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Homework Names:…………………………………………………………………………………………

1. Complete the following Expert system diagram [3]

2. Complete the missing words

a) Which part is involved with input screen and output format are also design ………………..
b) ….…………….This is a database designed to allow the complex storage and retrieval requirements of
a computerised knowledge-based management system (in support of an expert system).
c) The ……………………….. is software that attempts to derive answers from the ………………. base
using a form of reasoning. It is how expert systems appear to use human-like reasoning when
accessing information from the knowledge base in an effort to find a conclusion to a given problem.
The ……………………………. is a type of reasoning engine.
d) ….…………….. is made up of a series of ‘inference rules’ (e.g. IF the country is in South America AND
the language used is Portuguese THEN the country must be Brazil).
e) The ….……………….. are used by the inference engine to draw conclusions. They closely follow
human-like reasoning.
f) ….…………………. provides the information for E.S

3. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions;

i. How many sensor does an average robot have? ……………………..
ii. Briefly describe the various robot components. [5]
iii. Explain use of Robots in the fields of welding and painting [3]
iv. Technology that is concerned with the use of mechanical, electronic and computer based systems in
the operation and control of production
a). Mechanization b). Automation c). Industrialization.d). all
the above.
v. Give three input and 3 output components of a robot
Input 1 ….……………………………………Output 1………………..……………………
Input 2 ….……………………………………Output 2………………..……………………
Input 3 ….……………………………………Output 3………………..……………………
A robot

1. Controller - Every robot is connected to a computer controller, which regulates the components of the arm and keeps them
working together. The controller also allows the robot to be networked to other systems, so that it may work together with
other machines, processes, or robots. Almost all robots are pre-programmed using "teaching" devices or offline software
programs. In the future, controllers with artificial intelligence (AI) could allow robots to think on their own,
2. 2. Arm - The arm is the part of the robot that positions the end-effector and sensors to do their pre-programmed business.
Many are built to resemble human arms, and have shoulders, elbows, wrists, even fingers. Each joint is said to give the robot 1
degree of freedom. A simple robot arm with 3 degrees of freedom could move in 3 ways: up and down, left and right, forward
and backward. Most working robots today have 6 degrees of freedom to allow them to reach any possible point in space within
its work envelope. The human arm has 7.
3. Sensors - Robots receive feedback from sensors that mimic human senses such as video cameras or devices called
light-dependent resistors that function like eyes or microphones that act as ears. Some robots even have touch, taste and smell.
The robot's CPU interprets signals from these sensors and adjusts its actions accordingly.
4. Actuators -To be considered a robot, a device must have a body that it can move in reaction to feedback from its sensors.
Robot bodies consist of metal, plastic and similar materials. Inside these bodies are small motors called actuators. Actuators
mimic the action of human muscle to move parts of the robot's body. The simplest robots consist of an arm with a tool
attached for a particular task. More advanced robots may move around on wheels or treads. Humanoid robots have arms and
legs that mimic human movement.
5. End Effectors - In order to interact with the environment and carry out assigned tasks, robots are equipped with tools
called end effectors. These vary according to the tasks the robot has been designed to carry out. For example, robotic factory
workers have interchangeable tools such as paint sprayers or welding torches. Mobile robots such as the probes sent to other
planets or bomb disposal robots often have universal grippers that mimic the function of the human hand.

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