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Book 8 - INDEX

Unit Grammar Vocabulary Expressions

UNIT 1 Present Simple: to be Nice to meet you, How are you today?
NICE TO MEET YOU and can Welcome, See you later, I'm ne, thanks
Af rmative sentences Friend, School, Who's that?
Wh- and Yes Classroom, Classmates, This is my friend
No questions and Window, Door, His / Her name is
answers Whiteboard, Table, Nice to meet you
Possessive adjectives Chair, Computer, See you later
Personal pronouns Posters, Cell phone See you tomorrow
Demonstrative pronouns Who's this?
This is my friend
Welcome to the
How do you spell your
rst / last name, please?
How old are you?
I'm (age)
What's your phone
It's (phone number)
See you later / tomorrow
Personal pronouns
Possessive adjectives
This / That is
These are / Those are | ©
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Expressions
UNIT 2 Present Simple: to be January, February, The months of the year
MY YEARLY PLANNER There is / are March, April, May, June, are (name of the months)
Wh- and Yes July, August, September, What month is after
No questions and October, November, before (name of the
answers December, month)?
I'm wearing: Summer, Winter, Fall, How many days are
Present continuous Spring, there in a week / month
af rmative form Ordinal numbers year?
There are (number) in a
week / month / year
When is your birthday?
My birthday is in / on
My mom's birthday is
in / on (date)
There are four seasons
in a year
In (month of the year),
what season are we in?
We're in (season of the
When does (season of the
year) start in our country?
In (months of the year)
In winter / summer
spring / fall it is (weather)
In is winter I wear
In the (season of the
year) I can (action) | ©
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Expressions

UNIT 3 Present Simple: to be Vet, Fire ghter, What do you want to be?
I want to be a (af rmative, negative Teacher, Student, I want to be a / an (job)
and interrogative Dentist, Police of cer, Who is she?
sentences) Postman, Singer, She's my (family member)
Her name is She´s a
Full and contracted Doctor, Driver, Cook,
an (job)
forms, all persons Secretary, Hairstylist, Who is he?
Yes / No questions Waiter, Nurse, He's my (family member)
and answers Housewife, Farmer, His name is
Verb work: rst, Engineer He's a / an (job)
second and third She / He is a / an (job)
person singular She / He works in a
af rmative and (place of work)
interrogative form Do you work in a
(place of work)?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
I wear a uniform / a white
coat / my own clothes
I work inside / outside.
I want to work with people
animals / computers
Are you a (job)? Yes, I am
No, I'm not
Is she / he a (job)?
Yes, she / he is
He / She isn't
She / He is a (correct job)
Are they / we (jobs)?
Yes, they / we are
They / We aren't. They
We are (correct jobs plural)
UNIT 4 Present Simple: actions Get up, Have breakfast What time is it? It's (time)
WHAT TIME IS IT? ( rst and third person lunch / tea / dinner, What time do you (action)?
singular) Do homework / Go to I (action) at (time)
Af rmative and school / Go to bed / What do you do every day?
interrogative sentences Take a shower I (action)
Wh- questions Play with the friends In the morning / afternoon
Prepositions of time The Time evening / At night
I have classes from (time)
to (time)
I do my homework around
Do you (action) late early?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
He goes to school at (time)
He has lunch at (time) | ©
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Expressions
UNIT 5 Present Simple of the Cycling, Volleyball, What sports do you like?
SPORTS ARE SO FUN verbs: play / go Basketball, Tennis, Judo, I like (sports)
do af rmative sentences Swimming, Soccer, I / They / We / You
rst and third person Skateboarding, I - play / do / go (sport)
singular Kickboxing, Rugby, She / He / It - plays / does
Abilities: Verb can Jogging, Baseball, goes (sport)
Talking about frequency Gymnastics, Skiing, What can you do?
Ping pong, Ballet I can (sports)
What can't you do?
I can't (sport)
I / She / He can (sport),
but I / She / He can't
Can she / he (sport)?
Yes, she / he can
No, she / he can't
Can you (sport)?
Yes, I can / No, I can't
How often do you (sport)?
I (sport) once / twice
three times a day / week
month / year
How often does she /
he (sport)?
She / He (sport) once
twice / three times a day
week / month / year
Do you like sports?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Does she / he like sports?
Yes, she / he does
No, she / he doesn't
UNIT 6 Present Simple: like Hot dogs, Burgers, I'm hungry / I'm thirsty
YUMMY, DELICIOUS! want. Af rmative, Cheeseburgers, Can I help you? / I want a
negative and Mexican tacos, Salad, (food / drink), please
interrogative forms. Soup, Nuggets, Pizza, Anything else?
All persons French fries, Onion rings, Yes, (food / drink), please
Wh- questions Milkshakes, Juice, Soda, Do you want dessert?
Water, Lemonade, No, thanks / Yes, please
Ice cream, Cupcakes, How much is it / are they?
Cookies It's / They're (price)
Here you are / Thanks
Do you like ice cream?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
Does she / he like soda?
Yes, she / he does
No, she / he doesn't
She / He likes (food/drink),
but she / he doesn't like
I like (food/drink),
but I don't like (food/drink)
Fast food is not good
for your health | ©
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Expressions
UNIT 7 Present Simple: to be, Subjects: Music, P.E., What do we have today?
I LOVE MATH! like Math, Art, Geography, We have (school subject)
Yes / No and wh- History, Language, Do we have
questions and answers English, Science, (school subject)?
Af rmative sentences Computer Studies, No, today is
to describe people and Break time, Lunch, (day of the week).
subjects Technology, Religion We have (school subject)
When do we have
(school subject)?
On (days of the week)
from (time) to (time)
What subjects do you like?
I like (school subjects)
How many subjects do
you have?
I have (number) subjects
What's your favorite
It's (school subject)
It's interesting / boring
dif cult / easy
Who´s your English
She's / He's (name)
She's / He's our (teacher)
She's / He's nice / fun
good / serious / patient
impatient / serious
My school is really big
There is a (place in school)
On the rst oor there are
(places in school) | ©
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Expressions
UNIT 8 There is / There are: Garage, Garden, I live in a house
HOME SWEET HOME af rmative, negative and Backyard, Kitchen, in an apartment
interrogative sentences Bedroom, Bathroom, There is / are / There isn't
Present continuous: Living room, aren't (parts of the house)
af rmative, negative and Laundry room Is there (part of the house)?
interrogative sentences Dining room, attic, Yes, there is
Wh- questions and basement, No, there isn't
answers Swimming pool, Toilet, Are there (part of the
Prepositions of place: Bed, Sofa, Fridge, house)?
under / on / in / next to Microwave, Shower, Yes, there are
between / behind Stove, Closet, Television, No, there aren't
in front of Sink, Bathtub, Armchair, Downstairs / Upstairs
Lamp, Washing machine, Who is in the
Dishwasher, Bookcase, (part of the house)?
Mirror, Rug, Pillow, My / The (family member)
Picture, Desk, Table, is in the (part of the house)
Chair, Curtains Where is her / his
(family member)?
She / He is in the
(part of the house)
There's a / There isn't a
(part of the house)
There are / There aren't
(parts of the house)
Is there a (part of the
house / furniture)?
Yes, there is
No, there isn't
Are there (number + part
of the house / furniture)?
Yes, there are
No, there aren't
The (animal / object) is
(preposition) the (furniture)
What are you doing?
I'm (action in present
continuous tense)
Are you (action in present
continuous tense)?
Yes, I am / No, I'm not
What is she / he doing?
She / He is (action in
present continuous tense)
Is she / he (action in
present continuous tense)?
Yes, she / he is
No, she / he isn't | ©

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