 x 10 psi 206,785,714 kpa y == ~
y == - -
AE F (1
0001 ==
0.0012 == -~
F (1.0)
.._ - - - - - - -J (0020)2(206,785,714)
IT (0.03)2 (206,785,714)
4 F == 54.1364 KN

F == 175.40 KN PROBLEM 6 (Oct. 2000)

Determine the load in kw on a 25 mm diameter x 1200 mm long steel shaft if its
The answer is: A (nearest)
maximum elongation exceeds 1 mm.
A. 83 C. 103
B. 125 D 234
PROBLEM 4 (Oct. 2000)
Compute for the polar section modulus of a SAE 1060 shafting having a diameter of 3
inches. Use a factor of safety of 2 and design stress at 800 psi. Ei-l"imD
A. 4.7 C. 4.2
B. 6.1 D. 5.3 For steel:

E == 30 X 10 6 psi zz: 206785,714 kpa

St resse's 67
bb  Stress es

Y =  _.­
FL ast·m1D(.]tI
Sn  28,000 
F(120) .  S
0.001  = . ­ ­ . ­ . ­ ­ .   FS  3
IT  (0.025)2(206,785,714) 
S  == 9,333.3 3  PSI
F  =  84.59  KN 

PROB LEM 10 (ME  Bd.  Oct. 97) 

to  fix  a  lever  to  a  shaft, 
PROB LEM 7 (ME Bd . Oct. 97)  Determ ine  the  minimu m  mean  diamete r of  a  taper pin  for  use 
in­lbs.  The  shaft  diamete r  is  2  inches  and 
The  total  weight of  steel  plates 3/4" x 3'  x 20'  is:  if  it  is  transmi t  a  maximu m  torque  of  700 
factor o f  safety o f 2. 
A  1838 Ibs  C. 3676 Ibs  the  materia l allowa ble stre sses is  15,000  psi.  Use 
B.  1698 Ibs  D.  1848 Ibs  A.  7.0  mm  C.  5.2  mm 
B.  7.2 mm  D.  6.2 mm 

Em!!mm 3/4"

Using d ensity of  steel  == 0.284 Ib/in

Weight   =  Volume   x density   r
Weight   =  [(3/4)(3   x  12)(20 x 12)J(0.284)  700
Weight  =  1840.32  Ibs  F 700lbs

PROB LEM 8 (ME  Bd.  Oct. 97) 

r thru  a  1/4  in  steel 
s,  == ~
What p ressure   is  required   for  punchin g  a  hole  2  inches  in  diamete A
plate?  700
A.10to ns  C.  20  tons  15,000  =  ..  -~
(IT/4)d 2 
B  30  tons  D.  40  tons  
d  = 0.2437  in  = 6.19 mm  
PROB LEM 1 1 (ME  Bd.  Apr. 97) 
a  steel  plate  made  of  SAE 
How ma ny 5/16   inch  holes can  be  punch  in  one  motion  in 
55 tons.   The  ultimate  strength  for  shear is 
1010 steel,  7/16  Inch  thick  using  a force  of 
50  ksi and  use  2 factor   of  safety.
From M achiner ies Han dbook,  1924:  C.  5 
A. 58 
B 37  D 62
Pressur e  == D x t x 80,  tons 

Where:   D = hole dia meter  ~

t  == plate th ickness   
Solving  for  the  equival ent diam eter for  a force  of 55  tons. 
Pressur e  = 2  x 1/4  x 80  == 40 tons 
~ Ss
2" A
PROB LEM 9 (ME  Bd.  Oct.  97)  F 
enduran ce  strength  is  Ss
A  link  has  a  load  factor  of  0.8,  the  surface   is  092  and  the  rtdt
ing  stress  of  the  link  if  it  is  subject ed  to  a  reversin g 
28,000  psi.  Compu te  the  alternat
load.  Assume   a factor  of  safety  of 3. 

50  X  10 3  =  (55  x 2000)  
A.  8150  C.  9333  rrd(7/1 6) 
B  10.920  D.  7260  I¢'-H
d  == 16 In 
68 Stresses
Solving for  the  equivalent no.  of  holes  Stresses 69

No.  of  holes  =   _~Ji =  5.12   PROBLEM 14 (ME  Bd.  Apr. 96)  
(5/16)   A steel  tie  rod  on  bridge must be  made  withstand a  pull  of  5000 Ibs.  Find  the  diameter  
of  the  rod  assuming a factor of  safety of  5 and  ultimate  stress of  64.000 psi.  
Therefore  no.  of  holes  is  5  because  the  punching  machine  cannot  punch  entirely  the   A  0.75   C.  0.71 
remaining  0.12 in.   B.  0.84   D.  0.79 

PROBLEM 12 (ME  Bd.  Apr. 97)
The  shaft  whose  torque  vanes  from  2000  to  6000  in­lbs  has  1  1/2  inches  in  diameter  
SI =  F/A  
and  60,000 psi  yield  strength.  Compute for  the  shaft mean  average stress.  
A.  6036 psi   C  5162 psi  Su 
If  factor of  safety is given:  St 
B.  6810 psi   D.  5550 psi  FS 
Where:  FS  =  factor of  safety  D
_§'l = ~
FS  A  
Using shaft  stress formula for pure torsion:  64,000  5000  
Smax  ~6!max 3
=~ ()O = 9054 psi  5 J1:d2 F  = 5000 Ibs 
nd n(1.5)3 4  
16Tmin  16(2000) d  = 0.71  in  
SOlin  3018 psi
nd3 = - n(1sT
PROBLEM 15 (ME  Bd.  Apr. 96)  
If the  weight of  6"  diameter by  48"  long  SAE  1030  shafting  is  174.5 kg,  then  what  will  
Using variable  stress formula equation:  be the  weight of  chromium  SAE  51416 of  same  size?  
S mean  ­­ _  9054 + 3018
Smax + Smin  _  A.  305.5  Ibs   C  4264 Ibs 
-~ -,~_.
6036 psi
2 2 B.  384.61bs   D.  465.1  Ibs 

PROBLEM 13 (ME  Bd.  Apr. 96)  EE!l!ii tel II

A  journal  bearing  with  diameter  of  76.2  mm  is  subjected  to  a  load  of  4900  N  while  The  major component of  different steels is  iron,  therefore their densities do  not differ 
rotating  at  200  rpm.  If  its  coefficient of  friction  is  0.02  and  UD =  2.5,  find  its  projected much. 
. 2
area In mm  .  Ib
Weight  174.5 kg  (2000  ­­­) 
A.  12,090  B.  14,165  kg  
C.  13,050   D.  14,516  Weight  38481bs 

4900 N

.,   Projected A rea 
PROBLEM 16 (ME  Bd.  Apr. 96)  
If the  ultimate  shear strength  of  a  steel  plates is 42,000 psi,  what  
force  is  necessary to punch a 0.75  inch  diameter hole in a  0.625  

= 2.5  inch  thick plate?  
o A  63,0081bs   C.  68,080  Ibs 
Substitute the  diameter:   B.  61,800 Ibs   D.  66,8001bs 
­ ­ ­ =  2.5 
L  =  190.5 mm  
76.2 mm 
A  =  projected  area is  rectangular   SOLUTION:  0.625"
A  = 0  x L   8 
A  = 76.2(190.5)  = 14,516 mm 2 Force  ­r- Stress  x Area ~O.75"
Where:  Area  =  Circumference  x  thickness 
70  SI resse» 71 
Stress es
Area  == n D t 

Force  == 42,000  [n:  x 0.75  x 0.625J  

Solving for  diamete r of  bushing  hole  after  heating: 
y  == kL(t2 ­ t.)  == 0.00000 68(1.99 9)(24.5 )  == 0.00033 3" 
Force  == 61,850  Ibs 
D  == 1.999  +  0.00033 3  == 199933 3" 

Solving  for  diamete r of shaft  after cooling:

PROB LEM  17 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
y  == ­0.0007 3(2)  == ­0.0014 6" 
What  is  the  modulu s  of  elasticity  if  the  stress  is  4,000 
psi  and  unit  a  strain  of   d  == 2 ­ 0.00146   == 1.99854 0"
0.00105 ? 
Clearan ce  == 1.99933 3 ­ 1.99854 0  == 0.00079 3"
A.  41 .905  x  10 B.  42.300  X  10 6 
C.  41.202  X  10 6  D.  43.101  X  10 6   PROB LEM  20 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
What  modulu s  of  elasticity  in  tension   is  required  to  obtain 
a  unit  deforma tion  of
0.00105  m/m  from  a load  produci ng a  unit  tensile  stress  of  44,000 
A.  42.300  x 106 psi  C  41.202  x 10 psi 
E  == Stress/S train  6 6
B.  43.101  x 10 psi  D.  41.905  x 10 psi
E  == 44,000/ 0.00105   == 41.905 x10 6psi

PROB LEM  18 (ME  Bd.  Oct.  95)  E  == Stress/S train  == 44,000/ 0.00105   == 41.905  x 10 6 psi
A  2.5  in  diamete r by  2  in  long  journal  bearing   is  to  carry  a 
5500­lb   load  at  3600  rpm
using  SAE  40  lube  oil  at  200°F  through   a  single  hole  at 
25  psi.  Comput e  the  PROB LEM  21  (ME  Bd.  Oct.  95)
bearing   pressure.  What force  P  is  required  to  punch  a  1/2  in.  hole  on  a 3/8  in. 
A.  1100ps i 
thick plate  it the  ultimate
C.  900  pSI  shear s trength  of the  plate  is 42,00 0 psi?
B.  1000 psi  D.   950  psi  A.  24.9401 bs  C.  24,6201bs
5500lb s
Project ed A
B.  24.9601 bs  D.  24,7401bs

Bearing  pressu re is the  same as bearing  stress. 

b . •2"
P  == Stress  x Area 
s, == LD P  == Ssu  X  (x d t)  ==  42,000(n: )(1/2)(3/8)  == 24,7401 bs 
5500  I<  >[
Sb  == == 1100  psi
2(2.5)   .5 in  i 
PROB LEM  22  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  95)
What p ressure  is  required  to  punch a hole  2" diam eter thro ugh a 
1/4" steel  plate?
A  10 tons  C.  20  tons
PROB LEM  19 (ME  Bd.  Oct.  95)  B.  30  tons  D.  40 tons
It is a problem  of  expans ion  and  shrinka ge of  steel  materia l so 
that  the  slightly  bigger
shafting   of  2"  diamete r can  be  inserted/fitted  to  the  slightly 
smaller  hole  of  a  steel  SOLU TION
bushing   of  1.999"  diamete r  with  the  following  process
/materia l/data  to  apply:
Coefficient  of  expans ion  of  carbon  steel  == 0.00000 68"I""F  tempera
ture  raised  by  gas  From  Machin ery's  Handbo ok p.  1924:
heating  == 24.5°F.  Cooling   media to  use  dry  ice  with  boiling  point 
of  ­109.3° F (­78S C)
Shrinka ge  rate  below  boiling  point  is  0.00073   in/in  Determ
ine  the  final  clearan ce  P  ==  d x t x 80  tons == 2 x 1/4 x 80  ==  40 tons
betwee n the   expand ed steel  bushing   hole  against  the  shrinka
ge of the  steel  shaft. 

A.  000079 3" 

1'!{OH LEM  23  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  95)
C.  0.00075 0"  Comput e  the  working   strength  of  1"  bolt  which  is  screwed  
B.  0.00069 3"  D.  0.00080 0"  up  tightly  in  packed   joint
when  the  allowab le  working  stress is  13.000  pSI 
Stress es Stress es 73 
A.  3600  psi  C.  3950lb s  PROB LEM 2 6 (ME Bd. Apr. 94)
B.  3900lb s  D.  3800lb s  Determine the  estimated weight  of an A­36 steel  plates  size  3/16 
1 in x 6'  x 20'
A.9191 bs  C.1012 1bs
F B.  8291bs  D.  7351bs 

From  Machinery's Ha ndbook  p 1149:  F 


W  = working  strength to screwed  up tightly to packed jo int 

W  =  St  (0.55d 2 - 0.25d)  From  Faires  p. 574, 

Where:  St  = working stress, psi 
d  = bolt  diameter, in  Density of steel  =  0.284  lb/in"  

W = 13,000 [0.55(1 l- 0.25(1)]  = 3900lb s  Weight  =  Volume   x Density  6'

Weight  = (3/16)(6  x 12)(20 x 12)(0.284)  = 9201bs. 

PROB LEM 2 4 (ME Bd. Apr. 95)  
What  is  the  working   strength  of  a  2"  bolt  which  is  screwed  PROB LEM 2 7 
up  tightly  in  a  packed A  19 mm  stud  bolts  is used  to fastened on  a 250  mrn  diamete
jointly when  the  allowable working  stress  12,000 psi?  r cylinder  head  of diesel
engine.  If  there  are  10  stud  bolts,  determine  the  pressure  inside 
A.  20,1201bs  C.  20,1001bs  the  cylinder  if  bolt
B.  20,4001bs  D.  20,2001bs  stress  is limited to  50  Mpa.
A.  288.8  Kpa  C.  3426  Kpa ' 
B.  2888  Kpa  D.  4828  Kpa 

From  Machin ery's Ha ndbook  p 1149:  F E:1!!ImD
W  = St (0.55d  2
- 0.25d)  F Fb  = force  applied  per  bolt 
W  = 12,000 [0.55(2 l- 0.25(2)]  = 20,400  Ibs  s,  =  Fb / A 
A  = cross­sectional  area  of bolt  
50,000  =.  Fb
PROB LEM 2 5 (ME  Bd. Apr.  94)  (rcl4)(0 .019)2
Determine the  estimated weight of an A­36  steel  plate size W' Fb  =  14.176
x 4'  x 8'. 
A.  280  kgs  C.  332  kgs
B.  301 kgs  D.  297  kgs  F  =  total  force  applied  on cylin der head 
F  =  10(14.176)  = 141. 76 KN 
SOLU TION  Pressure  =  F/A 
A  = area  of cylin der 
Pressure  =  2 =  288.8  Kpa 
From  Faires  p. 574,  (n/4)(0 .25)
density of steel  = 0.284  Ib/in3
Weight  = volume x density  PROB LEM  28
1/2(4 x  12)(8 x  12)(0.284)  A  column  supports  a compressive  load  of 250  KN.  Determine 
1~" the  outside  diamete r of
Weight  = 654.336 Ibs  =  297 kg  V column  if inside  diamete r is  185 mm  and compressive  stress  of 50 
4' A.  200.62  mm  C.  216.42  mm
B.  201.47  mm  D.  208.41  mm 

s: resses 5tn'ss(·..., 75

F = 250 KN
S  0= F/A S = F
50000  0= 250  F F
, A S = -------
2 F
A  0=
3  2 
5  X  10­ m (7t/4)0
2) F
A  (rr/4 0 0 ­ (rr/4 0;2) 
2 2 80,000 = ----
A  0= rr/4(00  ­ 0,  )  (7t/4)(0.02)2

Substitute: F = 25.132 KN
5 x 10- 0= rr/4 (0 02 - (0. 185)2J
6.366 X 10- 0= 0 02 - 0.034225
What force is necessary to punch a 30 mm hole in 12.5 mm thick plate if ultimate
Do 0= 0.201472 m 0= 201.47 mm
shear stress is 410 Mpa?
A. 564 KN C. 483 KN
PROBLEM 29 O. 983 KN
B. 342 KN
A steel hal/ow tube is use to carry a tensile load of 500 KN at a stress of 140 Mpa. If
outside diameter is 10 times the tube thickness, find the thickness of the tube. Im!!Im3
A. 11.24 mm c. 20.64 mm Using shearing stress formula:
B. 107 mm O. 22.61 mm
S 0= £: ndt
500 410,000 = 7t(0.03)(0.0125)
A t
A 0= 3.57143 X 10- 3 m 2 F 0= 483.0198 KN

Do 0= 10t PROBLEM 32
Do 0= OJ + 2t Two 30 mm thick plate is fastened by two bolts, 25 mm in diameter. If the plates is
10t 0= D, + 2t subjected to 50 KN tension, find the bearing stress in bolts.
0; 0= 8t A. 33,333.33 Kpa C. 5555.55 Kpa
B. 4444.44 Kpa O. 555,555 Kpa
A 0= rr/4 (0 02 _ 0,2)
3.57143 x 10- 0= 7t/4((10t)2 - (8t)2J 25mm
4.5473 x 10-3 0= 36e SOLUTION
t 0= 0.112389 m 0= 11.24 mm
50 KN
+- 50 KN
PROBLEM 30 Using bearing stress formula: ---l
A 20 mm diameter rivet is used to fastened two 25 mm thick plate. If the shearing S = £.
stress is 80 Mpa. What tensile force applied each plate to shear the bolt? A
A. 26.35 KN C. 30.41 KN A = area = 2 d t ( for two bolts)
B. 28.42 KN O. 25.13 KN
Stress es

S ==£ Stress es 77
S  == 50 What is the  modulu s of ela sticity if  stress is 300  Mpa  and  strain 
of 0.001 38?
2(0.025 )(0.03)  == 33,333. 33 Kpa  A.  217.39 x 103 Mpa  C.  220.61  Mpa

B.  200.61  x 10 Mpa  D.  215.21  Mpa 


A  2.5  inches s haft is  subjecte d to  3 KN­m   torque.  Find  the  stress d
evelope d.
A.  48.62 M pa  C.  59.68 M pa  .  Stress
B.  52.75 M pa  D.  38.64  Mpa  Modulu s of  Elasticit y, (E)  = --.--
E  = == 217.39  x 10 3 Mpa
SOLUT ION 0.00138  

d  ==  2.5  in x  1/12x1 /3.281 ==  0.0634 9m  PROB LEM  36

In a 2.0  m canti levered   I­beam,  a  2  Mton  weight is  applied  at free 
end.  If  the  allowab le
Using s haft stre ss form ula:  stress in  beam is  110  Mpa,  determi ne the  section  modulu s.
A. 18.54 in 3 3
16 T C. 26.83 in
TC d3
T =3 KN.m B. 21.77 in 3 D. 24.28 in

S == 16 (3) SOLU TION

TC (0.0634 9)3 p= 2 Mtan

S == 59,680. 68 Kpa == 59.68 Mpa For a cantilev er beam with load at free end:
M == F xL
M == (2 x 1000 x 0.00981 )(2) = 39.24 KN-m
~ t
A shaft when subject ed to pure torsion develop ed a stress of 50 Z == Section modulu s
Mpa. If polar momen t Z == IIc == MIS == 39.24/1 10,000 == 3.5673 4 3
7 4
of inertia is 6.1359 x 10. m determi ne the maximu m torque the shaft could handle.
x 10. m x (3937)3
, 3
A. 1.23 KN-m Z == 21.77 in
C. 1.84 KN-m
B. 1.68 KN-m D. 2.48 KN-m


A 5 KN force acting at the end of a 3 m cantilever beam. If section
modulu s of the
beam is 10 ;n 3, what is the stress induced ?
J == polar momen t of inertia A. 86,285 Kpa C. 29,684 Kpa
TC d B. 78,318 Kpa D. 91,535 Kpa
J == - -

6.1359 xlO. 3 == TCd

~ P=5 KN

d == 0.05 m For a cantilev er beam with load at free end:
M == maximu m momen t = F x L
M == 5(3) == 15 KN-m
S= 16T
3 Z == Section modulu s == lie
TC d Z == 10 in 3x 1/(39.37 )3 = 1.6387 x10·4m 3
16 T M 15
50,000 == S = flexural stress == - = 91,535. 62 Kpa
TC (0.05)3 Z 1.6387x1 0-
T == 1.227 KN-m
78 Stresses Stresses 79
A  6  mm  steel  wire  is  5m  long  and  stretches  8  mm  under  a  given  load.  If  modulus  of
elasticity is 200  Gpa,  find  the  load applied. 
A.7KN C.9KN Y = ~
B. 8 KN D. 10 KN AE
A == 0.5 ern" x 1/(100)2 == 5 X 10'5 m 0.5 cm

0.001 == (225xO.00981)(4) 4m
(5 x 10-5 )E
Y == FL 6mm E == 176580000 Kpa == 176.58 Gpa
0.008 == F(5)
[(nI4)(0.006)2](200x10 6 )
i mm

F == 9.047 KN PROBLEM 41
A 20 m rod is stretches to a strain of 0.001. Determine the deflection of the rod.
PROBLEM 39 A. 20 mm C. 30 mm
B. 25 mm D. 35 mm
A steel wire 10m long, hanging vertically supports a tensile 'f' F
load of 2 KN. Neglecting the weight of wire, determine the required diameter if the
stress is not to exceed 140 Mpa and the total elongation is not to exceed 5 mm.
Assume E == 200 Gpa.
A. 2 mm C. 4 mm Strain == Y/L
B.3mm D.5mm
0.001 == Y/20
Im!!ImD Y == 0.020 m == 20 mm

. FL D
Y == elongation == - A rail having a coefficient of linear expansion of 11.6 x 10'6 m/m-oC increases its
AE length when heated from 70°F to 113°F. Determine the strain.
0.005 == ~ 2(10) A. 2.04 x 10'4 C. 4.21 X 10'4
A(200x10 6 ) B. 6.05 X 10'4 D. 2.77 X 10'4
A == 2 X 10'5 m2
A == n/4 d
2 x'lO'5 ==n/4 d2 Em!!IiImI
d == 0.00504 m == 5.04 mm Converting to DC difference:
L1Clt.F == 519
t.C/(113-70) == 519
L1C == 23.889°C
An iron rod 4 m long and 0.5 ern" in cross section stretches 1 mm when a mass of Strain == S/E == K (t2 - t.) == 11.6 X 10'6 (23.889) == 2.77 x 10'4
225 kg is hang on it. Compute the modulus of elasticity of the iron.
A. 176.58 Gpa C. 160.41 Gpa
B. 169.81 Gpa D. 180.26 Gpa What temperature will the rails just touch if steel railroad is 10m long are laid with
clearance of 3 mm at initial temperature of 15°C? Use k == 11.7 X 10'6 m/m-oC.
A. 35.64°C C. 45.64°c
B. 40.64°C D. 50. 64°C
80 Stresses Stresses 81

E5t!!ImD Sf = 15,000 psi


Y=kL(b-t1) 2 2
For a given material, the modulus of elasticity is 100 GN/m in tension and 40 GN/m
Clearance = Y/2 + Y/2 in shear. Find the Poisson's ratio.
Clearance = Y = 0.003 A. 0.10 C. 0.25

J V/2 k-V/2 B. 0.50 D. 0.35
0.003 = 11.7 x 10. (10)(b - 15)
t2 = 40.64°C U·)!'mmI
2(1 + u)
For a given material, the modulus of elasticity is 15,000,000 PSI In tension and
6,000,000 psi in shear. Determine the Poisson's ratio for this material. u = --1
A. Q4 C. 0.3 2G
B. 0.25 D. 0.5 100
u = ---1
u = 0.25

Using Poisson's ratio formula: PROBLEM 47

E A 25 mm shaft is keyed to a 300 mm diameter pulley and transmits 3 kw of power.
G = ---
2(1 + u) The keyed assembly rotates at 1725 rpm. What is the tangential force at the key?
A. 1.33 KN C. 2.33 KN
6 000 000 = 15,000,000 B. 5.23 KN D. 8.34 KN
" 2(1 + u)
2(1 + u) = 2.5
u = 0.25 SOLUTION

A 1000 lb force acts at the end of a 10ft cantilever beam. The section modulus for 3 = 2 rt T (1725/60)
the steel beam is 8.0 in . How much stress is induced? T = 0.01661 KN-m
A. 10,000 psi C.12,000psi
B.15,000psi D.14,200psi But: T = F x r
0.01661 = F (0.025/2)

For a cantilever beam:

P'7 01
F = 1.33 KN

What force is necessary to punch a 1 in hole in a 118 in steel plate if the ultimate
shearing stress is 60,000 psi and the ultimate compressive stress is 80,000 psi?
M = F x L = 1000(10) = 10,000 ft-Ib
M = 120,000 in-Ib
A. 34,520.34 Ib C. 12,344.56 Ib
B. 8,345.56 Ib D. 23,561.90 Ib
z = section modulus
z= -
M E:r!!iIm
Solving for the shearing area during punching:
3 = 120,000
82 Stresses Stresses 83
A  = re  d t  = re  (1)  (1/8) = 0.3926 in PROBLEM  51 
S=  ~ A  hollow  rivet  has  an  outside  diameter of  5  mm  and  an  inside  diameter of  3  mm.  If 
6 2
A the  allowable  shearing  stress  is  400  x  10 N/m , what  maximum  shearinq  force  can 
the  rivet  sustain  if subjected to  double shear? 
60,000=  _F_ 
0.3926  A.  10 KN  C.  15 KN 
B.  20  KN  O.  25  KN 

F = 23,562 Ibs 


A=2 [%(0 -0;2)]
k 5 mm )1

• 1  in
A= 2

!: [(0.005)2 -

A = 2.51327 X 10- m
A U­bolt supports  a  load  of  6000  lb.  The  cross­section  of  the  bolt has  a diameter of 
1/2  inch.  How  much  stress is induced  in the  sides  of the  bolt?  6 2 3 2
F = 400 X 10 N/m = 400 x 10 KN/m
A.  12,734.45 psi  C.  13,345.56 psi 
B. 14,567.23 psi  O. 15,278.12 psi 
S = F/A F
400 x 10 - 2.51327x10

1/2" F = 10.05 KN
A = 2 [  (1  I 2)2]  = 0.3927 in
A vertical load of 400 Newtons acts at the end of a horizontal rectangular cantilever
beam 2m long and 25 mm wide. If the allowable bending stress is 130 MN/m , find
the depth of the beam in mm.
S =  ~ =  6,000/0.3927 =  15,278.84 psi  A. 23.44 mm C. 30.23 rnrn
A 6000lb  B. 38.43 mm O. 43.23 mm

A  1 in  diameter shaft  has  a  2  in  diameter collar  resting  on  a  support.  The  axial  load 
on  the  shaft is  10,000 Ib and  the  thickness of  the  collar is  1/2 in.  How  much  shearing  2m
stress is induced? 
A.  6,366.20 psi  C.  5,244.56 psi  Moment = 400(2) = 800 N.m = 0.80 KN.m
B.  4,234.56 psi  O. 8,456.34 psi  =
F  10,000 Ibs 
z = MIS = [0.80/130 x 103] (1000)3 h
SOLUTION  Z = 6153.85 rnrn" 25mm
;~ SHAFT· 1" dia.  bh 2
F  6
COLLAR· 2" dia. 
Ss =  reds t 
6153.85 = (25)~
1/2" 6
Ss =  10,000 h = 38.43 mm
S, = 6,366.20 psi
84 Stresses
PROBLEM  53  Stresses 85
A simply supported  timber beam  is 50  mm  by  200  mm  in cross­section and  4 m  long.  F
If the  fiber  stress is not  to  exceed 8.3  Mpa  and  the  beam  weight is neglected, find  the  210000 = - -
, 0.00144
maximum  mid­span  concentrated  load  that  the  beam  can  support  if  the  200  mm 
F = 302.4 KN = 302,400 N
dimension is vertically oriented. 
A.  2,766.67 N  C.  2,345.56 N 
B.  3,233.45 N  D.  1,234.45 N 
A steel hanger of 2 m length is to carry an axial load of 18 KN. If the tensile stress is
SOLUTION restricted to 104 Mpa and the elongation caused by this load is restricted to 1 mm,
what is the minimum cross-sectional area the member can have? E = 200,000 Mpa
~p A.1Mm~ C.1~m 2
B. 173 rnrn" D. 190 mm
For  rectangular beam: 
Z  =  section modulus of  rectangular beam  SOLUTION
bh 200mm
Z=  - -
6 Based on tensile stress: 2m

= -'---'--'----'-- SOmm
S = ~
4 3 104 = 18,000
z = 333,333.33 rnrn" = 3.33 x 10. m
M=Sz A '" 173 mm
6)(3.333 4
Moo (8.3 x 10 10. ) = 2,766.67 N.m
F = 18 KN
For simply supported beam: Based on the given deflection:
M= ~L-. FL
4 y
276667 = P(4)
,. 4
18,000 (2,000)
P = 2,766.67 N
1 = A (200,000)
A = 180 rnrn"
PROBLEM 54 Therefore use the higher area: A = 180 rnrn"
A lap joint consists of steel plate 250 mm by 18 mm in thickness is connected by 4-20
mm diameter rivets. Compute the bearing capacity of the rivet connection if the
allowable bearing stress is 210 Mpa. PROBLEM 56
A. 302,400 N C. 420,340 N A short hollow steel cylinder with a wall thickness of 38 mm is to carry a compression
B. 360,200 N D. 460,240 N load, applied uniformly on the end, of 7,800 KN. If the allowable working stress in
steel in compression is 138 Mpa, then the minimum outside diameter of the cylinder
SOLUTION required to safely support the load is:
A. 512 mm C. 396 mm
F B. 482 mm D. 460 mm
Sb = -
A = bearing area
A = 4(dxt) = 4 (0.020 x 0.018)
F Em!!imD
A = 0.00144 m
s = F
86 Stresses Stresses 87
A = 56,521.74 rnrn" S = KE (t2 - t1)
A = ~ D 2 _ ~ D1 2 = ~ [D 2 ~ D 2J S = (6.5 x 10 6 inl'F) (30 x 10 psi)( 130) = 25,350 psi
4° 4 01

Dj = Do- 2t PROBLEM 59
D j = DO - 2(38) = Do - 76 A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 160 rnrn" is to be attached between two
TC 2 2 fixed points 1.25 m apart. If the rod is too short by 0.25 mm, find the stress applied to
56,521.74 = -[Do -(D o-76) J put the rod back to fitness. E = 200,000 Mpa
2 2 38m~ A. 40 Mpa C. 50 Mpa
79,965.71 = D0 - D0 + 152D o - 5,776
Do = 511.5 mm B. 30 Mpa D. 60 Mpa
~ )1
k Do

A 25 mm diameter steel bar is loaded in double shear until failure, the ultimate load is

.( J
found to be 446 KN. If the allowable stress is to be based on a factor of safety 3 what L = 1.25 - 0.00025 = 1.24975 m
must be the diameter of a pin designed for an allowable load of 26 KN in single shear
be? A. 14.79 mm C. 13.24 mm y = S~
B. 15.64 mm D. 12.63 mm
0.00025 = S ( 1.24975 )
SOLUTION 200,000,000 1.25 m
S = 40,008 Kpa = 40.008 Mpa
Su = -
For double shear:
Su = 454.52 Mpa

Sail Su _ 454.52 = 151.51 Mpa

FS - 3
151.51 = 26,000

A steel bar, initially free of stress, is held between rigid supports. Determine the
stress in the bar if temperature drops 130°F. K = 6.5 x 10'6 inl'F, E = 30 x 106 psi
A. 25,350 psi C. 24896 psi
B. 26,234 psi D. 23,654 psi
88 Shafting 89
e Shaft power

6  Sha~t A. Power Formula in 81 unit:


P == power, KW
T = torque, KN-m
N == speed, rps

B. Power in English

mmmmm! where:
P == power, Hp
1. Shaft ­ is a rotating member that  is used  to transmit power. 
T == torque, ft-lb
N == speed, rpm
2. Axle ­ a stationary member carrying rotating wheels,  pulleys.  F
(; Torque, T R
3. Machine shaft ­ shaft which  is an  integral  part  of the  machine. 

4. Line shaft ­ transmission shaft  driven by  prime  mover.  where:

F == applied force
R == radius = 0/2 Shaft
5. Counter shaft ­ transmission shaft intermediate between  the  line  shaft  and 
the  driven  machine. 
" Stresses in shaft when sUbjected to pure torsion(Ss)
6. Spindles ­ is a short axles  and  shafts. 

7. Transmission shaft ­ is a shaft  used  to transmit power between the  source and 

the  machines absorbing the  power,  and  include countershafts,  line  shafts,  head 
shafts,  and  all factory shafting. 
A. For solid shaft:

OTO R  Machine Shaft

• ,~1% %4~

Main Shaft


Counter ShaftT] 

B. For hollow shaft: •

­J I. 
.. ~
~ ...  ,~


tOlE t
Driven Machine 1 ~ Do == outside diameter
0, == inside diameter
Driven MaChine 2
90 Shafting Shafting 91
J =  polar  moment of inertia  b. For hollow shaft:
c  = is the  distance of the farthest fiber  from  neutral  axis 
T  =  torque 
d  = diameter of shaft 

"  Torsional deflection(8), rad

• Strength of shaft with assumed allowable stresses
L = length
of shaft
J = polar moment of inertia (PSME Code p. 18)

a. For Main Shafts:

b. For Line Shafts:

G = modulus of rigidity in shear = 11.5 x 10 6

psi for steel
c. For short shafts:
For solid shaft:
P = power, Hp
N = speed, rpm
o = diameter, inch
For hollow shaft:

iii Stress in shaft when subjected to Torsion and Bending
(From Machineries Handbook)
• Shaft diameter for 0.08 degrees per foot of length of shaft
a. For solid shaft: deflection.
~ T

T = torque o = diameter, in
M = moment T = torque, in-Ib
5 s = maximum shear stress P = horsepower
51 = maximum tensile or compressive stress N = speed, rpm
92 Sh (~ t ino
Shu!tin.t} !cJ:1
For Sl units: 
2.  Rectangular 
D = 2.26 tIT  'or D = 125.70 ~. bd(b 2 +d2 )

o :::: diameter, mm
J = 12

bd I. b tol
P = power, watts
N = speed, rpm 3 +1.6 <l.
T = torque, N-mm d
• Shaft deflection of 1 degree for a length of 20 times its b -= bose
d = height (shortest side)

~ 3. Circle

D=0.10 Wf·. orD=4.0
4 3
Where" ltD Zp = ltD
J= -
32 16
P = power, hp Where: 0 -::= diameter
D = diameter, in
N =speed, rpm 4. Hollow tube
T~ torque, in-Ib

• Linear deflection of shafting J = -"-(D 4_d4 )

3. Shafting subjected to no bending action of pulleys except its own weight
D4 4
L =6.95 frJ2 Z = -"-r -d

b. Shafting subjected to bending action of pulleys, etc D =


outside diameter
16 D
\. J
L=5.2 ~ d = Inner diameter

Where: L = shaft length, ft

5. Hexagonal
= shaft diameter, In

J = 1.0825 s' = 0.12F'

5 F 5
J :::: polar moment of inertia S = length 01 side
Zp - polar section modulus

1. Square
6. Triangle

J = 0.1667a
z, = 0.206 a' J = 0.036 s'
a = length of side
Z, = 0.05 s'

S length of side

n4  ShuJll nq  95
5 5
PROBLEM I (Oct. 2000) A  0.75x10 C.  1.20 X 10
Compute for the ~wislng moment in m-fb developed when the shaft delivers 20 hp at B.1.0X10 D.  2.10  X  10"
1200 rpm.
A. 1166 C. 1050 &!!I1t_gl
B. 915 O. 945
P ~ 2rrTN
20 ~ 2 IT (T) (200/60)
P ~ 2rrTN 6
T ~ 0.9549 KN-m (1000)(1000) ~ 0.9549 x 10 Nmm

20 ~ 2rrT(1200) The answer is: B (nearest)

T ~ 87.53 ft-Ib (12) ~ 1050.42In-lb PROBLEM 5 (Ocl. 2000)
, A 102 mm diameter shaft is driven at 3000 rpm by a 300 hp pnme mover. The shalt
PROBLEM 2 (Oct. 2000) , drives a 121.9 cm diameter chain sprocket having 85% output efficiency. Compute
Find the torsional deflection, in degrees, of a solid steel shaft, 110 mm 00 x 1.4 m the torque In in-Ib developed in the shalt.
long subject to 3.1 x 10 N-mm torque. The torsional modulus of elasncrty is 80,000 A. 5.600 C 8,150
N/mm-mm. B. 7.100 D. 6.300
A. 0.221 C. 0.28
B. 0.195 D 0.21
D!!D1':D p c .2itT~
8 ~ ..:r L (3.1x10 e/rr) 300 ~ .2.rrTJ3000)
-- - - 4- . _ - - - 0.003774 rad (180
JG 33,000
[r (~ o) ](80.000) T c 525.211 h-lb (12) ~ 6,302.53 in-lb
9 ~ 0.216 degree

PROBLEM:> (Oct. 2000) PIWBLEM 6 (Oct. 1998)

A 3 in diameter short shaft carrying pulleys close to the bearings transmit how much
Compute for the torsional deflection in degrees. of a 110 mm diameter, 1.4 m long
horsepower if the shaft makes 280 rpm?
shaft subjected to a twist moment of 3 x 1o" The torsional modulus of A 991 hp C. 199 hp
elasticity IS 83000 N/mm'.
B. 919 hp D. 260 hp
A. 0.27 C. 0.20
B. 031 D. 024
Em!!ImD For short shaft:

TL (3 6
x 10 )(1400) P ~
Q)3J.280) 19895 hp
8 0.00352 rad (180 38 38
JG ~ [rr (~0)4]83.
PI,OBLEM 7 (Oct. 1998)
8 ~ 0.202 degree What power would a spindle 55 mm In diameter transmit at 480 rpm stress allowed
lor short shalt is 59 N/mm ?
'R OELEM 4 (Oct. 2000) A. 98.68 kw C 68.98 kw
'ind the torsional moment (in Newton-rum), developed when the shaft delivers 20 kw B. 96.88 kw D. 68.89 kw
t 200 rpm
96 Shaft uvq g7
Shq{t ing
SOLUTION  T 1,927.390 = 1.92739 KN.m
P 2 rt T N ~ 2 n (1.92739)(480/60) ~ 96.88 kw
o~ 55  mm  ~ 0.055 m
No correct answer In the given choices.
S ~ 59 N/mm' ~ 59 Mpa ~ 59,000 kpa

E'ROBLEM 10 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)

For shaft: s ~ 16T A small countershaft is 1 1/2 inch in diameter and has an allowable stress of 8500 psi.
)"[03 Find the horsepower delivered by the shaft at a speed of 15.7 rad/s.
A. 7.20 C 13.31
59,000 ~ _16T
B.l.4 O. 14.72
n (0.055)3
T = 1.927 KN-m
EE!!i it.q+
p~ 2 rt T N ~ 2 rt (1.927) (480/60) ~ 96.88 kw s ~ 16T
8,500 ~ - 3
PH.OBLEM 8 (Oct. 1998) ,(1.5)
A hollow shaft has an inner diameter of 0.035 m and an outer diameter of 0.06 m. T ~ 5.63278 in-Ibs 469.4 It-Ibs
Compute the torque jf the shear stress is not to exceed 120 Mpa In N-m.
A. 4,400 N-m C. 4,500 N-m
N :::: 15.7 !ad x~q. ec x __ ~r
B. 4,300 N-m O. 4,200 N-m
sec min 2n:rad
N ~ 150 rev/min
p ~ ~TN ~ 2,( 469.4 )(150) ~ 1339 h
33,000 33,000 P
For hollow shaft
PROBLICM 11 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)
... Determine the torque received by the motor shaft funning at 4250 rpm, transmitting
s ~
_16TO o _
4 4 11 Hp, through a 10 in diameter. 20° involute gear. The shaft is supported by ball
n(Oo -0, )
bearings at both ends and the gear is fixed at the middle of 8 in shaft length.
120,000 ~ __16 (T)JO 06)_ A. 163 in-Ib C. 132 ft-Ib
rt [(0.06)4 - (0.035)4 J B. 167 ft-Ib 0 138 ft-lb
T ~ 4.50 KN-m ~ 4500 N-m
PROBLEM 9 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)
p ~ 2,HJ
r What power would a spindle 55 mm in diameter transmit at 480 rpm. Stress allowed
for short shaft is 59 N/mm z 33,000
A. 45.12 kw C 45 Hp 2nT(4250)
11 0 -----
B. 50.61 kw O. 39.21 kw 33.000
T ~ 13.594 tl-Ib ~ 163.128 in-lbs
E'HOlll.b:M 12 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)
s _ 16T A 16 It lineshatl has no bending action except Its own weight. What power in Hp can
the shaft deliver at a speed of 200 rpm. Consider that the torsional deflection Will not
nd 3
exceed 0.08/fllenglh.
16T A. 13.2 C. 244
"(55)3 B 158 1'16 o
9A Shafting Shafting 99
, PROBLEM 14 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)
Compute the diameter of a solid shalt transmitting 75 Hp at 1800 rpm. The nature of
the load and the type of service is such that the allowable S, based on pure torsion is
From  Machineries Handbook, 24th  Ed.  p.267  6000 psi.
A. 1 7{7" C. 1 5/16"
For  line shaft with  no  bending  action  except its own  weight.  B. 21/16" D. 31/8"
0 2 /3 := ~-­
where: 0 = shaft diameter, in
L ee shaft length, ft
02i3 = _~
o = 2.39 in
P = 2"TN
75(33,000) ~ 2 n T (1800)
Hp = 1--,
\ 4.6 )
'1 T = 218.838lt-lbs
T = 2626.06 in-Ibs
N = speed, rpm S _ 16T
- nd 3
2.39 ) 200 6,000 = 16(2626.06)
( 4.6 n(d)3
Hp 14.58 hp d = 1.306 in

Therefore use = 1 5/6 in (standard size)

PROBLEM 13 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)
The torsional deflection of a SAE 1040 steel shaft is 0.8' in a length or 1/2 m. The / PROBLEM 15 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)
shear stress is 69 Mpa. Compute the diameter of the shaft in millimeter. Steel The shalt is subjected to a steady load of 36,000 Ibs at a shear stress of 10,000 psi.
modulus of elasticity is 79.300 Mpa or N/mm 2 . Compute the diameter of the said shalt in inches.
A. 51 C. 75 A. 1718 C. 3
B. 50 O. 62 B.21M D.23M


S = 16T T = F x r = 36,000 (dI2) = , 8,000 d in-lbs

nd3 S 16T
69,000 = ~­
n (d)3 10,000 = 16(18,000d)
T = 13.548 d 3 KN.m n(d)3
8 =- d = 3.027 in

0.8 Ll
X 1t ~548d3)(1@_ PROBLEM 16 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)
180 0 4 Determine the torque received by the motor shaft running at 4,250 rpm, transrnittlnq
(nd )(79.300.000) 11 hp through a 10 in diameter 20° involute gear. The shalt is supported by ball
bearings at both ends and the gear is fixed at the shalt length.
d = 0.062 m 62 mm
A. 163 in-Ib C. 167 in-Ib
B. 132in-lb D.138in-lb
100 ShaJtiflq 1 (J 1
SOLUTION  torsional sheanng stress IS 28 N/mm"'.
A. 218 C. 312
B. 232 D. 380
P = nTN

11(33,000) = ZnT(4250) m!!Ji1:mI

T = 13.594 It-Ib (12) = 163.128 in-los P = 2nT N
750 = 2nT(1500/60)
PROBLEM 17 (ME Bd. Apr. 96) T = 4.775 KN-m
Compute the maximum unn shear in a 3 inches diameter steel shafting that transmits S ~ 16T
24000 in-Ib of torque at 99 rpm. nd 3
A. 4530 psi C. 4250 psi 16(4775)
B. 3860 psi D. 4930 psi s. 'n(004)3
379,982 Kpa 380 Mpa

IImI!!imD PROBLEM 20 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)

A hollow shaft has an inner diameter of 0.035 m and outer diameter of 0.06 m.
s = 16T Compute for the torque if the shear stress is not to exceed 120 Mpa In N-m.
nd 3 A. 4500 C. 4100
16(24,000) B. 4300 D. 4150
Ss = = 4527 psi

PROBLEM 18 (ME Bd. Apr. 96) 16TDo

Compute the linear shalt diameter to transmit 12 HP at 180 rpm with torsional s. -2 2-
deflection of 0.08 degrees per foot length. n(D o ·0,)
A. 3 in C. 5 em
B. 2.35 in D. 62 mm 16(T)(0.06)
n[(006)4 ~(0 35)4i

T = 4500 N-m
P = 2nTN
12(33,000) = 2nT(180)
T = 350.14 It-Ibs = 4,201.68 in-los
PROBLEM 21 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
Design the size of solid steel shalt to be used .or a 500 Hp, 250 rpm application If the
allowable torsional detrection is 1 and the allowable stress is 10,000 psi and modulus
J = l'td'/32 6

G = 12,000,000 psi for steel 01 rigidity IS 13 x 10 pSI.

A. 5" dia. C. 4-5/8" dia.
e = TL B. 4-7/8" dra. D. 4-3/4" dia.
n 4,201.68(12)
0.08' x 180 0 4 m:m:mmI
(nd )(12,000,000)
32 Solving for the shaft diameter 0 based on stress:
d ~ 2.35 in P = Zrt TN
500(33.000) ~ 2 rt T (250)
PROBLEM 19 (ME Bd. Apr. 96) T ~ 10.504.226 It-Ibs
Compute the nominal shear stress at the surface in Mpa for a 40 mm diameter shalt T = 126,051 m-lbs
that transmits 750 K!N at 1500 rpm. Axial and bending loads are assumed negligible.
102  SfW/llill/ IO.~
Sh({!1 fJlq 

s = 16T 
16(126.051) p -
10.000  c. For short shaft-
nid)3 38
d = 4" Where D shaft diameter, In
N = speed. rpm
P = power. hp
Solving for the shaft diameter based on torsional deflection:
The shaft length IS not given The common practice for torsional deflection IS per 20d
length. (From machineries Handbook) (51! 25.4)N
120 = . _ .
TL 38
JG N = 330 rpm
v = ,D N = IT (0 55 x 3 28)(330) 1870 fpm
x Jl!180 - ----- --

('~d2 )(13.000,000)
PROBLEM 24 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
A hollow shaft nas an Inner diameter of 0035 m and outer diameter of 0.06 m
d = 484" Determine the polar moment of mertta of the hollow sf-a-t.
A 152x0hm~' C 125x0bm~
4 b 1
Therefore use d 4-7/8" (standard) B1152x10- 6 m D.1125x10 m

PROBLEM 22 (ME Bd. Oct. 95) ~

A 2-m solid shaft IS dnven by a 36-',n, gear and transmits power at 120 rpm. II
allowable shearing stress IS 12 kSI, what horsepower can be transmitted? 4 ,
T:(d o -d, )
A 29 89 C. 35.89 J
B 38 89 D. 34 89 32
IT [(006)' - (0035)4]
mmm.mI 32

15T J = 1 125 x 10 m':
PROBLEM 25 (ME Bd. Apr. 95)
15T Compute the speed of the gear mounted all. a 52.5 mm diameter shalt receiving
12.000 = _.
n(2)3 power from a driVing motor With 250 Hp
T = 18850 m-Ibs 1.570.8 tt-lbs A 2182 rpm C 2071 rpm
8 2282 rpm D. 234 f rpm
p = 2n.~
550 ~
Where T = torque. f1-lb
N = speed, rps D 3N
p = 2'(1570 8)(120! 50) 80
3589 Hp
(52.5 25.4)3 N
PROBLEM 2:; (ME Bd. Oct. 95) N 2255 rpm
A short 61 mm diameter shaft transmits 120 Hp Compute the hnear speed of a pulley
55 em diameter mounted on the shaft. 1he: answer IS B (nearest)
A. 1795 lpm C. 1765 fpm
8. 1856 fpm D 2106 torn
10" Shuftinq 105

PROBLEM  26 (ME Bd.  Apr.  95) f'I<UIJLEM 28 (ME ae, Apr. 94)

A 3" diameter short shaft carrying 2 inches pulleys close to the bearings transmit how
A solid cylindrical shaft 48.2 em long IS used for a transmission of mechanical power
at a rate of 37 KW running at 1760 rpm The S~ IS 8.13Mpa. Calculate the diameter. much power If the shaft makes 280 rpm
A. 30 mm C. 35 mm A 199 Hp C. 198 Hp
B. 40 mm D 50 mm B. 200 Hp D. 210 Hp

For short shafts
P~2r TN
37 ~ 2nT(1760/60) D 3N (3)3(280)
P = = 199 Hp
T ~ 0.20 KN-m 38 38
S ~ 16T
rrd3 PROBLE:vI 29 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)
A step shaft made of SAE 1117 steel with an ultimate strength of 69.7 ksi The notch
8130 = 16(42.017)
sensitivity lactor IS 0.00435 IS the constant dependent upon the ultimate strength.
nd 1 check the radius stress raiser
d ~ 0.050 m = 50 mm A. 0.192 C 0250
B. 0386 D. 0775

PROBLEM 27 (ME Bd. Apr. 95)

A hollow shaft with outside diameter of 14 em and wall thickness of 0.8 em transmits
200 KW at 400 rpm What must be the angular deflection of the shaft If the length IS From Faires p 113
5 meters? The material of the shaft IS C4140 steel 1
A 0.84 dog C 1 83 deg q = - -- -
B. 1.14 deg D 1.50 deg
1 , (a! r)
0983 =
SOLUTION 1 I 0.00435

P = 2" T N = 0.25
200 = Zrr T(400/60)
T = 477465 KN-m PROHLEM 30
A shafl IS used to transmit 200 KW at 300 rpm by means of a 200 mm diameter
D, = D. 2 t sprocket Determine the force tangent to the sprocket
D = 014 - 2(0008) = 0.124 m A 60 44 KN C 60 88 KN
B. 60 33 KN D 6366 KN
J = rr/32 (D.' - D,') = rr/32 [(0.14)' - (0.124)"] = 1.45042 x 10" m"
From Vallance p 31. Table 2-6 for C4140
steel. P=2TITN
G ~ 12000.000 pSI = 12.000.000 (101325/147) = 82714.286 Kpa 200 " 2 II T 1300/60)
II c TL T ~ 6.366 KN-m
T :::;- F x r
H 00199 rad (180" IT rad) 1.14 deg 6366 = F, (0 20/2)
145042,10 '(82.714286) F = 63.66 KN
lOb Shullilln 107
S/wjl illy
Find  the  diameter  of  a  steel  shaft  which  will  be  used  to  operate  a  110  t0N  motor
rotating at 5 rps If torsional stress IS 90 Mpa.
A. 60.2 mm C. 38.3 mm 2"TN
P =
B. 583 mm O. 46.2 rr-m 33,000
50 --------
Em!!i:mD 33,000
T 18757 It-Ib x 12in/lt 2250905 m-lb
P=2nTN 16T
110 = 2 n T (5) S
r::d J
T = 3.501 KN-m
16T 16(2250905)
S 500 - ---- -----
J 3
rrd rId
d = 2.84 In
90000 = 16(35()1)
, J
'd P[,OIlLEM :14
d = 0.058298 m = 58.298 mm A hollow shaft that has a 100 mm outside diameter and 80 mm msrdc diameter IS
used lo transmit 100 KW at 600 rpm Determine the shaft stress
A 1373 Mpa C. 19.86 Mpa
PROBLEM 32 B 1682 Mpa D. 17.21 Mpa
What IS the speed of 63 42 mm shaft that transmits 75 KW if stress is not to exceed
26 Mpa? ...- r.lI.fkl .~
A. 550 rpm C. 650 rpm
B 660 rpm D. 700 rpm P=2,TN
100 = 2, T 1600/60)
E.:.t!!immI T = 15915 KN-m

16TO, 16(1.5915)1010)
S = 16T S 4 -- 4 13728.73 Kpa
nd J il:(Do -0 1
;[(010)" (008)']

16T S 13.73 Mpa

26 000 = ---- -
, n(0.06342)3
P],Ol3LSM 35
T = 1.3022 KN-m Determine the length of the shortest 2 mm diameter bronze wire which can be twisted
P=2rrTN through two complete turns Without exceertnq a shearing stress of 70 Mpa. G =
75 = 2 rt (1 3022)(N) 35,000 Mpa
No 9.166 rps x 60 = 550 rpm A. 6,283 mm C. 4.836 mm
B 5,484 mm O. 7.263 mm

A steel shalt transrruts 50 Hp at 1400 rpm. If allowable stress is 500 PSI, find the shalt
16 T
A. 3.58 In C 1 65 In Ss
B. 2.84 In D 2.54 In TId:)

70 = 16 T
T = 109.96 N mm
A = 2 turns = 2 rev = 2 (2TI) - 4"
I (),~ ,'­jlllllllll!) 
~1 (l r !ln lOq
10996 L
4)1  =  -- --
IT (2)4
32 ' lit x 1,3.281 _ 0.30478 m
L  6.283 mm
T = F(D!2) = 5(0.30478/2) = 0.7619 KN-m

PI,OBLEM 36 d 2,nxI/12xl/3.281 = 005079m

A hollow shaft developed a torque of 5 KN-m and shaft stress IS 40 Mpa If outside J rrd'i32 = n(O 05079)";32 = 6.533 x 10 m"
diameter of shaft IS 100 mrn. determine the shaft inner diameter. TL
A 68 43 mm C. 58 38 mm JG
B. 6328 mm D. 77.64 mm
Em!!ImD 0.7619
OiL 0.014043 rad/rn x 180 'ITrad
1§TD o (6533;; 07)(83xl 0 6 )
s 4
n(D o - D:') ell 0.805 -rn
16(5)(0 10)
n[(O 1())4 ]1),D(-~ I'HO!3LEM 39
(0 1)' D,' c 6 3662 x 10" What IS the minimum diameter of a steel shaft which will be used to operate a 14 KN-
D, ~ 0.07764 m = 77.64 mm m torque and will not be twist more than 3 In a length of 6 m? (G = 83 x 10 Kpa)
A 10064 mm B. 118.45 rnm
B 96.80 mm C 120.72 mm
l'I,OBUcM :17
What is the polar moment of Inertia of a solid shaft that has a torque ot 1.5 KN-m and
a stress of 25 Mpa?
A. 246 x 10 6 m'l C 3.46 X 10' m'
B 2.02 x 10- 0 m'l D 1.24 x 10'[ m 1
e = torsional deflection
(J = ---
Em:!!i:ir:mI 14(6)
3' (IT/180') - ------------

16T J(83Xl 0 6 )
nd 3 5
ITd 4
J = 1.93286 X 10 m'
25.000 = 16(1,5) 32
ITd _ red 11
1.93286 x 10" =
d 0.0673556 m = 673556 mm 32
4 4
rrd._. = rr(0.06755) = 2.02 x 10" m' d = 011845m = 118.45mm
32 32


A force tangent to a foot diameter pulley IS 5 KN and IS mounted on a 2 Inches shaft. A solid shaft 5 m long IS stressed to 60 Mpa when twisted through 4 Find the shaft
Determine the torsional deflection If G = 83 x 1Or, Kpa diameter If G . .:. 83 Gpa
A 0805 -rn C 0.768 '1m A. 95.46 mm C 101 32 mm
B 90.42 mm D. 103.54 rnm
B 0.654 -rn D 0.938 .m
j  In  Shu!1 inn  .SIi(~lt!nq II1
IlE!!mmI  Em:!!ii%.:D
s =  16T For rnam shaft:

Solving for T in terms of d:

o3 N (50/25.4)(3001 ~ 2860 Hp
3S 80 80
T = rrd
3 PHOBLEM '+:'\
rrd (60.000)
T 11780.97 d
___ Eqn 1 A 1 5 In diameter short shaft IS used to transmit 44,4 Hp Determine the shah speed
16 A 500 rps C 400 rps
TL B. 833 rps 0 450 rpm

4 x n:/180'
TIS) E:.'l!!IiI:.mI
IITd ](83x106) SOLUTION:
T = 113774606 d' _ Eqn. 2 For short shaft
03 N
Equate 1 and? /"
1 r f1 q.:. Cj-l c. p =
113774.606d' = 1178097,r (::I: :;;
d = 0.10354 m = 10354 mm (1.5)3 N
¢' ! Ii:; ;:;d Le.' 44.4
N = 500 rpm x 1160 8.33 IpS
What IS the diameter of a line shaft that transmit 150 KW at 15 rps?
A 228 In C 1.62 in
PR01J!.EM 4-+
B. 3.54 In 0 2.04 In
A 3 in solid shalt IS desired to replaced a hollow shaft havnq 4 In outside diameter
Consider the strength to be the same. determine the mside diameter of hollow shaft
Em:!!ii%.:D A 2.5 In C 3.48111
B 3 0 In 0 4.0 In
For line shaft.

p =
- E:.'l!!IiI:.mI
For 50110 shaft
150'0.746 = S = 15T 16T
53.5 0.1886T
nd 3 ,,(3)3
D , 2.28 in

For hollow shaft

A main shaft has 50 mm diameter IS running at 300 rpm What power that could be
s - 4"' --- 4
"(0,, 0 1

delivered by the shaft?

A 3040 Hp C. 32 50 Hp 01886 T = 16T(4)
B. 2860 Hp O. 16.42 Hp rrl4 J 0')
[J, = 348 In
112  Sh(~{t iun I L;
P[{OULEM  45  D:'(954931
A  motor  IS  used  to  drive  a  centrifugal  pump  thai  discharges  3000  h.rnin  at  a  head  01  150(095)
10 m.  The  pump efficiency  IS  6SC'o and  running  at  550 rpm.  Find  the  torsional  stress  of 
D = 2 In
shaft If shaft diameter IS  35 mm. 
A.  1385 Mpa  C 1285 Mpa 
['!,OllU':M 47
B  11  85  Mpa  D  1487 Mpa 
An 800 mm diameter circular saw blade IS driven by a 1800 rpm motor with belt
speed ratio of 1 8. Find the panphcra! speed of the blade
IlE:!!IiI:mI A 137.43 ft/sec C. 13243 IVsec
B 14065 ft/sec D. 13521 It/sec
Brakl Power
Solving for  the  power output of the  pump" 
Q  = 3000  li/rrun  = 3  m'!/min 
P  ~ w Q h  IIE:!!iml3
P  ~ 9  81 (3160)( 10) 
NI / N;. _ 1.8
P  ~ 4905 KW 
1800 ; N. = 1 8
Solving  for  tho  power Input of  the  pump:  N.· = 1000 rpm
V • IT D rl ,(08)11000/60) = 4188 m/sec x 3 281 137.43 It/sec
Brake power  =  4.905/068  =  7213 KW 
7.213  =  2, T(550/60) [,1'OBl.!':"1 4H
A machine shaft IS supported on bearings 1 m apart IS to transmit 190 KW at 300 rpm
T  =  0.1252  KN·m 
while subjected to bending load 01 500 kg at the center If maximum shearing stress IS
40 Mpa. determine the shaft diameter
s­ ]
14876.63 Kpa  14.876 Mpa  A. 100 mill C. 94 mm
n(0.035) B. 90 mm 0 98 mm

A  circular  saw blade  has  a  circular  speed  of  25 m/sec and  500 mm  diameter IS driven 
by  means  of  belt  that  has  an  effiCiency  of  95%  Find  the  required  diameter  of  the 
For Simply supported beam with load at center.
driven  shaft  If power transmitted  IS  50 hp. 
PL (500x000981}(1)
A.  1 In  C.  3 In  M
B  2 In  D.  4 in  4 4
M 1.226 KN m p ~ 500 kg


V =rrDN 
Sol\/Ing lor the torque developed"
190 = 2 rt T (300·60)
I ~ PI
T 604i88KNm
25  =  rt (0.5) N 
N  =  954.93  rpm  For shaft subjected to torsion and bending load.
Based on shearing.
For  line  shaft: 
16 "' ')
S _ \ M" - T"
D3N ;-rd\
P = 
53.5  16 ') <'
J ~ 0 ()OO " ,'(1 226)" T (6.04788)
P lei = D N :r:cl
53,5 d 009227 rr; = 9227 mm
II" ShU/II/H; :-.,!Ui!llfU! I J 5
A 100 mm diameter shaft \5 subjected to a torque of 6 KN-m and a bendinq moment
of 2.5 KN-m Find the maximum bending stress developed. For line shan
A. 4584 Mpa C 50.2B Mpa
B. 6025 Mpa D. 5546 Mpa

For shaft subjected to torsion and bending IOrHL Based on compression, 0 3 (900 )
16 . . -', --,
31 = -- I'M~\"2 __ T.:' I D = 2 28 In or 2 7/16 III (standard)

16 -- ?- - ') I PROBLEM 52 (ME Bd. Oct. 1996)

S, ='- ",125+\1 2 5 ;- - (6;- , A centnlugal pump IS dvectty coupled to a molar The pump rating IS 3600 liters per
n(0.1) J
minute against a total head of 8 meters of water. Pump efftcrency IS 65"~, at a speed
of SSO rpm Calculate the torsional stress Induced on the 40 mm diameter motor
S, 40,836.62 Kpa 4584 Mpa shaft.
A 11,193.45 kpa C. 10.01085 kpa
B. 13467.34 kpa O. 16,34567 kpa
A round steel shaft transmits 1/2 Hp at 1800 rpm. Tile shear modulus of elastiCity is
12.000,000 PSI The torsional deflection IS not to exceed 1 deg In a Jer-otn equal to 20 Brake Power
times the diameter Find the shaft diameter.
A 1.04 In
B. a 257 In
C a 864 In
D 2 045 In
o - 3,000 Ills -.= 3 rn?s
E'.l!!iiI:mI p,
WOh 981(3)18)
7,24 kw E = 65%
e 0.65
p = 2nTN P",2rrTN
33.000 7.24 2 n T (550'60)
, 2nT(1800) Tea 1208 KN-m
1,2 = - ,
33000 16T
T = 1.4589 f1-lb = 175071n-lb rrdJ
16(0 1258)
S ~ 10.01085kpa
H = TL n(O 04)3
17507(20d) PROBLEM 5;,
( IT d')(12000000) A round steel shaft transmits 0.375 kw at 1800 rpm. Tho shear of elasticuy
32 IS 80 Gpa The tors.onal deflection is not 10 exceed 1 degree In a length equal to 20
d 025727,n rnaroe'c-s Fmd the shaft diameter
A 6621 mm C 12344mm
3 8342 mm o
16300 mm
PHOBLEM 51 (ME Bd, Oct. 1996)
A line shaft to transmit 200 Hn at 900 rpm. Find the diameter of the shaft.
A. 23/16 m C 315/16 m
S. 27/16 In 0 13/16 In P 2,1 N
Sl](~f i nq
.'-,}wfl inq 117 
0.375 = 2 rrT (180060)
T = 0 001989 KN-m SOLUTION

TL m'I,JI ~, -:.: 1/2 m",I'J

JG m=wV
wV 1 1 i2wV 2
n 0 001989(20d)
x- -_
180 n:d4 6 V, = 1/2 V,
(80xl0 )
d = 00066206 m = 6.62 mm (rr/4)(D,' - D,')L = 1/2 (ni4)(d')L
,.., '") 2
0,," - 0' " 112 d
(1.5)' - Dr' = 1/2 (11"
PROBLEM 54 D. = 1 .322 In
A round steel shaft rotates at 200 rpm and IS subjected to a torque of 225 N.m and a
bending moment of 340 Nrn The allowable sheanng stress IS 40 MN/n/ the
allowable tensile IS 53,3 MNim;! Find the diameter I'ROBU:M ,,6
A 1/4 In diameter shaft IS designed with a working stress 01 7000 pSI In shear If it
A 23.45 mm C 28.56 mm
B. 3445 mm 0 4149 mm rotates at 1725 rpm and shear modulus of elasticity IS 12.000,000 pSI. what is the
torsional deflection In degrees per foot of length?
A 3.82" C 3.21'
E:.7:!!mmI B. 256 D. 423"

Based on sbeacr.o-
16 r '--2
S. = _ \ M , T,l
nd' _
S = 16T
16 ' -- -, - -- r; J
40 x 10 = - _j
'l,(0.34 t ,(0.225t
nd ,
7000= 16T
d = 0.0373 m = 37 3 mrn . "(I! 4)3
T = 1.789 fI-lb
Based on compression.
16 2
51 = ---, - M + vM nd 4rr(1 4)4
'I .

nd<l J= = _ 3 835 x 10' ff'
32 32
53 3 x 10' = 16 10.34 ,
;r:d 3
\(0::34l r (0.225)2 L·lf1=12In
TL (1789xI2,112) J/nrad
8= = 00559 rad x 180
d = 0 04149 m = 41 49 mm JG 3835xl0·'(12.000.000)
II = 3 21
Therefore choose the larger diameter, d ·,41 49 mm

A hollow shaft has an outside diameter of 4 In and an Inside diameter of 3 In. Find
the marnctcr of a solid shaft with equal strength In torsion
A 1 In diameter shaft IS to be replaced with a hollow shaft of the same rnatenal
A2121n B323,n
weighing half as much, but equally strong In torsion The outside diameter of the
C >1?3 In [) 3 S2 In
hollow shaft IS to be 1 1/2 in Find the inside diameter.
A. 1322 In C I 653 III
B. 2 123 In 0 3 123 In IIE!!Im3
S, "1 =- SI"...,.....
I] H J'. ( ·!I -, 11 q
.......  llfl/llllq
16T 16TO"
3 ::::: --.-1 --1
IT d 7T(Oo D )
0,/ - 0,'1-:::. rj)
(4)'. (3)' 0 d' (4)
do 352 In

A 1;4 In steel shaft transmits 30 In-Ib of torque The effective length of the shaft IS 12
in: the modulus of etasncuv In shear IS 12.000,000 pSI. Find the angular deflection in
A. 234"
B 1,23'
C, 448'
0, 634"
mm:mD ~
1. Key - a machine member employed at the mtartacc of a pair of mating male and
ITd' . )4 ~
'~(TI terna'c Circular cross-sectional members to prevent relative angular motion
J = -' 4 . = 3835 x 10ft
32 32 between these mating members
TL (30)(12)
H ::::: = 0.078 rad x 180"/mad 2. Keyway a groove ill the shaft and mating member to which the key fits.
JG 3835xl0" (12000000)
00448' 3. Splines - permanent keys made integral With the shaft and fitting Into keyways
broached Into the mating
A 1 1/2 In Monel shaft IS used In a torsional application. Based on operating speed of 4. Square key has a square cross-section with tlalf of ItS depth sunk In the shaft
100 rpm and safety factor of 12. How much horsepower can it transmit? Assume the ano half in the hub.
shearrng stress IS 3/4 of the ultimate tensile stress which is 100.000 pSI
A 657 hp C 234 hp 5. Flat key has a reqular cross section With a smaller om-cison placed In the
B. 345 hp 0. 5.23 hp radial direction with half sunk In the shaft and half In the hub and IS used where
the weakening of the shaft by the keyway IS serious
6. Round key - has Circular cross section
S" = 3'4 S,
S" = 34 (100,000) 0 75,000 pSI 7. Barth key IS a square key With bottom two corners beveled.

S _ SSLJ 8. Woodruff key consists 01 one-half of a Circular disk fitting into a rectangular
,- FS keyway In the female member and a semi-circular keyway In the male member
S, 6.250 pSI
9. GibMhead taper key - is a flat key With a special qrb-he ad to facilitate easy
dnvrnq and removal of the key
S, 0 16T
, 7Td 3
10. Saddle key IS a flat key used Without a 'Keyway In the shaft
6250= -',
"(1.5r 11. Kennedy keys are tapered SqU,Hf' keys With the diagonal dimension In a
T -4141 751n·lb 0345.141!·lb circumferential direction.
P = ~"TN_ = 2IT(34514)(100)
12. Feather key is one which has a uqhl [II into one member and a loose Sliding lit
= 6 57 hp
33,000 33,000 In thr' 1Tl,1tltl(j member thus allowmq tile hub to move along the shaft but prevents
ILO {(I'II_",  121 

rotation  on  the  shalt 

Types of keys: 
1.  square  key  3.  Compressive  Stress (So)  of key 
2  flat  key 

found  key 
barth  key 
Ih/ 2
5 woodruff key  So 
6 oro-nead key  (h/2)L 
7.  saddle  key 
8  kennedy  key 

9.  leather key 

rmmmm  Compressive area -~

4. Shearing Stress  (5,) of key 

s, =  ~
Key  F  where  L  -= tenqth  of  key 
W  -= width  of  key 
h  h  ­ height of  key 

Shaft  w 

1.  Power of key:  5.  Relation of key and  shaft for the same material: 

A.  P  21t T N,  KW  w  L  =  12 D 

21tTN  H 
B P 6.  Force tangent to pulley rim 
33000'  P  F'


2.  Force transmitted,  F  R
F.r=F'.R  T'


d/2  ~ _  force tanqent  to  the  key 
F  force  tangent  to  pulley rim 
where  d  shaft  diameter  R  radn.s  of  pulley 
122  tc: c-~ I ':> 1'23 
PROBLE:vl  I  (ME  Bd.  Oct.  97)  7788

A  76.2  rnrn  In  diameter shafting  of  SAE  1040  grade,  cold  rolled,  navinq a  yield  point  of  f- 28,8444 N
(0054/2) '1
50  kSI  and  with  a  3/4  x  5  Inches  key  Compute  the  minimum  Yield  pomt  In  the  'Key In  ;.<:
P' ,
order  to  transmit  the  torque  of  the  shaft.  The  tactor  of  satety  to  use  IS  2  and  S 
0.50  S/ For shearing ot key 1.5875 em <~; . L
A  39120 kSI  C 27920 kSI
F 1.11 em
B 42.130ksl D. 47.120 kSI
SOLUTION 28844.4
For Key
L -c 00433 m = 4.33 em
w -= 3/;" ~ 0.75"'
L = 5"
~ For compression of key'
d = 762 mm 3 In
Sy ( )
S,. S, 2 F 54mm
FS h L
S" " 25,000 pSI 2(28.844.41
2 90,000.000
o 015875(Lj
S = 16T L ~ 0.040377 m = 40377 em
rrd3 Therefore choose the longer length of key
L c 433 em
25,000 = 16T
n( 3)'
T 132,535 94 m-lb
T = F r I'H013LEM 3 (Ocl. 1998)
132,535.94 = F(3/2) A 76.2 mm cramercr shattmq of SAE 1040 grade, cold rolled, havno a Yield oom' or
F = 88,357.29Ibs 50 kSI and With a 3/4 x 3/4 x 5 In key Compute the minimum Yield pou-t In the key In
For sheanng of key order transmit the torque of the shaft The factor of safely to usc IS 2 and S,c, .;: 05

F 88,357.29 S,
23,561 94 psi A 47 52 kSI C. 4712 kSI
wL 075(5)
B. 4725 kSI o 4721 ksi
Sy = S, x FS
S, = 23,561 94 x 2 = 47,120 PSI 4720 kSI
PHOflLEM 2 (ME Bd. Ocl. 97) For Key
w ::::: ~': " =-- 0 75"'
A keyed sprocket deliver a torque of 778.8 N m thru the shaft of 54 rnrn 00. The '",ey
thickness IS 1.5875 em and the Width IS 1.11 em. Compute the length of the same
- c-:
L - .,
d c:: 76.2 rnm = 3 In
key. The permissible stress value of 60 Mpa for shear and 90 Mpa for tension.
A 39.12 em C 52.22 em
B. 4.82 em 0 432 em S, 50.000 c 25,000 PSI
FS 2
S = 16T
T Tl"d 3
25,000 c
T  =  132.535.94 in­Ib  K('l/S 125
132,535.94  =  F(3/2) A metric M4 x 15 square key is used with a 16 mm shaft. If the allowable shearing
F = 88,357.29Ibs stress is 50 Mpa. How much torque can the assembly handle? The rotational speed
For shearing of key: of the shaft is 600 rpm.
F 88,357.29 A. 20 N-m C. 24 N-m
Ss = --- 23,561.94 psi
D. 34 N-m
wL 0.75(5) B. 12 N-m
Sy = Ss x FS
S, = 23,561.94x2 = 47,120 psi 47.20 ksi SOLUTION

An M4 x 15 square key, means w = 4 mm, 4mm

h = 4 mm and L = 15 mm
PROBLEM 4 (ME Bd. Apr. 98) 4mm
A keyed gears delivers a torque of 912.4 N-m thru its shaft of 635 mm outside For shearing of key:
diameter. If the key has thickness of 15.875 mm and width of 11.1125, find the length F
of the key. Assume the permissible stress values of 61.2 Mpa for shear and tension Ss= -
at 99.8 Mpa. 2
A. 47.42 mm C. 42.22 mm Ss = 50 Mpa or 50 N/mm
B. 39.72 mm D 46.92 mm F
50 =

Em!!iImII F = 3000 N
T = F (d/2) = 3000(0.016/2) = 24 N-m

16 mm
T = Fxr
912.4 = F (0.0635/2)
F = 28,737 N 15.875m _ PROBLEM 6
11.11 em A flat key is to be designed for 75 mm diameter shaft which will transmit 150 'r<YV at
Based on shearing of key: 400 rpm. If allowable shearing stress is 200 Mpa and key width is 15 mm, determine
F the length of key.
Ss = - -
wL A. 30.65 mm C. 33.75 mm
B 31.83 mm D. 32.85 mm
61200 000 =~37
" 0.0111125L
L = 0.04225 m = 42.25 mm Em!!iImII
Based on compressive of key:
P = 2rrTN
150 = 2rrT(400/60)
Sc = 2F T = 3.581 KN-m

99,800,000 ~ . _ - -
2(28,737) T = Fxr
0.015875L 3.581 = F x (0.075/2)
L = 0.03628 m = 36.28 mm F = 95.493 KN IE )
I 75 mm

Therefore use the longer length to be safe: For shearing of key:

L = 42.25 mm F
So =

200,000 = _9~3
L = 0.03183 m = 3183 rnrn
126  J,! '1/', 127
PROBLEM 7 1\ <+3 KN C. 45 KN
A  rectangular key  is  used  in  a  pulley to  transmit  100  KW  at  1000  rpm  on  50  mm  shaft  B. 48 KN D. 46 KN
diameter.  Determine  the  force  required  to  remove  the  shaft  from  the  hub  if  friction  is 
A.  33.24  KN  C.  28.35 KN  K=I-15·UW..'
B.  36.85  KN  D.  30.55  KN 
For line shaft:
P =- -
P=2nTN 15/0.746 = .0
(600 )
100 = 2nT(1000/60) 53.5
T = 0.9549 KN-m o = 1.2148 in = 0.03085 m
T = Fxr L = 1 in = 0.025398 m
0.9549 = F x (0.050/2) w = 0/4 = 0.03085/4 = 0.007714 m
F = 38.197 KN F
Ss =
The friction on key experience both upper half on one side and lower half on the other
230,000 = (0.001'714)(0.025398)
Force required to remove the shaft from the hub F = 45.061 KN
P = 2 f F = 2(0.4)(38.197) = 30.55 KN

PROBLEM 8 A square key is to be used in a 40 mm diameter shaft and that will developed a 2 KN-
A 7/16 in height x 3 in length flat key is keyed to a 2 inches diameter shaft. Determine m torque. If bearing stress of the key is 400 Mpa, determine the cross sectional
the torque in the key if bearing stress allowable is 25 Ksi. dimension of square key to be used if key length is 30 mm.
A. 16,406.25 in-Ib C. 17.42 in-lb A. 324.80 mm C. 446.80 rnrn"
B. 15,248.56 in-Ib 0 246.75 in-lb B. 246.80 rnrn" D. 277.77 mrn"

&-i-"'5it-D "W"'mE'
w = 7/16 = 0.4375 in T = Fxr
7/16" 2 = F x (0.04/2)
Sc = -~ F = 100 KN w
(h / 2)L
25000 = ------ Sc = ---
, 3 (0.4375/2] (h / 2)L
F = 16,406.25 \bs
400000 = 100
, (0.030/ 2)(h)
T = Fxr
h = 0.01666 m = 16.6667 mm
T = 16,406.25 x (2/2) '" 16,406.25 in-Ibs w = h = 16.667 mm
A '" 16.667 x 16.667 = 277.77 rnrn"
!( )
, 40 mm
A rectangular key is used in a pulley connected to a line shaft at 15 KW and 600 rpm.
If shearing of key is 230 Mpa, determine the force acling on key length if key width
one-fourth of shaft diameter and key length is 1 inch
KellS 129 
A  100  KN  force  is  acting  on  a  key  that  has  a  length  of  4  times  its  height.  If  bearing 
stress  of  key is 400  Mpa,  determine the  height of key. 
For  the same shaft and  key  material: 
A.  1054 mm  C.  12.65  mm  
B.1118mm  D.15.25mm   w '" 1/4  0
w  =  1/4  (0.12) 
w  :"  003 m  '"  h 
Sc'" - - -
(h /2)L 
s, '" (h/2)L   F
H   410,000  =  ­ -
w   (0.14)(0.03) 
L  '"  4 h   F  '"  1722  KN 
100   Fxr'"  F'xR 
400,000  '"  (4h)(h /2)   1722(0.12)  '"  F' (1.2) 
F'  '"  172.20 KN 
h  '"  0.01118 m  
h  '"  11.18 mm  

A one meter pulley is fastened to  a  100  mm  shaft by means of 25  mm  square key  and 
150  mm  long.  What force tangent to  pulley  rim  will  shear the  key  if shear stress  is 200 
A.  65 KN  C.  75 KN 
B.  70 KN  D.  80 KN 

Ss '"  Lw  
200,000  '"  0.025(0.15)  25mm

F =  750  KN 

Torque on  key  =  Torque on  pulley 

r,  '"  Tp  
F x r  =  F' x R  
750(0.100)  = F'  (1)  
F'  '"  75 KN  
'( )
I  100 mm
A  1.2  m  pulley is  fastened to  a  120  mm  shaft by  means  of  a square  key  with  140  mm 
long.  What force  tangent  to  pulley  rim  will  crush  the  key  if  bearing  stress  is  410  Mpa. 
Assume key  and  shaft are  of the  same  material. 
A.  16042 KN  C.  18042 KN 
B.  16525 KN  D.  172.20 KN 
130  Couplif/S} Coupling 131 

2.   Total force transmitted(F) 

8 Coupling  
3.   Force transmitted  per bolt(F b )

~ where: 
n  = no.  of bolts 
Flange  Dc  = bolt  circle  diameter 
---71 t~
1.  Coupling  ­ is a mechanical device 
•  4.  Shearing  of bolts(Ss) 

which  is used  to connect length  of 

shafts  permanently. 

2.   Rigid  couplings  ­ couplings that  do 

not  allow  angular,  or  rotational  Shaft  
•  Shear Area 

flexibility and  used  with  collinear   5.   Compressive stress on  bolts and flange(Sc) 

3.   Flange coupling  ­ type  of rigid coupling  which  consist of  two  halves of flanges 
connected  by each  other by bolts.  -4 l~t

4.   Sleeve or collar couplings ­ rigid coupling  which  is a cylindrical  collar pressed  t  =  thickness of flange  
over  the  ends  of two  co­linear shafts.  d  = bolt  diameter  

5.   Flexible couplings  ­ coupling which  allows  angularity to take  care  of 

misalignment of the  shafts 
mmmm Compressed Area 

1.  Power transmitted  PROBLEM 1 (ME  Bd.  Oct.  97) 

A  flanged  bolt  coupling  has  ten  (10)  steel  25.4  mm  diameter  bolts  evenly  tighten 
A.  P  =  2. n TN,  KW  around  a  415  mm  bolt  circle.  Determine  the  torque  capacity  of  the  connection  if  the 
allowable shearing  stress  in the  bolt  is 50  MN/m .
A.   5995 KNm  C.  46.15  KN.m 
B  P  =  21tTN  
33,000,HP   B.   52.6  KN.m  D.  43.8  KN.m 
132  Ccn ipl i iu]
COlLpiing 133 
For  shearing stress in bolts  SOLUTION
s, = -~
(nI4)d 2
P  =  2rcTN
where:  Fb  = force  transmitted per  bolt 
60  = 2  rt  T  (180/60)
50,000  = . . - .~ -'- T  = 3183 KN­m 
(n 14)(0.0254)2
Fb  =' 25335 KN  Torque  on  coupling:  
T  = F (OJ2)  
F  = total  force on  bolts  = n x Fb  3.183  =  F  (0.180/2)
F  = 10(25.335)  = 25335 KN  F  = 353677 KN  (total  force)  
T  = F  (-~) = 253.35(0.415/2) = 52.57 KN.m  F  353677  =  4.421  KN 
2 Fb  = force  transmitted per  bolt  ­ =  ­ 8

Fb  4.421 
= 14,542.67 Kpa  14.542 Mpa 
PROBLEM  2  Sc = dt (0016)(0.019) 
A flange  bolt  coupling  consist  of  eight  20  mm  diameter  steel  bolts  space  evenly 
Fy .148
around  a  bolt  circle  300  mm  in  diameter.  If  the  coupling  is  subjected  to  a  torque  of  FS  -+--- = 30.8 
15.1  KN­m,  determine the  maximum  shearing  stress in the  bolts?   Sc 14542 
A.  40 Mpa  C.  70 Mpa  
B  38  Mpa  O.  29  Mpa  
~i·l![H A turbine  is  connected  to  a  generator  by  means  of  flange  coupling  that  has  a  bolt 
circle  diameter  of  500  mm.  The  generator  output  is  40  MW,  3600  rpm  and  90% 
T  = F  x  r  etticiency.  If there are  16 bolts,  determine the  force  acting  on  each  bolt 
A.  26.41  KN  C.  35.62 KN 
15.1 =  F  (0.300/2) B 29.47  KN  O. 3261  KN
20 mm
F  =  10067 KN  (total  force)  Lomm Emmir.m
Fb  = force  per bolt 
L 40000
Brake  Power =  .i.:»:
=  44444.44  KW  

Fb  = Fin  =' 100.67/8 = 1258 KN   P  = 2rcTN 

44,444.44  =  2 rt  T (3600/60)
For  shearing of bolt  T  = 117.89 KN­m  
Ss ~ .~ - ­

40043.38  Kpa  = 4004 Mpa  

o co. 500 mm  =  0.50 m  
rc  d2 rc  2 T = F (0/2)
­ (0020)
4 4 117.89  = F(0.50/2)
F  =  471.57  KN  
PROBLEM  :3 F b  = Fin 
A flange  coupling  having  180  mm  bolt  circle  and  19  mm  thick  uses  8  bolts,  16  mm  where:  n  =  no.  of bolts 
diameter to  connect two  shafts.  It is  use  to  transmit 60  KW  at  180  rpm.  Determine  the  71.57
F I ,  = ---- =  29.47  KN 
factor of  safety in  bearing if yield  point  in compression  is 448  Mpa   16 
A. 156  C  30.8 /  
B  185  o.  25.4  
1:34 (  '0 I I l ' II 1111  COll/J[i,,,/   135 
PH.OBLEM  5  .,:r]I{·K~
A  75  mm  diameter shaft is transmitting  300  KW  ill 600  rpm  A  solid coupling has  6 
bolts each  18  mm  In diameter.  Find  the  required  bolt  circle  diameter if shearing  stress 
in  bolts is 27.5  Mpa. 
A.  22740 mm  Fb
C 25450 mm  s, 
B.  233.60 mm  D.  27260 mm  dt  
T  = F  (0/2)  
SOLUTION 15  =  F(O.25/2)   25 mm
F  =  120  KN 
T  250mm
P=2rrTN   Fb =   F = 120  =  15  KN  
300  =  2  1l  T  (600/60)  
T  =  47746 KN­m 
4=:.~ n  8  

18 mm 75mm
S, = - ~ Solving  for  t  based on  compressive on  key: 
(rr /  4)d 2 15 
Dc 15000  = 
,  (0.025)t 
27  500  =  f},__  
t  =  0.040 m  =  40 mm 
,  rr/4(0.018)2  
Fb  =  6.9978 KN  
F  =  6(6.9978)  =  41.9868 KN  

T  =  F(D c/2)
4.774  =  41.9868(Oc/2) 
Dc  =  0.22740 m  = 22740 mm 

The  total  force  of  125  KN  is  required  of  flange  coupling  that  has  5  bolts  has  also 
shearing stress of  30  Mpa  for  bolt.  Determine the  required  diameter of  bolt. 
A.  62.54  KN  C  45.62 KN 
B.  54.21  KN  O.  32.57 KN 

Fb  125/5  =  25  KN 
Ss ­­­­­­,­-
(rt /4)d 2  
30.000   =  ­­ -2  
d  =  00325 m  =  32.57 mm 
A  flange  coupling  with  bolt circle  diameter of  250 mm  uses  8  bolts,  25  mm  diameter.  
the  torque  transmitted  is  15  KN­m  and  compressive  stress  of  bolt  is  15  Mpa.  
Determine the  required  flange thickness.  
A.  25 mm  C.  35 mm 
B.  30 mm  D.  40 mm 
Pressure \',  ,.,>.,>/.[ I  : I
136  Pressure V, 'S.'>, '/ 

,9  ~rs;u
"~s.el I'
rnnxrrnum pressure at the bottom
w h == (SG x ww) h

For Spherical Pressure Vessel

1< )j

(.. If efficiency of joint is not considered:

S =!,]J~
4t , ,
, I
I ,

(. If efficiency of Joint is considered:

,, ,,

,, ,,,
S== POi ,
41 e t~ D'I ~t
(, If the ratio of wall thickness to the inside diameter ( ~ ) is less than 0.07 then , ,

. OJ k ),
. ~ !
the cylinder is considered as thin-wall. (.. OJ :::: Do -2t
For Cylindrical Pressure Vessel where: e:::: joint efficiency

(.. If efficiency of Joint is not considered: If the ratio of t/D, is greater than 007, then the vessel is considered as thick-wall.
S, == tangential stress or hoop stress
S ",PDi " Using Lame's equation for internal pressure:

l1-~+tS 'lQ 2
SL longitudinal stress t ::::
Sl Ie ~ where:
4t Dr
1 == wall thickness SI tangential stress
D == inside diameter P, internal pressure
<. If efficiency of joint is considered:
PO PDt (. When the vessel is subjected to an internal and external pressures:
SI == ------1... s,
2te 4t e
e == joint efficiency For Maximum Internal Stress:
S == tangential stress
2 2. 2
0, == inside diameter t == thickness of the wall S _ Pi(fo Hi ) ~2Por
1/ ~ 2- ~

" OJ '" 0 0 - 2t
fo - rj
where: t:::: wall thickness Do :::: outside diameter For Maximum External Stress: ~
2 •... ':'./ 2 2 .t< ): ~
:I t
" For a cylindrical vessel filled with fluid: SIO ~ Or{bP~ir 2 + rj ) " r.
ro 2 .-. r,2
l0lJ Pressure \ ·(·ss,·/  Pressure \',',.,,-1 139

l' 1« 1I\L1': M :\ (Oct. 1998)
St, = maximum internal tangential P, = internal pressure Deterrrune the bursting pressure of steel with diameter of 10 inches and make of
stress Po = external pressure 1/4 111 thick plate. The joint efficiency is at 70% and the tensile strength is 60 ksi.
SIO = maximum external tangential r = outside radius
A 4.020 psi C. 2.400 psi
stress r, = inside radius B. 4.002 pSI D. 4,200 psi
PROBLEM 1 (Oct. 2000)
Find the thickness of a metal needed in the semi-spherical end of cylindrical
vessel 0.70 meter in diameter subjected to an internal pressure of 2.7 N/mm 2
The material is mild carbon steel and tensile stress is 69 N/mm. Using spherical vessel formula for thin wall:
A. 5.2 mm C. 7.53 mm
B. 6.02 mm O. 6.84 mm Considenng the efficiency,

Using spherical vessel formula for thin wall: S 60 ksi = 60,000 psi
Two semi-spherical ends is considered as sphere. P(10)_
P = 2.7 N/mm = 2.7 Mpa = 2700 Kpa
60,000 = 4(11'4)(0.70)
S = 69 N/mm = 69 Mpa = 69,000 Kpa
P = 4200 psi

S = ~Oi
4t PROBLEM 4 (ME Bd. Oct. 97)
69,000 = .£2~) (0.7)_ Determine the safe wall thickness of a 30 inches steel with internal pressure of
4 (tj--- 7.82 Mpa. The yeild stress of material is at 275.48 Mpa. The factor of safety to
use is 2.0.
A. 3/4 in C. 21.6 mm
0.00685 mm = 6.85 m
B. 23.4 cm D. 5/8 111

PROBLEM 2 (Oct. 2000) E1I!DI':D

A cylindrical tank with 10 inches inside diameter contains oxygen gas at 2500
psi. Calculate the required wall thickness in millimeter under stress of 28000 psi. ~(.1 1,
A. 10.54 C. 10.24 Using thin-wall formula:
B. 11.34 O. 12.44 8, = PD~ P = 7.82 Mpa
~ = PO,
FS 2t
For cylindrical pressurized tank: !< ~
275.48 = 7.82@~) 30in

8 =~Oi 2 2t
2t t = 0.8516 in = 21.6 mm

28,000 = ~50l PROBLEM 5 (ME Bd. Oct. 97)

2t Determine the bursting steam pressure of a steel shell with diameter of 10 inches
t = 0.446 in (25.4) = 11.34 mm and made of 114 inch thick steel plate. The joint efficiency is at 70% and the
tensile strength is 60 ksi.
A. 4200 psi C 42.8 ksi
B. 105 kSI D 8500 psi
140 Pressure \lessel
Pr c ss urc \Ie sscl 141

St = PO
-- ---'-
Steel shell usually spherical:  2t
Based on operating pressure:
POi 180(60)
Considering the  efficiency,  S 9500 = : - - - - -
4tTj 2t
t =: 0.568"
60,000 =: 4(0:25 )(0 70)
Based on pop-out pressure:
P =: 4200 psi
9500 c; 200(60)
PROBLEM 6 (ME Bd. Apr. 98) t = 0_631"
A standard plate thickness of 5/8" (0.625") would be safe Solving for the
Compute the safe wall thickness of a 76.2 cm diameter steel tank. The tank is
bursting pressure ustnq a wall thickness of 5/8" (0.625"):
subjected to 7.33 Mpa pressure and the steel material has Yield stress of 215.4
Mpa. The factor of safety to use is 3. S, =: POi
A. 1 1/2 in C. 4.09 cm 2t
B. 3.89 cm D. 369 cm P(60)
65,000 = 2(-0.625)
P = 1354 psi

Usually steel tank is cylindrical, ~jt

PROBLEM 8 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
Sy P = 7.33Mpa Determine the thickness of a steel air receiver with 30 inches diameter and
pressure load of 120 pSI, design stress of 8000 psi.
FS 2t
A. 1/4 in C. 5/8 in
C 3/8 In D. 1/2 in
215.4 7.33(76.2) !< )1
76.2 em

=: 3.89 cm For cylindrical tank:

St = ----,
PROBLEM 7 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)
A steel cylindrical air receiver with 5 feet diameter and pressure load of 180 psi, 8000 ---_.

design stress of 9500 psi maximum. The pressure vessel is to be provided with 1 2t
1/2" diameter drain valve Installed at the bottom of the vessel and safety t =: 0.225.
pressure relief valve installed either at the top most or at the side with prop-out
rating of 200 psi. assume a 100% weld joint efficiency. The lap welding tensile Therefore: Use 1/4" standard thickness
strength is 65,000 psi. determine the bursting pressure of this air receiver. (Kent's p. 6-03)
A. 1154 psi C. 1454 psi
B. 1354 psi 0 1254 pSI
PROBLEM 9 (ME Bd. Oct 93)
Ei3!Iim3I A compression ring is to be used at the junction of a conical head and shell.
Determine the required area of the compression ring if the pressure is 50 psi and
0, = 5 It =60 in the stress is 13,750 pSI. Assume an efficiency of the JOint IS 80%.

142  Pressure  Vessel  143 
PreSSlUT Vessel

Em!!iirf3  IED!DImI
'I- ~t Using thin wall cylinder formula:

k  ­­­ >I S
Do 2t
S = !< )j
2te  140,000 = P(0.50) 500mm
13.750 =J'0D;
P = 11,200 Kpa 11.20 Mpa
t = 0.00227 D,

Do D, + 2t
Do D, + 2(0.00227 D,) PROBLEM 12
A water tank 10m x 12 m is completely filled with water. Determine the minimum
Do 1.00454 D,
Area rr/4 [( 1.00454 D,2 - D,2 J thickness of the plate if stress is limited to 50 Mpa.
Area = 0.00715 D, in
2 2 A. 11.77 mm C. 13.55 mm
B. 12.66 mm D. 12.44 mm

PROBLEM 10 (ME Bd. Apr. 94) KJe1!ii«ml

A cylindrical tank with 10" inside diameter contains oxygen gas at 2500 psi.
Calculate the required wall thickness in (mm) under stress of 28,000 psi.
A. 11.44 mm C. 11.34 mm
B. 10.6 mm D. 10.3 mm Solving for maximum pressure located at the
bottom of the tank. For cylindrical pressure
P wh=9.81(12) 117.72 Kpa
PD, 1< >I
SI = .-. P = 2500 psi
10 m
S = ~Di
28 000 = ~50J.1Cl)_ 2t
, 2(1)
50.000 = 2~7.(10)
t = 0.4464 in = 11.34 mm 1< >I 2t
t = 0.011772 m = 11.77 mm

Determine the internal pressure of a cylindrical tank 500 mm internal diameter, A spherical shell of 1.8 m outside diameter and 1.725 m inside diameter contains
20 mm thick and 3 m long if stress is limited to 140 Mpa. helium at a pressure of 10.4 Mpa. Compute the stress in the shell.
A. 1006 Mpa C 1120 Mpa A. 124.08 Mpa C. 96.48 Mpa
B. 10.52 Mpa D. 12.88 Mpa B. 119.06 Mpa D. 88.46 Mpa
Pressure Vessel ]45
]44 Pressure Vessel

=~§ PO,
.i·'K:m:mI FS 2t
~20 = __ P (2)
Do -0, 4.5 2 (0.015)
2 P = 14 Mpa
1.8 ­1.725 
t = ------
= 0.0375  m  t~ ~t
2 OJ =  1.725 m  t)ROBL~M 16
S = ~i 10.4 (1.72_5 1 = 119.60 Mpa  Oo=1.8m The cylinder of a hydraulic press is made up of thick walled cylinder having an
4t 4(0.0375) inside diameter of 300 rnrn. It is subjected to an internal pressure of 40 Mpa
Determine the thickness of the cylinder without exceeding a shearing stress of 80
A. 62.13 mm C. 48.92 mm
B. 5861 mm D. 7240 mm
A 600 mm diameter spherical steel pressure vessel has a uniform 8 mm wall
thickness and an internal gage pressure of 10 Mpa. If the ultimate stress of steel
is 420 Mpa, determine the factor of safety with respect to tensile of failure. EJ'immi
A. 230 C. 2.69
B. 1.89 D. 148 Using thick wall formula: (Lame's Equation)

~ ~+J -1J

P =40 Mpa
Solving first the inside diameter:
OJ = Do - 2t
0, = 600 - 2(8) = 584 mm = 0.584 m
t. = Q~? U~:r -J
8mm ~8m = 010980 m = 10980 mm I( :;
Using the spherical vessel formula: 300 mmn

S = P~j 10(0584) = 18250 Mpa The internal pressure of a 400 mm inside diameter cylindrical tank is 10 Mpa and
4t 4 (0.008)
tank thickness IS 25 mm. Determine the stress developed if joint efficiency is
FS ?"'- 2.30
S 18250 A 8010 Mpa C 86.75 Mpa
B. 84.21 Mpa D. 7842 Mpa

Determine the largest internal pressure which maybe applied to a cylindrical tank
~ 25m
2 m in diameter and 15 mm wall thickness, if the ultimate stress of steel is 420
Mpa and a factor of safety of 45. PO,
A. 14 Mpa C. 18 Mpa I S 10 Mpa
B. 2.6 Mpa D. 22 Mpa
-J.~ 15 mm 10,000(040)
S ------_._"-----~-
84.210.526 Kpa
SOLUTION p 2(0.025)(0.95)
84.21 Mpa I( :;
400 mmn
2t 1< )1
146 Pressure Vcssd 147
Pressure Vessel

A  spherical  tank  15  mm  thick  has  an  internal  pressure  of  5  Mpa.  The  joint  IID!!JmD
efficiency  is  96%  and  stress  is  limited  to  46,875  Kpa.  Find  the  tank  internal 
radius.  Using thick-wall formula:
A.  540 mm 
B.  200 mm 
C.  270 mm 
O.  300 mm 
t= Qr iTs! + PI) - 1l
2l\i(St- Pi) J
SOLUTION 0.050 = .0. 30 r ((30,000 + Pi) -1l
2 l~ (30,000 - p;) J
S = ~ ,~ . l

I' ,,:
4111 0.333 = I 1J

46 875  =  .~ 5,000LCJ,L_ 
l \i (30,000 - Pi)

,  4(0.015)(096) 
0,  =  0.540 m  =  540 mm 


I I 
1333 = IIlJ£:+.~03(
~L (30,000-Pi ) J
r, = 540/2 = 270 mm  I  Di )! ~5m
Squaring both sides:
1.333 = :3
+ p;
PROBLEM 19 3000 -PI
A cylindrical tank has an inside diameter of 5 in and is subjected to an internal 30,000 + P, = 53333.33 - 1.7777P,
pressure of 500 psi. If maximum stress is 1200 psi, determine the required P, = 8400 Kpa = 8.4 Mpa
A. 1.0 in C 1.4 in
B. 1.2 In O. 1.6 in PROBLEM 21
A round vertical steel tank has an Inside diameter of 3 m and 6 m height. It
contains gasoline with a density of 750 kg/m If the allowable tensile stress is 25
Mpa, find the minimum thickness required
To check if the problem is thin or thick wall: A 2.65 mm C. 3.65 mm
B. 2.85 mm O. 1.82 mm

1200 = .?g~(5) wa·"'U(m11

Solving for maximum pressure at the bottom of tank.
t = 1.04166 in
tID, = 104166/5 P w h = (750 x 9.81 Ii 000)(6) = 44.145 Kpa
tiD, = 0208> 007
Therefore, use thick-wall formula: S
By Lame's Equation for thick vessel

l l
25.000 =

~ I~: +-~? -1J ~= J~-ci: ~cif

t = -1] 1395 in
t = 2.648 x 10. 3 m = 2.648 mm
!'\-{013LEM 22
PROBLEM 20 A cylinder having an internal diameter of 16 in and external diameter of 26 inches
A thick wall cylinder has 50 mm thick and internal die-meter of 300 mrn. If stress IS subjected to 1500 psi external pressure and internal pressure of 9.000 psi.
is limited to 30 Mpa, determine the maximum internal pressure Determine the hoop stress on outer surface of cylinder.
A 8.1 Mpa C 8.3 Mpa A. 8,742.65 psi C. 9.400.62 psi
B 82 Mpa O. 8.4 Mpa B 7,642.85 psi 0 9,471.43 psi
148  Pressure Vessel
noll s & Power Screw J49


r,  = 16/2  = 8  in 

ro = 26/2  = 13  in  ­+1 
2  2 2 -+
2Pj  r,  ­ Po( r0 + r, )
Sto = --- ----.-
2 2
. 1500 psi
ro - r, -+1
2(9000)(8)2 -1500(13 2 ... 8 2)
SIO ----_ -._---_._-._-
.. -+
13 2 .. 82
7642.85 psi
I< >!
k )1

PROBLEM 23 m:mm:tmtJ
A cylindrical tank has a mean diameter of 40 cm and thickness of 10 ern. It is ~ Bolts and Screws are threaded fasteners which are used to hold together
subjected to an external pressure of 140 kq/crn" and maximum internal
machine members which require easy dismantling.
tangential stress is 900 kq/crn". Determine the maximum internal tangential
stress is 900 kq/crn". Determine the maximum internal pressure of the tank. ,. Pitch(p) = is the axial distance between adjacent threads.
A. 2947.5 kg/cm C. 1246.5 g/cm
B. 34265 kg/cm D. 1942.6 kq/crn"
~. Lead ' !S the axial distance a thread advances in one revolution.

Em!!JirmI (, Minor diameter - IS the smallest diameter of the threads.

r, = 40 - (10/2) = 35 cm ~, Pitch diameter - is the mean of major and minor diameters.

Io = 40 + (10/2) = 45 cm
2 2 2 ........ 140 <. Major diameter - is the outside diameter of the threads and is the nominal
Stl = fJ-,~r - 2Poro diameter
r0 2 - r,
Stress area - is the area of an imaginary Circle whose diameter is the mean of
900( 45 2 + 35 2) - 2(140)( 45)2
SI' - --452 ' _ 35-
2 _.-.- t t t the pitch and minor diameter.
..o., +D,'
SI' 2947.5 kq/crn"
40 em
)1 Stress area = IT

4. l 2
-_. i

Ie. Common types of bolts and screws:

1. machine bolts 5. stove bolt

2. stud bolt 6. cap screw
3. eye bolt 7. set screw
4. U-bolt

I.. Types 01 threads:

UNC(Unified National Course) - for general use, except where other types are
, UNF(IJ'lified National fine), frequently useo in automotive and aircraft work and
Wllt:lf; a line adjustment is requllf:cJ

150 130/{ s &.  Power Screw 151
Bolts &  Power Screw
3.  UNEF(Unified National Extra Fine) ~ used in aeronautical  equipment and  where  o ~ nominal  diameter 
very fine  adjustment is  required 
F,  = Initial  tension 
Common forms of threads:
1.  Acme thread 
2.  Sellers  square thread 

Co Pitch(p) ~IS the  axial  distance a thread 
«': advances in  one  revolution. 
1.  Formulas from Vallance: 1
p =
No. of  threads per  inch 
"  Sw  = C(A r ) 0 4 18
(.  Lead (L)
L  = p  (for  single thread) 
(. Fa =  C(A) 1418 
L  =  2p  (for  double thread) 
L  = 3p  (for  triple th read) 
"  Depth of tap  = 1.5  0 (for  cast  iron) 
1.25  0  (for  steel)  '" Linear velocity = (rotational speed)(Lead)  GT 
D  v = N  L 
'"  Initial torque  =  0.2  Fa 0
where:  c Lead angle(x)
Sw  = permissible working stress,  psi  Lead 
tan  x  =
Fa = applied  load,  Ib  rrO m 
A  = stress area,  in 2
C  =  5,000 (for  carbon  steel)  "  Torque applied to turn the screw, T
C  = 15,000 (for  alloy steel) 
o  =  nominal  diameter  For square thread: 

yv¥~ l1t~ni ~
2. Formulas from Faires:

"  Sd  = ~-­

"  Fe  =
Sy(A s )1/ 2
Sy(A s )3 / 2
Depth of Tap


For  ACME thread: 

= -~.
WO m  lcos<1>tanx+f]
6 2  cos <1>  ­ f tan  x 
€.- Depth of tap = 1.5 0 (for cast iron)
= 0 (for steel of wrought iron) where:
Om = mean diameter of screw
, Initial Torque = C 0 F, W = weight or load
f = coefficient of friction of th reads
where: <1J = 14.4

Sd = design tensile stress

Fe = tensile load '" Torque required to overcome collar friction, Te
As = stress area
Sy = yield stress r. = fs_~J:-S = fe W o,
2 2
C = 0.20 for as received
= 0 15 for lubricated where
0, = (Do + 0,)/2 = r + r,
152  Holl s <v,  Power Screw 1.5:~
Bolts &.  Patne-r .screw
Dc = mean diameter of collar  a-ieJ!,ureg,
r 0 =  outside  radius  of  collar
r, = inside radius of collar From Machineries Handbook:
fe = coefficient of friction of collar W '" working strength of bolt
W '" S, (055d . 0.25d)
(, Total torque to operate the screw, TT W '" 12,000[0.55(2)2 . 0.25(2)]
TT = T +- Te W '" 20,400 Ibs '" 2040 klb

(, Output power of screw(P o )

PROBLEM 3 (ME Bd. Oct. 97)
Po = Weight x linear velocity of screw An eyebolt is lifting a block weighing 350 Ibs. The eyebolt is of SAE C 1040 material
'" W xv with Su '" 67 ksi and Sy = 55 ksi, what is the stress area ( In inches square) of the bolt
if it is under the unified coarse series thread?
C Power input of screw(Pi) MOTOR Power Screw A. 0.1341 C. 0.0991
P, '" 2 IT TT N B. 0.1134 O. 0.1043

C Efficiency of power screwte). Em!!ImD

a. For square thread:
From Faires p. 150:
e Power Output/Power Input Fe = applied load on bolt
tan x(1 - f tan S A 3/2
e Fe = .X __s __
tan x + f + (c_c )(1 ~ f tan x) 6
Om 213
b. For ACME thread: _ (. 6 Fe
A s - 1--
tan x(cos o - f sin x) \ SY )
e '" --_._---.._ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..-
f 0 .
tan x cos o + f cos x + (c_c_ )(cos<jl - f sin x) 3
Om Stress Area = t
1,55,000 I
0.1134 in

PROBLEM 1 (Oct. 1998)

Compute the working strength of 1 In bolt is screwed up tightly in packaged joint when
the allowable stress is 13,000 psi. PROBLEM 4 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)
A. 3,6001bs C. 3,8001bs If the pitch of a screw is 2/9 find the thread per inch.
B. 3,7001bs D. 3,9001bs A. 0.34 C. 54
B 4.5 O. 17

E'!!Jrm \<
1 in >\
F '" S(0.55d - 0.25d) '" 13,000[0.55(1)2 - 0.25(1)}

F '" 3,9001bs
No of thread per inch
PROBLEM 2 (ME Bd. Oct. 97) 2/9 = - . - - - - - -
No. of thread per inch
What is the working strength of a 2 inches bolt which is screwed up tightly in a packed
joint when the allowabl, working stress is 12,000 psi. No. of thread per inch = 45
A. 204 klb C 234 klb
B 224 klb O. 18 klb
]54 Bolts &  Pot ncr Screw Boll s &. Power Screw 155
PROBLEM  5  (ME Bd. Exam.) at 1000 rpm and the coefficient of friction between the collar and the pivot surface is
Find the  horsepower lost  when  a collar is  loaded with  1000  Ib rotates at 25  rpm,  and 0.15.
has a coefficient of friction 0.15. The outside diameter of the collar is 4 in and the A 08 Hp C. 0.5 Hp
inside diameter is 2 in. B. 0.3 Hp D. 1.2 Hp
A. 0.045 hp C. 0.089 hp
B. 0.89 hp D. 0.56 hp SOLUTION

Em!!iiImI T = f W rj
rl = mean radius of collar
ro + rj
T c -- -fcW(r2-~ o +r,) = 015(~O)2+ = 18.75ft-lb T = fW(-----)
- 2(12) 2
T = 0.15(100)(000981)(O.05CJ..:+-.Q:02?.1 0.00515 KN-m
Solving for the power lost from collar: ~ 2 )
P = 2 IT TN/ 33,000 P = 2nTN
P = 2(n)(18.75)(25) = 008925 h 1000 1
33,000 P
P = 2n(0.00515)(--)(----)
60 0.746
P = 072 Hp

PROBLEM 6 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)

Compute how many 3/8 inch diameter set screws required to transmit 3 Hp at a shaft PROBLEM 8
speed of 1000 rpm. The shaft diameter is 1 inch. Determine the permissible working stress of a UNC bolts that has a stress area of
A. 1 1/2 C. 3 0.606 in if material used is carbon steel.
B. 2 D. 1 A. 4055.5 psi C. 4675.5 psi
B. 5244.5 psi D. 4186.5 psi
From Machineries Handbook, 24th Ed. p. 1452
H _ DNd 2 / 3 Sw = C (Ar)o 418
p - -,,--
C = 5000 (for carbon steel)

where: D = shaft diameter, in Sw = 5000(0606)°418 = 4055.49 psi

d = set screw diameter, in
N = speed, rpm
1(1 000)d 2 /3 2
The stress area of NC bolt is 0.763 in , if material used is carbon steel, determine the
50 applied load on the bolt.
d 0.4383 in A. 3407.141bs C. 4675.5 psi
0.4383 B. 5244.5 psi D. 4186.5 psi
Number of set screws 1.17 (say 2)
Fa = C (Ar)l 418
PROBLEM 7 (ME Bd. Apr. 95)
C = 5,000 (for carbon steel)
What is the frictional Hp acting on a collar loaded with 100 kg weight? The collar has
Fa = 5,000(0763)1"18 = 3407.141bs
an outside diameter of 100 mm and an internal diameter of 40 mm. The collar rotates
156 noll." 'v,  Power SCrelL!
Boll.'-; ,"x. Power Screw l~7
A  12  cm  x  16  cm  air  compressor has  5  bolts on  cylinder  head  with  yield  stress  of  440  ~
Mpa.  If  the  bolt  stress  area  is  0,13  inc',  determine  the  maximum  pressure  inside  the 
cylinder.  v = linear speed In raising the screw
A.  546.71  psi  C  742.78  psi  v = NL
B.  671.96 psi  D.  840.60 psi  8 = N(8 mm x 1/25.4 x 1/12)
N = 3048 rpm

SOLUTION Solvinq for the power input:

«': P, = 2nTN
Sy  = 440,000 x (14.7/101325) P, = 211:(0,050)(304.8/60) IBfPm
Sy = 63834.196 psi P, = 1.5959 KW x 1/0.746
Sy(A s )3 / 2 P, = 2.139 Hp
Fe -----
,,-_ -'-' ---6- ,,-- A single square thread power screw has a lead of 6 mm and mean diameter of 34
Fe mm If it is used to lift a load of 26 KN and coefficient of friction of thread is 0.15,
Fe = 498.67 Ibs
determine the torque required to turn the screw.
F = 498.67(5) = 249337 Ibs
12cm A. 919 N-m C. 72.6 N-m
Pressure = F/A
B. 65.8 N-m D. 865 N-m
Pressure = --,.-------- 671.97 psi
PROBLEM 11 Solving for the lead angle of screw:
The cylinder head of ammonia compressor has core gasket area of 80 cm 2 and L 6
flange pressure of 90 kg/cm . Determine the torque applied on the bolt if nominal tan x = = - - - = 0.05617
n:D m n:(34)
diameter of bolt used is 3/4 inch and there 5 bolts.
A. 47628 in-Ibs
B. 586.28 in-lbs
C, 696.28 in-lbs
0, 666.26 in-lbs Solvinq for the torque required to turn the screw: 16mm
T = WD...'11...I· (tan..x..:+.fL I
E:1!!imD 2 L 1- f tan x J
26(0.034) I 0.05617 \- 0,15
Total initial tension = 90(80) = 7200 kg x 2.205 Ibs = 158761bs T -------1 --..--..-----.-....
2 L1-0.15(0.05617)
Initial tension per bolt = 15876/5 = 3175.2 Ibs

Solving for the initial torque applied per bolt: T = 0.0919 KN-m = 91.90 N-m
T = 0.2 F, D = 0.2(3175.2)(3/4) = 476.28 in-Ibs
An ACME thread power screw that has a mean diameter of 25 mm and pitch of 5 mm
PROBLEM 12 IS used to lift a load of 500 kg. If friction on threads is 0.1, determine the torque

The total torque required to turn the power screw is 50 N-m. If linear speed of screw needed to turn the screw.
is 8 ft/min and lead of 8 mm, determine the Hp input of the power screw. A. 1030 N-m C. 13.10 N-m
A.282Hp C2.14Hp B. 1263 N-m D. 14.10 N-m
B 2.54 Hp D 238 Hp
.....I N·~ .J r

L 5
tan x ~ 0.0636
«o., n(25)
158  Bolts &.  Power Screll' Bolts &. Power Screw 159 

T WOrn lcos(j)tanx+f)l
- - - - - _ _._-
-"'-_.- ..
For double square thread: L =0 2P
2 cose-t tan x 2(10)
tan x = - - - - = 0.039788
For ACME thread, <jl =0 14.5 0
W =0 500 x 0.00981 = 4.905 KN T = WOrn rJt~nx+!l
2 L 1 - I tan x
W Om = 4.905 (0.025) =0 0.122625 KN.m
Om =0 2r
T =0 (0.12)[COS45~63+J = 0.01030 KN-m W Om =0 80(008 x 2) =0 12.8 KN-m
2 cos 14.5°-0.1 0(0.0636)
T =0 10.30 N-m
T =0 I
(12.80) 0039788 + 0.13 I =0 1.0923 KN-m
2 11-0.13(0.039788)

PROBLEM 15 Solving lor the total torque:

TT =0 T + T,
The torque required to overcome collar friction of a 100 mm mean diameter collar
But: r, =0 0.20 TT
power screw is 50 N-m and collar friction of 0.15. Determine the weight lifted by the
screw. TT =0 T + 0.20TT
A 458.57 kg 0.80TT =0 1.0923
C 487.57 kg
TT = 1.3653 KN-m =0 1365.30 N-m
B. 478.57 kg D. 679.57 kg

The root diameter of a double square thread power screw is 0.55 in. The screw has a
Torque required to overcome collar friction: pitch of 0.2 in. Determine the major diameter.
Tc =0 !,"-W (r 0 +rJ A. 0.524 in C. 0842 in
2 B. 0.750 in D. 0961 in

Taking the relation between Om and r. SOLUTION

Do +0; 2ro +2r,
Om = -- =0 ---- r0 + r, For double square thread:
2 2
r o+ r, =0 0.100 L =0 2p = 2(0.2) = 0.4
Solving for the weight:
For square thread:
50 = (0.15)JWL~ 9_01
Do = 0, + L/2
2 Do = 0.55 + 0.4/2 =0 0.750 in
W =0 6666.667 N x 1/9.81 =0 67957 kg
A power screw consumes 6 Hp in raising a 2800 Ib weight at the rate of 30 ft/min.
PROBLEM 16 Determine the efficiency of the screw.
A double square thread power screw has a mean radius 01 80 mm and a pitch 01 10 A. 12.5% C. 42.42%
mm is use to lift a load of 80 KN. If friction of screw is 0.13 and collar torque is 20% of B. 16.8% D. 66.62%
input torque, determine the Input torque required.
A. 83076 N-m C 1246.30 N-m
B. 83576 N-m 0 136530 N-m Em!!ImD
SOLUTION Solvinq for the horsepower output:

L 'N x vei()c;,ty ,hp

tan x Hp, =0 -3~O
nD rn
Bolts &  Power Screw 161 
160 Bolts &. Power Screw
0.70 == ])xnat(01. - [x_~at
Hp., -------.--
33,000 2x
0.1tanx + 0.07 == tanx - 0.1 Otan
Hp., 2.545 Hp 2x·
0.1tan 0.3tanx + 0.07 == 0

Solving for the efficiency of the screw:

By using quadratic formula:
Screw Efficiency - (-0.3) ± J(-0.3)2~ 4(0.1 0-)W07)
Pi tan x == _.~-- - -
Screw Efficiency == 2.545/6 == 42.42% 2(0.10)
tanx == 0.255
x == tan' 0.255 14.30°

A square thread power screw has a pitch diameter of 1.5" and a lead of 1". Neglecting
collar friction, determine the coefficient of friction for threads if screw efficiency is
A. 0.113 C. 0.146
B. 0.121 o

Solving for the lead angle:
L 1
tan x == ..--- == - == 0.2122
nOm n(1.5)

Using the formula of efficiency:

tan x(1 - f tan x)
e == . _ - ------
tan x + f + (fcOc 10 m )(1- f tan x)
Since collar friction is negligible (fc == 0), then the quantitytt, Dc IDm)(1 . ftanx) == 0
0.6362 == 0.2122[1-_fJ.9 212 ..?1l
0.2122 + f + 0
0.2122 + f == 0.333 - 0.070f

A square thread screw has an efficiency of 70% when friction of threads is 0.10 and
collar friction is negligible.
A. 1430° C. 12.43°
B. 1037 0 o 16.45°


Using efficiency formula'

tanx(1 ftanx)
e == ---- - .. _ . _ ~ -
tanx I f I (f, 0, IOm)(1-ftanx)
I ():2 1"11/11'11 t ' 'I

2. Total weight of Flywheel(W)

FI.1jU l l W I '/ I fi:{
11 Flyvvheel· where
W := Wr + Wah

Wr =- weight of the tlvw-reel rim

W"h - weight of arm an the hub

3. Weight of the flywheel rim(W,)

W r =- Vxw
W, = (rr D b t)(w)

where Om
b =- Width of the flywheel nm
\ =- thickness of flywheel rim
w =- density of llywheel material

Om 4. Energy required to punch a metal(E)


E = 1/2(8," x A)l,
Shaft b
l. Flvwheel a rotating energy reservoir which absorbs energy from a power A -=0 shearing area
source dunnq a portion ef the operattnq cycle and delivcrs that stored energy A =- IT d t p (for Circular hole)
as useful Work our.nq the other portion of the cycle. F _ average force needed to punch a t-ore
S~ I =- uittrnate shear stress
(. Flywheel applications: " _ thickness of the plate
Punch press
Interna! combustion engines
d =- hole
D; .,-- mea-t diameter of flywhee!

5. Power needed to punch a hole(P)

5 Reciprocating pumps P = ~nergy.
6 Steam engines Time needed to punch a hole

1. Kinetic energy released by the flywheel(KE). 6. Kinetic energy released by the fl'f/'lheel =- Energy needed to punch a
W 2 2 hole
KE = -(v, ··V2 )
where 7. Coefficient of fluctualion(C;)
V' -maximum speoo = It 0 N.
v. = minimum speed = It 0 N2 ~-l,. v2
W := total weight 01 the tlvwheel v
9 =- acceleration due \0 gra',Ilty =- 9.81 Ill/SCC
v;=.v 1+v-;;. 2(v, -v 2 )
wnere C,
2 v, +v2
I f31 Flll/I'he!'!
PRO[JLE:Y1  I  (ME  Bd.  Oct 95)   Solvmo  for  Hl(' hl1, \I  V,.clqr1l 
A  cast  Iron  flywheel  IS  rotated  at  a  speed  of  1200  rpm  and  bavmq  a  mean  rcldluc,  o!  I  W  _  120'.W­1 
foot.  If  the  weight  of  the  rim  IS  30  Ibs,  what  IS  tile  centrifugal  force?  Use  laclG!  C  ­ ­11  W  12<1181181­97417kg 
A  14.8001bs  C  7  ml 
B 14.860 Ibs  D 14 760  IrJS
IIE!!Ii1ElII  A  press  IS  used  to  punch  10  holes  per  minute  of  30  mm  diameter  hole  trorn  25  mrr 
thick  plate.  Determine  the  power  needed  to  punch  a  hole  If  ultimate  shear  stress  is 
400  Mpa 
Solving fer  the  tangential  speed.  A.  2.68  KW  C 3.58  KW  
v =  IT  D N =  n(1 x 2)(1200,601  B  1.96KW  D  096 KW  
v  =  125  664  tt/scc 

USing  centrifugal force  formula 
1  min  '­'­ 60  sec 
Wv 2
F. Lei  t  =  time  required  to  punch  one  hole 
gl  I  =  60/10  c 6  sec
30(125 664)2  
F c 14.7241bs   E  energy  requrred  to  shear a  plate 
E  _  1'2 (S.  x A)t" 
A _ IT  d I,. =  rt  (0 03)(0 025) 

I'ROU ~M 2  (ME  Bd.  Apr.  94)  

A  flywheel  for  a  punching  press  must  be  capable  of  furnishing  3400  N­m  cl  energ:1  
dunnq  the  25°,)  revolution  while  tile  hole  IS  being  punched  The  flywheel  maxumtr- 
speed  IS  200  rpm  and  the  speed  decreases  8.7 c,c our.nq  the  load  stroke  The  mear  

E  =  1178 KN­m 

P ower  --=
0.002356 m' 
E  c 1'21400000  x 0  002356)(0 0251 

Energy  11.78 
1 963  KW 
25 mmC:
.0= (J
30 mm 

Time  6
radius  of  the  run  IS  1016  mm  diameter  and  contributes  90~-o of  t"le  energy  
requirements  Approximate  total  weight  cf  the  llywheel  10 be  1.20  times  that  01  tile 
rim  Find  the  weight  of  the  flywheel. 
A  975 kg  C  I'RC)BIYM  4 
B.  652 kg  D  The  kmetrc  energy  needed  to  punch  a  hole  IS  5  KJ  wt-a: IS  the  maximum  ttuck.iess
of  a  hole  that  can  be  punch  If  hole  diameter  IS  25  mrn  ard  ultimate  shearinq  stress  of 
~·:JX(fi[.1 plate is  420  Mpa 
A  12.61  rn­n  C 1741  mm  
B  1468m"  D 19.62mm  
v, 2rrR,N  c 20(1016)',200,'60) 
V· 21  279  rr-sec
V, 2rr(1  0161(200,'601(1  ­ 0  0871 
Vi' 19,427 rn.soc 
E  energy reqUired  to  shear a  plate 
W" : 1 /2  (S",>(  Al  tr_  
KE ­_.  (V t V  ­> ~) E 
2g  "  E  1'2  IS, lie d  I, Itr  

Sorv.nq  lor  the  welghl  o!  lhe  r.rn t aserr  on  e'lergy  reqlmer"­'en(: 
5  1i2 j420.000!(n:  x 0.025  X tl,)l"  
t­,  ­ 0.01  /~l1 'T' 17.41  mm  -
3400lO  90)  \"/!~ ,212791=  11]  42TI?J  
981  2,'981,1"   tpL:.::.:
W-~ 81151  "'9  .<;-25 rnrn
1 ijl;  n  1111'Il( '( ,I PI 1111'/1<',,1 II 7
I'f,UIlIX;V1  r,  A.  45  r­im  C.  60 mm  
During  iJ  punching  process  o!  350  kg  flywheel  the  speed  vanes  from  200  rpm  to  180  B  30  mm  o 55 rr-rn
rpm  with  1 m  mean diameter  Deterrr.r­e  the  ktnettc  onerqy  released  by  the  flywheel  
A  364 KJ 
B  6.28  KJ 
C  451  KJ  
0  5.62  KJ  
Sheared Area
E  _  1!2(S??xA)t 
10  =  1/2  (420000)(A)(0 020) 
A  c 0.0023809  m 20 mm 
v· r: 0 N 1 ell )1200,601  1047 m/sec 
v. "0 N2  "(1)1180,601  9.425 m/sec  Let 
'I ­ length of  side  cf  a  square hole 
KE  =-- kinetic  energy released  by  Ihe  flywheel   A  =  shear area 
_  W ,  2 A c 14x) t 
Kt:  -=- (v.:  v.;")  
2g   0.0023809  =  4x(0 02) 
x  c 002976  m  =  29.76  mm 
KE =  1350xO 
009811  110 
4)  I,~
'Q  0C'
4L.-:)) j  
KE  =  364 KJ  PR013LfcM  " 
A  1  m  mean  diameter  flywheel.  SOD  kg  weight changes  Its  speed  from  220  rom  to  200 
rpm  during  shearing  process.  What  average  lorce  is  needed  to  shear a  30  rnrn  th  nk 
f'r,OHLFM  fi  pta:e
A  plate  200  mm  wide  and  25  mm  thick  ,...../Ilh  strength  cl  410  Mpa  IS  to  be  shear along  A. 384  Kr-; C 234  KN 
Its  width  During  shear.nq  process  an  800  nom  mean  diameter  flywheel  changes  its  B.  653  Kr­.  o 1082 KN 
spe od  Iro­n  200  rpm  to  180 rpm  Deter­ru­e  the  wc.qht 01  flywheel  to  be  usc 
A.  326584 kg  C 3821.72 kg  
B  3452.71  kg  0  3845.97 kg   EI::I!!im'I3I 
v,  ~ it  (1 )(220/60)  ­:::  11 519 m/sec 
EI!!:im'mI  v: =  :1(1)(200/60)  10472  m/sec  
W  =  500  x 0.00981  =  4905 KN  
V, ,,0 N,  .'10.8)1200/60)  8377 m'snc  W   ,  2,  4905 [ 1  . 1,1  0.427 J~]
v: "ON '10.8)1180/60)  75398 rr/sec  KE  =  (VI""  v'),1  =  ­ \  1.5191" 
2g  ,  2(981)  
Shear Area
E =  1,'2 IS.,  .<1.,;1): I KE  =  5756 KJ 
E  ­ 1,'2 (410,000)10  2  x 0  025)10  025)  E =   1 F I
E  ­ 25625 KJ  2
~25m 5.756  =  1,2  (FIIO  03)  
KE  w ('I.', v, ') c c 383.75  Kr-;
29  -
If'  . 
25625  ­=  ".  [1'8 37lt - (7.5398) PROBLEM  Y 
219811  . 
The  enercv  required  to  puncf  a  ho.e  IS  3  KJ  frorr  a  II/wheel  mean  diameter  of  800 
W  ­  37729 KN  x 1:0  00981  =  38"597 kJ  mrn  that  slows  Clown trom  33  rps  to  3  rps  during  ouicunq.  If  Ii\'ei;)ht  ,=,1  arm  and  hub 
account  10"" of  rm weight,  cetetrrune  the  rim  Vie 9hl 
A  421  08  kg  C  48268 kg  
f'ROHLEM  7  B  "5740 kg  0  41668 kg  
The  energy  requ,'red  10 punch  a  square  role  from  20  mil  thick  plate  IS  10  r(J  It  the 
uiti'late  strength  01  pla:e  is  420  Mpa.  the  maxnr­um  sides  of  square  that 
can be  punchec. 
I fl,'-<, Fl!JlI'llcd 1 (j~)
A  32-1~rnPl C  286.76  mm 
I.E!!m:D B  24261  rrrn  D.  29878  mm 

v·  ,1(0.80il3  3),  8293  m/scc  

v n(O 80)(3)  =  75398  rrsec EE!!IiS3 
Sorvmo  for  the  weight  of  the  Hywheal:  b  =  51 
W   ? 2 W,  =  (n  D b II W 
KE  =  -(v, -v,)
2g - 450  =  ;r(2  x 045)[51)11)(7200)  Dc = 900 mm
1  =  006649  m =  6649  mm 
VV  ~ ? 
3  =   ..  ­­;[(8293)"­(7539811 
b  51 
W   44358 KN  x  1 '000981  503  147  kg  b  5(66491 
b  33245  mm 
Solving  for  the  nrn  weight:  k  ,I 
W = VV  + VV d , 
VV  ~ vv,
+  10 ooVV,
503.147  =  W,  +  010W   PHOBLlc:vI  12 
W  =  4574  kg   The  power  required  10 shear  a  plate  50  mm  thick  for  10  seconds  IS 5  KW.  If  ultimate 
strength of  plate material  IS 420  Mpa  How  vade  should  the  plate  be? 
A  8042  mm  C  90?8  mrn 
PHOBLE:vI  10  B  85 65  mm  D  95 23  mm 
A  flywheel  has  a  total  weight  of  500  kg  and  the  weight  of  arm  and  hub  IS  8°'0  of  total 
weight.  It  has  a  mean  diameter of  1  m  and  width  of  300 mm  Deterrruno  the  thickness 
of  the  fiy\vheel  if  density of  material  IS  7000  kgl"/ 
A.  60.65  mm 
B.  6548 mm 
C  6972 mm 
D  75 42  mel 
.,.'S!imD Shear Area

E  Power x time 
E  51101  =  50  KJ 
E  =  1·2  (S"  x  AI  t 
Solving  for  the  nrn  werqht  50  =  1'2  1420.000)[A)10 05) 
A  =  00047619  m  w 
VV  ::;­ W r  ­....  W,,'I  
\V  = W r + 8°'"W   A =  w t 
500  =  W.  +  008[500)   Dc = 1 m 0.0047619  =  w(0.051 
VI  =  460  kg  w  =  0095238  m 
IN  ­­­­'  95,23  m­e 
Solving  for  the  rim  thtcxnes s . 
Wc(oDbl)w   l'EOlJLE:Yl  I:, 
460  =  c  (1110 3)(11[70001   A  900  m­n  mean  diameter flywneel  has  a  'N,d:h  Cit  350  m>,  7S  rr.m  thick  <.nd  dens  ty 
1  =  0.06972  m   of  7100  kq.rn''.  \Jeg'ectInQ  :he  weight  of  arm  nne  hub,  fl~d the  cr­c­qv  relcasoo  if  .ts 
I  ~_ 69  72  rnrr 
k  )1 speed cranges from 280  rpm  to  250  rpm 
A.  7.89 KJ  C  548 KJ 
B.  9 30 KJ  D.  6 71 KJ 
A  flywr.eel  has  a  rim  weight  of  450  kC~ and  mean  rartus  of  450  mm  If  rim  Width  IS  5 
times  the  rim  thickness  ana  materia!  density  IS  720C  kq/m'.  determine  the  Width  of 
170  FIIJ/I"! II '('1  Fi'l" ,Ii "f'! 17\

~ A.  190  66  Ibs  C  19866 Ibs 

D  20077 Ibs 
B.  195661bs 
Solving for  welghi  of  rim 
W.  = J( 0  b  t  w
W, = ,,(09)(0.35)(0.075117100)  c 52696 kg 
V; v2
w =  W,+W.I'r.  Dc;:: 900 rnm v.;
W  =  W, + 0 = 526 96Kg  2  
v,  = ,,(09)(280/60)  = 13195 m/sec  80  ~
Y1 ­ v;; 

V2 =  ;t10 91(250/601  =  11,781  m/sec  2

v, +  Vi 160
USing  kinetic  energy torrnura  V2  160 - V,
W ' 2(V1  V2) 
KE  =  29(V,"  ­ v : IE >1 Cr 
VI  ­ V2 
b  = 350 mm
W  =  526  96  x 0 00981  =  5 169  KN 
21v, (160 
'5169'  160  
KE ,­ \  .J [113195)' ­111  781)!J  930  KJ
2(981)  v- =  83.6 ft.sec  
v'  ~ 160  ­ 836  c 764fusec  
W ::.' 2
PROIlLEM  14  KE  =  ­­(v,  ­v 2  ) 
A  flywheel  welghmg  1000  kg  has  a  of  gyration  of  1.5  m  The  normal  operaunq 
W I  I 
speed  IS  160  rpm  and  ecett.ccn: of  Huctuauor,  IS 0.08,  determine  the  energy  released  3500  =­­l(83.6)'  176.4)2 J
by  the  flywheel  2(322)  
A  31.70  KJ  C 4170  KJ  W _c 19566 Ibs 
B  3670  KJ  D  4670  KJ 

v- ,,(15  x 2)(160/601  25  132  rrvsec 
2(v  1  ­ V?)
V 1  v:
2(25132  v,l
25  132  +  VI'
25132  +  v- =  628318  25v_ 
V; =  23 20 rnsec
W =  1000 kg  (0  009811  981  KN 
W,  2
KE  IV, - - v" ­ )
2~ c

9_8 1
KE  1 )  11251321' (232/] 4670 KJ
2(9.81)  , 

1'!,OElLEM  1f>  
A  5  11  mean  diameter  llywheel  has  to  absorb  3500  ft­Ib  of  energy  and  maintain  a  
coettrcrent  01  uuctuanc­ of  0.09  11  mean  speed  IS  80  n/soc. find  the  weight  of  
, -
I  ­"',
.'­iJHIIl!J   In 
1. Stress of coil spring(S,) 

12 Spring S, 

2  Stress factor(K) 
~ 8KF~m

K  ~ 4C­1  + O~
4C­4  C  

~ 3  Spring  Index  (e) 

C  ~ Om 
Uses of spring:  d 

Om  =  D, ­ d  y,
1  To  absorb energy  or  shock loads,  as  In  automobile shock absorbers 
2.  To  mamlam  contact between  machine members.  as  In  valves  and  clutches 

3  To  act  as  a  source of  energy.  as  In  clocks 
Om  =  D: + d 
4  To  serve as  measuring  device, as  In  spring  scales 
4  Deflection(y)  SL

Types of springs:  BFC n 
y  ~
Gd   Om  
a  Helical  compression  spring  where:  
b  Helical tenson  F  =  axtal  load  
c.  Torsion  D·'1  =  mean diameter  
d.  Spira! 
e.  Leaf spring 
d  =  wire  diameter  
n  =  no.  of  active  or  effective coils  
:+­ d 
Dc>  )!
G  =­ modulus of  rigidity 

Materials used  in  spring: 

5.  Deflection at solid force(y,) 
a  Oil­tempered spring  wire  y.  ~ Free  length  ­ Solid  length 
b.  mUSIC  wire 
c.  hard drawn  spring  wire 

d  carbor  steei  6  Spring  rate(K)  
e.  chrome­vanadium steel  K  ~ Fly  ~ F, I Y1  F,/ Y2  constant  
f.  chrome­silicon  steel 
9  stainless  steel 
F2  ­F, 

Tabu!ated  Data  of springs: 
Y2 ­ Y,  

Types of coil end  7  Impact load on  spring:  

Actual  no,  of  coil  Solid Length  Free Length 
Plam  N  (n ./  11d  np  +  d 
GrourJd  N  nd  np 
Squared  n  ­+­ 2  in ~ F
3) d  np + 3d  W(h+y)  ~ ­y
Squared  &  n  •  2  (n  ­. 2\ d  np  + 2d  2 
F  =  maximum  force  acting  on  the  spnrr; 
y  dcllecuon  on  spring 
17,1 ,'-,/)) II If/ IT)

W  ::- weight of the object t -= tfucxncas of plates

h ~ height of the object n,] = no of gradualed leaves
nl no of full length leaves
y = dallecuon of spring

PHOIlLEM I (Oct, 1999)

8 For series connected spring: A body weighing 1000 Ibs Ieus from a height of 6 in and strikes a 2000 lb/m spring
The deformation of the spring IS
A 2 C 3
Y == total elongation B. 4 D 5
Y :;: Yj + Y2 + Y3
USing the formula of Impact load on spring'
y F, F
2 +---
3 F K1 F ~ 2000 lb/m tV) = 2000 V Ibs
K K2 K3 (2000 V)
1000 (6 + V) ~ " . V
F total load ~ F, ~ F, ~ Fe 6 + Y == l
By factoring.
(V - 3) tV + 2) ~ 0
9 For parallel connected spring:
V ~ 3 In: V = ,2 In (neglected)
F Therefore' y = 3 In
Y = total elongation
Y == Y1 == Y2 == YJ
*_ ""r'--'"

Pl{OBLF:M 2 (ME ac. Oct, 97)

y ~ £L~5-F3 Compute the defl€ctlon of an 18 COils helical spring having a load of 100 kg The
K K2 K3 modulus 01 ciasncity in shear of spring IS 96.62 Gpa. 00 of 9256 cm and With Wife
K, K2 K3 diameter of 9.525 mm. The spnng IS squared and ground ends
A. 9 cm C. 11 em
F == F1 + F2 + F3
B 101 cm 14cm °
If the springs are of the same material
F, ~ F, ~ F 3 = F/3
SolVing for Call mean diameter
11 Leaf springs:
0" ~ 0" d
0", ~ 9256,0.9525 c 8.3035 cm
8, = ,


C = ~ .. ~ .8.::l0 35 ~ 8.717
bt (2n g + 3n, ) d 0.9525

For square and ground ends

12FL3 Actual no of coils = n + 2
bt 3 (2n g + 3n,) Where n = no. of active coils
9.525 mm ~
where 18 = n + 2
n ::::: 16 coils I.
0, )
51 ~ flexural stress I 0<-- I
F load at the supports Solvmq for the deflection' \ 9.256 em )1
Ie ,
L distance of force to produce maximum moments
b width of plates
lill  ,'-,J> /  1/ I [I  t77

BFC'n 8(IUOxO  00981,(8  717}'(161 k  spring constant 

y F
G~J 96  62x10"I0 0095251  k ­
Y  K,  =  0.4 kg/mm
y  00903, m  ­=  9.037 em 

Y = 
FH()l--H,Ei\'i :1 (ME Bd. Oct. 97) k 
K2  = 0.64 kg/mm
Compute  the  maximum  ceuecto­i of  a  20  coils  helical  sprr­q  hEWing  a  load  of  75  kqs.  Y  =  total  deflection 
The  spring  is  a  square/ground ends  modulus  of  elasticity  In  shear  of  79  84  Gpa.  y =  Yl+y~,: ~- F,  F3 
ou.stde  diameter of  101  6  rnrn.  wtre  drameter  of  9.525  mm  K ,  K 2  K:J 
A  140.7 rnm  C  15  i7  mm   KJ  = 0.64 kg/mm 
1(1(1  11111  11111 
B  112  7  rnrn D  126 7  rum +  +  =  5625  mm
114(]  11,(,4  IU,4 
IEm!!Im3  100 kg 

D  D rj 
}  +75 kg  l'I,OULEM  5  (ME  Bd,  Apr,  96) 
A  high  alloy  spring  aavmo  squared  and  ground  ends  a'ld  has  a  total  of  16  Calls  and 
modulus  of  elashcity  In  shear  of  85  Gpa  Compute  the  Wahl  factor  The  spnng 

D, 101 6  ­ 9 525  92075 mm  outside  diameter IS  9  66  em  Wire diameter IS 0,65  cm 
A,  1058  C.  1.10  
For  square  Ci'ld g:ound ends  B  1 185  D  1 2  
Actual  no.  of  uctve coils  =  n  +  2
?O  ::: n  +- 2 
n =  18  (acuve)  E'I!!iiI':.mI 

C - Spring  index  9.525 mm  -7l i<-

0111  92075 
,I  l 0,  f 
I Solvinq  for  spring Index'  I 
C  9,67  I(  ) 
d  9,525  I 
101.6  mm  Dr"  mean diameter  0.65  em  ­7l
D,,,  =  D, ­ d  ~ 9 66  ­ 0 65  I  r­I
I I 0,  ) I  
Solving for the deflection:  D,­ =  901  em  I I(  I  
C =  D,Jd  =  901065  =  13,86  I  9.66  em  )1 
I,  , 
8FC"n  8175xO 00981)19671 3(18) 
y  c  =­ 012597 m  125.97 rr­m 4C  1  0,615
Gd  79  84x1 0 610009525) Whaal  Facor  c:-
4C4  C  
4(1386)­1  o 61 5  1  1023  
Whaal  Factor  = 
I'J{OULEM  4  (ME Bd,  Oct 97)  4(n86)  4  13 86  
A  three extenSion  call  springs are  hooked  In scncs  tl..·at support  a single  weight  of  100 
kg  The  first  spring  ,'S  rated  at  0 400  kq.r­rm  and  the  other 2  lower  springs  is  rated  at 
O 64  kq/mrn  Compute the  total  (jeflectlon.  I'1,OULlcM  (i  (ME  Bd,  Oct 95) 
A  563  mm  C.  156  mrn  A  COil  spring  With 5 em  outsde  diameter  is  required  to  work  under  the  load  of  190  N 
B  268 mm  D.  250  mm  The  Wire diameter IS 5  mm.  the  spnng  IS to  have 6 act  ve  coils  and  the  ends are  to 
be  closed  and  ground.  Detsrrnme the  total  number of  Calls  The  modulus  of  rigidity  IS 
80  Gpa  and  the  mean  radius IS to be  23  mm.  With 7  mm  pitch  of  the  SPWlg_ 
IIE:!!i:lm  A  6.5  COils 
B  8 5 Calls 
C.  7,5  ous  
0  9 5 Calls  

For  sor­es  connected  spring.  

F  =  F,  =  F  F,  =  100 kg  
Sprilln l  ,'q 
IIE!!immI  I"" lIILEM  'l 
A  spnnq  has  a  rate  01  50  Ib  with  a  spring  Index  of  8  If  stress  Induced  IS  90  000  ~:;'
For  square  and  ground ends 
determine the  wire diameter. 
A. 0058  In  C  0452  In 
Total no  of coils  =  n + 2  .:.;.  6 + 2  ~ 8  coils  or  8,5  calls  B.  0.828  In  D.  01157  In 

PHOHLF:M  7  (ME  Bd.  Oct.  95)  Em!IimI 

A  helical  spring  having square and  ground  ends  a total  of  18 cons  and  its  matenal  has 
Solving for  K' 
modulus  of  elasticity  In  shear of  78,910  Gpa.  If  the  spring  has  an  outside  diameter  of 
4C­1  0_615  418)  1 0615  
1042  em  and  wire  diameter  of  a 625  em,  compute  the  maximum  deflection  that  can  K  0

be  produced  In  the  spring  due  to  a  load  of  50  kgs  4C­4  C  4(81 4  8 
A.  302 mm  B  342 mm  K  0 1184
C  490 mm  D 322 mm 
CoD,.  d  
IIE!!immI  8  c D,  d  
D",  8 d  
Dm  0 D,  ­ dolO 42  ­ 0625 
0"1 =  9795 em  USing  stress  formula 
C  0D";d  9  795/0 625 
0 15672 0 S 8KFD",  
'.  nd'  
For square and ground ends 
Actual  no.  of  coils  =  n  +  2  8(1  184)(50)(8d)
18=11+2  :-Ed J
n  =  18  ­ 2  =  16 active calls  d  0  0  1157  In
y  1 
Gd  O.625cm ~ PHOllLI::M  10 

8(50  xO  00981)(15 672)3(16)  I  I  D, )r-I Determine  the  maximum  shearing  stress  of  a  helical  spring  composed  ot  20 turns  of 
y  -- ---- I I( I 20 rnrn  diameter  wire  on  a  mean  radius  of  80 rnrn  when  the  spring  IS  supporting  a 
(7891x 10 6 )(000625)  I  ( 
10.42 em  )i,  load  012 KN  Go 83,000 Gpa 
y  0490 m  0 490  mm  A  10820 Mpa  C  120.60 Mpa 
B  9862 Mpa  D  8868 Mpa 

['HOBLF:M  8 
A  extension  coli  spnng  IS  to  be  elonqate  5  In  under a  load of  50  lb.  What  IS u­e  spring 
A  s Jb-mn C  151b/mln  8KFD",
B  10  lb/mm  o 20lb/mm  s

C D,,;d  c (80  x 2)/20 _  8 -~
4C1  0.615
K -
4C 4  C 
Spnnq  Rate  F.y
4(8)  1  0.615 
K  1 184  
Spnng  Rate  5015 0  10  lb.m!n 4(8) 4  8  I  

8(1184112)(008x2)  20 mm ~
s "1002)'  ­­-
1 __ I
I 1  D, )1  I 
1 I( I
s 120  603 Kpa  ­ 120.603 Mpa 
i ( Do ) , 
J so 
,t..;pr­III!/  t H J 
l'kOULEM  I  1 
A  helical  spring  IS  made  by  wrapping  steel  wire  20  mm  diameter  around  a  forming 
PI'OfJ\X:vJ 1:1
A  spring  sustam  200  H­Ib  o!  energy  wrtf deflection  of  3  tn  Assume  that  the  coil
cylinder  150  mm  ITl  diameter.  Compute  the  elonqauon  of  the  spnng  without 
diameter  IS  7  times  the  wire  diameter  and  allowable  stress  of  100,000 pSI.  deterrrune
exceeding  a  shearing  stress  of  140  Mpa  If  It  IS composed of  18  turns.  Let  G  =  83,000 
Mpa  the  wire  diameter. 
A.  0.416 In  C.05681n
A.  9642 mm  C  121 36  mm 
B.  0 321  In  D.  0672 In
B  1006 mm  0  89  62  mm 

SOLUTION Em!!hit.g+
F  =  800lbs 
3  12 
D».  c 0, + d = 150 + 20  "  170 mm  Om  7d 
C  ~ 7
C =  D,,!d  =  170/20 =  8.5  d d
4C1 0.615 4(7) ~ 1
K 4C ~1 0.615 0615
4C 4 C K = = 1 2128
4C 4 C 4(7) ~ 4 I
4(8.5) . 1 0.615
K 1.172 8KFD r ,

4(8.5) 4 8.5 Sc ~
s ._. 8KFD Il1 }
r: d 100,000

8(1.1721(F)(0 1701
140,000 ~ d 0 0416 in
"(0 02)3
F = 2207 KN
3 P](OBLEM 14
8FC n 8 (2.207) (8.5) l (18)
y A weight of 100 Ibs a COil from a height of 18 Inches and deflects the spring of
Gd (83,000.000) (0.02) I
6 Inches Find the average force acting on the spring.
y 11757 mm 20 mm -?>lI _ A. 600lb C. 800lb
I I 150 mm )1 I B 700 Ib D. 900 Ib
\ , 0
0 .I
~ I
It IS found that a load of 50 Ibs on extension COil spnnq deflects 8 5 In What load will Tall
the spring deflects 25 In?
A 10 64 Ib
B. 12 48 Ib
C 13 48 Ib
0 14 70 Ib
USing the formula of Impact load on
4-i·,,··it·H' Wlh + y)

The spring rate of spring is constant:

K, K:,
100(18 + 61 = ~ (6)

FI / y, F2 / Y:I F 800 Ibs

50'85 Fe' '2 5

F- 14 70 tbs
.'i[!1 ifill u·n 
PHOBLEM  15  A  27  60  rnm  C 3250 rnm 
Three  corl  spring  are  hooked  In  senes  and  support  a  w8rglll  01 70  kg  One  spring  has  B.  2980  rnrn D 3460 mm 
a  spring  rate  of  0,209  kg/min  and  the  other  two  have  sprinq  rates  of  0.643  kq/mm. 
Find the deflection
A 346.71 mm C 55265 mm EI:'I!!iil':.lD

].tijlI T.r- ~
B 389.30 mm

D. 416.58 mm
D" ~ D, 'd
D", = 117 ' 13
OTT - 104 mm
C :::: 0",1 d
y = lola] defleclion C = 104/13
y = y + y? + v> C " 8
8Fc ln
y = I
For series connection of spring.
Gd 13 m ~
F, = F i · = F s = 70 kg I
K FlY I -,
K1 = 0.209 kg/mm 8(1 11(8)3(75) I I
Y = F/K Y = 6)(0.013) IE Do = 117 mm ))
y F; K· + F~/K;: + F:,iK J Y = 003249 m
K2 = 0.643 kg/mm
y 700 209 + 70/0643 + 70/0 643 y _ 32.49 mm
y 55265 mm
KJ = 0.643 kg/mm A concentric helical spnng IS use to support a load of 90 KN. The Inner spnng has a
rate of 495 8 KN/m and outside spring IS 126.5 KN/m If initially the Inner spring IS 25
mm shorter than the outer spring. find the percent load car-reo by Inner sprrnq
PROBLEM 16 70 kg A. 3465"" C. 6825""
B 5586"" D. 768P"

Four compression coil spring In parallel support
a load of 360 kg. Each spring has a gradient of 0.717 kg/mm. Find the deflection.
A 125.52 mm C 138.52 mm SOLUTION

B. 132.52 mm D. 145.52 mm

y, + 0025
F, - v. K, c 495 8 Y
2s mm

:~ :: :~ :~ F, 126,5 YL
For parallel springs'
y, = y = YJ = y.,
i~~ i=
!- i :!- I !"~
F, + F L :.:: 90

F1 F2 FJ F4 495.8 v, t 1265 YL = 90
F, 4958y + 126,5(y, + 0025) = 90
F2 = F', = F, = 360/4 90 kg
495 Sv- t 126 5 v: + 3 1625 c 90
y, F, i k, ::: 9010 717 +360 kg v, = 01395 m

y, F. = 4958(0 13951 = 69 185 KN

125,52 mm Y?::: YJ y, = y
'J" Load Carried =: 76 8r,0

A force of 1 1 KN IS acting on a 75 active coils With wire diameter of 13 mm. The
outside diameter of corlrs 117 rum and G ::: 80 GN/m 2 Find the coil deflection. PROl3LEM I~)
How long a wire IS needed 10 make a helical spring havmq a mean diameter of 1 Inch
If there are 8 active coils?
Sprlllfj lR5
4C 1 0.615 4(8) 1 o 615 1 184
A  25  13  In  C  30211n  K
B  2665 In  D.  3234 In  4C ,1 C 4(8)4 8
S stress at solid length
IIiE!!DIiD  S -
8KFD r·)
L  wire  length 
S, c 2.315.544Kpa = 2.315S4Mpa
L  Circumference  x  No  of  calls  ,,0.0125) 3

L  =  cD(n)  '11)(8)­ 2513,n  1>J«()3Lt:~l 22

A squared and ground ends spring has a pitch of 20 111m wire diameter of 12.5 mm.
If there are 12 actual number of coils. lind the deflection when the spring IS
compressed to Its solid length
FI<OBLEM  20  A, 78 mm C 77 mm
A  008"  diameter  sprnq  has  a  length  of  20  in  if  density  of  spring  is  0  282  Ib,',ln:;  B. 75 mm o 79mm
determine the  mass of  spring 
A.  00395 Ib  C 00485 Ib  IIiE!!DIiD
B.  0.02831b  D.  0.06861b 

~'it.]: For square and ground ends

Actual no or coils = n + 2
V  : .:   Volume of  spring where: n = no. of effective coil
V c (,/4 de) L = 1'/4 (0 081"](20) o 10053 In" 12 = n+2
n = 10 calls
1 20 mm

Solvmq for mass

w mN Free Length np ·t 2d
m = V w (0.10053)(0282) o 0283 Ib Free Length 10(20) + 2(125(
Free Length 225 mm

Solid Length c_ (n + 2)d

Solid Length = (10 + 2)(12 5) = 150 mm
A square and ground ends spring has a free length 01 250 rnm. There are 10 active
y. = FL - SL c 225 - 150 = 75 mm
calls with Wife diameter of 12.5 mm If the spring rate is 150 KN,irn and mean
diameter IS 100 rnm. determine the solid stress.
A 2.3155-\ Mpa C 7.8427 Mpa
l'I~CJL-:M 2:;
B 7.6548 Mpa D. 8.432.9 Mpa
A spring with plain ends has 15 active calls. diameter or 6 mm and Pll!,)) of 10 mm If
spring rate IS 100 KN/m. determine the solid force
A. 4 KN C 6 KN
~i t·W' B 5 KN D. 7 KN

For square and ground ends:

Solid Length = (n + 2)d ~ (10 + 2)(12 5) 150 mm IIE!!ImD
y, = solid length deflection
For plain end type of spring'
y = Free Length SOlid length 250 - 150 100 mm
Solid Length = (n + l)d
F, ~ force at solid length = k Y'>
SOlid Length = (15 + 1)(6)
F,. ~ 150(0100) = 15 KN
SOlid Length =- 96 mm
C = D-! d = 100/12.5 = 8
Free Length = np + d = 15(tO) + 6
IHG I ,~7
Le( I/o..,
156 rum 

v. =  FL, SL  =  156, 96  60  mrn
F, =  kyo =  100(00601  =  6KN 
PRO[JLE\1  24 
A  spring  has  a  spring  rate  of  30  If wire  dIameter IS  10  rnrn  with  mean  diameter
of 70 rnrn. determine the number of active cors G --= 80 G~/m2.
A. 654 C. 842 (.. Gears - are machine elements that transmit motion by means of successively
B. 782 D 972 engaging teeth

y = I. Addendum height of tooth above pitch Circle: or the distance between the pitch
Gd circle and the top of the tooth
C = D, / d 70/10 7
3 2 Addendum Circle the circle that bounds the outer ends 01 the teeth
v =
8C n
F Gd
Arc of action arc of the pitch Circle through which a tooth travels from the first
8(7)'J n pornt of contact With the mating tooth to the prtcn POint
180xH/'J(O 0101
4. Arc 01 approach - are of the Circle through which a tooth travels from the point of
n : : : 9 72 corls contact Wittl the mating tooth to the pitch POint

;-l. AXial plane - In a pair of gears It IS the plane trial contains the two axes. In a
PH OLlLEM 2" single gear, It may be any plane containing the a xts and the giver, pomt
A spring has a diameter 0125 mm and 1,2 active coils if a load of 10 KN IS apoheo it
deflects 75 mm Determine the mean diameter of the spring If G = 80 Glv.m". b, Arc of recess arc of the pitch Circle through wtuch a tooth travels from Its
A 12465mm C 134.65mm contact with the mating tooth at the prtch pomt to the point where tho contact
B 129.65 rum D 14065 rnrc ceases.

IE!!immI 7. Backlash the amount by w-uch trc wrrith of ttle tooth space exceeds the

75 m
IF = 10 KN
thickness of the engaging tooth on the prtcr, circles.

GeJ 1 •
8. Base Circle the circle from which an Involute tooth ',$ generated or developed.

q. Base hehx angle - the angle, at the base cylinder If an mvolute gear. that the
0075 = tooth makes With the gear axis
80xl0"10 025)
C 5.386 10. Base pitch In an Involute gear It IS the pitch on the base Circle or along UlC lmc
of actron
C D"
o I
25 m ~ I I. Non-tnt hase pitch - IS the base pitch In the normal plane
D, ,
25 ,
-,, 1 Z. AXlat base pitch IS the base pitch tn the axtal plane
, ,
0 :=. 13465 mm
k Do ) I,
I J. Center distance the distance between the parallel axes 01 spur gears and
parflltpl hehcal gears. or between tt-o crossed axes of helical gears and worm
IHH (;('111 .'> 
(;('(1 ,-,.., lH:J

14. Central plane ~ In a worm gear this IS a plane perpendicular to tt-e gear aXIS
:12. Fd,lel curve HIe concave portion of the tooth profrle where It JOins the bottom of
and contains the common perpendicular of the gear and thp worm axrs the tooth space The approximate radius of ttus curve IS called the fillet radius

:j I. Flank of tooth - that surface which IS between the Pitch eucre and the bottom
1:1. Chordal Thickness length of the chord sub tended by the Circular thickness
arc land

:~-l. Helix angle - the angle that a helical gear tooth makes the gear axis
] h. Chordal addendum the height from the top of the tooth to the chord subtending
the circular-thickness arc
3:1. Internal diameter - the diameter of a Circle comcrd.nq With the tops of the teeth
on an Internal gear.
17. Circular pitch - length of the arc 01 the pitch Circle be/ween the centers or other
corresponding POints of the adjacent teeth
:H-j. Internal gear a gear With teeth on the Inner cylindrical' sur-nee
I~ Normal circular pitch IS the Circular pitch In the normal plane
J7. Involute - the curved formed by the path of a pomt on a snalghl line called n18
generatrlx, as It rolls along a convex base curve
1q Circular thickness the lenglh of the arc between UW two sides of a gear tooth.
en the pitch Circles unless otherwise specified
:1.'-;. Top land IS the top surface of the tooth
~() Clearance - tile amount by which the dedendum exceeds the addendum of the
:~q. Bottom land - IS the surface of the gear between the fillets of adjacorit teeth
rnatmp tooth.
:2 J Cer-t-ai dlameler - the smallest diameter on a gear tooth With which the mating
gear makes -l-O. Lead - the distance a helical gear or worm would thread along Its (DOS one
revotuton of it were tree to move axially
')'1 Cor-tact ratio the ratio of the arc of action to the circular pitch
4- 1 of action the path of contact In Involute gears It IS a strarqht line passing
through the pitch POint and the tangent to the base cuc.cs.
:l:J. Cyclo«l the curved formed by the path of d pomt on a Circle as II rolls along a
·12 Module IS the ratio of pitch ciar-ieter In millimeter to the numoer of teeth mm
:l.l, Dedendum - the depth of tooth space below the pitch Circle or the radial
1:). Outside diameter - the diameter olthe outside Circle
dimensron between the pitch Circle and the bottom of the tooth space

~.) Drarnetral pitch - the ratio of the number of teeth to the number of millimeters of ·1-I. Pitch the distance between Similar, equally spaced tooth surfaces. In a given
pitch oiarneter. direction and alonq a given curve or line.

l(;. Normal drarnetral prtch - IS the dtametral pitch calculated In the normal plane --1::; Pitch diameter th8 diameter of the pitch Circle
and IS equal to the pitch divded by the cosine of hehx angle
·1 t>. Pitch Circle - a Circle the radius of which is equal to the distance from the gear
L '{. Effective face Width - that portion of the face Width that actually COmes Into axrs to the pitch pomt
contact wtlh matmq teeth as occasronalty one member o~ a pair of gears may
have a greater face Width than the other 4-7. Pressure angle the angle between the tooth profile and a radical line at Its
Pilch po.n: In Involute teeth the angle between the line of action and the line
:2g . Efucrencv - ttlP actual torque ratio ct a gear set divided by Its gear ratio tangent to the pitch Circle

-+~. Roll angle the angle subtended at the center of the base Circle from teeth
29. External gear a gear With teeth on the outer cylindrical surface.
onqm uf an Involute to the pont of tangency of the generatnx from any pomt on
the ~dme Involute.
:~() Face 01 tooth - that surface of the tooth which IS between the pitch eucre 10 \'le
top of the tooth
4~) Tip rl ' lle, 1 an arbitrary modrrc.uon of d tuoth profile whereby a small amount 01
:~ 1 Face Width the length of the teeth In c))(1<11 plane mdtelldlls rernoved near the trp of the qear tooth.
]90 (;('(n'·;
Gears \9 l 
50.  Tooth  thickness  ­ the  width  of tooth  measured  alonq  the  pitch  circle.  5.   Module 
5]. Tooth space  ­ the  space between  the  teeth  measured along  the  pitch  circle.  M   module 
52.   Whole depth  ­ the total  depth  of  a tooth  space,  equal  to  addendum plus  M 
o   M 
dedendum,  also equal  to  working  depth  plus  clearance.  T   OP 
D  '"  pitch  diameter,  mm  

~ 6.   When  two  gears turning  in opposite direction: 

C '"  center distance 

.  -
7.   When two  gears turning  in the  same direction.. 
1.  Speed and  diameter relation: 

0 1  Ni'=:  D2  Nz  C  ° 2 .;.D

2  1

2.   Speed and  no. of teeth  relation:  D  '"  pitch  diameter 
T  '"  number of teeth 
T1N,  = TzNz  N  '"  speed 

3.   Pc  =  circular pitch 

8.   Pitch  line velocity,  V 

V=TTON  c 

C = center distance   9.   Dynamic forces on meshing gears:

T 1  =  no. of teeth  of pinion  
T2 = no. of teeth  of  gear  
A.   Power transmitted
4.  DP   =  diametral  pitch 
p=  2 1tTN,  'r0N 

T  '"  torque,  KN­m 
N '"  speed,  rps 

where:  HP   _  2rrTN  

­ 33,000,HP  
D  =  pitch  diameter,  in 
T  =  no. of teeth  where: 
T  '"  torque,  ft­Ibs 
N  =  speed,  rpm 
Gears 193 
192   Gears
1.  Pn  ==  2. tan$n  ==  tane tan'P  3.  Fa  ==  F1 tan\fl 
D.  r,   Ft x  r1  cos \fI 

where:   N 
4.  Nv 
F[  = tangential force   cos 3 'II
T 1  =  torque  developed on  driving gear  
rl  =  radius  of driving gear  

\fI  =  helix angle 
C.T2==F t  x  r2 
P  =  diametral pitch 
P n  =  normal  diametral  pitch 
4>  == pressure angle  
T 2  =  torque  developed on  driven  gear  
<l>n =  normal  pressure angle  
r2  =  radius  of driven gear  
F1 =  transmitted or  tangential load  
Fa =  axial  load  or  end  thrust  
D.  Total  load, Tangential load  and  separation  load  relation  N == actual  number of  teeth  
Fn =  vF, + Fr
2 N v =  virtual  number of  teeth  
f  = face  width  
Fn  = l  
case   5.  Strength of Helical Gears
Fn  =  total  load  or tooth  pressure between  teeth   SwfY  78
F - ­;­,­­.­.-
Fr  =  resisting  load  or  separation  load   \ ­ P­78+­JV 
e =  pressure angle  
6.  Dynamic Load on Helical Gears


Fd==  Ft +  . 
O.Sy  + eCf cos 2  'l'  + Ft ) 1/2 
'GeM-Partsm14ij2~·+ 200 ---·_--·---1 where:  

~ :;=
i  Working depth 
=rl~57_. ±2/P __ ~/P 2/P
- J
v  ==  pitch  line velocity  ==  nON  

~t1.olesJPh ~_ ~57/P .~ 2.25/P  .__ ._.J  ~

,  Clear.?nce..  t.Q~-w:_ O.25/P _. . ~
r~?fi;et-· ~7P-n -l~2)/P·=1
rTo!.QJ~lckn_es 1570~_ 1 .5708/P -=-- 1
Worm gears are  used  where high speed  ratios(10:1)  and  above  are  desired. 

Where:  P  =  diametral pitch  N ==  number of  teeth  1.  Worm Gear Nomenclature

P  =  linear pitch  =  distance between adjacent threads 

~ T 
~ where:  T   =  no.  of  teeth 

2.  Lead  =  the  distance from  any point on  one  thread  to the  corresponding point on 

Helical gear nomenclature: the  next  turn  of  the  same thread. 
194 Gears Gears 195
Lead  = p (for  single thread)  PROBLEM  1  (Oct.  1998)  
=  2p ( for double thread) 
Compute the  tooth  thickness of  14  1/2  deg.  spur gear  with  diameter pitch  of  5.  
=  3p  (for  triple  thread) 
A. 0.34116in  C.041416in 
B.0.31146in  D.0.31461in 
x = lead  angle  =
the  angle between  the  tangent to the  pitch  helix and  the  plane  of 
<1l  =  pressure angle  IEm!!Dm
<pn =  normal pressure angle  15708 
Tooth thickness 
2.  v  ::;  velocity  Tooth thickness 

Note:   No.  of threads on  the  worm  is equal  to  1 for  single threaded  and  2 for  double  Tooth  thickness  0.31416in 
PROBLEM  2  (ME Bd. Oct. 97)  
3.  Tan  x::;  Lead  A  36  tooth  pinion  with  a  turning  speed  at  300  rpm  drives  120  tooth  gear  of  14  1/2  
nO degrees  involute  full  depth  pressure  angle.  What  would  be  the  speed  of  the  driven  
A.  1000  rpm  C  90  rpm 
Strength of Worm Gear: B  100  rpm  D.140rpm 

The  worm  gear  is  weaker  than  the  worm,  therefore  the  design  for  strength  is  based 
on  the  worm  gear.  IEm!!Dm
1.   F  =.  SPty(120t)' :••...J. 
t w l1200 + V  :  Using  speed  and teeth  relation  formula: 
where:   F1 =  tangential  pitch  line  load  on  the  gear 
Sw  =  safe  stress,  Table  12­2  T,  N,  = T2 N2 
P  =  circular pitch 
f  = face  width  36(300)  = 120(N 2) 
Y  =  form  factor,  Table 11­2 
N2  =  90 rpm  36 T  120 T
V =  pitch  line  velocity of the  gear 

Efficiency of Worm gear

tan x(cos <Pn - f tan x) PROBLEM  3  (ME  Bd. Oct.  97)  
A  triple  thread  worm  has  a  pitch  diameter of  3  inches  The  wheel  has  25  teeth  and  a  
cos<Pn tan  x + f 
pitch  diameter  of  5  inches.  Material  tor  both  the  worm  and  the  wheel  is  at  phosphor  
bronze.  Compute the  helix  angle  (tan  a).
where:  coefficient of  friction  A. 0.20   C  040 
B.  0.30   D.  14 

~ IEm!!Dm
Pc ci rcular  pitch 
Bevel gears ­ are  used  to connect intersecting  shafts,  usually at  right  angle. 
Pc nD _11.(5t  =  0.6283 in 
T - 25 
Number of teeth and Speed relation

T, N, =   T2 N2 Lead  3  P  (tor triple  thread) 

Lead  3  x 0.6283  =  18849 In 
196  Gears 197
tan  ,1 = helix  angle  
L  1.8849  
tan  <X  = -- = '-'.- = 0.20 
ITD  rr(3) 
From  Vallance, p. 282  
tan  <Dn =  tane  cos  x  
tan14S  = tano  cos45'  
PROBLEM 4 (ME Bd. Oct. 97) ¢ = 20.1"  
Find  the  tooth  thickness  on  the tooth  circle  of a 20  degree  full  depth  involute tooth 
having a diametral pitch  of 3, circular pitch  of  1.0472 and whole  depth  of  tooth  at 0.60.  PROBLEM 7 (ME Bd. Apr. 96)
A.  10,7 mm  C.  101  mm  Two  idlers  of  28T  and  26T  are  introduced  between  the  24T  pinion  with  a  turning 
B.  13.2 mm  D.  7.9  mm  speed  of 400  rpm  driving a  final  96T  gear.  What  would  be  the  final  speed  of  the 
driven  gear  and  its direction  relative  to the  driving  gear  rotation? 
SOLUTION A  120  rpm and  opposite direction 
B.  80  rpm  and  same  direction 
Using the table of gear tooth proportions: C.  100  rpm and  opposite direction 
1.5708 D.  100  rpm and  same  direction 
Tooth thickness  
1.5708 ~
Tooth  thickness 
3 ~
Tooth  thickness  0.5236 in  13.29  mm 

PROBLEM 5 (ME Bd. Apr. 98)

A  pair  of  gear/pinion  of  42  tooth  and  18  tooth  with  a  diametral  pitch  of  0.7874  96 T
teeth/cm  and  the  addendum  is  0.80/p  and  the  addendum  l/p.  The  gear  pressure 
angle is 20°  Compute the  center distance of the  pair  of gears  in  meters.  Since they  are  tangent to  each  other,  then 
A.0.5026m  C.0.3516m 
B.  0.3426 m  D,  0.4013 m  T 1N 1 = TzNz  =  T3N3  =  T4N4 

E'I!!DI:D  T1Nl  =  T4N4 

24(400)  =  96(N4) 
For gears turning in opposite direction:
_ T +T N4  =  100  rpm  (opposite  direction) 
C  ­ .g­..-p
2 (DP)  
T  =  no.  of teeth  
42 +18  PROBLEM 8 (ME Bd. Apr. 96)
C  = --,.--- =  38.1  cm  = 0381  m  A  spur  pinion  rotates  at  1800  rpm  and  transmits  to  a  mating  gear  30  HP,  The  pitch 
2(0.7879)  diameter is 4" and  the  pressure  angle is  14 1/2.  Determine the  tangential  load  in Ibs. 
A.  495  C.  525  
PROBLEM 6 (ME Bd. Apr. 96) B,535  D  475  
A  helical  gear having  a  14  1/2°  normal  pressure angle  and  transverse  diametral  pitch 
of  23622  per  cm.  The  helix  angle  is  at  45'  and  has  8  teeth.  Compute  the 
transverse pressure angle in degrees. 
A.  22.2'  C.  19.3°  &N!!mmI
B.  189 0
D.  20.1° 

Solving  for the  torque developed: 

198  Gears Gears 199 
P  = 2n:TN  A. 08095  C.  0.7825 
30(33,000)  = 2n:T(1800)   Ft B.  0.8035  O.  0.8085 
T  = 87.535 ft­Ibs  
T  =  1050.4 in­Ibs   E1!l!1i(.):. 
Solving for  tangential force:  
Force  = T/r
Force  = 1050.4/2 Using  D and  N relation: 
Force  = 525  Ibs   0,  N,  = 02 N2 

Nj Pc
O2 01 (--)
PROBLEM  9  (ME Bd. Oct. 95) 18 T  72  T 
Compute the  pitch  angle  of  a bevel  gear given  the  pinion's number of  teeth  of  14  and  02  =  40,  1< )1
42  teeth  on  the  gear. 
A. 18.40 C.  28.4"  For  gears  tl'~ni g In opposite direction: 
B.  33.4 0 O.  38.4 0 OJ +0 2
C  = - "......-

OJ  +40 j 
~ 10.23  = 

From  Machinery's Handbook p 844:  0,  4092 in 

T  Pc  _1t.~ =  ~ n:(4.092)/18

Pitch  Angle  =  tan -1 ---" T 
T g 
Pc  0.7854 in. 
Pitch  angle  = tan' 14/42 = 18.4 0 
PR,  3LEM  12  (ME  Bd. Oct.  95)  
The  tooth  thickness  of  a  gear is  0.5  inch  and  its  circular  pitch  is  1.0  inch.  Calculate  
PROBLEM  10 (ME Bd. Oct. 95)   the  dedendurn of  the  gear.  
Compute for  the  tooth  thickness of  14  1/2 0 spur gear with  diametral  pitch =  5.   A.  0.3183  C  1.250 
A. 0.3979  C.  31831  B.  0.3979  O.  0.1114 
B.  003141  0  0.31416 
Using the  relation  of  diametral pitch  and  circular pitch:  Pc (OP)  =:  n: 
Using the  table of  gear tooth  proportions:  OP  =:  n/P, 
OP  =:  n:I1 
Tooth  thickness  1.5708/DP  OP  =:  n: 
Oedendum  =:  1.25/DP 
Tooth  thickness  1.5708/5 Oedendum  =:  1.25/n: 
Oedendum  =  0.3979" 
Tooth thickness  =  0.31416" 
PROBLEM  13 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  95)  
An  internal gear is set  up with  a  5  in  diameter pinion and  center distance of  18  inches.  
PROBLEM  1 1 (ME  Bd.  Apr.  96)  Find  the  diameter of  the  internal gear  
Compute the  circular pitch  of  a  pair of  gears  having  a  ratio  of  4  and  a  center distance  A.  36"  8  215" 
of  10.23  Each  gear has  72  teeth  and  pinion  has  18 teeth.  C  26"  O.  41" 
200 (;{'(If,~ Gears :.lot 
1'~()I\.i:! I () 
SOLUTION Find  the  tli:;1, incc  between  centers of  a  pair  of  gears,  one  of  which  has  12  teeth  and 
the  other  :J I teeth  The diametral  pitch is 7, 
A.  3.0 In  C.  4.0 in 
B.  3.5 In  D.  4.5 in 
For  internal  gear: 

D2 .' D,
2 For  gear turning in opposite direction: 

18  = D 2. :- 5  
C  = D, + D2
2 2  

D 2 =  41"  DP,  =
D,  =  12/7  =  1.7143 in  
18in 12 T 37 T
PROBLEM 14 (ME Bd. Apr. 95)
The  minimum  whole  depth  of  spur  gear  of  14­1/2  deq.  Involute  type  with  diameter 
D2  =  37/7  =  5.2857 in  I(  )1 
pitch  of  24  and  circular pitch of  0,1309: 
Solving  for  center distance: 
A  0,09000  B,  0,08900 
C,  008987  D.  0.08975  _  17143+5.2857 
C  - - - - ~ - - -

3.5  in 


From  Vallance p 262,  Table  11­1:  PROBLEM  17 

Determine the  pitch  diameter of  a gear with  28  teeth,  4 diametral  pitch. 
h  =~7 A.  7 in  C.  9 in  
Pd   B.8in  D.10in  

h  0.08987 
PROBLEM 15 (ME Bd. Apr. 94) DP  =  T / D 
The  minimum  clearance  allowed  for  meshing  spur  gears  with  a  circular  pitch  of 
0.1571  and  diametral  pitch  of  20.  The  spur gear have  25  teeth.  D  =  TIDP 
A  0.007855  B.  0.007558 
C.  0008578  D.  0007585  D  =  28/4  =  7  in 
Em!!JmD  PROBLEM  18 
Two  parallel  shafts  have  an  angular  velocity  ratio  of  3  to  1  are  connected  by  gears. 
From  gear tooth proportions table:   the  largest of  which  has  36  teeth.  Find  the  number of teeth  of  smaller gear. 
0.1571  A  10  C. 12 
Clearance  = - . B. 11  D. 13 

T,  N,  T2 N2 
202 ( ;( )( II c,
N 1 / N 2 0= T 2 / T 1
3/1  = 361T, UlII  N, N  =  1.6  
T 1  =  12 teeth   [1  1 6 D l  
D 1  j  1 6D 1  =  5.2  
0,  ­t­ 2 
PROBLEM  19  DP,  T , / D 1  
The  parallel  shafts  have  a  center  distance  of  15  in.  One  of  the  shaft  carries  a  40- 10  =  T 1 /2  
tooth,  2  diametral  pitch  gear which  drives  a gear on  the  other shaft at  a speed  of  150  T,  =  20 teeth  
rpm.  How  fast  IS  the  40­tooth turning? 
A  600  rpm  C  150  rpm 
B.  300  rpm  D.  75  rpm 
E:m!IImI A  spur  gear 20  degrees  full­depth  involute  teeth  has  an  outside  diameter  of  195  mm 
and  a  module of 6.5.  Determine  the  number of teeth. 
A. 20   C. 28 
For  gear turning  In opposite direction:  B. 25   D. 41 

D,  +D 2
C 0= ­­­­­­-

2   To  convert  module to  DP,  use  this  relation: 

D1  T 1  /  DP,  1<  :J OP  =  25.~ or  M =  25.4  
D,  40/2  20  in  
0=  M  DP  
20+D 2 25.4
15   DP  3.90769 
2   6.5 
D2  10  in 
.  di  N+2
Using  the  formula of  Speed  and  Diameter relation:   O utside  iarneter  =  ­­­­-
0 1  N1  0=  D2 N2  
20(N 1)  =  10(150)   Where:  N  =  no. of teeth  
N,  =  75 rpm   N+2  
N + 2  == 30  
PROBLEM  20   N  ==  28  teeth  
A  pair of  meshing  gears  has  a  diametral  pitch  of  10,  a  center  distance  of  2.6  inches,  
and  velocity ratio  of  1.6.  Determine the  number of teeth  of  smaller gear.  
A. 10   C. 30  PROBLEM  22  
B. 20   D. 40  What is the  pitch  diameter of a 40­tooth  gear  having a circular pitch  of  1.5708 in?  
A.  20 in   C  30 in 
E:m!IImI  B.  25 in   D.  35 in 

For  gear  turning in  opposite direction:  E:m!IImI 

C  =  [)~E2
2   P c  ltD 
::::  ­­-
2(2.6)  =  D,  + D2   T 
D,  +  D2  =  52  
1.5708  ==   ltD  
D, N,  0=  D2 N2  40  
D,(N,  / N2)  =  D2  D  ==  20  in 
204 Gi'urs
PROBLEM  23  Gears 205
How  many  revolutions  per  minute  is  a  spur  gear turning  if  it  has  28  teeth,  a  circular  25.4 
pitch of  0.7854 in  and  a pitch  line  velocity of  12  It/sec?  M =
A.  378.44  rpm  C.  954.66  rpm 
B.  643.82  rpm  D.  392.88  rpm 
M =  ------

Em!!imD   8 

M  =  3.175 
Pc = ~

0.7854  =   reD   PROBLEM  26

28  The  diametral  pitch  of  a gear having a  module of  23 is:  
D  =  7 in  A. 9   C. 10
V=reDN  B. 11   D. 12
12  =  re(7/12)N 
N  =  6.548  rps  x 60  392.88  rpm   EiI!!imD
Use this  formula to  convert module to  diametral pitch 
P~BLEM 24 
DP  = ~4
How  many  revolutions  per  minute  is  a  spur  gear  turning  If  it  has  a  module  of  2,  40  M 
teeth,  and  pitch  line  velocity of  2500 rum/sec? 
A.  59683 rpm  C.  476.85  rpm  25.4 
B.  386.83  rpm  D  312.83  rpm   DP 


M  =  module  PROBLEM  27
D  A  gear turning  300  rpm  has  a  diametral  pitch of 8.  If there are  40  teeth  on  the  gear, 
M  = -
T   find  the  pitch  line  velocity of  gear. 
D  A.  654 fps  C.  7.45  rps 
2  =   ...
B  834 fps  D  9.45 fps 
D  =  80 mm  
2500  =  rt  (80)(N)  DP  =  2'  
N  =  9947 revlsec  (60)  =  596.83  rpm  D  

PROBLEM  25  8 =  <1:.~

The  module of  a  gear having a diametral pitch  of  8  is:  D  =  5  in 
A.  5.234   C.  4.23 
B.  3175   D  2.34  v =  re D N  =  re  (5/12)(300/60) =  6.54  ft/s 

Two gears meshing each  other have  18  teeth  and  30  teeth.  If circular pitch  is  023 in. 
Use this formula to  convert diametral pitch  to  module.  Find  the  center distance between  gears 
A.  523 in  C  323 in 
B.  2.34 in  D.  1.76  in 
2 Of)  G('(/1  S Gears :.!()/ 

Solving for the  diametral  pitch  of the smaller gear:  o
1(0 M ­
Pel =  ­­­ T
T   o  ~ T M 
1( (0,)
0.23   = ­ ­ -  
18   0, T,M
0, = 1.317in  0,  = 20 M 

Solving for  the  diametral  pitch  of the  larger  gear:  02 =  T2 M

1(0 O2 =  60 M  
P c2  =  ­.  
T  C  =01+02
023  =  ~'21l 200  = 20 M I­ 60 M 
30  ­'­­"  -

02  =  2.196  in   2

M = 5  
c =  0 1  + O2  1.317 + 2.196
176 in
2 2 

A  gear  has  a  tooth  thickness  of  0.1308  in.  Find  the  addendum  of  the  gear  at  145
A.  2.12  mm  C.3.12mm 
A  gear  with  pitch  line  velocity  of  6.126  m/s when  turning  at  600  rpm.  If module  is  3,  B.4.12mm  O.  5.12  mm 
find  the  number of teeth  on the  gear. 
A. 60   C. 65 
B.  50   0  70 

Em!!ImD  .  1.57
Toot h thickness  =  ­ -
V=1(ON   OP
6  126  =  1(  (0)  (600/60) 0.1308  =  :!.57  
0=  0195m=195mm  OP  
OP =  12 
M  = 

T   1 
Addendum  1/12 =  0.0833 in (25.4)  =  2.12  mm 
195  OP
3 = 

T  =  65 teeth  PROBLEM  32 
A  gear  has  an  addendum  of  0.10  in.  What  is  the  dedendum  of  the  gear  at  20° 
pressure involute. 
PROBLEM  30  A.  0.037  in  C.  0345 in 
Two  gears  meshing  each  other has  a center  distance  of 200  mm.  The  pinion  has  20  B.  0.125  in  O.  0235 in
teeth  and  gear  has  60 teeth.  Find  the module of  meshing gears. 
A. 2  
B. 4  
C. 3 
O. 5 
201-\ (;('urs  (;('(1 rs 209

0.80 0.3183  =  F1 (0.2/2)  

0.10   F1 =  318  KN  
DP  = 8  tans  = ..--
Dedendum  0.125  in  tan  14.5°  =  ..£r
8 318  
F r  = 0.823  KN  
PROBLEM  33  200 mm
A  gear is  use  to  transmit  12  kw  at 450  rpm  with  26  teeth.  If  the  diametral pitch  of  the 
gear is  10, find  the  force  tangent to the  gear.  PROBLEM  35 
A.1234KN  C15.42KN  The  pressure  angle  of  the  12  in  diameter  gear  is  20  degrees.  The  total  load  of  the 
B.  1424 KN  D.  1645 KN  gear is  5 KN  and  is turning  at 750 rpm.  Find  the  power delivered  by the  gear. 
A  43.23 KN  C.  5623 KN  
SOLUTION B  6423 KN  D.  3423 KN  


12  =  2  11 T  (450/60)  Ft
Cos  8 = ­-
T  =  0.5093  KN­m 
Cos  20°   =  ~
o =  26/10  =  2.6  in  5 
F1  =  4.698  KN 
T =  F x r 
T  = F t  x r 

0.5093  =  F l2"(39.37) 
J T =  4.698  12(3~ 7) J 
T  =  0.7159  12in
F  =  1542KN 
P  =  2 IT T N  =  2 IT  (07159) (750/60)  =  56.23  kw 

A  gear is  use  to  transmit  20  kw  at  600  rpm  to  a  driven  gear.  The  pinion  has  a  pitch  PROBLEM  :36 
diameter  of  200  mm.  If  pressure  angle  is  14.5  degrees,  find  the  load  that  tends  to  Three  gears  meshing  each  other  has  a  driving  power  of  30  kw  with  900  rpm.  The 
separate the  two  gears.  speed  ratio  is  1:3:5  and  each  meshing gear has  an  efficiency of 96%.  Find  the  torque 
A.  0.234  KN  C.  0763 KN  developed of the  driven  gear,  KN.m. 
B.  0534 KN  D.  0.823 KN  A.  440   C.  5.60 
B.  7.60   D.  8.20 

P=2ITTN  Po  =  power output of  driven  gear 

20  =  2 IT  T  (600/60)  
T  =  03183 KN­m   Po  =  30  (0.96)  (0.96)  =  27648 kw 
T = F x r  
210  Gears Bear, uti 211
No speed of  driven  gear 
- - = 60  rpm 

3 (5) 

To  =  torque output 
Po = 2 IT TN 
27648  =  2 IT T (60/60) 
T  =  4.40  KN­m 

1.  Bearing ­ a machine member which  supports,  guide  or control the motion  of 

2.   Lubricant ­ any  substance that  will form  a film  between the  two  suriaces of  a 


3.   Babbit  ­ a tin or  lead  base  alloy which  is used  as bearing material. 

4.   Sliding  Bearing  =  type  of  bearing where  essentially sliding friction  exists. 

5.   Ball  Bearing  ­ type  of  rolling­element bearing which  uses  spherical  balls  rolling 

6.   Roller Bearing  ­ type  of  rolling  element bearing  which  uses  cylindrical  rollers  as 
rolling  elements. 

Classification of Bearings  according to  load applications: 

1.   Radial  bearing (journal  bearing):  supports radial  load 

2.   Trust  bearing:  carries  a load  collinear to the  axis 

3.   Guide bearing:  primarily guides the  motion  of machine member without specific 

regard  to  the  direction of  load  application. 

4.   Viscosity  = resistance to  flow  or the  property which  resist  shearing of the 


5.   Absolute  viscosity  ­ viscosity which  is determined by  direct measurement of 

shear resistance. 

6.   Kinematics  viscosity  ­ absolute viscosity divided by the  specific gravity. 

212 Rearing
lkuril/(/ 213
Units of Viscosity:
r  ~- Journal radius,  in  
dyne ­ sec L  = axial  length  of bearing,  in  
cm  n, = journal  speed,  rps  
C,  = radial clearance,  in  
Sliding Bearings:  
Cd  =  diametral clearance  D­d   Heat dissipation in  journal bearings (Vallance p  240) 
H  ChLD  
C. = radial  clearance  778  
Diametral Clearance Ratio  H  =  heat  dissipated in  Btu/min 
C h  =  heat dissipation coefficient,  of projected  area.  It­Ibs/rrun­in" 
L  =  length  of bearing,  in 
D  =  diameter of bearing,  in 
Ball  and  Roller Bearings 
p  =  unit  loading or  bearing  pressure 
p = F/LD
e  = eccentricity  "   Bearing  Sizes  and  Designation 
e  = radial  distance between  center of  bearing  and the  displaced center  of  Example of bearing  designation: 
the journal  
D  = diameter (bore)  of the  bearing  
d  =  diameter of the  journal   SAE  or IS 314  is 300  series,  NO.14 
L  =  axial  length  of the  journal  inside  the  bearing  
F  = radial  load   "   Tabulated data  on ball  and  roller bearings  Vallance:  Table  9­2  p 206 

"   Bearing Capacity based  on  stresses (Vallance p 205) 

where:  Fr   Fr  K2 (for roller bearings) 
u  = viscosity in  reyns  5
n  = speed in  rps 
p  = unit  loading,  psi  where:  
Fr  =  total  radial load,  Ibs  
(,.   Frictional torque in  bearings (Vallance p  231)  n  = number of  balls  or  rollers  
D  = ball diameter or  roller diameter,  in  
L  = length  of rollers,  in  
k 1  =  550  for unhardened steel  
700 for hardened carbon  steel 
where:   1000 for hardened alloy  steel  on flat  races 
Ttl  =  frictional  torque   fb coefficient of friction  1500 for hardened carbon  steel 
F  =  radial  load  D  bearing  diameter  2000  for hardened alloy  steel  on  grooved  races 
k2 = 7000  for hardened carbon  steel  
(.. Petroff's equation for frictional torque (Faires p  302)  10,000  for  hardened  alloy  steel  
, ,g3<:
Tf:s~unr:.l, p s (,   Radial  Load  Catalog  Capacities of Ball and  Roller  Bearings  (Vallance:  pp  
Cr  207­213)  
T, =  frictional  torque,  in­Ib  (.   Tabulated catalog  capacities  of  ball  and  roller  bearings: 
u  = viscosity,  reyns  (Fig. AF  16, P 595) 
Table 9­7,  P 212 and  Table  9­8,  p 213 
214 Bcaiin q Bell t i T/9 215
ks kt  Fr A 2 in horizontal shaft rotates in a sleeve type bearing The coefficient of friction IS
o 10 and the shaft applies a load of 500 lb. Find the frictional resistance.
where:  A. 20 Ibs C. 30 Ibs
Fe  =  Catalog rating  of bearing,  Ib (tables  9­7  and  9­8)  B. 40 Ibs D. 50 Ibs
Fr  =  actual  radial  load  on the  bearing,  Ib 
H,  =  desired  life  of bearing,  hrs  of use 
He =  catalog  rated  life of bearing,  hr  Em!!iit-H'
ka =  application  factor takinq  into  account the amount of  shock  (Table  9­4) 
F = frictional resistance

But: N = W
where:  F = 0.10(500) = 50 Ibs
ko =  oscillation  factor
= 1.0 for constant rotational speed of the races
= 0.67 for sinusoidal oscillations of the races PROBLEM 3
kp = preloading factor A bearing sustains a load of 4450 N. The shaft diameter is 100 mm, the coefficient of
= 1.0 for non-preloaded ball bearings and straight roller bearings sliding friction is 001, and the shaft speed is 400 rpm. Find the horsepower lost in
k- = rotational factor the bearing.
= 1.0 for bearings with fixed outer races and rotating inner races A. 9320 watts C. 83.45 watts
krel = reliability factor, Table 9-3 B 76.34 watts D. 45.23 watts

ks=. 3.~
.. ~KTNa·
. N '
the "~ ~,;:._ .
kt = thrust factor
1.0 if there is no thrust-load component Solving for frictional force:
F = 0.01 (4450) = 44.50 N
A 1 in horizontal shaft rotates at 500 rpm in a sleeve-type bearing. The coefficient of Solving for torque due to friction:
friction is 0.15. Calculate the horsepower lost in the bearing if the reaction between T = F (r) = (44.50)(0.05) = 2.225 N.m
the shaft and the bearing is 800 lb.
A. 0.2634 hp C. 0.0925 hp Solvinq for the power lost:
B. 1.2344 hp D. 0.4759 hp P = 2 IT TN = 2 IT (2.225)(400/60) = 93.20 watts

Solving for the frictional force on bearing: A 50 mm diameter shaft supported by two sleeve bearings carries a load of 13.3 MN.
F = frictional force The shaft rotates at 150 rpm. If the coefficient of sliding friction between the shaft and
F = f N = 0.15 (800) = 120 Ib bearings is 0.1, how much power is lost in friction?
r = 1/2 = 0.5 in = 0.041666 ft A. 261 kw C.345kw
B. 643 kw D. 108 kw
T = torque developed due to frictional force
T = F x r = 120 (0.04166) = 5 tt-lb &miit-H'
Solving for the hp lost due to friction:
P=2 IT TN = 27t(5)(500) = 0.4759 h Load for one bearing = 13.3/2
33,000 P Load for one bearing = 665 MN
Fr = frictional resistance = (0 10)(665 x 10 ) = 6.65 x 105 N
[3eu t: i WI 217
2 Usmg the beanng stress formula: 2
Fr = 6.65  X 10 KN 
S = PIA = 2000/1000 = 2 N/mm or Mpa
Solving for the  tangential  speed: 
v  = IT 0 N  =  IT (0.050)( 150/60) = 0.3927 m/s 
A 22 mm diameter shaft is supported by sleeve bearing at a distance of 0.50 m. A
Power Lost  = F r  v  load of 2.2 KN is applied at 0.2 m from the left end. The sleeve bearings have an LID
Power Lost  =  (6.65  x  10
= 261.14 kw (per  bearing)  ratio of 1.5. Find the maximum bearing pressure.
A. 1.82 Mpa C 2 12 Mpa
Solving  for the  power lost  of 2 bearings:  B. 3.45 Mpa O. 5.23 Mpa
Total  power lost  = 2(261.14)  =  522.30 kw 
PROBLEM 5 2:M[J = 0
A  36  mm  shaft  uses  a  sleeve  beanng  that  sustain  a  load  of  4000  N.  If the  allowable  05 RA = 0.3(2.2)
bearing pressure  IS  1.3  MN/m . Find the  length of the  bearing.  RA = 1.32 KN = 1320 N
A.  75.47  mm  C.  89.23  mm 
B.  23.44 mm  O.  85.47 mm  A=LO
But: UO = 1.5
L = 1.5 0
Em!!mmI  A = (150)(0) = 150

F  = 4000  N = 4 KN  F F 1320 2

P= - ' = " - -~ ' - -
= 1.818 MN/mm or Mpa
S =  1.3 Mpa  = 1.3 x 10 Kpa  A 1.50" (1.5 )(22)2
Using bearing  stress formula 
Sb =  ._.. 
3 4 A sleeve beanng is to have an LO ratio of 1.0 and an allowable bearing pressure of
1.3 x 10  =  - 2
A 0.5 MN/m . Find the inside diameter and the length of the bearmg If it is to sustain a
A = 0.0031 m
2 load of 2550 N.
A. 23.45 mm C. 45.34 mm
Solving for bearing length: B.71.41mm O. 9834 mm
00031 = L (0.036) Em!!mmI
L = 0.08547 m =, 85.47 mm
F = 2550 N
F = 000255 MN
A 20 mm shaft uses sleeve bearings. The total load per bearing is 2000 N. An UO L=O
ratio of 25 is desired. What is the bearing pressure?
A. 1 Mpa C. 2 Mpa Solving for the area:
B. 3 Mpa O. 4 Mpa S = F/A
A = F/S = 000255 I 0.5 = 00051 m
Em!!mmI Solving for the diameter'
A = LO
LID = 2.5
00051 = 0(0)
L = 2.50 = 2.5(20) = 50 mm
0=007141 m =71.41 mm
Solving for the area:
A = LO = 50(20) 1000 rnrn"
218  Bearing Bells 219 
A  sleeve  bearing  has  an  outside  diameter  of  1.50  in  and  a  length  of  2  in.  The  wall 
thickness  is  3/16  in.  The  bearing  is  subjected  to  a  radial  load  of  450  lb.  Find  the 
bearing  pressure. 
A. 100 psi
B. 150 psi
C. 200 psi
D 250 psi
15 BE3I-ts

ro = Do/2 = 1.5/2 = 0.75 in

r, = ro - t = 075 - 3/16 = 0.5625 in

D, = 2 r, = 2(0.5625)
D, = 1125 in
Types of belt transmission
Solving for the bearing pressure:
F 450
P = --- = -.----- = 200 PSI
. (. Flat belt - used with flat pulleys and allows long distance
A 2(1.125)
<. V-belt - used with shave or grooved pulleys and provides stronger grip at short
distance between shafts.
A thrust washer has an inside diameter of 12 mm and an outside diameter of 75 mm. <. Toothed belt - paired with toothed pulleys and used as timing belt where speed
If the allowable bearing pressure is 0.6 Mpa, how much load can it sustain? ratio must be maintained
A. 2582.9 N C. 329344 N
B. 1235.5 N D 863445 N Materials for transmission belts:

SOLUTION (. Oak-tanned leather is the standard material for flat belts.

Solving for the cross-sectional area: (. Chrome leather is used where very pliable material is desired.

A= lJ J =~
(D/ - D;2) [(0.075)2.- (0.012)2 ] (. Rubber belt is used when exposed to moisture, acids and alkalies.
A = 0.00430476 m t, Fabric and canvas belts are used for light power transmission.

Solving for the load applied:

S = F/A
F = S A = (10.6 x 10
F = 2582.90 N
For Open Belt Connection:

'" Pulley diameter and speed relation

D,N, = D2 N2
to, Belt length:
(D -D )
L = 1.57(0 2 + D1) + 2C + - 2- - - 1-
220  Belts
Be/ts 221 
"  Angle of contact: 

e=tc ± 2sid (R 2 ~ R1
J radians 
(..  If Centrifugal Tension is  Considered 
1"1 - Fe
1"2 -Fe
= eIII
O 2 ­0 1 Fe =  centrifugal  tension 
12wbtv /g
9 =  rt  ± ,radians  3
w  = belt  weight,  Ib/in
b  = belt  width,  in 
Note:  Use  +  sign  for  larger pulley  t  = belt  thickness,  in 
Use  ­ sign  for  smaller pulley  v  =  belt velocity,  fUsec 

For Crossed Belt Connection (,  Net  belt pull (tangential force on  pulley)

I"  =  1"1 - 1"2
(,  Pulley diameter and  speed  relation: 
0 1 N1 =02 N:z  (.  Stress in  Belt:
S _ 1"1
(.,  Belt  Length:  e  W - bt 
. D2 + D1
2C  + 
L =  1.57 ([)2 +  D,) Sw  =  working  stress  =  300  pSI  for  leather belts 
where:  L  =  length  of belt 
(..  Power Transmitted and  Torque Relation by  Belt:
0 1 =  diameter of  smaller  pulley
O 2 = diameter of larger pulley
R = radius of larger pulley
T = (1"1 - 1"2) r = I" x r
r = radius of smaller pulley
P = 2nTN, Kw
e = arc of contact, radians
C = center distance
P = power, Kw
t,.. Angle of contact: T = torque, KN-m
e =n + 2slo,1 N = speed, rps

(.. Horsepower transmitted and stress relation

D 2 -D 1
e n + -----, radians
P (1"1 - 1"2 )V, hp bt = [V(Sw_~J2W)] 550 ls
C [(ets) I(e - 1)]
Belt Tension 9

" If Centrifugal Tension is Neglected

-1"1 = e fs
where: Formulas:
1"1 = tension in tight side
1"2 = tension in slack side (.. Belt Length
f = coefficient of friction
e = arc of contact, rad L = 1.57(0 + d)+2C + (0 - d)2
222 Belt s Bells 223
'- Center Distance PHOBLEM I
Find the angle of contact on the small pulley for an open belt drive with a 72 In center
distance The pulley diameters are 6 in and 12 in.
A 175.22° C. 185.34°
B. 17034° D. 165.34°

c. Arc of contact on small sheave

For smaller pulley:
8 = angle of contact
L = pitch length of belt 8 = 180 - 2sln
.1 ID - D
1 2
C = center distance
D = pitch diameter
d = pitch diameter of large sheave 8 = 180 - 2sin' [12 -6J = 175.22°
b = 4L -o.28tOtt:l)

'- Standard Pitch Length and Designation of V-Belts: PROBLEM 2

Table 3.3, p 21(PSME Code) Find the belt length at a 72 in center distance connected In open belt. The pulley
diameters are 6 in and 12 in.
Example: A. 162.34 in C 123.55 in
B75 IS Section B v-belt with length of 76.8 inches B. 173.45 in D. 172.39 in

l. Horsepower Rating for v-belts:

HP = XS09 1 -)is"Z$3
de L = belt length
PH = recommended horsepower IT (0 D)2
L= -(D +D )+2C+ 2- 1
X,Y,Z are constants (Table 3.6) 2 1 2 4C
S = belt speed in thousands of feet per minute
de = equivalent diameter of small sheave which is equal to pitch diameter
multiplied by small diameter factor (Table 3.9) L = -IT (12 + 6) + 2(72) + _._--
2 4(72)
'" Design Procedure in Determining the number of V-belts required:
Given: Size of belt, sheave diameters, speed, power transmitted L = 172.39 in
1. Find the length of the belt from Table 3.3.
2. Solve for the center distance and the arc of contact. PROBLEM 3
3. Find the value of X, Y & Z from Table 3.6. A 6 in diameter pulley turning at 600 rpm is belt connected to a 12 in diameter pulley.
4. Solve for the speed ratio and find the small diameter factor from Table 3.9, then If there is 4% slip, find the speed of the 12 in pulley.
solve for de. A. 187 rpm C. 203 rpm
5. Compute the HP rating per belt. B. 223 rpm D 288 rpm
6. Find the length correction factor from Table 3.7 and arc of contact correction factor
from Table 3.8, then solve for the corrected HP rating per belt. __-r1.IlJ~
7. Find the service factor from Table 3.5, then divide the corrected power transmitted
by the Hp rating per belt.
USing the diameter and speed relation:
D1 N, = D2 N2
6(600) = 12(N z)
Nz = 300 rpm
Belts 225
224 Belts
F (030)(165.63x IT )
1 e 180
Considenng the  4%  slip F2
N2' = 300 (1 - 0.04) F 1 = 2.38 F2
N 2 ' = 288 rpm S = F/A

PROBLEM 4 F=S (~xd2) = 400 l(~' XO.25 2 : = 19.631bs

4 4)
For a given belt a manufacturer gives a horsepower rating of 2.5 hp per inch of width
based on a belt speed of 2600 ft/min. The drive is to handle 10 hp and the and the F2 = 19.63/2.38 = 825 Ib
arc of contact correction factor is 0.90. Find the width of belt needed. Assume that
belt widths are available in 1 inch increments. n(1)(100) .
v = '.-. - . - = 26.179ftl min
A. 3 in C. 4 in 12
B. 5 in D. 6 in
HP = ~Fl_= ~;0\1 = (196~_=8.25)?7J = 0.00903 hp
33,000 33.000
Solving for the actual hp rating A 3/8 in flat leather belt is 12 in wide and is used on a 24 in diameter pulley rotating
3 0
600 rpm. The specific weight of the belt is 0.035 Ib/in The angle of contact is 150
P = 25 (0.90) = 2.225 hplin If the coefficient of friction is 0.3 and the allowable stress is 300 psi how much hp can
it transmit?
10hp A. 34.5 hp C 78.5 hp
Belt width = 2._5~E
B 69.5 hp D 54.5 hp

Belt width = 4.44 in

For flat belts:
Therefore: Use 5 in width of belt
pv 2 e fe_1
F1 - F 2 = b t (s - - - ) ( - - )
2.68 e f8
PROBLEM 5 v = IT (24/12)(600/60) = 62.83 ft/s
A 1/4 in round endless belt connects a 1 in diameter pulley with a 2 in pulley; spacing
between pulleys is 4 in on centers. The allowable stress is 400 psi. If the 1 in pulley e '8 = e 'o
30)l150)(rr!180) = 2.193
is the driver and rotates 100 rpm. How much horsepower can be transmitted?
Pv2 0035(62.83)2
Assume the coefficient of friction to be 0.30 for each pulley. ----- = .. = 51.55
A.0123hp C 0.0115hp 2.68 2.68
B. 1.234 hp D. 00090 hp
12.1932 -1l
F1 - F2 = (12)(3/8) [300-51.55JI-' - -
Em!!ImD L 2.1932 --'
F1 - F 2 = 608.26 Ibs
Since both have the same coefficient of friction, smaller pulley will be the basis of
HP =(1"".1..- F2 )v (60826t(62.83x60) = 69.50 hp
33,000 . 33,000
8 = angle of contact

8 = 180 - 2sln --2C-J
180 - 2 sin
(~1J = 165.63°
l2(4 )
.-.-- ~ e f8
.6.MJ Belts l uak c: 227 
A  5  mm  round  belt  connects  a  20  mm  pulley  with  a  40  mm  pulley.  The  center 
distance  is  150  mm.  The  20  mm  pulley  rotates  at  100  rpm  and  the  coefficient  of 
friction  of  the  belt  is  0.25.  Find  the  horsepower  capacity  for  this  arrangement  if  the 
allowable belt  stress  is 2.6  N/mm .
A.  0.12  kw  C  000282 kw 
B.  0.23 kw  D.  0.054 kw 


S =  ­'. 

F  = SA  Brake·  is a  device which  is used  to  regulate  or stop  the  motion  of a  body. 
F =  (2.6)  (nI4)(5)2 = 51.05 N 
For  larger pulley:  Types of Brakes:

8B =  180  + 2  sin'1l-~2 ~_f3l J=  180  + 2 sin'  20.-= ~ 1=  187.65° =  3.275  rad  1.  Mechanical Brakes 
150  )  a.  band  d.  disk 
b.  block  e.  spot 

For  smaller  PUII:(:R 2 ­R  J  '1(20-10J ° 

c.  shoe 

85 =  180·2 sin  l'­C'­­ 1 
=  180·2 sin  -1'50- =  172.35  3 rad  2. Hydrodynamic Brakes:
a utilize fluid friction

For laroer pulley: 3. Electrical Brakes:

e 10 = e(15
25)(3 275) = 2.27
a. utilized the strength of electromagnetic fields
For smaller pulley:
ere= e(O 25)(3) = 2.12 Simple Band Brake

Therefore smaller pulley governs the design.

F1 18
Tension in the band f1. = e f8
-=e F2
f coefficient of friction
~05=2.1 F1 =: force on tight side =:

F2 F2 =: force on slack side 8 = angle of contact. rad

v = n (0.02)(100/60) = 01047 rn/s
P = (Fl' F2 ) v == (51.05 . 24.1 )(0.1 047) = 2.822 watts =: 0.002822 kw
Brake Torque Developed:

T =: (F1 - F2)r

T = brake torque
r =: radius of friction surface on the drum

Actuating Force Required: (by taking moment about the pivot point)
Fa = aF2
228 Brake Brake 229
Maximum Unit Pressure:
where: W = weight lowered
h = total distance traveled
w  =  width  of  the  bond 
Stress in band: The band brake of a band brake has 210 degrees of contact with its drum. By
laboratory tests, it is found that the pull on the tight side is 800 Ibs and the pull on the
slack side is 285 lb. What is the coefficient of friction?
where:  A. 0.281 C. 0 186
B 0.753 D. 0.453
t  =  thickness of  the  band 

Differential Band Brake ~

By  taking moment about the  point:  Using tension ratio of belt:
F, fO
800 1(210° x_ _)
Self-Locking Differential Band Brake: ___ = e 180
A  differential band brake is  self­locking when  Fa is  zero  or  negative.  2.807 = e3665f

Block Brake (Vallance p 364)  Take In both sides:

In2.807 = In e36651
In2.807 = 3.665f (In e)

The inertia load on an electric brake is 32 Ib-ft and the drive shaft is rotating at 2000
where:  rpm. What average torque is required to bring this load to a complete stop in 12 sec?
T  = braking  torque  A. 173.61 ft-Ibs C. 12345 tt-lbs
F r  = radial  force between the  drum  and  each shoe  B 153.45 ft-lbs D. 237.23 ft-Ibs
f  =  coefficient of  friction 
h  =  effective moment arm  of  the  friction  force 
r  = radius of  the friction  surface of  the  drum 
8 =  angle of  contact 
Using the formula of torque in electric brake:
P max  =  maximum normal pressure between  block and  drum 
w  = axial width of  block  T= J!v.r)N _
Automotive Shoe Brake (Vallance  pp  366­370) 

Heat Dissipated in Brakes (Vallance p  374)  (32)(2000) = 173.16 ft-Ibs

T = (308)(1.2)
Icl ""fFrV
where: H = heat dissipated
f = coefficient of friction PROBLEM 3
F r = radial force The band of a band brake has a contact angle of 180°. It is found experimentally that
V = surface velocity pulls on the bands are 275 kg and 100 kg respectively under certain operating
conditions. Find the coefficient of friction
For Brake used in lowering of a weight: A. 0.973 C 0197
H·.. ;=i•. Wh B. 0.567 0 0322
230 Brake  elwell 2:31

F1 Ie

17 Clutch

275  f(180ox  no)

­­­ =  e 180
2.75 = e
In2.75 = Itf (In e)

f = 0.322

A brake requires 900 in-lb of torque to stop a shaft operating at 840 rpm in a period of
3.5 seconds. What is the inertia load expressed in Ib-ft 2 ?
Clutch - is a machine member which is used to connect shafts so that the driven
A. 90.23 C. 34.45
shaft will rotate with the driving shaft. and to disconnect them at will.
B 74.34 D. 9625
Types of clutches:
1. Jaw clutches - jaws or teeth in the two elements interlock
T= (wr
2. Friction clutches - the drivinq force is transmitted by friction; the major types are'
308 (t)
plate or disk clutch, cone clutch, band clutch, block clutch and expanding-ring
T = 900/12 = 75 ft-Ib clutch.
75 = lwr
308(3.5) 3. Hydraulic clutches - the torque is transmitted by a moving fluid
w ~ = 96.25 ft2 -Ib
4. Electromagnetic clutches - the torque is transmitted by means of a magnetic lieid.

Disk or Plate Clutch

Power transmitted:

P = 2rrT N

T = n f Fa fl

T = torque transmitted
n = number of pairs of mating friction surfaces
f = coefficient of friction
Fa = axial load
r, = mean friction radius

Mean frictional Radius, rf

For uniform pressure disc clutch

fr =
[f O

3 ro 2-'--. rI 2
__ rj3 ]
Clutch 233
2:32 Clutch

For  uniform wear  clutch  (worm  clutch)  (0~) 5 (0.200/2)

T =-sln 100
T = 142.53 N-m

PROBLEM 3 (ME Bd. Apr. 97)

Cone clutch: 2
If the inertia is 90 Ib-ft and the speed of the driven shaft is to be increased from 0 to
2500 rpm in 5 seconds, shaft material is of SAE 4140 with yeild strength of 110,000
T:;: Fa trt  lb/in", find the clutch starting torque in It-lb.
sine  A. 159 C 146
B. 128 D. 191
A  cone  clutch  has  an  angle  of  10 and  a  coefficient of  friction  of  0.42.  Find  the  axial  Em!!immI
force  required  if the  capacity of the  clutch  is  7 kw  at  500  rpm.  The  mean  diameter of 
the  active conical  sections  is 300 mm. 
Torque = I ex
A. 234.45  N  C.  368.49  N g
B 186.45 N D. 492.45 N
(0;2 - ~
ex = - - - -
rev 1min 2nrad
W2 = 2500-- x ----- x --.-- 26180 rad/s
P=2nTN min 60 sec rev
7 = 2 n T (500/60) (L = (~6Q) - 0 = 52.359 rad/s"
T = 0.13369 KN-m 5
T = 133.69 N-m
(90Ib· ft2 )(52.359rad 1S2)
Torque - 32~ 1t 1S2----
Using uniform wear method:

T= ~ l~; ri J= sif;ex (D2m J Torque

Alternate Solution:
146 lb-tt

133.69 = (0.42~ (0.300/2) 2

sin 10 T= (~)f'J = 900(2.?OO) =146.10ft-lb
F = 368.49 N 308 (t) 308(5)

How much torque can a cone clutch transmit if the angle of the conical elements is 10 Find the frictional radius for a disc clutch. The disc clutch has an outside diameter of
degrees the mean diameter of the conical clutch sections 200 mm and an axial force 10 in and an inside diameter of 6 in.
of 550 N is applied? Assume the coefficient of friction is 0.45. A. 454 in C 5.34 in
A. 123.23 N-m C 142.53 N-m B. 4.08 in D. 8.44 in
B. 34.56 N-m D. 234.56 N-m
ro = 10/2 = 5 in
r, = 6/2 = 3 in
T= ~ ;l tr .J 3
2 ro - r,.3 2 r 53 3 1 = 408 in
fF r'=:3 ~J a , 3l5" 3"]
T= ~- (rm )
Sin ex
234 Clutch ("{llldl 235

In  a clutch  the  outside diameter is  8  in  and  the  inside  diameter  is  4  in.  An  axial  lorce 
of  400  Ib  is  used  to  hold  the  two  parts  together.  If the  coefficient  of  friction  of  the  Using uniform wear method:
mating materials is 0.4,  how much torque can  the  clutch  handle? 
A.123.45in­lb  C.213.34in­lb 
B.  497.80 in­lb  D.  563.23 in­Ib 
P = 2]"(TN_

IIIEm!!IilimI 20 = 2]"(T.(1 2~0

r, = 4/2 = 2  in T =105.04 ft-Ib
ro = 8/2 = 4 in

Solving for the torque:

T = s;;a[~-?I )
2 fP [r 3 _ r3 ]
T = -.--(rm )
sin c:
T= 3 r:2~-
10504 = iO.3Q)~1} (16 12)
sin 10"
T = -(0.40)(400) l(4)3_(2)3]
- _. -~ = 497.8 .in-lb F = 91.202 Ib
3 (4)2 -- (2/ . F
slnr~ = -
sin 10° = 91 202/F"
PROBLEM 6 Fn = 525.21 Ib
A disc clutch has 6 pairs of contracting friction surfaces. The frictional radius is 2 in
and the coefficient of friction is 0.3. An axial force of 100 Ibs acts on the clutch. The Fe = Fn (sina + I casu)
shaft speed is 400 rpm. How much horsepower can the clutch transmit? Fe = 525.21 [(sin10o + 0.3(cos100)] = 246.37 Ib
A. 2.28 hp C. 3.23 hp
B. 1.23 hp D. 4.23 hp
SOLUTION In a band clutch, the ratio 01 the pullan the tight side of the band to that 01 the slack
side is 4:1. The band contacts the drum for 250 degrees. What is the coefficient of
Using a uniform pressure method: friction?
T = f P (r,) n A. 0.123 C 0234
T = (030)(100)(2)(6) B. 0.318 D. 0.462
T = 360 in-Ib

P = TC~3 2]"((360/12)(400) = 2.28 hp
33,000 33,000 F I 1 F2 = 4/1
-- = e
PROBLEM 7 4/1 = e l(250 x ,,/180)
A cone clutch has cone elements at an angle of 10° The clutch transmits 20 hp at a
speed of 100 rpm. The mean diameter of the conical friction sections is 16 in and the In 4 = In e436331
coefficient 01 Iriction ;s 0.3. Find the axial force needed to engage the clutch.
A. 246.37 Ibs C. 234.56 Ibs
f = 0318
B. 212.561bs D. 346.781bs
236  Clutch
('1111 ell 237

A  band  clutch  has  an  angle  of  contact  of  270  on  a  15  in  diameter  drum.  The  F1 = F2 e 1o
.' IT
rotational  speed  of  the  drum  is  250  rpm  and  the  clutch  transmits  8  hp.  The  band  is  0.4(250 x ----)
1/16 in  thick  and  has  a  design  stress  of  5000  psi.  How  wide  should  the  band  be?  750 =, F2e 180'
Assume a coefficient of  friction  of  0.40.  F2 = 13094 Ib
A.2.123in  C.1014in 
B.  3.234  In  D.  4354 in  T = (F 1 - F2) r
T = (750 - 130.94)(16/2) = 4952.48 in-lb = 412.707 It-lb
p = 2ITTN 2IT(412.707)(35_0) = 27.50 hp
F1 = S b t 33,000 - 33,000
T = (F 1 - F2 ) r
p = 2n:TN
8 = _2_ITT_(_25_0_) Find the power capacity under uniform wear of a cone clutch with mean diameter of
33,000 250 mm if the conical elements are inclined 8 degrees and the axial force is 450 N.
The rotational speed of the driver is 200 rpm and the coefficient of friction is 0.20.
T = 168.067 ft-Ib = 2016.811 in-Ib
A. 1683 kw C. 1.287 kw
B. 2340 kw D. 3234 kw
.-1 = e to
F 1 = F2 e
" It
0.4(270 x - - ) Using uniform wear method
F1 = F2e 180C = 6.586 F2
T =_.t£...1 !o-t:.i] = .lS:?1~450) (0.25/2) = 80.8345 N-m
sin (X L 2 sin 8°
Substitute to the equation of torque: T = 0.0808345 KN-m

2016.8114 = (6.586F 2 - F2)(15/2)

P = 2 IT TN = 2 IT (0.0808345)(200/60) = 1.683 kw
F 2 = 48.14 Ib
F 1 = 6.586 (48.14) = 317.0471b
F1 = S b t
Determine the power capacity of a cone clutch under uniform pressure and assuming
317.047 = (5000)(1/16)(b)
the following conditions: major diameter = 250 mm; minor diameter = 200 mm; length
b = 1.0145 in
of conical elements in contact = 125 mm; rotational speed = 870 rpm; coefficient of
friction = 0.30; and allowable pressure = 70,000 N/m .
A. 12.34 kw C. 14.56 kw
B. 19.09 kw O. 23.45 kw
The angle of contact of a band clutch is 250 degrees. The cross section of the band
is 1/16 in x 1.5 in. The design stress for the band material is 8,000 psi. If the drum is
16 inches in diameter and rotates at 350 rpm, what is the horsepower capacity of the
clutch? The coefficient of friction is 0.4.
A. 20.34 hp C. 22.34 hp 3
r - r3
B. 1523 hp D. 27.50 hp T = P b IT 00f(2/3) °2. . '2J
ra - r,
"''-e]''!I[eg' I 0.25t-..-'-.
0.2 } [' (0.125)3 - (0.10)3 J
T = 70,000(0.125)(IT) I -- 0.3)(2/3)1 - ~-
F 1 = S b t = (8000)(1.5)(1/16) = 750 Ib
,2 (0.125)2 - (0.1 0)2 l
T =209.603 N-m = 0209603 KN-m
23H  CLutch [I.[u,11 ineries 239

P  = 2 IT T N  = 2 IT  (0,209603)(870  160)

= 19,096  kw 
1 B Machineries
Find  the  power  capacity  under  uniform  wear  of  a  cone  clutch  with  the  following 
specification  speed  =  870  rpm;  length  of conical  elements in contact  =  125  mm;  major 

diameter = 250  mm;  minor diameter  = 200  mm;  coefficient  of  friction  = 0,30;  and  axial 
operating force  =  500  N, 
A. 7,69  kw  C,  9,34 kw 
B,  5,23  kw  D.  3.23  kw 

. r0 - r, Polar Moment of Inertia
sin u. = ---
. 0.125-0.10 Using English units:
sino; =
0,125 Jrr:= p.L. J
a = 11,537° 9
Where: Jm = polar moments of inertia 01 masses, ft-lb-sec
p = Ib/ft
T= ~- L = length, ft
g = 322 tt/sec"
50 ( .3)(g~_135 ! _0.10) J = polar moment 01 inertia 01 area with constant cross-section, ft4
= 84375 N-m = 0.084375 KN-m
Sin 11 ,53r Using SI units:

P = 2 IT TN = 2 IT (0.084375)(870/60) = 7.69 kw J m = p LJ
Where: J m = kg_m
p = kg/m
Assuming uniform wear, find the power capacity of a single disc clutch with an outside L = length, m
and inside diameter of 200 mm and 100 mm respectively, a rotational speed 01 1160 J =m
rpm, a coefficient of friction of 0,35 and an axial operating force of 800 New1ons.
A. 4,23 kw C. 6.32 kw Radius of Gyration
B. 2.55 kw D. 8.23 kw
Using English Units
Ko = radius of gyration
Using uniform wear:

T = fFl-2~ Ir
0 + rj l Ko =~Jmg
Where: J m
. •.·•·. Jm= W
= polar moments of inertia 01 masses, tt-lb-sec"
T = (0.35)(800{ 0.10; 0,05 J = 21 N-m = 0.021 KN-m
Ko = ft
g = 322 It/sec"
W = weight, Ib
P = 2IT TN = 2IT (0.021)(1160/60) = 2,55 kw
,\Tn r  II i fI  ('I WS 241
240 ModI ineries 
Using 51 Units !(l~etic Energ:y

J m == Kinetic Energy of Translating body

12 Wv
KE == ~ mv  KE == -~
Where:   J m  == kg_m2 2   2g 
p  ==  kg/m 
Ko = m   Kinetic Energy of Rotating body
m  ==  mass,  kg  KE== Vz Jrno} 

Radius of Oscillation Where:  J m  ==  moment of  inertia,  ft­lb­sec' 

(J) ==  angular velocity,  rad/sec 

For  isosceles triangle:  3/4  of  height  

For  circle:  Total Kinetic Energy
5/8  of  diameter  
For  parabola:  5/7  of  the  height   2 2
KE  ==  172 mv  +% J m  co
Center of Percusion
Force of a Blow:
Q  == distance from  axis  of rotation  to center of percussion 
Average  force  of  blow  ==  -

Where:   r ==  the  distance form  axis  of  rotation  to center of  gravity of body  Where:   5 ==  total  height,  It  
W ==  weight of  driver in Ibs  
Formulas relating Torque and Angular Acceleration o ==  distance in feet  which  pile  IS  driven 

Using English units: Linear Impulse and Momentum

". . .... ... W

Lmear momentum =  rnx v.=  ,,­ v  

Where:   To ==  torque  in  pounds­feet  Linear impulse:  F  x t 

J m  ==  moment of inertia,  ft­lb­sec 2
K, ==  radius  of  gyration,  ft  Where:   F ==  force  
a ==  angular acceleration,  rad  per  sec" t  ==  time  

Using  51  Units:  Angular impulse and Momentum

Where:  Angular momentum  == Jm  ill  

To ==  torque,  N­m 
J m  ==  moment of inertia, kg_m2 Angular impulse  == To x t  
a  == angular acceleration,  rad  per sec 2
Angular impulse  ==  Change in  angular momentum  

To x t ==  J m(rot - Ulo)

242 ATClchincries Mochinerics 243 
Centrifugal Force  For cast  iron  having  a tensile  strength  of  19,000  psi  the  bursting  speed  would 
In  English units:  v ==  1~ 0 x 19,000  =; 436 fUsee 

F  centrifugal force 

Thickness of Cast Iron flywheel: 

For solid rim: 

y==  ~FR9 W

Where:   W  =0  weight,  Ibs 

For jointed rim: 
v  =0  velocity,  ftls 
R  =0  radius,  ft 
N  =0  speed,  rpm 

In  51 units: 
F= 0.01097 m  R N2
Where:   t  thickness,  in 

Where:   N  speed,  rpm 

d  diameter,  in 

R = radius,  m  n  = number of arms 
m  ==  mass,  kg  v  peripheral  speed,  ftls 

F  = force,  N 
Spokes and Arms of flywheels: 
F = 0.01097  h1 R N2
The  strength  of  the  arms  should  equal  three­fourths  the  strength  of  the  shaft  In 
If W  equals the  width  of the  arm  at the  hub and  0  equals  the  shaft  diameter.  then 
W==1';30  for  a wheel  having  6  arms.  For 8 arms,  W:;i1:2D 
Energy of Flywheel due to change of Velocity: 

2 2
E==  W(v 1
- V2 )
For simple pendulum 
Where:   W  = weight,  Ibs 
v  = velocity,  ftls

Centrifugal Stress in Flywheel  rims:  T  periods,  sec  


y2   L  = length  of pendulum, ft  

S  ==  ­'­­­- g  =  32.2  ftls
Where:  S  = tensile  strength  of  rim material,  psi  For  physical pendulum: 
v  = nrn speed,  His 

T ==  2rr Jk o 
/\1u('11 incries
ko =  radius  of gyration,  It  Mue/tillcrics 245
r =  radius,  It 
P  = internal  pressure,  psi 
g  =  322 ft/s 2
Thick­walled cylinders of  ductile material; closed ends. 
Section Modulus of  square beam, Z 
Clavarinc's equation is used: 
Z =a /6 

Where:  a = side  of  square beam 

ft  =  poisson's ratio 
Thick­walled cylinders of  ductile material; open ends. 
Strength of Taper Pins: Clavarinos equation  is used: 

Using English  units: 

d=113  JOST ,l1 =  poisson's  ratio 

Where:   T  =  torque,  Ibs   Collapsing Pressure of  Cylinders and  Tubes subjected to  External  Pressures. 

S  =  safe  unit  stress,  psi  
HP  =  horsepower   p ==  50,210,000 (1/0)3
N  =  speed,  rpm   P  =  collapsing  pressure,  psi  
o = shaft diameter,  in  t =  wall  thickness,  in  
d  =  tapered pin  diameter,  in  o =  outside diameter of cylinder or tubes 
Using SI  units: 

Where:   d = tapered pin  diameter, mm 
N  =  speed,  rpm  1. Torsional deflection of circular shafts:
0= shaft diameter,  mm 
P  =  power transmitted,  watts 
S  =  unit  stress,  N/mm 2 a

where:   (X  =  angular deflection, deg  

T  =  torque,  in­lb  
L  =  length,  in  
D  = shaft  diameter,  in  
For low pressure cylinders of  cast iron:  G =  11,500 psi  (for  steel)  

'  ,DP 2. Shaft diameter for 0.08 degrees per foot of length of shaft
t  =  t h.ckness,  In  =  ­­,'~.,
2500 deflection.
o =  inside diameter,  in 
Mochin eries
24fi !'v[Ucll illcrics 
For English units:   L  (A + 0) x A  x B  x K 

D  =  0.29  ·iff it Where:

B  =  width  between  drum  flanges,  in 
Where:   D =  diameter,  in  0= diameter of drum  barrel,  in  
T  =  torque,  in­Ib  H  =  diameter of drum  flanges,  in  
P =  horsepower  K  =  factor  from  table  
N  =  speed,  rpm  Y =  depth  no filled  on  drum  

For  SI units:   Rope  Load  due to  Bend ing 

1.  St>  =  bending  stress  =  

Where:  D =  diameter,  mm  
P =  power,  watts  Pb"'· Sb>A  
N  =  speed,  rpm  
T  =  torque,  N­mm  E  =  12,000, 000 psi  (average value) 
o =  sheave  diameter 
20  times   its 
3.  Shaft   deflec tion  of  1  degre e  for  a  length   of 
2.  dw  =   wire  diameter
diame ter. 


P = power,  hp
o = diameter,  in  3  A =
N  = speed,  rpm  
T = torque,  in­lb  

4.  Linea r defl ection  of sh afting  

own we ight 
a.  Shafting subjected  to  no bending  action of pulleys  except  its 
b  Shafting subjected to  bending  action  of pulleys,  etc 

Where:   L  = shaft  length,  ft

o =  shaft  diameter,  in  mmm
Stren gth  of Cha ins
~ W20 54,000  0

Lengt h of W ire  Rope  W  = breaking  loads,  Ibs

o =  diameter of bar,  in  
A = depth  of rope  space  on drum,  in  
/11'  \20(H "-.D .: 2.Y)/2

L  =  length  of wire  rope,  It 

248 Mach i tier ies Machi/writ's 249
Milling machine feed rate:

f m  ",  It nt N

Milling Cutters fm  =  milling machine feed  rate,  in/min  

ft = feed  rate,  in/tooth  
nt =  number of teeth  of milling cutter  
Number of Teeth  of  Milling  cutters  N  = speed,  rpm  


Estimating Planer Cutting Speeds
T  =  number of  teeth 
Vc = cutting  speed,  fpm  
o = cutter diameter,  in   So = number of cutting  strokes per  minute  
W  =  width  of cut  in inches  
L  = length of cutting  stroke, ft  
A  = helix  angle of cutter  
o =  depth  of cut,  in 
Planning Time
For high speed milling with sintered carbide:

T= W[LX(~,'
T  =.'.  ,K  H~
L"  l v: +1)+o,o25]

T  =  time,  min  
T  =  number of  teeth   W  =  width  of surface to  be planed,  in  
H  = horsepower   L  =  length of  stroke,  It  
F  = feed  per  tooth,  in   V c =  cutting  speed,  fpm  
N  =  revolutions  per  minute of cutter   V r  = return  speed  in fpm  
D  = depth of cut,  in  
W  = width  of cut,  in  

Cutting Speed ~
Size and types of rivets:
v=  nDN
Rivet diameter falls between:
N = speed,  rpm 
D  =  diameter,  ft
v  = cutting speed,  fpm  D= 1:2jt'· to 1.4jt

Where:  t  = thickness  of  plate 

Cutting time for turning, boring and facing Joint Strength

J=h F  = safe  tensile load  

IN F =  n x Ar  x 5 s
T  =  cutting time,  min  
f = feed  rate,  in/rev   N  =  number of rivets  
N  = lathe  spindle  speed,  rpm   A r  =  cross­sectional  area of  rivets  
Ss =  allowable shearing  stress  
250 IIIarhineries Muchincries 251
Working Strength of  Bolts 

W ==St(0.55d2 ­0.25 d) 
W ==  St (A ­ 0.25d)  Horsepower of friction wheels:
W  = working  strength  of bolt,  Ib 
1.  HP  = ­ ­ ­ -
St = allowable working stress,  psi 
d  = nominal outside diameter of  bolt,  in 
A = area  at the  root of the thread,  in 2 D = diameter of friction  wheel 
N  = speed,  rpm 
Holding Power of  Set  Screw: 
W  =  width  of face,  in 
DNd~·3 f  = coefficient of friction 
P  =  ,hp 
P = force  in Ibs per  inch  of width 

T = 1250 0 d 2.3 ,  ltHb 2. 

3.1416  Pxf 
C = factor  = 33,000)(12 
Where:   D  = shaft  diameter.  in 
d  = set  screw diameter,  in  3.  HP  DxNxWxC 
N  =  speed,  rpm 

Tensile Stress Area of Thread or Screw

S ur Gear
a.  For  steels  up to  100,000 psi ultimate strength 

Gear set Center Distance:

At  ==  U.ll::lo41 u ­ ­ -

b.  For  steels  over  100,000 psi ultimate  tensile strength 

C =  center distance 
At  = Dp =  pitch  diameter of pinion 

Additional Gear Formulas from Machineries Handbook

D =  basic  major diameter,  in 
n  =  number of thread  per  inch  1.  Gear set Center Distance: 
Dm  n  =  minimum  pitch  diameter of external thread,  in 
At  =  tensile  stress  area,  in
C ;"Qp(fP~jHatiO·1)
Sharp V - thread
C =  center distance  
Dp =  pitch  diameter of pinion  
D  = depth  of  thread 
2.  Circular Pitch for Given Center Distance and Ratio 
0= P xcos30o  
D =  0.866  
no. of  thread per  inch
p  =  pitch,  in   C  =  center distance 
T  = number of teeth 

252 Machineries
Moe h i ucvie s 253

3. Circular Thickness of Tooth when Outside Diameter has been Enlarged

Wrapped­spring Clutches 
t  = tooth thickness 
Pc =  circular pitch  1.
e  = amount outside diameter is  increased over standard 
¢ = pressure angle 
HP  =  horsepower  
N  =  speed,  rpm  
4. Circular Thickness of Tooth when Outside Diameter has been Enlarged
2. Clutch starting torque

t  = tooth thickness 
Pc = circular pitch 
e  = amount outside diameter is increased over  standard  2
I = W  R moment of  inertia,  Ib­ft

¢ = pressure angle  W  =  weight,  Ib  

R  =  radius of  gyration,  ft  
t­N  = final  rpm ­ initial  rpm  
5.  Chordal Thickness of Tooth when Outside Diameter is Standard
t  = time to  required  speed in  seconds  

3.  Heat Generated

tc =  chordal thickness  o = heat generated 
o = pitch diameter  
N  = number of teeth  

6.  Chordal Thickness of Tooth when Outside Diameter is Special 2 2

WR  =  total  inertia,  Ib­ft
N 1 = final  rpm  
N2 =  initial  rpm  
T, = clutch  torque, ft­\b  
t  = circular thickness  T1 =  torque load,  tt­lb  

7. Chordal addendum A  car  moving  at  60  mph  when  the  brakes  are  suddenly  locked  and  the  car begins to 
skid.  If  it  takes  2 seconds  to  slow  the  car  to  30  mph,  at  what  rate  is  it  being 
decelerated,  how  long  the  car  comes to  a halt,  and  how  far  will  it have  traveled? 

a  =  addendum 
va = 60  (5280/60)  = 88 ft/s  
VI = 30  (5280/60)  = 44 ft/s  
A.   VI =  Va +  at  
44 =  88 +  a (2)  
a = -22 ft/s 2
254 MGchineries Machineries 255
A. 4.23 rn/s" C. 3.23 m/s
B. Va 44 ft/s
'= 2
B. 5.23 m/s" D.2.19m/s
VI 0 (stop)

VI '= Va + at
o '= 44 + (-22) t
t '" 2 sec
T '= total time W,= 50 (9.81) '= 490.5
T '= 2 + 2 '= 4 sec W
T '= W + -a
c. S '= Va t
+ Yz a t
S '= 88 (4) + 112 (-22) (4/ 600 '= 490.5 + 490.5 a
S '= 176 ft 9.81
a '= 2.19 m/s"
A flywheel on a press rotating at 120 rpm is slowed to 102 rpm during a punching
process that requires 34 sec for the punching portion of the cycle. What angular PROBLEM 5
deceleration the flywheel experience? A flywheel has a diameter of 3 ft and weighs 1000 pounds. What torque must be
A. -2.52 rad/s" C. -1.23 rad/s" applied, neglecting bearing friction, to accelerate the flywheel at the rate of 100
B. -5.45 rao/s" D. -8.45 rad/s" revolutions per minute .per second?
A. 265.80 ft-lbs C. 365.80 ft-Ibs
B. 565.80 tt-Ibs D. 665.80 ft-Ibs
WI + a. t
'= Wa
Wa '= 120 (2rr/60) '= 12.57 rad/s
a. = 100 rev/sec-min (2rr/60) = 10.47 rad/s"
w, '= 102 (2rr/60) '= 10.68 rad/s
10.68 '= 12.57 + a. (3/4) 2 W 2
T = (Yz m r ) (112 -
0.= r ) a.
a. '= -2.52 rad/s" g
T = \/2 (1000/32.2)(3/2)2 (10.47)

PROBLEM 3 T = 365.80 ft-lbs

A 100 Ib body is being hoisted by a winch, the tension in the hoisting cable being kept
constant at 110 lb. At what rate the body is accelerated? PROBLEM 6
C. 2.22 ft/s 2
A. 1.22 ftls A flywheel has a diameter of 1.5 m, and a mass of 800 kg. What torque is needed to
B. 3.33 ft/s D. 4.44 ft/s 2 produce an angular acceleration of 100 revolutions per minute, per second?
A. 5356 N.m C. 3356 N.m
II'm!!Dm B. 4356 N.m D. 2356 N.m

T '= W + FR 4-NiIDi1m
T '= W + -a
g a. = 100 rev/sec-min (2rr/60) 10.47 rad/s"
T = (112 m (') a.
110 '= 100 + - - a T = 112 (800)( 1.5/2/ (10.47)
32.2 T = 2356 N.m
a '= 3.22 ftls

PROBLEM 4 A 12 inch cube of steel weighing 490 lbs is being moved on a horizontal conveyor belt
A body of mass 50 kg is being hoisted by a winch, and the tension in the cable is 600 at a speed of 6 miles per hour (88 ft/s) What is the kinetic energy of the cube?
N. What is the acceleration? A. 323.45 ft-Ibs C. 534.34 ft-Ibs
B. 489.22 ft-Ibs 0 633.34 ft-Ibs
256 Mo ciiin er ie« Moc h i fl cr ies 257

W 2 PE = potential energy
KE  =  1'2 -V Potential energy = Work produced
PE = W
KE = '12 _490 (8.8)2 = 489.22 tt-lbs m (z + d) = F x d
32.2 100 (10 + 0.3) = F (0.3)
F = 3433.33 kg (0.00981) = 33.68 KN
If a cube of mass 200 kg is being moved on a conveyor belt at a speed of 3 mis, what
is the kinetic energy of the cube? PROBLEM 11
A. 800 J C. 850 J A 1000 Ib block is pulled up a 2-degree incline by a cable exerting a constant force F
B. 900 J D. 950 J of 600 Ibs If the coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.5, how
fast will the block be moving up the plane 10 seconds after the pun is applied?
A. 12.4 mph C. 17.3 mph
Em!!ImD B. 10.2 mph D. 14.3 mph

KE = % mv 2 % 200(3)2],IIIWl'
KE = 900 J R = F - P = -W(~ cosu. + sin o.)
R = 600 - 1000(0.5 cos2° + sin 2°)
R = 600 - 535 = 65.41 Ibs
A pile driver weighing 200 pounds strikes the top of the pile after being fallen from a Rt = --vr--vo
g g
height of 20 ft. If forces a pile into the ground a distance of 1'2 foot. What is the
average force of the blow? 1000 1000
65.41 x 10 = ~-vf -~(O)
A. 8,2001bs C. 8,4001bs 32.2 32.2
B. 8,6001bs D. 8,8001bs v, = 21.06 ftls = 14.3 6 miles/hr

A 500 kg block is pulled up a 2 degree incline by a constant force F of 4 KN. The
PE = potential energy
coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.5. How fast will the block
Potential energy = Work produced
be moving 10 seconds after the pull is applied?
A. 27.6 rn/s C 30.4 rn/s
PE = W
B. 34.2 m/s D. 38.3 m/s
m (z + d) = F x d
d = Y2 It = 0.5 ft
200 (20 + 0.5) = F (0.5) Em!!:immI
F = 8200lbs
R = F - P = -mg(~ coso. + sin u.)
R = 4000 -500 x 9.81 (0.5 cos2° + sin 2°) 1378 N 1.378 KN
PROBLEM 10 R t = mv, -mv o
A pile driver of mass 100 kilograms falls 10 meters and moves the pile a distance of 1378 x 10 = 500(vr - 0)
0.3 m. What is the average force of the blow? Vj= 27.6 m/s
A. 23.45 KN C. 5423 KN
B. 33.68 KN D. 43.23 KN
258 Machineries Muchincries 259
A  flywheel  having  a  moment  of  inertia  of  25  lbs­ft­sec"  is  revolving  with  an  angular  A casting of mass 150 kg is lifted 4 meters in 15 seconds by means of a crane. What
velocity  of  10  radians  per  second  when  a  constant  torque  of  20  Ibs­ft  is  applied  to  is the power?
reverse  its direction of  rotation.  For  what  length  of  time must  this  constant torque  act  A. 392 watts C. 456 watts
to  stop  the  flywheel  and  bring  it up to reverse  speed  of 5 radians per  second?  B. 523 watts D. 634 watts
A.  12.34  sec  C.  18.80  sec
B.14.34sec D.16.34sec ID.IDIilmI
P '= W xv = W x (Sit)
SOLUTION P '= (150 x 0.00981)(4115)
P '= 0.392 kw = 392 watts
Angular impulse '= Change in angular momentum

To t = J (Wf - wo) PROBLEM 17

20 t '= 25 ([10 - (-5)] A cast iron flywheel with a mean rim radius of 9 inches, is rotated at a speed of 800
t '= 18.8 seconds rpm. If the weight of the nrn is 20 Ibs, what is the centrifugal force?
A. 3169.341bs C. 3269.341bs
B. 3262.34 Ibs D. 4269.34 Ibs
A flywheel with a moment of inertia of 20 kg_m is revolving with an angular velocity of
10 radians per second when constant torque of 30-N-m is applied to reverse its
direction of rotation. For what length of time must the constant torque act to stop the
flywheel and bring it to reverse speed of 5 radians per second? Wv 2
Fe = - . -
A 5sec C.10sec gR
B.12sec D.16sec V = 2 It R N = 2 It (9/12)(800/60) = 62.83 ftJs

SOLUTION Fe = 20 (62.83)2 = 3269.341bs

32.2(9 I 12)

Angular impulse '= Change in angular momentum

To t '= J (Wf - wo) PROBLEM 18

30t '= 20([10-(-5)] A steel pulley with a mean rim radius of 120 mm is rotated at a speed of 1100 rpm. If
t = 10 seconds the mass of the rim is 5 kilograms, what is the centrifugal force?
A. 5344.50 N C. 6432.30 N
B. 7961.50 N D. 8734.56 N
A casting weighing 300 Ibs is to be lifted by means of an overhead crane. The SOLUTION
casting is lifted 10ft in 12 seconds. What is the horsepower developed?
A. 0.45 hp C. 6.5 hp mv 2
B. 8.5 hp D. 95 hp Fe = --

Em!!DrmI V = 2 It RN = 2 It (0.12)(1100/60) 13.82 mls

Fe = 5(13.82)2 = 796150 N
mv m(S/t) 0.12
HP '= 550 '= - 550

300 (10/12) '= 0.45 hp PROBLEM 19

HP = -5~ A round bar made from SAE 1025 low Carbon steel is to support a direct tension load
of 50,000 Ibs. Using a factor of safety of 4, and assuming that the stress
260 Machineries 
concentration  factor k  = 1.  What  is the  suitable  standard  diameter.  Yield  stress  is  Machineries 261
40,000 psi. 
A.  3  Yz in  C  2 1), in 
B. 2  9/16 in  D. 1 Y2 in 
Using the formula of strength of tapered pin:
SOLUTION 8 =0 2~?7T
Dd 2
F T = Fxr = 200 x 800 = 160,000
8 a ll 
8 = _1.27 (160,000) = 406 N/mm 2 or Mpa
8 a ll s, I F8 = 40,000/4 10,000 psi 50 (1 0)2
10 000 = 50,~
A = 5 in If a shaft of 50 mm diameter is to transmit power of 12 kw at a speed of 500 rpm, find
the mean diameter of the pin for a material having a safe unit stress of 40 N/mm .
A = rr/4 D A10mm C.12mm
B. 14 mm D. 16 mm
5 = nl4 D

D = 2.523 in &1·l!iiiGD
Therefore, use D = 2 9/16 (standard)

d = 110.3 ~-S' mm

A lever secured to a 2 inches round shaft by a steel tapered pin (d = 3/8") has a pull
of 50 Ibs at a 30 in radius from shaft center. Find the unit working stress of the pin. 112,000
A 6770 psi C. 6790 psi
d = 11 0.3 ~ 500 x 50 ~ 40
12.09 mm
B. 7433 psi D. 5234 psi

Find the thickness of metal required in the hemi-spherical end of a cylindrical vessel,
Using the formula of strength of tapered pin: 2 feet in diameter, subjected to an internal pressure of 500 psi. The material is mild
steel and a tensile stress of 10,000 psi is allowable.
8 = 2·7~ A. 0 10 in C. 0.3 in
Dd 2
B. 0.5 in D. 0.7 in

T = Fxr
T = 50 x 30 = 1500 in-lb
8 =0 2.
27 (1500)
Using the formula of spherical shell because of two hem i-spherical ends.
8 =0 6770 psi P o,
4 t

PROBLEM 21 P o, 500 x 2 x 12
0.3 inch
A lever secured to a 50 mm round shaft by a steel tapered pin ( d =0 10 mm) has a pull 48 4 x 10,000
of 200 N at a radius of 800 mm. Find the working stress on the pin.
A. 32.3 Mpa C. 45.20 Mpa PROBLEM 24
B. 40.6 Mpa D. 56.34 Mpa Find the thickness of metal required in the hem i-spherical end of a cylindrical vessel,
750 mm in diameter, subjected to an internal pressure of 3 N/mm . The material is
mild steel and a tensile stress of 70 N/mm is allowable.
262 Machineries Machineries 263
A.4mm  C.6mm  A.  78 mm  C.  93 mm 
B.2mm  D.  8 mm  B.  81 mm  D.  85 mm 

Wf':rv.:m:D SOLUTION

Using  the  formula of  spherical shell  because of two  hem i­spherical ends.  For  main  shaft: 

P o,  P =--
S 80
4 t
P o, 3 x 750
~= (500) D
--- 8.04 mm 0.746 80
4S 4 x 70
D = 3.18 in = 80.78 mm

What would be the diameter of the line shaft to transmit 10 horsepower if the shaft What power would a short shaft, 50 mm in diameter, transmit at 400 rpm?
makes 150 rpm? A. 50 kw C. 55 kw
A. 9/16 in C.29/16in B.60kw D.65kw
B. 39/16 in D. 1 9/16 in

D3 N
D3 N P
P = ~- 38
(50/25.4)3 (400)
10 = D
(150) P 80.29 hp = 60 kw
D = 1.53 in = 1 9/16 in (standard)
Find the torsional deflection for a solid steel shaft 4 inches in diameter and 48 inches
PROBLEM 26 long, subjected to twistinq moment of 24,000 in-lb.
What horsepower would be transmitted by a short shaft, 2 inches in diameter, A. 0.122 deg C. 0.23 deg
carrying but two pulleys too close to bearings if the shaft makes 300 rpm? B. 0.052 deg D. 0.43 deg
A. 60 hp C. 65 hp
B. 75 hp D. 70 hp
Using the derived formula for deflection:

D N 584 TL d
P = 38 (X = -4~' eg
(2)3 (300) = 63 hp where: ex= angular deflection, deg
P = - 38 T = torque, in-Ib
L = length, in
PROBlEM 27 D = shaft diameter, In
G = 11,500 psi (for steel)
What would be the diameter of power-transmitting shaft to transmit 150 kw at 500
264 Machineries Much inL'ries 265
A = (H - 0 - 2Y)/2
a = 2
584 (24,009)( 48 =  0.23  degree
(4)4 (11,5000,000)
L = length of wire rope, ft
L = (A + 0) x A x B x K
PROBLEM 30 Where:
Find the torsional deflection of a solid steel shaft, 100 mm in diameter and 1300 mm B = width between drum flanges, in
long, subjected to twisting moment of 3 x 106 N-mm. The torsional modulus of o =' diameter of drum barrel, in
elasticity is 80,000 N/mm 2 . H = diameter of drum flanges, in
A. 0.122deg c. 0.234 deg K = factor from table
B. 0.285 deg O. 0.543 deg Y = depth no filled on drum

Em!!ImD A = (30 - 18 - 0)/2 = 6 in

L = (6+18)x6x24x0.741 = 2560ft

584 TL 584 (3 x 10 6 )(1300)

ex 0.285 degree
[)4G (100)4 (80,000) PROBLEM 33
Find the bending stress and equivalent bending load due to the bending of a 6 x 19
PROBLEM 31 (Fiber core) wire rope of % in diameter around a 24 in pitch diameter sheave.
A. 14561bs C. 19831bs
Find the diameter of steel line shaft to transmit 10 hp at 150 rpm with a torsional
B. 1590 Ibs O. 1763 Ibs
deflection not to exceeding 0.08 degree foot length.
A. 0.834 in C. 1.23 in
B. 3.234 in o. 2.35 in E:mimD
Em!!ImD For 6 x 19 Fiber Core rope:

d., = 0.063 d = 0.063 (0.5~ = 0.0315 in

Shaft diameter for 0.08 degrees per foot of length of shaft deflection. 2 2
A = 0.450 d = 0450 (0.5) = 0.101 in
E = 12,000,000 psi (average value)
For English units:

0=4.6 {f Sb
E dw
= (12,000,000) (0.0315)
15,750 psi

Where: 0 = diameter, in Pb Sb A = 15,750 (0.101) = 1590 Ibs

T = torque, in-Ib

P = horsepower
N = speed, rpm PROBLEM 34

Find the breaking load in pounds of a wrought iron chain crane if the diameter of bar
10 . from which links are made is 2 inches.
o = 4.6 4__ = 2.35 Inches A.216,000Ibs C.316,000Ibs
B. 416,0001bs O. 516,0001bs
Find the length in feet of 9/16 inch diameter rope required to fill a drum having the &i-)''tmD
following dimensions: B = 24 in, 0 = 18 in, H = 30 in. (K = 0.741) 2
A.1873ft C.2874ft W = 54,000 D
B. 2560 ft O. 2645 ft
Where: W = breaking loads, lbs
4i·)!!ImD o = diameter of bar, in
W = 54,000 (2)2 = 216,0001bs
A = depth of rope space on drum, in
266 Machineries Machineries 267
The specific gravity of cast iron is 7.2. Find the weight of 5 cubic inches of cast iron.
A. 1.1 Ibs C. 1.2 Ibs Using the relation of D and N:
B. 1.31bs D. 1.4lbs
D1 Nl = D2 N2
Em!!ImmI 24(100) = D2 (600)
Weight of any material = 0.0361 (SG), Ib
02 = 4 in.
Weight of any material = 0.0361 (7.2) = 1.2996 Ib
PROBLEM 36 How many Y2 inch diameter set-screws would be required to transmit 3 horsepower at
a shaft speed of 1000 rpm if the shaft diameter is 1 inch.
The weight of a cubic inch of gold is 0.697 lb. Find the specific gravity.
A. 13.45 C. 17.23
B. 15.34 D. 19.31 A. 1 C.2
B. 1.5 D.2.5

Weight of any material = 0.0361 (SG)

Holding Power of Set Screw:
0.697 = 0.0361 (SG)
P _ ONd2 .3
SG = 19.31 - ,hp

PROBLEM 37 P '" 1(1000)(1/2)2.3 = 4.1 hp

If the diameter of driving pulley is 15 inches and its speed, 180 rpm. The diameter of 50
driven pulley is 9 inches. Find the speed of driven pulley. 3
A. 100 rpm C. 200 rpm
No. of set screw = -4.1 = 0.731
B. 300 rpm D. 400 rpm Use 1 set screw

Using the relation of D and N: How many 3/8 inch diameter set-screws would be required to transmit 3 horsepower
at a shaft speed of 1000 rpm if the shaft diameter is 1 inch.
D1 N1 = D2 N2 A. 1 C. 1.5
B.2 0.3
15(180) = 9 (N2)
N2 = 300 rpm
Holding Power of Set Screw:
If the diameter of driving pulley is 24 inches and its speed, 100 rpm, and the driven 23
pulley is to rotate 600 rpm, find the diameter of driven pulley. P = DNd .
A. I in C. 2 in 50 ,hp
[1. 3 in D. 4 in
268 Machineries Much incrips 269
p  =  1(1  000)(3/8)2.3 =  2.1  hp
50 26(N 1) = 4(800)

No. of set screw = -3 =1.428 N1 = 123 rpm

Use 2 set screws
PROBLEM 41 If the dnving gear has 20 teeth and rotates 80 rpm, and the driven gear has 40 teeth,
What is the working strength of a 1 inch bolt which is screwed up tightly in a packed then the speed of the driven gear is:
joint when the allowable working stress is 10,000 psi? A.10rpm C.20rpm
A. 3000 Ibs C. 3500 lbs B. 30 rpm O. 40 rpm
B. 4000 Ibs D. 4000 Ibs

Ei1!!mmI E'm!!IilmI
Using the relation of T and N:
W = workinq strength of bolt
T1 N, = T 2 N2
W = S1 (0.55d 2 ~ 0.25d)
20 (80) = 40 (N2)
W = 10,000[0.55(1)2 - 0.25(1)] = 3000 lbs
N2 = 40 rpm
42. If the diameter of driven pulley is 36 inches and its required speed, 150 rpm, and PROBLEM 45
the speed of driving pUlley is 600 rpm, then the diameter of driving pulley is: If the pitch diameter of the driver is 8 inches, its speed, 75 rpm, and the pitch
A. 5in C.7in diameter of the driven gear, 20 rpm is:
B. 9 in O. 11 in A. 20 in C. 30 in
B.40in 0.50in
Using the relation of 0 and N:
Using the relation of 0 and N:
0, N, = 02 N2 0 1 N, = O2 N2

0, (600) = 36 (150) 8 (75) = O2 (20)

0, = 9 inches O2 = 30 inches
If the diameter of the driven pulley is 4 inches, its required speed, 800 rpm, and the 2,
If the inertia is 80 Ib-ft and the speed of the driven shaft is to be increased from 0 to
diameter of the driver is 26 inches, then the required speed of the driver is: 1500 rpm in 3 seconds, find the clutch starting torque in Ibs.
A. 112 rpm C. 123 rpm A. 100 rt-Ib C. 120 tt-lb
B. 134 rpm O. 145 rpm B.110ft-lb 0.130ft-lb

Using the relation of 0 and N: Te = clutch starting torque, ft-Ibs
T = Ix,A.~
0, N, = 02 N2 c
270 Machineries Mac iiin eti es 271
I = W  R =  moment of inertia. Ib­tt 2 f = coefficient of friction
W  = weight,  Ib P = force in Ibs per inch of width
R = radius of gyration, ft C = 3.1416 (150) (0.2) = 0.00024
tlN = final rpm - initial rpm 33,000 x 12
t = time to required speed in seconds
HP = 10 x 200 x 2 x 0.00024 = 0.96 hp

r, = 80308x 1500
= 130 tt-Ib
A body weighing 28 Ibs rests on a horizontal surface. The force required to keep it in
PROBLEM 47 motion along the surface is 7 Ibs. Find the coefficient of friction.
If the inertia is 80 lb-ft", and the speed of the driven shaft is to be increased from 0 to A. 0.12 C. 0.25
1500 rpm in 3 seconds. Calculate the heat generated for each engagement if clutch B. 0.45 D. 0.85
starting torque is 10 in-lb.
A. 20.50 Btu
B. 41.50 Btu
30.50 Btu
51.50 Btu
Fr = frictional resistance
E·] "imB Fr = f N = f W
7 = f (28)
Q = heat generated f = 0.25.
2 2 2
Q = Tc x WR X (N1 - N2 )
(Tc - T1 ) x 4.7 x 10 6 Measurement M = 3.495 inches at the gaging notch of a 3 in pipe thread and the wire
2 2
WR = total inertia, Ib-tt diameter is 0.07217 in. Find the pitch diameter. (P = 0.125 in)
N1 = final rpm A. 1.23 in C. 2.34 in
N2 = initial rpm B. 0.34 in D. 3.39 in
Te = clutch torque, tt-Ib
T 1 = torque load, tt-Ib SOLUTION
Q = 130X80x[(1500)2_ 02]
41.50 Btu
(130-10)x4.7x10 6 M = E -(0.86603x P)+3 x W
PROBLEM 48 E = effective pitch diameter, in
Find the horsepower transmitted by a pair of friction wheels; the diameter of driving
wheel is 10 inches, and it revolves at 200 rpm. The width of the wheel is 2 inches. 3.495 = E - (0.86603 x 0.125) + 3 x 0.07217
The force per inch width of face is 150 pound and the coefficient of friction is 0.20. 1.00049
A. 0.96 hp C. 1.2 hp E = 3.3885 in
B. 023 hp D. 1.6 hp

Find the tooth thickness on the tooth circle of a 14 Y2 degree full depth tooth of 12
C = 3.1416 P x f diametral pitch.
A. 0.131 in C. 0.455 in
33,000 x 12
B. 0.234 in D. 0.864 in
HP = 0 xNxW xC

Where: FM'rmmII
o = diameter of friction wheel
N = speed, rpm 1.57
Tooth Thickness = 1.5708/P
W = width of face, in 12
272 Mach in eties Machineries 273 
Tooth  thickness  =  0.1309  in 
t =  Pc - e tan <j>
Find  the  tooth  thickness  on  the  tooth  circle  of  a  20  degree  full  depth  involute  tooth  t =Q.:6283 -(0.2746xtan14.5 0 ) 0.2432 in
having a diametral pitch  of 5.  2
A.  0.863  in  C.  0.108  in 
B.  0.314  in  D.  0563 in  PROBLEM 55
A pinion has 15 teeth of 3 diametral pitch. Find the chordal thickness at the standard
SOLUTION pitch diameter.
A. 0.653 in C. 0.863 in
B. 0.523 in D. 0.234 in
Tooth  Thickness  = 1.5708/P
Tooth  thickness 
Tooth  thickness  =  0.3142  in 
Chordal Thickness of Tooth when Outside Diameter is Standard
The  outside  diameter  of  a  pinion  having  10  teeth  of  5  diametral  pitch  and  pressure  tc = D sin (90° 1N) = 5 sin [9
J = 0.5226 in
angle  of  14  V2 degrees  is  to  be  increased  by  0.2746  in.  The  circular pitch  equivalent 
to  5  diametral  pitch  is  0.6283.  Find  the  arc  tooth  thickness  at  the  standard  pitch 
A.  0.385  in  C.  0.543  in 
B.  0.863  In  D.  0.534  in 


Circular Thickness of Tooth  when  Outside  Diameter  has  been  Enlarged 

t  = tooth  thickness 
t =  ~ + e tan o 

t  = Pc + e tan ¢ =  (0.6283/2) +  0.2746 tan14.5°  =  0.3852 in 

The  outside  diameter  of  a  gear  having  a  pressure  angle  of  14  Y2 degrees  is  the  be 
reduced  by  0.2746  in  or  an  amount  equal  to  the  increase  in  diameter  of  its  mating 
pinion.  The  circular  pitch  is  0.6283  in.  Determine the  circular  tooth  thickness  at  the 
standard pitch  diameter. 
A.  0.434  in  C.  0.243  in 
B.  0.843  in  D.  0.672  in 


Circular Thickness of Tooth  when  Outside Diameter has  been  Enlarged 

t  =  tooth  thickness 
274 Sit WU ioua I Problems 275
Situat ion ul Problems
A.1011.47Ibs  C.  1211.47 
B 1111.47 D.  1311.47 
6.  the  load  at slack side 

' T""
A.5591bs C 5791bs
B. 5691bs D. 589 Ibs

P ~/ -l. r ~, R··' ~ 2'}>i

\J ct . . .. t  .<'~
"t, i. SOLUTION:

S "ltY'"'Ur::A"'T'"}'1""0/''N'"A'''
s ., ,
,,'co;'  J
, .'.  >, L;
;1 ., ~i
.,t, .",,?  ,,'..  {{<}  t ,,'
c = 4m

SiM~EL,BOR'P 1. p


An  open  belt  drive  connects  a  450  mrn  driving  pulley  to  another  driven  pulley  1000 
2. v ==
mm  in diameter.  The  belt  is 300  mm wide  and  10  mm thick.  The  coefficient of friction 
of  the  belt  drive  is  0.30  and  the  mass  of  the  belt  is  2.8  kg  per  meter  of  belt  length. 
Other data  are  as follows: 
Center distance between  shafts  = 4 meters 
Maximum  allowable tensile  stress  of the  belt  =  1500  kpa 
3. e 180 0 - 2 sin-t D22- 1
Speed  of driving pulley  =  900  rpm 
Determine:  e 180 - 2sin-{1045t7°X_~=3 rad
L 2(4000) J 180 0
1.  the  belt  density in lb/in" 
A.  0.014  C,  0.034 4. Sw = working stress
B, 0.024 D. 0.044 14.7 psi 21 .
15 00 k pa x = 7.52 PSI
2. the belt speed in ftlsec
A. 63.34
B. 65.03
C. 67.37
D. 69.57
550 hp
b t - -------'-___=_-
- v(Sw -12pv 2 /g) ef8 -1
[e f8
3. the angle of contact, rad. 2
12 p v = 12(0.034)(69.57)2 = 60.836 psi
A. 3 rad C. 5 rad

g 32.2 F2
B. 4 rad D. 6 rad
4. the power transmitted, kw
A. 37.45
B. 40.80
C. 43.24
300 1 10
[ 25.4 25.4
hp = 54.7 = 40.8 KW
r 550 hp
IL 69.573(217.52 - 60.836) Jl eO
eO 3(3)
3(3) -1
D. 48.34

5. the load at tight side 5. F 1 = b t Sw

276  Sit [lot irmal Problems
SittlO{iOfWI Problems 277
300 10
F1 = - - x 217.52 ~ 1011.47 Ibs
X --
25.4 J
For hollow shaft: mH = (I -71: (Do2 ... Dj2) L w
,4 .
6. (F, - F2) V = 550 hp . . 1
Equating the two equations: mH = - m,
(1011.47 - F2) (69.573) = 550 (54.70) 2
F2 = 5791bs
-71: (D 2 2) L w =
- D) -21[71:-4 d2\)I L w
[ 4 0,
2 2
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 2 (ME Board April 1981) D0 - D,2 = 6.125 or D,4 = (D 0 - 6.125l Equation 2
A solid transmission shaft is 3.5 inches in diameter. It is desired to replace it with a Equate equation 1 and 2.
4 2
hollow shaft of the same material and same torsional strength but its weight should D 0 - (D 0 - 6.125)2 = 42.87 Do
only be half as much as the solid shaft. Find: Simplify: D 0 - 3.5 Do - 3.0625 = 0
1. the outside diameter of the shaft
A. 4.23 in C. 7.38 in
B. 5.34 in D. 9.30 in - (·-3.5) ± A-3.5)2 - 4(1)(-3.0625) = 4.225 in = 107 mm
Do =
2. the inside diameter of the shaft
A 1.92in C. 3.42 in 2. Solving for the inner diameter:
B. 2.56 in D. 4.03 in Do - D,2 = 6.125
(4.225)2 - D, = 6.125
3. the volume of the hollow shaft per foot length. D, = 3.424 in = 87 mm
A 53.23 in C. 60.30 in 3
B. 57.74 in D. 63.48 in 3 3. Solving for hollow shaft volume
4. the shearing stress of hollow shaft if it is used to transmit 150 kw at 600 rpm, Mpa. L = 1 ft = 12 in
A 12.84 C. 16.23 71: 2 2 '\ 3
B. 14.56 D. 17.63 VH = - (Do - D, ) I L .rr. ((4.225)2 - (3.424)2) (12) 57.74 in
[ 4 ) 4

150 = 2 TT (T)(600/60)
T = 2.387 KN-m
1. For solid shaft: S = 16 T
S= 16 T Do = 16 ~387) (0.107) = 1762827 kpa = 17.63 Mpa
71: d3 4 4 -t::- 4 ~ ' .
71: (Do - D j ) 7I:l(0.107) - (0.087) J
16 TD o
For hollow shaft: S= -~4

71: (Do - Dj )

16 T 16 T Do SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 3 (ME Board April 1981)

Equating the stress: --3 = ----4- 4 A double threaded right handed worm gear transmits 15 hp at 1150 rpm. The pitch of
71: d 71: (Do - Dj )
the worm is 0.75 inches and pitch diameter of 3 inches. The pressure angle is 14 Yz 0

Do 4 _ DI4 = d3 D-o and the coefficient of friction is 0 12. Find:

1. the lead angle
Do4 - D,4 = (3.5) 3 D0
A. 1.63° C. 7.23°
D0 4 _
D;4 = 42.87 Do Equation B. 3.83° D. 9.043°

2. the normal pressure angle

~ I
For solid shaft: w = ~-
or m = Vw A 10.327° C. 14.327°
V .- ~_:>'-, ;~"- - - - ,; -.- B. 12.327° D. 16327°
w = density of shaft material
L = length of shaft

rn, = l~d2 JL w I
3 the worm gear efficiency
A. 55.13%
B. 50.23%
C 58.34%
D 60.34%
278 Sit liCIt inned Problems 279
Sit ua t ional Problems
F v
4. the power transmitted to gear (output) Powe r = -""'---"'-
A. 6.39 hp C. 1027 hp 550
B. 8.27 hp D.13.47hp Fw (15.053)
5. the tangential force on gear Fw = 5481bs
A. 1,798 Ibs C. 1,998 Ibs
B. 1,898 Ibs D. 2,3981bs
Fw sin o, 548(sin14.327°)
7. Fs
6. the tangential load on worm cos <l>n sin x + f cos x cOS14.37°)(sin9.043°) + (0.12)(cos9.043°)
A. 5481bs C. 5681bs Fs = 501 Ibs
B. 5581bs D. 5781bs

7. the separating force SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 4 (ME Board April 1981)

A. 4031bs C. 501 Ibs A band brake is installed on a drum rotating at 250 rpm, and a diameter of 900 mm.
B. 453/bs D. 5671bs The angle of contact is 1.5IT radians and one end of the brake band is fastened to a
fixed pin while the other end to the brake arm 150 mm from the fixed pin. The
SOLUTION: coefficient of friction is 0.25 and the straight brake arm is 1000 mm long and js placed
perpendicular to the diameter bisecting the angle of contact. Determine:
1. For double thread, S 1. the torque transmitted.
L = 2 P = 2 (0.75) = 1.5 in A. 2.73 KN-m C. 4.16 KN-m
Lead 1.5 B. 3.92 KN-m D. 1.91 KN-m
tanx = ~=-0.159
IT Ow IT (3) 2. the tension at the slack side of the brake drum.
x = tan' 0 159 = 9.043° A. 1.89 KN C. 3.28 KN
B. 2.63 KN D. 4.93 KN
2. tan <!>n = tan <!> cos x = (tan 14.5°) (cos 9.043°) = 0.255 3. the tension at the tight side of the brake drum.
10.255 A. 5.33 KN C. 7.83 KN
<!>n = tan· = 14.33°
B. 6.14 KN D. 8.38 KN

3. e = tanx l cos<bn-t..t an x
cos o., tanx + f
j =(0.159)l' cos14.327-0.12(0.159)
(cos14.327)(0.159) + 0.12
4. the minimum force in Newtons applied at the end of the brake arm necessary to
stop the drum if 50 kw is being absorbed.
A.125N C.175N
e =0.5513 = 55.13% B. 150 N D. 200 N
5. A steel band with a maximum tensile stress of 55 Mpa and 3.0 mm thick will be
used. What should be its width in millimeters?
4. e ~- 0.5513 £!Q. Po = 8.27 hp A. 37 mm C. 41 mm
Pi 15 B. 39 mm D. 43 mm

5. v g = ve Iocrty
. a f gear = l(1.51
- -~ = 237 ft / sec
12 60
1. Power = 2 IT T N
Ft vg 50 = 2 IT (250/60)
Power = -- F
550 T = 1.91 KN-m
2. T = (F 1 - Fz) r
8.27 =(2.37) ~t
550 1.91 = (F 1 - F)
Z (--
Ft = 1,898 Ibs 2
F1 - Fz = 4.24 KN
6. Vw = IT 0 N = velocity of worm (~r2.150 1=15.053 fUsec
IT l12 . 60 )
5. = efO = e0 2 5 (1 5 1T ) r-: 3.25
F2 1000 mm
SitUG [lOTI cd Pr ob! ems 281 
280  Si[IU~1 i()llGI Problems
F 1 ==  3.25  F2   Om  == 0, + d   == 2.5 + d 
Substitute:   l
63,000  ==  8 (1.25) (825 (2.5 + dl 
3.25F 2  ­ F2  ==  4.24   It  d 
F2  ==  1.89  KN  
Try:  d ==  V2 in  
3 F1  ==  3.25F2  ==  3.25  (1.89)  ==  6.14  KN  63,000  ==  8 (1.?5) (825) (2.5  !.Q.501
It  (0.50)3  
4.   Summation of  moments about the  fixed  end  equal  to zero.   63,000  ==  63,000  
F2 sin45° (150)  ­ F (1000)  ==  0   Therefore:  d ==  V2 inch  
F  ==  0.106F2  ==  0.106(1.89)  ==  0.20  KN  ==  200N  
Om  ==  2.5 + 0.5  ==  3 in 
5.   S ==  5_ ==  ­'i  C ==  Om  =~6v
A  tb  d  0.5  

5 0 = -6~ F 
,  (0.003)(b)   3.   k  == .-
b  ==  0.037 m  ==  37  mm   Y 
400  ==  825_  
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 5 (ME Board October 1981)
Y  ==  2.0625 in  
A  helical  compression  spring  has  a  scale  of  400  Ibs/inch,  an  inside  diameter  of  2.5  3
inches,  a free  length of  8  inches and  with  squared  and  ground  ends.  Material  is  to  be  8FC n  
chrome vanadium  steel  with  working  stress  of  63,000 psi  and  G ==  10,800,00 psi.  For  Y==GT  
a  load  of  825  lbs,  and  for  average service, Whaal factor,  k ==  1.25,  determine: 
2.0625 ==  )52~.3!- (6)3 (n)  _  
1.  the  standard size  wire  diameter  (10,800,000)(0.5)  
A.  % in   c.  3,4 in  n  ==  7.8125 coils  
B.  V2 inch  D.  1  % in 
4.   For  square and  ground  end, 
2.  the  spring index.  Solid length  ==  (n + 2)  d  ==  (7.8125 + 2)(0.5)  ==  491  in 
A. 6   C. 8 
B.  7   O. 9  5.   At  solid  height, 
ys  ==  FL ­ SL  ==  8  ­ 4.91  ==  3.09 in 
3.  number of active coils  Fs ==  force at solid  ==  k Ys  ==  400  (3.09)  ==  1237.6 Ibs 
A.  8.23   C.  534  Ss == 8 K Fs Om =  ~ (1.25) (1237.6)(~ ==  94 546  psi  
B.  1123   O. 7.81  It  d3  It (0.5)3  '  
4.  the  solid height 
A.  2.83  in  C.  4.91  in  SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 6 (ME Board October 1981)
B.  3.26  in  O. 6.34 in  A 2  ]/2 inches double  square  thread  with  two  threads/inch  is  to  be  used.  The  frictional 
radius  of  the  collar  is  2  inches  and  the  coefficient  of  friction  are  0.10  for  the  threads 
5.  the  stress at solid height  and  0.15  for  the  collar.  The  velocity  of  the  nut  is  10ft/min.  For  a  lifting  load  of  4000 
A.  94,546 pSI  C.  96,735 psi  lbs,  find: 
B.  95,735  psi  O. 97,735 psi  1.  the  lead  angle 
A.  5.23°   C.  7.94° 
SOLUTION:  B.  6.27°   O.  8.05° 
2.  the  torque  required to turn  the  screw 
8 K F  Om A.  1102.35 in­Ibs  C.  1493.65 in­Ibs 
1.   S  ­­­­­­­-
s­ It d3  B.  1293.65 in­Ibs  O.  1693.65 in­Ibs 
282 Sitllnl iO/lClI Problems Sit uatioTwl Problems 283
3.  the  torque  required to overcome collar friction  SITUATIONAL  PROBLEM  7  (ME Board April  1982) 
A.   1000  in­Ibs  C  1400  in­Ibs  A  16  mm  plate  is  lapped  over and  secured  by  fillet  weld  on  the  inside  and  outside  to 
B.   1200  in­Ibs  O.  1600  in­Ibs  form  a penstock  1.5  m diameter.  An  allowable stress of  140  Mpa  on the  plate  and  an 
allowable  shearing  stress  of  90  Mpa  on  the  throat  side  01  the  14  mm  fillet  weld. 
4.   the  efficiency of the  screw 
A.  25.58%  C.  2765% 
B.  26.58%  O.  28.58%  1.  the  internal  pressure that  can  be carried  by the  plate 
A.   3 Mpa  C.  7 Mpa 
5.   the  power input  of the  screw  B.   5 Mpa  O.  9 Mpa 
A.   1.37  hp  C.  7.37  hp 
B.   4.38  hp  O.  9.37  hp  2.   the  internal  pressure that  can  be  carried  by the welded  joint. 
A.   1.38  Mpa  C.  3.38  Mpa 
B.  2.38  Mpa  O.  4.38  Mpa 
1. Lead  '=  2p   3.   the thickness of the  plate  if the  internal  pressure is 2  Mpa  (neglecting welded 
Lead  '=  2  (1/2)  '=  1 in   joint). 
For square thread:   A.   16.67  mm  C.  14.67  mm 
Om  = Do ­ 2 p  =  2.5 ­ 2 (1 / 2) = 2.25  in  B.   18.67  mm  O.  12.67  mm 
2 2
Lead  1  4.  the thickness of the plate  if the  internal  pressure is 20  Mpa  (neglecting  welded 
tanx = ­ ­ = ­ ­ ­ =0.1415   joint). 
IT Om  IT (2.28)  
A.   130.17 mm  C.  170.17  mm 
X  c~ tan­ 1 0.1415 = 8.05 0 B.   160.17 mm  0  190.17  mm 

5.   Factor  of  safety 01 the  plate  il  ultimate stress  is 450  Mpa. 

2.   T =  WO m ~ax+f I
1= (4000)(2.2_5 11
0.1415+0.10  = 110235  in­Ibs  J A.  3  C. 5 
2  l1 ­ f tan x  2  J
l1­ 0.1 O( 0.141 5)  B. 4   O. 6 

3. Dc =  2 rc =  2 (2)  =  4 in  SOLUTION:  F

T c  =  fcW(r o Hi)  = ~ WO,,­=  0.15(4000)(4)  =1200  in­Ibs  I 
2 - 1.   S  =~_Oi I 
2t  I( 
tan  x(1 ­  f tan x)  I  PDL
4.   e 
f  0 
140=~21­ I
tan x + 1 + (__c£ )(1 ­ f tan x)   2 (0.016)  I 
Om   P  '=  2.99  Mpa   I 
e=  (0.1415)[1­0.10(0.1415)J  =0.2765  F 
27.65%  2.   From  Faires,  Eq. b, p.507,  for welded  joint:  
0.1415 + 0.10 +  ~.15li4)[_
I 01 0(0.1415)J  F  =  2 S L b cos45°  
l  2.25 
But   F=~OL =P(1.5)L 
5.  2  2 
TT = T  +  Te  =  1102.35+1200  =  2302.35in­lbs  =  191.86ft­lbs 
V,=  L N  ~ (1.5) L  = 2 (90)(L)(0 .014) cos 45 0 
10x12=(1)N   2 
N  =  120  rpm   P  =  2.376  Mpa 
P,  =   IT~2 =~IT(1.86)20 =4.38  h   S= PO,
33,000  3~ ~ P   3. 

90 000  =  2.0(")i~_
. 2 t  
284 Sit liUt iOllal  Problems
Sit lIul iorwl  Problems 285
t  =  0.01667 m  16.67  mm 
4. S= POi  1. 
2t  Pr essure  = Area 32mm

F  p
90000 =  20,000 ~
,  2t  1380  C~ 7t-~32)

t  =  0.1667 m  4
Checking the  ratio  of tiD,.  F  = 1.11  KN 

.Q: 1667  = 0.111 
1.5  C = Om = Do ~d
d  d 
Since  0.111  is greater than  0.07,  then  the  vessel  is thick wall.  2.
1 rs+~ C =  115 ­13  = 7.85 
~ 1j=~r ~JjO+20,
l Vs­
t=.l2.  ­1j=0.19017  m  13 
2  P  2  l~ 90,000 ­ 20,000 

5.  FS =  Su  _  450,000  8FC 8(1.)753·~=0 m=31  mm 
S  ­ 90,000  = 5  3. 
y =  G d  ­ =  80,000,000(0.013) 

4.  Compressed  Length  =  Free  length  ­ y  =  203  ­ 31  172 mm 

A  safety  valve  spring  having  9  ­ Y2 coils  has  the  ends  squared  and  ground.  The  5.  For  square and  ground  end: 
outside  diameter  is  115  mm  and  wire  diameter is  13  mm.  It has  a  free  length  of  203  Actual  no.  of coil  =  n + 2  =  9.5 
mm.  The  spring  must be  initially compressed  to  hold  the  boiler  pressure of  1.38  Mpa  n  =  7.5 
on  the  valve  seat  of  32  mm  diameter.  Modulus  of  rigidity  is  taken  as  G  =  80  Gpa.  SL  =  (n  +  2)d  =  (95)(13)  =  1235 mm 
Determine:  Ys =  FL  ­ SL 
1.  the  force  acting  on  the  spring.  Ys  =  203  ­ 123.5  =  795 mm 
A.  0.811  KN  C.  1.45  KN 
B.  1.11  KN  D.1.87KN  I 

2.  the  spring  index  8 Fs C n
Ys  =-G(j- ( Dm = 102 rom )/1

A.  6.85   C.  8.85 

B.  7.85  D.  9.85   c )
8(Fs)(7.85)3 (7.5) 
Do = 115 mm
0.0795 =  80,000,000(0.013)
3.  the coil  deflection. 
A. 31 mm  C.  35 mm   Fs =  2.85  KN 
B.  33  mm   D.  45 mm  4C­1  0.615  _  4(7.85)­1  +2.: 615  =1.188  
K=  4C­4"+C­­ 4(7.85)­4  7.85  
4.  the  compressed length  of spring. 
A.  142 mm  C.  162 mm  8  K  Fs  Om _ 8 (1.1_88) (2.85)(0.1 02)  = 400,287  kpa  = 400.29  Mpa 
B.152mm  D.172mm 
s, =--;T- - 11:(0.013)3

5.  the  spring stress if it is compressed  to its  solid  length.   SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 9 (ME Board April 1982)
A.  360  Mpa  C.  400  Mpa   The  large  diameter and  face  of  the  disk  of  a  multiple  disk  clutch  are  255  mm  and 25 
B.  380  Mpa  D.  420  Mpa  mm  respectively.  The  helical  compression  spring  used  to  engage  the  clutch  has 9-
1/2  effective  coils  of  10  mm  steel  wire.  The  outer  coil  diameter  is 80  mm.  The free 
length  of  the  spring  is  185  rnrn.  When  in  place  with  clutch  engaged,  its  length  is  130 
mm.  Assuming  that  there  are  10  pairs  of  friction  surface  in  contact,  that  the  motor 
Sitllal iOl1nl Problems 287 
286 Sit uat iOT1Cl1 Problems
runs  at  1200  rpm,  with  coefficient of friction  on  contact surface  f  = 0.15,  (G  = 80  Gpa) 
,determine:  ~ l' ()~_.3j\r
rl' 3  r o 2 __  rI 2 
=.~ r _-J1 =J~'20
115.45  mm  

1.  the  axial  force  available for the  clutch. 

A.  1.69  KN  C.  3.69  KN  3. T  = n f  Fa rj  = 10 (0.15)  (1.688)  (0.11545)  = 0.292 KN­m 
B.  269 KN  D.  469 KN 
4.   . ower  = 2  TT TN  = 2  TT (0.292)  (1200/60)  = 3669  kw 
2.  the  mean  frictional  radius. 
A.  125.45 mm  C.  115.45 mm 
B.  145.45 mm  D.  155.45 mm  SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 10 (ME Board April 1982)
An  electric  motor  running  at  1200  rpm  drives  a  punch  press  shaft  at  200  rpm  by 
3.  the  torque transmitted.  means  of  a  130  mm  wide  and  8  mm  thick  belt.  When  the  clutch  is  engaged  the  belt 
A.  0.192 KN­m  C.  0.392  KN­m  slips.  To  correct  this  condition,  an  idler  pulley was  installed  to  increase  the  angle  of 
B.  0.292  KN­m  D.  0.492  KN­m  contact  but  the  same  belt  and  pulley  were  used.  The  original  contact  angle  on  the 
200  mm  motor  pulley  is  160  degrees.  The  original  tension  ratio  is  2.4  and  the  net 
4.  the  power the  clutch can  transmit  tension  is  12  N/mm  of  the  belt  width.  If an  increase  in  transmission  capacity  of  20% 
A.  30.69 kw  C.  34.69 kw  will  prevent slippage,  determine: 
B.  32.69  kw  D.  36.69  kw  1.  the coefficient of friction. 
A.  0.313   C 0.513 
SOLUTION:  B.  0.413   D.  0.613 

251mm 2.  the  tension  at the  tight  side  in the  original installation 

A.  2.37  KN  C.  2.97  KN 
B.  2.67  KN  D.  3.67  KN 

3.  the  tension  at the  slack  side  in the  original installation. 

A.  2.22  KN  C.  4.44  KN  
B.3.33KN  D.1.11KN  

4.  the  tension  at the  slack  side  when  idler  is installed. 

251mm A.  0.452 KN  C.  0.802 KN 
B.  0.653  KN  D.  1.290  KN 

5.  the  new angle of contact. 

1.  Dm  = Do ­ d  = 80 ­ 10 = 70  mm   A. 210° C.  230

y  = 185 ­ 130  = 55 mm   B.  220

D.  240

C = Dm = 70  = 7  
d  10   SOLUTION: 
8FC n 1.   Under the  original  installation: 
3 .
5. = et8  = 2.4  
0.055=  8Fa(7) (9.5)  
(80,000,000) (0.01)  e t8  =  e l (160 )(1[/ 180 )  =  2.4 
Fa  =  1.688  KN  f  =  0.313 
2. For the  clutch:  2.   F I  ­ F 2 = F = 12(130)  = 1560  N  = 1.56 KN  
D,  =  Do ­ 2d  =  255 ­ 2(25)  205mm  T  =  (F ,  ­ F2 )  r  =  156 (0.200/2)  =  0 156  KN­m  
Io =  255/2  =  127.5  mm 
r,  =  205/2  =  102.5 mm 
288 Sill/ut ional Problems Sit uational Problems 289
F  F1 5.  the  axle  diameter for  an  allowable torsional stress at  12,000  psi,  the  efficiency of 
~ = 2.4  or 
F2 F2 =  2.4 the  bevel gear differential  is 80%. 
A.   4  V2 in  C. 2  V2 in 
F1 B.   1 V2 in  D. 3  V2 in 
F1 - - = 1.56 
F1  =  2.674  KN   SOLUTION:   Wheel

F1   _2.674=1.114KN
3.   F2 = 2.4 ­ 2.4 

4.  Under new  Installation, the  idler should be  placed on  slack side  so  that  tight  side  
tension  remains the  same,  that  is,  F 1  =  2.674  KN  

T' = 1.20T  = 1.20(0.156)  = 0.1872KN­m  

(F 1 ­ F2) r =  T'
(2.674  ­ F 2)(0.100) = 0.1872  
F2 = 0.802  KN   Wheel

5. F1  f 0 F2 T  =  torque at  wheels 

­=e  1.
F2 T  = F x  r  = 17,500 (48/2)  = 420,000 in­Ibs 
P = power at  wheels  =  500  (0.80)  = 400  hp 
­ ­ ­ =e 031350
0.802  P=2TTTN 

400  (33,000)  =  2 TT  I  42~,0 IN 

8 =  3.841  rad  180  = 220  0 

N  =  60  rpm  speed of  wheels 
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 11 (ME Board October 1982)
2.  T s N s =  TN 
A four­wheel  vehicle  must  developed  a  draw­bar  pull  of  17,500  Ibs.  The  engine,  
34  Ns = 51  (60) 
which  develops 500  hp  and  drives  through  a gear transmission  a 34­tooth spiral bevel  
Ns =  90  rpm  speed of  shaft 
pinion  gear  which  meshes  with  a  spiral  bevel  gear  having  51  teeth.  This  gear  is  
keyed to the  drive  shaft of the  48 in diameter rear  wheels of the  vehicle.  Determine:  
1500  =16.67 
1.  the  speed of the  wheels.  - 3.  Transmission gear ratio 
A.   55 rpm  C.  65 rpm  Transmission gear ratio  16.67:1 
B.   60 rpm  D.  70 rpm 
I  4.  Tw = torque  required  per  wheel 
2.   the  speed  of shaft 
T w  =  420,000  = 210,000  in ­Ibs 
A.   80 rpm  C.  90 rpm  2
B.   85 rpm  D.  95 rpm 

3.   the  transmission  gear ratio  should  be  used  if the  engine develops maximum torque  5.  S  =~6T
at  1500  rpm.  TId 
A.   12.67:1  C.  14.67:1 
B.   13.67:1  D.  16.67:1  12,000 =  16(2~0)
4.  the  torque  required  per  wheel,  in­Ibs.  d =  4.47 
A.   210,000  C.  230,000  Therefore:  use  4  1/2 in 
B.   220,000  'J.  240,000 
290 Sitwtli(Jllul Problems Sit u a i i(mal Problems 291 
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM  12  (ME Board  October  1982) 
_ Dm  _  250 ­ 3~ = 6.81 
The  smaller of  two  concentric  helical  springs  is  made  of  22  mm  diameter steel  spring  C2 ~ d- 32 
and  has  an  outside  diameter  of  100  mm  with  10  active  coils.  The  outer  spring  is 

made of  32  mm  steel  spring and  has  an  outer diameter of  250  mm  with  8 active  coils.  8FC n 
Before  the  load  is  applied,  the  outer spring  is  25  mm  longer than  the  inner  spring.  If  Y=  Gd
the  load  of  90 KN  is applied to the  nest  of the  springs.  (G  = 80 Gpa) 
F2 -~_= 80,(.3~=1265 KN/m 
1.  Find  the spring  rate  of the  inner  spring.  K =
Y; ­ 8  C 3 n  8 (6.81)3(8) 
A. 493.80 KN/m  C.  693.80 KN/m 
B.  593.80 KN/m   D.  793.80 KN/m  3. F, +  F2  = 90  or F2  =  90­F 1  Eqn.1  
Y2  ­ Yi  =  0.025  Eqn.2  
2.  Find  the  spring  rate  of  outer  spring.  F  F1
A.  126.50 KN/m  C.  146.50 KN/m   ­­.l=493.8  or   Eqn.  3 
Y1  =  493.8
B.   136.50 KN/m  D.  156.50 KN/m  
F F2
~ = 126.50  or   Eqn.  4 
3.  Find  the  load  carried  by the  Inner spring   Y2  =  126.50
A.  49.13 KN  C.  69.13  KN  Substitute equation 3 and  4 to 2: 
B.  59.13  KN  D.  79.13 KN  
~_+F1 _  = 0.025  Eqn.  5  
4.   Find  the  load  carried  by the  outer spring.  126.5  4938
A.  10.87  KN  C.  30.87  KN  Substitute  1 in 5: 
B.  20.87  KN  D.  40.87 KN   90 ­ F1 + _F_
1 _ = 0025 
126.5  493.8 
5.  Find  the  percent load  carried  by the  inner spring.   F1  = 69.13KN 
A.  70.81  % C.  74.81  %
B.  72.81  % D.  76.81  % 4.   F2  =  90­ F1  =  90  ­ 69.13  =  20.87KN 

SOLUTION:  .  d 
5. P ercent carne  = -F1  =-
- = 76.81 %
25mm 90KN F  90 
c: ==:;: . Y2
~ SITUATIONAL PROBLEM  13  (ME Board April  1983)
A flange  coupling  connects two  2" diameter shafts.  The  flanges  are  fitted  with  6 bolt 
of  SAE  1040  steel  on  a  7"  bolt  circle.  The  shafts  runs  at  300  rpm  and  transmits  4 
hp.  Assume  a factor of  safety of  5,  ultimate  tension  of 70,000  psi,  and  ultimate  shes 
of 55,000 psi.  Determine: 

1.  the  torque transmitted. 

A.  8,453.80  in­los  C.  10,453.80  in­lbs 
1.  For  inner  spring:  B.  9,453.80 in­lbs  D.  11,453.80  in­los

C  =  Dm  =  Do­d =  100­22 =3.545  2.  the  force  applied  per  bolt. 

1 d d  22 
A.  451.171bs  C.  450.17 Ibs  

8FC n  B.  430.171bs  D.  470.17  Ibs  
3.  the  diameter of the  bolt  required. 
K 1 =  £"1 =  ~ =  80,000,000 (0.:­02?l  = 493.80  KN / m  A.  0.228  in  C.  0.428  in  
Y1  8  C 3 n  8 (3.545)3 (10)  B.  0.328  in  D.  0.528  in  

2.  For outer spring:  4.  the  thickness of flange  to be  used. 

292 SitUQ t iUTI (II Problems
A.  0141  in  C.  0.341  in  Sit uat iOTiul Problems 293
B.  0.241  in  D.  0.541  in   A.  773.80  N  C.  777.80 N 
B.  775.80 N  D.  779.80 N 
4.  the  width  of a  steel  band for  a tensile stress  of  50  Mpa. 
1.   Power  =  2 IT T  N  A.  40.40 mm  C.  46.40  mm 
45  (33,000)  =  2  IT T  (300)  B.  44.40 mm  D.  48.40 mm 
T   =  787.82 ft­Ibs  =  9.453.80 in­Ibs  
2. T = F (r)  = F (D, 12)
9,453.80  =  F  (7/2)
F  =  2701  Ibs  total  force 
Fb  =  force applied  per  bolt  
Fb =  Fin  =  2701/6 =  450.171bs  
t~ I~
" : : " 1~
3.   For  shearing of  key: 

f1,  f1,
FS  A n  d2  
1.5 m
70,000   450.17  Dc = 7"
5 2'. d2 
4 1.  Torque  =  F  x r  
d  =  0.228 in  Torque  =  820  (60/2) =  24,600 kg­cm  =  2.413.29  N­m  

4 For  compresslvs  of  key: 

0.25(2450  X  11:_) 
S = f1, 
2. £L  = e f 8  = e  180°  = 2.912 
70,000  450.17   F 1 =  2.912  F2  
5  0.228 t  Torque  =  (F,  ­ F2) r 
2413.26  =  (F,  ­ F2 ) (0.76/2)
t  =  0.141  in  F 1  ­ F2   =  6350.7 N 
2.912F 2  ­ F2  =  6350.70 
F2  =  3321.50  N 
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM  14 (ME Board November  1983) 
A simple band  brake  has  a  76  cm  drum  and  fitted  with  a steel  band  2/5 cm  thick  lined  3. F 1  =  2.912  F,  =  2.912 (33215)  =  9672.20  N 
with  a  brake  lining  having  a  coefficient  of  friction  of  0.25.  The arc  of  contact  is 245°.   Summation  of moments about pivot point  =  0 
The  drum  is  attached  to  a  60  cm  hoisting  drum,  that  sustains  a  rope  load  of  820  kg.   F(150)  =  9672.2  (12) 
The  operating  force  has  a  moment  arm  of  1.50  m  and  the  band  is  attached  12  cm   F  =  773.8CJ  N 
from  the  pivot point.  Find: 

1.  the  torque just  required  to  support the  load  (clockwise).  4. S=~!1

A  bt
A.  2,013.26 N­m  C.  2,413.26 N­m 
B.   2,213.26  N­m  D.  2,613.26 N­m  t  =  2/5 0.4  cm  =0.004 m  
2.  the  tension  at the  slack side  of the  brake.  
50,000,000  = ----

b  (0.004) 
A.  3321.50  N  C.  3521.50  N 
B.  3421.50 N  D.  3621.50 N 
b  =  0.0484 m  = 48.40  mm 

3.  the  operating  force at  the  end  of  brake  arm. 

294 SitIW( iOTlo[ Problems Siluu.lioTWl Problems 295
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM  15  (ME  Board November  1983) 
A  mechanical  press is  used  to  punch  6  holes per  minute on  a  25  mm  thick plate.  The  10.31  == ­­­'!"­ [(10472)2 ­ (9425)2 ]
hole is  25  mm  in  diameter and  the  plate  has  an  ultimate strength  in  shear of 420 Mpa.  b == 3t
The  normal  operating  speed  is  200  rpm  and  it  slows  down  to  180  rpm  during  the  W  == 9.71  KN 
process  of  punching.  The  flywheel  has  a  mean  diameter  of  one  meter  and  the  rim 
width  is  3  times  the  thickness.  Assume  that the  hub  and  arm  account  for  5%  of  the  4.   W == Wr +  Wah
rim  weight concentrated at  the  mean  diameter and  density of  cast iron  is 7,200  kg  per  9.71  =  W r  +  0.05W r  
cubic meter.  Find:  W r  =  9.248  KN  =  942.70 kg  
Wr  = volume x density  
1.  the  maximum force  required to punch a hole.  = (IT D b t)  w D=1
A.  804.67  KN  C.  844.67 KN  b  = 3t  
B.  824.67 KN  D.  864.67  KN  942.70  =  IT  (1)  (3t)  (t) (7200)  
t  == 0.118  m  == 118  mm  
2.  the  power required to  drive  the  press. 
A.  0.833 kw  C.  1.56 kw  5. b =  3 t  == 3 (0.118)  =  0.354 m  Rim
B.  1.031  kw  D.2.13kw  b  =  354  mm 

3.  the  flywheel  weight.  SITUATIONAL PROBLEM  16  (ME Board November  1983)  

A.  3.23  KN  C.  7.38  KN  A flange coupling  is to  connect two  57 mm  shafts.  The  hubs  of  the  coupling are eacl  
B.  5.39  KN  D.  9.71  KN  111  mm  in  diameter  and  92  mm  thick  and  the  flange  web  are  19  mm  thick.  Six  1(  
mm  bolts  in  a  165  mm  diameter  circle  connect  the  flanges.  The  keyway  is  6  mn  
4.   the  thickness of  the  rim.  shorter  than  the  hub's  thickness  and  key  is  14  mm  x  14  mm  Coupling  is  to  transmi  
A  118  mm  C.  162  mm  45  kw  at  160  rpm.  For  all  parts,  yield  point value  in  shear  is one­half the  yield  valu:  
B.  130 mm  D.  184 mm  which  is 448 Mpa.  Find  the  following:  

5.  the  width  of the  rim.  1.  the  force  on  shaft. 
A.  324 mm  C.  344 mm  A.  9425 KN  C.  86.34 KN 
B.  334 mm  D.  354 mm  B.  90.23 KN  D.  80.34 KN 

SOLUTION:  2.  the  factor of safety in  shear of  key. 

A.  1.83   C.  348 
1.   Maximum Force per hole  Stress x Shear area  == S  (IT X d x t p )  B.  2.86   D.  5.34 
Maximum  Force per hole  420,000 (IT x 0.025 x 0.025)  == 824.67  KN 
3.  the  factor of  safety in  bearing  of  key. 
A.  5.34   C.  3.20 
·  ·  1 (60)
2.   T rrne required  per  hole  == - - == 10  sec  B.  4.23   'J. 2.86 

Energy  Fave t p (Fmax /2)  t p 4.  the  force applied per  bolt  on coupling. 
Power  == - - _ . == - ' - == ~ - -
time  time  time   A.  543 KN  C.  7.39  KN 
B.  6.94  KN  D.  8.39  KN 
Power  == (824.67/2)(0025)  == 1.031  kw  
10   5.  the  factor of  safety in  shear of  bolts. 
A.  6.39   C.  8.30 
3.   v, == IT  D N1  == IT  (1)  (200/60)  == 1047 rn/s  B.  7.39   D.  9.30 
V2  == IT  D  N2  == IT  (1)(180/60)  == 9425 rn/s 
824.67 )  SOLUTION: 
Energy  = Fave t p  == ( ­­2­. 0.025)  C~ 10.31  KN ­ m 
1.   Power  = 2  IT T N  
W   2 2 45  ==  2 IT  T  (160/60)  
KE  == ­(V1 - V2 )
2g   T  =  2.69  KN­m  
Sit Ilalional Problems 297
296 Sit UCI t ionul Problems
F  5.43 
r = 57/2 = 28.5 mm Ss = ---- = = 26,987 Kpa = 26.99 Mpa
r = 0.0285 m 19 mm---71 ~ d2 ~ (0.016)2
T = F. r 4 4
2.69 = F (0.0285)
FS= 224 =8.3
F = 94.25 KN 26.99

2. Length of key 92 - 6 SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 17 (ME Board April 1984)

Length of key 86mm De = 165 mm A hydraulic control for a straight motion utilizes a spherical pressure tank "A" that is
Length of key 0.086 m connected to a work cylinder "B" as shown in the sketch. "A" maintains pressure in
the tank at 400 psi.
1. The tank is 32 inches in diameter, welded with 100% joint efficiency and made of
steel plates with an allowable tensile strength of 7,500 psi. Calculate the required
thickness of the tank.
For shearing of key:
A. 0.23 In C. 0.54 in
S _ ~ ~ £.. 94.25 _ ---7 [ I~ 92 mm B. 0.43 in D. 0.65 in
s - A - wL - 0.014(0.086)
= 78,277 Kpa = 78.28 Mpa 2. The pressure drop between tank and the cylinder is 30 psi. Assume allowance for
friction in the cylinder and packing to be 10 percent of F, the operating force.
Ssu = - = 224 Mpa Calculate the diameter of the piston if value of F is 5000 Ibs.
2 A. 1.27 in C. 3.29 in
FS = Ssu = 224 = 2.86 14 m.m. B. 2.39 in D. 4.35 in
14 m.m. 3. Determine the wall thickness of work cylinder B if it is made of cast iron having an
3. allowable tensile stress of 2,000 psi.
For bearing or compressive stress in key:
A. 0.448 in C. 0.653 in
B. 0.560 in D. 0.837 in
F 94.25
Sc = 'h- co 0.014 = 156,555 kpa = 156.55 Mpa
- L - ..- . (0.086) 4. The piston stroke of the work cylinder is 18 inches; the time of a work stroke is 5
2 2 seconds. Calculate the horsepower output of the cylinder.
Siu = 448 Mpa A. 1.29 hp C. 2.73 hp
B. 4.23 hp D. 5.34 hp
FS = ~tu _ 448 5. Assume that the work cycle of the piston rod occurs every 30 seconds, that the
Sc - 156.55 = 2.86 overall efficiency of the hydraulic control is 80 percent, and the pump efficiency is
60 percent, determine the horsepower of the motor continuously operating the
4. For the coupling:
A. 0.25 hp C. 0.95 hp
T = F (Dc / 2) D. 1.27 hp
B. 5.34 hp
2.69 = F( 0.
F = 32.557 KN

Force per bolt =-F 32.557

= '-- = 5.43 KN
n 6

5. For shear in bolts:

Ssu = - - = 224 Mpa
298 Si ; IIUt ;ollal Problems Sir uat ;OT!GI Problems 299
1. S  =  PO,  ~ITLJAON PROBLEM  18  (ME  Board  October  1984) 
4t Consider a 304.8 mm section of a single-riveted lap joint made up with plates of 6.35
mm thickness and 6 rivets, 15.87 mm in diameter. Assume that rivet holes and rivets,
7500 = 400 (32)
15.87 mm in diameter. Assume that rivet holes are 1.58 mm larger in diameter than
the rivets. In this joint, the entire load is transmitted from one plate to the other by
t = 0.427 in means of the rivets. Each plate and the six rivets carries the entire load. Design
2 2.
stress for shear is 598 kq/crn'', for bearing, 1406 kg/cm and for tension, 703 kg/cm
2 For cylinder B: Assume that the rivets will not tear or shear through the plate to the edge of the joints.
W = Force = Pressure x Area Find:
1. the force that can be carried by unpunched plate.
5000 + 0.10(5000) = (400 - 30) (~0 2 J A. 13,606.40 kg C. 17,606.40 kg
B. 15,606.40 kg O. 19,606.40 kg
o = 4.35 in 2. the force to cause tensile stress on plate between rivets.
A. 6,394.56 kg C. 8,932.6 kg
3. For cylinder B: B. 7,083.09 kg O. 9,099.45 kg
S=fJEL 3. the force to cause shearing stress on rivets.
2t A. 7,580.90 kg C. 9,580.90 kg
B. 8,580.90 kg O. 10,580.90 kg
P = 400 - 30 = 370 psi
4. the force to cause bearing stress on rivets.
2000 = ~70(435) A. 9,347.70 kg C. 11,347.70 kg
2t B. 10,347.70 kg O. 12,347.70 kg
t = 0.402 in 5. the efficiency
t 0.402 A. 563.4% C. 60.45%
- = - - - = 0.09 (greater than 0.07) O. 76.34%
o 4.35 B. 63.06%
Therefore, use Lame's Equation for thick cylinder. I
t=~( !S+P -1]=~·35l" 12000+370 -1']=0.448 in 0
21 YS - P
2 V2000 - 370
~ F .. .... , , 0
1304.s m ... ( • F
4. v = Sit = 18/5 = 3.6 in/sec = 0.3 ft/sec 0
HP= Fv =?OOO (~=2.73 h
550 550 P
5. .. I ~.' . '~
..... ~
65.35 mm
Work output F ....' .t: . I •
Efficiency = Work input t F
2.73 (5) 1. Fu = the force that can be carried by unpunched plate = S A
0.80(0.60) = (Motor Hp)(30) Fu = 703 (30.48)(0.635) = 13,606.40 kg
Motor Hp = 0.95
2. Ft = the force to cause tensile stress on plate between rivets
F t = (703) [30.48 - 6(1.745)] (0.635) = 8,932.6 kg

3. F s = the force to cause shearing stress on rivets.

F s = 6 (IT/4)(1745)2 (598) = 8,580.90 kg

4. Fb = the force to cause bearing stress on rivets.

Fb = 6 (1745)(0.635)(1406) = 9,347.70 kg

5. F = safe load = smaller force = 8,580.90 kg

300 SU'lo ( i Oil (II Problems
Situa( iorwl Problems 301
8,580.90  ~ 6306% 
Efficiency =  13,606.40 
1.  Torque to  be  delivered by  the  clutch  in  N­m. 
A.  224  N­m  C.  245  N­m 
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM  19  (ME Board  April  1985)  B.  239  N­m  O.  265  N­m 
A  76  mm  solid  shaft is to  be  replaced  with  a hollow shaft of  equal torsional  strength.  2.  Axial  force  on  the  clutch  in  KN.  Outside and  inside diameter of the  clutch  are  300 
The  outside diameter of the  hollow shaft is  100  mm.  mm  and  240  mm  respectively.  There  are  two  pairs of  mating surface  with  a 
Find:  coefficient of  friction  of  0.30.  (Use  uniform wear method) 
1.  the  inside diameter of  hollow shaft  A.  2.34 KN  C.  3.25  KN 
A.  86.55 mm  C.  90.28 mm  B.  2.95 KN  O.  4.39  KN 
B.  88.34  mm  O.  92.34  mm  3.  Torque on  wheels 
2.  the  percentage of  weight saved  A.  1.234 KN  c.  3.56  KN­m 
A.  50.34%  C.  56.56%  O.  4.476  KN­m 
B.  256 KN 
B.  53.34%  O.  65.34%  4.  Draw bar  pult  developed  in  KN. 
A.  12.57 KN  C.  17.30  KN 
SOLUTION:  B.  15.23 KN  O.  19.39  KN 
5.  Speed of travel  of the  vehicle  in  km/hr. 
1. For  solid  shaft:  S  =  _16  T  A.  5.34  km/hr  C.  10.74 km/hr 
3 B.  7.49  krn/hr  O.  12.03 km/hr 
TI:  d

For  hollow shaft:  S =  16  TOo SOLUTION: Wheel

11:(0 0 4-0,4)
Equating the stress:
16T _ 16TO o
11: d3 - 11:(00 4 -0;4)
16 T _ 16 T (1 00)
11: (76)3 - ~ [(100)4 - 0;4]
(100)4 - 0,4 = (76)3 (100)
0, = 86.55 mm
~ lO.74kph
2. For solid shaft: w V or m = Vw Power = 2 rr T N
w = density of shaft material 50 = 2 rr T (2000/60)
L = length of shaft T = 0.239 KN-m = 239 N-m

rn, = l ~ (76)2 J L w = 4536.46 w L 2. ro = 300/2 = 150 mm = 0.15 m

r, = 240/2 = 120mm = 0.12m
For hollow shaft:
T= nfFa(ro H;2
mH = l~(0/-12)L W=l~(10)2_86.5L w=1970.64 wL 2
239 = 2(0.30)(Fa)(0.15+0.12)
. m -mH 4536.46wL-1970.64wL 2
Percentage of weight saved = s = -- = 56.56%
ms 4536.46 w L Fa = 2,951 N = 2.95 KN

SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 20 (ME Board April 1985) 3. Power on wheels = 50 (0.75) = 37.50 kw
The engine of a motor vehicle with a wheel diameter of 712 mm develops 50 kw at Speed of wheels = 2000/25 = 80 rpm
2,000 rpm. The combined efficiency of the differential and transmission is 75% with P = 2nTwN
an overall speed reduction of 25 is to 1. Determine: 375 = 2nTw(80/60)
T w = 4.476 KN-m torque on wheels
J02  SUllO! ionul Problems Situu t lonul Problems 303 
4. Tw,=Fxr
Lead 4
4.476 '= F x (0.712/2) tan x = --- = - - = 0.0707
F = 12.57 KN draw bar pull nOm n(18)

5. Speed = TT 0 N = TT (0 712)(80) = 178.945 m/min

Speed = 178.945 (60/1000) = 10.74 km/hr
= 5.4~0)
(18) lr(COS )7~0.(°541
cos 14S - (0.3)(0.0707) J
+ 0.30 =- 1401 kg - mm

3. TT = total torque = Te + T 5
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 21 (ME Board April 1985) TT = 1920 + 1401 = 3321 kg-mm
A single threaded trapezoidal metric thread has a pitch of 4 mm and a mean diameter
of 18 mm. It is used as a translation screw in conjunction with a collar having an
outside diameter of 37 mm and an inside diameter of 27 mm. The load is 400 kg and SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 22 (ME Board April 1985)
coefficient of friction is 0.3 for both threads and collar. Find: It is found that a shearing machine requires 205 joules of energy to shear a specific
1. the collar torque gauge of sheet metal. The mean diameter of the flywheel is to be 76.20 cm. The
A. 1920 kg-mm C. 1890 kg-mm normal operating speed is 200 rpm, and slows down to 180 rpm during shearin9
B. 1763 kg-mm O. 2003 kg-mm process. The rim width IS 30.48 ern, and the weight of cast iron is 7,196.60 kg/m .
The arms and hub account 10% of the rim weight concentrated at mean diameter.
2. the torque required for thread. Determine:
A. 1293 kg-mm C.1598kg-mm 1. the rirn weight
B. 1192 kg-mm O. 1401 kg-mm A. 33.88 kg C. 37.23 kg
B. 35.23 kg O. 39.45 kg
3. the total torque 2. the thickness of the rim
A. 1083 kg-mm C. 3321 kg-mm A. 0.145 cm C. 0764 cm
B. 2089 kg-mm O. 4873 kg-mm B. 0.345 cm O. 0587 cm


1. v, = TT 0 N, = TT (0762) (200/60) = 7.98 m/s

V2 = TT 0 N2 = TT (0762)(180/60) = 7.182 m/s
KE = 205 J = 205 N-m
KE = -_. (V, - V2
W 2 2
) 30.48 em
2g »»>.

205 = ---'!!...._- [(798)2 - (7.182)2 ]

W = 332.4 N = 33.88 kg
D =76.20 e
2. W = W r + Wah
33.88 = W r + 0.10W r
W r = 30.804 kg
37 27
0.3(400)(-- + -) W r = volume x density = (TT 0 b t) w
1. Tc = -fW(ro+r
-2 --- - 22 2 =1920kg-mm 30.804 = TT (0 762)(03048)(t)(7196.6)
t = 0.00587 m = 0587 cm Rim

2. For ACME of trapezoidal thread <tJ = 14.5°

T5 = W Om cos <jltan x + f] SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 23 (ME Board April 1985)
2 l
cos <jl - f tan x A double reduction gear assembly is mounted on three parallel shafts located on the
same horizontal plane. Shaft A is driven from a 2 kw source at 3,500 rpm. The
pinion on shaft A has 24 teeth and meshes with a gear on shaft B. Another pinion on
shaft B is in mesh with a gear on shaft C with 160 teeth. The centerline distance
Sit llU/ iOTwl Problems 305 
:304 Sit u a t i{JTwl Problems
between  shaft  A  and  shaft  C  is  154  times  the  module.  The  overall  gear  train  ratio  is  C  =  !JA  +OSl+ °B2+ 0C 
2 2-
14: 1.  Assume module for  all gears  are  the  same,  determine: 
154 M  =  24 M + TB1 M + ~ B2M + 160 M 
1.  the  speed of shaft  B. 2 2---
A. 1000 rpm C. 1200 rpm TB2=124-TB1 ____. __ ._ _.. Eqn. 3
B. 1100 rpm O. 1300 rpm
2. the number of teeth on gears at shaft B.
Substitute Equations simultaneously:
A. 84 & 40 teeth C. 84 & 60 teeth (124 - T B1) NB = 160 (250)
B. 84 & 50 teeth O. 84 & 70 teeth
3. the torque on shaft A. 124 NB - B~O Ns == 40,000
A. 3.28 N-m C. 5.46 N-m
B. 4.34 N-m O. 6.94 N-m NB = 1000 rpm speed of shaft B
4. the torque on shaft B
A. 10.23 N-m C. 16.39 N-m
I 2. TB1 24( 3500 == 84 teeth
B. 13.45 N-m 0.18.14N-m -1000
5. the torque on shaft C.
A. 56.34 N-m C. 73.23 N-m T B2 160(250) == 40 teeth
B. 68.95 N-m O. 7830 N-m 1000

SOLUTION: 3. Power = 2 TT T N
A B c PA = 2 TT TA NA
"-- ..,I ~NA"'.I ~ c::::::: .'1 =Nc 2 = 2 TT TA (3500/60)
T A == 0.00546 KN-m = 5.46 N-m

4. PB = 2 TT TB NB
e = --

0.95 == PB
P B = 1.9 kw
1.9 = 2TTTB(1000/60)
T B == 0.01814 KN-m == 18.14 N-m

5. e = -Pc

c = 154 M 0.95 == £'52-

1. Nc = speed of shaft C Pc = 1.805
T A NA = T B1 NB Pc =
24 (3500) = TB1 NB = 84,000 Eqn 1 1.805 = 2 TT r. (250/60)
T, = 0.06895 KN-m == 68.95 N-m
or T = 84,000
TB2 N B = r, Nc = 160 (250) = 40,000 Eqn.2 SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 24 (ME Board October 1985)
A key is to be desired for a 12 7 cm, shaft which will transmit power .ot 150 kw at 360
o 2
rpm. If the allowable shear stress for the key is 920 kgICm and the allowable
M = - or 0 = MT 2.
T compressive stress is 1200 kg/cm determine the following
C = center distance between shaft A and C

306 Sitl r~( iorlU{ Problems Sit u at iorw! Problems 307 
1.  Cross­sectional dimensions of the  flat  key  to  be used.  L ~ 4.79 em
A.  1.11  em  C.  3.33  em 
B.  2.22  em  D.  4.44  em  5. The safe length of key to be used should be the longer length.
2.  Force acting on  a key  Therefore choose L = 4.79 em
A.  62.66  KN  C.  66.04 KN 
B.  64.34  KN  D.  68.34  KN  6. Fa = axial force to remove hub
3.  Length of  key  under shearing stress.  Fa = 2 f F
A.  7.34 em  C  4.23 em Fa = 2 (0.45)(62.66) = 56.40 KN
B.6.31cm D.2.19cm
4. Length of key under compressive stress. SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 25 (ME Board October 1985)
A. 2.03 em C. 4.79 em A pinion rotating at 1800 rpm and supported on each side by a ball bearing transmits
B. 3.49 cm D. 5.34 em 18 kw to a mating spur gear. If the pressure angle is 20 degrees and the pitch
5. Safe length of key to be used diameter is 102 mm, determine the following:
A. 2.03 em C. 6.34 em Note: Add 3 degrees to the pressure angle to compensate for the friction.
B. 4.79 em D. 8.03 cm
6. Axial force to remove the hub from the shaft if the coefficient of friction is 0.45. 1. Pitch line velocity
A. 45.23 KN C. 58.34 KN A. 8.10 rn/sec C. 11.02 m/sec
B. 56.40 KN 0 65.45 KN B. 9.61 m/sec D. 13.03 m/sec
2. Torque transmitted by the pinion.
SOLUTION: A. 65.34 N-m C. 87.23 N-m
B. 7523 N-m D. 95.49 N-m
1. From Doughtie and Vallance, Table 5-1, p. 100 3. Tangential load on gears.
For shaft diameter of 12.7 em or 5 in, A. 1,563 N C. 1,872 N
w = 1 14 in = 3.175 em B. 1,754 N D. 1,908 N
h = 7/8 in = 2.22 em 4. Separation load on gears.
A. 794.6 N C. 982.3 N
2. P = 2 IT TN
B. 872.3 N D. 1,735.8 N
150 = 2 IT T (360/60) 5. Total load on gears.
T = 3.99 KN-m = 397.89 KN-cm A. 2,034 N C. 4,034 N
397.89 = F (12.7/2) B. 3,034 N D. 5,034 N
F = 62.66 KN
3. For shearing of key:
S=~ • F
wL V TT (0.102) (1800/60) 9.61 rn/sec

920 (0.00981) = 62.~ 2. P = 2TTTN

3.175 L 18 = 2 TT (T) (1800/60)
L = 2.19 cm T = 0.09549 :<:N-m = 95.49 N-m

4. For compressive of key: 3. Ft =

tangential load
T • r
= Ft
95.49 = Ft (0.102/2)
F F t = 1.872 KN = 1,872 N
- L 4. Fs = load of separation between gears
1200(0.00981) = E·66 tan e = ~
2.22 Ft
--- L
2 e = 20 + 3 = 23°
308 :-iiI lIul iOllul Problems
Situational I'rohl ern s: 309
o  F
tan 23  = ---s F
1872 W (h + y) = - Y
r, = 794.6 N 2
h = 3 m = 300 cm
5. Fn = total load on gears 100 (300 + 30.48) ~ (30.38)
F 2
cos e = ~
Fe F = 2168.50 kg
o 1872
cos 23 = ---
Fn 3. C = Dm_ = 8 or Om = 8 d
F n = 2,034 N

S=8KF~r: l
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 26 (ME Board October 1985) TC d3
A dumb waiter designed to travel a height of 3 m when loaded will have a maximum 3868 = 8(1.184)(2168.50)(8d)
gross weight of 100 kg. A coil spring is provided below to absorb shock in the event TC d3
that the dumb waiter should fall freely because of sudden breakage of the wire rope
carrying it. If the coil spring will be deflected to 30.48 em, if the dumb waiter should d = 3.68 cm
accidentally fall and it hit the spring from its maximum height of travel, determine the
following: 4. Om = 8 d = 8 (3.68) 29.42 cm

1. Whaal factor 8FC 3 n

5. y=----
A. 1.045 C. 1.564 Gd
B. 1.863 D. 1.184
2. Maximum force acting on spring. 30.48= 8(2168.50)(8) n
A. 1872.34 kg C. 2235.40 kg 808,720 (3.68)
B. 2168.50 kg D. 2634.66 kg
n = 10.2 active coils
3. Wire diameter
A. 1.20 cm C. 3.68 cm
B. 2.34 cm D. 4.73 cm
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 27 (ME Board April 1986)
4. Mean coil diameter.
The maintenance shop of PAL has a motor operated hoisting winch which consist of
A. 29.42 cm C. 37.45 cm
the following mechanical parts: Motor shaft "A" is fitted with a double threaded left
B. 34.23 cm D.41.23cm
handed worm in mesh with a 56 tooth worm wheel at shaft "B" directly below.
5. Number of active coils.
Compounded on shaft "8" is a 20 tooth 5 module pinion in mesh with a spur gear
A. 10.20 C. 16.34
keyed on shaft "C" with a horizontal center line distance of 150 mm. Mounted on the
B. 14.23 D. 18.34
same shaft "C" is a 200 mm diameter hoisting drum. The cable wrap around the
Note: Use spring index of 8 and assume maximum induced stress and shear
drum sustains a load of 500 kg at motor speed of 1750 rpm. Determine the following:
modulus of elasticity to be 3868 kq/cm" and 808,720 kg/cm 2 , respectively.

SOLUTION: 1. Pitch diameter of pinion
A. 100 mm C.104mm
3m B.102mm D. 108 mm
1. K = 4C =-1 + 0.615 2. Pitch diameter of spur gear.
4C-4 C A. 180 mm C 200 mm
K = 4(8)~+ 0.615 = 1.184 B.190mm D. 210 mm
. 4(8)-4 8 3. Speed of shaft C .
A. 27.34 rpm C. 34.24 rpm
2. F = maximum force on spring B. 31.25 rpm D. 39.45 rpm
For impact load on spring: 4. Power at shaft C.
A. 1.45 kw C. 1.894 kw
310  Situnl iOflul t'ronl ems Sit untiorwl Probl ems 311 
B.  1.605 kw  D.  2083 kw  Power at shaft  C  1.605 kw 
5.  Torque of  shaft  A. 
A.  7.234 N­m  C.  11.23 N­m  Pc
B.  9.563 N­m  D.  13.47 N­m  5. e=-
6.  Velocity of  the  load  PA
A.  0.213 m/sec  C.  0.327 m/sec  0.65 = 1.605
B.  0.189 m/sec  D.  0.485 m/sec  PA
PA = 2.47 kw
2.47 = 2 IT TA (1750/60)
Shaft "A':  1750  rpm TA = 0.01347 KN-m = 13.47 N-m

6. V = IT Dc Nc
V = IT (0.20) (31.25) = 19.63 m/min = 0.327 m/sec

200  mm SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 28 (ME Board April 1986)

A machine shop somewhere in Quezon City fabricated a pair of spur gear 2.5 module
hoisting drum
and to be mounted on shafts with a center line distance of 90 mm. The speed ratio
,....A ! Shaft "en required is 3: 1. Determine the following:
1. Pitch diameter of the gear.
A. 135 mm C. 145 mm
B. 140 mm D. 150 mm
2. Number of teeth of the gear.

A. 50 teeth C. 54 teeth
B. 52 teeth D. 56 teeth

o 3. Circular pitch
1. Module  = ~
T A. 6.23 mm C. 8.37 mm
Dp  = Module  x T  =  5 (20)  =  100 mm  B. 7.85 mm D. 9.02 mm
4. Addendum distance
Dp  +D s A. 2.50 mm C. 3.5 mm
2. C = center distance B. 3.0 mm D. 4.0 mm
2 5. Clearance
150 = 102P~ A.0.125mm C. 0.425 mm
2 B. 0.250 mm D. 0.625 mm
Os = 200 mm 6. Dedendum distance
A. 2.33 mm C. 4.66 mm
3. Number of teeth of spur gear = 200/5 = 40 teeth B.3.125mm D. 5.99 mm
7. Whole depth
S pee d ra ti10 = No. of teeth of worm =-56 = 28 A. 2.38 mm C. 4.36 mm
No. of thread of worm 2
B. 3.02 mm D. 5.625 mm
1750 8. Working depth
NB = speed of shaft B = - -- = 62.5 rpm
28 A. 3 mm
Tc Nc = TBNB B. 4 mm 0.6 mm
(40) Nc = 20 (62.50) 9. Tooth thickness
Nc = 31.25 rpm A. 3.93 mm C. 5.38 mm
B. 4.34 mm D. 6.34 mm
4. Torque at shaft C = F x r = (500 x 9.81) (0.2/2) = 490.50 N-m 10. Space width
Power at shaft C = 2 IT TN = 2 IT (490.50/1000)(3125/60) A. 3 mm C. 5 mm
B. 4 mm 0.6 mm

l __
Situational Problems 313
312 SitllUl iorwl Problems
11. Outside diameter of the gear 6 Dedendum 1.25 _ ~ 0.123 in = 3.125 mm
A. 120 mm C 140 mm -DP-10.16
B.130mm D. 150 mm
12. Root diameter of pinion.
7. Whole Depth 2.25 =0.2214in= 5.625 mm
A. 28.75 mm C. 17.45 mm 10.16
B. 32.34 mm D. 38.75 mm
2 2
SOLUTION: 8 Working Depth DP = 10.16 = 0.197 in = 5 mm

1. C=----
Dp+D g Gear j
2 9. Tooth thickness 1.5708 _ 1.5708 == 0.1546 in = 3.93 mm
-Dr - 10.16
o, +D g
90,= .-.-..-
2 10. Space Width = Backlash + Tooth thickness
180 = Dp + Dg 0035 0.035 03 .
Bac klash = - - - . =: - - = 0.0 445 rn = 00875 mm
DP 10.16
o, N p = o, Ng Space width =: 0.0875 + 3.93 =: 4.02 mm
Np Dg
Ng o, 90mm 11. Outside diameter =: Pitch diameter + 2 (addendum)
OD p =: 45 + 2(2.5) =: 50 mm
o, = 3 o, OD g =: 135 + 2(2.5) =: 140 mm
Dp + 3D p = 180
Dp = 45 mm 12. Root diameter =: Pitch diameter - 2 (dedendum)
Dg = 3 (45) '= 135 mm
RD p =: 45 - 2(3.125) =: 38.75 mm
RD g =: 135 - 2(3.125) =: 128.75 mm
2. M==-
SITUATlONAL PROBLEM 29 (ME Board April 1986)
2.5 = 45
Tp A pulley is keyed to a 2 Y2 inches diameter shaft by a 5/8 x 7/16 in x 3 in flat key. The
shaft rotates at 50 rpm. The allowable shearing stress for the key is 22 ksi. The
Tp =: 18 teeth allowable compressive stress for the key, hub and shaft are 66 ksi, 59 ksi and 72 ksi,
2.5 = 135 respectively. Determine:
Tg =: 54 teeth 1. the torque that can be carried due to shearing stress of key.
A. 51,562.50 in-Ibs C. 71,562.50 in-Ibs
B. 61,562.50 in-Ibs D. 81,562.50 in-Ibs
TC D TC (45)
3. Pc = - - =--=7.85 mm 2. the torque that can be carried due to compressive stress of key.
T 18 A. 50,110.60 in-Ib C. 54,11060 in-Ib
From Faires, p. 362 B.52,110.60in-lb D.56,110.60rn-lb
3. the torque that can be carried by the shaft.
4. DP = diiarnetraIpitc
' h = -
- - = 10.16
M 2.5 A 57,495.10 in-Ibs C. 77,495.10 in-Ibs
B. 67,495.10 in-Ibs D. 87,49510 in-Ibs
Addendum -1 =.-~
1 = 00 . = 2.5 mm
. 984 In 4. the torque that can be carried by the hub.
DP 10.16
A 42,398.44 in-Ibs C. 46,398.44 in-Ibs
B. 44,398.44 in-Ibs D. 48,398.44 in-Ibs
5. Clearance 0.25 _ 0.25 = 0.0246 in = 0.625 mm 5. the maximum torque the pulley can safely deliver.
DP' 10 16 A. 42,398.44 in-lbs C. 46,398.44 in-Ibs
B. 44,398.44 in-Ibs D. 48,398.44 in-Ibs
314 Situational Problems Situa tiona[ Problems 315
36  mm.  The  coefficient of  friction  on  threads is  0.15.  The  friction  torque on  the  thrust 
bearing of the  motor is taken  as 20%  of  the  total  torque  input.  Determine: 
1.  For  shearing  of  key: 
F 1.  the  lead 
wL  A.  25  mm  C.  35  mm 
F B  30 mm  D.  40  mm
22000 =  - - - 2. the lead angle
, (5/8)(3) Hub
= 41,250 Ibs
= F (0/2) = 41,250 (2.5/2)
= 51,562.50 in-Ibs
I A. 10.23°
B. 12.46°
C. 14.34°
D. 16.23°
3. the torque required to turn the screw.
A. 4.23 kg-m C. 8.45 kg-m
B. 6.31 kg-m D. 10.23 kg-m
2. For compressive of key: 4. the total torque input
F A. 0.017327 KN-m C. 0.057327 KN-m
s, =-h-
B. 0.037327 KN-m D. 0.u7428 KN-m
-- L
2 5. the motor power required to operate the screw.
A. 1.239 kw C. 3.110 kw
66,000 = 7 1~ B. 2.239 kw D. 4.239 kw
- (3)
F = 43312.50 Ibs
T, = F. r = (43312.50)(2.5/2) = 54,110.60 in-Ib 1. v = NL
10 = 400 L
3. Assuming the shaft and key are of the same material. L = 0.025 m = 25 mm
For the shaft:
s, = 16 T
Lead 25
tan x = - - = - . - - = 0.221
It d It Om It (36)

22.000 = ~ 3.
x = 12.46°
Torque required to turn the screw, T,
It (2.5)3

T = 67,495.10 in-los I
T = W Om cos <jJ tan x + f]
2 l
cos <jJ - f tan x
4. Torque carried by the hub: For ACME thread: <jJ = 14.5°
T = 900\0.036) cos 14.5° (0.221) + 0.15] = 6.31 kg _ m
2 l
cos 14,50 - 0.15(0.221)
59,000 7 I 16 = 4. T = torque input = Ts + Te
- (3) T = Ts + 0.20T
T = 6.31 + 0.20 (6.31)
F = 38,718.75 Ibs
T = 7.572 kg-m x (0.00981) = 0.07428 KN-m
T = F . r = (38,718.75)(2.5/2) = 48,398.44 in-Ibs

5. The maximum value of torque that can be safely deliver is the smaller value.
5. Power = 2 rr TN = 2 rr (0.07428)(400/60)
Power = 3.11 kw
Therefore: Safe torque = 48,398.4 in-Ibs

SlTUATIONAL PROBLEM 30 (ME Board October 1986)

SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 31 (ME Board October 1987)
A double thread ACME thread screw driven by a motor at 400 rpm raises the
A gear having 60 teeth is being driven by a 12-tooth gear running at 800 rpm.
attached load of 900 kg at a speed of 10 m/min. The screw has a pitch diameter of
Determine the following:
316 SitzuLl iOTlll1 Problems
SitlLal iOTlul Problems 317 
1.  the  speed of  driven  gear. 
A.150rpm  C.170rpm  SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 32 (ME Board October 1987)
B.160rpm  D.180rpm  A disc clutch having an outside diameter of 32 cm and an inside diameter of 12.7 cm
2. The speed of driven gear if a 24-tooth idler IS placed between the driving and is connected to an engine that turns at 750 rpm. The coefficient of friction is 0.60
driven gear. while the pressure between the friction suriaces IS 2 kq/crn",
A.150rpm C.170rpm
B. 160 rpm D. 180 rpm 1. Force on the clutch pedal necessary to disengage the clutch disc from the engine
3. The speed of driven gear if two 24-tooth idler gears were placed between the using uniform pressure.
driving and driven gears. A. 1,155.14 kg C 1,355.14kg
A. 150 rpm C. 170 rpm B. 1,255.14 kg D 1,455.14 kg
B. 160 rpm D. 180 rpm 2. Mean friction radius
4. The direction of rotation of the driven gear when one idlers are used. A. 11.87 cm C. 13.87 cm
A. the same C. ahead B. 1287 cm D.14.87cm
B. opposite D. none of these 3. Clutch torque
5. The direction of rotation of the driven gear when two idlers are used. A 0.6467 KN-m B. 0.7467 KN-m C. 0.8467 KN-m D. 0.9467 KN-m
A. the same C. reverse 4. Power transmitted by the engine
B. opposite D. none of these A. 71.35 kw C. 73.35 kw
B 72.35 kw D. 74.35 kw

1. For uniform pressure:

1. T1 N 1 = T2N2 R = 32/2 = 16 cm
12 (800) = 60 (N 2) r = 12.7/2 = 6.35 cm
2 2)
N2 = 160 rpm F = P TT (R - r = 2 (TT) [(16)2 - (6.35)2] 1,355.14 kg

21 R - r3l
2. rt
3l R 2
_r 2

2. T, N, = T2N2 = T 3N3 rt 3-1 (16)3 - (6.35):l = 11.87 cm

12 (800) = 24 N 2 = 60 (N3) 3l (16)2 - (6.35)
N3 = 160 rpm
60 teeth 3. T torque
N:J T n f F rt = 1 (0.6) (1355.142) (11.87)
3. T1 N, = T2N2 = T3N3 = T4 N4 T 965132 kq-crn = 0.9467 KN-m
12 (800) = 24 N2 = 24 N 3 = 60 N4
N4 = 160 rpm 4. Power 2TTTN

Power 2 TT (0.9467)(750/60) 7435 kw

SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 33 (ME Board October 1987)

12 teeth
Driven Two short shafts having identical diameters of 38.1 mm and rotating at 400 rpm are
800 rpm
60 teeth connected by a flange coupling havtnq 4 bolts with a 100 mm bolt circle. The design
N:J shearing stress of the bolt is 12 Mpa and design compressive stress of the flange is
4. Refer to question 2 with one idler used:
15 Mpa.
The direction of driver is the same as driven gear.
1. What is the power transmitted by the short shaft?
5. Refer to question 3 with two idler used:
A.20.50kw C 26.50kw
The direction of driver is opposite as driven gear
B 24.50kw D.28.50kw
2. What is the torque transmitted by the shaft?
318 Siluat iOTiu/ Problems Situal ional Problems 319
A  0.032  KN­m  C.  0432 KN­m 
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 34 (ME Board April 1988)
B  0.232 KN­m  D.  0.632  KN­m 
Two shafts are connected by spur gears. The pitch radii of the gears A and Bare 207
3.  What diameter of  bolt  should  be  used? 
mm and 842 mm respectively, If shaft A makes 350 rpm and is subjected to twisting
A.  \4 in C. 3,4 in
moment of 236 N-m. Pressure angle is 14.5° What is:
B. Y2 in D. 1 in
4. How thick should the flange be in mrn?
1. Rpm of gear B.
A 7.07 mm C. 9.07 mm
A. 86 rpm C. 90 rpm
B. 5.07 mm D. 11.07 mm
B. 88 rpm D. 92 rpm
SOLUTION: 2. Torque in shaft B.
A 920 N-m C. 960 N-m
B. 940 N-m D. 980 N-m
1. For short shaft, from PSME Code
3. Separation load of two gears.
D3 N A. 294.82 N C. 298.82 N
38 B. 296.82 N D. 300.82 N
4. Total load on gears.
P = (38.1/254)3 (400) = 35.53 hp = 26.50 kw A 1166 N C.1188N
38 B.1177N D.1199N

2. p = 2rrTN SOLUTION:
2650 = 2 IT T (400/60)
T = 0632 KN-m 1. DA N A = DBNB
(842 x 2) (350) = (207 x 2) NB
3. T = F. r = F (DJ2) Dc = 100 mm NB = 86 rpm
0.632 = F (0.10/2)
F = 12.654 KN 2. T A = F1 . rA
F = 12,654 N 0.236 = F1 (0.207)
F1 = 1.140 KN = 1140 N
Fb = ~ = 12.654 = 3.163 KN
TB = F1 . rB
n 4 T B = 1140 (0.842) = 960 N-m
For shearing of bolt:
Ss =-~ 3. tan 8 = .2.. Fs
It d 2
tan 14.5° = ~
12000 = 3.163 1140
, It d 2 Fs = 294.82 N
d = 0.01832 m = 18.32 mm = 0.72 in 4. cos 8 = .5..
Use standard d = 3,4 in (19.05 mm) Fn
IE,f\ )1< ~ )1

4. For compressive of bolt: cos 14.5° = ~O 207 mm .:» ' - 842 mm

F Fn
Sc =~ F n = 1177 N
, (0.01905) t
t = 0.01107 m = 11.07 mm SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 35 (ME Board April 1988)
A rectangular key was used in a pulley connected to a line shaft with a power of 746
KW at a speed of 1200 rpm. If the shearing stress of the shaft and key are 30 Mpa
and 240 Mpa, respectively.
320 Si t u at i o n a! Problems Situational Problems 321 
1. What is the diameter of the shaft? SOLUTION:
A. 1860 mm C. 26.60 mm
B 21.60 mm D 2960 mm 1. P = 2rrTN
2. What is the length of the rectangular key if the width is one fourth that of the shaft 40 = 2 rr T (500/60)
diameter? T = 0.763 KN-m
A. 324 mm C. 524 mm
B. 4.24 mm D 624 mm T = F . r
0.763 = F (0.610/2)
SOLUTION: F = 2.505 KN = 2.505 N
1. p = 2rrTN 2. F1 - F2 = F = 2.505 KN = 2,505 N
746 = 2 rr T (1200/60)
T = 00593 KN-m
F 0.35(144 a x-"- )
16 T _J..=e f 8=e 180' =2410
S = ---- 3.
nd 3 F2

30,000 = ~ 6 (0. 05931 r F2 = - -1


nd 3 241
d = 0.0216 m = 21.60 mm F1 - - 1- - = 2.505
2. T = F. r F1 = 4.282 KN
0.059365 = F (0.0216/2)
F = 5497 KN S = F1
w = -~ = .2:
02 16 A
= 0.0054 m
4 4 2100 =_ 4 2 8 ~
S =_£...
w L
, b(0.006)
S b = 0.3398 m = 340 mm
240,000 = - - - -.. SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 37 (ME Board April 1989)
(0.0054) L A steel shaft transmits 40 hp at 1400 rpm. Considering allowable shearing stress
L = 0.00424 m = 4.24 mm based on pure torsion to be 5000 psi, find:

1. the shaft diameter of nearest commercial size.

SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 36 (ME Board April 1(88) A.11/4in C.27/16in
A pulley 610 mm in diameter transmits 40 kw at 500 rpm. The arc of contact between B. 1 7/16 in D. 1 3/4 in
the belt and pulley is 144 degrees, the coefficient of friction between belt and pulley is 2. the torsional deflection of the shaft in degrees per foot
0.35 and the safe working stress of the bel' is 2.1 Mpa. It is required to find: A. 0246 deg C. 0266 deg
B. 0.256 deg D. 0276 deg
1. The tangential force at the rim of the pulley in Newtons.
A. 2,405 N C. 2,605 N SOLUTION:
B. 2,505 N D. 2,705 N
2. The effective belt pull in Newton. 1. P = 2rrTN
A. 2,305 N C. 2,505 N 40 (33,000) = 2 rr T (1400)
B. 2,405 N D. 2,605 N T = 150 ft-Ibs = 1800 in-Ibs
3. The width of the belt used if its thickness is 6 mm. S _ ~6T_
A. 340 mm C. 360 mm s - TC d3
B. 250 mm D 370 mm
5000 = ] 6 (1800)
7( D"
;:):2:2  Sit u at iorlUl Problems Sit u a; ional Problems 323 
D  =  1.224 in  D + d  ==  OAO
Therefore  use  D =  1 7/16 in  =  1A375 in  (standard)  D  =  OAO ­ d  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Eqn.2 

2. e=~ Equate 1 and 2:

5.305 = 314[d(OA - d) - d
J G 2
628 d - 125.6 d + 5.305 = 0
L  =  1 ft = 12 in
4 4 125.6 ± J(=.125.6)2 - 4(628)(5:305)
J =~ = 1t (1A375) . = 0.4192 in4 d = -- = 0.139 m = 139 mm
32 32 2(628)
G = 12 x 10 for steel D = OA - 0.139 == 0.261 m = 261 mm
. D- d 261 - 139
Face Width = - - - = = 61 mm
8 = .. __1800 (12) 2 2
OA192 (12,000,000) = 0.00429 rad = 0246 deg
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 39 (ME Board October 1989)
With the present water interruptions prevailing in Metro Manila, you have been asked
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 38 (ME Board October 1989)
to design an upright cylindrical water tank 6 meter in diameter and 6 m high, vented,
A Pajero jeep wagon's engine develops 40 kw at 1200 rpm, with a single plate clutch
and to be filled completely with water.
with two pairs of friction surfaces transmitting the power. Consider the coefficient of
1. Determine the minimum thickness of the tank plate if the stress is limited to
friction to be 0.30 and mean diameter of disc to be 200 mm, determine
40 Mpa.
A. 2.20 mm C. 4AO mm
1. Axial force required to engage the clutch and transmit the power.
B. 3.30 mm D. 5.50 mm
A. 5.305 KN C. 5.505 KN
2. If the water tank had to be elevated 10 meters from its bottom and has to be filled
B. 5A05 KN D. 5.605 KN
up in 2 hours, determine the pump capacity needed to fill the tank and motor
2. Inside and outside diameter of the discs and the face width if the maximum
pressure is limited to 200 Kpa. power to drive the pump, if velocity and head loss is 5 meters. Consider pump
A. 61 mm efficiency of 70% and motor efficiency of 85%,
C. 65 mm
B. 63 mm A. 5. 16 kw C. 7. 16 kw
D. 67 mm
B. 6.16 kw D. 8.16 kw

1. P = 2ITTN 1. P == w h
40 = 2 IT T (1200/60) P = 9,81 (6) == 58.86 kpa
T = 0.31831 KN-m S = PD j
2 t
rj = 200/2 = 100 mm = 0.10 m 200mm ID
T = n f Fa rf
0.31831 = 2 (0.30) (F a)(0.1 0)
Fa = 5.305 KN
40000 = 58.86 (6)
, 2t
t = 0.0044 m = 4AO mm
1 0 m

2. Fa 2 IT Pmax r, (ro - r,) 2. r

Volume = IT h = TT (6/2)2 (6) == 169.646 m

Q == 169.646/2 == 84.646 m%r = 0.0235 m

5305 2 IT (200) ( -d I -
d ,'\ P = w Q h == 9.81 (0.0235) (10 + 6 + 5) == 4.854 kw
\2 2) 4.854
5.305 2) Input power == - - - - - = 8.16 kw
314 (Dd - d - . Eqn. 1 (0.70)(0.85)

Dj = !?+d SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 40 (ME Board June 1990)

2 A 48 in diameter diamond saw blade is mounted on a pulley driven steel shaft,
0.20 == d:+-~ requiring a blade perimeter linear speed of 150 ft/s. Motor drive is 125 hp at 1200
2 rpm, with 6 inches diameter pulley, Determine:
1. The shaft rpm to attain blade peripheral speed required .

324  Sit uat u nu i] ['rob/ems
A. 71220 rpm Situa! iOrl a I  I'robl ems 325
C. 716.20 rpm
B. 71420 rpm D 71820 rpm SITlJATIONAL PROBLEM 42 (ME Board June 1990)
2. The shaft diameter. A flange coupling has an outside diameter of 200 mm and connects two 40 mm
A. 2.10 in C. 230 in shafts. There are four 16 mm bolts on a 140 mm bolt circle. The radial flange
B. 2.20 in D. 2.40 in thickness is 20 mm. If the torsional stress in the shaft is not to exceed 26 Mpa,
3. The shaft pulley diameter. determine'
A. 5.053 in C 15.053 in 1. The power that can be transmitted at 600 rpm.
B. 10.053 in D 20.053 in A. 17.12 kw C. 24.23 kw
B. 20.53 kw D. 32.23 kw
1. V=nDN 2. The shearing stress in the bolts if uniformly distributed.
150 (60) = rr (48/12) Ns A. 1.29 Mpa C. 3.04 Mpa
Ns = 716.20 rpm 1200 rpm B. 2.34 Mpa D. 5.804 Mpa

2. For line shaft: 125bp~

3. The maximum shearing stress induced in the bolts.
3 A. 111.65 Mpa C. 115.65 Mpa

p=-- B. 113.65 Mpa D. 117.65 Mpa

125 = Q~716.20 4. The bearing pressure in the bolts.

53.5 11 I' t10 in A. 2.34 Mpa
B. 1.03 Mpa
C. 3.65 Mpa
D. 5.34 Mpa
D = 2.10 in
3. o, Nm = o, Ns , 1~20m
6 (1200) = D s (716.20) SOLUTION:

D, = 10.053 in


In the LRT II project, steel railroad rails of 10m long are to be installed. If lowest
temperature considered is 16°C, and a maximum temperature of 36°C is designed
for, assuming coefficient of thermal expansion of steel to be 11.6 x 10.6 rn/rn- °c and 200m De = 140 mm
modulus of elasticity of steel to be 207,000 Mpa,
1. Determine the clearance between rails such that the adjoining rail will just touched
at maximum design temperature
A. 1.23 mm C. 2.32 mm 1.
B. 1.56 mm D. 3.23 mm S = 16 T
2. Should the excessive high summer temperature of 40°C occur, determine the n D3
induced stress in the rails at that temperature.
A. 8.34 Mpa C. 10.56 Mpa 26.000 = 16 T
B. 9.605 Mpa D. 12.34 Mpa n (0040)3
T = 0.327 KN-m
SOLUTION: p = 2 rr TN = 2 rr (0.327) (600/60) = 2053 KW
y/2 y/2

.·Tl~ p
Torque = F. r = F (D, /2)

1. Clearance
y/2 +y'~
} lei mm 10 mm 10 mm
I 0.327 = F (0.140/2)
F = 4.67 KN
Clearance k L (t2 - t1) I c I F 4.67
6 Fb = force per bolt = - = ---- = 1.167 KN
Clearance 11.6 X 10. (10) (36 - 16)
n 4
Clearance 0.00232 m = 2.32 mm
Ss = . - - =
---- - = 5804 kpa = 5.804 Mpa
2 Stress = k E (b - t1)
6 n d2 rt (0.016)2
Stress = 11.6 x 10. (207,000) (40 - 36) = 9605 Mpa 4 4
Sit uat ional Probl ems 327
326 Situational Problems
A.  12.39%  C.  18.23%
3. The  maximum induced shearing  stress  in the  bolt  is caused by  the  direct  B.  14.39%  D.  16.29%
shear and  initial tension  due  to tightening.  From Vallance p.  134. 
F, = initial tension due to tightening = 16,000 d
Where d = diameter of bolt, in
1. S=~_F
F, = 16,000 (16/25.4) = 10,078.74Ibs = 44.84 KN A ~D 2
SI = tensile stress due to initial tension 4 r
SI = = 233,000 Kpa = 233 Mpa 6000 = ~20l
n (0.016)2 2' 0 2
4 4 r
1 ~2- 1 I 2 2 Dr = 2.53 in
Ssmax =-~St +4S s =-.y(223) +4(5.804) =111.65 Mpa
2 2 Therefore use Dr = 2.75 in (standard)

4. Bearing pressure or compressive stress in bolts:

S =~ 1167 =3.65 M a
edt (0.016) (0.020) P
1 .50,In
2. Pitch ___ ._ = - = 0
no. of thread per inch 2
A square single thread jackscrew has 2 threads per inch. It is to lift 15 tons. The Lead P = 050 in (for single thread)
friction radius of the collar is 1 inch. The coefficient of friction between the treads of Om = Dr + £'Itch = 2.75,. 0.50 = 30 in
the screw and base is 0.15, that between the screw and collar is 0.13. Determine: 2 2
1. The diameter of the root of the screw if the allowable stress in compression is
6,000 psi. tan x = Lead. = 0 )0 = 0.053
A. 0.45 in C. 2.75 in
n Om n (3)
B. 1.50 in D. 3.85 in
Ts W Om tan_~ lJ = I r_~?53 ~ l
2 l1-ftanx 2 l1- 0.15(0.053)J
2. The torque required to turn the screw.
A. 6826.45 in-lbs C. 8734.57 in-Ibs T s = 9,210.60 in-Ibs
B. 7834.40 in-Ibs D. 9,210.60 in-Ibs

3. The pull required at the end of a 5 ft bar raises the load. 3. Te = fe W rc = 0.13 (30,000)(1) = 3,900 in-Ibs
A. 218.51 Ibs C. 265.301bs T = total torque = Ts + T, = 9,210.60 + 3,900
B. 245.231bs D. 287.451bs T = 13,110.60 in-lbs
T = F x Length of arm
4. The twisting moment exerted at the root of the threads. 13,110.60 = P (5x12)
A. 9,210.60 m-lbs C. 9304.56 in-lbs P = 218.51 Ibs
B. 9563.40 in-Ibs D. 9873.45 in-Ibs
4. Twisting moment or torque at the root of the threads
5. The power output of the screw if it is turning at 60 rpm. T, = 9,210.60 in-lbs
A. 1.87 hp C. 3.04 hp
B. 4.20 hp D. 2.27 hp 5. V = L N = (0.5/12) (60) = 2.5 ft/min
Po = _W V = ~?.90)(25 = 2.2727 h
6. The power input of the screw. 33,000 33,000 P
A. 10.28 hp C. 14.93 hp
B. 12.46 hp D. 16.93 hp
~.TN = 2n(218.15x5)(60) _ 12.46 h
6. P,
33,000 33,000 P
7. The efficiency of the screw and collar.
328 SituatioTlul Problems Situutiona[ Problems 329
663,595.37  =  -n ~ 2n (0.175)
e =  PPo -__~27 12.46
=c  18.23%
F = 1633.36 KN
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 44 (ME Board October 1991)
A 1200 mm cast iron pulley is fastened to a 112.50 mm shaft by means of a 28.13 3. Therefore, the safe force to operate the key is 997.59 KN (minimum force)
mm square key 175 mm long. The key and shaft are SAE 1030 steel annealed with T = F. r = 997.59 (0.1125/2) = 56.1144 KN-m
allowable shearing of key of 29.400 psi and compressive of 6765.3 kg/cm 2 . P = 2rrTN = 2rr(56.114)(600/60) = 3525.77KW
1. Force required to shear the key
A. 997.59 KN C. 756.03 KN 4. T=T'
B. 873.45 KN D. 652.34 KN F.r = F.R
997.59 (112.5/2) = F (1200/2)
2. Force needed to compress the key. F = 93.52 KN
A. 1431.93 KN C. 1633.36 KN
B. 1596.24 KN D. 1763.48 KN 5. T=T'
F.r = F.R
3. Safe power of the shaft at 600 rpm. 1633.36(112.5/2) = F(1200/2)
A. 2083.54 'r<:VV C. 4823.49 'r<:VV F = 153.13 KN
B. 3525.77 'r<:VV D. 5623.74 KW

4. What force acting at the pulley rim will shear this key? SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 45 (ME Board October 1992)
A. 93.52 KN C. 75.23 KN A 76 mm bearing using oil with an absolute Viscosity of 0.70 poise running at 500 rpm
B. 85.27 KN D. 64.23 KN gives satisfactory operation with a bearing pressure of 14 kg/cm The bearing
clearance is 0.127 mm.
5. What force acting at the pulley rim will crush the key? 1. Determine the unit pressure at which the bearing should operate if the speed is
A. 143.37 KN C. 165.39 KN changed to 600 rpm.
2 2
B.153.13KN D.173.29KN A. 168 kg/cm C 20.30 kg/cm
2 2
B. 18.30 kg/cm D. 22.04 kg/cm
SOLUTION: -- ---.. 2. If the bearing is given a total clearance of 0076 mm, what change should be made
in the oil?
1. For shearing of key: A. 0.176 poise C 0.364 poise
F B. 0.251 poise D. 0.472 poise
Ss=' - r = 112.5 mm

1. The bearing characteristic number (Sommerfield number) will be equated for

both conditions.
_ u n, ( 01
S, = 29,400 (101.325/14.7) = 202,650 kpa - p'lcdj
F When speed is changed to 600 rpm:
202,650=- -
(0.02813)(0.175) S1 = S2
2 2
F = 997.59 KN
~0.7)(591 1 _ (0.7)6~ 76. 1

2. For compressive stress of key:

14 0.127 ) - P2 l. j
F P2 = 16.8 kg/cm
S C =--
L 2 When the total clearance is changed to 0.076:
Sc = 67653 (101.325/1.033) = 663,595.37 Kpa
330  Sit u a t i onri! Problems Sit uci! ional Problems 331 
S1  = S2 
1.  How  much  energy does the  wheel  loss?
iQ2~l( (' - 76_ J2 = ~2)°l
r _?6 - j'
'2 A. 120,763 N-m C. 130,458 N-m
14 0,127 B.125,159N-m D.145,609N-m
16,8 0,076
1J2 = 0251 poise
2. What moment opposes the motion of the flywheel?
A. 65.34 N-m C. 75.45 N-m
B. 7034 N-m D. 81.63 N-m
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 46 (ME Board October 1992)
A Mitsubishi car transmission has two spur gears in mesh having a velocity ratio of SOLUTION:
1.4. The number of teeth in the driven gear is 36 and the diametral pitch of 3.
1. Determine the number of teeth in the driver.
A. 22 teeth C. 30 teeth
B. 26 teeth D. 34 teeth

2. Determine the distance between centers.

A. 6.23 in C. 10.34 in
B. 8.30 in D. 12.09 In

3. What is the circular pitch?

A. 0.456 in C. 128 in Journal
B. 0.847 in D. 1.047 in Bearing

1. From Faires, p. 535
1. T 1 N 1 = T2 N2 T2 = 36 teeth m k2 2 2
,'I,KE = - - (W1 w2)

T2 =T{~ j 2
where: m = 910 kg
k radius of gyration = 1524 mm = 1.524 m
36 = T 1 (1.4) Driven 120 (2rr)
T 1 = 25.7 say 26 teeth Driver W1 = ------.-- = 4 rr rad
T T 60 (2rr)
2. DP =-- or 0 = ~
w1 =---=2rr rad
o 60
DP c
26 .
= - = 8.67 In 6.KE = 91 0 (1~524 )2 [( 4rr)2 _ (2rr)2]= 125,159 N _ m
36 .
02 = - = 12
In 2. Opposing moment = Tangential force x Radius = (f W) r
910 (0.06) (0.3048/2)
C = center distance
= 8.321 kg-m = 81.63 N-m
C = ~ + O2 = 8.67 + 12 = 1034 in
2 2
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 48 (ME Board April 1993)
rr 0 _ rr (1 2) = 1.047 in A 2 Y2 in (8.9 cm) diameter shaft is driven at 3600 rpm by a 400 Hp (298.3 KW)
3. Pc = T - 36 motor. The shaft drives a 48 in. (121.9 ern) diameter chain sprocket having an output
efficiency of 85%. Determine:
SITUATIONAL PROBLEM 47 (ME Board October 1992) 1. Torque in the shaft.
A. 7,003 in-Ibs C. 7,563 in-Ibs
A flywheel weighing 910 kg has a radius of gyration of 1524 mm. The shaft journals
B 7,197 in-Ibs D. 8,408In-lbs
are 304.8 mm in diameter and have a coefficient of friction of 006 After the wheel
2. The output force on the sprocket.
reaches 120 rpm, the driving force is withdrawn and the wheel slows to 60 rpm.
A, 291.79 Ibs C. 327.451bs
332 SUuol iOT!ul Problems
B.  302.301bs  D.  367.451bs 
3.  The  power  delivered by the  sprocket.  ALCORCO~
A. 320  hp  C.  340  hp  ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER
B.  330 hp  D.  350 hp 
1. P=2nTN
400 (33,000) = 2 rr T (3600) PASSERS
T = 583.57 ft-Ibs = 7,003 in-Ibs
Alcorcon Engineering Review Center maintains high percentage
2. Torque = F. r passing performance for the past 5 years.
7003 = F. (48/2)
F = 291.79 Ibs

3. Power delivered = 400 x 0.85 = 340 hp

October,1999 ME Board Examination
National Passing: 51% Alcorcon Passing: 84%

8{Jril, 2000 ME Board Examination

FIRST PLACE - Engr. Jefferson S. Talledo (MSU-IIT)
National Passing: 48% Alcorcon Passing: 80%

October, 2000 ME Board Examination

National Passing: 47% Alcorcon Passing: 74%

8{Jril, 2001 ME Board Examination

11 TH PLACE Engr. Florante Go (UC)
14TH PLACE Engr. Gilbert Zamayla (XU)
IS THpLACE Engr. Jefferson Amahan (UC)

October, 2001 ME Board Examination

5th - Place Engr. Joe Rey N. Dumandan (CIT)
10th - Place - Engr. Clyde S. Igot (XU)

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