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| Sy Set No-3 | @ SYNONYMS (Find the nearest mean- | 10, EXTOL (weet SSO) |, ing) (SSC) (@) Steal (b) Praise | 1, CONTRAPTION (#4 (CDS-2006) (© Exterior (@) Excess (a) window (b) Forest - (©) Device (@ Valley | | 2, GRUMPY (fagfergt (SSC-10) | | (@ Careless (b) Bad-tepered (©) Stylish (d) Hungry 3. DISPARATE (31aaTt YSSC) (@) Difficult (b) Hot i> ©vey (@) Differentin kind 4. MENIAL (@taptet (SSC) (@) Unskilled (b) Tall | (©) Affluent (d) Sick 145. MYRIAD ( 374ftrTa (SSC) ~ (a) Luminous (b) Mean... (© Largenumber (@) Jealous 6. THRONG (:*itg (SSC) (a) Excitement. ~~ oe (b) Crowded mass of people , | (© Danger... * | @) Suspense, +, 7. CRLERITY arm NXSSC) (a) Quickness (b);Bachelorhood (©) Lineage (@ Backwardness 8. RECLUSE ( wart art (SSC) (@) Hospitable - (b) Huniorous (© Withdrawn (@) Effective 9. VIRTUOSO ( wetat (SSC) (a) Futuristic (b) Stubbom. (©) Prompt ——_(d) Exceptionally skilled (i) ANTONYMS (Find the opposite meaning)(SSC) 1, DISPARAGING (“tar fear) (a) Refrain (b) Console (©) Appreciate @ Rejoice 2, OVERBEARING ( 34m (SSC) ~(@) Dishonest (b) Modest (6) Partisan (@ Shuggish 3. MODICUM (2167 (SSC) (a) Deceit (b) Surfeit ~ (©) Adulations (@ Modem 4, ACCOLADE ( w9tat (SSC-2004) (a) Countenance —_(b) Vulgar (©) Reprimand ‘ ae B (SSC) 5. is {Cooperate (b) Attack (c) Rubbish Rejoice 6. SUCCINCT ( Hfaret (SSC-08) (@ Failure (b) Inelegance (©) Verbosity (@) Nomenclature 7. SALUBRIOUS ( @RZuE (SSC) (a) Unwholesome —_(b) Anonymous. (©) Clean @ Perfect (i) 8. INGENUOUS ( 8a (SSC) 6. (a) Ineligible (b) honest (©) Confused (@ Crafty 9. SPECIOUS ( #TH& (SSC) 7. (ayNeno: (b) Intosective (©) True (@) Courageous 10. TREPIDATION ( 4auIgz (SSC) & (a)Nervousness _(b) Courage (©) Slightamount _(@) Circumspection | 5 ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION (ii) (choose the one which can be substituted for the given words)(T.A-2004) 1. Tothrow ordrop Unnecessary goods of fuel froma ship, an aircraft, a spacecraft etc’ (@) Capsize (b) Enthral (©) Volley (d) Jettison 2. Wildand noisy Disorder (a) Agitation (b) Revolution 1 (©) Pandemonium (4) Stir 3. Possessing unlimited powers (a) Omniscient (©) Omnipotent: a (©) Omnipresent (a) Omnicompetent aN 4. Heisadoctorwhois aspecialistin eases: (a) Cardiologist. _(b) Physician (©) Dermatologist. _(d) Physicist 5. One who retires from society and lives alone | 3. (a) Saint (6) Giant (©) Plaintitt (d) Recluse (12) The art of making: ee ete with clay (a) Potting eramics: (c) Crockery (@) ynamics Livingat the same time (a) Concurrent (b) Contemporary (c) Coincident (d) Concomitant Concluding part ofa literary work (a) Epilogue (b) Bibliography (0) Soliloquy (@) Episode One who is beyond reform (a) Optimistic (b) Incorrigible (c) Indefatigable _(d) Notorious Science of diseases ; (a) Philology (b) Pathology (c) Psychology (d) Notorious (iv) IDIOMS (find the best-expresses the meaning ofidiom) Because ofhis misbehaviourhe is bound to face the music ( fara at Utory fier ) (a) Get finished (b) listen to the music (c) bear the consequences (d) feel sorry The working of the factory was disrupted on account of a token strike by the workers (@4 GHa sl eSalet) (@) Total strike (b) carefully planned strike (©) Short strike heldas a warning (d) sudden call of strike By opposing his proposal I fell foul of him: (@) Quarrelled with (b) feltannoyed with y (©) Agreed with (d) didnot agree with 4, Those who work by fits and starts seldom show good results ( atfrafia (SSC) (a)Rarely (b) disinterestedly (©) Inegularly (d) regularly 5. Thenewmanager thought thathe would give employees enough rope (a) Many directives and orders (b) sufficient advice (c) Allthe material they needed (d) enough freedom for action 6. He was all at sea when he began his new job (4#T WAN) (SSC) (a) Happy (b) sad (©) Puzzled (d) triumphant 7. His promotion is on the cards ( #¥ttad ) (@) Certain (b) probable (©) Evident (d) due 8. Sherejected his proposal of marriage point blank (ate-aitet (sso) (a) Directly (b) briefly (©) Abmuptly (d) pointedly 9. Have you given up the idea of accepting the new assignment.( Sts tt ) (a) Postponed (b) abandoned (©) Amended (@) adopted 10. Caesar was done to death by the conspirators (E71) (SSC) (a) Eliminated (b) attacked (©) Murdered (@) removed (v) PHRASAL VERB (find the best ex- presses the meaning of phrase) 1. Run down a AMT SSC) (@) cheerful (b) tired (©) active (@) joy 2. Come up{ Se) ai tise (©) own (©) fall (d) shell 3. Put off-( 2 He (SSC) efdelay (b) carry out (©) do (@ continue 4. @yAllow entry ——_() deny (©) stop @ dispute 5. Let off-( Are @&t aT (SSC) (a) punish (©) forgive (©) freedom (@ chide (vi) Find one is misspelt-(SSC-2003) 1. (a) Prestige (b) Precipitate (©) Prerequisite _ (4) Premaises 2. (a) Cateract (b) Protract (© Refract (d) Retract 3. (a)Mischevous’ —_(b) Voluptuous (©) Dangerous @ Glorious 4. (a) Commemoration (b) Accommodation (© Asassination (d) Association 5. (a) Additives (b) Performance (d) Feasebility (©) Controversy (13)

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