Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics: Example 2.2

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Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics 37

Equation (2.31) is demonstrated graphically in Figure 2.7(b) and Figure 2.8(b). In load control,
a crack extension da results in a net increase in strain energy because of the contribution of the
external force P:

Pd∆ Pd∆
(dU )P = Pd∆ − =
2 2
When displacement is fixed, dF = 0 and the strain energy decreases:

(dU )∆ =
where dP is negative. As can be seen in Figure 2.7(b) and Figure 2.8(b), the absolute values of
these energies differ by the amount dPd∆/2, which is negligible. Thus

( dU ) P = − ( dU )∆

for an increment of crack growth at a given P and ∆.


Determine the energy release rate for a double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen (Figure 2.9)

Solution: From beam theory

∆ P a3 B h3
= where I=
2 3E I 12

FIGURE 2.9 Double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen.

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