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The practice of taking the life of human being is considered to be a criminal act in all senses. Clearly, it is the fact that the practitioners do not create ones life. Therefore, mercy for a reason is more likely an adduced 'Allowing' or 'permitting' someone to end ones life is totally against with Gods will. Even though, God endorses the concept of natural death, mercy opposes the concept of natural death in which people are deliberately put to death. Based on the viewpoint, that practice of Euthanasia in ending someones life is relatively painless. This, however, is the opinion based. In fact, one can never feel the degree of pain suffered by each patient during the prevailing situation.

 Introduction Euthanasia is the method to put somebody into death in such a manner that relieves their pain. Seemingly, most of Christians in todays age are in favor of the practice of Euthanasia. This, however, sparks much debate regarding Euthanasia.  State author, viewpoint The author made a conclusion that he disagrees with the practice of Euthanasia, claiming that there is no reason for human being to assist or to cause someone to death under any circumstance of excuses.  Author's background, credentials/ areas of expertise (research on author or organisatial) Enamudu Ikhofua is a Christian who lived in Nigeria up until November 20, 2009, and had immigrated to the city of Conyers, Atlanta (GA), United States of America. He had experienced teaching in high school before proceeding to college for a degree course. He also has a strong faith in God.

 Author's points in detail, with evidence (or lack of) aim for 2 to 3 points

According to the authors opinion that the practice of taking the life of human being is considered to be a criminal act, I strongly agree with the opinion. Although Euthanasia is acceptable in some society, it is morally wrong and against the belief of Christianity. Life is such a precious gift from God, therefore, ending someones life due to any accuses is against with Biblical principles and is still be considered as a manslaughter by law.

Referring to the point that, 'Allowing' or 'permitting' someone to end ones life is totally against with Gods will. I completely agree with this point of view of the author as Euthanasia is very immoral in general. The practice of Euthanasia is a dismissal of the significance and value of human life. In the same way, to put someone to death is against Gods will. Euthanasia, in fact, is considered as an indirect suicide. Hence, Euthanansia is condemned as immortal sin. I also agree with the authors aforementioned fact that practice of Euthanasia in ending someones life is relatively painless, which is the opinion based. In fact, one can never feel the degree of pain suffered by each patient during the prevailing situation. Euthanasia as a pain control would far worse than to cure the disease. Imagine, if the person is one of your close relative, will you let such a thing to happen to them, regardless they have been suffering with the incurable disease?

 Refer here to accuracy, logic, emotion, reliability and variability of sources, current relevance, counter-argument

 Your agreement/ disagreement with  Overall points made  Specific points made  Ways that points were made

To conclude, I agree with the author on most of his arguments as all of them have a good reasoning and support. Most of his arguments sound very credible and true. He is described the practice of Euthanasia through both emotional and logical responses. However, the article is lack of the supporting evidence. The author has included only few evidences and most of the points are point based. This simply makes the argument turned out be weak. Euthanasia has now reached its critical point as many intuitions has condemned about this practice. This is due the fact that Euthanasia is a grievous sin according to the principle of religion. More importantly, the practice of putting someone to death due to any accuses is also considered to be illegal and taboo by the law of the nation. For instance, referring the article the author has illustrated about the case of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who were sued to the court due to the act by administering a lethal injection on one Thomas Youk. Although, he had hired a team of lawyers, he was found guilty later on. This proved that euthanasia was still remained unacceptable the society. I, Personally, believe that Euthanasia should be practiced to the certain extent that

References Arguments Against Euthanasia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Conolly, M. E. (1989). Alternative to Euthanasia:Pain Management. Issues in Law & Medicine, Volume 4 (4),497. Retrieved from Euthanasia and Christianity: Christian Views of Euthanasia and Suicide. (December 23 2009). Retrieved from Reeves, C. (April 1996). The Bible and Euthanasia. Expository Files. Retrieved from

Lack of evidence proving the point The

recognizing an "individual's right to die with dignity, euthanasia, and the right to suicide" It is clear from God's word that euthanasia is immoral. Why? Euthanasia, like abortion, infanticide, suicide or genocide, is intentional homicide or murder, and therefore immoral

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