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The rain pelted the windshield as the darkness engulfed us.

It was the best sandcastle he had ever seen.

The chic gangster liked to start the day with a pink scarf.
The river stole the gods.
As time wore on, simple dog commands turned into full paragraphs explaining why the
dog couldn’t do something.
Barking dogs and screaming toddlers have the unique ability to turn friendly
neighbors into cranky enemies.
He put heat on the wound to see what would grow.
Everyone pretends to like wheat until you mention barley.
I hear that Nancy is very pretty.
Jim liked driving around town with his hazard lights on.
Truth in advertising and dinosaurs with skateboards have much in common.
The small white buoys marked the location of hundreds of crab pots.
I often see the time 11:11 or 12:34 on clocks.
The Great Dane looked more like a horse than a dog.
I became paranoid that the school of jellyfish was spying on me.

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