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“Jinnah is a historic personality which takes birth once in a century”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the brightest star in the history of Pakistan. He had a multidimensional
personality and his achievements in different fields were numerous. He was a great lawyer, a
distinguished politician, a resolute freedom-fighter, a dynamic Muslim leader and above all the founder
of Pakistan. Thus he is revered as Quaid-e-Azam and Baba-e-Qaum.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the first child born to Mithibai and Jinnahbhai Poonja in Wazir Mansion
Karachi on December 25, 1876. The Wazir Mansion has been rebuilt into a national museum owing to
the fact that the founder of the nation was born within its walls. Jinnah's birth name was Muhammad Ali
Jinnahbhai. His birthday is observed as a national holiday.

Jinnah got his early education from Sindh-Madrasa-tul-Islam in Karachi. He passed his matriculation
examination from Christian Missionary Society High School Karachi. After his matriculation, he was sent
to England for higher studies. He distinguished himself over there as a keen and upright student. He
qualified from Lincoln's Inn as a brilliant barrister.

On his return to India he started law-practice in Karachi and afterwardsmoved to Bombay. Then he
joined the Indian National Congress in 1906. He was an ardent supporter of the Hindu-Muslim unity. But
the narrow vision of certain communal leaders disappointed him. Thus he joined the Muslim League in

In 1916, Jinnah became the president of the Muslim League. He worked hard for a separate homeland
for the Muslims. The odds were against him. The Hindus, the British and a section of the Muslims were
hostile to him. But he grappled with every problem. August 14, 1947 was the day of his triumph.
Pakistan appeared on the map of the world.

Flowers must die before thorns otherwise they would not be flowers. Jinnah took oath of office as the
first Governor General of Pakistan. However, his health had been breaking down under a heavy pressure
of work. He died in harness in Karachi on September 11, 1948. Lord Pethick Lawrence, the former
secretary of State of India, rightly said,

"Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan."

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