PEX 08 02 Dikonversi Dikonversi

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Name: Sawong Kusuma

Exercise 8: Chemical and Physical Processes of Digestion: Activity 2: Exploring Amylase Substrate Specificity Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. Which of the following is true of enzymes and substrates?

You correctly answered: c. Enzymes are specific about the substrates they can act upon.

2. Which of the following is/are reducing sugars?

You correctly answered: e. both glucose and maltose

3. Cellulose and starch are both

You correctly answered: e. polymers of glucose and polysaccharides.

4. Proteins and peptides are formed by joining amino acids with a special type of covalent bond called a peptide bond.
Which of the following enzymes do you think would be specific for a peptide bond?
You correctly answered: c. peptidase

5. The Benedict's assay tests for the presence of

You correctly answered: c. reducing sugar.

02/12/22 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: Do you think test tube 3 will show a positive Benedict's test?
Your answer : b. no

Stop & Think Questions:

You included tube 2 to
You correctly answered: b. see what a positive Benedict's test should look like.

Which tube is included to detect contaminating amylase in the buffer or in cellulose?

You correctly answered: d. tube 4

What is the usual substrate for the pancreatic enzyme peptidase?

You correctly answered: d. peptides

Experiment Data:

Tube No. Reagent 1 Reagent 2 Reagent 3 Time Temp. IKI Benedict's

1 Amylase Starch pH 7.0 Buffer 60 37 - ++
2 Amylase Glucose pH 7.0 Buffer 60 37 - ++
3 Amylase Cellulose pH 7.0 Buffer 60 37 + -
4 Cellulose pH 7.0 Buffer Deionized Water 60 37 + -
5 Peptidase Starch pH 7.0 Buffer 60 37 + -
6 Bacteria Cellulose pH 7.0 Buffer 60 37 - ++

02/12/22 page 2
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The substrate(s) for amylase is/are

You correctly answered: a. starch.

2. The results of tube 5 demonstrated that

You correctly answered: b. peptidase does not digest starch.

3. Why was the cellulose in tube 6 hydrolyzed to glucose?

You correctly answered: d. The bacterial suspension contained the enzyme cellulase, which digested the cellulose.

4. Can you detect the presence of contaminating amylase from your experiments?
You correctly answered: c. It is not possible to determine whether contaminating amylase is present because amylase
doesn't digest cellulose.

02/12/22 page 3
Review Sheet Results
1. Describe why the results in tube 1 and tube 2 are the same.
Your answer:
Karena pada tabung 1 enzim amilase akan memecah starch menjadi maltosa, [1] dimana pada tabung 2 juga memang
sudah terdapat glukosa juga, sehingga hasilnya akan sama sekalipun ditambahkan amilase pada tabung 2 (ingat, amilase
yang berupa enzim tidak akan bekerja jika tidak ada substrat), yaitu uji benedict's akan positif.

2. Describe the result in tube 3. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Enzim merupakan protein yang bekerja dengan sifat spesifik terhadap substrat tertentu, dimana enzim amilase
spesifik bekerja pada substrat berupa tepung, tidak untuk selulosa. selulosa hanya bisa dicerna atau dikatalis oleh
enzim yang dihasilkan oleh suspensi bakteri yaitu enzim selulose. [2]

3. Describe the usual substrate for peptidase.

Your answer:
Peptidase bekerja pada substrat berupa peptida atau protein, yang merupakan rangkaian asam amino yang saling
berikatan dengan ikatan kovalen peptida. Salah satu contoh enzim peptidase di tubuh manusia adalah pepsin. Pepsin
memulai pencernaan protein dengan memutuskan ikatan-ikatan asam amino tertentu dalam protein untuk menghasilkan
fragmen-fragmen peptida (rantai pendek asam amino). Enzim ini bekerja paling efektif dalam lingkungan asam yang
dihasilkan oleh HCI. [2]

4. Explain how bacteria can aid in digestion.

Your answer:
Bakteri akan menghasilkan enzim selulose yang dapat bekerja pada substrat berupa selulosa (terdapat pada
komponen dinding sel tumbuhan) dan mengubahnya menjadi glukosa. Pada tubuh manusia, peristiwa ini terjadi di
saluran usus besar. Di usus besar semua proses mencerna sudah berakhir, sehingga tidak diperlukan enzim
pencernaan lagi. Namun, bakteri kolon mencerna sebagian selulosa untuk kepentingan mereka. [2]

[1] Peyrot des Gachons C, Breslin PA. Salivary Amylase: Digestion and Metabolic Syndrome. Curr Diab Rep.
2016;16(10):102. doi:10.1007/s11892-016-0794-7
[2] Sherwood L. Fisiologi manusia: dari sel ke sistem, Ed. 8. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC; 2012.

02/12/22 page 4

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