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The Literature
I. The Principles of Literature Review (Uy, et al., 2017)
The purpose of the literature review is to give a general idea of what is known about the topic. It also tests
the strengths of the evidences pertaining to the topic and it gives more weight and credibility. Normally,
the review of literature contains a summary, a synthesis, or an analysis of the main avowals in the existing
literature. The literature may come from journal articles, books, reports, and even working papers.The
rule of thumb is; it is better to get literature from scholarly sources. If the literature came from a theory,
it should have been written in the last 10 years. However, in practice, it is better if the literatures are
written in the past five (5) years. There is no known rule regarding how much literature a researcher needs
but most research advisers would suggest acquiring five (5) foreign literatures and five (5) local
literatures. As such, these literatures should be relevant to the study. It does not necessarily mean that the
literatures should agree with each other, as mentioned, the literatures should only give an overview of the
topic and make the topic worth studying.

II. Organizing, Synthesizing, and Citing Related Literature

Since there are no known rules regarding how many literatures are needed for a research, having
numerous literature could lead to replication of work and wastage of time. In order to address this
dilemma, researchers usually employ the use of a summary table. A summary table lists and sorts out the
literature gathered by a researcher. A summary table should contain eight (8) columns:

First column – contains the title of the book/journal, volume, issue number, and page number.
Second column – title of the article
Third column – name of the author or researcher
Fourth column – objectives of the paper
Fifth column – variables used in the study
Sixth column – locus or place of the study
Seventh column – method used in the study
Eight column – conclusions of the study


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Table 1. A Summary Table from the book Practical Research 2 by Uy, Cabauatan, De Castro, Grajo (2016)

Having a summary table makes literature gathering an ease. In synthesizing the literatures, on the other
hand, we compare the findings of the literature, the variables employed and the methods used, and the

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III. Ethical Standards in Creating the Review of Related Literature

The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines or Republic Act 8293 specifically Part IV, Chapter 1, Section
171.7 is mandated to protect original works of performers, writers, artists, and other professionals from being
illegally replicated. It is illegal to copy works without giving due credit to the original author. This law anchors
itself to ethics and all researchers must observe proper conduct (Chan Robles and Associates Law Firm, n.d.).
Citation, allows readers to know your original work from the study of others. In a way, you as a researcher,
acknowledge and give respect to the original author of your chosen literature.

Plagiarism is one of the most common intellectual fraudulence in the realm of research. There are several types
of plagiarism and in this handout; we will discuss a few common types researchers often stumble to.

Cut and Paste Plagiarism

A type of plagiarism where the researcher copies texts form a source word-per-word. One of the extreme cases
of this type of plagiarism is when the researcher copies a passage or a whole document and attributes himself
as the original author. If an author wishes to lift a text from a source, he or she must see to it that the original
author is credited. The text should be enclosed in a quotation mark (“”). According to Clamor- Torneo and
Torneo (2017), if the lifted text is a paragraph long, the researcher should indicate that the passage is an excerpt
by separating the entire paragraph and enclosing it in quotation marks or indenting it by half-inch on each side.
He or she must also indicate who the author of that particular passage was. For example:

“Here the issues are a little more basic. The petitioners are not raising Sereno’s lack of judicial
experience or the absence of any evidence of legal scholarship. Petitioners are merely pointing to the
absence of key administrative requirements necessary for Sereno’s appointment as a magistrate. If the
Court rules in favor of the petitioners, Sereno’s appointment to the tribunal will be deemed void from
the onset.” (Magno, 2018, p. A6)

In the passage above, a newspaper article was lifted and used by the writer. It was enclosed in a quotation and
proper acknowledgment was given. The original author as well as his article should be included in the reference

Mosaic Plagiarism
Mosaic plagiarism is a type of intellectual dishonesty that involves the copying of texts and altering a few words
but still maintains the correct sentence or paragraph structure. It could still be classified as plagiarism even if
the author/s are credited and cited. It reflects the weak paraphrasing ability of the researcher. Some researchers,
in order to avoid this kind of plagiarism, would first read the material and then try to re-tell the passage on his
or her own understanding. This would result in a significantly different writing than that of the original but still
contain the same idea. The responsible researcher would then credit the original author.

Misattribution Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism happens when an excerpt or a literature material is used citing a different author or an
erroneous source. There are two (2) type of misattribution plagiarism:
a. Accidental – this happens when there is careless or poor documentation on the part of the researcher.
b. Intentional – happens when the researcher is trying to hide something or is, most of the time, pressed
for time.

In order to avoid this type of plagiarism, the researcher must always check his or her summary table.

Plagiarism is theft. Theft is a criminal offense by any standards, norms, laws and mores. However, there are
remedies in order for us not to fall prey of committing plagiarism. One of the solution is properly citing our
sources in the reference section or bibliography of our study. Normally here in the Philippines, we use the APA
citation style. APA stands for American Psychological Association. It was first published in 1929 as a group of

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selected by-laws done by scholars whose mastery is in academic writing (Clamor-Torneo & Torneo, 2017). In
using the APA format in in-text citations, the author’s surname followed by the year the article was published
should be indicated. For example: (Espiritu, 2016). However, if there are multiple authors, all their surnames
must be first mentioned in the citation. For example: (Espiritu, James, Irvin, Harden, Korver, 2017). Subsequent
citations from the same authors need only one name from the group followed by the term et al. Et al means
others in Latin. For example: (Espiritu, et al., 2017)

It is also acceptable to mention the name of the authors in the text and only enclosing the year the article was
published. For example:

“According to Espiritu, James, Irvin, Harden, and Korver’s study entitled: The Psychological
Impact of Ankle Breakers to Opposing Team’s Overall Team game (2017), ankle breakers could alter
and lower the morale of an opposing team. This is due primarily from embarrassment and humiliation
since professional basketball games are publicly broadcasted on national television.”

We must also understand that there are ways of citing different sources using the APA. But the advent of
technology made it simpler for researchers to properly cite their sources. The Microsoft Word application has a
built-in feature for citation. Books, journal articles and even videos can be cited using this feature. Also, there
are websites that teaches proper citation in APA on different types of sources.

*See 03 Supplementary Material 1 on how to use the MS Word citation feature.

IV. Formulating the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

One thing that sets social and scientific research apart from other types is that it relies heavily on the use of
theory. Theory is used as a foundation for formulating research questions, hypothesis, and the procedure on how
to collect data. In this section, we will differentiate theoretical framework to conceptual framework.

Theoretical Framework versus Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework acts a lens to guide the researchers in identifying the variables and the relationships
they have. Theories formulated can be found in this section. Also, this part links the theory, the conceptual
definitions, terms adopted in the study, and the relevant literature the researcher has gathered (Uy, et al., 2017).
The theoretical framework explains the theories in such a way that it will be more understandable on the part of
the reader and it lets them know the and understand evidenced-based facts (Baraceros, 2016. On the other hand,
conceptual framework enables the readers of the research to see the basic form of the study. It differs slightly
to theoretical framework because it solely relies on a single theory. It is commonly used when there is no theory
that fits or sufficiently explains the matter being studied. Conceptual frameworks are often made by the
researcher or is adopted by the researcher from other studies. It can be developed by knowing the key concepts
and try to logically explain an occurrence or phenomena (Clamor-Torneo & Torneo, 2017).

Ways of Presenting a Theoretical of Conceptual Framework

There are a few ways on how to present a theoretical or conceptual framework. Below are some of the common
ways in writing a framework:

1. Diagram – Diagrams provide visuals, which show interconnections and relationships between variables
and the different elements of a study. If the study deals with causal relationships and models involving
several variables. It helps the readers see a clear picture of how these relationships intertwine.

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Social and
Divorce Economic


Figure 1. The diagram depicts the relationship of four (4) variables in enacting a divorce law. Politicians may consider
these variables before formulating a mandate pertaining to such a sensitive issue.

2. Narrative – In a narrative type of writing a conceptual or theoretical framework, usually the researcher
summarizes the assumptions of a study, which is anchored in a theory, or sets of theory. This type of
writing is used when there is a direct relationship between variables.

The assumption of minute entities could alter the course of a much bigger ones relies on the
Chaos Theory which stresses that unexpected things could alter other factors somewhere else.
Also, basing the assumptions from an American mathematician Edward Norton Larenz and
Mary Cartwright’s theory of Butterfly Effect which they made a study entitled “Deterministic
Non-periodic Flow” (1963), this study, examining the effects of minute objects, hypothesizing
that small objects and their properties could alter factors someplace else. As the butterfly theory
suggests: a butterfly flapping its wings in Nevada could cause a tornado in Wichita, Kansas.

3. Sets of Propositions – In this type of research framework, researchers present their framework via
interconnected hypotheses.

Hypothesis: The enactment of a divorce decree in the Philippines will:
1. Positively give protection to the aggrieved spouse.
2. Positively decrease the incidents of violence against women and children.
3. Positively help people with lower economic status and has an already failing marriage to
dissolve their marital relationship legally without the burden of paying heavy court and lawyer
4. Positively prove that the provision in the Philippine constitution, specifically Article II, Section
6, the separation of church and state, stands ground.

Baraceros, E. (2016). Practical research 2. Manila: Rex Bookstore Inc.
Chan Robles and Associates Law Firm. (n.d.). Intellectual property code of the Philippines. Retrieved March
12, 2018, from
Clamor-Torneo, H. & Torneo, A. (2017). Practical research 2. Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House Inc.
Magno, A. (2018, March 13). Resign. The Philippine star, pp. A6.
Uy, C., Cabauatan, R., De Castro, B., & Grajo, J. (2016). Practical research 2. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.

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