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.Lab Values.


values and acid-base balance
are fundamental skills of neona-
water (H2O) to form carbonic
acid (H2CO3). Because of its
ability to combine with H2O to
tal nursing. This is because, in the THE&UNDAMENTALSOF form H2CO3, CO2 is considered
NICU, blood gases are probably a “potential acid.”4 Carbonic acid
ordered more than any other labo- !CID "ASE"ALANCE is transported to the lung, where
ratory test. The bedside nurse not it reverts back to CO2 and H2O.5
only obtains the specimen, but is Mary Farmand, RNC-NIC, MSN Similarily, a pressure gradient exists
also crucially involved in interpret- between the CO2 concentration in
ing the results because blood gases C OLUMN E DITOR the blood and that in the alveoli,
cannot stand alone; they need to which allows the alveoli to accept
be evaluated in the context of the Patricia Nash, RN, MSN, NNP-BC the CO2, making it available for
entire clinical picture. This article excretion during exhalation. Thus,
provides basic information on the the respiratory system can affect the
components of a blood gas, acid-base balance, as well as a acid-base balance within minutes by increasing or decreas-
systematic approach to blood gas analysis. ing the amount of CO2 exhaled. This change in ventilation
is initiated when chemoreceptors in the medulla and the
PH LEVEL carotid and aortic bodies respond to alterations in the levels
Normal cell function is dependent on acid-base balance, of CO2 in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma.6 An increase
which is regulated by the hydrogen ion (H ) concentration in CO2 causes an increase in H2CO3, which in turn causes a
in the blood. Three ways the body has to regulate H+ include decrease in pH. Inversely, a decrease in CO2 causes a decrease
buffer systems, exhalation of carbon dioxide (CO2) via the in H2CO3 in the body, leading to an increase in pH. By mea-
lungs, and excretion of H+ by the kidneys. Substances that suring the CO2, one can determine if a respiratory condition
donate H+ are called acids, whereas substances that accept is causing an acid-balance imbalance. The normal value for
H+ are called bases. Buffers are compounds that either accept CO2 is 35–45 mmHg.
or donate H+.1 The pH scale is the most common method
for measuring H+ concentrations in a solution. Because the BICARBONATE
scale is a negative logarithm, small numbers can be expressed. Bicarbonate is a compound capable of accepting H+, thus
This is particularly useful when determining the H con- + acting as a buffer or base. Determining the HCO3– level in the
centration in plasma because the concentration is so low blood also provides insight into the nonrespiratory compo-
(0.000035–0.000045 mEq/liter). pH is a measurement of nent of acid-base balance. The amount of HCO3– in the body
+ 2
only free H . Hydrogen ions and pH have an inverse rela- is controlled by the kidneys through HCO3– reabsorption and
tionship: as one increases, the other decreases. The pH level generation. Eighty-five percent of this reabsorption occurs in
of blood is one of the measurements obtained with a blood the proximal tubules, where the enzyme carbonic anhydrase,
gas. This analysis is performed on samples of blood obtained sodium (Na+), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) are required
from the neonate from arterial, venous, or capillary sources. for reabsorption to occur (Figure 1). Bicarbonate enters the
A pH within the acceptable range indicates that the neonate lumen of the proximal tubule, where, because of its molecu-
is in acid-base balance. The normal value for plasma pH is lar size, it is unable to freely cross the tubular cell membrane.
7.35–7.45. A pH below 7.35 indicates acidosis, or an excess Hydrogen is secreted across the membrane into the tubular
of H+, and a pH above 7.45 indicates alkalosis, or a low H+ fluid as Na+ crosses from the tubular fluid and enters the cell.
concentration. Reasons for an imbalance can be determined Hydrogen combines with the HCO3– to form H2CO3. Carbonic
by using the additional information about CO2, bicarbonate anhydrase, located on the luminal membrane, breaks down the
(HCO3–), and base excess or deficit levels provided by the H2CO3 into H2O and CO2. The CO2 then diffuses across the
blood gas results. cell membrane. Once inside the cell, the CO2 combines with
H2O and, with the help of carbonic anhydrase, converts back
CARBON DIOXIDE into H+ and HCO3–. The HCO3– crosses the basolateral mem-
Carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular metabolism, brane in conjunction with the Na+ and chloride (Cl–) trans-
dissolves in the intracellular fluid. As the amount of CO2 port. It finally diffuses across the interstitial space and is returned
increases, it causes a pressure gradient between the intra- to systemic plasma. The H+ is then available to cross into the
cellular and extracellular fluid. This gradient is what moves lumen to again help with the formation of H2CO3.2 The rate of
CO2 out of the cell and into the bloodstream via the red neonatal HCO3– reabsorption is approximately one-third that
blood cells (RBCs). While in the RBCs, the CO2 joins with of the adult, limiting the neonate’s ability to alter the pH. This

VOL. 28, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 2009 125
FIGURE 1 ■ Proximal tubular bicarbonate reabsorption. FIGURE 2 ■ Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.

Renal Tubular
interstitial Tubular cells lumen
Na + + HCO3 –

Na + Na +
K+ H+
HCO3 – + H +

H 2O
CO2 +
CO2 CO2 + H2O
From: Parry, W., & Zimmer, J. (2006). Acid-base homeostasis and
oxygenation. In G. B. Merenstein & Gardner S. L (Eds.), Handbook
From: Guyton, A. C., & Hall, J. E. (2006). Textbook of medical physiology of neonatal intensive care (6th ed., p. 216). Philadelphia: Mosby
(11th ed., p. 391). Philadelphia: Saunders. Reprinted by permission. Elsevier. Reprinted by permission.

limitation in HCO3– reabsorption is due to decreased activity of regenerated, and more H+ is excreted. In the neonate, the
the transporters responsible for reabsorption: glucocorticoids, normal value for HCO3– is 22–26 mEq/liter. A decrease in
which stimulate the development of HCO3– transport, are defi- HCO3– causes acidosis, whereas an increase causes alkalosis.
cient in the first few weeks of life.7 By evaluating the HCO3– level, one can determine if an acid-
Bicarbonate generation occurs in the collecting tubules base imbalance is metabolic in nature.
and requires phosphate and protein, which are considered
non-HCO3– buffers. Similar to HCO3– reabsorption, H+ BASE EXCESS/DEFICIT
moves from the intracellular space to the tubular fluid com- Base excess or deficit is a calculated value that takes into
partment to combine with the HCO3– to form H2CO3. This consideration the amount of HCO3– generation and retention
acid is then catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase to dissociate into by the kidneys.8 This calculation provides a clearer measure
H+ and HCO3–. Bicarbonate is transported across the mem- of the metabolic component of an acid-base imbalance by
brane in a countertransport with Cl–. The HCO3– returns factoring in how a change of PaCO2 will cause a change in
to the peritubular fluid and then to the systemic circulation. HCO3–.6 Base excess measures the moles of acid needed to
The H+ that is secreted into the tubular fluid combines with return one liter of blood to a pH of 7.4 and is expressed as a
a base molecule to be excreted in the urine.2 linear scale.4 Normal values for base excess/deficit are +4 to
Neonates are less able than adults to secrete acid.7 – 4 mEq/liter: A positive number indicates alkalosis, whereas
Bicarbonate is also generated by the kidney during the metab- a negative number indicates acidosis.5
olism of glutamine in the proximal tubule. Each glutamine
molecule is broken down into two molecules of ammonium OXYGENATION
(NH4) and an anion. The anion metabolizes into two mol- Although not part of acid-base balance, determining
ecules of HCO3–, which then cross the basolateral membrane the level of oxygen is an important part of blood gas analy-
and enter the blood, decreasing the pH. The H+ also crosses sis because hyperoxia can be just as dangerous as hypoxia.3
the membrane, where it joins with ammonia (NH3–) to form Oxygen (O2) enters the lung during inspiration and diffuses
NH4 in the peritubular fluid. Once in the peritubular fluid, across the alveolar-capillary membrane due to a concentra-
the NH4 is unable to diffuse back and remains in the lumen, tion gradient.5 Oxygen is then transported to the tissues
where it is excreted in the urine.2 Although the adult kidney either dissolved in the blood (3 percent) and reported as the
can increase NH4 production during acidosis, the neonate is partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) or bound to hemoglobin
unable to do so. In addition, because of their protein intake (97 percent). Each hemoglobin molecule can bind four mol-
and mineralization of new bone, neonates need to excrete ecules of O2. The amount bound to hemoglobin is reported
two to three times the amount of acid as adults.7 as the O2 saturation, which indicates the number of sites filled
The kidneys retain or regenerate HCO3– based on the pH divided by the sites available. As the PaO2 increases, the O2
and CO2 of the plasma.1 When the plasma is more acidic, more bound to hemoglobin increases. This relationship between
HCO3– is recovered and regenerated by the tubular cells. oygen saturation and the partial pressure of oxygen is illus-
Inversely, if the plasma is alkalotic, less HCO3– is retained or trated by the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve (Figure 2).

126 MARCH/APRIL 2009, VOL. 28, NO. 2
This S-shaped curve illustrates that large increases in TABLE 1 ■ Values for Determining Acid-Base Balance in
PaO2 produce smaller and smaller changes in saturation.5 Uncompensated States
The “30-60-90 rule” of the curve explains how, at a PaO2 of pH CO2 HCO3– Base
30, the saturation will be 60 percent, a PaO2 of 60 will have (mmHg) (mEq/liter)
a saturation of 90 percent, and a PaO2 of 90 will increase Normal values 7.35–7.45 35–45 22–26 – 4 – +4
the saturation to only 95 percent. This rule applies to adult ↑ ↓ ↑ ↑
hemoglobin with a normal pH, PaCO2, and body tempera-
Acidosis ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓
ture.3 The presence of fetal hemoglobin in the neonate affects
the curve by causing a left shift—in other words, there is an Adapted from: Parry, W., & Zimmer, J. (2006). Acid-base homeostasis
and oxygenation. In G. B. Merenstein & Gardner S. L. (Eds.),
increased attraction between O2 and hemoglobin. This means Handbook of neonatal intensive care (6th ed., p. 211). St. Louis:
that O2 is more easily bound to the hemoglobin and is not Mosby Elsevier.
released as readily to the tissues until a lower PaO2 is reached.
This increased attraction may hinder the release of O2 to the
tissues, but it eases the uptake of O2 and the release of CO2 in The following reference ranges were obtained from the
the lungs.5 The increased affinity between fetal hemoglobin Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care.3 They are intended as
and O2 is very important in fetal life, because the partial pres- a guide. Please refer to your own institution’s guidelines for
sure of O2 is low in utero. Thus, the shift to the left enhances acceptable ranges.
the placental uptake of O2. But this shift to the left can be s Blood gas analysis starts with the pH.
deliterious in the neonate in situations that increase O2 con- Is it in the 7.35–7.45 range?
sumption, such as sepsis. Below 7.35: acidotic
It is important to know the hemoglobin level of the infant Above 7.45: alkalotic
when evaluating the oxygen saturation. An infant with a s Next evaluate the CO2.
hemoglobin of 7 g/dL (4.3 mmol/liter) and an infant with Is it in the 35–45 mmHg range?
a hemoglobin of 14 g/dL (8.7 mmol/liter) may each have Below 35: alkalotic
a 97 percent saturation, but the second patient has twice Above 45: acidotic
as much oxygen in the arterial blood because O2 content s Then evaluate the HCO3–.
is calculated from hemoglobin saturation and hemoglobin s Is it in the 22–26 mEq/liter range?
concentration.4 Below 22: acidotic
Above 26: alkalotic
BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS s Base excess, if available, can provide additional
Blood gas levels provide valuable information, but cannot information.
be evaluated in isolation; current assessments and therapies, Is it in the – 4 to +4 range?
along with past history, need to be taken into consideration Below – 4: acidotic
because they have an impact on the patient’s oxygenation, Above +4: alkalotic
ventilation, and acid-base balance. Congenital heart disease, s Is PaO2 (arterial sample) or PO2 (capillary sample) within
chronic lung disease, and supplemental oxygen therapy can the 60–80 mmHg range? Remember that a capillary
contribute to changes in the infant’s blood gas values.9 For sample is reliable when the PaO2 is less than 60.5
example, a patient with cyanotic heart disease may have an Below 60: hypoxemia
acceptable PaO2 of 35 mmHg, whereas a patient with pul- Above 80: hyperoxemia
monary hypertension may require a PaO2 of 100 torr or s Is saturation within the 92–94 percent range? (This is
greater. Another patient with chronic lung disease may have different from pulse oximetry, where saturations in the
an acceptable PCO2 of 55–60 mmHg or greater, whereas mid- to high-80s are more acceptable for small preterm
an infant without lung disease would have of a PCO2 in the infants.)
normal range. s Is hemoglobin within the 10–16 g/dL range?
Blood gas results can also be altered by the method of sam- (6.2–9.9 mmol/liter)?
pling. The most accurate blood gas measurement is from an The four values in Table 1—pH, CO2, HCO3–, and base—
indwelling arterial line; this is the best determination of the provide the information needed to determine if the patient is in
adequecy of ventilation and oxygenation. Intermittent arterial acid-base balance. The cause of an imbalance can be established
punctures can be done, but are painful and may be associated as either respiratory (CO2) or metabolic (HCO3– or base) by
with crying and desaturation, that can alter the PaO2. Venous identifying which of the values is abnormal. The value will also
sampling and “arterialized” capillary sampling (warming the indicate if the body is able to compensate for an acid-base imbal-
site prior to obtaining the sample) can give only an estima- ance. If the blood gas is compensated for acidosis, the pH will
tion of the adequecy of oxygenation, although they are fairly be normal, the HCO3– will be increased, and the PCO2 will
accurate measurements of pH and PCO2.10 be decreased. If the blood gas is compensated for alkalosis, the

VOL. 28, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 2009 127
pH will again be normal, the HCO3– will be decreased, and These common causes of acid-base imbalance in the
the PCO2 will be increased. For example, if the pH is 7.28, neonate should be used as a starting point when determining
the CO2 is 55 mmHg, and the HCO3– is 25 mEq/liter, then why an imbalance is occurring. Care should be taken not to
the acid-base balance is an uncompensated respiratory acidosis become too focused on one possible cause because the body
because both the pH and the CO2 levels indicate acidosis and continually adapts to changes in homeostasis. Often the cause
the HCO3– is normal. If the pH is within normal limits but both of an acid-base imbalance is multifactorial. For this reason,
of the other values remain outside the normal limits, the blood nurses need to have an understanding of how the body tries to
gas is said to be compensated. However, if the pH was 7.33, the maintain acid-base balance through the use of buffer systems,
CO2 was 55 mmHg, and the HCO3– was 29 mEq/liter, then the kidneys, and the lungs.
it would be a partially compensated respiratory acidosis because
the body is attempting to adjust the acid-base balance by using CONCLUSION
the other (metabolic) system. Even with a compensated blood Blood gas measurement is a very common lab determina-
gas, it is still possible to determine if the primary problem is aci- tion obtained in the NICU. Neonatal nurses must be able to
dosis or alkalosis because the pH does not normally compensate identify blood gas abnormalities and understand the possible
beyond the minimum acceptable level.11 In addition, the meta- causes of acid-base imbalance to plan their care. Reviewing
bolic system is able to compensate for the respiratory system blood gas results in a systematic way and understanding the
much better than the respiratory system is able to compensate basics of acid-base balance will help the nurse at the bedside
for the metabolic system.3 In the neonate, compensation is meet the needs of neonatal patients.
limited because of immaturity of the respiratory system and the
inability of the kidneys to conserve HCO3–.5 REFERENCES
Once you have determined what type of acid-base 1. Simpson, H. (2004). Interpretation of arterial blood gasses: A clinical
guide for nurses. British Journal of Nursing, 13, 522–528.
imbalance your patient has, the cause for the imbalance
2. Yucha, C. (2004). Renal regulation of acid-base balance. Nephrology
should be determined. In respiratory acidosis, where CO2 is
Nursing Journal, 31, 201–206.
retained, the most common cause is obstructive lung disease.3
3. Parry, W., & Zimmer, J. (2006). Acid-base homeostasis and oxygenation.
Meconium aspiration, transient tachypnea of the newborn, In G. B. Merenstein & Gardner S. L. (Eds.), Handbook of neonatal
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and bronchopulmonary intensive care (6th ed., pp. 210–222). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
dysplasia are all disorders that cause respiratory acidosis by 4. Woodrow, P. (2004). Arterial blood gas analysis. Nursing Standard,
interfering with PCO2 elimination. Poor respiratory effort 18(21), 45–52. Retrieved April 29, 2008, from http://www.nursing-
also can cause CO2 retention. This reduced effort may be
caused by maternal anesthesia before delivery, central apnea, 5. Askin, D. F. (1997). Interpretation of neonatal blood gases, Part I:
Physiology and acid-base homeostasis. Neonatal Network, 16(5), 17–21.
decreased respiratory drive as a result of sepsis, intracranial
6. Sirker, A. A., Rhodes, A., Grounds, R. M., & Bennett, E. D. (2002).
hemorrhage, or metabolic disturbances that affect the respira-
Acid-base physiology: The “traditional and the modern” approaches.
tory center. Diaphragmatic hernia, phrenic nerve paralysis, or Anaesthesia, 57, 348–357.
pneumothorax can also increase CO2 retention by decreasing 7. Quigley, R., & Baum, M. (2004). Neonatal acid base balance and
the tidal volume or respiratory rate. disturbances. Seminars in Perinatology, 28, 97–102.
If CO2 excretion is greater than normal, the patient has 8. Clancy, J., & McVicar, A. (2007). Intermediate and long-term regulation
respiratory alkalosis. This is caused by hyperventilation, of acid-base homeostasis. British Journal of Nursing, 16, 1076–1079.
which may result from ventilator therapy, early RDS, central 9. Finger, L. (2008). Arterial blood gas analysis. In J. Verger & R. Lebets
nervous system stimulation, or, in some cases, hypoxemia.3 (Eds.), AACN procedural manual for pediatric acute and critical care
(pp. 115–120). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
Metabolic acidosis can result from either adding acid or
10. Durand, D. J., & Phillips, B. L. (1996). Blood gases, technical aspects
losing base. An increase in acid is found during conditions of
and interpretations. In J. P. Goldsmith & E. H. Karotkin (Eds.), Assisted
hypoxemia, when lactic acid increases in response to anaero- ventilation of the neonate (3rd ed., pp. 257–272). Philadelphia,: WB
bic metabolism; with renal failure, which causes an increase Saunders.
in organic acids or with diabetic ketoacidosis, which increases 11. Askin, D. F. (1997). Interpretation of neonatal blood gases, Part II:
ketoacids. Loss of base occurs with renal tubular acidosis, Disorders of acid-base balance. Neonatal Network, 16(6), 23–29.
diarrhea, or as a side effect of drugs such as acetazolamide.
A loss of acid or an addition of base will cause metabolic About the Author
alkalosis. Causes can include nasogastric suctioning, severe Mary Farmand graduated with an ADN from Santa Monica
vomiting, or medications such as diuretics, digitalis, or cor- College and a BSN from California State University, Long Beach.
ticosteroids. These medications induce excretion of Na+ and She received an MSN from Walden University in 2007. She has exten-
potassium (K+) from the kidneys, causing depletion. In order sive experience in neonatal transport, and pediatric nursing. Mary is
to conserve these ions, H+ are excreted in the urine, thus currently working as the clinical educator in the neonatal intensive
increasing the pH.3 Bicarbonate and acetate administration care unit at SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St.
Louis, Missouri.
may also increase base and cause metabolic alkalosis.11

128 MARCH/APRIL 2009, VOL. 28, NO. 2

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