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It’s coming, and most of us don’t even know it. Most of us don’t want to know it either.

But the currency

reset is upon us, and it’s going to be catastrophic.

Most Americans go about their daily lives utterly unaware that their precious fiat money’s devaluation is
accelerating at a record pace. The powers that be are gladly helping this process along, as they’ve already
mapped out their escape plan – which is exactly what every citizen ought to be doing before it’s too late.

It’s nothing short of a miracle that a Venezuela- or Zimbabwe-scale currency crisis hasn’t hit North America yet,
though it could be argued that it has reached America, just in a different form. It’s more subtle, more insidious,
and it’s taking place with the full permission of the unwitting public.

The government and Federal Reserve are more than happy to precipitate a full-on currency collapse. In case
you needed further proof of this, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell put the final nail in the coffin
for the U.S. dollar (along with Treasury yields, in case you’re thinking that’s a good alternative to the dollar),
resulting in the dollar’s death knell written large in the financial headlines:


By opening his mouth, Jay Powell simultaneously crushed bond yields, making it impossible for retirees,
investors, and savers to get an even marginally acceptable return on so-called “risk-free” U.S. Treasuries;
downgraded the Fed’s economic outlook, which it cannot deny is looking abysmal; and set the dollar index on
track for its worst daily decline since January 25.

If you’re hoping that things will get better soon, I’ve got two things to say to you: hope isn’t a good
investment strategy, and things are only likely to get worse. Experts forecast an acceleration of the
dollar inflation rate through at least the end of 2020:

Courtesy: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Morgan Stanley Research | Special Report 2

It’s a wealth-destroying trend that started 48 years ago when the U.S. Government took the dollar off of the
gold standard and instituted the fiat monetary system, whereby the currency only has value because the
government says so. With the currency decoupled from anything of real or tangible value, the government was
now free to print dollars into oblivion to temporarily “pay for” everything from defense spending to healthcare,
education, and salaries for themselves and other “public servants.”

The upshot of this has been world governments and central banks dumping the U.S. dollar like there’s no
tomorrow. And really, can you blame China, Russia, India, Turkey, Iran, and other world nations for divesting
themselves of a currency with no trust, rapidly depreciating value, and questionable status as the world’s
reserve currency?

Americans will soon need to face the facts: relentless money printing and central bank malfeasance will
precipitate a currency crisis, destroy what’s left of the middle class, and necessitate a complete and
utter reset of the monetary system. Nations abroad know this, and they’re preparing by shedding their
U.S. dollars and loading up on gold, which has retained real and enduring value for over 6,000 years.

If you’d like a preview of what a full-on currency reset will look like, take a look at what’s happening in
Venezuela right now, and then multiply it by ten thousand. The riots, power outages, hungry families, military
oppression of the citizenry… when “King Dollar” collapses, it will impact the nation and the world on a much
deeper level than the collapse of the Venezuelan bolívar ever could.

Don’t count on any stocks, ETFs, bonds, 401(k)s, or other investment plans being worth anything. And
don’t count on the government saving you; remember that they’re what caused the problem in the first
place. You’ll ultimately need to fend for yourself and your family, and that means relocating to a place
with the best survival value.


Where that is depends on your individual circumstances: if you need to live close to relatives or other
important individuals, that will dictate your next move when the big reset comes. If you have more leeway to
choose your location, however, you’ll need to consider the factors that make a state or country better suited
to a survivalist lifestyle and dollar independence. | Special Report 3

Therefore, since you’ll be seeking to distance yourself from the dollar, you’ll want to broaden your horizons,
and you might find it necessary to leave the United States. That might not be possible for you and your family,
and we’ll discuss that momentarily, but moving abroad is likely to be a reasonable response to an all-out
American currency crisis situation.

The first consideration to bear in mind, then, is this: which countries are the least dollar-dependent? Looking at
the situation through that lens, you might choose to avoid nations where the U.S. dollar is in wide circulation,
such as Panama, Ecuador, El Salvador, Palau, and Cambodia. You might also wish to avoid nations where the
local currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar at a fixed rate, such as Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba.

In terms of dollar independence, then, you may choose to look at countries with their own relatively
independent, time-tested, and fairly sound currencies. Nations that fit this description would (at least right
now) include Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Japan, China
(which is already taking steps to distance itself from the U.S. dollar), and India.

The countries on that list also have reasonably stable governments, though that could change at any
given moment, so you’ll need to stay current with international political and economic developments.

Courtesy: Christoph Fischer, IMF,

Another consideration is avoiding countries that would suffer the most if they couldn’t trade with (or more
precisely, sell to) the United States anymore. China might fall into this category, though their economy may
be strong enough to survive a dollar reset. Major oil exporters like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran would
certainly take a big hit if they couldn’t sell to the U.S., as would Latin American commodity exporters like Chile,
Brazil, and Venezuela. | Special Report 4

If circumstances compel you to stay in the United States, think in terms of the states that are the most
farming-friendly, comparatively uncrowded, and temperate in terms of climate. Major metropolitan areas
would not be ideal places to relocate under these circumstances.

You might also choose to cross the Southwest off of your list, as this region is quite arid, and there’s not a lot of
water in many areas, so droughts and wildfires are quite common in this region. Alaska and Hawaii are remote
locations where it might be difficult to get necessary supplies; besides, Hawaii is quite crowded and doesn’t
have much room, while Alaska’s temperatures make it distinctly farming-unfriendly.

California and the West Coast are generally prone to earthquakes, and northern states like Minnesota,
Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Montana can have absolutely brutal winters. If you feel a particular
attraction to these regions, you might consider at least avoiding the most densely populated cities.

The best places to relocate in the U.S. are the places where freedom-loving, self-sufficient, off-the-grid
Americans tend to go anyway: the Great Plains and Midwest and, to a lesser extent, the Northwest. In
particular, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico would appear to
be reasonable locales for those seeking shelter from the American economic storm but that are unwilling or
unable to leave the country.


Wherever you decide to reestablish your new life, be sure to keep yourself and your loved ones as prepared
as possible. This means staying in optimal physical shape, having essential commodities ready (food, water,
precious metals, etc.), having your passport ready, and learning basic survival skills: farming/hunting, self-
defense, cooking, and repair.

Whatever you do, don’t become overly dependent on the U.S. dollar and the American government. With a full
currency reset inevitable within our lifetime, critical thinking, preparation, independence, and self-education
are your essential weapons in the war against dollar-denominated enslavement and oppression. | Special Report 5

Legal Notice:
This work is based on SEC filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases and what we’ve
learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you shouldn’t make any investment decision
based solely on what you read here. It’s your money and your responsibility. The information herein is
not intended to be personal legal or investment advice and may not be appropriate or applicable for
all readers. If personal advice is needed, the services of a qualified legal, investment or tax professional
should be sought.

Please read our full disclaimer at | Special Report 6

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