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Course Description

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisites by Course(s) and Topics Assessment Instruments with Weights (homework, quizzes, midterms, final, programming assignments, lab work, etc.) Course Coordinator URL (if any) Current Catalog Description CS401 Artificial Intelligence 3 N/A Homework and Quizzes 10% each 2 Sessional Exam 20% Research project 10% Final Exam 50% Shoaib Muhammad Khan N/A An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence; History and Applications of Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence as problem solving using representation and searching: Blind, Heuristic, Adversarial; Predicate Calculus; Knowledge Representation; Expert Systems; Reasoning with uncertain or incomplete information; Learning: Machine Learning: Neural Networks. Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems by N.P.PADHY

Textbook (or Laboratory Manual for Laboratory Courses)

Reference Material

Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming with java by Mark Watson(soft copy is available) Few more books in soft forms will be available soon in the course folder Learn and make the Artificial intelligent systems File is attached

Course Goals Topics Covered in the Course, with Number of Lectures on Each Topic (assume 15-week instruction and one-hour lectures) Laboratory Projects/Experiments Done in the Course Programming Assignments Done in the Course Class Time Spent on (in credit hours) Oral and Written Communications

Weka and Neuro Solutions both tools are used for Experiments None Theory 2 Problem Analysis 0.5 Solution Design 0.5 Social and Ethical Issues None

Every student is required to submit at least _1____ written reports of typically ___10__ pages and to make ___1__ oral presentations of typically __60___ minutes duration. Include only material that is graded for grammar, spelling, style, and so forth, as well as for technical content, completeness, and accuracy.

Week No. 1

Topics Covered

Evaluation Instruments used


Introduction to the Course, Intelligent Machines, Formal definitions of AI, Strong AI Vs Weak AI, Problem Solving techniques, Problem Representation Searching strategies: blind/un informed, informed/Heuristics, Optimal Searching strategies: blind/un informed, informed/Heuristics, Optimal Alpha Beta Pruning, Game playing Game playing Genetic Algorithm

Quiz + Assignment

3 4 5 6

Quiz + Assignment+ Sessional 1 7 8 Genetic Programming Fuzziness Quiz + Assignment 9 10 Fuzziness Swarm Intelligence


Swarm Intelligence

Quiz + Assignment+ Sessional 2



13 14

ANN Classification Quiz+ Assignment

15 16

Clustering through ANN Final Exam

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