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Section 1
1.1 General
This manual provides1he inform叩"'neo蕊S可for 1he lnslallallon, Pressure re忒泗s andbackleaktimes are displayed油沮ronicall y:
叩ra11on 叩d mam1enance ol lhe H訊ndge Tesl函固3 區tplans can be pr叩rammed and stored, and區I results printed
The Testmaster 3 ls a的eumalically叩e<aledI區I unil for p成,se The no221e fuel spray ,s capCured in an nluminated spray cham區
analysis of in1ec1or noz血pertonmance before a叩函er recondilto面` wh1Ch IS ev記oa1ed by a11.
1he operator ,s able 10 accurately measure 叨d set fuel pressu1e m
`如lo四rt01m1,訕11onal ,njeclo, 1es1S (0-700區r) In add油加, 1he
pneumal心1ny dn,en叩叩al心s a conltnuous fuel pressure lo be
maon1a囧!d enabling eas,er 1es11Jlg a,,d di句函is of more c叩!piex

Section 2
Nole: Oonot 「的10ve1he plugfr磾 the fuel outtet (7) uni�the fuel 2.4 Air Supp ly
lank has been OIied, 認 desc,,bed in seciJOO 2 5
Un也ew lhe l汛w,cato, bowl Fill the bowl lo the maximum傭le汨呻a
2.1 General Specification/Requirements 函eral pu中se讜rflneoll(e g .• S<lkoleoe S.lkairVG22. OIS1而lar)and
面I lhe bowlDo nol OV画n
We,ghl-Nelt 22kg
E1ectnc,1y Supply 100-240Va.c. 47-63Hz Connect a compr蕊認d airSt」叩ly 3 to 6 bar IO the connccto, (17)al the
rear Secure with a hose dip Ensure Ihat awaler trap is filled 10 the
All Supply 3-6七r
Exuooion Rate 0.057 -0.142 m1/str
「estOII 1S04113 (SAE J9670) 2.5 Fuel System
Osl Ca四City 3ht res 2.5.1 Approved Test Oil
2.2 Mounting Cahbrall()n lluid to 1$04 t13 s俘ciflcallon 叩Sl be used (SAE
吲uivalenl J9670) The llu,d vi 埡s,ty ,s to be betw蜘 245迢2.75
Tt,e汛此SU油ace should be strong and rigid 的 ough 10 support lhe
面ghl nod operallon ol the Testmaster 3 and have sutfio的t area to
`如easy叩函lion and mainienance e.g Shell-Serre'Non面lluld'
Shell 4379
Mounttng Mies are pcov,函and lhe machine shoold be secured
加ooqb the呤 us,ng su,tallle scs邸邙,olts (1ele< to丙1) Castro!Di缸el Catlbrallon 01141 IJ
Dalton Silk豳e 2323
2.3 Electrical Installation ShcU 1996
The 洄k aieawinng muS1 com的wilh lhe current f記囧y, IEE or local
CAUTtON·Do nol u蕊 �el fuel (gazole) or used區illuid
哂ulat,oos Tho Testmaster ,s su叩led Wl1h a 12Vd c 1ranslorme,
wh,ch ,s1n區回to the ma,ns plug and requ 呤s a single pl,ase四,ns 2.5.2 Filling the Reservoir
supply ol 100 240Va.c. 47 -63 liz Ensure thal the dra,n pl四(4) IS 蕊畑ely filled Remove lhe lid (19)
Foll the re紉r,011 up 10 the level bar (21) and呣above ot. The ca四city
2.3.1 Spray Chamber Lamp
is a叨oximalely 3 hires
The bu1b for lhe spr.,y cham坪tamp (8) Is not filled lo the main uni!
when supplied To ht the bulb, remove lhe r畸r panel from 1he CAUTION: 函e mustoetaken whenfilhng1nereservoir. Clear all
machine and insen the加lb firmly into the holder Refit the rear co汨 sp,llages lh010呣hly Do not overfiR
CAUTION: Before renK>ving the rea, panel, ensure lhal the eleclncal 氐place lhe lid (19) ood remove the plug ficm lhe區I OU睏(7)
and lhe air su叩ly ace ,solaled
2.5.3 Spray Chamber Extraction
2.3.2 Connechon Connecl lhe spray chambet ouilel ( 13) via ducbng10 a su,1able
Se底I !he app(OJ)(函e plug 忒叩tor for the focal sockel confi!JUratoon cxlcmal e,I 成t,on sysletn
and as認mble the ma,n plug (simple push fil) Coo鴴CIIOI區m師5 Refet 10 lhe l-fealil1 Warnings al 1he froni of this manual
咄汜11,:al sod<el ai1d plug 1he jack plug 1n10 1he socke頃the rear of Ille

4 (@) HL010

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