Explain and Justify The Need. Simon Cuadros Figueredo

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Why do you think it is relevant and important to create a learning toy that allow kids
to learn and acquire specific skills? Which would be the specific need to be fulfilled
with this project? Who might be the specific client/target audience?
Please explain and justify your answer in a 6 line paragraph.

I think it is relevant to create a learning toy for kids that would help them aquire skills and
learn, this because their brains are very more likely to remember things if they do it while
being happy or enjoying the moment, so a toy is perfect to entertain a kid, but also make
them happy, so is a great mean to teach a kid. The specific need to be fulfilled in this project
would be to improve the fine motor skills, this because I believe this are some very important
skills for life use and some kids are born with difficulties or low levels of fine motor skills, so
the purpose of this toy would be to improve their small muscles movement of the hand. My
target audience are kids between the ages of 2 to 6 years old, this because between this
ages is the moment where skills are best improved thanks to the development of the brain,
muscles, tissues and bones, so this way the product would have more effectivity, but it could
also be used by older kids.

3. Write down a list , from the most to the least important people involved in the

1. Client (kid)
2. Parents of the client (kid)
3. Myself
4. Doctors (for information about the fine motor skills)
5. Authors of articles about toys and/or fine motor skills

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