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S.Y. 2021-2022
º Key Result Area 1: Access
o Enrollment – First to Fourth Quarter
Female Enrollees 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Grade 7 - Chromium 9 9 9 9
Grade 8 - Krypton 8 8 8 8
Grade 9 - Titanium 9 9 9 9
Grade 10 - Fluorine 13 13 13 13
Grade 11 - Thallium 19 19 20 20
Grade 12 - Arsenic 18 18 18 18
TOTAL 76 76 77 77

Male Enrollees 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Grade 7 - Chromium 11 11 11 11
Grade 8 - Krypton 14 13 13 13
Grade 9 - Titanium 15 15 15 15
Grade 10 - Fluorine 26 26 26 26
Grade 11 - Thallium 7 7 7 7
Grade 12 Arsenic 28 28 28 28
TOTAL 94 93 93 93

Female Enrollees Male Enrolleest

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

26% 24% 26% 25%

24% 25% 25%

o Total Number of Dropouts

1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Grade 7 – Chromium 0 0 0 0
Grade 8 – Krypton 0 0 0 0
Grade 9 – Titanium 0 0 0 0
Grade 10 – Fluorine 0 0 0 0
Grade 11 – Thallium 0 0 0 0
Grade 12 – Arsenic 0 0 0 0

o Total Number of Completers (Grade 10) – First Quarter


Grade 10 – Fluorine 13 26 39

o Total Number of Graduates (Grade 6) – First Quarter


Grade 12 – Lead 18 28 46

o Retention Rate and Repetition– Second Quarter

Retention Rate 2nd Quarter Repetition Rate 2nd Quarter

Grade 7 – Chromium 0 Grade 7 – Chromium 0

Grade 8 – Krypton 0 Grade 8 – Krypton 0
Grade 9 – Titanium 0 Grade 9 – Titanium 0
Grade 10 – Fluorine 0 Grade 10 – Fluorine 0
Grade 11 – Thallium 0 Grade 11 – Thallium 0
Grade 12 – Lead 0 Grade 12 – Lead 0

o No. Of Contact Days

From To No. of Days
First Quarter August 16, 2021 October 16, 2021 52
Second Quarter October 18, 2021 December 18, 2021 48
Third Quarter January 3, 2022 February 12, 2022 36
Fourth Quarter February 14, 2022 May 5, 2022 65

o No. of Learners – Third Quarter


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Grade 7 – Chromium 4 16 20
Grade 8 – Krypton 2 20 22
Grade 9 – Titanium 3 21 24
Grade 10 – Fluorine 1 38 39
Grade 11 – Thallium 0 26 26
Grade 12 – Arsenic 2 44 46

Mode of Learning



o Attendance – Third Quarter

Number of Days Present (36 Days)

Grade 7 – Chromium 36
Grade 8 – Krypton 36
Grade 9 – Titanium 36
Grade 10 – Fluorine 36
Grade 11 - Thallium 36
Grade 12 – Arsenic 36

o Absence of Learners and Recipient of Pantawid Pamilya


Grade 7 – Chromium 0
Grade 8 – Krypton 1
Grade 9 – Titanium 1
Grade 10 – Fluorine 2
Grade 11 - Thallium 0
Grade 12 – Arsenic 6
o Number of Enrollees in Senior High School – Third Quarter
Female Enrollees 3rd Quarter Male Enrollees 3rd Quarter

Grade 11 - Thallium 20 Grade 11 - Thallium 7

Grade 12 - Arsenic 8 Grade 12 Arsenic 28

o Failure Rate (SHS Specialized Subject) – First to Third Quarter

Female Enrollees 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Grade 11 - Thallium 0 0 0 0
Grade 12 - Arsenic 0 0 0 0

º Key Result Area 2: Quality

o Literacy Level (Filipino and English) – Junior High School (Gr. 7-10)

(Pre Test Only)
Filipino Subject
Grade No. of Pupil Tested Frustration Instructional
Level Female Male Total Independent Non-Readers
Grade 7 3 5 8
Grade 8 4 3 5
Grade 9 10 7 17
Grade 10 14 10 24


o Promotion Rate – Second Quarter

2nd Quarter

Grade 7 - Chromium 100 %

Grade 8 - Krypton 100 %
Grade 9 - Titanium 100 %
Grade 10 - Fluorine 100 %
Grade 11 - Thallium 100 %
Grade 12 - Arsenic 100 %

o MPS Quarterly Exam All Subjects – First and Second Quarter

1 Half – 1st Quarter
2nd Half– 1st Quarter Total / 2
1 English 81.13 66.13 73.63

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2 Math 72.38 68.75 70.56
3 Science 76.70 71.20 73.95
4 Filipino 72.63 73.25 72.94
5 AP 84.40 86.10 85.25
6 HELE/TLE 61.83 75.30 68.56
7 MAPEH 67.25 65.63 66.44
8 Computer 65.25 71.00 68.12
9 Values 80.63 82.50 81.56
1st Half – 2nd Quarter 2nd Half– 2nd Quarter Total / 2
1 English 69.13 66.13 67.63
2 Math 73.50 68.75 71.12
3 Science 100.49 71.20 85.84
4 Filipino 73.25 73.25 73.25
5 AP 75.50 86.10 80.8
6 HELE/TLE 78.50 75.30 76.9
7 MAPEH 100.00 65.63 82.81
8 Computer 85.00 71.00 78
9 Values 85.63 82.50 84.06

1st Half – 1st Quarter 2nd Half– 1st Quarter Total / 2
1 English 50.87 52.61 51.74
2 Math 67.83 60.22 64.025
3 Science 90.11 84.89 87.5
4 Filipino 64.13 76.09 70.11
5 AP 98.04 94.89 96.465
6 HELE/TLE 58.15 90.98 74.565
7 MAPEH 73.48 65.87 69.675
8 Computer 64.46 71.30 67.88
9 Values 95.65 95.65 95.65
1st Half – 2nd Quarter 2nd Half– 2nd Quarter Total / 2
1 English 80.95 78.93 79.94
2 Math 71.07 67.98 69.525
3 Science 94.52 90.00 92.26
4 Filipino 65.12 78.57 71.845
5 AP 106.07 105.95 106.01
6 HELE/TLE 86.90 87.50 87.2
7 MAPEH 77.50 100.00 88.75
8 Computer 95.24 100.60 97.92
9 Values 100 100 100

1 Half – 1st Quarter
2nd Half– 1st Quarter Total / 2
1 English 64.58 63.37 63.975
2 Math 45.42 61.41 53.28
3 Science 81.46 81.96 81.71
4 Filipino 55.52 73.80 64.66
5 AP 79.90 70.22 75.06
6 HELE/TLE 72.50 66.78 69.64
7 MAPEH 74.69 66.96 70.825
8 Computer 53.13 44.24 48.685
9 Values 93.44 78.48 85.96
1st Half – 2nd Quarter 2nd Half– 2nd Quarter Total / 2
1 English 81.20 79.46 80.33
2 Math 66.20 75.11 70.655
3 Science 99.46 71.85 85.655
4 Filipino 67.39 78.48 72.935
5 AP 90.22 87.93 89.075
6 HELE/TLE 84.78 92.39 88.585
7 MAPEH 77.28 104.35 90.815
8 Computer 94.02 95.11 94.565
9 Values 98.26 81.09 89.675

Grade 10
1st Half – 1st Quarter 2nd Half– 1st Quarter Total / 2
1 English 64.62 56.89 60.76
2 Math 76.47 58.21 67.34
3 Science 62.67 80.96 71.82
4 Filipino 71.22 76.35 73.79
5 AP 81.69 80.72 81.21
6 HELE/TLE 78.53 54.15 66.34
7 MAPEH 83.91 74.10 79.01
8 Computer 60.41 73.91 67.16
9 Values 73.14 68.21 70.68
10 CAT 73.14 66.54 70.68
1st Half – 2nd Quarter 2nd Half– 2nd Quarter Total / 2
1 English 64.62 57.08 60.85
2 Math 76.47 66.67 71.57
3 Science 62.67 75.33 69
4 Filipino 71.22 76.54 73.88
5 AP 81.69 85.64 83.67
6 HELE/TLE 78.53 83.33 80.93
7 MAPEH 83.91 90.71 87.31
8 Computer 60.41 75.85 68.13
9 Values 73.14 90.71 81.92
10 CAT 73.14 90.71 81.93

1st Half – 1st Quarter 2nd Half– 1st Quarter Total/2
1 Oral Com. 64.44 66.00 65.22
2 Gen. Math 66.67 57.62 62.145
3 Earth Science 82.00 90.56 82.28
4 Komunikasyon 84.00 64.00 74
5 Pre Calculus 42.44 51.56 47
6 P.E. Health 86.00 86.89 86.445
7 Empowerment 66.22 68.00 67.11
8 Intro to Philo. 83.06 89.72 86.39
11- ABM
1 Oral Com. 85.00 65.00 75

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2 Gen Math 59.52 69.05 64.285
3 EAPP 80.00 75.00 77.5
4 Earth & life Sci. 83.00 81.33 82.165
5 Komunikasyon 78.33 78.33 78.33
6 Per Dev. 88.33 88.33 88.33
7 P.E. Health 87.67 90.67 89.17
8 Prac. Research 1 80.67 79.33 80
9 UCSP 75.83 75.83 75.83
11- GAS
1 Oral Com. 62.60 60.20 61.4
2 Gen Math 63.71 68.86 66.285
3 EAPP 81.00 81.00 81
4 Earth & life Sci. 78.40 76.00 77.2
5 Komunikasyon 69.40 69.40 69.40
6 Per Dev. 87.60 87.60 87.60
7 P.E. Health 88.40 87.80 88.1
8 UCSP 80.75 80.50 80.625
9 Prac. Research 1 69.80 69.80 69.80
11- TVL
1 Oral Com. 72.00 76.00 74
2 Gen Math 68.86 71.40 70.13
3 EAPP 75.00 75.00 75
4 Per Dev. 90.00 90.00 90
5 Komunikasyon 90.00 90.00 90
6 P.E. Health 84.00 90.00 87
8 Akademiks 90.00 80.00 85
9 CSSNC11 62.50 55.00 58.75

o Quarterly GPA – All Subjects – First and Second Quarter

1 Half
2nd Half Total / 2
1 1 Quarter
73.58 73.32 73.45
2 2nd Quarter 82.33 73.32 77.82

1 Half
2nd Half Total / 2
1 1 Quarter
73.64 76.94 75.29
2 2nd Quarter 86.38 89.95 88.165

1 Half
2nd Half Total / 2
1 1 Quarter
68.96 67.80 68.38
2 2nd Quarter 84.31 85.08 84.695

1 Half
2nd Half Total / 2
1 1 Quarter
72.58 69.00 70.79
2 2nd Quarter 73.33 79.26 76.295
1 Half
2nd Half Total/ 2
1 1 Quarter
72.58 69.00 70.79
2 2nd Quarter 73.33 79.26 76.295

º Key Result Area 3: Governance

o No. Classroom – Second Quarter
Grade Level Building Room Number Quantity
Grade 7 - Chromium Main Building 04 1
Grade 8 - Krypton Amakan Building 27 1
Grade 9 - Titanium Amakan Building 26 1
Grade 10 - Fluorine Amakan Building 25 1
Grade 11 - Thallium SHS Building 11 1
Grade 12 - Arsenic SHS Building 12 1

o No. of Comfort Rooms

Grade Level Building
Grade 7 - Chromium
Grade 8 - Krypton
Main Building 1 1
Grade 9 - Titanium
Grade 10 - Fluorine
Grade 11 - Thallium
SHS Building 1 1
Grade 12 - Arsenic

o No. of Arm Chairs

Grade Level Building Room Number Quantity
Grade 7 - Chromium Main Building 04 0
Grade 8 - Krypton Amakan Building 27 20
Grade 9 - Titanium Amakan Building 26 17
Grade 10 - Fluorine Amakan Building 25 15
Grade 11 - Thallium SHS Building 11 30
Grade 12 - Arsenic SHS Building 12 0

o No. of Learner’s Table and Chairs

Grade Level Building Room Number
Table Chairs
Grade 7 - Chromium Main Building 04 0 0
Grade 8 - Krypton Amakan Building 27 2 6
Grade 9 - Titanium Amakan Building 26 6 0
Grade 10 - Fluorine Amakan Building 25 6 8
Grade 11 - Thallium SHS Building 11 0 0
Grade 12 - Arsenic SHS Building 12 0 30

o No. of Teacher’s Table and Chair

Grade Level Building Room Number
Table Chairs

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Grade 7 - Chromium Main Building 04 1 1
Grade 8 - Krypton Amakan Building 27 1 1
Grade 9 - Titanium Amakan Building 26 1 2
Grade 10 - Fluorine Amakan Building 25 1 1
Grade 11 - Thallium SHS Building 11 1 1
Grade 12 - Arsenic SHS Building 12 1 1

o No. of Functional Library

One Functional School Library

English Math Science Filipino AP TLE MAPEH Comp Values

Grade 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 6 5
Grade 8 6 9 10 8 8 7 7 8 9
Grade 9 8 8 6 5 6 7 7 7 72
Grade 10 8 8 7 6 6 6 8 7 59
TOTAL 29 32 29 25 26 26 29 28 61

o No. of Science Laboratory

- One Science Laboratory (Physics & Chem. Lab.) –All Level
o No. of TLE Laboratories for Different Specializations
- One TLE Laboratory (Home Economics)- All Level
o No. od ICT Laboratories for Classroom Instruction
- Once ICT/ Computer Laboratory (All Levels)
- One Laboratory for TVL CSS NCII (Grade 11 and 12)
o No. of Teachers with IPCR Performance
- None, since the school year is not finish
o No. of Textbooks per subject Areas
English Math Science Filipino AP TLE MAPEH Comp Values
Grade 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grade 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grade 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grade 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grade 11 No Books
Grade 12 No Books

Publishing Books

13% IEMI
12% Phoenix
50% Vibal

o Funding Sources
Tuition Fee Miscellaneous Fee Books ESC Subsidy

Grade 7 15, 000 2, 300 6, 340 9,000

Grade 8 15, 000 2, 300 6, 340 9,000
Grade 9 15, 000 2, 300 6, 340 9,000
Grade 10 15, 000 2, 300 6, 340 9,000
Voucher Program
Tuition Fee Miscellaneous Fee Books
Private Public
Grade 11 27,000 3,300 0 14, 000 17,500
Grade 12 27,000 3,300 0 14, 000 17,500

o Stakeholders to Education
Parents –Teacher Association
LGU - Barangay
o Learners – Teachers Ratio
Teachers Ratio

Grade 7 - Chromium 1 is to 20
Grade 8 - Krypton 1 is to 22
Grade 9 - Titanium 1 is to 24
Grade 10 - Fluorine 1 is to 39
Grade 11 -Thallium 1 is to 26
Grade 12 -Arsenic 1 is to 46

o Learners Classroom Ratio

Learners Ratio

Grade 7 - Chromium 1 is to 20
Grade 8 - Krypton 1 is to 22
Grade 9 - Titanium 1 is to 24
Grade 10 - Fluorine 1 is to 39
Grade 11 -Thallium 1 is to 26
Grade 12 -Arsenic 1 is to 46

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o Learners –Toilet Ratio
Female Male
- 2 is to 77 - 2 is to 94
o Learners – Toilet Bowl Ratio
Female Male
- 4 is to 77 - 5 is to 94

o Teacher’s Professional Development

o Two days In-service Training for Teachers 2022

o Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Measures In The Workplace

o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)

o 2021 INSET for Junior High School Teachers (Online)

o 2021 In-Service Training on the Art of Questioning. Test Construction,

Child Protection Policy Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, Submission Checking of
School Forms for the S.Y. 2020-2021
o School Orientation On D.O. no. 31, s. 2020 and Grading on Light of the
Basic Education Continuity Plan
o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)

Teachers Training and Seminars

o 2021 INSET for Junior High School Teachers (Online)
o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)
Learning Action Cell (LAC)
o 2nd School LAC Member entitled Curriculum Map – JHS and
SHS Department.

2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)

With the theme
Facilitating Learning in a SHS Flexible Class
Held via Zoom on July 29-31. 2019
Teachers Training and Seminars
o Two days In-service Training for Teachers 2022 (Resource Speaker)
o Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Measures In The Workplace
o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)
o 2021 INSET for Junior High School Teachers (Online)
o 2021 In-Service Training on the Art of Questioning. Test Construction, Child
Protection Policy Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, Submission Checking of School Forms
for the S.Y. 2020-2021
o School Orientation On D.O. no. 31, s. 2020 and Grading on Light of the Basic
Education Continuity Plan
o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)
Learning Action Cell (LAC)
o 1st School LAC Facilitator entitled Teaching and Learning Management in the
New Normal – JHS and SHS Department.
o 2nd School LAC Member entitled Stress Management – JHS and SHS Department.
o 2nd School LAC Member entitled Curriculum Map – JHS and SHS Department.
o 3rd School LAC Secretary entitled 2018-2018 PEAC ESC- GASTPE (RE)
Certification Assessment Instruction (CAI) and its updated additional supporting
documents - JHS and SHS Department.
o 3rd School LAC Secretary entitled Orientation on Division Memorandum No. 513,
s. 2021/ Pilot Face–to- Face Class - JHS and SHS Department.
o 3rd School LAC Secretary entitled Orientation on DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017/
PPST - JHS and SHS Department.
Graduate Studies
o Masters in Arts in Education major in Administration and Supervision (AS) at
Felipe R. Verallo Memorial Foundation, Inc. ,Bogo City, Cebu.

12 | P a g e @kca1997
Teachers Training and Seminars
o Two days In-service Training for Teachers 2022
o Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Measures In The Workplace
o In-service Training for Teachers 2021 (Resource Speaker)
o Child Protection Policy Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
o General Orientation on the Interim Guidelines on Student
Government Election 2021-2022 ( DepEd)
o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online) via Zoom
o 2021 INSET for Junior High School Teachers (Online) via Zoom
o In-service Training for Teachers 2021 (Resource Speaker)
o JHS Content area (PEAC) Teaching SHS Core Subjects in a
Flexible Class (PEAC)
o 2021 In-service training on the Code of Ethics for Professional
teachers, Administrative Discipline, Presentation of student
Handbook. Disaster Preparedness and Review on DepEd Forms.
o School Orientation On D.O. no. 31, s. 2020 and Grading on Light of
the Basic Education Continuity Plan
o 2020 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)
o 2019 Child Protection Policy Anti –Bullying Act of 2013 Seminar
(3 Days) (DepEd)
Learning Action Cell (LAC)
o 2nd School LAC Facilitator entitled Curriculum Map – JHS and
SHS Department.
o 1st School LAC Secretary entitled Teaching and Learning
Management in the New Normal – JHS and SHS Department.
o 2nd School LAC Member entitled Stress Management – JHS and
SHS Department.
o 3rd School LAC Member entitled 2018-2018 PEAC ESC- GASTPE
(RE) Certification Assessment Instruction (CAI) and its updated
additional supporting documents - JHS and SHS Department.
o 3rd School LAC member entitled Orientation on DepEd Order No.
42, s. 2017/ PPST - JHS and SHS Department.

o Two days In-service Training for Teachers 2022

o Practicing COVID-19 Preventive Measures In The Workplace

o 2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)

o 2021 INSET for Junior High School Teachers (Online)

o 2021 In-Service Training on the Art of Questioning. Test Construction,

Child Protection Policy Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, Submission
Checking of School Forms for the S.Y. 2020-2021
o School Orientation On D.O. no. 31, s. 2020 and Grading on Light of
the Basic Education Continuity Plan
2021 INSET for Senior High School Teachers (Online)

o Room for Ancillary Services/ Others

- School Library, School Clinic, Home Economics, Science Laboratory,
ICT/ Computer Laboratory

o Instructional Supervision
- Two Class Observation in a school year
o Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Development (WASH) Facilities
- Five Wash Facilities
o Internet Connectivity
- Globe Telecom with 10MBps
- Globe Telecom with 20MBps
o Electrical Supply

Prepared by:

JHS and SHS Coordinator
Adviser, Grade 10- Fluorine

Attested by:


Adviser , Grade 7- Chromium Adviser , Grade 8- Krypton


Adviser , Grade 9- Titanium Adviser , Grade 11- Thallium

Adviser, Grade 12- Arsenic

Monitored by: Checked and Noted by:


Academic/Curriculum Coordinator School Principal

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