How To Explain Probation

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The HR module can help your company streamline and integrate existing business processes
in the HR department. The HR module is very complete to support your needs, we have 5 sub
modules that are commonly used. We can manage from compiling an organizational
structure, storing employee personal data, calculating working time and employee salaries,
and managing employee travel business. So you no longer need to calculate manually in

You can indeed choose only one module to be implemented, but it will be detrimental to you,
because if you only implement the OM and PA modules, for example, the basic om and PA
modules will be used for the time and payroll modules. So it's less effective not to use these
5 sub modules

I do not recommend SAP if your company is still small. Because the HR module is very complex.
Your company must be prepared in terms of costs, systems, procedures, and people.

1. Business Process

Here I will explain the Trimitrasis Business Process.

a. The process is started by the Marketing Department looking for potential customers
through webinars/events
b. Next, BDR receives a list of potential customers and filters which potential customers
have the opportunity to collaborate with TMS
c. Account Executives and Presales send proposals to prospective customers. Here Account
Executives and Presales are responsible until the closing stage.
d. Then, the Financial and Legal Department will make a cooperation contract to the
e. Consultant team will be assigned to start the project
f. In parallel, when the consultant team has started the project, the marketing department
will help run the kick off meeting, the Financial and Legal departments will monitor PO,
Cash Flow, BAST. HR department will fulfill the required administrative resources and
g. The next process the consultant team will continue their work until the Go Live and
Support process.

Disini saya akan menjelaskan Business Proses Trimitrasis.

a. Proses dimulai oleh Departement Marketing yang mencari calon konsumen melalui
b. Selanjutnya, BDR menerima list calon customer dan memfilter mana calon customer
yang berpeluang melakukan kerjasama dengan TMS
c. Account Executive and Presales mengirimkan proposal kepada calon customer. Disini
Account Executive dan Presales bertanggung jawab sampai tahap closing.
d. Kemudian, Departemen Financial dan Legal akan membuat kontrak kerjasama kepda
e. Tim Konsultan akan ditugaskan untuk memulai project
f. Selanjutnya secara paralel, ketika tim konsultan telah memulai project, Departemen
marketing akan membantu jalannya kick off meeting, departemen Financial dan Legal
memonitoring PO, Cash Flow, BAST. Departemen HR akan memenuhi sumber daya dan
dokumen administartive yang dibutuhkan
g. Proses selanjutnya tim konsultan akan melanjutkan tugasnya sampai proses Go Live dan
2. There are some work that I haven't finished yet

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