Practical Research 1: Summative Test Name: Shikenah G. Cervantes Yr/Section: 12-HUMSS 2 Case Analysis Research Case 1

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Summative Test

Name: Shikenah G. Cervantes Yr/Section: 12-HUMSS 2


Research Case 1:

I've determined that the researcher is doing a quantitative type of

research. The research case is about Grace who's an entrepreneur that

would like to find out which is the most effective marketing strategy for

her products by conducting a study. Her case is a quantitative type of

research because she did a study in which she collected data by giving

out survey forms to her customers. I have determined it because

quantitative research is known to be used as quantifying issues by

generating numerical data. And this data measures attitudes, views,

actions, and other specific factors and generalizes findings from a more

comprehensive sample population. Quantitative data gathering

techniques include various survey types – online surveys, print surveys,

mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, etc.

Title for Research Case 1:

The Most Effective Marketing Strategy for Grace's Product

Statement of the Problem:

The purpose of this study is to ascertain which of the marketing

strategies is the most effective for Grace's product.

More specifically the study will answer the following research questions:

- How will she identify the most effective marketing strategy?

- What are the marketing strategies?

- What are least effective marketing strategy?


I've determined that the researcher is doing a qualitative type of

research. The research case is about Teacher Mura of Daraga National

High School who wanted to investigate the effectiveness of the new

teaching strategy she learned from a seminar by conducting a study. I've

learned that her case is a qualitative type of research because of some

qualities on her case that is identical to qualitative type of research. And

that qualities are: Qualitative research is mainly exploratory. It is utilized

to obtain insight into individual's underlying reasons, attitudes, and

motives wherein Teacher Mura is trying to obtain insights from her

problem. It also sheds light on the topic in developing concepts or

hypotheses for a quantitative study. And it is also stated that she did a

focus group discussion which is one of the strategy in qualitative


Title for Research Case 2:

The Effectiveness of New Learning Strategy that Teacher Mura of Daraga

National High School learned from a Seminar

Statement of the problem:

The purpose of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of new

learning strategy which whom teacher Mura learned from a seminar.

More specifically the study will answer the following research questions:

- What are the effects of her new teaching strategy?

- How effective is her new teaching strategy?

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