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User manual

Version: 19-99_04_1.3E
Edition: 03
Date: 2010-02-28

Friedrich-Franz-Str. 19
14770 Brandenburg
Tel: +49 (0) 33 81-38 26 20
Fax: +49 (0) 33 81-38 26 21
User manual – RETIport21
Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

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User manual – RETIport21
Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

Content Manual RETIsystem

1.1 Components 6
1.2 Start Reti 7
1.3 RETIsystem MainMenu 8
1.3.1 Applications/Examinations 8
1.3.2 File menu 8
1.3.3 Service menu 9
1.3.4 Info menu 12
1.3.5 Exit / Close RETI 12
1.4 Technical background 13
1.4.1 VEP - Visual Evoked cortical Potentials 13
1.4.2 ERG - ElectroRetinoGraphy 13
1.4.3 EOG - ElectroOculoGraphy 13
1.4.4 ENG - ElectroNystagmoGraphy 14
1.4.5 IOM - IntraOperatives Monitoring 14


2.1 Main Commands 15
2.1.1 Load Test 15
2.1.2 DB Service 16
2.1.3 New Test 17
2.1.4 Patient 17
2.1.5 Calibration 18
2.1.6 End / About 19
2.2 Pattern VEP 20
2.2.1 Parameters 20
2.2.2 Positioning of the electrodes 21
2.2.3 Run Test 22
2.2.4 Analysis 23
2.3 Pattern ERG 24
2.3.1 Parameters 24
2.3.2 Positioning of the electrodes 25
2.3.3 Run Test 26
2.3.4 Analysis 27
2.4 ISCEV ERG – Ganzfeld 28
2.4.1 Parameters 28
2.4.2 Positioning of the electrodes 30
2.4.3 Run Test 31
2.4.4 - Analysis 32
2.5 Flash VEP 34
2.5.1 Parameters 34
2.5.2 Positioning of electrodes 37
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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

2.5.3 Run Test 38

2.5.4 Analysis 39
2.6 Seq. Stimulation (Swep VEP) 41
2.6.1 Parameters 41
2.6.2 Positioning of the electrodes 43
2.6.3 Run Test 44
2.7 on-off ERG - Ganzfeld 45
2.7.1 Parameters 45
2.7.2 Position of the electrodes 47
2.7.3 Run test 48
2.7.4 Analysis 49
2.8 EOG - Electrooculography 50
2.8.1 - Parameters 50
2.8.2 - Positioning of the electrodes 51
2.8.3 - Run Test 52
2.8.4 - Analysis 53
2.9 ENG - Electronystagmographie 54
2.9.1 - Parameter 54
2.9.2 - Positioning of the electrodes 55
2.9.3 - Run Test 56
2.9.4 - Analyse 57

3.1 Technical Description 59
3.2 External construction 59
3.3 Testbox connection 60
3.4 Using the test-system with the Ganzfeld 60

4.1 Cleaning, Disinfection 62
4.2 Electrodes and Patient cable 62
4.3 The body 62
4.4 Monitor and TFT-Screen 62

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

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User manual – RETIport21
Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

1 General

1.1 Components
The RETIport system is a Class II B medical device that incorporates a personal computer. To ensure
patient safety, the personal computer and all of its peripherals are powered from an isolation
transformer MTW 1000. All devices connected to the computer must be powered from this isolated
Power Unit. Failure to observe this precaution may endanger patient safety and will void your
warranty. Roland Consult will not service a system whose computer is connected to external devices,
nor will it give permission for others to service such a system.

This operation manual contains operation instructions for the RETIport System. To assure full
utilization and successful operation of this instrument, it is recommended that you become thoroughly
familiar with contents of this manual prior to using the instrument.

Two labels are used in this manual to identify potentially dangerous conditions or procedures.

WARNING Identifies conditions or practices that

may present danger to patient and/or user
CAUTION Identifies conditions or practices that could result in damage to the

WARNING The following safety precautions must be observed during the operation
of the system to avoid the possibility of injury

WARNING This System is not explosive-proof; Therefore it is not to be used in the

presence of flammable anesthetics

WARNING Although patient connections are electrical isolated; these connections

are not intended for direct cardiac contact

WARNING All devices must be powered from the isolation transformer; to ensure
patient and user safety

Customer Responsibility
The Product RETIport and his components will perform reliably only when operated and maintained in
accordance with the instructions contained in this manual. A defective product should not be used.
Parts which may be broken or missing, destroyed or contaminated should be replaced immediately
with clean, genuine replacements manufacture by or available by Roland Consult Instruments. The
Responsibility of Roland Consult for a defective product is limited by warranty set forth in this manual.
Should repair or replacement of the product necessary after the warranty period, the costumer should
seek advice from Roland Consult prior to such repair or replacement. If the Product is in need of repair
it should be used until repairs have been made and the unit is functioning properly and ready for use.
The Owner of this product has sole responsibility for any malfunction resulting from improper use or
maintenance, or repair by anyone other than Roland Consult Instruments or authoring from any
malfunction caused by parts that are damaged or modified by anyone other than Roland Consult or
authorized companies.

This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied whether statutory or
otherwise including any implied warranty of Merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no
event shall Roland Consult Instruments be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting

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User manual – RETIport21
Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

from the use of the product or caused by any defect, failure or malfunction of the product, whether a
claim for such damage is based upon warranty, contract, negligence or otherwise.

The RETIport System is software based system designed for effective collection, storage and analyze
of electrophysiological data in a wide rage of clinical applications. The system is operated through a
comprehensive set of commands. The commands interact with an extensive Menu structure which is
defines the various tests than can be conducted, a patient data directory for storage and recall of data,
beyond that special files for analyzing, labeling and creating copies of data. System commands are
entered through pushbuttons operations or simple keyboard-entry. For the beginning operator, all
essential operations can be easily controlled through pushbutton operation; however the more
experienced operator will quickly learn to exploit the versatility of the system through additional
keyboard entry commands.

Power supply
o Computer
o Control monitor 15“ TFT
o Monitor for stimulation
o Ganzfeld - Stimulator Printer

1.2 Start Reti

o switch on power supply

o switch on computer
o the program will start automatically
o on the stimulator monitor you will see a loop
o on the control monitor you will see the RETIsystem– Application Menu

WARNING and CAUTION messages must be strictly observed

The following safety precautions must be observed during the operation of the system to avoid the
possibility of injury

WARNING This system is not explosive -proof; Therefore it is not to be used in

the presence of flammable anesthetics

WARNING Although patient connections are electrical isolated; these

connections are not intended for direct cardiac contact

WARNING All devices must be powered from the isolation transformer; to ensure
patient and user safety

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

1.3 RETIsystem MainMenu

1.3.1 Applications/Examinations

RETIsystem MainMenu
provides the following medical research routines:

MF ERG Multifocal Electroretinography

MF Science Multifocal Electroretinography (for medical scientists)

VEP ERG Visual evoked potentials, Electroretinograpy

EOG fast & slow Electrooculography
ENG Electronystagmographie
IOM Intraoperatives Monitoring
Backup burn a Backup-CD

1.3.2 File menu

At the top edge of this RETIsystem MainMenu you can make the File menu drop down by left-clicking:

RETI user

In this window you can

specify different users
in order to be able
to assign the individual
medical research routines
to a doctor.

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

RETIsystem user opens.

Fill in your Sign (max. 3 letters)
And in the Description field
your name.
Click Insert and your new entry
is written in the list of Currently
registered users.

Click on Exit->.

Now you can make a print-out

You will see your sign

in the Operator field.

1.3.3 Service menu

At the top edge of the RETIsystem Application Menu you can select service.

With the last three opportunities your can change the configuration and create an update disk of your
RETI-stimulator software.

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

RETI System Configuration

First tab: Costumer

Here you can insert:

Hospital / Practice Name


Default Operator

Second tab: Hardware

- AD / DA-HW
It`s for the analogue-digital converter
ADWIN = ISA card with external 37-pin SUB-D connector
KPCI = PCI Card with 64 PIN

- Amplifier
Ampl. V1.0 = 15-pin SUB-D connector between pre – and main amplifier
Ampl. V2.0 = 25-pin SUB-D connector between pre – and main amplifier

- Channels
two, four, six

- Connector Board
Standard is C, there is no Trigger In or OUT
C2 is special for connection with external systems (LED, HRA or other)

- Stim-PC available (SBC or 2and Port) must be clicked on, if you have only a erg system than the
stimulator PC is not necessary.

- Serial Port to SBC

If the main computer has two com ports is all time COM2
If the main computer has only one com port is all time COM1

- All triggers from SBC must be clicked on

- Update Mode
Direct via diskette (drive A)

Powerline frequency (Hz) must be on 50 or 60.

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

third tab: Stimulator Device / Trigger

Select the installed Hardware

Ganzfeld Q400 = 25-pin cable
Ganzfeld Q400 HF = 25-pin cable
Ganzfeld Q400 HF2 = not used
Ganzfeld E33l = not used
Ganzfeld Q450 = USB Connector
Miniganzfeld = 9-pin cable
Flash Goggles = only C2 card
LED-Bar 7 = seven LED
AEP = USB Connector

- Monitor height =
for correct calculation of visual
angle for Pattern stimulation

- Stimulation monitor =
or correct calculation of
latency for pattern stimulation

- COM_X =
for correct installation of the
Ganzfeld Q450,
this Ganzfeld is connected
over USB-COM Driver

fourth tab: Software

- Database root directory =

Select another Drive
The name has to be the same:

- Language =
change the language
(German, French…)

- Reader station =
for network connection

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

1.3.4 Info menu

Here you get our contact information. To close after looking at it, click “Close” in the information

1.3.5 Exit / Close RETI

o mouse click on File and exit

RETI Menu returns to Windows

o mouse click START on the screen beside the Windows symbol

o click on Shut down

Select in the following window

o Shut down the computer?

o after short time both screens become black

o switch off power supply

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

1.4 Technical background

1.4.1 VEP - Visual Evoked cortical Potentials

Visual evoked cortical Potentials test the integrity of the central retina, the visual pathway and the
primary visual cortex.

This Test is traditionally performed monocularly, and can be in a flash mode or pattern-reversal test. It
is a useful non-invasive technique to determine organic dysfunction of the central nervous system in
some subjects.

1.4.2 ERG - ElectroRetinoGraphy

Electroretinography is a test to measure the electrical response of the eye's light-sensitive cells (rods
and cones). Electrodes are placed on the cornea and the skin near the eye. The electrode measures
the electrical activity of the retina in response to light. The information from the electrode goes to a
monitor, where it can be viewed and recorded.

The normal response has waves called a-wave and b-wave. The b-wave of photopic-
electroretinography represents the activity of neurons of the outer and middle retinal layers.

The rod and cone-system can be tested independent from each other, by light or in the dark.

The Pattern- Electroretinography (P-ERG) represents activity of retinal ganglion cells, and the distal
retina. An intact ganglia cell to measure the P50 : N95 compared.

We developed our system in co-operation with the ISCEV - International Society for
Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision. A potential partner that objectives are
promote and extend the knowledge of clinical electrophysiology of vision, and
cooperated and communication among workers in the field of clinical and basic electrophysiology of

1.4.3 EOG - ElectroOculoGraphy

Electrooculography measures light-induced slow oscillations of the ocular potentials, produced by

retinal pigment epithelium and receptor layer (rods and cones).
The electro-oculogram is a widely used electrophysiological test. This Standard, approved by the
International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), describes simple technical
procedures that will allow reproducible and comparable Electrooculography to be recorded under a
few defined conditions.
The Electrooculography uses the fact hat the eye is electrically negatively loaded in the range of the
retina opposite the cornea.

It is the indirect collection and representation of the Peace potential of the eye on the basis of the
changes of the bioelectric tension (Potential) differences between the front and rear pole of the eye as
consequence of a change of movement of the eyeball. (electrical dipole, Cornea positive, Retina
The Electrooculography answer is produced by the retinalen pigment epithelium.
Since the eye movements not to be arbitrarily released and also important supplies from the
equilibrium system receive, can be made with the Electrooculography statements about the function
by eye movement and equilibrium system.

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1.4.4 ENG - ElectroNystagmoGraphy

ENG stands for Electronystagmography and it is used to record Nystagmus, which is an involuntary
eye movement characterized by the eye jerking back and forth.
The test is used to determine whether ear nerve damage is the cause of dizziness or vertigo. Damage
to the nerve of the inner ear is one of the more common causes of vertigo.

1.4.5 IOM - IntraOperatives Monitoring

Intraoperative monitoring (IOM) measures small electrical signals produced within the nervous system.
These small signals can be on-going such as those measured in an EEG or "evoked" responses
produced by Flash Goggles for Visual evoked cortical Potentials.

IOM can reduce the incidence of permanent neurological deficits following neurosurgical procedures
such as micro vascular decompression surgery. Through these technologies it is possible to detect
subtle changes in nervous system function and can provide an early warning to the surgical team so
that permanent damage is avoided. Several other cranial nerves are monitored during some

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

2 VEP - Visual evoked cortical potentials / ERG - Electroretinography

2.1 Main Commands

In the RETIsystem menu you can select the

medical research routines VEP ERG by
pressing the respective button.

And than you see the

Main menu for the
medical research routine

Under the point “Programs”

you can choose your
research method.

Under the point

“Main Commands”
You can choose
different program

2.1.1 Load Test

If you choose “Load Test”

you have the possibility to load
an older test result and can
evaluate it again.

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2.1.2 DB Service

The point “DB Service” gives

you the opportunity to
administer the database of
your medical research results

In the database you can now arrange the patient by name, last Check,
ID-number etc. through choosing your preferential order option from the
Patient Sort Order drop-down list.

You will find a detailed description of the full database functionality under point 5: “Database”

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

2.1.3 New Test

With this function key you can make new patient examinations with the same parameters of an old

First an old test must be loaded via “Load Test”.

In the evaluation window the results are represented.
In the parameter menu the underlying conditions can be controlled.
If you switch back to the main menu, now, and push the button “New Test”, the program will go into
the measuring window, the parameters of the old test remain adjusted.
This function offers the advantage of a fast investigation attitude with the same underlying parameters
for comparative measurements. Attention: it doesn`t work in all versions of RETIsystem Software

2.1.4 Patient

The point “Patient”

gives you the
opportunity to
administer the
most important
information of the

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

Click the little arrow on the right side

of the Operator field. A drop-down
list opens and you can choose
your new entry.

After choosing the operator,

leave the “Patient” screen with “OK”.

2.1.5 Calibration

If you select “Calibration”, then you will see a test pattern on the stimulator monitor whereby you can
adjust your monitor.

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2.1.6 End / About

If you press the

button “End”,
you will return to
Main Application Menu

If you click on the

button “About”,
you’ll get information
about the software
(e.g. release).

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

2.2 Pattern VEP

2.2.1 Parameters

Visual Angle

Check width of a pattern element = b [cm]

Distance of pattern from corneal surface = a [cm]

Automatic calculation by the computer according

to the following principle:
(deg x 60 min) = Visual angle in minutes [min]
Visual angle [deg] α = 2 x arctan (b / 2a)

Visual Angle = 1 deg
Width of pattern element = 1 cm
Distance = 57,4 cm

Visual angle of less than one degree should be expressed in minutes

0,5 deg = 30 min
1 deg = 60 min
1,5 deg = 90 min

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2.2.2 Positioning of the electrodes


reference-electrode active electrode red

blue (-) (+)


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.2.3 Run Test

First Step: Electrodes connected to the Patient

Second Step: test the Impedance

The value should be smaller then ten

Button to

Third Step: bush the button Asq. Biosignal and that you click on start an your
investigation can begin. On the screen you will see the following picture with an example curve

artifact counter

Average number

the different

Start/Stop and
clear function

zoom function
for bio signal /
average result

to check the
Bio signal

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2.2.4 Analysis

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameter of your investigation

Save in


Possibilities to
edit the curve

Curve shift Zoom in and out

Graph = here you can see the following picture of the test

Comment = write down a comment to analyzed values

The marker
Select Curve

The analyzed values are from the selected step – indicated yellow Colour

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2.3 Pattern ERG

2.3.1 Parameters

Visual Angle

Check width of a pattern element = b [cm]

Distance of pattern from corneal surface = a [cm]

Automatic calculation by the computer according

to the following principle:
(deg x 60 min) = Visual angle in minutes [min]
Visual angle [deg] α = 2 x arctan (b / 2a)

Visual Angle = 1 deg
Width of pattern element = 1 cm
Distance = 57,4 cm

Visual angle of less than one degree should be expressed in minutes

0,5 deg = 30 min
1 deg = 60 min
1,5 deg = 90 min

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

2.3.2 Positioning of the electrodes


active electrode active electrode

red, channel one red, channel two

reference-electrode reference-electrode
blue, channel one blue, channel two


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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Electrophysiological diagnostic systems

2.3.3 Run Test

First Step: Electrodes connected to the Patient

Second Step: test the Impedance

The value should be smaller then ten

Button to

Third Step: push the button Asq. Biosignal and that you click on start an your
investigation can begin.
On the screen you will see the following picture with an example curve

artifact counter

Average number

the different

Start/Stop and
clear function

zoom function
for bio signal /
average result

to check the
Bio signal

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2.3.4 Analysis

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameters of your investigation

Save in

Fourier analysis

of editting the curve

Curve shift Zoom in and

Graph = here you can see the following picture of the test

Comment = write down a comment to analyzed values

The marker
Select Curve

The analyzed values are from the selected step – indicated yellow Colour

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2.4 ISCEV ERG – Ganzfeld

2.4.1 Parameters
a.) Input parameters ISCEV ERG: Ganzfeld
step Amplifier P. Averager
Group Channel fu Averag.
No. Name Fequ.
Range fo Plottime Pretrigger
scotop. 1+2 1 3 0,1Hz
scotp. ERG 1mV 300 150ms 16ms
ERG max. 2 1 3 0,1Hz
response 1mV 300 150ms 16ms

1+2 100 3 0,067Hz

osc. P. 3 osc.P.

100µV 500 150 16ms

1+2 1 3 0,2Hz
phot. ERG 4 cone-R
100µV 300 150ms 16ms

30Hz 30Hz 1+2 1 8 29,412Hz

Flicker Flicker 100µV 300 330ms 0
b.) Analysis parameters ISCEV ERG: Ganzfeld


P1=N P2=a P3=b V2=b

V1=a wave
Minimum Minimum Maximum wave
0-2 10-30 10-50 P2-P3

P1=N1 P2=P1 P3=N2 P4=P2 P5=N3

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
15-20 20-25 22-27 25-30 30-35
P6=P3 P7=N4 P8=P4
V1=OS1 V2=OS2
Maximum Minimum Maximum
P1-P2 P3-P4
35-40 40-45 45-50
V3=OS3 V4=OS4
P5-P6 P7-P8
P1=N P2=a P3=b V2=b
V1=a wave
Minimum Minimum Maximum wave
0-2 10-30 10-50 P2-P3
P1=N1 P2=P1 V1=N1-
Ampl. Of
Minimum Maximum P1
0-15 15-35 P1-P2

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c.) Input parameters ISCEV ERG: Mini-Ganzfeld

step Amplifier P. Averager

Group Channel fu Averagers
No. Name Fequ.
Range fo Plottime Pretrigger
1 1 o. 2 1 3 0,1Hz
right scotop.
4 ERG 1mV 300 150ms 16ms
scotp. left
ERG 2 2 1 3 0,1Hz
right max.
5 response 1mV 300 150ms 16ms

1 o. 2 100 3 0,067Hz
osz. P. osz.P.
100µV 500 150 16ms

7 1 o. 2 1 3 0,2Hz
phot. ERG cone-R
9 100µV 300 150ms 16ms
8 1 o. 2 1 8 29,412Hz
30Hz right 30Hz
Flicker 10 Flicker 100µV 300 330ms 0

d.) Analysis parameters ISCEV ERG: Mini-Ganzfeld


P1=N P2=a P3=b

V1=a wave V2=b wave
Minimum Minimum Maximum
P1-P2 P2-P3
0-2 10-30 10-50
P1=N1 P2=P1 P3=N2 P4=P2 P5=N3
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
15-20 20-25 22-27 25-30 30-35
P6=P3 P7=N4 P8=P4
V1=OS1 V2=OS2
Maximum Minimum Maximum
P1-P2 P3-P4
35-40 40-45 45-50
V3=OS3 V4=OS4
P5-P6 P7-P8
P1=N P2=a P3=b
V1=a wave V2=b wave
Minimum Minimum Maximum
P1-P2 P2-P3
0-2 10-30 10-50
P1=N1 P2=P1 V2=30HzAmp
Minimum Maximum Ampl. Of base
0-15 15-35 wave

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2.4.2 Positioning of the electrodes


active electrode active electrode

red, channel one red, channel two

reference-electrode reference-electrode
blue, channel one blue, channel two


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.4.3 Run Test

First Step: Electrodes connected to the Patient

Second Step: test the Impedance

The value should be smaller than ten

Test Steps

Start Button

Button to check

Third Step: push the button Asq. Biosignal and then you click on start and your
investigation can begin.
On the screen you will see the following picture with an example curve

artifact counter

Average number

the different

Start/Stop and
clear function

zoom function
for bio signal /
average result

to check the
Bio signal

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2.4.4 - Analysis

Group 1: ERG Analysis scotopic

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameter of your investigation

Save in


to edit the curve

Change to next

Curve shift Zoom in and out

Group 2: ERG Analysis Oscillatory potential

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameters of your investigation

Save in Save in


to edit the curve

Change to next

Curve shift Zoom in and ou

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Group 3: ERG Analysis photopic

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameter of your investigation

Save in


to edit the curve

Change to next

Curve shift Zoom in and out

d) ERG Analysis 30 Hz Flicker

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameter of your investigation

Save in

Fourier analysis

P possibilities of
editting the curve

Change to next

Curve shift Zoom in and out

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2.5 Flash VEP

2.5.1 Parameters

a.) Input parameters for Flash VEP GF:

step Amplifier P. Averager

Channel fu Averag. Stim. Fequ.
No. Name Range fo Plottime Pretrigger
1 1 100 1,3 Hz
1 F-VEP 1,3 Hz R 100µV 50 500 0
0dB off
1 1 100 7,3 Hz
2 F-VEP 7,3 Hz R 100µV 50 500 0
0dB off
1 1 100 1,3 Hz
3 F-VEP 1,3 Hz L 100µV 50 500 0
0dB off
1 1 100 7,3 Hz
4 F-VEP 7,3 Hz L 100µV 50 500 0
0dB off

b.) Analysis parameters for Flash VEP GF:


P1=N1 P2=P1 P3=N2

V1=N1-P1 V2=P1-N2
Minimum Maximum Minimum
P1-P2 P2-P3
60-90 90-130 120-150

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c.) Input parameters for Flash VEP MGF:

Step Amplifier P. Averager

Channel fu Averag. Stim. Fequ.
No. Name Range fo Plottime Pretrigger
1 1 100 7,3 Hz
1 F-VEP 7,3 Hz R 100µV 50 300 0
Standard Flash
1 1 100 15,3 Hz
2 F-VEP 15,3 Hz R 100µV 50 300 0
Standard Flash
1 1 100 7,3 Hz
3 F-VEP 7,3 Hz L 100µV 50 300 0
Standard Flash
1 1 100 15,3 Hz
4 F-VEP 15,3 Hz L 100µV 50 300 0
Standard Flash

d.) Analysis parameters for Flash VEP MGF:


P1=N1 P2=P1 P3=N2 V1=N1- V2=P1-

Minimum Maximum Minimum P1 N2
60-90 90-130 120-150 P1-P2 P2-P3

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The parameter menu for Flash VEP GF:

Step list

Amplifier menu

Plot Time: time between tests

Averages: how many tests

Automation menu:

Step list

Program dev.: for one test

Save change: continuing test

Here you can select the different pause time between cycles and the number of
complete test cycles.

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2.5.2 Positioning of electrodes


reference-electrode active electrode red

blue (-) (+)


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.5.3 Run Test

First Step: Connect the electrodes to the patient

Second Step: Test the impedance

Button to check
the impedance

The value should be smaller than ten.

Third Step: Push the button Asq. Biosignal to get the Biosignal. On the screen you will see the
following picture with an example curve
Artifact counter

Average number

The different

Start/stop and
clear funktion

Zoom function
for biosignal /
average result

Asq Biosignal

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2.5.4 Analysis

A normal Flash VEP:

Diagnostic Data = a table with the individual values appears

Test Parameter = here you can see the parameters of your investigation

Save in database/

Different possibilities
to edit the curve

Zoom in and out

and curve shift

The analyzed values are from the selected step

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indicated yellow colour.

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2.6 Seq. Stimulation (Swep VEP)

2.6.1 Parameters

Parameter menu:

Step list

Amplifier menu

Plot Time: time between tests

Averages: how many tests
Automation menu:

Step list

Program dev.: for one test

Save change: continuing test

Here can you select the different pause time between cycles and the number of
complete test cycles.

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Visual Angle

Check width of a pattern element = b [cm]

Distance of pattern from corneal surface = a [cm]

Automatic calculation by the computer according

to the following principle:
(deg x 60 min) = Visual angle in minutes [min]
Visual angle [deg] α = 2 x arctan (b / 2a)

Visual Angle = 1 deg
Width of pattern element = 1 cm
Distance = 57,4 cm

Visual angle of less than one degree should be expressed in minutes

0,5 deg = 30 min
1 deg = 60 min
1,5 deg = 90 min


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
M1 =Min P1 = Max M2 =Min P2 =Max M3 = Min P3 = Max M4 = Min P4 = Max
300-350 350-450 650-700 650-750 750-1000 1000-1200 1500-1600 1500-1600

V1 V2 V3 V4
V1 = A1 V2 = A2 V3 = A3 V4 = A4
P1-P2 P3-P4 P5-P6 P7-P8

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2.6.2 Positioning of the electrodes


reference-electrode active electrode red

blue (-) (+)


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.6.3 Run Test

First Step: Electrodes connected to the Patient

Second Step: test the Impedance

The value should be smaller then ten

Button to check

Third Step: bush the button Asq. Biosignal and that you click on start an your
investigation can begin. On the screen you will see the following picture with an example curve

Patient and
parameter menu

Start button

Zoom in and out

and curve shift

Asq Biosignal Amplifier menu Fixation button

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2.7 on-off ERG - Ganzfeld

2.7.1 Parameters

The parameter menu for on-off ERG - Ganzfeld

Step list

Amplifier menu

Automation menu:

Step list

Program dev.: for one test

Save change: continuing test

Here can you select the different pause time between cycles and the number of
complete test cycles.

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Halogen backlight

Flash intensity


N a b c d
N = Min 0- a = Min 10- b = Max 10- c = Min 200- d = Min 220-
5 30 50 230 250

V1 V2 V3
V1 = a - V2 = b-
wave wave V3 = off
P2-P1 P3-P2

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2.7.2 Position of the electrodes


active electrode active electrode

red, channel one red, channel two

reference-electrode reference-electrode
blue, channel one blue, channel two


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.7.3 Run test

First Step: Connect the electrodes to the patient

Second Step: Test the impedance

The value should be smaller than ten

Button to
check the

Third Step: Push the button Asq. Bio signal to get the bio signal. On the screen you will see the
following picture with an example curve

Artifact counter

Average number

The different Steps

Start / Stop and clear


Zoom function for biosignal /

average result

Asq Biosignal

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2.7.4 Analysis

Select curve

Select marker

Select and apply

of different filter

Filter menu:

Original Curve

Filter Curve

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2.8 EOG - Electrooculography

2.8.1 - Parameters

Result button
Controls button

Test Button

Dilated eye and
Nondilated eye

Menu Info:

a.) Slow Oscillations

o Dark time incl. adaption (1…30 min) → 15 min = Standard
o Dark adaption (0…14 min) → 5 min = Standard
o Light time incl. adaption (1…30 min) → 15 min = Standard
o Light adaption (0…14 min) → 5 min = Standard
o Break time (0…45 s)

b.) Fast Oscillations

o Total number of cycles (2…20) → 12 = Standard
o Cycle time (40…120 s) → 75 = Standard

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2.8.2 - Positioning of the electrodes


active electrode active electrode

red, channel one red, channel two

reference-electrode reference-electrode
blue, channel one blue, channel two


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.8.3 - Run Test

First Step: Electrodes connected to the Patient

Second Step: test the Impedance

The value should be smaller then ten

Start test

Button to check

Third Step: bush the button Asq. Biosignal and that you click on start an your
investigation can begin. On the screen you will see the following picture with an example curve

Amplifier options

Biosignal button

Abort test

Zoom in and out

Curve shift

Change to LED
during break

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2.8.4 - Analysis

a.) Normal Arden > 1,8

Patient options and

Load test

Print button

Smooth options

Result text

No. of saccades

Biosignal analyse

b.) Arden = 1

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2.9 ENG - Electronystagmographie

2.9.1 - Parameter

Adjustment, before you start the nystagmographie you can make a adjustment, that means:
How is the relation between the deg for the eye movement and the voltage:

Over the LED-BAR = this are 7 LED, Over the monitor = there is a pint and go left
for a distance from 1meter right and so on….
2x LED=15deg; 2x 30deg; the system collect the data an you can measure
2x60deg here are show how the led go, the voltage for the degree
you have some different programs

Here you can change the contrast of the stripes

Here you can see the

degree for the strip, is
calculated from the distance
and monitor size

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2.9.2 - Positioning of the electrodes

ground-electrode black

active electrode red,

channel 1 reference-electrode blue,
channel 1


+ - - +

red channel 2
red channel 1

blue channel 1 blue channel 2

black ground

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2.9.3 - Run Test

After start the nystagmographie you get the main menu:

First set the amplifier of 1mV, 0,05Hz and 100Hz,

Save as default and done.

In the nystagmograhie the stripes go right and left. You select this over the button right left .

Please start the test with right:

Patient menu

Amplifier and
Impedance menu

Start test

Zoom in and out /

Curve shift

Control functions

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2.9.4 - Analyse

If the right and left side is

ready and you have
collected the eye
slow phase fast phase movement slow and fast
phase set please the
and so on
You select this –push the
marker field :A next B
Picture 1 and so on:
A1 A2 B1 B2

right mouse button

left mouse button

Push the button start, and the stripes are moving right side. The recording time, the velocity and the
stripes wide = degree you can change in this menu. During the moving the stripes the patient eye is
follow the stripes slow phase and after some time the eye is on the end of the screen the eye set back
– fast phase and follow again the stripes. For example look picture 1. If the right side is ready start the
left side.

You can select the 2 markers for the slow phase for A,B,C,D and (or) E. If you find not so many you
can only select two ( A,B) or three (A,B,C). Please make this for right and left.
Than you go to the analyses menu. In the menu you find the selected slow phases for right and left,
for example: only two was selected. In the analyses the computer compare the slow phase velocity for
right and left. The level difference bigger lower than 20% is normal. The results can saved and print

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You must get the curve like this and set the marker on top and button and you get the value in voltage
and the value is a relative to the degree of the point on the monitor. This is although saccaden.

Here you start on the monitor is the point go to left and right…..

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3 Testsystem RCT-50/10

3.1 Technical Description

The test-system RCT-50/10 is used for the checkup from systems to the derivation of Bio-signals with
the help of a stimulator as light-stimulus.

The synchronization can be checked between stimulus and average as well as the adjustments of the

When arriving of a light-impulse on the light-sensor of the test-appliance ,will generates a control-
impulse of 10 ms and 50 µV amplitudes. The measure can occurs at the monitor with the white
surfaces of the chessboard-patterns, in the ganzfeld, miniganzfeld or flashgoggle. The appliance
should be held directly at the monitor as well as at the opening of the ganzfeld.

Important is, that the surrounding-light is sufficiently dark so that a sufficiently high light-alteration is
reached by the stimulus-impulse. The height of the amplitude of the stimulus - impulse is independent
from the light-intensity.

The test-system is powered by a 9V battery

3.2 External construction

3,5 mm plug in for
the test-cable to the
amplifier connection

Mode 2
50 µV
continuous test-
Mode 1
50 µV
signal or
responses is
10 ms
produced by a flash
Friedrich-Franz-Str. 19
from the monitor or
14770 Brandenburg the ganzfeld

Operating LED

ON/OFF Switch

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3.3 Testbox connection

On the picture you can see how to connect the test-system to the 2 channel amplifier system.
2 x blue cable to blue socket, 2 x red cable to the red socket, 1x black cable to black socket

General using structures

You can use the test-system with the ganzfeld and for multifocal-testing.

3.4 Using the test-system with the Ganzfeld

On the picture you can see

how to use the test-system into
the Ganzfeld

Program Flash VEP

Here you see the curve of the

flash with 1,3 Hz test-signal in the

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Program Flash VEP

Here you see the curve of the

flash with 7,3 Hz test-signal in the


Program Pattern ERG


Here you can see the curve from the continuous signal
The Operating LED on your test-system flickers and shows you thereby that the test-system produced
a signal with an amplitude of 50 µV

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4 Cleaning Instruction

4.1 Cleaning, Disinfection

Cleaning and disinfection is only to be made when equipment is offline and separated from the patient.
Cleaning and disinfection supplies have to be used as provided by manufacturers e.g. in appropriate

4.2 Electrodes and Patient cable

The electrodes can be cleaned and disinfected as described on the package insert. If not described
anywhere, electrodes can be cleaned like the patient cable.

Disinfect the electrodes and cables with a cloth saturated with disinfection solution (e.g. Cidex®,
The electrodes can be cleaned with warm water.
Do not soak the connectors of the cables into liquid.
The usage of acetone, alcohol, chloroform or any other strong solvents makes the cable less flexible
and damages the cable.

4.3 The body

All bodies can be cleaned with a lint-free, damp cloth and mild soap.

4.4 Monitor and TFT-Screen

Use a lint-free, damp (not wet!!) cloth and mild soap for cleaning.

The stimulation monitor for medical and clinical application can be cleaned with non-rubbing cloths
and cleaning supplies used in hospitals for similar equipment. That includes warm water and mild
cleaning supplies for all surfaces and 70% Isopropyl alcohol for the screens.

Do not spray liquid cleaning supplies directly on the screen. Spray the cleansing supplies on a non-
rubbing cloth and wipe over the screen without excessive pressure.

Possible cleaning supplies are:

70% Isopropyl alcohol; 1,6% ammonia liquid; Cidex® (2,4% Glutaraldehyde solution); sodium
hypochlorite (bleach agent) 10%; “green soap” USP (United States Pharmacopoeia); 0,5%
Chlorhexidin in 70% Isopropyl alcohol; Ovation®, Formula 409®, Fantastic®, WexCide®

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