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A Simple Exponential Integral Representation of the Generalized Marcum

Q-Function QM (a, b) for Real-Order M with Applications

A. Annamalai Jr. C. Tellambura
ARO Center for Battlefield Communications and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alberta
Prairie View A&M University, TX 77446 Edmonton, T6G 2V4 Canada

ABSTRACT __ This article derives a new exponential-type nonfading signal in Gaussian noise, it arises in numerous
integral representation for the generalized M-th order Mar- applications such as radar detection and performance evalua-
cum Q-function, Q M ( α, β ) , when M is not necessarily an inte- tion of partially coherent, differentially coherent and nonco-
ger. Our new representation includes a well-known result due herent communications [2]-[4]. Thus reliable and efficient
to Helstrom for the special case of positive integer M and an algorithms for computing Q M ( α, β ) have been an active
additional integral correction term that vanishes when M is research subject for a considerable time. Simple algorithms
an integer. The new form has both computational utility based on recursive computation of modified Bessel functions
(numerous existing computational algorithms for Q M ( α, β ) are almost certain to fail for some parameter values (e.g., large
are limited to integer M) and analytical utility (e.g., perfor- values of M, α and β). Computer arithmetic overflow and
mance analysis of selection diversity in bivariate Nakagami-m underflow problem may also arise in such cases. These issues
fading with arbitrary fading severity index, computation of the have been extensively studied by many authors, with series
complementary cumulative distribution function of a noncen- solutions, recursive methods, bounds, and saddle-point tech-
tral chi-square random variable for both odd and even orders, niques (see [5]-[17] and references therein). However, all of
unified analysis of correlated binary and quaternary modula- the above algorithms are restricted to even values of N in (2)
tions over generalized fading channels, development of a (or equivalently, the order M in (1) is a natural number).
Markovian threshold model for packet errors in correlated
If Q M ( α, β ) is used to express error rates for noncoherent
Nakagami-m fading channels and so on). Our alternative rep-
resentation for Q M ( α, β ) also leads into a new, exact expo- digital communication systems, the statistical average of
nential integral formula for the cumulative distribution Q M ( a, bx ) , Q M ( ax, b ) or Q M ( ax, bx ) over the probability
function (CDF) of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the output of density function (PDF) of fading signal amplitude x, where a
a dual-diversity selection combiner in correlated Nakagami-m and b are modulation specific constants, is usually needed.
fading (including the non-integer fading index case), which Several integrals of the first two types have been studied by
several researchers in the past have concluded as unobtain- Nuttall [18]-[19]. The third form can be expediently handled
able. Simple yet tight upper and lower bounds for Q M ( α, β ) by representing QM-function in a desirable exponential form
(for any arbitrary real order M ≥ 0.5 ) are also derived. [2] in analogy with Craig-type representation for the Gaussian
I. INTRODUCTION Q-function [20]. For instance, Helstrom’s integral representa-
The canonical representation of the M-th order generalized tion for Q M ( α, β ) with integer order M may be expressed in a
Marcum Q-function is given by [1] compact form as [2, Appendix C]

2 2
 x –( x + α ) ⁄ 2
Q M ( α, β ) = ∫β x  --α- e I M – 1 ( αx ) dx , (1)  H M ( α, β ) if α < β
 1
where α and β assume non-negative real values, and I M ( . ) is Q M ( α, β ) =  --- + H M ( α, α ) if α = β , (3)
 2
the M-th order modified Bessel function of the first kind. This  1 + H M ( α, β ) if α > β
quantity relates to the complementary CDF of a noncentral 
chi-square random variable (also known as generalized Rice where ζ = α ⁄ β > 0 , and

distribution). If Y is the sum of squares of N statistically inde- 1 2 2

1–M π – --2- [ α + β – 2αβ cos ( θ ) ]
pendent Gaussian random variates (RVs) with means m i and ζ
H M ( α, β ) = ------------ ∫ e
π 0
variance σ , then the CDF is given by cos ( ( M – 1 )θ ) – ζ cos ( Mθ -)
× ------------------------------------------------------------------
dθ . (4)
F Y ( x ) = 1 – Q N ⁄ 2  ---, ------ ,
s x 1 + ζ – 2ζ cos ( θ )
σ σ 
Unlike (1), the alternative “exponential” integral representa-
2 tion (3) exhibits: (i) finite-range integral with upper and lower
where s = ∑ mi denotes the noncentrality parameter. Since
integration limits that are independent of α and β; (ii) the inte-
the above CDF (2) corresponds to a quadratic summation of
grand whose non-exponential part is a function of α/β only;
N/2 independent sampled matched filter receiver outputs for

978-1-4244-2677-5/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 1 of 7

and (iii) the argument of the exponential term contains only denotes the complementary incomplete Gamma function.
α2, β2 and αβ. These features greatly facilitate the averaging Thus, (5) can still be used for numerical evaluation when
problem of Q M ( ax, bx ) over generalized fading environments α = 0 by replacing it with a small value (e.g., α = 10 ).
[4][14], and thus permits unified performance evaluation of Section II outlines a sketch of the derivation leading to (5),
partially coherent, differentially coherent and noncoherent while its applications are highlighted in Section III.
digital communications. Simon [21] also derives an equiva-
lent sine integral representation when M is a positive integer.
In order to emphasize the derivation of our new formula (5),
Incidentally, Proakis [3, pp. 885] provides a complex contour
we first describe how the two Nuemann series for Q M ( α, β )
integral representation for Q M ( α, β ) . In [22]-[23], we show
are obtained. It is not difficult to show that (1) satisfies the
that both Helstrom’s and Simon’s representations are special
recurrence relation
cases of this contour integral. Note also that, Helstrom [2]
β M – 1 – ( α2 + β2 ) ⁄ 2
derives (3) by expanding the QM-function as an infinite series Q M ( α, β ) – Q M – 1 ( α, β ) =  --- e I M – 1 ( αβ ) , (7)
 α
of Bessel functions, replacing these by their trigonometric
integral representations and summing up the resulting series. M–1
by integrating (1) by parts with u = ( x ⁄ α ) I M – 1 ( αx ) ,
As readers can verify in [2, Appendix C] and [21], the entire 2 2
–( x + α ) ⁄ 2
development presumes that M is a positive integer (because dv = xe dx , and using identity [24, eq. (8.486.5)]
I v ( x ) ≠ I – v ( x ) if v is not an integer). However, Q M ( α, β ) with ∂ v v
 --x- I ( αx ) = α  --x- I ( αx ) ,
 α v  α v – 1
real order M arises in a few practical cases: (i) the comple- ∂x
mentary CDF of noncentral chi-square RV with odd order N
which holds for arbitrary real v. Next iterating (7) in the back-
takes the form of Q N ⁄ 2 ( α, β ) ; (ii) the PDF of SNR at the out-
ward and forward directions and noting that Q –∞ ( α, β ) = 0
put of a dual-branch selection diversity combiner (SDC) in
and Q ∞ ( α, β ) = 1 , we obtain two formal Neumann series
correlated Nakagami-m fading channels can be expressed in
terms of Q m ( α, β ) , where m ≥ 0.5 denotes the fading severity expansions for Q M ( α, β ) , viz.,
index; and (iii) the conditional bit error probability for a num- 2
– (α + β ) ⁄ 2
2 ∞
 β

ber of binary and quaternary modulation schemes can be Q M ( α, β ) = 1 – e ∑  --α- I v ( αβ ) , (9)

expressed in terms of Q M ( α, β ) [14]. Hence a natural ques-
∞ v
tion is to ask whether (3) can be generalized to handle both 2 2
– (α + β ) ⁄ 2  α
integer and non-integer values of M? To the best of our knowl-
Q M ( α, β ) = e ∑  --β- I –v ( αβ ) , (10)
v = 1–M
edge, no such integral representation has been reported in the
literature. In this article, we show that for any real M, Hel- where the summation in (9) and (10) is in increments of one.
strom’s representation (3) can be generalized as Note that (9) is identical to [2, eq. (C-23)] but (10) differs
from [2, eq. (C-24)] in that the sign of the order for I –v ( αβ ) is
 H M ( α, β ) + C M ( α, β ) if α < β
 opposite from the latter. But I v ( x ) = I –v ( x ) if v assumes an
 1
Q M ( α, β ) =  --- + H M ( α, α ) + C M ( α, α ) if α = β , (5) integer value. Notice also that (9) and (10) are valid regardless
 2
 of the ratio ζ = α ⁄ β although these two series may conver-
 1 + H M ( α, β ) + C M ( α, β ) if α > β
gence at different rates depending on the value of ζ .
where H M ( α, β ) is defined in (4), ζ = α ⁄ β > 0 , and the addi- A. Case α > β
tional “correction” term C M ( α, β ) is given by Conventionally, (9) is used for numerical computation when
α > β and for positive integer values of M only. We therefore
1 2
– ---  α + β + αβ  x + --- 
2 1
sin ( Mπ ) 1 ( x ⁄ ζ ) M – 1 2 x need to prove (9) also holds for non-integer values of M as
C M ( α, β ) = --------------------- ∫ ------------------------ e dx . (6) well. Our method of proof is to show that partial derivatives of
π 0 ζ+x
both sides of (9) are equal for both integer and non-integer M
We observe that the term C M ( α, β ) vanishes for integer M as values. Differentiating (1) with respect to α, we obtain
anticipated, but more importantly, it retains the desirable prop- M–1
∞ ∂ 2 2
)  ---
∂ –( x +α )⁄2 x
erties necessary for the fading averaging problems. Note also Q ( α, β ) =
∂α M ∫β ∂ α ( xe  α
I M – 1 ( αx ) dx
that when ζ = 0 , (4) and (6) assume an indeterminate form
= α [ Q M + 1 ( α, β ) – Q M ( α, β ) ] (11)
while M ≠ 1 , which explains the restriction on the region of
validity of (5) stated above. However, (5) converge smoothly β 2 2
– (α + β ) ⁄ 2
= -------------
e I M ( αβ )
2 ∞ a – 1 –t α
to Γ ( M, β ⁄ 2 ) ⁄ Γ ( M ) as ζ → 0 , where Γ ( a, z ) = ∫ t e dt

2 of 7
with the aid of Leibnitz’s differentiation rule [24, eq. (0.42)], 2 2
+ β ) ⁄ 2  π αβ cos θ
α β M – (α
identity [24, eq. (8.486.6)] Q M ( α, β ) = 1 – ---  --- e ∫ e
π  α  0
∂  --β- v I ( αβ ) = α  --β- v + 1 I
v + 1 ( αβ ) , (12)
∂ α  α v  α [ α cos ( Mθ ) – β cos ( ( M – 1 )θ ) ] ∞
- dθ – ∫ e – αβ cosh ( t ) – Mt
× ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 2 0
and (7). We can also show that α – 2αβ cos ( θ ) + β
– β – ( α2 + β2 ) ⁄ 2
∂ Q ( α, β ) = ------------ [ α sin ( Mπ ) – βe sin ( ( M – 1 )π ) ] 
M M–1
-e I M – 1 ( αβ ) , (13) × ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 –t 2 – 2t
- dt  , (18)
∂β α α + 2αβe + β e 
which follows immediately from [24, eq. (0.411.2)] and the for α > β using the identities [24, eqs. (1.447.1), (1.353.1),
definition of (1) itself. Clearly, (11) and (13) hold for both (1.447.2) and (1.353.3)], viz.,
integer and non-integer values of M since (8) and (12) hold N

regardless (i.e., valid for arbitrary real v). To check if the v Λ [ sin ( Nθ ) – Λ sin ( ( N – 1 )θ ) ]
∑ Λ sin ( vθ ) = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-, (19)
right-side (RHS) of (9) holds for arbitrary M, we differentiate v=N 1 – 2Λ cos ( θ ) + Λ
(9) with respect to α and use (12) to arrive at ∞ N
v Λ [ cos ( Nθ ) – Λ cos ( ( N – 1 )θ ) ]

β v+1 ∑ Λ cos ( vθ ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-. (20)
α  ---
∂ – (α
2 2
+β )⁄2 2
RHS = – e ∑ I v + 1 ( αβ ) 1 – 2Λ cos ( θ ) + Λ
∂α  α v=N
Since sin ( ( M – 1 )π ) = – sin ( Mπ ) , the common factor
∞ v
2 2
– (α + β ) ⁄ 2  --β- I ( αβ ) , –t
α + βe from the numerator and denominator of the third
+ αe ∑  α v (14)
v=M RHS term of (18) can be cancelled out. Finally, using a vari-
which reduces into (11). Similarly differentiating the RHS of able substitution x = e , we obtain (5). This completes the
(9) with respect to β and using (8), we obtain proof of (5) for α > β .
∞ B. Case α < β
β v
α  --- I v – 1 ( αβ )
2 2
∂ – (α + β ) ⁄ 2
RHS = – e ∑  α As before (i.e., similar to the development of (14) and (15)),
we can show that (10) holds for both integer and non-integer
∞ v values of M by considering the partial derivatives
2 2
– (α + β ) ⁄ 2  β
+ βe ∑  --α- I v ( αβ ) , (15)
∂ Q ( α, β )
v=M and ∂ Q M ( α, β ) of both sides of (10) with the
∂α M ∂β
which is identical to (13). Since the partial derivatives of both aid of (8) and (11)-(13) (details omitted here for brevity). If M
sides of (9) over α and β are identical, we conclude that the is a positive integer, then (10) reduces to the well-known Nue-
Nuemann series (9) holds for integer as well as non-integer mann series expansion [2, eq. (C-24)] since I k ( x ) = I –k ( x )
values of M. Also note that, thus far we have not imposed any when k is a natural number.
restrictions on whether α > β , β > α , or α = β . Thus, (9) is Although the series (10) is formally correct, it is less useful
valid regardless of the ratio ζ = α ⁄ β (although its conver- for computational purposes. The reason is that the values of a
gence may be slow when ζ < 1 ). modified Bessel function of non-integer order can be
In order to derive (5), we should use [24, eq. (8.431.5)] extremely large when the order is a large negative number
(i.e., see the second integral term of (16)). The exponential
1 π z cos θ sin ( vπ ) ∞ – z cosh ( t ) – vt integral that we derive next circumvents this difficulty, which
I v ( z ) = --- ∫ e cos ( vθ ) dθ – ------------------- ∫ e dt , (16)
π 0 π 0
in turn highlights the utility of (5) for computing Q M ( α, β ) for
in (9). Using [24, eqs. (8.485) and (8.432.1)], it can be shown non-integer order M while ζ < 1 . Substituting (16) into (10)
that (16) is still valid when v < 0 while arg z < π ⁄ 2 . Hence and letting sin ( – v π ) = – sin ( vπ ) and cos ( – vθ ) = cos ( vθ )
the restriction Re v > 0 in [24, eq. (8.431.5)] is unnecessary, prior to summing the resulting geometric progressions using
except for direct numerical evaluation of (16) itself. Note also (19) and (20), we obtain
that the second RHS term of (16) vanishes if v is an integer. 1–M π
– (α + β ) ⁄ 2 ζ
2 2

Substituting (16) into (9), we obtain Q M ( α, β ) = e ------------  ∫ e αβ cos θ
π  0
2 2 ∞ v
1 – (α + β ) ⁄ 2 π αβ cos θ
 β
Q M ( α, β ) = 1 – --- e
π ∫0 e ∑  --α- cos ( vθ ) dθ [ cos ( ( 1 – M )θ ) – ζ cos ( – M θ ) ]
× ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
∞ – αβ cosh ( t ) + ( 1 – M )t
dθ + ∫ e
v=M 2 0
1 – 2ζ cos ( θ ) + ζ
2 2 ∞ v
– ( α + β ) ⁄ 2 ∞ – αβ cosh ( t )
1  β – t [ sin ( ( 1 – M )π ) – ζe sin ( – M π ) -] 
+ --- e
π ∫0 e ∑  --α- e  sin ( vπ ) dt . (17) × ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt  , (21)
t 2 2t
v=M 1 + 2ζe + ζ e 
Now summing the geometric progressions in (17), we get for ζ = α ⁄ β < 1 .

3 of 7
Once again, the common factor 1 + ζe from the numerator
t not restrict the fading severity index to only positive integers
and denominator of the second RHS term of (21) can be can- but it assume any real m ≥ 0.5 . The instantaneous SNR at the
SDC receiver output, γ SC = max ( γ 1, γ 2 ) , has the PDF [22]
celled out by noting that sin ( ( M – 1 )π ) = – sin ( Mπ ) . Next,
2 m–1
γ m m – mγ ⁄ Ωi
-------------  ------ e
using a variable substitution x = e , we obtain (5). f γSC ( γ ) = ∑ Γ ( m ) Ω i 
C. Case α = β i = 1, k ≠ i

× 1 – Q m  -----------------------, ------------------------  ,
When ζ = α ⁄ β = 1 , we must proceed by first combining 2ρmγ 2mγ
 ( 1 – ρ )Ω i ( 1 – ρ )Ω k 
(9) and (10), and then letting β = α so that
2 ∞
where Ω i (i = 1, 2) denote the mean branch SNRs, ρ is the

1 –α
Q M ( α, β ) = 1
2 correlation coefficient between the two signal envelopes, and
--- + --- e
2 2 ∑ I –v ( α ) – ∑ Iv ( α ) . (22)
v = 1–M v=M Γ ( . ) corresponds to the Euler Gamma function.
Since Q M ( α, β ) as represented in (5) depends on the rela-
Substituting (16) into (22) and carrying out the geometric
tive values of its arguments, it is convenient to first define an
series summations, we arrive at
auxiliary function U ( x ) = 1 if x < 1 , U ( x ) = 0 if x > 1 and
1 π – α2 ( 1 – cos ( θ ) ) sin ( ( M – 1 ⁄ 2 )θ )
Q M ( α, α ) = 1
--- + ------ ∫ e ------------------------------------------ dθ U ( 1 ) = 0.5 , and then re-write (5) as
2 2π 0 sin ( θ ⁄ 2 )
1 – Q M ( α, β ) = U ( α ⁄ β ) – H M ( α, β ) – C M ( α, β ) , (25)
( 1 – M )t
sin ( Mπ ) ∞ e 2
– α ( 1 + cosh ( t ) )
+ --------------------- ∫ ----------------t- e dt , (23) so that we do not have to consider its use in (24) separately for
π 0 1+e
the different regions of its arguments. Substituting (25) into
for α = β using 2 sin ( x ) sin ( y ) = cos ( x – y ) – cos ( x + y ) and (24) and using (4) and (6), we obtain
2 m–1
2 γ -  ----- m- m – mγ ⁄ Ω ρΩ
1 – cos ( 2x ) = 2 sin ( x ) . If M is a positive integer, then (23)
∑ ------------ U  ----------k
f γSC ( γ ) = e
simplifies into the familiar expression in [2, pp. 528] since the Γ ( m )  Ω i  Ωi 
i = 1, k ≠ i
third RHS term of (23) vanishes in this case. Finally, we can – ρ mγ 2
m π ----------------------- [ 1 + µ – 2µ cos ( θ ) ]
show that (23) is equivalent to (5) using a variable substitution µ ( 1 – ρ )Ω i µ cos ( ( m – 1 )θ ) – cos ( mθ )
– ------ ∫ e ------------------------------------------------------------------ dθ
–t π 0 2
1 + µ – 2µ cos ( θ )
x = e . In the next section, we provide several examples that
– ρ mγ - 
1 + µ + µ  x + --- 
---------------------- 2 1
highlight the computational and analytical utility of (5) in a m
µ sin ( mπ ) 1 x m – 1 ( 1 – ρ )Ω i  x
few applications (i.e., communication theory problems). – --------------------------- ∫ --------------- e dx , (26)
π 0 1 + µx

where µ = Ω i ⁄ ( ρΩ k ) and 0 < ρ < 1 . Eq. (26) generalizes
A. Algorithm for Calculating Q M ( α, β ) for Real Order M
[25, eqs. (7) and (9)] since it holds for both integer and
We have already pointed out in Section II.B that the Nue- non-integer m ≥ 0.5 values. If we can find an alternative rep-
mann series expansion (10) (in conjunction with (16)) is not resentation of the conditional bit or symbol error probability
very useful for computing Q M ( α, β ) when ζ = α ⁄ β < 1 (CEP) P s ( γ ) in a “desirable” exponential-form [4][14], then
because the values of I v ( x ) for non-integer order v can be (26) and identity (27) [24, eq. (3.381.4)] can be utilized to
extremely large when v is a large negative number. Moreover, unify the ASER performance analysis of a broad class of digi-
the “marcumq” routine in MATLAB (i.e., based on extended tal modulation schemes:
Parl’s algorithm [11]) is only valid for positive integer order ∞ – ( s + a )x v – 1 v
M. But our new formula (5) overcomes the above-mentioned ∫0 e x dx = Γ ( v ) ⁄ ( s + a ) , Re v > 0 (27)
limitations. For instance, unlike most prior work [5]-[12] In fact, the resulting expressions are more general yet more
which are restricted to even values of N in the computation of concise than those derived in [25] even for the specific case of
of Q N ⁄ 2 ( α, β ) , (5) may be used for evaluating the CDF of positive integer fading severity index m!
noncentral chi-square distribution for both even and odd It is also interesting to note that the PDF (26) simplifies into
degrees of freedom (see (2)). Furthermore, in Section IV we a simple exponential-type integral when m = 1 , and thus it
have derived a new closed-form expression for computing can be readily used in conjunction with [26, Table II] (i.e., the
Q K ( α, β ) for the specific case of half-odd positive integer Laplace transform of the CEPs) to derive simple-to-evaluate
orders K ∈ { 1 ⁄ 2, 3 ⁄ 2, 5 ⁄ 2, … } . ASER expressions for a broad range of digital modulation
schemes with a dual-diversity SDC receiver over both inde-
B. Analysis of SDC in Bivariate Nakagami-m Fading pendent and correlated Rayleigh fading channels.
Let us now consider the evaluation of outage probability In order to evaluate the outage probability P out of a
and the average symbol error rate (ASER) performance of a dual-diversity SDC receiver with correlated inputs, we need
two-branch SDC receiver with correlated inputs over a Naka- the CDF of its combiner output SNR. Integrating (26), we can
gami-m fading environment. Unlike [22] and [25], we shall show that the desired CDF is given by

4 of 7
employs a dual-diversity SDC receiver with closely-spaced
x∗   ρΩ k  mx∗
F γSC ( x∗ ) = ∫0 f γ SC ( γ ) dγ = ∑  U  ---------
- γ m, ---------- ⁄ Γ ( m ) antennas in a Nakagami-m channel is given by
 Ωi   Ωi 
i = 1, k ≠ i 2
1 ∞ –1 ⁄ 2 –x Γ ( m + 0.5 ) m m
P s = ---------- ∫ x e F γSC ( x ) dx = --------------------------- ∑  ------
 mx∗ 2  2mΓ ( m ) i = 1, k ≠ i i Ω
m γ  m, ---------- [ 1 + [ ρ ⁄ ( 1 – ρ ) ] ( 1 + µ – 2µ cos ( θ ) ) ] 2 π 0
µ π Ωi
– ------ ∫ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
π 0 m  ρΩ 1
×  U  ----------k 2F1  m, m + --- ;m + 1 ;– m ⁄ Ω i
Γ ( m ) ( 1 + [ ρ ⁄ ( 1 – ρ ) ] [ 1 + µ – 2µ cos ( θ ) ] )
 Ωi   2 
m 
µ cos ( ( m – 1 )θ ) – cos ( mθ ) µ sin ( mπ ) 1 t m – 1
× ------------------------------------------------------------------ dθ – --------------------------- ∫ -------------- m 2
2 π 0 1 + µt µ π 1
1 + µ – 2µ cos ( θ ) – ------ ∫ 2F1  m, m + --- ;m + 1 ;1----------------------------------------------------
+ ρ ( µ – 2µ cos ( θ ) -)
π 0  2 –( 1 – ρ ) ( Ωi ⁄ m ) 
γ  m, ---------- ( 1 + [ ρ ⁄ ( 1 – ρ ) ] [ 1 + µ + 2µ ( t + 1 ⁄ t ) ] ) 
 Ωi   µ cos ( ( m – 1 )θ ) – cos ( mθ )
µ sin ( mπ ) 1 t m – 1
× ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dt  ,(28) × ------------------------------------------------------------------ dθ – --------------------------- ∫ --------------
2 m 2
1 + µ – 2µ cos ( θ ) π 0 1 + µt
Γ ( m ) ( 1 + [ ρ ⁄ ( 1 – ρ ) ] [ 1 + µ + 2µ ( t + 1 ⁄ t ) ] ) 

1 2

× 2F1  m, m + --- ;m + 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------- dt  ,
x –t a – 1 1 + ρ ( µ + 2µ ( t + 1 ⁄ t ) )
where γ ( a, b ) = ∫ e t dt denotes the incomplete Gamma  
2 –( 1 – ρ ) ( Ωi ⁄ m ) 
function, P out = F γSC ( x∗ ) , and the SNR threshold x∗ for a using identities [24, eqs. (6.455.2) and (9.131.1)]. This result
specified modulation scheme is obtained by solving can be readily extended to other digital modulation schemes
(see [29] for further details).
P s ( x ) = P s∗ , where P s∗ is the prescribed target symbol error
rate in an AWGN channel. To the best of our knowledge, (28) C. Unified Analysis of Binary and Quaternary Modulations
is a new result which can also admit fractional values of m, From (1), we can readily observe that Q M ( α, 0 ) = 1 while
and thus can be viewed as a generalization of [25, eq. (16)]. 2
I M – 1 ( αx ) M–1
Q M ( 0, β ) = Γ
( M, β ⁄ 2 )- - = (-----------------------
x ⁄ 2) -
Notice that for positive integer m, the second integral term ---------------------------- since lim ----------------------- ,
Γ(M) α → 0 αM – 1 Γ(M)
vanishes while the incomplete Gamma function reduces into a
∞ a – 1 –t
finite polynomial [24, eq. (8.352.1)]. where Γ ( a, z ) = ∫ t e dt = Γ ( a ) – γ ( a, z ) is the comple-
Using [27, eq. (3)], it is straight-forward to derive an infinite z

series solution for the desired CDF as mentary incomplete Gamma function. Hence the conditional
bit error probability (i.e, error performance in an AWGN
m ∞ k
(1 – ρ) ρ 2
mx∗ -
- ∏ γ  m + k, ---------------------- channel) for several binary and quaternary modulations with
F γ SC ( x∗ ) = -------------------- ∑ -------------------------- (29)
Γ(m) k!Γ ( m + k )  Ω i ( 1 – ρ ) coherent, incoherent or differentially coherent detection
k=0 i=1
schemes can be expressed as [14]
While the above series is very easy to use and can be used as
an alternative to (28), it has a shortcoming, namely its conver- P b ( γ ) = --- [ 1 + Q M ( a γ, b γ ) – Q M ( b γ, a γ ) ] , (32)
gence is rather poor for large ρ values. This fact has been
described in detail in [28] which motivated the development where the modulation-specific coefficients a and b are sum-
of a single integral expression in the same form as (28) for the marized in Table 1.
special case of Rayleigh fading [25, eq. (2)]. We have also Table 1. Modulation specific parameters for a generic CEP formula.
evaluated (28) numerically and compared its computational M a b
speed and accuracy with the direct evaluation of the double
Nonorthogonal incoherent BFSK 1 2 2
integral representation of the joint PDF [22, eq. (10)], infinite 1– 1– λ
1+ 1– λ
series representation (29), and direct evaluation approach of 2 2
the integral of (24). We noticed that (28) is clearly superior to Gray-coded differential QPSK 1 2– 2 2+ 2
all other methods especially for large x, m, and ρ values. Orthogonal incoherent BFSK 1 0 1
It is also worth mentioning that (28) may be used for ASER Antipodal DPSK 1 0 2
analysis (using a “CDF approach” [29]) aside from its utility
Antipodal CPSK 1/2 0 2
in outage probability calculations, viz.,
∞ ∞ Orthogonal coherent BFSK 1/2 0 1

Ps = ∫0 P s ( γ )f γSC ( γ ) dγ = – ∫0 ∂ γ P s ( γ ) F γSC ( x ) dx . (30)
Correlated coherent BPSK 1/2 0 2λ
Note: 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 is the magnitude of cross-correlation between two signals.
Since the first order derivative of CEP with respect to SNR
can be expressed in closed-form for a wide range of modula- Next, using (5) and (25), (32) may be re-stated as
tion schemes, we can express the ASER in terms of only
P b ( γ ) = [ H M ( a γ, b γ ) – H M ( b γ, a γ ) ] ⁄ 2
one-dimensional integrals with finite integration limits. For
instance, the ASER of coherent binary phase-shift-keying that + [ C M ( a γ, b γ ) – C M ( b γ, a γ ) ] ⁄ 2 , (33)

5 of 7
which facilitates the averaging problem in different stochastic substituting (37) and (34) into (36), we get the desired expres-
fading channel models (via moment generating function sion for Q K ( α, β ) ( K ∈ { 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, … } ) in closed-form:
method). However, a = 0 in Table 1 should be replaced with K – 0.5 i–1
–4  --β- ( i + k – 1 )!
a very small non-zero constant (e.g., a = 10 ) when M ≠ 1 Q K ( α, β ) = Q ( β – α ) + Q ( β + α ) + ∑  α ∑ ------------------------------
k! ( i – k – 1 )!
for numerical computation using (33). i=1 k=0
2 2
k –( α – β ) ⁄ 2 i –( α + β ) ⁄ 2
IV. TIGHT BOUNDS FOR Q M ( α, β ) 1 ( –1 ) e + ( –1 ) e
× -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- . (38)
In this section, we first show that Q K ( α, β ) can be evalu- β 2π ( 2αβ )
ated in closed-form for the special case of half-odd integer Moreover, if we can show that Q M ( α, β ) is a monotonically
orders ( K ∈ { 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, … } ). Aside from facilitating effi- increasing function with respect to its order M when both α
cient computation of Q M ( α, β ) for this particular case, our and β are fixed, then we may also utilize (38) to derive new
result lends itself to the development of tight upper and lower tight upper and lower bounds for Q M ( α, β ) (which is valid for
bounds on Q M ( α, β ) for any real order M ≥ 0.5 .
any real M ≥ 0.5 ) as
From [24, eq. (8.467)], we know that the modified Bessel
Q M ( α, β ) ≤ Q M ( α, β ) ≤ Q M ( α, β ) , (39)
function I ± ( n + 0.5 ) ( z ) can be expressed in closed form as
where . denotes the smallest half-odd integer value that is
n k z n –z
1 ( n + k )! ( – 1 ) e − + ( –1 ) e , greater than its argument, while . corresponds to the largest
I ±( n + 0.5 ) ( z ) = ------- ∑ ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- (34)
π k = 0 k! ( n – k )! ( 2z )
k + 0.5
half-odd integer value that is less than its argument. For
where n ∈ { 0, 1, 2, 3, … } is a non-negative integer. Now sub- instance, Q 0.5 ( α, β ) ≤ Q M ( α, β ) ≤ Q 1.5 ( α, β ) if 0.5 < M < 1.5 ,
stituting I n + 0.5 ( z ) into (1), we get and so on. To rigorously prove that Q M ( α, β ) is a monotoni-
1 2
cally increasing function of M when all other parameters are
n – --- ( x – α )
1 1 - k ∞ n–k+1 2 kept constant, we substitute the power series representation
Q 3 ( α, β ) = ---------- ∑ ------------------ ( – 1 ) ∫ x e dx
n + ---
2 2π k = 0 α n + k + 1 β ∞ v + 2k
(z ⁄ 2)
– --- ( x + α )
Iv ( z ) = ∑ ----------------------------------
k!Γ ( v + k + 1 )
[24, eq. (8.445)] in (1) to arrive at
n ∞ n–k+1 2 ( n + k )! k=0
– ( –1 ) ∫β x e dx ----------------------- .
k! ( n – k )!
a new alternative infinite series representation for Q M ( α, β )
Thus a closed-form formula for Q n + 1.5 ( α, β ) may be derived which holds for any real M > 0 , viz.,
by applying appropriate variable substitutions, expanding the ∞ 2 k 2
–α ⁄ 2 1  α  Γ ( M + k, β ⁄ 2 )
resulting terms of the form ( x ± α ) binomially, and
n–k+1 Q M ( α, β ) = e ∑ ---
- ------- -------------------------------------- .
k!  2  Γ(M + k)
using identity [24, eq. (3.351.2)]. However, a more concise
Since the inequality Γ ( v 1, c ) ⁄ Γ ( v 1 ) ≥ Γ ( v 2, c ) ⁄ Γ ( v 2 ) holds
closed-form expression for Q n + 1.5 ( α, β ) can be attained with
for any arbitrary real v 1 > v 2 > 0 and constant c , we can there-
the aid of the recursion relation (7), namely
fore also conclude that Q v1 ( α, β ) ≥ Q v2 ( α, β ) if v 1 > v 2 > 0 .
1 2 2 n+1
– --- ( α + β ) i – 1---
2  β 2 This completes our proof.
Q 3 ( α,
n + ---
β ) = Q 1 ( α, β ) + e
∑  --α- I 1 ( αβ ) .(36)
i – ---
2 2 i=1 2 V. CONCLUSION
It is also important to recognize that Q 1 ⁄ 2 ( α, β ) in (36) can A new exponential-type integral (with finite integration lim-
its) for Q M ( α, β ) has been derived that is valid for arbitrary
be evaluated in closed-form (as shown in (37)) by letting
real M orders. It includes a well-known result due to Helstrom
z –z
I – 1 ⁄ 2 ( z ) = ( e + e ) ⁄ 2πz in (1) and carrying-out a few rou- for the special case of positive integer M and an additional
tine algebraic manipulations, viz., “correction term” that vanishes when M is an integer. The new
∞ –( x
2 2
+α )⁄2
form has both computational and analytical utility, and facili-
Q 1 ⁄ 2 ( α, β ) = ∫β αxe I – 1 ⁄ 2 ( αx ) dx tates the averaging problem in various multipath fading envi-
1 ∞ –( x – α )2 ⁄ 2 1 ∞ –( x + α )2 ⁄ 2 , (37) ronments and/or modulation formats. It also lends itself to the
= ---------- ∫ e dx + ---------- ∫ e dx development of simple-to-evaluate expression for the outage
2π β 2π β
probability of dual-diversity SDC with correlated Nakag-
= Q(β – α) + Q(β + α )
ami-m fading (for arbitrary fading severity index), which pro-
∞ –t2 ⁄ 2 1 vides a significant speed-up factor compared to the direct
where Q ( x ) = ∫ e dt ⁄ 2π = --- erfc ( x ⁄ 2 ) denotes the
x 2 evaluation of a double integral of the joint PDF as well as
Gaussian probability integral and Q ( – x ) = 1 – Q ( x ) . Finally, without losing precision/accuracy especially at high values of

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Estimation of Generalized Marcum Q-Function,” IEEE
This work is supported in part by funding from the US Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 42, October
Army Research Office to CeBCom under Cooperative Agree- 2006, pp. 1520-1531.
ment W911NF-04-2-0054 and the US Air Force Office of Sci- [17] R. Li and P. Y. Kam, “Generic Exponential Bounds on Gen-
entific Research (AFOSR/ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellowship eralized Marcum Q-Function via a Geometric Approach,”
program (Contract #FA9550-04-C-0141). The views and con- Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, November 2007, pp. 1754-1758.
clusions contained in this document are those of the authors [18] A. H. Nuttall, “Some Integrals Involving the QM Function,”
and should not be interpreted as representing the official poli- IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Jan. 1975, pp. 95-96.
cies, either expressed or implied, of the Air Force Research [19] A. H. Nuttall, “Some Integrals Involving the QM Function,”
Laboratory, Army Research Office, or the US Government. Naval Underwater Systems Tech. Rep. 4297, May 1974.
[20] J. W. Craig, “A New, Simple, and Exact Result for Calculat-
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