A Universe From Nothing or Big Bounce?: Technical Paper

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A universe from nothing or big bounce?

Abstract: The beginning of the universe is explained by many theoretical aspects. The cosmological
evolution begins with the singularity. Such singularities predict the initial conditions of the universe.
To deal the singularity there are lots of mathematical models have been proposed. In particular
universe from nothing model, that deals the beginning of the universe as nonsingular and initiated
out of nothing scenario. Similarly in quantum mechanics loop quantum cosmology resolves the
initial singularity with quantum geometry. That resolution replaces the big bang with big bounce.
Initial conditions of the universe in vacuum dominated states and loop quantum cosmological
bouncing solutions is analyzed in this work. It is been interpreted that the universe from vacuum
solutions replicate the dark energy dominated final stages of the universe, which leads to cyclic

In the big bounce theory, the universe is expanding and contracting,
 Big Bang (Exploding) (formation of universe)
 Big Crunch (Contraction) (reverse of universe)
This both as big bang (exploding) and Big Crunch (contracting)
period or process called big bounce. at one limit of contracting the
whole universe at one singularity point. This theory is not correctly
defined or not proof, through my research and knowledge, I know
shortly defined the big bounce. The beginning of the universe and
initial stages of the universe is a long standing problem for
mathematical and physical theories. There are numerous theoretical
models has been carried out to analyze and scrutinize the initial
conditions of the
universe. The initial conditions of the universe suffers with classical singularities, where energy
density, curvature and pressure diverges. The classical singularities also face geodesic divergence.
The universe has begin with such singularities. Many mathematical models have been proposed to
explore the singularity, and state of the universe just before, at and after singularities. Cosmological
models like big bang model, string model, and quantum cosmological scenarios were introduced to
study the initial stages of the universe. Loop quantum cosmological approach solves many
cosmological problems. The loop quantum cosmology implements loop quantum gravitational
formalism. The loop quantum cosmology resolves the classical singularities.

Why this research is important? To know that this theory is proofed theory or not. Big bounce theory
is not that popular as big bang, because in big bounce theory has one problem, big bounce theory say
that “expanding it then contracting it then again expand it then again contracting it and so on cycle “
through my research it is the definition of big bounce.
The concept of the Big Bounce envisions the Big Bang as the beginning of a period of expansion that
followed a period of contraction. In this view, one could talk of a Big Crunch followed by a Big
Bang, or more simply, a Big Bounce. This suggests that we could be living at any point in an infinite

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Technical Paper

of universes, or conversely the current universe could be the very first iteration. However, if the
condition of the interval phase "between bounces", considered the 'hypothesis of the primeval atom',
is taken into full contingency such enumeration may be meaningless because that condition could
represent a singularity in time at each instance, if such perpetual return was absolute and
The main idea behind the quantum theory of a Big Bounce is that, as density approaches infinity, the
behavior of the quantum foam changes. All the so-called fundamental physical constants, including
the speed of light in a vacuum, need not remain constant during a Big Crunch, especially in the time
interval smaller than that in which measurement may never be possible (one unit of Planck time,
roughly 10−43 seconds) spanning or bracketing the point of inflection. Universe formed by one
singularity point and that singularity point is formed by (big bounce or big bang or ending of
previous universe). That singularity point contain the (packed or compressed) of previous universe.
In 2012, a new theory of nonsingular big bounce was successfully constructed within the frame of
standard Einstein gravity. This theory combines the benefits of matter bounce and Ekpyrotic
cosmology. Particularly, the famous BKL instability, that the homogeneous and isotropic
background cosmological solution is unstable to the growth of anisotropic stress, is resolved in this
theory. Moreover, curvature perturbations seeded in matter contraction are able to form a nearly
scale- invariant primordial power spectrum and thus provides a consistent mechanism to explain the
cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations.

Technical Paper


This unproofed theory not given answer of one question, question is “when universe contracting then
to small point (singularity), how protect self from destroyed. Why not from own gravity collapse
each other, this no self-destroy or no destruction process called big crunch.so that’s why of big
crunch, big bounce theory not have an answer.
Two Scientist Dr. Paul Dirac and Dr. Stephen Hawking again done the research and come with the
answer, from there research Big Bounce theory is possible. They say that starting of a universe and
quantum Quantum mechanics low govern it universe. And quantum mechanics’ law atom of
nuclease, electron, travel around nucleus electron exist to stable when electron not losing their
energy ,so from that process one atom will never collapse each other, generally large matter is stable
on physically law govern it, but subatomic partial’s world govern by quantum mechanics.


Any subatomic particle, like any particle in the three-dimensional space that obeys
the laws of quantum mechanics, can be either a boson (with integer spin) or a fermion (with odd half-
integer spin). Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of
the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles
In the mathematically rigorous formulation of quantum mechanics, the state of a quantum
mechanical system is a vector belonging to a (separable) complex Hilbert space . This vector is
postulated to be normalized under the Hilbert space inner product, that is, it obeys , and it is well-
defined up to a complex number of modulus 1 (the global phase), that is, and represent
the same physical system.

After the measurement, if result was obtained, the quantum state is postulated to collapse to ,
in the non-degenerate case, or to

Technical Paper


In this section we compare the model with suppression with the standard inflationary model. The
suppression appears generically within the Big Bounce cosmology. In turn, the slow-roll inflation in
the standard Big Bang scenario does not lead to any suppression. While the suppression introduces a
new length scale, the model with suppression has one more parameter in comparison with – 15 – the
standard case. The considered models are:
H1 – The slow-roll inflation within the Big Bang cosmology. This model has two parameters As and
H2 – The slow-roll inflation within the Big Bounce cosmology. This model has three parameters As,
ns and k∗.
In the Bayesian approach to model comparison the best model has the largest value of the so-called
posterior probability in the light of data, which is defined in the following way:

P(Hi |D) = P(D|Hi)P(Hi) P(D) .

The Hi stands for considered model and D denotes data used in analysis. P(Hi) is the prior
probability for the model under investigation, which should reflect all information which we have
about it before the analysis with the data D, that comes from theoretical investigations, or from
analysis with other data sets. In particular, if we have no foundation to favor of one model over
another one, which is usually the case, we take equal values of P(Hi) for all considered models. P(D|
Hi) is the marginalized likelihood function over the allowed parameters range, which we called
evidence and is given by
Ei ≡ P(D|Hi) = Z d ˆθL( ˆθ)P( ˆθ|Hi).

The ˆθ denotes vector of model parameters, L( ˆθ) is the likelihood function for considered model
and P( ˆθ|Hi) is the prior probability distribution function for model parameters.
It is convenient to consider the ratio of models probabilities, which is reduced to the evidence ratio
(so called Bayes factor) when all considered models have equal prior probabilities:
Bij = Ei Ej .

Their values give us information about the strength of evidence in favor of better model: if 0 < ln B <
1 we could not give conclusive answer, if 1 < ln B < 2.5 there is weak evidence, if 2.5 < ln B < 5 the
evidence is moderate, and for ln B > 5 evidence is strong.
The values of evidence for two alternative models of primordial perturbation spectrum was
calculated with the help of CosmoClust code, which was introduced – 16 – by as a part of CosmoMC
code. We have based on anisotropy (TT) and polarization (TE, EE) data from the WMAP satellite. In
computations, we have neglected the contribution from the tensor power spectrum (we set Pt(k) = 0).

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Physical cosmology
In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation, is a theory of
exponential expansion of space in the early universe. The inflationary epoch lasted from
10−36 seconds after the conjectured Big Bang singularity to sometime between 10−33 and
10−32 seconds after the singularity. Following the inflationary period, the universe continued to
expand, but at a slower rate. The acceleration of this expansion due to dark energy began after the
universe was already over 7.7 billion years old (5.4 billion years ago).

This theory is proofed theory by Dr. Deric and Dr. Hawking due to quantum mechanics big bounce
theory possible, in classical universe the cosmological constant is proposed for repulsive
gravitational behavior. The quantum nature of gravity at earlier times of the universe behaves like a
cosmological constant. In quantum mechanics the loop quantum cosmology replaces the big bang as
big bounce. The energy density of vacuum is more dominant form of the universe. The vacuum
energy adds phase transition for the universe. From the initial stage there is also possibility for
quantum multiverses. The quantum vacuum consists virtual gravitational dipoles. The quantum
vacuum is considered as a new state of matter energy composed of short living particles anti
particles. Thus it is known that the universe is created out of quantum vacuum.

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